bpd-lullabys · 1 year
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my body is a temple and it is crumbling
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mewowzahh · 2 years
Creating a burner for Ann posts.
Follow along if you want but major TW.
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I have 38 days to lose as much weight as possible.
The last time I did this I lost 10 pounds.
Starting 5/31/22 with the following goals:
Eat in 100 calorie increments
Max intake 600 calories
Drink a zero calorie drink every hour
Walk 12,000 steps a day
50 squats
50 side leg lifts each side
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ashieeve2 · 3 years
I feel like a fraud running an ed account when I literwlly can't stop binging.. but rn I feel like I'm in the over-exercising and over-eating stage of my ed. Every time I relapse, it goes from heavily restricting to heavily restricting and exercising to over eating and over exercising then back to heavily restricting so let's hope I get back to heavily restricting soon
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bone-bby · 3 years
I have spent the last few days binging and I have been mentally wrecked.
Then I came across a comment on a post that was reminding the person that just because they binged does not mean that they gained weight from the food, because it is unlikely that they ate the amount of calories over their normal intake in order to gain actual weight. The weight is gained by the change in diet and water. Switching back to normal will drop those few pounds quickly.
Did it make me feel good for a second? Yes.
Am I still wallowing in self-pity? Yes.
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squiggiesforbrekkie · 2 years
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h0t-b1tch · 3 years
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idk how to use tumblr very well tbh but here’s some thinspo yay their clothes r pretty and im super insecure abt my fingers and thighs so that’s y we have a lot of that here idk just wishing i had some self control so i could look like these girls
i just got these pics of google but if there ur photos or you’ve already posted them or idk want me to take them down or give u credit msg me
if u ever need anything im here for u msg me abt anything ❤️❤️❤️
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cosplayingacorpse · 3 years
okay so just a quick little rant while im drunk.
i had a conversation with my boyfriend a little while ago where he told me that he preferred girls with a slim and toned body type. im not ranting about my boyfriend, i asked him what his ideal type was because i was genuinely curious but holy hell did it make me feel like shit. but i guess its kinda like motivation to lose weight again. ive been “recovering” for a few weeks, and by “recovering” i mean that i was so exhausted from thinking about calories for so long that i convinced myself not to care but the thoughts about losing weight and how fat and disgusting i am are still there, so, ✨yay✨
i guess i just kinda want someone to hold me accountable for what i put in this endless garbage-hole i call a mouth. i want him to view me as beautiful. and i know he says im beautiful and that he loves my body and that i shouldnt feel self conscious around him but everytime i see a fold in my stomach, or he squeezes my thighs, i just cant help but think that he sees me the same way i see me, and thats my biggest fear.
i dont want him to see what i see when i look in the mirror. because i see all of the fat that i gain from eating a hashbrown. i see all of the stretch marks and imperfections, and it makes me want to take a knife and just carve it all off. i hate my body so fucking much and it terrifies me to think that he also sees me like that.
so ive decided that im going to commit to losing weight. im gonna use this blog to track my progress and get inspiration. i cant fail. not again.
i just want to be thin goddammit.
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All I’m saying is I’ve never regretted NOT eating something.
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tryingbutbroken · 3 years
You know you have an eating disorder when you have both an at home and an at work stash of laxatives and diuretics.
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imtryingokaay · 3 years
I haven’t binged in like almost 2 weeks and it’s going quite good actually. I think I noticed I only binge when I’m high and I haven’t been high this month which is probs why
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g0ingbackt0ana · 4 years
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im getting my jawline and cheekbones back. collarbones are showing kinda again. still no progress on ribs or hipbones or stomach.
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wilting-lotus-blog · 3 years
I turn 24 in two months
if i cant reach my ugw before i turn 25 then i’ll kill myself.
i’m so fucking done with this
ive been struggling like this with my weight since i was 13. i cant do this anymore. so if i cant do it by then, i might as well just end it all
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I didn’t realize I was getting bad again until I actually stopped to look at my dinner.....
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ashieeve2 · 3 years
I hate how people on tiktok act like we care about "fixing our internalized fatphobia" like my insides are rotting I kinda have bigger things to worry abt.. I had someone tell me "if you focus on not being fatphobic you won't be anorexic anymore" like I already know that shits not gonna work so I'm j gonna keep focusing on on dying thanks tho
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bone-bby · 3 years
Triggering Moment of the Day :
Strike One : My boyfriend weighed himself in front of me.
Strike Two : He weighed in at 177lbs and then complained about it.
Strike Three : He said that he was only “that heavy” because his keys/wallet/phone were in his hoodie pocket, and the fact that he was completely dressed.
BRB gonna go cry myself to sleep.
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squiggiesforbrekkie · 2 years
i am legitimately not pro for anyone except myself, like if i noticed one of my friends struggling i would earnestly push them to recover, but i think there’s a horrible part of myself that only wants them to recover so that they don’t become skinnier than me. i hate myself i hate that i can be so cruel
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