#oh look a wild anonymoose
freddieslater · 4 months
I’m not sure if this counts as rarepair rowboat but what about a drabble of Klayley with three daughters? (maybe Hayley’s pregnant again and this time it’ll be a boy) I just love the little family of Hayley, Klaus, and Hope and I think it would be so nice if they choose to have more kids.
As an apology for how dreadfully long this has taken me to answer, I have done my absolute best to write something worthy of this beautiful concept. Klayley with more kids, building a family, is just my bread and butter, so thank you for gracing me with such an idea <3
The sound of feet moving so swiftly, almost silently, around his home would usually unnerve Klaus. It used to, in the past. It meant danger. Trespassers, people who were stepping where they did not belong, trying to catch him unawares.
Especially when he can hear the quick beats of their hearts. Growing closer to him. Sneaking up on him, his back turned to them. It would be very reasonable for him to act on instinct.
He closes his eyes. A smile curves his lips as the wolves pounce.
"Got you!" two voices scream at the top of their lungs as tiny arms wrap around his neck and legs, entangling him in a trap of limbs. They break out into laughter as they use all their might to wrestle him to the ground.
Once he's on the floor, growling, defeated, the two little wolves celebrate their victory whilst sitting on top of him. It's then that he breaks character and laughs along with them.
"Daddy!" Rikki scolds him, giving him a kick in the ribs. "You're not supposed to laugh! We've taken you prisoner, remember?"
He quickly tries to rearrange his features into something more sullen and angry as he nods swiftly, clearing his throat. "You're right, love, I'm sorry. I'm a prisoner."
At that, Astrid groans loudly and flops to the floor. "Dad!"
"What? What did I do?" he asks, eyes darting between the two of them.
"You know, prisoners don't usually call their captors 'love,'" another voice chimes in, almost sing-song-like in her smugness. He cranes his neck back and looks at her upside down as she walks towards them, arms folded and a smile on her face. "But then, you never were very good at playing prisoner, were you?"
He grins up at Hayley. "Just not my nature, love, you know that."
"Well, you have to be the prisoner," Rikki says stubbornly, still sitting on his chest. "It's the only way we can play the game, and you and Mom said we're not allowed to do any magic unless Hope's here, so there's nothing else we can play."
"Aside from the millions of toys you have upstairs in your rooms," he says, raising his eyebrows at her.
She glowers back at him. It's a familiar expression, strikingly like the one occasionally worn on her mother. Right now, though, Hayley can't do anything but laugh at the situation he's gotten himself into.
To his luck, Astrid has already grown tired of the game and his lack of cooperation, unlike her big sister. She gets off the floor and climbs into Hayley's arms, her attention turned, as usual, to the constantly growing bump. As the youngest, she's fascinated by the soon-to-be baby, though has taken to scolding it when it causes her mother any kind of discomfort.
"Does it feel weird?" she asks, moving her foot along it and looking up at Hayley with big brown eyes. "Like, a worm wriggling around in your stomach?"
Hayley smiles and tucks a piece of her auburn hair behind her ear with a nod. "A bit like that, yeah. But it's good. It means he's healthy."
Rikki and Klaus' heads both snap up. Klaus sits up, wrapping an arm wound Rikki as he rearranges to sit her in his lap as he stares up at Hayley.
"He?" Rikki repeats, taking the word right out of his mouth. "It's a boy? So, we're gonna have a little brother?"
Hayley glances from her to Klaus, her eyes lingering on his as her smile grows to bursting point. He can feel it in his chest, ready to explode, until, finally, she nods once more.
"A boy," he breathes out. Then he hugs Rikki, pressing a kiss to her head as a grin splits his face in half. "Hear that, sweetheart? A little brother for you and your sister. How does that sound?"
It isn't only Hayley's features he sees in his daughter, as her smile creeps into his heart much like his dear little sister's did when they only had each other. Her dark blonde hair only makes it more striking.
"I like that," she says.
Astrid, however, makes a face and prods Hayley's stomach lightly with a toe like it suddenly contains a flesh-eating beast. "Will he be weird and gross like the boys at my school?"
The three of them laugh, and Hayley strokes her cheek. "No, sweetheart, he'll be kind and sweet, and he'll adore his big sisters."
"Like Uncle Kol," Klaus chimes in.
That lights Astrid up like a Christmas tree. It's a little annoying how Kol has managed to worm his way in as the favourite despite living halfway across the world, but Klaus supposes he cannot begrudge him the love one niece as Rebekah firmly remains Rikki's favourite.
"Oh, come on, don't lie to her." They look across the room to find Hope standing by the door, back slung over her shoulder and a smile on her face. "He's part of this family. It would be impossible for him not to be a total freak like the rest of us."
The kids are uproarious with joy. Rikki is gone in a blur, colliding with Hope and nearly sending her crashing, and Astrid has never looked more like a tiny wolf as she loses her footing halfway out of Hayley's arms in her haste to join her sisters.
Hope laughs as she crouches down to hug them both. "Oh, my god, can you two stop growing? You're going to be taller than me soon."
"Wouldn't be hard, love," Klaus says, getting to his feet. She tilts her head, her mouth falling open to gape at him, and he grins. "Sorry, sweetheart, but you're a short-arse. I truly don't know whose side of the family you got that from, maybe Rebekah."
"Wow, Dad, thanks a lot," Hope says through laughter as Hayley swats him lightly for swearing in front of the kids. She walks over to them and into their open arms, hugging them both tightly. Muffled, she quietly says, "I missed you."
Klaus plants a kiss on top of her head and Hayley strokes her hair, softly saying, "We missed you, too, sweetheart. But, hey, you're here now and you can tell us all about school. Anything exciting happen?"
Pulling back, Hope makes a face. "You could say that."
"Caroline might have mentioned something about, what was it... a dragon?" Klaus says uncertainly, as if he doesn't already know every dangerous detail his daughter seems to have miraculously forgotten to mention recently. "And, I swear, there was something about a boy. What was his name again...?"
She laughs nervously now, realizing just that. To her great fortune, Rikki and Astrid hear the word "dragon" and take control of the conversation with a bombardment of questions. Hayley catches Klaus' arms and motions to the side. They step away from the girls as Hope is dragged to the couch.
