#occult practitioner
coldbrewtarot · 1 year
Just Magick – A Witchy Book Club
March 2023 – Signs by Laura Lynn Jackson
Hi everyone! We're starting to read Signs by Laura Lynn Jackson over on the Literal app! If you don't want to sign up for the app but do want to follow along, I'll post the monthly reading schedule and questions/prompts for you to fill out at your convenience, post in your book of shadows, etc.
March 2023 reading schedule for Signs:
Week #1 Ch 1-10
Week #2 Ch 11-19
Week #3 Ch 20-27
Week #4 Ch 28-31
There's roughly the same amount of pages in each reading block. You can read at your own pace if you'd like. You can also follow along with the reading, but don't have to post in the discussion if you don't want to. If you can't keep up with the reading, no pressure!
I wanted to create a super low pressure book club for practitioners to read and discuss our thoughts/opinions on the books and grow together as practitioners. This started as an idea on how I can remain accountable and really commit to getting through my library of witchy books, but I also wanted to create a little safe community for other practitioners too. Being a low spoons witch, I wanted to create a safe and inclusive space for others to learn without pressure or judgement.
If you want to join but can't afford the book of the month, please DM me and we can try to work something out. I usually have extra copies of the material we're ready and I'm happy to send one over if I have a spare copy.
Upcoming Readings & Suggestions by our members:
Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom – Rachel Pollack
Protection & Reversal Magick – Jason Miller
The Witch's Guide to The Paranormal – J. Allen Cross
Psychic Witch – Mat Auryn
The Witch's Coin – Penczak
Daily Magic – Judika Illes
Urban Magick – Rajchel
Utterly Wicked – Morrison
Year of The Witch – Temperance Alden
(Please note: If there is something problematic about any of the authors, books suggested, etc. please let me know ASAP. I do my best to do my research but I'm not aware of every problematic incident that occurs and I'm definitely open to feedback and learning!)
If you have any questions or suggestions for the book club, please DM me or comment below!
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butteredgoblin · 5 months
I am shrouded in an impenetrable darkness, I see no way out. a faint flicker of flame catches my eye, but it seems so far away, is it a mirage? an illusion? my subconscious generating images of resolution to this damage?
Tonight and for the following nights I’m going to meditate with My Goddess. embrace what brings out this fear and walk with Her light. find the truth in the glimmer of hope, use my power and energy guided by Her hand to light my torch, and brandish it as my courage, guide and love.
I am safe, protected and on the right path. I move towards my true potential through hardships and pain. Illusions and abnormalities. I will find what I seek, what I desire, what I deserve.
I have faith in myself because of Her.
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poisonnxkki · 2 years
Protection Magic & Baneful Protections⚡️
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What are Baneful Protections?
Baneful protections can be considered both a form of baneful magic and a form of protection magic. When beginning baneful work, this is usually what I recommend starting with. Baneful protections are protection spells that produce some sort of consequence when energy hits it. This can be done without the use of physical taglocks (like names or dates of birth) because energy is able to act like a taglock. For example, some of the baneful protections I have set up will reflect any energy that hits it back to its source while others trap that energy instead (so it can be used later on).
It is very important that even though you are protecting yourself, you aren't accidentally tethering the energy to you. In my first baneful protection, I used my saliva to tether the protection to me but instead I tethered all the negative energy the spell had trapped to me and had a horrible case of bad luck for weeks before I realized what I had done. As a rule of thumb i personally don’t include any personal taglocks in baneful protections and always make sure to include a petition that details my exact intent for the spell.
When to use Baneful Protections:
Baneful protections can be used instead of or in conjunction with other forms of protection (see my blog posts for more information on alternative forms of protection magic). I personally didn't have any baneful protections before I was hexed (for the first time) and now I have some just as a precautionary measure. Baneful protections are most beneficial (in my opinion) if you are surrounded by a lot of negative energy or work in an environment that is mentally draining. These protections can help combat the toll that it takes and prevent much of that energy from staying with you for an extended period of time.
It is really up to you whether or not you choose to incorporate baneful protections into your practice. It is worth it to note that this spell work is considered baneful magic, so those who believe in "doing no harm" may choose to forgo this and stick to regular protections instead. Whatever you choose, be sure to do your own research before attempting any new forms of spell work.
Return-to-Sender Spells:
Mirrors- mirrors have the ability to reflect an image so they are also able to reflect energy. Putting up a mirror on your altar or incorporating a piece of a mirror into a spell is very effective at returning energy to its source.
Burning the bottom of a candle- this is a common one and it is also my preferred method at returning energy. The way I do it is by burning the top of the candle like normal and visualizing the energy that you wish to return. Once the candle is flat, I will flip it upside down and light the other end of the wick, symbolizing the return of that energy to its source. This can be done many different ways so check out what other practitioners do to come up with your own method.
