mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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The Cultist Acolyte from Darkest Dungeon is a choicepunk voidpunk aromantic acefog transmasc abhorcoric abyssalgender aesvillainic agenderfaun aguaboy altcoric backroomic liminalcoric oddcoric kenochoric bastardcoric batcoric beastgender beauboy beholdian benevoid bloodcoric bonegender bxy candygothic cangoric celestialgendervoid chaoscoric chaosgender cheshiric chimeragender chirogender chlorian cinctaboy colagender coldgender collapsargender constructgender cryptidboy corpsegender cosmicboy crowcoric cryogender cthulhan damseboy dangerlexic darkclowncoric darkgender darkrosegender deathcute deathlexic 404gender aboixygender abominationlexic abonxigender abrogender acxygender adorbian aerogender aesthetivir afflowian alohomic amphibarian ampligender anarcgender annulian ashilexic asteragender aurorian avendinoboy axenovir badgeric baiegardic bastardlexic beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender calighn caligonoctic candygorelexic caninarian caninix caridic carouselgender cha0xygender chaokixygender chaotiqueer cietigender ciybogender daederic dullcoric dizzylexic echogender ecleclexic eldryxygender etheric euphorilexic fablian faunvir felisarian firessen firegender flamilexic flickergender floofylexic fluidflux fluffylexic foxlexic froramwaremojic frostgender gallozygender gejixigender gemmian gelsolum genderagridoce genderainimm genderalbum genderalumini genderamu genderascua genderbaai genderbanpiro genderbero genderbianco genderblank genderblast genderbleikur genderboira genderboscata genderbruine genderbruinement genderbruiner genderbruineux genderburgunder genderbyge gendercaldu gendercanle gendercanum gendercaoba gendercapa gendercarne gendercastanha gendercastial gendercereum gendercerezal gendercervo gendercetaceo gendercigl gendercindro gendercitrina gendercollector gendercolorius gendercorisco gendercotonneux gendercrow gendercueste genderdeinim genderdenne genderderfinu genderdezerto genderdou genderdufair genderdugga genderearth genderebereum genderenga genderengi gendereukalipto genderevera genderfaire genderfairn genderfaunet genderfearn genderfejś genderfin genderfiolett genderfiywyt genderflamboez genderfleuve genderfloro genderfontan genderfrago rosboy!
He's in a QPR with Rick Sanchez from Pocket Mortys, a femme violaen extromantic abroromantic aceflux omnisexual roseabic iridian genderfrais genderfrect genderfresha genderfruct genderfumo gendergaiss gendergebre gendergivre gendergivrer genderglacimoto gendergranato gendergrano gendergrapfrukto gendergrasker gendergrund genderherbejo genderqueer gendersequoia gendervoid ghostcoric ghostgender glitchgender gorecoric gxrl hafian hallowgender hellgender hellian herbagender honeycoric horrorhypic icaegender icarxigender icegender innogender imagian imagilexic incognera iroxygender jaxcogender jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender condigirl juxefluix caelgender medeigender gendernimius caergenderfleur frenzygender gendercitraflux genderbasant solaeic pacatusic genderplantationis gendermetus fogflux genderfroth laetusgender genderwick gendercholy sensualarian musicgender volitogender nonvir kaifenegender prismovic gendercollectress femvir aporogender gendermajor sapphirian demiflux echogender etherio bxy clowngender funniclowngender callaboy privinclownic royalvinclownic royalclownic priclownic clowncorric menoverique genderpuppet carninoir transneumasculine darkclowncoric clowncoric clowndollthing clownthing kenodel jestercostumic genderbouffon sadclownhusbic ollzirkusgender clowndollgender axenovir agender oppetgender charonian callagirl crecutian brokendollix porcelaineic dollthing dollitagender dollgoric dollgender dollcoric dollass kenomel porcique dollcute dollmaiden plushbunnyic pribunic bungender pawsgender demitransfem hydrogender astrobyssian spacegender celeduvoiden astrostarlic spatilost constellestial cadalgender galafascic seaturespaceic constellatiofem galaxionic virgender starthing stargender herogender swordgender bigender royalcoric redgender purplegender knightprincess iso man!
They both love their grandson Morty Smith, who is questioning both his gender and sexuality, very much!
