#multi-dimensional wavelength of angelic intent
The term "Indigo Children" refers to the frequencies of the 6th-dimensional wave band, the Indigo wavelength of the 15-Dimensional spectrum.
The Palaidia Maji Grail Line races that have been progressively incarnating on contemporary Earth for the past 100 years and referred as the "Indigo Children Type 1 and 2" in preparation for the Sacred Mission of the long awaited 2000-2017 Stellar Activation Cycle (SAC).
Maji Grail Line Indigo Children are born with the 6th-Strand Template of their 24-48 Strand DNA Template activated at birth, whereas the Angelic Humans with 12-Strand DNA Template are born with three strands of 12 activated.
Activation of the 6th-DNA Strand Template allows the D-6 Indigo wave spectra and the D-6 consciousness characteristic to this wavelength, to embody within the Indigo Children fetal body.
The Indigos are indeed a "new breed" of children because they represent a new breed of consciousness now entering incarnation within our time.
The Indigos are are in truth representatives of a very OLD BREED of consciousness once prevalent on Earth, and in their reemergence today they serve as harbingers of our race evolution - the way - showers of things to come, as our race evolution moves closer to its intended destination.
Furthermore, the Indigos are here by design and intention; their coming is not the result of some accidental or haphazard quirk of undirected evolution. They are here because they were asked to come and they have come to fulfill their part within a much greater evolutionary mission.
The phenomenon of the Indigo Children is both spiritual and genetic (See: DNA), and their placement among us represents the beginning of the externalization of our intrinsic process of Bio-Spiritual Evolution.
Comprehending the nature of the Indigo Children, and the nature of human existence itself, requires first and foremost the acknowledgement of a Multi-dimensional Reality Structure (see: Morphogenetic Field); a concept that contemporary science has yet to validate within the mainstream view.
The 12 Ray-sas (Races) were the Human Guardians. They each had their own Grail King Maji and Indigo family to hold a bit more frequency, in case the planetary body needed to be activated, than the whole set of the 12 races together. That's why the Indigos are being woken first.
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chuuyalvrrr · 3 years
cas saw dean and said "you don't think you deserve to be saved" then spent the rest of his life proving dean wrong
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sailorsally · 3 years
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'Good Mornin', Angel' -> Suptober | Day 3 - Rainbows
being married to a multi dimensional wavelength of celestial intent means that some days you get your morning kisses in form of broken light shining through your window (not that Dean complains)
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therealvinelle · 2 years
Would an angel or demon from supernatural win against a twilight vampire? Would they be able to possess them?
I... would say angels yes, demons no, since the theologist in me can't imagine any physical being being stronger than angels, who are multi-dimensional wavelengths of celestial intent that merely happen to be in human bodies. Demons, meanwhile, are strong but Sam and Dean can fist fight them (Well. They can land a few blows. Depends on the demon and the season), which puts demons far far below Twilight vampires on the strength scale.
However, Supernatural is not a show you watch if you like consistency and dislike villain decay.
Angels of season 4? Oh yes, can and would defeat vampires, no sweat. Angels of late season Supernatural? You don't need to be a vampire to defeat those guys, just... blow really hard and I'm pretty sure they'll fall over.
Demons become an umbrella term, everyone is a demon these days. I'm sure if I go on the SPN wiki I'll find a big enough bad to destroy Twilight vampires, but there's that thing about consistency to established lore and all that.
If we go by Kripke era angels and demons only, then...
I'm gonna say angels have an easy win. Even without their strength, they still have psychic powers and the power of smiting, throw in the angel wings making them impossible to run from and you have a smote vampire.
Demons, not so much, they are weaker and don't have anything sharp enough to pierce vampire skin with, but in return damaging the meatsuit is all that vampires can do, so the demon can flee easily enough, so it ends with a tie. Unless someone learns an exorcism, in which case the vampire wins.
I'll guess that vampires can't be possessed, since for angels there are a lot of conditions that must be met and we never do see angels or demons possess non-humans.
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italwayshadtobeyou · 2 years
Does Dean’s handprint come from Alastair?
Probably a controversial opinion, but I disagree with the fanon that the handprint on Dean’s arm in season 4 comes from Castiel. While that’s one possible interpretation, it’s never stated in the show, and what evidence we get points to a different source: Alastair.
