martiko · 9 months
Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
Cyril Connolly
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kamala-laxman · 4 months
Being oneself is completely beyond all motivation. You cannot be yourself for some reason. You are yourself, and no reason is needed. Nisargadatta Maharaj
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funpolls · 2 months
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fieriframes · 7 months
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isaluciole · 1 month
“To travel is to go from oneself to oneself passing through others” (Tuareg proverb ) "Voyager, c'est aller de soi à soi en passant par les autres" (proverbe touareg)
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vircan · 3 months
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right now im working on a BK picture
more down bewow v
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yuki n cico from 2002 b-boy park..... heartsdales were also here at this event OK
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listening to cube cuz its da best
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and i was painingt my brothers walls. its super ugly of a color lol (x_x)⌒☆ well, actually, its the exact color of painters tape lololololol its making me sick! add kitten to make it better of course
and fo all the real pictures i've made, ill be posting them here too, this is just an announcement (TO NO=ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) wait, is this my first post with #2024???
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thebarefootcajun · 5 months
Out of sorts in a crazy way
In bed early tossing and turning
It had been an okay day
But nights always proved worse
Hard to sleep alone in a cold, empty bed
Not one to live alone
I missed him
He chose to leave
Said he couldn’t live with my outbursts
I understood
I was not without major faults
A life lived in turmoil
Nothing major
Just some sense of not finding oneself
Trying to be what I thought people might like
But not really ever comfortable in my own skin
It’s that I wish I could be someone else
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naejigo · 2 years
Weiss Schnee, ex heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, one of Remnant best huntresses, Beautiful™️, regular arsonist and will be the one to come up with the "where to bury the bodies" plan in case any of them kill anyone.
Ruby, Blake and Yang absolutely do the dirty work: commit the murder.
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sinibeanie · 6 months
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Hi, internet friends! Hope you're all having a fantastic day. :-) Sometimes journaling can feel overwhelming, and it's OK to take a break! Life can get chaotic, and we all need some time to recharge. But, hey, I'm back now, and that's what matters! Here is a quick update on life! Each day has been a struggle for me and my anxiety has been overwhelming. It can be really tough dealing with constant changes, and sometime life can feel like I'm struggling to keep my head above water. But I need to remember that I am not alone in this. I have friends, family, and healthcare professionals who can offer guidance, support and help. One step at a time; I'm stronger than I think. I believe in me.
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ilovejoyjessie · 7 months
Hidden Figures #1 (Wake by Richard Serra) || V.
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As overwhelming and lonesome as it can be sometimes to feel like the odd one out, being it gives you the freedom and opportunity to say, "This place doesn't need to be for me - and if it isn't - I will find that which is". We each have something unique to say, to add to the mosaic of people and figures we find ourselves interacting with. And though doing so can be intimidating, you won't get the chance to know and understand your true voice and value if you keep condensing it to the perceived value of the figures around you.
And so even though I felt I had a lot of space to fill between Wake's walls, even though I felt small for a moment, that feeling of smallness started to recede. In its place, feelings of power and strength began to come over me. And as I allowed myself to break out of the molds of the sculpture those feelings grew stronger.
Arms up and out, chest and chin to the sky, I took up as much space as I could. I stretched up the way the sculptures stretched up around me. I felt my individual power and let it drive and inspire my extensions and expressions; I made the internal strength I felt physical. I channeled the freedom I felt and stood tall, claiming the space I realized I deserved to take up shamelessly.
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By breaking free from the spaces I was expected to fill, I could carve my own space and make and speak something beautiful with serene and determined confidence. Because I, too, had shapes and stories to tell with my curves and differences. Surrounded by its structures, between its walls, Wake reminded me that even in the face of solitude, I am my own monument to my individual value.
It reminded me that the validity of my presence doesn't have to lie in the fact that I am just like the figures in the landscape I share, that I'm accepted by their standards. It lies in my ability to honor my angles, curves and complexities no matter what scenery I step into. It lies in my ability to fearlessly be myself, raise my own voice and believe that what I have to say matters as much as the choruses sung behind me. Because my unique views and perspectives can be powerful and are worth their own merit all on their own.
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Over the course of my interaction with Wake, much like my initial thoughts about living in Seattle, it was clear that the real goal wasn't to just fit into the scene - it was allowing myself to feel and learn and remember how affirming it can be to stand out and claim one's space as one's self.
