#not going overboard I've done that it's not fun but i. i sure have had a lot of bread
wheels-of-despair · 6 days
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Live A Little | A Worth It AU | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
In This Edition: You and Ralph spend one last day on the Carpathia! Words: 2k
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"Hey, kids?"
You slowly blink yourself awake and lift your head to see your aunt sitting on the edge of her bed.
"I've heard we're supposed to arrive in New York tonight. You should get up and move around a bit before then, remind those muscles what their job is."
You sigh and lie back down, on your back, to stare at the ceiling.
"If we get in tonight, it'll be late. We'll get a hotel room 'til morning, then try to find your mother and father. The wireless operators sent out a list of survivors for the papers, so I expect the place will be crawling with relatives and reporters. Ralph?"
"Yes, ma'am?" he answers.
"You're welcome to come with us."
"Thank you, ma'am."
"But you should find your sister and make sure she's alright, too. She's around here somewhere."
"Yes, ma'am."
"They're serving breakfast in the dining hall now. Take a right at the end of this hallway and keep walking, you can't miss it." She gets up and makes her way to the door. "I'll meet you back here before dinner?"
You nod in agreement, and she leaves. A moment of silence passes, and then you feel Ralph reach for your hand. You lace your fingers together and let out a collective sigh. He turns to face you with a twinkle in his eye.
"May I escort you to breakfast, Mrs. Penbury?"
You face splits into a grin, and you lean over to give your husband a kiss.
Half an hour later, you sit as close as the chairs in the dining hall allow, and eat your first meal as a married couple quietly.
You know your parents will eventually adjust. Aunt Molly will probably ask what took you so long when she finds out. Ralph's father is gone, and he expects his mother won't care. Neither of you gives a damn about Victoria's opinion on the matter.
"I suppose we ought to go find Victoria after breakfast," Ralph sighs, as if he can read your thoughts.
"What will you say to her?"
You haven't forgotten the way she treated him that night at the lifeboats. Or the games she'd played with him all his life. You haven't spent much time discussing her, but you suspect you've only scratched the surface of the awful things she's done to him.
"I don't know," he admits. "Do we tell her that we're married?"
"If you like," you smile. "Do you think she'll fling herself overboard in protest?"
He grins wickedly, drains the last of his tea, and you embark on your journey to find Victoria.
Ralph holds your hand as you walk the ship you'd been on for four days, seeing it for the first time. It feels different than exploring Titanic. There was an air of fun to it, then. This feels wrong somehow. Knowing that you and your loved ones had made it off of the other ship safely, while so many others were mourning for those they'd lost. You, who has just married the love of your life, and have a future together to look forward to. How many dreams had been sucked down into the depths with that ship?
Ralph seems to sense it too. He holds your hand tightly, and wastes no time scanning each room for his sister. He doesn't stop moving until you arrive in an open area with children playing.
"Is that Katie?" he asks, squinting.
"Who's Katie?"
"Victoria's maid."
He stares at a young woman on the other side of the room, showing a group of children how to make figures with their fingers and a loop of string. She laughs with them, but when she looks up to see Ralph, the color drains from her face.
She gives the string to one of the children and rises, walking toward Ralph like a prisoner to an execution.
"I'll be right back, love," he says quickly, going to meet her halfway. You watch their interaction with curiosity, and a bit of fear. How could anyone be afraid of Ralph? Is there a side to him that you haven't seen yet? Your doubts are short-lived, because Katie's fearful eyes crinkle in a smile after a few words from him. They talk for a moment more, laugh together, and part with what are clearly well-wishes.
"Katie's been hired as a nanny," Ralph says excitedly upon his return. "Victoria told her not to bother coming back until she'd reclaimed everything from the purser's office. It was closed, so Katie took that as a dismissal and boarded a lifeboat. She entertained the children through the night, and a nice American family has asked her to stay on with them. She already loves the children. I'm so happy for her!"
"So am I," you smile. Katie returns to the children, and a little boy runs to her and extends his arms. She picks him up in a hug and swings him around. One of the children on the floor tugs at her skirt, and she kneels to show them the string trick again. They watch in awe. "That looks way more fun than taking orders from Victoria," you wink.
"She's managed to avoid Victoria thus far, and has asked me not to tell her that she's here," Ralph explains. He takes one last look at Katie, a proud smile on his face, and leads you to the door.
"Would she care?" you ask.
"Only because she'd expect to be waited on," he says with a roll of his eyes as you proceed to the next room. "I feel terrible for not making sure that Katie was safe that night."
"Darling, I believe you were a tiny bit preoccupied that night. I seem to recall something about a frightened woman who wouldn't let go of your hand?"
He smiles and kisses your temple, and the search for Victoria continues.
You finally spot her in a lounge, surrounded by the girlfriends you'd spent the first part of your week trying to avoid.
"Victoria," Ralph says stiffly, when you approach from behind.
"Oh, there you are, Ralph," she says with a glance back at him. "Some old lady told me that you were here."
You bristle, at both her reaction to finding out that her brother was alive and her assessment of your aunt.
"I've been bored out of my skull," she whines. "There's nothing to do on this bloody boat." She hangs her head off the back of her chair, and her eyes land on you. She smirks. "No need to ask what you've been up to."
Ralph tenses. You glare.
"What will you do when we arrive in New York?" he asks.
"Find a bottle of decent champagne," she grins, still upside-down. "And get Uncle Albert to buy me a new wardrobe."
Ralph watches her for a moment, calculating. She rolls her eyes when she gets sick of the staring contest and sits up.
"Alright," he finally says. He squeezes your hand and turns, and you follow.
"Where are you going, baby brother?" she pouts.
"To enjoy the company of my wife," he calls over his shoulder, not slowing his pace. You grin, imagining the look of shock on her snobby face when she works out what he's said.
Deciding you'd had enough exercise for the day, you return to your room. You sit on the bed and ponder the what comes next. What will the weather be like when you arrive? Will there be a media frenzy? Will Ralph's uncle be there waiting? What about your parents? How will you find them? How long until you can go home?
Pain flashes across Ralph's face at the mention of home.
"What is it, Ralph?" you ask, scooting closer.
"I'll have to cross the Atlantic again to get home," he whimpers. "What if I never stop being afraid? What if I can never go home again?" Ralph lets out a sob, and covers his face with his hands.
"Then we'll make our own home." You pull him to you, and he buries his face in your neck. "It's a big continent, Ralph. We'll go exploring and find a perfect place, just for us. Anywhere you want. Because home is wherever we're together."
You rub soothing circles on his back until he sits up with a final sniffle. You reach out to dry his cheeks.
"I love you, Ralph."
"I love you, too," he mutters.
"We're going to be alright."
He nods. You hold out your hand, and he takes it with a shaky smile. You lace your fingers together and squeeze. Everything is going to be alright, as long as you have each other.
You decide to skip lunch, but join Molly for dinner. She's made lots of new friends these last few days, and invites you to sit at a table full of other survivors. Mostly women. You can feel their eyes on your Ralph. It unsettles you both. You eat quickly, speak only when spoken to, and retreat back to your room as soon as possible. You sit on the bed, because there are no chairs.
Aunt Molly comes in right behind you, before you can discuss the awkward dinner, and perches on the edge of her own bed.
"I'm sorry," she apologizes. "Most of their men didn't make it. The officers wouldn't let them in the boats."
Ralph turns red.
"There were no more women in line," you argue. "The officer told him to get in. There were a several men on our boat. In others, too!"
"I know, don't go jumping down my throat," she says, putting her hands up. "I'm just telling you why you're getting odd looks."
Ralph's face is on fire.
"I can't wait to get off this ship," you mutter, blinking away tears. You will not feel guilty for getting to keep your love, even if others weren't so fortunate.
"Should be there in a few hours," she says softly. "I'm going back to the lounge to wait for news. I'll come get you as soon as we get there."
She gets up and heads toward the door.
"Aunt Molly?" you call.
She turns back, hand on the doorknob.
"We got married last night."
She smiles. "That's exactly the kind of good news I needed to hear. Congratulations."
You both mutter a "thank you", and her eyes light up.
"Oh, your mother's head is going to explode," she says excitedly. "Your payment for the trip will be making sure I'm there when you tell her. I have to see this. This is going to be more fun than hand-delivering the invitation to my own wedding!"
You laugh, and Molly winks. "I'll see you kids in a few hours."
When the door closes, you look to Ralph and grin.
"You know, Mr. Penbury…" you say mischievously. "My aunt has stated her intention to be away for several hours. I do believe that gives us time to officially consummate our marriage."
"It does, doesn't it?" he grins, eyes darkening.
"Unless you have a better way to spend our last few hours here?"
"Absolutely not," he says, mouth crashing against yours.
You were officially consummated and back to presentable when your aunt returned to the cabin to fetch you that night.
You wait in the lounge with the other first class survivors for what feels like an eternity. When you finally start moving, things become a blur. You hold tightly to Ralph's hand and follow him blindly through the pouring rain and the slippery walkways. You keep your head down, only vaguely aware of a large crowd on the dock and a lot of flashing cameras.
"Ralph!" Victoria's unmistakable voice cuts through the chaos. "Uncle Albert is here!"
Ralph shouts for Aunt Molly ahead of him, and the three of you make your way over to Victoria and Uncle Albert. Quick introductions are made, and Ralph's uncle leads you to a motorcar. You end up sitting on Ralph's lap. Aunt Molly and Victoria sit side by side, and Ralph's uncle sits up front with his driver.
The cameras continue flashing. You're grateful when the car begins to move. You look down at Ralph and reach out to wipe the raindrops off of his face. You're all soaked and shivering. The ride passes slowly and in silence, even with Victoria present. Apparently all her girlfriends were on their own. Had she even said goodbye to them?
You watch the buildings of New York pass by through the window, thankful to be back on solid ground with the people you love.
(And Victoria.)
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mdhwrites · 4 months
Going back through TOH's episodes, it strikes me how boring they are. Part of the problem seems to be how criminally unfunny the show is, generally speaking. I can count how many times I've laughed on one hand. In fact I can list them:
There was the "It's been my dream since I was a boy" guy pushing kids off cliffs (Moving Hassle), Luz's "He'll be fine" after throwing Hunter overboard - and then his subsequent re-entry (Hunting Palismen) - and lastly Luz tumbling offscreen in front of Amity after a spider crawls on her face (Grom). That's 3 scenes, 4 jokes if we're being charitable. And sure, maybe my sense of humour is just incompatible with TOH's and I'm being harsh.
But I can't deny that I just feel like there's no rewatch value in TOH? Like it's just... the jokes are so bad to the point it's not fun, it's not entertaining, it's a slog, I see no value in retreading the same ground. And I am a SERIAL rewatcher! This is coming from someone who spends maybe 85% of their time experiencing the same stories! I love seeing well-done media all over again, because even if I know what's going to happen or what they will say, a well-structured joke or a skillfully delivered line is still gonna engage me.
I can't even recommend the show to anyone because I HAVE in the past... and what ends up happening is they watch the first couple episodes, get bored, go "I recognize that you like this, but it's not my thing" and drop it. And I CAN'T BLAME THAT! Because that's how I reacted too when I got into the show! I only stuck with it because it seemed like it was going really interesting places. And it tried to, I think, and failed.
I'm also a very fandom-heavy person so TOH's boring episodes have made it increasingly harder for me to stay within it. Because I'm not rewatching anything, I can see myself in real time as I forget more and more of the plotlines, and even a lot of the characters. It's just... kind of disappointing. It's like I just had a gradual fizzling out of interest. I don't even hate the show, which might be better in some ways - instead I just can't muster enough shits to feel any type of way towards it.
I rambled a bit but I guess my ultimate ask here was: what are your thoughts on whether or not TOH manages to entertain new/old viewers?
So I like S1. I think the characters are what carry it and that they are at their most interesting, EASILY, in S1.
The vast majority of S1, in terms of concepts and executions for plots, is OKAY AT BEST.
This actually just comes down to a simple tonal decision of TOH and also just the fact that a boring world with boring magic creates little to do with bog standard plots and TOH actually has a LOT of bog standard plotting. It is a pretty classic story structurally and takes genuinely very few risks in the structure... Which is okay in theory.
There is nothing wrong with not reinventing the wheel and TOH talks a big game about subverting tropes but no. As a fantasy fan, I can tell you this is EXCEPTIONALLY normal. Like... Insultingly from how much it talks a big game. Especially because if you're going to do classic, you have three options: Shoot the moon, lean into the unique elements of your concept or do it VERY. VERY. WELL.
And remember: They did a body swap episode and it is one of the most hated episodes of the entire show. That's not a good sign.
But this touches on the second problem I brought up: This is a boring world with boring magic. Because TOH's fantasy world is so basic, has little magic and little flair with its magic, it inherently limits what it can do. Now, it doesn't have to be this way but the show made it this way with how little we see of it, how limited it is (like how plant magic is 99% vines), and how often it just blatantly makes one to one comparisons between it and our world with effectively NOTHING altered like how the covens are just jobs, right down to them being introduced through a job fair and a boring one at that.
So when we look at a classic episode concept like the body swap episode, the three plots are... Easily replicated elsewhere. One person gets in trouble in the swap's job because they don't know what they're doing (with the most unique twist of this actually landing them in prison), a classic animal plot where they're taken in by a place that seems cozy and then isn't with literally no changes, and finally... Teenager pisses off bullies and agrees to jump DEAD MAN'S GORGE! But instead of skateboards and people really building it up, its rat beasts.
None of these plots are actually bad, they're go tos for a reason, but... No one is bringing anything special to this. Luz is entirely ignored so her character may as well not matter, Eda is doing NOTHING to add to her plot and King... King is fun for about two minutes leading the bullies and otherwise is just any other character in this situation. It's not bad, I personally enjoy parts of the episode... But it's nothing special. From the second the thing that X character is going to do is revealed, you can guess every step of the plot and they don't even really throw in good jokes in the process. A couple jokes but nothing memorable because everything is weirdly subdued compared to how other shows would be, even in an episode that is definitely trying to be more over the top.
