#myths of unova
kynimdraws · 11 months
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Happy Pride from two of Unova’s gay icons xoxo Don’t even question why there would be a homophobic church in a Pokemon world I just wanted to draw them being goofy
Based on this
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Have You Read...
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Can be read here!
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birbliophile · 2 years
When I was like, 12 I discovered Myths of Unova, a Pokemon White nuzlocke comic by ky-nim that has incredible lore, characters, and art that concluded a while back. Episode Grey, a sequel series that came out recently, seems to be on hiatus while the author is doing med school but nonetheless I still love this series and uhhhh I wrote fanfic for it lol. Spoilers for supplementary lore content and the end of the comic series! I also kind of made up an Ancient Unovan oc that isn’t in existing lore for the purposes of this fic so it’s not entirely MoU canon compliant.
@kynimdraws I hope you like this! MoU is my favorite nuzlocke comic and it brought me so much joy as a teenager and now, and the lore is beautiful! I spent a lot of time rereading the lore posts on the MoU blog for this too, so much fun.
The General’s Memory
“Huh. Hey N? Can you take a look at this?” N walked over to Hawes, who was bent over the table examining a number of heavily yellowed pages.
“Yeah, what is it?”
“This looks to be handwritten in Ancient Unovan, and I can’t make out the letters very well. Do you think you could give it a go?”
N slipped on the offered pair of gloves and gently picked up a page, passing a magnifying glass over it. “It’s a bit faint, but I think I can read it. It says…”
He faltered. Hawes frowned and moved towards the younger man in concern.
“You okay?”
N blinked and shook his head. “Yeah, no, I’m fine. It just…one of the words at the top of the page says ‘Kyuvos.’”
“Kyuvos?” Hawes’ eyes widened. “That name was on that reconstructed family tree that Lenora’s working on, right?”
N nodded. “I…he was Reshai’s son. My direct ancestor. And this…” he scanned the page. “This can’t have been written by him, but it must be from someone who knew him. His name comes up frequently.”
“I think this one might be the first page,” Hawes offered, holding up a page with a larger heading in the center in the same handwriting as the others. N took it and squinted at the text. 
“It says…’Memories’. And then there’s a name underneath. Presta…Praestig…Praestigia. Oll…no, Illi? Illee..that’s an n sound, so Illene. Illene Praestigia.”
He frowned thoughtfully. “Kyuvos’ wife was named Aris Praestigia.”
“A relative then?” Hawes suggested. 
“Maybe.” N glanced over the other pages. “I think this is the next one.”
He began to read aloud, slowly and carefully.
I was not yet thirteen years old when the Great War ended. Truly even as I look back on those times at my current age, most of the finer details are quite hazy. But I remember the smell of flowers strewn in the streets, the joyous cries of human and Pokémon alike. And the purple drapery hung over every window in mourning for the two kings. 
I remember holding my younger sister’s hand as we stood in line with our parents and countless other nobles, waiting for our turn to pay respects. Former enemies cried with one another, murmuring their prayers as the scent of chrysanthemums filled the air. 
When we reached the royals, our parents made us bow in respect. His Highness Lord Navos Decretia thanked us for our attendance in the quiet, dignified manner that I would come to associate with him during my service to the Royal Family. Her Highness Lady Lilion Roburia then thanked us for the flowers we had brought, and my father said something about condolences that I do not recall.
The boy then called Prince Kyuvos, my younger by five years, barely spared us a glance. His gaze kept wandering to the side, where a frankly enormous pile of flowers was forming over twin empty graves.
Prince Remil however nodded his head to my parents, and then to myself and my sister. Aris suddenly let go of my hand and ran forward, pushing the daisies she had picked on our way there into both Princes’ hands. 
My father began to scold her, but Prince Kyuvos suddenly spoke, thanking Aris for the gift. She nodded, head down as she returned to my side. I think she was a little scared to be there. She was only six years old, after all. 
“Who will be King now?” She asked Mother when the ceremony had concluded.
“Prince Kyuvos is next in line,” Mother said solemnly. 
“That poor boy will carry the weight of this legacy for the rest of his life,” Father murmured. 
“All by himself?” Aris asked, looking back at the royal family standing over the grave. 
“He will have his family,” Mother said. “It will be alright.”
Dear Aris, my sweet younger sister. If it is you who is reading this after I have returned to the Dragon Force, please do not judge me too harshly when I say sometimes I wish Father had chosen another man for you. 
