#overweight are unhealthy. it all depends on whats causing the weight gain and how much there is
How Vegetarians lose weight
How Vegetarians lose weight
Becoming vegetarian doesn’t mean you’ll lose weight. It all depends on what you feed your stomach with and what you do to your body. However, Due to you refraining from eating meat, you have the added benefit of your body not needing to deal with the toxins, antibiotic residues, and bacteria (like E.coli) coming from meat. So this is one of the ways of how vegetarians lose weight. Follow the tips below for additional ways you should lose weight more easily. Vegetarian Weight Loss Tip #1 – Skip No Meals When you feel hungry and still skip a meal, say breakfast, your body will go into starvation mode. During starvation, your body will slow down its metabolic rate to conserve energy until you replenish your body with food supply. By lunch, you start to eat. But because your metabolism is running so slow, your body can only metabolize that many calories for energy use, leaving the huge remaining calories to be stored as fat. That’s why skipping meals doesn't work to your benefit and will cause you to gain weight more easily instead of losing it. Vegetarian Weight Loss Tip #2 – Eat More Meals per day Eating more meals in a day but in smaller portion sizes keeps your body metabolically active throughout the day because of the continuous intake of food gradually over time. Unlike the more common 3 meals a day of getting a boost of energy from food in one large meal each from breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Ideally, the number of vegetarian meals for effective weight loss is five - 6. Ideally, you want to have breakfast, then a morning snack, then lunch, then an afternoon snack, and then dinner. Your meals should comprise high-fiber foods loaded with complex-carbohydrate so you won’t feel hungry so fast and easily. Vegetarian Weight Loss #3 – Quit Sugars Sugar is one of the biggest culprits that cause vegetarians and others to get fat. This explains why you currently see more and more overweight vegetarians today. This also proves you becoming a vegetarian doesn’t guarantee that you will stay slim. It depends on the type of vegetarian foods you eat and how you stay active. That being said, try to eliminate as much refined sugar as possible. Imagine eating those vegetarian weight loss foods, on the other hand, still ingesting weight gain foods. You lose nothing. Adding more fibrous vegetarian foods, should help in alleviating your cravings for sugar instantly and can assist in helping you to lose weight more easily. Vegetarian Weight Loss #4 – Try Not To Overeat. As with most people, overeating makes you feel uncomfortable. But a common problem with many people, even vegetarians is they only realize they become 80 or even 100% full 10 – 20 minutes after they finished eating. That’s because your stomach needs about 10 – 20 minutes to tell your brain your satiety level. So when you eat, try to take 1 -2 minute breaks to help with digestion which may also help in signaling to you when you are becoming full. This way, you’ll find yourself getting no more than 70% full. To avoid wasting food, always try to take smaller portions and go back for more if needed. Weight Loss Vegetarian Tip #5 – Drink Zero Calories No beverages beat water when it comes to stimulating your metabolism and helping you lose more body fat. Try to incorporate drinking more water throughout your day instead of other unhealthy beverages like soda etc. A suggestion is to start drinking 1/2 a glass for the first 2 days, then increase to one glass every couple of days, and so on. After 1 to 2 weeks, you should be able to replace your unhealthy beverages with just plain water. If you can add these changes to your daily routine, you will be well on your way to dropping some extra pounds. Vegetarian Weight Loss #6 – Active Rest During Exercising A study conducted on cycling shows that interval cycling burns fat more than cycling at a steady pace. What does it mean? When you cycle fast, then slow down for “active rest” and then speed up again, your metabolism will get boosted. The same thing applies to any interval training. So long as you don’t stay at a steady pace as in cardio, you’ll lose weight more easily and quickly. Vegetarian Weight Loss #7 – Sleep to Lose Weight Sleeping doesn’t necessarily help you lose fat. The key lies in quality. Some people sleep too long and gain weight, whereas some sleep too short and gain weight too. You should sleep the number of hours you need and make sure you really get into a deep sleep in order to achieve the best sleep quality for optimum weight loss. These are just appetizers for you to lose weight the vegetarian way, but they’re enough to let you see some stunning results in the next couple of weeks. Additional weight loss tips can be found here. Read the full article
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tasmanianstripes · 3 years
You know, for people who love to insist being fat is an illness, fatphobes sure do love harassing the supposedly ill people. I mean, we already know it's just an excuse to be a disappointing waste of space but it still says a lot about your morality when you have 0 issues with harassing people for their illness.
"BuT tHeY'vE cAuSeD iT tHeMsElVeS!"
And smokers caused their own cancer but if you went up to a fucking cancer patient just to call them horrible names you'd still be a fucking dick.
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vavuska · 4 years
AUGUST 9, 2020
Body positivity and false myths about health.
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Today, the revered ideal body consists of a tall, slender physique known as the thin-ideal. This idealized image that has been constructed by the media via magazines, movies and advertising campaigns is having adverse effects on the lives of many women, such that more than half of the women are troubled by certain aspects of their appearance and are not accepting of their bodies as a whole. The preoccupation or obsession with their physical appearance has trapped Western women into subscribing to unhealthy narratives such as "I must be thin to be accepted and loved", "A thin body will make me happy", "Dieting will help me lose weight" or "Thinness equals beauty". These nagging voices often overrun women's lives and are linked to various psychological disturbances such as depression, eating disorders, anxieties, countless addictions, BDD, as well as low self-esteem (Rieves & Cash, 1996), relationship difficulties, and sexual dysfunctions (Dworkin & Kerr, 1987).
In addition to noting that people with perceived obesity (again, not medically diagnosed, just perceived) will experience microaggression, bullying, discrimination in housing, employment, education, and healthcare, Phelan notes that their interactions with healthcare professionals is directly affected by size bias.
In these studies by the Mayo Clinic, primary care physicians reported spending less time with obese patients, less communication, and open belief in stereotypes: this patient is lazy, undisciplined, and less likely to adhere to medical advice.
These negative interactions statistically raise a patient’s chances to: delay cancer screenings and routine care, avoid routine check ups, and are more likely to have unreported diagnostic errors.
This isn’t healthy. This isn’t saving or changing any lives. This is having the opposite effect, and it is happening precisely in the places where we are suppose to be receiving “help.”
What is body positivity?
Body Positivity is a social movement rooted in the belief that all human beings should have a positive body image, in doing so it challenges the ways in which society presents and views the physical body. The movement advocates the acceptance of all bodies no matter the form, size, or appearance.
I personally like the 4 Principles of Body Positivity conceptualized by Body Positivity Activist:
ACCEPTANCE OF WHAT IS: Our bodies as is (healthy, sick, skinny, fat, missing a leg, cancer survivors, and black, white, purple, blue and everything else,) deserve respect, visibility, acceptance and have intrinsic value.
REJECTION OF “BEAUTY” STANDARDS: Body-shaming of all types has been shown to yield detrimental long-term psychological effects such as negative body image, depression, anxiety, and a multitude of eating disorders. It serves no benefits, so we reject it entirely.
ACCEPTANCE OF CHANGE: Changes to our bodies—sickness, ailments, aging, pregnancy, surgery, accidents/trauma, putting on weight, losing weight, ALL of it—should be accepted, and should not diminish the value, respect, visibility of our bodies.
TOTAL INCLUSIVITY: Body positivity is inclusive of all bodies, not just those considered to be “fat” or obese,considering most humans are socialized to have negative perceptions of their bodies.
In short, body positivity and its principles are about acceptance, inclusivity, and respect. First aspect to notice: these are all social ideas, not medical ones. Why naysayers of body positivity consistently bring up the promotion of obesity when fat bodies are displayed is a mystery to me.
The second aspect of its definition one must notice: body positivity does not “promote” any body type. It is simply stating that all body types have intrinsic value. We certainly agree with this as a society. If you intentionally hurt someone’s body--again, regardless of the look, age, or state of that body--we consider that a crime. Body positivity simply concurs with this logic.
Lastly, body positivity by definition does not purport that evolution, change, and/or a healthy lifestyle is unacceptable. You can be body positive and be healthy. In fact, body positivity promotes taking care of yourself.
1 - “Your weight is entirely within your control, you are just being lazy”
As a random guy wrote on Facebook: “Body positivity is appreciating things that are beyond your control, like the colour of your eyes, skin colour, hair texture, height, etc. Weight is entirely within your control...if you eat a lot, you will get fat. Body positivity enables gluttony which is a slap to the face for underprivileged people everywhere in the world.”
That's not entirely true: gaing wight could be caused by hormones (pregnancy, menopause, ecc), genetics (for e.g. Peter Will syndrome) other medical condition linked to endocrines such as Cushing's syndrome or a malfunction of thyroid (hypothyroidism).
The involvement of genetic factors in the development of obesity is estimated to be 40–70%. Some of these obesogenic or leptogenic genes may influence obese individuals response to weight loss or weight management.
To date, more than 400 different genes have been implicated in the causes of overweight or obesity, although only a handful appear to be major players. Genes contribute to the causes of obesity in many ways, by affecting appetite, satiety (the sense of fullness), metabolism, food cravings, body-fat distribution, and the tendency to use eating as a way to cope with stress.
The strength of the genetic influence on weight disorders varies quite a bit from person to person. Research suggests that for some people, genes account for just 25% of the predisposition to be overweight, while for others the genetic influence is as high as 70% to 80%.
Obesity or overweight is not concerned about gluttony. It could depend on a lot of factors: physical and psychological. It is proved that people with depression or anxiety may experience weight gain or weight loss due to their condition or the medications that treat them. Depression and anxiety can both be associated with overeating, poor food choices, and a more sedentary lifestyle. Over time, weight gain may eventually lead to obesity.
Body positivity is about being conformable in our skins. Appreciating what we are and what we have. Body positivity does not promote any form of body, differently of what our media do.
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2 — “You cold loose some weight, if you put in some dedication”
This one deleted the previous comment in which he used abused, starving people in Auschwitz to promote a diet, but I have his second one: “I meant that the problem with losing weight is just calories you eat vs calories you burn, of course the amount of calories you burn depend on hormones and a lot of other things. However, everyone can burn more calories by exercising. The Auschwitz prisoners were just an example that it is possible to lose weight, no matter the circumstances, if you REALLY put your mind to it. How you go about increasing the gap between the calories you consume and the ones you burn is up to you. Also, long term, even a 100kcal deficit per day can help you lose weight. You dont have to starve yourself to lose weight.”
Loosing weight is not always a good thing and it is not as easy like those people think.
Muscle does weigh more than fat because it is a denser product. On average, the density of fat is 0.9g/ml. The density of muscle is 1.1 g/ml. Using the averages, 1 liter of muscle weights 1.06 kg or 2.3 lbs., while 1 liter of fat weights .9 kg, or 1.98 lbs. An easier way to think of it might be: if you have an equal volumn of fat and muscle, fat is going to weigh about 80% of what the muscle weighs. This can vary due to numerous factors including race, being extremely lean or being extremely obese according to “Exercise Physiology” by William D. McArdle, et al.
The ‘take away’ points are:
Yes, muscle weighs more than fat. But….. do not assume because you started working out and you are not losing weight it is because you are increasing muscle.
The higher percent muscle you have on your body the smaller your clothing size because muscle takes up less space than fat.
On the other hand, if you are loosing weight, don't presume you are necessarly loosing fat, you could also lost muscles and this is not a good thing.
For that guy, don't eat is the solution to every weight problem. This leads to a thing called anorexia (which is one of the most painful consequences of the idealization of a “perfect body shape” myth portrayed by media). And, again, this guy really thinks that abused starving people are a good example to promote a diet. He seems to doesn't know how work human body and that if you don't eat as much to sustain your body, you will begin to feel always tired, weak and such because your body doesn't have enaugh energy to consume. We will see this in the next point.
3 — “You better have a diet”
I use the word "diet" in this context to refer to any set of restrictive food rules (barring true medical and ethical concerns). If you are feeling guilt and shame about your food choices, it is likely that you are approaching the experience of eating from a "diet mentality."
The word "diet" often has a negative connotation, so many people prefer to say they are making a “lifestyle change.” But if your lifestyle change entails rigid food rules that invoke guilt when broken, you are probably on a diet, even if in disguise. And the truth is, the diet industry wants us to "fail" so that we will continue to purchase their products. When you jump on the latest fad bandwagon, you support a multi-billion dollar industry that profits by convincing us we are inherently flawed.
Diets do not help you maintain weight loss long-term. The idea that people fail at diets because of a lack of willpower is a myth perpetuated by the diet industry. Powerful biological factors essentially ensure that your attempt at dieting will fail. Researcher Traci Mann, who has studied dieting for more than 20 years, found that there are metabolic, hormonal, and neurological changes that contribute to "diet failure."
According to Mann, "When you are dieting, you actually become more likely to notice food. . . But you don't just notice it—it actually begins to look more appetizing and tempting." Mann also stated that as you begin to lose weight, "the hormones that make you feel hungry increase" and "the hormones that help you feel full, or the level of those rather, decreases."
For the average adult in a resting state, the brain consumes about 20 percent of the body’s energy. The brain’s primary function — processing and transmitting information through electrical signals — is very, very expensive in terms of energy use.
The exact percentages are difficult to ascertain, but we have pretty good estimates of where that energy is going, though it varies by the area of the brain. In the cerebral cortex of mice, about a quarter of the brain’s energy goes to maintaining the neurons and glial cells themselves — the processes that all cells go through to remain alive. The remaining 75 percent is used for signaling — sending and processing electrical signals across the brain’s circuits. These numbers seem to be very similar in humans.
The brain is an energy-hungry organ. Despite comprising only 2 percent of the body’s weight, the brain gobbles up more than 20 percent of daily energy intake. Because the brain demands such high amounts of energy, the foods we consume greatly affect brain function, including everything from learning and memory to emotions.
Just like other cells in the body, brain cells use a form of sugar called glucose to fuel cellular activities. This energy comes from the foods we consume daily and is regularly delivered to brain cells (called neurons) through the blood.
As Mann explains, when you diet, "Your metabolism slows down. Your body uses calories in the most efficient way possible... When your body finds a way to run itself on fewer calories there tends to be more left over, and those get stored as fat."
Thus, it is no surprise that studies show that 95 percent of people will "fail" at diets. Most people can lose weight in the short-term; however, over time the majority will regain the weight they lost—and potentially gain even more. Working to suppress your weight below your natural body weight is ultimately a fruitless effort—in fact, it's an utter waste of time.
4 — “Being overweight or obese means being unhealthy”
Studies have found that anywhere from one-third to three-quarters of people classified as obese are metabolically healthy. They show no signs of elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance or high cholesterol. Meanwhile, about a quarter of non-overweight people are what epidemiologists call “the lean unhealthy.” A 2016 study that followed participants for an average of 19 years found that unfit skinny people were twice as likely to get diabetes as fit fat people. Habits, no matter your size, are what really matter. Dozens of indicators, from vegetable consumption to regular exercise to grip strength, provide a better snapshot of someone’s health than looking at them from across a room.
According to an article in The Nutrition Journal by Dr. Linda Bacon and Lucy Aphramor, "Most epidemiological studies find that people who are overweight or moderately obese live at least as long as normal weight people, and often longer."
So, you can be under or normal weight, but that's doesn't make necessarly much more healthy than a overweight people. You can't say that a person is not "healthy" by judging on their physical appearance.
Some feminist points of view
Now, aks yourselves why so many cisgender etherosexual men are so upset from seeing plus size models in media? Do they really care about stranger's women heath?
