lucca-strangee · 3 months
Oi lucca! Como você tá?😸
Eu sempre tenho dúvidas sobre o que comer antes e depois de treinar. As vezes eu acerto e fico com muita energia e tem vezes que pareço que vou desmaiar no meio da academia kkkkk
E queria saber sobre o Smartwatch que você comprou, acha que vale a pena? Eu tava pensando em comprar um também ^^
É isso, agradeço desde já e beijinhos 😽❤️
Oioi, anon. Estou bem, obrigado! 😸
Em resumo, não se come proteína ANTES do treino e nem carboidrato APÓS o treino! Dito isso:
▷ NÃO coma de pré-treino:
Ovos (ou qualquer refeição com ovos);
Banana com pasta de amendoim, ou qualquer coisa com pasta de amendoim;
Whey Protein;
Agora, o carboidrato tem a função de te dar energia pra correr, pular, dançar, etc. Então deve ser consumido ANTES do treino! Logo:
▷ Coma de pré-treino:
Tapioca/Pão/ Torradas com doce de leite (banana opcional);
Tapioca/ Pão/ Torradas com geleia;
Tapioca/ Pão/ Torradas com leite condensado;
Doce de leite;
Suco de frutas ricas em carbo (laranja/ uva integral);
Banana com mel ou aveia;
Vitamina de banana, etc.
Com o pós-treino é diferente, você não deve focar em carbo, ou seja, nenhuma das opções acima🙅🏻‍♂️
Após um bom treino os músculos ficam "lesionados", então como proteína tem a função de reconstruir os músculos e você quer mantê-los e acabar com a gordura, a proteína vem pós-treino pra reconstruir esses queridos!
Então o que comer pós-treino? Simples: Proteína!
▷Coma de pós treino:
Whey Protein;
Omelete com queijo;
Salada de frango;
Sanduíche/ Tapioca/ Crepioca/ Rap 10/ Wrap de frango, peito de peru, ovo com queijo, proteína de soja, atum, etc.
Agora, sobre a MiBand que comprei, pra mim vale muito a pena, ela é bem útil e te encoraja a fazer exercícios.
Quando você vê as kcal queimadas, realmente motiva mais. Pra mim foi um ótimo investimento, então recomendo sim!
Espero ter ajudado, beijinhos 😽🩷
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theclassyissue · 1 year
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askvectorprime · 8 months
Is there a universe in wich Velocitron have diverse ambienta other than justo dessert?
Dear Ambient Ambassador,
I don't believe that Velocitron has ever had a dessert-based biome. You might be thinking of Nutricion, the Mealtime Planet.
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conociendovida · 1 year
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gatagarotas · 1 month
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Sendo forte, corajosa e focada nos estudos.
Pois por onde eu for Deus estará comigo.
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my-pdiet · 2 months
Nutrición y Cardiopatías Congénitas: Cuidando el Corazón desde la Mesa
Descubre cómo cuidar tu corazón desde la mesa en nuestro último artículo sobre cardiopatías congénitas.
🍏💓 Exploramos causas, síntomas y te compartimos pautas nutricionales para una salud cardíaca óptima.
🌈🥗 ¡Conoce más sobre cómo alimentar el amor por tu corazón! 🤰🧬
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healthcoach95 · 3 months
Breaking Down Popular Diets: Which One is Right for You?
In a world immersed with different dietary philosophies, the mission for the ideal eating routine can be both baffling and overpowering. The meaning of picking the right eating routine rises above simple culinary inclinations; it significantly impacts our general well-being and prosperity. As people leave on their health processes, they experience a variety of well-known abstains from food, each bragging about interesting commitments and extraordinary results.
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This article tries to disentangle the intricacies encompassing these weight control plans, offering a thorough investigation of their standards, logical underpinnings, and certifiable ramifications. From low-carb and low-fat standards to the revered Mediterranean eating regimen, the familial reverberations of the Paleo diet, the plant-controlled ethos of veganism, and the metabolic secrets of discontinuous fasting and ketogenic living, we dive into the center fundamentals of each.
As we explore the scene of dietary decisions, it becomes obvious that the ideal eating regimen is certainly not a one-size-fits-all worldview. Factors like individual well-being objectives, way of life contemplations, and individual inclinations assume urgent parts in deciding the most appropriate methodology. Through master experiences, research discoveries, and genuine examples of overcoming adversity, this article plans to engage perusers to come to informed conclusions about their dietary processes, cultivating an all-encompassing comprehension of nourishment that rises above prevailing fashions and embraces manageable, customized well-being.
In a world immersed with different dietary philosophies, the mission for the ideal eating routine can be both confounding and overpowering. The meaning of picking the right eating regimen rises above simple culinary inclinations; it significantly impacts our general well-being and prosperity. As people set out on their well-being processes, they experience a variety of famous eating regimens, each bragging about special commitments and groundbreaking results.
This article looks to disentangle the intricacies encompassing these eating regimens, offering an extensive investigation of their standards, logical underpinnings, and true ramifications. From low-carb and low-fat ideal models to the respected Mediterranean eating regimen, the hereditary reverberations of the Paleo diet, the plant-fueled ethos of veganism, and the metabolic secrets of irregular fasting and ketogenic living, we dive into the center precepts of each.
