#petra samuelsson
holly-mckenzie · 2 years
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The Samuelsson-Condé Family
Eagles Season 4 Episode 6 – The Truth
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nerd4music · 3 years
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EAGLES S3E1: Funeral
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harperstern · 3 years
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i know that i’ve been overprotective. i’m sorry...he left me too.
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jmblyajones · 3 years
Eagles: Lost 3x8
Guys I’m literally shaking right now…
Show of hands, who thought Eagles would go there though??
1. Why is Elias in a bathe robe like he left town to live in a lighthouse, skip rocks and contemplate life like an old man?
2. Wow so Jack made that whole statement anonymously? He is an even bigger coward (trying to stay politically correct with that insult) than I thought! Stand by your shit since you want to run your mouth. Ugh I can’t.
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3. Mats saying he can’t deal with Felicia…. if only he knew that her catching him sleeping with another woman is what drove her to overdose. You want the family to jump for you meanwhile your ass was running around like a ‘giddy geese’ in other women’s panties… gtfo.
Elias is the only mature one…
I knooooooow little miss do nothing is not talking. News flash Lelia, y’all got some major issues that have been swept under the rug and molding like some month old pot pie, CLEARLY. Man her face acting all nonchalant. I’m so over the ADULTS not wanting to get to the root of the issues. This is not just Felicia being a teenager complains about “nothing”, this is gaslighting and denial.
4. I really hope Ludde doesn’t miss out on this London opportunity because of Jack’s false accusations. They should figure out how to sue for Libel.
5. My theories about Amie, Michael and Petra were ass wild lmaoo. But I like Amie confronting Michael. Hopefully her and Petra can repair their strained relationship. Amie said “blah blah blah” yes babes! I’m sad now. They always come crawling when you’re famous.
I know Michael isn’t about to start crying rn. 18 years?? You had 18 years and we are all supposed to believe now you want to be a father? That is hella suspect especially with knowing Petra was right all along.
6. I feel bad for people like Ludde who believe they have no power to fight back.
7. I’m so happy to see Amie songwriting again.
Amie and Petra got me crying in the club! Like damn I really can’t stop this waterfall from my eyes right now. I love that Amie told her mom that she was enough. Petra is loosing it now too?? Oh lawd
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8. Elias going out of his mind trying to find Felicia meanwhile Mats is too busy worried about his own image. Disgusting.
9. This bar man started speaking another language on em… chile. And people believe literally everything they read. He is really over here spitting in beers.
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10. Y’all see how Elias was about to bypass Lelia to see if Amie was home lmao. This boy is panicked. Leila and and Petra finally meeting, interesting. This situation (especially for parents) lends compassion so of course this was not gonna be “a moment”.
11. I’m glad Ludde messaged the people for his application but he couldn’t put a little more info? Idk, “the allegations against me are false thanks” seems so minimal.
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12. Mats and Leila looking onto the ocean and falling apart got me crying again wtf.
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I’m mad because it should have never gotten to that point for them. Even knowing when they were in America Felicia had drug problems, that doesn’t just go away because she had her stomach pumped and y’all moved to another continent.
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eagles-translated · 3 years
OK PLEASE HELP this has been bugging me....her name listed on IMDB is Amie Samuelsson Conde, on the contract she just signed Amie Conde and i've seen her just referred to online as Amie Samuelsson...which is most correct please?
Her full name is Amie Samuelsson-Condé! I believe the last name Samuelsson comes from her mother (Petra Samuelsson) and Condé from her father, but that hasn't been confirmed so I'm not 100% sure.
I don't really know why she dropped the Samuelsson when signing the contract but maybe it was due to the fact that Petra wasn't as supportive as Amie wanted her to be and Amie was still keeping it a secret from her, maybe Amie Condé worked better as her artist name, or perhaps including the Samuelsson would've been too long, etc. I'm not completely sure why, I just know her full name is listed as Amie Samuelsson-Condé.