"Let her settle in, at least, before we start grilling her about a possible boyfriend, alright?" she says quietly.
Klaus sighs. "Fine. But if that's Landon she mentioned last year, I will not be held responsible for what happens to him."
"You are terrible," she tells him, smiling. "Can you please just try to be happy that our daughter is living her life?"
Deep down, the words hit him with an almighty force. His eyes dart back over to where their three little girls sit together, laughing away. The truth is, he couldn't be happier. Seeing them all. Seeing Hope so grown up. God, she's changed so much since he saw her last, it actually almost breaks him, how quickly time seems to be moving. But it's also a feeling of relief, one that forces him to take a deep breathe as he realizes that Hope is no longer that tiny, helpless little creature in constant danger. Perhaps the last part hasn't changed, but the rest has.
And it's a good thing. How strong, how independent she has become. She looks up and catches his eyes, and she sticks her tongue out at him just like Astrid does. A glimpse of his little girl in this new, wonderful form.
Hayley touches his chest and his eyes are drawn back to her. "Alright," he says softly, "I suppose I can... live with that."
"And not kill her boyfriend."
"And not... kill her boyfriend," he repeats through gritted teeth.
Hayley rolls her eyes at him, but she still kisses him like he's deserving of it. Like she somehow loves him all the more for it, the stubbornness, the wolf inside of him despite its sometimes animalistic nature. It makes him ache in some way, wanting to be able to do more, do better by her somehow. All he can do is kiss her with everything he has and hope it's enough. Somehow, impossibly, it always seems to be.
She pulls back with a smile, caressing his face gently. In turn, his hands and gaze fall between them, both softening upon her stomach.
"So, we're having a boy," he says again.
"Mhm. Poor kid's going to be severely outnumbered, but I suppose it was about time to start evening the numbers out a little." She turns stern as he lifts his gaze back to her. "But I swear, Klaus Mikaelson, if you even dare try to suggest we name him after you, I will kill you."
He laughs at that but tries to look offended. "Well, frankly, I think it would only be fair considering our oldest daughter is named after you."
"Oh, it's her middle name and you chose it," Hayley retorts, poking a finger into his chest. "You're not getting away with that. No way."
"Then what do you suggest?" he asks, knowing that he was never actually going to burden the poor little thing with his own atrocious name.
Hayley looks away. "Well, actually, I was thinking... Henrik."
His heart seems to stop as the last of the air in his lungs escapes in a quiet gasp of shock. She looks up at him, a smile as gentle as her fingers flitting across her lips as she raises a shoulder.
"Henrik?" he repeats faintly. It makes him dizzy just to utter the name, his heart and mind bombarded by everything attached to it, and yet also oddly soothed by letting it be heard. Just, he imagines, as Hayley might have felt when he revealed the piece of her own self forever tied with Hope in the form of her middle name.
"It just feels... I don't know, right, I guess?" she says, shaking her head. "But if that's too much for you, then we can..."
"No," he interrupts. He presses his lips together, composing himself. "That's... No. It's perfect."
He stares at her, sighing softly, and he pulls her close, a hand on the back of her head as he presses his lips to her temple. "Thank you, Little Wolf." He pulls back, cradling her face between his hands lovingly, and looking deep into her eyes as he makes up his mind. "Our son's name will be Henrik. But, if I may, I want to give him his middle name."
Hayley nods. "Yeah. That's fine."
"Then our son will be called Henrik Jackson Mikaelson."
For the two names open messy, unhealed wounds in both their hearts, and Klaus knows that Hayley feels that same burst of emotion, followed by the odd relief at hearing the names said aloud. Never to be forgotten, even though they never could be for they live on in their heads.
Eyes glassy, Hayley takes a shuddering breath and nods. "It's perfect," she agrees.
"Just as he will be absolutely perfect," he says. "Just like his big sisters, and their strong, beautiful, amazing mother." He shifts her hair out of her face with a finger as she leans into his hand against her cheek. "You, Little Wolf, are the best thing to have ever walked into my life. Thank you"
"For what?" she breathes out, and jokingly says, "For getting just drunk enough not to ask myself if it was a bad idea to sleep with you?"
He swallows thickly. "For everything. For this." He glances back at the girls, then returns his gaze to her with full sincerity. "This family. Our family. For allowing me to be a part of it. Thank you, Little Wolf, for giving me a reason to never run again. You are my home."
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freddieslater · 10 months
Plspls post the Instagram photos I can’t watch the ep today :(((
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They’re precious 😭
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freddieslater · 4 months
can you please write more klamon fics. I love them but they're so hard to find.
I really should, shouldn't I? While I really couldn't see the dynamic before, they're growing on me a bit more now. I just need inspiration and ideas for fics for them! For some reason, those two are stubborn and refuse to do anything when I try to get them to, so if anyone has any suggestions for a klamon fic, I'm all ears!
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freddieslater · 4 months
I’m seriously missing Booby & Freddie on ee 😭 can you please write a fic where they make up and are cute and happy again? (Obviously in your own time, if you feel like it of course 🫶)
Okay, SO, I know it took me WAY too long to get to this ask, and Freddie and Bobby have already made up (though I'm not entirely satisfied with how it happened, but I guess I'll take what I can get), but I have FINALLY written a little something where our boys make up with a twist. Someone on ao3 asked me for a fic where Freddie is sick and Bobby takes care of him, so I took some creative liberties and combined the two into one. I will admit, it isn't necessarily a fic with a happy ending, so I do apologize in advance for that... I hope you enjoy anyway! <3
Freddie doesn't get sick. Ever. Even when he was younger, the cold couldn't touch him and allergies bounced straight off of him. His mum has always been so overprotective and forced a jacket around him whenever he's tried to go out on a grey day with just a hoodie and he's never understood it because he doesn't get sick.
When he says just that to Alfie, he's met with a disbelieving chuckle. He tries to get up out of bed but Alfie places a hand on his shoulder and gently stops him, easing him back down. Admittedly, it's a relief when his head hits the pillows again. It's weirdly heavy today, like he's lugging around a bowling ball on his shoulders.