As we explore the scene of dietary decisions, it becomes obvious that the ideal eating routine is not a one-size-fits-all worldview. Factors like individual well-being objectives, way of life contemplations, and individual inclinations assume crucial parts in deciding the most reasonable methodology. Through master bits of knowledge, research discoveries, and genuine examples of overcoming adversity, this article intends to enable perusers to come to informed conclusions about their dietary processes, encouraging a comprehensive comprehension of sustenance that rises above prevailing fashions and embraces supportable, customized well-being.
Separating the Science:
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Behind each famous eating regimen lies a complicated interaction of logical standards overseeing its viability and effect on the human body. Low-carb consumes fewer calories, for example, the ketogenic and Atkins eat less, influencing the physiological course of ketosis, where the body shifts from involving glucose to consuming fat for energy, frequently bringing about weight reduction.
Low-fat eating regimens, alternately, center around diminishing dietary fat admission to oversee cholesterol levels and advance heart well-being. The Mediterranean eating regimen draws from a broad examination featuring the advantages of a high admission of organic products, vegetables, and solid fats, adding to worked cardiovascular results.
The Paleo diet is established in transformative science, affirming that our bodies are best adjusted to the food sources our progenitors devoured. This approach stresses supplementing thick, entire food varieties while keeping away from handled things. Veggie lovers and vegans eat less, grounded in moral and ecological worries, and are upheld by research exhibiting potential medical advantages, for example, lower paces of coronary illness and certain malignant growths.
Irregular fasting presents an extraordinary metabolic point of view, empowering times of fasting to advance autophagy and cell fix. The ketogenic diet prompts a condition of ketosis, modifying the body's energy source to fats and ketones. Understanding the logical underpinnings of each diet is critical for people looking for an extensive handle on their expected effects on well-being and prosperity.
Evaluating Reasonableness and Objectives:
To explore the immense scene of dietary choices, people should adjust their dietary decisions to explicit well-being objectives and individual inclinations. Weight reduction, heart well-being, glucose executives, muscle gain, and moral contemplations are key factors that shape the reasonableness of a specific eating regimen.
For those focusing on weight reduction, low-carb and ketogenic diets might be compelling because of their effect on insulin levels and fat digestion. On the other hand, people focusing on heart well-being might be inclined towards the Mediterranean eating regimen, rich in heart-sound fats and cancer prevention agents. Those overseeing glucose might profit from low-carb approaches, for example, the ketogenic or low-glycemic consume fewer calories.
People looking for muscle gain and improved athletic execution might consider counting calories with adequate protein content, for example, the Paleo diet, or focus on macronutrient plans. For those embracing moral contemplations, veggie lovers and vegans eat less in line with standards of supportability and creature government assistance.
Understanding individual objectives and values is urgent for choosing an eating regimen that tends to well-being goals as well as supportable over the long haul. By distinguishing explicit well-being yearnings, people can tailor their dietary decisions to make a customized approach that blends with their extraordinary way of life and prosperity objectives.
Commonsense Contemplations:
Past the hypothetical benefits of different eating regimens, reasonable contemplations assume an essential part in deciding their practicality and long-haul achievement. Factors like time responsibilities, spending plan imperatives, and culinary abilities can essentially influence a singular's capacity to stick to a particular dietary arrangement.
Time responsibilities are a basic thought, as certain weight control plans might require broad feast readiness, arranging, and adherence to severe eating plans. People with occupied ways of life might find it trying to support slims down that request huge time ventures.
Financial plan contemplations additionally become an integral factor, as specific eating regimens might include buying specialty fixings or natural produce, which can be costlier than regular choices. Understanding the monetary ramifications guarantees that the picked diet lines up with one's financial assets.
Culinary abilities and inclinations are fundamental reasonable elements to consider. A few eating regimens might require progressed cooking methods or the joining of new fixings, presenting difficulties for those with restricted culinary skills or explicit taste inclinations.
By recognizing these reasonable contemplations, people can settle on informed decisions that line up with their way of life, guaranteeing that their picked dietary methodology isn't just powerful yet in addition practical for their day-to-day schedules and individual assets.
Well-qualified Assessments and Exploration Discoveries:
Acquiring bits of knowledge from nutritionists, dietitians, and wellbeing experts is critical while assessing the adequacy and security of famous eating regimens. These specialists contribute an abundance of information in light of logical exploration and down-to-earth insight. Their assessments frequently consider factors, for example, wholesome equilibrium, potential well-being chances, and long-haul supportability.
Research discoveries assume a focal part in forming well-qualified conclusions. Studies evaluating the effect of explicit eating regimens on weight reduction, metabolic well-being, and infection counteraction give important information. Specialists frequently depend on proof-based exploration to direct people toward dietary decisions that line up with their well-being objectives.
Nutritionists and dietitians might offer customized guidance, considering a singular's novel well-being status, inclinations, and way of life. They can give reasonable tips for carrying out dietary changes and address concerns connected with supplement sufficiency.
