#muse: slime trish
sapphirecrook · 5 months
[STORY] Call Me Fang - C. 3-1 Getting the band back together
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I dunno why, but my writing style is 'ahead, and little bits at a time' its very strange.
I’ve been standing outside the music room for a few minutes. Finding it took some time, so naturally, I’m late. How did that even happen? I was literally in History/Civics class with Reed two minutes ago? I could’ve followed him? I guess the fear of small talk and exposure was just too much.
Hanging out near the door, and pushing my head against it, I can hear their conversation. Once more, I am reminded I have wings. These stupid things are nothing but a bother. 
They are talking about “L&L” and bugs. Nerds. At least they’re not gossiping about me getting my wings caught on the door in history class.
Come to think of it, I have no idea how much Fang has communicated this change in style. If there is a change. I should stick to my tactic so far. Charge through, apologize later. Better too much than too little, had too many times undercommunication killed it.
I can’t delay forever, and playing the sneaky little spy only makes me look like shit.
To quote the wise Brooklynite: let’s a go.
I swing the door open with bravado and step in. Door shut with a bump of the butt, arms in my side, time to pull every ounce of confidence into a single 30 minute conversation. Home stretch. There’s hair in my face, as this silver waterfall is remarkably unruly. Still.
Giving it a look, the music room is a music room. Chairs for a whole band or choir, instruments in a massive closet, residual music stands, and of course… the posters. Treble clef anyone? 
Trish and Reed sit on the very large windowsill. Reed’s tail is idly brushing the floor with its feathery tip, while Trish is excitedly explaining how bug slime nets work. Which Mr. Pink muses has use in his “L&L” game. They were both ready to play, as the drumset was the only instrument given space, and a bass guitar was right below Ms. Purple’s seating area. 
“Everyone here?” I demand to know. Standing tall over all of them.
Actually, I am the tallest in the group. Good. Trish’s eyes roll like marbles at my meaningless demands. “Dude, we’re a band of three people.” 
“Alright. Let’s do this!” I take a lungful of air and then… “So, what did you do to bribe LJ?” Reed takes some wind out of my sail by setting the conversation instead. It was a topic I intended but…
“Okay, yea. The trailer I sent. Okay, let me just play it for you.” I look around and find the hookup to the sound mixer and speakers, as well as a nice guitar to go along with it. No reason to play that file directly off my phone speaker like a pleb.
I am not ready for this. But maybe, if I just go real hard and fast, they won’t be able to notice and I can twist and turn things to suit the narrative. Confidence first. Deep breath, straight face, piledriver. 
Master of the mind.
Playing a song I played only a few times in fragments will be hard. My fingers hover over the strings. Akin to gravity, they twist into the proper posture to play the instrument, anticipating. 
There’s that feeling again. That underlying bubbling feeling of spectral hands grasping mine and guiding them along. I close my eyes and feel myself getting sucked into a cold, wet, dark abyss, where ever lyrical line becomes glowing bubbles.
It’s at once a struggle for survival, yet easier than breathing. 
I found myself teetering on the edge of a cliff when it ended. The last few notes and words echo off the walls briefly, leaving me standing there. I can’t think of what to say.
My face was burning and glowing. I didn’t notice before, but it makes me smile. “And… uhm…  that’s what she likes?”
I look them over, and they seem… engrossed? Trish even got the bass and had put a few notes to my score. My face feels like lava, as I realize I managed to entertain them so directly. Muscle memory is Fang’s, but the stage fright is alllll me. I’m contributing.
“That is a few towns over from our old stuff, ain’t it?” Reed gestures as he breaks the enchantment. “It’s good, but… yea.” He seems to like it? Trish’s expression is less optimistic. She’s frowning, rubbing her chin, looking at the ground left to right. “Yea, I’d sooner believe she’s setting us up. You know, a nice loser band to make Swamp Babies pop. Why else would she turn us away so many times only to just… turn at… I dunno. It doesn’t make sense to me.” 
