#on rare occasions I’ll have a weird super emotional dream where something dramatic happens
spookygondolier · 3 years
I’m gonna ramble about some dream thoughts. So often in my dreams I’m on some kind of quest, which sounds very exciting and cool, but it doesn’t quite feel that way in the dream and I recently put words to it when I realized that it’s because it’s not like a fun adventure quest it’s more like an assigned sidequest. Like I have to do some specific task, which might involve going somewhere or solving a problem/puzzle, but it feels vaguely like an obligation. Usually it’s to help people or solve their problems for them, but sometimes it’s something I’m doing for myself (like escaping from a weird semi-futuristic labyrinth or w/e)
For example a couple days ago I spent pretty much the whole day watching doctor who and I was like “hm I wonder if I’m gonna have any fun doctor who-inspired dreams tonight” and I did have a dream about time travel except that it was about going back and forth over this random couple’s timeline to make sure they stayed together, and I kind of felt like my dream assigned me time travel homework
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yourcerise-blog · 7 years
What I think about each MBTI
Okay so, before I start I just wanna say that most of my opinions are based around a) people I’ve met or b) what I hear and read about online. I would’ve done this based on my assumptions like a real intuitive, but I don’t want to offend people and it’s better if I use actual examples overall I think. I might do this again later to see how much it’s changed after I meet a more variety of people.
ISTJ - I think I only know one, which is my grandma, and I also think that if I were to meet another ISTJ I’d be all up on them and may even come off as annoying. I read about their personality traits and I couldn’t help but to think “Wow, these people are awesome ... wish I knew more”. I also have a crush on this personality type since I hear male ISTJs are like good fathers and tend to be police officers or something of the sort. Totally swoon worthy in my opinion. (wow such INFP thing to picture them as perfect)
ISFJ - Same as ISTJ, but more on the bff sort of way. My best friend is actually an ISFJ. She’s very nice and is certainly one of my favorite human beings. She’s a good influence on me, but doesn’t give herself enough credit. Sometimes I feel the world is against her, and she genuinely believes that. But she still manages to keep going which is great. So yeah, ISFJs are angels in comparison to everyone else who are disgusting (lol jk ... not really).
INFJ - Never met one~~ but they sound like goals. I kind of feel bad for this type since there are so many people claiming to be INFJs and ruining their reputation of being wise, rare, and humble people. And then there’s the reputation itself that must be hard to live of to. So for all the actual INFJs out there, you have my sympathy.
INTJ - Once again, I don’t think I met one. The impression I have of them from various tumblr blogs is humorous and cool, but also arrogant and extremely proud of their personality type (which they have every right to be since lots of people adore this type). Uh, I would love to have discussions with them about politics, science, or how terrible people are. They are also pretty much the opposite of the people that go to my school and live in my area so yeah, I can already we’re would get along :)
ISTP - I can think of two ISTPs I know. One of them is my dad. The second is a guy that’s been going to the same school as me since 6th grade. I don’t want to make my opinion based on my dad since I love him and that’s unfair as ever so I’m going to make an opinion based on the guy. Oh wait. I’ve never had a conversation with him so who knows what he’s like... Lol I remember my former friend (I’ll be talking about her later) had the biggest crush on him. She was obsessed I tell you. But that’s about her, not him. He, obviously, never really noticed her. He’s also arguably the most popular guy since he’s dated girls, dumped them, and the cycle continues. But yeah, it’s whatever. If I were to base this off of what I read online I would say they sound cool.
ISFP - Now, I know like three ISFPs. And they help me believe in humanity once again. One is this girl in my school who is super sweet and kind. She’s not afraid of being a little weird and makes it seem okay. Everyone likes her I think. The second is my cousin, who was my best friend during my childhood. He is still the coolest person I know. As for ISFPs in general, I would say they are unique, the funniest people I know, and overall kindhearted.
INFP - I am an INFP, and I think I would hate to meet another one. Okay that’s a joke. Truth is I like being an INFP. As for other INFPs that I’ve met, I know one and he is perhaps the nicest guy in my school. Like no joke, he’s funny, kind, hardworking and helpful. Lots of girls have a crush on him, in fact, one of my friends did too (I’ll talk about her later). Hm ... I know INFPs have a somewhat bad rep both on the internet and real life and I get why. I feel like they are either really awesome people or really annoying people. There is no middle ground for INFPs.
