pradoido · 2 years
idea for an minor orthographic update on portuguese
on this post i will present the idea my friend and i came up with for minor changes on portuguese orthography
1. the issue we tried to fix:
in portuguese, currently, words ending in ⟨-ão⟩ /ɐ̃w̃/ can have their plurals in 3 different ways:
· singular ⟨-ão⟩ plural ⟨-ãos⟩ such as cidadão/cidadãos, mão/mãos
· singular ⟨-ão⟩ plural ⟨-ões⟩ such as ação/ações, coração/corações
· singular ⟨-ão⟩ plural ⟨-ães⟩ such as cão/cães, alemão/alemães
the reason for this is because they come from different endings in latin:
· singular -ā̌num > -ão (eg mão) / plural -ā̌nōs > -ãos (eg mãos)
· singular -ă̄nem > -ão (eg pão) / plural -ă̄nēs > -ães (eg pães)
· singular -ōnem > -ão (eg função) / plural -ōnēs > -ões (eg funções)
there is no way to accurately tell the plural of a word if you don't know a fair bit of etymology or if you speak a language like spanish or the galician dialect of portuguese, which didn't merge these 3 endings. this is something native speakers of portuguese get taught in school and we have to memorise each word, even though over 90% of the words ending in ⟨-ão⟩ have their plural in ⟨-ões⟩
2. historical parenthesis
in the past, portuguese used ⟨-am⟩ to spell out words that had an unstressed /ɐ̃w̃/ so that órfão used to be orpham or orfam, sótão used to be sotam and so on. this spelling is still preserved on third person verbs like falam, falaram, ajudam, etc.
3. the solution
singular ⟨-ão⟩ and plural ⟨-ãos⟩ remains unchanged:
· mão / mãos ➝ mão / mãos
· cidadão / cidadãos ➝ cidadão / cidadão
singular ⟨-ão⟩ and plural ⟨-ães⟩ changes the ⟨-ão⟩ to ⟨-ám⟩
· alemão / alemães ➝ alemám / alemães
· pão / pães ➝ pám / pães
singular ⟨-ão⟩ and plural ⟨-ões⟩ changes the ⟨-ão⟩ to ⟨-óm⟩
· a(c)ção / a(c)ções ➝ a(c)çóm / a(c)ções
· coração / corações ➝ coraçóm / corações
4. pros and cons
· you can accurately predict how a word is pluralised just from looking at it
· you can have a unified orthography with galician since reintegrationist orthography spells it almost like that minus the acute accent
· the word for bread looks like an onomatopoeia and that’s funny: pám!
· the word for não is even funnier: nóm :3
· the etymology is more well represented in writing
· doesn’t go against portuguese accentuation rules that words ending in ⟨-am⟩ are stressed on the second to last syllable
· isn’t too big a change to be disruptive to how we spell things currently
· different ways to spell the same ão sound: 3 different ways, currently it’s two
· i can't think of more cons but i'm taking criticism
5. sample text
O texto ou letra das canções sóm tradicionalmente versos de poesia, mas podem ser versos religiosos de livre prosa. As canções possuem amplas maneiras de divisóm, dependendo dos critérios utilizados. Algumas divisões estám entre as músicas "artísticas", "canções de música popular" e "cançóm popular". from here: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canção
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of-stars-and-moon · 3 years
kiss or car for wip thing?
not that interesting or fluffy kiss but this is just before this other line:
They were far enough that Regulus couldn't hear them but he saw Sirius’ face break into a wider smile as Remus gave him a quick kiss.
and from orfam which i actually worked on constantly from yesterday so will hopefully post later today!
Adam only thought Ronan was starting to have a slight obsession with cars, but him and a car together was a dangerous thing.
