#painful truth
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I think we can go ahead and draw a thick black line between what is ‘true’ and what is ‘popular’.
The two have never been further apart.
I swear, if such a thing were a venn diagram, ‘what is popular’ will sit nicely on your lap, and ‘the truth’ will be somewhere far out in outer space, orbiting one of Jupiter’s moons.
Let’s be clear…
What gets you likes, brand deals, lucrative financial return, and social media currency, is rarely correct, useful or productive.
And what is genuinely helpful information is often painful, boring, extraordinarily unpopular, buried beneath outrage and can put you on a one-way-ticket to cancel town.
This phenomenon is perhaps most pertinent within domestic violence advocacy.
Because did you know women and men are equally violent in dating and marital relationships?
Did you know there’s nearly four decades of evidence, and hundreds of studies proving it?
Did you know this research has routinely been hidden, or buried for political reasons, with their researchers all receiving death threats?
There it is, the nettle to be grabbed, the cactus to be sat upon…
It’s… the truth.
Just don’t say it too loud, because it could lead to your utter annihilation.
And when it comes to domestic violence – the constant betrayal of objective truth, is the betrayal of men and boys; millions and millions of who are left behind, locked out and excluded from support.
In the meantime, what’s popular prevails, and the truth is left to pick up the pieces.
So what kind of reality do you want to live in?
And what kind of truth will you dare speak of?
[1] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261543769_References_Examining_Assaults_by_Women_on_Their_Spouses_or_Male_Partners_An_Updated_Annotated_Bibliography
[2] https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2005.079020
[3] https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/67/ss/ss6711a1.htm
[4] https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/27/2/137
[5] https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.5042/jacpr.2010.0141/full/html
So, how will you derive the truth? By the data and evidence? Or by faith and adherence to an ideology?
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graxeprk · 4 months
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my creations
Painful Truth
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postersbykeith · 1 year
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hayley atwell is *really* somethin' else
so... something just hit me that's actually pretty fucking disturbing, and it's one of those things that, y'know, you feel is there, know in the back of your mind somewhere as something that is just kinda true by default, but once you become fully aware and CONSCIOUS of it
it definitely can't go away
the woman, that i just referred in this title. many people are aware of what she did, if not, here's a detailed list:
(1) Lucky Number 13 on Tumblr
if you don't feel like following the link, basically it boils down to hayley manipulating and encouraging her fans to promote hatred, bullying, harassment, all in peggy's name to help no one but herself, and harm a good chunk of the fandom as well as emily vancamp
HOWEVER, that's a bit beside the point right now.
it's not hard to come across diehards. stans, fanbois, whatever you wanna call them... but there's a frequent pattern with the way hers *specifically* are
the speech patterns are simple, there are spelling errors, certain things about defenses for her that are RIFE with YOUTH, that tell you outright, 'the person who made this is NOT a mature adult'
and you could argue, sure it might be trolls, just people who don't care about spelling (obviously, i'm not too careful with punctuation and shit), or even just adults who never fucking matured (that is ALWAYS an option!)
but the reality is that a majority of her fans, back then to now... were young girls to preteens to teens, and some boys who had crushes
that much is understandable, and some people who are adults currently were just never made aware of what she was doing
but it also makes you realize that these young fans are the most prone, most easily influenced, and most likely to not recognize the difference between reality and fiction, and jump at the chance of telling someone to hurt themselves if hayley outright gives the go ahead, which she did *amazingly* through her actions
and actions definitely spoke much louder than any words or reason in this scenario
even the ways in which other fans are attacked, it's not by someone who truly understands what they are doing. and no one who is of sane and sound mind that isn't a *child* pulls that kinda crap
so what does this mean?
it means we had, have, a fully grown adult woman, now pushing 40, who sat there, encouraged bullying, hatred, harassment, and worse.
among children...
and it hit me... and it fucking HURTS, because i already thought this lady was a monster, but this just makes it all so much fucking worse
because KIDS aren't gonna realize the harm they can end up doing, they're just following what someone they idealized told them to do, or signaled was 'okay' or even 'right'. but this fully, adult grown woman, outright LIED to, manipulated, and USED CHILDREN to cause HARM
and it reminds me a whole lot of some of the shit stormfront said on 'the boys'
'anger sells'
'you don't need 50 million people to love you, you need 5 million people fucking pissed'
'you have fans, i have soldiers'
how exactly is this supposed to be processed, because i'll be honest, i'm having a bit of trouble
i want to cry, i want to throw up, i want to scream because this is DISGUSTING, and it was already bad before but i still had some hope that *maybe* she would one day get the fuck over herself, apologize to emily and fans, and things would get just a little itty bit better
because i'm a fucking fool who always *wants* to HOPE
i don't think this woman has a moral compass
if she was willing to use KIDS as a means to an end and cause REAL harm... she deserves to be called out on it, and i won't stoop to her level and promote bullying and harm, but more people do need to know about what she did and stop supporting her
we all deserved a better peggy carter, or at LEAST one that wasn't willing to manipulate CHILDREN to cause so much HARM, and never utter a fucking word on the damage they did, that SHE caused.
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And there you have it, truthfully.
Words and Actions gotta match, Align them .
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animatormentata · 2 years
Breve storia della mia vita:
*me feeling the worst pain I’ve ever felt*
Also me not being able to feel anything after that and turning my emotions off. ^^
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p-crowds · 2 years
There were harsh messages (an unacceptable understatement, really) that I found in regard of a beautiful soul’s passing.
I merely tried to reason with them, asking whys, and do they need help.
But I must keep reminding myself, there are vile creatures without reason in the world we are currently living in.
Accept the truth.
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spiritual-loves · 5 months
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This is absolutely true. The sooner everyone realizes that, the better off we all will be.
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yeslordmyking · 1 year
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head,... [ Read devo thought and prayer for this Bible verse ]
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briseise · 3 months
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bdubs and his starter not cottage-core cottage. and bird roomies
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fairydrowning · 11 months
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– Alida Nugent, "You Don't Have to Like Me: Essays on Growing Up, Speaking Out, and Finding Feminism"
[TEXT ID: "You still crave lemonade, but the taste doesn’t satisfy you as much as it used to. You still crave summer, but sometimes you mean summer, five years ago. You remember your umbrella, you check up on people to see if they got home, you leave places early to go home and make toast." END ID]
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healingmaria · 2 years
Painful truth.
Which I always prefer but I have to admit that I may sometimes lose my mind when it's being revealed.
Still thank You God for the revelation.
This has a purpose, I believe and I know that you will reveal it someday.
Help me make the most out of it Lord. I want to serve you.
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attackoneyebrows · 1 year
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she loves you so much more than her own life. (x)
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animatormentata · 3 months
It’s hard to lose a chosen one
-Sia Elastic Heart
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some-mari-thoughts · 7 days
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Room full of broken things
Static world in one of it's early stages, and Mari exhausting herself for a while. She'll get back to action, obviously. But it is especially hard sometimes
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