narcisistiedemoni · 1 year
😈 Genitori narcisisti: perché è così difficile identificarli ? - 3^ part...
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barbaroonie · 2 years
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if only you saw yourself like i see you,,
i watch my every move in third person so i can criticize them until i’m god 👍 it’s a great dynamic trust me
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kevinvogrin · 1 year
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You can grow up and be just like me 🤙 -A Nation of Narcissism- #narcisist #narcisisticabuse #whitepowder #ai #aiart #maga #narcissisticrage #emotionalabuse #trump #jan6 #kaynewest #satire #politicalsatire #fakenews #comedy https://www.instagram.com/p/Co3uv_5srPT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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isabella3ricci · 1 year
Sono passati quattro mesi. Sono fiera di me stessa perché mi sono ricostruita dalle macerie che tu avevi lasciato. Ci sei ancora nei miei pensieri, ma sinceramente occupo il mio tempo pensando ad un altra persona che merita molto di più, che mi dimostra quello che tu non sei stato capace di dimostrare, semplicemente perché non sei in grado di farlo. Eh già esistono uomini che non si fanno comandare. Tu purtroppo é una vita che lo sei. Da tuo padre, da tua moglie, dai tuoi suoceri, da tua figlia. L'unica che non voleva comandarti ero io, l'unica che voleva che tu fossi te stesso.Quello che si fa comandare da papino. Beh, comunque problemi tuoi e di chi ti sta accanto, non sono più miei. Ora con estrema mia contentezza, posso dirti addio.
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cybernightwanderer · 1 year
Victim complex in little things yay, love it
The lenghts this woman will go to controll me and to ruin my mental health. So my brother keeps the tv on all night at a pretty high volume, and his room is right next to hers. But she never says a word or complains about the noise. If i go to the bathroom in the midle of the night, or go get a tea, very very tip toe. She will complain. I stopped being on calls and late night game sessions with my friend, even if i whisper, so i wouldnt get yelled at all the time, but again my brother has the tv pretty loud whole night. I play early in the afternoon, she complains that i shouldnt be playing, who are the ppl that i am playing with? a "bunch of unemployed useless fucks"?. So i cant play early in the afternoon. So today i did the class projects, sent some resumes, took care of a few paintings, during the afternoon, 19 pm comes up. I join a session of a horror game, im on call with random ppl. She keeps coming in my room without knocking, claiming she wanted to mesure the drapes, keeps insisting on mesuring the drapes coz she wants to change them, even to i already asked 3 times to keep them and gave my really strong points on why. She looks at my screen and looks around. Eventually she leaves my room, after a few minutes she comes back to my room and now is talking about the oven, but keeps looking at my computer screen. I start to get annoyed and ask her to leave. After a bit, she comes back and with another random talk. I get up and stay in the midle of the hallway of the house, waiting, for whatever she wants to say... She says nothing, and as soon as i am about to enter my room she does that mouth noise, she does when shes about to say something. I stop, and i immediatly go to the living room, and calmly ask her " what? im sorry i couldnt hear you ? ", she then goes " oh i wasnt gonna say anything ", so i say " ok " and i go back to my room. At this point my anxiety is too strong, im just sitting in my chair, looking at the door.. waiting. One hour passes by, i manage to calm down, and i re-join the horror game match, since its a horror game, i tend to get overly excited and scared, a few jumpscares here and there that get me to scream. ITS 21PM AT NIGHT, AND SHE GOES IN MY ROOM COMPLAINING ABOUT THE NOISE, ASKING ME TO KEEP IT DOWN... I immediatly lose all my fun, and just give up on the game. This woman, who does a tremendous amount of noise in the morning, has verbal yelling fights with my brother, is telling me, to shut up, because she was on a call with my nephew...THAT FUCKING KID, HAS A GOLDEN SPOON UP HIS ASS, all my childhook i was treated like shit, and she treats this little fucker with so much love and respect, its amazing. Never in my childhood, did she ever even properly payed attention to me when speaking, she would always cut me off or make me feel dumb about the things that i liked. I go to the living room and i ask her why she did that, why she told me to be quiet when shes not even sleeping and she goes " because you are making too much noise, your nephew was asking who was yelling ".... So i tell her " it's not fair, i stopped being on call with ppl, i stopped playing games late at night, so at this hour is my last attempt to actually relax a bit " and she all of a suddent starts acting like a fucking victim "oh i cant say anything, im always the bad guy, im not gonna say anything anymore "
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ashes-to-asher · 2 years
This is a vent. No one needs to read this. I’ll probably delete it, anyway.
I just need to scream.
So, my younger sibling and I have a very bad habit of checking up on the social media accounts of our estranged father and brother.