dni link
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naram--sin · 7 years
being sick sucks. i have a stomach virus but bc i has a mysterious neuroviral infection i have no energy. when you're sick you make people nervous and then they're jerks to you. especially your own family. may as well die
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thientamblog · 4 years
Neuroviral infections : RNA viruses and retroviruses https://t.co/Uie8lzGXDu
Neuroviral infections : RNA viruses and retroviruses https://t.co/Uie8lzGXDu
— wpthemereviewON (@wpthemereviewO1) December 2, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/wpthemereviewO1 December 03, 2019 at 04:34AM via IFTTT
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jorgemarquet · 5 years
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Eddie Munson from Stranger Things is an autistic 404gender aboixygender abominationlexic abonxigender abrogender acxygender adorbian aerogender aesthetivir afflowian alohomic amphibarian ampligender anarcgender annulian anorexgender ashilexic asteragender aurorian avendinoboy axenovir badgeric baiegardic bastardlexic batgender beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic bxy cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender calighn candygorelexic caninarian caninix caridic carouselgender cha0xygender chaokixygender chaotiqueer cietigender ciybogender corpsegender cryptidian daederic darkclowncoric deathcute demifluid dizzylexic dullcoric echogender ecleclexic eldryxygender etheric euphorilexic fablian faunvir felisarian firessen firegender flamilexic flickergender floofylesic fluidflux fluffylesic foxlexic froramwaremojic frostgender gallozygender gejixigender gemmian gelsolum genderagridoce genderalbum genderalumini genderamu genderascua genderbanpiro genderbero genderbianco genderblank genderblast genderbleikur genderboscata genderbruine genderbruinement genderbruiner genderbruineux genderburgunder genderbyge gendercaldu gendercanle gendercanum gendercaoba gendercapa gendercarne gendercastanha gendercastial gendercereum gendercerezal gendercervo gendercetaceo gendercigl gendercindro gendercitrina gendercollector gendercolorius gendercorisco gendercotonneux gendercrow gendercueste genderdeinim genderdenne genderderfinu genderdezerto genderdou genderdugga genderearth genderebereum genderenga genderengi gendereukalipto genderevera genderfaire genderfairn genderfaunet genderfeam genderfejs genderfiolett genderfiywyt genderflamboez genderfleuve genderfloro genderfontan genderfrago genderfrais genderfrect genderfresha genderfumo gendergaiss gendergebre gendergivre gendergivrer genderglacimoto gendergranato gendergrano gendergrapfrukto gendergrasker gendergrund genderherbejo genderqueer gendersequoia gendervoid ghostcoric ghostgender glitchgender gorecoric gxrl hafian hallowgender hellgender hellian herbagender honeycoric horrorhypic icaegender icegender innogender imagian imagilexic incognera iroxygender jaxcogender jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender queer person with ADHD and DPD who uses he/him auxiliary pronouns!
dni link
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
Resending then!! Eddie Munson from Stranger Things is a 404gender, Aboixygender, Abominationlexic, Abonxigender, Abrogender, Acxygender, Adorbian, Aerogender, Aesthetivir, Afflowian, Alohomic, Amphibarian, Ampligender, Anarcgender, Annulian, Anorexgender, Ashilexic, Asteragender, Aurorian, Avendinoboy, Axenovir, Badgeric, Baiegardic, Bastardlexic, Batgender, Beehilexic, Bloodgender, Bluevir, Bubblilexic, Bungorecoric, Burnilexic, Bxy, Cabaxygender, Cabledagender, Caelgender, Calighn (1/?)
Eddie req 2/?) Caligonotic, Candygorelexic, Caninarian, Caninix, Caridic, Carouselgender, Cha0xygender, Chaokixygender, Chaotiqueer, Cietigender, Ciybogender, Corpsegender, Cryptidian, Daederic, Darkclowncoric, Deathcute, Demifluid, Dizzylexic, Dullchoric, Echogender, Ecleclexic, Eldryxygender, Etheric, Eurphorilexic, Fablian, Faunvir, Felisarian, Firecoric, Firegender, Flamelexic, Flickergender, Floofylexic, Fluidflux, Fluffylexic, Foxlexic, Froramwaremojic, Frostgender, Gallozygender Eddie req 3/?) Gejixigende, Gemmian, Gelsolum, Genderagridoce, Gendersinimm, Genderalbum, Genderalumini, Genderamu, Genderascu, Genderbaiix Genderbanpiro, Genderbero, Genderbianco, Genderblank, Genderblast, Genderbleikur, Genderboria, Genderboscata, Genderbruine, Genderbruinement, Genderbruiner, Genderbruineux, Genderburgunder, Genderbyge, Gendercaldu, Gendercanle, Gendercanum, Gendercaoba, Gendercapa, Gendercarne, Gendercastanha, Gendercastial, Gendercereum, Gendercerezal, Gendercervo Eddie req 4/?) Gendercetaceo, Gendercigl, Gendercindro, Gendercitrina, Gendercollector, Gendercolorius, Gendercorisco, Gendercottoneux, Gendercrow, Gendercueste, Genderdeinim, Genderdenne, Genderderfinu, Genderdezerto, Genderdou, Gendersufair, Genderdugga, Genderearth, Genderbereum, Genderenga, Genderengi, Gendereukalipto, Genderevera, Genderfaire, Genderfairn, Genderfaunet, Genderfearn, Genderfejś, Genderfiolett, Genderfiwyt, Genderflamboez, Genderfleuve, Genderfloro, Genderfontan, Genderfrago Eddie req 5/?) Genderfrais, Genderfrect, Genderfresha, Genderfruct, Genderfumo, Gendergaiss, Gendergebre, Gendergivre, Gendergivrer, Genderglacimoto, Gendergranato, Gendergrano, Gendergrapfrukto, Gendergrasker, Gendergrund, Genderherbejo, Genderaueer, Gendersequoia, Gendervoid, Ghostcoric, Ghostgender, Glitchgender, Gorecoric, Gxrl, Hafian, Hallowgender, Hellgender, Hellian, Herbagender, Honeycoric, Horrorhypic, Icaegender, Icarixgender, Icegender, Innogender, Imagian, Imagilexic, Incognera