And this runs into the inherent tonal issue of TOH: It doesn't want to be an adventure comedy. Those are genres that are commonly really over the top. They hear jump the shark and go "How about a shark jumping ten other sharks in order to finish making a can of tuna for their fire giant overlord?" And the face of this fact, in that the genres it pitches itself as for the first two episodes!
TOH flatly refuses to be silly and over the top. It's characters are very... 'realistic'. I don't mean real, just that they're meant to feel more mature by being more in control. They don't let them interrupt each other for a joke, they don't let a character be potentially OOC for a one off gag like Hop Pop screaming "EAT THE RICH!" or Sprig asking "Have you ever killed a a man, Hop Pop," and I can only think of one time Luz got mad for the sake of a joke and honestly, yelling about the Rusty Smidge barely comes across as a joke because of how genuine the anger feels after a point. Otherwise, stuff that would normally get exaggerated frustration or the like to at least let you laugh at the reaction just... doesn't get one, like how Luz yells about Luzura being killed off but then... Just walks off and is passive aggressive mostly instead of even exasperated. For a drama or romance, this is not a bad approach but for even just an adventure kid's show... It's not great to put it mildly because people meet odd situations with weird levels of nonchalance. Not quite irony poisoned levels but getting there.
It's why TOH is mostly remembered for the romance and drama episodes. Not only do they allow some of the romance scenes to actually include melodrama, they also just fit how the characters act better. It's why Amity has some of the biggest emotions of the series and why Lumity have such great lines between each other because they're actually willing to lean into the sort of genre fiction that they're doing. This is also why S2 works better than S1 because a lot of the pretense of being a comedy adventure gets dropped but like... There's still plenty of boring in S2 with stuff like how Elsewhere Elsewhen takes time travel and includes a couple jokes at the beginning and then is just... horribly bland and barely qualifies as an adventure.
This lack of allowing people to be emotional and jokey also leads to the reliance on comic relief characters. People like Gus, King or Hooty, or S2 Lilith, who the characters can mock in someway, including the writers. Characters who can be the punchline even if it means a lot of people come off a lot meaner than they should, i.e. Luz absolutely rejecting Hooty for the vast majority of the series despite supposedly liking the weird and rejected. That also means that most of the time they're not on screen, either the scene starts getting pretty dry or you have a character suddenly warp to be comic relief, like how Eda gets in some S2 episodes like Elsewhere Elsewhen or Eclipse Lake where suddenly she's MUCH more of a joke than she normally is and also REALLY bad at it too and seeming potentially brain dead for it. Thanks to Them even does this to Amity even though she is probably the last person in the cast to make sense as a sudden clutz.
All of this stuff makes it so that if you go in wanting a kid's show, a fantasy show, ANYTHING that is pitched in the first episode... S1 is going to be just okay to you. I enjoyed it... But I also fell off when I first watched it. I thought the characters were good but none of it stuck with me as actually memorable and I watched until I think Adventure in the Elements. I never was never compelled to come back until Lumity animations (literally THE Little Miss Perfect animatic that is nowadays probably hard to find actually) made me go "I remember this show being neat." And Lumity was what kept me, not because I was generally laughing or calling these episodes something special. In fact, that sense of unsatisfaction is probably why I watched through it faster than Amphibia. No one episode of TOH is really great to watch on its own because... It's just kind of boring, or like half of it is boring because the B plots across the board are SO BLAND. S1 or 2 for that matter since Lumity starts getting boring B plots like with the archives or finding out the author of Azura. Both concepts btw that could have been really interesting setups and instead... If you're not into blushing Amity, get FUUUUUCKED.
That's without getting into REPETITION. Repetition kills comedy so King having one joke for S1 and also taking up like half of the B plots for the first ten episodes means you are going to be in agony eventually anytime someone talks to him because you know where it's going and you have DEFINITELY heard this joke before. And you know, he also gets three repetitive B plots which just hurts the joke even more, even as they try to make twists on it, and hurts the feeling that the show is doing... Anything..
It's just not good. Which is probably why once the characters and the 'subversive/unique' elements of the show both weakened, more and more people left because... Why would you keep watching this then? Those elements are what made up for boring plots with boring execution in a world that didn't allow for more interesting storytelling because it had few ideas and expanded on NONE OF THEM. So of course people pitch it using the elements that say "this isn't like other kids shows/fantasy shows" because if you pitch it to people who like those... They'll just be disappointed eventually and bored quickly. Like i think a lot of people did to be quite honest.
And a lack of creativity, and a lack of genre understanding, isn't something time could have ever fixed.
The short version of proving this point btw is going "Compare Bumi's introductory episode, which is a character giving three trials to prove another's worth, versus when the Bat Queen challenges Luz. One is exceptionally funny, interesting and has genuinely interesting twists while the other is... There. So very there. Painfully just... there. Not even bad, just... There.
Also, yes, comedy is extremely subjective which is why I tried to talk more about how a lot of these premises are boring because that can be a bit more objective.
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I've been in the OFMD fandom long enough (4 months) and I've been having enough fun (enjoying fanart and reading/writing fanfic) that I might as well just write the post that may or may not get me kicked out of here (lol). I just want to tell you my general thoughts and feelings about the show and the discourse. And if you wanna talk to me about it, sure, but if you want to ignore me, that's good too.
-It would be distressingly amiss to not see Izzy Hands as an abusive character. He spends most of his time shouting/demanding, he gets Fang's attention by grabbing him by the beard, he singles Lucius out often, he sells his boss out to the English after sending his boss's (boss'?) ex boyfriend to corral and distract him, he over and over again insists "if you don't start acting like Blackbeard [read: masculine, manly, etc.] I will leave your ship" which escalates to "if you don't start acting like Blackbeard, I will fucking kill you". We have the namby pamby scene. The ooh daddy scene. (I'm probably missing something.)
-It would be distressingly amiss to not see Edward Teach as an abusive character. After being goaded and yelled at by Izzy, he throws Lucius overboard (which could have killed him), on-screen chopped off Izzy's toe and then implied to continue to do this multiple times ("that's another toe"), he maroons the majority of Stede Bonnet's crew, gets Jim on his crew only by hitting them over the head and knocking them out so they had no other choice, forces his crew to work every day without seeing land, shoots Izzy in the leg (this could have killed him), attempts to force Izzy to kill him when Izzy is on his deathbed (which more or less leads to Izzy attempting to shoot himself, but it's possible Izzy tried to shoot himself just because he was in unbearable pain and lost his leg on a pirate ship in 1717). When Ed decides he's going to kill himself, he wants to take the whole ship with him - he sails into a storm on purpose, saws off the (what is it? Steering wheel???), points a cannon to the main mast, plans on setting everything on fire, and then forces Jim and Archie to beat each other to death *just because he saw the two kissing* and then admits he was going to kill the whole crew anyway whether or not they beat each other. (By his own admission the following mutiny wasn't "basic".)
-The point of the show is: change. Okay at least the point of s2 is change. Nathaniel Buttons himself says something along the lines of "to love the sea as she must be loved requires change". It takes Buttons literally turning into a seagull in front of his eyes for Ed to learn and realize that people can change, that he can change, and that this change can help him be able to trust again after a long life of being tormented by first his father and then by Hornigold and then by Izzy.
- For Izzy it takes: an attempted suicide and then an emergency leg amputation to realize that not only MUST he change, but the change has already happened and is already underweigh. He MUST change, he MUST accept and ask for help, he MUST be vulnerable with his crew, he MUST reflect and see himself for what he has become, or he will literally die. Even as he is on the floor dragging himself, army-crawling back to his bunk, he is fighting it so hard. But the kindness and empathy of his crew and the making of his prosthetic, is how we find him smiling *for the first time in the series*.
-The show is about forgiveness. ("I'm sorry I was such a dick" "You're not, life's a dick.") Ed is able to make things right with his crew through through vulnerability: being nearly beat to death, a trip to the gravy basket, banishment and then non-banishment, a kitten bell and sack cloth, a genuine attempt at making Lucius feel better, a fishing trip that leads to a heartfelt conversation, and then just like a really good party. Izzy is able to show how he has changed via makeup and a song - he shows vulnerability in asking to have his makeup done and vulnerability in performing in front of the crew, he shows he has accepted this crew for who they are and he is learning to do the same for himself.
-Now that we've gotten through the grand majority of everything I've wanted to say on the most serious matters, we can talk about what I really want to talk about: Wee John's dolly. In s1 Wee John is seen with a dolly (snuggling it to sleep, holding it while awake, and most importantly: pointing with it while with Frenchie in their New Room). In s2, there is no dolly. Where did he lose it? Did someone take his dolly away? It was obviously his favorite thing. Now he only has knitting to keep his hands busy. I need answers.
Thank you for reading my massive wall of text, I'm glad we were able to come together and discuss the important issues. Anon hate can be sent to my inbox. I won't be able to get to it until later because I have work soon. And I promise this is like, the only very serious post that I will make here. Perhaps I will make one or two more, but not very likely.
My actual, real calling and favorite way to participate in this fandom is by talking about shipping. If you ever want to talk about shipping, rarepairs, and endangeredpairs, thats kind of like - where I live.
Please take care of yourself. Please don't actually send me or anyone anon hate.
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rriavian · 4 months
And now you get another prompt from me! Lol
14, the drunken new years kiss. Corintheus or Hobrinthian, whichwver you would prefer. ;)
I've had this in drafts for ages and the full thing is almost done! But here is a snippet <3 it's Hobrinthian and I hope you enjoy!
To be fair getting dreamkin drunk was just asking for trouble. 
Though this was a party so the Corinthian supposed that was the obvious outcome if not the intention. It was the first New Years celebration the Dreaming had thrown in over a century so suffice to say they were going a little overboard. Dream was keeping a close eye, of course; a vigilant presence looming large for all he kept almost entirely to himself, a figure stood at the edge of the festivities, watching with a small, fond smile. He might be so apart but Dream was obviously so well loved—still, after everything, after the freedom the Corinthian’s brethren had taught themselves and then so easily given up—his return toasted, a dream approaching to shyly ask if he wanted a glass of wine.
They had brought one already filled for him to take.
Dream’s rejection of it was soft, his eyes gentle, a murmur the Corinthian wasn’t able to overhear but definitely saw the results of. Matthew had been a permanent fixture on his shoulder since before the celebrations even began, the bird now eagerly shoving his beak into the offered glass, oblivious to the dreams slightly baffled expression in response.
Or Dream’s indulgent one.
The Corinthian had also been keeping to himself, although for vastly different reasons, sidestepping any and all attempts to draw him into conversation. The shining beauty of the Dreaming felt chipped, felt false, the dreams and nightmares he’d known reduced to scurrying sycophants in his eyes. Even those the Corinthian had been fond of now inspired a feeling of disgust. His gaze kept being drawn to Gault, the dream now stood chattering to Lucienne, a smile never far from her lips, glittering wings aglow in the soft light of the hall. Part of him wished he’d not attended the party at all, but the alternative was a far more pathetic scenario he was disgruntled enough to only contemplate.
At least the alcohol was good.
Enough that the Corinthian soon managed to slip right past tipsy and was now making his sauntering way towards flat out drunk.
It brought with it a spontaneous lean into rebellion, a wish to have a little bit of fun, to liven things up a little more. The Corinthian glanced slyly at his creator—entirely sober, if he could even get drunk at all—pale face tilted away, so very distracted by the proceedings.
Matthew was now preening at Dream’s hair with the abundant affection of the absolutely wasted. 
Hmm. The Corinthian might actually be able to get away with making things a little more interesting then. Still, when he stumbled away from the festivities and into a human mind he half expected to be pulled back immediately, caught like he’d merely toddled too far from Dream’s watchful eye. Ushered back firmly. Luck held out when he managed to leave the Dreaming unhindered, but there was no way that would last forever so this would need to be quick.
The Corinthian better use the time to make this good. 
He turned his attention to the mind he’d stumbled into, careened towards the dreamers mental representation of themselves, squinting through the haze of alcohol—
Ooh it was the pet immortal. 
Herbert? Harold? The Corinthian didn’t remember his name—didn’t care to tease the knowledge free from this mind either—slapped away the offered up knowledge before it could take root. He was sure it was something stupid though. A stupid name for Dream’s stupid little experiment. The test subject who was at least aware enough to know this was no ordinary dream, already beginning to frown.
Though it appeared he was drunk too.
Either just in the dream or in the waking world it didn’t matter. 
The human stared at him; slightly dazed, a little flushed, rosy cheeks to match the brightness of soft brown eyes. A hint of something sharp too. He was confused but not alarmed, not afraid and ooh the Corinthian used to eat men like this up in the waking, used to cut out their eyes after tasting their skin, gorging on how their last memory was seeing his face before they died. That might be off limits right now but he was still here, and this was Dream’s special little human, so he could definitely indulge.
The Corinthian stumbled over, delightfully off balance, grabbed the human by the lapels and pulled him in close. Breathed the greeting across his lips.
“Heya handsome.”
Then he pulled him even closer for a kiss.
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I couldn't find a similar ask to this, but I apologize if there is one! I'm writing a fantasy, and my original plan was to have a few species of humanoid type characters - humans being one of them. A few of them are similar enough that they can intermix, and have done so. For example, one was a species that primarily originates from a volcanic regions; they have various shades of red & tough skin, etc. But now I'm worried having multiple species of human-like creatures is overdone and - (pt.1)
I don't want to use tropes that people are tired of. I had just started because I always thought elves and fae and such were fun when I've read fantasy. I tried to make several that have distinct features compared to Tolkien races, but I also heard some advice that said if the character can be replaced by a human and nothing would change, then they should be. Do you have any advice for whether or not I should stick to just humans? I hope I'm making sense!
Creating Humanoid Characters for Fantasy
First, you need to understand the difference between a trope and a cliche before you panic too much.
"Tropes" are familiar and essential components that are inherent to a particular type of story, such as elves in fantasy or airships in steampunk. It's not that those elements are required for those types of stories, it's just that they are typical and often expected. When a trope is used the exact same way over and over gain, people grow tired of them and they become "cliches." For example, if too many writers made their elves exactly like Tolkien's elves, that portrayal of elves would become a cliche.
