birdstudies · 4 months
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December 10, 2023 - Penan Bulbul (Alophoixus ruficrissus) These bulbuls are found in lowland and mountain forests on the island of Borneo. They eat figs, berries, and other fruit, foraging alone, in pairs, and in flocks, often with other species. Little is known about their nesting behavior, but birds have been found in breeding condition in December, February, and March, along with eggs in March, and a recently fledged chick in May.
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wajjs · 3 months
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Sia Boey Urban Archaeological Park: Penang's New Cultural Hub Unveiled
Penang's Sia Boey Park evolves into a cultural hub, merging history and modernity, underlining Penang's heritage conservation efforts.
via Citizen’s Journal, 21 November 2023: Sia Boey Urban Archaeological Park in Penang, hailed as Malaysia’s first urban archaeological park, is evolving from a historic site to a vibrant center for arts, culture, and recreation. Wong Hon Wai, chairman of Penang’s Tourism and Creative Economy Committee, envisions the park as a cultural and artistic hub, blending its historical significance with…
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kaladinkholins · 3 months
i love being southeast asian.
despite whatever unhappy history, despite the rise of ethnonationalism and racism in our countries; despite the fact that most of us remain in the global south under the invisible thumb of western empires and conglomerates, exploited by rich expats and beg-packers; despite the conservatism, the bigotry, the pain and prejudice and the corruption.
despite all that, i love where i am from. this is my home.
my hands tenderly trace the lines of our history and find within it a colourful collection of influences that continue to shape us until today:
the native malays, javanese, sundanese, minangkabau, bugis, visayan, tagalog, and other dominant peoples.
alongside indigenous tribes like the iban, kadazan, sama-bajau, temuan, penan, jakun, and hundreds upon hundreds more ethnic groups.
all of us holding onto our ancestors' mysticism and spirituality and animism, the watchful gaze of legacy fixed on us as we move through an ever-changing and modernising world (and what is modernity anyway? isn't civilisation overrated?).
and then the chinese peoples. the hainanese, hokkien and cantonese and more, many of whom came here due to trade in the pre-colonial era, but then most arrived as the imported labour for the colonial powers.
but this is their home too. we live here together, and through them we all celebrate lunar new year and the mid-autumn festival. all of us give red envelopes during our many festivals. we give oranges that symbolise prosperity and ring in the year of the rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat. we hold lion dance performances in our malls and marks. we eat and exchange mooncakes.
and then the indian peoples, though mostly tamil indians from south india, but also sikhs, malayalis, and punjabis, who arrived and assimilated and spread their culture and beliefs much earlier before the pre-colonial era, causing the indianisation of southeast asia. then more indian peoples came during the colonial era, again, as imported labour, working our fields or donning the uniform of our common oppressors, kept walled away from us despite how alike we look and sound.
because truly we do sound the same. sanskrit remains an abundant source for a large chunk of our languages. i hear the vedic mantras and can pick apart words that sound familiar. hinduism and buddhism still leaves its traces in our cultures even for those of us who've shifted to islam.
and yes, islam. we're not what the west thinks of when they talk about the muslim world, but southeast asia has some of the largest muslim populations in the world. because through trade, since the medieval times, islam came here and with it brought so many arabic influences that has come to shape our languages and customs, with plenty of our cultures having since been morphed around islamic beliefs and ideas. in malaysia and indonesia and brunei (and perhaps even certain parts of the philippines) you'll find a mosque or a prayer room everywhere you go. and every ramadan millions of us fast, every eid all of us dress up and visit each other's houses for feasts and festivities.
then of course came european colonisation at the hands of the portugese, dutch, british (in malaysia and indonesia's case we got all three), spanish, and french their reigns lasting over 400 years. and from them we came european culture and more new languages, english quickly becoming a second language (or even a first language) for so many of us, missionaries building churches and spreading the word of jesus christ as the son of god; with their fair features they draw a line between us and them, between the civilised and the barbarians, between the light-haired light-eyed and the unruly dark-haired dark-eyed.
and then comes world war 2 and the japanese invasion, and for most it was so brutal and violent, and for the rest it was miserable, with famine and inflation but we were forced to sing songs in japanese anyway, to watch their planes fly in the sky towards their enemies, to swallow their ideas in our parched throats.