Eddie req 6/?) Iroxygender, Jaxcogender, Jaxygender, Juxera, Jxegender, Kamomigender, Kcttygender, Kenovir, Kiddolexic, Kittian, Kittigender, Koigender, Lambgender, Laughgender, Leporigender, Lexecloudic, Librafluid, Liminalcoric, Loudgender, Lullalexic, Lyrilexic, Mallowic, Maverique, Melongender, Midnightfluid, Multigender, Muscusian, Muttgender, Namidxygender, Naturamfluix, Nebulexic, Neigender, Neurovir, Neutrois, Nightcoric, Nightgender, Noxavire, Nyanbinary, Nxnbinary, Omuic, Oblimasculine Eddie req 7/7) Obscuvir, Palorfluid, Paraboy, Pasomxogender, Possumgender, Prinlexic, Pxngender, Rainbowgender, Regretlexic, Seafoamgender, Sharkgender, Silklexic, Sleepcoric, Smileylexic, Snarlgender, Sparklegender, Tarantulagender, Tortiegender, Vampiregender, Warriolexic, Wilddoggender, Wolfgender, Windclangender, Wonderlalexic, Wulfgender Queer person with ADHD, Autism, and DPD who uses He/Him aux. pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
The Cultist Acolyte from Darkest Dungeon is an Aromantic acefog transmasc(yellow flag) abhorcoric abyssalgender aesvillainic agenderfaun aguaboy altcoric backroomic liminalcoric oddcoric kenochoric bastardcoric batcoric beastgender beauboy beholdian benevoid bloodcoric bonegender bxy candygothic cangoric celestialgendervoid chaoscoric chaosgender cheshiric chimeragender chirogender chlorian choicepunk cinctaboy colagender coldgender collapsargender constructgender cryptidboy corpsegender cosmicboy voidpunk crowcoric cryogender cthulhan damseboy dangerlexic darkclowncoric darkgender darkrosegender deathcute deathlexic 404Gender Aboixygender AbominationlexicAbonxigender Abrogender Acxygender Adorbian Aerogender Aesthetivir Afflowian Alohomic Amphibarian Ampligender Anarcgender Annulian Ashilexic Asteragender Aurorian Avendinoboy Axenovir badgeric baeigardic bastardlexic beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender Calighn Caligonoctic Candygorelexic Caninarian Caninix Caridic Carouselgender Cha0xygender Chaokixygender Chaotiqueer Cietigender Ciybogender daederic dullcoric dizzylexic Echogender Ecleclexic Eldryxygender Etheric Euphorilexic Fablian Faunvir Felisarian Firecoric Firegender Flamilexic Flickergender Floofylexic Fluidflux Fluffylexic Foxlexic Froramwaremojic Frostgender Gallozygender Gejixigender Gemmian Gelsolum Genderagridoce Genderainimm Genderalbum Genderalumini Genderamu Genderascua Genderbaai Genderbanpiro Genderbero Genderbianco Genderblank Genderblast Genderbleikur Genderboira Genderboscata Genderbruine Genderbruinement Genderbruiner Genderbruineux Genderburgunder Genderbyge Gendercaldu Gendercanle Gendercanum Gendercaoba Gendercapa Gendercarne Gendercastanha Gendercastial Gendercereum Gendercerezal Gendercervo Gendercetaceo Gendercigl Gendercindro Gendercitrina Gendercollector Gendercolorius Gendercorisco Gendercottoneux Gendercrow Gendercueste Genderdeinim Genderdenne Genderderfinu Genderdezerto Genderdou Genderdufair Genderdugga Genderearth Genderebereum Genderenga Genderengi Gendereukalipto Genderevera Genderfaire Genderfairn Genderfaunet Genderfearn Genderfejś Genderfin Genderfiolett Genderfiwyt Genderflamboez Genderfleuve Genderfloro Genderfontan Genderfrago Rosboy who is in a QPR with Rick(From Pocket Mortys specifically) who is a Genderfrais Genderfrect Genderfresha Genderfruct Genderfumo Gendergaiss Gendergebre Gendergivre Gendergivrer Genderglacimoto Gendergranato Gendergrano Gendergrapfrukto Gendergrasker Gendergrund Genderherbejo Genderqueer Gendersequoia Gendervoid Ghostcoric Ghostgender Glitchgender Gorecoric Gxrl Hafian Hallowgender Hellgender Hellian Herbagender Honeycoric Horrorhypic Icaegender Icarxigender Icegender Innogender Imagian Imagilexic Incognera Iroxygender Jaxcogender Jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender roseabic condigirl juxefluix caelgender medeigender gendernimius caergenderfleur frenzygender gendercitraflux genderbasant solaeic pacatusic genderplantationis gendermetus fogflux genderfroth laetusgender genderwick gendercholy sensualarian musicgender volitogender nonvir kaifenegender prismovic gendercollectress femvir aporogender gendermajor sapphirian demiflux echogender etherio bxy violaen clowngender (1/2)
(Cultist resend 2/2) funniclowngender callaboy privinclownic royalvinclownic royalclownic priclownic clowncorric menoverique genderpuppet carninoir transneumasculine darkclowncoric clowncoric clowndollthing clownthing kenodel jestercostumic genderbouffon sadclownhusbic ollzirkusgender clowndollgender axenovir agender iridian oppetgender charonian callagirl crecutian brokendollix porcelaineic dollthing dollitagender dollgoric dollgender dollcoric dollass kenomel porcique dollcute dollmaiden plushbunnyic pribunic bungender pawsgender, aceflux, extromantic, demitransfem, femme, agenderflux, hydrogender, astrobyssian, spacegender, celeduvoiden, astrostarlic, spatilost, constellestial, cadalgender, galafascic, seaturespaceic, constellatiofem, galaxionic, virgogender starthing stargender herogender swordgender bigender royalcoric redgender purplegender knightprincess omnisexual abroromantic iso man! They both very much love their grandson Morty(Also from Pocket Mortys) who is questioning in both his gender and sexuality.
