#new year’s resolutions
ms-m-astrologer · 4 months
Happy New Year!
I have been thinking about “New Year’s Resolutions.” Even though we know the Capricorn Solstice was about 10 days ago, our western culture has imbued “January 1” with a lot of psychic energy and magic over the eons.
There are a couple of ways to approach it. First, look at the lunar phase and try to apply it to a whole year. We start 2024 in the Disseminating phase, with the Moon in Virgo and (as always) a Capricorn Sun. Do we have some practical skill we can teach to others? Is there some way we can share a particular skill (or its fruits) with our communities?
And second - a very long time ago, the first time astrologer Andre Kahr was on Linda G’s YouTube show, she asked him about general astrological advice for people. He replied, “Work on your Sun.” His reasoning was that the Sun takes up 99% of the mass (all the “stuff”) of our solar system.
There is also the fact that we wouldn’t be able to see any of the rest of the solar system - not the Moon or any planet or thingie - if it weren’t for the Sun’s light. And the better that light shines, the better for that Moon or any planet or thingie!
It’s like - yes, I have an Aries Moon in my natal 5th House, but it’s in the context of my 8th House Gemini Sun. Jackie Kennedy also had an Aries Moon in her natal 5th House - in the context of her 9th House Leo Sun. Feel the difference?
We could pick one thing about our Sun, and work on that through 2024. Maybe an aspect, either natal or progressed or transiting; maybe one of the “building blocks” of our Sun sign. (A fiery Sun might work on finding healthy outlets for its energy; someone with a challenging Saturn-to-Sun aspect bearing down on them, might want to work on facing the issue in a mature manner.)
I want to wish everyone a safe and happy 2024!
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tenderbittersweet · 1 year
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belladoesmakeup · 4 months
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Happy New Year Everyone!
Hope this year is your best yet!
Now Blogmas is over (thank you for reading all my posts throughout December) I will be going back to posting on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s.
I will see you back here Wednesday to share some of my Christmas presents with you.
Lots of love
Bella x x
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partiallithopseffect · 4 months
New Year’s resolutions 2024:
put everything in boxes + your head in a paper bag
leave all the windows open
leave the beds unmade
tell them that you’ve got to see if you can find out what it means when your mind leaves your body
turn off the house
turn off the house
nothing you need to get back to
no-one you need to see
leave all the messages blue
don’t even look at the screen
full body gentle shutdown (so many people let down)
don’t even think about me
turn off the house
turn off the house
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lateforcakes · 3 months
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we’re reaching for the stars in 2024 baybee
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wellwhatdoiput · 4 months
happy early new year! i just want to share my resolution with yall, and i hope you’ll give it a try as well- say one nice thing about yourself every day! start your day with a compliment and some good vibes you beautiful individual you, you deserve it! cheers & good luck n health in 2024!
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New Year’s Resolutions
Keep writing;
Understand my limits and boundaries;
Relax and rest when my body tells me too;
Reach out to my friends more often;
Make art;
Visit museums and galleries;
Go to the theatre;
Send postcards;
Spend time in libraries;
Tell those that I love that I love them;
Walk walk walk;
Always choose to be kind.
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brothfan1997 · 1 year
if i was truly living life unashamed i would use the :3 emoji more
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littlerobinwriter · 1 year
new year’s resolutions: write more often than once a month
learn how to properly use a semi-colon (according to me essay grades, i have been doing this incorrectly my entire life and am DEEPLY ashamed of myself)
uhhh,,, stop disappearing into the void after a one-day manic tumblr spree every couple months?
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wovetherapy · 3 months
Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions
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As the last week in January quickly approaches, I find myself wondering what happened to my New Year's resolutions. Four weeks into the new year, I have already abandoned the lofty goals I set for myself. If you're anything like me, you've also made ambitious promises to yourself fueled by a burst of motivation and the allure of a fresh start. Every year, we pledge to hit the gym regularly, eat healthier, learn a new skill, or finally conquer that ever-growing reading list. But as the days turn into weeks and weeks into months, it's not uncommon for those resolutions to fade into the background. So, why do we continue to set New Year's resolutions, and why do they end up as fleeting aspirations rather than concrete changes?
Why Do We Make New Year’s Resolutions?