Do not mistake my words, I loved Kyuvos as I would a brother, and the betrothal and wedding was a wonderful celebration as the region was recovering from the war. But I would have traded my own life if the tragedy surrounding him were not to have fallen on my sister’s shoulders, all the whispers and the jeers.
When the Twin Dragons began to ravage the land, I had just turned thirty and three years old. Young to be a general, at least that’s what many would comment in private. 
Bless Elyias, for though I could never be the wife he deserved, he understood my calling was to defend our people with the sword rather than the written word, as was his style. I promised him I would not leave the capital until our son was a man in his own right, but war does not care for such oaths.
It would be far worse for my Kings, however. Remil - now King Remil I should say, was not yet betrothed when we went to battle against his father and uncle. But it had hardly been a month since the joy of Aris and Kyuvos’ wedding when disaster struck.
I do not wish to recount everything I saw in those times. But I became sick to the heavens of purple, so much that one morning when I saw myself in the mirror, I took my own sword and struck at the long violet locks surrounding my face, the hair my mother had so loved. 
Kyuvos and Remil were quite surprised when I showed up to the war council that day with my hair shorn to just below my ears. Remil was too polite to say anything, but Kyuvos later jokingly told me I reminded him a little of the portraits of his grandmother King Asha. I am still not sure if I like the comparison. 
The night before we were to set out to confront the dragons for the last time, I received a letter from Aris. The messenger who delivered it to my tent said he’d been told to spare no time in its conveyance, and instantly I became struck with fear that something had happened to our parents.
Imagine to my surprise then when the letter revealed that both were in good health, but I was to become an aunt! My first thought was that Erien would be delighted - he’d always wanted a younger sibling, but one pregnancy had been almost unbearable for me. A cousin would do just fine. 
My joy at the news was sorely tempered by the next lines of the letter.
Illene, I beg of you not to tell Kyuvos. Or Remil, or anyone for that matter. I have not even told Mother - only the nurses know. I will start showing in a month or two, but if Kyuvos is to leave his mission now then I fear the worst for our homeland.
Were it not for my deep affection for Aris and loyalty to my people, I likely would have marched straight over to Kyuvos’ tent and demanded that he return to my sister’s side right then and there, rampaging dragon-kings be damned. But instead I bit my lip and finished reading the message. 
My dear sister, I hate to ask more of you after all you have shouldered to protect Unova, but my heart begs this request. Look out for Kyuvos. I know you already do as his general, but as his sister-in-law, promise me you will make sure he is careful. Should my child grow up missing a parent as Kyuvos did, my heart would not withstand the grief.
Dear Aris, when did you grow up? It seems as if only yesterday you were struggling to walk as I played at knight with stripped tree branches in our parents’ garden. 
But a promise is a promise, even if one cannot hear it spoken aloud. In the quiet of that evening, by the glow of my lantern, I swore I would protect Kyuvos not as my King, but my brother-in-law, with my sword, my shield, and my life. 
Kyuvos survived the next day. The same could not be said for Remil.
Reader, if Aris you are not, there is something you must understand about Kyuvos Harmonia. As harsh a hand life had dealt him, he always tried to see the light in the storm. He was always full of hope that his and Remil’s mission would be seen to its end, and would tell us about things we would do after the ritual was completed.
“Parent and Father will dote on Aris and our children,” he said fondly one night as we played a game of chess. “Remil will be married and have children of his own, and Uncle Zekrias will carry all the little ones on his shoulders. You and Aunt Lilion will teach them the art of the sword, and the castle will be filled to the brim with such joy and laughter as have never been seen before.”
For the ritual to go so horribly wrong, for the cousin Kyuvos loved as a younger brother to be taken from him, I believe it broke something in him. I have not heard him laugh or speak of such soft wishes since that day.
Remil would never be married. Never have children, never dote on his nieces and nephews or watch me teach them to fight. I watched as Kyuvos wrapped his cousin’s broken and bloody body in his own snow white cape, head hanging low as he clutched Remil in his arms.
I knelt to the ground, and all behind me followed, bowing our heads in silence for our fallen King. 
Kyuvos lifted Remil up and began to carry him back. I rose to meet him, the chill of the wind a frosty bite at the back of my neck. He did not say anything, only looked at me with an expression of emptiness I had never seen on him before.
In the days immediately after Remil’s death, it was I who gave the orders, who oversaw the gathering of the wounded and dead, who took the lead as we marched home. Kyuvos did not speak once until we were at the gates of the capital. He had been by the cart that contained Remil this whole time. 