Petitions- petitioning is a really great tool that I utilize in most of my spell work because it is an effective way at manifesting a specific intent. It helps if you know the name of the person who sent you the energy for this method but it is not necessary. As long as you have a clear intention and some return-to-sender oil you can make an effective spell.
Running water or rivers- running water has been viewed as being able to carry energy from place to place so it is possible to use it to return energy to its source. In the shower, you can imagine the energy running off of you, down the drain and back to the person who sent it. Another method is throwing your petition into a river and having the river carry it back to its source. (This method also works with a toilet if you are feeling especially feisty!)
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*All images are from Pinterest*
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thrashkink-coven · 7 months
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Ritual Report: September 26-7th 2023
“Tried to invoke Azrael, met… Jesus?
Disclaimer: I am not Christian or a Jesus freak. This is VERY weird for me. Yeah I know this sounds crazy, I know I’m probably insane and schizophrenic and whatever yes yes skepticism skepticism upgs whatever whatever. I’m not trying to convince you of anything. As a follower of Lucifer, I am not the type to try and pull this card. Let’s fast forward.
These last few months I have had the extreme inclination to work with and invoke Archangel Azrael. I work very closely with a few other angels and spirits who have been continually encouraging me to seek out the Angel of Death.
Yesterday I tried invoking him for the first time. At first I felt nothing for a long time and I felt like I wasn’t really getting anywhere. It wasn’t until I felt a very… heavy feeling blanket me that I felt any kind of presence. I remember I was laying back in my couch, staring into his candle flame and repeatedly thinking about his name, his sigil, and his correspondences. In another astral journey a couple weeks prior I’d identified the entity as one I have been in close proximity to for years. He asked me then to summon him with a red candle and mugwort which I did during this ritual.
Azrael never spoke, but rather he simply produced understanding. I understood very suddenly that Azrael could not necessarily be invoked, he was something that had to be “becomed” and it was clear to me then that in order to understand him, I had to understand what death was and what death meant.
There then a deal of sorts was made. I remember calling out to the candle that if I could truly experience death without fleeing or cowering, that I would be worthy to witness the angel.
I then began to feel very nauseous and cold. I started to tremble in a feverish way and I remember laying back in my chair and considering the consequences of my hubris. I then experienced the removal of all things, perhaps this is ego death. I lost my body, I was transformed into something else. And as I lay there I remember forgetting what I was. I had no name, I was no longer a human. I was just. And I was also everything before everything knew what it was.
Then I began to understand “nothing”. Not nothing but “nothing”. Nothing to be or to remember or understand. I thought then that this must be Azrael, the lack of. Just ___. And I lay there forever and I was
However, it was then that I saw him and I couldn’t fully understand what it was that I was seeing. I remember it being a horrible, massive and overwhelming thing of many blinking eyes that consumed me entirely. I had nothing to retreat to, I was no longer able to be anything else. I then understood that Azrael is not “nothing” but rather he is very much a thing. He is the thing that is the force of transformation. I found him extremely beautiful.
Then finally, after what felt like millennia, I was me again, and I was at the centre of the universe. There sat a robed creature who would not let me see its face, sitting upon a blazing ball of white light. We were the largest and oldest star in the universe, speeding through the cosmos with the rest of the galaxy chasing behind us in an endless game of tag, trapped in our gravity. In front of us was pure nothingness, as we were moving too quickly for time and light to catch up to us. We were headed into nothing.
And i remember remarking that it felt like we were moving so fast, and Azrael “said” that perhaps we were not moving at all.
What we spoke about I cannot fully remember but I know that I asked him about my book. I am in the process of writing a book that is essentially about the relationship between death and god. I told him that one day I wanted to read it to him, and that I would like his assistance with it. I told him that it was only fair that he help me with my book, as I will eventually become apart of his. He found something about that humorous.
When I awoke fully in my body and self, I felt extremely lonely.
This morning, having not cleaned up the ritual, I tried to make contact again. Now I am deeply confused.
I made an astral leap very very easily, with more ease than I ever had with hardly a warm up or an exercise. I was on a beach, at a campfire created with the trunks of white trees.
There was a man sitting there with a banjo or some kind of small guitar. He had thick black hair- it didn’t go past his ears- and and brown skin. He had on a red and cream coloured robe and white linens. He had very welcoming brown eyes. His smile for whatever reason made me want to cry. He was very cheerful. Very kind.
He was singing towards the ocean. I could tell that he was human, and he greeted me like we were friends. I didn’t say anything, I was very confused. This has never happened.
He then offered me a bowl of rice, told me to remove my sandals (which I suddenly had) and asked me to sit with him. So I did, though I didn’t eat the rice. He gave me a wooden cup which I assume contained wine as there was a red liquid inside. I drank it, it was very sour.
He continued singing towards the water - in a language I could not understand- and towards the horizon I could see many “things” maybe angels, watching us from a distance. He concluded his song and a group of men, maybe 5 or 6 came from down the hills and greeted him. The hooped and hollered (like frat boys) and laughed and hugged him, kissed him, very excited to see him. He looked at me and asked if I knew how to play (the instrument) I said no. The men then disappeared all together, though I could hear their cheers fade out long after they were gone.