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dermontag · 2 years
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Sonntag, 09. Januar 2022 Der Wintersport im Überblick Kombinierer liefern ein bärenstarkes Rennen Sieg und Podestplatz für die Kombinierer, Sieg und Panne für die Bobpilotinnen: Der Wintersporttag liefert aus deutscher Sicht reichlich Gelegenheiten zum Jubeln und Mitleiden. Die Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse des Tages im Überblick. Der deutsche Nordische Kombinierer Vinzenz Geiger hat den Einzelwettbewerb in Val di Fiemme gewonnen. Einen Tag nach seinem zweiten Platz siegte der 24 Jahre alte Oberstdorfer vor Österreichs Johannes Lamparter und Einzel-Olympiasieger Johannes Rydzek. Rydzek war nach dem Großschanzensprung noch auf Rang 19 positioniert und verbesserte sich auf den zehn Kilometern noch auf den Podestrang. Am Samstag hatte Lamparter noch vor Geiger und Eric Frenzel gewonnen. Alle profitierten von der Absage des Norwegers Jarl Magnus Riiber, der Rückenprobleme hat. "Taktisch habe ich nicht viel falsch gemacht. Ich habe mich auf einmal wieder richtig gut gefühlt. Dann war es Vollgas und versuchen, die Gruppe zu sprengen. Das ist voll aufgegangen", sagte der zufriedene Sieger Geiger in der ARD. Er sei bereits "heiß" auf Olympia in Peking (4. bis 20. Februar). Riiber hat alle seine aktiv bestrittenen Wettbewerbe in diesem Winter gewonnen. Zweimal fiel er nun mit Rückenproblemen aus, einmal wurde er disqualifiziert. Hinter Geiger und Rydzek schafften es auch Frenzel (7.) und Manuel Faißt (10.) unter die besten Zehn. Direkt dahinter folgten Fabian Rießle und Terence Weber. Bundestrainer Hermann Weinbuch hat mit Blick auf die Spiele in China ein extrem breit aufgestelltes Team zur Verfügung. Starker Lesser riskiert zu viel Biathlet Roman Rees ist beim Heim-Weltcup in Oberhof Sechster im Verfolgungsrennen geworden. Der 28-Jährige war nach seinem fünften Platz im Sprint mit Chancen auf die Podestplätze angetreten, konnte sich nach drei Schießfehlern aber nicht noch weiter nach vorne arbeiten. Beim Sieg des Franzosen Quentin Fillon Maillet (2 Fehler) hatte Rees im Ziel 44,9 Sekunden Rückstand. Den zweiten Platz sicherte sich der Schwede Sebastian Samuelsson (1 Fehler) vor dem norwegischen Routinier Tarjei Bö (3 Fehler). Der deutsche Ex-Weltmeister Erik Lesser hatte bis zum letzten Schießen sogar Chancen auf seinen ersten Podestplatz in dieser Saison. Der 33-Jährige leistete sich in seinem Wohnort aber doch noch zwei Strafrunden und fiel nach insgesamt drei Schießfehlern auf Rang acht zurück. Im Thüringer Wald war es trotzdem seine beste Platzierung im Olympia-Winter. Erst am Freitag hatte sich Lesser überhaupt für die Winterspiele in Peking qualifiziert. Benedikt Doll (3 Fehler) schaffte es von Rang 38 auf 15 nach vorne, der Sprint-Vierte Johannes Kühn fiel nach sechs Strafrunden auf den 22. Rang zurück. Philipp Nawrath (3) wurde 25., Lucas Fratzscher verlor 30 Positionen und kam bei schwierigen Bedingungen mit starkem Schneefall und Wind nur als 52. ins Ziel. Nachwuchshoffnung rast zum Olympia-Ticket, Dürr verpasst Podest knapp Die deutsche Skirennfahrerin Emma Aicher hat sich rund vier Wochen vor Beginn der Olympischen Winterspiele das Ticket für Peking gesichert. Der 18 Jahre alten Nachwuchshoffnung reichte beim Slalom-Weltcup in Kranjska Gora ein 13. Platz, um sich für das Mega-Sportevent im Februar zu qualifizieren. Lena Dürr wurde beim Sieg der Slowakin Petra Vlhova starke Vierte und verpasste ihr drittes Slalom-Podest der Saison nur knapp. Paulina Schlosser konnte nach ihrem Unterschenkelbruch, den sie sich am Vortag im Riesentorlauf zugezogen hatte, nicht starten. Für Gesamtweltcupsiegerin Vlova war es im sechsten Slalom des Olympia-Winters bereits der fünfte Erfolg. Zweite wurde die Schweizerin Wendy Holdener mit einem Rückstand von 0,23 Sekunden gefolgt von Anna Swenn-Larsson aus Schweden (+1,06). Die US-Amerikanerin Mikaela Shiffrin schied nach einem Fahrfehler in Durchgang zwei aus. Nolte gewinnt, Jamanka