#no tldr fuk u
scemogirl · 6 months
gender stuffz is so stupid as a system RAAHHHHGGHH!!!! !!!!&
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basically, ibu used to be mortal. They followed under Heket. They dissented, which Heket didn't like and decided to just fucken stab them. Ibu, before fuckin dying, found a crown and kinda like. grabbed it. They woke up hours later to find "yo I'm still alive???" and now they're a bishop, they don't know that tho. they just woke up they're still processing the fact that they're still alive but ye uh i'm not going more in depth this is all tumblr gets fuk u /lh /pos /j maybe i'll get more in depth as the blog lives on, but y'know. not rn :))
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(i know that people in the fandom like to do that whole turbulent relationship thing w pacifica, where shes bickering and fighting w her partner but honestly my pacifica can’t do that.
she has very serious trust issues that make it hard for her to be friends w someone let alone be in a relationship. she’s dealt w a lot and having a relationship w someone where she’s arguing w them and they’re on again off again isn’t something she can handle. she isnt able to stay in a relationship like that. if she can’t trust someone, she can’t be with them.
it may break her heart and she may still love them but she won’t allow herself to be around someone that she doesnt trust. it just reminds her too much of the bad things that have happened to her and she can’t do it.)
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tacogrande · 4 years
Hey! I would love to hear more about your Warren vs. Bernie thoughts.
There’s this idea that Warren is this super progressive candidate, who is “just like bernie” but more progressive bc she’s a woman (which is..weiRD..).
Listen, imma give warren credit, she has some good ideas, but she doesn’t have the strength and backbone that bernie does. she claims to be right by bernie and is basically running her campaign based off of a lot of his ideas, but will not commit. hell she didn’t even back bernie in 2016 when it mattered the most, instead backs hillary clinTON of all candidates LOL
not to mention warren was a republican during the reaGEN ERA..OF ALL TIMES 2 BE A REPUBLICAN LOL. and i get it, people change i would BUY that warren changed but she doesn’t even want to admit that she was politically active as a republican until ‘96..literally just says ‘nah i wasn’t reALLY into politics’
( https://twitter.com/philosophrob/status/1135629051090145282 )
so while she “wasn’t politically active” i guess warren decided to participate in the Federalist Society (organization of conservatives and libertarians )  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzwCOlz1jvU
this one i can’t find the vid for but when asked what her thoughts on LGBT were during the 90s she once again just dodged it with a ‘idk lol’. plus even her best moment with the ‘just marry one woman’ skit wasn’t even genuine, as the person asking was a max donor of hers. ( https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/14/cnn-failed-to-mention-that-elizabeth-warren-questioner-at-lgbt-town-hall-was-a-max-donor/ )
im not saying that warren is a horrible candidate because she was a different person in the past, but taht she’s a horrible candidate because she REFUSES to admit to who she was and what she believed in. this feels disingenuous, as if she wants us to believe she was always on the right side or something.. i don’t even think warren changed all that much because of how center right the democratic party is now LOL
bernie on the other hand…
during the entire time warren was a republican, bernie had backed Burlington’s first gay pride march ( https://www.sevendaysvt.com/OffMessage/archives/2015/06/30/32-years-before-scotus-decision-sanders-backed-gay-pride-march )
for 30 years bernie has been constantly trying to fight for the forgotten working class and against wars, also literally said that raegan doesn’t represent america.( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYxZfksAyco ) i will add that he did wish him a happy birthday in 2015, sTUPID but i stll fuck with bernie LOL
Bernie is NOT a capitalist, Warren is to her bones. Warren wants to save this dying system with “Accountable Capitalism” ( https://twitter.com/SenWarren/status/1182741574712745984 ). while Bernie wants to tear it down and have a a system that works for the people. he says billionaires should NOT exist. ( https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1184270923731537920 )
the thing about bernie is that he’s not perfect, there’s some things i don’t agree with  him on..but he has ALWAYS since the 60s has been on the side of the working people, on the people who didn’t have a voice, even if it meant risking his entire political career and reputation. bernie is very headstrong, like how the fuk are u a socialist in amerICA IN THE 80s?? and in polITICS? that’s not easy stuff, someone like that will not be bought now and won’t be as president.