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loveinquotesposts · 4 years
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So you want to be a writerif it doesn’t come bursting out of youin spite of everything,don’t do it.unless it comes unasked out of yourheart and your mind and your mouthand your gut,don’t do it.if you have to sit for hoursstaring at your computer screenor hunched over yourtypewritersearching for words,don’t do it.if you’re doing it for money orfame,don’t do it.if you’re doing it because you wantwomen in your bed,don’t do it.if you have to sit there andrewrite it again and again,don’t do it.if it’s hard work just thinking about doing it,don’t do it.if you’re trying to write like somebodyelse,forget about it.if you have to wait for it to roar out ofyou,then wait patiently.if it never does roar out of you,do something else.if you first have to read it to your wifeor your girlfriend or your boyfriendor your parents or to anybody at all,you’re not ready.don’t be like so many writers,don’t be like so many thousands ofpeople who call themselves writers,don’t be dull and boring andpretentious, don’t be consumed with self-love.the libraries of the world haveyawned themselves tosleepover your kind.don’t add to that.don’t do it.unless it comes out ofyour soul like a rocket,unless being still woulddrive you to madness orsuicide or murder,don’t do it.unless the sun inside you isburning your gut,don’t do it.when it is truly time,and if you have been chosen,it will do it byitself and it will keep on doing ituntil you die or it dies in you.there is no other way.and there never was. ― Charles Bukowski
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SONHO DE HOĹĹYWOOD (no Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/qATtJeYQcZ
Uma lição de vida. Ana Villethi Tem 22 anos, orfam e mora sosinha. seu sonho e ser cantora e talento para isso ela tem de sobra. porém ela não tem mais esperanças de realizar esse sonho.
O inesperado acontece e a pessoa que ela mais amou um dia e mais odiou ou pensou odiar por simplesmente o cuupar pela morte do irmão mais velho Jonny Villethi, s…
De cara nova e a caminho da Amazon 😍😍😍
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lalalalaraaah · 7 years
After 3000000000000 long years 😂 eto naaaa! Kakain na sya ng rice! 😁 @mekpascoii 💪🏼 #orfam😍
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Mihzza Aura magica
 Capitulo: 10 
     Lillyan desaparece. 
Depois de 8 anos longe do mundo dos vivos eu finalmente voltei pra Lunara pode rever um Lindo por sol, e inúmeras estrelas e a Lua cheia no fim da noite, eu fiquei na casa da gabyh, essa noite...
no fim do dia passamos na enfirmaria magica da escola pra ver como estava zoe, ela estava muito ferida em coma não sabemos ao certo, quando ela ira acordar. outro dia amanheceu e me levantei e fui até a biblioteca procurar uma magica pra esconder meu corpo fantasmagórico dos vivos não envolvi mihzza e nem gabyh, muito menos a zoe, Achei um Livro que meth in magic, de tanto ler achei um feitiço Exment esconde aparencia ou marcas ou tatuagens, achei perfeito apesar de não saber quanto tempo ficaria esse feitiço. usei imediatamente Exment. as marcas e tatuagens fantasmas ficaram escondidas, apareceu uma pessoa na biblioteca, achei melhor esconder minha presença invisible passei por quem quer que seja e sai da li como se nada tivesse acontecido (lado bom de ser fantasma.) Voltei pra casa da gabyh e peguei umas roupas dela, peguei um moletom azul com capuz e calça preta jeans ajeitei meu cabelo com magia deixei preto com as pontas rosas, eu sai e fui até minha antiga casa pra ver se encontrava algum familiar vivo Andei até a parte mais Escura de Lunara aonde tinha ventos fortes perto da montanha e aonde cai neve e vários raios parecia um lugar triste fazia 8 anos que não via a minha mãe espero que esteja bem. Cheguei no pico da montanhas e das arvores e fui avistando uma casa aonde vinha aquele Enorme climaz descontrolado   comecei a gritar alguem aeee não havia respostas continue e andando e dei de cara com uma parede invisível, não conseguia ver ninguém nem ver a tal parede mais toquei ela estava lá. isso não seria problemas era só ficar invisível e passar pelos objetos sólidos passei eu vi uma enorme casa de 2 andares quando atravessei meus pés ficaram congelados e não conseguia me mover, ouvi ventos fortes e uma enorme Luz parecia a minha Luz que aprendi em quanto estive no Ezo Espaço. (apareceu uma mulher atrás de mim e me deu um golpe dizendo quem é você ? e como conseguiu atravessar a parede invisível de neve ou passar pelo Climas descontrolado.) Eu respondi com a voz Tremula, e com medo da quela mulher fosse fazer comigo.
("As minhas tatuagens apareceu e as marcas fantasmas tbm assim atravesei mais ela não conseguiu ver. ou tal vez não tenha notado.") Respondi * eu sou Lilliah, estive perdida Ezo- espaço fantasma por 8 anos e consegui sair graças a algumas amigas agora vim até monte aonde minha família morava aqui*.