The man asked me if I was an angel, and I very confusedly said no, I am a human, are you an angel? He didn’t really answer, just took my hands and looked towards the sky.
I knew altogether who he was, or I guess, who I thought he was and I asked him if he was Jesus. He didn’t really respond then either, just smiled warmly.
I told him that I was a witch and a pagan, that I revered his father but that I will not be Christian. I asked if he hated the fact that I work often with Father Lucifer. He smiled at me, and put his head against mine. We were eye to eye. He told me that I am very complicated- and that all his friends are very very complicated.
He then told me that I spoke to death, I said yes, he asked why. I said I wish to know it as I would know an old friend.
It was only then that I had a “realization” looking at this man. Is this actually Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Really? Oh my? All the things I could ask, what an opportunity! Not being Christian myself I could be so objective, I could get the real truth. But then I started asking questions that you wouldn’t think to ask Jesus. I don’t really know why I asked these questions now that I look back on it. I could have asked him anything.
I asked him how it felt the first time he breathed air, what did he think of water the first time he touched it? What did the smell of smoke or the feelings of digestion feel like to a God made man?? What were his first feelings of life like?
He broke out into a laughter and started putting sand in my hands. It was terribly vivid. I could feel every grain of sand running across my skin. He said he was so overjoyed to be able to experience creation first hand. I said that’s what I do with magick even though it is blasphemous, to understand the gods and the natural ways of the world was like experiencing the beauty of living for the first time.
He said he understood that very well, that “even Lucifer is brilliant to behold when beheld. That’s undeniable, don’t you agree?” and I did. He then told me that Azrael is his good friend and is a friend to all those who love life. He asked me if I am wicked, and I said that I could not stand near him if I was. Noting this, he asked if I believed he was the son of God, and I said that I believed he was a good man, I know nothing beyond that.
I asked him if I should “read his book”, he said he doubts I’d find him there.
He was always cheerful and continued to sing. I just sat with him there as he sung over the ocean waves and the loneliness that Azrael had afflicted me with had lifted altogether. His voice wasn’t perfect but it was beautiful. He wasn’t perfect either, he had some crooked teeth and some blemishes on his skin. He was handsome but not in the way that angels are. His feet were ashy from the sand he spilled a little bit of rice on himself when he ate. I cannot get his smile out of my head.
I’m… conflicted. I don’t worship God and yet this man seemed less concerned with that. He admired my pursuit of Azrael even though I had done it in such an overtly pagan way. I did not pray to Yahweh to see this man that I believe was Jesus, and yet he appeared when I invoked the angel of death. He did not preach to me about the glory of God, he just sang, shared a drink with me and held my hand. He had no problem with me working with Lucifer, he had no problem with me being a witch. He loved- adored creation. He was unlike any angel, he was extremely human and we were friends.
I don’t know what to do with this.
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the-occult-lounge · 3 months
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Ethics, morals and safety should be considered in all practices. Individuals will not always agree on how ethics should be incorporated, but listening to each other goes a long way. People will still disagree but taking the time to understand where the other party is coming from is part of strengthening the occult community.
Some faiths believe that what goes around, comes around, meaning that whatever you put out into the universe will revisit you. Some Pagan traditions believe that it comes back threefold as the universe's way of teaching people life lessons. Thus whatever good or harm that you put out into the universe "will come back to you in some way, shape, or form" because they see magick as an exchange of energies. HOWEVER, not every practitioner believes this ideology and that should be respected.
Everyone will have a difference of opinion.
Your ethics are up to you to decide.
Main areas of controversy:
• Consent: The reason baneful magick is considered so dangerous is because you don't have consent, Which means it can back fire onto you or just not work at all. This also can go towards positive spell work such as healing spells and love spells. The main reason a lot of people find issues with not having consent is free will. It is up to you to decide how you feel about consent in your magickal workings. As long as you take responsibility for what may come your way no one is allowed to look down on your practice.
• Using spirits or deity for your own gain: Let's put you in the spirits place. You have passed on and are still around for your family, friends, etc. People pull on your energy without asking you or offering you something in return. How, as the spirit being taken advantage of, do you feel? Do you think that the magick will work without energetically giving something in return to those that are having something taken from them? Probably not. Again, this is up to the practitioner to decide for themselves how they want to work with spirit, deity, and energy around them. But remember aome spirits were once in your shoes.
• White, Grey and Black Magick: These terms are used often but do we know where they originate from. In modern era these associate any magick that is performed by POC as black magick. That is just the typical thought process of someone not in the magick community. It is best we move away from these terms. I, Waric, tend to use positive, neutral and negative to describe my magick.