“What will I say to Auntie?” was all I heard before he fell silent once more.
“N? Hey, are you still with us?”
N blinked and looked up at Hawes. “I…yeah. It’s just…”
“A lot, huh,” Hawes smiled kindly. N nodded.
“She…they all suffered so much. All because of the dragons…and I released both of them.”
Hawes frowned. “You were manipulated, and you made a mistake. In the end, no one was seriously hurt.”
“But they could have been,” N murmured. “Zekrias…he killed his own son. What if when I’d summoned Zekrom, Nina…”
He trailed off. Hawes took off his archival gloves and put his hands on N’s shoulders.
“It’s okay, N. Nina’s alive, you’re alive. And you’re doing better. You’re honoring your ancestors by helping to preserve their memory. I’d say that’s something to be proud of.” He smiled. 
“…Thanks, Mr. Hawes.” 
Hawes patted N’s shoulder. “Anytime. Now, shall we go catalogue the journal in the official records?”
N nodded. “Sounds good.” 
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(Probably no one will have a clue what im talking about but thats fine lmao)
I LOVE doing nuzlocke challenges, especially in gen 5. I probably never wouldve started doing them if it wasnt for this absolutely amazing comic right here:
I highly recommend it, it’s SO good!
Anyway, this comic ended several years ago and it got me really interested in comic creation and character design. Unfortunately, the creator of the comic hasn’t posted in years. About an hour ago I found some of my old drawings inspired by her comic and decided to go look back at my favorite chapters from the comic. I was completely shocked and thrilled to find that sHES POSTING AGAIN!!! She’s making a post story comic for Myths of Unova and I’m just 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖 I have unbelievable amounts of dopamine flooding my brain right now. Like I cannot put into words just how much I loved reading through her comic and now I gET TO READ MORE!!?!!??
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[ID: a picture of a brain sits with dopamine molecules around it and the text “dopamine time” off-center and above it.
End ID]
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lorebird · 1 year
Continuing my “Cynthia is Volo after chilling out and transitioning” propaganda: Consequences Edition
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 15 days
Hello :)! Sorry to bother, but i’ve been looking for advice on how to care for pokémon eggs, and then newly hatched pokémon… I saw you two work with pokémon, so I was wondering if you could spare some advice?
If it’s any help, I think it’s a Litleo egg, since my partner’s Pyroar found it. We have it snuggled up with our Pyroar but like. When it hatches, do we have to do extra things to care for it, or will its parent handle that? Do we have to catch it?
Sorry, these are probably very basic questions, but any help would be much appreciated ^-^!
- Connor ( @antirrhinums-de-lis )
First we would like to clarify that we are not any kind of licensed rehab; all advice offered here is strictly non-professional.
So. The good news is, if Pyroar has already taken an interest in caring for the egg, that will make things much easier on you in many regards. You won't have to worry about incubation, and the hatchling should learn things like species-appropriate social skills, play behavior, and fire control from its parent.
However, since it appears Pyroar is a male, you will likely have to take charge of feeding the hatchling. Hatchling feeding schedules are very species-specific, so you will have to have to look up specific care guides. Feeding newborn hatchlings often involves waking up at ungodly hours of the night. Just...be prepared for that.
As for the species: Litleo is a strong possibility, but given that you don't know for sure where the egg came from, it is not a given. Even if Pyroar is the father, Pokémon are more likely to be their mother's species, so you could technically speaking end up with anything in the Field egg group. (Not with equal likelihood, local availability and interspecies dynamics influence what's actually probable, but that is not a formula we're prepared to solve.) If Pyroar is not the father, and it brought home an unrelated egg, then you could end up with anything under the sun.
As for catching it: technically you never have to catch any Pokémon. However, if you want it to be legally yours, you will either need to catch it or have it registered to your trainer ID at the Pokémon Center, and if you decide you are going to rehome it it will be easiest if it has a Pokéball.
Finally: the Pokémon Center is your best friend here. They can assess the egg to determine a likely species, and they have many more resources on egg and hatchling care than we can offer. The hours for your local Center's trainer resource helpdesk should be listed online, and recently some larger Centers have given the option to ask questions by text instead of in person or over the phone.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
While writing my larvesta facts, I found an old Unova story about Larvesta stealing the light of the sun and evolving into Volcorona. And now I wanna see more stories. Anyone got some Unova fairytale recommendations?
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 years
*points to Arceus* I mean his entire mythology is very similar? Although the twins of ideal and belief and their fighting, is PROBABLY the actual closest thing to the Cain Instinct.