As 11:30 da manha no outro dia as meninas acordam, mihzza e a gabyh: ela se deparem aonde e dizem a mesma coisa aonde esta Lilliah e o mais importante aonde estão minhas roupas, minhas canetas de cores de pintar pontos de cabelo sumiu. "elas ainda de pijama vão tomar um banho 1 de cada vez pra acordar depois de 1:30 da tarde as duas decidem sair procurar sua amiga. Sai em pelas ruas e não a encontram, foram ver na escola como estava zoe. ela ainda estava em coma. mihzza e a gabyh passaram desejar uma boa recuperação a sua amiga. Entrou na sala o Professor Darven e disse posso dar uma palavra com vocês duas. Opa Olá professor. ( deram risada pra disfarçar.) sua mãe esta louca e preocupada com você mihzza sugira vá pra casa. e quanto a você gabyh por morar sozinha e por ser orfam isso não da o direito de não vir a escola sabia ou de vir pra escola quando bem entender. vá pra sala do diretor vocês duas, mais antes vocês podem me explicar o aconteceu com Zoe que ela esta em comá. ? Um Longa Historia professor Darven. o que eu posso dizer temos sortes de estarmos vivas, até mais. correram pelos corredores da Escola Encontram o Raven e a meninas, é melhor terem um tempo pra conversar agora não mulekee (gabyh esta putassa. ) saiiii do caminhooooo redemonho leva a darven,junto com Raven a dar um passeio. Eiii suas malucas voltem aquiii me tirem desse redemoinho. * eles bem que mereceram boa Gabyh. Gabyh: Valeu mihzza. as duas foram pro patio da Escola e gabyh sugeriu que as separassem Gabyh voou até os céus e pediu ajuda aos ventos pra encontrar Lilliah: mihzza saiu correndo pela cidade a procura de sua amiga, mais unica coisa que ela encontra é sua mãe e a sua irmã e a sua mãe cheias de raiva e com olhos ardentes por uma explicação. irmã prodígio Levou sua irmã caçula-pra casa Em Algemas com magias pra que ela não fugi-se. Gabyh olhou tudo do céu e não há nada que ela possa fazer.
Os ventos responderam gabyh e logo ela voou pra encontrar a sua amiga, ela foi levada pra uma montanha sai poderes climáticos por todo o Lado e ao ver a montanha dos céus ela se cai neve como se fosse inverno ali o chão coberto de Neve os ventos pareciam irritados, com gabyh por ela estar ali.
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katadelantar · 8 years
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Sabado de Gloria with these peeps! #ORfam #noholiday #nursechronicles
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of-stars-and-moon · 3 years
For the WIP ask game, do you have "kind" or "run"? 😊
i was certain i didnt have them but turns out i do 😅 i really gotta work on these wips
again from run away with me:
Regulus thought of Mrs Potter’s warm hugs and her kind smile and suddenly missed her with a sharp ache.
and again from orfam:
Ronan nodded and left, running to the quidditch field.
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of-stars-and-moon · 3 years
late but here it is 😅
It was the quidditch final between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor and everyone was watching with bated breath. The score was almost equal so both teams were head to head. They all were standing in the middle of the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor strands since they were supporting Ronan and Noah in the Hufflepuff team and Blue, Neil, James and Sirius in Gryffindor.
It had been over a month now since Remus and the marauders had started spending time with Sirius again and Adam could see that slowly they were getting back to how they were before.
Suddenly there were gasps and shouts and Adam looked around the field to see what caused the commotion, and his breath knocked out of his lungs as his eyes found Ronan hanging off his broom with only one hand gripping it.
“Shit,” he gasped, leaning forward against the strands.
“Adam,” Andrew said in warning, his voice tight with tension. “You need to stop raising the roots, otherwise they will say it's cheating.”
Adam teared his gaze away from Ronan and looked down at the ground where the roots were starting to appear, and back at Ronan, who was struggling to get back on. Fuck. He knew this match was really important to Ronan. If their team got accused of cheating, that would be the worst.
Keep reading chapter 9
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of-stars-and-moon · 3 years
Any dream or nightmare in your wip? 💛💛
is this the universe telling me to work on my original fic which has both in the title
this is from the next ch of orfam which im slowly working on:
Was this a dream?
and this is from next bonus ch of run away with me:
At first Sirius had always been there to go to after a bad day or a nightmare, but then he hadn’t been anymore.
