mystical-mocha · 3 years
Hey.. It’s ya girl Mocha,
It’s the first time i’ve been on tumblr in awhile. The last time I came on this site, I was a 15 years old filled with angst and anxiety. Never really understanding or seeing who I really am. When it happened it happened in a blink of an eye. The moment of awareness is quick and it’s quiet easy to see that things happen for a reason. Sometimes your ancestors need to pop you up side the head real good for you to really recognize what’s going on. It isn’t until you fall and bleed from the kneecaps that have fallen weak, you have to decide to get up and decide to be strong again. One deemed road block or mistake can really force you to sit down and decide, what is my life made for?
Well to cut the theatrics and drama out of it. After bandaging my busted knees, and washing away at my scraped up palms, I decided that my life was made for Boundless Greatness, and it’s not until I stop expecting to continuously fall that I can stay off the gravel.
So this space is now being dedicated to be a space of healing, manifestation, creativity and liberation from the shackles that have been laced throughout my subconscious.
For Mocha, there is no going back to the old way of living. So to start I decided to clack my finger tips across the keyboard and get to work on documenting the most miraculous of magic shows to ever be performed. The next 90 days will be that of greatness, where the foundation will be set and the changes will begin to occur. No more fucking around because, clearly that got me where I am now.
And of course I’ll explain all about these scenarios later, but for now...
Cheers to transcending generational cycles 🎊
Much Love Mystic Fam,
Mocha 🧚🏿‍♀️✨
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