Dialga conked Palkia on the head with a big rock and thus the myth was born.
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@fae-witch-professor ) Since you're Unovan, or at least in Unova Right?, can you tell us some less talked about portions of Unovan mythology?
Of course! There is this incredibly rare Pokémon called Victini, that can create endless energy inside it. When it touches something, all the energy is released to either aid someone or send out a blast. It is said that whatever trainer is blessed to have it will be victorious in no matter what thing they attempt. There hasn’t been lots of sightings in recent memory, but in another one of our major myths, a great hero wielded it and it helped subdue the two great dragons. (That part is contested a lot, and there is a lot of alternate stories, but that is what I believe)
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milotrainspokemon · 2 years
today im going to make it to Celestic Town. i really hope i can learn some cool stuff there, what with it kind of being a center for myths and things in Sinnoh. honestly even if nothing super interesting happens, at least the ruins are cool!
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kynimdraws · 1 year
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Hey remember this?
I have updated it for...reasons :)
EDIT: I fucked up my formatting and the ability text was cut up. SHOULD BE FIXED NOW.
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phlurrii · 2 months
Any thoughts on the new pokemon legends teaser announcement thing?
So many thoughts.
Alright, my first game was XY, Y specifically, wanted X, they didn’t have it, got Y. Bacon Birb Superiority.
So kalos has always held a very special place in my heart because of that, but I had the most cracked playthrough. It was the middest game, immense wasted potential, and desperately needed a follow up instead of hap hazardously cramming it into SM as an after thought.
I did not use any of the normal starters, I used the event torchic with speed boost. Lowkey did not realize torchic wasn’t a kalos pokemon till 8 months into ORAS… but it makes a great story.
Anyways, I played the shit out of XY, managed to get 999+ hours on my own, just playing, doing daily things, trading online, GTS, everything. I managed to get every legendary/myth and then every shiny legendary/myth just no lifing the online system as a kid. It’s where my collection of legends comes from this day, I also got my first mew via the GameStop drop. That mew was cloned and became Bucket and “Meau” before Meau was Meau.
As well as I got Diancie before its release. Found a dude who had a brother who pulled some strings and yoinked one, before having another rando I meant clone it. My biggest flex, probably in any Pokémon game was my diancie lol
So safe to say, I was ESTATIC by the news, I wanted either a Johto Legends or Kalos legends, much more then Unova. As Johto/Gen 2 are my favourite games and generations. So I’ll be rooting for Johto anything after this ;3
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birbliophile · 2 years
Can you write a MoU fanfiction of N's reaction to getting the message Colress sent about him being apart of Team Plasma? (Sry if this is worded weirdly)
Uh, sure? I don't usually take requests on this blog but it's a nice prompt and you asked politely so...yeah.
DISCLAIMER: absolutely NONE of this is official MoU canon, and I STRONGLY recommend sending any questions about the characters or plot decisions to @kynimdraws or the official MoU blog @mythsofunova. It's her comic and characters (or character versions) first, I just like her work so much that I write these little ficlets from time to time. Please do not treat me as an authority on MoU canon. I do welcome people who want to talk about the series with me though.
The Email
Nathaniel Harmonia did not use technology often. 
It wasn’t that he was afraid of it, per say, although it was rather overwhelming the first time Benga had shown him how to use an Xtranciever properly. He hadn’t even had one of those old fashioned cell phones before - any communication within Team Plasma was done by the grunts. So it was suffice to say that N wasn’t exactly in the habit of checking his email (also courtesy of Benga). 
“You should at least have one in case someone wants to send over like, a big file or something? You’re going to be with Ms. Lenora and Mr. Hawes, right? I bet they deal with stuff like that a lot.”
N had shrugged and let Benga deal with it. Thankfully the teenager was thoughtful enough to not give him a weird username, and the email had come in handy more than once with Lenora and Hawes’ work. Nobody else really sent N anything though - Benga and Alder preferred using the Xtrancievers, the former having quite the habit of double texting. 
So it was quite the surprise when he woke up on a Saturday morning to see a message appeared in his inbox from an address he didn’t recognize.
TO: nathanielh
FROM: #479%!@$
SUBJECT: Posthumous arrangements - Ghetsis Tenebra
“Something wrong?” Matthias asked, ears flicking back with suspicion. N blinked. 