'Alright, alright,' Alfie says. 'I believe ya, Fred, but we gotta look at the facts, alright? You're pale as a ghost and you're burning up bad. You even sound like your throat's been grated on sandpaper, alright, so I think, just this once, you might have a little bit of a cold, yeah?'
It doesn't make any sense. He never gets sick. He tries again to sit up -- Alfie doesn't need to stop him this time. He can barely move his upper body, a ginormous weight pressing down on it until he's forced to concede. He flops back down with a sigh.
'Alright,' he says, slightly breathless. He closes his eyes against the black dots threatening to creep into view. 'You might have a point, Alf.' 
It's hard just to breathe, now that he thinks about it. Half of his nose is blocked and his throat is a bit raw.
He hears a sigh beside him. Alfie pats his leg through the covers and says, 'Right. I can't leave you like this. I'm going to cancel my appointment, stay home and make sure you're alright. You get some rest.'
Freddie forces his eyes open and stops him. 'Wait, Alf, no. You can't cancel your appointment.'
'Fred, I can't leave you like this,' he repeats. 'I don't know how long I'm gonna be at the hospital neither. What if you need something, or you get worse?' He shakes his head, pursing his lips. 'Nah. I'll just reschedule it, it'll be alright.'
'Seriously, Alf, I'll be fine. I'll just sleep the entire time, please, don't miss this appointment 'cause of me.'
'It's just a cold,' Freddie insists. 'I'll be fine. Seriously, Alf, you gotta go.'
Alfie hesitates, looking doubtfully at him. He hums and haws, and he gnaws at his lip momentarily before finally, he sighs and points at him. 'Alright. Alright, fine, but I'm not leavin' you by yourself. No arguments. Kat would have my head if she thought I wasn't looking after you properly.'
He doesn't bother arguing further. It wouldn't work; Alfie's already pulling his phone out and holding it to his ear as it rings. Freddie isn't sure who exactly he calls, because he passes out a moment later. 
His head is damp when he comes back round. Not just from sweat (though there's a thin layer of that clinging to his skin as well), he realizes when he reaches up groggily and finds a cloth on his forehead. It's still got a bit of coldness to it. It's actually kind of soothing.
He drops it back onto his forehead and closes his eyes with a quiet groan a second after trying to open them. Even the minimal effort drains him to the point of wanting to just go back to sleep. He rolls over, clamping a hand over the cloth to keep it in place. 
Drifting in and out for a few minutes, he jolts awake when he hears a noise from somewhere else in the flat. It doesn't register as weird to him right away. He just chalks it down to Alfie crashing into things like usual, the clumsy bloke. A few beats pass as he settles back into his pillow. 
Alfie should be at the hospital. There's no way he should be back yet. Which can only mean...
Groaning quietly, he forces his eyes open and pushes himself out of his bed, despite every protest from his lead-filled limbs. He nearly trips over on his way to his door. He swallows down the nausea rising like a wave in his throat and yanks the door open, admittedly using the wall for support as he makes his way down the hallway. 
'Alf?' he calls out and is met with a rough, nails-on-chalkboard sound that is dragged out of him. He grits his teeth through it and tries again as he stumbles on. 'Alf, I told you not to worry about me. You should be at the--'
He comes to a stop in the kitchen. Standing by the microwave as it bzzz's away is not Alfie. It's Bobby. He looks over at him now, and while his face remains the way it's been for the last few days, there is a slight twitch in his eyebrows.
'You shouldn't be out of bed,' Bobby says, turning away from him again. 'Alfie called me and asked if I would come over to make sure you're okay while he's at the hospital. He should be back in a few hours.'
The explanation still doesn't really feel like it explains anything. Freddie stays, swaying and confused, staring at Bobby in bewilderment until he chancs another glance at him. 
'You don't look good,' Bobby says. Maybe Freddie's hopeful in his sick, delusional state but it almost sounds like he's concerned. 'Go back to bed. I'm just heating up some soup in case you're hungry, but you should really be trying to sleep as much as possible. I also put a glass of water on the drawers next to your be, so you should have a few sips and take the painkillers I put there as well if you haven't already.'
It's weird how formal he's being about it, yet Freddie can't bring himself to care about that. This is the most that Bobby has said to him since... since he slept with Anna. A well-timed wave of nausea washes over him again and he steadies himself with a hand against the wall. 
'Bob, why are you...' He swallows thickly, breathing only through his nose for a moment. When he speaks again, it's through clenched teeth in the fear that something other than words might slip out otherwise. 'Why are you doin' this? I thought that you never wanted to--'
'I'm here because Alfie asked,' Bobby cuts him off. He folds his arms around himself and stares firmly at the countertop as he lightly shrugs. 'He's like family to me and I care about him. I know he's going through a lot right now, so I'm not going to make it harder on him by letting my personal problems get in the way of his.'
Freddie closes his mouth. He nods, not trying to plead his case again. He's honestly too drained. Instead, he just says, 'Well, I appreciate it anyway. I'm gonna go lie back down, like you said.'
He pushes away from the wall, swaying, and holds onto it for a moment until the dizzyness passes.
Bobby notices. He hesitates, then moves towards him with a sigh. 'I'll help you. You look like you're about to collapse.'
'I feel it as well,' Freddie says, chuckling lightly. The noise is far away in the distance from his own ears and he's not even entirely sure any of this is actually real. He blinks and he's being lowered back into his bed by a seemingly invisible entity. 
His eyes fall closed again and the darkness swallows him back up.
This time, when he wakes, he's drawn to consciousness by the smell of something spiced and savoury. It's funny because for a moment, lying there with his eyes closed, inhaling the familiar scent, he's sure he's back at his mum's as she boils soup to heat them both up through the winter. A smile has already found its way onto his face as he rolls over -- only to be hit with a wave of dizzyness. It comes back to him in a tidal wave that pushes him under with an unbearable weight. 
He opens his eyes and inhales sharply. It's a difficult feat; he can't even breathe in through his nose. How do people cope with this? He's never felt so bad in his life. It crosses his mind that he might finally have been tracked down by Covid but he brushes it off, too tired to wonder how or why. It's probably just an average cold, even though he never gets sick.