and then the war ended and wounds began to heal, and then came the 1980s until now with all its shiny technology: nintendo, panasonic, television and anime, and now we have leagues of people learning japanese language and culture anyway, except now it is done wholeheartedly, and as it turns out japanese isn't even that different from our own cultures anyway. houses on stilts made of wood with thatch roofs, making our living from the sea and coast, eating rice for every meal, our phonetics and theirs so alike.
and today we have waves of their expats migrating here because of course they do, we're the Global South™ and for them it's cheap and affordable, so we have little japans sprouting here and there and sometimes i go to a random street and find signs written in japanese and read bits of broken hiragana.
and it's beautiful, being able to move through this world and find the handprints we've all left upon it. it's a wonderful amalgam of so many traditions and colours and beliefs and language all mixing around in this huge bubbling melting pot.
and i'm not chinese or indian or arab or british but when i see them on tv, i'm also seeing a part of me, i hear the words in their tongue and i recognise them as mine, i eat their food and know them as intimately as my own.
but of course our politicians, our kings and our prime ministers (and the divide-and-conquer rule of colonisers now gone) continue to divide us and make us hate each other, fanning flames of distrust and fear of that-which-is-different.
it's such a shame too, because it's so special. it's what makes us us, our dozens of creoles, the way we can speak a sentence comprising vernacular from at least four languages and we all understand each other anyway.
we have a word in malay, "rojak", which is also the name of a dish that mixes a bunch of different ingredients, and is found in malaysian, indonesian and singaporean cuisine. but where i'm from, we also say "rojak" to mean anything that's an eclectic mixture of things, things that seemingly don't go together and aren't necessarily pleasing to the eye but still, somehow, it works, in fact it tastes good, spicy and flavourful and hearty.
and that's us: southeast asia, all of it, a beautiful rojak culture. and it's ours.
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mcmadcanvas · 15 days
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porphyriosao3 · 8 months
Buried Pasts
"I want to apologize," Gale said uncertainly from the edge of the clearing.  Tav glanced up, then away, mouth still pressed in a firm line.  "I'm not sure what... that is, I certainly didn't mean..."
"If we are going to spend much more time together, Gale, you should understand that when I say 'leave me alone for a bit' it's in your best interest to do so," the drow snapped.  After a moment Tav visibly forced his anger away, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.  "No, you're here now, I suppose.  By all means, sit."  Gale stepped forward with a cautious look, seating himself on a fallen log after a drying cantrip ensured the dampness wouldn't soak through his pants.  Tav folded down as well, though barely within arm's reach - some habits were very hard to break.
"I... thought I was paying you a compliment," the wizard murmured.  "I certainly never meant anything..." he trailed off.
"I know."  Tav's fingers smoothed across his thighs, erasing invisible wrinkles from the fabric of his trousers.  "We all have pasts, Gale."  Turning, red eyes caught dark ones in the gloom.  Tav's moon-pale hair seemed to glow in the evening gloaming.  "Tell me, then.  If I said 'it seems strange that you bother to be good at magic when you could have stayed Mystra's toy boy', how would you feel?"  Hurt flashed across the bearded face.
"Toy boy?"  Gale said, face flushing and clearly making an effort to restrain his fury.  "I never... I wasn't..."
"Exactly.  But in some contexts, it could seem that she groomed you into a loving relationship, couldn't it?  Made herself the focal point of your life, kept you from other friends, made her opinion of you - her praise - the most important thing in your life?"  Gale was clearly furious now, breath coming hard.  Tav gave a polished, brittle smile that would have made Astarion proud to give it.  "You see how things change based on how they are presented?"
"I don't have to sit here and listen to..." Gale shouted before stopping himself and taking a breath.  "Alright.  Alright.  I'm going to try to see what you're saying, and ignore how insulted I feel right now, because I'm sure there's a reason.  Please explain to me what I said that made you think saying that was justified."  Tav was impressed, in spite of himself; he was half expecting the wizard to storm off.  He wasn't sure it would have been the worst thing; he really didn't want to explain himself, but it seemed that was in the cards after all.
"As you say," Tav grimaced.  "You have survived the return strike, custom demands that you receive your explanation."  At Gale's raised eyebrows, Tav smiled mirthlessly.  "A custom of my people, you see.  Not one most survive encountering, but you have done so.  When we are hurt, we offer the same hurt back.  To fail to do so is a mark of weakness... or intentional disrespect.  I respect you enough to return the blow, and... and I will never again be too weak to do so."  The jet black features were as still as a statue made of obsidian, but Tav's eyes burned.  "Never again."