“The returning champion wins again.” Reed appends with a sigh, shaking his head. “So, we’re supposed to change our style in… a week. Six days or something? Like, how are we gonna do that?” “Reed’s got a point. I like it, doesn’t mean I can do it without time. Crushing this on a short schedule is a feat. Between babysitting and projects and stuff, time’s a crunch.” 
The two are both looking down and away. They’re digging holes, time to fill em up. With confidence. Luckily, I bothered to think ahead. It’s the only way to keep my head from going to bad places. Felt weird that Fang would send LJ trailers without… the rest of the band playing. 
It takes a second to build up my resolve, and when I do, I give my answer with boisterous noise. “And that’s where you’re wrong. Nothing’s impossible with a pinch of magic.” I can’t resist gesturing with hands and body, to emphasize the point.
“Cool, cast your spell, o mighty wizard.” Reed grins, as if he had the fullest confidence before even hearing it. His posture loosened, to receive the spell.
“Nah, man, Fang’s a witch. No books on them!” Trish finger guns me. I can’t help but smile again. 
My plan isn’t the best. It basically puts all the work on me. Given this band thing is Fang’s idea, that’s fair enough. Sins of the body-father. Body-parent. I seem to have this new music down fine, and I have more time to practice. In fact, I’m new to it, whether we play the old or the new stuff. Thus… “I’m talking about backing instruments. We can use the MIDI box, right?” I hold up the weird slab next to the sound board. The cute post-it is the only reason I can identify it as such. Fang had one, and it took little to sort out the what and how. “Probably. There’s usually some solo artists or like, half bands. So I doubt we’d get slammed for it.” The purple punk concedes. “So. What if, say. We take what we know, and turn it into something else? Like, there’s only so many guitar chords and notes on a scale. Just dress it up in vibes and moods, some spiffy lyrics, and badaboom badabing.” My growing confidence leaves a mark. Even the worm-hugger seems to get sucked into it. 
They exchange glances. 
Admittedly, this entire plan was me screwing around with the MIDI controller back at Fang’s place and figuring out some workable ideas.
To cover MY ass. 
Making the best of it.
Twisting it to suit the rest of the band’s asses is two birds, one stone. 
Letting the idea simmer, Reed gives his feedback. “That’s… actually pretty clever.”
Man, this is going pretty damn great. 
What is that feeling? That odd breeze on my rear?
The tail.
What are social terms on tail related movement? “Man, here I was, thinking we’d actually have to try. Turns out Worm Drama was nothing but style and talent from day one.” Leaning back further, the purple horned one crossed and plants her ankles on the back of the chair near her. Oozing suave. Pinkie slides into thought, before raising a finger to ask a poignant question. “Uh, not to undercut your high, Fang, but do you think you can retool a song like that in a week?”
“No worries, Reed. You guys just gotta send me a line you can work with.” I really should figure out what instruments they play. “Or, whatever you feel you’re best with. Then, I merge them together. It’s easier to build with a foundation, after all. I’ll send you the finished version Sunday, so you can digest it.” “Is that enough time?” His skepticism is telling. Fair enough. I can, apparently, make a trailer work in a day. A whole new song? I’m not sure if that’s necessary, but I guess we can’t play the old, nor have them learn the new thing I made… “If you can send me the lines today or tomorrow, I have at least a few days to write alpha versions, let them sink in, digest, regurgitate. It’ll be tight, but look, I don’t have extracurriculars, it’s fine.” 
“Def was nervous earlier. Yet all I see now is why you’re the boss.” Violet finger guns and a wink and smile. 
Honestly, I was expecting someone to comment on my voice. Somehow, I’ve been close enough that nobody noticed or cares? As they say, nothing but net. “Are they? I thought Fang was more of a de facto leader.” 
“Reed, dude, head vocalists are always the leader.” “Or the guitar.” Pink shrugs. “Double leader, triple president. Fang, your family is made of layered leadership.”