Something else crosses his mind. Bobby. He was there, in the flat, earlier. 
Freddie is tempted, momentarily, to get out of bed again and see if he's still hanging around. However, a deep ache in his limbs stops him from moving. If he's light-headed just from rolling over, there's a good chance he'll faceplant straight into the wall if he tries to stand up.
Fortunately, he doesn't need to test it. The floorboard outside his room creaks and before he can see if his aching throat will allow any sound out, his door softly opens and Bobby pokes his head inside. His eyes widen when he finds Freddie staring back at him already.
'You're awake,' he says, taking a step into the room. 'Erm, I was just checking if you were okay.'
'Didn't die in my sleep,' Freddie says, and lifts a lead-filled hand to give him a thumbs up. It drops back onto his stomach immediately. His face scrunches. 'How long was I asleep for? Felt like ages.'
'Only about an hour, I think.' Bobby toys awkwardly with the silver bracelet on his wrist. 'You should try and get some more sleep, you still don't look well.' His brows furrow as he speaks, and he steps further into the room, coming closer to him. 'Have you got a fever?'
As he asks, he gingerly presses his hand to Freddie's forehead. It's freezing against his clammy skin. Disappointment swoops down on him when he takes it away with a concerned hum. 
'I'm going to get you another cold cloth to try and take it down.'
'You're a right proper little nurse, ain't ya?' Freddie jokes, attempting a grin. As Bobby averts his eyes and goes to leave, panic grips him for some reason, and all of a sudden he's holding onto his hand. 'Wait. I, erm...'
He swallows thickly and regrets it. It feels like he's swallowed glass.
'I'll be right back,' Bobby says softly. He even gives his hand a light squeeze before taking it back and leaving the room. Sure enough, he returns quickly -- or maybe it just feels that way in Freddie's slightly delirious state -- holding a new facecloth.
Freddie watches him as he gently smooths back his hair from his forehead and lays the cloth on it. Once again, the cold is soothing. He actually finds his eyes wanting to remain closed when he blinks, an odd sense of relief washing over him. At least, over his head, which felt like it was filled with an angry beehive a moment ago. 
'Thanks,' he murmurs, though he's not positive the word actually leaves his mouth.
'Do you need anything else?' Bobby asks.
Freddie swallows again, this time trying to disloge the words that want to spill out. More than anything, he knows what he wants right now. What he needs. But it would be selfish to ask now for Bobby's forgiveness. He's too kind, his heart too big for his own good, one day it'll explode from trying to hold love for everyone and everything. He'd give him his forgiveness, but only because he feels bad for him, seeing him so weak and vulnerable.
It's not fair and it's selfish. Two things that only really occur to Freddie after the fact.
He looks up at him, his face dropping as another wave of panic washes over him at the thought of Bobby leaving the room again. Leaving him. Being alone has always been too hard for him to deal with, it drives him mental.
'Can you just... can we talk? Or you can talk and I'll just lie here,' he offers. 
Bobby looks away from him, just like in the cafe, just like every time he's tried to talk to him since that day in the Vic.
'Bob, please,' Freddie says, even though every word is another mouthful of glass. 'I get that you can't forgive what I did, and you don't need to. I just... I need you. I need my best mate.' He bites his bottom lip as Bobby's mouth twitches. 'You can even sit here and tell me how much you hate me if you want. Just don't go.'
Something he said must've worked because Bobby sighs but he doesn't leave. Instead, he lowers himself onto the edge of the bed, his hands braced on his knees as he stares at the floor, shaking his head.
'I don't hate you,' he says like that should've been obvious. 'It's just... what you did, it really hurt me, Freddie.'
'I know that,' he says but he fails to think of something to follow it. Any excuse feels like just that. An excuse.  'I'm sorry. I am, I swear to you. I wish I'd never done it, Bob, and I know Anna does too. I never wanted to hurt you.'
Silence falls over them as the words hang between them. Freddie knows that they don't matter. What does matter is that he did hurt him, and he has no idea how to fix it. He can't take it back, and it's not like he can just make him a cup of tea and buy him some flowers and everything will be alright again.
Bobby sighs again. 'Look, you're ill, we don't need to talk about this. It's not like it really matters now, anyway.'
'Course it matters,' Freddie says, his brows furrowing. 'I can't stand this. I need to make it right, Bob.'
To his surprise, Bobby shakes his head. 'No, you don't.' He finally looks at him directly. 'You made a mistake, Freddie. I can't exactly hold that over you with my own track record. I just... I wish that it had been you who told me, that's all.'
'Me too,' Freddie says sincerely. 'I wanted to, for weeks.'
'But my dad beat you to it.' Bobby face contorts. 'I'm really sorry about that, by the way. About him. He should never have said those things about you, or about Anna, especially not in front of everyone like that. I think he thought he was protecting me but he embarassed the two of you, and I didn't want that.'
Freddie's confused by the sudden turn of the tables. How did they go from barely talking to Bobby apologizing to him? He manages to push himself up slightly on his elbows, groaning behind clenched teeth as it takes a good chunk of his energy to do so. Still, it's worth it. Until the cloth falls off his forehead.
'Here,' Bobby says, already scooping it back up and pressing it gently to his skin once more. He holds it there. 'You really don't look well. Have you talked to a doctor? Or Sonia. She's a nurse, she might be able to help. Actually, let me call her, she might be able to come over.'
Freddie barely has time to process what he's saying but quickly stops him when he pulls out his phone. He can't help it; he smiles, big and stupid, because it hasn't been like this for ages. 'Nah, no need. Just a cold, innit?'
'But you told me you don't get sick,' Bobby argues, growing visibly more concerned. 
'I don't, usually. Guess I just got unlucky this year.' He shrugs. 'Maybe it's Karma.'
The words slip out before he can think about them. He worries that they'll drive Bobby away again, not finding any humour in the situation, and why should he? Freddie's the idiot for thinking it's alright to joke about, but he's sick and his brain doesn't work at the best of times, never mind when it's covered in germs. 
Germs. He stares at Bobby in confusion, still holding the cloth to his forehead. Sitting on his bed, right beside him. Touching him.
