#pagen witch
0witchy-bitch3 · 2 years
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More solstice tea! This time an iced mint, lemongrass and citrus green tea. Perfect Litha drink to accompany some computer work in the garden 🍊🍵💛
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thethunderbirbxd · 10 months
My reality shifting spell ingredients list and spell deep dive.
Per request on discord. I'm gonna be putting a list of the herbs that I use for my spells relating to reality shifting as well as going over the ways I perform them
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This is going to be a long post Keep that in mind and some of the grammar might be funky.
For the record I am not at all an expert witch So unfortunately I do not have the answers for everything. This is a guide of what I know so far about this spell since it's only like a year and a half old.
Before this begins, I want to preface that I recommend you do your research before adapting any of these spells. Although I call this deep dive I purposefully left out information to make it more consumable for people who are new at this and this would have been a mile long otherwise. Again, I highly recommend you do your own research so you can understand it much better than how I already put it in this post. These signs, you might figure out other things that you can put in the spells.
I also went into more detail on some parts more than others such as the herbs being more detailed than probably the rest of the post.
Good luck and hope this helps ya'll!
The Main Herbs
• Salt
I often use salt as a base for protection. Salt is the first thing I have to put it. Any assault should do, but I often like sea salt and Himalayan salt, but table salt is perfectly fine to use. Black salt may also work in this circumstance.
• Lavender
Lavender is often used as psychic enhancer. Often helping in meditation and dream work. I use it to help reinforce the protection of the salt. It is a very common herb that often aids with dreams. It is also good for cleansing. And anxiety for when you're shifting.
• Rose Petals.
Though often used in love spells, they did have other uses. I use them to add sweetness to this spell as well As to attract self-confidence.
(just to make you feel like THAT MOTHER FUCKING BITCH when shifting)
I most of the time use dried Rose petals. But regular rose petals Should work as well.
You can write runes on them if need be or just leave them as is. As for color, it's your choice. But when I can I choose yellow as to represent travel. I've just been using what I can find, which are pink and red roses.
• Rosemary
Rosemary is also an herb that's known for its protection and dream work. But it also has heavy associations with memory. In the way I use it It's for clarity as well as keeping and ATTRACTING memories from your DRs.
(I found out that last bit the hard way)
• Mint
As for this hurb, I use it for its travel symbolism. It will promote your successful and safe travel. Though it seems its associations with money are more prevalent in the everyday. It is also known for its amazing luck and success. This earth will be very useful with inducean your Successful journey.
• Star Anise
This herb is the main bulk of the spell due to it's various abilities it has for this particular spell. It covers almost all cylinders when it comes to this spell and is known as a Spell enhancer Meaning that it heightens the strength of one spells. It promotes And creates vivid dreams Including Lucid dreams and make it easier to remember them. It can heighten your psychic abilities, clarity, and awareness. Works amazingly with Divination. It can also potentially help with connecting with others from your DRs due to its property of also being able to connect with spirit guides and other such things.(So if you do channeling this should be a major help) It also Provides a lot of protection to boot.
One full star is usually enough, but feel free to add 2 or 3 more.
I'll be providing visual examples Down here V
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My Other Ingredients
These are the Thanks I add Regularly to this spell.
• Two Sigil bay leaves
The first Leaf
Skip to The 2nd leaf If you don't work with any Guides Or Entities.
First ask your Ditties or guides that you think you can help with this. If they agree to help you write their sigil on the bay leaf. For example one of the gods I work with is Hecate.
Doing deity work is in fact a lot of work. You don't have to work with anyone for this spell.
If you don't already work with any Deities or guides you can just go with the second option which is....
The Second Leaf
For the second bay leaf I write the Shifting symbol on one side and on the other I write.
"I am (Insert DRself Name) and I have shifted to (Insert DR)."
For example...
"I am Vesper Córvido and I have shifted to My hero academia."
After I set up both leaves amd I burn both In a pot, bowl, or bucket To activate them.. It is fine if there are remaining Bits of leaves and I'll explain why later. You can also substitute the bay leaves for paper or rose petals.
