#olivia x harry
yoduro-d-aluminio · 1 year
Olivia's Prague Adventures
Olivia x Harry
Tags: Oneshot, Olivia x Harry, trope, fanficción
Oneshot: Un desconocido en el gimnasio:
Olivia despertó aquella mañana con las primeras notas de su despertador, pidiendo a su Google Home que subiese el volumen para llenarse de la energía que la canción de One Direction desprendía mientras abría las ventanas y ponía el calentador de agua en marcha. Quizás era pecar de egolatría que su canción favorita de la boy band británica fuese la que llevaba su mismo nombre, pero quién podía culparla de sentir que los chicos le decían a ella misma que vivían por y para sentir la luz de sus ojos. Era cierto que su descubrimiento del grupo había sido bastante tardío, no había disfrutado de sus álbumes hasta bien entrada la universidad, y en ocasiones se preguntaba si no era un comportamiento excesivamente adolescente para sus 22 años... Aunque a decir verdad, aquellos característicos sentimientos de incomprensión y soledad, histeria, alegría y angustia de los que todo el mundo hablaba, y los cuales la habían dejado bastante tranquila en su paso por el instituto, parecían haberse instalado en su cabeza en los últimos años. Los 20 eran los nuevos 15, parecía ser.
Tras desayunar unas tostadas con aceite y pepino y beber un Earl Grey que, como siempre, se le había quedado frío, emprendió su aventura para ese día: dejar atrás el preocupante sedentarismo que llevaba como estilo de vida.
Olivia salió de casa sintiéndose completemante insegura sobre la clase de yoga a la que se había apuntado en el nuevo gimnasio. Se había decidido a registrarse unos días atrás con la esperanza de mejorar aunque fuese mínimamente su forma física, ya que había alcanzado un punto en que se sentía exhausta tras subir los cuatro pisos hasta subir a su casa a diario. En sus primeras visitas al gimnasio había tratado sin éxito de utilizar algunas de las máquinas disponibles, pero no podía evitar sentirse totalmente ridícula mientras intentaba descifrar su funcionamiento, por lo que había tirado la toalla y decidido que las clases serían por ahora la opción más segura. Tras una experiencia traumática y cercana a la muerte en la clase de aerobic la tarde anterior, la decisión estaba tomada: el yoga parecía el ejercicio adecuado para ella: a fin de cuentas, los deportes de equipo y de alto impacto nunca habían sido lo suyo, y este ejercicio a medio camino entre lo artístico y lo atlético encajaban bastante con la imagen de sí misma que quería proyectar en su nueva vida. Aparte, sospechaba que en una clase de hot yoga no tendría que lidiar con las miradas, ahora críticas, ahora lascivas, de los chicos que hacían de ser usuarios del gimnasio low cost del barrio su personalidad.
A medida que se acercaba la hora de empezar la clase, las dudas hacían tambalearse el valor inicial de Olivia. ¿Qué haría si la clase era de nivel avanzado? ¿Y si se esperaba de ella que supiese hacer esas contorsiones y equilibrios que apenas parecían anatómicamente posibles? Le aterrorizaba ser incapaz de seguir las instrucciones de la profesora o, aún peor, no comprenderlas siquiera. Realmente debería haber pensado en lo inconveniente que era apuntarse a unas clases grupales impartidas en otro idioma. Daba igual, ya no había tiempo de echarse atrás.
Entrando al gimnasio casi treinta y cinco minutos antes de que comenzasen las clases, pasó un rato en el vestuario, familiarizándose con el espacio y tratando de no parecer totalmente novata. Después de un rato, se armó de valor para salir y buscar la clase. Por suerte, eran solo las 7 de la mañana de un sábado y el gimnasio acababa de abrir, por lo que solamente se encontró con un par de señoras que parecían amigables y un joven disciplinado y totalmente absorto en su carrera en la cinta de correr. Todo estaba saliendo a pedir de boca salvo por un pequeño inconveniente: no encontraba la sala 4, a donde debía dirigirse para su clase. Precariamente, un miembro del personal le indicó que debía acceder al "otro lado" del gimnasio, señalando una puerta al otro lado de una de las aulas. Olivia estuvo a punto de dar media vuelta e irse a su casa, no podía creer que fuese a tener que atravesar aquella clase de "body attack" (fuese lo que fuese eso). Finalmente cruzó lo más rápida y disimuladamente posible, no sin sufrir el sermón de una enfadada monitora que le gritaba algo que, por una vez, se alegró de no comprender. Ya estaba en el área Wellness, ahora todo debía transcurrir con normalidad. Encontrada el aula, se sentó fuera a esperar, mirando obsesivamente su teléfono para evitar mostrar lo evidente: que había llegado excesivamente temprano y no tenía ni idea de dónde meterse mientras no llegaba la instructora.
