#one day i'm singing his praises and giving the finger to everyone who thinks Toshi is gonna d-word because of all the evidence otherwise
You know what makes 317 worse? We know Izuku is trying to protect Toshi from being targeted from AFO because of him and because Nighteye's prediction is still hanging above him but Toshi is just gonna see this as him being useless.
I need them to reconcile and hug it out right now! Or when Izuku helps finally twist Toshi's fate. We need it ;_;
(anon how do you always ask me stuff so fast?? assuming you're the same one as other times lmao)
Yeah, Izuku is doing it for his own sake, but all it's gonna do is add to Toshinori's immense guilt and self-loathing and despair that he's always had about everything, that was only starting to heal thanks to Izuku's presence.... and it's heartbreaking. I don't blame Izuku for what he's doing, everything he's going through is understandable and valid and makes perfect sense for him (he's so much like Toshinori, after all...), but god, Izuku your dad doesn't need this pain; all it's gonna do is make him hate himself more. And hell, he could put him in more danger by forcing him to try to chase after him....... not to mention the obvious fact that all the signs are pointing to, that leaving him alone could be infinitely more dangerous than staying with him, when he's not there to protect him if something happens. :))))))) Izuku, I know you promised to change Toshinori's fate, but this is not the way!!! Nighteye's predictions always come true, this isn't something that can be changed by leaving him ALONE, that is the OPPOSITE of what he needs... it's something they have to work together to do. They're stronger together, because of how much good they do for each other; separating them is the worst thing that could possibly happen for either of them. ....I'm not gonna jump off the "Toshinori will live" ship just yet, far from it, but I'd be lying if I said it's not damn unnerving and fucking stressful seeing all these parallels Hori is setting up with Nighteye and Toshinori and Izuku, and not knowing where tf he's going with all this. :''''')))))
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