Humanoid characters in fantasy is a trope--because it's something that goes hand-in-hand with a lot of fantasy, so readers expect to see it in certain types of fantasy--but the concept is too broad to be a cliche. If you portrayed a certain type of humanoid character in a certain way that had been done countless times before, that type of humanoid character would be a cliche, but in general humanoid characters in fantasy are not a cliche.
Also: I'm not sure about this advice that "if a character can be replaced by a human and nothing would change, then they should be" as I suspect there's probably important context there that's missing. Is there really any reason the elves in Tolkien couldn't have been magical humans? Or that the orcs couldn't just have been brutish humans? Or that the hobbits couldn't just have been people of varying sizes? Not really... those distinctions were important because they gave authenticity and color to the world, making it someplace magical and unique from Earth. That's reason enough to populate your world with some different humanoid characters if it makes sense for the world you're creating. I think the key is not going overboard. You don't want six or ten different humanoid races in your story. Three or four is probably enough... five at the most. And I think, also (and this is more where that advice was going) you want to make sure these humanoids have a bigger role in the story than just being something in the background that looks interesting. Like, if the volcano people are only in the story because your characters pass through their village, that's a case where you should just make them human. It doesn't really add anything to your story. But if the tough skin of these volcano people is just what your characters need for a tough part of their quest, so they stop in this town to hire a few to do this job, then suddenly they have a purpose in the story. Alternatively, maybe one of your characters internal conflict is that they felt like they didn't belong with their family because they had a different father than their siblings and the mother would never say who it was. And then through some incident, your character discovers they have very tough skin--which becomes important in a later part of the story--and this ultimately leads them to discover their father was of this volcano people race. There again, it has a purpose.
I hope that helps! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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valsnonsense · 19 days
Prince Thrash Jr.
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"Yo, sick lip piercing, dude!! I've been meaning to get one of those done, I just keep forgetting."
Parents: Queen Barb (Adopted) and Delta Dawn (Step-Mother)
Siblings: Honeysuckle (Younger Step-Sister), Thorn (Younger Brother)
Age: 26
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Genre: Rock/Hard Rock
Voice Claim: Jon Bon Jovi
The eldest son of Barb and Delta, Thrash Jr., or TJ, is as rock as a rock troll can get. Loud, wild, with a passion for the destruction of expensive instruments.
TJ was found by Barb as an egg, abandoned and left to die. She nursed him back to health, and when he hatched, the young kit imprinted on her. Since her father had recently passed, Barb found herself welcoming the young kits affection and named him after her late father.
TJ mainly performs as a rockstar, having back to back concerts almost every night. He loves performing though, loving the high that hearing the audience scream for him gives him every night. Though every once in a while, he'll take a few days to just SLEEP, crashing hard.
When he's not rocking out on stage, TJ secretly enjoys poetry. Something about how the words are so eloquently threaded together to form passages explaining feelings or thoughts just speaks to him. He'd rather die then tell anyone this however lol.
TJ is very close with his family. He feels protective of his parents and siblings, always working to make sure they're happy. He can go a bit overboard with this, however, driving himself to a point of exhaustion. He's been scolded for this several times.
As said above, TJ is a rock troll through and through. He loves how loud the music is, and how he can scream along with it. However, he does have a special love for Classical music, but just by the one Troll.
Thrash Jr. currently resides in Volcano Rock City, but is frequently found in Tumbleshred visiting family.
Fun Facts!
- TJ has feelings for Vanilla. Like, the man is in love. But, because of what happened to Vanilla regarding love and relationships, he knows she's adverse to them now. So, he hangs back, electing not to voice his feelings. He doesn't want to hurt her, so he'll wait as long as he needs to.
- TJ does have some self confidence issues regarding his lack of royal blood. Some older Rock Trolls don't think he should be king because he won't continue the royal bloodline, but Barb is quick to shut down that talk
- TJ loves kids. He'll often offer to babysit for parents or volunteer at daycares. He definitely wants to have a big family of his own one day.
- Biggest Mama's boy you'll ever see, on both sides. He's not ashamed to run up and give Barb and Delta big hugs in front of everyone. Real men love their mothers, don't you know that?
And that's Thrash JR.!!! God I loved designing this fucker, he's so fun. So brief story, I designed him and Honeysuckle (Delta's daughter) BEFORE I started shipping Delta/Barb. I considered redesigned both TJ and Honeysuckle to be both rock and country, but I loved their designs too much. So, Barb adopted Thrash and Delta had Honeysuckle, started dating when the two were young, then eventually got hitched and had Thorn.
Sorry this post is so late work fuckin SUCKED today hdhdhd
Voice Example: It's My Life (Bon Jovi)
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toonlegion · 3 months
I don't always agree with Nerdrotic, he can tend to just hate things instantly but I have been monitoring how works in Hollywood are going lately and this pretty much tracks from following reports I've heard. This D.E.I mess is getting out of hand. It should be a choice to include diversity in your works, not an obligation, and you sure as heck shouldn't be hired just based solely on your skin color, gender and sexuality.
Yes it nice you wanna give others a fair shake, but extremely unwise to shun writers with plenty of experience with people who've yet to prove themselves. Theres a reason writers use a round-robin system for this. Plus like Tyrone said, this is feeling very smothering to boot. In fact, I told a friend of mine it reminded me of that old South Park ep with Nurse Gollum where the town tried to celebrate her, but got the point of being very uncomfortable with it since they keep focusing on the dead fetus on her head that she eventually told them off when she couldn't take it anymore. This feels very similar but on a larger scale. Wanting to be sympathetic but eventually going overboard. Goes without saying, but people want to be entertained, not lectured.
And these practices feel so...cartoony it 's hard to believe. I legit fell ill at the part of "not reading the source material to make something for modern audiences". Okay just ALL THE NO on that. I don't mind a different interpretation but you do your work a disservice by not at least getting a grasp on what the story or how a character should be portrayed, if nothing else to at least give you a general idea TO make it your own. Yes going blind can work sometime, but that's a very narrow 50/50 chance. Heck I want to do a version of Dracula down the line for a comic that'll be different from the source material. It'll make some changes, but it'll still respect what came before and use what was written to expand on certain things. The main reason being graphic novels have done the comic justice so that can afford a different interpretation. But otherwise the story will still be similar AND respectful to the source. And I will have the novel on hand to help that along the way.
From what I'm hearing these idiots act all proud became "Oh it was my version and not what came before". People would KILL for the chance to do a film or TV adaptation of certain works and these people are squandering it for fanfic versions of these stories without even knowing the full context when they could make timeless definitive versions. Hey fun fact, did you know the director of the second Star Trek movie didn't know a thing about the franchise going in? You know what he did, WATCHED THE SERIES OVER A WEEKEND TO GET AN IDEA FOR THE CHARACTERS! And what happened? One of the best Star Trek films in the franchise. So no that is nothing to be proud of, its just laziness.
And then there's this "Male and Pale is Stale" creed. I was taught to just make good characters in general regardless of gender. But this is what they're peddling to potential writers these days (at the time of this writing)? Why? No one was oppressing anyone up to this point concerning that, if anything it's healthy to have variety on both genders (hell even moreso with non-binaries) take the lead. But these social media nuts (particularly around Twitter) decided we need more of an influx of females and ethnicities all of a sudden? Also ignoring that many people are still white skin regardless of nationality making that ceed extra stupid. I don't get it, we had a good thing before that was balanced and focused with your own choice how the character should be, now it just this messy blob of forced templates that can't tell its left from its right and the stories and characters suffer because of it. It's just frustrating to view.
Again I'm not against diversity but I'm not foreign to it either, I grew up on plenty of shows that had it and did it in a much more tactful and graceful way that was by the creator design, not forced, and were still very entertaining. That era had plenty of fairness to it, so I don't know why that same curtesy can't be used for today. If it's to right some slight in the past, then sure but there's the saying "Two wrongs don't make a right". From where I'm seeing in this current age, the so called "oppressed" have become the the oppressors themselves and don't even realize it and media is suffering for it. And as a creative myself who would love to get his work to that mainstream someday, that's just disappointing to see.
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Wreckless - The Camden Yards
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*Warning Adult Content*
It's a perfect day to be at Camden Yards. The weather is gorgeous, we're playing the Yankees and I have a gorgeous, funny, sweet guy with me. He left my place before dinner last night, begging off to get some work done. I missed sleeping with him and hell, waking up with him but it was all good. Finnegan insisted on buying food, beer and snacks even though I told him they'd come around to the stands. He went a little bit overboard and I am balancing quite a bit on my lap. He bought himself a t-shirt after I turned the offer down and he's wearing it while munching on peanuts. We already had hot dogs and I am enjoying a very frothy beer.
"It's so cool from up here, I love the stadium."
"Ballpark. Not as old as Fenway or Wrigley but it's a gorgeous park. A bit small so there are lots of home runs which is always fun."
"Wait, they're not all the same size?"
"Nope, they just squeeze them into the city however they can."
"How is that fair?" he asks, more perturbed than I expected.
"It's not, darling but teams travel lots which evens it out a bit. The pitching mounds and bases are all the same, it's just the outfields that vary a little."
"Oh, that's better. There are so many people here. I know that sounds stupid because of course there are but it's different somehow being in here."
"Yeah, there's an energy. The game is about to start, you need anything else? Looks like you're well provisioned."
"I'm good, just tell me when to cheer," he teases.
"Any questions, just ask. You'll do fine."
We went over a few basic rules on the way here and it's just not that complicated of a game. Once you know how many outs there are and how many innings, you're halfway there if your goal is just to enjoy watching a game. We lost, unfortunately but Finnegan seemed to enjoy himself anyway and I did too. I actually offered to leave at the end of the sixth inning because there was no way we were going to pull ahead but Finnegan wanted to watch the entire thing. I didn't mind, it gave me more time to process my last beer.
"You should come back to my place," he offers.
I picked him up so I have to but I know what he means.
"Sounds good to me, Finnegan."
I am up for whatever is going to happen, whichever Finnegan I get.
He's very, I don't know how to put it because saying 'adult' seems condescending and I'm not sure whether or not he has the infamous 'headspace' I've read about or how he ebbs and flows. Still, I've gotten to the point that I can tell, almost by looking at him, what to expect and right now, it's not cute brief boy. The thing is that we're in public so he may change as soon as we're in the car or back at his place, I just don't know.
I have time to think as we join the mass of humanity and thread our way through the park and towards the car. I wish he'd talk more about it, open up, but none of my prying has done any good and I've learned to keep my mouth shut about it. The drive home is quiet, he mostly stares out the window and I follow him politely up to his door. He walks in, gives me enough room to close the door behind me and then stops, staring at me.
"Would you actually bottom, are you verse or were you just saying that?"
That kind of came out of nowhere.
"I'm verse. I'm happy to let you have your wicked way with me if you'd like."
"Like fifty-fifty or?"
Harder question.
"Uh, seventy-five-twenty-five maybe?"
"Wait, which one is the seventy-five?"
This is ridiculous.
"I prefer fucking, darling but if you want to I am more than happy to be fucked. Why? What's your preference?"
"I dated a bottom once and topped but eh, not my favorite. Too much work. We only lasted like two months."
That cracks me up but it's true, you'd think tops would be a dime a dozen but they're in shockingly rare supply.
"You're funny. Finnegan, how do you want this to go? We've sort of been all over the place so I don't want to assume."
"That's it exactly, I feel like I've been all over the place. It's not usually this complicated but you mess with my head a little bit. I'm not being bitchy, maybe it's a good thing but I sort of feel like my old routines don't work with you."
"Maybe we should stop talking about it and just see what happens" I say right before I kiss him.
He puts his hands around my neck, he loves playing in my hair and I grip his waist. We end up sort of heading for the couch and I decide right then and there that I'd like to put him over it.
"Wanna bend you over the couch."
"God, sounds good. Only thing it's good for, hard as a fucking rock."
"Yes, yes I am," I tease and he laughs.
He steps back just long enough for both of us to take off our shirts.
"Supplies, darling and a towel."
Don't want him coming all over the sofa.
"One second."
I watch his cute ass sashay into his bedroom and I hope he's getting rid of those pants because mine are coming off. I wonder if he'll fit kneeling over the back? Maybe leaning over is better. He's right, topping is hard.
"You're smiling. Where do you want me?"
I pull him against me, skin to skin and grab his ass, teasing his bud while I kiss his neck. He's already prepped, such a good little bottom and he moans sweetly when I slip a finger inside. He's stroking me, as if I need it and right now I hate condoms because I have to stop making his breath hitch like that and get myself ready. Once I'm lubed I reach for him, slicking his cock so that I can make him crazy later. He looks gorgeous bent over the couch, his head resting on one forearm while he slowly strokes himself with his free hand.
"Okay babe. Are you ready?" 
I've never called anyone that before but it feels good to me and he doesn't argue.
"Hmm. Please," he replies, opening beautifully as I slide inside.
I give him a few minutes to adjust and he lets me know when he's ready. He feels amazing and I pause when I'm fully seated, enjoying and appreciating the sensation of being squeezed by his sweet ass.
"Love a patient man, Emmett. Thank you."
"You feel so good, Finnegan. I want to take good care of you."
"Come on then. Show me what you've got."
And so I do.
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meditating-dog-lover · 4 months
Overwhelming - eating and exercising, confusing what works for me versus what fitness professionals advertise
Back in college I had an ed. At around 2017. And it was not fun. I can always look up a sample meal plan I had, but it was definitely restrictive and not fun to follow. I also had signs of nutritional deficiencies.
I got sick of it and felt like I was missing out on foods I enjoyed. I had cravings but told myself to not give in because I didn't want to gain weight. But I lost weight by eating less and by walking a lot. I walked a lot in college and when I moved to my mom's house walking my dogs. It burns so many calories and fat and I enjoyed it.
When I got sick of the dieting, I started looking into exercising more and eating more. Seeing that other women (including PTs) saw success by doing do. Some would eat 2500+ calories and weight lift 3-4x a week and become toned and slim. I know if I did that I would put on a lot of weight. And it's happened in the past.
So what helps? Limiting calories and brisk walking. I may be exercising often, but I am eating more calories and not being in control of the number I consume thinking that it's fine because I exercise.