La clase excedió por mucho sus expectativas. Por supuesto, había sido cansado, pero no había tenido problemas para completar los ejercicios y sentía que, con práctica, podía acostumbrarse a hacer esto a diario. Además, sentaba bien reconciliarse con el propio cuerpo, recordar que no tantos años atrás había disfrutado muchísimo de la disciplina de conservatorio con sus innumerables horas semanales de trabajo. Tras haber devuelto su bloque de gomaespuma a su sitio y desinfectado su esterilla, salió la última del aula. Por suerte, había conseguido ver por donde bajaban para acceder directamente al área de vestuarios, sin tener que atravesar el resto del gimnasio. Esta vez no pasaría el bochorno de una hora atrás. Mientras bajaba las escaleras cayó en la cuenta de que seguramente accedería a la puerta que había visto en la zona de duchas, que había descartado como un acceso para personal.
Efectivamente, abajo la esperaban dos puertas, ambas abiertas y bloqueadas, de manera que resultaba imposible ver el cartel que indicaba cuál era la que daba acceso a su vestuario y cuál la llevaría a las duchas masculinas. Como el gimnasio apenas estaba lleno, no se escuchaban voces que pudieran darle una pista sobre qué puerta debía cruzar. Tras pensar unos segundos rememorando la disposición del edificio, Olivia estaba convencida casi con total seguridad de que no podía ser la puerta de en frente, tenía que torcer a la derecha.
Decidida, entró en el vestuario, donde sólo había una ducha encendida, la penúltima de la hilera que tenía que atravesar. Alguien silbaba tranquilamente dentro. Estaba ya confiada cuando del borde de la tabla que separaba la ducha de las demás vio sobresalir un codo, seguido de un brazo agradablemente torneado y, lo que es más importante, claramente masculino. El agua había dejado de correr. Se quedó totalmente paralizada. El agua que bajaba serpenteando hacia el centro del pasillo había empapado sus chanclas, por lo que era imposible retroceder sin ser delatada por su golpeteo. Aún estaba paralizada cuando a ese brazo le siguió el resto de un cuerpo totalmente desnudo, cubierto en tatuajes y empapado, envuelto en un denso vapor que delataba una prolongada ducha bajo el chorro casi insoportablemente caliente de agua. Olivia apenas escuchaba otra cosa que su corazón acelerado por la vergüenza (e innegablemente por la vista de aquel cuerpo ignorante y desnudo frente a ella), acompañado del melodioso silbido del joven, todavía ajeno a su presencia a tan solo unos pasos de él.
Para su alivio, aún de espaldas, alargó la mano hasta alcanzar su toalla, que enrolló descuidadamente alrededor de sus caderas. Solo necesitaba que diese los pocos pasos restantes hasta girar y desaparecer en el área de las taquillas. Solo unos segundos y podría volver sobre sus pasos y correr al vestuario femenino.
"Si vas a disfrutar del espectáculo podrías al menos aplaudir...". Olivia pensó que iba a perder el conocimiento allí mismo. Lo único que lo impidió fue el fugaz pensamiento de que entonces aquel desconocido apenas cubierto por una fina toalla de microfibra tendría que levantarla del suelo empapado y llevarla a recepción, donde despertaría más abochornada todavía, si es que eso era posible.
Tras varios segundos intentando sin éxito que de su boca saliese algo más que un balbuceo, Olivia consiguió articular unas palabras de disculpa: "yo... lo... lo siento... lo siento muchísimo, no... no era mi intención... yo... soy nueva en el gimnasio y... me he desorientado al volver de clase y... lo siento ... yo no..."
