#perception of a Dali cat
mtdthoughts · 4 months
Differences Between Migi & Dali (Observation)
This is definitely long overdue, but I thought it may be helpful to those who aren't completely caught up or who aren't able to tell the twins apart.
In my opinion, the viewer should be able to tell who's Migi and who's Dali by the end of Episode 3 or 4, as their differences really begin to show. One of the most crucial elements of the story is the twins themselves and how they and their relationship evolve (IMO more important than the mystery). Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish the twins as early as possible, otherwise the viewer may miss out on the full experience of this story.
I wouldn't necessarily say that this contains spoilers, but if you want to figure out the differences yourselves I would hold back from reading for now.
Click here for the updated version of this post (in chart form!)
Birth order: Migi is the younger twin, and Dali is the older twin. The twins seem to be well-aware of this and certainly act quite befittingly.
Names: Migi means "right" in Japanese, and Dali seems to be short for hidari or "left" in Japanese.
Hair: Migi's bangs are swept to the right (his left), and Dali's bangs are swept to the left (his right).
Handedness: Migi is right-handed, and Dali is left-handed. In fact, Dali seems to be the only leftie in the story.
Favorite food: Migi loves cherry pie, while Dali loves omelets.
Brains: Migi is right-brained, artistic, and creative, while Dali is left-brained, scientific, and logical.
Vibe: Migi gives off a cute vibe, while Dali gives off a cool vibe.
Maturity: Migi is silly and childish, a glutton, and is a bit of a crybaby and a scaredy-cat, but is kind and gentle. Dali is serious and mature and can be tough and cold, but also has a softer side.
Emotion vs. Logic: Migi is emotional and impulsive, acts based on instinct, and sometimes even acts like an animal. Dali is calm and rational, and acts based on logic and calculation, but hides a passion that burns even hotter than Migi's.
Quirks: Migi sticks his tongue out when he's shocked (kind of reminds me of Anya from Spy x Family) and sometimes acts like an animal. Dali has his trademark laugh, which often consists of a literal ROTFL.
Dogs: Migi is associated with a Golden Retriever, while Dali is associated with a Doberman.
Expressiveness: Migi is expressive and open with his emotions, while Dali is closed off and hides/bottles his emotions.
Honesty: Migi is honest and genuine, and a terrible liar. Dali is deceptive and manipulative, and a great liar.
Talents: Migi is talented in imitation (self-branded "King of Imitations"), while Dali is talented in deception and manipulation.
Intelligence: Migi tends to be somewhat oblivious and dumb, while Dali is perceptive and intelligent (sometimes too much for his own good).
School: Migi doesn't do well in school unless motivated, while Dali seems to be quite gifted academically (likely has an affinity for math and science)
Trust: Migi has an easier time opening up to others, while Dali is distrustful of others (projection?)
Finding strength: Migi tends to seek strength in others (including Dali), while Dali tends to seek strength in himself.
Happiness: Migi actively pursues happiness, while Dali tends to deny his own happiness.
Focus: Migi can get distracted quite easily, while Dali is laser-focused on his goals (sometimes to the point of tunnel vision)
Humility: Migi is humble while Dali is arrogant.
Aggression: Migi is the gentler and more passive of the two, while Dali is more aggressive, and can be ruthless and violent.
Innocence: Migi is pure-hearted, naïve, and easily fooled, while Dali is wiser, darker, and cynical.
Symbolism: Migi is associated with the sun, light, and yang, while Dali is associated with the moon, darkness, and yin.
Sanity: Migi seems to be a normal 13-year-old boy for the most part, while Dali is more mature but more at risk of insanity.
Team roles: Dali is the charismatic leader and mastermind, while Migi is the executioner of Dali's plans.
Dynamic: Dali tends to give orders to Migi, and Migi tends to listen and defer to Dali. Migi asks Dali questions, and Dali gives answers to Migi.
Catchphrase: Dali says, "Don't let your guard down, Migi." to which Migi responds, "Understood, Dali." (*Note: I'm not sure if this is the best translation)
Honesty to each other: Migi almost always tells the truth to Dali, while Dali sometimes lies to Migi.