Like I said I get less cravings now because of my supplements. So I can try eating less now but without worrying that I will be missing out on foods I enjoy and that I will deal with cravings. So I can look into what I consume and reduce where needed (especially for breakfast on weekends and lunch on weekdays). Another thing worth looking into is intermittent fasting. Or something that prevents me from worrying that I will die of starvation or suffer of nutritional deficiencies. I'm taking supplements anyways so these 2 won't be an issue.
So don't be afraid to reduce where it's needed. I may worry about getting hungry or cravings if I reduce my intake, but I'll take it from there. I did this in 2018 but it was disordered. So I won't recommend my diet, just recommend similar portion ideas in mind. Just be sure to take the supplements and make sure what I'm eating is healthy whole foods.
Another thing that helps is walking. I've done intensive workouts thinking that they replace paying attention to my diet. But walking along with portion and calorie control help. They helped me in 2018 where I had to walk a lot in college and then walk my dog. I also used to walk all they way to the mall. I even did a good job in 2019 with this. Again my diet was disordered and would binge, but I did not go extremely overboard with calories.
I've done a lot of challenging workout routines. However I'll go back to the basics - calorie restriction and walking. I'm not going to deal with cravings or nutritional deficiencies because I take supplements that are good quality and are highly absorbed.
I'm not hungry today for some reason. I had an upset stomach yesterday and did not eat dinner. But I woke up hungry for that reason. I went to a restaurant today at around 4:30 and it's 12:30 now and haven't been hungry since. Like I said my concern is feeling like I'm going to die of starvation or struggling with nutritional deficiencies. So I can find a way to convince myself this won't happen (a) and (b) try to get used to the habit of not having to eat fully all the time and maybe apply the principles of intermittent fasting here. Not necessarily fasting, but being comfortable with having an empty stomach.
I do have concerns that walking made my calves bigger. If anything strength training and HIIT have done that too and it's not worth ditching walking for that reason. So doing these 2 will help with removing any extra stubborn fat, reduce muscle bulk (especially in my calves), and help with bloating. Again reducing food and caloric intake and being comfortable with having an empty stomach (similar to the concepts of intermittent fasting and applying that so it becomes comfortable and I don't feel like I'm starving and missing out on foods I like), taking my supplements so I don't have to worry about nutritional deficiencies and their symptoms, and walking as my exercise and avoiding the intense stuff. I used to walk quite often in 2017-2018 going to class, walking my dog, and going to the mall. I can try to do the same, but I can see how to fit it into my schedule. Even after walking my dogs in the evening I can walk on my own and also walk on the weekends. It will make sense eventually.
I already do the walking and the supplementation. Replacing my intense workouts with diet modifications is the next step. I've improved my diet thanks to my supplements which reduced my cravings, now I want to take it a step further. I can either reduce portion sizes, eliminate some meals, or apply the principals of intermittent fasting (great for blood glucose and insulin resistance). Like the process of searching for my supplements, finding the best method and process here will take some time, effort, and trial and error. It's worth taking my work schedule into consideration (I'm on vacation now so it's not reflective of my work timing).
I've done workout routines since 2020 because I was unhappy with my body and thought intense programs will make me look better. But I was wrong and I get upset with myself for being harsh on my appearance in 2018 when that was the year I looked the best! I'm just going to repeat what I did then but with a healthier approach to eating and taking nutrition supplements along with it.
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echovoidheart · 3 years
b r e a d
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en-hale-archives · 3 years
thigh riding w jay AAAA
This is literally the request I've been WAITING for.
title ⑅ Your Turn
pairing⑅ boyfriend!Jay x fem!reader
warning ⑅ 18+ content/smut (thigh grinding, praise kink, nip play), read at your own discretion
word count ⑅ 2.4K
author's note ⑅ Yay! I didn't go overboard with this one, but by far, I had the most fun writing this! You all watch out, cause I have so many more requests to get done ...
part 2 HERE !!!
"I know it's your turn to pick the movie, but can we please not watch Cruella again?" You whine, lighting the lavender-scented candle on the coffee table.
It was your typical movie night with Jay. You wanted to make it special since he has had a hard day with work and practice, so you lined the floor with pillows and blankets to allow for ultimate comfort while snuggling close. You've actually spent quite some time decorating: there were lights streaming along the windows, popcorn bags and candies were displaced alongside the candle, and you set up your projector to cast whatever movie Jay was going to choose large against the empty white wall.
"Umm, I was actually thinking that new movie on Netflix, the one with the blindfolds." Jay struggles to take his heavy boots off.
You furrow your eyebrows, "Birdbox?"
Jay nods. "Yeah, that one."
"That movie has been out for forever now Jay." You can't help but laugh at how far behind your boyfriend always is. Last week he had ask if you both could try a "new" dance on TikTok that had lived on that app for months.
Jay smiles and grabs some popcorn as he plops down beside you on a fluffy pillow.
You let out a laugh as you grab a bag of skittles. "Jay, we have to get you caught up. Have you even seen Kissing Booth 2 yet?"
You can practically feel Jay's eyes roll at your words. "As if I have even seen the first one."
You give him a playful shove while picking up the remote and typing in his chosen movie.
"Did you get some drinks?" Jay asks. You throw your hands in the air. "Drinks! The one thing I forgot!" You shoot up from your spot and head towards the kitchen.
"Your ass looks great in those shorts," Jay yells. You give a little shake on your way towards the cabinet. You can hear his chuckle.
You walk over to the cupboard and swoosh it open, grabbing at the big bottle of sparkling water, but accidentally knock it back. You curse under your breath, stretching onto your tiptoes to reach further.
You continue to complain as you strained to reach for the bottle, not noticing Jay's presence until an arm reaches from behind and grabs the bottle with zero struggle.
"I couldn't continue to see you struggle like that." His voice tickles your ear and sends a pleasant shiver down your spine. Trapped between the counter and Jay, you had little to no room as he teasingly brushes his crotch against your ass.
You turn your head to see a smirk play out on his face. "Oh sure, you hated seeing me struggle." You push him away while you make your way back to the living room.
While you pretended that his gesture was annoying, you secretly wanted more. The fabric of his jeans created its own bulge that ran across your ass quickly, but with perfect enough tease that you want more. But you would never give Jay the satisfaction of knowing it turned you on. He can't win that easily.
Jay sat back next to you with the bottle and two cups of ice. He goes to hand you a cup, but before it could touch your hand, he lets go. The ice falls, making you yelp as the coldness interacts with your legs.
Jay takes the bottle and cup from his hand and sets them on the table before leaning down to help clean up the mess.
Okay, hold on," He started scooping ice in his hands and placing it back in the cup. His hands whisk past your open legs, coming in contact with your thighs and close to your sensitive area. When his hand reaches to grab at an ice cube close to your inner thighs, your body shivers in response.
"Just a little more, almost there," Jay whispers. He cleans the ice that had fallen around your feet and shins but makes sure to not forget to give them a slight touch, causing another tremor, but this one is violent. You cross your legs over one another and grip them tightly, trying to wash away the sudden tingles that appeared. His warm hands with the mix of his naughty words cause an unexpected arousal out of you.
Jay notices this shiver and looks up at you with that million-dollar smirk. "Oh my god, is this turning you on?" He sounds jokingly, but you can hear the change of tone in his voice.
You jerk away your legs as he finishes picking up the smaller pieces. "No." You say, matter-of-factly. But Jay's smirk just grows bigger and bigger. He lays the cup on the table and sits back beside you.
He goes to poke your thigh and laughs, which causes you to smack him in the chest. You start the movie and feel Jay's hand slide over your thigh again, but this time it was there to stay.
five minutes into the movie, he starts to rub your thigh gently, and you don't protest. The warmth of his hand and the friction it was causing stirs you crazy. You take deep breaths and can tell that he's noticing your change in pace.
To your surprise, he turns and places his soft lips on yours making you hum in realization. Seconds later he pulls away teasingly.
"You're mean," you whisper, and Jay giggles, not taking his eyes off your lips. He takes your hands without looking and guides them on his own thighs.
"Jay -- the movie," you whine, but you already knew that this movie was long over before it even began.
"So?" He mumbles, biting his lip. His hand hadn't moved from your thigh, and you didn't want to move yours from his.
You give an exaggerated sigh before wrapping your arms around his neck. Jay couldn't help but smirk as his eyes wander and look you up and down.
You're wearing my shirt -- it looks good on you." His smile widens. Jay loves his shirts large, so this shirt on your frame was 3 times too big, hiding your shorts underneath.
"But I bet what's underneath is hotter." He teases in your ear. You roll your eyes as he takes his hands and lifts your shirt high enough to touch the waistband of your shorts.
"Jay!" You whine.
Without having to ask, you let him raise the shirt above you, arms stretched high above your head. Beneath was a dark purple sports bra that had complicated straps that fell against your back. This was the perfected timing too, cause you had been meaning to show him your brand new buy.
Jay massages your back as he takes in your figure. This turned you on so hard, the way his eyes scanned your body made you feel like a treasure box, special and golden.
With that little push of motivation, you straddle yourself against his lap, which earned you a shocked "oh" out of Jay's mouth.
You give a slight giggle while you scoot in and his hands move to caress your hips.
"Is this turning you on?" You tease near his ear. Jay let out a shaky breath before brushing his lips against yours.
"Yeah," he spoke, giving your lips a quick kiss, "I'm really turned on." You can't help but gasp when you feel his hands squeeze your ass and massage gently.
Jay takes it upon himself to move you back and forth against his jeans and you let out a soft moan. He connects his lips on yours and you sigh into the kiss, speeding up the light sways against his groin.
He suddenly breaks the kiss and it causes an angry groan out of you. "Jay please don't tease me right now."
"Hold on." He lightly tapes your ass, gesturing for you to get up and you do.
He strides confidently over to the couch you had pushed to the corner and sits back against it, patting at his thigh.
You blink in confusion, wondering what the difference between the padded floor and the couch was going to do.
"You wanted me to sit on your lap on the couch?"
Jay slowly shakes his head. He pats at his thigh again. You turn your head in pure confusion at what he was getting at, and your temper was rising seeing as he left you with a tingling sensation that continued to torture you.
"I want you to sit on my thigh."
You blink in surprise. "You want me to sit on your thigh?"
"Mmhm." He ground his lips together while he explore your body again.
You ponder for a second. You did love to play with his thighs when you were sucking his cock, and you sat in his lap anytime you could. You remember the way his thighs went from a pasty white to a light tan and the strains of hair that ran along his skin and teased you as they led up his shorts. You had never thought about it before, but sitting on Jay's thigh sounded more appetizing than anything else.
You sigh loudly and draw in a deep and annoyed breath, but you knew how much you want this. You picked his left thigh and straddle slowly with Jay's hand guiding you over. You position your hands on his shoulders as you situate yourself just right on him. You could feel Jay's eyes on you, waiting with excitement.
You squint at him, "how long has this fantasy been on your bucket list?"
He chuckles, "a very long time." His hands find the bottom of your shorts and bunch them up, revealing your cheeks. He grabs behind your knee and drags you closer, adjusting himself to be as close to you as possible.
He pecks softly at your neck. "I want to watch you get off on my thigh." His words were barely a whisper but it causes a shaky breath out of your mouth.
"Jay--" you could feel your hips start to automatically sway.
"I want you to let go of all the stress you've been feeling, right here on my lap."
You could feel your body begin to flush in heat, and you felt your head getting dizzy. "Kiss me." You moan out.
Jay takes his lips off your neck and plants them hard on your mouth. You cup his face and move fast against his lips, letting your tongue dance in his mouth. You can't help but let the moans out as you increase your movements just a bit, feeling your hips sync in perfect motion with his slow thrusts.
Jay's hands find their way up to cup your breasts and let his fingers play with your nipples through the thin fabric. In minutes, they became hard and sensitive.
Your whine came out high-pitch and you could feel Jay's lips lift up in a smile. You break the kiss to be able to take a moment and focus on your movements. Jay takes his chance to move his mouth back and your neck to suck and lick. You tilt your head back and moan his name quietly.
"Good girl," Jay praises. Your mouth was gaping open, hot and wet. Jay strokes your lower back gently, helping you grind down harder on his leg. You feel yourself freeze as he takes over and flexes his thigh in short pulses. "That's it, let me give you what you want."
You have a hard time moving again because of just how good his leg felt coming in contact with your arousal, "come on, don't stop."
You force your hips to grind again. Your knee was against Jay's groin and you could feel his erection grow within seconds. He even let out his own moans. That was enough motivation for you to move faster.
You guide your hand over his bulge and you feel his leg jerk up immediately, making you jump.
"Fuck," he moans, "I wish I would've taken my jeans off, I want to feel you make a mess on me."
Jay's words turned you on harder than they should've. You bury your face in the crook of his neck and can't help but let the heavy moans out. You feel the wetness in your panties and were sure they had leaked out from your shorts and onto his pants.
Moments later, your pace had decreased and you could hear Jay's impatience ring out in your ear. "Come on y/n," he grabs at your hips and pushes you down harder. "I want you to come on my thigh, please baby," Jay begs.
You dig your nails into his arms as you begin slamming into him. You could feel your legs shake and tremble. You felt yourself arriving at the edge.
"You're right there. Keep going, you're doing so well princess." You whine into his neck at the nickname he calls you. "Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop," he repeats. Your hips grind vigorously against his thigh, your breathing growing frantic and faint. Jay grabs you in a hug tightly, his muscular arms wrap around you and squeeze gently. You fall into the moment as you wrap your arms around his neck and let your orgasm go.
Your thighs tighten around his and you jerk hard. You catch Jay's lips again and cry into them. Jay holds you firmly and rubs at your back. you continue to squirm against him even when you feel your orgasm depleting. Jay loosens his grip on you and you sit up, feeling him watch as your face twisted while you rode down from your high.
Once your breathing went back to normal, you giggle at how easy it was to get off on his thigh. "Oh my god," you sigh on his shoulder. Jay spanks your ass lightly, giggling with you.
He pulls you up and cups your face in his hands, giving you a soft kiss, "thank you for making my dreams come true." You can't help but smile at his words.