"I... see," Gale said as he clearly did not.  "Thank you?  Maybe?  Though if that is how I made you feel I apologize again.  It wasn't..."
"Words do not apologize, my sweet," Tav smiled.  "Words are a weak reed.  Deeds are everything.  Let me tell you a tale, then, so that you will understand.  Say there was a child... a noble child, but a man-child.  No future priestess, this, nor general, for all his famous blood and his family's prestige in the service of the Lady of Webs.  His name was long, his lineage storied, but at the end he was just a boy.  Useless."  Gale's eyebrows drew down, clearly visible to Tav in the gloom.  Clearly the wizard was beginning to understand.  Tav wished he wouldn't, but... honor demanded the rest of the story.  Sometimes he hated being Drow. "Say also, that this family had enemies, as all the great houses of Menzoberranzan did, and do, and ever will.  Say that those enemies demanded a penance for a wrong, real or imagined, and this family decided that their son... this useless, worthless son... be offered as their sacrifice.  He was pretty, this boy, and his blood was the purest of the pure.  He had all the marks of the highborn.  His hair was cobweb pale, his skin was clear and obsidian-dark, he... he had the web of the Lady as a birthmark."  Gale's harsh inhale was clearly audible.  He had seen that mark himself on his lover's shoulder.  "He was sent to the Houses of Pleasure, since many of the lowborn would revel in the chance to bed one of the great ones, you see?"  He smiled, a twisted, angry thing.  "To take some tiny bit of their misery out on one who could represent those who had wronged them."
"Tav..." the wizard's hand found his arm and he twitched away, not wanting to be touched.  "I'm... I had no idea."
"This boy," Tav continued evenly, voice stable as if he was telling a bedtime story, "this boy went with all the pride in his house, and for ten long years he was trained in the ways of so-called pleasure.  Pleasure for others, of course; never for him.  Even so, he was taught each step, and that vaunted pride of his was taken from him slice by slice, piece by piece, bit by bit... until there was nothing left but a fearful whore."  For the first time his voice trembled, just a bit; these were not memories he could stand to examine much.  "His name was taken, of course; there was no possible reason to allow a prostitute a name longer than a single syllable.  And so it stayed, for years.  Long, long years."
The woods had darkened while Tav spoke, and he knew Gale could no longer see in the gloom though the wizard's face was as clear to him as if they sat in bright daylight.  He knew, also, that Gale wasn't thinking of that, else he would never have let his horror show on his face like he was.  "And..." the wizard rasped, then cleared his throat before continuing.  "And what happened then?  To... to this boy?"
"Ah," Tav said, "a curious thing.  One day, this boy... now a man, full-grown, though accounted just as lovely... one day there was a shaking of the earth.  Earth tremors on the surface are unnerving, I'm told, but unless severe they are disregarded.  In the Underdark, tremors are deadly, and more than.  They are the killers of many.  Menzoberranzan is guarded by webs of spells, but Lady Lolth thinks it amusing to have them fail betimes.  It is how she keeps her faithful needy, you see... and one day, a quake struck and the web failed.  Just a bit, but enough to smash the House of Painful Flowers.  And this noble son, he saw a chance to escape his life of misery, if only by an early death, so into the rent in the wall he went.  Racing, falling, stumbling, he went, until he was scraped and bleeding, and even his eyes were failing to pierce the gloom.  And there in the deepest places he found a room lost in time.  There was a statue there, and on the statue there was a symbol that was like nothing this boy - this man - had ever seen.  And there he bargained with the thing that statue was made to represent, and there he got the power he needed to escape the guards who searched for him, to make his way to the surface, to begin to actually live after decades of living death."
"How long... how long had you..." Gale began to ask before an ebon hand sealed his mouth.
"Shut up," Tav hissed furiously.  "Not me!  Keep your tongue still, and do not offer me insult.  I do not say this is anything to do with... with... just be silent, for once."  If Gale couldn't realize that Tav would have to kill him if he insisted.  He drew in a shuddering breath before continuing.  "Some say that once this person we discuss had come to the surface, they were barely there a week before he was captured by a flying ship of the haszakkin.  But others may tell the story differently.  We may never know the truth."  With that traditional ending, he pulled his hand away, hoping the wizard had heard everything... including the bits that could not be said.
