#newsies text post
Albert: so I’ve seen you hanging out with Spot a lot recently
Race: No Albie it’s not what you think
Albert: are you sure?
Race: I promise Spottie and I are just dating you’re my best friend
Albert: no best friend feeling at all
Race: nope you’re my one and only
Spot and finch: what?
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doththymayo · 5 months
Racetrack: If I got called for the Hunger Games, would you volunteer for me?
Albert: I would lead you up to the stage.
Albert: I would point you out.
Albert: Be like "yes ma'am, this is he".
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threebatsnests · 2 months
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sarahjacobs · 22 days
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important to me that jack and david on the surface level seem straightforwardly brave and daring vs withdrawn and cautious, but when you peel back the layers, you'll soon find that they're a mess of contradictions in such a way that they compliment each other perfectly. I love that david rambles when he's nervous! I love that jack goes dead silent because of his crush on sarah, because he's truly frightened when pulitzer begins to threaten david!
anyways. the point of this post is that jack has a lot of weird rules regarding physical touch, in that he's comfortable slinging an arm around a near stranger, patting people's backs and ruffling people's hair. the kind of touch that establishes a certain kind of camaraderie that's commonplace among the newsies, which jack has deemed as Ok and socially acceptable
but the truth of the matter is, not all touch was created equal. that is to say, when jack and david first start crushing on each other, jack is resting his head on david's shoulder and skimming his fingers over david's wrist, and then his palm, and jack is thinking about how easy it would be to slide his hand forward and intertwine their fingers together so that they're properly holding hands. but he's a little too scared to do so. he doesn't know if this kind of touch is okay, if it's welcome. so he's quiet the entire time, thinking so hard his head hurts, and david is nonstop chattering because he's extremely aware of jack's touch but doesn't want to show it. they don't end up actually holding hands. btw
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burtonsdoodles · 11 months
Returning with that PART TWO of random newsies notes I've accumulated from the various visits I've made but never got around to posting... I'm gonna be back there for two shows this week so I figured let's actually get them posted... y'know, before the show completely finishes...
There became a bit of a crutchie focus to nearly all of these...
(5th March - RICHMOND)
A little something I noticed that I think differs from the other interpretations which I find actually quite compelling is when crutchie returns from the refuge - there’s no significant costume change (i.e. a fresh new shirt) or signs he has been cleaned up a bit - he remains in the very state he would be after however long he stays in the refuge. There’s no evidence of a quick scrub or fresh clothes to get him away from the grime of his ordeal - in fact, after greeting him with hugs, crutchie turns his back to greet some others, and there’s a number of newsies who silently scoff at just how bad he smells - and considering they’re probably not the sweetest smelling bunch on a good day - crutchie must really really stink for such a reaction. This makes for an intriguing change as it doesn’t give the pristine ending where the wealthy politician frees the children, closes the nasty place with the nasty man and makes everything all well and good… no, Roosevelt puts an end to the refuge and Snyder but the traumas they caused are still there., crutchie wears a smile but the effects of such an experience are still there and aren't going to just vanish because he's not in the refuge anymore*, the show doesn’t sugarcoat things by presenting a new sparkling crutchie who’s had a bit of care shown to him before being returned to his newsie life… he’s beaten, battered and grotty, and despite his friends being beyond pleased to see him returned - even they can’t ignore just how bad a condition he’s in...