Family roles: It is likely (IMO) that Dali was parentified after his mother's death, causing him to act as his mother's stand-in and to take care of Migi physically and emotionally. This could explain why Dali is overly protective of Migi and why Migi seems more like a normal boy compared to Dali.
Attitudes to each other: Migi respects and looks up to Dali, while Dali is very protective of Migi.
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astoll1999-blog · 5 years
Barker, C 2012, Cultural studies: theory and practice, 4th edn, Sage Publications, London. 
Bennet, A & Royle, N 2016, An introduction to literature, criticism and theory, 5th edn, Routeldge, New York.
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Hall, S, Held, D, Hubert, D, Thompson, K 1996, Modernity: an introduction to modern societies, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
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periculumrp · 5 years
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                                                                              BOAS VINDAS, @PR95KH!
Kang Hyunbin nasceu em Seul, Coréia do Sul, no dia 13 de Março de 1995. Antes da grande catástrofe, ele costumava ser Bartender da Lights Night. Parece misterioso e não é de falar muito, talvez seja até um pouco rebelde. Quem sabe? Também gosta de música e até aprendeu alguns truques por isso. Ele é até muito parecido com Jung YoonOh, mas talvez seja apenas coincidência. Se quiser saber mais sobre esse morador de Gushin, não esqueça de segui-lo em seu tumblr!
Vejamos, talvez seja mais fácil do que parece descrever o Kang. Não que seja lá um cara muito aberto a falar sobre a vida pessoal e etc, mas é fácil tirar muitas conclusões se parar para o observar um pouco. Tente imaginar aqueles rebeldes adolescentes que querem viver grandes aventuras e adoram se meter em encrencas. Imaginou? Esse é Hyunbin, mesmo que já não seja mais um adolescente ainda age como um e talvez isso nunca mude.
Agora vamos prosseguir para outro ponto forte sobre esse garoto: a frieza. Digamos que é praticamente impossível ver Hyunbin por aí agindo de forma carinhosa ou qualquer coisa do gênero com os outros, provavelmente ele sequer sabe o que é trocar palavras de afeto com alguém já que nunca teve isso em sua vida.  
Apesar da falta de habilidade em ser afetuoso, ele não poupa esforços quando decidi flertar com alguém. Não que isso seja comum, não é sempre que ele costuma observar alguém a ponto de ter tal interesse. Mas quando acontece ele não poupa o uso de seus charmes e isso inclui o maldito sorriso acompanhado pelas covinhas que ficam ainda mais perceptíveis. Não é bem que o Kang se ache o cara mais lindo dentre todos que conhece, longe disso na verdade, a questão é que sabe bem que acaba atraindo alguns olhares para si.
Jongdae foi um dos mais jovens cardiologistas formados em toda a Coréia do Sul. Desde o início de sua carreira, trabalhando em um hospital renomado em Seoul, foi reconhecido pelo ótimo desempenho até mesmo em casos considerados pouco prováveis de se obter sucesso. Poucos anos após isso, foi convidado para ser Chefe da área no hospital, era a oportunidade perfeita para se destacar ainda mais na profissão. E foi lá que conheceu Minhee, uma das anestesistas que foi resignada a sua equipe. Não se passou muito tempo até que os dois dessem início a um romance secreto que acabou no casamento repentino e que pegou todos de surpresa. O fato era que apesar do amor que sentiam um pelo o outro, Minhee acabou engravidando e por pressão de ambas famílias tiverem de se casar.  
Os primeiros anos da família Kang já não foram tão bons como esperavam, Jongdae apenas se dedicava ao trabalho, assim como Minhee que continuou a trabalhar logo após os primeiros meses de vida do primogênito, Kang Hyunbin. O homem passou a viajar com frequência para dar palestras sobre sua profissão e a mulher ganhou o cargo de Diretora Geral do hospital. Com isso, o jovem passou a ser criado pelos empregados da casa.  