Point 1: Castiel doesn’t have a vessel at the time he rescues Dean from Hell, nor does he have a humanoid true form. See 04x01 for a discussion of how he couldn’t communicate effectively with Dean until he had obtained a vessel-- after he had already returned Dean to Earth. In the same episode, a brief vision of his true form burns Pamela Barnes’s eyes out of their sockets. Other episodes which mention the alien nature of angels include 05x16 (where Zachariah claims to have four faces) and 06x03 (where Cass says that he’s spent most of the last year “as a multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent”).
Point 2: Demons can scar human souls without transforming them into demons. The resolution of 04x02 hinges on Sam, Dean, and Bobby identifying a particular brand left on the ghosts that Lilith raised.
Point 3: Hellish influence can show through flesh. For example, when demons draw heavily on their power, their eyes usually change color, and they release sulfur dust. It isn’t a huge leap to think that a handprint on Dean’s soul could “bleed” through to show on his mortal skin.
Point 4: Demons probably take on a humanoid form in Hell. I can break the evidence for this into three pieces:
The Acheri demon from 02x21. This demon transforms from black smoke into a semblance of a little girl, albeit one with claws, horns, gray-patched skin, and severe facial asymmetry. If it was simply posing as a girl, it would presumably not have the deformities that give away its inhumanity, so I think that this is likely its true form/face.
Dean’s reaction to demon faces in 03x16. Having gained the ability to recognize demons, Dean observes that Ruby (still in her reasonably-attractive blonde vessel) is “one ugly broad” and that Lilith’s (possessing an ordinary-looking young girl) “face is horrible.” He doesn’t say that their faces have been replaced by black smoke, or that their vessels are surrounded by gigantic tentacles, or anything else to indicate that they don’t have faces-- just that their faces are hideous. This fits with the revelation from 03x09 that most, if not all, demons are once-human souls warped by Hell.
The nature of torture and communication in Hell. We never see Alastair in Hell; however, according to Dean, Alastair “tore and carved” into him, using a knife, while Dean hung on a rack. Alastair, for his part, describes having tortured Dean with “pokes and prods” (04x16). It’s possible that Alastair telekinetically manipulated a knife to torture Dean, but it seems likelier that, in the afterlife, he had opposable thumbs to work with. (After all, if he was going to use his mind to torture Dean, why even bother with an implement?)
Point 5: How Dean heals. In 04x10, Anna has little to say about the angels’ interest in Dean, but she goes out of her way to tell Dean that she knows what he did in Hell, that it isn’t his fault, and that he has people who will listen when he’s ready. Later in the episode, while they have sex, Anna places her hand over the handprint. The expression on her face when she does so is more compassionate than curious or excited. Indeed, why would Anna get excited over the handprint left by a member of her own original species?
In 04x10′s dénouement, Dean finally unburdens himself of his secrets about Hell. Perhaps Anna, who retained a modest level of superhuman abilities while living as a human, did something to heal him, or perhaps he’s simply taking her words to heart. Either way, the ability to share the gory and shameful details, not to mention to cry over them, signifies a degree of coping or recovery.
IIRC, Dean’s sex scene with Anna marks the last time we see the scar. He gets better, and I think it’s in consequence of either moving past his sins in Hell or being absolved of them by Anna.
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zorelle · 3 years
En la ciudad de la Furia
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En la ciudad de la furia (In the City of Fury) is a rock song made by the argentinean band Soda Stereo. This is a band I would parallel to, like, The Beatles, in the english speaking world. They were BIG is what I mean. In style tho, they would be closer to The Cure (extremely affectionate).
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That Destiel shot
This song, to me, is THE SONG made for our glorious encounter with Castiel Angel of The Lord. Long before he becomes Cas our best friend, silly lil nerdy dude Cas. The vibe of the song comes with this awe for the character that is Castiel, never stronger than at first glanze, the moment we meet him.
So to place it specifically... To our and Dean's perspective, this is a song about Lazarus Rising.
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We get that AMAZING intro scene in the barn and we know this character is THE SHIT. Cool cool cool cool nodoubt nodoubt nodoubt then Dean, shitting his pants, goes for the killing (?? Dean pls) and this creature not only doesn't die, doesn't hurt, he kinda SMILES? The fierceness, the tranquility, Dean has never met anything THAT powerful.
So this song carries that in the lyrics and the arrangement (imo). The coolness, the fascination and fear produced by the badassery, the sexyness and calm of this winged powerful figure.