“Ah, I see Naser told you about it too?” I snicker. “Just walk past his ‘office’ and you’ll hear him say it to everyone that comes in. Curious how his big opening speeches are gonna go, given that campaign of his.” “Say what you want, but Naser has charisma. I’d definitely make out with him if Fang wouldn’t kill me for it.” Reed sinks into the window, arms behind his back. Showing off his armpits since his shirt covers none of that. 
“You’ll have to fight Stella for the honor though.” I didn’t even hear Trish. Excuse me? “Uh, Reed, what the hell?”
“I’m kidding. Come on.”
I’m not really pissed. I’m living up to my assigned role as Reed Assassin. “If I catch you mackin’ with Naser you’re getting a one-way trip to the moon.” I can’t muster the sincerity to make it sound like a real threat. Though, if anything, they love it.
“Hey, heard the moon’s nice this time of year.” Reed winks. “Perfect for a triple president honeymoon.” 
The foundations of laughter, the bubbling of snickers, push up my throat. My face contorts, and strange, nasal guttural sounds pop from my nostrils. The crack of Reed’s wit whip works because it catches me off guard. 
“God fucking damnit Reed!” How have I met this guy, like, a few hours ago?
I hardly noticed our bassist getting up and deciding it was enough, even if all she’d really done was idly play along with me. “Oh, well, nice to catch up. I gotta hit up Rosa for some things, important top secret projects.”
“Thanks for the moral support.” Wait. “Wait, your basslines?”
“I’ll send them tonight, don’t worry.” Her head pokes through the doorway as she shoots me an extended tongue. Fair. 
Things wind down quickly. 
I sit on the windowsill. 
Reed took it to himself to play me the drum beat he wanted to use. That he felt confident had ‘enough flexibility to fit anything, but enough style to impress’ or something. Reed has mastered the art of being capable, serious, and seeming like he doesn’t give a shit at once. I half expect him to go ‘one more thing’ and blow my case wide open. Just pull off Fang’s face like a rubber mask like a meddling kid. 
While he plays, I look myself over. I peer at my reflection in the window, and wonder. It’s strange to see another person’s face like that. I make faces, and they mirror. I’m getting too sucked into this. Tomorrow's another roll of the dice for this to just go away. 
Then, I am taking a few weeks sabbatical to recover from straining every single social muscle. And maybe pick up that offer with Rex. Finally get him to shut up about that. Go to the pool and just float about. Get some hot tub hours. Yes. 
Gonna treat myself for once. 
A smooth landing for the returning traveler. Or perhaps I’ll just wake up in bed. Not a day missed. Ah. It can be that fortuitous! 
As we wrap up, crack a few gags, he gets a bit more serious.
“Might have to skip on getting us the usual band ride. My van is totally trashed.”
“What happened?”
“Hm. Lemme think. I might’ve been stoned off my ass taking a hairpin turn. And like an idiot, overcorrect and uh… well, I’m alive. The van just needs a lot of dents pulled. So you either carry your own guitar, or you know, use whatever LJ’s got lying around.”
“Don’t freaking puff and drive!”
“It was that, or be home after midnight on a Sunday. And neither of my moms would give me amnesty in that case.” 
“That’s just bad planning.”
I get up, and stretch. I push every feeling of being a personal space invader to the back of my mind, and try to focus. Look forward. It’s gonna be fine. 
Reed seems to be busy thinking, so I’ll leave him to it. Unfortunately, that posture breaks before I can open the door. It’s for me. 
“Yo, got a minute?”
“What’s wrong, Reed?”
“Just wanted to ask… you alright? Not too nervous about this audition thing, right? This might be that big break.” He looks dead at me, with a slight squint. Well, not really a squint, more an analytical frown. So he’s probably not projecting. That’s how it works, right? “I’m fine.” Shrug. “Hey, if you need some R&R time, I host L&L games” There’s the hook. I got a guess what he’s talking about. “Trish is in there. Sage too. Perfect time to take a load off and laugh. Naomi’s in, and Rosa. So everyone.” Everyone but me, huh? Although I have deftly avoided Stella and Sage so far. Wait, is he recruiting me under the guise of wellness? Sneaky. “L&L?” “Legends and Lore. It’s a tabletop roleplaying game? It’s like…”
Man, parallels are something around here. Can’t wait to find the complete works of Henry Shakescale and the musical talents of Mozartodon. “Oh, I know what those are.” Holy shit, he perks up instantly. His adorable, fluffy tail tip starts wagging side to side like a broom. “Sure, maybe later. After the audition. This weekend’s short notice.” Stalling for time, baby. I’d prefer to do some personal research first too.