"I... yes, well," Gale said, picking his way with care.  "It seems to me that a young man in that situation - any young man - is far braver than anyone gave them credit for, and deserves nothing but the best ending to their story."  Tav was silent, ignoring the moisture on one cheek.  The hand on his back was more welcome, now; it seemed the wizard had heard him after all.  Perhaps he wasn't totally hopeless.  "And... I think now I understand why anyone would make a deal such as you describe.  So would I.  So would anyone."
"Let's go back to camp," was Tav's response.  If he held the wizard's hand on their way back... it was only to guide him safely, of course. 
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darklordofthesimp · 1 year
did könig ever visited birdy when they where unconscious in the hospital?
König was actually posted to the hospital room to keep an eye on Birdy and make reports.
He were their ward, stationed there 24/7 with no reprieve and no one to swap out for the duty. It was his penanance
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Globally, 13 hectares of forest are cut down every 30 seconds. That’s about 32 football fields. Deforestation is the process of cutting down more trees than are being replanted. Those forests are cut down mainly for shelter and fuel. In the past, most people would only be able to cut down one or maybe two big trees on a good day. However, modern-day machinery allows clear-cutting, which is essentially the removal of most or all trees in an area, in a much shorter time. Forests are a renewable resource if they are left alone to regrow after they are cut down. New trees can be planted and harvested in 20-50 years. However, not all forests are renewable. For example, old-growth forests take 100s of years to grow. This does not stop people from harvesting these trees. Some reasons forests are cut down are to clear land, farming, mining, create roads, and building human settlements. This destroys habitats, exposes soil to erosion, and natural waterways are also destroyed or permanently altered. Deforestation has impacts on both our environment and daily lives, which is dangerous for the future of humanity. In other words, humanity is sailing too close to the wind.
If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear? It’s a commonly used idiom, but it’s time to take it literally. Many trees are “falling” in the forest due to deforestation. It affects soil health, which affects our food health, leading to malnutrition and food poisoning. It also affected places of historical significance, including some ancient settlements in Sweden. While trees were being cut down in Sweden, some historic sites were uncovered. Deforestation also has caused the Penan people of Sarawak, Malaysia many problems. For example, they depend on it for food, shelter and medicine. However, this is quickly changing because deforestation is ruining the ecosystem. Also, the sago palm, which is a traditional food source for the Penan, is now endangered due to deforestation. In other words, many problems have arisen because of deforestation. 
Deforestation also has many environmental impacts, which are mostly negative. To list a few, it causes soil erosion, flooding, and contributes to climate change, and results in the loss of habitats and plants. To go into further detail, it causes the degradation of soil, which then leads to flooding and other impacts. Tree roots anchor the soil to the ground. Without trees to hold the soil in place, it is more likely to be eroded by wind and water. This removes the topsoil, making the land infertile. Trees also naturally absorb water and release it slowly back into natural waterways. Without trees, all the water goes directly into waterways. Heavy rains can cause flooding because rivers would fill up far too quickly. This would then also wash away more soil. In extreme cases, landslides can also occur, which would cause more damage to the environment. 
Another impact of deforestation is the increased speed of global warming and climate change. This is because when there is no fertile soil, there are no plants, and we are already cutting down the trees. This essentially means there is less or no more forest. Forests are natural absorbers of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When forests absorb carbon dioxide, they also reduce the speed, and impact of global warming. For example, a tree in the temperate regions can absorb up to 13 kg of carbon dioxide from the air, while trees in the tropical region can absorb up to 40 kg of carbon dioxide per year. It is estimated that forests absorb up to 40% of the carbon dioxide released by human activity. However, when trees are cut down, they release the carbon dioxide that is currently in them, meaning that there is more carbon in the air. 
In addition, deforestation also upsets the balance of plants and animals, similar to how removing sharks from seas upsets the balance of life in the oceans. Tropical forests are home to millions of species living in a balanced ecosystem. This means that when trees are removed, habitats are lost. This also means that animals die, and others attempt to move to different habitats and occasionally enter human settlements. This results in conflicts between humans and animals, and why bears are snooping around your backyard. Many plants and animals have become endangered because of deforestation. Some have even become extinct, like the Tasmanian tiger. One example of an endangered species is the Sumatran tiger in Indonesia, it is the last species of tiger in the area with less than 400 left in the wild.