Copiando burlonamente su titubeo avergonzado, el desconocido respondió "Bueno tranquila, amiga, tampoco creo que sea la primera vez que ves a un tipo desnudo, ¿me equivoco? Y si es así, supongo que de nada, no creo que sea una primera visión tan desagradable, a fin de cuentas". Su boca dibujaba una media sonrisa que insinuaba unos dientes blanquísimos. Sus labios, enrojecidos por el calor de la reciente ducha, brillaban. Una gota resbaló de su pelo oscurecido por la humedad, el cual sacudió ligeramente hacia el lado para evitar que se le metiese en los ojos. Quería salir de allí, necesitaba salir de allí, pero al mismo tiempo sus pies parecían estar clavados en el embaldosado de aquel vestuario. Deseaba que la tierra se la tragase en aquel instante.
Tras unos segundos que se le hicieron eternos, consiguió responder:
— Disculpa, de verdad no era mi intención, siento muchísimo haberme colado en el vestuario de hombres. No volverá a pasar.
— No tienes que disculparte así, tampoco soy el dueño de este gimnasio. Además, es demasiado pronto, estamos completamente solos.
¿Qué era eso que parecía detectar en su divertido tono de voz? Su inflexión todavía ronca por ser una hora tan temprana demostraba que el desconocido, que por cierto seguía precariamente tapado con su toalla, lejos de compartir su azoramiento, encontraba aquel incidente deliciosamente gracioso. ¿Qué le estaba pasando? ¿Por qué no se daba la vuelta y huia a su propio vestuario para cambiarse y volver horrorizada a su casa? ¿Por qué lo la echaba él? ¿A qué estaba jugando? La cabeza de Olivia iba a mil por hora, pero por algún motivo no conseguía salir de aquellas duchas. O no quería. Estaba como hipnotizada por aquel joven que la miraba curioso. No se dio cuenta de que su propia mirada se había deslizado hasta sus brazos de nuevo, la primera porción de su cuerpo que había visto unos minutos antes.
— Si me vas a mirar así, podrías desvestirte tú también, ¿no? — Sintió cómo la piel de su cara alcanzaba un tono carmesí imposible. Ahora sí iba a desmayarse. — Aunque igual es un poco pronto para intercambiar tantas cosas — Esa media sonrisa y aquella mirada que claramente estaba disfrutando la situación volvieron a aflorar en su cara. — Salgamos de aquí, siento decepcionarte, pero no puedo quedarme desnudo todo el día desnudo para complacerte, al menos no todavía. Voy a vestirme, cámbiate tú también, te espero fuera en 10 minutos. — Le guiñó el ojo y salió.
Al fin, Olivia reaccionó y, casi automáticamente se dirigió a su vestuario. Mecánicamente, se metió en la ducha de agua fría y solo entonces pensó en aquel descarado chico, que por cierto le acababa de ordenar lo que hacer, a lo que ella había obedecido casi instintivamente. Una vez se hubo secado se preguntó a sí misma si no sería divertido seguirle el rollo e ir a tomar algo con aquel desconocido... A fin de cuentas, era cierto que ya había compartido con él más palabras (y más que palabras) que con mucha de la gente que había conocido desde que se había mudado a aquella ciudad, y tampoco es que tuviese gran cosa que hacer. ¿Era esa su oportunidad de dejar que aquella nueva Olivia que llevaba tiempo queriendo descubrir floreciese de una vez? "Seguro que ni siquiera está fuera y solo se ha divertido un rato contigo, mañana no será más que una anécdota que contar a sus amigos y en una semana ni recordará este encuentro", se dijo mientras salía a recepción.
— Vaya, ya estaba pensando que tendría que entrar a por ti... Por cierto, qué falta de modales, ni siquiera nos hemos presentado. Soy Harry.
— Olivia — Musitó.
— Olivia, Olivia, Olivia... — repitió, absorto, paladeándolo, y ella no pudo sino fijarse una vez más en sus labios y en lo seductor que sonaba su nombre saliendo de ellos— Vamos, conozco un café perfecto para un desayuno tranquilo de sábado.
