#no i am not saying which dono was mine for obvious reasons
clichesadmusic · 3 years
Ranboo Lore Recap (April 29)
The villain returned:
Intro piano music with black screen instead of his normal blue one.
Screen goes to complete black, is totally silent (no music) as he opens the game and goes onto the server, first words being “Oh, shoot.”
When he logs on he is still on top of L’manhole
“I’m seeing dead people again.”- Ranboo
(note: none of his usual stuff is on screen, he already stated that donos would be off but the subgoal, follower goal and even his watermark are gone which usually remain when he is doing lore)
Ranboo talks about how hard it is to deal with knowing that someone that made his friends' lives so terrible is back.
“Obviously I don’t like the guy.”- Ranboo
Ranboo tabs so he can see who is on and notices that Phil is there. Ranboo realises that he has to tell Phil, as he farms wheat by the community house he practices what he’s going to say to him….it doesn’t go great but there’s not really a good way to say it.
Ranboo makes his way towards their home and goes over what happened so that he can tell Phil.
“I shouldn't rehearse, I should say it naturally.”- Ranboo
Ranboo hypes himself up as he makes his way to Phil’s door.
He greets Phil and makes him a “chair” to sit down.
Ranboo tells Phil….everything. The plan for the prison, Ghostbur going in as cover with Tommy following, how Tommy came out with Friend and without Ghostbur.
Phil doesn’t put together that Ghostbur is “dead” until Ranboo says it, even then he doesn’t believe him because “Ghostbur is a ghost.”- Phil
“Ghostbur being gone is the good news….”- Ranboo
“....Wilbur’s back….he’s alive”- Ranboo
Phil seems very happy saying that it “changes everything.”
“I wonder if he’s any different.”- Phil
“He said that he was in a train station or something for like 13 years.”- Ranboo
Phil keeps looking up at his picture of Wil. “13 years is a very long time to be away, he might not be the same person. He certainly isn’t the same person actually. This changes a lot.”- Phil
Phil tries to get Ranboo to explain what Wilbur ways saying and how he was acting but this was Ranboo’s first time meeting Wil so he doesn’t really know.
Ranboo tells Phil that Wil thinks that the current state of L’manberg is his fault. Ranboo also tells Phil that Wil originally didn’t know him but then said he knew a lot about him.
“What I’m scared of now Ranboo is what has he been thinking about this whole time.”- Phil
Phil says that he needs to prepare for when Wilbur comes to see him, saying that they have a lot to talk about.
Phil says that he’ll talk to Ranboo later and leaves.
Throughout Ranboo keeps saying that Wilbur seemed happy and that “he didn’t seem that bad”. (Ranboo is def an optimist about how much people can change).
Ranboo looks at the blue in his inventory, goes silent for a moment before saying in the saddest voice “Ghostburs gone….I just realised that. I’m gonna miss Ghostbur.”
“I think that Wilbur has probably turned over a new leaf.”- Ranboo
Ranboo talks about how Wilbur seemed to be really fond of Tubbo. But he also knows how Wilburs actions have affected Tubbo. (He is very concerned about Tubbo, for obvious reasons)
Ranboo flips through his memory book to the last page where enderwalkboo responded to him saying “this is what I have to do” (aka stop conflict).
Ranboo says that he needs to keep a close eye on Wilbur and that there are only a few people who can help him with that.
“I know exactly who I need to go see”- Ranboo
“I just have to make sure...that he doesn’t do anything too bad.”- Ranboo
Ranboo runs through the nether, back through the main portal.
I think that Wilbur has probably turned over a new leaf cause if he hasn’t *pulls out axe*, then we are in for a wild ride.”- Ranboo
“Cause then Tubbo. Michael and Tommy will be safe.”- Ranboo
Ranboo jumps down to the hole where The Council has most recently reconvened (originally it was a joke about the 6 endermen holding grass block that had all gotten stuck in the staircase down to Ranboo’s strip mine, they were accidently let out because of a creeper explosion but Ranboo found another group of endermen in a different hole that he has redubbed The Council).
