#nope. if it aint included it aint real. except between Morgana and Agravaine. that probably still happens
Sneak peak into Death and Destiny Chapter 19:
As Leon was marched down to the dungeon, he was struck with deja vu. Two years ago he was in a very similar situation: held prisoner when Morgana forcefully and falsely declared herself queen of Camelot. If it weren’t for all the pain and suffering she caused and the repeated attempts of regicide, Leon would almost be begrudgingly impressed that Morgana managed to seize control of Camelot on two separate occasions. But, for all the similarities between now and then, there was one crucial difference that set the two experiences apart, something Leon was abruptly reminded of when he was yanked to a stop in front of a cell holding Gaius and Lancelot: He had a hell of a lot more to lose now then he did the first time.
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