chaos-in-one · 1 year
People with npd: Hey can we not be treated like abusers just for our disorder and be treated like actual human beings instead of monsters?
'Narc abuse' mfs: Is this an excuse to trauma dump on a complete stranger who is most likely a trauma survivor already?
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donthugmeimscared · 3 months
If u ever feel bad abt not having a good or stable relationship w yr mother just know I defensively called my mom "bro" w my whole ass chest the last time we fought
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intimatehorror · 1 year
The trauma finds its place in-between my shoulder blades,
curling itself around my neck.
The migraines claw out from the inside of my skull,
piercing my eyes out of their sockets
and weighing my head down,
threatening to snap my spine at any given moment.
Yet I still find myself mourning the parents I never had, despite every reason not to:
The narcissistic mother, who I still can’t escape from the clutches of.
The father I seldom saw, who only served the purpose of enabling her behavior.
To survive the brunt of such abuse requires a premature invention of the self.
Ironically, they’ve always wondered why I prayed for a quick and easy death,
Dared to question why I had so much hatred for them and for the world they built around me,
as if the answer wasn’t obvious enough:
For the weight they bore became my weight, as their mothers’ and fathers’ became theirs.
Condemned to an eternity of endurance,
AKA: holding up the sky.
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kokomoonbae · 1 year
The more kind hearted, loving, generous and genuine you are the more life and people fuck you over. Prove me wrong.
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The Air was Not Safe to Breathe
you slept next to me at night while I was burning to the ground
you told me you loved me each morning while the ashes were still on my skin
you sat next to my ruins and viciously told me I had all but vanished
my fire had gone gone out
you were now ablaze
the flames took me for all I had
it was you who lit the match
and was enjoying the light show
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relationshiphubb · 10 months
How to know if your boyfriend is a narcissist💔
This topic is kind of a trigger for me because I was in a toxic relationship about 2 and half years ago and it still triggers me to this day because there were just too many things that I let slide even though many people made it clear that it was a toxic situation. Before I start I want to clarify, this post is NOT meant to shame you or make you feel any less worthy because you’ve experienced this situation before or are currently experiencing it. It is meant to teach you and hopefully inspire you to leave this situation in the healthiest way possible if you haven’t done so already.
About 2 and half years ago, I was with a man, who shall remain nameless, that was very toxic and narcissistic. He would disrespect whenever he wanted, he would put double standards in our relationship such as I HAD to do things because he said but he couldn’t do anything for me, he manipulated me, called me put of my name, and gaslighted the sh*t out of me whenever he was in the wrong and I confronted him about it. Finally, when I decided to leave, he said he would change and 20 other things for me to stay, but never ended up changing. This always made me feel like I was the problem or not good enough. But it wasn’t me doing the emotional damage, it was him. Now, years later, I’ve healed and gotten into a healthy relationship, I can tell you ALL the things you need to know about these type of men and how you can deal with them properly w/o anything getting out of hand.
Here are some of the signs of a narcissist BF you should look out for and how to address them:
1. If you don’t feel comfortable doing something, and this person FORCES you to do it or just does it W/O consent, he’s a narcissist.
2. Every time he does something you don’t like, you address it and he makes you feel like it’s your fault or like he did it because you did that, he’s a narcissist.
3. If he compares you to other women he’s had saying you are or are close to being like them because of X, Y or Z reason, he’s a narcissist. (Then he’ll say he didn’t mean it for you to stay.)
4. After a fight, if he tells you all the things he likes about you or how you’re this great things that’s come in his life, he’s love-bombing you, he’s not caring about how you feel or the effect of what he did might have caused to you. He’s a narcissist.
5. If he always brings up things you’ve done/said in the past and takes them out of context just so it fits HIS narrative of why you are wrong, he’s gaslighting you. He’s a narcissist.
6. If anytime or EVERY time he is wrong, he somehow always convinces you that you’re wrong in what you’re saying or makes you feel confused about your judgment, he’s manipulating you. He’s a narcissist.
7. If he tries to control who you hang out with + he always seems to have the upper hand on who you follow on Instagram or checks your Snapscore and has a say in who you can text, follow, DM or talk to, he thinks he owns you. He’s a narcissist. (Then he’ll say he’s “protecting” you to get you to stay.) *lets not even talk about if he gets to tell you what you can wear.
8. If you keep addressing the things that hurt you and he keeps doing them consciously because “he knows he’s damaged and wants to change but its not working so he wants you to wait a little more until he changes”, he’s lying. He knows you’ll believe the story so he’ll keep doing whatever he wants until you finally leave. He’s a narcissist.