My younger sibling apparently decided to poke around on out brother’s Twitter, and found these tidbits in two separate posts:
”I lost a mom and three sisters when I came out.”
"I will never forgive my ex-mom or my sisters. They’ve put me through too much for that to be possible.”
It doesn’t surprise me, but it still hurts to have confirmation that he talks about me and our siblings in this way.
Don’t get me wrong: our mother is a transphobic terf bitch who deserves to be talked about in that way. No one is questioning that aspect of this.
But to imply that we, his siblings, are the same as her?
There’s a good decade or so of very complicated context here that I do not have the energy to even begin to get into.
My brother is trans. Before anyone fucking assumes I’m misgendering him (it’s happened before): he is a trans man. His pronouns are he/him.
My brother and father live together in an apartment. My mother, older sister, younger sibling, and I live together in the house that we (the children) grew up in. My father and mother finally got divorced this past year (they never should’ve married each other in the first place, but that’s a whole other mess).
I’m older than my brother, but he was very violent, dare I say abusive, towards me while he lived here, even before he came out as trans. He was physically violent with everyone in the family, to the point of tackling/body-slamming me over minor offenses and once (that I know of) choking our younger sibling.
Any time I was injured and/or bleeding, there was a good chance he was the one who did it.
He was young and angry. He had (and has) good reason to be angry. But I did not and do not believe that anger justifies how he treated me or our siblings.
Our mother is a terf. She is a gender essentialist. She’s generally a bitch, and most people hate her within a few minutes of meeting her.
When my brother came out... suffice to say, she did not take it well.
My brother became more and more violent in the months after coming out. I admit, I didn’t know much about what it means to be transgender, but I attribute that to living under our mother’s roof. I tried to be supportive, I tried to use my brother’s pronouns, but anything I did risked... consequences... from our mother.
Any time I tried to talk with my brother, tried to learn more about what it was he was experiencing, he just got mad. He acted as though the fact that I didn’t know any of the terminology meant I was like our mother. Any time I tried to ask him anything, he would leave me feeling like the shittiest, most vile person on earth.
I don’t think he ever realized that I was trying to find out if I was like him.
I don’t know what I am, but I’m not his sister. I’m not a woman. I’m not a man, either.
Sometimes, I feel like nothing at all...
I’ve tried to reach out, tried to talk with him now that he no longer lives in this hellhole.
He acts like I’m just like our mother. He acts like the times I misgendered him were because I wanted to, and not because our mother was in the room. He acts like my reluctance to do or say anything openly was because I was transphobic, and not because I had to worry about what would happen to me the moment I got home.
Yes, I should have been better, I should have done more, but I was trying to gods damned survive. He knows what she put me through, he knows the things she would do. He just doesn’t care.
My brother denies his behavior. He denies the violence, the accusations he made. He acts like he never did anything wrong.
I am effectively blacklisted from the largest LGBT organization in our city because of him.
He got involved first, he told his story first. People took him at his word that his mother and “sisters” were all horrible people. So, when I reached out, trying to find out more about myself, trying to be better, they recognized my name.
I was condemned out of hand, without a chance to defend myself.
When I bought my binder, I broke down in an emotional wreck. Not only was I terrified of our mom finding out, but I kept hearing those words in my head. Kept hearing those accusations and assumptions that I was just as bad as her.
When my brother tried to change his name, our mom took it to court. Our older sister was a wreck; she hated not knowing what was going on. She wanted to go, but she was terrified to be in the same room as our father, and for damned good reasons.
I went with her, and we sat on our mother’s side of the room.
Our father gets praise and accolades for being so supportive of his son. He talks about how support is everything, talks about how he almost lost his son to suicide. He refuses to talk about how he regularly violated his childrens’ emotional and physical boundaries. Refuses to talk about how he would tell my mother things I told him in confidence, with no concern for what would happen to me once he left the room. He won’t tell you about how he told me my asexuality was a hormone problem, and that there was a pill to fix that. He’ll never mention how, when he found a stash of pain pills under the bathroom cabinet, he told me that things would get better, that he’d do his best to help me, only to act like nothing happened the very next day.
He gets praised for saving one child, because no one knows that he abandoned the other three. I could go on and on about our father, but I’m already enough of a wreck right now. People should at least have a vague understanding of why I and my siblings refuse to live with him, though.
My older sister was terrified of being near our father in that courtroom. I went with her. I acted as a human shield for her, making sure to keep myself between her and our father at all times.
And I was vilified for it.
On my father’s side of the courtroom was a collection of LGBT activists and community leaders, some of the same ones who now recognize my name. They never heard about any of the things our father did to us; why would he ever tell them? They took him at his word.