He asks The Council to keep an eye on Wilbur for him. “Let me know what he does. Make sure that if anything happens tell me. Just...let me know, okay?”
He leaves the hole. “The Council usually helps me out with that stuff. Especially since I re-learned how to talk to them” (confirmation that non-enderwalk boo can talk ender).
“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Just wait for the letters. Oh! That means I have to make the mailbox for them.”- Ranboo (I love this, I love this so much).
“Is it my duty to tell people? What do you think particles?”- Ranboo (I love when he refers to us as particles, I don’t know why, it’s just so great)
“*reads chat giving him totally conflicting answers because it’s chat* *laughs* you guys are useless. ”- Ranboo “A lot of you guys are saying no…”
He goes looking for crying obsidian for the mailbox, going back to his place.
“Something tells me that I’m not gonna have to tell people honestly.”- Ranboo
Ranboo decides that he should put the mail box in the original meeting area (the entrance to his mine). He talks himself through building it as if there is a specific format it must be in (like a nether portal for example) in order for it to work, implying that this is something that he has either done before or has seen be done.
“Hopefully by the time I get back I will have news about what happened.”- Ranboo
He blocks off the mailbox room with dirt.
“Re-learning how to speak enderman was a fantastic idea. See that's a good thing about the experiments at least! Before I could kind of say hello sometimes...”- Ranboo
Chat/Particle: Explain the experiments?
Ranboo: No, I don’t think I will.
(at this point he turns the subgoal and dono alerts back on)
“When Tubbo described Wilbur to me he said that he really liked debates.”- Ranboo
(music comes back on)
Ranboo decides to fix up the courthouse a bit.
“We’re gonna fix Wilburs courthouse. Maybe he can warm up to me. Cause I hope he likes me. First impressions are everything. I just wanna get on Wilburs good side y’know.”- Ranboo (Ranboo’s need to be liked by new people is just a little too relatable man).
Ranboo says a couple of times that he is aware that Tommy didn’t seem to like Wilbur when he saw him but that Wilbur has been gone for a long time and has hopefully turned over a new leaf.
“I like to remain neutral in most things. But if the council comes back with bad news then obviously I’m going to protect Tuboo by any means and make sure Tommy is also good.”
“When push comes to shove I’m probably gonna be on Tommy and Tubbo’s side” *eyes emoji*
Dono: He did say that Dream was his hero
Ranboo: Yeah, he did say that Dream was his hero. Ohhhh….I forgot to mention that to Phil. Whoops….probably should have to Phil that he sees Dream as his hero…..probably a bad guy…
Ranboo says that him and Tubbo were playing chess while they waited for Tommy to kill Dream.
Ranboo realises that he needs to keep the knowledge of the nukes away from Wilbur.
He writes a note to Phil telling him about how Wilbur said that Dream was his hero. “Heya phil! Quick thing that i forgot to mention...Your newly revived son considers Dream his hero! So read into that what you want! Just thought you should know haha- Ranboo the Beloved”
He put the book and quill (not a signed book) into a chest he leaves in Phil’s house that he labels “Mail for phil”
Ranboo realizes that Wilbur doesn’t know about him and Tubbo being married or about Michael but decides that this is fine.
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impracticaldemon · 5 years
The Blue Thread of Fate
IIkemen Sengoku fanfiction byimpracticaldemon for @rierru drawer of fine chibis! I hope you enjoy this!
Words: 1900    Rating: Mild T
Summary:  It’s going well being princess-chatelaine of Azuchi castle, and even better as Masamune’s lover.  Unfortunately, a delegation from the imperial (I’ve used royal) court of Kyoto threatens to disrupt things, since one of the high-born ladies of the court has a long-standing crush on Masamune.
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Blue Thread of Fate * * name taken from the popular belief of a red string of fate binding destined lovers together forever
“Hey! That was–”
It was a warm summer day, but that’s not why I was feeling hot under the collar.  Or rather, collars, since Sengoku-era dress included an under-collar, if not a whole extra under-kimono plus under-collar.  The reason for my rising temper was a thin, extremely well-dressed young woman, who was walking around my favourite clothiers handling the displayed cloth, and clothing, with a bored look of disdain.  Worse, she’d just reached around me and taken the spool of blue embroidery thread I’d been about to pick up.