'Hey, I thought you didn't like germs and you know, things like this,' he points out. 'Your OCD.'
It only occurs to him after he's said that maybe bringing it up could trigger it if Bobby hadn't thought about it. 
If that is the case, he doesn't let it show much. Bobby's expression twitches a little, and he nods, raises a shoulder, and he says, 'Yeah, I don't, but... I can keep it under control when it's not too bad. Besides, I'm not that scared of getting sick. It might mean I don't have to sit through another True Crime documentary at Sonia's.'
Freddie cracks a smile. He has a thought but it doesn't make it beyond that stage, cut off as Bobby speaks again.
'And... somebody has to look after you,' he says, a smile quirking the corners of his mouth. 
'Well, I'm glad it's you.' At Bobby's quizzical expression, he lightly raises a shoulder. 'No one else around here's got a great bedside manner, if I'm honest. Alf tries but the bloke makes me more worried about him half the time.'
It isn't funny, even he knows that, yet Bobby laughs like it is. Ducking his head, shoulders shaking with mirth as he lifts his eyes back up to him, sparkling, pressing his lips together like it'll do anything to contain it. Even if it worked, nothing could tone down the pink that rises to his cheeks automatically. 
It's something that Freddie's noticed before. The way he literally lights up when he's genuinely happy. He hasn't seen it in a while. Before he knows what he's doing in his somewhat delirious state (or at least that's the excuse he'll use if Bobby asks for one), he's reaching out and touching the back of his fingers lightly against the faint blush. 
Bobby freezes, his eyes darting to his hand. When they slide back over to Freddie, though, he doesn't say a word about it. He presses his lips together again in a faint smile before taking his hand gently in his own and readjusting the cloth on his forehead like some nurse in a World War 2 movie. Freddie remembers watching a lot of those for school. He always reckoned it was pretty romantic; having someone care that much. 
A completely mental thought crosses his mind. It's one of those ones where he'd just do it, let impulse take over, then take the consequences later because he can't quite compute that maybe he shouldn't. Except, he can barely keep his eyes open at the moment, let alone move his entire body. He has to settle for squeezing Bobby's hand.
'You look tired,' Bobby notes. His eyebrows have once again knitted in concern and Freddie wants nothing more than to smooth it back out with his fingers. He starts to move his hand to do it but stops when he remembers it's already being held. 
''M okay,' he mumbles, but one blink feels like ten minutes of darkness. He tires not to blink at all. 'Just a bit cold.'
He hadn't realized it was true until he said it, but his body is overcome with a deep shiver in his bones, and all of a sudden it's like he's outside in the rain in just his underwear. 
'That's good,' Bobby assures him. 'It means your body is fighting it. I'll see if Alfie has a thin blanket somewhere.'
Freddie mumbles something, even he's not sure what, just that it's a protest. He shakes his head and holds on tighter to Bobby's hand, stopping him from leaving despite him not actually moving yet. 
'Nah, don't need to,' he says. 'Just, erm...' He blinks rapidly and does his best to keep Bobby's face in sight. 'Just keep talking, I don't wanna go back to sleep just yet. Talk to me. 'Bout anything, doesn't matter what.'
Bobby flounders, as he usually does when put on the spot. But after a moment, he inhales, and he says, 'Erm, okay. Right, well... I've seen some stuff about a new movie that I kinda wanna see. It's a prequel in a series that I actually really enjoyed. I didn't even know they were making one, or that they'd released a new book, either. I want to go and see it in cinemas but, well, I'm not really good with places like that, to be honest.'
'We can go together,' Freddie says immediately. He shifts his body to be laying on his side, tucking his free hand beneath his head as he looks up at Bobby. 'Yeah, it'll be a laugh.'
'Well, the movie's not really a comedy,' Bobby says nervously. 'It's actually a little dark, from what I've heard.'
Freddie shrugs. 'We'll still have a good time. We always do, you and me.'
'Yeah,' Bobby says, and his mouth curves into a faint smile. 'Yeah, we do.'
'Hey, Bob? I know I said no to the blanket, but could you get in here with me? I'm freezing, and I just need something to, like, I don't know what the word is, but I just think it'd help a bit, you know? Is that stupid?' 
He somehow manages to keep his tongue tied enough not to admit that he just wants to be close to him. It's not a new feeling. Honestly, since the day he met him, all he's wanted is to be near him. It's like some kind of magnet, drawing him in. Right now, it's so intense he feels like he meet explode if he even lets go of his hand. Maybe that's completely mental and a bit pathetic. He doesn't care.
It takes Bobby a moment to answer. Or maybe it's only a second. It's hard to tell.
But no matter how long it takes, when he speaks, it's to say, 'No, that's... that's not stupid at all. Yeah, of course.'
It doesn't really register with Freddie that he didn't reject the request until Bobby is carefully climbing onto the bed that used to feel a lot bigger. Not that he's complaining. It's actually a relief to be so close to him as Bobby positions himself to be half-sitting, half-laying with him. Just enough for him to keep adjusting the cloth on his forehead and for Freddie to sluggishly pull his own body a few inches closer to press his head into his side. 
He was right. The ticking time bomb inside of him cuts out. There's only a heavy relief and comfort as he splays his arm over him and takes a deep breath in time to the beat of his pulse. Not slow but not fast, either. Even the pressure of his ribs against his forehead is soothing.
He says something. What, though, he has no idea, because a moment later, he is asleep. For how long, he also has no idea. When he next opens his eyes, it's like it's been ten minutes and ten hours. Either way, his limbs ache a little less but are weighed down with exhaustion still. 
He wonders if maybe that's why Bobby is still in the bed with him. Maybe he didn't know how to slip out of his grasp without disturbing him, and knowing him, he'd rather suffer in discomfort for hours than maybe someone else uncomfortable. Then again, he doesn't look so uncomfortable with his eyes closed, his head tilting slightly to one side as he breathes deeply. Sound asleep.
Freddie decides not to bother him. He just closes his eyes again and lets his mind and body win out this time without a fight, drifting right back off. 