passiert bitterer Malheur Laura Nolte hat auf ihrer Heimbahn in Winterberg den vierten Saisonsieg im Zweierbob eingefahren. Mit ihrer Olympia-Anschieberin Deborah Levi hatte sie 0,13 Sekunden Vorsprung vor Teamkollegin Kim Kalicki. Die Wiesbadenerin fuhr mit Leonie Fiebig. Dritte wurde US-Pilotin Kaillie Humphries. Zweierbob-Olympiasiegerin Mariama Jamanka patzte am Start mit Deutschlands schnellster Sprinterin Alexandra Burghardt und musste sich mit Rang neun begnügen. Im ersten Durchgang lief das Duo zu weit, sodass der Schlitten beim Einsteigen aus der Anlaufspur geriet und gegen die Bande krachte, was einen enormen Zeitnachteil verursachte. "Ich habe schon viele aufmunternde Nachrichten aus dem Team erhalten. Lieber passiert es hier als dann bei Olympia in Peking", sagte Burghardt. Rennrodlerin Taubitz geschlagen, Loch gewinnt endlich Im spannenden Duell um den Sieg im Gesamtweltcup musste Julia Taubitz diesmal ihre stärksten Konkurrentin Madeleine Egle den Vortritt lassen. Die Österreicherin gewann den Rennrodel-Weltcup in Sigulda und konnte damit den Rückstand auf die im Gesamtklassement führende Taubitz verkürzen. Den Podestplatz knapp verpasst hat Natalie Geisenberger, die auf der engen und schwierigen Bahn in Lettland auf Rang vier kam. Anna Berreiter aus Berchtesgaden wurde Zehnte. Taubitz musste die Leistung ihrer Konkurrentin nach zwei sehr guten Läufen anerkennen. "Madeleine war uns heute um Weiten voraus und hat eine richtig starke Leistung abgeliefert", sagte die 25-Jährige. Felix Loch hat dagegen endlich Grund zum Jubeln. Der dreimalige Rodel-Olympiasieger, der am Samstag im Weltcuprennen in Sigulda den Sieg noch knapp verpasste, sicherte sich am Sonntag im Sprintwettbewerb den ersten Saisonerfolg. "Ich habe nie groß gezweifelt, dass ich vorne mitfahren kann. Es macht wieder richtig Spaß", sagte der 32-Jährige, der vor Weihnachten eine Corona-Zwangspause einlegen musste und noch nicht in Bestform an den Start ging.
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all-my-books · 6 years
2017 Reading
262 books read. 60% of new reads Non-fiction, authors from 55 unique countries, 35% of authors read from countries other than USA, UK, Canada, and Australia. Asterisks denote re-reads, bolds are favorites. January: The Deeds of the Disturber – Elizabeth Peters The Wiregrass – Pam Webber Homegoing – Yaa Gyasi It Didn't Start With You – Mark Wolynn Facing the Lion – Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton Before We Visit the Goddess – Chitra Divakaruni Colored People – Henry Louis Gates Jr. My Khyber Marriage – Morag Murray Abdullah Miss Bianca in the Salt Mines – Margery Sharp Farewell to the East End – Jennifer Worth Fire and Air – Erik Vlaminck My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me – Jennifer Teege Catherine the Great – Robert K Massie My Mother's Sabbath Days – Chaim Grade Not the Israel My Parents Promised Me – Harvey Pekar, JT Waldman The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend – Katarina Bivald Stammered Songbook – Erwin Mortier Savushun – Simin Daneshvar The Prophet – Kahlil Gibran Beyond the Walls – Nazim Hikmet The Dressmaker of Khair Khana – Gayle Tzemach Lemmon A Day No Pigs Would Die – Robert Newton Peck *
February: Bone Black – bell hooks Special Exits – Joyce Farmer Reading Like a Writer – Francine Prose Bright Dead Things – Ada Limon Middlemarch – George Eliot Confessions of an English Opium Eater – Thomas de Quincey Medusa's Gaze – Marina Belozerskaya Child of the Prophecy – Juliet Marillier * The File on H – Ismail Kadare The Motorcycle Diaries – Ernesto Che Guevara Passing – Nella Larsen Whose Body? - Dorothy L. Sayers The Spiral Staircase – Karen Armstrong Station Eleven – Emily St. John Mandel Reading Lolita in Tehran – Azar Nafisi Defiance – Nechama Tec