Sin saber muy bien por qué, Olivia se vio siguiendo los pasos de aquel desconocido fuera del gimnasio.
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hapinesbuterfiy · 28 days
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. 。𖦹°‧ 🎀𓂃࣪˖ 🎧 જ⁀➴
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rafe cameron x fangirl!reader - the playlist ♡ ⁺‧₊˚
wildest dreams- taylor swift
woman - harry styles
bad for business - sabrina carpenter
blue velvet - lana del rey
ordinary things - ariana grande
baby - madison beer
no body, no crime - taylor swift
tennessee orange - megan moroney
kiwi - harry styles
call it what you want - taylor swift
yayo - lana del rey
get him back! - olivia rodrigo
nasty - ariana grande
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stxrszurzolo · 13 days
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Theodore Nott x Reader
I’ve never really given relationships a chance. This is because I know how it ends, you’ll always end up hurt and broken hearted. You meet this “amazing” guy, he takes you on a date, he cracks up a bunch of jokes, and like any typical romcom movie you guys will kiss on the first date, you start to hang out with him a lot, he sets up this picnic near a gorgeous view and that’s when he asks you to be his girlfriend, you say yes, you fall inlove with him and plan your whole future with him in your head because you think he’s the one.
Then he’ll break up with you, give you some bullshit reason like “I want to focus on myself first” or “It’s not you, it’s me”
This has always been my mindset when it comes to relationships, but then I met Theodore Nott.
That’s when I realized that I was fucking right.
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“I want to kill myself Hermione” I say while laying on her bed as she studies on her desk, she turns around to look at me “Don’t joke about things like that!” she exclaims, “Oh don’t worry I’m not joking.” I say with a hint of sarcasm in my tone.
“I don’t get why it’s such a big deal” she shrugs, “What?” I sit back up, “I said I don’t get the big deal, I mean no offense but Theodore Nott is not all that” she says, “It’s not that, the reason I’m so mad is because of how foolish I was, his reason for breaking up is that he needs to focus on himself but then I saw him making out with some girl the following day, this is all my fault! I have literally been warning myself about this whole relationship thingy, but one cheesy pickup line from that beautiful bastard and suddenly all my principles disappeared into thin air!”
“That’s the kind of effect love has on some people” she says “What?!” I frown, “What now?” she sighs, obviously so tired of my complaining. “I did not fall inlove with him, I liked him but I did not fall inlove with him!” she just raises her eyebrows at me “I’m not lying okay!” I say as I plop down on her bed, “Alright” she says as she gets back to studying.
“I have an idea” I say as I stand up and make my way over to her desk, “what?” she says, not taking her eyes off her book. “I’ll get revenge” she looks up at me “What? that seems kind of petty now does it?”, “Yeah that’s my goal.” she sighs, “Don’t you think it would be better to just take the high road?” I frown “Hermione, when have I ever taken the high road?” she stops to think for a moment, “Good point.” she says, “Mione, I gave up my principles for him!” I exclaim, “Yeah, now you’re giving up your morals as well.” she says “Never had them in the first place.” I joke and she just sighs once again, “Alright. I won’t help you with this, but as your friend I guess I have nothing else to do besides support you.” I smile at her.
Oh Nott, the things I have planned for you.
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Hey guys, I hope yall don’t judge me for this. I’m terrible at writing, but I’m hoping to improve so any tips would help. Btw I might consider making this fic a series if yall end up liking this first part so yeah that’s it, hope yall like it🫰🏼
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annaisabookworm · 7 months
𝐒𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐆𝐔𝐓𝐒
A/n: should I make a pt. 2?!
Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo would definitely be a roller coaster boyfriend. Your relationship with him has its dramatic and extreme highs and devastating lows. Somehow you’d always end up together and it’s a passionate toxic hot relationship. It’s a bad idea to get him back… right? Well you do. He’s jealous over protective, hot obsessive and perfect. It was 2am after another fight and you were bored lonely and let’s be honest you were really horny. I guess Mattheo felt the same and missed you so he oweled you with the Slytherin password and you knew you were done you weren’t l. So you went to his dorm and you’re sure you’ve never seen a hotter man that was standing smiling at the door.