It's only about a day before Freddie is back to being himself. There isn't a single trace of sickness left in him as he zips right up out of his bed and into the kitchen to grab breakfast. He does have to crack his neck and stretch his limbs out a bit more than usual after being in bed for about three days straight, but aside from that, he would be willing to believe that he was never actually sick at all. 
Some tupperware sitting on the side labelled "soup :)" proves otherwise. He smiles to himself. He has no idea if he actually ate any of it while he was sick, but he makes a mental note to try and remember to thank Bobby for it later all the same. 
But when he sees him just two hours later, he has a much more pressing thought on his mind, pulled forth from his somewhat delirious state by the tupperware. It sits at the ack of his mind, tickling away at his brain like an itch he can't reach no matter how hard he tries.
To his relief, Bobby smiles when he sees him. So, it was definitely real. They're friends again. 
'Hey,' he says immediately, stopping right in the middle of the market despite his hands being loaded with bags. 'Alfie told me you were feeling better. I was gonna come over later and see how you were doing.'
'Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Thanks, Bob.' He wets his lips, his impatience getting the better of him as the itch begins to grow irritable, demanding attention. 'Erm, I was just wondering, though... did I say anything? You know, anything, like, weird or something? 'Cause, I just have this feeling like I did but I can't remember what it was and it's driving me mental.'
'Oh. Erm.' Bobby averts his eyes. 'Not really, no.'
Freddie stares at him. 'Come on, Bob. Now I definitely know I did or you wouldn't be actin' so weird about it. What was it? Look,' he presses on before he can get a chance to speak, 'whatever it was, I'm sorry, yeah? I was so out of it, I've genuinely never felt like that before and I think it was making me a bit... well, mental.'
Bobby glances up at him. His lips quirk ever so slightly at one side. 'Right. Yeah.' He shakes his head and chuckles, straightening up. 'Yeah, of course. No, it's totally fine. You're good, it doesn't matter.'
'You sure?' Freddie asks, raising his eyebrows. 'But I did say something, then?'
'Yeah, but it was just... like you said, you weren't yourself,' Bobby says quickly. 'The fever. It's fine, Freddie, really.'
He wants to protest and push him for an answer, slightly irritated that he still doesn't know what exactly it was that he said. It feels important; his stomach flips like a pancake when he thinks about it and his heart starts beating way too fast, and it's unnverving him a bit, actually. 
Either he can see this or he just knows him too well, Bobby rolls his eyes and sighs. 'You just...' He lowers his voice, leaning in slightly even as he avoids looking directly at him. 'You said that... that you love me. Well, more that you were in love with me, actually, but it really doesn't matter. You were really sick, you'd probably have said anything.'
A flash of something comes back to him. Him, curled into Bobby in his bed, trying to get as close to his heartbeat as he physically could. Hearing the beat of it. Wanting to be in sync with it. To be with him. 
Oh. Shit. 
'Wait. Bob, I--'
'Freddie, it's fine,' Bobby cuts him off quickly, grinning. 'Really, it didn't bother me. Don't worry about it.'
'But, Bob, I...' His voice trails off.
Bobby is smiling at him. Talking to him. Last week, he was sure that would never happen again an he had blown any chance of ever being able to fix things between them. So, he does something he's never usually able to do. He stops himself from saying something that might undo it all. 
Smiling back at him, he forces a chuckle and nods. 'Thanks.'
For a moment, they're just looking at each other. Freddie's mind is in even more chaos than usual, trying to round up every rogue thought desparate to make its escape. He's beyond grateful when Bobby snaps out of it first and remembers he was on his way somewhere before running into him. 
'I need to get these to Sonia's,' he says, nodding towards her house across the square. 'But, I'll see you later, yeah?'
The four words are just enough to reinforce it in Freddie's mind. He clamps his mouth shut and nods enthusiastically, only just managing to say, 'Yeah, absolutely!' without anything else slipping out. He turns and watches him walk away, grinning. It begins to fade the further he gets and all of a sudden he's cursing himself. 
He is a terrible liar, especially around Bobby. What was he thinking? How is he ever supposed to stop himself from blurting out that he might actually be completely, hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with him? His shoulders sink and he closes his eyes, sighing in anguish. He is so screwed. 
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freddieslater · 1 year
i think the show and the viewers underestimate how much damon loved enzo, like yes he left him there but he was traumatised af and scared, and it’s not like he left enzo there without consequences, he left his humanity to burn there with him. it shows how much he loved enzo, that he knew he would have to forget who he was in order to SURVIVE. Mind you, he never turned it off bc of anything else
Exactly. Everyone seems to just brush that off but it is HUGE, especially for Damon. As you said, he never turned it off before. Not when he first turned and wanted nothing more than to be dead. Not when he knew he would have to spend either eternity or at least 100+ years to see Katherine, the alleged love of his life at the time. Not ever time he and Stefan fell out. Not for anything. Until Enzo. The thought of losing Enzo, especially because of his own actions (or, I suppose, inactions) was enough to make him turn it all off, to want to stop feeling entirely.
Damon loved Enzo deeply. More than he loved probably anyone else in his life, maybe bar Stefan. I wish more people could see that.
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freddieslater · 8 months
What if the Freddie/Bobby fall out is for Bobby to be alone if/when Cindy starts to hurt him. This way he doesn't have anyone since he doesn't want to tell Peter. We all know Freddie would notice something right away if Bobby was going through something.
That does make a lot of sense and is probably why they’ve had this whole Freddie/Anna thing happen right when Bobby’s going to need Freddie the most. It’s gonna be so sad seeing him struggle on his own because chances are he won’t even confide in Kathy or Rocky, but I am HOPING that they AND Peter figure it out anyway. The writers are isolating him purposefully.
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freddieslater · 8 months
They've put so much emphasis on Lucy that I'm even more worried for Bobby.
That’s totally fair, I’m worried, too. Michelle has said that she and Clay have had some tense scenes but that she’s loved them so I’m really hoping all of the bad blood will be resolved eventually!
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freddieslater · 8 months
I'm not looking forward the Freddie and Bobby angst but I know they'll make up eventually. They're best friends.
Definitely, I’m sure it’ll only last for a couple of weeks, if that. That’s usually how it goes in soaps! Besides, they need a bit of angst, it’s been smooth sailing so far and now this ship needs to be tested on rocky waters!