Now, these are just a few of the signs he can have. He may have more or worse, but the key for you here to actually know if he’s a narcissist is feeling. If you get this feeling, and its like your sixth sense, that this guy isn’t good for you, that many people have told you so and you kind of think they may be right, if your parents also tell you he’s not good for you, even if someone you never expected to tell you he’s not good for you, tells you, then you know this guy has to leave.
How to address it:
1. Talk to him in person and tell him all the things that don’t sit right with you. Tell him you understand why he is doing them, but that you can no be with him because it is hurting you and you need to take care of yourself.
* He will tell you a bunch of things to get you stay, but at this point you’ll just have the ick and thinks its BS.
2. Then leave him to live his life because he will never change for you.
Look and you won’t accept it now. Maybe not even tomorrow, but sooner or later you will accept it and once you do, you will leave him and a huge weight will lifted from your shoulders. Thats how it feels, and once you heal, you will be free from somebody who, let’s be honest here, doesn’t care that much about you to begin with. A person that truly loves you, will never purposely hurt you. So drop the dead weight already. Once I let go of this man, I opened myself to a man who really wanted to give me the world. Respect me and give me everything I wanted, and this is what I want for you.
This week I’ll post how to get over a narcissist to make it easier for you❤️.
Drop any questions below🦋
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xnoworneverr · 2 years
I loved you for so many f**king years but you know what? You didn't exist. You don't exist. You're not there. You're not there. You are a f**king made up thing in my head”
-Johnny depp
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atomiclovepolice · 1 year
13 days without seeing him.
I miss him.
I’m broken.
But I know he can’t be in my life anymore.
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nacissisthunters · 2 years
What role does upbringing play in the development of narcissism?
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Many experts believe that the way a person is raised is one of the most important factors in the development of narcissism. A child who is raised in an environment where they are constantly praised and given excessive attention may be more likely to develop narcissistic tendencies.
Conversely, a child who is neglected or routinely criticized may be more likely to become insecure and develop narcissistic defenses as a means of coping with their feelings of inadequacy.
There are a number of different parenting techniques that can lead to narcissistic behavior in children. Some of the most common include:
Overpraising the child: Telling a child that they are superior to others or that they are “special” in order to make them feel important can lead to narcissistic behavior.
Making the child the center of attention: Focusing all of your time and energy on your child and showering them with gifts and compliments can lead to narcissism.
Not allowing the child to fail: Protecting your child from failure or disappointment can prevent them from learning how to cope with setbacks and can lead to an inflated sense of self-worth.
Parental neglect: Neglecting a child’s emotional or physical needs can cause them to feel unimportant and unloved, leading to narcissistic behavior.
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clandestine-sadboy · 1 year
this will probably be my only post about this topic… but I’d like to say I’m a self awared narcissist and I’m battling to learn how to live with this disorder, it’s not easy I’ve hurt a lot of loved ones with my NPD, but I’m working extremely hard to educate myself on this and learn from it and learn how to overcome it. I’ve read a lot of posts in various groups on social media, and while I sympathize with a lot of stories, I feel like most things I see are bashing the narcissists, now there is no excuse for what narcissists survivors have gone through.. but some of the posts were saying that we don’t care and that we aren’t capable of having feelings, not every human being is the same and not everyone’s brain works the same, everyone has grown up differently and some of us inherited these traits through genetics or upbringing and all we can do is learn how to live with this disorder and try to work harder than, as some people would say ”gifted” or “normal” people have to work to change and learn how to understand our emotions and how to control our emotions.
I’m sorry if anyone finds this offensive, but recovery doesn’t just mean for the victims it can also sometimes mean for the narcissist as well, I didn’t ask for this disorder. hell I didn’t even know I had it until my ex showed me gaslighting, it continued to snowball from there. that’s when i realized that yes i am a narcissist . & I’m eternally grateful for what he did cause it made me realize how hard it must of been for him to deal with and cope with, and I know some of y’all are thinking “ well you can’t understand what it’s like cause you’re the narcissist” but guess what I also was the one dealing with a narcissist, I just didn’t realize it cause I was too young to understand what was going on in my life, and never realized it was something that could of been predetermined or manifest, I’m a narcissist and also a survivor of dealing with a narcissist, and as it’s proven it’s not cureable it is treatable and my next step is to go through therapy to try and treat my NPD, I would like to be a better person and I would like to be someone that is worthy but in doing so it’s a long road to recovery and acceptance in doing so.