“Cool, cool.”
I take a minute. Just standing here with Reed on his drumming stool. It’s nice. He’s pretty cute. Laid back. Like a big ol pillow. Trish has more of that big friend-energy. 
“Weird summer, huh?”
I look up, and shrug. “I’ll be honest, weirdest one yet.” Sure has been.
Can’t wait to get some more downtime to process any of it. 
“Never took Trish for the camp type.”
“Mhm.” Sure, that’s the weird one, buddy. “I gotta go. I wanna be there on time. Naser needs his moral support.”
“I’ll be on the roof, keep lookout for potential party crashers.” 
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Jelly Beans: Your muse is now a slime person. (For Slime Trish)
"Wait how is this gonna work?" Trish asks slightly concerned as she let's the Jelly beans be absorbed into her body. After a few seconds they begin to dissolve inside of her. Closing her eyes and hoping for the best Trish waits for the inevitable transformation but unsurprisingly nothing happens.
"What happened?" She asked as she looked her body over, and much to her relief she was still the same pink blob she always had been. "Well that was anti climactic... But I guess it makes sense since I'm already a slime..."
It seems the candy can't change someone into something they already are.
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omnipointmuses · 5 years
Mobile OC Muse List
Lands of Ruin
Vari Ahbell The Cat Mage (switch)
Vioya Ahbell The Last Tomekeeper (Dom Leaning)
Margara “Plum” GoldenBlood, The Ex-Royal turned Adventurer (Dom Leaning)
Vanai Valorfang, The Merc with the Suit. (Switch)
Grall Dinfras, The Martian Bounty Hunter (Switch)
Ksri Gamma 8-19, The O.R.E.S Tentai Liason (Female, Sub leaning)
Rozen Scarstep. The Grog-loving Scourge of the Skies, and her crew. (Dom Leaning
Erna Airshot, The Stubborn Bounty Hunter, (Female Switch, RavenFolk)
Lirian Goldwyn, The Owner of The Maw (Dom Leaning)
Tharah Aldeen, The Cursed Skunk (Switch)
Li-Mei, Panda of the Drunken Fist (Switch)
Briss Beoran, The Bandit Turned Bouncer (Switch/Slight Dom Lean)
Maternal Unit M4-M4 “Madeline” and her “handler” Arden Gauge, The Mousy Scrapper (Female presenting and male-intersex, mommy dom and sub respectively) 
Snau “Pewter” Daniels, The Arch-student (Switch)
Mocha Daniels, General Studies Teacher at MAGI (Dom Leaning)
Xocolati Danos, The Revived Ruler
Ava “47” Gray, The 47th Paladin of The New Order (Switch)
Flint The Blacksmith (Dom leaning)
Basalt MireStalk, The Unconventional Assassin (Dom Leaning)
Barbara Aindrea, The Sheriff of Westauros (Dom Leaning) 
Sarrocana Ven'Allura, The Wyld Witch. (Female, Switch)
Vala Owens, The G.E.W (Genetically Enhanced Wolf) (Dominant)
Ven “Veni” Owens, O.R.E.S Newest Recruit (Switch)
David Vaas, The Man the Universe Forgot (Male Human Submissive)
Tazzel Gearkor, The Goblin Business Woman (Dom Leaning)
Subject-789 aka “Sign” (Switch, Slime)
Klira Beraili, The Ice Dragoness, Moon Elf Adventurer (Sexfluid-female Switch)
Arianna “Big Mercy” Lace, The Hypocritical Nun (Dominant)
Morgan Velda, The Vampire Star (Doberman, Dog folk, Sexfluid-female, Dom Leaning)
Brunhilde FrostMaw, The Monster Hunter and Tamer
Kage Nazar, The Farsight Sensei (Pantherfolk, Male, Dom Leaning)
Juro “The Champ” Raghor, The Champion of the Arena (TigerFolk, Male, Dom Leaning)
Yong Syd, The Nomadic Monk (WolfFolk, Male, Switch)
Rita Gauge, The Pick-pocket Turned Adventurer (Mousefolk, Female, Slight Sub Lean)
Silas Vallen The Elder Druid (BearFolk, Male, Switch)