March: Yes, Chef – Marcus Samuelsson Discontent and its Civilizations – Mohsin Hamid The Gulag Archipelago Vol. 1 – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Patience and Sarah – Isabel Miller Dying Light in Corduba – Lindsey Davis * Five Days at Memorial – Sheri Fink A Man Called Ove – Fredrik Backman * The Shia Revival – Vali Nasr Girt – David Hunt Half Magic – Edward Eager * Dreams of Joy – Lisa See * Too Pretty to Live – Dennis Brooks West with the Night – Beryl Markham Little Fuzzy – H. Beam Piper *
April: Defying Hitler – Sebastian Haffner Monsters in Appalachia – Sheryl Monks Sorcerer to the Crown – Zen Cho The Man Without a Face – Masha Gessen Peace is Every Step – Thich Nhat Hanh Flory – Flory van Beek Why Soccer Matters – Pele The Zhivago Affair – Peter Finn, Petra Couvee The Stories of Breece D'J Pancake – Breece Pancake The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared – Jonas Jonasson Chasing Utopia – Nikki Giovanni The Invisible Bridge – Julie Orringer * Young Adults – Daniel Pinkwater Jonathan Swift: The Reluctant Rebel – John Stubbs Black Gun, Silver Star – Art T. Burton The Arab of the Future 2 – Riad Sattouf Hole in the Heart – Henny Beaumont MASH – Richard Hooker Forgotten Ally – Rana Mitter Zorro – Isabel Allende Flying Couch – Amy Kurzweil
May: The Bite of the Mango – Mariatu Kamara Mystic and Rider – Sharon Shinn * Freedom is a Constant Struggle – Angela Davis Capture – David A. Kessler Poor Cow – Nell Dunn My Father's Dragon – Ruth Stiles Gannett * Elmer and the Dragon – Ruth Stiles Gannett * The Dragons of Blueland – Ruth Stiles Gannett * Hetty Feather – Jacqueline Wilson In the Shadow of the Banyan – Vaddey Ratner The Last Camel Died at Noon – Elizabeth Peters Cannibalism – Bill Schutt The Handmaid's Tale – Margaret Atwood A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry The Food of a Younger Land – Mark Kurlansky Behold the Dreamers – Imbolo Mbue Words on the Move – John McWhorter John Ransom's Diary: Andersonville – John Ransom Such a Lovely Little War – Marcelino Truong Child of All Nations – Irmgard Keun One Child – Mei Fong Country of Red Azaleas – Domnica Radulescu Between Two Worlds – Zainab Salbi Malinche – Julia Esquivel A Lucky Child – Thomas Buergenthal The Drackenberg Adventure – Lloyd Alexander Say You're One of Them – Uwem Akpan William Wells Brown – Ezra Greenspan
June: Partners In Crime – Agatha Christie The Chinese in America – Iris Chang The Great Escape – Kati Marton As Texas Goes... – Gail Collins Pavilion of Women – Pearl S. Buck Classic Chinese Stories – Lu Xun The Return of the Soldier – Rebecca West The Slave Across the Street – Theresa Flores Miss Bianca in the Orient – Margery Sharp Boy Erased – Garrard Conley How to Be a Dictator – Mikal Hem A Thousand Splendid Suns – Khaled Hosseini Tears of the Desert – Halima Bashir The Death and Life of Great American Cities – Jane Jacobs The First Salute – Barbara Tuchman Come as You Are – Emily Nagoski The Want-Ad Killer – Ann Rule The Gulag Archipelago Vol 2 – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
July: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz – L. Frank Baum * The Blazing World – Margaret Cavendish Madonna in a Fur Coat – Sabahattin Ali Duende – tracy k. smith The ACB With Honora Lee – Kate de Goldi Mountains of the Pharaohs – Zahi Hawass Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy Chronicle of a Last Summer – Yasmine el Rashidi Killers of the Flower Moon – David Grann Mister Monday – Garth Nix * Leaving Yuba City – Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni The Silk Roads – Peter Frankopan The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams A Corner of White – Jaclyn Moriarty * Circling the Sun – Paula McLain Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them – Al Franken Believe Me – Eddie Izzard The Cracks in the Kingdom – Jaclyn Moriarty * Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe – Fannie Flagg * One Hundred and One Days – Asne Seierstad Grim Tuesday – Garth Nix * The Vanishing Velasquez – Laura Cumming Four Against the Arctic – David Roberts The Marriage Bureau – Penrose Halson The Jesuit and the Skull – Amir D Aczel Drowned Wednesday – Garth Nix * Roots, Radicals, and Rockers – Billy Bragg A Tangle of Gold – Jaclyn Moriarty * Lydia, Queen of Palestine – Uri Orlev *