(Be safe around fire there are other ways to activate them!) Such as...
Breathing on them.
Speaking intention over them
Anointing oil on them
• Boosting oil
This is optional and you can substitute it for a other things.
I made my own boosting oil that I use with every spell. If you do decide to make it just know that it's a lengthy process. The ingredients for this is.
• Vegetable oil-(But any cooking oil should be fine)
• Lavender
• Coffee grounds
• Mint
And I had it ferment for a month, so all the things would be infused into the oil, and I filtered it out later.
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Ways one can perform the spell
You can potentially do this spell in any way that you can easily do so. The three of these techniques here I did myself Before you do any of these however be sure to protect within your home and around the space that you're making this spell, as well as cleanse your tools and ingredients. There are millions of ways of cleansing that you can look up. I often use incents.
Also, for all of these, I recommend putting on subliminals and/or saying affirmations while performing these.
• Candle spell
For candle spells, I recommend the following colors...
•Purple - Wisdom & Psychic Gifts +
•Yellow - Travel & Joy +
•White - Purity & Unity + (Because white is also made up of all colors, it can be used interchangeably for any candle you need)
•Black - Protection & Removing negativity +
•Blue - Communication and intuition +
Before you do anything with the candle You can crush up the herbs To prepare for the next steps.
After obtaining your candle (I recommend candlesticks, but T lights or container candles should work), you can carve any sigils, affirmations, or the shifting symbol Into the candle.
After that anoint Your candle with oil and cover it with the herbs Then slightly melt the bottom and stick it to a plate or anything that you're containing this in I'd recommend a plate that you think can withstand heat or Cookie pan. After planting it within the center circle it with salt. I usually contain it within a pentacle.
Then use any leftover herbs that you used to cover the candle and spread it about the circle as well as within it. At the base of the candle sit down the baileys or note. It is optional to have the the leaves burned or not burned beforehand.
After that Light the candle with intention And let it burn. For me during the process of burning I'd like to see how the flame and candle react during the process as a form of divination and possible messages I can use. You never know what you can you just gotta know where to look.
When The candle is done burning You can look around the dish and use divination to see if there's any signs for your journeys or any repeating symbols.
As for disposal you can Contain the herbs for later use or return both the wax Add herbs to nature. But if you're not sure if the wax is plastic based you can contain it for later use.
My notes
1st thing to mention with this It's to be safe around fire. 1st time I did this it went insane and cracked it's candle holder in half. As for results I got a major memory And accidentally went into the void state with that. They'll be story times about both of these at a later date.
• Spell jars
The perks of having a spell jar are having a physical object to carry around with you and meditate on.
You'll need some type of food container like a bottle or in most cases a jar There are places online to get them for cheap or you can go to Craft stores. After cleansing it You can put all your herbs in it. Personally I'd like Lairing them like...
•Rose Petals
•Star Anise
Then, take your activated bay leaves or paper and crumple/fold it up It in the jar. And it's at this point that I would put drops of my boosting oil into it. As for the next step Make sure the jar is properly sealed. Then take a candle of your Choosing and light the candle melt the wax unto the jar make sure it's sealed tight.
My notes
Very useful For when you're on a road trip and you're trying to hide it. During Spring vacation A while back I did the julia with this in my hand. My body proceeded to fist like a soda but Before anything else can happen my little brother woke me up.
• Charm bag
Much more beginner friendly and is much less fire intensive With Bay leaves. You can refresh this spell when you need without having to dispose of everything. I You can put items in such as crystals and jewelry that you Want to charm for shifting. For example I put A large clear quartz that looked like it had a lightning Bolt in it.
Take a string pouch. You can also get these online or craft stores. After cleansing it, just pour in each herb, but you can also grind them before this. Then, put your bay leaves or paper into the pouch along with your items that you want to charm. You can meditate over it to activate it. You can also shake it around and mix all the herbs together within the bag.
My notes
This one had the Quickest results the first time I made it. I made it off of a whim I had put in extra star anise Crushing up one and put it in two hole ones and I had only gotten that crystal that day. I had set the bag next to me that night. The result was that very same night Me getting a memory from my DR in a dream And it was the most vivid vision I had ever seen. In fact this is the Koji Kode of memory I was talking about before in one of my last posts.