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. I don't think this song applies to that moment exclusively, it speaks to you about season 4, 6, 8, 10, it gives you Castiel's character development, his traits and challenges, it winks at things that keep on happening for a decade. But it very much sings to you about Castiel, it´s a Cas song, it's about the angel on earth experience.
Those Destiel Lyrics
You will see me fly by the City of Fury where nobody knows about me and I am a part of them all.
Nothing's going to change with a "curve-ahead" warning. In their faces, I see the fear. No more Fables, in the city of fury.
You will se me dive like a bird of prey. You will see me fall on empty terraces
(Right? right? and then get this, this is sexy)
I'll undress myself by the streets of blue I shall take refuge before everyone awakens
You'll let me sleep until dawn between your legs, between your legs you'll know how to hide yourself and then dissappear into the fog, into the mist
A winged man... misses the ground.
Tell me that doesn't give you early ferocious theywerefucking destiel vibes, like the song just has it. That's the dynamic, but that's also what makes this Icarus figure miss earth, the earthly desire, the intimacy, the falling asleep for a brief moment, tangled in human legs, in the warmth of their skin. Angels are wavelengths, your atraction can't be carnal or emotional if you're not participating in the human (or earthling) experience. Cas is some sort of conscious intentional light, but the conflict we see him face is how his semi-human experience makes him owner of that intention, this way.
Then it has a bit of maybe Godstiel / season 6 that also rings about the complicated relationship Castiel sustains with heaven as an Icarus of sorts:
With the light of the Sun, my wings melt Only in the darkness I find what binds me to the City of Fury
About his choosing of the darkness...depending of the day I give it the more elaborated meaning of darkness as leaving heaven, his family of Multi-Dimensional Wavelengths Of Celestial Intent, stepping away from the powerplay and choosing humanity and the dark fight on earth, or the easy meaning of darkness as the night and what happens at night. With Dean. Then there´s the awful third option, like word for word "when you allow yourself to be happy and let the sun shine on your face..." asjldakffjkhlkj ok bye.
Skipping ahead, a bit that prophesies of Castiel's falling, and the falling of Heaven's structure:
You will see me fall Like a wild arrow You will see me fall amongst shooting flights
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Now here's my favourite part: The song's structure has these phrases that keep coming back, one is about "the winged man" and the two times it's mentioned he shares a picture of himself in the third person: A winged man nostalgic of the ground, and then a winged man who prefers the night (the mud, the hunt even). The other phrase will make you mentally scream as it opens almost every verse and it looks you straight in the eyes, from the get go involving you, the spectator, the lover, the one on the ground, it tells you about what you´ll see him do, what you´ll see of him, although he knows there´s no use in a warning, this will happen either way. The phrase repeats itself around three moments, more like three actions and those are
Me verás volar ... Me verás caer ... Me verás volver. You will see me fly ... You will see me fall... You will see me back.
Fly, fall, come back. That´s Cas. That´s Castiel. And the song closes on that note: you will see me back. You'll see me come back.
About the song
The delusion would be such if this song were released around 2010-2015, right? everyone here would be sure Soda Stereo were all hellers, Gustavo Cerati (singer, songwriter, composer, beloved) would've had his inbox filled with fanart and questions (not only because of this one, too, there are a LOT of songs to claim for the Desticule, we'll get to those).
But no, the song is from 1988. It was built around a guitar riff that Cerati had made up at the age of 14 (!!). In Cerati´s words when they began to write it and play with it he also took inspiration from a character he made up and used to draw in his childhood, a sort of medieval superfighter, a terrestrial Icarus. He was into it. (x x)
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Gustavo dressed as a super hero (1966) picture taken by his uncle. LISTEN DON´T GET ME STARTED ON CERATI HE WAS SUCH AN ICON but this post is already so long. (x)
As for the song´s original/intentional meaning, it was written about Buenos Aires, THE city of Fury, it tells you about this unhinged sensation that bled through the city and the country, with Argentina in the 80´s experiencing hyperinflation and just out of its last dictatorship (1976-1983). In a very rough political landscape in Argentina, Chile and across Latinoamérica there's this urban dread that makes the name catch: Urban Latinoamérica IS the city of Fury, a population and a place lost to their governments, after being severely repressed, dancing in a space of incertainty and rage and madness and fierceness, processing the violence they´d been subject to at the same time as the recently reclaimed freedom and all it's possibilites, in a world that pressures everyone to catch on, keep up, adapt, get in the competition. The only verse I´d miss before expresses it better:
Buenos Aires appears so susceptible It´s the destiny of fury It´s what remains in their faces.