Oh. Maybe is because they are the ones who lose something in seeing women considered not attractive for their physical appearance being accepted and admired?
Female beauty standard in media are designed for heterosexual male consumption.
As women gain economic and political power, their beauty should matter less.
Feminist scholars have contended that cultural norms and expectations encourage girls and women to be attentive to and psychologically invested in their physical appearance, which can undermine their well-being and contribute to eating dysregulation, depression, and other psychological difficulties (Cash, Ancis, & Strachan, 1997). Mary Wollstonecraft (1792), who is considered to be the founder of feminism, asserted that women's preoccupation with appearance was due to impoverished education, domestic subjugation, and vain pursuits toward which women were directed by their culture. The feminist perspective reaffirms the declaration that a woman's self-worth, ability, and livelihood are not centred on her physical appearance.
Wayne Dyer (1976/1995) elaborated on this: “many women have accepted the cultural dispatches and behave in ways that they are supposed to when it comes to their bodies. Shave your legs and underarms, deodorize yourself everywhere, perfume your body with foreign odours, sterilize your mouth, make up your eyes, lips, cheeks, pad your bra, spray your genitals with the appropriate bouquet, and falsify your fingernails. The implication is that there is something unpleasant about the natural you, the essentially human you, and only by becoming artificial can you become attractive.”
Peterson et al. (2008) posit that feelings of powerlessness may lead a woman to rely on external evaluations of her body as well as to control her eating behaviours. In contrast, feelings of empowerment may decrease the likelihood that a woman will internalize society's messages regarding attractiveness and hence develop schemas that highlight the importance of appearance. Overall, what is suggested is that feeling empowered in one's life may translate to reduced self-objectification and, in turn, to a decrease in negative evaluations of body image.
As this gross guy said:
“Those women aren't thin they look healthy, your problem with them is that their not grossly obese, I've got news for you, most men don't find grossly obese women attractive. Women decide what they want to look like and that happens to be appealing to men, the media has nothing to do with it, women have been beautifying themselves in order to attract men for millennia.”
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Young-Eisendrath (1999) elaborates on the psychological damage done by this: “the belief that we must be thin in order to be successful results in feelings of insecurity about ourselves and our abilities. Obsessive control of the female body leads not to power but to shame, self-consciousness, confusion, illness, even death by eating disorders. Longing to be reassured of our worth and validity, we submit to humiliating advice from experts who tell us what and when to eat, and how to exercise, as if we were children.”
In summary, the obsession with physical appearance often distorts reality, making individuals vulnerable to a host of psychological difficulties, including depression and anxiety, and even abuse (Hooks, 1995). Seeking the ideal body type, which is thinner genetically than 95% of women, is also harmful, as the anxiety it creates about weight is focused upon unnatural thinness rather than health (Williams, 1998).
Body positivity protects women from negative feelings about their bodies: women are encouraged to refute the message of the importance of thinness and develop more empowering self-definitions based on other attributes such as their intelligence or creativity. Feminist ideology thus emphasizes that a woman's self-worth should not be determined by her physical appearance.
This male obsession about our weight, saying that we are not "healthy", is just another way to cotrol our bodies, girls!
Lisa Turner, a food writer and nutrition consultant, summed it up best: “Losing weight is not your life's work, and counting calories is not the call of your soul. You surely are destined for something much greater, much bigger, than shedding 20 pounds or tallying calories. What would happen if, instead of worrying about what you had for breakfast, you focused instead on becoming exquisitely comfortable with who you are as a person?”
Some final conclusions
So telling to every people "you are fat, lazy, ugly and need to exercise for your own health" is not only harmful but not even ever correct for all the reason above.
The person you are insulting online could be “overweight” because has a condition, is highly depressed for past suffering experience (I know girls with past of sexual abuse who used to eat to find comfort for a pain that her cannot express in other ways). Or maybe not. To make it easier for you to understand, you must stop to judge people we don't know on their physical appearance, body shape or weight and we must try to be polite, so you will not get yourselves into embarrassing situations saying stupid things like "oh, sorry... I didn't know you had this thing...", after giving unrequested health suggestion to strangers or insulting them?
Have you ever consider how harm can do on others your “caring about strangers” health? What YOU are doing is causing eating disorders and low self-esteem on others. Body positivity helps to accept ourselves and not to spend our time into stupid considerations about our bodies.
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A little list to summarize:
Don't give unrequested health suggestion: they don't ask and you are not their doctor;
Every person need to be accepted and respected as they are;
Obesity bias adversely affects a person’s likelihood to get help;
Your body works better when you thinking happy thoughts about yourself;
Negative body image DOES promote obesity. And anorexia. And a lot of other bad stuff.
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The Definitive Guide to Leptin and Weight Loss
The mainstream obesity witch quest has actually currently sentenced insulin to death, and currently has one more devil-worshipping hormone to railroad: leptin.
Often called the 'obesity hormone,' leptin imbalances and also disorders are now being targeted as one of the leading drivers of fat gain in human beings, which has, naturally, given rise to all sort of diets as well as supplements that claim to neutralize this hormone's wickedness, fattening ways.
The very first thing you have to recognize concerning insurance claims like these is this:
Weight loss advice that strays from or overlooks totally the structure of energy equilibrium is often, as Shakespeare claimed, falser compared to vows made in wine.
You're not going to remove the doughy evidence of years of overeating as well as under-moving by stabilizing a hormonal agent or including or getting rid of certain foods from your diet.
Healthy weight-loss isn't complicated, but it needs self-control and also effort, you're going to have to manage food consumption and workout for weeks or months, depending upon just how much fat you wish to lose.
That said, like insulin, while leptin does not have the power to 'permit' or 'disallow' weight reduction, it can benefit or versus your initiatives to obtain leaner, making the process less complicated or tougher.
Let's find out why.
What is Leptin?
Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that has lots of functions in the body: regulating hunger, your metabolic price, hunger, motivation, immunity, fertility, and libido, to name a few. Its primary function, nevertheless, associates with the law of body weight.
In easy terms, leptin tells your mind that you have actually enough power saved in your fat cells as well as that your body could expend power at regular prices, consisting of metabolically 'pricey' features like muscle mass growth or pregnancy, eat regular amounts of food, and also involve in normal degrees of physical activity.
If you limit your calories to shed fat, leptin manufacturing decreases, which informs your body that it remains in an energy deficient state which it has to use up much less as well as take in even more. It accomplishes this with a number of systems: reduction of basic metabolic price and also non-exercise activity, as well as excitement of hunger, to call a few.
Here's exactly how the procedure functions in a nutshell:
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In healthy people, this 'feedback' loop works unbelievably well and aids us preserve normal degrees of body fat.
We get starving, we consume until our body tells us its full, it saves a few of the food as fat, we tackle our day, expending power and also burning fat, our body informs us it requires a lot more energy, we consume up until complete, and also the cycle repeats.
As you could see, leptin itself is rarely an enemy-its goal is to prevent you from obtaining fatter and also fatter gradually. That claimed, we can turn leptin versus us with poor eating and exercise behaviors ...
Too Much of a Good Thing: Leptin Resistance
Obese individuals have high quantities of body fat, yet presume exactly what else they have a wealth of? That's right-leptin.
The a lot more energy saved in your fat cells (the fatter you are), the more leptin your body creates.
Why, after that, are obese people commonly owned to eat so much? Why aren't their minds picking up all the leptin in their blood and also understanding that, holy crap, we don't need food for a long damn time, and completely turning off cravings and the need to eat?
The answer depends on exactly what's called leptin resistance.
Like insulin resistance, leptin resistance is a problem where the body becomes less conscious leptin's signals, which after that plays chaos with the cravings and metabolism.
There are different concepts as to how this works exactly, but the bottom line is this: leptin levels could be extraordinarily high however the brain thinks the body is in an energy-starved state as well as hence takes the activities stated earlier to boost energy consumption and decrease output.
This 'short circuits' the normal weight-maintenance procedure diagrammed above, and causes a savage cycle:
Eat food
Gain fat
Produce leptin
Feel hungry
Eat more
Produce leptin
Feel hungry
Eat more
Ad nauseam
In by doing this, leptin resistance triggers overweight as well as overweight individuals to normally often tend toward consuming way too much and also removaling as well bit, which causes them to get fatter and fatter. And as you can see, the very best method to prevent falling under this trap on your own is never ever ending up being overweight in the very first place.
Think of obesity as a pit of quicksand loaded with doughnuts as well as cheeseburgers. The more you eat, the much more you consider, the a lot more you sink, and also the more challenging it is to obtain out.
This does not mean that overweight individuals are doomed, though. Decreasing fat mass minimizes flowing leptin levels as well as shows up to 'restore' leptin sensitivity. Yes, they may need to fight hunger a bit more compared to other individuals, at the very least initially, however this as well normalizes in time.
This additionally clarifies among powerful the biological vehicle drivers of 'yo-yo weight loss' (quickly shedding and also re-gaining weight): a person deprives himself, collapsing leptin levels, then ultimately can not take the hunger and misery anymore and also is forced to restore the lost fat to restore physiological 'balance.'
How to Recover Leptin Sensitivity
If you intend to never ever have to battle weight issues, you desire to maintain high degrees of leptin sensitivity. By doing this your mind could simply do all the help you, regulating your appetite to guarantee you stay at a healthy and balanced body fat percentage.
Health as well as fitness marketers have actually jumped all over this and produced an excess of special diets as well as supplements indicated to balance and also optimize leptin degrees, yet like a lot of craze diets and 'ask yourself supplements,' it's a lot of bullshit.
Here's the "hard truth"...
If you wish to recover leptin level of sensitivity, you can't be overweight.
There's just no chance around this. If you're overweight as well as do not bring your overall fat mass to a healthy and balanced level, you're never mosting likely to have the ability to remove your leptin resistance troubles as well as you're constantly mosting likely to deal with avoiding additional weight gain.
And this suggests you're mosting likely to have to preserve a calorie deficiency by controling food intake, which indicates you're possibly going to have to quit several of your unhealthier behaviors like consuming excessive convenience food and also alcohol consumption a lot of calories.
Don' t concern though-losing fat is rather easy when you know just what you're doing. You obtain to eat the foods you like, you do not need to suffer with psychedelic cravings or cravings, and also you don't need to do hours and also hours of grueling exercise.
If you wish to keep leptin level of sensitivity, you should dedicate to healthy living.
No, I'm not discussing sacrificing your taste to the cult of 'tidy consuming,' I'm discussing involving in normal exercise and ensuring you don't chronically overeat.
That's not a whole lot for your body to ask of you. Don' t things it with food it doesn't need and also do not condemn it to death by inactivity.
Like insulin sensitivity, leptin sensitivity is merely a result of taking great care of your body, and if you focus on getting healthy and balanced, it cares for itself.
How to Boost Leptin Levels to assist With Weight Loss
For most individuals, the very first pair months of a healthy fat burning diet is smooth cruising. They exercise frequently as well as keep an appropriate calorie deficit and their body fat percentage neatly declines week after week.
Eventually, however, progress slows down. Power in the gym subsides and also workouts get more difficult and also harder. The body composition goal, which seemed guaranteed simply a month back, now shows up additional as well as additional away.
For many people, this is where they despair as well as drop off the wagon and also binge. And after that binge once again. As well as again.
But there's hope. And it does not entail dropping your calorie consumption to hazardously low degrees or frying your muscles with extreme cardio.
Instead, the "method" is something you'll cherish: occasional overfeeding. Yes, that's right-eating a lot of food. Not simply anything and everything, though-there's more to it compared to that. This weight-loss aid is called "refeeding," and also it enables you to control leptin levels to assist maintain your weight management initiatives on tack.
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blanketfork-blog · 5 years
High-Calorie Ingredients For A Healthy Weight Gain
Calories come from all the foods and beverages we consume. It is the basic unit of energy that the body needs for all its vital functions. The number of calories that a person needs to maintain his basal metabolic rate depends on several factors. It includes a person’s age, gender, lifestyle and muscle mass.  
When a person eats minimal calories for a prolonged time, it can lead to several health problems. For one, the person can become underweight according to BMI, and it can cause weakened immunity and even organ failure. On the other hand, eating too many calories can lead to being overweight or obese, increased risks of heart diseases, diabetes or cancer.
Some people wish to gain weight by building lean muscle mass. This can be done by consuming about 3000 calories per day to fuel strength, muscle training and exercise.
High-calorie ingredients and foods will help provide this increase in calorie requirement. If you want to gain weight healthily, you should consume more healthy high-calorie foods like avocados, whole grains, nuts, fish, milk and dairy.
Are Calories All the Same or Are there Healthier Calorie Sources?
Your total calorie intake matters most if you are aiming to trim down and lose weight. Similarly, the number of calories you take also affects your muscle building and weight gain efforts. In essence, not all calories have the same effects on these two goals. There are healthy calories from nutritious food sources, and they are the best ones to help you.
For those aiming to lose weight, healthy calories will support you by providing fuel for your activities, keeps you feeling fuller longer and improve your overall well-being. Likewise, those who need to gain weight for muscle building must choose healthy high-calorie ingredients and food to provide you with stamina and fuel for your workout.
So what are healthy high-calorie foods that you need for your health goals? Professionals recommend the following food variety:
Colourful Vegetables - go for leafy greens for your salads, crunchy carrots and bright peppers. You can experiment with flavours to find something that you enjoy.
Lean Meats - go for lean white meats like fish and chicken. You can also have moderate amounts of lean red meat like pork and beef.
Whole Grains - healthy whole grains will provide you with fibres that you need for you to feel fuller longer. Go for whole-grain pieces of bread or oatmeals.  
Whole Fruits - whether you are trying to gain or lose weight, always choose to have whole fruits instead of having prepared fruit juices and fruit-flavoured drinks.  
Healthy Fats - you can have small servings of healthy fats, and the best sources of these are nuts and seeds.
More Water - it is always best to go for Water to sate your thirst. Avoid sports drinks, soda and sweetened teas.
In your health goals, you have to remember that empty or unhealthy calories will only leave you feeling hungry. Likewise, it will increase your cravings for unhealthy food choices. Empty calories are usually found in processed foods, sugary snacks, and other food products that contain excess fat and transfat.
Different Calorie Needs for Men and Women
Using a calorie calculator is very helpful in figuring out the number of calories that you need to consume each day. In calculating this, your gender is always taken into account along with your weight, age and activity level. It is because a man’s body needs more energy (or calories) even if it is the same size as a woman’s.
Men have more muscle mass compared to women, and these extra muscles need more energy. Likewise, men are commonly taller than women, and this extra height also means that men need more calories. But even if men and women hare of the same size, men will still need more calories. Men generally have a larger lung capacity, and they can work harder in physical activity and exercise. Thus, men need more calories to fuel proper functioning of their muscles.
A person’s specific calorie needs vary widely, and this is why calorie calculators are helpful. For instance, a 32-year-old male with an average height weighs around 160 pounds and has moderate physical activity will need approximately 2,600 calories each day for fuel. This calorie requirement will change if he intends to gain or lose weight.  
High-Calorie Foods For Healthy Weight Gain
Most nutrition and diet articles are aimed at losing weight and become healthier. But for those who are too thin, losing weight is not an option. Unhealthy sweets and fatty food may only lead to health problems. Thus, instead of munching on unhealthy calories to gain weight, you need to choose healthy high-calorie foods. It is the best way to help you build muscles and provide you with energy that your body needs.