Theodore Nott
Theodore always was an on and off relationship for you. It was like a light switch, you’d love him you’d hate him on and off in well, it seemed mere seconds. You would try to get him to quit, but he distracted you by taking you to France. (ikyk) You loved him deep deep in your heart and he loved you to. You wore a short skimpy black dress- a dress you knew he’d go feral for. You wanted to make him feel bad, so you went to the party and talked, danced and hung around with Mattheo. Spoiler alert you got him to feel bad real fast. As soon as he saw you it dawned on him he made a mistake. You made him feel real bad and let yourself torture him a bit by waiting a week to accept his apology. He didn’t do it ever again and you stayed together forever.
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tinydeskwriter · 1 year
Dirty Tricks
A/n: Just something I had in my drafts… it’s kinda of angsty…
word count: 974
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After what felt like a lifetime she raised her eyes from the dark wood table, eyeing the people around before her eyes landed on the man sitting next to her boyfriend of two years—fiancés, she remembered looking at the emerald ring on her finger— she never had na kind of feelings against him… until now. She couldn’t even look at the other woman siting at the table with them. She felt… ambushed in that position, all by herself, with no one on her side—this wasn’t about her career after all, she was there only as Harry’s significant other—not even the man with whom she shared a private life.
She narrowed her eyes, the big eyes the world seemed to love so much, and looked at the member of the team who had voiced the idea with disdain—which everyone seemed to have been previously briefed about, but her— she scoffed before giving them a predatory grin.
“So… the movie is so shitty that it has to resort to dirty tricks to sell?” She asked no one in particular.
“Y/n…” She held up two fingers at her boyfriend’s manager, fixing him a medusa glare.
“I’am talking, Jeffrey, wait your turn.” She said with bite, her eyes finally going to Harry, she was furious with him for being put in such a position. “Let’s talk H, is this what you think is best for your career?”
“Maybe this is not the place…”Jeff tried to say.
“He’s a grow ass man, Jeff, let him talk for himself.” Her eyes didn’t move from her uncomfortable boyfriend. Harry hated confrontation, worst of all a public one. “I am going to repeat myself: Is THIS what YOU think is the best? Pushing ME to the background of your life, for a bullshit stunt you don’t need? Is it what you honestly believe is the best your career?”
“Jeff believes…” Harry started, finally looking at her.
Y/n rolled her eyes scoffing at his answer.
“I am not asking for Jeff’s opinion Harry.” His face fell as he looked at her, his usually calm fiancee looking livid, properly furious, in a way he only had seen her while acting. 
“Babe, this isn’t what I want, you know that, but the team believe is going to be good for the movie and for my image, and I trust my team.” He tried to appease her, placing his hand over hers, only for her to take it away. “It’s fake, Y/n, not that different from you flirting with your co-stars in interviews.”
She looked at him shocked. “It’s very different Harry, and if you can’t see it…” She was done being there, it wasn’t her career, it wasn’t her choice, she had a photoshoot to attend and a interview to give.
She git up from her chair and gave them all a diplomatic smile, she took the emerald from her finger, placing it in front of Harry on the table, ignoring his shocked expression, “I have the shoot for my Vanity Fair cover, and later I am going to a meeting with Mark, I will either stay at his guest house or the Marmont.” She said looking exclusively at Harry. “You have till tomorrow to make a decision, if you want to go forward with this, fine, as I said, it is your career, but I don’t want your stuff at my place when I get back, Jeff can help you finding a new place.”
She adjusted her jacket over her shoulders and placed her Dior sunglasses on her face. “Jeffrey, it was good seeing you.” she said sarcastically, before turning her back and leaving. 
She was followed out of the room by Harry. He grabbed her arm, preventing her from entering the elevator.
“Lovie, let’s talk about this…” He tried, his hand going up and down her arm. In her heels they are almost the same height.