Senna Vallen The Vigilante Druid (DeerFolk, Female, Switch)
Drea’s World
Drea Walker, The Half-Possesed Half-Dragon and Her Bodymate, The Shade-Dragon Erdynn (Sex-fluid Females Switch and Dominate respectively)
G.G, The Ghost That Haunts Drea’s Apartment, (Female, Switch)
Adel Kiol, The Contract Demon, (Genderfluid, Switch)
Gumi Albertan, The Adventurous Goodra (Switch)
Fera Aimera, The Salazzle Mistress (Dom Leaning + Various salandits)
Ember Alcina, The Delphox Scholar (Female. Switch)
Adam Irons, The (Retired) Champion (Dom Leaning)
Arvel Irons, The Spunky Lucario (Male, Switch)
Serah Ivalyn, The Motherly Serperior (Switch)
Rexton and Ina Pendra, The NidoKing-Queen couple (Male, Female respectively, both switch)
Griff “Grill'Em” Asher, The Gym Owner and (secretly) Part-Time Wrestling Incineroar (Male, Dom Leaning)
Penny “Silver Star” Asteria, The other (secret) Part-Time Wrestler Pikachu (Female, Switch)
Tao Turner, The Sea-Faring Snorlax (Female Dom Leaning)
Artiath Calder, The Feraligatr Bully (Female, Dom Leaning)
Kana and Krell Belle, The Lopunny Twins (Female-intersex and Male, Respectively, both switch)
Project NOIR, The Garde-Rai (Gardevoir/Darkrai Fusion, (Female-Intersex, Switch)
Patricia “Trish” Paisley, The Trainer,  (Female-H, Human. Dom-Leaning)
Jamie Nastas, The Sylveon Partner, (Male Switch)
Ray the Rayquaza (Male, Switch/Slight Dom Leaning, Rayquaza)
Darci Delilah (Male, Switch, Gothitelle)
Vadim L. Vitale (Male, Switch, Arbok)
Saileen “The Rabbit” Palius, The Renamon(?) (Demi-girl, Dom-leaning)
Super Mario Universe
Violet, a Shygal In Name Only (Female-Herm, Switch)
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emo-rejects-archive · 5 years
Here’s a little thing about which of my muses are and aren’t LGBTQ+
Is LGBTQ+: Emma, Mei, Lyn, Lucina, Jiro, Camilla, Bayonetta, Momo, Lust, Elesa, Skyla, Corrin, Crona, Dorothea
Has a vague/general concept of what being gay means, but either is still considering, or isn’t: Tomoko, Gwen Stacy, Rei, Bulma, Senjougahara, Rias, Akeno, Akko, Sucy, Tohru, Kobayashi, Milf! Lyn, Slime! Bulma, Chi-Chi, Ursula, Diana, 18, Uraraka, Kamala, Gwen Tennyson, Asuka, Misato, Mai, Shauntal, Faye, Maka, Medusa, Tsubaki, Makoto, Sae, Takemi, Kawakami, Shinobu, Slime! Akko, Lola, Manuela
“What’s a homosexual?”: Winry, Zelda, Peach, Rouge, Zero Two, Kanna, Celica, Cynthia, Ishtar, Izumi, Daisy, Rosalina, Erza, Lucy, Nezuko, Mikasa, Pauline, Midna, Delia, Annie, Neko! Peach, Neko! Daisy, Titan Shifter! Mikasa, Amy, Ichigo, Rem, Trish, Hilda, Acerola, Jessie, Vampire! Skyla, Hange, Olivier, Riza, Witch! Rouge, Sausha, Byleth, Edelgard, Petra, Bernadetta, Sothis, Rhea, Flayn
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🍺-My muse gets drunk (For Slime Trish)
"BWOOORRRRRP~ WHEW... You humans sure do struggle alot when you're digesting, I don't think I've had that much of a fight In a while!" Trish said slapping her transparent pink belly causing her jello like body to ripple from the impact. Floating inside the slime girls body was the remnants of an unfortunate adventurer that was a little too greedy for free experience and decided to pick on what they thought was a helpless slime. The only thing left of them was their clothes and equipment which Trish slowly pulled out of herself. She'd make a killing selling this stuff later, adventures always had the best loot. "Now let's see what they had in here." The slime girl said chuckling to herself as she climbed her way into the Adventure's wagon. Inside was a simple