For many of us, the start of a new year symbolizes a clean slate and an opportunity to leave behind the shortcomings of the past. This symbolic fresh start is a powerful motivator, fueling the desire for positive change. New Year's resolutions provide a structured framework for people to channel this desire.
Societal norms and cultural traditions also influence our desire to create resolutions. The shared experience of setting goals for the coming year offers a sense of camaraderie and collective motivation. However, the drive to make resolutions for the year doesn't always stem from friendly competition among friends and family; companies also know that New Year's resolutions create potential revenue. Ever wonder why gyms are at full capacity the first week of January? Health and fitness companies use this time to advertise their latest products, services, diets, and workout plans. According to a Forbes Health/OnePoll survey conducted in October of 2023, 61.7% of respondents felt pressured to set a New Year’s resolution (Vinney, 2024). And so, while some people set New Year’s resolutions, others are sucked into them.
Why New Year’s Resolutions Often Fail
Despite good intentions, our resolutions often fail. In fact, studies show that over 90% of New Year’s resolutions will be abandoned within just a few months (Vinney, 2024). Here are four reasons resolutions often fail:
Unrealistic Expectations: One of the primary reasons we often cannot stick to resolutions is that we set unrealistic expectations. The enthusiasm of the new year can lead people to aim too high, setting unattainable goals within an unrealistic timeframe. This sets the stage for disappointment and diminished motivation. Instead, meet yourself where you're at and set smaller, more attainable goals.
Lack of Concrete Planning: Setting a resolution without a concrete plan prevents us from following through on our goals. Many overlook the importance of breaking down larger goals into manageable steps, making it challenging to stay on track. A lack of strategic planning can contribute to feelings of overwhelm and frustration. Instead, be specific about the goals you want to achieve, plan how to achieve them, and implement a timeline to execute steps toward those goals (Chan, 2024).
Failure to Address Underlying Issues: Often, resolutions focus on external changes without addressing the underlying issues hindering personal growth. Ignoring the root causes can lead to repeated cycles of setting the same resolutions year after year, with little success. It is important to reflect on why setting a particular goal is important to you and what has prevented you from changing in the past.
Lack of Social Support: The journey towards achieving resolutions can be challenging, and having a support system is crucial. Without a network of friends, family, or mentors to provide encouragement and guidance, people may struggle to stay motivated when faced with obstacles. Humans are social creatures, and the best way to stay consistent with goal setting is to find a buddy that will empower you and keep you motivated.
Ultimately, you don’t have to set New Year's resolutions if you don’t want to. In the grand scheme of things, New Years is an arbitrary date, and you can decide to make changes at any time of year! After reading this article, you may have decided to let go of the expectations and pressure of the new year. However, if you want to create sustainable change, consider setting realistic goals, creating detailed plans, addressing underlying issues, and building a supportive network. Remember that change is not easy or quick, and achieving your resolutions may take time—stay patient and meet yourself where you’re at.
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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New Year’s Resolutions: Establishing Realistic Mental Health Goals and Exploring Your “Super Powers”
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As we approach 2024, many of us make resolutions, often related to physical health, career goals or personal aspirations. But let’s turn our focus inward this year and explore our mental health – an area where we hold immense power over thoughts, actions, feelings attitudes decisions and more. By understanding and harnessing these aspects we can break negative cycles practice self-care set healthy boundaries invest our energy wisely.
At times, we may find ourselves dwelling on the past, worrying about the future, or focusing on others’ actions and unforeseen events. However, all these elements are beyond our control. The more time you spend fixated on what you can’t control, the further you drift from your true superpower. Taking 100% responsibility means recognizing that you do have control; you possess a superpower, and it’s essential to determine which areas you need to empower.
Look at the list below and rate each aspect from 0 to 5 — where 0 is lacking and 5 is fully charged. You can continue to enhance your strengths, those areas that are supercharged, or you can begin to work on empowering your weaker areas.
To make this process engaging and structured, let’s identify 12 ‘mental health super powers’—one for each month of the year. This approach allows us to focus on and develop a specific aspect of our mental well-being each month, culminating in a year of significant personal growth and empowerment.
