#nina zenil
lilisouless · 1 year
hey! does anyone want to vote for their favorite grishaverse woman?
(6) grishaverse women tournament en Tumblr
Is Inej going to win? probably but we`ll never know
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Nina: Learn to say "no". For example, someone asked you: "Would you like a piece of cake?" And you answer: "No! ...I would like to have two pieces."
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folklorelight · 1 year
today's pinterest first four represent my obsessions perfectly well
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The Crows as parents headcanons: You come out as Asexual
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A/n: So I do have a request I'm finishing up but I wanted to do this before that comes out so... Ya!
Jesper and Wylan:
- So it's always been this thing like 'use protection' from your parents because even if they are overprotective as hell they understand you're a teenager and they rather educate you then not
- So this has always made you a bit uncomfortable because you genuinely didn't want to have sex, like?????
- So when you find out the label of Asexual you bring it up with your parents because your family had always been very supportive of LGBTQ+ Rights
- But to seem sneaky you don't bring up asexuality really soon you were actually very smooth
- But beside's the point
- And they don't really comment on it and your a little frustrated because you had a plan bro! Participate!
- So you just like 'I'm pretty sure I'm Ace!'
- And you cover your hands over your mouth right away because oh shit, oh shit! This was not the way you wanted to come out to them!
- There's an awkward silence for a couple seconds before Wylan is like 'thank god I really didn't want to have those talks anymore!'
- And ya'll burst out laughing
- Because this is just great, the best way to come out to your parents
- You do talk a bit more in-depth with them because you want to be proud of who you are
- You also mention you want to come out to all you're uncles and aunts as soon as possible
- You off mention about just sending everyone a letter
- And the next day Jesper takes out an Asexual flag from- somewhere...
- Yelling that Asexuality is real and etc.
- Of course, your whole family joins in
Nina and Matthias:
- They kind of already knew
- Like your Nina's kid
- And also Matthias's but imagine him before becoming whatever Brum made him into
- And your family is just generally open (but not too much obv.)
- And when you don't show any sexual interest in no one their like okay and move on
- So when you came out to them it wasn't a surprise
- But you can bet your ass that ya MoMA was like
- Loki same with your dad he was yelling at his friends that he officially got to go to his first pride parade with his child!
Inej and Kaz:
- So same with Nina and Matthias you guys would be very open about your life
- There was almost no secrets
- Till this one
- And you felt really guilty but...
- You had already learned from your parents that physical touch was not needed in a relationship
- But they also said something about everyone is natural if they have/want to have sex and bla bla bla
- And they weren't trying to be bad or anything
- I think they were generally trying to give you the talk about the 'birds and the bees'
- they failed. I'm sorry but they failed, hard
- So when you get a S/o
- Your S/o already knows your ace
- They come over for dinner
- And your S/o offhandedly mentions how they beat up someone for you that was being a homophobic jerk and saying you weren't natural. You get the jest of it
- Inej and Kaz are just like what?!
- And you burst into tears
- And their both at your side is like 'no we love you either way! Just be careful! We love you! 💕'
- And you hug them
- And Inej and Kaz might have failed at the 'birds and the bees' but they did not fail at being amazing parents nor loving you 24/7!
Shadow and bone taglist:
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