Find out how much calories you burn each day with the use of a calorie calculator. Then create a diet plan that exceeds this value. Generally, the 3,500 calories per pound are applied in most diets. It means that each pound is equivalent to 3,500 calories of fat. Therefore, if you reduce or increase your calorie intake by around 500 calories, you will have a pound of fat loss or gain every week. Still, these are rough estimates, and it is not accurate for either weight loss or gain goals.
Adding around 500 healthy high-calorie ingredients and food each day can give you extra calories for weight gain. To ensure that this diet works, you have to plan to eat smaller and frequent meals throughout your day. You can use toppings like chopped nuts, dressings and gravy to add calories without the bulk.
Thus, whether you are aiming to lose or gain weight, it pays to source your calories from nutritious and healthy high-calorie foods. Some suggestions are:
Bread and cereals are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates. This food contains starch and fibre, which gives your body energy to function. Complex carbohydrates are metabolized slower than simple carbs. Bagels are more calorie-dense compared with regular bread. A slice of white bread may contain 70 calories, while a small bagel can have more than 180 calories. Extra-large bagels from your favourite coffee shops can have as much as 300 calories. Top it with cream cheese and fruit jam for you to have a delicious, calorie-packed snack.
Another high-calorie source of carb is pasta. It is ideal for any meal. All you need is to add the sauce, and you are ready to go. Two cups of cooked pasta are equivalent to 400 calories. A cup of bolognese sauce gives it another 160 calories. And if you will top it up with grated parmesan, you have another 45 calories. With one pasta meal, you get more than 600 calories to fuel a healthy weight gain goals.
Dried Fruits
One or two servings of dried fruit can give you a quick calorie boost. It has less volume than fresh fruits, and you can eat more without feeling full. For instance, a cup of raisins provides 400 calories, while a cup of grapes only has 60 calories. Other dried fruits that you can try are apricots, cranberries, apples and tropical fruits.  
Healthy Oils
Another healthy way of adding calories is by adding an extra dose of healthy fat to your diet. Go for olive oil which is a rich and healthy way of adding flavour to your bread pasta and vegetables. Similarly, canola oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and is perfect all-purpose cooking oil. If you need lighter oils for salad dressing, choose grape seed oil or walnut oil.  
Avocado is indeed a wonder fruit for any health goals. It is rich in fatty acids, potassium, vitamin K and fibre. One serving of avocado provides 200 calories and lots of extra nutrition. You can add slices of avocado to your sandwich or make guacamole to serve with tortilla chips, burritos and taco shells.
Nuts and Seeds
Munching on nuts and seeds are also a great way to amp up your calories in a healthy way. Nuts and seeds like almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are good for your health. You can munch them as a snack or use as a topping for yoghurt, ice cream and salad. Alternatively, you can also use nut butter like almond or peanut butter.
You can create your granola mix using dry whole-grain cereals, seeds, nuts and dried fruits. Store it in an airtight container and use for breakfast. You may also pack your granola on small containers so you can take them with you on busy days. Additionally, you can include some dark chocolate chunks for more flavour. Munching on granola is a great way to add calories to your day if you can’t do big meals.  
When it comes to gaining weight, the equation is pretty straightforward. You have to consume more calories than you burn for you to gain weight. On the other hand, if you have a high metabolism or have lots of physical activities, you could have a calorie deficit if you don’t eat enough calories to fuel your needs.  
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femuscleblog · 5 years
Women’s Health : The Even Weaker Sex
This was article was originally posted by Daily Mail in 2013. Known for its sensationalist style of reporting it does have the right idea about women’s health. Faddy diets and fears that muscles are not feminine enough have left women physically weaker than their grannies almost sounds like a comedic tabloid headline. Women do suffer from negative body image issues. The problem is the focus is always on the physiological element, rather than how this actually effects physical health. Women need to exercise and build muscle for the sake of their musculoskeletal health. Osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and heart disease become major threats to health the longer one lives. Women on average will live longer than men so the possibility of getting a chronic illness is higher.  Both men and women are getting less exercise in highly developed nations due to poor diets and sedentary lifestyles. Women are effected the most.  The reason is they have less strength and muscle mass to begin with. According to Grant Tomkinson of the University of South Australia muscular strength and endurance has declined by 8 to 10 % since the 1980s. This is based on data gathered from the US, UK, and Canada. 
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What appears in the data accumulated at the time was that muscle power peaked around 1985. Yet, body weight as it is claimed has increased immensely. Muscles have gotten weaker with women getting even more physically weak. Some would say that weakness is a woman’s natural state, but it clearly is not. Starvation diets and lack of physical activity is clearly harming women’s bodies.Physiotherapist Sammy Margo stated “    there are skinny women who have no muscles supporting their spine, and overweight ladies who don’t have any muscles under the fat.” The serious danger related to health could be the increase in arthritis, stress fractures, and back pain. Women should not focus on weight loss as a sole motivating factor to exercise. The intent should be to be active enough to give the muscular system and skeleton enough care to prevent chronic disease. There also needs to be a change in body image perception. Too often, the fitness industry presents thin as the only image of beauty. Rather than following gender stereotype conventions, women should seek to boost their fitness levels.  According to the Women’s Sports Foundation 40% of women said feeling better about their appearance was the motivating factor to exercise. Their intent was to get thinner, which does not automatically mean healthy. Proper weight depends on one’s height and skeletal mass.   
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There is a body type prejudice against women who show significant muscle and strength. The sexist attitude is so powerful that it scares women away from weight training. Even Jessica Ennis stated one time she was concerned about getting too muscular. The term “bulky’” is normally used to describe relally muscular people. That term has no basis in exercise physiology. There are different levels of muscular development that a person can achieve. Even the largest women, who are bodybuilders weigh less during competition. Compared to the rest of the weight of the majority of the population they are not bulky at all. Colette Nelson during competition only weighed about 145 lbs. The average weight of an American woman according to the CDC is ( at 5ft 3 inches) is a 168.5 lbs. That means Colette despite her appearance is technically not carrying around as much mass a one would assume. 
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 Women normally reject weights saying they may end up looking like a female bodybuilder. This is not a simple task. This requires consistent training, diet, and supplements. Some may resort to performing enhancing drugs as a short cut in the recovery and muscular hypertrophy process. However, it erroneous to think that women have less athletic potential. The article correctly states that testosterone is very helpful for building muscle to a high degree. Endocrine function is not the only factor in building muscle, which explains why some women can actually get muscular. Muscular hypertrophy functions in the same manner in both men and women. Endocrinology just gives men an advantage during puberty, when strength spurts and body composition is altered. Estrogen enables the female body to carry more fat for the sake of reproduction. Regardless of sex, genetics, height, somatotype, training method, and nutrition are factors in building muscle and strength.  There is a difference between training for hypertrophy or just strength. Women with mesomorphic body types prior to training can achieve more gains relative to women of ectomorphic and endomorphic body types. A woman can gain as much strength as an average man. However ,a man on the same training regimen will most likely have more mass and strength. It should be understood that the idea of toning does not have an exercise physiology basis either.  Professor Ken Fox was quoted saying “they can get toned but looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t an issue,’ he says.” There are different degrees of muscular development, but toning is just another colloquial terms to describe a woman of a certain fitness level. This term is never applied to men rather the term bulk is. The fact is men and women have the same muscles. Through progressive overload they can increase strength and mass. The difference is in physical fitness capacity. 
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Whether the term bulk or tone is applied they are relative terms. The women displayed above are different depictions of  levels of muscularity.  What people refer to as toned is the woman at the top. There is a middle level that can best be described as a figure physique. Then there is the bulky look that normally is demonized in women. All these women have different degrees of muscular development so the terms “bulky” or “toned” are just not applicable. Women for a longtime were discouraged from use and control of their own bodies. Besides limiting reproductive rights, body image conformity had been imposed through various points in history. This encouraged women to either have their feet bound or wear corsets. The latest unhealthy measure is to make the body extra thin. Such obsession could put women and girls at risk for anorexia or bulimia. The problems with health and body image start in youth. Girls are not encouraged to be physically active as boys at home or in school. Children are also being negatively effected by a sedentary lifestyle in which video games and TV have replaced playing outside. Also sexist prejudice develops around this age. According to a Women’s Sports Foundation study of 15,000 school children half the 14 years girls surveyed claimed that   getting sweaty was not feminine and a  third of boys stated sporty women are not feminine. Already in youth children are absorbing the negative stereotypes and frailty myth related to women and their bodies. 
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This reveals their still is much to be done even though Title IX has made much progress in getting girls physically active. The rise of obesity and childhood weight problems have made it so that people are facing more potential health issues at a younger age. Before such panic should be raised, the study by  Dr, Gavin Sandercock only examine 315 children in 2008 and then compared it with data from ten years earlier. That sample is small, so it may not represent all of the UK. What the data showed was arm strength had fallen 26 % and grip strength 7%. The children of the 2008 group could only do two thirds amount of sit-ups from the 1998 group sample. The only thing this indicates is that physical education needs improvement. Many teachers that teach those classes may not have a background in exercise physiology, sports science, or coaching. There may be a generation of people who are physically illiterate. The question one may wonder is why would it be significant in a technological society. Maintaining health is critical not just for the individual, but the nation at large. Healthcare systems will soon feel the strain of aging populations or common chronic illnesses. Public health may reach a crisis if governments do not act. From a perspective of economics, a sick population can be liability. Disability and the personal financial burden on individuals could effect markets. This is why it is important to have a functional universal healthcare system and to educate the public about exercise. Making physical education a positive experience for youth will influence their future health related behaviors. 
Women need muscle for their health. This is not discussed as much in academic circles focused on women’s health issues. Muscle acts as a scaffolding for joints and bones in the human body. There are stages in which musculoskeletal mass grows in the body and at a certain age it will decline. The result could be sarcopenia and reduced mobility. 
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There are some studies that show that muscular strength can contribute to longevity. Losing balance and falling can be detrimental for older people. Broken bones and specifically broken hips may cause the loss of independent living. Contrary to popular belief, when bones heal they do not comeback stronger. Healthy muscles mean more mobility and possibly less falls later in life.J anet Lord, director of the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research claims strong muscles will enable you to control your movement more preventing harmful incidents. The rise in back pain can be linked not only prolonged periods of sitting rather weak core muscles. The muscles of the stomach are responsible for holding up the body when sitting. If these muscles are too weak,then the labor is shifted to muscles in the back. That results in more pressure in strain causing increases in back pain. Posture is also effected causing some people to slump over. The tendons and ligaments in the back are also effected as well. This can also effect the neck and knees. 
Women are not eating or dieting correctly. They may not eat enough or there protein consumption is low. Muscles need protein for cells.The sudden rise of whole food movements and veganism may be driving a trend to excluding meat or protein completely may not be the healthiest activity. Protein can be found in dairy products and meat. If one does not get enough, the body could cannibalize itself. Organs could be at risk in extreme cases. There still is debate on what is the correct amount of protein. If  there is an attempt to manage weight eating less would be ineffective. Excluding sugar and fats would be more helpful combining it with exercise. The goal is to get enough protein based foods along with vegetables to ensure normal metabolic function. There are some positive developments that can be taken away from this. Women are now becoming more active in strength sports and see that lifting can be an effective means of weight loss. Positive depictions of female athletes can counter sexism and body image issues. The important revelation is that  exercise physiology should be incorporated more into women’s health assessments. Doing so would be effective against common chronic illnesses later in life. 
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zhlrajasthan · 3 years
ZHL Rajasthan – Here why employers should do something to address employee obesity
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Covid-19 has taken toll on everybody’s mental, physical and emotional wellbeing but there’s something much more serious than this which is devastating employee health and wellbeing that is obesity. It’s a common health issue that is defined by having a high percentage of body fat. We see it in the news, in magazines and on social media where we are constantly warned about the dangers of being overweight or what the “perfect” size is with constant reinforcement to an idea to stay fit.
Workplace environments can be helpful for the employees who deal with the problems of overweight and obesity. Employed adults spend around one-third of their time at work, so employers have many opportunities to market employee health and foster a healthy work environment. Employers that encourage healthy behaviors, like smarter eating and regular physical activity, benefit alongside their employees. Dr Santosh Datar from Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd says obesity can result in a wide range of illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers and mental health problems as people struggle with self-esteem and identity issues. These illnesses can affect employees’ productivity and can also sometimes cause sickness absence. There are many low-cost ways for employers to assist staff manage their weight but the health screening or check-ups with in-house occupational health or a corporate wellness solution opted by a company works well for the long term. Employers can devise programmes in-house or use external providers like Ziqitza Healthcare to support their efforts.
Ziqitza addresses how employers can deal with Obesity at the Workplace?
If you are an employer and want to do something for your employee’s health and wellness. Then you should definitely pay heed to the most common and rising problem of obesity. Here are some strategies suggested by Ziqitza Rajasthan which will assist you in targeting obesity in the workforce.
Healthy Food Options
  Obesity can be prevented with the basic principles of healthy eating. With simple changes to your eating habits  will help you lose weight and prevent obesity. Workplace stress develops food cravings, and employees reach out to that one place in the office which is the canteens. As we know them, cantinees are home to fast foods rich in sugar which is straightaway unhealthy. Thus, include healthy food options in the menu of your cafeteria and fill vending machines with the same. That way, you encourage your employees to adopt healthy behaviour by making nutritious food available all around along with healthy and motivational quotes around.
Physical Exercise
When it comes to fight obesity, physical activities are the most beneficial. There should be constant movements even if you are at the office by using a standing desk, taking frequent stretch breaks, or finding ways to work in walking meetings throughout your day. Employers need to implement corporate wellness programs which have walkathons ,marathons, office yoga or virtual yoga sessions. Now with the entire work-from-home setup in the scene.It’s more fascinating by bringing the entire team together on a single platform. Diseases will stay at bay as soon as your staff  begins to engage in some form of physical activity daily.
3. Webinars and Workshops
Some people eat and do not gain a single pound of weight, while others increase substantially even with low food consumption. This can depend upon several factors. But by understanding some elements one can successfully manage their weight. Corporates can do it easily by collaborating with nutritionists, dieticians and inviting them to hold weight management seminars in the office. By educating the employees about the dangers of becoming overweight. It’s only when your employees learn what impacts their weight and increases their chances of developing obesity can they be accountable and act accordingly. Along with this virtual Zumba, Yoga or virtual group exercise hosted by the corporate wellness provider can be of great help.
4. Health Risk Assessment
Before proceeding with the fight against obesity, employees must first determine whether they are within a healthy weight range or not. You can find out by offering free health screenings to your workforce via mandatory visits to health facilities as a preventive health check up. These tests help detect chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, cholesterol range, and so on which can go unnoticed .Employees can further use these to identify medical hazards and further take corrective actions to prevent diseases.
Obesity may be a health risk which will cling on to anyone who doesn’t maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our food habits and activities are what determine the form and health of our mind and body. Because once we take our health for granted diseases will start to sneak in and it won’t be pretty. Our professional and personal lives will suffer as a result.  Ziqitza Limited says if you are an employer you should do your part by getting corporate wellness plans to ensure that your employees are in a healthy atmosphere and encourage your overweight employees to keep their health in check.
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ziqitzahealthcare · 3 years
ZHL Rajasthan - Here why employers should do something to address employee obesity
Covid-19 has taken toll on everybody's mental, physical and emotional wellbeing but there's something much more serious than this which is devastating employee health and wellbeing that is obesity. It’s a common health issue that is defined by having a high percentage of body fat. We see it in the news, in magazines and on social media where we are constantly warned about the dangers of being overweight or what the "perfect" size is with constant reinforcement to an idea to stay fit.