"Of course." You leap off of his lap and try to find your balance on your feet. You stretch out before placing yourself back on the couch.
"Did you not want to move back to the blankets to finish the movie?"
You shake your head, "nope." You pat your thigh and jay looks down at you with shock.
"Your turn."
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hotchscvm · 3 years
hoe hoe hoe - part one
Warnings: dark!Steve, student/teacher relationship
Word count: 2.2k
Pairings: Professor!Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Your dad's best friend isn't exactly who you thought he'd be.
chris evans masterlist
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Walking in the front door, the smell of eggnog, and pine hit your nose, mixing in with the warmth of the newly cooked food in the kitchen. Looking around the house, you registered how much decorating you had left your father to do, pondering whether or not he strained his back putting up the Christmas tree. You'd have to make it up to him somehow.
"Dad! I'm home." you yelled out, stepping out of your shoes. Even with the amount of work he had done, he still had the time to shovel the driveway despite the heavy amount of snow that had precipitated last night. The mixed-breed boxer pawed his way to you, the dog panting as he snuggled himself against your leg. "Hey, cutie."
Your father stuck his head from the kitchen, motioning for you to come into the room. "In the kitchen. I was getting worried that you got stuck in traffic. It's an absolute nightmare coming into the city from 122 right now."
Entering the kitchen with Dodger, you went to hug your dad, your arms wrapping around his waist. The man chuckled, giving your cold body a hug back before kissing your forehead. You sighed, pulling away, looking around the kitchen to see the dining room covered with food. "Traffic was a bitch, but I managed to get out of it. Although, I may have made a couple of people mad, but you gotta do what you have to do, right?"
"You got that right, pumpkin." he replied. For someone with a 20 year old daughter, the man was young, having you with his high school sweetheart at 19. He gestured at the food. "You hungry? I made all of this and I'm not sure that everyone at the party will eat all of this."
"Jesus, Dad, were you drunk when you made all of this? This is enough to feed the whole country." you commented, walking up to the table to grab a mini quiche off the plate. Your tongue swirled around the food, relishing the flavor. It was a gift having your father as a successful chef.
"I may have went overboard with the cooking, but I got excited." he explained, chuckling. Pouring some eggnog in a mug, he offered it to you, taking a sip of his own before announcing his news. "An old friend of mine is coming for the party. My best friend in college. He's in town for the holidays, and he'll be staying with us for a few. That okay?"
You nodded, washing the remaining quiche in the eggnog, swallowing it down. "Yeah, that's fine. Who's this friend of yours? Have I met him before?"
"You used to call him Uncle Steve, but he left for Brooklyn when you were four. I doubt you'd remember him but he gave you that necklace last year when he couldn't make it. He's a professor in Brooklyn now, but he wanted to come to Boston, spend the holidays with us."
"Wait, he gave me this necklace?" you asked, holding up the golden angel wings between your fingers. Your dad nodded, untying the knot on his apron. "Oh, wow. Hey, I officially get to thank him for it."
You dad agreed, nodding again as he popped a mint in his mouth, his teeth grinding down on it. "Yes, you will. He'll appreciate seeing you again. He's been talking about seeing his favorite girl—shit."
"Something wrong?"
"I forgot to pick up the ham today. I've been so busy making everything for today that I completely forgot about the main course for tomorrow." said your father, rubbing the bridge of his nose, mentally slapping himself. He sighed. "Can you take the pie out of the oven when it's ready? I have to run to the store really quick and get the ham."
Shaking your head, you stopped him, pushing his clearly exhausted body into the nearest chair, shaking a finger at him when he tried to stand back up. "No, no, no. You're tired and you need to rest. I'll get the ham, and anything else you need. Text me a list."
"Pumpkin, you don't have to do that. You just got home—" he was cut off by your insistent expression, the man relenting. "Okay, fine. Go to the Costco, they have a better selection there. And drive safe, it's supposed to be snowing tonight but with Massachusetts weather, you never know if it'll start early."
"Gotcha. I'll be back soon. In the meantime, you sit, rest, and text me a list of things I need." you said, grabbing the keys from the table. The cold air hit your face, your cheeks stinging from the impact. You winced, wishing home was somewhere warmer.
The drive to Costco was nostalgic, the familiar buildings and roads bringing back memories so deep you forgot they existed. The little ice cream place reminded you of your first kiss with your first grade boyfriend. You had immediately broken up with him the next day, claiming it was the way he walked when he asked if it was his sloppy peck on the lips. You had lied through your teeth.
Slosh was fun, it made it that much gross to walk through the barely shoveled parking lot, nearly slipping as you reached the entrance. One of the employees by the door handed you a cart, giving you a curt smile before returning to his spot.
Pushing the cart down the aisles, you immediately head to the grocery area, getting a text from your dad of all the food to get. With how short the list was, the cart had been unnecessary, but you decided to get all the last minute Christmas shopping out of the way, grabbing a Christmas card to match the present you had gotten for your father.
You had just bent over, reaching for the ham when you heard your name called, the familiar voice making you look up. A few feet behind you stood your history professor, a surprised smile on his face as he took you in. You returned the smile, stunned by the sight of you professor. "Professor Rogers? Hey, what're you doing here?"
The blond raised an eyebrow, his piercing blue eyes flickering to the necklace visible. He smirked inside, his heart warming at the thought. "I'm in the city for the holidays. I'm staying with a friend, catch up with them. What about you? Any exciting plans for Christmas?"
"Just spending it with my dad." you replied, reaching behind you to randomly grab a ham, not looking at the brand, and dropped it in the cart. "To be honest, I didn't think you could even leave Brooklyn. I mean, you practically worship the city, it's a surprise seeing you outside of it."
Professor Rogers laughed, his laughter was what you imagined angels to sound like. To say you had a tiny crush on the hot professor was understandable, although, so did everyone who had eyes. The professor leaned against the freezer, his eyes never breaking from yours. "Brooklyn's nice but it's nice to get out once in a while. That's a beautiful necklace you have there."
"Thanks, I got it from my dad's friend." you said, blushing slightly at the compliment. Taking a quick look at your phone, you noted you had everything your dad had asked for. Glancing back up at the Professor Rogers, you noticed how close he was, barely a few feet away. You gave him a smile. "It was nice seeing you, Professor. I'll see you in class."
Before you could move your cart, the professor placed a hand on it, motioning for you to pause. The blond scratched the back of his head, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Do you need help with anything? I can help you load this in your car, if you want."
"I didn't realize you worked at Costco, Professor." you teased, earning the cutest blush from the blond. Giggling, you shook your head, enjoying his company a lot more than it was allowed. "Don't worry, it's fine. It's not a lot, and I wouldn't want to bother—"
"You're not." he interrupted, sheepishly staring at the floor. The professor made himself look up, smirking when he realized you were blushing. "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to. Humor me?"
Call it stupidity or side effects of Steve Rogers' presence, but you wanted to spend more time with him, no matter how domestic the chore. Your smile widened, if possible, and you nodded. "Alright, if you insist. I've gotten everything I need, so I can tag along with you."
"All I really needed was some coffee," Professor Rogers held up the little plastic container filled with coffee grounds. Your thoughts immediately went to his hands wrapped around the cylinder, mentally slapping yourself for finding the simple action hot. "I'm ready to go if you are."
"Oh, okay. Let's go then."
The wall from the grocery area to the checkout was rather fun, the professor making you blush too many times to count, the smile on either of your faces never leaving. It wasn't a secret how many people fought to be in his class, guys included, mostly trying to "bond" with the professor only to get turned down every time someone had the balls to ask him. But it never stopped anyone from trying. It was almost pathetic, but very amusing in a sadistic way.
Professor Rogers held your grocery bags in his hands, effortlessly carrying them while you tried to take them back, feeling bad for having your professor help you out. The man would wave away your pleas, and you gave up as soon as you neared your car, unlocking the doors, and opened the trunk, Professor Rogers unloading all the bags inside. You bit back a smile, admiring the view, jealously wondering who would be lucky enough to end up as his wife.
He closed up the trunk once he was done, shifting his weight between his feet. "So, are you staying in Boston for the whole break or...?"
"Yup. I haven't spent much time with my dad since summer, and I've been guilted to stay in the cold since he's too stubborn to go somewhere warmer." you answered, playfully rolling your eyes. Professor Rogers walked you to the driver's side while you played with your keys, not wanting to say goodbye to him already. "What about you?"
"Me, too." said the professor, tucking his hands in his winter coat. He sighed, the smile dropping. "It was really nice to see you. I'll see you soon, sweetheart."
You nearly swooned at the nickname, cursing your heart for being so easily affected. "You, too, Professor. Happy Holidays and all that."
He laughed, walking off with a wave, the smile that had fallen now impended on his face as he walked back to his car. Steve turned around to see you get in yours, unsubtly staring at your ass. He sighed once again, a wave of sadness washing over him, the feeling he got every time he had to say goodbye to you. It would only be a couple of minutes, but it didn't make him hate it any less.
You drove off after a few seconds of getting your shit together; seeing your unbearable hot professor made you feel like a disgusting head-over-heels in love teenager. Or in other words, it made you the same as those desperate girls back on campus. You scoffed at the thought, starting your car. Hopefully, you'd see him again before class starts, but you highly doubt it.
Snow was falling, the little flurries making it harder to see through the windshield, only to stop suddenly when you reached your house. You grabbed the groceries from the trunk, easily carrying it into the house, so focused on not slipping that you hadn't noticed a very familiar car in the driveway.
Opening the door with ease, you entered the house, almost getting knocked out by the eager dog, jumping up on you. Laughing, you placed all the bags in one arm, reaching down with your free one to pet Dodger. The dog panted happily, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as it dismounted it's paws off your legs. The house had gotten awfully warm, even for you, and you immediately set the bags down to take off your coat. You hadn't noticed the shoes besides the door.
"Dad, I'm back." you announced, picking up the bags and headed to the kitchen, your gaze on the floor, careful not to slip.
Your father clapped Steve's back, the broad blond's presence gone unnoticed by you while you dropped the bags on the kitchen island. Your dad smiled. "Thanks, pumpkin. Honey, this is Steve, my buddy from college."
You turned around, facing them, a grin on your face, only to drop slightly when you saw who Steve was. There, standing in the middle of your kitchen, stood your history professor, all six feet of him, nonchalantly grinning at you. He engulfed you in a hug, leaving you breathless. "Professor?"
"Hello, sweetheart."
next >
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vannybarber · 3 years
Prank Backfired
Summary: This idiot plays too much.
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Christopher Jamal Evans x Black Reader
Warnings: cursing, weaponry, mentions of cheating, threats of christopher jamal evans' life.
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Chris, the most mischievous man you know, decided to upgrade that status and play a prank on you. A stupid one might you add.
You walk through the door after a long day of work. Even though you loved what you did and it paid amazing money, it could drain the hell out of you. You set everything down and kick off your shoes in the hall, heading towards the couch and plopping down.
Chris comes through into the living room and identically plops down beside you. You slackly move over to kiss him.
"Hey bubba", you say, but before you could reach his lips, he quickly leans back with a hardened look on his face. Confused you lean back as well.
"Chris, what's wrong?" He takes a deep breath, which does not help your racing heartbeat whatsoever, and starts talking.
"I'm just gonna be straight with it. I've been seeing this girl, well sleeping with her, for a few weeks now."
If looks could kill, you'd be sentenced life without parole for murder in the first, second and third degree. But hearing his words had you feeling all types of emotions. Angry, hurt, confused, flabbergasted, scared even, just to name a few.
"It was eating me up inside and I just had to come out and say it. I couldn't hold it from you anymore." He was fiddling with his hands and not even looking at you. It was quite strange because if he had something important to tell you, he would always look you in the eye.
"Who is she? Do I know her?" Your leg is bouncing and you're cracking your knuckles trying to hold it together.
"It was that waitress from Durty Nelly's on Blackstone. When you went to the bathroom, she slipped me her number."
"That bleach blonde, trailer-park trash, cousin-fucking tramp with those ugly cut out shorts and uneven boobs?" Oh there was no way in hell he cheated on you with that. Something was up.
But then you remembered. You never went to that bathroom because ew. You were considering it and you got up only to make 2 steps before sitting back down. And that girl was 2 booths down from y'all. There was no way she 'slipped him her number'. This motherfucker was lying.
"Yep.." he bites both lips. "That's her. Look babe, I'm sorry. I truly am. I don't know what I was doing. You know I have a habit on hopping from one thing to another." The fucking nerve of this fool. He finally looks at you and he honestly deserves all his success because he's really pulling this prank off.
"Well, I don't really have anything to say to you right now. I'm just gonna get my shit and go. You cheat on me with the literal definition of vile and expect me to forgive you like that? I mean out of all the people in this world, Christopher."
Still playing into his prank, you get up and walk towards the bedroom. He follows suite, totally thinking he's the shit pulling one on you, but things were about to get interesting. You turn into the bedroom going straight for the closet.
"Listen Y/N, I don't want to lose you okay? I just can't seem to let go of her. She's addicting, if I'm being honest." You just shake your head and chuckle. If you didn't know this was a prank, he'd probably be in intensive care right now.
"Baby boy, that is fine. You don't gotta worry about me anymore."
You move around his duffle bag and your never ending boxes of shoes until you find the one box you're looking for. You pull out the Yatch Club Vans box and set it on the island in the closet.
"You know, I don't know how you could cheat on me. I mean, besides the fact that I'm literally the best person over, look at me. Look at this fine black queenyou got standing infront of you. This shape is unique and very much rare. It don't get no better than this, honey. That's a fact."
You open the box and stare at your Glock 19. Yes, you had a gun. No, he didn't know about it. But he was about to find out now. You pull it out and insert the magazine. In the process, you hear Chris very audibly gasp and you smirk to yourself.
"Y/N Y/MN Y/LN! What the hell are you doing with a gun?" He absentmindedly backs up out of fear, for you were a very unpredictable person that it was actually scary.
"At first it was just for safety. I learned how to use it and everything. But since my mans wants to go out and have an affair, don't you think we should end it with something for you to truly remember me by?" By the time you're done talking, the gun is loaded and ready to be used. Only you had it on safety, of course.