“Is there a problem Princess-Chatelaine?”  The woman’s rather high-pitched voice held the distinct accent of the Kyoto upper class–the royalty and near-royalty, in fact.  Not that I would have known that, a week ago, but I did now, after spending four days catering to the needs of a whole group of them, not to mention their servants, their children, and their animals.
With all the deference I could muster–and that wasn’t much, by this point–I smiled with false sweetness at Lady Okano, murmuring, “No problem at all, my lady.  I just wished to let you know that I have already arranged to buy that thread from the merchant.”  I shot a pleading look at the merchant, who knew me well, and he immediately backed me up.
“The Princess-Chatelaine is indeed correct, my lady.”  The man bowed deeply.  “I had only put that spool of thread on the display table so that she might examine it for any defects in colour or strength.”  That was an outright lie, but not a flicker of it showed in the merchant’s face or voice.  The members of the royal party from Kyoto had not made themselves popular in town, and only esteem for Nobunaga had prevented outright ill-will.
Lady Okano shot me an unpleasant look, and held the spool up to the light.  She made a point of unravelling more than was necessary for a test piece, and then tugged on it sharply.  Fortunately, it didn’t break, and the lady’s patent disappointment helped me to hold my smile.
“I suppose it is to be expected that the Princess-Chatelaine purchases a great deal of this particular hue, since I hear she is the mistress of Lord Date Masamune.  He favours this shade of blue, does he not?”  She set down the thread, not deigning to actually hand it to me.
I felt a severe eye-roll coming on, but was saved from reply by a familiar, and much-loved, voice.  I whispered a silent thank you to the gods of not slapping arrogant ladies-in-waiting.
“I do favour that shade of blue, Lady Okano–how very observant of you!  I see that you are rightly famed for being like a hawk when it comes to noticing things about others.”  Masamune strode jauntily into the shop, somehow navigating the crowded space without mishap, despite his swords.  Mind you, the swords accessorized well with the sharp smile he wore, which didn’t reach his blue eye.  It reminded me more of Mitsuhide than Masamune, which wasn’t a good sign.
“Masamune!”  I grinned up at him, as he placed a light kiss on my forehead.  Lady Okano would no doubt pretend to be scandalized, but my beloved was not one to avoid public displays of affection.  It set him apart from others, and probably would even in modern times.
“Hideyoshi said you’d gone shopping, Kitten,” he told me.  “I figured there was a good chance you’d be here.”  Turning to face Lady Okano, whose carefully rounded brows had risen almost to her hairline, he added, “I’m afraid you’ll have to work a little harder to be as well-informed as Hideyoshi, my lady.  Though I suppose you’ll get better with practice.  It takes a real knack to know how to stand outside people’s doors with just the right amount of friendly concern, after all.”
Masamune had all but run over Lady Okano when he’d left my room this afternoon–we’d been sharing tea, and possibly one or two kisses–and he wasn’t impressed.  He accepted that the nobility spied on each other as a matter of course, but she’d been too obvious, and she’d let her dislike for me show a little too clearly the night before.  Mitsuhide had already had a word with me about her just after her arrival, to let me know that she had a thing for Masamune, and probably wouldn’t be thrilled to find me occupying his time.  The way he’d pronounced ‘time’ had been a masterpiece of innuendo, of course.
“Although perhaps you don’t mind sharing, little one?” he’d murmured, amber eyes glinting wickedly.  “After all, you are famed for your generous spirit, and it might be an interesting experience.”
My attempt at a death glare had made him laugh, but his warning had been apt.  If the royal party as a whole were pains in the behind, then Lady Okano was more of a pain in the everything.  She wasn’t bad when Nobunaga was around–in fact she was silent, as a well-behaved princess should be–but otherwise, she was–  Well, in short, Mitsuhide was right that she wasn’t ready to give up on Masamune without a fight.  I was starting to contemplate the old ‘poisoned-pin-in-the-collar-of-the-haori’ trick.