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of-stars-and-moon · 3 years
Tagged by @hklnvgl to post 7 lines from a wip and tag another 7 people 💛 I started continuing Of ravens, foxes and marauders so here's some of that!
Gansey would say, ‘He doesn't hate you. He can just get a bit frustrated by you and can you really blame him? You're always arguing with him.’ 
Noah would say with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows, ‘Andrew always tells Neil he hates him but we all know the truth.’ 
He didn't know what Adam would say because he had never asked. 
Not that he had asked Gansey or Noah either. He would just state it to Gansey when he would ask why they argued again, and on sleepless nights, when secrets were easier to share, he would whisper it to Noah. 
So yeah now he was going to have to spend the holidays, in a mostly empty castle, with the boy he was hopelessly in love with, who hated his guts. 
This was going to be a disaster.
Tagging @kiirynilcc @blitheringmcgonagall @ashes-and-ashes @e-of-west-glendia @maraudersftw @daisyapples @magicienetreveur if any of you feel like doing it :)
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of-stars-and-moon · 3 years
Tuesday, Saturday, fortnight, ancient?? xx
Thanks for the ask love! 💖💖
tuesday: name a fic you have posted which you think is overrated?
hmm idk if i'd say overrated because i really loved writing it but the response to Run away with me blows me away because like how??
saturday: what gets you excited whilst writing?
finally getting the scenes on a page! yk those scenes that do not let you sleep because your brain Will Not Stop thinking about them, its so exciting to get to write them! and then the ones where i only have like the vague idea, its fun to see where it goes while writing
fortnight: what wip do you plan on posting next, if at all?
i had tried for orfam but it wasnt working so i couldnt finish it :( hence hiaap tomorrow! (so close to the end ahh!!)
ancient: the first fic you ever posted online?
hide and seek. i only vaguely remember it because im afraid of rereading my old writing afjhkd
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of-stars-and-moon · 3 years
how much does orfam focus on each ships? like i ship pynch and wolfstar but dont know what andreil is
The main ship in orfam is pynch, so its basically a pynch hogwarts au with side ships and characters. So it has like outsiders pov of wolfstar in fifth and sixth year like after Sirius running away and everything with Regulus and the prank. And same with andreil too. So you don't really have to know what andreil is :)
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of-stars-and-moon · 3 years
just a cliché amortentia scene XD and some flying
The potions class was filled with whispers and giggles as they were working on amortentia today, which Adam had learned was a famous love potion. It was supposed to smell like the things you liked the most, so as students completed their potions, there would be curious inquiries about what it smelled like. Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were paired in one row and Slytherins and Hufflepuffs in another, and as luck would have it, Adam was paired with Ronan Lynch, which was both a good and terrible thing.
Good because, despite hating classrooms and studying, Ronan was very talented, so he was good to partner with if he decided to cooperate, which he thankfully did today.
Terrible because, as their potion was nearing completion, it was smelling more and more like Ronan and Adam’s composure was slowly and slowly slipping, because his feelings for Ronan weren’t supposed to be anything, let alone strong enough for a goddamn love potion and this was terrifying and why the hell did they have this class?
He was trying his best to distract his thoughts to other things like the fact that Henry- paired with Neil- and Noah- paired with some Slytherin- had said that their potions smelled like each other as soon as they had finished them, or that Andrew and Neil kept glancing at each other, Neil with a smug smirk and Andrew with a blank face which was however given away by how red his ears were.
But today was not a lucky day, as Tad sauntered over to them, neatly ignoring Ronan’s glare and asked, “What does it smell like to you, Adam?”
Keep reading chapter 6
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of-stars-and-moon · 3 years
chapter 4 where the others come back!
Five days after New year, Adam got a short letter from Andrew that simply said, the holidays are going well at Neil's. Apparently he likes me back.
And that's how he found himself sneaking through the corridors at night with Ronan towards the Gryffindor tower.
“It’s the holidays, why couldn't we have done this during the day before curfew?” Adam whispered to him as they hid in an alcove from yet another prefect.
“Because that takes out all the fun of sneaking, Parrish,” Ronan said, grinning sharply. This close, Adam had to tilt his head up a little to look into his eyes which looked dark under the flickering lights from the torches overhead. He told himself firmly that he was breathless because of running and not their closeness.
“Why did I ever agree to this?” he muttered mostly to himself.
“Because you lost the bet,” Ronan reminded him cheekily for the hundredth time that day. “Now come on.”
Keep reading chapter 4
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