Durante o crescimento do garoto as ordens eram claras, não podia sair para brincar com as outras crianças, tinha que se concentrar nos estudos e apenas nisso. Na escola sequer tinha amigos, afinal, estava sempre se metendo em brigas com outros alunos e até com os mais velhos que ele. O problema era quando chegava em casa todo machucado e os empregados receosos com a reação dos Kang faziam o possível para esconder o ocorrido, por sorte eram ocupados demais para aparecer em casa com frequência ou se importarem em ver como o menino estava.  
Com o passar dos anos e cada vez mais exigências absurdas dos pais, Hyunbin se tornou ainda mais rebelde na adolescência. Eram frequentes as vezes em que fugia de casa e ficava perambulando pela rua sozinho ou jogando algum jogo em alguma lan house da cidade. Claro que por muito tempo fugiu e nem mesmo os Kangs notaram, o trabalho sobrava para os empregados que tinham de sair o procurando pela cidade. Quando os pais do jovem souberam de seus atos, não deu outra, o enviaram para um colégio interno no Minesota onde tinham total garantia que seria impossível que fugisse ou saísse da linha novamente.  
A vida no colégio interno era tão solitária quanto a vida em Seul, ao lado dos pais que sequer se lembravam do aniversário do garoto. Houve um momento de sua vida que apenas concluiu ser incapaz de ter relacionamentos verdadeiros e duradouros, nem mesmo no colégio conseguiu fazer uma boa e verdadeira amizade. De fato, não havia nascido para ser rodeados de amigos e amor da família como muitos, apenas se considerava um azarado que veio ao mundo para provar o que há de pior nele.  
Quando foi liberado do colégio, a família o mandou de volta a Seul dessa vez com o intuito de o obrigar a seguir a carreira do pai. Aquela foi a gota d’água para o Kang mais novo que sem pensar duas vezes decidiu sair de casa e sem qualquer medo do mundo que iria enfrentar. Nada poderia ser pior do que aguentar seus pais outra vez. No começo foi difícil, é claro, tinha alguns trocados no bolso e somente carregava uma mochila com algumas roupas dentro. Sem casa e sem emprego para ajudar no sustento, nas primeiras noites se viu obrigado a ir dormir em uma sauna bem precária onde somente as piores pessoas frequentavam. Teve sorte quando conseguiu um emprego em uma loja de conveniência e o dono deixou que morasse nos fundos do lugar, em um pequeno quartinho que só tinha um colchão velho onde dormia todas as noites.
Foram anos trabalhando para se sustentar, não durava muito nos empregos já que sempre arrumava confusão com alguém. A chance de ir para Hannabyul foi repentina, conheceu a cidade por acaso quando procurava ofertas de emprego em um jornal. Não tinha nada a perder, poderia recomeçar outra vez e quem sabe assim conseguir a estabilidade financeira que procurava. Quando passou na entrevista da Lights Night, ficou feliz pela primeira vez em muitos anos. Era um bom emprego, em um lugar que o agradava e o melhor de tudo, conseguiu um pequeno quarto perto dali para morar, finalmente as coisas pareciam estar melhorando para si.
É um grande fã de filmes de terror. Não importa a ocasião, se tem qualquer tempo livre, provavelmente vai estar assistir algum desses filmes.  
Não sabe viver sem ouvir música. Quando está em casa fica com o som ligado nas alturas e quando sai está sempre usando fones de ouvido, Hyunbin tem uma forte ligação com a música.
Exatamente pela forte ligação com a música aprendeu a tocar violão e guitarra sozinho quando tinha tempo livre e atualmente tem se arriscado na composição de músicas.  
Hyunbin é extremamente preguiçoso em relação a cuidar de si mesmo, é comum chegar na casa dele e encontrar somente lámen para comer ou muito sorvete e bebidas alcoólicas na geladeira.  
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11/03/21 Surrealism and the power of the unconscious mind
Biographical theory: Focus on the biography of the artist and how the work reflects the artists personal history or personality
Psychoanalytical theory: Simply put, psychoanalysis is the method of analysing physic or emotional phenomena. Psychoanalysis has been used at various times to address the subject matter or content of individual artworks, the relationship of artworks to the artist; the relationship of the viewer to the piece and the nature of creativity itself.
Reception theory: Argues that the viewer actively completes the work of art, Gombrich describes this as ‘the beholders share’ - the viewer brings their own stock of images and experiences when they view the artwork.