“There is nothing to talk about Harry, you know where I stand, I won’t stand by and watch my fiancé acting like he’s in love with some other woman,” She looked him in the eyes. “it is hurtful that you’re okay with keeping me a secret like I am a embarrassment to you,” Y/n let out a sarcastic laugh, “honestly, I am a critical acclaimed actress, and your management treat me like I don’t matter, she’s a B-list actress no one cares about, and they are dealing with her like she’s gold, and you agree! Because you’re willing to keep me as your hidden dirty little secret, and show her off to the world pretending that you love her, and you know that we won’t be able to be seen together in public while it is going on, and I will be the man-stealer no matter what when this shit ends.” Y/n refused to cry in front of him. “And you knew this is what was going to be talked about, and you let me come in blind, you let them ambush me.”
Harry was at loss of words.
“It hurts when the man you’re planning to get married to, treat’s you like second best…” She paused for a minute to control o sob that threatened to come out. “You really showed me were I stand in your list of priorities.”
She pulled away from him and pressed the elevator button.
“Treat me like and option and I will leave you like a choice.” She told him with a bitter smile. “I love you H, but I don’t need you, it will hurt like fucking hell, but in a month I’ll have moved on.” She said getting into the elevator, feeling sad that that may be the last time she sees him. 
Harry always let himself be controlled by his management, he wasn’t a push over but he didn’t enjoy confrontations and ‘Jeff knows best’.
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folklaur21 · 15 days
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x gn!reader
Summary: You may or may not be a little bit obsessed with Mattheo Riddle's ex-girlfriend.
Warnings: Use of Y/N, Y/N is basically a stalker (lol)
Word Count: 251
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"Y/N, what's this?" your boyfriend asks, as he picks up a notebook from your bedside table.
"Uhhh... nothing!" you reply, hastily trying to snatch the emerald green notebook from his grasp, but consequently failing.
Mattheo smirks and holds the notebook above his head, out of your reach, before saying, "Oh really, it's nothing, is it? How 'bout we open it and see, hmm?"
You finally stop flailing your arms about to try and take back the book and sigh. "Please, Matt, don't read it!"
Mattheo grins slyly, a smirk evident on his face. "Are you sure? Is this book filled with your deepest, darkest fantasies, or even- oh." His voice trails off as he opens the book to the first page. "Is this a fact file on-"
"On Daphne Greengrass. Yes, it is." you say, going red just watching your boyfriend read everything you've written down.
"Is that her star sign?"
"And her blood type?"
"O negative."
"Y/N, what is thi-" Mattheo stops in his tracks. "Are these samples of her HAIR?" You fall silent at his exclamation. "Why have you done this?"
"I don't know Mattheo! I can't help it, I've got issues, I can't help it baby! I'm so obsessed with your ex."
"Y/N, this is weird. Like really weird."
"I know. I'm sorry. I'll stop, OK?"
"OK baby. Thank you." Mattheo says as he throws the book back onto the bedside table.
"Hypothetically, was she easy-going? Ever controlling? Well-traveled? Well-read?"
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ribbons111 · 16 days
Olivia Rodrigo: Obsessed
Matteo Riddle
Summary. Obsession with matteos ex leads to jealous butthurt feelings. Go with your gut!!
Warning. jealousy. obsession. toxic. angst. cheating.
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The loud music rang in my head, backgrounding my thoughts.
My eyes burned and my heart flouted.
I felt fuzzy, drenched with overwhelming feelings.
I drowned myself in strong drinks, covering the buthurt poker face away.
I frowned, my eyes followed him from the end of the room.
He can not be serious right now.
I analyzed every look she gave out, every thought she might have, every smile, every wink, every word.
I stared at her, I wanted to get hurt.
I look back to Matteo, I frown at the way he laughs, his eyes lingering.
I know they both have moved on, they don’t even talk.
My fists balled up and my dress pulled up.
I flipped my hair away, fixing my lipstick before walking off, my heels clacking the wet floor.
Matteo smiled once he noticed me, his hand going out to hold my hips.
I pulled his collar, pushing his back towards the wall.
I kissed him roughly, swallowing him whole.
With the way he kisses me I know he loves me but I can’t help it I got issues.
Making sure I marked him well enough with my red lipstick I pulled away.