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Nicky from the Sonic the Hedgehog manga is an autistic anxiaroace nexeromantic nexesexual neurovir trans boy with ADHD, anxiety, social anxiety, and DID!
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Stanford Pines from Gravity Falls is an autistic aroallo mspec turian scigender rikagender neurovir scififascic horrorcosmium nullvir sciencegender genderwarp trans man with CPTSD, dream anxiety, and social anxiety who uses he/him, ey/em, xe/xem, pe/per, and thon/thons pronouns!
banner transcripts here
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
Aizawa is a Transgender Androgynous Peach Lesbian Aromantic Asexual attracted to WLW/NBLW, Uses He/Him, Xey/Xyr, Sword/Swordself, 🗡/🗡self, Ro/Royals, Gold/Goldself, ⭐/⭐self, Nonbinary Bigender Bisexual Biromantic attracted to Anyone, uses She/He, They/Xyr, Fae/Faer, Zim/Zyr, Sparks/Sparkles, Star/Starself, Ro/Rose, Ro/Royal, Night/Nightself, Lu/Luna, 🌙/🌙self, 🔮/🔮self, he/him/his/himself, it/it/its/itself, co/co/cos/coself, blo/blob/blobs/blobself, pink/pink/pinks/pinkself, pix/pixel/pixels/pixelself, ang/anger/angers/angerself, bon/bon/bons/bonself, dre/dream/dreams/dreamself, fly/fly/flies/flyself, galaxy/galaxy/galaxies/galaxyself, eat/eat/eats/eatself, so/soft/softs/softself, ge/gem/gems/gemself, swee/sweet/sweets/sweetself,🦄/🦄/🦄s/🦄self, 🍄/🍄/🍄s/🍄self, 🪐/🪐/🪐s/🪐self, 🍥/🍥/🍥s/🍥self, 🍡/🍡/🍡s/🍡self, 🧁/🍰/🧁s/🧁🍰self, 💕/💕/💕s/💕self, 🏳️‍⚧️/🏳️‍⚧️/🏳️‍⚧️s/🏳️‍⚧️self. Eat is rosboy, gendersylph, voidhoarder, planetofluid, gendersnackic, gastrogender, spacegenderfluid, aliusen, passiogender, digigender, waxian, dularomic, astraitelian, juparian, vyrnylian, luxian, nonpuella, genderfluff, plushxygender, slimegender, genderstar, astralgender, pastelpinkgender, mollismarsic, ani-lan, rosequartzcrysgender, wondergender, clotheslinegender, melogender, angergender, microboy, aroaceflux, mysromantix, myrromatic, panromantic, and gai, xenosexual dayfluid pojkevan sinegender endoboy, genderstash, neuroaximan, nonpuer, distortgender, alosolus, keingender, sonnefloren, bicolorgender (bluegender and blackgender), angergender, depriflux, demisexual, bisexual, bellusromantic, cupioromantic, and biromantic. Bun is also a transmasc, nonbinary, agender, demiboy, boyflux, genderflux, genderfluid, bigender, eafluid, catgender, pyrogender, bungender, pupgender, softgender, lovegender, cutegender, valicanic, angéliquefemian, aloveic, buzinbackroomic, strawberryboy, poppygender, genderfaun, percifeminine, strawberrion, abinary, bitmapgender, dotgender, sommgender, citrusgender, stellic, aimantjaunegender, luminogender, firemine, sodemine, clarpupswirlic, yellowvir, neongender, maraic, feliogender, genderamabiliter, amoenagender, catcute, hoodieboy, hoodiemasc, cozymasc, lovecoregender, chiotneq, chiotie, nuastelic, orangegender, gumgender, lapsigender, pricatic, princegender, prilidemic, priwavic, priangpupic, prisakuraic, pripopic, prisodaic, prisolaric, svitaton, regressifluid, prifraisic, strawberryramungender, mirukufluid, strawberrygender, strawberrypockygender, douxinvern, affectionic, evariboy, tangerica, aporaboy, pupgoldic, plushbunnyic, twinkgender, sugargender, monsterhighgender, neoboy, splendidagender, genderbruised, bunroseic, primagiboyic, crushgender, affecticatian, roseboy, pinklemonade drinkgender, neoncadecoric, embragender, gendercuddle, faunapefluix, amadouxic, maogender, seific, warmcoloren, priopalian, on fucking