"Babe listen calm down. For real Y/N. Look okay I was just joking. It's-it's just a prank. I didn't cheat I swear!" He has his hands up like he's surrendering, but pushing you away. Probably because you have the gun pointing to him. Gosh, this was so fun.
"Yeah sure it is. You can't even lie right. Well, one of us isn't making it out alive and I'm sure it's the one without the gun." You evilly smile and move closer to him. You lowkey feel really bad because your puppy is legitimately scared out of his little mind.
"Baby please listen to me. I was just joking! I would never cheat on you. I mean look at you. Why would I want that walking Pacific Ocean when I have you? I would never hurt you like that. You gotta believe me. I promise, just put the gun down please."
You tried to hold on for a few more minutes, but he was near tears and it tugged at your soft heart. You lower the gun and take it back apart.
"That didn't feel so good did it? I knew it was a prank. I just wanted to get you back." You close the box and put it back in it's place. You turn to him with your hands on your hips.
"Y/N, that wasn't funny. Why would you do that?" He moves closer to you, now angry. But oh well.
"That feeling that you had in your chest, that anxiety and fear. That's what I was feeling when you told me you cheated. You know I have trust issues and that wasn't funny at all. I wanted you to feel the same way. Maybe I went too far, but it's a done deal now."
You brush past him and back into the room. When you get into it, he is right behind you and grabbing your arm.
"I'm honestly sorry okay. I was just messing around and I wasn't being considerate of your feelings. I didn't think it would affect you like this. I didn't mean to put you in that position." You smile at his apology, knowing he was truly sorry.
"I will admit, I went a little overboard, knowing full well it was a prank from the start. You're a smart man. You know what you got right here." You trail your hands down your body playfully and pose. He giggles and wraps his large biceps around you.
"I won't do this again. I promise." He leans down and connects your lips, finally giving you what you wanted since you stepped foot in the door. You pull back and look up at him.
"To redeem yourself, you can order me take out and grab that foot massager I just bought and get to work, peasant," you giggle out while he rubs your sides.
"Your wish is my command." He grovels at your feet.
"As it should." And with that you sashay away like that HBIC you were 💅🏾.
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This scenario came up in my head this morning and I wrote all of it tonight. How great is that? Now I shall work on my Andy Barber fic 😌
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cottoncandy-jester · 3 years
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✨Lie down darling it's time for a dream✨
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Bad dogs (asahi azumane x male reader x bokuto koutarou)
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This idea hasn't left my head so hear we are
Don't mind the gif..that's just my favorite scene
This story contains: threesome, humping, reader is a hella tsundere, use of the word daddy, anal sex, sub bokuto, sub asahi, public sex
You let a slight growl escape you as you glared at bokuto who shuddered under you, he let out a stuttering sigh as you pressed your foot against his erection. You two were in the storage room just before a game, bokuto whined against your touch now gripping your leg and rubbing himself against you
"d-daddy~ please, be meaner to me..ah..it hurts so bad"
"who knew the great ace could be such a slutty little mutt? We have a game to win, everyone's waiting for you and you are more concerned about cumming. How selfish"
You were fukurodani libero and the one who kept bokuto in his place, yeah akaashi took care of the male as well but you were the one to knock him down a few pegs if he goes overboard.
"you were screaming and being wild before, come on where is that energy kou? Or do you only act like that cause you know that being loud will piss me off?"
Your low tone made the male gulp before he shook his head. He needed you, he knows he doesn't even get the right to fuck you you would never let someone as dirty as him touch you there but the fact that he gets to touch your leg was heaven to him.
"[y/n]..please, I wanna cum"
"then get to humping dog, you've been bad so I'm not moving"
You sat down on some mats before patting your lap watching as bokuto crawled to you before sitting on your lap his bulge pressing against your right leg.
As he started to move you could hear the door open, bokuto was far too busy trying to get pleasure that he didn't notice a karasuno crow come flying in.
You held the back of bokuto's head now burying his face into your neck as he grunted and moaned into your ear in a needy whiny way. Your eyes locked with asahi who looked very pale, he was asked to check up on you two but this was insane he didn't expect this at all.
"need something?"
"ah! N-no its- i- is he okay?!"
You chuckled at the male's response before glancing at bokuto who bucked his hips against your leg roughly feeling his cock throb in his gym shorts, his muffled moans getting loud when you reached down in his shorts and softly squeezed his cock.
"yeah, just horny. And I see you are too"
Asahi flinched as he pulled down his shirt over his shorts, his face flushed as he could hear bokuto's muffled sobs for you to touch him growling louder.
To be honest asahi was beyond jealous, he liked you ever since he first saw you. He wanted you to be all his, so this broke him a little and before he knew it he was walking over to you and gulped as you stared at him curiously.
"p-please- let me do that too"
"disgusting dogs, ugh fine hop on my other side"
Asahi perked up before nervously sitting with your leg pressed against his cock, he bit his bottom lip as he started to move now letting out a shaky sigh before he felt a hand grip his arm.
He flinched and glanced over at bokuto who gave the ace a sly grin before whispering something in his ear, you didn't pay it much mind since you yourself was getting hard just looking at them. You gulped as you reached down to stroke your own cock only to be pushed down fully on the mattress by bokuto
"the hell are you doing, dog?! Who gave you the right to Touch me"
"you always have control, now it's my turn. I finally get to touch you all over like I've been dreaming of sice forever!"
Asahi gulped as he looked down at you, your angry eyes glaring at them as your cock sat twitching in your shorts. You moved to sit up only to be pushed back down by bokuto who leaned down to kiss along your neck needily, his hands roamed under your shirt as he felt your nipples harden at his touch.
"I get to touch [y/n], finally have you all to myself. This time you're at my mercy"
This made asahi twitch as he watched the male hog you all to himself, bokuto was supposed to share. The brown haired male quickly yanked your shorts down while bokuto was kissing on you, he softly nudged the white haired male who pulled back and now noticed your hard cock. The sight of you was breathtaking
Your eyes were tear filled, your cheeks flushed and your arm tried to cover your face. You were panting softly and even drooling a little.
"you idiots better make me cum or I'm killing you both for this"
"relax, let us do this!"
Bokuto grinned as he took his pants off but heard a knock on the storage door which startled all three of you. When you moved to put your pants on and open the door bokuto panicked before grabbing your waist and holding you in his lap his precum covered cock poking your hole.
Asahi knew what the male was up to so he moved in front of you and kissed your neck while taking his own shorts off before settling on your lap making sure both your cocks were pressed against each other. You glared back at bokuto as you felt him poke your hole more clearly wanting to put it in
"[y/n]'s hole...ahhh~ I get to fuck it I'm actually going to fuck you"
Before you can warn him you felt the male roughly slide himself inside as asahi kissed your lips now humping against you having both your cocks rub against each other, a muffled moan escaped you as you wrapped your arms around asahi's neck.
"Fuck- tight tight tight! Ahh tell me to move [y/n], order me around..call me your slut please I'm still your little boy right?"
His voice sounded panicked as he held your hips and refused to move unless you talked to him. When you pulled back from asahi's kiss you let out a shaky huff of annoyance but grinded your ass against the male
"kou, if you don't fuck the absolute shit out of me right now you won't ever be allowed to touch me, understand you mutt?"
That broke the male who went into a frenzy his hands now wrapping around your waist as he wildly thrusts in and out of you while tears blurred his vision.
"no no no no! You can't! I won't allow it! Don't ever stop touching me! Don't ever stop giving me affection- daddy! Daddy please! Always touch me, cause I'm yours I'm yours to bully and torment"
He was sobbing while fucking you mercilessly. Your loud muffled moans were only making him hump against you faster and faster now practically resembling an animal in heat. If that wasn't worse enough asahi was now stroking both of your cocks while humping against you more and more his hands pinching your nipples while he shoved his tongue down your throat hoping to savor the taste of you forver.
When the two of you pulled back for air you were a moaning mess, back arched and close to climax. Your hands digged into asahi's neck and that normally would have hurt him but in that moment he only groaned and went faster.
"ah! [Y/n], your cock is rubbing against mine so good, I'm going to cum..please let me cum all over you"
"let me cum inside you, please please! I can't take it anymore, I need to cum inside of you or I'm going to explode!"
The two boys whined and sobbed against you as you drooled and panted lustfully, your mind was clouded and at the moment you just wanted to feel their hot cum both on and in you.
"do it, cum right now you dirty dogs..ah..do it before I lose my fucking patience"
Even when getting fucked like crazy you still degraded them but that's exactly what they wanted. Soon enough the three of you were cumming thick strings of cum.
As you leaned your back against bokuto's chest trying to catch your breath your eyes landed on your jersey which had fun on it, anger bubbled within you and you let out a low growl.
"damn horny idiots got cum on my shirt, screw you both"
Bokuto gave a sleepy hum as he kissed along your neck only for you to shove his face away and get off him. He whined as he clung to your leg, asahi soon joined him gripping your other leg now.
"please, daddy..I'm not done with you yet, just a little more"
"[y/n], will you let me continue if I called you master? I want to feel you more will you let me?"
As you looked down at the two you couldn't help but smirk, you licked your lips with excitement before glancing at the storage door deciding to just say screw it and sat right back down.
"whoever cleans me off better gets to cum on my face"
With that you had both men rushing to you ready to please you in hopes of being able to cum on that pretty face of yours.
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sproutsgcrden · 3 years
when the seafoam floats | chapter one
the entrance exam
summary: Aizawa Michi isn't sure of a lot of things in her life, but she is sure that Midoriya Izuku is going to be a great hero. Following him from Aldera Middle School to Yuuei High only cements that fact, even if he does have a strange new quirk.
author's note: this is a longtime coming! i've been planning Michi's story for over a year now, and i'm so excited to finally be able to share it! keep in mind that this a retelling of canon with an oc-- some things will be different, some things will be the same. i update every monday on ao3.
masterlist | read on ao3 | next chapter
want to be tagged? send in an ask and let me know!
art done by emmythetaciturn!
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father | sent 06:48
good luck. don’t die. i’ll get you a kit-kat later
loudmouth | sent 07:03
nem | sent 07:06
You’re going to do amazing today, my little mimichan 💕💕
Missed Call | izukun💚 | 07:49
izukun💚 | sent 07:49
Hey! I’m here! Call me when you’re close? 😊
Michi clicked the call back button, bringing the phone up to her ear as the familiar dial tone rang. The black skirt of her middle school uniform swayed gently in the wind as she continued her trek up the path that led to Yuuei High School. Her seafoam green hair, wavy as it was, was pulled back into her usual half-bun. Even if it was completely down, it would barely reach her shoulders. Her narrowed brown eyes began to search for the familiar green hair of her friend among the throng of middle school students in her way.
A click sound through the phone, and through the static and background noise Michi could make out a meek voice. Her lips formed a small grin, and her pace sped up. If she bumped into anyone, well, she could apologize later.
“Hello? Micchan?”
Michi excused herself past a couple who were walking extremely slow for her tastes, and tightened her bag to her shoulder with her free hand. “Hey Izukun! I’m about to pass the gates, so I’ll probably see you within a minute or two. Where are you at?” The golden gates seemed to dazzle in the sun. The young girl had been here many times with her father, but for some reason the entrance seemed especially intimidating today.
“Oh, I’m on the left side of the walkway, right by a pillar…” Michi could hear Izuku’s hesitance through the phone. “Are uh, are you nervous at all?”
“Nervous? Izukun, of course I’m nervous. This is the biggest entrance exam in the entire country. I doubt my quirk will be useful during the physical- but hey, that’s why we trained, yeah? If anyone can pull this off, it’s us!” Just then, Michi passed through the gate. She saw a glimpse of green hair behind one of the pillars, and changed her direction. “Anyways, I’m right behind you.”
A muffled and surprised screech sounded through her phone’s speaker, causing Michi to look up at the source of the noise. Izuku had turned around so quickly that he tripped, but luckily a nearby girl helped him. After hanging up her phone and putting it in her bag, Michi quickly ran towards the duo before her.
“Are you okay?” The cheerful voice of the brunette standing in front of Izuku carried through the open air. “Sorry for using my quirk on you without asking first! I know that some people may not like that, but I figured it would be better than falling!” The girl helped Izuku stand straight and released her quirk just as Michi caught up to them.
Leaning over, Michi gave Izuku a once over, just to make sure he didn’t actually hit anything before he was caught. When she didn’t see anything wrong, she nodded and turned to the brunette standing beside her. “Thanks for catching him. He can be a little clumsy- nerves aren’t really helping today.”
“Oh, it’s no problem! This whole thing is way nerve-wracking!” The two turned to Izuku, who was too busy staring off into space to be aware of anything around them. “Anyways- my name is Uraraka Ochako! Good luck in the exam!”
Michi bowed respectfully..“Aizawa Michi. And this is Midoriya Izuku. Good luck to you as well.” Uraraka nodded, and walked into the building, brown hair bouncing gracefully. Michi watched her walk inside before she turned her attention to her friend, who was muttering too quietly for her to catch on to what he was saying.
With a huff of amusement, she slapped his shoulder and began to guide him into the building. “Izukun, I know you don’t have much experience with girls, but you could at least try to introduce yourself to the one who saved you from eating the sidewalk.” Michi laughed as Izuku’s face went from shocked to embarrassed.
“Oh gosh, you’re right. I was too busy trying to figure out her quirk to even say anything! Do you think she noticed?” Their shoes scruffed against the paved stairs as they continued their walk, eventually reaching the door and going inside. “I mean, what do you think it was? I think it could be some sort of gravity manipulation based on how I floated- that’s perfect for rescue work! She would be an amazing hero, I really hope she makes it in- is that- Thirteen?!”
Thirteen was stationed at a long table at the end of the entrance hall, clearly meant to be a check-in. They pointed directions for the potential students in front of Izuku and Michi as they handed out pamphlets. Izuku began to shake, from nerves or excitement Michi couldn’t tell. She assumed a mixture of both. It wasn’t everyday you got to meet such influential heroes in person- at least for the normal civilian.