The Icarus figure performs as young doomed Latinoamérica, the souls that are ready to take in the task of living and flying through this chaotic space, defyingly looking into the eyes of the metropolis, dancing with the madness of it without getting caught, hiding from a structure that binds them and choosing themselves at their most honest, truest form, only available when the city sleeps and the streets are empty and the sky feels limitless. It´s not only an "Oh to be young", it´s an "Oh, to be young while your society falls apart", it´s like a gothic anthem to life, youth and dread in the space and experience of late capitalism.
That´s the last mirror that I felt towards my beloved Cas. There´s a rage and a power and a dance to be held while the structure around you succumbs. He feels by spn canon narrative as tamed and gullible in the end bc he fucks up so frequently, but that agency of chaotic outcomes against an outter fource constantly hitting you to the ground is what helps deconstruct a world that is intrinsecally flaud at its structure, the fuck up is neccesary, it's a part of the dance and the resilience, the learning, the building of your own trust that ignites real change and it starts with something like this, a powerful energy that changes the game, that seduces the leads, that keeps itself liminal and you'll see it rise, fall, dive to the ground, hide in the mist, touch your core and keeps you as witness of their return.
This is the first of my Destiel el Español playlist rants, I will NOT review them all but the most Iconic ones. I think. Anyways this was something else, I would be very surprised if any other song has as much meat as this one, although all of Destiel feels so very cerati coded and telenovelero so we'll see.
That´s it for now, my heller friends and latinenatural vibrs. I hope you enjoy it. 👐🏾✨
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
I literally can't because Cas is an angel of the lord, he's billions of years old, a multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent.... and he spends all of his time in seedy motels, sitting in booths at rundown roadside diners, or in the backseat of a car. He has a cellphone in his pocket at all times, he even recorded a voicemail message for it, and now he knows how to text and uses a lot of emojis. He doesn't even need to drink or eat, but he'll still sip cheap beer or order a burger. Like he tried to be the new GOD once, and now he's a father and lives with his family, and he has a bedroom, and watches netflix and has movie nights, eats cereal with his kid at 3am and listens to Beyoncé. What the fuck
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Suptober Day 9: Body Mod(ification)
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Suptober Day 9: Body Modification
Castiel modifies the appearance of his celestial "body" for Dean's convenience in a shared mindscape.
Coming Soon(ish) in the END OF DAYS series - Part 1: "Dripping Wings & Heavy Things"
Warning! Mature Content Ahead!
AO3: https://bit.ly/SPNDWnHT
FFN: https://bit.ly/dwnhtffn
eBook: https://bit.ly/EODPart1eBook
"Hello, Dean.”
The booming voice filled the black void but still originated from a definite direction. While there was a familiar aspect to it, the sound was frighteningly strange otherwise. A feeling that got his hair standing on end was emanating from behind him and a little to the left. Dean turned slowly, eyes going wide as they could when a radiant, fluctuating entity, tall as a skyscraper, shimmered into being before him. Instilling a little fear in him might’ve enhanced the sex they intended to have, but this…? No. He wasn’t thinking let alone thinking straight and his heart was beating so shallow and fast he was pretty damned sure it was about to stop dead.
1979 — 2022
Here lies Dean Winchester
Petrified to death by the prospect of sex with a multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent
How about that as tombstone epithet to his entire life?
The gargantuan figure looking down on him knelt and hunched down, resting its chin on the back of its lanky, oddly shaped hand like he was resting on some kind of ledge. Still had five fingers, though. Dean slowed and haltingly stopped his retreat. He’d been backpedaling as quickly as humanly possible without so much as thinking about it or realizing it. A futile gesture is this place. There was nowhere to run to that this being couldn’t follow. What it had accomplished, however, was to give him better perspective.
The face before him had no mouth, but he could’ve sworn the facial muscles were still smiling. Its inhuman eyes were squinting the same way that flagged a human smile as genuine. The celestial wavelength let out what seemed like a soft, forbearing exhale. The act was so patient, so human, Dean couldn’t help when it pinged his heartstrings and made him willing to look at what was familiar rather than strange about the person in front of him.