• Closed practices are those that you either must be born into or initiated into. Below.ia a list of some known closed practices:
• Voodoo
• Brujeria
• Buddhism (some paths ask a Buddhist before trying out a path, some are favorable to sharing, some are not)
• Catholicism
• Hindu
• Aztec
• Mayan
• Judaism
• Aboriginal Cultures (nearly all)
• Islam
• Orthodox Kemetism (worshiping a few Gods is okay and open though)
•Gardner Wicca (the most traditional version of it other branches are fine)
• Shinto
• Zoroastrianism
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mamaangiwine · 1 year
May I genuinely ask you about the history of western occultism? It's far from my comfort zone, and what I'm trying to discern is, from what I can see, grimoiric magic is heavily appropriative of Judaism, there seems to be no way around that. But I've heard the claim that it was originally born from genuine cultural diffusion, and that's why folks justify using it. Is there truth to that? I would love to dig into it if I can do so appropriately & respectfully. Any advice on where I should dig? Again I mean only respect in asking this, and thank you for considering my question.
Oh, anon. You do not know what you have unleashed.
This is gonna be a long one.
First off, 'Western Occultism' covers a large swath of practices and disciplines that range from the Medieval Era, to the Renaissance, as well as the Early Modern Period...so over a thousand years. It's vast umbrella includes astrology, alchemy, hermeticism, angel magic, and over a dozen notable grimiores as well as multiple other lesser ones- and it is not for the faint of heart.
I don't mean that in an elitist way either. I mean that some of this shit gets uncomfy real quick. Multiple grimoires are not shy about animal harm and endangerment. They do not flinch at the ethics of love or sex spells, and they certainly are not strangers to misogyny, racism or ableism. If interacting with any of that sounds distasteful to you, I would gently and lovingly suggest you steer clear.
And if you do choose to move forward? Well then I suggest, especially in the case of grimoires, that you are ready to study your ass off. Once again, I don't say this to be an elitist. I don't say this to show off my starry robe and my pointy wizard hat and my "learned" degree from wizard school. I say this because, otherwise, you will not have context for either the spiritual ideas that are trying to be conveyed in these books or the trap doors that are hidden in their pages.
Some grimoires were not meant for mass consumption or regard. Some books, The Picatrix being one, have recipes for philtres and salves that promise numerous benefits but are actually, literally, poison. Why? Because as a student of the occult you should know that pure bitter almond oil is poisonous, of course. Sometimes whole rituals will be detailed with one deviation that may, from the purview of the writer, cause the whole thing to come crashing down. Why? Because you should know that if Venus and Saturn, two planets whose natures are already at odds, are in contention it will sour the whole production. These writings do not give up their secrets easily. It demands a constant engagement supplemented with a hard won knowledge.
Now, in answer to your question: Did Westen Magic appropriate Judaism, or was it shared cultural proximity?
The answer is- yes. To both.
The history is longer than what I can write in a tumblr post but basically Medieval Christian Magic, Jewish Mysticism, and Islamic Mysticism were all in conversation with one another and were borrowing from eachother during this period of magical and spiritual advancement. Christian Magic did influence Jewish Mysticism, though not as much as Jewish Mysticism influenced Christian Magic; and neither as much as Islamic Mystcism influenced both. This blending of spiritual thinking was actually one of the things that made Spain the once great capital of magical thought and reasoning in the 12th century; due to its diverse Jewish, Muslim and Christian population.
This, along with the fact that there are many symbols, names, and spiritual ideas that Christianity brought into their religion post separation from the larger Jewish tradition, makes it difficult to identify whether certain aspects bled into Western Magic via direct cultural proximity and whether others were outright stolen...well, I mean the Hebrew was. The Hebrew was stolen.
However according to some academic theories, this theft may have even been the catalyst for some of the spiritual concepts later used in Kabbalah; Christian Ritual Magic influenced by Hebrew, in turn influencing Jewish Mysticism.
It must be said however that despite many Christians devotion to Hebrew, it was Jewish people who got stuck with the short end of the stick. Over time Jewish people would see themselves labeled as "demon worshippers" and "evil sorcerers" as their language became synonmus with magic.
This definitely presents a conundrum to modern practicioners. What then do we do with these grimoires? What to do with these traditions? If some of it is appropriative, do we throw it out? If some of it was influenced in moments of genuine human interaction and curiosity, do we label it 'permissible' despite the terrible anti-jewish sentiment on the rise in our modern era?
Both are valid questions, but no I personally don't condone their compelete disavowment; like many other traditons, Western Magic should be considered as a whole and with its complex history in mind. I think one should consider that these grimoires were far reaching and culturally influential, and in ways we cannot even begin to understand, or even untangle. A grimoire could be found in Ireland just as easily as in Spain, and not just in the libraries of white bearded men- which only makes sense. Some of what is in the grimoires came from the common people, and to the common people pieces of these books returned.
In terms of Western Magic, I think the magic community would have an easier time creating room for discussion, education and further collaboration. Such an approach would further these traditons in ways that we haven't seen for hundreds of years, and in ways not possible from the beginning. In fact, such groups already exist that contain both Jewish, Christian and Non-Christian practicioners.