TLDR: warren is not evil but she does not have the strong qualities that bernie has to be a leader or as he puts it, ‘organizer in chief’. bernie has been head strong since the beginning, although not perfect no one is, he still fought for those who could not despite the risks. warren has shown to buckle down and side with the winning team even if it wasn’t the right thing to do.
if you want an even clearer distinction between them i rec watching this video! he breaks it down very sweetly :D 
i also highly recommend looking into bernie’s list of issues! very informative and detailed *___* b  https://berniesanders.com/issues/
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majestyrising · 5 years
so shiki and kibi were born at the exact same moment as kuro was- two qirin born heralding the birth of this great ruler. yin and yang.
and i’m not set on when the war (further naming still inbound) happens, but kuro wasn’t that old when she was captured, and shiki instigated the war when she was in (at the time, an ally’s) foreign territory.
so shiki and kibi were probably teenagers. additionally, this means that kibi, upon stealing the identity of one deceased ashitaka tokaiyama, also lied about his age to everyone.
dragons are hard to pinpoint, age wise. shifted forms have indicators, but since kibi-now-ash is, you know, a qirin and not a dragon, he looks ageless.
the tldr here is that ash is the same age as kaede’s eldest daughter, kaede doesn’t know this. meaning a.) kuro is significantly older than even chiyo, at least 18 years older, b.) kuro dislikes ash for SO MANY REASONS OH MY GOD (you replaced my dad in every day, you took over his old title, you married my mum, you don’t even look after your own sons, you’re a disgrace fuk u)
bonus points for kuro being the ‘slightly less distant mother figure’ to all her siblings compared to ‘actually very hard to talk to because she’s the empress’ actual mother to these kids
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theday · 6 years
♧ worm,,,,,,,,,, i nearly sent this on anon bc im dumb
me as u almost sending it on anon can relaehdhhs
mutuals send me “♧“ and i’ll do this!
You’re my: fellow singaporean aroha whos also thankfully Not Straight
How I met you: bitch ive said this before but durirng my early days as an aroha i was all about that binu shit man.. i searched high and low went through the entire tag on tumblr probably so naturally i found ur bullet point fics which r beautiful even to this day
Why I follow you: bc i was tired of going to the tag and then clicking on whatever fic i hadnt read i gave up and just followed lmao
Your blog is: initially i followed ur main bc i was like xd just memes im used to that then u started blogging about one specific thing i have no clue what it was and i was so lost lmao anyway ur astro blog is a gift... a big ass gift hello... ur tags... ur works... ur everything a blessing rly 
Your URL is: idk who agust is but i know vi isYou also astrofireworks good stuff remember when u wanted 2 change it lmao
Your icon is: im too lazy to check what it is but its probably astro automatically making it good
A random fact I know about you: ur in new york............. u went to [redacted] schools ur whole life... u also dyed ur hair recently lmao what colour is it now
General opinion: good friend :D!!! who i put on a pedestal at first bc i was like wow shes so cool wtf.. and then u followed me and i promptly died ffhdhh im happy im able to talk to you normally now you made that easy!! :-O so thank you tldr youre really friendly and i lava u vivi hope ur well please go to bed
A random thought I have: well theres one thats like what the fuk is ur sleep schedule and the other is about how your school life is ;-0 for some reason i wanna know how its like studying abroad how is it miss vivi....  also i keep thinkiing ur url is astrovivifjhdshjhhdhjh
i lve u thank u for sending this have a good sleep please if u r currently resting i hope u have a good sleep
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mckkachins · 7 years
question: why is ur idea of a fun friday night talking about wine tasting contests again
listen up yall dont get to come into my domicile and tell me that grape tasting character elizabeth something is more skilled than a sommelier.
for context: @catsuukis and @catsudons tried to suggest to me that this character from a trash book we read together is on the same level as wine tasters. said character tastes grapes and like in reality grape tasting prolly involves more but in the books she only tastes for sugar and tannin levels. and NO THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE cos wine tasters??????/ iDENTIFY MORE THINGS like viscosity, minerality, aroma, flavors, color, differences after aeration, acidity, alcohol content, finish, palate, age, tannins, the TYPE of grape and the region it comes from and the age of wine.
//screams into the void//
tldr: i know a lot of things abt wine idk why tbh.
sleepover saturday!!! (blacklist “not yoi” or “ray’s sleepover shenanigans” if u don’t want to see)
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sasuke420 · 7 years
i'm psychoanalyzing myself at 4 am ignore this entire post i finally realized why breaking up the second time sucked way less than the first time and i realized bc first time was in summer when im manic and this time was in winter when im a depressed hermit. so ofc last time i was dramatic and did a bunch of dumb shit and risky choices etc etc but this time ive just slept a lot and not cared but like.....i'm glad tbh i'm like Bye Bitch movt the fuk on...(not entirely of course, 2 years is a long enough time to make that not great immediately) but hey. things are getting better as of like yesterday when i finally unslumped myself so. nice. also wait another factor was this time i had a shitload of stuff to be angry at him for so now whenever im like damn this did kinda suck im like wait...u deserve better...ur a terrible person but maybe u still deserve a little better....abuse is Bad ! anyways it's been like..3 weeks now (i mean we basically were broken up unofficially for like 2 weeks before that so id say realistically more like over a month) and i am ok!!! im like. way better than i expected which is odd. mental illness WHOM???? anyways tldr is breakups arent great but im really quite over it already and the only thing i miss is the sex
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