It took up the visual real estate of an entire baseball diamond, but the shape and planes of the face… the nose was compact by comparison but close enough. Definitely the shape of the eyes, or at least the lids over them, even if the eyeballs themselves did look like shimmering, backlit snow globes rather than having anything at all in common with human eyes. Not all of them in places they were normally found on a humanoid body.
An androgenous humanoid body. Given what they were here to do, that might present a problem. Castiel’s laughter had been light and affectionate at first. Now, it darkened and rolled out of him like thunder. Dean watched, simultaneously fascinated and absolutely weirded-out as something the size the of the Chrysler Building sprouted a penis and balls he knew the look of better than his own in seconds, like it was a lizard regrowing a missing appendage with biologically impossible speed.
“Better?” the angel quipped between bouts of thunderous laughter.
The outcome of dick-measuring contests between them would never—ever—be in question. Dean’s throat fired off a single explosive, snorting laugh that was up there with some of the most undignified sounds he’d ever made. Pinching his fingers over the bridge of his nose he looked away as he let himself quietly snigger away at the change. Cas was laughing with him. If there had been any doubt in his mind before about who was here with him, there wasn’t anymore—he was the same quirky, direct-to-a-fault, sexually brazen, darkly humourous creature he always had been, only much, much bigger. Dean could’ve have gone his entire life without seeing this, but he hadn’t, and that wasn’t a bad thing either.
“Is something more manageable too much to ask?” Dean was much more shocked by his own brashness than Castiel. As he summoned the force of will to look up at Cas without shying away, he found something strange in the process of happening. The fluctuating energies that gave the angel a shape resembling a body had started fraying, reflowing and retaking shape—a denser, smaller shape—some yards away from where he stood.
“Much better,” Dean answered, smirking, as he took in the look of the shape Castiel on had taken on for him.
Despite the differently jointed arms and legs, lengthier, slimmer neck and limbs—hell, slimmer everything—so much was the same. Yes, this body was slender compared to Novak’s and at least a head taller than he was, but thanks to, what he could only assume was Cas’ choice to appear to him this way, he recognized the shape of and how his pectoral muscles were wrapped over and tethered to the alien skeleton underneath. Castiel the angel had taken on Jimmy the human’s walk, his gait; his torso and hips moved the same way. His hands were built and moved similarly, only they were longer. The shoulders were slightly broader but somehow the same. Except, of course, for the fact there were eyes on delicately feathered stalks resembling a goose’s neck that moved like they were swaying in a breeze and, unblinking, stared at him like something straight out of Flight of The Navigator, protruding from either side of his head like a young buck's felted antlers.
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jjongleurs · 3 years
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I just got to 13x04 "The Big Empty" in my rewatch and I haven't been able to get this particular moment out of my head. It's simple and it's just one line, but it has so many implications. I guess I need to start off with a few questions. Is this what they actually look like in the Empty or is this just us looking through the lens of Supernatural and our human eyes? Is Cas in his true form here (as is the Empty) and we are simply perceiving them as both as the Jimmy vessel? Ooh, and I'm just now getting to the good part.
Let's think back to Jimmy for a moment. The last time he was around was in season 5. As of 5x22 "Swan Song", we know he's dead (I don't think I need to remind y'all of how Lucifer exploded him into a bloody mess). The vessel Cas has been in since then is no longer technically a vessel. Chuck brought him back in a newly constructed body—a strong body, strong enough to hold Cas and Lucifer (and also Crowley for a hot minute) in season 11. This body, while looking like Jimmy Novak, may have never actually been inhabited by his soul. So... does that just make it Cas?
And that brings me back to the point of this post. Cas says, "Why do you look like me?" He could have easily said, "Why do you look like that?" or "Why do you look like him [meaning Jimmy]?" But Cas said me. Like I said before, this can mean one of two things: 1) Cas is actually in his true form but we can't see it, or 2) Cas has really come to think of that body and face as his. Both of these possibilities make me positively unhinged. Mostly because they can mean two very different things.
True form Cas means that he still sees himself as a "multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent." Still purely an angel despite the last decade and falling and his brief stint as a human. This seems far less plausible than the alternative. That body? The one we see? That's what Cas is now, what he thinks of himself as. Flesh and bone and tangible and almost... human.