 Workplace environments can be helpful for the employees who deal with the problems of overweight and obesity. Employed adults spend around one-third of their time at work, so employers have many opportunities to market employee health and foster a healthy work environment. Employers that encourage healthy behaviors, like smarter eating and regular physical activity, benefit alongside their employees. Dr Santosh Datar from Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd says obesity can result in a wide range of illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers and mental health problems as people struggle with self-esteem and identity issues. These illnesses can affect employees’ productivity and can also sometimes cause sickness absence. There are many low-cost ways for employers to assist staff manage their weight but the health screening or check-ups with in-house occupational health or a corporate wellness solution opted by a company works well for the long term. Employers can devise programmes in-house or use external providers like Ziqitza Healthcare to support their efforts.
Ziqitza addresses how employers can deal with Obesity at the Workplace?
If you are an employer and want to do something for your employee's health and wellness. Then you should definitely pay heed to the most common and rising problem of obesity. Here are some strategies suggested by Ziqitza Rajasthan which will assist you in targeting obesity in the workforce.
1.    Healthy Food Options
  Obesity can be prevented with the basic principles of healthy eating. With simple changes to your eating habits  will help you lose weight and prevent obesity. Workplace stress develops food cravings, and employees reach out to that one place in the office which is the canteens. As we know them, cantinees are home to fast foods rich in sugar which is straightaway unhealthy. Thus, include healthy food options in the menu of your cafeteria and fill vending machines with the same. That way, you encourage your employees to adopt healthy behaviour by making nutritious food available all around along with healthy and motivational quotes around.
2.    Physical Exercise
When it comes to fight obesity, physical activities are the most beneficial. There should be constant movements even if you are at the office by using a standing desk, taking frequent stretch breaks, or finding ways to work in walking meetings throughout your day. Employers need to implement corporate wellness programs which have walkathons ,marathons, office yoga or virtual yoga sessions. Now with the entire work-from-home setup in the scene.It’s more fascinating by bringing the entire team together on a single platform. Diseases will stay at bay as soon as your staff  begins to engage in some form of physical activity daily.
3. Webinars and Workshops
 Some people eat and do not gain a single pound of weight, while others increase substantially even with low food consumption. This can depend upon several factors. But by understanding some elements one can successfully manage their weight. Corporates can do it easily by collaborating with nutritionists, dieticians and inviting them to hold weight management seminars in the office. By educating the employees about the dangers of becoming overweight. It’s only when your employees learn what impacts their weight and increases their chances of developing obesity can they be accountable and act accordingly. Along with this virtual Zumba, Yoga or virtual group exercise hosted by the corporate wellness provider can be of great help.
 4. Health Risk Assessment
 Before proceeding with the fight against obesity, employees must first determine whether they are within a healthy weight range or not. You can find out by offering free health screenings to your workforce via mandatory visits to health facilities as a preventive health check up. These tests help detect chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, cholesterol range, and so on which can go unnoticed .Employees can further use these to identify medical hazards and further take corrective actions to prevent diseases.
Obesity may be a health risk which will cling on to anyone who doesn't maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our food habits and activities are what determine the form and health of our mind and body. Because once we take our health for granted diseases will start to sneak in and it won't be pretty. Our professional and personal lives will suffer as a result.  Ziqitza Limited says if you are an employer you should do your part by getting corporate wellness plans to ensure that your employees are in a healthy atmosphere and encourage your overweight employees to keep their health in check.
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ontarioyoga · 3 years
Does Yoga Help Lose Weight
New Post has been published on https://www.ontarioyoga.net/does-yoga-help-lose-weight/
Does Yoga Help Lose Weight
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Yoga Instructors Are Tailoring Specific Programmes To Aid Weight Loss While Promoting Healthy Habits Amongst Young Indians
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Fashion strategist Jasleen Chopra, 41, used to lead a hectic life, had made poor lifestyle choices and didn’t have the best of eating habits back in 2017. That was the year when she walked up to Mumbai-based celebrity yoga instructor Abhishek Sharma with the goal of weight loss. Chopra, who now lives in Chandigarh, used to go to the gym but no matter what she did, she found it very difficult to lose weight.
Yoga Is Not Just About A Few Poses That Strengthen You It Has More Benefits To Offer Such As:
Increased flexibility
Weight reduction
Stress management
Stress can have a devastating effect on your body and mind. It can reveal itself in the form of pain, anxiety, insomnia, and the inability to concentrate. Most times, stress is the main cause of weight gain. Yoga can help you cope with . Physical benefits of Yoga, combined with stress management, help a person to lose weight and maintain good physical and mental health.
Experts Agree: Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight Especially If You Do This Type Of Practice Maggie Ryan
Losing weight through yoga sounds almost too good to be true. On the surface, yoga seems like the polar opposite of a fast-paced high-intensity interval training circuit or a weightlifting workout, the two kinds of exercise usually recommended for weight loss. A yoga class leaves your body feeling totally different: refreshed instead of wiped out, loose and flexible instead of tight. It’s even good for your mental health, helping you deal with stress and anxiety.
HIIT, weightlifting, and cardio are fun and effective for weight loss, but they’re also not for everyone. If yoga sounds more appealing and weight loss is your goal, it’s natural to wonder if your daily practice can help you shed pounds.
Yoga To Lose Weight In 10 Days: Nothing But A Yoga Mat And Your Own Body Weight
Are you thinking of starting yoga to lose weight in 10 days? Here is a scoop on the best tips to help you attain your weight loss goals with yoga in such a short space of time.
Yoga is an ancient art that has taken the fitness industry by storm. Its numerous benefits drive more and more people to give this mind-body practice a try. Additionally, it is also loved due to its relaxing effect. It is one of the best forms of exercise to engage in when you are stressed, anxious, or restless. Another reason why yoga is gaining so much momentum is due to its link to weight loss. 
There have been numerous debates about if and how yoga can help with weight loss. The truth is that yoga is considered an effective weight-loss tool. However, the problem lies in the pace of weight loss. More often than not, people want to see incredible results in too little time. For example, one may want to lose 10 pounds in 10 days or less. Is it possible with yoga? We have compiled the latest research in this post. Read on as we explore how you can use yoga to lose weight in 10 days. 
How Many Calories Should You Expect To Burn After An Ashtanga Yoga Practice
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The number of calories you burn during the yoga practice depends on the intensity of your workout. 
And your weight also matters to some extent…
If you are willing to drastically decrease your weight, it is advised to practice strenuous Ashtanga yoga thrice or four times a week.  
Remember that the quantity of calories you can expect to burn in a ashtanga yoga session depends on several factors like your sex, your age, your weight and morphology, and the duration of your practice. 
In this table, you will find how many calories you can burn on average during an ashtanga workout:
How Does Yoga Help In Weight Loss 10 Yoga Poses That Burn Fat And Calories
Yoga has gradually become a lifestyle trend. In a chaotic world dominated by tech-leveraged rat races, peace of mind is an absolute requirement. Yoga studios around the country provides about 60-90 minutes of mental and physical balance which is essential for achieving peace of mind. But the question that riddles us day and night is, can yoga help with weight loss and toning? Research shows that a minute of yoga helps you lose about 3-6 calories. So a 90 minute session will help you lose about 80-360 calories only. But compared to other forms of exercises yoga has a higher success rate for keeping off the extra pounds while strengthening your core muscles.
Today we will extensively discuss about the benefits of weight loss through yoga. Globalization of yoga has helped it to evolve according to the different needs of people. In the past years we have seen the rising trend of hot yoga, power yoga and vinyasa which combine a number of other styles with yoga to increase the intensity of the activities per session which stimulate rapid weight loss.
Indirect ways in which yoga helps in weight management-
1. Practicing yoga regularly helps in lowering stress levels, this in turn reduces binge eating, over eating and stress eating which are the major reasons people put on weight in modern society.
2. Research also shows that people who practice yoga are more tuned to the necessities of their bodies and are better able to manage hunger.
Weight loss through yoga-
1. Power yoga
I Lost 85 Pounds With Nothing But A Yoga Mathere’s How It Happened I Lost 85 Pounds With Nothing But A Yoga Mat—Here’s How It Happened
The debate over whether yoga is an effective tool for weight loss has been discussed for years. Many believe that yoga is not fast-paced enough to burn the number of calories required for true weight loss. Others swear by yoga and say it’s an extremely effective way to shed pounds.
While everyone is different, I believe yoga is effective when it comes to lasting weight loss.
When I first rolled out the mat seven years ago, I was 85 pounds overweight. I was unhealthy, unhappy, and fueled by a passion for binge-drinking and pizza. When I first announced my mission to lose weight through yoga, I remember people laughing at me. “Yoga doesn’t help with weight loss! You have to bust your butt in the gym to get results,” people told me.
Less than one year after practicing yoga six to seven days per week, I lost those 85 pounds. Here’s how it happened.
The Best Power Yoga Poses For Weight Loss Include The Following:
Pawanmuktasana or the Wind releasing pose help you drop those extra fat from the stomach and the stomach region.
Trikonasana or the Intense side stretch pose helps to reduce the fat from the sides. It raises your heartbeat and burns calories.
Dhanurasana or the Bow pose helps you drop the excess fat from the arms and legs. It is very helpful to tone your body.
Garudasana or the Eagle pose is a perfect weight loss choice for those who want thinner thighs, legs, arms, and hands.
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana or One-legged downward facing dog- when combined with breathing, helps you tone your arms, hands, legs, thighs, and your abdominal muscles.
Bhujangasana or the Cobra pose is a great choice if you want to solidify your buttocks and to tone your abdominal muscles.
Navasana or the boat pose is the simplest Power Yoga pose for weight loss. It concentrates all the major muscles of your body.
Savasana or Corpse pose is the most important pose to end your Power Yoga workout session. Savasana helps your muscles relax and prevents muscle damage.
There are several other Power Yoga asanas that are very important for weight loss such as the Uttanpadasana or the Raised feet pose, Veerbhadrasana, the warrior pose, Ardha Chandrasana or the Half-moon pose, Paschimottasana or the Seated forward bend among others. Power Yoga is considered an appropriate intervention for weight loss and to prevent obesity.
Tips For Those Who Want To Transform Their Bodies With Hot Yoga
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• Practice regularly, at least 3-5 times a week if you want to see noticeable results, especially in a shorter span of time.• Try not to eat anything 2-3 hours before hot yoga practice, or at least keep it to something light. If I’m feeling a little hungry before practice, I’ll eat some crackers or a handful of almonds to avoid feeling lightheaded in the hot room.• Drink lots of water – before, during and after practice.• Listen to your body. If you need a break, rest in child’s pose until you feel ready to continue . Obviously this will vary from studio to studio, so ask at yours to see what facilities they have and products/services they provide.
Overall, I’ve found hot yoga to be an exercise I enjoy and one that has surprised me with its swiftness in helping me reach my body goals. While I cannot say how effective it will be for everyone in terms of weight loss, with consistent practice I think it would be hard not to undergo at least some kind of body transformation and to experience many of the positive benefits I’ve listed in this post.
Have you tried hot yoga? What has your experience been like? Do/have you struggled with your weight and/or body image? What has helped you?
Power Yoga Gives You The Benefit Of Yoga And More Including:
Helps burn calories, a little more than yoga for beginners
It boosts your metabolism
It boosts your general well-being
Useful to build strength, stamina, flexibility, and tone your body.
It helps increase your concentration
It helps you relax as tension and stress are considerably reduced.
The most reliable form of Power Yoga begins with Surya Namaskara or Sun Salutation. You can perform the Surya Namaskara as a warm-up before you start your Power Yoga workout session, or Surya Namaskara in itself can be done as Power Yoga. Surya Namaskara has immense benefits as it concentrates on all the core muscles of your body.
Restorative Yoga Practices Have A Place In Weight Loss Too
Yoga can help you open up, stretch and recover from intense workouts, which is also an important part of reaching your fitness goals and losing weight. “Even the less intense, more stretch-focused yoga practices can help promote active recovery if done to counteract a more strenuous other forms of movement such as running or weight lifting,” Turner says. For yoga classes with a restorative approach, Turner recommends looking for classes labeled “deep stretch,” “restorative” or Hatha yoga.
Another, often overlooked, factor in weight loss is sleep and stress. Research shows that lack of quality sleep can sabotage your weight loss goals. Yoga can help you sleep better by helping you relax, reduce tension and keep stress in check. Not to mention that reducing stress and anxiety makes it easier to follow through with your healthy commitments. 
“Yoga can have a profound impact on a person’s mental state by reducing stress and anxiety. That peace of mind can lead to making better decisions when it comes to food choices and diet, which can obviously affect your success,” Turner says.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
Yoga To Lose Weight In 10 Days: Evaluating The Best Poses
There are several poses you can try to fast-track weight loss. To make sure that you lose at least several pounds within 10 days, it is best if you try the poses described below. Additionally, it is best if you incorporate these poses into a workout routine. But always remember that diet is 90% of weight loss. Without further ado, here are the best yoga poses to consider for weight loss within 10 days:
How Often Should I Practice Yoga In Order To Lose Weight
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Yoga should be practiced just like any other conventional weight loss exercise.
Normally, you perform between 45 minutes to one hour of physical training with cardiovascular exercises, abdominal exercises, push-ups, among others. The same should be done with the practice of yoga.
meditationweightlossyoga poses
Last update:25 January, 2020
Can I Combine Other Types Of Exercise With Ashtanga Yoga
Combining Ashtanga yoga with other exercises and making a comprehensive plan to target your weight is essential in achieving desired results.
Mixing alternative fitness training with Ashtanga can give a quicker result in terms of weight loss. 
If you are practicing Ashtanga yoga twice a week, then keep one day for cardio, and experience the miraculous outcome yourself.
You can also add a Yin yoga practice to your weekly routine, another great yoga style that can help you in your weight loss journey.
Still curious? ? Here we discuss whether or not exercise is more effective for weight loss than eating healthy. Check it out!
The Right Kind Of Yoga Gives You A Great Cardio Workout
Put simply, in order to burn fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit, and adding cardio into your routine can help you achieve this. But, the key here is the right of yoga. There are multiple types of yoga, but not all are the most beneficial for weight loss or building lean muscle.
In order to achieve a great cardio workout from yoga, you need to practice fast flowing types of yoga such as Vinyasa or Ashtanga that involve strength building poses. Below I will break down which types of yoga are best for weight loss.
Yoga For Weight Loss: 9 Asanas To Help You Lose Weight
A five-thousand-year-old transcription by the Indus valley civilization on fragile palm leaves has paved the way to an innovative weight loss therapy. Yoga was mentioned in the Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns, the Rigveda. Researchers have traced yoga to over a thousand years ago, and its rich history is divided into periods of innovation, practice, and development. Yoga was refined and developed by the Rishis and Brahmans who documented their training in the Upanishads. This practice was later developed over several years to what now is practiced as Yoga. The discipline has 5 basic principles:
Frequently Asked Questions
Yoga For Weight Loss Can Actually Be An Effective Tool
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Along with helping you lose weight, yoga raises your awareness and the way you relate to your body.
There are many factors that contribute to maintaining a healthy weight. When people practice yoga regularly, they become more in tune with themselves on a mental and physical level, which often results in a positive ripple effect in every aspect of their lives.
This includes making healthier food and lifestyle choices to ultimately reach their goal of weight loss.