Leonardo Da Vinci - The Virgin and child with St Anne 1500-13
“Freud was the first to apply psychoanalysis to art, choosing for his subject the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci, observing Leonardos partly fused image of the Virgin and St Anne, he inferred that the artist had depicted his two mothers, his biological mother and his stepmother. This very early analytic discourse on parent loss and adoption changed the course of the interpretations of art.”
- Blum, H
Freud applied his theory of the subconscious onto this artwork. This very early analytical discourse brought to the fore ideas that we have an impact on parent loss, adoption - and it changed the course of interpretation of art - it made us look closer at attachment disorders and the impact of being separated from his mother at a very early age.
Freud had a very large collection of artwork and would apply these readings to his own collection.
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James Durden - Summer in Cumberland 1925
Some of the shared pre-occupations: issues of memory, history, experiences of loss, mental growth and creativity; life facts linked with the passage of time: childhood, youth, maturity and old age, and the inevitability of death; questions of perception, desire pleasure and love; issues of intimacy, identity, individuality and differences; the dialects between inside/outside, language/ action, individual/ society, or reality/ illusion; the value of thinking, relating and helping; the consequences of new technologies for our ways of thinking and relating; the complexities of violence, destructiveness, fundamentalism and trauma.
- the women are inside, ensconced in domesticity having afternoon tea, they are beautifully dressed, but doing nothing more exciting than talking to the cat. Outside is a young boy looking in, but all of this Lake District panorama behind belongs to the boy, where as the women belong inside behind this huge barrier.
- these are just some of the things we would think about when we are looking at psychoanalytical readings.
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De Chirico
An Italian artist, born in Greece. The years before the first world war he founded the school of metaphysics which profoundly influenced the surrealists, and as an Italian artist, his work would often feature Roman arcades, long shadows, mannequins, trains and a very illogical but very beguiling perspective.
His imagery reflects the definitive in the philosophy of nature and the mythology of his birthplace. His father died when he was 6, and we can see over and over again this attachment, this sensible loss. Many of his paintings will have a train in the background which is referencing his fathers job and this sense of loss. 
He would often deliberately recall the style of academic figure drawings and often took his images from classical statues, illustrations, manuals or textbooks in order to enphesize the unreality of his images - it is a copy of a copy of a copy. In this way, his paintings suggest that the past is irretrievably lost and could only be replaced by copies.
All of his paintings have this incredibly start receding perspective with deep shadows, dominated by line and geometric shapes. He believed that great art was based not on copying nature but, as he wrote at the time - “dimensions, lines and the infinite” which he claims are present in all Greek and Roman architecture.
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“Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected associations, particularly in the omnipotence of dream and in the disinterested play of though - Andre Brenton
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Salvador Dali - The persistence of memory 1931
Through Freuds analogy we can see an interpretation of dreams, being a symbol of your unconscious mind was freuds theory of the uncanny
The uncanny: is a psychological experience of something as strongly familiar rather than mysterious. It may describe incidents where familiar things or events are encountered in an unsettling or an eerie/ taboo context. Freud argued that the uncanny locates the strangeness in ordinary things
“The uncanny places us in a field where we do not know how to distinguish bad and good pleasure from displeasure”
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dbarajas03-blog · 5 years
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Gwendolyn Poole aka Gwenpool is a fundamental wild card in Marvel’s superheroes. She is an average person who somehow gets warped into the Primal Marvel Universe. Then, she has the ability of medium interaction and as well as knowledge of fighting skills and explosives. Her childish personality and violent methods make her very interesting as a hero, and as we will see.