“I’m…not sure.” He stared at the subject line, eyebrows knitting together. Team Plasma had been disbanded for two years, and he was sure he’d resolved all their (illegal) business dealings with Alder and the authorities. And Ghetsis…well. N’s stomach turned as he remembered how that had ended. Whatever this was, it didn’t sound good. But he had to know. 
N opened the email. 
Mr. Harmonia. 
I was commissioned by your father and his associates some years back for work of a classified nature. Seeing as he is now indisposed, I must meet with you to resolve his affairs as soon as possible. I will be waiting at Unit #258 in the Warehouse District of Virbank City this following Saturday at 3:30pm. RSVP to this email address. 
No name. N stared at the message for a minute. The phrasing made it seem like this person had been hired by Ghetsis and Team Plasma rather than working directly under them. But they hadn’t specified what they were hired for, or what they wanted to talk about. Payment, maybe? N grimaced. He wasn’t exactly keen on going through all that paperwork again. 
The real worry was how this mysterious person had gotten his email address. The only people who knew about it were Alder, Benga, Lenora, and Hawes. And N couldn’t think of a reason that they’d just simply tell anyone about it. 
Well…only one thing to do then. 
N brought up the call function on his Xtranciever and selected Alder’s name from the top of the contacts list. He shouldn’t be too busy right now. 
That said, it took a few rings for the Champion to pick up. His grinning face filled the screen, and N suddenly felt a little more at ease. 
N, my boy, how are you doing? I hope Lenora isn’t working you too hard over there!
“Oh, not at all, I uh…actually really enjoy cataloging the artifacts and stuff,” N flushed. “It’s…calming.”
Good, good! Are you going to visit Floccesy this weekend? Benga would love to see you! 
“Uh, actually, I’m calling for a…different reason.” N swallowed. Alder’s smile turned into a look of gentle concern. 
Something bothering you, son?
N suppressed the jolt of confused yet oddly pleased feelings he always had when Alder called him son. “Uh, I got an email today…”
When N had finished explaining, Alder was stroking his chin thoughtfully, brows furrowed. 
“So…what do you think?” N fidgeted with the string of his necklace. 
Well…we definitely can’t just ignore this. Do you want to bring it up with the police?
N thought for a moment. “No. It’s my responsibility to deal with this. I’ll meet with…whoever this person is, alone.”
You can’t go alone, N. Alder frowned. I’m not letting you go to a private meeting with a stranger without backup.
“I thought you were going to be in Johto for the next two weeks,” N frowned.
I am, but you should still bring someone along just in case things get hostile. Alder said. Would it be alright if I called in Nina?
N’s entire body tensed up. “Wh-ah-huh? Why…uh, why her, specifically?”
The Elite Four are helping Iris cover Champion business while I’m away, and none of the Gym Leaders can be free on Saturday unless it’s an actual emergency. 
“No, I get it,” N said. “But uh…it’s fine. I’ll just bring Matthias.”
Alder sighed. I know the two of you aren’t exactly…close, but she’s the strongest trainer I know who could probably make it. And I’d feel a lot better if she was with you.
N gripped his necklace. “I don’t want to involve her in this. Not after everything I put her through.”
Alder was silent for a moment. You know, this could be a good opportunity for the two of you to actually talk a bit. 
N faltered. “I don’t…” 
In truth, it wasn’t just that he didn’t want to burden Nina with his own problems again. It was that if he saw her again, then…well, he was afraid that it’d be so horrifically awkward that she’d never want to speak to him after that. Not even in short texts every three months that made him want to lie down and stare at the ceiling for hours. 
(They didn’t talk much after his initial apology. She’d told him she was sorry too, could you imagine? She was the one who’d lost nearly her entire team because of him.)
Look, how about I just ask if she’s available, and if she says no, then I’ll ask Roxie to send one of her off-duty trainers, okay?
N hung up. For the rest of the day, his head was swarming with thoughts about a certain brunette, and not even the calming task of sorting through documents could ease his nerves. There was no way she’d want anything to do with Team Plasma, he was certain. So what if he still had a million things he’d never figured out how to say to her. So what if maybe he still had a glimmer of hope that they could still be friends? So what if he felt a desperate desire to talk to the one person who could understand what the ordeal of being a Chosen of the Dragons had been like? 
She didn’t deserve to have to see him again. Not when he was the reason she almost died. 
“You okay, kid?” Lenora asked as they closed up the storage room for the day. 
N nodded. “Yeah.”
When he got back to the apartment that Lenora and Hawes had set up for him, he flopped onto the bed and went to check his messages. One voicemail from Alder. N opened it. 