With (all) of that being said-
There are ways to get around the parts you feel unsure about, or are approiative. For instance, in the case of most Hebrew, one could swap it out for Enochian since both are "heavenly" and "spiritual" languages. Such substitutions require knowledge of what you're working with and a willingness to experiment but they are possible. In fact, substitutions are necessary as it's not like you can just go buy the musk of a civet cat when you need it.
Personally, I feel the best books to start with are Agrripa's Occult Philosophy, Books 1-3 and 4. It is said that to read all four is akin to achieving a college level degree in Renaissance Magic. Any of the Grimoires in which Stephen Skinner is listed as an editor and collaborater are also great as they are usually more digestable.
As for history-
Dr. Justin Sledge's YouTube channel Esoterica is a great resource for all things Ancient and Medieval Magic Related.
Grimoires: A History of Magic Books by Owen Davis.
Ancient Jewish Magic: A History by Gideon Bohak.
And @woodland-goes, a practcioner of Western Magic and Grimoire Work also suggested I share this link. He has a podcast coming out very soon that will also be discussing what we've covered today and I wholly suggest you go and hit up his inbox if you have any more questions on the topic. He is far more knowledgeable than I.
Hope this helped anon.
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witch-cryptid-punk · 17 days
The group, an 18+ witchy discord!
Come check the group out, we’re chill.
🎃18 plus! 🏳️‍🌈LGBTQ+ friendly! 🔮for people ooky and spooky. Pagans, witches, crypid lovers, abandoned structure explorers. Ghost hunters. Spooky story tellers.
Come hang out!
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arcaneways · 3 months
Fucking tired of people that confuse the term "witch" with "practitioner".
They probably never read about a witch trial or where the term "Witch" comes from. They don't know the difference between Lucifer, Satan and the Devil. They probably don't even know about the difference between Devil worship and Demons worship.
The term witch, nowdays, means a lot of things and nothing.
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mrsmothmom · 5 months
how do magic pendulums work? ✨ what do dowsers really believe about their practice? 🙏 is there evidence that cave men did drugs?? 🍄
all this and MORE in my latest video! will you join me, down the rabbit hole? 🐇
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Witches of witchblr, what do you guys do when you feel your energy is on the fritz or you feel like you have an over abundance to know what to do with it? As of this moment i believe im in a state of flux and my workings are yeilding some weird results as of late.
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babybatsuccubus · 1 year
here I offer my gift of tarot reading for anyone whose in need of answers, wisdom, advice from myself and my spirit team.
I've been and continuing my practice and studies of the occult for 5 years now.
what you'll potentially see here on my page and what I offer:
♡ pick a card readings for the collective on public posts once or twice a month (or whenever I feel intuitively called to do so)
♡ more in depth, detailed and personal readings for you all beautiful people on dm if you schedule a reading with me.
♡ once scheduled for personal reading I can offer 3 different ways for you. price varies on time and the amount of questions.
1. facetime
2. pre recorded
3. message the reading to you
♡ prices: $5 + vary ♡
through my experiences, knowledge, and intuition helping people has been a big part of my life and is something I'm passionate about. since I've been reading for so long throughout my journey I've been taken advantage of bc (they were free at the time bc of how passionate I was to just genuinely help people and the energy i'd pour into these strangers)of how amazing I do my spreads, how I speak to you and how I connect with you as a whole. if you're not ready for that, and for your life to transform with the advice and wisdom I have to offer, than my page is not for you. this takes effort, and it's not just a tarot reading I offer, I give advice from my own experiences- to help you -from the life I've lived if it's asked. (trust me, I've been through hell and back and now helping myself recover from the traumatic experiences I've had to endure for years)
however I do have boundaries within my readings and how I serve people that I will list below:
♡ 1. I do NOT offer love readings (unless the energy I'm picking up on has to do with love naturally without the reading being about it in the first place.)
do NOT ask me how your ex is doing, if they're gonna take you back or the possibility of your relationship not working when you already know the answer to that. (if it's toxic)
♡ 2. do NOT ask me any questions regarding your own practices and the deities you work with. ( a lot of energy can come through and disrupt if it's a trickster spirit instead of the "deities" you supposedly work with)
♡ 3. do NOT take advantage of my gifts asking for free readings. they're NOT free.
♡ 4. I only read for current energies, and ofc past energies will come up for context in the situation. when future context comes up, it is up to YOU to make certain decisions to change the outcome once I give you tarot's advice, spirit and my own. this is all a butterfly affect and chains of reaction, keep that in mind, just how the law of attraction works.
♡ 5. If you schedule a reading with me, there must be a payment before I can read for you. (I will not prohibit ppl trying to get a reading from me for free before they pay, this has happened before and I will not allow this again.)
6. be respectful, as this place is a safe space for my customers and everyone who supports my page.
