#pashto poetry
pashto-literature · 2 years
یار دصفت محتاجه نه دی
My love doesn't need compliments
پہ ګلابونو عطر چا شیندلې دينه
Who has ever sprayed perfume on roses?
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pukhtunistan · 1 year
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په دې ځمکه کې څومره خلک مشهور دی،
خو په آسمانونو کښې ناڅرګند دی.
او په دې ځمکه کې څومره ناڅرګند دی،
مګر په آسمانونو کې مشهور دی.
How many people are famous on this earth,
but unknown in the heavens.
And how many are unknown on this earth,
but famous in the heavens.
📸: Jake Simkin
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hil4l · 1 year
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Ma pata da pukhto pa rewajunu ka dildara
- beloved! cover me in the customs of pakhto
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pashtunology · 1 year
Women constitute the backbone of Pashtun society and social organisation. Their role is not only limited to home management, they have played a significant role in all fields throughout history. They have stood in the battlefield with men to defend the motherland and if we look into Pashto literature we find a significant contribution of women and their role in society.
Landey, Tapey and Naarey are three forms of unwritten Pashto folk literature, more than half of this fine and heart-rendering poetry is the work of women.
Landay is a traditional Afghan poetic form consisting of a single couplet. The most enchanting landey have been sung by Pashtun women in battlefields and during episodes of love, such as:
پاس په کمر ولاړه ګله!
نصیب د چا يې؟ اوبه زه در خېژومه
Oh flower on the mountain peak,
It is I who water you, God knows who would own you.
Pashtun women also used landey in the battlefield. We come across events in our national history where the singing of a single landey by a woman has proven to be more effective than weapons.
In the battle of Maiwand, when Pashtuns prepared to fight for their country, a Pashtun maiden proudly sent off her lover to the battlefield and dispatched this message to the commander of this patriotic war:
پر ایوب خان مې سلام وایه!
دا دئ جانان مې کومکي در ولېږنه
Convey my greetings to Ayub Khan,
I have sent off my lover to lend a hand.
When the young Pashtun returns triumphant from war, his lover greets him as such:
د خېره راغلې! په خېر راشې!
چې د دښمن په مخ کې خړ نه شوې مئينه
Welcome! Welcome home, thank God,
You were not humbled before the enemy.
[See photos for more landeys]
Other parts of folk literature are Naara in stories and Gharra in the national dance called Attan and Sundarey (songs) recited in weddings. Most of the Naaras and wedding songs have been authored by women. We’ll look into those in future posts. Stay tuned!
Artwork by minnamamik
Source: Prof Habibi articles
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Starge me dere, aw oledali
Ma da janan starge pa khob ke jarhawe na.
~ I have seen many eyes, but the eyes of my beloved make me weep in my dreams ~
Wajid Layaq
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my-urdu-soul · 2 years
په ګډا درته روان یم، زه هم پوهه يمه
تندٙکونه په هر ګام دی او کاڼی لا وریږی
میں تم تک رقص کرتا آرہا ہوں، جانتا ہوں
کہیں ٹھوکر لگے گی اور کبھی پتھر لگے گا
- سلمان حیدر
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leekunkay · 11 months
ده سر ده سترګو نه مې پناه يي,
ده زړه په سترګو دې هر وخت ديدن کومه.
Hidden from my sight,
Yet i see you within my heart.
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hermellowsoul · 1 year
تمہیں یاد کرنے کے اتنے عادی ہو گئے ہیں ہم, کے اب اگر ملجاؤ تو تمہارے ملجانے پر غم ہوگا.
I'm so accustomed of missing you, that even if I get you I'd be more upset of having you.
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seren-dpity · 5 months
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The struggles of the journey will be worth the destination, the river flows through mountains until it reaches the ocean.
-Sahib Shah Sabir
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all-at-seaa · 6 months
Sometimes we see love, but love doesn't see us.
Sometimes love accompanies us,but love doesn't recognise us.
Sometimes love comes and goes, as if it never came.
Often love leaves us, but its pain remains forever.
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pashto-literature · 4 months
ورځ دى تيره په شومۍ کړه شپه له خوابه
You've spent your day being greedy and your nights asleep,
خـــــداى به کــله يــــادوى خـــانه خــــرابه
Tell me O lost soul! When are you gonna remember your Lord?
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pukhtunistan · 1 year
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د هرې تیارې نه پس، هلته رڼا ده.
After every darkness, there is light.
📸: Jafar Mosavi
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hil4l · 1 year
منم چې ته د حسن د رنګونو باډيوه يی
منم چې ته د مينې د مستئ بله ډيوه يی
منم چې ستا په سترګو کې د نوې نشې اور دې
منم چې ستا په شونډو د سپرلي د خندا شور دې
منم چې ستا نازونه پرهرونه خندوي شي
منم چې اداګانې دې سپرلي لمبه کوي شي
منم چې ستا په زړه کې څه خبره څه قيصه ده
منم چې ستا زما نه څه خفګان دې څه ګيله ده
پوهېږم په غصه غصه کتلو دې پوهېږم
د سترګو د بڼو په خوزولو دې پوهېږم
زه هم څه ويل غواړم خو په زړه زړه کې يرېږم
د مخه دې شرمېږمه د سترګو دې شرمېږم
چې خوله جوړول غواړمه حيا راشي پيکه شم
په ځان پورې خندا راشي د ځان سره کچه شم
دا نه چې زه بې زړه يمه يرېږمه شرمېږم
دا نه چې زه بې مينې يم د مينې نه پټېږم
دا نه چې ستا د حسن په رنګونو بدګومان يم
دا نه چې ستا د مينې په لوظونو بدګومان يم
خو د ماحول د مينې د الفت دپاره نه دې
دا کلي د وطن د محبت دپاره نه دې
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pashtunology · 2 years
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"Awala wraz baachaa, bala wraz wazir, aw bala wraz da khawro khamir"
The cycle of life is joy, worry and death. A youth is considered free of worry and free to enjoy himself, such as a king should be. The mature man, like a Prime Minister, has the responsibilities and worries attendant upon administering a country.
Alternatively, it is about the untrustworthiness and changing scenarios of life.
The idiom used for death is literally "the yeast (leaven) of dirt" (khawro khamir). When Pashtuns make bread (nän), they leaven it by adding a little bit of yeast (khamir) kept back from the previous batch. In the picturesque language of this rhyming proverb, even the mighty king and wazir (minister) become khamir (yeast) that is added to the earth as part of the cycle of life.
This proverb reminds me of a couple of lines by Ghani Khan.
پرون تخم وم، نن ګل یم، سبا بیا به خاؤره کېږم
زه د باد یوه څپه یم، په صحـــــرا په باغ تېرېږم
"Yesterday a seed, today a flower, tomorrow I’ll turn to dust;
I am a gust of wind blowing over the desert garden"
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mythoughttherapy · 6 months
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—Ghani Khan
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uaravsh · 9 months
" Stargo da janan ke zma khkuly jahanoona di,
Wa dekhla dunia za oogay sta da dunia na yama."
"In my lover's eyes I have my beautiful worlds,
Take your world, I am not hungry for your world."
- Ghani Khan
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