She’ll meet you at the Floccesy Clock Tower at noon, that��ll give you enough time to walk to Virbank. 
N fell off the bed. 
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the-sprog · 12 days
I think if Danny existed in the same universe as Ash Ketchum, he'd be a fan.
This got really long so I'm just gonna
I'm a believer in "Ash is God[1]'s favorite idiot (positive...?) and so is eternally 10" and also anti the level reset propaganda. I think tales of the kid who went head-to-head with several legendaries[2] and won would probably get around. Maybe they wouldn't know his name, but a general description would make the rounds. A black-haired, dark-eyed kid who is always, always accompanied by a Pikachu. Often seen with some kind of red hat.
I think Danny "God's favorite idiot (Time God[3] edition)" would start looking for this elusive child who seems to be under a similar predicament to him (Hisuian Zorua[4]!Danny anyone? C'mon, this is the Pokédex entry "A once-departed soul, returned to life in Hisui. Derives power from resentment, which rises as energy atop its head and takes on the forms of foes. In this way, Zorua vents lingering malice[5]". He would be the specialest one, though. Because he'd be a green shiny instead of blue. Maybe that would be because he's half dead, not completely so? Or maybe because he'd be artificial, kinda like Type: Null[6]? (I know it isn't the first artificial Pokémon, but he's the first I thought of because of the design being like it's a Frankenstein of other Pokémon). Imagine though. Hisuian Zorua is extinct, right? Because it's from before Sinnoh was called Sinnoh[7]. So he's already a rare Pokémon, but he's not even shiny. He's truly a one of a kind.), though Ash, contrary to popular belief, isn't a Pokémon. Just un-aging.
Here, Danny's parents would be science-y people -maybe even some lower importance Pokémon professors- who don't believe in psychics even though the Pokémon world has people that can do telekinesis, and don't believe that Ghost types were once human, as most of them are said to be, anyway. They therefore believe that all Ghost types are malicious because they prey on people's grief and loss. They'd be the people to find out that Dark types are supereffective against Ghost types[8]. They'd have mostly Dark types with some Normal types as well.
Jazz would be a scholar probably, researching the myths and history around all the legendaries, but especially around Ghost types. She'd become an expert in behaviors from Pokémon like Litwick[9].
Sam would be on the front line, protecting the Ghost types from them. Hiding, harboring, etc all that she can think of. For her own Pokémon that she catches or at least takes care of (maybe she'd be more of an N type of trainer) she'd go more for the aesthetic or for rescued Pokémon (like Ash does quite often) more than their type or their abilities, but I also think she'd vibe with Fighting types a lot. I can see her wanting to be a Pokémon Ranger[10].
Tucker would be your classic inventor wannabe Electric type gym leader, but he'd be one of those hardcore competitive trainers. He'd be excellent at type advantages and IVs grinding, but I also think he'd struggle like Ash did with Charizard and some others. He would sometimes over level them and they'd stop listening to him, get an attitude when they evolve. Stuff like that. He's gotta learn that there's more to Pokémon battles than statistics and the theoretical. I think Ash is gonna end up being the one to teach him this. Also imagining his mom as a Nurse Joy.
However, when the Fentons find a... shiny? Zorua? In their house, posing as their son? They freak out a bit. They know it's not their son because the eyes are the wrong color, even if it speaks with Danny's voice and makes expressions with Danny's face. But they're in Unova. They recognize the Pokémon once it transforms.
Zoruas are known to play tricks on parents. They're Dark types with a mischievous side. They just gotta look for its mama and hope that it has taken Danny by mistake. They decide to take care of it in the meantime, even consider keeping it in case it doesn't have a mama and was using Danny's disappearance to keep itself safe.
Danny doesn't know what to do. At first he thinks about coming clean, but he knows. He knows that whatever invention of theirs blew up in his face didn't just turn him into a Zorua. People don't just turn into any kind of Pokémon. So he doesn't say anything, and plays along. He practices his illusions to try and get his looks as close as he can to before the accident, but it doesn't work for his eyes. No matter what he does, they're green, just like his fur markings when he's tranformed.
But then... Then they realize that it's not an Unovan Zorua.
This Zorus is a Ghost type.
A Ghost type taking Danny's form.
Their baby is dead. It killed him and this… this monster had the audacity to try and, what, replace him?
They start calling him Phantom.
Danny has to run.
It's easier to fake being a kid on a Pokémon journey than a rare version of a rare version of an extinct Pokémon. The only problem is that he's lacking the documents for it. Sam helps out with funding and supplies for the journey, enough to get to Professor Juniper and get a Pokédex, and with that a trainer license. At least until she and Tucker can join him.