August: Sir Thursday – Garth Nix * The Hoboken Chicken Emergency – Daniel Pinkwater * Lady Friday – Garth Nix * Freddy and the Perilous Adventure – Walter R. Brooks * Venice – Jan Morris China's Long March – Jean Fritz Trials of the Earth – Mary Mann Hamilton The Bully Pulpit – Doris Kearns Goodwin Final Exit – Derek Humphry The Book of Emma Reyes – Emma Reyes Freddy the Politician – Walter R. Brooks * Dragonflight – Anne McCaffrey * What the Witch Left – Ruth Chew All Passion Spent – Vita Sackville-West The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde The Curse of the Blue Figurine – John Bellairs * When They Severed Earth From Sky – Elizabeth Wayland Barber Superior Saturday – Garth Nix * The Boston Girl – Anita Diamant The Mummy, The Will, and the Crypt – John Bellairs * Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? - Frans de Waal The Philadelphia Adventure – Lloyd Alexander * Lord Sunday – Garth Nix * The Spell of the Sorcerer's Skull – John Bellairs * Five Little Pigs – Agatha Christie * Love in Vain – JM Dupont, Mezzo A Little History of the World – EH Gombrich Last Things – Marissa Moss Imagine Wanting Only This – Kristen Radtke Dinosaur Empire – Abby Howard The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents – Terry Pratchett *
September: First Bite by Bee Wilson The Xanadu Adventure by Lloyd Alexander Orientalism – Edward Said The Lost Crown of Genghis Khan – Carl Barks The Island on Bird Street – Uri Orlev * The Indifferent Stars Above – Daniel James Brown Beneath the Lion's Gaze – Maaza Mengiste The Importance of Being Earnest – Oscar Wilde * The Book of Five Rings – Miyamoto Musashi The Drunken Botanist – Amy Stewart The Turtle of Oman – Naomi Shahib Nye The Alleluia Files – Sharon Shinn * Gut Feelings – Gerd Gigerenzer The Secret of Hondorica – Carl Barks Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight – Alexandra Fuller The Abominable Mr. Seabrook – Joe Ollmann Black Flags – Joby Warrick
October: Fear – Thich Nhat Hanh Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8 – Naoki Higashida To the Bright Edge of the World – Eowyn Ivey Why? - Mario Livio Just One Damned Thing After Another – Jodi Taylor The Yellow Wallpaper – Charlotte Perkins Gilman Blindness – Jose Saramago The Book Thieves – Anders Rydell Reality is not What it Seems – Carlo Rovelli Cranford – Elizabeth Gaskell * The Witch Family – Eleanor Estes * Sister Mine – Nalo Hopkinson La Vagabonde – Colette Becoming Nicole – Amy Ellis Nutt
November: The Golden Notebook – Doris Lessing The Children's Book – A.S. Byatt The Fire Next Time – James Baldwin Under the Udala Trees – Chinelo Okparanta Who Killed These Girls? – Beverly Lowry Running for my Life – Lopez Lmong Radium Girls – Kate Moore News of the World – Paulette Jiles The Red Pony – John Steinbeck The Edible History of Humanity – Tom Standage A Woman in Arabia – Gertrude Bell and Georgina Howell Founding Gardeners – Andrea Wulf Anatomy of a Disapperance – Hisham Matar The Book of Night Women – Marlon James Ground Zero – Kevin J. Anderson * Acorna – Anne McCaffrey and Margaret Ball * A Girl Named Zippy – Haven Kimmel * The Age of the Vikings – Anders Winroth The Spanish Civil War: A Very Short Introduction – Helen Graham A General History of the Pyrates – Captain Charles Johnson (suspected Nathaniel Mist) Clouds of Witness – Dorothy L. Sayers * The Lonely City – Olivia Laing No Time for Tears – Judy Heath