I smiled, kissing his cheek sweetly, noticing her in my peripheral vision.
I raised my finger, pushing the stray lipstick back into place onto my lips.
I grazed my painted nails on his toned chest.
“I’ll see you in bed,” I made sure to be heard before walking off, “your room.” a clear smirk on my lips, picking up another drink on my way.
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“Are you serious Matteo!?” I screamed, pushing his body away from mine “She sleeps on my side of the bed hasn’t she?! You brought her into your room! Onto your bed!”
“Are you seriously arguing over the smell of perfume on your side? You're honestly mental ” He ran his hands through his hair, furrowing his brows as he got off of his bed.
“That’s not my perfume Riddle and you know it!” I groaned, pulling down my sleave.
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crimsonlovebartylus · 22 days
Chicago, Regulus Black talking about
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British, Barty Crouch Jr. 💜
I feel like Regulus would 100% find himself an international man if he was American because the variety of american men suck.
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fals3-g0d · 3 months
prison for life by olivia rodrigo was inspired by the rafe cameron and theo nott x reader fics. you cannot change my mind.
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0-l-b · 6 months
Marauders/Slytherin skittles (Olympians) and others as songs pt. 1
From <<GUTS>> by Olivia Rodrigo : All-american bitch - Sirius Black Lacy - Sunseeker / starchaser / jegulus, both povs depending on the moments but mostly Regulus' one Ballad of homeschooled girl - Regulus or Evan maybe also James Making the bed - Regulus or Remus Logical - Pandora's writing this in a diary during/after a toxic relationship probably Get him back ! - Rosekiller during their "break up" Love is embarrassing - Pandora to Lily Grudge - Bellatrix to Rita when she published "the dark secrets of the Black house" article. Pretty isn't pretty - Marlene McKinnon in her journal. Teenage dream - Dorcas and/or Lily Bad idea right ? - it's screaming Sunseeker/starchaser after every fight or when they "try" to avoid getting caught by Sirius. Vampire - Narcissa when Lucius tells her he only with her because of his parents and also Sirius "drama queen" Black when he learned that everyone lied to him about Jegulus
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hotdaesthetic · 5 months
Queens HOTD in the Harry Potter universe
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house hufflepuff
creator @hotdaesthetic
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tpwkwriter · 1 year
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When y/n is a victim of Olivia’s game.
When H told y/n about his casting for the physiological thriller “don’t worry darling” she was over the moon. Hearing that her Harry was going to be casted with none other Chris pine and Florence pugh she was ecstatic.
Everything has its pros and cons and with filming a movie it takes long hours, sleepless nights and sore eyes. On a cold Tuesday morning y/n was scheduled to visit Harry and the rest of the cast and join them throughout the day. Y/n took the pleasure of meeting Florence early on and they instantly clicked, she had only briefly met Chris but the name Olivia was highly familiar to her. Though she had not met her she really had heard a lot about/from her.
With a tray of warm coffees she’d generously bought and offered to everyone she headed to her loves dressing room. With the sign reading “harry styles” she took that as her invitation and lightly pushed on the door. “H, s’only me” she said pushing the door open with her hip. “Baby?” He asks head flying up from his phone screen to reveal his y/n, “lovie what you doing here” he says taking the tray and placing it down for her just to engulf her into a loving secure hug. “Missed you” she mutters pressing a kiss to the boys neck. “Mmm’ missed y’more” he said inhaling her scent, after reluctantly pulling away from each other H holds her face steady in his palms and pulls her in for a kiss. “Y’freezing cold lovie” he smiles “s’why i bought these for everyone” she said motioning to the warm beverages “put this on” he says pulling out an oversized ‘pleasing’ sweater. “Y’own brand, really babe?” The girl laughs kindly accepting it. “S’thought that counts love” moments
of couple banter that definitely made up for lost time passed and it was time to shoot once again. “Follow me love, take you to where we’re filming next” he excitedly claimed, locking hands with his girl. When approaching the next filming area there were camera crews, on standby makeup artists and various other director roles. One of the directors that really stood out to y/n was the famous Olivia she’d heard all about. “Harry! There you are, come on over your needed” an American voice exclaimed, that was enough to knock y/n out of her thoughts. “Ah Olivia there you are, I would um like you to meet y/n my girlfriend” he proudly says wrapping his arm around the girls waist. “Miss y/n…why I’ve heard a
lot about you” she says “Olivia hey, it’s really great to finally meet you” y/n smiles. “Yeah, we’ll anyway me and mr styles here have some filming to catch up on” she says. Y/n may have realised that all through that conversation most of Olivia’s eye contact remained on Harry, y/n tried to let that slide. While joining the rest of the crew by the sidelines out of camera view y/n couldn’t help herself and notice the small things Olivia were doing. The way she touches his hair, the way she fixed his suit, the way she was looking at y/n every time she did so.