Discovering Your Mental Health SuperPower:
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1. “What I invest my energy in”– Be mindful where and how you invest your energy. Engaging in positive activities and surrounding yourself with supportive people can uplift your spirit.
Where do I most frequently direct my energy each day, and how does this align with my personal values and goals?
Which activities or people in my life energize me, and which ones drain me?
How does the way I invest my energy impact my emotional and mental well-being?
What changes can I make to invest more energy in activities and relationships that are fulfilling and nurturing?
Am I investing enough energy in self-care and personal growth, and if not, what can I do to improve this?
2. “How I take care of myself”– Allowing time for yourself isn’t selfish-it’s essential! From taking relaxing baths and nature walks to engaging in favorite hobbies and other forms of self-renewal activities, prioritize activities that rejuvenate you to ensure optimal wellness.
What daily or weekly self-care practices do I currently have in place, and how effective are they in enhancing my well-being?
When I feel stressed or overwhelmed, what are my go-to strategies for self-soothing and recovery?
How do I balance taking care of others with taking care of myself, and where can I improve this balance?
3. “I have control of My thoughts”– Thoughts play a powerful role in our emotional state and behavior. We cannot control every single thought we have but by cultivating a positive mindset and attitude, we can more successfully face life’s challenges.
When I am upset what is the narrative I am telling myself?
How often do my thoughts align with reality, and how can I distinguish between irrational fears and valid concerns?
In challenging situations, how can I reframe my thoughts to focus on potential positive outcomes or learning opportunities?
How do my recurring thoughts impact my daily life, relationships, and overall well-being?
4. “I have control of My feelings”– Working on emotional self-regulation is vital for well-being. It involves acknowledging and understanding your emotions, not suppressing them. Whether it’s through deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, or journaling, finding healthy outlets for emotions is crucial. Regular practice of these techniques can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling emotional life.
What are the common triggers that lead to intense emotional responses in me?
How do my emotions manifest physically in my body, and what are the signs that an emotional response is beginning?
How do I typically react when experiencing strong emotions, and what are healthier alternatives to these reactions?
What coping strategies work best for me in managing difficult emotions, and how can I make them a regular part of my routine?
How can I practice self-compassion and kindness towards myself, especially when dealing with challenging emotions?
What can my emotions teach me about my needs, boundaries, and values?
5. “I have control of My Actions”- Being mindful of your actions is a key step towards self-empowerment and personal growth. It’s about making conscious choices that align with your values and goals. Whether it’s pursuing meaningful activities, setting boundaries, or practicing self-discipline, intentional actions create a life that reflects your true self and aspirations
Am I making intentional actions or are they mainlyreactions of my daily life?
How can I ensure that my daily actions align with my long-term goals and values?
Which of my current habits are beneficial, and which ones do I need to change or eliminate?
What strategies can I use to strengthen my self-discipline, especially in challenging situations?
How can I constructively reflect on past actions that didn’t yield the desired results, and what can I learn from them?
6. The power of words– How I speak to myself- our internal dialogue matters! Be kind and compassionate in how you talk to yourself. Replace negative thoughts with affirmations statements and positive statements for optimal health.
What daily or weekly self-care practices do I currently have in place, and how effective are they in enhancing my well-being?
When I feel stressed or overwhelmed, what are my go-to strategies for self-soothing and recovery?
How do I balance taking care of others with taking care of myself, and where can I improve this balance?
Do I regularly check in with myself to understand my needs and feelings, and how can I make this a more consistent practice?
7. My Attitude- Having a positive attitude is like a superpower for your mental health, helping you stay strong and upbeat even when things get tough. Though you cannot control every event that happens to us in life, what you can control is how we interpret those events.
Does my attitude aligns with and supports my personal and professional goals?
How am l dealing with negative thoughts or attitudes?
What is the nature of my internal self-talk, and how can I make it more positive and supportive?
How does my attitude impact my interactions with others and my daily experiences?
8. Setting Boundaries- Establishing boundaries can be essential to mental wellbeing, helping reduce stress levels and build healthy relationships.
Do I say yes to others because I can say no?
Am I a people’s pleaser?
What are my current boundaries, and how effectively am I communicating and enforcing them?
In which areas of my life do I feel the need to establish stronger boundaries?
9. Breaking cycles- Recognizing harmful patterns in your life is critical, because once identified they give you the power to break them and create healthier habits.