I do not judge your circumstances, I am here to provide care and advise to the situation through tarot. allow me to help you and guide you while you're here \(=w=)/ ♡
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ome-magical-ramblings · 9 months
ElNafi's works distillation: Archangels calling ritual, diarrhea spirit attack, and gnosis.
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Catchy title, right?
Story time and practical in one post! wowie.
These are my previous three posts on working with Elnafi: ( Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 ) I use Continental tarot attribution with hebrew letters, concepts...so when I say magician, think ALEPH not BETH.
In this post I will try to distill all the wisdom imparted on me by Elanfi hoping that you're motivated by it. I will definitely say that DON'T WORK WITH THEM IF YOU'RE NOT READY OR HAVE SUITABLE PROTECTION. I met someone who told me from a friend of his that she worked with Elnafi and ended up with stomach bleeding....I ended up with Diarrhea and loose bowl for 2-3 days, it's not fun happening to you at midnight from 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, and every hour of night. anyhow this is the summation of practice taken from this stomach attacking spirit lol. Elnafi appears a a whirling aleph, his presence is the duality of ternary. It's not the image of air boiling out of water that's hot and steaming under fire. Elnafi is like the whirling air produces when a planet full of coldest ocean and a planet full of the hottest lava appear, It's that whirling pneumatic pressurized air ready to cut down steel and iron. Primarily if anything....it is active wisdom in action. Awareness in action. What did I took from the dangers of working with them? I think it's better to give the practical work with El Nafi instead of going into the theoretical gnosis I gain. I want to say that the following ritual takes the same correspondence of directions of LBRP but I don't want to call it lbrp-killer or 10 TIMES BETTER THAN LBRP, I really want us to break away from this mentality. A wheel in a car is useful, a wheel outside of a car wouldn't really help you as much, ye? Same with the LBRP, within it's system it's wonderful...but outside of it? why are you doing it.
Cardinal Ritual of Archangels
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Item recommended: Magician Card from Tarot or a drawing on a page of paper of it.
I encourage people to try the following ritual to grow a more...organic relationship with angels instead of just churning rituals in and out like a routine movement. This ritual only have one small condition for it to work well, I want you to go read about the four cardinal archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. The internet is filled with junk, I recommend A Dictionary Of Angels by Gustav Davidson and then you can jump from there, Hadean Press have booklets on them, jump from there. look into all resources, etc. Anyway I assume you at least have some ideas about them and you're using the same correspondence as me: Raphael - East Michael - South Gabriel - West Uriel - North Once you got that, you will put the the magician tarot card in the middle of your space, start by the eastern direction and call Raphael "Archangel Raphael, Lord of the eastern wind and of wisdom shine your light and blessings of wisdom into this chamber", you should make your own prayer from the heart. This is part where you need to think of what you need from the archangel and also to give the archangel space to manifest, before you move to Michael rest and wait. Create a space in your mind and let archangel Raphael response come forth, just wait, you don't need to force yourself to be silent but let the archangel come forth...in presence. then go in a circle once and call the rest of the archangels from your heart. Once that's done, you will start the second part Circumambulation around the space, it can even be a simple circling around yourself if you have no space. The important thing is that you embody the principle of the card here you're like the hands of the Aleph card being aware, reaching out, allowing the element to come, like this: you can see the hands of aleph and aleph itself is creating a cross reaching out to other elements, the concept of magical chains plays into it if you read Levi, you're forging this chain of elemental energy to flow through you.
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How many times you want to perform the Circumambulation? easy answer is 9, the long answer is that it's up to you! Why nine? I don't know I was inspired by that number and there's probably some hidden concept that I need to contemplate in regard to how it works. Once the performance is done you can just stand there and ask yourself if the performance was satisfactory or not. I hope that this ritual help create a more organic relation with the archangels. Respect, Sincerity, Simplicity in your prayer. That's all. Concluding I would have added my theoretical gnosis into this, but it seems that this post is already, big lol, until next time.
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poisonnxkki · 2 years
Working In Graveyards & Graveyard Etiquette🕯
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Why Incorporate Graveyards?
Graveyards have always been associated with the supernatural and metaphysical. In both ancient and modern cultures, funerary rights and the dead have always held great significance in society. When working in these spaces, the most important thing to remember is respect. The dead are not as mutable as the living and it may take longer to rectify a mistake and earn their trust again than it would have been to learn the proper etiquette from the start.
Which begs the question, why work in these spaces and with these spirits? Well lots of reasons, some people choose to only work in graveyards that they have a direct ancestral connection with (ie. family members or distant relative are buried there). Others, like myself, find it a good way to honour the local spirits. Even spirits of people you don't know and have no connection too are worth honouring. Some people believe that since all of humanity has a common ancestor, we are all related and so even cemeteries you have no direct connection to, are connected to you by our common ancestor (another reason I am quite fond of). Maybe you just think it's cool, which is valid. Whatever your reason, just make sure you have one and are not going there with insincere intentions.
What is Graveyard Etiquette?