Powers and Abilities
Gwenpool has very impressive powers and abilities for a character who doesn’t have supernatural powers or high-tech. From training with Batroc, she learned hand-to-hand combat and uses a variety of weapons (katanas, grenades, and explosives). When Gwen was transported to a pocket universe that recreated her home reality, Gwen's unique perception of the fictional world allowed her to gain the ability to recognize and manipulate the artistic medium in which she dwells. She can see and physically interact with lettering and caption boxes, and touch and even break through panel gutters, allowing her to transport objects short distances through space and time by moving them across panels, and interact with different instances of herself from multiple panels on the same page. The reach of Gwen's powers extends outside the page. She's capable of exiting to the Gutter Space, which allows her to observe pages from the outside and move through them. By moving to the Gutter Space and returning to the comic book on a previous page, Gwen can essentially travel back in time. From the Gutter Space, Gwen can see how the remaining page count of her comic book, and deduce how much pages does it have left. Gwen can further forcibly remove characters from the narrative by dumping them into the Gutter Space, as she did with Paste Pot Pete, or alter characters, as she did by pulling a villainous version of Doctor Doom out of his more heroic current incarnation. However, these changes are short-lived and fragile, reverting after a short time. Once Gwen moved West, the other West Coast Avengers showed no knowledge of these abilities, though Kid Omega noted she had some unknown power he could not detect. There was an implication that Gwen used her medium-breaking powers to put 200 towels in Quentin's room in retaliation to him always leaving wet towels on the floor. However, when she was falling after being thrown off a flying B.R.O.D.O.K., Gwen noted she could not reach out of the panel to escape to safety as before.  Gwen possesses a relatively small degree of medium awareness, as she can't be certain of any fact other than that she lives in a world that is fictional, to the point rather than knowing her adventures happen in a comic book, she assumes they do. This limitation can also cause her to mistakenly assume things, like who the writer of a story she stars is. Her medium awareness additionally makes Gwen a genre savvy being able to extrapolate the characteristics of things like video games to situations inspired by them. She also can, or at the very least believes, that she can purposefully invoke cliches or tropes, or typical narrative elements, in order to aide herself, or indeed to help other people, such as making an extra say their name to turn them into someone the writers won't be able to easily kill off. Once noting the medium interaction powers introduced in her solo title were not working, Gwen even questioned if she had been rebooted to not have them anymore. The extent of how much effect such action actually has on the world, however, is unclear.  Due to the fact she read countless of adventures that delved into the private lives of various superheroes she currently interacts with, Gwen possesses a vast knowledge on heroes' alter-egos and other such secrets, including Jane Foster's double-life as Thor, and the fact that Miles Morales hails from another universe. She's even aware of writer trademarks, concluding (wrongly) after stumbling by Kitty Pryde that the author of the story she was in was Brian Michael Bendis.
Gwen Poole originally lived in a universe, not unlike ours, a place where all super-heroes and super-villains were fictional characters that manifested through comic books, movies, and other media. Gwen's difficulty to find a job after having been unable to graduate from high school, combined with the fact all of her friends moved away, led her to submerge in fiction in order to escape from her reality and fantasize about a better world, becoming lazy and apathetic, to the chagrin of her parents. Through unrevealed means, Gwen and her brother Teddy ended up in the Prime Marvel Universe. However, both became separated on arrival and believed the other hadn't survived the transition. Unwilling to being relegated as an "extra," Gwen went to Big Ronnie's Custom Battle Spandex and requested her own costume to stand out. The tailor Ronnie complied, but she also misread Gwen's form, and thought the young girl went by the alias of "Gwenpool." Gwenpool's first misadventure involved stealing a virus from the Black Cat and selling it to Hydra for quick cash, believing that the Avengers would deal with any sort of consequence. When Gwenpool attempted to kill Howard the Duck, who had been coerced by the Black Cat into finding the thief, he made Gwen see the error in her nonchalant attitude, which originated from Gwen undervaluing the lives of the inhabitants of the Marvel Universe, whom she believed was nothing more than fictional characters. Gwen rectified her misdeed by infiltrating into a Hydra facility and getting rid of the virus with Howard's help. In order to find a stable source of income, Gwen decided to become a mercenary, getting contract jobs from the tailor Ronnie. While trying to carry out the job of taking down a Teuthidan squadron stationed on Earth, Gwenpool murdered another mercenary that had completed said mission and took credit for his work. The employer of the hitman Gwen murdered turned out to be M.O.D.O.K., who tracked down Gwenpool to have her take the place of his deceased hitman in his Mercenary Organization Dedicated Only to Killing. In order to coerce her into joining his namesake organization, M.O.D.O.K. killed Cecil, a hacker Gwen befriended who had become her mission control. Gwenpool's teammates in M.O.D.O.K.'s elite were Batroc the Leaper, Mega Tony, and Terrible Eye. Fighting M.O.D.O.K. After catching notice of Gwen's lack of skills during her first mission, Batroc helped