I have reached out to both my brother and father. I have tried to talk about everything that happened. Because, even after everything, I want them in my life. But they both insist on this lie that they did no wrong. They both refuse to admit that any of it ever happened.
I could have forgiven them. I understand their anger and frustration better than I think they know. They were trapped like the rest, lashing out like the rest of us. People grow and change and improve, and I was ready to forgive, but they act like it never happened. They act like they never hurt me, or anyone else.
They want to be viewed in the most sympathetic light possible, everyone else be damned.
My brother says that he lost three sisters when he came out.
First off: siblings, not sisters. Don’tcha love hypocrisy?
Second off: he didn’t lose us. He and our father pushed us away through a thousand different actions and inactions.
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alkitabsaja · 2 years
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Join @alkitabsaja How deep is your Love! Efesus 5:24-25 (TB) Karena itu sebagaimana jemaat tunduk kepada Kristus, demikian jugalah isteri kepada suami dalam segala sesuatu. Hai suami, kasihilah isterimu sebagaimana Kristus telah mengasihi jemaat dan telah menyerahkan diri-Nya baginya Ephesians 5:24-25 (KJV) Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 以弗所書 5:24-25 (CKJVSDT) 所以教會怎樣順服 基督,妻子也要怎樣凡事順服自己的丈夫。 你們作丈夫的,要愛你們的妻子,正如 基督愛教會,為教會捨己。 #alkitabiah.org #matikemana.com #alkitabsaja #anabaptists #fundamental #love #kasih #cinta #narcisist #egoistic #calflove #agape #Godislove #glorytoGod https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce7YXhbJREj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zegalba · 1 year
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Helmut Schober: The Narcisistic Piece (1978)
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artofmaquenda · 9 months
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anotheraspdrager · 5 months
"i did so much for you" no i did so much for you, i morphed you into a better person, i fixed you, taught you to become decent, i literally sculpted goodness out of waste materials and you wanna take credit for my charity work? "you made me change" yea and be grateful, no one would have settled for you anyway
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vroomian · 2 months
i was trying to think about yrz and why he'd leave heaven in the first place. yrz loves being human, even if he doesn't like people. he loves learning, loves ideas, loves sitting in a warm room built by other people, reading a book printed by other people, eating food made by other people. he loves being a part of such a curious, clever race, no matter how many irritations that come with it.
humans will never stop looking for improvement. they will never stop churning out new ideas. breaking through to new sciences. never stop wondering.
heaven isn't like that. how can it? by gods own word heaven is perfect, forever and ever, amen. how do you improve on perfection?
yrz could feel himself stagnating. so he either had to leave, or lose himself.
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giunass94 · 1 year
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E&D + Personality disorders
fanart by: wannacryexe
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bluishfrog · 24 days
My book on men and masculinity within feminism just stated that men who are willing to change are often perceived as narcissists and attention seeking manipulators by feminists.
Simply because they voice their emotions.
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I don't believe I should be happy.
Or what I'm trying to say is that
I don't believe I was born to be happy.
I was born to mourn.
To stress about little things and subjects.
I was not born to be happy.
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isabella3ricci · 1 year
Eppure penso a lui. Esco con altri, ma penso a lui. Perché quello che ho provato era vero e, nonostante le bugie che mi ha detto, molte delle quali le ho scoperte, molte sicuramente no, c'è stata una parte di lui che mi é appartenuta, che é stata mia. Il suo scegliere di stare tutti i giorni insieme a me, ne era una prova. Non gli chiedevo niente. Lo sceglieva lui. Di portarmi fuori, nei posti che amavo, di amarli a sua volta, lo sceglieva lui, io non gli ho mai chiesto niente. E guardarlo crescere quel nostro sentimento, così, con cura. Come potevo non amarlo? Come dimenticare il Gioi in cui feci il test di gravidanza e sono risultata incinta. Mi aveva portata alla galleria borghese. Non avevo il coraggio di dirgli niente. Tremavo come una foglia. Lui se ne era reso conto e mi stringeva, mi abbracciava, non capiva, mi coccolava. Tornati a casa, ha insistito per sapere, glielo dissi, mi disse di non preoccuparmi, mi ha abbracciata forte, gli ho letto sul viso un'espressione tra il preoccupato e il felice. Gli ho detto che era impossibile, che l'indomani avrei rifatto il test di nuovo. Così ho fatto e non ero incinta. É stato meglio così. Come caxxo avremmo fatto... Però é stato bello pensarlo, anche solo pensarlo... É stato bello sentirlo che mi stringeva tra le sue braccia, con amore. Per questo dico, he fra le sue bugie, io ho toccato qualche sua profonda verità.
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omglaurashutup · 2 years
everyone reading "i'm glad my mom died" like we're all one big book club with mommy issues, so cute
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