Graveyard etiquette are the ways in which we should behave when entering and visiting a graveyard in order to be respectful to those resting there. Although there are general rules of thumb which many witches follow, as you develop a relationship with a particular graveyard, those customs can change. Here are some I like to follow:
Leaving an offering- I always bring an offering of coins or flowers. If I'm visiting a graveyard that I've never been to before, I will leave coins at the gate, for the guardian and at some of the older and unkept headstone (also graves of young children if I find any). During regular visits, I leave offerings with the guardian and at headstones of spirits I've developed a relationship with.
Walking the entire graveyard- this is not something I do every time but I like to walk around the entire site and introduce myself especially if I plan on having a working relationship with the spirits there (this may be more difficult for larger sites, I recommend picking an new area each time you visit if that is the case).
Entering and leaving through the same gate- this is not one I stick to every time if I know the spirits really well. If I've never visited before I will always leave through the same exit that I entered from.
Throwing salt or spinning- I heard this one from ChaoticWitchAunt (on TikTok) and it's something that I've just always done. They recommended spinning around three times before leaving to prevent spirits from following you home. I've also thrown a bit of salt over my left shoulder outside the entrance for the same purpose (beware: salt is not good for the earth). This is definitely something that just resonated with me after a bad experience and that's why I continue to do it.
A Note on Necromancy & Death work:
Necromancy is often a term used in many scary movies and cult fiction. It is actually a form of divination which utilizes the dead. Anyone can learn necromancy however it is an integral part of death work. Death worker (practitioners who practice death work) are involved with crossing spirits over. The job requires some level of mediumship abilities and can be very taxing on your mental health. Some death workers take on the lingering emotions of the deceased (pain, fear, anger, etc.) in order to help that spirit. Death work is much more than the small bit that I've described but it is important to note that the path is not for everyone. You can still work in cemeteries and utilize necromancy without doing death work (& a big thank you to the death workers who continue on their path despite the toll it takes, we love you!).
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*All images are from Pinterest*
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thrashkink-coven · 7 months
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Third Eye Opening Techniques
Hi all,
This post is to document methods that I personally use to astral project and do magic of the sort. These things might not work for you. If you think that the information in this post is incorrect, I would love to discuss your methods. But please keep in mind that I am not a professional and I am just sharing the methods that have worked well for me. I just want to have something to link to every time someone asks me this lol.
Ensure that you are somewhere comfortable. A familiar place that you can be still in for a long time. Ensure that your body is in a position that it can maintain for a long time.
If you have access to a bath, or you can be outside and lay with your body flat to the earth, it would may benefit you to utilize that space. If you have access to sand or a place where your body can be submerged with dirt, that would also be good.
THC and mushrooms can make this process easier. Use at your own discretion. I use other tools like sigils, scrying mirrors, bells, incense, crystals etc. in conjunction with these methods. Do what works for you. And of course, always use protection.
You body is your safety. At all points throughout this ritual, you should be able to return to your body. Maintain awareness of your body.
You can listen to music in some headphones. This will help you better recognize your inner environment. As you do, try to mentally step back from your exterior environment and reside in your head for a little bit. Close your eyes if you have to. Your mind is a space. Occupy it completely.
Hear the music and feel it bounce around your brain between your ears, within your skull.
While you’re in this place with the music, and looking into the darkness in your eyelids, feel yourself mentally step back. Focus on being close to yourself. Behind the tip of your nose, behind your cheeks, behind your eyes, until you’re sitting in a place right in the middle. This is your point 0. If you had no body at all, this is all that would remain of you.
If you work with deities this is a good place to invoke them from.
(Side note: If you’re trying to have better energy awareness and are trying to see energy on people and objects or just do energy work then do this without closing your eyes. The energy will often become easier to see with practice, this doesn’t require the full ascent. In this case you’re accessing your 1st consciousness that can observe energy and frequencies)
Find your centre of energy. It exists in your body somewhere. It may be in your head, it may be in your stomach, it may be in your chest. Wherever it is, focus on it and feel it. (My energy is in my stomach, so I lock your fingers together and rest my hands to my solar plexus.) What color is it? Does it burn hot or cold? Is it electric or combustive? Is it calm or energetic?
You are going to breathe, and as you do you are going to count up from one. With each full breath, pull your energy outwards from its centre, and feel it envelope your whole body. Imagine you’re fanning a fire, swelling larger and hotter with each deep breath.
It should completely absorb you. As it expands across your body, make note of the energy in each section of your body. Be hyper aware of every single part of your body. Your heart beat, the blood coursing through your veins. The vibration of your muscles, the acid in your stomach. The wax in your ears. **This is your body.** Solid and material. Flesh and bone. You are putting your body on energetic lockdown so it is not abandoned and vulnerable while you’re busy in the other plane. **Remember that this is your body.** If you end up going on a great journey in your astral plane, you don’t want to forget who you are.