Deforestation doesn’t only affect the environment, it also affects us homo sapiens (humans). Some stakeholders are people who live around forest areas and depend on them for forest resources, and indigenous people, like the Penan people of Malaysia. It also affects historical sites, like those in Sweden. Even though deforestation generates billions of dollars and provides jobs for many people in rural communities, it also has negative impacts. For example, many people lose access to forest resources such as fuel and food. It also speeds up global warming, which causes many problems to human society, and poses an imminent threat to the future of humanity. 
Moreover, deforestation also leads to land degradation, as the tree roots are no longer holding the soil together, allowing erosion to occur. Due to climate change, farmers are already forced to use soil that is not as fertile and rich in nutrients as it once was. Farmers also overuse the soil, which also causes soil degradation. This means that the soil becomes less productive, and can’t produce as much food, which also results in poorer food quality. In extreme cases, the land may no longer be able to produce enough, which forces farmers to relocate. In other words, land degradation causes food production to be reduced and water sources to dry up, which in turn forces populations to move to more farmable or livable conditions. Land degradation has accelerated in the 20th and 21st centuries for many reasons, including the increase in deforestation. As there is less food, and food of poorer quality, threats of malnutrition from reduced water and food supplies, more water and food-borne diseases due to a lack of hygiene and a lack of clean water, and respiratory diseases caused by dust from wind erosion and other air pollutants is higher than ever. The spread of diseases is also sped up when populations migrate due to land degradation.
There are many actions we can take to slow the process of deforestation. Many local, national, and international organizations are working to protect forests around the world. Many individuals are also working to protect forests near them. For example, the Forest Stewardship Council (F.S.C.) is working to protect forests around the world. It is very similar to the Marine Stewardship Council, but for forests rather than the oceans. To support the F.S.C.’s movement, you should try to only buy F.S.C.-certified products. The F.S.C. certify the wood and paper that match its standards. They also ensure that trees are properly harvested and replanted, and also ask that the forestry processes respect the rights of the indigenous people. Therefore, buying F.S.C.-certified products encourages forestry companies to manage forests sustainably.  
On top of that, the Global Forest Watch also aims to protect forests for future generations. The Global Forest Watch uses satellite imaging and other technologies to monitor the world’s forests. This information is compiled into a geographic information system (G.I.S.). The data from the G.I.S. is used to help governments manage forests sustainably. This allows governments to detect illegal and harmful activities quickly. One example of individual/community action was when people saw that the trees were being cut down while negotiations were being made, all the women from a village hugged trees so that the logging companies could not cut down trees. This created the Chipko (chip-co) movement. It demonstrated the importance of forests in some lives.
There are also many individual actions that you can take, such as planting trees and following “the three Rs”, which are reduce, reuse, and recycle. We can also look for labels that show they contain recycled content, go paperless, refuse delivery of flyers and catalogues, read newspapers online, and use reusable gift bags instead of paper gift wrapping. In conclusion, deforestation is having a variety of drastic effects, both on our environment and our daily lives. Therefore, we need to take action to protect our future and to stop deforestation.
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444names · 2 years
american states + italian cities BUT excluding "j"