Masamune himself had tried to be clear with her, within the bounds of semi-politeness.  He’d told me himself that she was pretty, but not the kind of pretty that he kissed.  When I’d demanded more specifics, he’d shrugged and said: “She kissed me, lass, and I may have kissed her back–the first time.  After that, I took her measure and stayed clear.  She’s a creature of politics and poison, and I don’t need that in my life.  I’m just sorry that she might cause trouble for you.”
And so here we were, in my favourite shop, and my temper was rising.  Masamune could probably shield me, and the shop-keeper was obviously prepared to collude with me, but this was the kind of thing I wanted to be able to deal with myself.  I glanced up at Masamune, and saw his edged smile turn more roguish, as his eye met mine.
“Lady Okano,” I began, stepping away from Masamune a little, “you look quite unwell!” I crowded into her space, trying to channel my inner Mitsuhide.  “I do believe the heat is too much for you.”
“Princess-Chatelaine–I assure you–”
“No, no, I won’t hear a word!”  I peered into her face, feigning concern.  “You look quite red, even under your perfectly applied make-up–which is rather overdone for shopping in Azuchi Castle Town, if you don’t mind just a little word of friendly advice.”
I clasped her hands in mine, and she tried to shrink away.  Quite ineffectively, as it turned out, since I was significantly stronger than she was, if only a little taller.
“Masamune, dear, would you please call Lady Okano’s maid, and her servant–they’re just outside, no doubt you saw them.”
“Right away, Kitten.  She’s always so kind to others, Lady Okano…”  Masamune looked like he was trying not to laugh.
“I am quite well, Princess-Chatelaine!” Lady Okano’s eyes were brilliant with embarrassment and anger.
I quickly glanced around, and saw that the shop-keeper had prudently made himself scarce.  I brought my mouth a little closer to my would-be-rival’s ear–quite à la Mitsuhide, I thought–and said gently, “You are not well, my lady.  If you were, you would have noticed that Lord Masamune is no longer available.  Not only that, but surely you realize by now that I have Lord Nobunaga’s favour–as his chatelaine–and not even your own family truly wishes to offend him?”  I’d been in the Sengoku long enough to learn at least some of its ways, thanks to Masamune, Mitsuhide, Sasuke, and all the others.
Lady Okano was furious, but she’d stopped trying to move my hands, which were still clasped tightly around hers.  “You’ve made a bad enemy in me, Princess,” she hissed threateningly.  “I hope you don’t mind looking over your shoulder every day after this outrage–”
“Ha!”  Masamune’s puff of laughter held real amusement.  He stood in the entrance to the street, hands on his hips.  “Are you trying to threaten my lass?  Oda Nobunaga’s court is hardly a place for those who aren’t familiar with assassination attempts. Besides, she’s stopped two of them herself already–and has even tackled an armed daimyo who tried to flee after plotting treason against our lord.”
“You always bring that up!”  My mock glare up at Masamune was more of a loving twinkle, I suspected.
“I can’t help it!”  His grin was infectious.
I turned my eyes back to meet Lady Okano’s, and let go of her.  “I think you will find it much more comfortable to allow the castle staff, and your own servants, to attend you in your room for the remainder of your stay–don’t you, my lady?”  Before she could reply, I called to her maid-servant, who was hovering behind Masamune’s tall form.  “Sachi?  Please come look after Okano-dono.  She has been overcome by the heat, and wishes to return to the castle to lie down.”
There was a longish silence, and then Lady Okano capitulated.  “It is as you say, Princess-Chatelaine.  Sachi–we will return at once to Azuchi Castle.  The shops here are tedious, and my head aches.”
I suddenly wondered if Masamune should escort her back–she was high nobility, after all, and related to the royal family.  Fortunately, he appeared to have thought of that.
“Mitsunari accompanied me into town, Lady Okano,” said Masamune, giving her a slight bow.  “I am quite sure that he’ll be happy to escort you back to the castle.”
“Poor Mitsunari,” I murmured, as Masamune joined me in the shop by the embroidery wares.