her become a better fighter. With M.O.D.O.K. growing suspicious of Gwen's absolute lack of back records, which also prevented her from getting paid, she sought Doctor Strange's help. The sorcerer transplanted every trace of Gwen's existence from her home universe to her new reality. Even though Gwen now enjoyed the benefits of getting paid and Batroc's training, the appearance of her back records allowed M.O.D.O.K. to discover she was, in fact, a completely normal person with no real skills. M.O.D.O.K. confronted Gwen and tried to kill her for it, but with a mix of luck and Batroc's training, Gwen managed to fend off M.O.D.O.K., ultimately defeating him with the help of Cecil's ghost, whose presence was made possible in the land of the living with Doctor Strange's help. After M.O.D.O.K dissolved, Gwen decided to move to rural Georgia and become a “D-list” character. While there, Gwen came into conflict with Rocket Raccoon and Groot after accepting the job to capture an alien fugitive known as Chammy. They teamed-up once they reached an agreement that would let Gwen keep the bounty. Gwen initially refused to help Rocket and Groot capture the alien that had set the bounty, Reeve, who intended to murder Captain Marvel, arguing whichever person was writing Rocket and Groot's "comic book" wouldn't be allowed to kill her off. After falling under the mistaken impression that the comic she was currently in was being written by a "big-deal comic book writer" with the editorial authority to kill Captain Marvel, Gwen accompanied the team to New York and successfully prevented Reeve from killing her. Gwen, Hawkeye and Ghost Rider. Without a team, Gwenpool decided to join the newly-formed Champions. Gwen tried to help the young heroes take down the corruption in Daly County's police force, though her violent methods were quickly frowned upon by the Champions as soon as they met her, as well as her reasoning that the corruption could only originate from a supervillain plot rather than naturally. Once Sheriff Studdard was exposed as the person that had been facilitating the recent wave of xenophobic violence towards minorities, Gwenpool promptly left, annoyed that it wasn't secretly a plot by some supervillain. Following a depressive episode caused by the dissolution of M.O.D.O.K. which led her to take numerous dangerous jobs, Gwen reunited with her old crew when they were all abducted by Arcade into a fantasy RPG-inspired version of Murderworld. While making their way through enemies in order to escape, Gwenpool met and confronted Deadpool, eventually convincing him to join forces and defeat Arcade. Afterward, Gwen went on to live a normal life, her unique perception of the Marvel Universe caused her to become aware that she was still in a fictional world, and even developed the ability to interact with the elements of the comic medium, such as title cards or the border of panels. Gwen eventually managed to go beyond the panels and reach the Gutter Space. By observing the comic book world from there, she regained her lost memories and learned of Teddy's alliance with the future versions of her allies. Gwen returned to the recreation of her universe and took Teddy with her back to the Marvel Universe. When the future heroes tried to take down Gwen, the evil future version of Gwenpool used her presence in Spider-Man's flashback as a gateway to reach the present. The evil Gwenpool wanted to ensure present Gwen went on to become her, so she tried to both eliminate the future heroes as well as to convince Gwen to become a villain. The evil Gwenpool took Gwen back to the Gutter Space so she could understand that by becoming part of the comic book world, she was bound to its rules so nothing she did really mattered. Even if her actions didn't have consequences, Gwen still frowned upon the evils her future self committed, especially for the things she did to the characters she loved. Gwen's show of determination to avoid becoming evil caused her future self to be erased. From the Gutter Space, Gwenpool could observe the page count of her own comic series. When she renounced the possibility of becoming evil, she noticed that her remaining page count greatly diminished. After Gwen went through a failed attempt at becoming relevant by taking on Victor von Doom, she reluctantly tried out villainy. She sought Batroc's help to this end, but since he knew it wasn't in her true nature to be a criminal, he made sure their first heist was to supervillain Chance, so he unwittingly sabotaged Gwen's last attempt at extending her series' life span. While lamenting over her series' end, and what it entailed to her friends, Gwenpool was visited by a future version of herself to comfort her. Future Gwenpool explained her younger self her adventures will live on even after their end, and that the impact she made in fans will most certainly allow for her return one day. Gwen's future self also explained that renouncing a long-lived future for the sake of characters she once disregarded due to not being real made her a hero, and that would also ensure a future for her. Future Gwen encouraged her past self to use her abilities to exploit the medium one last time, and she used them to travel into various points in time and live possible future adventures.Gwenpool looking back and thanking the reader once she returned to the present, Gwen helped Cecil regain his human body, spent time with her friends from M.O.D.O.K., met up with the Marvel Universe counterparts of her parents, and rescued Teddy, whose soul had ended up in Mephisto's hands. Decades into the future, Gwen had barely aged due to the sliding timescale and being the main character, and visited at a hospital an elderly fan of hers who once had been younger than Gwen but aged naturally due to being a background character. With only two pages left, Gwen jumped back into the Gutter Space to travel to the past and thanked the reader. She then visited her younger self when she was lamenting her series' end.