Does nothing work for you? 3 Surprising Reasons Why You May Be Having A Hard Time Losing Weight
So to answer the question does yoga help you lose weight? you have to consider all the evidence. Yoga certainly help you lose weight and if you practice effectively and train your mind along with your body, yoga can be a powerful tool in your weight-loss journey.
All included information is not intended to treat or diagnose. The views expressed are those of the author and should be attributed solely to the author. For medical questions, please consult your healthcare provider.
Know The Difference Between Weight Loss And Inch Loss:
Keeping your best friend’s wedding in your sights, you start working out a month in advance so that you are picture-perfect on the wedding day. You are happy that you lost an inch here and there and are now ready to go. Once the wedding is over, you notice that those inches are back, thanks to all the binging at the wedding.
Those looking at weight loss should chalk out a proper plan and set small achievable goals for themselves. When achieved, these goals give a lot of confidence and act as fuel to achieve the next set of goals.
Key Factors That Play A Role In Weight Loss With Yoga
So regardless of all this information you have just learned, in order to lose weight, it really comes down to 5 things:
Consistency: In order to see any type of results practicing yoga, whether it be muscle gain or weight loss, you need to be consistent. You cannot decide to practice 5 days one week then skip two weeks and expect to see results. You need to consistently train your muscles and burn calories in order to create a deficit and lose fat. 
A good starting point is practicing 3 times a week. Try to get in at least 30 minutes every time you practice and build up from there. 
This in my opinion is one of the most important factors. Even if you practicing consistently, if you are barely putting in any effort, it’s as if you aren’t practicing at all. When you practice yoga, need need to put your all into it. If you aren’t feeling your muscles activating, your heart rate increasing, or breaking a sweat, you either are
not practicing the right type of yoga
not trying hard enough
No matter what you may have heard, yoga is not easy, but it is effective if you push yourself to put the work in.
Eating Habits: That whole “80% of weight loss happens in the kitchen” is actually true. You cannot decide to eat 2,000 calories worth of junk food while practicing yoga consistently and still be surprised you are not seeing results. 
For some more needed motivation and information on losing weight with yoga, check out these articles:
It Helped Me Burn Calories While Gaining Lean Muscle
Although all types of yoga are effective when it comes to burning calories, improving flexibility and muscle tone, calming the mind, and providing a feeling of inner peace, if your goal is to lose weight, certain practices are more effective than others.
In order to burn fat and keep it off, I focused on power yoga and vinyasa flow.
These are both fast-paced flows that provide the perfect mixture of cardio and strength-training. The dual combination is a potent cocktail geared toward effective fat burning and increased lean muscle mass. These two types of yoga enable the body to burn anywhere from 400 to 600 calories per hour. This is equivalent to the number of calories burned during a typical hour in the gym!
Is Ashtanga Yoga Enough Exercise To Shed Some Weight
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To get the right answer, we need to understand what exactly we need to lose weight. 
Ashtanga yoga offers numerous physical, spiritual, and mental benefits. 
But here we will focus on Ashtanga Yoga’s role in shedding weight:
Ashtanga yoga poses create internal heat and burns a lot of calories, sufficient enough to lose weight.
Ashtanga Yoga emphasizes muscle training and helps in proper weight management.
It relieves tension and reduces stress. Thus stops you from overeating.
It balances hormone production.
Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss According To A Yogi
Although an ancient practice, yoga has many modern applications.
In the last century, the physical practice of yoga evolved into a popular form of exercise that benefits the body, mind, and spirit .
When practiced regularly, yoga may be an effective tool to help you lose weight, especially its more active style.
However, even the gentler forms of yoga help to reduce stress and increase mindfulness– both important factors in weight loss.
No matter the style, it is well known that yoga offers many health benefits.
Below we will explore how yoga can help you achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
Does Yoga Help You Lose Weight Types Poses And More
For many years, people have used yoga as an effective tool to enhance their mental, physical, and spiritual development to obtain the best version of themselves. 
No doubt, it has many health benefits. But, does yoga help you lose weight?
Fortunately, if you’re a yoga lover, we’ve got good news for you. Yoga can be an effective weight-loss strategy.
The more active forms of yoga have been found to help people shed weight, and have been backed by many experts as well. 
So, it is totally possible to slim down with yoga, based on the ways that it strengthens, stretches, and calms your body.
Without further ado, let’s break down how it can help you achieve your body goals and what are the best yoga poses for weight loss.
What Happens To Your Body When You Start Doing Yoga
A lot of things happen to your body when you start doing yoga, including: 
1. You Will Become Mindful of The Type of Food You Eat.
When you start your weight loss journey, you need to make some adjustments in your diet plan.
The newfound awareness of your body as well as the detoxing exercise of yoga, you will suddenly realize you don’t want to fill up your body with junk foods.
And, this is the first step to a healthy weight loss.
2. You Will Get in Shape.
As we have already covered, yoga can help you lose weight. The moment you start stretching you will start burning calories.
Doing it daily will make you lose weight faster and get that toned body you always desire.
Unlike other types of exercises, yoga helps and allows you to manage your weight easily. 
Daily yoga improves your metabolic system, which will increase the rate of fat burning. Thus, resulting in significant weight loss.
Yoga also promotes hormonal balance, making it easier to maintain a healthy body weight.
3. You Will Reduce Your Stress Level.
Aside from the physical benefits, one of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps a person manage stress that has many negative effects on the body and mind.
The incorporation of meditation and breathing can help improve a person’s mental well-being.
Yoga Can Help Improve Your Flexibility And Mobility
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And in addition to the mental health benefits with yoga, you can also increase your flexibility, strengthen your muscles, and enhance your mobility. 
“Many regular exercisers also don’t take adequate time to stretch so adding yoga can be a great way to increase flexibility while improving balance and strengthening those smaller muscles that you are likely not focusing on in typical workouts,” says Wilson.
What Were My Results After Three Months Of Hot Yoga
I only measured and weighed myself twice during this three-month experiment – on day 1 and on day 90. The reason being that I didn’t want to obsess over numbers, but focus on my physical and mental transformation as I was experiencing it.
My goal was to feel better about the way I looked and improve my own self-confidence, and this was never tied to a number for me. However, I did want to be able to track my progress in some way, and to be able to share my results with you in a measurable way.
The numbers ended up telling a very dramatic story.
In 3 months, I lost 4.3cm off the widest part of my waist and 6.2cm off the smallest part of my waist.
I lost 1.7cm off the widest part of my hips and a whopping 8.4cm off the smallest part.
My arms stayed exactly the same numerically, but they look totally different. They are more toned and muscular, and I feel so much stronger.
To tell the truth, I am actually no lighter now than I was when I started. However, my shape has completely changed.
I have burned a lot of fat into muscle and its distribution is now more flattering and in proportion to the rest of my body. As muscle is heavier than fat and I’m still the same weight as when I started, we can conclude that I actually did “lose weight” in the process.
I have also observed a number of other benefits from doing hot yoga:
• Overall strength – not just in my arms• Better balance• No pain or stiffness the day after
What Kind Of Muscle Can Be Built With Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga poses are generally performed in a flow, and your whole body, individual body parts, start taking shape with time. 
A yogi needs to be clear about his or her goal, and depending on that, a yoga teacher can recommend the Ashtanga poses. 
Poses like tree pose, warrior pose, chair pose, and bridge pose are well known for toning the muscles. 
Ashtanga yoga helps you gain lean muscles and evenly distribute weight. 
But if your role model is Arnold Schwarzenegger, then practicing Ashtanga will not be enough for you…
How Soon Did I Start Seeing Results With Hot Yoga
I started seeing noticeable results, including a significant decrease in my belly bulge, more toned arms and general improved strength, within 1-2 weeks of starting hot yoga. This was at a pace of 5 lessons a week and doing no other exercise or making any dietary changes.
Motivated by my quick results and how much better I felt about myself, I started to crave hot yoga. I found myself checking the time just to see if it was time for class yet.
The results just got better from there – my husband noticed it and my instructors noticed it – my recently purchased yoga tops already fitting more loosely around my middle.
Towards the end of my three-month experiment, I felt that changes to the naked eye had plateaued or at least slowed down, but I think this is only natural in any weight loss or body transformation journey. And despite my belly looking basically the same for a few weeks, it felt very different. When I touched it, I could feel the hardening muscles underneath and I knew they would show themselves with some more time and hard work.
In 12 weeks, I did a total of 45 lessons . That’s an average of 3.75 lessons a week.
How Much Weight Can You Lose In A Month With Yoga
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You will lose around 3-4 kgs per month with yoga. Yoga is holistic affair. You need to do it long term but that does not mean that the results you will achieve will be late. The results are very fast. Also, you do not need to do all of this exercise in one day in order to learn how Yoga helps in weight loss. You can do this type of exercise every day . You can spend 30 -40 mins per day but make sure that you are consistent in the practice.And, if you do this, you will find that you will be very excited about being able to enjoy the new changes in your life and that you will not feel like you are starving yourself.
Yoga Can Help You Burn Calories And Build Muscle
One common misconception about yoga is that it’s not a “real” workout. While yoga has a reputation for helping reduce stress and tension, certain forms of yoga can be an intense workout that helps challenge your muscles and get your heart rate up. 
“Yoga can be an incredible complement in a person’s quest to lose weight. From a physiological standpoint, yoga is exercise, and certain types of yoga can have an excellent cardiovascular and strength building effect in the body,” says Turner. 
Yoga can challenge your muscles and help you build strength. 
If you’re looking for yoga classes that can help you get your heart rate up to burn calories and help strengthen your muscles, look out for specific types of yoga that focus on those areas. 
Some examples include:
Hot yoga classes are practiced in a heated room or studio. The actual temperature varies, but typically the room is heated to at least 90 degrees or more.
Power yoga:Power yoga is a fitness-based approach to practicing yoga. These classes will focus on strength and flexibility. 
Yoga sculpt, or any yoga class that includes “sculpt” in its description can vary in the exact technique, but will often include light handheld dumbbells or other tools to add resistance. Some yoga sculpt classes will also add bursts of intense cardio.
: This style of yoga follows the same set of poses in the same order. The class is usually fast-paced and physically challenging. 
Weight Loss With Yoga Starts From The Mind First
When a yoga journey begins, everything begins to appear in a different light, from a different perspective. Yoga starts by transforming you from the inside out. Thanks to yoga, we become more conscious about the environment, actions, and habits, and eating habits change. Realizing how they feel after eating certain foods, the individual wonders about the effects of nutrition on the body and tends to a more plant-based diet and reduce processed foods. So, it causes a healthier lifestyle and directs you to choose healthier food options. Thus, the answer to the question of whether yoga weakens begins to emerge.
Can Yoga Help Trim My Waist And Reduce Belly Fat Alyssa DodsonTeacher and Writer
Yoga teacher, world explorer, writer, recent San Franciscan, and part of the DoYou Editorial Team
Ever wonder if yoga can help trim your waist and reduce belly fat? One of our readers was curious on the topic, and she’s not alone.
Lots of yogis take their first yoga class as a compliment to their regular exercise routine, only to find out later what an amazing addition yoga is to every facet of their life.
Yoga is a great way to change things up, tone your entire body, and lose weight. If you are looking to focus on your waist and belly, even better! Yoga is the perfect way to trim down.
Here are my best tips for using yoga to reduce belly fat and trim your waist, including a few practice tips.
How Often Should I Practice Yoga To Lose Weight
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Last update:25 January, 2020
Many who want to achieve an ideal weight search for the perfect physical activity to help. Of that sounds like you, we recommend that you practice yoga in order to try to lose weight in a different way.
To see results, the important thing is perseverance and discipline. All physical activities require a minimum daily or weekly commitment in order for the body to change and the person to begin to look and feel better. Yoga is not the exception; it also requires perseverance and effort.
However, don’t think that this discipline is only good for meditation and stretching the muscles; in fact, it also helps you lose weight.
But Which Type Of Yoga Is Best For Weight Loss
If weight loss is the overall goal, then the type of yoga you’re doing is super important.
“A more relaxing type, such as one of the forms of Hatha, may not crank up the internal furnace that much,” says Jonathan Amato, C.S.C.S. “In comparison, Bikram or could lead to a great calorie burn over a single class.”
17 Yoga Moves That Will Help You Sculpt Abs
Bikram and hot yoga involve increasingly difficult positions that cause your heart rate to soar. Add that to the stress of a heated room, and class-goers will burn more calories. In comparison, Hatha yoga—gentle poses and stretching exercises—requires much less physical exertion, making it great for all fitness levels. Hatha is also done in a non-heated room.
You also want to look for a class that incorporates “poses that focus on large muscle groups,” Pacheco says, in order to up the calorie burn. Think: lunge-like poses such as warriors one and two.
Yoga To Lose Weight By Strengthening Your Body
Yoga offers lots of asanas in countless flows or sequences. All poses provide different benefits both physical and mental. Also, more or less each poses provide a level of detoxification. While detoxification promotes body and mind gets purified, it directly causes weight loss. Although there are different types of yoga that are very effective when it comes to purifying, losing weight, enhancing flexibility, improving muscular posture, providing peace of mind, there are some other poses that do much better than others if your goal is burning calories losing weight.
Vinyasa yoga and power yoga flow movements, which burn more amount of fat and are referred to as slimming yoga in some sources, are known as the most effective yoga movements that lose weight. These two yoga streams provide a great mixture of both cardio exercise and strength exercises. This combination acts as a powerful cocktail for fat burning and gaining muscle. They keep the body burning up to 400 to 600 calories in every region of it. This equates to a typical hour exercise.
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/ Upward Facing Dog Pose
This asana is also usually a part of Surya Namaskar. Begin with lying down on the floor on your stomach. Stretch your legs backward and keep your elbows beside your waist. The front of your feet and the inside of your hand shall touch the floor. Then slowly raise your upper body, higher by balancing it over your palm, up to the waist.
Stretch your forelimbs completely by putting the pressure on your palm and hold your pose. This posture helps to strengthen your spine and tone your arms. It is because, during this exercise, your upper body rests over your arms.
Running Routine To Lose Weight
Experts Answer: Can Yoga Help You Lose Weight
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Each week, MyHealthNewsDaily asks the experts to answer questions about your health.
This week, we asked exercise researchers and nutrition specialists: Does yoga help with weight loss?
Beth A. Lewis, Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota School of Kinesiology in Minneapolis
“Regular yoga practice can influence weight loss, but not in the “traditional” sense of how we link physical activity to weight loss. Typically, weight loss occurs when a person’s calorie intake .
“Most individuals need to change both their energy intake and energy expenditure to lose weight.
Many yoga practices burn fewer calories than traditional exercise ; however, yoga can increase one’s mindfulness and the way one relates to their body. So, individuals will become more aware of what they are eating and make better food choices.
“Individuals may avoid foods that make them feel sluggish and lethargic . Instead,individuals will seek out foods that are healthier, which then may lead to weight loss.
“Additionally, many individuals eat more when they are feeling stressed and yoga can help combat stress, which can influence one’s energy intake.”
Dr. Lewis Maharam, fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine:
“Yes, and actually it’s become in vogue with a lot of celebrities like Madonna, Halle Berry and Jennifer Aniston. Yoga is a sophisticated tradition with physical, relaxation and breathing exercises. aerobic exercise is what helps you lose weight.