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freddieslater · 9 months
Freddie and Bobby for your birthday ask!
Also Happy Birthday!!
Thank you!! <3
Freddie Slater
• It’s his 19th and that feels like a big deal to him, it’s essentially his last year before finally hitting proper “adulthood” aka his 20s
• (To be honest, every birthday is a big deal to Freddie, he just loves any excuse for a party)
• So, he is absolutely determined to celebrate it in style — we’re talking a full night of partying, drinking, dancing to the best tunes, having the time of his life to mark this occasion
• He obviously asks Kathy if he can have his party at the Albert (after deciding it’s probably a better environment than Peggy’s) and she says yes
• He tells people not to bother with presents as he “isn’t into all that material stuff” but no one actually listens to that; his mum sends him a nice shirt and some money, Kat gets him this stupidly expensive watch (it has a leopard print strap), Stacey/Jean & the kids give him a new wallet and a bracelet
• ‘It’s supposed to be made of real crystals or stones or summat. Said on the tag that it was good for the chakras,’ Stacey says, shaking her head sheepishly. ‘I know it ain’t much—‘
‘Stace, are you kiddin’? I love it!’ Freddie stands up and catches her by surprise in a hug that squashes the air out of her. She still laughs all the same and pats his back.
• Jean also gives him a small photo album full of pictures of his mum, Kat, Stacey, Big Mo, Charlie and a few of his other family members, to remind him that he has a family, one who loves him deeply and cares about him completely. It makes him tear up a bit
• Alfie buys him a cake to surprise him as soon as he wakes up — double chocolate, his favourite — and he promises to buy him a drink at Vic, then offers to get him a birthday meal too
• The entire day, he’s bouncing around, high on life, so much so that he doesn’t notice Bobby constantly trying to tell him he got him something
• They go to the Albert where they have a great time — Freddie is once again wearing a feather boa around his neck and some plastic “birthday” novelty glasses, as well as a massive pin badge that says “birthday boy” courtesy of Rocky
• Finally, standing together at the bar, Bobby mentions that he bought him something
• ‘It’s nothing big or fancy,’ he says hastily, clearly not wanting to get his hopes up as he digs something out of his trouser pocket. ‘It’s just, I saw it and it reminded me of you. That’s so cheesy, isn’t it?’
Freddie beams at him. ‘Bob, you know I’m a cheese man. And, whatever it is, I already love it ‘cause it’s from you.’
Bobby presents it to him: A deep blue pendant, shaped like a long, slender crystal on a soft black rope chain. Freddie recognizes the stone before Bobby explains.
‘It’s Lapis Lazuli,’ he says, his brows furrowing as Freddie gently takes it from him. ‘I read that it’s supposed to have a lot of good spiritual properties, especially something to do with, erm, blocking negative emotions and honesty?’
He says it so uncertainly, clearly trying hard to remember the exact words he read. He fidgets with his hands as Freddie continues to stare at the pendant in awe.
‘I just figured that… with everything you’ve been through recently,’ he says softly, ‘it might help you to come to terms with all of it. It’s probably stupid, I know, but—‘
‘Bob,’ Freddie interrupts, lifting his gaze to him in utter adoration. ‘This means the world to me.’
Bobby visibly brightens, his eyes widening. ‘Really?’
‘It’s so thoughtful,’ Freddie continues, caressing the stone with his thumb. ‘I am seriously lucky to have you in my life, Bob. You know, Lapis is also a stone of friendship.‘
‘Oh,’ Bobby says, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. ‘I, uh, I didn’t know that. I read all of that and it was the closest that I could find to a Sapphire — your birthstone — and I just thought you might like it.’
Freddie smiles at him, looking deeply into his eyes as he says, ‘I love it.’
Bobby Beale
• It is his 20th and while that seems sort of worth celebrating to some people, Bobby is not one of them. He could understand if it was his 21st but 20 is just… 20
• Not to mention, he doesn’t much like his birthday and really doesn’t want to make it a big deal
• Freddie, self-appointed party planner, is a bit disappointed, as are Kathy and Anna, who really wanted to make it a bit more special
• However, they band together and figure something out that has the best of both worlds: a game might at home, watching some movies. That’s fine by Bobby
• He can’t really refuse when Kathy, Ben and Peter insist on taking him for lunch at the Vic, though, with Callum and Rocky joining them (Anna may or may not make sure that Bobby’s orange juice keeps mysteriously refilling free of charge)
• Game night consists of the following guests: Anna (she gifts him with a little teddy bear that she saw on one of the stalls and thought had his eyes and was the same colour as his hair, as well as a framed photo of the two of them and Freddie), Peter (he slips him £50 and a hug), Kathy (she bought him a nice LOTR t-shirt that he loves, as well as some money), Rocky and Freddie, of course
• They play Cluedo and Monopoly and Cards Against Humanity (the latter only comes out when it’s only Bobby, Freddie, Anna and Peter left, thankfully)
• It’s a really good night, even if Freddie and Anna eat more of his victoria sponge cake than he does, and he asks Freddie to stay over as Anna insists she needs to go home
• At that point, Freddie finally confesses that he did buy him something, but he was waiting until they were alone to give it to him
• Bobby’s heart nearly stops when he sees him pull out a ring box, and he’s pretty sure it actually does when he recognizes the ring inside of it
‘Is this…’ He looks up at Freddie, wide-eyed. ‘This is the ring. The One Ring from — from Lord of the Rings, how did you—? This must’ve cost you a fortune.’
Freddie shrugs the last remark off, beaming at him with excitement. ‘It is, and it’s genuine. Well, a genuine copy, from sight collection site, but it’s as close to the one in the movies as possible.’
‘Freddie…’ Bobby begins faintly but he trails off with a shake of his head, realizing he doesn’t have the words to express what he’s feeling right now. ‘This is… thank you! I mean, it’s amazing, seriously.’
He gently slips it out of the foam cushion and finds a slender silver chain attached to it. He runs his fingers over the engravings.