firegender, rosboy, cozybunian, flutoique, sweetmasc, etanamasc, adodouxic, angeligender, angelhonum, ADHDgender, puerilgender, genderfluff, divinegender, boycute, prihyperempathy, angelihonum, solarian, genderfluff, cliugender, nubegender, sleepygender, perciotherkin, trendergender, benegender, gendereso, mollisnon, genderhaze, genderswete, frigender, gendergyumolcs, gendercalin, genderavoxtur, gendercalinant, verient, angelihonum, felishonum, inturgender, catboxgender, gendersolskin, mogaihypic, pinkboy, dreamlandic, glanimahypic, lyshypic, loopique, gooeyical, hotsugarical, iasilical, sliceical, mantraical, primelonic, priframboisic, priceriseic, childisharian, boxgender, bloementuinboy, goldic, angelkinic, mollianic, autix, inkongender, hyempathymasc, hyempathygender, collecthyperfix, orastimgender, audistimgender, lufuien, angelkincatheric, genderqueued, tenercatgender, femmequeer, neurovir, agineric, mutogender, faefluid, felmouboy, angelcatgender, mymelodygender, ronronian, flamfemme, tumblrgender, prialdernic, priangelic, priesol, hurtiplatre, cutiplatre, genderplatre, healiplatre, niasogender, audinic, priaudinic, sugaryic, boyfluff, flufferil, solaeic, shortcakegender,
izgender, prisanriocoric, istatian, flarosea-angelgender, strawberrypup, strawberrycat, enerbouncic, strawberrybun, vabogender, opalencille, meowmeowgender, vanillaic, gaylecrossingic, lollycrossingic, balonogender, candesconian, tenermasc, lenisgender, blossomeryx, pateliikitque, pawsgender, schrodigender, priabysnniancatic, fictifemgender, plushomigender, primoonstone, pricouleuric, falstelogender, sunogender, sherbcrossingic, catdogflux, priaxolotlic, priarcielic, priseastaric, pridawnic, pripearlic, chatonic, cildiscian, enderlodix, lagniauric, flufarstuffyic, pribubblegumic, prisunrisic, prilichtic, stimugender, databaseric, syllrubru, princian, daisolis, sonneflorian, jourumbic, girasolgender, genderarconbe, purkkagender, deorcnesian, prifluxdysic, prisemidysic, denchigender, prifluxverbic, lovecatgender, lenctentidian, genderdagian, boygender, infheit, enedic, kokcinelonic, kuromefluid, cattic, beoboy, buttorfleogeic, fluixcattian, hundic, dokelingic, anninmationian, hachigender, mitsubachigender, gendervaque, genderenkris, soporatagender, toebeanic, boy+, citronoic, narancsic, eperic, fluixeperian, afonyanic, malnanic, cirseic, lytelic, ofettic, sotenia, kokesic, citrancsic, ananasonic, mangunic, strawberrygender, decoric, voilen, kisuiloinic, lexegender, lexepuppic, lexekittic, lexebunnic, femarsic, feminec, melle, effemal, auticat, jaunsterrean, mymelodykinic, contramymfem, dianvile, prifleuric, pridovic, pripluvic, clerskyetic, procellosusgender, ventulusgender, ventusgender, genderorientis, genderpluvia, hattarabaonic, genderoccidentis, prikittyic, limukkabaonic, genderpergratus, genderfluctivagus, genderdachi,
mangunic, strawberrygender, decoric, voilen, kisuiloinic, lexegender, lexepuppic, lexekittic, lexebunnic, femarsic, feminec, melle, effemal, auticat, jaunsterrean, mymelodykinic, contramymfem, dianvile, prifleuric, pridovic, pripluvic, clerskyetic, procellosusgender, ventulusgender, ventusgender, genderorientis, genderpluvia, hattarabaonic, genderoccidentis, prikittyic, limukkabaonic, genderpergratus, genderfluctivagus, genderdachi, paraboy, genderclemens, strawberrybalmic, kivifruktonic, kjarpsic, genderkjarps, igelic, renaitregender, recréergender, progressergender, invernufem, gendersyllabum, ostoslistagender, notoblokogender, mascpunk, fogfluidflux, pricrossingic, écriregender, pricatboy, genderliebeslied, prinuzlichic, priteddybearic, prikidcoric, bunnyboygender, priplushic, pripelucheuxic, jiazic, gendergé, priotherkin, pritherian, autimain, genderfarb, permacollector, jinirosaic, catboykinic, honeyderivical, arospecgender, stitchescrossingic, nongeleboy, boy lite, lofthousean, ontfille, smallredboyic, aclarus, mulium, fawngender, credogender, decredogender, enderbeemasc, genanxiegender, socanxiegender, neuropermacollector, lightacifleurian, bubblegumkkmusica, adorafaunet boy! He is achillean, toric, mlnb, enbian, opalian, turian, solian, uranic, muialtunic, asexual, demisexual, demisexualspike, aceflux, greyace, greyromantic, t4tqueerplatonic, rosesexual, pomoaro, myrsexual, ay, alicoromantic, nexesexual, nexeromantic, quasiromantic, caedsexual, caedromantic, quassusexual, erosfluid, drissexual, cupiosexual, polyamorous, ambiamorous, urazqueerplatonic, urazromantic, urazsexual, abrosexual, abromantic, manabromantic, minabromantic, and horispec! My Melody also has adhd, rsd, spd, misophonia, trauma, depression, ptsd, generalized and