(16th April - BROOKLYN)
*Adding to this point - being sat in Brooklyn I had a way better view of Ducketts face and let me tell you, the emotional responses he gave during his return and, more specifically, Snyders arrest were utter GOLD! As Roosevelt addresses snyders evil deeds, crutchie is facing the restained Snyder with a bit of a smug smile on his face, but that smile drops immediately when the ex-warden suddenly lurches towards him threateningly... if he hadn't been restrained you can imagine he'd have gone in to hit him or something. with that crutchie recoils, turning himself away from the man with a look of pure terror, frozen in place but surely wishing he could run and escape still. I can't say what Dawes's face was actually doing, as Snyders back was to us, but I picture he had his evil eyes on crutchies the whole time, boring into him, silently threatening the poor kid and maintaining his dominance over him despite the fact he's currently the one losing everything. crutchie seems trapped between wanting to hide from the man and being unable to get out of that menacing stare which ensnares him as the scene continues. As Roosevelt finally orders for Snyder to be taken away, there was a split second where it looked like crutchie may just stay silenced by the man... but of course, he doesn't. you could see the courage build up in him as he asks the governor if he can do the honours, and as he does he finally reclaims his power from the man and sends him to his hopefully miserable fate... but it doesn't end there, as everyone cheers and Roosevelt continues, crutchie remains on Snyder, following him halfway down the ramp, watching as he disappears out of sight, but for crutchie he's not out of sight, he'll never be out of sight because the memories are still there, the fear, the traumas still remain trapped in his eyes even as their source is removed from ever being a threat again. there is so much unspoken pain present in that moment - still too raw to escape - unlike everyone else, he can't let it go to cheer for their victory or take his mind off the man even when he's gone. Duckett holds this beat for such an extended amount of time and I was sat there, totally enthralled by his performance thinking, will you ever break from it... like this wasn't my 6th time seeing the show live and knowing exactly how things play out... eventually, he's able to pull himself out of that darkness and find his way back to the light, turning toward his friends family and the ones who hold him most dear. in this section of a scene alone, Duckett proved just how incredible an actor he is, giving so much depth to this character beyond what I've ever seen before. For me he really brings across the idea that despite the show's story ending happily that doesn't mean crutchies troubles are over - the lives of the characters live beyond the narrative. it's a happy ending, not necessarily a happily ever after - the ups and downs will continue for everyone beyond this particular narrative... which is obviously always the case, but it's not always the case that you acknowledge that once the story finishes - or at least that's the case with me anyway... so yeah, basically after all that, I stand by my opinion that Duckett plays a perfect crutchie and is just incredible to watch!! moving on...
(5th March - RICHMOND)
When Cathrine first encounters the newsies during carrying the Banner and is having her moment with Jack, buttons swipes the handkerchief from the pocket of whomever she’s with darcy, he takes it and drops it into crutchies outstretch hat without being noticed and crutchie replaces the hat back on his head and darcy is none the wiser… that handkerchief is then tucked into one of crutchies pockets throughout the show… I love seeing the teamwork between the newsies and being shown just how crafty and mischievous they are with all the thieving they do - especially in carrying the banner!
Unscripted moments…
(29th November - FLUSHING)
On the first night, Duckett dropped his nickel after his “I gotta nickel” moment with Catherine and it rolled out in front of him - I swear there was this solid beat of silence as it did and I was sat there wondering are you going to leave it or get up and get it back..? instead he chose a third option - he grabbed his crutch and used it to reach out and stealthily slide the nickel back into his grasp with a happy little smile to himself -- like hed just achieved the unachievable and saved his most treasured possession from the grip of doom. It was so cute and kinda hilarious -- he was just so proud of having this nickel and then immediately loses it and then has this little side quest to rescue it again without drawing attention to himself... honestly, words don't do justice to why this was so funny to me - but it cracked me up and the memory still makes me chuckle! I was genuinely gutted when it didn’t happen again!
(30th November - MANHATTAN)
There were a lot of missed catches on the second night compared to the first - but each one was performed through without feeling like a mistake. The funniest moment was when Jack throws the money back to Pulitzer but Michael totally missed and it instead flew right past Cameron and landed off stage in/by the audience, without missing a beat and keeping completely in character, Cameron just turned on his heel, strode authoritatively over to the edge of the stage and gave a commanding nod for the audience member to throw the money back to him which they did and he went straight back to business… then when it was Pulitzers bowing moment he thanked whoever threw the money - it was so great.
(28th December - MANHATTAN)
Crutchie was giving his papers out to the audience but because a few people wanted the last one he just threw it out into our area of the audience and yelled "FIGHT!" he's quite the trouble causer that Duckett and I love him for it!!