I'll be linking it here When I posted!
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If you made it this far Thank you so much for reading and I hope this helps you! If you do decide to do this spell commit your results or put it in the asks. That memory post will be coming soon! Good luck shifting!
blessed be<3
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bluthunderer-blog · 1 year
As a baby pagen witch with adhd, does anyone have any tips or practices I could lean from that a, I can easily do at least once a day, and b, does something that at least tricks my caffeine addicted brain that I did something instead of just standing there feeling as though nothing is happening? Thx
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mrsmothmom · 7 months
not sure how to get started with magic? 🤔 check out my latest youtube video for some tips and tricks!
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twisted-tales-told · 6 months
I know like nothing about witchcraft stuff, but uh what are like the basics? What do you believe, celebrate, worship that kind of stuff
This is such a nice question!!
This will be a long post but I’m not putting it below a cut because I am lazy
So I’m a folk practitioner, which basically means I work with nature and do a lot more mundane things than a lot of other witchcraft/pagan practitioners (ceremonialists, wiccans etc). Folk practitioners through history have been mostly peasants & lower class people as they didn’t have access to rich spices and objects, they had the herbs growing in their yard and what was at the local market.
I am also what is called an “animist” which means I believe basically everything has a spirit. I think everything has energy and we as people can interact with that energy. I don’t know if youve seen doctor who but it’s kinda like this scene
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We can interact with that energy & move it around & stuff!
Im not a big fan of the word aura for this reason because it implies only humans have this energy, when really it’s everything. Thats why witchcraft practitioners use tools! They carry energy we don’t, and we can ask them to help us.
I’ve had insane experiences working with herbs that I can’t describe any other way. Like holding lavender can calm my panic attacks immediately, and how I can feel that some of my favourite trees are happy to see me too when I visit them.
As for the basics, I always advise those wanting to begin to practice any sort of spiritual practice/discipline is to get to know the energy of their home. This will be the easiest thing to start! Does your house feel different with all the windows open? If you light incense or practices any “cleansing” method (sending away energy—can be done after having annoying company, a fight with a loved one, or anytime really) does it feel as though it’s easier to breathe in the space?
I also read tarot, which is my day job and what I hope to continue doing on the side throughout any other careers I hold. Tarot cards are complicated, their history is quite interesting but for now I’ll explain it as a method of communicating with spirits, your unconscious mind, and any other energies around you.
I also feel the need to explain the word energy here, because a lot of people don’t understand what I mean when I say I work with energy. To me, it means the same thing as calling myself a gardener. Plants grow everywhere in nature, but MY garden is something I’ve cultivated and built using tools and seeds to grow what I want. Working with energy feels like this to me.
I work with the energy of my morning coffee or tea to set my intentions for the day—the spices are the “garden” and I am the gardener. The spices all do different things, and I am cultivating them the way I want.
I also do some deity work (I won’t lie I have been lacking recently, as life has gotten very insane and I have not had the time to cultivate the same offerings I would normally want to do) and this is normally with the Irish goddess Brigid. She’s the goddess of poetry, healing, and blacksmithing. She’s quite a lovely deity to work with, but any sort of deity work is not for beginners, and I advise waiting at least a year into your practice as to adjust to the feelings of interacting with different day to day energies (plants, people, spirits etc.) first.
Okay this has been super long and as you can see I love talking about my practice so feel free everyone to send follow up questions
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lostkitty420 · 2 years
Well witches it's the first days of mabon, and I am unprepared and have no pie. Last year I really peaked on my mabon pie skills and this year I WAS aiming for a besom (a broom) but today is looking like it won't have room for sticks. 💔 pretty sad but we do have till the 24th. So in lew of a well written and informative pagen post on mabon I instead give you these amazing bobs burgers tarot cards.
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Art by Emmy Vanorman
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"A witch’s brew for two."