“Oh he’ll be fine.  He’s impervious to her kind of bad temper and barbs.  Probably won’t even notice it, and respond as though they’re having a nice walk together.  Alternately, he’ll understand the situation perfectly, and behave exactly the same way.”  Masamune put an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.  “Good to know you’ll fight to keep me, lass.”
“Don’t get a swollen head!”
He laughed, then turned me to face him, so that he could steal a kiss.  I thought I saw the curtain to the back-room move a fraction, but nobody came in, fortunately.  Since we were alone, I returned the kiss with one of my own.
“You are the only one for me,” Masamune told me, a few kisses later.
“Thank you.  I hope I haven’t caused trouble for Lord Nobunaga.”
“Nah, you’ve probably helped him.  He’d rather have you tell Her Ladyship what’s what, than have to step in himself.  Much better all around, keeps it personal, not political–well, less so than it could be.”
“So I’m learning?”
“Yep.  Just enough, but not”–he kissed me again, his teeth nibbling at my lower lip for a moment–”not too much.”  He looked at me seriously.  “I don’t want you to stop being you, even if you do have to learn to deal with some of our weird politics.  Okay?”
“And now you should buy some nice things, to make up for us taking over this shop for so long.”
Laughing up at him, I agreed.  Privately, though, I decided not to use the first length of blue thread from the disputed spool.  It wasn’t just pettiness–mostly.  But Lady Okano had probably gotten sweat on it, and who wanted that?  I gave Masamune’s hand a squeeze, and then called the patient merchant back into the front of the shop.
This will be posted to Sengoku Tales on AO3 and FFnet in the near future!
Comments, likes, and reblogs are all appreciated! :)
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cc-hatredisland · 6 years
{.Healing Takes Time.}
First was the hand on my arm. Second was something vaguely on my back. At least, I thought it was, I turned around, too tired to be fierce about it and thanked my lucky stars I hadn’t been. Looking a little pale and somehow smaller than usual, Buki stood in front of me, with a quilt over her shoulders, her hat missing. It somehow seemed surreal to see her without it.
I took the opportunity to check my back and sure enough, she’d... huh. Some things never changed, huh? I took the charm off and I stared hard at it before I met her eyes.
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“I'm still not ghost-free, huh?“
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“Not ghosts, Shimizu-dono, but an ominous presence nonetheless. You are very clearly possessed by something. I cannot fathom what made you extend a hand to me, a cursed being. A moment of madness? It is a strange affair. Besides...“
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“I fear that your kindness will lead to misfortune. Particularly if you tangle with me. I must ask you take care and keep a good distance.“
To be honest, I was surprised she was out and about. I got the impression Kumatani was the type to fret over someone more and she didn’t look a 100% to me.
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“You should go back and rest. You look like shit.”
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“W-why I never! I am as upright as a daisy! You would gainsay this?”
I still need a thesaurus when speaking to her. Even when she’s not feeling well. Ahh, my head hurts.
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“How come Kumatani let you come out?”
Speaking about him like that made him kinda seem like a mom. I didn’t realize that until the words left my mouth. Buki wrung her hands together as she considered her answer.
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“... True. He also bestowed upon me terrible kindness. Such eyes burned right into my flesh! Because it has been me and Panayomogi-sama for so long... I felt threatened! But even if he forgets his manners, I do not. I owe you a debt and this gnawed at me. So, I made a plea to Kumatani-dono. A brief trip is all. He could count the minutes, should he like! But, to Shimizu-dono, I had to go.“
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“... You didn’t have to, I mean. I’m not going anywhere.”
I hope I’m not, anyway.
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“Perhaps not. But what if the world ended tomorrow? What if, by chance, I said your first name and allowed Panayomogi-sama access into your soul? You would perish! And the chance would pass. Dramatic, I know, but this is why I had to rush to your side.“
So, wait... if she uses my first name I’ll be cursed too? Is that part of the Panayomogi mythos or something? I still don’t get everything about Buki or her weird dark god but... I guess at least certain pieces are coming together? In any case, I should try and bear in mind what I can for the future.