(14th April - BROOKLYN)
Now this possibly has happened when I’ve seen the show before but I was in a weird headspace during this performance and this particular thing really caught me off guard so I’m including it here… after letter from the refuge, crutchie is without his crutch and is therefore helped off stage by mark/mike - a detail I absolutely love the inclusion of, along with actually seeing crutchie give the letter to specs who then passes it on to Jack *chefs kiss* perfection… but I digress… now maybe because I was in Brooklyn things seemed louder or I was just really on edge (for reasons I still do not know why), but as crutchie and Mike did what they do and made their way down the ramp, Duckett full on DECKED IT (or at least it certainly sounded like he did) - and I was like HOLY SHIT! And for a full-on moment, my brain went into a tailspin of Oh my god did he just genuinely hurt himself - what's going to happen - is he okay - is someone gonna have to go on for him... and then I remembered that this is crutchie were talking about, who isn’t on again until the end of the show - so probably not... and then I remembered that I’m actually pretty sure he has stumbled on that bit before to y'know highlight just how terrible a shape the refuge has put him in and emphasise that crutchie is definitely not ok... so yeah, Duckett was probably fine and totally meant to do what he did… like I said, weirdly on edge throughout that entire performance and that fall caught me off guard MASSIVELY... 👍
Anyway... on that note, I'm gonna make this the end of PART TWO and going to continue things in a PART THREE...
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sailforvalinor · 9 months
You ever have that thing happen where a bit of character dialogue or the way a specific character says a phrase gets so integrated into your psyche that you start using it in everyday conversation but you don’t even realize you’re doing it
I just realized I’ve been saying “IT’S OVER!” like Strong Bad from Homestar runner for possibly like seven years
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Do y'all consider all versions of Jack that is Jack Kelly as a character a bad dancer or does it depends who are you picturing (that played him) in your head?
Is it universally agreed (thanks JerJor) that Jack can't dance or do you have different headcanons?
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redd-raptor · 7 months
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both are accurate to how i feel about this ship and how it makes me feel
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races-stupid-cigar · 10 months
hes Spot because he has extra holes
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After the strike
Roosevelt pats jack and davey on the shoulder
Roosevelt: good job gays
Davey: um sir don’t you mean gu-
Roosevelt: did I fucking stutter
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In case anyone wants to know what writing is like, I wrote about two chapters of the vampire au, in which there are zero vampires and also both chapters are essentially a fluffy coffee shop au instead of the gritty supernatural drama/thriller it was intended to be, and decided that I hate all of it.
So what is writing like? Bad.
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itsgrapes-exe · 2 months
newsies text posts
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burtonsdoodles · 11 months
Having sat in Brooklyn, I now 100% understand what they mean when they say seize the day really takes it out of them - you can see the sweat dripping, hear the huffs of breath and there were genuine tears falling on a number of faces as they tried to hold it together for the picture… though granted those tears could have been more to do with it being the final OGs performance… 🤷‍♀️ but no matter the reason, it was incredible and I have a whole new appreciation for it now… phenomenal!
Speaking of seize the day - I am obsessed with the changes - the sound of the sirens coming in as things heat up - adding the roll call (did anyone who was at the last OG show catch the names Jordan and Zach used - I didn’t and I’m just curious.) Though my absolute favourite section is when things slow down and turn into a bit of an Irish jig (no clue if that’s actually an accurate way of describing it but that’s what I’m going with). I love it so much - it gets me every time! Whoever’s decision it was to do that deserves ALL the gold stars!!!
Now we need to talk about Josh Barnett as Race because… PERFECTION!! While I love bens race and livesies in general is incredible - it’s the thing which started it all… but I have really gotten to love the original film and the grit it has - something that wasn't transferred into the Broadway show - but this uk production really feels as inspired by it as it is its Broadway predecessor… but once again I digress, Josh’s race feels like he could have been plucked from the streets of 92sies - he has that same grit and wit of max casellas race who commands his own respect amongst the streets separate from Jack… I think I’ve said this in another post but it’s cool so I’m saying it again, one of my favourite changes is that Jack isn’t the one who starts the show - race is - he’s the one who kicks everything off and calls all the other newsies to order, the action doesn’t start without his say so — and I love that!