How Many Calories Does Each Type Of Yoga Burn
So of course there is no way to tell exactly, as it all depends on the amount of effort you are putting in. But as a reference, below are the general calories burned from Health Status per 60 minutes of practice based on a 150 pound person:
Vinyasa Yoga: 594 calories
Bikram/ Hot Yoga: 477 calories
Ashtanga/ Power Yoga: 351 calories
Hatha Yoga: 189 calories
Please keep in mind this if if you are using your MAX EFFORT. I know there are definitely times when I go to hot vinyasa yoga and not putting my all in that day, or the class is just slower, and I definitely do not burn anywhere near this amount of calories. 
Also keep in mind your weight plays a huge role on how many calories you burn per hour. I suggest checking out healthstatus.com to use their calculator with your specific weight to check. 
How Often Should You Do Yoga To Lose Weight
Practice yoga as often as possible in order to lose weight. You can do a more active, intense practice at least three to five times per week for at least one hour.
On the other days, balance out your practice with a more relaxing, gentle class. Hatha, yin, and restorative yoga classes are great options.
If you’re a beginner, start slowly and gradually build up your practice. This allows you to build up your strength and flexibility and prevent injuries. If you don’t have time for a full class on certain days, do a self-practice for at least 20 minutes. Allow yourself one full day of rest each week.
Combine your yoga practice with activities such as walking, cycling, or swimming for added cardiovascular benefits.
As part of your routine, avoid weighing yourself directly after a yoga class, especially if it’s a hot yoga class, since you may lose water weight during the class. Instead, weigh yourself at the same time each day.
Here are a few yoga poses you can do at home if you don’t have time for a full session.
Control Your Weight Before It Controls You:
Age plays an important role in weight loss too. If you are young, then the chances of you getting into the shape with minimal efforts are high, but it is tougher for those who are on the other side of thirty. Once you cross your thirties, special attention needs to be given to eating habits. Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins are the main contents of any meal.
Choosing them wisely over the different meals of the day will help you go a long way in achieving your goals. Complex carbohydrates and healthy fats can be a part of your breakfast but including the same for your supper might not be a great idea.
Also, tracking your diet can give you an idea of where your macronutrients are coming from. Remember to track each and everything that goes in. This will make you aware of what you are having throughout the day and will make you think twice the next time you reach out for your favorite cupcake. The more you educate yourself with food labels, the more you become cautious and make healthier choices. It’s all about awareness.
Surprising Ways Yoga Helps You Lose Weight
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The practice of yoga being an effective use for weight loss has been questioned for years. Can you really lose weight with yoga? The answer is YES, and with a lot less effort than you think. In this article we will discuss the science backed effects yoga has on the body that will help you meet your weight loss goals. 
V The Posture Of Liberation From The Winds
This posture helps cure lower back pain while controlling the acidity level of the stomach. It helps tone the abdomen and hips.
Lie down on your back,
Curve your knees and bring them back to your chest while breathing out,
Apply pressure to the abdomen with your thighs,
On an exhale, raise your head to try to touch your knees with your chin, without straining the cervical, it is the upper back that works,
Breathe deeply and maintain the pose for two full breaths,
Back to the original position on an exhalation,
Repeat 5 times with a 15-second pause between each repetition.
With a regular practice of these five postures, the results should not be long in being felt!
Which Type Of Yoga Is Best For Weight Loss
Almost all form help in weight loss but power yoga is best. Yoga helps in many ways, but one of the things that can be used to help with weight loss is the practice of yoga poses.While the physical benefits of yoga are quite amazing, there are also mental benefits that can help a person lose weight and feel healthier. This is why yoga is often used to help people lose weight. can yoga help you lose weight ?Yes,with yoga, it’s much easier to achieve these goals.
In order to lose weight, it is important that a person is able to burn more calories than they take in each day. By using different types of exercises and other yoga poses, a person can burn calories and learn to manage their diet better. This can then help a person to lose weight and feel healthier.
Yoga is a way of life for many people and they have a passion for it. Yoga can help to strengthen muscles, reduce stress, and helps to keep you fit, it is a holistic approach to health.
can yoga help you lose weight and tone? If you want to lose weight, yoga can be the answer. This type of workout is an all around good thing to do. It can be done by everyone at anytime of the day and will not interfere with your daily schedule.
Can Yoga Help In Weightloss1500×2250
What Type Of Yoga Is Best For Weight Loss
There are various types of yoga—and some are relaxing while others are pretty intense. if you’re looking for more of a calorie-burning experience, Young recommends Vinyasa because it’s more athletic.
“It’s strenuous. It’s cardio-based. It’s literally moving constantly,” says instructor Olivia Young, founder of Box + Flow in New York.
You may have also heard this referred to as “flow” because the movements run together. Within Vinyasa, there are various other subsets, like power yoga.
In comparison, Hatha focuses on one pose at a time and includes breaks between movements.
You should become acquainted with movements like the downward dog, high plank, and low push up, commonly found in a flow sequence, says Young.
How Often Should I Do Yoga To Lose Weight
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For the best weight-loss results, Liza recommended doing yoga three times a week. Continue to stay active and get your heart rate up on the other three to four days as well, whether through , weightlifting, or HIIT workouts of 45 minutes to an hour. And keep your nutrition in mind, too. “Exercise alone without dieting makes losing weight hard,” Jorianne said. “Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you consume.”
If you eat healthy and burn calories, though, the results will come, and yoga has a place in the process. Start with this 30-minute power flow to relax, rejuvenate, and work up a sweat.
Image Source: Getty / Thomas Barwick
/8setu Bandha Sarvangasana Or Bridge Pose
Step 1: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet placed firmly on the ground. Your legs should be slightly apart and arms resting by your side.
Step 2: Press the feet into the floor, inhale and lift your hips up rolling the spine off the floor.
Step 4: Press your shoulders and arms on the ground to lift your chest.
Step 5: Engage your legs and butt muscles to lift your hips higher.
Step 6: Hold this position for 4-8 breaths, then return to the starting position.
How Much Yoga Do You Need For Weight Loss
You cannot expect a huge amount of weight loss from Yoga as soon as you begin doing it. Many people start doing Yoga and expect to achieve results within a week. They get disappointed and quit doing it just after one or two weeks. It doesn’t work like that. Yoga needs as much time and effort as any other exercise. It requires regular practice.
It would be best if you were patient to achieve visible results. For weight loss, you need to practice Yoga as much as you can. But that doesn’t mean you will keep doing excessive Yoga. It needs to be in a limited and balanced amount. Excessive Yoga can lead to physical or muscular injuries.
You might experience pain in your joints. Perform gentle and relaxing exercises for your daily routine. You can try longer sessions and intense exercises 2-3 times a week. A regular practice can give you the answer to Can I Lose Weight With Yoga after a certain period.
Can Yoga Help You Lose Weight Answer Here
Yoga is an ancient practice that can amplify the positive connection between your mind and body. While there are many yoga styles, some focus more on strenuous movements and strength, and others focus on meditation and mental preparedness.
As part of a workout routine, yoga for weight loss is a no-brainer because it burns calories. And potentially, the most significant benefit of yoga is the opportunity to reinforce mental stability, which can relieve stress, especially in this pandemic, and introduce you to a better and healthier lifestyle.
Bottom Line
Which Practices Are Best For Weight Loss
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If you’re looking for pure calorie burn, our experts agreed that fast-paced Vinyasa yoga is the practice to choose. “A good Vinyasa class will take you through a variety of movements, with a focus on integrating your core and weight-bearing on your hands and feet,” Lara explained. Imagine a classic flow from plank to triceps push-up to Upward Facing Dog — you’re getting a core burn, working your triceps, then using your arms to hold up your bodyweight as you stretch. This kind of weight-bearing move “increases heart rate and builds muscle,” Liza told POPSUGAR. The more muscle you build, the more calories you’ll burn even after you’re done exercising.
Power yoga is another good choice, Jorianne told POPSUGAR, though it’s more intense and better suited for people who are already in good shape. “In power yoga, there is less meditation and more of a focus on standing poses and faster-paced movement,” she explained. Your heart will pump even harder than in a Vinyasa class, which is good news for losing weight; Liza recommended aiming for a heart rate that’s 55 to 85 percent of your maximum to get the most calories burned out of a class.
I Teach Yoga and Do CrossFit, and These Are the 18 Core-Carving Yoga Poses I’m Obsessed With
A more gentle yoga class, such as Hatha, won’t burn as many calories. But it can benefit your mental health and decrease stress levels while helping you be more mindful, all of which have weight-loss benefits as well.
What Kind Of Yoga Helps With Weight Loss
If you’ve never done yoga before, be sure to start with beginner-level classes. You’ll burn the most calories in athletic  classes.?? These styles usually start with a fast-paced series of poses called sun salutations, followed by a flow of standing poses which will keep you moving. Once you are warmed up, deeper stretches and backbends are introduced. Vinyasa includes many popular, sweaty yoga styles, such as:
: Ashtanga yoga is a very vigorous style of practice and its practitioners are among the most dedicated of yogis. Beginners are often encouraged to sign up for a series of classes, which will help with motivation. Since Ashtanga follows the same series of poses each time, once you learn the sequence, you can practice anytime at home or join a Mysore-style group, in which there is a teacher present but each student goes at their own pace.
Power Yoga: Power yoga is extremely popular at gyms and health clubs, though it is widely available at dedicated yoga studios as well.?? Power yoga is based on building the heat and intensity of Ashtanga while dispensing with a fixed series of poses.
: Vinyasa yoga done in a hot room ups the ante by guaranteeing you’ll sweat buckets. Be aware that Bikram and hot yoga are not synonymous. Bikram is a pioneering style of hot yoga, which includes a set series of poses and, indeed, a script developed by founder Bikram Choudhury.?? These days, there are many other styles of hot yoga that make use of the hot room but not the Bikram series.
How Much Weight Can You Lose Doing Yoga
Weight loss varies by person and is dependent on a variety of factors including your beginning weight, overall activity level, and diet. The number of calories burned doing it also depends on what type of yoga you do, for how long, and what your current weight is. To have yoga help you lose weight, Young recommends practicing yoga four times a week and pairing it with extra cardio, like shadow boxing or running.
How Men Can Get Started Doing Yoga
It’s natural to want fast results, but the most successful dieters lose weight slowly. recommends losing no more than one to two pounds per week.
Thinking Of Trying Yoga For Weight Loss
If you are serious about losing weight and getting fit, you might want to implement a 60-minute power yoga and/or vinyasa flow practice at least five to six days per week. If you want to follow my example, think about coupling your practice with a whole foods diet for optimal results.
So roll out the mat. Connect with your breath. Detach from that destructive inner voice. Tune in to your spiritual nature that connects every cell of your body to the universe. Liberate the soul. And get ready to bask in the glory of all the positive changes that are coming.
Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward Dog Pose
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Adho Mukha Svanasana tones your whole body with a little extra attention to specific muscles. It helps to strengthen your arms, thighs, hamstring and back. Holding this pose and concentrating on your breathing engages your muscles and tones them, as well as improves your concentration and blood circulation.
Chaturanga Dandasana/ Limbed Staff Pose
Chaturanga Dandasana is one of the exercises performed during Surya Namaskar. To perform this asana, start with your legs and arms stretched in a plank position. Keep your spine and hip in a straight line. Now, tighten your core by sucking your belly inside.
Bring your body towards the floor without losing the straight posture. Balance your body with the engaged core and hold the pose. This pose helps to strengthen your core and maintain your balance. It can be beneficial to reduce and tone your belly. Chaturanga Dandasana helps to build your muscle strength. 
Can Beginners Yoga Help You Lose Weight
The question of how can you loose weight with the help of yoga might arise if you are just beginning your weight loss or trying to keep it off.
If you are planning to go on a very strict weight loss program, then it might be a good idea to join a yoga class to learn more about the benefits of yoga and how to maintain a good weight loss program.
Yoga is also a great way to maintain your new weight and will help you get into better shape so that you can lose weight and look great.
If you do decide to join a class, make sure that you find a teacher that you will get along well with and who will make you feel comfortable with. Yoga is also a good way to learn new skills so that you will feel more in control of your body and can enjoy what you are doing.
If you do decide to join a class, make sure that you find a teacher that you will get along well with and who will make you feel comfortable with. Yoga is also a good way to learn new skills so that you will feel more in control of your body and can enjoy what you are doing.
Things To Take Care Of While Doing Yoga
Your should also be considered, because you need to make sure that it is healthy and balanced. If you aren’t, then you may want to talk to your doctor or dietitian to make sure that you are following a proper diet.
·2. If you’re going to start doing yoga, make sure that you choose a yoga class that is going to suit your level of physical ability. If you have a lot of experience, you might want to try classes that are a little more advanced, so that you can get the most out of the workout.
When you have lost weight with yoga, you’ll notice that your energy levels are up and your confidence is higher. Your weight will probably decrease as well, because you are burning more calories than you normally do. But, you still want to make sure that you keep up your weight loss. Even though you may have lost a few pounds, you should keep at it and never quit.
The thing to remember is that you have to maintain your weight loss. If you stop your weight loss after a few weeks, you may find yourself gaining all of the weight back. You need to continue working on it, and staying motivated.
Once you have lost weight with yoga, you can always get back on it by doing another class or trying another one. This is a great form of exercise for anyone and it really does have a lot of benefits. It has proven to be beneficial to a lot of people.
If So How Does Yoga Help To Lose Weight
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There are many therapeutic to intensive yoga styles, reinforcing your central cores, including your overall muscle groups, increasing your flexibility, stability, and mobility.
Each yoga style offers unique benefits, so if your goal is to lose weight, concentrating on a fast-paced strength-based exercise is best. Yoga done in this manner has four main benefits that you should know.
Yoga strengthens your core and self-awareness.
While there is no cheat to lose weight in a day, strengthening your core is one major step to help you shed weight in the long run.
Your core is the home of all muscle groups necessary to stabilize your spine, keep your posture in the best shape, and improve your balance.
Therefore, by reinforcing your core, you are increasing your movements’ foundation to be more concise, which, in turn, makes you exercise more effectively without the risk of bodily discomforts.
Yoga is also useful in this matter because it also increases your self-awareness. You’ll learn how to use your muscles to precisely regulate your movements to achieve safer body fitness.
Yoga can help cut cravings for unhealthy foods and sugar.
One of the fantastic benefits of yoga is installing a sense of mindfulness. More mindful people are less stressed and less likely to seek comfort in food to binge eat.
Yoga can help protect yourself from stress, more-so, manage stress.
Yoga introduces you to a healthy lifestyle with better decisions.
Guest Post By Marilyn From Ink & Coffee
I’m very happy to collaborate with Marilyn from Ink & Coffee and share her blog post about yoga and weight loss. Marilyn is training to be a yoga teacher and health and wellness coach so she knows her stuff. As a self-confessed yogi I find it really helps me to tone, stay fit and improve flexibility. But does it really help us to lose weight? Here’s Marilyn to answer that for you ?.
Does Ashtanga Yoga Help You Lose Weight
Ashtanga yoga has been gaining popularity for the last few decades. Here in this article, we will help you answer one of the most asked questions: Does Ashtanga yoga help lose weight?
Last month I met Suzanne for the first time at a house-warming party. We started talking and liked each other’s company. 
Amid a conversation, I passed her a compliment about her physique. She noticed how intrigued I was, so she took me to the side and showed me an old photograph of her. 
Looking at the picture, I was astounded. In the photo, she was barely recognizable. 
I quickly asked her the secret recipe of the drastic transformation, and she answered- Ashtanga Yoga.