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supertransural · 3 years
ive just experienced a Thought™️
in my head dean has probable adhd, and cas is an angel, yes, but also his behavior resonates a lot with my experience of being on the spectrum.
now. my best friend has adhd and we clicked instantly and we like to think that’s bc our mental wavelengths (or whatever you wanna call it) are similar, like whatever strangeness is going on in our brains, the other understands immediately. our conversations are a constant “can you pass me the thing bc the thing is complicated to do with the thing and i don’t get it” or “wouldn’t it make more sense if that stuff was like a thing?” and we don’t need to show what we need cause the other one gets it? regardless of wether it’s an object or a concept, we both make sense of what the issue is.
so my point is, maybe cas and dean also got closer bc their brains work a bit the same. ik that doesn’t really work since cas is a multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent, but i really like the idea. something about the way they relate to each other’s “i don’t fit in” complex, to the “i don’t really get people” thing, the “i’m not good at interacting with people till i know them really well so i developed catchphrases and scripted attitudes to seem cool and calm” trope and a couple others.
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destihellhound · 3 years
We Write Our Own Destiny
Canon-divergent ending to 15x19, ignoring 15x20. Also on AO3 | ff
Tagging @destielintheimpala because she’s my best friend and @ineffable-cas because I remember seeing them asking to be tagged in any fix-it fics.
"I won't be hands on," Jack told them. "Chuck put himself in the story - that was his mistake. But I learned from you and my mother and Castiel that when people have to be their best, they can be. And that's what to believe in. Well... I'm really as close as this," he said, placing a hand over his heart. Then he raised his hand in a stationary, dorky wave. "Goodbye."
"Wait!" Dean said, as Jack turned to walk away. "What about Cas? Chuck pulled Lucifer out of the Empty, you can save Cas!"
Jack raised his hands, palms outwards. "I'm hands-off, Dean."
"But it's Cas," Dean growled, taking a threatening step forwards. "We can't get to him there, and it's not like the Empty is just going to give him back if we ask nicely." When Jack didn't seem at all inclined to change his mind, he tried a different approach. "You owe me."
"Uh, Dean?" Sam said hesitantly. "Maybe not a good idea to piss off the new... Him."
"It's Jack, Sam," Dean said, glancing over his shoulder. "The kid who killed our mother." He turned on Jack. "You said you wanted to make it up to me? This is how you do that!"
"Dean, I—" Jack's eyes glazed over for a second as his attention seemed to be focused elsewhere. "She really does have a soft spot for you Dean," Jack told him before disappearing in a burst of divine light.
Dean stared at the space where Jack had stood, just a moment before. What the hell did that mean? Had Amara persuaded Jack to change his mind, or was he still against interfering?
"Hello, Dean."
Dean froze at the familiar voice, almost afraid to turn around. The last time he'd heard Castiel's voice, it had been Lucifer. He swallowed around the lump that had formed in his throat. What if it was just another trick?
"Hello, Sam."
"Hey, Cas," Sam said warmly, and his brother's voice was enough to have Dean turning.
Cas was smiling at Sam, though still visibly confused as to why he was back on Earth. When he turned to Dean, however, his smile faltered.
Dean wished he could say something, anything, to wipe that insecurity off Castiel's face because the angel was back where he belonged. He was always better with actions than words, however, so he strode up to Cas and wrapped his arms around him, hands clenching in that god-awful trench coat.
"Dean," Castiel began, unsurely.
"Later, Cas," Dean murmured in his ear. "Let's go home."
Dean felt like a great weight had been lifted from him as the angel hugged him back; a weight he hadn't even realised had been dragging him down.
"I'll make burgers. You love burgers."
"Everything tastes like molecules to me."
"Not the point," Dean said, leading them back to the car. "You are a part of this family, Cas - don't ever forget it."
"Hey, Dean?" Sam asked, a sudden thought striking him. "Do you think Adam... Michael was destroyed, but do you think Jack brought Adam back?"
"I hope so," Dean said. "That kid deserves to catch a break. We'll reach out, make sure everyone we know is back, and put out the word that we're looking for him."
As they got nearer the Impala, Dean saw Miracle sitting patiently beside the rear door.
"Oh, hell no..."
"Do you think he's got an owner around here?" Sam asked, looking around.
"We're not keeping the dog, Sam."
"You've changed your tune."
"That was different, okay?" He'd just lost Cas. "It was supposed to just be us, and then there was this little miracle and—"
Miracle barked, as if recognising his name.