She serves a significant purpose towards heroes who don’t have superpowers like fire or flying. She is unique due to the fact that she comes from an Earth like ours and using knowledge from comics against characters like Spider-Man and etc.. In addition, she has the power to move through comic panels and by moving through time scales, she barely ages. She came a long way from being a mercenary, being a hero, trying to resort to villainy, and then eventually sacrificing her comic’s end by being a hero. She came a long way from having an attitude of noting mattering in “the fictional world” she warped to, and then realizing even if it’s not real, she should be committed to being a hero. She may not be as exciting as other heroes, but she has a personality and interesting backstory to support her as a character that deserves more and more coverage.
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mtdthoughts · 3 months
Migi & Dali Character Analysis Pt. 5 (Migi)
Finally, now that I have discussed all of the minor and secondary characters, it is now time to discuss the main characters, starting with Migi!
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As always, spoiler warning.
Migi is one of Metry’s sons and Dali’s younger identical twin brother, and later it is revealed that he is also Akira’s son and Eiji’s triplet brother. Like Dali, he has blonde hair and blue eyes, and is rather short and skinny for his age. While the twins are noted by others to be quite attractive, their unusual features caused them to be the targets of bullying by other children. They also frequently wear their signature black shirt and blue jeans and are often barefoot.
He and Dali spent the first five years of their lives in the Ichijo confinement room with Metry until they escaped. However, Metry died trying to take Eiji without saying a word, leaving the twins to survive on their own. Eventually, the twins were taken into an orphanage where they spent most of their childhood. Together with Dali, they formed the persona of a single perfect son named “Hitori” and were able to charm the Sonoyamas into adopting them under this persona. While they lived in Origon Village pretending to be one person, their goal was to seek out and kill their mother’s killer.
Like his brother, Migi is quite acrobatic and good at sneaking around.
*NOTE: Dali shares the above characteristics with Migi, so I won’t mention them again when I discuss Dali.
Unlike Eiji (and Dali), Migi does not enjoy school, and is less suited to the persona of Hitori than his brother, as he is more of an ordinary boy. He enjoys more recreational activities such as drawing, baking pies with Youko, catching bugs, and playing with toys. He’s also pretty good at imitations and impressions, and occasionally acts like an animal (e.g. eating and running like a dog).
Compared to his brother, Migi is (openly) childish and emotional, and is a bit of a glutton, a scaredy-cat, a crybaby, and a mama’s boy. He’s not as intelligent nor perceptive as his brother and is basically an open book. However, his innocence and genuineness allow him to be more honest with himself, as he is quicker to open up to others and to pursue and accept happiness. Though Migi may be immature and impulsive, he knows that Dali is smarter and more capable than him, which is why he tends to listen to and defer to Dali.