December: The Unwomanly Face of War – Svetlana Alexievich Gay-Neck - Dhan Gopal Mukerji The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane – Lisa See Get Well Soon – Jennifer Wright The Testament of Mary – Colm Toibin The Roman Way – Edith Hamilton Understood Betsy – Dorothy Canfield Fisher * The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Vicente Blasco Ibanez Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH – Robert C. O'Brien SPQR – Mary Beard Ballet Shoes – Noel Streatfeild * Hogfather – Terry Pratchett * The Sorrow of War – Bao Ninh Drowned Hopes – Donald E. Westlake * Selected Essays – Michel de Montaigne Vietnam – Stanley Karnow The Snake, The Crocodile, and the Dog – Elizabeth Peters Guests of the Sheik – Elizabetha Warnok Fernea Stone Butch Blues – Leslie Feinberg Wicked Plants – Amy Stewart Life in a Medieval City – Joseph and Frances Gies Under the Sea Wind – Rachel Carson The Red Virgin and the Vision of Utopia – Mary and Brian Talbot Brat Farrar – Josephine Tey * The Treasure of the Ten Avatars – Don Rosa Escape From Forbidden Valley – Don Rosa Nightwood – Djuna Barnes Here Comes the Sun – Nicole Dennis-Benn Over My Dead Body – Rex Stout *
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majris · 7 years
SWEvUSA: June 8, 2017 (1:30 PM ET/7:30 PM CEST - Gamla Ullevi)
SWEvSCO: June 13, 2017 (12:30 PM ET/6:00 PM CEST -  Myresjöhus Arena)
GOALKEEPERS:  Hilda Carlén, Hedvig Lindahl, Emelie Lundberg
DEFENDERS: Jonna Andersson, Emma Berglund, Nathalie Björn, Magdalena Eriksson, Nilla Fischer, Hanna Glas, Jessica Samuelsson, Linda Sembrant
MIDFIELDERS: Tove Almqvist, Fanny Andersson, Petra Andersson, Lisa Dahlkvist, Hanna Folkesson, Josefin Johansson, Elin Rubensson, Caroline Seger
FORWARDS: Kosovare Asllani, Stina Blackstenius, Pauline Hammarlund, Lina Hurtig, Mimmi Larsson, Fridolina Rolfö, Lotta Schelin, Olivia Schough 
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holly-mckenzie · 2 years
Eagles Season 4 Episode 6  Thoughts:
This is like a week late, and honestly, my thoughts are all over the place... but here goes nothing.
Maybe its because I am obsessed with Druck S5/6 + Jackson Marchetti but the way that they are dealing with Elias + the pressure he feels  + hockey + his ED is not great...
Like we know that he is getting counselling and he is working on it, but literally the majority of development is happening off screen (in terms of him getting help)
I love the Johansson family... By far the best family in Eagles
Okay, I lie. I am also obsessed with the Samuelsson-Condé family... The power they have. Amazing!
Also... not to be that person, but I totally ship Petra and Michael... Give us the second chance romance slowburn 2k fic.
Okay.. if they hold this Prom at the abandoned place I am going to have some serious flashbacks to Druck S5
Lmaooo. Ludde calling out Elias is so good and so funny to me... But at the same time, if Elias is as mentally ill as the show would have us believe. I don’t know that a friend yelling at you to get your act together would actually solve the problem.
The thing that I can’t stop thinking about is why did Ludde open up to Elias about Andreas and his family and his dreams? Not to be team Klara Cedar all the way... But the only character who would understand the loss of family is actually Klara.
Klara has also lost a family member. Klara also has strained relationships with her mum... on some level or another she has also been screwed by the Kroon family.
Like imagine if they processed their grief together... and Ludde encouraged Klara to talk to her mum, because of his own relationship with his mum... that would be great and give them both character development
But I get it, we are four episodes from the end, and Elias needs a wake up call and what not. Yayyyy. the Kroon family (note the sarcasm)
Okay... Unpopular opinion. I know that Jack is a terrible person... But Filip Wolfe Sjunnesso is just so hot! Wow!
I love the dramatic reveal of Team F*ck Jack Barret
Now for some random thoughts that literally no one asked for
In my previous post, I talked about how the development of Omar and Klara is really... slow?
But the more that I think about it... The more interesting it would have been IF they had actually developed Klara and Omar...
They could have been so cute... Very Tara x Landry from FNL... I dunno... But they could have been cute,
Buuuuutttt... They aren’t developing Klara and Omar, but they are weirdly enough developing a Klara and Ludde relationship... So what if it is all a red herring...
