#pablo hasel
orionkeeff · 2 years
Estoy llorando o mis ángeles tienen goteras.
Perdonmeequivoquedeplaneta-pablo hasel
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jartitameteneis · 9 months
Mañana el ladrón y putero de Juan Carlos I regresa a España sin ser juzgado. Mientras, Pablo Hasel cumple 30 meses en prisión por rapear que los Borbones son unos ladrones y le han comunicado que no saldrá de la cárcel hasta 2027.
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Today [June 28th 2022], the young people of Altsasu have been in prison for 2050 days due to a bar brawl, rapper Pablo Hasel has been 500 days in prison for rapping against the royal family. Meanwhile, Juan Carlos I has been on a private island in Abu Dhabi for 2 years and came back to Spain among clappings.
Spain never fails to disappoint.
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soldan56 · 1 year
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In manette e circondato da 6 agenti, è un cantante. si chiama Pablo Hasel. la sua colpa? aver cantato che il re Juan Carlos dei borboni è un corrotto. solo una banale verità. https://twitter.com/AlbanoDante76/status/1595477013585969161
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carabanchelnet · 2 months
HASEL 3 AÑOS |Esta semana el rapero Pablo Hasel cumple 3 años en prisión. Mientras, Bárcenas en libertad por "reinserción" trabajando como contable del grupo Taburete de su hijo Willy Bárcenas llevándose adjudicaciones millonarias de conciertos con ayuntamientos del PP Video publicado por Fonsi Loaiza @FonsiLoaiza
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jaumesclub · 6 months
⏰567 #UnHome10 Gravat en directe el Dimecres, 8 de Novembre de 2023!!! Aquest cop, "Un home 10" ens sorprèn amb un episodi carregat de contingut trepidant. El carismàtic i no menys atractiu Jau Fibla ens brinda una experiència única per a tota l'audiència. 🎙️📺 Comencem repassant el santoral, el temps i els dies internacionals! avui celebrem el dia Internacional de la radiologia, l'urbanisme i la solidaritat intersexual, així com el "dia sense wi-fi." 🗓️⭐ Avui fa anys Alain Delon, 88 anys d'una icona del cinema. 🎉🎂 Tornant a assumptes actuals, parlem sobre la "bandera del pollastre," que ha ressorgit en les recents protestes de l'ultra dreta. Es publiquen per fi les memòries fascinants de Barbra Streisand que segur captivaran als seus fans. 📖🌟 El Barça sembla que travessa un mal moment. Què li passa al Barça? en parlem un xic. ⚽ Pablo Hasel, reconegut per la seva música i la seva veu activista, ha publicat un llibre de poemes des de la presó.📚✊ Finalment, l'episodi aborda temes més greus, com el conflicte a Gaza i les preocupants tendències feixistes que sorgeixen a Espanya. Són temes importants que requereixen atenció i reflexió, i ningú més atent i reflexiu que en Jau. ☮️🌍 No us perdeu aquesta emocionant entrega d'Un home 10! I recordeu, com sempre, que la vostra interacció és essencial. Subscriviu-vos, deixeu un like, compartiu el vídeo amb els vostres amics o enemics i deixeu algún comentari, la vostra participació ens ajuda moltíssim a millorar el programa! 🤗📺✨
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Autor del artículo: Andrés Hombría Más artículos del autor: ♦ El efecto mariposa ♦ ¡Que paren este país que me bajo! ♦ Afganistán, o la diferencia entre intervenir e invadir ♦ Pablo Hasel, Isabel Medina, Maximilien Robespierre ♦ Desigualdad y escena politica♦ Panorama sobre la desigualdad♦ Palestina seis años después, parte II♦ Palestina seis años […]GUERRA Y PAZ (PARTE 1ª)
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nerock · 2 years
Si el incendio de tus ojos me hipnotiza ... Pablo Hasel
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16th February, 2021. [Video: Pablo Hasél being arrested by policemen and taken inside a police car while he shouts “mai ens aturaran, mai ens callaran, mort a l’estat feixista! mort a l’estat feixista!”, which means “they will never stop us, they will never shut us up, death to the fascist state! death to the fascist state!” in the Catalan language]
The rap singer from Lleida (Catalonia) Pablo Hasél being arrested for the lyrics of his songs and the content of his tweets. He has been sentenced to 2 years, 4 months and 15 days of prison for “glorifying terrorism” and “insulting the [Spanish] monarchy” according to the Spanish judicial system.
He refused to turn himself in, and instead locked himself with comrades who showed up inside the University of Lleida, as they barricaded the doors and people blocked the access of the policemen in solidarity. After 2 hours displacing the protestors, the anti-riot police accessed the third floor, where Hasél was, and took him directly to prison.
Spain is the country in the world with the most artists sentenced to jail (source: The state of artistic freedom 2020, FreeMuse).
More than Turkey, more than Iran, more than China. Spain, and disproportionately national minorities (Catalans and Basques). And the European Union allows it.
In Spain, you can go on TV and openly give support to fascism, you can send death threats to people from national minorities and/or political dissidents, you can do the fascist salute on the streets and shout “viva Franco” and “arriba España” while circling cultural centres of national minorities (mostly Catalans and Basques) and calling for the need to “shed their blood”, the Spanish army can call for the execution of 26 million citizens ... but you cannot take a stand against the Spanish monarchy (remember Josep Valtònyc is still on exile for having said “the Bourbons [dynasty of the Spanish monarchy] are thieves”) and wish them the guillotine.
People like Pablo Hasél and Valtònyc were not even famous when they released these “criminal” songs, they were just people like any other, with access to internet and something to say. Spain came for them like it can come for any of us, like it came for our parents and grandparents. Like they came for Adri, for Tamara Carrasco, for the Altsasua boys, for Dani Gallardo, for Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sànchez, for our democratically-elected government still in jail and exile, for everyone arrested and threatened and beaten by the police in strikes and demonstrations, for the people who tweeted jokes about the death of Carrero Blanco (the fascist admiral who could’ve been Franco’s successor as fascist dictator if he had not been killed by ETA), for the people who posted on Facebook comments against the Spanish police’s brutality on Catalan people... People like you, people like me.
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carloskaplan · 3 years
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radicalgraff · 3 years
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“Free Pablo Hasél”
Stencil painted on the Spanish Embassy in Prague during a protest in support of Pablo Hasél, a left-wing rapper sentenced to 9 months in prison for insulting the Spanish monarchy and making social media posts in support of GRAPO, a communist urban-guerilla group active in Spain from 1975 - 2006.
His arrest on 16 February 2021 sparked days of protests and riots across Spain.
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viejospellejos · 3 years
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Fuente: @lasexta
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mantecadodecoco · 3 years
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-Pablo Hasél.
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ferranhumor · 3 years
Asuntos internos
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