Achio Afaenna Afaent Agrili Alabasto Alaho Alan Alania Alawa Aleggino Alegli Alegno Ales Alescato Aligama Aligamo Alivoria Allani Alligno Alta Andini Ansa Ansyla Ansyra Anto Anza Apada Apagri Aplegna Aranzia Arealta Aredo Aredonano Areminia Aria Arkania Arleria Arolza Asetri Aspesini Assey Avela Avella Avergia Averiana Avola Avolifori Avorni Avorta Baglia Baglin Bagusa Bampori Bampshia Barasori Bareggia Baria Baska Baso Batavonto Battorde Bena Beno Bento Bentonia Benza Berbolino Bergia Beria Bernolie Berra Bisi Bisiano Bito Bitonsali Bola Bolbia Bolfetta Boli Bolia Bolindria Brezia Bria Brigenza Brino Cafrezio Caglia Caglieno Cagolie Cagusee Cala Calabarpi Calan Cale Caleri Caletta Cali Camo Cana Caraci Carara Caraticce Caringto Caro Catavitto Cati Cato Catta Cegno Cerginana Cerrateno Chigenne Chigna Chigo Chio Chiresto Chirgia Chusee Cinoa Ciressee Cola Colahoma Colas Colingto Colorizo Comexas Comon Cona Conania Cone Conevana Consanona Consipari Cont Credo Creggini Cromata Cromino Crone Dellia Erandisso Erbo Erboli Ermo Erniani Erno Erra Erta Faententa Fana Fatansisi Fati Fatonza Ferti Fiugioemo Fiumisse Floggioca Florde Flork Florlinne Flornici Flourizo Flout Foggio Fola Foli Folingto Folza Fori Forignoia Forni Gachia Gamaste Geli Geni Gentona Genza Gevia Gevito Gioggia Gria Grigona Grinesi Hawara Hawaryla Idahome Idakota Ilandri Ilia Ilioemo Illina Imone Indriano Iocarmo Ioemo Ioemona Kania Kano Kena Keno Kento Labra Laska Lawa Leccarona Leglio Legno Lerbolza Lerratamo Lerugli Lesaveni Lesco Lesti Letts Lina Lorgia Lourina Lucky Maii Maina Mainia Maino Mano Mara Marano Marato Marevado Marotano Marsa Maska Maspernia Massi Mattandia Mexasto Micona Mila Mili Milleto Milvana Mina Mingalin Mino Misili Misouria Misse Mistvita Mode Modela Modenza Mola Molashia Mona Moncanza Moncolza Mone Montoisia Montoisse Montoremo Montucky Nania Nanicosee Nebrezia Nebrezio Nece Nesotani Nevani Nevaredo Neverno Newhamona Newhawara Newyoredo Nona Ohia Ohienza Ohine Ohioemini Ohioemo Okla Oklabaro Oklasse Olaho Olfettana Orde Ornia Orno Paguse Palarmola Palta Pania Panoli Panrenna Pavermona Pena Penan Pento Penza Periani Permo Pesas Pesasseni Pesce Pesci Peso Pessi Pesti Pezia Pezzon Piscas Piso Pissento Pissia Pomesetta Pomezzo Pomicolio Pomone Poremona Porina Porinorde Porle Pornia Porno Porthcala Pota Pozzona Prapalina Pria Prinia Racuse Rana Rani Rania Rareveni Rarolia Raterno Redo Rego Remo Remon Rena Renzia Resee Rhodenia Rian Rida Rila Rino Rolbia Rote Rotonzio Rovana Sacenza Sachindia Salaregna Salta Sashie Sassippia Saversa Savolano Scafra Scagro Scama Scarkana Scerano Scessa Scossarra Sili Sora Sota Sotanza Sylana Sylarote Sylvari Tampshino Tecti Tento Tenza Terno Terona Terrana Tersa Tesiena Tesork Ticcalta Trachiowa Tradua Travolza Tredo Trego Tremo Tria Trilliana Tuccenzia Tucky Turiano Udicci Udinano Uthda Uthdahoma Vara Varrati Vena Vencateri Venecti Veno Venta Ventona Ventura Veravela Veri Veria Verizo Vernia Viana Viara Vigenza Vigeornia Vigna Vigon Vigonapra Vire Viredo Viresi Viressey Virgali Virgia Vito Vitorta Vittah Vittamo Waii Waini Waino Waro Washina Wescare Wescia Wessili Westesso Wyome Wyomin Wyomolza Wyomonia Wyordela Wyorthca
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animaares · 3 months
Cuantos aquí hemos pagado por los pecados de un desconsiderado? Cuantas almas penan por errores ajenos? Me molesta suponer.
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phiadaislandrol · 3 months
Hoy en: preguntas idiotas de un anon idiota. ¿Qué leyes gobiernan Phiada? (ex: leyes japonesas, coreanas, taiwanesas, etc) ¿Tienen su propio gobierno? ¿hay presidente, rey, primer ministro? ¿se reconoce el matrimonio de mismo género y la unión civil?
¡Hola anon! Es un gobierno con su presidente. No obstante, este tipo de personajes no son jugables. Las leyes son las mismas que en cualquier país donde se reconocen todos los derechos y se penan las injusticias. Sin embargo, es un mundo ficticio, y no nos basamos totalmente en lo que ya conocemos en el mundo real, porque simplemente no sería ajustable del todo. Por supuesto hay cosas que no puedes/debes hacer ante los ojos de la ley, pero se aceptan personajes de todo tipo de alineamiento moral. Y sí, tu personaje puede estar casado con un personaje del mismo sexo.