Ashtanga yoga, also known as eight-limbed yoga, is mentioned in the Yoga Sutras by the sage Patanjali. It includes various asanas, which should be practiced with utmost patience and dedication.
Ashtanga Yoga includes a full-body workout. Intense asanas are done in this yoga practice that covers all your muscle areas, and therefore it makes for a great partner in the weight loss journey. You can expect to burn on average around 450 to 550 calories per 1h Ashtanga yoga session. 
The vigorous workout improves your strength, flexibility, tones, endurance, and overall health, besides contributing to weight loss. It is a fast-paced yoga practice that enhances energy levels and overall physique. 
But, how does Ashtanga yoga help in weight loss? Read further to find out.
Yoga Stimulates And Improves Digestion
Even though yoga has a positive and stimulating effect on all of the different systems within your body, including your cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic and endocrine systems, it has a very strong focus on the stimulation of your digestive system.
Your digestive system plays a key role in the breakdown, absorption and elimination of food and waste from your body. A sluggish and slow digestive system will hinder your weight loss goals by reducing your body’s ability to appropriately absorb nutrients and discard unwanted waste.
Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana Bridge Pose
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Yet another asana with multiple benefits is the Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge pose. It is excellent for glutes, thyroid as well as weight loss. The Bridge pose improves muscle tone, digestion, regulates hormones, and improves thyroid levels. It also strengthens your back muscles and reduces back pain.
/8here Are 7 Yoga Asanas You Should Do
When it comes to weight loss, yoga is not favoured by many as an effective workout to shed kilos. The low-impact exercise has undoubtedly gained popularity across the globe but is known mostly to increase flexibility and calm your mind. Contrary to popular belief, yoga can help to burn tons of calories and drop a considerable amount of weight. All you need to do is choose the right kind of yoga asanas and perform it correctly. Here are 7 yoga asanas that may help you lose more weight than any intense workout.
Proper Technique Is The Key To Success
It would be best if you were very careful while doing any of these yoga poses or any other exercises. Please give enough time to know how to perform these yoga postures and learn them properly. Before trying, know all the techniques of performing any exercise.
It would be best if you were very precise while doing these poses, or else you might end up hurting yourself. Many of the yoga poses require specific timings like morning or evening. Some of them must be done with an empty stomach. Everybody cannot do many postures. They are prohibited to people having any muscle injury or spinal problem.
An example being the Dhanurasana mentioned above. So please make sure to check all of the techniques to perform the yoga posture. Otherwise, you might end up hurting yourself, or you might not see visible results even after efforts. Once you grasp the technique, it can be a piece of cake for you.
Learn More About Weight Loss Fitness
Can Yoga Help You Lose Weight And Tone
In order to start using yoga for weight loss, you need to make sure that you are healthy enough to do it. You should always keep in mind to eat a balanced diet, get plenty of exercise and use a positive attitude.
can yoga help you lose weight and tone?YesYoga can help you get the results that you are looking for. It is an easy way to get into shape and get in good form so that you do not feel stressed out when you take your next step.
There are many things that go into learning how to lose weight. Yoga can give you the knowledge and skills that you need to have sure to lose weight. You will not feel depressed or stressed about how you look or what you feel about yourself.
can yoga help you lose weight? Weight loss is a big concern and one that many people have. The best way to lose weight is to start the right exercise.
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sarthsharma101 · 3 years
PSYCHOLOGY AND NUTRITION — How They Depend on each other
Source : https://faidepro.medium.com/psychology-and-nutrition-how-they-depend-on-each-other-bf410a580912
To live a full life, we need to fill our stomachs. We can fill our stomachs by eating food. Food is not only a word, it has become an emotion for many people. If there is food before you, you keep seeing it or drooling over it before we start to consume it. In the present scenario, people are becoming foodies by eating the food they desire. Many people are fond of foods that are tasty, yummy to eat. They have their own favorites depending on the place they go. The states of our country are famous for different varieties of food. People say if you are visiting a place try its famous food. As we all know food is essential for our survival as it provides all the required nutrients for our body. Apart from nutritional usage, food is also related to a person’s mood and mental health. A person in any mood if he eats food will become normal. Food has been a friend for humans for a long time. Food is linked to nutritional as well as psychological aspects in a person’s life. There is much research that is being done to understand nutrition’s role in a person’s mental health.
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Nutrition and psychology are two different fields, but they can be connected by a field known as nutritional psychology. This field deals with the role nutrition be it dietary patterns, broad-based multi-nutrient supplements or fixed vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients plays in the etiology of mental health problems. Another definition that can be said is it is an interdisciplinary field to develop an envisaged framework to understand the diet- mental health relationship. This framework allows us to procure awareness of the deeper, more complex role that food, nutrients, and dietary intake patterns play in shaping our mood, behavior, and mental health. The essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients found in whole or unprocessed foods notably support the body’s biochemical and physiological processes. As the gap between our body’s physiological needs and our dietary intake patterns widens, the importance of considering diet as a piece of the puzzle in the world’s mental health crisis is needed.
The Center for Nutritional Psychology (CNP) exists to address the need of nutritional psychology through fused research efforts related to the Diet-Mental Health Relationship, developing formalized curriculum to support individuals in understanding this relationship, and advocating for the training of students and professionals in the field of Nutritional Psychology. There have been many health care services that have been grown in recent times for making people understand the need for necessary nutrients. Health care services are needed to understand the need of nutrients for the proper functioning of our body. If we have proper nutrition we can be prevented from various illnesses as food also provides immunity against diseases. In order to have a properly working healthy body, proper nutritional intake is necessary. These health care services give advice regarding this and act as a guide for consulting a doctor. Depending on the body condition health care service providers tell what should be done to be healthy. In order to get primary consultation for not-so-severe diseases, health care services can be an option. They can provide the right advice and medication for the disease, but if the case is worst they will suggest a doctor consultation for recovery.
Improper nutrition here signifies the improper intake of food or delay in food timings or not eating healthy food. Improper nutrition affects the energy dietary density(ED) which in turn affects the individual by causing obesity. Various studies show that obesity is also related to psychological aspects in an individual. The main reason for this has been found to be stress which in turn leads to depression. Psychological distress, which is defined as the co-occurrence of discerned stress and depressive symptoms, may be linked to increased cardiometabolic disease risk through the intake of high energy-dense diets.
Adults are more likely to feel stressed when they discern environmental demands as taxing and see themselves as wanting the resources to cope with these demands. Stress can precipitate or exacerbate depressive symptoms and reinforce unhealthy dietary patterns leading to greater psychological distress and potentially incurable illness. The relationship between psychological distress may be bidirectional; obesity may contribute to depression due to negative body image and social stigma. Overweight individuals studies show that stress and depressive symptoms as psychological factors affect eating behaviors and food choices. Negative emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness are associated with irregular eating patterns. Eating food paves the way to get distracted, or to relax or feel better from these emotions. Stress is associated with cravings for high fat and high carbohydrate foods, particularly among women. Stress-related eating is more common in women than men.
Depressive symptoms are associated with increased appetite, excess food intake, preferences for high fat and carbohydrate foods, excess alcohol intake, and higher BMI in women than in men. Additionally, severely depressed individuals may be less able to adhere to dietary recommendations. Although stress and depressive symptoms may contribute to weight gain in some individuals, psychological distress can have the opposite effect in others.
Needing to always feel full after a meal: Spreading your food intake out throughout the day will prevent insulin spikes and help keep your metabolism working in your favor, making weight management easier.
Avoid eating beyond the point of hunger: If you feel tempted to eat even after having a heavy meal, it is better to avoid it. Eating irregularly leads to obesity and weight gain which in turn leads to the onset of CVD. If such a situation pops in, it is better to take water or some healthy juices in order to overcome the craving.
Avoid overeating when you are alone: It can be so easy to lose touch with your sense of appetite when you’re doing something else while eating. Focus on just eating your food. Don’t involve in other activities when you are eating.
Skipping breakfasts: There is a saying that eating breakfast helps jumpstart the metabolism, shed pounds, and cut cravings during the day. It has also been identified as a key to maintaining weight loss in the long term.
Avoid constant snacking throughout the workday: Snacking regularly is an outcome of boredom. If we are bored, we tend to eat junk. In order to avoid that, it is better to keep ourselves busy by doing activities. If you still feel to eat something then drinking water or consuming nuts like almonds, cashews can be done.
Avoid late-night food: Many people have a habit of eating at midnight after they have their dinner. This should be avoided for having a healthy body as well as proper mental health.
Have a balanced diet with an exercise routine: We need to maintain a properly balanced diet and intake all required nutrients in a required amount. Along with this practicing yoga or doing workouts can be a way to lead a healthy life.
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Talking about yoga, it is considered the best way to maintain a healthy body as it works naturally. The inclusion of yoga in therapeutic settings has been useful for many yoga services that are provided. According to Bhagavad Gita, “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” Yoga helps in alleviating a person’s mental health. Yoga helps in improving physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It helps in attaining physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social potential. It helps in managing stress and having positive thoughts in all situations. It also helps people fight depression and keeps them away from negativity. Along with this yoga helps in maintaining our body healthy and helps in proper metabolism thereby preventing diseases.
There are many yoga services available for training or teaching people yoga and its importance. These institutes teach yoga in a proper way and make people be aware of the same.
Having proper food will give proper nutrients for the working of a healthy body. Eating food is also related to psychology as it controls the emotions of people. In order to have a good mood and happy life, it is necessary to have healthy eating routines with proper yoga.
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lovemychinchilla · 3 years
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Can Chinchillas Get Fat?
Once it's fully grown, you should not notice your chinchilla gain weight over time. Experienced owners say this is almost impossible, but if your chinchilla overeats, surely it is?
Can chinchillas get fat? They can; chinchilla weight gain is caused by fatty treats like nuts or seeds. Lack of exercise can compound the issue, although some chinchillas are larger because of genetics. To help a chinchilla lose weight, feed it a suitable diet of hay and give it more exercise, e.g. in a pen. Consult a vet and they can tell you what your chinchilla's weight should be.
As the owner, your pet's health is your responsibility. Follow our guide below to learn how to tell when a chinchilla is overweight, what a suitable diet is, and how to help it lose weight if it's fat/obese.
Is My Chinchilla Fat? (How to Tell)
Chinchillas in general do not get fat, provided they are cared for correctly. There are several reasons for this:
Chinchillas are exotic pets, not starter pets. As such, their owners are typically older and better at caring for pets than average owners.
Chinchillas eat hay. Hay is low in calories and high in fiber, so even if your chinchilla eats lots of it, it will not gain weight.
Chinchillas are naturally active. A basic cage setup provides for this as it contains platforms the chinchilla can jump to and from.
Because of these reasons, highly overweight or obese chinchillas are rare. But that doesn't mean it's impossible for one to get fat. You can spot whether yours is overweight through the signs below.
Sign 1: How Much Should My Chinchilla Weigh?
Likely the first thing you'll think to do is weigh your chinchilla. This is not a bad idea, but it's also not entirely accurate in every case.
That's because the average chinchilla weight depends on both the individual pet's sex and species. Females are larger than males on average, and short-tailed chinchillas are heavier than long-tailed ones. Also, an individual chinchilla can be larger than others because of its genetic make-up. So:
Long-tailed chinchillas weigh between 370 and 490g
Short-tailed chinchillas weigh between 1.1kg and 1.4kg (one kg is 1000grams, so short-tailed chinchillas are heavier)
Females approach the heavier end of these scales, while males approach the lighter end
As such, weighing your long-tailed chinchilla and finding that it's 600g (slightly heavier than average) isn't enough to tell you whether it's an unhealthily large weight. This individual chinchilla could be large because its genetics cause it to be, rather than overeating.
Sign 2: What Does an Overweight Chinchilla Look Like?
It's difficult to spot whether a chinchilla is fat or not. As they have such dense fur, they look like overweight puffballs even if they aren't. So, the fact that your chinchilla looks large is not proof enough.
There is a test you can perform to see if your chinchilla has more fat reserves than normal, however. This involves a particular way of holding your pet:
Pick your chinchilla up according to approved guidelines
Place your hands gently on either side of your pet's chest, i.e. directly under its 'armpits'
Hold your pet supporting it only under its armpits
Then, look at your hands. Does your chinchilla have fat rolls which sit over your fingers? If so, it may be overweight. You can both see and feel these fat rolls if they're present, but don't mistake small amounts of loose skin for them. This is not a fool-proof method, but it can help you compare your chinchilla to others in a way that doesn't rely on measured weight.
Sign 3: Chinchilla Eating Too Much
If you notice your chinchilla overeating, that isn't necessarily a problem. A pet chinchilla's diet should be roughly 80% hay, and hay is not a nutrient-dense food. Hay is high in fiber, but low in protein and fat. This means that your chinchilla has to eat lots of it to survive.
What this means is that a chinchilla on a suitable diet cannot overeat. You can 'free feed' your chinchillas, which means giving them an unlimited supply of hay that they have access to at all times. They will not become severely overweight.
What will make your pet overweight is if you feed it too many treats. Nuts and seeds are full of vitamins and minerals, but are also high in calories compared to a chinchilla's regular food. So, if you feed your pet treats all the time, it may become overweight.
Sign 4: Chinchilla Isn't Exercising
Chinchillas are active animals which require exercise. You should notice your chinchilla frequently scampering and jumping around its cage. And, when you take your chinchilla from its enclosure, it should get excited and want to run around as fast as it can. If it's not, this is a bad sign, and it's bad for your pet's health too.
A lack of exercise likely won't cause weight gain alone, but can make the effects of a poor diet even worse.
This exercise can be provided either inside or outside of the enclosure. Ideally, your chinchilla should have the means to exercise on its own rather than relying on you. As such, a chinchilla's exercise requirements are best met inside the cage, e.g. with an exercise saucer.
So, if you notice that your pet is hardly moving, this could be one of the issues behind its weight gain.
Sign 5: Gut Problems (Not Going to the Toilet)
Chinchillas can experience a condition known as 'gastrointestinal stasis', also known as 'GI stasis' or simply 'stasis'. The normal emptying of the stomach and passage of food through the intestinal tract is slowed down until it eventually stops. This occurs alongside gastrointestinal dilation, which is where ingested items accumulate in the stomach, intestines and cecum.
These issues are caused by poor diet, and can result in temporary weight and size gain. Your chinchilla may go through stasis if its diet contains inadequate amounts of long-stemmed, coarse fiber (i.e. hay).
There are several signs of stasis which you can observe:
The chinchilla will first stop eating its core diet (hay). It may persist in eating treats for a time, although it will stop eating these, too, eventually.
Fecal pellets are smaller and are passed less frequently. Alternatively, diarrhea may occur.
The chinchilla becomes bloated as food and gas accumulate in its stomach and gut.
This won't cause 'weight gain' in the sense that overeating does. Your chinchilla won't put on fat reserves because of stasis. But its weight will be higher because it isn't expelling waste as it should.
If you suspect that your chinchilla is experiencing stasis, take it to the vet. The vet can identify the underlying cause and fix it for you.
Consult a Vet
If you still aren't sure whether your chinchilla is overweight or not, talk to a veterinarian. If possible, pick a vet who specializes in small and/or exotic animals, as they will have more experience with chinchillas than the average vet.
The vet can do two things. First, they can tell you whether your chinchilla is larger than average. Using accurate scales and measurements, as well as accurate guidebooks, they can figure out how far above an average size your pet is.