social anxiety, ocd, phobias, paranoia, intrusive thoughts, emotional impermanence, and is hypersexual because of trauma, as well as autistic! They ID as ageregressic, idesheboy, dysphoriaflux, princess but boy, pronounflux, honum hoarder, species hoarder, malewife, poly-aligned, bi-aligned, femininetransmasc, colorhoarder, gendersatyret, gendercollector, flamboric, facelessneutral, wildmasculine, gnpnc, hoardiflux, mingender, beauboy, faline turian, lavenderboy, lavenian, adentix, neurotix, autix, neurostatic, amatopunk, voidpunk, aldernic, joypunk, and rabiespunk! My Melody uses it/its, the cat/the cats, kitty/kittys, bunny/bunnys, puppy/puppys, xo/xox, purr/purrs, angel/angels, they/them, he/him, xd/xds, that thing/that things, pup/pups, bun/buns, :]/:]’s, fae/fem, fae/faer, ae/aer, kitten/kittens, love/loves, nya/nyan, mew/mews, cute/cutes, fleur/fleurs, flower/flowers, laven/lavender, bite/bites, hy/hym, ny/nym, soda/sodas, fizz/fizzes, lolli/pop, hm/hms, xe/xem, cloud/clouds, smoke/smokes, chew/chews, meo/meow, mrr/mrrp, flame/flames, di/diamond, hey/hem, lem/lemon, 7/7s, ro/rose, ey/em, star/stars, pop/pops, chai/chais, paw/paws, she/her, sh*/h*r, th*y/th*m, sh/hr, thy/thm, any pronouns, any neopronouns,🍓/🍓’s, 🍰/🍰’s, 🧸/🧸’s, 🎀/🎀’s, 🌸/🌸’s, 🌺/🌺’s, 🍉/🍉’s, 🍒/🍒’s, ⚠️/⚠️’s, 🌈/🌈’s, 🌼/🌼’s, 🍋/🍋’s, 🥤/🥤’s, 💎/💎’s, 💥/💥’s, ⭐️/⭐️’s, 💫/💫’s, 🔥/🔥’s,🥝/🥝’s, 👐/👐’s, 💕/💕’s, 🏳️‍⚧️/🏳️‍⚧️’s, 🥑/🥑’s, 🥭/🥭’s, 🥥/🥥’s, 🌅/🌅’s, 🛍/🛍’s, 🔆/🔆’s, 💐/💐’s, 🌹/🌹’s, 🐰/🐰’s, 🐇/🐇’s, 🐈/🐈’s, 💌/💌’s, 🐾/🐾’s, and 🐱/🐱’s pronouns! She is also angelkin, catkin/therian, my melodykin, puppyhearted, bunnyhearted, deerhearted, ghost copinglink, and doll copinglink! Not a joke, if you can do this that would be great! Sorry if some stuff is reapeated, we're a system and we switched a bit while writing. Ik there's a lot, take your time!
sorry, but i can think of multiple characters named aizawa, and i want to make sure i do the right one, so lmk their full name and/or source!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Lydia is an autistic peach femme polyamorous bisexual woman with PCOS and endometriosis who mainly uses she/her pronouns, but is open to any pronouns, including neopronouns, and she is married to Anne, who she very much adores and supports unconditionally through her mental health issues! Anne is a greyaroace gender-apathetic trans woman with PTSD, DPDR, AVPD, DPD, MDD, PPD, OCD, and selective mutism who is indifferent to pronouns, and she’s married to Lydia and greatly appreciates her selflessness and compassion, even if she can’t express it at times due to her mental health issues!
Lydia and Anne are both adoptive parents to Shepherd, an autistic rabiespunk trenderpunk amatopunk GNPNC casualic butch polyamorous T4T gaybian spiked nonbinary puppycoric dogcoric webcoric kidcoric trendercoric artcoric weirdcoric rainbowcoric paintpaletteaesic splateredpaintic boy+ writtic syllcanis pawchienic peanirisic autiropupic furbstalgic neonlexic boyloud aboyeic puptix dogtheric/puppytheric wynfaesei chienie webpupian joyboy wildmasculine transmasculine pupstimmic paintique clarpupswirlic wackartoonic cmykartic stebaonic boyflux pupmasculine autidemidogfluid autoonian ecstimmian pupaurciel neurovir bxy censari rabiesan genderpunk boydyke panartis graphigender artgender autigender stimgender emojigender fascigender neurogenderpunk autigenderpunk genderqueer happygender copicgender colorgender rainbowgender paintgender sketchgender abstractgender toongender cringegender webgender computergender canisgender dogboygender himbopupgender 🐶gender nicedogboygender/friendlydogboygender dogfrapgender woofwoofgender squirmpupgender sugarypupgender dogpetgender doggender pupgender bigender turigirl lesboy violenatian who sometimes binds their chest and wears masculine-aligned clothing, but is generally nondysphoric, and uses he/him, she/her, they/them, bark/barks, woof/woofs, aroo/aroos, lick/licks, sof/softs, fluff/fluffs, and any other dog- or puppy-themed neopronouns! Some of Shepherd’s closest friends are Maia and Maison!