They convince their parents to let them go on a journey, somehow. Sam's parents aren't thrilled by their daughter wanting to take part in the fights, they'd much prefer it if she joined Pokémon Contests, but perhaps her grannie Ida used to be a Gym leader of some kind and manages to turn them in Sam's favor. Meanwhile, Tucker's parents knew he wanted to become a Gym leader, so they were prepared and aware he'd one day go and leave the nest, but they'd always assumed Danny would be the one accompanying him, not Sam. They aren't surprised, however, that the kids want to get out after what -supposedly- happened to their friend.
The first few months are absolutely miserable all around. Danny is all alone, he has no Pokémon to defend himself, and he's still figuring out how his own powers work. What's his move set? His ability? And Sam and Tucker aren't fairing much better. They're like Misty and Ash at the very start, or even Iris and Ash. They're making good progress in terms of getting to Danny quickly, but they're not doing good on the Pokémon training part of their Pokémon journey.
Professor Juniper sends the Starters in the mail in the first Gen V game, while in the second Belle is the one to give them to you. I still think Prof. Juniper just. Shipped the Pokéballs over, and I imagine Sam wouldn't be too happy about it. I think she'd choose Tepig (as I said, I think Fighting types and her would vibe), and Tucker for Snivy (his first struggle. Snivys are snarky and a little self centered. if it doesn't want to listen to Tucker, it won't. Tucker gotta earn its respect). They leave Oshawott with Jazz, who promises to help them derail her parents whenver possible and uses Oshawott to sabotage them.
They end up in a kind of "Ash and Team Rocket"-like situation, where Team Phantom gets chased through Unova -and then Alola or whichever other region they decide to escape to- while the Fentons try to catch the Pokémon they're convinced killed their son.
Danny-as-Phantom would get a reputation because of his looks and the general mayhem his parents cause with their chase. Some people would get very curious about this Pokémon, especially Team Rocket. so maybe that's how meeting Ash happens.
Phantom gets separated from Sam and Tucker, maybe they got captured, or are busy distracting the Fentons. Ash ends up trying to console a scared little Zorua, one he's never seen anything like before, before Team Rocket shows up. He puts the little Zorua down behind him and goes:
"When are you going to give up?! I won't let you have Pikachu!"
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, twerp. We're not here for Pikachu this time. We're here for that little Zorua behind you."
"Oh. Well, we're not letting you get it, either!"
Cue Pokémon battle.
At this point I imagine Team Phantom got to Alola, so we can also have a Tucker+Sophocles meeting. I'm still not over that kid's name btw.
Ash would be starry-eyed at Tucker. Boy liked tech. Maybe Tuck gets himself a particularly stubborn Pichu during their travels and causes Ash to get flashbacks.
He'd be Phantom's rights n1 protector. Starts batting away all the pokeballs people try to throw at him, like physically getting in the way.
Ooh what if the Thermos is a Ghost type specific MasterBall? It has a 100% catch rate but only with Ghost types. It didn't used to work, but then Danny charged it with one of his moves and -since Ghost moves are supereffective on Ghost types- it charged it perfectly. Danny uses it to catch rowdy Ghost types, of whom he's slowly becoming the King without realizing. Arceus started this whole thing that he couldn't stand Danny, but Dialga really liked the guy so he let him meet Ash to see how it would go and damn. Ash likes him. I mean, it's hard for Ash to hate truly hate someone, so it's not that surprising, but now Arceus finds Itself incapable of taking Danny away from Dialga. Sure! It can keep the kid! Whatever! They all want to be like It nowadays >:( copycats.
Danny is close to becoming a mystical pokémon due to all he does and the myths he's causing during his journey, but Arceus isn't convinced it's a good idea for him to have that status. First of all, because Darkrai might riot, second of all because it hasn't been that long and Danny is still, at the very least partially, a human child.
Shut up, It's not being hypocritical >:( it's fine when It does it.
But also Danny can now communicate with all pokémon with ease. He's not a Ditto, so he still can't fully comprehend some specific pokémon languages, like Electric types communicating via electric currents, but he gets around.
He doesn't like playing translator, though, and Pikachu learns that pretty quickly when pi starts to try and pester him to convince him to tell pi's trainer all about their journey from the beginning from pi's perspective. Danny makes it to the bike stealing before he uses an illusion to vanish.