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“Well. I’m here. I’m hoping that doesn’t change.“
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“I also...”
The words tumbled out of her mouth quickly before she put an end to them with a shake of her head.
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“Three souls lost is already too many... but while we remain on this dark ground... I fear for the future. Furthermore, I have brought Panayomogi-sama here. That was careless of me...“
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“You say that, but you must’ve lived with people you cared about before. I mean... you can’t just act like this is your fault. You didn’t tell people to kill each other, right?“
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“No! No, no, I wouldn’t! Perish the thought!“
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“Then it’s fine, right? Trust me, you didn’t make this happen or anything.“
She stands there, silent for a few seconds before whipping out another charm and sticking it directly on my face. I really should begin to see this coming. How many of those does she have, anyway...?
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“You truly are very cursed, Shimizu-dono. I implore you to keep that to yourself! You stay for my ceremony and hear me out... you do not turn your head away when I am weak and disgusting... and now this? To ignore Panayomogi-sama but pay me mind... it’s dangerous! It’s a buffoon’s gambit.“
Was I really being that kind to her? I kinda thought my actions were pretty normal. But maybe normal things felt special to people who hadn’t ever had them.
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“I’m not cursed, I’m normal. And I’m not afraid of some curse, hell, I have enough things to be worried about without a dark god entering the picture.“
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“Which is why! You need to watch your sweet talking!”
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“... I’m sorry, sweet talking?”
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“You know what it is! I won’t hear it! If I am not careful, I will cost you your life. If you value that, keep your distance. And... and I, too, will try to meditate to calm myself.”
Why was she so sure she’d be responsible for hurting me? Like Mikiro and what he’d said, I had to assume something big had happened to her.
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“Look, I know you’re afraid. But getting along just makes sense. If we work together, we’ll get out of this easier.”
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“I do not know whether... you can trust me or not. Can you say for sure I’d speed up your plans of escape? There is a very good chance I would hinder them.”
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“Because you’re cursed. Right?”
She gives me a slow nod.
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“I don’t expect you to take my word for it. So it’s enough if you keep your distance.”
That didn’t strike me as right. Buki hadn’t really done anything wrong yet. Rather than judge people on what I heard, I’d always just judged them on what I saw. And yeah, she was kinda out there but she wasn’t a bad person. No one to avoid, anyway. And if I was tolerating people like Shiratori, there was no reason not to tolerate her, too. Everything about her came from some really dark unknown place. Like... everything about her would just make sense if I knew a little more about her.
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“When you collapsed... Kumatani said you were under a lot of stress. At the time I figured he was just being Captain Obvious but... he said, even before all this shit happened, you were under pressure. That’s why your body rejected the food. So is it really okay for you to be out here? I don’t know much about it but... you should probably rest up.“
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She searched her person for something until she found... oh come on, is that another charm? I took on a defensive stance but she didn’t seem to have any intention of hitting me with it.
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“Open your hands, Shimizu-dono.”
I kinda felt like I was being pranked but it also kinda felt like a jerk move to just leave a sick girl hanging like that so I did as she requested. She put the charm gently in my hands and then pressed her hands together, as if in prayer.
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“That’s a protection charm. Panayomogi-sama targets those close to me. He is able to infect people with his darkness should I allow him to. If I break my rules. Those people will be driven mad by misfortune. I cannot... protect people from him when he like that. But I can do this much. Your ‘worry’ I believe is routine behaviour... so I understand this is the right thing to do. Normally people give up, though. I worry you will not. This ‘stress’, as you name it, is... mine to bear. And it would not change, whether this happened or not. So put it out of your mind. Worry not, I will recover and... for your discretion, I am grateful.“
She bows her head and then trots back indoors. Her steps seem a little shaky at times but she seems to be fine enough. I looked at the charm she’d given me and decide to pocket it. I’d thrown all the others away, I mean, they were slapped onto me and I was annoyed. But this one felt like more of a gift.
At this time the sun was going down and the whole outside coated in a kinda orange glow. I sat down and took in the sun for a bit.
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