However, Migi relied too heavily on his brother, and this is seen in the first half of the story. Not only did Migi have blind trust in Dali, but he also had an emotional overreliance on Dali, as it was always up to Dali to comfort him when he was upset. This dynamic likely arose because of their mother’s death, as Dali took it upon himself to replace his mother and take care of Migi even though they were twins. As a result, Migi saw Dali as his perfect older brother that he could always rely on and that he always wanted to emulate, and so he subordinated himself to Dali and tried to imitate him. But this was only unhealthy for them both, as not only did Migi stifle his true self and his desires to earn his brother’s affection, but he took Dali’s strength for granted and was unable to grasp Dali’s emotional struggles as Dali fell deeper into his lust for revenge.
Indeed, once Migi had seen through Dali’s betrayal, his image of Dali and himself completely collapsed. The perfect older brother he had looked up to for so long betrayed him, and he likely thought that Dali didn’t love him and just wanted to use him. Although Migi realized his true self and what he wanted, unfortunately, due to his immaturity and obliviousness, he abandoned Dali when Dali needed him the most. It wasn’t until he saw Dali crying in bed and when Eiji had pointed out Dali’s love for him that he realized his error in abandoning him. And once Dali had chosen to sacrifice himself, Migi for the first time realized Dali’s insecurities, and realized how much he had hurt his beloved brother by abandoning him. He was likely filled with regret and cursed his own weakness, and likely vowed to himself to never leave Dali alone again.
Though the twins were safe at the shrine, it was not a good home for either of them, and Migi knew this. He knew that Dali was trying to keep him safe, but he couldn’t just leave behind the family and friends he made in Origon Village, which was why he was so desperate to go back. His fight with Dali only made Dali’s insecurity and fear of loneliness clearer to him, as Dali had believed that Migi didn’t love him. But Migi refuted this, and his tearful plea for them to return home together proved that he had still loved Dali, that he wanted to truly help what was ailing Dali, and that Dali’s happiness was something worth dying for.
At this point, Migi no longer wanted to remain the weak baby that he was before, and now sought to become a proper younger brother to Dali that would be able to truly support him. Indeed, it was Migi’s strengths and his love for Dali that allowed him to do this. For example, he not only helped Dali gather the strength to open up to Akiyama, but he also came to Dali’s rescue at the Ichijo house, which was a display of Migi’s growth and showed that Migi’s promise to bring Dali home were not empty words. Thanks to Migi’s love for Dali, Dali was able to regain his confidence and gain the compassion to forgive Eiji and to bring him home.
However, after Eiji was arrested, Dali fell into another slump and forced himself into Migi’s shadow, and Migi didn’t know what to do. He realized that he and Dali were truly different and thought differently, and struggled to understand what Dali was thinking. Nonetheless, he felt that Dali was suffering, and all he wanted was for Dali to be happy. Thus, he realized that he did not have to read Dali's mind, and his answer to Dali was that Dali’s happiness was his happiness, a loving statement that touched Dali and allowed him to accept himself. Because of Migi’s love and kindness, the two were able to find happiness together.
Before I conclude this part of the discussion, it is worth noting that MIgi serves as a very obvious foil to Dali, as the two have opposing characteristics and traits, and one of the best showcases of this is through the use of the sun and moon to symbolize Migi and Dali. For example, Migi being the sun indicates his warmness, his openness, and his role in giving light to Dali. Through this use of duality as well as their unique strengths and weaknesses, the twins are two halves that form a complete whole. In Migi's case, it is best for one not to be as easily fooled or swayed as Migi, though one should try to remain innocent and moral in their conduct and be willing to offer and accept love.
Migi’s journey and development provide quite a few messages to the viewers. For example, Migi's journey in self-discovery tells us that we should accept ourselves and our unique identity, that we should not try to be something we are not, and that we should be willing to fight for our own happiness. Migi's dynamic with Dali tells us that It is fine to rely on others for help and support, but we should also be aware of their struggles, no matter how strong or perfect we perceive them as. Migi's abandonment of Dali shows us that even if our loved ones hurt us, we should not recklessly abandon them, since they may be going through something we are not aware of. Finally, Migi's love towards Dali tells us that with love, anything, whether it be a physical or emotional obstacle, can be overcome.
In the next and final part of this discussion, I will discuss Dali.
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