Take it a step further, and allow your energy to fill the entire space or room that you are occupying. If you’re in the bath let your energy leak into the water. If you’re outside, feel your energy blend into the earth. As aware of you are of your body, be aware of your surroundings in 360 degrees. This is your space. Remember where it is.
How many breaths did it take you to get to this point? Remember that number. It usually takes me 7.
Now’s the hard part. I have two main methods.
1. ⁠⁠A point in space, (no particular destination. Practice) In a similar way to how you stepped back in the darkness of your eyelids and found your point 0, you are now going to move forward into the darkness. As you move into the darkness of your mind, literally continue to search outwards to a single point in the very centre of your (non)vision. Continue to travel forwards. As you do, You won’t notice it, but the music that you were listening to will begin to fade, and you will no longer really hear it. You are going to get to a point of almost being asleep, but not quite. You are in your body, but you are no longer here. You may start to feel like you’re floating, or sinking. You will lose your sense of direction and may even begin to feel like you are upside down.
Do not succumb to the jitters that come with this part. You may automatically get a primal fight or flight response, in a similar way to how you feel when you’re falling. Your brain may even react by jolting you out of it. This is the reflex that will make you fail 9/10. It gives you a very similar tingle as the you get when you think about the nothingness of death. Not being here anymore. You may start to feel movement, like waves or a rocking back-and-forth. You may see lights or see the darkness in your mind start to warp or shift around. This is the assent. Maintain and ride it. Let it carry you. Continue moving forward through it.
Where are you?
Start with your feet. Feel the ground around you. Where did you end up? Is it grass? Tile? Dirt? Is it cold or warm? Are you wearing shoes or are you barefoot?
Open your eyes, but of course you won’t really open your eyes, because you’re paralyzed. But you will see something.
You may see nature, you may be inside a building, that entirely depends on your astral journey. I often end up in the desert. You may see someone. You will have taken your body with you, and you will experience this world with as much vividness as the real world. You can smell the air, you can feel the wind. You can taste, and see. You can feel pain, so be careful. Explore this world.
If you have already astral projected or done something of the sorts before, then you may already have certain destinations in mind. While at your point 0, you may not be compelled to step forward into the darkness. Rather, you can focus on a specific demand that will lead you into the next plane. I like to repeat “I find myself on the other side”. As you repeat this demand, you will feel yourself fall into it. Remember yourself on the other side. Remember that you exist in all places, you just need to wake up there. As you open your eyes, you will begin to see that place in absolute vividness.
You are now in a parallel position to your familiar world. Your body and your familiar world is in front of you, the astral projected world is behind you (these directions are subjective, it may be your left and right or something of the sort). You are in the centre, aware of both, but putting your efforts into the astral world. You have two bodies, your host body, and your astral body. They are connected through your point 0.
How many deep breaths did it take you to completely envelop your body in your energy?
When you wish to return to your body, and break the trance, you will feel yourself return to your point 0. You will count backwards from this number, and feel yourself regain total connection with this world. Remember who you are, your name, your age, where you were born. Now take that many deep breaths again. Ensure that you have a secure grip on this world, no floatyness or strange motions. This is important. Not properly securing yourself can lead to astral bleeding.
You should have been aware of your body this entire time while it was dormant. Start from your toes again and move them slowly and proceed upwards. Feel the way the movement affects the world. Feel the air that blankets your body. Remember the weight of gravity. You are here.
This is probably pretty basic stuff to most people. Do you use a method similar to this? If you tried this out for the first time I’d love to hear your stories about your experience!
Thanks for reading. Blessings. 🖤🖤
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the-occult-lounge · 3 months
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• The term occult sciences was used in the 16th century to refer to astrology, alchemy, and natural magic, which today are considered pseudosciences. The term occultism emerged in 19th-century France, where it came to be associated with various French esoteric groups connected to Éliphas Lévi and Papus, and in 1875 was introduced into the English language by the esotericist Helena Blavatsky.
• The occult, in the broadest sense, is a category of supernatural beliefs and practices which generally fall outside the scope of religion and science, encompassing such phenomena involving otherworldly agency as mysticism, spirituality, and magic.
• Modern uses for the term has been a substantivized adjective. The occult is now a term that has been particularly widely used among journalists and sociologists. This term was popularized by the publication of Colin Wilson's 1971 book The Occult. The term has been used as an "intellectual waste-basket" into which a wide array of beliefs and practices have been placed because they do not fit readily into the categories of religion or science. According to Hanegraaff, the occult is a category into which gets placed a range of beliefs from spirits or fairies to parapsychological experiments, from UFO-abductions to Oriental mysticism, from vampire legends to channeling, and so on.
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mamaangiwine · 1 year
Prominent linguists, historians and whole ass computer algorithms after studying Enochain for years: Although Very Cool, there seems to be absolutely no consistent grammar, sentence structure or even repeating phonetic patterns to this esoteric language.
Me, with my shitty E-pub copies of the Angelic Tables and Enochian Dictionary, rolling up my little sleeves: Don't worry, guys. I'm on it.
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