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amestilskin · 2 years
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When I'm in tune with my music and trying to get the noise in my head to shut up, I let auto-pilot take over for a while. I forget my surroundings and focus on the music. Or art, if I'm drawing (although, I think that's called hyperfocus).
I dissociated a lot from my music when I was younger. It didn't matter if it was music on the radio, or music from my MP3 player. I'd stare out the window and pretend that I was my OC Bolt, and I'd be using my psychic ability to fly to a friend's house. Dodging trees, power lines, and street lights. Music was my everything when I couldn't draw.
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ancient-healer · 2 years
This is my ex exactly. I allowed some insane shit. I can't even answer as to why. She wanted me to allow her to continue to see her ex and let her play her "daddy." (I didn't) But I should have known. I tried to leave and when I did she hit me, dislocating my jaw. So I ended up staying 🙄 I didn't leave until I found out she was cheating on me. A pathological liar. It's hard for me to trust people. Some people are just too good to be true.
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kokomoonbae · 1 year
It feels like my life choices have been taken from me, I’m told where I have to be, when and what I have to eat, and when I have to socialise, how things have to be in the home and I have to abide in fear that I may be disliked, then in turn my life would be at a deeper level of hell. All I wanted was the love of my life and me to be happy together, have our own life without dictation, you know, just be free. I’m stuck because if I go I leave the one I love and adore behind and that would be no fault of his own, how can I punish him like that? But the sad thing that breaks my heart is that he is my first and only priority but I don’t think I’ll ever be his, because he himself without realising has been abused and emotionally manipulated into accepting things to be this way, which has always been the way for him. But I can’t speak up, because it never goes my way, my words will always get twisted no matter how genuine and pure my intentions are and I will always look like the awful evil person trying to tear a family apart. I want to just disappear. I won’t even be missed and everything will just go back to normal for them as it’s always been, but I myself will be the one who will always suffer for the rest of my days.
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queenmabsblog · 5 months
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sammiehitchens · 8 months
Ayla's Journey from Despair to Empowerment
Today, I want to share a story that resonates deeply with our capacity for compassion and change. Meet Ayla, a remarkable woman, and her brave three-year-old son, Ian. They are on a journey of healing and empowerment after emerging from the depths of adversity.
Ayla's life was intertwined with her estranged husband, whose narcissism and addiction cast shadows of fear and abuse over their lives. Determined to break free, Ayla took Ian's hand and stepped away from the darkness that had once consumed them.
But their path to healing is not without its trials. Ayla has sought counseling for herself and Ian, and she's engaging in self-improvement classes to build a brighter future. However, her estranged husband's manipulation knows no bounds. He has gone to great lengths to undermine Ayla's progress, even succeeding in getting her laid off by manipulating former coworkers.
And that's not all. Despite a restraining order, he continues to stalk her with emotionally abusive messages from multiple phone numbers, leaving Ayla and Ian to endure constant torment.
Here's How You Can Help:
Your support has the power to rewrite Ayla and Ian's story. By contributing to their campaign, you can provide them with the resources they need to secure a stable home, continue therapy to heal emotional wounds, and ensure Ian's education and well-being. Every donation, no matter the amount, brings them closer to a future filled with hope and empowerment.
Let's rally around Ayla and Ian, offering them a lifeline of support as they navigate their journey towards a brighter future. Your contribution is not just financial assistance; it's a message of solidarity, reminding them that they are not alone.
👉 [Insert Campaign Link Here] - GoFundMe 👉 [Insert Campaign Link Here] - GiveSendGo
Share this post, spread the word, and together, let's empower Ayla and Ian to leave the shadows behind and embrace the promise of a better tomorrow. Your kindness will create a lasting impact and be a beacon of hope for those battling adversity.
With gratitude, Sammie Hitchens
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ohwaitwhatdamn · 10 months
Giant headphones placed over my ears to drown out the voices of people on the street yelling - the world really
Summer is the time for love, and I have a great love, which is wholesome and genuine
I can feel the sun on my skin, and I'm thinking about wearing cutoffs, but sometimes I like the way it feels when the sun burns my jeans on my skin
Little things to remind you that you're weird and alive
The hands are moving forward through time but we reverse it in our memories
Or by things we stumble upon tucked inside a book and making your heart flutter when you come across it
Become a version of the person I was once
Supposed to be
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