#muslim advice
i-love-this-for-me · 2 years
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akhtarjr · 24 days
If somebody hurts you, wrongs you, remember this ayah:
وَلَا يَظْلِمُ رَبُّكَ أَحَدًۭا
And your Lord does injustice to no one.{18:49}
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frommydiary · 1 month
The pain of what has passed:
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله writes:
“(The pain) of what has passed can not be removed by grieving over it, but only through:
• Acceptance (i.e. being pleased with Allaah's Decree) (al-Ridhaa)
• Gratitude (al-Hamd)
• Patience (al-Sabr)
• Faith in Predestination
(al-Imaan bil-Qadr)
and the saying of the slave:
“It is the decree of Allāh and what He Wills, He Does” (قَدَّرَ اللَّهُ وَمَا شَاءَ فَعَلَ)."
[Zaad al-Ma`aad | 2-327]
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journeytojannah · 1 year
The result of sabr is always beautiful. If Allah is making you wait then maybe Allah wants to grant you more than your expectations. Because sabr is not easy and if you are showing Allah a beautiful patience, He will surely show you a beautiful miracle
وَٱسْتَعِينُوا۟ بِٱلصَّبْرِ وَٱلصَّلَوٰةِ ۚ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ إِلَّا عَلَى ٱلْخَـٰشِعِينَ
‏And seek help (from Allah) through patience and prayer. Indeed, it is a burden except for the humble (Al-Baqarah 2:45)
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queenie-blackthorn · 7 months
tips for writing muslim characters
except im a muslim, born and raised
dont mix it up with arab characters, yes a muslim can be arab and muslim but theres a difference. the link to my post abt writing arabs is here
first and foremost, not all muslims are arabs, and not all arabs are muslims. yes, most terminology and the holy book is in arabic, but that doesnt mean its exclusively arabs
indonesia (not an arab country) has the highest population of muslims worldwide
the arab country with the most christians is egypt, but the arab country with the highest population of christians is lebanon 
not all practicing muslim women wear hijab (some extremely religious women might not wear a hijab)
five prayers a day: fajr (before sunrise), zuhr (midday), asr (afternoon), maghreb/maghrib (sunset), ishaa (nighttime)
call to prayer is known as 'azan', you can listen to it on youtube
muslims use the lunar calendar (known as the hijri calendar), which also has 12 months but its around two weeks shorter than the gregorian calendar. most people only remember the ninth month: ramadan
fasting consists of not eating/drinking from fajr until maghrib. you stop as soon as the azan for fajr sounds, and you can start again as soon as the azan for maghrib sounds. you fast for the entire month of ramadan, but its also encouraged to fast on mondays, thursdays, and the 14th/15th/16th days of each month of the hijri calendar
allah isnt the name of god. allah is the arabic word for 'god'
women dont have to cover up completely until puberty, athough some girls cover up before then and other women dont cover up at all
women can be religious and not cover up
the word 'hijab' doesnt show up in the quran, its 'khimar'. hijab is to cover up completely, not just hair. you cant wear a headscarf with a short sleeved shirt
men have to cover up too. from their navel to their knees absolutely has to be covered up, and (in most islamic cultures, not necessarily exactly religious) they cover up their chests as well 
also men are told to avert their gazes from women more than women are told to cover up. youd find a lot of men in muslim countries not looking up from the floor when walking, especially in areas w a lot of women
kids by the age of eight can usually recite at least four chapters from the quran (the first one and the last three, mostly. it doesnt matter if theyre not arab)
if you want to use verses from the quran for whatever reason, i recommend quran.com
theres only one version of the quran. the same copy thats existed for 1400 years and millions of people have memorized it
on that note, people who memorize the quran are called hafiz, and there isnt a particular age. theres a three year old hafiz and a woman who didnt memorize it until age eighty three
there are two different sources for islamic law: the quran (holy book), and hadith (quotes of the prophet). dua' is completely different, its a prayer used to ask help from god, but unlike the five prayers, it doesnt really require a specific ritual. you just sit, face the direction of mecca, and say the dua'
superstitions are haram, but muslims do believe in black magic (its sihr in arabic and its one of the biggest sins) and djinn (there are djinn muslims but theyre widely regarded somewhat like monsters who encourage/help you to do black magic)
allahu akbar means "god is greater" or "god is the greatest". it isnt used as a signal to blow people up, and it isnt a term used purely by islam extremists
assalamu aleikum / waaleikum assalam mean, respectively, "peace be upon you" and "and peace be upon you too" basically just our way of just saying "hi" along with the reply
subhanallah means "glory be to god" usually when witnessing a miracle or when amazed
mashaallah - there arent any exact english equivalents but it means "what god wills". usually for compliments or to protect someone from evil eye
insha'allah - simply "god willing" but we use this when talking about the future (like "will you come to school?" "insha'allah" or "we'll get the gift, right?" "insha'allah"). can be replaced by the lesser used "bi'ithn illah"
alhamdu lillah - "praise be to god" or "thanks be to god. used in the way you might imagine, but also as a way to express that youre doing fine. "how are you doing today, sister?" "alhamdu lillah" (also when finishing a meal / finishing drinking water)
astaghfir ullah - "i seek forgiveness from god" whenever we see someone do something haram or when we ourselves do something haram and wish to repent
bismillah - "in the name of god" we use this whenever we begin something. a lot of arab literature starts with this. every chapter im the quran starts with this. every meal starts with saying this before eating
you can submit asks if you have any questions, but try to be a lil specific !!