I know, I know, I am putting on the biggest clown shoes and the Like Klara has mentioned that she is not into Ludde literally like every episode since this season started...
So either she is REALLY not into him + is trying to not cause trouble with Felicia
OR she is really secretly into him... Like REALLY into him!
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jmblyajones · 3 years
The way Petra was just about cussing Mats out and I made it look like they were having a good old funky time in the car in the beginning 😂
But what do y’all think about this edit? I’ve had the idea in my head for a while just because of how their storylines parallel. Though let’s hope history doesn’t repeat itself 🥴
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eagles-translated · 3 years
Let's just hope Michael isn't after personal gain. I've seen this storyline on TV so many times where an estranged parent returns and pretends to be remorseful over their actions, but is actually only after money.
I discussed this in detail down below if you want to read more!
Michael meeting Amie only after she's become famous is a little suspicious, but it's understandable if he previously thought she didn't want to meet him and then sees her with his last name on national television. Obviously he would contact her after that.
I feel like there were some question marks with Michael's whole story though, and the fact that his work just conveniently happened to send him to Oskarshamn after he'd just seen Amie on TV.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but how did he know Amie had gone back to Oskarshamn if he saw her living as a pop star in Stockholm? Was this information about Amie quitting the tour and going back to her hometown even online? If Elias (who actually witnessed Amie saying she was done and quitting) seemed taken aback when he saw Amie in Oskarshamn, then how did Michael know?
There was also some discussion about whether or not Michael actually is Amie's father. I think with the details he described to Amie (such as Petra having feelings for someone else, i.e. Mats) it seems very plausible that he is her biological dad. If he isn't, then he must've known Amie's actual dad very well and been close to him. I know there's a possibility of crazies being brought out when it comes to famous people but I don't think this is the case for Amie and Michael.
However, I don't think Michael is being entirely genuine with his story. A lot of it made sense such as him being very young and not knowing how to handle the situation, but there was also a lot of blame towards Petra ("she wouldn't let me see you, she said I wasn't father material"). I think a lot of details were left out from his story to get Amie more on his side and understand his choices.
Petra probably had very good reasons for not letting Michael see Amie when he came back from Berlin. I don't think she would want her young child getting attached to someone who only came and visited when it suited him, and who would probably leave when he got his next big opportunity to advance his law career. Petra's decisions make sense and I'm really hoping Amie won't be against the person who's taken care of her for her whole life just because she had one conversation with someone she just met.
I'm also wondering what Michael has been up to since he came back from Berlin and wasn't allowed to see Amie, since he skipped that part in his story. Does he have kids of his own? A wife? I'm kind of hoping he doesn't have any other kids for Amie's sake, just because it would be pretty heartbreaking for her to know that during her whole childhood where she was missing a dad, he was off with another loving family. Amie missing out on having that just because she was born a few years too early must be so difficult.
It's in no way her fault, and I actually can't blame Michael for this either. Petra is so admirable for being a single mom and working so hard to provide for a child she had when she was practically a child herself, and considering how young they were I also understand Michael not really making the best decision at the time and later regretting it. It's just a sad situation all around but Petra probably did her best to turn it around and give Amie as many opportunities as she could.
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eagles-translated · 3 years
What are your theories on Amie’s backstory with her family, especially related to her dad? We haven’t seen him yet on screen and I’ve always found it interesting how Mats refers to Petra as Petra Samuelsson, but Amie’s last name is Samuelsson-Condé.
I don't think we've heard any mention of Amie's dad in the whole series except for 3x02 when Amie was being interviewed and was asked about the Condé name where she said that while Samuelsson was from her mother's side, and Condé was from "the other side". I found her word choice a little interesting.
I don't think Amie's dad has passed—but rather that he's alive and just chosen to not be a part of her life, which is why Petra seemed to be a little offended when asking Amie why she didn't want her last name anymore. This might also be why Amie said "the other side" rather than "my dad's side" because they have an estranged relationship.
Petra is a single mom and has done everything to provide for her daughter, so I find her frustration understandable even if Amie didn't exactly say that she was abandoning the Samuelsson name completely.
I'm not really sure if they'll do anything with Amie's dad (maybe they'll go for that trope where the parent who previously abandoned their child returns after the child has accomplished something big/something major happened and the parent wants something from them for personal gain?). Right now it doesn't really seem too relevant, though, but I guess we'll see!
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