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highladyweasley · 9 months
Can someone on the witchy side of tumblr explain why both of my cats viscously attack my protective eye bracelet? Because one of them is the sweetest calmest little stinker in the world and the other is an absolute hellion but BOTH OF THEM absolutely despise my protection bracelet.
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whalesintheaurora · 2 months
Made my own language for my book!
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itsjustfire4 · 1 month
Ya’ll Hermes has been hiding my digital pen from me for DAYS so i cant do my art on my ipad. Like. Mf. WHAT DO I HAVE TO OFFER YOU TO GIVE ME MY SHIT BACK‼️‼️‼️
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sincityriddler · 7 months
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Happy Fall Equinox! Time for the days to start getting shorter and for the weather to start turning. The cooler weather is always welcome after the hot summer we have where I live. I did a tarot pull this morning of two cards. I got "The Devil" and the "Ace of Cups". Two different meaning cards but it does seem both are pointing me in the same direction.
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0witchy-bitch3 · 2 years
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✨🌸 To celebrate Earth day I took a couple pictures of the golden plumb blossom in my grandparents garden. With hope we should get a very good harvest. The tree itself is so heavy with flowers it looks like its come out of a fairytale. Blessed Earth day to anyone seeing this 🌍🌿
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pomegranatehymns · 2 years
So I’m gonna make a little bio to pin to my blog!
Hi I’m Taylor, I’m 19 and a Leo.
I’m joining the U.S Air-Force and I start BMT Sep. 6 2022. (Edit: sprained my ankle so didn’t ship sep. 6th :(( ) (another edit: start bmt nov. 29.)
I use They/them fae/faer one/ones pronouns and I’m open to most neo pronouns. I’m a non-binary lesbian and lean more trans masc /butch.
Also I’m a Hellenic polytheist. And this blog is focused on that. <3
My zodiac stuff is this if ur curious:
Leo Sun, Capricorn rising, Aquarius moon.
I’m a Worshipper of Persephone, Haides , Apollon, and Dionysus
I just want a cottagecore GF, like seriously being single is lame lol.
DNI if you are transphobic, homophobic, queerphobic in any way, are a terf, pedo/MAP, ect. Dni if ur a crypto or nft bro.
DNI if you are a pro shipper or are into that kinda stuff.
All LGBTQ+ people are welcome on my blog!!
I normally talk about witchy stuff on this blog but I post random stuff like art on my newgrounds (and now insta) and my @ is GhostBotMellow
My Pinterest blog for the Theoi and my collages I make:
i now have a side blog for my art and whatever fandom I’m in :)  @sad-coco-pebbles 
@pomehymns-grimoire is my resource blog <3
Edit 2:
I am now PomegranateHymns my former blog name was GhostBotMellow
Pfp by ooneithoo on deviantART
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browneyedbabe94 · 9 months
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Feeling witchy
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mrsmothmom · 9 months
is wicca really ancient? 🤔
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twisted-tales-told · 6 months
hi arik!! where did you go to learn more about doing tarot? I have a deck already but don’t know the best way to use it!
Ohmygod the day has finally arrived
I feel so proud of u and honoured you’re coming to me!!
Okay first of all TELL ME WHAT DECK IT IS I WANNA SEEEEE (u don’t have to come off anon u can just tell me the name)
Second of all, Tarot is 50% learning the meanings of the card and 50% getting to know your deck & intuition.
For example, these cards have concrete definitions, but when you’re doing your reading, I would recommend taking a moment to study the cards, see what jumps out in the image for you. Maybe it would be the hand of the magician being raised, like an eager student. Or maybe you would see it as angry, the hand is reaching up in order to Stand Up. Either way, the magician represents power and seeking power.
After you do this, build on it by reading the definition.
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This is how I learned!! I’d say it took me a year to really learn the meanings off by heart!
OH! And each “suit” follows a very similar storyline. Ace is the new, fresh start. Up until around 5 is growth, then 5 is a fall, and then a rebuilding. There are exceptions to this of course!! Ten of cups is blissful happiness whereas ten of wands is very heavy energy, but generally they do follow a similar path.
I wish you the absolute best time with tarot it’s truly so much fun and such a useful & cool hobby.
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