Dean sighed. Looked at Sam. Ignored his brother's puppy-dog eyes. Looked at Cas. Took in the angel's hangdog expression.
"Oh, for..." He trailed off in defeat. "I am not feeding him. I am not walking him. And I am not vacuuming the hair out of Baby! That's your job," Dean told Sam. "And if you don't keep her clean, I will shoot you, and then I'll shoot Mir— the dog!" He turned to Miracle. "And you are not riding shotgun!" He got in the car and slammed the door.
"Do you want to ride up front?" Sam asked Cas, failing to hide his amusement at Dean's feigned dislike of their adopted four-legged friend.
The angel responded by getting in the backseat with the dog.
As they began the long drive back to the bunker, Sam texted Eileen. His relief at getting a response was nothing compared to the relief and joy that wiped years off his face when she answered his video call and he saw her face.
His relief echoed the feeling flooding through Dean for getting Cas back, and he glanced at the angel in his rearview mirror.
"I love you," Sam told Eileen, doubling down on his feelings by communicating them through ASL as well.
"I love you, too," she said.
"Get a room, you two," Dean teased them.
Sam called him a jerk as he dug his headphones out.
Dean didn't think Sam had said those three little words to anyone since Jess, and Dean himself had never said them; could never bring himself to say them. He glanced at Cas in the mirror again, chest constricting at the thought of losing Cas again. He'd lost him too many times, and was terrified that he'd lose him again.
Sam arranged for Eileen to meet them at the bunker, but in the end Dean volunteered to take a detour to her house so that Sam could ride home with her. Thankfully he took Miracle, too, and Cas moved into the front passenger seat.
"Is it later, yet?" he asked, once they were back on the road.
Dean swallowed. He had meant later, once they'd eaten and he'd had a chance to figure out what the hell he wanted to say. "I guess it is."
Cas sat there silently, minutes dragging by, until Dean realised the angel was waiting for him to speak. Cas had said everything he'd had to say before the Empty took him, and now it was Dean's turn.
"Look, uh, I've never... Guys aren't something that... If you know me, then you know that..."
"I am a multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent," Cas reminded Dean patiently. "It is the vessel that I am possessing that presents as male." He squinted. "I could take a female vessel, if that is something you would—"
"No!" Dean exclaimed quickly.
Cas swallowed. "It's not my vessel," he realised sadly. "It's that my feelings for you are not returned."
"Dude, that's not what I'm—" Dean trailed a hand down his face. "Losing you, it hurts. It hurts as much as losing Sam, only it's different, and I don't know what that means."
"I think," Cas began carefully, "it means that you love me. But you need to decide what kind of love it is that you're feeling. Familial, platonic, romantic..."
"Do you love me as family, as a friend, or as a romantic partner? I loved you as a friend, then as family, and I grew to love you romantically - but I don't love you because I have a desire for sexual intimacy with you. As an angel that would be as disappointing as eating - merely experiencing the physical and hormonal sensations without feeling the accompanying pleasure. Though if that was something you desired I would be more than willing to oblige, but I don't see that as being something you would have an interest in. At least, not in this vessel. Yet you are unwilling for me to change vessels."
"It wouldn't be you, then."
"I would still be me, Dean."
"I know, I just mean..."
"You've gotten used to seeing me as Jimmy Novak."
Dean coughed. "Way to make it weird, Cas."
"All I want is to spend your life with you," Cas told him.
"You've always been welcome to do that, Cas. But you leave."
"Or you send me away."
Dean swallowed, knowing that Cas was thinking about his time as a human - when Gadreel, pretending to be Ezekiel, had insisted that Castiel could not be around him. "I'm sorry," Dean apologised. He'd apologised before, and would keep apologising. "You needed me, and I should have been there for you."
"You made the choice you did out of your love for Sam," Cas acknowledged. "And that love is one of the many reasons that I love you. I would settle for living your life with you as your friend, as family, if that was all you desired. But I hope for you to desire more."
Dean frowned. "I thought you said you didn't want sex?"
Cas stared at him for a long moment. "Commitment, Dean. A promise to spend your life with me, faithfully."
And Dean nearly drove the car off the road as he realised that 'commitment' meant no more one night stands, no more casual flings. He was such an idiot... But the more he mulled over the meaning of Castiel's words, the more he surprised himself to realise that he was okay with the idea. Sure, sex was pleasurable and fun, but without a meaningful, emotional connection to the other person involved it lacked something that always left him feeling physically satisfied but otherwise empty.
