caeruleuz · 2 years
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i know i know chalk makes your hands feel weird, but blackboards > whiteboards
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asteriscuz · 4 years
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shoutout to my fellow introverts w -5 social skills and no personality
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divestudies · 3 years
4/30 days of french / jours de français
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Please correct any errors you catch! wrote this one while tired so there might be a bunch of errors sprinkled throughout
Salut! Je ne peux pas croire que c'est le 4ème jour de mes écrits français! Aujourd’hui était un jour tranquille. Je suis très fatiguée parce que j'ai à peine dormi la nuit dernière. Ce soir, j’irai me coucher très tôt parce que j’ai beaucoup à faire demain. J’ai voulu aller à la plage demain, mais le temps sera mauvais donc je resterai chez moi. Je dois faire mes tâches ménagères et lire beaucoup de documents pour mes cours. Je voudrais faire une longue marche s’il ne fait trop mauvais demain. Plus tôt aujourd’hui, j’ai fini la deuxième saison de « Never Have I Ever » et j’ai beaucoup aimé ça! Plus tard, je reverrai le premier épisode de « Outer Banks » puisque la deuxième saison sort dans 2 jours et j’ai oublié la plupart. J’ai besoin de pratiquer des conjugations moins courantes comme plus-que-parfait donc je n’oublie pas mais je ne sais pas comment l'intégrer dans ces écrits. J'essaierai peut-être demain. Merci d'avoir lu!
Hello! I cannot believe it is the 4th days of my French writing! Today was a calm day. I am very tired because I barely slept last night. Tonight, I'm going to sleep very early because I have a lot to do tomorrow. I wanted to go to the beach tomorrow, but the weather is going to be bad so I will stay at home. I have to do my household tasks and read a lot of documents/paperwork for my classes. I want to take a long walk if it isn't too bad out tomorrow. Earlier today, I finished the second season of "Never Have I Ever" and I liked it a lot! Later, I am going to rewatch the first episode of "Outer Banks" because the second season comes out in 2 days and I forgot most of it. I need to practice less common conjugations like plus-que-parfait so I don't forget but I don't know hoe to integrate it in these writings. Maybe I will try tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
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arugula · 5 years
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sun-flower-studies · 6 years
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Hey, everyone! My fourth year of university has just started and I just wanted to share some study tips that have really helped me improve my grades. I study engineering but I’m sure these tips can be useful for any kind of major and high school studies as well.
USE A TIME-KEEPING METHOD. You don’t have to do this forever. It really worked for me when I hit a massive procrastination wall. It helps you develop a study rhythm to get you up and running. I don’t use it as much anymore because it already helped me have a natural balance between work and rest. The Tide app was the best one I found which follows the Pomodoro method. It’s also great because it has white noise playing in the background like rain or the beach and even a library!
SAVE ONE AFTERNOON OR ONE MORNING A WEEK FOR INTENSIVE STUDY. Use it as a time to catch up, organize, and summarize the week’s topics so studying near exams won’t be too much of a hassle. DON’T LET IT PILE UP ON YOU!
MAKE A LIST OF EVERYTHING YOU NEED DONE IN A STUDY SESSION. Preferably on a separate piece of paper or a notepad. It’s easier to track your progress and it’s not as overwhelming to look at compared to a planner where you can see all your tasks for the week.
STAY ORGANIZED. Make sure all your notes and study materials are organized. I like to separate my stuff into “packets” per subject so that when you need to study a certain subject, you don’t have to rummage through all your papers. You can just start studying right away. And it’s easier to study for finals as well since all your notes, papers, and answered problems are all in one place already.
WRITE YOUR QUESTIONS. Write questions that come up when you study and ask your teacher or friends or even just research it by yourself later.
STUDY FIRST, THEN HOMEWORK. If you do homework first, you’ll feel accomplished and that you’ve done enough work for the day and put off studying. This is very important especially if there is a test/exam you should be preparing for.
DO ALL YOUR OWN WORK. You get NOTHING from copying someone else’s homework/problem set. It defeats the purpose of having a homework in the first place. Always make an effort to do it on your own (unless it’s a group work of course).
IT’S BETTER TO DEEPLY UNDERSTAND A LIMITED AMOUNT OF MATERIAL THAN TO HAVE A VAGUE IDEA OF THE GENERAL TOPICS. Trust me. I do not remember the number of times where I felt complacent in knowing the “basics” of everything and when someone asks me questions I have no idea what they’re talking about. It’s important to really understand what you’re studying, especially if it’s already your majors.  
HAVE AT LEAST ONE DAY A WEEK WHERE YOU DON’T STUDY OR DO ANY HOMEWORK AT ALL (IF POSSIBLE). Don’t burn yourself out! Pick a day where you don’t have anything due the next day and watch a movie, binge watch a series, or even just catch up on some sleep. Taking time for yourself is always important.