Gathering well-qualified suppositions and examination discoveries permits people to settle on informed conclusions about their dietary decisions. It cultivates a more nuanced comprehension of the expected advantages and dangers related to each eating regimen, enabling people to explore the intricate scene of sustenance with more prominent certainty and lucidity.
Genuine Examples of Overcoming Adversity:
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One of the most convincing parts of assessing well-known abstains from food is analyzing genuine examples of overcoming adversity that grandstand the down-to-earth application and unmistakable results of these dietary methodologies. Individual stories give a human aspect to logical hypotheses, offering interesting stories of people who have encountered extraordinary well-being enhancements through unambiguous weight control plans.
These examples of overcoming adversity frequently feature the different scope of well-being objectives individuals seek after, for example, weight reduction, further developed energy levels, and improved prosperity. Understanding how others have conquered difficulties and accomplished their goals can rouse and direct people on their well-being processes.
Normal difficulties tended to in examples of overcoming adversity incorporate beginning obstacles, transformation to new eating designs, and the supported responsibility expected for long haul achievement. Genuine models offer significant bits of knowledge into the everyday real factors of following a specific eating regimen, revealing insight into both the victories and battles people might experience.
Looking at examples of overcoming adversity likewise gives an amazing chance to gain from others' encounters, assisting people with expecting possible deterrents and embracing systems for conquering them. In general, these stories contribute a reasonable and persuasive aspect to the conversation of famous eating regimens, outlining the substantial effect they can have on people taking a stab at further developed well-being and way of life changes.
Likely Dangers and Disadvantages:
While famous eating regimens frequently gloat about various advantages, it's pivotal to recognize and comprehend the likely dangers and disadvantages related to each methodology. For example, low-carb counts calories like the ketogenic diet might prompt supplement lacks while possibly not painstakingly arranged, as they frequently confine specific nutrition classes. Also, the underlying period of ketosis might cause side effects like weariness and crabbiness.
Low-fat eating regimens, then again, could bring about inadequate admission of fundamental unsaturated fats and fat-solvent nutrients, possibly influencing generally speaking wellbeing. The Mediterranean eating regimen, albeit by and large viewed as solid, could present difficulties for people with explicit dietary limitations or inclinations.
The Paleo diet, while underlining entire food varieties, may come up short on supplements tracked down in braced food sources, and its prohibitive nature might make it challenging to keep up with the long haul. Veggie lover and vegan consumes fewer calories, while praised for moral and natural reasons, which can prompt supplement lacks while possibly not painstakingly arranged, especially concerning vitamin B12, iron, and omega-3 unsaturated fats.
Discontinuous fasting and ketogenic diets may not be reasonable for everybody, and people with specific ailments might encounter antagonistic impacts. In addition, outrageous limitations or fast weight reduction related to certain eating regimens might add to scattered eating designs or adversely influence psychological well-being.
Perceiving these expected dangers and downsides is imperative for arriving at informed conclusions about dietary decisions, guaranteeing that people focus on their general prosperity and keep away from potentially negative results related to famous weight control plans.
Making a Decent Methodology:
Amid the large number of dietary choices, the idea of a decent methodology arises as a core value for feasible and comprehensive well-being. Rather than sticking stringently to the fundamentals of a solitary eating regimen, people are urged to amalgamate components from different methodologies, fitting their healthful decisions to suit individual requirements and inclinations.
A decent methodology includes perceiving the benefits of various eating regimens while relieving possible disadvantages. It involves joining the supplement-thick standards of the Mediterranean eating routine with the developmental insight of the Paleo diet, consolidating plant-fueled components from veganism, and recognizing irregular fasting as an adaptable instrument for metabolic well-being.
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In the quest for balance, people can focus on entire, natural food sources, guaranteeing a different admission of organic products, vegetables, lean proteins, and solid fats. This approach encourages healthful sufficiency while offering the adaptability to oblige individual inclinations and way of life limitations.
Besides, a reasonable methodology embraces care in eating, empowering people to develop a sound connection with food. By keeping away from outrageous limitations and recognizing the significance of control, people can make a reasonable and charming dietary arrangement that lines up with their interesting well-being objectives, advancing long-haul prosperity. At last, the quintessence of a decent methodology lies in fashioning an agreeable and customized wholesome excursion that obliges the intricacies of individual ways of life and well-being yearnings.
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kelis777 · 11 months
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Receita de Nuggets Caseiro!
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Super fácil e saudável!
Sugestão: Pode ser consumido no almoço, lanche da tarde, de pós treino e jantar. 
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lunitadetauro · 1 year
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Breakfast 🥰
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dietetary · 1 year
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Struktury całodziennej podaży kalorii i składników odżywczych w poszczególnych posiłkach zależnie od ich ilości w ciągu dnia.
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encuentratutarea · 7 months
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healthforfitness123 · 8 months
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jeanmetabolictrainer · 9 months
Los INCREIBLES fisicos NATURALES de los titanes de la era de BRONCE
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conociendovida · 1 year
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