+ photographed by @skyclad.studio (ig) // website
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1five1two · 2 years
Take for yourself what you can, and don't be ruled by others; to belong to oneself - the whole savour of life lies in that.
Ivan Turgenev
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liahrqv · 10 months
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Considering one's self...
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ribrid · 10 months
Dear Anggit
Connecting the dots adalah sebuah skill untuk bisa membaca kejadian, mengurai arti, dan memberi makna. Sebuah skill yang beberapa bulan terakhir menjadi amat tumpul sekali rasanya, namun Allah seperti mau membangunkanku lagi setelah menjadi agak kurang sensitif terhadap tanda-tanda-Nya.
2 buku yang kubeli kemarin ditulis oleh orang asing, namun isinya menceritakan bagaimana mereka mencintai Indonesia. Satu buku yang kubeli di BBW bersama Aliv berisi essai para awardee LPDP mengenai gagasan untuk Indonesia 2045.
Terhitung sejak sebulan yang lalu, aku juga ikut program Healing Room dari Career Class. Aku rasa aku termasuk salah satu dari sekian orang yang merasa 'baik-baik saja'. Namun, serangkaian kejadian yang mengikuti di minggu-minggu berikutnya kembali memunculkan perasaan lama yang sudah lama terlelap sejak aku kuliah di ITS, perasaan lama semasa SMA yang kerap kali mengganggu. Berbekal dari ujaran seseorang di Healing Room, "Salah satu cara untuk lebih mengenali diri adalah dengan pertanyakan kepada diri, kenapa aku merasakan perasaan ini? Kenapa perasaan ini muncul?"
Berbekal pertanyaan tersebut, berbekal peristiwa sederhana di hari ulang tahun Pak Thommy, sepertinya Allah pelan-pelan mau membangunkanku sejak hari itu. Tentang mimpi-mimpi besar. Tentang rasa cinta pada diri sendiri. Tentang apa yang ada di luar diri dan di dalam diri.
Buku-buku yang secara tak sengaja terkumpul, menyibakkan kecurigaanku tentang sebuah pertanyaan mengenai mimpi-mimpi besar dan pernyataan mengenai finding my true calling : What am I longing for? What makes me suffer the most?
Di satu sisi, rangkaian kejadian sejak kali pertama hadir dalam sesi Healing Room hingga kemunculan pertanyaan yang mengikuti, terasa seperti diverifikasi hari ini oleh sebuah laporan yang mengatakan bahwa ada bagian dari diriku yang kurang baik-baik saja. Pertanyaan dan keraguan itu, terkonfirmasi.
Setelah sejak sekian lama aku lebih menyukai metode 'menabok diri' dibanding 'nge-pukpuk', dan setelah lama hanya terfokus pada 'hal-hal besar', hari ini Allah menuntunku untuk bersandar lagi di bahu-Nya, seolah-olah mengulurkan sapu tangan, dan mengatakan, "Tak salah apabila sesekali lunak terhadap diri sendiri. Tak salah jika sesekali melupakan mimpi-mimpi besar dan fokus pada diri sendiri."
Hari ini aku melihat keterkaitan hal-hal. Connecting the dots. Sesuatu yang lama belum bisa kulakukan lagi. Barangkali, hari ini Allah bermaksud ingin melembutkan hati hamba-Nya lagi. Barangkali hati ini sudah mengeras dan Allah ingin melunakkannya lagi. Karena sebelum melakukan hal-hal lain, I need to heal first.
Dan tumpah ruah air mata ketika lagu Brent Morgan ini diputar.
Apapun problematikanya, we have our own battlefield, dan semoga kita cukup kuat untuk menjadi prajurit yang memenangkannya.
Jakarta, 17 Juni 2023.
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mistarum · 11 months
new electronic maxi single
SUNRISE feat. Mark Robertson by BluRum13
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gladiator1977 · 1 year
While, it is always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing.
Avatar The Last Airbender
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johnhmcintosh · 1 year
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The ONE SELF You Really Are is ‘Nothing’, with infinite potential. IT is revealed to IT SELF in Silence, which is not the absence of sound but the absence of ‘you’ … the body-mind-identity illusion most call ‘me’. -image by Solveig Larsen BOOKS by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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