sleeping bag rolled up but what really caught the monsters girls eye was the two large barrels stuffed in the back. "Oh I bet there's treasure inside!" She said happily as she quickly slid her way over to the kegs and used her magic to pop them open. Much to her disappointment instead of gold she found a rather sweet smelling brown liquid inside. "Aww where's the treasure? I thought adventure's loved that stuff more than dragons? Oh well might aswell see what it is." She whined as she stuck a pudgy finger inside, her skin absorbing the liquid and pulled it inside of her. Trish let out a slight giggle as the mystery drink filled her belly making her body even sloshier than it normally was. Instantly hooked Trish squeezed her way around the barrel greedily absorbing the whole thing inside of her before spitting out the empty keg. "BOURRP~. hick... thats the stuff~." She said with her speech slurred before doing the same to the second barrel. The intake of fluid made her growth significantly in size as the now drunk slime girl happily slid along the ground having abandoned the wagon in search of more booze. "I hope..thatsh the next human I catch has more of this shtuff..." Trish said giggly as she hickuped and sent tiny slime bubbles into the air.
Across the kingdom a barkeep was getting more annoyed as with each passing week more and more of their shipments of ale kept disappearing along with their drivers unaware of the monster girl that has fallen in love with their drinks.
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Be honest, Slime Trish, do you taste like jello?
"Honestly I don't know.... I'm immune to my own acid so I can't really taste myself. The human that tried to eat me said I tasted sweet, so maybe?"
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Headcannon: Slime Trish is sometimes confused for jello, leading to people trying to take a bite out of her, but she ends up eating them instead.
"OUCH! hey whats the big idea?"
The pink blob said as she turned around to see who had disturbed her nap. Standing behind her was a human their face covered in a pink jello like slime. Looking down at her side Trish noticed a large chunk had been removed from her. Putting two and two together Trish quickly realized what had happened.
"Oh so you think you can just take a bite out of me and get away with it?"
She asked the human who was now frantically apologizing begging her to forgive him. Trish let out a growl before two blobby appendages grew from her gut and pulled the defenseless human into her body.
"Since you got to taste me it's only fair if I get to taste you!"
She said witb a smirk as her body slowly began to absorb the human into her mass making her already blobby form even bigger. Her belly let out a rumble and. A belch erupted past her lips.
"BWOOORRRRRP~...Man you humans sure are tasty!"
She said before releasing another belch this time followed by several undigested bones being ejected from her body.
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Farm Au: Muses are all Farm animals
Cow girl Yasuho - 2000 Ibs, nerdy cow girl
Cow girl Tomoko - 2500 Ibs, horny cow milf
Bull Jolyne - 3200 lbs, Muscular futa bull Slob
Cow girl Hermes - 3000 lbs, bottom heavy cow girl
Cow Queen Aya Tsuji -  Immobile extreme cow slob, giantess
Cow girl Foo - 2900 lbs, gut heavy cow girl
Piggy Trish - 3200 lbs, Pig girl
Farmer Shinobu - 2800 lbs - Futa Farmer Milf
Farm girl Haruko - 800 lbs, Shinobu’s daughter. helps around the farm.