But more importantly, the vet can tell you whether your pet's excess size is making it unhealthy or not. As stated above, large size is not strictly indicative of poor health. So, the vet can perform several non-invasive checks to assess your pet's overall health and recommend any changes that may be necessary.
How to Help a Chinchilla Lose Weight
If your chinchilla is overweight, a vet would recommend one of two core solutions: have your pet consume fewer calories, or burn more calories. This means adjusting your pet's diet and giving it more of a chance to be active.
1. Offer Approved Treats, Not Nuts and Seeds
The only reliable way in which a chinchilla can become overweight is if you consistently feed it the wrong foods. If you feed it pellets formulated for other rodent pets, for example, or if you feed it nuts and seeds than it can get too much fat and protein. This would lead to it growing in size.
Instead, stick to an approved diet. Your chinchilla's diet should be at least 80% (4/5ths) hay.
Chinchillas do not need variety in their diets like other animals do. But if you do plan on giving your pet treats, only give it fresh vegetables. These are low in protein and fat, which your pet doesn't need much of. If you have your chinchilla overeat fresh vegetables, weight gain is impossible, although diarrhea may occur.
2. Encourage More Exercise
Exercise burns calories. So, if your chinchilla has lots of excess fat, excercising is the best way to get rid of it.
There are three ways in which chinchillas exercise. The first is if you provide yours with platforms in its cage to jump up and down from. Chinchillas enjoy jumping, which is why they will run around and jump excitedly when happy. Installing platforms at different levels in your pet's cage provides a bare minimum of movement and exercise for your pet.
Rodent pets are also commonly given exercise wheels. These allow rodent pets to reach full running speed, which is something they cannot otherwise do in a cage. This is the ideal exercise as it mimics the pet's natural routine of regularly running, and so is essential for good health.
Unfortunately, regular wheels are not suitable for chinchillas. There are several reasons why:
The majority of exercise wheels are too small. It is difficult to find ones of the right size.
Due to their size, they bend a chinchilla's back at a dangerous angle at which bone fractures are possible.
Chinchillas can catch their feet in the gaps between the wires of a wheel. This, too, can result in fractures.
Instead, experienced owners recommend the 'chinchilla saucer'. This is like a flattened metal bowl that spins around like a frisbee. Chinchillas can run on them at full speed and in a natural posture.
The third way of exercising your pet is to allow it outside of its enclosure, in a pen or a chinchilla-proof room. But however your pet exercises, doing so is good for its health.
3. Monitor Its Weight
You must weigh your pet consistently to tell whether your efforts are having an effect. This is a quick and easy process if you have all of the equipment available, and your chinchilla is comfortable with handling. Begin with a pair of digital kitchen scales. These can be found in any homeware store. Then:
Take a bowl and weigh it. Cancel off the weight of the bowl so that you can weigh what you put in it, rather than the weight of the bowl plus its contents. There is normally a button that does this for you.
Place the chinchilla in the bowl. If your chinchilla will not sit still in the bowl, use a box with a lid. Poke a hole in the box if necessary to ensure that your pet gets enough air.
Note down your pet's weight in a book. Update the book every other day with your pet's weight to monitor its weight changes.
Once your pet's weight is back within a healthy range, continue to monitor it for a period afterwards. Just as worrying is for a chinchilla to be underweight. But if you are providing a suitable diet and encouraging enough exercise, your chinchilla's weight loss should peter out once it's healthy again.
4. Talk to a Vet
Throughout this process, the vet is your friend.
An initial consultation would help identify what's wrong with your pet. The vet could see if there are any underlying causes of the weight gain, e.g. illness. They can also tell you what a healthy weight would be, and how to help your chinchilla lose weight until it weighs that much.
Then, afterwards, the vet can still help. Once your chinchilla has lost some weight, you can ask the vet whether it is now healthy or not. The vet can also check whether your pet has lost too much weight.
Below, you can find our chinchilla quiz, new posts for further reading, and a signup for our Chinchilla Newsletter!
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stillevann · 3 years
Gluttony: Sin of Lust and Greed (Part One)
Martin G. Collins
A Realty Times magazine article, "Gluttony . . . Sheer Gluttony: Tyson's Connecticut City—uh, home—goes on the market," tells of how prizefighter Mike Tyson bought a Farmington, Connecticut, estate for $3 million and made some "modest" upgrades: a 3,500 square-foot nightclub designed for 1,000 people, and a 1,500 square-foot exercise facility. The house has 18 bedrooms, 24 full bathrooms, 14 half-baths, an indoor racquetball court, 7 kitchens, a theater, an elevator, a 3-story foyer, and 50 skylights. Tyson has admitted to Prime Time Live that he has probably visited it only five times, yet after a year, he grew tired of his 56,000 square-foot pastime, putting it up for sale for $25 million!
Although Tyson has invested millions upgrading the estate, Connecticut realtors believe he will not get much beyond the initial $3 million for it since $250,000-500,000 homes surround it. What a waste—millions of dollars squandered in gluttonous spending.
With human reasoning being what it is, it is not surprising to see our present society deeply against self-responsibility. Most people today have convinced themselves that they are not personally responsible for their actions, and this applies to gluttony. They reason, "It must be genetic," or "I have a disease." Gluttony is considered merely socially unpleasant rather than a sin. Few in this society know what it is or why it is wrong.
What is gluttony? Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary: Tenth Edition defines a glutton as "one given habitually to greedy and voracious eating and drinking." Voracious is "having a huge appetite: ravenous; excessively eager: insatiable." Synonyms for "gluttony" are greed, avarice, gorge, epicure, cram, stuff and guzzle. Children who eat voraciously are said to "eat us out of house and home," and an adult who eats often "plays a good knife and fork."
We associate gluttony most often with overeating, but it can occur in many other forms such as drinking, smoking, gambling, sex, accumulating material things, or even too much studying and researching of a narrowly defined subject in theology, health, genealogy—the list is endless. The key term, however, is "too much." Signs of gluttony are too soon, too eagerly, too quickly.
Gluttony Is Destructive
The Bible ascribes a great deal of destructive power to gluttony, as in Proverbs 30:21-22: "For three things the earth is perturbed, yes, for four it cannot bear up: . . . A fool when he is filled with food. . . ." Physically, what is so harmful about it?
An old English proverb says, "Gluttony kills more than the sword." Another maintains, "There are more gluttons than alcoholics in the grave." This certainly seems true today. In the last five years, sales of oversized coffins at the nation's largest casket company are up 20 percent. Why? The November 8, 1999, issue of U.S. News and World Report answers this in an informative article entitled, Why We're Fat:
Both men and women are getting fat in epidemic proportions. Well over half of all American adults—about 63 percent of men and 55 percent of women age 25 and older—are overweight. Last week in a special issue devoted entirely to obesity, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported new statistics that are nothing short of astonishing for a nation seemingly so obsessed with health and fitness: The rate of obesity—18 percent—has soared from 12 percent just seven years ago, making the United States now secure in its position as the fattest nation in the developed world.
"The rate is shocking," says Jeffery Koplan, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "and it means that we have a huge public health problem." Indeed, depending on weight and age, obesity significantly increases the risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol, diabetes, and gallbladder disease.
Gluttony is sheer defiance of reasonable and balanced behavior. Benjamin Franklin says of man's proclivity to overeat, "In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eats twice as much as nature requires." Each person must determine what is necessary to sustain him, measuring his indulgence in eating and drinking to ensure it is healthy for him.
Obese men risk serious health problems, as Why We're Fat relates:
The potbelly that men often grow in their middle years is not just unattractive, it's dangerous. . . . The midlife paunch, which doctors call "visceral fat," poses a risk because it surrounds the internal organs. It releases fatty acids that make their way into the liver, diminishing the organ's ability to process the hormone insulin, eventually causing diabetes. The fat also affects how the kidneys process insulin, a factor that scientists say may lead to high blood pressure. For every 10 percent increase over normal weight, men and women have about a 20 percent jump in risk for heart disease. [See the inset, "Body Mass Index," to see how health officials determine obesity.]
Obesity is a terrible problem, and unlike other epidemics like a flu epidemic, it will not go away on its own. Some would have us believe that there is nothing wrong with being fat—that people just find it distasteful and assume it is unhealthy. Actually, doctors say fat is unhealthy because a multitude of studies for decades has shown it to be so. Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop says, "We know that excessive weight fosters everything from diabetes and heart disease to breast cancer, colorectal cancer and osteoarthritis." Prostate, gallbladder, cervical and ovarian cancers have also been linked to obesity.
Gluttony Is Sin
When we use food or drink in a way that injures our health or impairs our mind, we are guilty of the sin of gluttony. King Solomon, a man familiar with feasting and abundance, advises, "Blessed are you, O land, when your king is the son of nobles, and your princes feast at the proper time—for strength and not for drunkenness!" (Ecclesiastes 10:17). We should eat food primarily at meal times and for strength, not satiation.
Although we all enjoy snacks occasionally, they are most often of poor quality, well known as "fat foods" or "junk foods" for their ability to fatten us up with little or no nutritional value. While adults consume plenty of junk food, teenagers eat it voraciously, one factor in why so many of our youth are overweight (adolescent obesity has jumped 40 percent in a little over a decade). The cycle of gluttony does not end once they reach adulthood.
Perhaps not so surprising to those who are observant, teens ingest an average of 9 percent of their calories from soft drinks. Food and drink proportions have inflated to the point that marketers need a new vocabulary to describe them. Selections no longer stop at "large"—they are now "jumbo" or "supreme." The original Coca-Cola came in a statuesque 6.5-ounce bottle, and in Europe it is still about 8 ounces. In America, however, machines now dispense 20-ounce soda bottles, while convenience stores sell 64-ounce buckets of drink—10 times the original serving size!
Eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa and anorexia are commonly associated with gluttony. As an affluent nation, we binge and starve and binge again, swinging from food-related anxiety to depression and guilt to pursuing sensory pleasure in food "addiction." For instance, bulimia is characterized by self-perpetuating and self-defeating cycles of gluttonous binge-eating and purging. During a "binge," the person consumes large amounts of food in a rapid, automatic and helpless fashion. Though this may repress hunger, anger and other feelings, it eventually creates physical discomfort and anxiety about weight gain. So the person "purges" the food eaten, usually by inducing vomiting and resorting to some combination of restrictive dieting, excessive exercising, laxatives and diuretics.
According to the World Health Organization, 300,000 Americans die prematurely each year because of obesity. Among lifestyle-related illnesses, only cigarette smoking (at approximately 400,000 deaths) has a higher toll. But smoking deaths are declining, while obesity deaths will continue to climb as long as obesity does.
Of course, eating is not a sin, but if one eats in a manner that is unhealthy, it is sin. Poor eating habits, such as binge eating, constant eating for satiation and junk food inhalation, slowly destroy the human body.
Lust and Greed
How do lust and greed relate to gluttony? Basically, lust is an intense longing or excessive craving for something—anything—and greed is excessive or insatiable desire to accumulate things. Lust and greed are never satisfied, as James 4:1-2 says: "Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain." Too much of even a good thing can be bad. Among other afflictions, too much eating can cause obesity and gout, and too much drinking, cirrhosis of the liver and depression.
In Numbers 11, the Israelites in the wilderness, inclined to be excessive, let lust and greed rule them. Their gluttony exposes other sins hidden below the surface: ingratitude, wastefulness, lust, greed, covetousness and licentiousness. The chapter begins with some of them complaining of being tired of eating only God-given manna. Displeased with them, God burns up some of the complainers in the outskirts of the camp as a warning (verse 1). Still, many give into their desire for other types of food, especially meat. "Now the mixed multitude who were among them yielded to intense craving; so the children of Israel also wept again and said, ‘Who will give us meat to eat?'" (verse 4).
Moses, tired of the Israelites complaining about not having meat, complains to God about the complaining Israelites (verses 10-15)! God, although not pleased with the Israelites, tells him that He would provide the entire nation with meat (verses 16-20). Moses immediately assumes it would come from the flocks and herds (verses 21-22), but God performs a miracle to further show His providence: Quail flutter just above the ground near the camp for about a day's journey in all directions!
And the people stayed up all that day, all that night, and all the next day, and gathered the quail (he who gathered least gathered ten homers [about ten donkey loads]); and they spread them out for themselves all around the camp. But while the meat was still between their teeth, before it was chewed, the wrath of the LORD was aroused against the people, and the LORD struck the people with a very great plague. So he called the name of that place Kibroth Hattaavah [Graves of Craving], because there they buried the people who had yielded to craving. (verses 32-34)
God is furious when we yield to intense craving—lust—because it controls our will. Self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and without it a person cannot produce other fruits of the Spirit. The Israelites, devoid of self-control, could not conform to God's will.
In Psalm 78, the psalmist describes God's care of Israel in the wilderness and how the people reacted to His will. He includes a description of the event in Numbers 11:
But they sinned even more against Him by rebelling against the Most High in the wilderness. And they tested God in their heart by asking for the food of their fancy. Yes, they spoke against God: They said, "Can God prepare a table in the wilderness? Behold He struck the rock, so that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed. Can He give bread also? Can He provide meat for His people?"
Therefore the LORD heard this and was furious; so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel, because they did not believe in God, and did not trust in His salvation. Yet He had commanded the clouds above, and opened the doors of heaven, had rained down manna on them to eat, and given them the bread of heaven. Men ate angels' food; He sent them food to the full [satiation, margin].
He caused an east wind to blow in the heavens; and by His power He brought in the south wind. He also rained meat on them like the dust, feathered fowl like the sand of the seas; and He let them fall in the midst of their camp, all around their habitations. So they ate and were filled, for He gave them their own desire. They were not deprived of their craving; but while their food was still in their mouths, the wrath of God came against them, and slew the stoutest of them, and struck down the choice men of Israel.
In spite of this they still sinned, and did not believe in His wondrous works. Therefore their days He consumed in futility, and their years in fear. (verses 17-33)
The Israelites lost control of themselves by yielding to their cravings. Despite all God had provided for them, they quickly forgot and gave their will to the god of appetite. The result was futility, destruction and death.
Wisdom's Children
Matthew 11:18-19 provides a principle to determine if our actions are gluttonous. Responding to accusations of extremes in eating and drinking against John the Baptist and Himself, Jesus remarks:
For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, "He has a demon." The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, "Look, a gluttonous man and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!" But wisdom is justified by her children.
What are the children of wisdom? Good works and good fruit. Whether what we do is wise or foolish is seen in the fruit we bear and in what we accomplish. An alcoholic produces sorrow for himself and his family, battered wives and children, poor health and a shorter life. A glutton produces a bad example for his family and his brethren, poverty, poor health and eventually death. We must control our desires because excess desire is the driving force behind gluttony. When we lose control of it, we sin, feeding the god that is in our belly, the god of excess, the god of too much, too fast, too eagerly.
Another interpretation of "wisdom is justified by her children" is that those who follow the wisdom from above recognize and live their lives based on truth. By their example in living wisely and righteously, they justify, prove, that it is the right and reasonable way to live. The way the wise live destroys the credibility of false accusations. Avoiding gluttony is one way to show that we are living in wisdom. The foolish—the opposite of the wise—tend toward gluttony.
The Institute of Medicine thinks the problem "must lie in the powerful social and cultural forces that promote an energy-rich diet and a sedentary lifestyle." But the problem is deeper than that! It is rooted in human nature, which we must overcome and can only be overcome with the help of God's Holy Spirit. When we nurture lust and greed, gluttony is a byproduct, a sign that something of a spiritual nature is eating us.
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