¡Un saludo! 💙
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turisiancom · 5 months
TURISIAN.com - Penjabat Gubernur Jabar Bey Machmudin menandatangani Raperda APBD Jabar 2024 di kantor DPRD Jabar, Jalan Diponegoro, Kota Bandung, Rabu 15 November 2023. APBD Jabar 2024 disetujui oleh DPRD sebesar Rp36,79 triliun. Persetujuan ini disampaikan Pimpinan DPRD kepada forum dalam rapat paripurna beragenda Persetujuan Raperda APBD 2024 Menjadi Perda. Dalam pendapat akhirnya, Bey mengapresiasi dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pimpinan dan anggota Dewan atas kecermatan dan ketelitian dalam pembahasan Raperda APBD 2024. Kecermatan dan ketelitian para anggota Dewan pun tidak mengurangi kecepatan. Proses persetujuan Raperda menjadi Perda bisa diselesaikan lebih cepat dari batas akhir yaitu 30 November 2023. BACA JUGA: Ini Alasan Penumpang Memilih Bandara Kertajati Jawa Barat "Tentunya saya sangat mengapresiasi dan berterima kasih kepada DPRD Jabar dan persetujuan ini selesai lebih cepat 15 hari dari batas akhir yaitu 30 November 2023," sebut Bey. Dengan persetujuan Raperda, penggunaan APBD 2024 bisa mulai dilaksanakan secara efektif di awal tahun. "Jadi APBD 2024 akan mulai efektif dilaksanakan dari awal tahun 2024," katanya. Setelah Raperda 2024 ini disetujui tahap selanjutnya adalah evaluasi oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Yakni, untuk memastikan bahwa APBD disusun sesuai dengan RPD. BACA JUGA: Resmi Beroperasi, ASN Diminta Pakai Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat Termasuk kesesuaian dengan RKPD, KUA-PPAS. Serta ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. Belanja Operasional Sementara itu Struktur APBD 2024 meliputi, belanja daerah sebesar Rp36,79 triliun. Terdiri dari belanja operasional, belanja modal, belanja tidak terduga, dan belanja transfer. Kemudian target pendapatan daerah sebesar Rp35,92 triliun yang bersumber dari pendapatan asli daerah (PAD). Serta, pendapatan transfer dan lain-lain pendapatan daerah yang sah. BACA JUGA: Agrowisata Penan Paradise Segera Hadir Sebagai Wisata Edukasi Dengan demikian terdapat selisih kurang antara belanja daerah dengan pendapatan daerah sebesar Rp866,55 miliar yang harus ditutup melalui pembiayaan netto. Bey mengatakan, APBD 2024 akan difokuskan pada pembangunan di sektor pendidikan, kesehatan, dan infrastruktur. "Penggunaan annggaran terbesarnya untuk pendidikan, kesehatan dan infrastruktur," sebutnya. ***
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santiago-1996 · 5 months
Somos víctimas de nuestras malas decisiones somos almas que penan por amor .
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zurdito · 7 months
Cuidate | R2Anestesia.jmlv.
Empezare por el final diciendo que existen millones de estrellas. Vemos su luz aunque eso no quiere decir que sigan vivas. Ahora veo en este cielo más dudas y quedan muy pocas estrellas.
Cuando ella se sentó, el ya sabía que ocurría algo. Llevaba tiempo en preguntarle que estaba pasando pero evitar la obviedad había sido lo más fácil.
Ahora sin embargo, el observaba detenidamente su manera incómoda de hablar acerca de tonterías. Su manera de actuar era como si no ocurriera nada y estuvieran compartiendo una noche cualquiera.
-Quería hablar contigo- le dijo
-Estamos hablando- contestó el.
Creo que esto termino- dijo ella.
Lo soltó así. Se hizo un silencio demasiado largo. Demasiado pesado. Estaba claro que aquello no era una declaración que el esperaba. La persona con la que llevaba viviendo siete años estaba poniendo fin a todo ese tiempo.
-Y qué quieres decirme con eso?
-Nada. Eso.
Otro silencio. Largo. Agónico.
-Quién en es?
-Qué más da.
-Pero ¿quién es?
Hubo aún más silencio.
-No es verdad.
-Si, lo es.
-¿Cómo fue?
-Qué importa
-¡A mi si que me importa! - le grito.
Pensaba que como mínimo tenía derecho a conocer los detalles.