Maia is an autistic GNPNC monster femme slenderversefascic loficalic kenoaesic nightvaleaesic galaxyaesic midnightaesic hallowdecoraesic milesaesic cemeteryaesic potionaesic magicaesic crypdostaesic purpleaesic orangeaesic greenaesic blackaesic bataesic lexehalloweenic lexebitchic horrorpartyic spacemonstergirlic witchmonstergirlic blacatfortunic luckblackcatic plaguecoric liminalcoric purpotioic tackeyhalloweenpropic kenochoric kenogoth/keingoth kenovir cauldrend morallygrayix noxian kenorchid alienmagian voidrian voidmagian noircattian/noricattic lopboy latenightdrawic/latenightdrawen noctipurprian geminiris andemobos astronomique halloranoir beyondix purcavumika pancaeleste/pancaelestic/pancaeline osnolic eldricattian darkgender keingender gendernoitaku genderlune genderproster gendertene/genderstyg astralgender carvumgender incorporegender lavalampgender cadalgender halloweengender blackcatgender transmasculine polyamorous T4T KLK omni lesbian with GAD, ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome, and dysthymia who uses he/him, it/its, hy/hym, xe/xim, rox/roxas, ne/nim, dae/daem, moon/moons, witch/witches, spell/spells, hex/hexes, po/potions, meow/meows, kit/kits, lu/lunas, star/stars, dark/darks, galax/galaxies, fel/felines, tar/tarots, and noir/noirs pronouns!
Maia’s twin Maison is an intersex trans man with selective mutism and PCOS who doesn’t care to label his orientation beyond him simply being queer and uses he/him pronouns! He’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Skunk, an autistic GNPNC polyamorous T4T mspeclesbiangender/luniangender pan lesbian with a mitochondrial disease that causes type 1 diabetes, deafness, chronic muscle pain, and kidney disease who uses any pronouns! Skunk’s older sister Glamour is a GNPNC femme gay man with BPD, NPD, and HPD who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
Glamour is in a queerplatonic relationship with her favorite person Phoenix, an autistic GNPNC futch polyamorous T4T ND4ND aroallo akoiromantic hexian pansexual gay arolink intersex desertbluffsaesic lexelovejoyic florfieldic lemon tartic alstrolia bizarrime arcaestic sunflowercoloric intersex boysisteric nosaejerainic yellowvir orangevir nosaebire maverique transneutral kaitshogender moviegender pangaygender hedonigender dramatigender celebratogender chaotigender bigender nonbinary man/nonbinary woman manconjuwoman with ADHD, HPD, partial blindness, and severe scoliosis that causes chronic pain in nya’s back, hands, and legs, which stitch uses a special cane for when beep experiences pain flare-ups! Jinx only uses neopronouns and emojipronouns due to personal preference, with some of 🖍️ favorites being bee/boops, neo/neons, co/cozys, expo/exposures, moo/moos, ring/rings, enby/enbys, honk/honks, rain/bows, mochi/mochis, boba/bobas, kit/kits, nya/nyas, kitty/kitties, sta/stars, le/lemons, bell/bells, cutie/cuties, stitch/stitches, jinx/hijinks, cookie/cookies, flim/flims, ⚧️/⚧️s, 🖍️/🖍️s, 🦄/🦄s, ⚠️/⚠️s, and 🍄/🍄s! Phoenix considers Glamour, moos queerplatonic partner, to be 🍄s favorite person and caregiver!
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
(🍒 anon 1/17) lydia is an autistic peach femme polyam bisexual woman with pcos and endometriosis who mainly uses she/her pronouns but is open to any pronoun as well as neopronoun sets! she is married to anne who she very much adores and supports unconditionally through her mental health issues!
(🍒 anon 2/17) anne is an greyaroace gender-apathetic trans woman with ptsd, dpdr, avpd, dpd, mdd, ppd, ocd, and selective mutism who is indifferent to pronouns! she is married to lydia and greatly appreciates her selflessness and compassion, even if she can’t express it at times due to her mental health issues!
(🍒 anon 3/17) lydia and anne are both adoptive parents to shepherd, an autistic gncpnc t4t polyam spiked nonbinary (flag by @/xenogender-klown-goblin) puppycoric dogcoric (flag by @/pupyzu) webcoric kidcoric trendercoric artcoric weirdcoric rainbowcoric paintpaletteaesic (flag by @/mogai-dollhouse) splateredpaintic (@/xenogender-flags) boy+ writtic syllcanis pawchienic
(🍒 anon 4/17) peanirisic (flag by @/mogai-sunflowers) autiropupic furbstalgic neonlexic boyloud aboyeic puptix dogtheric/puppytheric wynfaesei (flag by @/pupyzu) chienie webpupian joyboy wildmasculine transmasculine pupstimmic paintique clarpupswirlic (saturated vers.) wackartoonic cmykartic stebaonic boyflux pupmasculine autidemidogfluid autoonian digipaintix ecstimmian (saturated vers.)
(🍒 anon 5/17) rabiespunk trenderpunk amatopunk pupaurciel neurovir bxy censari (flag by @/mogai-karkat) rabiesan genderpunk boydyke panartis graphigender artgender autigender stimgender emojigender fascigender neurogenderpunk autigenderpunk genderqueer happygender copicgender (flag by 67plus-genders on deviantart) colorgender rainbowgender paintgender sketchgender abstractgender toongender cringegender
(🍒 anon 6/17) webgender computergender canisgender dogboygender himbopupgender 🐶gender nicedogboygender/friendlydogboygender (flag by @/gendermerchant) dogfrapgender woofwoofgender squirmpupgender sugarypupgender dogpetgender doggender pupgender (flag by @/panvampic) bigender casualic butch gaybian turigirl lesboy violenatian
(🍒 anon 7/17) who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, bark/barks, woof/woofs, aroo/aroos, lick/licks, sof/softs, fluff/fluffs, and any other dog- or puppy- themed neopronouns! aroo sometimes binds their chest and wears masculine-aligned clothing but is generally nondysphoric! some of shepherd’s closest friends are maia and maison!