“THATS A WRAP” Olivia announced loud and proud for the next 2 hours they finally had a break and both the couple were reunited “look so pretty in that suit H, designers did a good job hey?” Y/n claims her eyes practically shaped into hearts. “Lovie I make anything look pretty” he remarks with a smile. Once both back into his dressing room they both get ready to head out for a quick lunch date. “Fancy anything in particular my love?” He asks. “Saw a cute cafe just down the road on the way here” she replies setting her phone down. “Sold” he smirks pressing a soft kiss to the girls forehead and slipping his car keys into his pocket. .
After there lunch stop, Harry was to film some solo shots and luckily for y/n Florence was now here and it gave her something to do. “Flo oh my how are you?” Y/n says when she spots her, without a word from Florence she brings y/n into a sisterly hug “been missing you” she smiles “been missing you! So glad your here Olivia is getting on my last nerve” y/n says truthfully “Hitting on H as if I’m not here” she sighs. “I know, it can’t be easy y/n but the way Harry speaks about you 24/7 I don’t think he’s going absolutely anywhere” the girl claimed nudging y/n’s arm. As if on queue Harry was finished up and came straight back to y/n and it was now Florence’s turn for solo shoots “good luck with her babe” y/n calls over to her “thanks..I’ll need it” the blonde replied with a shared giggle between you both
“Someone’s having too much fun” a familiar voice said, “hey pretty boy” she said wrapping her arms around his waist “how was the solo shoots?” Peering over Harry’s side revealed an Olivia who even in the distance could be seen practically undressing H just with that stare, what more does she want? Y/n thought. “Y’ok lovie” he asks with concern. “The way she’s staring at you” she began “ she’s begging for you to fall in love with her” y/n says almost cringing at the thought “m’lov-“ Harry was cut off to his girl passionately pressing her lips to his. With a bashful smirk and rosy lips he still manages to say “thanks for that love but s’that for”. “Give her summat to stare at” y/n blankly says “this man’s off the market” she said a smirk creeping up on her face when she realises Olivia had finally dropped her attention to harry. “Y’ jealous?” He asks crossing his arms and proudly wearing a smile. “Jealous? Don’t want her thinking she has a chance is all” she starts. “Constantly seeing tabloids of her talking n thirsting over you” he huffs. “Darling girl, she’s never had the chance” he blushes “m’yours” he said cupping her face once again. “How about we get our stuff and leave you being jealous has done it fo’ me” he cheekily smirks. “You mean ‘envious’” “Whatever you say sweets”.
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mytvjunk · 9 months
Season 2 >>>>>> Season 1
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Y'all showed y'all ass' yesterday. No way y'all think someone is about to spit on someone in front a crowd 💀 please use your brain. Y'all just be making up stuff
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literaturewithliz · 7 months
Imagine with me if you will, that you are attending Hogwarts for your year seven in the marauders time period and you are hopelessly in love with James potter but as everyone knows he is helplessly in love with Lily Evans and so you end up spending a lot of time thinking about Lily Evans and how amazing she is and how you loathe her but also can’t help but love her. You envy her but you are happy for her. You obsess over her non obsession with the man you love. Just imagine
(Yes, I have been listening to lacy by Olivia Rodrigo for the past hour and YES, this post was inspired by that. Just replace lacy with Lily.)
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lesbiangracehanson · 1 year
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im in tears thanks 
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