-Llevar todo estos años enamorado de ella, era lo único que pasaba por su mente. Sabía bien que había tenido errores. Ambos. Quizá. Pero la vida tiene eso, que los momentos pasan en una fracción de segundos, tal como una estrella fugaz. Vuelvo a las estrellas. A ella le fascinan.
El podía recitarle cada detalle de ella, la conocía mejor que nadie. No estaban casados, pero vivían una vida de casados. La juventud: hermosa pasión, tren que acelera sin parar. Dualidad. Dopamina, y serotonina. Caos. El yin y el yang. Dolor.
Tantas imágenes daban vuelta en su cabeza. No podía asimilar lo que acababa de escuchar.
Se levanto y le dijo que al menos no le mintiera.
—Pero si ha pasado.
-No puedo continuar como si esto fuera conmigo, contigo, con nosotros dos -dijo el.
—Hablemos en términos de amor, puedes empezar tú - agregó ella.
Sarcasmo ganas de herir, de irse muy lejos de ahí.
El con ganas de retroceder el tiempo. Sintió la urgencia de huir, de desaparecer con el viento que seguía rompiendo los silencios con aquella conversación.
Pero se quedó ahí de pie, frente a ella, la miraba en el sofá sin saber que decir o que hacer.
—Lo siento, lo siento mucho. No se que me paso, ni que ocurrió- terminó por mencionar ella.
Había tantos años, tantos recuerdos. Tantas fotografías. Tantas risas, tantos enojos. Tantos momentos. Locura y pasión. Toda una vida. No quedaban ya más palabras, solo silencio y el eclipse de la realidad partida.
Dicen por ahí: solo se pierde una vez al amor de tu vida. Aunque lo intentes la vida no da concesión para otro amor para otra vida. Lo que viene después está demás. No es lo mismo. Jamás. Nunca. Solo una vez.
De ahí en adelante con alguien más, te engañas, intentas convencerte, pero solo obtienes una pareja de vida. Ya no hay más locura. Solo estabilidad: sentimiento atroz que termina con los corazones salvajes. Idilios de una vida como el resto de almas que vagan y penan. Hijos. Trabajos. Responsabilidades.
-Dijiste que era el amor de tu vida. Soltó de repente el.
-Lo sé - alzando la voz dijo ella. —¿Cuándo empezaste a mentirme? -Nunca.
El amor puede terminar pero; /aunque podamos ocultar los recuerdos no podemos borrar la historia/.
Antes de cerrar la puerta le dijo lo que sentía. Se fue. Sintió cómo se le escapaba lo mejor de su vida. Ella.
Su olor, su cuerpo, la mezcla de colonia, su cabello rizado, su risa: sintonía capaz de darle vida en sus peores momentos.
Tardes de ocio. Hablar de todo, hablar de nada. Risas. Siestas. Complicidades.
Eso y más es con lo que el la recordará para siempre. Recuerdos de un amor que se esfuma. La vida cambia de prisa, en un instante. El punto final no implica cierre, sino pausa, como dormir, como tomar vacaciones. No es adiós, sino buenas noches.
Ella sentada en el sofá. Pasó página. Sabía que el podría estar lejos como una estrella y, sin embargo, presente en todos los lugares como esa luz que emanan las estrellas. Ambos siempre estarán en el mar, los veranos, los inviernos, la calles, las copas de los árboles, la lluvia, los lugares en los que se habían tomado de las manos todos esos años. Cuando una relación se rompe muere también con ella todo un idioma, una lengua de palabras inventadas, de dobles sentidos, sonidos, miradas y gestos compartidos. Un idioma único que pertenecía exclusivamente a esas dos personas y que nunca más se volverá a hablar.
Hace tiempo que te fuiste. Después que sucedió todo no supe más de ti. En fin no se que piensas de todo esto. De que haya pasado tanto tiempo ya.
Ahora me dirás eso de que soy un cínico. Y tendrías razón, no creas. Pero contigo todo era diferente. Se también que seguro ahora mismo estás dormida, posiblemente nada te inquieta yo estoy aquí ahogado en mis pensamientos, leyendo el dolor de otros para que se mezcle con el mío, así quizá, con tanto peso, con tanto cansancio, logre conciliar el sueño, mientras tú sigue durmiendo tranquila,
sigue viviendo tranquila y sonriendo. Cuídate. Ya llegará mi momento, o al menos, eso espero.
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