Mother Hen Holly - 3600, The farms local motherly hen.
Sheep Queen Lisa Lisa - Immobile Fluffy sheep woman, giantess. loves to tease her handler Suzi Q.
Farm Hand Suzi Q - 2900 lbs, A slightly clumsy farm hand charged with taking care of Lisa Lisa’s needs.
Sheep dog Mary - Shinobu’s old retired sheep dog, she’s still kicking and is very affectionate
Farmer Irene- 6200 lbs, runs a rival farm to Shinobu.
Prized hog Anakiss- 10,000 lbs, Irene’s prized show winning hog!
Farmer Kaato - Owner of her own farm not too far from Shinobu’s she focuses more on conrests than producing crops and milk.
Farm Hand Kei - Kaato’s loyal farm hand who 
Cow Ribelli - the number one milk producing cow on Kaato’s farm
Cow Dolli - kaato’s prized show cow
Pig Natasha - kaato’s prized show pig
Free range Bison Barbara - a free range futa bison that lives on Kaato’s ranch
farm hand karere - a city clicker roped in to working for shinobu after tipping her cows
Farmer Sugar mountain - anyone who trespasses on her land is given a test.. fail and they are turned into animal fruit hybrids and added to her orchard
Cow Mariah - a fat spoiled cow who only produces rather foul smelling milk and cream thanks to her rotten personality
Monster Au: Ghouls and Ghosts of the fat variety
Skunk Jolyne - An extremely gassy skunk girl who’s gas has some interesting effects on people.
Wolf Hermes - An obese Wolf woman who’s way too into vore.
Siren Foo - lures people in close with her song. don’t ask why no one ever comes out of her lake.
Gorgon Aya - her stare doesn’t turn people to stone but it does make them fatter and slobbier.
Succubus Tomoko - summon her at your own risk. if your cute she may just decide to keep you ~ <3.
Drider Shinobu - Overweight Drider Mommy. she just wants to keep you safe and well fed inside her web. You wouldn’t try running away would you? If so a few doses of venom will make you feel better.
Witch Yasuho - Fat nerdy witch who’s happy to cook up some spells for you. just be warned they may have some side effects.
Slime Trish - Cute cuddly Sime girl. just wants to cuddle and fill you up!
Drider Haruko - Slightly Yandere human drider hybrid. Loves capturing and stuffing humans till they’re nice and plump.
Alien Queen Lisa Lisa - Queen of an advanced alien race, likes to snatch humans up and fatten them. lots of tentacles >:3
Dragon Holly - Giant motherly dragon, sleeps in a massive treasure horde.
Cat Girl Suzi Q - A lazy cat girl maid who spends sleeping and eating rather than cleaning.
Vampire Irene- Irene as an immortal blood sucking vampire.
Boar Anakiss- a colossal monster boar woman.
Overlord Erina - ruler of the realm of monsters
Overlord Mary - former ruler of the realm of monster 
Dryad Sugar mountain - a dryad with the tendancy to curse humans
skunk Dolli - Jolyne’s smelly bottom heavy mother..
Oni Kaato - a massive muscular oni lady
witch hunter karera - slayer of witches!
shaman barbara - a reclusive shaman of untold power
golem smith natasha - crafter of golems!
Cowtaur Ribelli - she’s got milk!
oni kei - kaato’s reluctant underling
Little/ Grandbaby Au: Adorable Dumb diapered blobs. (general Cgl and regression themes.)
Muses: Any! Just specify if they’re a caregiver or little.
Planetary Au: a mysterious force has caused a group of women to grow to galactic proportions. They have their own gravity and became their own solar system. They’re all planet sized and have their own colonies living on them! They have power plants stationed on them to collect their gas to produce energy for their colonies.
Planet Jolyne: A simple planet that’s uninhabited due to Jolyne’s massive rear constantly spewing gas like a volcano. Her stand orbits her like a moon.