INTP - I know one! And oml I hate the fact we have no classes together!! I’ve only talked with him a couple of times and he the funniest person I've ever met (maybe that’s a little exaggeration). He is so chill, like he’s smart but doesn’t care about school so his grades are terrible, which I would usually shake my head to in disapproval, but he’s funny so he get’s a pass. That’s pretty much how I feel about many INxPs that I see online. If you’re an INTP, you’re funny. I also think my sister is one and she’s also really funny but I’m not too sure yet since she’s still pretty young.
ESTP - OKAY, sooo ... um, I don’t know where to start ... Basically, the reason I know a very little variety of mbtis in real life is because there are ESTPs EVERYWHERE! Like ugh, my school is FILLED with them. Now, some are tolerable. Others are downright annoying and I hate breathing the same air as them (that was an exaggeration). They have no chill, are irresponsible, and think they’re always right. But as I previously mentioned, some are cool. Like I don’t really talk to them because they are too cool for me, but you know, I wouldn’t mind working with them in group projects. In case you didn’t realize, I lied, I would hate to work with them. I know what you’re thinking (or maybe I don’t?), “She’s just an INFP that got bullied by all of these ESTPs.” No, I am not bullied by them, mainly because I avoid people I don’t like as much as possible. However, my friend is bullied by them so that makes me dislike them even more.
ESFP - I know quite a lot of ESFPs and there are usually two types. The awesome ones and the overly dramatic and hypocritical ones. My mom is one and I absolutely love her, and I’m not just saying it because she’s my mom but she’s incredibly smart, reliable, and loving. Then there’s two cousins of mine. They are the most illogical, emotional, and stupid people I know and I know a lot of illogical, emotional, and stupid people. So yeah, I feel the same way about ESFPs as I do INFPs. I either really love you, or really dislike you.
ENFP - I’m pretty sure I only know one and she’s a close friend of mine. She’s the one who had a crush on the INFP guy and also gets bullied by ESTPs. To sum up a lot that has happened in the time I’ve known her, she’s fickle, fun, and social. She’s gone through a big change this year so it’s really hard to say anything. From what I read online, ENFPs are fun and chill people. If I hear you’re an ENFP, I’ll be hype because you’re great companions, but I’ll be wary of letting you into my close group of friends. However, I’m sure you’ll find a way to sneak in anyway.
ENTP - 90% of my favorite fictional characters are ENTPs. They are just this perfect combination of fun and intelligent. Ugh, if only I knew one in real life. Like seriously, if I could pick out my group of friends (which I technically can but it’s not as easy as people make it sound) it would definitely have an ENTP. In fact, I would go as far as to say ENTP is the only extrovert I would allow.
ESTJ - My second closest friend is an ESTJ. She’s great. Um ... my general opinion about ESTJs is that although is wouldn’t be great to be around one, it’s awesome to be one. They are hardworking leaders and they know they are so they don’t care about what people think about them. They are also real in every sense. They know themselves and know the people around them.
ESFJ - I know two ESFJs, my friend and my aunt (ISFJ’s mom). They are kindhearted and very practical, and they always want to help you. Like literally they are great human beings. From what I read online, people don’t really like them because they are nosy or whatever. My ESFJ friend is not nosy at all, and I don’t think my aunt is either, but I can imagine an ESFJ being nosy. I don’t really have anything negative to say, and maybe that’s because ESFJ is my “ideal match” but whatever.
ENFJ - Okay, so I only know two ENFJs, so lemme give each a name for the sake of not getting confused, Melissa and Eleanor. Basically, we were good friends when we first met each other then things started becoming really rocky. I realized how manipulative they both were and tried to back off. I have this other friend (I think she’s an ISFP but not sure) who got treated so badly by Eleanor in so many occasions, it’s sad. What I hate the most about them is that they always make themselves sound like a victim. Funny thing is that they both insist that they’re ENFPs and they hate being the same type as the other. They’re definitely not ENFPs. Anyway, as for what I think about ENFJs in general is that they’re alright I guess. Melissa and Eleanor really ruined this type for though.
ENTJ - As you probably guessed, I never met one. Whenever I think of one though, I think about Erwin Smith and Eric Cartman. So really, I guess you could say I see ENTJs as amazing leaders with the ability to influence many. They have big dreams and know how to make them come true. They have the confidence, drive, and skill to do anything they want.
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