‘You’re welcome, Bob,’ Freddie says, clasping his shoulder. ‘See, I was gonna get you summat with your birthstone on it but then I read up on it and found out that ruby is the gift you give for your 40th anniversary. So, I figured I’d wait until we’ve known each other 40 years. Make it proper and special.’
‘You do know that’s only for wedding anniversaries, right?’ Bobby points out, barely able yo take his eyes off the ring. He’s already turning into Gollum.
Freddie shrugs again and winks, his grin widening as he says, ‘Who knows what’ll happen in 40 years? Whatever does happen though, Bob, I’m absolutely confident that we’ll still be in each others lives. That ain’t never gonna change.’
Send me a character and I’ll give you my birthday headcanons for them!
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freddieslater · 8 months
I'd love Christian and Syed to come back but only as a part of a whole Masood revival. Masood, Zainab, Christian, Syed and the kids would be literally perfect. It would be so good especially with Clenshaw in charge now! It would also be cool to have a middle-aged gay couple who have been together forever and are parents, EE have never really done that before.
This is genuinely exactly what I want. And, you know, while we're at it, bring Jane back. Not only because we'd have Christian, her brother, but also for Bobby. God knows he could use her on his side along with Kathy right now. (And I will never be over the Masood/Jane affair...)
Clenshaw could give us everything. We have three men and a baby going on over in Ballum's flat but give us back our OG's as well. I miss them :(
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freddieslater · 22 days
in your pinned the 'fandoms i'll write for' link appears to be broken (though maybe its just on mobile browser, idk) thought you'd probably wanna know
ahaha yeah I've been meaning to fix that! thanks for reminding me!
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freddieslater · 1 year
how do you feel about elena casually sipping on tea reading how her dad tortured enzo for years (right after calling wes a monster for doing the same) and then defending it to damon knowing full well he was tortured for 5 years too?
i just…the way the show keeps elena’s parents as some saints and gives them peace like grayson didn’t torture living beings for decades
I... don't like it. That should be obvious though, considering how deeply I care for Enzo. You're totally right though, I never thought about it like that before, but the show does have a habit of keeping Elena's parents uplifted. Normally, a reveal as horrifying as her father secretly taking part in torture and experimentation for pretty much Elena's entire life would be treated as a major thing. Instead, it's... just kind of glossed over. Probably because the writers didn't care enough about Enzo to make it a conflict in the plot, but it certainly should've been.
I don't believe that Elena's reaction was necessarily in character for her. She has been horrified by much smaller things before, so surely she should've then looked at Grayson as she did with Isobel after finding out what she was truly like? Or at least, should've had some sensitivity when talking about how his "experiments" were "helping people" to Damon. I don't know, it's a really weird storyline and I absolutely do wish it had been treated better because Elena just deciding it was fine that her dad was doing that simply because it was ultimately "for a good cause" does not sit right with me. (Maybe that's why I wrote that fic about 7-year-old Elena freeing Enzo from the clinic's basement.)
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freddieslater · 1 year
we need to talk about 5x14 and the way damon almost killed enzo and the first thing enzo said afterwards as “what did you do to him?!’’ scared for damon not himself. he loved him so much i 🥲😭
We do! We DO need to talk about that scene because it kills me every single time I watch it. Enzo didn't even have a moment of visible relief at his life being saved. He saw Damon hurt and only cared about him, even though he was a second away from killing him. It kills me.
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freddieslater · 4 months
been watching cindy’s return and like she doesn’t really mention cindy jr or steven as much as lucy. so im newer viewer and idk why but i was just wondering if peter actually got on with them? i know he did with lucy and does with bobby but im just wondering
Steven definitely gets more mentions than Cindy Jr, but you're right in saying it's nowhere near as much as Lucy. When Peter was younger, he really looked up to Steven and adored him (as did Lucy, so much so that when she ran away from home, he was the only one who knew where she was for months). I don't remember when exactly that stopped, probably around the time that Steven initially left the square. I didn't watch the years that Steven returned and died during (which I think was Ben Hardy's era) so I'm not sure what the dynamic was like then, but considering Steven was engaged to Lauren for a hot minute, I imagine Peter wasn't quite so keen on him at that point. I also didn't really watch Cindy Jr's episodes tbh so I don't know what the dynamic was like at all with her and Peter, I'm afraid. However, he did live with her for a little while when he and Lucy went to live with her and their gran (Cindy's mum) in Devon, so there's that!
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freddieslater · 4 months
do we know if Max Bowden was fired or whether he wanted to leave?
I’m honestly not sure but chances are, no matter what the situation actually was, they’ll all probably try and play it off like everything is fine (unless Max actually says that he’s gutted to be leaving like Karen’s actress did, in which case we’ll definitely know).
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freddieslater · 1 year
re: enzo's trauma being overlooked let it sink in: when vampires turned it off, they would usually throw parties and do whatever they wanted, maybe hook up, have some fun the first thing enzo did was finishing his existence when he stopped caring, he stopped caring about HIMSELF first, he never once tried to do it during 70 years of torture, but the second he flipped the switch, he was done. oh boy...
Bro. BRO. You did NOT have to make me think about that!
Oh god. You're right. Enzo's humanity was what was forcing him to stay alive. He was forcing himself to cling onto that last little sliver of it, thinking if he could just make it out on the other side with his humanity intact, he would be fine. He could survive it.
And then he turns it off. He stops caring. He stops forcing himself to care about being alive, to stop clinging onto that sliver, and to simply give up. Because that's what turning it off for Enzo was.
Stefan gave up on caring about his victims so that he could give into his ripper nature. Damon gave up on caring about Enzo so that he could care first and foremost about himself. Elena gave up on caring about Jeremy so that she didn't have to grieve. Caroline also gave up on caring about her mom so that she didn't have to grieve either.
And while Enzo gave up on caring about Damon, that ultimately left him with nothing left to care about. Damon was what was keeping him going, aside from the thought of seeing Maggie again. He didn't keep his humanity on all those years because he wanted to survive for himself; he wanted to survive for THEM. He truly did have nothing left. Not even a sliver of self-preservation.
It was giving up, giving in to all of the pain that he staved off for so long, and finally let himself die. That breaks my heart. He really did stop caring about himself first and foremost.
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