Pikachu just has a lot of feelings about it all, ok? Pi loves Ash so much and pi wants him to know! Wants to talk about Ash-Greninja, about the Kalos Crisis, about Latias, about Delia, about N, about all the pokémon they left behind, about the pokeballs, about evolution.
Pi also wants more ketchup, but it's low on pi's list of priorities.
Danny isn't up for playing mediator, however. Though he might mention the ketchup stuff. Just to piss pi off.
@jadenoryuu hope you don't mind the tag, I thought you might have ideas or just like this one lol no pressure.
Husuian Zorua can learn some Ice type moves, I'm imagining Lillie's Alola Vulpix learning with him.
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nartothelar · 2 years
I just thought about the thing where if someone's talking about you, you feel like sneezing. So imagine everytime someone says oh my dragons, the twins sneeze
Oh my dragons yes. This is canon.
Ingo and Emmet both sneezing every few minutes:
Depot agent: Oh no are you sick?
Emmet: No. It is worse. The school year has started.
Ingo nodding solemnly: The courses on myths and legends of Unova have likely begun
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csolarstorm · 23 days
Xerneas and Yveltal are Fungi: Let Me Explain...
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Source: Bulbapedia, Wikipedia, Bulbapedia, Enchanted Nature
Xerneas and Yveltal are my favorite legendary designs. There's something weirdly alien about these bio-luminescent approximations of fauna, like they're trying to look like animals and failing. I've always thought they looked a little bit...fungal.
Xerneas and Yveltal are like batteries. They're life energy brokers; Xerneas distributes life, while Yveltal drains it. Supporting and draining life is one of the main characteristics of fungi. In fact, it's like their whole thing.
Some fungi have a mutualistic relationship with their hosts, where they actually benefit their health. And in general, fungi are essential to supporting the ecosystem. Then there's fungi that are simply parasitic.
Fungi can also go dormant, as well as their spores. Staying still is their thing, just chilling in dark places. Xerneas and Yveltal's dormant forms are especially weird, showing just how anomalous these creatures are.
Now allow me to lichen fauna to fungi.
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Sources: Bulbapedia, New Forest Pics, Wikipedia, Mushroom Diary Blog
This is xylaria hypoxylon, also known as Stag's Horn fungus. (Not to be confused with Yellow Staghorn.) It reminds me a lot of the dormant form of Xerneas, or the "deactivated" form it takes in the PC.
Stag's Horn is also bio-luminscent, which means the tips of the fungus faintly glow - much like the tips of Xerneas's antlers.
Speaking of the first legendary Fairy Pokemon, mushrooms are often associated with fairies. Fairy Rings are circles of mushrooms that are connected by mycelium underneath. (I'll get into mycelium in just a second.) There are too many myths about Fairy Rings to get into here, so for now I'll just point out the Fairy Ring around Valerie's Gym in Laverre City.
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Sources: Bulbapedia, Sussex Wildlife Trust, Enchanted Nature, UK Wildlife
I'm not sure whether Bulbapedia or Dr. King on Pokemon Amino first likened Yveltal to Devil's Fingers, but the similarities are uncanny. Like Yveltal emerges from its cocoon, Devil's Fingers emerge from what is called their "egg stage". I tried to find the least unsettling picture of this that I could. Enjoy...?
I mean, what kind of bird turns into a cocoon, anyway? Honestly though, fungus isn't supposed to hatch from an egg either, so this is all mixed up.
Okay, so Xerneas and Yveltal are based on different aspects of Yggdrasil. But if you were going to design Pokemon based on Yggdrasil, the World Tree that connects the universe, wouldn't you base it on fungi rather than an actual tree? Mycelium can actually partner with the roots of plants and other fungus to create a widespread beneficial mycorrhizal network, a truly interconnected ecosystem of organisms.
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Source: BBC News - How Trees Secretly Talk to Each Other
And that's why Xerneas and Yveltal are fungi. Or it could be part of their inspiration, at least. They're not necessarily inspired by these specific fungi, but I think the concept may be part of their design. Either way, Gen VI is especially fun to research!
Reviewed by @fluffybunnybadass.
Check out my posts about Pokemon Legends: Z-A:
Poll: What Does the Λ in Legends Z-A Symbolize?
Pokemon Legends Z-A: What Is the Λ?
Is Z-A Just Zygarde-A? (%1000 Zygarde and the Fragments of the Tree of Life)
Aaah, it's an A! Is the A in Z-A the Tree of Life?
How much longer am I going to have to wait for a freakin' Unova remake?!
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