As the duo eventually made their way to the front of the line, Thirteen greeted them enthusiastically. “Welcome to Yuuei, Hero Hopefuls! Can you please give me your school I.D.s so we can get you checked in and ready to go?” Michi and Izuku, of course, already had their identification available. Thirteen quickly took them, and checked the two of them into the system. After handing a freshly printed packet to each of them, along with their I.D.s, Thirteen pointed them down the hall.
“Those packets include the booklets you will use in the written exam, along with information regarding the physical you’ll take after. Your proctor will explain everything in more detail once they’re ready to start the exam. Aizawa-san, you’ll be in room 1-E, right down the hall after taking the first left. Midoriya-san, you’ll be in room 1-G, just a few doors further down. Good luck to the both of you!”
Michi led the way to their respective rooms, clearly having some knowledge on where to go. Izuku followed her lead, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Uh, Micchan?” The girl in question absentmindedly nodded her head, gesturing for Izuku to continue his question. “Well, I was just thinking, isn’t it a bit strange that we haven’t seen Kacchan yet?”
“Why would you want him to see you today of all days?”
“I don’t! I just-” Izuku sighed, causing Michi to pause and pull him to the side of the hall. “If he does see me, I’d rather it be before everything starts? At least it wouldn’t be so embarrassing if he yelled at me in an empty hallway versus a classroom.”
Michi nodded in understanding, waiting a moment before speaking. “I don’t think he’d go too overboard today, Izuku. At least, not on campus? Yuuei is very strict in their policies, so he’d likely be barred from taking the exam if he started screaming at you for nothing.” She gave him a reassuring grin. “And if he did, I’d punch him in the face. Again.”
“Micchan! You can’t just talk about how you punched Kacchan!”
“Why not? The asshole deserved it for what he said. And you know it.”
“I mean, maybe he did. But I’m sure you’ll be barred from taking the exam for talking about how you assaulted another student so openly!”
“Yeah... But I could still make it into general studies, probably. Besides, my old man already knows I cracked open Bakugou’s nose.”
“Micchan!” Izuku’s eyes were wide, but he couldn’t mask the giggles leaving his mouth quite fast enough. Michi smiled in response- a large, open-mouthed smile that rarely came from the normally stoic girl. Once Izuku calmed down, he began to talk once more. “Oh yeah. I forgot you mentioned your dad taught here. I’m still upset you won’t tell me which hero he is.”
Michi huffed, a small ounce of suppressed laughter. “Dad doesn’t like me sharing his hero identity, Izukun. But, to give you a clue…”
Izuku leaned in closely, ready to hear whatever could possibly clue him in on the mysterious hero.
“You have a few pages dedicated to him in one of your notebooks! I think number eleven?”
Green eyes widened comically as Izuku took in the implications of his friend’s words. “You mean I already wrote about your dad and you won’t tell me which hero he is?!”
“I thought it was funny.” Michi shrugged with a small grin. “Plus, like I said, dad doesn’t like people knowing his hero identity.”
“I still- I wrote about your dad and you never said anything!”
“I would’ve corrected you on your analysis had you been wrong, but you actually broke down his abilities quite well! I wanted to take a picture and show it to him, but that would’ve been too on the nose.”
Michi slapped her shell-shocked friend on the shoulder, trying to snap him out of his stupor. “We have a test to take, remember? Let’s focus on that!”
Izuku, getting over his shock and embarrassment, shook his head clear of his thoughts and nodded towards his friend. Michi walked a little further with him to make sure that he made it to the correct room before hurrying to her own. It was time for the exam to get started.
Michi groaned as she tightened the seafoam-colored half bun sitting on top of her head, turning her back quickly to pop it as she made her way towards the large auditorium Snipe had pointed her group in. The written test hadn’t been as difficult as she thought it could’ve been. Thanks to the endless nights she and Izuku spent studying every subject they could get their grubby little hands on, she didn’t have nearly the amount of trouble she expected to have on the math section. It really wasn’t one of her strong suits. Quirk Science and Quirks Laws, however, were a speciality of hers. Her father debated the laws with his coworkers frequently enough for her to pick up on, and Quirk Science definitely helped explain her own quirks’ functions. Sparing a quick glance down to her pamphlet, Michi took the stairs near the entrance to find her seat.
The row her seat was in wasn’t hard to find, but Michi did a double take once she found it. With narrowed eyes, she slammed her bag on the table with a bit more force than necessary. Of course they would sit her near him. She only hoped that Izuku got placed on her side instead of the empty seat on his side.
“Real mature, guard dog.” the grating voice of Bakugou Katsuki sounded from her right. She barely spared him a look of contempt before setting her gaze on the stage below. His ashen blond hair was as explosive as ever, red eyes set in the permanent glare she was used to seeing from him. The sight of his crooked nose was enough to almost make her lose her cool, letting out a short cackle.
“Yeah, as if you know anything about maturity. Want a reminder of how your nose got permanently tilted to the side?”
Bakugou snarled, turning away from Michi to face the stage once more.
It was the first day of their third year, and of course Izuku was the first one assigned to classroom cleanup. Michi offered to stay behind with him, but she ran to the restroom right after class was dismissed. She knew she should’ve waited until Bakugou and his cronies left for the day, a fact she cursed herself for months after the event.
Her shoes tapped against the linoleum floor as she hurried back to their class, knowing the sooner they got the cleaning done, the sooner they could go get some katsudon and celebrate their first day being over. She didn’t expect her vision to turn red in rage the moment she entered the room.
“If you really want to be a hero so bad- maybe you should take a swan dawn off the roof of the building and pray for a quirk in the next life!”
Fingers and the chain smoker had already turned towards the door, eyes widened in fear. Not knowing of the danger that awaited him, Bakugou turned towards the exit with a smug smirk. And that’s when he was met with a sharp crack against his nose. Blood leaked through the torn skin on the bridge, as well as one of his nostrils. He spluttered, hand moving up to catch the blood and cover his nose as his shocked eyes met Michi’s glowing red ones. Her seafoam hair, normally tied back in a half bun, floated towards the ceiling.
“If you ever say anything like that again, I won’t stop at your nose.”
The feeling of someone tapping her left shoulder brought her out of the flashback, and she turned to see Izuku smiling down at her. He set his bag down beside his chair softly, scooting his chair closer to hers as he sat down. His documents were placed on the table in a neat stack. He was about to say something to the girl beside him, when he seemed to realize that Bakugou was only two seats over. Michi knew he’d probably start freaking out, so she turned to face him completely, blocking out his view of Bakugou.
“How do you think you did on the written portion, Izukun?” The lights dimmed before going back to their original brightness, signalling that the presentation was about to begin.
The young boy fiddled with his papers, shaking his head slightly. “I think I did okay? There were a few questions on the beginnings of quirks that I had a bit of trouble with, but other than that it seemed easier than expected?”
“Yeah. Good thing we studied for the math section. I totally would’ve failed if we hadn’t gone over a majority of it.” Michi flicked her eyes towards the stage once more, seeing the silhouette of a man with very large hair walk up to the podium.
Izuku, Michi, and the rest of the participants crowded into the room focused their attention to the newcomer as the lights dimmed. His bright yellow hair, gelled up to the high heavens, was only accented by the artificial lights beaming down on him. Headphones covered his ears, and the collar of his leather jacket did little to hide the speaker connected around the man’s neck. Michi chuckled as she heard her green-haired friend let out a squeak in surprise.
“YOOOOO YUUEI HOPEFULS! HOW ARE WE FEELING TODAY?” The man certainly didn’t need the mic connected to the podium as his voice echoed clearly throughout the entire auditorium.
“That’s Present Mic! His quirk control is absolutely incredible- his rescue stats as well! I listen to his radio show every morning! I can’t believe he’s a teacher here! It’s totally crazy that all the teachers here are pros- guess that’s Yuuei for you!” Izuku was nearly bouncing in his seat, gushing over the Voice Hero with the quietest voice he could possibly muster.
“Will you stop nerding out, freak?”
Michi glared at Bakugou. “You really want me to mess up your nose again, sweaty hands?”
“Micchan! Kacchan!”
The two stopped glaring at each other and turned forwards again, paying attention to Present Mic, much to Izuku’s relief.
If Michi had been paying attention to detail, she would’ve realized that no one in their position would ever reply. Tension and nerves were extremely palpable in the air; everyone was too scared to even say anything at this point in the exam. All except Michi- who was used to the loud, booming calls made by her father’s best friend. So when she replied with a decent-volume, she lifted her head, surprised to see over a thousand faces staring back at her.
Blood immediately rushed to her cheeks as she realized that she was the only one in the entire room to reply to the loudmouthed hero. She felt Izuku’s concerned gaze as she tried to block out the obnoxious sound of Bakugou trying (and failing) to hold in laughter.
“THANK YOU EXAMINEE 8978!” If Michi were any closer, she would be able to see the wink he sent her way, but from the distance she was at, she could barely see his exaggerated movements. “I’M HERE TO PRESENT THE GUIDELINES OF YOUR PRACTICAL! ARE YOU READY?!”
Bakugou shuffled beside Michi, taking a quick glance at the paperwork laid out in front of each of them. “That’s so kids from the same middle school can’t help each other out, yeah?”
“Yeah. It makes sense, too. Especially considering that each consecutive I.D. number is assigned to a different location!”
“Get your eyes off of my paper, nerd!” Izuku shuddered as Bakugou whisper-screamed at him. The ashen blond grunted as he looked away. “I’ll crush all these losers. Fortunately for you, you’ll get to live another day.”
Michi felt a sinister grin form on her face as she spoke through clenched teeth. “Broken. Nose.”
They grew silent once more as Present Mic continued to speak.
“Each site is filled with three kinds of faux villains! Points are awarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels!!! Use your quirks to disable these villains, and earn your points! That’s your goal, listeners!!” There was a short pause before the hero continued. “Of course, playing the antihero and attacking other examinees is prohibited!”
Michi elbowed Bakugou at the reminder, making him scowl at her.
“Excuse me! May I ask a question!”A voice sounded from below, nearly right in front of the stage. A figure was lit up by a stage light: a tall student with dark blue hair and glasses. He didn’t pause to let the hero reply before he continued on with his question. “There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villains on this handout! Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for Yuuei! Japan’s top academy! We’re all here today in the hopes of being molded into model heroes!”
“And you! With the curly hair!” His finger pointed towards Izuku, making the green haired boy cower behind Michi. “You’ve been muttering this whole time! It’s distracting!! If this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!”
Izuku let out an embarrassed “Sorry,” in reply, making Michi glare down at the kid who singled her friend out. If it wasn’t going to create even more of a scene and cause Izuku to become even more of a nervous wreck, she’d totally give this guy a piece of her mind. Just who did he think he was?!
“Alright! Examinee 7111! Great catch, thank you!” Present Mic increased his volume, trying to lead the attention back to himself. “But the fourth villain variety gets you zero points! He’s more of an obstacle! There’s only one at each site! A gimmick of sorts that’ll rampage around in close quarters.”
“Thank you, sir! I apologize for the interruption!”
The presenting hero nodded, gesturing to the entire room with his hands. “That’s all from me, folks!” He went on to describe a quote from Napoleon, of all people. Michi knew this was the school of schools, but she also knew Mic was being forced to spew the random educational fact to them all. “PLUS ULTRA!!! Break a leg, listeners!”
With that, the main lights turned back on and the other potential students began to shuffle their way to their respective buses. The small shuttles would take them to and from campus to their testing sites. Bakugou, bag already slung across his shoulder and papers in his grasp, sped past Izuku and Michi as soon as the lights turned back on. The two shrugged as they gathered their things and made their way down and out to the buses.
The shuttles, while as large as they could be, were still completely cramped. Michi found herself wishing that the battle centers were closer so that they could just walk to where they needed to be. She wasn’t much of a people person in the first place, even more-so when she was surrounded by random people with no room to herself. Luckily, she was able to grab a window seat near the back. The kid that sat immediately next to her didn’t seem too awful, either.
“Hey! Name’s Sero Hanta!” His deep black hair reached just above his shoulders, and his smile was so obviously genuine. Michi nodded, eyes flickering down to the round shape of his elbows before meeting his own. “This is totally crazy, right?”
“Aizawa Michi.” She sat up a bit straighter to provide more room for the both of them as she nodded. “Tell me about it. Didn’t know we were fighting robots… I’m going to have to be creative.”
Sero lifted his arms to give her a better view of his elbows. “I get ya! My quirk’s called Tape! I produce organic tape from my elbows.” He dropped his arms once she had gotten a good look. “What’s yours?”
“It’s called Erasure.” Michi held up her hands for Sero to see. “If I touch someone with all five fingers, I can erase their quirk. Or, I make them unable to use it? It’s not very effective on those with mutations, however.”
“Oh no shit?” Sero turned to face Michi fully, lifting his elbow to her still raised hand. “Try it on me! I wanna see what happens with my quirk!”
The young girl nodded, and placed her entire hand on the boy’s elbows. Michi felt her hair begin to float upwards, and she could tell by the look on Sero’s face that her normally brown eyes had begun to glow red. “You can move your elbow. I can still have my quirk activated if I let go.”
Sero tilted his arm away from her, moving it back and forth with furrowed brows. He shook his arm a few times, in an attempt to try to use his quirk. “It’s so weird. I know my quirk’s still here, it just feels like I forgot how to use it.” He knocked his knuckles against his elbow. “Yeah, I can’t get anything to come out.”
Michi nodded and deactivated her quirk; the feeling of her hair floating back down to normal tickled the back of her neck. In an instant, tape shot out of Sero’s elbows in a similar fashion to a grenade getting launched. He quickly grabbed the end before it could get far, and retracted it. She sheepishly scratched the back of her neck, turning her gaze to the floor.
“Sorry. I should’ve warned you before I let it go.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it!!” The shuttle came to a stop in front of their battle center, and the two of them stood as they waited their turn to make their way to the gate. “That’s a pretty great quirk though. It sucks that you don’t have a way to use it against the robots.”
Michi shrugged, following Sero as he began to walk through the aisle. “I have a few ideas of what I can do. Either way, if I don’t manage to bag enough villain points, I’m confident I’ll make it into general education. I can just fight my way into the hero course from there.”