Have you noticed a negative pattern in your behavior or thoughts? What situation do they typically arise?
Are you usually trying to please others and have a hard time saying no!
How do these patterns align or conflict with the person I aspire to be or the life I want to lead?
10. The Power of Words– How I speak to others-
In what ways do I use words to uplift others, and how often do I engage in this practice?
Can I identify instances where my words may have unintentionally hurt someone, and what did I learn from those experiences?
Am I listening to the conversation or just reacting to a comment?
11. How I spend my time and develop positive Habits– Your choice in how you spend your time can have an enormous impact on your mental wellbeing. Prioritise activities that bring joy and fulfillment over those which sap energy from you. Creating habits that promote both mental and physical well-being can have profound effects on your mood and energy levels.
How much time do I actually spend on various activities throughout the day, and does this reflect my stated priorities?
Do these activities bring me happiness? Are they adding value and meaning to my life, or simply taking away from it?
How much of my time is spent doing things I enjoy versus things I feel obligated to do?
Which of my current habits have the most significant impact on my daily life and overall well-being?
12. “My decisions”– Every decision we take have an effect on our lives, so choose decisions that align with your values and goals, while prioritizing those which support mental wellbeing.
Be Patient and Kind to Yourself: Change can take time; be kind to yourself during this journey by being understanding of setbacks as part of the experience.
Conclusion As we welcome in 2024, let’s embrace our mental health ‘super power.’ By being more aware of our thoughts, actions, feelings and how we use our time and energy, we can set realistic goals to foster healthier minds and achieve an improved state of being. Remember: the journey toward improved mental wellbeing is ongoing – let this year be filled with growth, self-discovery and empowerment!
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
Distracting myself from an incipient heggache by trying to come up with generic yet timeless astrological New Year’s Resolutions……..
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): pace yourself
Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo): ponder, “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”*
Air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini): spend more time outside your own head
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): work on healthier boundaries
* - to elaborate, this refers to a story from the Christian New Testament’s Gospel of John. After Jesus’ resurrection, some of his disciples have seen him, but some of them haven’t - and one, Thomas, insists that he’ll need to put his finger in Jesus’ nailholes (from being crucified!!) and his hand in the wound in Jesus’ side, before he’ll believe it. When Jesus next shows up, Thomas is there, and Jesus says “come on, dude, here are the nailholes and the wound in my side.” Thomas says, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus replies, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
(Please don’t get pissed off that I quoted the Bible - I was raised Episcopalian, with a dash of Lutheran, and that’s how I tend to default about spirituality; I firmly believe it’s possible to learn from the Bible itself without also adhering to the myriad rules men have elaborated through the centuries.)
Moving right along:
Cardinal signs (Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer): finish a project
Fixed signs (Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio): get off your butt and do something
Mutable signs (Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini, Pisces): slow down and remember to breathe
Anybody got anything else?
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banmaihong · 4 months
Nghị Lực & Đam Mê  (Huỳnh Phương - Huệ Hương) 
“Đam mê giúp ta có thêm nghị lực sống.  Còn nghị lực sống giúp đam mê thành hiện thực”  Phải chăng ?  -Không có ước mơ nào quá xa vời (1)  Khi mất hy vọng mới cảm thấy chơi vơi Continue reading Untitled
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counselorssoapbox · 4 months
Why I decided to give up making New Year’s resolutions.
New Year’s resolutionsPhoto courtesy of Pixabay.com Why I decided to give up making New Year’s resolutions. By David Joel Miller, MS, Licensed Therapist & Counselor. An alternative to New Year’s resolutions. I’ve tried making New Year’s resolutions more than once. Most of those resolutions are forgotten by the second week in January. Every year, right around New Year’s, many people make New…
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rebuildingrob · 4 months
It’s time to go to work!
What are your biggest challenges? It’s about 1223 Eastern time here in the United States. 2024 has just begun, and I’m ready to get rolling! I’m great now my biggest challenges in my life are getting my finances in order and getting myself into shape. I turn 50 this year, and quite frankly it’s time that I finally get my shit together. I had a realization a while back that only one male in the…
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hacked-wtsdz · 4 months
The only way you can survive is by being good btw
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