(🍒 anon 8/17) maia is an autistic gncpnc t4t polyam monster femme (flag by @/neopronouns) slenderversefascic loficalic (flag by @/kenochoric) kenoaesic nightvaleaesic galaxyaesic midnightaesic hallowdecoraesic milesaesic cemeteryaesic potionaesic magicaesic crypdostaesic purpleaesic orangeaesic greenaesic blackaesic bataesic lexehalloweenic lexebitchic horrorpartyic spacemonstergirlic
(🍒 anon 9/17) witchmonstergirlic blacatfortunic luckblackcatic (flag by @/genderyboy) plaguecoric liminalcoric (flag by @/kenochoric, greyscale vers.) purpotioic tackeyhalloweenpropic kenochoric kenogoth/keingoth kenovir (flag by @/kenochoric, white stripe vers.) cauldrend morallygrayix noxian kenorchid alienmagian voidrian voidmagian noircattian/noricattic lopboy latenightdrawic/latenightdrawen noctipurprian geminiris andemobos astronomique halloranoir beyondix purcavumika
(🍒 anon 10/17) pancaeleste/pancaelestic/pancaeline (flag by @/neopronouns, redesign) osnolic eldricattian darkgender keingender gendernoitaku genderlune genderproster gendertene/genderstyg astralgender carvumgender incorporegender lavalampgender cadalgender halloweengender blackcatgender kenochoric-loving-kenochoric (caligic/sablic) transmasculine omni lesbian with gad, adhd, chronic fatigue syndrome, and dysthymia that goes
(🍒 anon 11/17) by he/him, it/its, hy/hym, xe/xim, rox/roxas, ne/nim, dae/daem, moon/moons, witch/witches, spell/spells, hex/hexes, po/potions, meow/meows, kit/kits, lu/lunas, star/stars, dark/darks, galax/galaxies, fel/felines, tar/tarots, and noir/noirs pronouns!
(🍒 anon 12/17) maia’s twin, maison, is an intersex trans man with selective mutism and pcos who uses he/him pronouns! he doesn’t care to label his orientation beyond him being simply queer! maison is in a queerplatonic relationship with skunk!
(🍒 anon 13/17) skunk is an autistic gncpnc t4t polyam mspeclesbiangender/luniangender (flag by @/neopronouns, not based the lunian flag by @/kenochoric) pan lesbian with a mitochondrial disease (flag by nederflikker on deviantart) that causes type 1 diabetes, kidney disease, deafness, and chronic muscle pain who uses any pronouns! ey is also a wheelchair user and in a queerplatonic relationship with maison!
(🍒 anon 14/17) skunk’s older sister, glamour, is a gncpnc femme gay man with bpd, npd, and hpd who uses she/her and they/them pronouns! she is in a queerplatonic relationship with her favorite person, phoenix!
(🍒 anon 15/17) phoenix is an autistic polyam gncpnc t4t nd4nd desertbluffsaesic lexelovejoyic florfieldic lemon tartic (flag by @/gendergeode) alstrolia bizarrime arolink (flag by @/pokemania) arcaestic sunflowercoloric intersex boysisteric nosaejerainic yellowvir orangevir (both flags by @/mogai-monarchs) nosaebire maverique transneutral kaitshogender moviegender pangaygender hedonigender dramatigender celebratogender chaotigender (flag by @/mogaicrow) aroallo akoiromantic futch hexian
(🍒 anon 16/17) pansexual gay (use both the pan gay man and the pan lesbian flags) bigender nonbinary woman/nonbinary man (use both flags) manconjuwoman (flag by @/neopronouns) with adhd, hpd, and partial blindness that uses only neopronouns and emojipronouns due to personal preference! some of 🖍️ favorites are bee/boops, neo/neons, co/cozys, expo/exposures, moo/moos, ring/rings, enby/enbys, honk/honks, rain/bows, mochi/mochis, boba/bobas, kit/kits, nya/nyas, kitty/kitties, sta/stars, le/lemons,
(🍒 anon 17/17) bell/bells, cutie/cuties, stitch/stitches, jinx/hijinks, cookie/cookies, flim/flims, ⚧️/⚧️s, 🖍️/🖍️s, 🦄/🦄s, ⚠️/⚠️s, and 🍄/🍄s! enby also has severe scoliosis and it causes jinx to have chronic pain in nya’s back, hands, and legs, which stitch uses a special cane whenever beep experiences pain flare ups. phoenix considers glamour, moos queerplatonic partner, to be 🍄s favorite person as well as caregiver!
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
Sonic manga rqer, can you add that Nicky is also neurovir please?
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naram--sin · 7 years
Honestly? Learning to walk after a neuroviral infection caused disability is making me a better person. I should be proud of myself for the strength I showed in learning to walk again. I've realized I should just be a better, more open person. I am trying to be better every day because of my illness. I am trying to bring myself out of my shell and be friends with everyone again. Friendly reminder to remember the good things you've done, even in the worst of times. You are good.
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thientamblog · 5 years
Neuroviral Infections: General Principles and DNA Viruses https://t.co/9WQdmiba55
Neuroviral Infections: General Principles and DNA Viruses https://t.co/9WQdmiba55
— wpthemereviewON (@wpthemereviewO1) February 26, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/wpthemereviewO1 February 26, 2019 at 09:18PM via IFTTT
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