The duo had made their way to the gate by the time Michi finished her short speech, and started to stretch while they waited for the countdown to begin. It wasn’t a long wait before a loud buzzer sounded through the area, and as soon as the gates opened up, Michi sprinted her way through it. She barely acknowledged Present Mic’s voice as she surpassed those in her group, heading straight for the nearest one-pointer.
The one-pointers were the smallest of the bunch, and therefore the easiest ones to test her theory on. Logically, these robots had to have a manual shut-off. Michi had no doubt that the exam proctors were controlling these things from a central room somewhere on campus, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t other ways to make sure they were running properly.
Thanking her dad for the parkour lessons, Michi narrowly dodged the robot’s fist before hopping onto it. Using its arm as a leverage point, she swung herself towards its neck. It didn’t take long for her to maneuver herself so she was able to look down at its back. Taking a moment to look around, her eyes lit up as soon as she glanced at a small switch between the neck piece and the back of the robot. Dodging another hit from the bot, she swung herself around once more. Hanging one arm around its neck from the back, Michi was able to stick her hand down far enough to toggle the switch. She heard a small click and immediately did a backflip off the bot and ran to find a new enemy to take on.
The other examinees were beginning to catch up to her, but she did her best to ignore them and keep to the plan she had. Now that she knew for sure that the robots had a toggle for power, Michi felt much more comfortable going after the two and three pointers. She would just have to make sure to dodge their attacks as well as she could. Without any quirk enhancements, taking a hit from one of the bigger bots was sure to at least crack a rib or two.
As Michi kicked off the two-pointer she just eliminated to land on the arm of a nearby three-pointer, she found herself regretful that she hadn’t practiced more with a capture weapon. Her father’s capture scarf, while useful, was extraordinarily complicated to learn how to handle. Even after practicing with a smaller version for about two years now, she still didn’t feel confident in handling it. At least, not confident enough to take it along for the most important exam she would probably ever take.
The three-pointer shut down with a flick of a button, and Michi jumped down to the ground as it collapsed in on itself. The ten-minutes they were allowed were quickly running out, and the examinees had fully taken advantage of every second. The young girl ran down the back alleyways of the mock city in hopes of finding a straggler or two, but it seemed to be in vain. She was sure that there were probably some more targets near the open streets, but quite frankly it was a bloodbath between the others and she really didn’t want any part of it.
Just as she was about to enter another alley, the ground began to rumble. Something big was approaching, and approaching fast. Looking out onto the main road, she spotted the biggest robot she had ever seen in her life. It easily doubled the largest buildings in the area, and the insane amount of weapons situated on its arms made it a terrifying sight to behold. That’s the zero-pointer?
Michi stared at the giant, watching it move closer and closer as other examinees rushed past her to get to safety. No wonder Present Mic said to avoid that thing! There’s no stopping it unless you want to break yourself! Michi set her foot back, hesitantly getting ready to make an escape, before she heard a terrified scream break out in front of her. A kid with strange looking balls on top of his head was cowered underneath a few pieces of rubble. It didn’t seem to be crushing him, but Michi knew sooner or later that the zero-pointer would.
With a sigh, Michi forced herself forward, running towards the other examinee as fast as she could. She came to a stop right beside the boy, eyes flickering between him and the zero-pointer. As she took a closer look, she noticed that similar balls to what he had as hair were wedged in between the wall and the pieces of rubble about to fall on him. She also noticed that his pant leg was caught in between the street and the piece of rubble as well.
“Hey!” The kid met her calm gaze with watery eyes and snot dripping down his nose. She tried not to grimace at the sight. “Those ball things are your quirk, right? Can you get them to unstick? I’d reach around to rip off the part of your pants that are stuck but I can’t reach and we really don’t have the time to mess around here.”
“I- I can’t!!” The kid was pretty much inconsolable. “I made sure they’d be super sticky for the exam today!”
Michi gritted her teeth, looking around for something she could use to help push the heavy rubble away, at least to the point where he was able to get his pant leg out of there. A metal pipe glinted in the alleyway she came from, and she made sure to tell the crying boy that she’d be back soon. Pushing herself up once more, Michi sprinted to the alleyway and bent down to pick up the pipe. A ripping sound came from above her, and she looked up to see Sero grinning down at her with a sweaty face.
“Need help?” Sero dropped down from the roof to stand beside Michi as she stood to face him, gripping the pipe tight between her hands.
“Actually, yeah.” She gestured for him to follow her as she turned to run back to the boy in trouble. “We need to move this rubble so he can move but his quirk got caught up in the mess. So we need to separate this main piece from those balls attached to the wall.”
Sero nodded, taking a furtive glance to the approaching zero-pointer which was only getting closer. Tape from both of his elbows shot out, attaching to the flat side of the rubble. “I’ll pull; you can stick that pipe up at the top and push it my way.”
Michi did as he said, jamming the pipe as far as she could between the wall and the debris. As soon as Sero called out, Michi began to push the pipe. The young girl relied more on her speed than her strength, so she wasn’t very used to dealing with this much weight. Sweat dripped down her face as she pushed harder, finally beginning to see the rubble move in the direction they wanted it to. After a minute or so of this, she felt the trapped boy grab onto her leg and pull himself out of the hole he had essentially dug for himself. Once he was a safe distance away, Sero and Michi both stopped their efforts.
The duo sent small smiles to one another, grateful that they were able to help. Unfortunately, that feeling didn’t last that long. Michi, about to ask the other boy if he was okay, suddenly froze as she felt a hand travel up her thigh.
“Oi, what the fuck!” She kicked the boy away from her, which wasn’t hard to do as he was still gripping onto her leg. Sero, who saw what had just occurred, came to stand by Michi’s side. Their glares combined sent the kid into another crying fit.
“I just wanted to say thank you!”
“Yeah, that came across real well when you tried to cop a feel.”
The boy, mouth open and ready to respond with some pathetic excuse, suddenly stopped as a loud sonic boom echoed around them. Almost immediately after, Present Mic’s obnoxious yelling sounded through the area.
The shuttles had taken them back to the main campus rather quickly. Those who had minor injuries were informed to wait for Recovery Girl to come back- apparently somebody had majorly hurt themselves in one of the other battle centers. Michi suspected it had to do with whatever caused that explosion at the very end of the test.
Michi walked through the crowded group of waiting students, searching for a glimpse of familiar green hair. Her brows furrowed as she saw no sight of him, and she pulled out her phone to see if he had texted her. The lock screen lit up, showing a photo of herself and Izuku on their first day of their third year. She was barely smiling, and he was red-faced and sweating buckets. The picture always did make her grin, but when she saw that there weren’t any notifications, she pulled up her messaging app. She was in the midst of typing up something to send to Izukun when she felt a hand land on her shoulder.
“Examinee 8978!” Present Mic stood beside her, shooting her a wink through his orange-tinted glasses. “Someone’s looking for you. Lemme take you to them, ya dig?!”
Michi nodded, following the tall hero as he led the way towards the less crowded hallway. As soon as they were out of earshot from most of the other examinees, Present Mic grinned down at her.
“Nothin’. I’m just so proud of you! Saving people already!” The hero wiped a fake tear from under his eye, cackling when Michi groaned. They made another turn, and Michi grew more concerned when she realized they were heading in the direction of Recovery Girl’s office.
The young girl adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder. “It would’ve been better had that loser not tried to grab my ass.”
“And Mineta Minorou will face consequences for those actions. If I have anything to say about it, he won’t step foot in the school again.” A deep, exhausted voice sounded from in front of them as Eraserhead turned the corner they were approaching. His eyebags were very pronounced today, only seeming more prominent from the shadows his long, unkempt hair cast upon his face.
As Michi and Present Mic walked closer, he stopped them to hand Michi a kit-kat bar and pat her head. “Good job, kid.” All Michi did was nod her head, trying to hide her forming grin.
Of course, the moment was ruined once Mic opened his mouth. “Why can’t you two act like a normal father and daughter for once?! Give her a hug, cry! Show some emotion!”
Both Aizawas felt their eyes twitch, turning towards Mic with matching glares.
“Okay, okay!” Mic began waving his hands and backing up. “I’ll shut up! I gotta go check on the other listeners anyways since this case may take Chiyo a while!” With that, Mic sped away back towards the lobby where a majority of students were still waiting, leaving Michi and Eraserhead alone before the nurse’s office.
Michi blinked, turning to her dad in hopes of hearing an explanation. He sighed, eyes closing as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Your friend. I thought he was quirkless.”
“He is, though?” Michi crinkled her nose in confusion, “He has the extra toe joint and the special shoes and everything.”
“Then how did he level an entire zero-pointer with one punch?”
“What did you say?!”
All her father did was sigh again, and open the door to Recovery Girl’s office. Immediately, Michi rushed in, ignoring the elder woman’s protests. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Izuku laying on the stretcher with a nervous smile.
“H-Hey, Micchan! How did your test go?”
She was going to kill him.
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that-wildwolf · 3 years
I was tagged by @crescentbunny and I'm not tagging anyone in particular because I never really have a good grip on who's already done a tag game and who hasn't...
Anyway! Here goes :)
How many works do you have on AO3?
I write lots of one-shots, so this should be around thirty... Yep, twenty-seven.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
Where do you check that? You can check that???
*spends approximately 10 minutes going through AO3 settings they didn't know existed*
Cool! A lot of features I didn't know about. Anyway, um. Yes. My total word count is, for the moment, 471,674 words.
Wow. I. Um. Almost 500K words. But—and this is extremely important—I feel like this graph contains some vital information:
Tumblr media
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Wow. Okay. I'll do this in chronological order because I never really counted.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Inheritance, Assassin's Creed, The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Attack on Titan, Fallout, Sarah Jane Adventures, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Steven Universe. I don't think I missed anything...?
That adds up to 13.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Of course I do! I thrive on feedback! Not implying that my entire self-esteem hinges on the approval of strangers on the internet, but comments are the best fucking thing ever! Instant serotonin for a whole day! Of course I'll reply! I love getting into little conversations with my readers, too!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Wow. I'm usually more of a happy ending kind of person, but A New Quest (which I wrote at the super proud age of 11) did end with half of the main characters dead and a memorial service for them as the last scene, so... You know. If you consider that angsty, then sure.
Fun fact: Crossing A Line was actually originally supposed to end with Shepard dying! The last chapter (which to me still feels a bit out of place) was rewritten completely. I'm glad I changed it, though. I'm having a lot of fun with the sequel!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
A month ago I'd have said Waiting Between Worlds without second thoughts—does it count as a happy ending when the whole fic is just a happy ending?—but it's just been going downhill the last three or four chapters. Pretty much every one of my one-shots in the When I Need You series. Also, Crossing A Line, I guess, now that it has a happy ending.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I... really don't. I'm wildly ace, all my sex knowledge comes from smut and porn and I'm pretty sure that if I were to actually write the adult stuff, I'd either go way overboard and make it too obscene to read or end up with something completely dry and clinical and unreadable too.
When there's sex scenes in my fic, I usually leave them implied. I say the characters had sex, but I never explicitly write the actual sex. I don't think I'd be good at it. (Actually, I've tried plenty of times and I know I'm not. It's the dirtiest, kinkiest filth you'd ever see and I'd really recommend against reading it.)
I do like writing the pre-chorus to sex, as it were, though. The sensual foreplay to the sexual foreplay. The soft or heated moments leading up to the act. I've even gotten comments about my lime being "extremely hot despite not being smut" and I'm more than happy with that description.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the strangest one you’ve written?
I used to write crossovers. Now I only sometimes write AUs based on a different fandom, like a Shakarian Kimi no Na wa!AU.
The strangest crossover I've ever written? Don't know if any of them were strange. I had The Wolf Among Us/The Walking Dead crossovers and Doctor Who/Sarah Jane Adventures crossovers, but both of those pretty much exist in the same universe already, so... No. No weird crossovers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God, I hope not. At least none that I know of.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. Plenty. A lot. I'd wager around 4 out of 5 comments on my Shepard Twins fanfic are negative. I haven't updated the fic in a while, but that doesn't mean I'm not writing anymore. I have around 50K words' worth of WIP of it. So no, the hate comments don't bother me. (A lie: they bother me a lot. They even make me cry, sometimes. But they're not gonna be the reason I stop writing a story I enjoy.)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My very first fanfiction writing experience, actually. In retrospect, I think that worked out great, because that kind of cooperation made it easier to carry the whole thing through, get it to the end, and was a very positive experience - which is probably why I've continued to write fanfic.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Ahhh. Royai or Shakarian? Royai or Shakarian? Stupid, since they're almost the same relationship dynamic, but they're both amazingly written. I'm edging a bit more towards Shakarian, because interspecies stuff is always a bonus. Still, it's a close competition.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I wish! I've translated other people's fics, but I've yet to have someone do that for me.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I plan to hope to finish all my WIPs.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. This is going to come off as boastful, but I think I'm pretty good at replicating individual characters' speech patterns.
What are your writing weaknesses?
According to my beta, I use elispses too liberally. According to me, I have trouble with transition scenes. I never write in order, so I always end up with disconnected scenes I need to join into a chapter. And the join parts don't even come easy to me.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Not a fan. (When I write fanfics in Polish, I sometimes use English, but that's not the same because everyone in Poland knows English anyway.) If it's a made-up language in the fandom, I like to include some words every now and then in dialogue - especially when it doesn't translate exactly. I love spotlighting cultural differences. I actually learned a load of Jel words for my Murkmire fanfics.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Good times. Damn, that was a long time ago. *suddenly gets the overwhelming realization that they've been writing fanfic for the bigger part of their life* ...Wow.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Big Spoon/Little Spoon, a short Shakarian one-shot exploring the psychology of the Spacer background a bit. I also used lighting in a really cool way in this one! I'm really proud of it. Even when I call it "the Spooning As A Metaphor For Nationality Issues fanfic", I mean it in an affectionate way.
As far as non-one-shots go, I'm going with Crossing A Line. It's got it all: Enemies to Lovers, language barrier, interspecies awkwardness... Plus, writing from Garrus's POV is always a treat. I get to refer to humans as "aliens". What more could you want?
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