feel free to rb with more info :)
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heart-dive · 2 years
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leen--20 · 3 months
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azkar95 · 5 months
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ليست كل الأمور تُحل بالمنطق والتفكير والورقة والقلم وربط الأحداث ببعضها.
هناك حلول أكبر وأوسع وأشمل تُسمى "الفرج" و "القدرة الإلهية" التي هي فوق حدود عقلك ومستوى تفكيرك، وتلك الحلول مفاتيحها عند الله.
فعندما تشعر أن كل الأبواب مغلقة، وكل الأمورة ليست مُيسّرة؛ لا تيأس، ولا تستسلم للمساحات للضيقة، بل اخرج لرب المساحات الواسعة ورب كل شيء وادع بما شئت.
اللهم اجعل لنا من كل همٍ فرج، ومن كل ضيقٍ مخرج
Not all matters can be solved by logic, thinking, pen and paper, and linking events together. There are bigger, broader, and more comprehensive solutions called “gods relief” and “Allah's divine power” that are beyond the limits of your mind and level of thinking, and those solutions are capable only by Allah's power . When you feel that all doors are closed, and all matters are not easy; Do not despair, and do not surrender to narrow spaces, but rather go out to the Lord of wide spaces and the Lord of everything and pray for whatever you want.
" Oh God, give us a relief from every worry, and a way out from every distress".
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mindofserenity · 1 year
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الروح تحتاج إلى وقت، لكي يتعلم المرء النقاء
Someone once told me, that is not always the mountains that trouble us in our journey but the pebble in our shoe that troubles our climb. Do not let the harshness of this world look down on you if you are behind in whatever you pursue. At times, people forget that we are allowed to struggle. If Allah does not expect perfection from us, then who are we to expect it from each other?
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inikumi · 8 months
Keharmonisan sebuah rumah tangga itu di bangun bersama.
Jika salah, ya dibenahi, jika ada kekurangan, ya dilengkapi. Sama-sama. Saling bekerja sama diantara keduanya. Suami maupun istri.
Jika istri yang nyuci baju, suami juga bantu ngelipet baju, Misalnya.
Jika istri sibuk seharian jaga anak, suami juga bantu yang lain. Sama-sama.
Saling bekerja sama.
Yang satu lagi merasa ribet, sedangkan yang satu nya main hp.
Bukan sibuk salah satu nya, sedangkan yang satu ngangkang-ngangkang kaki.
Bukan juga memerintah seenaknya saja, melainkan menanyakan terlebih dulu.
“Yang, kamu lagi sibuk apa? boleh minta tolong?”
Ini sopan-santun. Saling menghargai.
Juga jaga komunikasi. Mengkomunikasikan apapun, termasuk hal yang terlihat sepele. Dan perlu juga saling menghargai. Bukan malah menceloteh “ngomong apasi bun?”
Terkadang berpura-pura lugu untuk bisa berkomunikasi panjang adalah seni untuk membuka topik lain.
Mari saling belajar menghargai.
@pangkalanbun, 12 Agustus 2023
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mostlycaffein · 10 months
"Don't depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in the dark."
Ibn Taymiyyah (RA)
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akhtarjr · 1 year
Surah Al-Kausar, the shortest surah of the Qur'an. This surah was revealed when Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was experiencing enormously difficult time, hardships, tryanny, opposition, extreme resistance for his preaching of Islam. Allah in order to console him and the rest of the Muslims sent down these profound verses and brought happiness, hope, prosperity and peace amongst believers.
إِنَّآ أَعْطَيْنَـٰكَ ٱلْكَوْثَرَ
Indeed, We have granted you ˹O Prophet˺
abundant goodness.
فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَٱنْحَرْ
So pray and sacrifice to your Lord alone.
إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ ٱلْأَبْتَرُ
Only the one who hates you is truly cut off from
any goodness.
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frommydiary · 11 days
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen رحمه الله said:
"Whenever your heart is neglectful and you find yourself immersed in the life of this world, go out to the graves and think about those people who yesterday were (alive) like you on earth."
شرح رياض الصالحين 3/473
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journeytojannah · 4 months
everything you’ve been praying for is making its way to you. if there isn’t any limit for Allāh then you should also not think about the limitations. how can there be a limit to what Allāh can do for you. He is able to do all things. believe in duā until you see it all happen.
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thewayoftaqwa · 3 months
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estheticdeen · 1 year
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