Planet Aya: The center of the fatty solar system and biggest source of gas power for the universe. Her stench makes her uninhabitable along with the waste she produces. she’s the largest planet out of them all.
Planet Hermes: A normal colony houses lots of people and several cities.
Planet Trish: a getaway for the rich and famous looking to get fat and pampered. despite her size and gas she still performs concerts streamed to a giant jumbotrons across her body. Rose runs most of her business now that she’s huge.
Planet Foo: Her immense girth has caused an ocean to form around her titanic belly making this fatty the perfect tropical getaway. mostly ocean but has islands that house resorts and hotels
Planet Yasuho: Her doughy body is home to several scientific research facilities and observatories. It’s a technological wonderland where the world’s smartest scientist work to try and reverse the planetification process with little sucess.
Planet Tomoko: Her fat body is home to many lewd and more adult facilities. acts as a get away for more kinky people.
Planet Shinobu: Her body is home to the food production facilities needed to feed all the fat planet sized blobs.
Moon Haruko: Orbits her mom and her body houses an observatory.
Planet Aki: A gassy milf turned giant planet. Her body is home to a massive stadium where sumo events are held.
Moon Makoto: Orbits her mother along with her sister.
Moon Kuro: Orbits her mother along with her sister.
Overseer Holly: pilots a giant planet sized mecha in order to feed and take care of the fat planet sized women. Tends to spoil Jolyne and friends the most.
Overseer Lisa Lisa: pilots a giant planet sized mecha in order to feed and take care of the fat planet sized women
Overseer Suzi Q: Co-Pilot of Lisa Lisa’s mech, helps her keep things in order.
President Rose: Leader of Trish’s company now that she’s a planet, Is the leader of Trish’s colony
Monster Hunter Au: Based on the monster hunter franchise by Capcom. All the muses are fat muscular monster hunter’s who are more than happy to deal with your monster problems for a price (usually food). General themes include muscle guts, Vore along with the usual weight gain and slob themes of my blog. all normal muses plus Haruko are eligible here. Just specify by adding Hunter before the muses name when sending asks.
Notable Muses:
Hunter Jolyne: A hunter from Moga Village, she wields dual blades and carries her villages hopes on her shoulders as she fights to stave off dangerous wildlife of her to earn money for the quaint fishing village.
Hunter Tomoko: A Human, Troverian Hybrid hailing from the underground city of Harth. She works as a blacksmith mostly but she’s been known to venture out and take part in hunts for some extra cash as well as to gather materials to make weapons for herself. Due to her father being Troverian (basically dwarves) she’s rather stocky and a bit of a shortstack. She has a temper and strong work ethic making her the perfect partner to take on a hunt! Her weapon of choice is the hammer.
Height: 4ft
Hunter Hermes: Owner of the Wyvern’s Belly bar in Port Tanzia, She’s a part time hunter along with being Jolyne’s go to place to grab a drink when she stops by the port. Her go to weapon is the lance and she wields it masterfully for both offence and defense.
Hunter Foo: A bar  maid at the Wyvern’s belly and Hermes’ hunting partner. She’s a bit of a klutz thanks to her massive belly but she tries her best! She uses a heavy Bowgun as her weapon and is a very good shot with it.
Hunter Trish: an Ace hunter quickly rising through the ranks! She wields a bow and is a bit of a brat when it comes to people stealing her kills.
Hunter Rose: Trish’s agent and mentor, wields a sword and shield.
Hunter Yasuho: a nerdy newbie hunter who isn’t all there confident in her skills. Wields a charge blade but isn’t that skilled at using it.
Hunter Elizabeth: a relative of Jolyne and half wyverian. She’s unnaturally youthful for her age and still hasn’t retired. She wields a insect glave despite her gargantuan size.
Hunter Suzi Q: Elizabeth’s Palico assistant. She’s a bit of a spoiled housecat rather than a true hunter but she gets the job done. Her species is much larger than their smaller counterparts.
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