Now to the thing I noticed on my last visit which was really interesting — when it comes to the day of the strike and davey and Jack are trying to make out that everything is fine even though barely anyone has shown up and race and finch are questioning everything and then they bring up spot conlon and daveys like “well if you see spot conlon then they’re with us”… race looked like he was about to absolutely thump davey for that - “why you litt—! ⬇️
Scratch that - Saw it again last night and race full on went for him - “why you son of a b—!” - only being stopped by Jack - race was fuming, as the scene went on and the others are talking, race is at the gate with davey and got right up in his face to say something to him - I didn’t actually catch what it was - but it was along the lines of “don’t ever speak to me like that again”… it might not have been that but whatever it was it was intense and I am now obsessed with this moment and absolutely love seeing an angrier/offended side to race
OH MY GOD I now fully understand why people rave about finch so much - he is a fascinating character to watch! Apparently Woodside is a prime finch spotting location… he actually did the bit albert usually does which is holding crutchie whilst Jack has the crutch… but he did not look happy to be doing it - the face he had as he held onto crutchies hand and Jack messed with the delanceys was the picture of - I don’t want to be a part of this! I don’t want to be a part of this! I don’t want to be a part of this! Jack stop causing trouble! As Jack was being chased finch literally called out to him - “you’re an idiot!” And from that point on finch was all I was watching throughout the rest of the show… (I might go into this more in another post)
Also I am now enamoured by the bond between finch and Mike, they had a load of little moments together and they were really cute… the main one that’s stuck with me is when Jacobi hands out the cups of water, Mike and finch are sharing a table, Mike gets the water but then shares it with finch, and there was a moment when finch really tentatively put his hand on mikes arm/shoulder when they’re talking about potentially being on the front page… it was just such a soft moment unlike most of the other who would do the same things but with much more gusto and enthusiastic weight… I just found it really sweet… mikes another one I’ve never really paid much attention to so have never really had any reference as to his character personality - but I see now that he’s one of the more guarded ones, wary of causing too much of a stir, keeps to the back but always listening… he actually goes really well with jittery mr. finch
Jack and Katherine kiss and all the newsies catch on… splasher: it’s about time
The delanceys give Jack a beating back stage before pushing him towards the paper press
Still more to come…
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Be a pal; don't forget to use alt text to describe your images! Kid blink would want you to! I don't know if there is anyone in the newsies fandom who uses a screen reader, but if there is, they should be able to access your posts, right? And if you're not going to use alt text, you can tag #undescribed so people can skip those posts easily.
(I don't use a screen reader; zooming in on images mostly works for me, but you know what I hate? Those grids with a little pic of the different characters saying who would do what thing -- I can never see those!)
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victoriawaterfield · 1 month
victoriawaterfield pinned post just dropped !!! ^^
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☆ Annie / Victoria / Clara / Whatev Really !!!
☆ He / Any Pronouns (Esp Neos !!!)
☆ Bisexual Aspec, big fan of my friends !!
☆ Professional Boygirl
☆Undescribed1mage on Ao3 / feel free 2 dm me for my discord (or the rtccord !!!)
☆ I lost access to my old blog ( @undescribed1mage) & i also run @june-doe-2024 !!!
☆ Doctor Who + Newsies, Ride The Cyclone, & other things sprinkled in but mainly Doctor Who
☆ I usually rb stuff about episodes as I watch them but I am finished with all of nuwho, & slowly working my way through eighth doctor audios & classic who episodes (on the third doctor atm) !!!
☆ professional spam reblogger (also has a degree in hitting post limit)
☆ Doctorjack fan, #1 believer in the theory that Jonathan Groff is playing Jack Harkness <3
☆Annie.txt is my talking tag, my gifs is my gifs tag, my writing is my writing tag (writing tag doesn't have anything on it yet because i haven't written anything since making this blog... whoops), & my queue tag is 'doctor? doctor queue?' !!! My queue is a mile long it is going until May & constantly updated so <3
☆ no dni if I don't like you i will just block you. simple !!!
☆ Askbox is always open !!! Feel free 2 send me doctor who related bthb prompts (card below) maybe that will make me feel more motivated 2 write lols <3 (also hc / question asks are very much appreciated !!! i love talking about my lovelies)
☆RTCCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/3SwJ3bj4
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