Good luck, guys! I hope this was helpful and that this semester will be your best yet. Stay positive and never stop improving yourselves!
sun-flower-studies || 08-10-2018
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lotta-studies · 6 years
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02.01.2018 ✨ ig: gorapadeokstudies 방학 후에 시험을 볼 거예요. 그래서 크리스마스 동안 많이 공부 해야 했어요 ㅠㅠ
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seekandstudy · 6 years
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Adjusting to college life. In some ways, I feel completely at home here, but in others, I feel out of place. Classes start tomorrow, so that might ease some of the fears that I have, and I hope to dear God that it does. 
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evergrace · 6 years
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college advice part 7/7 : how to get over a bad semester
→ this took me a while because i wanted to make sure it was valid advice and it wasn’t just thrown together. here are some things i’ve tried/noticed/whatever in my time at school and in dealing with these kinds of situations.
take a break. take a one-week break, a two-week break, even a month if you need it. take that time to relax and get your head back in the game. overworking and over-stressing are not the way to get back on track. 
get a job. doing some work and making some money can really make you realize that you wanna get a degree so that you can get a better job make more money. doing some work can also get you on a schedule and make you realize that you do have responsibilities!! and this is key to being able to remember that school is one of your major responsibilities!!
get an ESA (emotional support animal). my partner and i got a cat when he started having trouble and it has helped immensely in giving him the ability to be able to realize that he has a responsibility to another living being. we have to take our cat to vet appointments, etc. and it’s reaLLY helpful to have to allot time and build a schedule!! it has also helped him in maintaining a schedule since he knows the cat can’t be alone for days at a time, so it’s made his class time very valuable and even more important since it’s good to keep a schedule!!
see a therapist, and maybe get on some medication if you need to. there’s a certain stigma around seeing a therapist and being on medication for mental illnesses. there’s a certain stigma around mental illnesses in general. these stigmas need to stop. i firmly believe that everyone should have someone professional that they can talk to about anything and everything that causes them stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
let your professors know what’s going on. oftentimes, professors are completely underutilized. if you let them know what’s going on, they will likely be very willing to help in any way they can. especially if they see you putting forth extra effort like going to their office hours to understand things if you missed class, writing them emails letting them know what’s going on, talking to them before/after classes if you need to, etc.
establish a link between the Dean of Students (or the equivalent at your school), yourself, your advisor/counselor, your psychiatrist/psychologist, and your professors. this will be very helpful when you’re having some severe stress or anxiety that causes you to miss class. alternatively, find out if your school has a Disability Resource Center or something similar and see if you can get accommodation, still keeping everyone in the loop!
remind yourself that you are worth it. read happy things everyday. here are some.
it’s okay to not be okay all the time
step by step guide on how to become extremely beautiful
quotes by esteé lauder, anonymus, nathan w. morris and diane von furstenberg.
rainbow reminders
things i tell myself
i needed this so badly
you belong among wildflowers
i think you need a break
hey if ur ever feelin shitty use this
also, suicide hotline. do not hesitate to call it or any of the number here if you need to.
i hope this helps someone, even if it’s only one person and even if it’s not today or tomorrow or anytime soon. i just hope that you all know that people care and that you are not alone. as always, i’m here if anyone needs anything.
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ellelearns · 6 years
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hello everyone! here are so physics notes i took. we’re doing electricity at the moment. I’m trying to post more often so if you guys want one of those posts to be a ‘how i do my notes’ feel free to tell me.
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excelsiustudy · 6 years
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January 22 - My bujo spread from a couple weeks ago has exposed the fact that I’m waiting on spring! Ft. my new vine, who I have yet to choose a name for.
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tri-cuspid · 6 years
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Set up my bullet journal for 2018! Featuring an all new monthly spread that’s a complete departure from my usual. Also, my weekly spread ended up being Tanaka Ryuunosuke themed, thanks to some studyblr mutuals who joined me in my love for this character lol. 
I’m off to a good start so far, let’s keep this going! 
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caeruleuz · 2 years
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i’m taking my degree seriously, i promise
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asteriscuz · 4 years
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inorganic chem rlly is the worst thing ever huh
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divestudies · 6 years
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June 7, 2018 some studies for the last history test before finals :’) (click on the photos for better quality)
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arugula · 6 years
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i always get excited in japanese stationery stores 🌈
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sun-flower-studies · 6 years
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🇦🇺Australia haul!
I stayed in Sydney for 10 days and picked these things up. Some were a little bit on the pricey side compared to how they would usually retail for but I’m happy with ‘em anyway. The new semester is starting in a week gah!
I got these from muji, kmart, kinokuniya, target, and kikki k in Sydney. Feel free to ask me about the details and quality of the items.🌻
sun-flower-studies || 06-27-2018
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