"Would you ever have told me how you felt?" he blurted out. "If you hadn't been trying to save me from Billie?"
"I don't think so," Cas admitted.
"Why not?"
Castiel stared out of the window, looking away from Dean. "Because to hear you tell me that my feelings were not returned, or worse, for you to ask me to leave, is something that would hurt too much."
"The Empty's definitely not coming back for you, right?"
"No, Dean. Our deal was fulfilled."
"Then say it again, Cas."
Castiel turned to him, slowly, with hope in his eyes. "I love you," he said quietly.
Dean shot Cas a meaningful look. "I know."
Hurt momentarily crossed Castiel's face, before realisation dawned and he beamed. "I understand that reference."
Dean laughed, and pressed his foot down on the accelerator.
"So, what now?" Sam asked, once they'd all pushed their plates aside, stuffed full on Dean's homemade burgers.
"Everything we've ever done has been because Chuck wanted it that way," Dean said. "From before we were even born, Heaven was manipulating Mom and Dad into a relationship. Hunting has been my life, but I don't want the job title to define me."
"Job title?" Sam echoed, amused.
"Yeah. 'Hunter' - I want to be more than that."
"Such as?"
"A teacher," Dean said. "I was thinking about it on the drive home - the next generation of hunters are growing up fast, and they need help just like Bobby helped us. And you were doing good, running that network of hunters from here. That could be our future - making our own way. Not hunters, or Men of Letters, but combining that into something that is ours. From now on, we write our own destiny."
Sam nodded thoughtfully.
"And I want to retire. At least partially. I want to live a life. I want to live my life. I want to be a brother," he said, looking at Sam. "Maybe even a brother-in-law?" he asked, giving Eileen a look that caused her to blush and Sam to kick him under the table. "And a... partner," he finished, looking at Cas. He wasn't sure what the right word was to describe what he wanted with Cas, but he had time to figure it out.
Sam cleared his throat. "You cooked, Eileen and I will clean up," he said, gesturing at their dirty plates. "Why don't you and Cas go, uh, watch some Netflix. And maybe chill." He chuckled to himself.
"Sure, that sounds like a great idea," Dean said, standing up and dragging Cas out of his chair. He failed to understand what Sam found so funny. "Maybe we can finish Game of Thrones - I hear that show had a terrible ending..."
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MARCH 12, 2021
Favorite Castiel Quotes (PART 1)
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1.) "I always wondered, ever since I took that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be, what... what my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer. Because the one thing I want... it's something I know I can't have. But I think I know... I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having. It's in just being. It's in just saying it." (Season 15 x Episode 18)
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2.) "I'm mostly confused. I'm not sure how orange correlates with black in a way that's new." (Season 11 x Episode 4)
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3.) "If the pizza man truly loves the babysitter, why does he keep slapping her rear? Perhaps she has done something wrong." (Season 6 x Episode 10)
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4.) "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." (Season 4 x Episode 1)
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5.) "My 'people skills' are 'rusty'. Pardon me, but I have spent the last 'year' as a multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent." (Season 6 x Episode 3)
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6.) "I'm an angel, you ass." (Season 6 x Episode 20)
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sylkyrie · 3 years
Maybe unpopular take: Everyone is slamming Castiel into the 'gay' label and showering him with gay stuff but its actually canon that he's completely indifferent to the form of his partner. He loves Dean Winchester, but he'd also still be in love if it was 'Deanna' Winchester. I know Misha said Cas would have rainbow wings and that's cute and all, but shoving Cas into the pure label of gay is erasing part of his identity when he's already established he likes more than one species/sex/gender.
hey anon!
i wouldn’t say that it’s erasing part of his identity per se, its more of an interpretation thing i think as they never explicitly stated cas’s sexuality, although i do agree with you in the sense that he is an angel and technically genderless so ‘gay’ might not be a completely accurate term. i think my personal reading of it is that cas has kind of assimilated himself into humanity; jimmy’s body is now solely his and he has become much more human as he’s fallen in love with dean winchester. and though he did have sex with april, dean seems to be the only person he has felt (in my interpretation) romantic/sexual feelings for. he even appears quite uncomfortable in situations that have sexual connotations (and ofc these are all w women lol bc spn) like the brothel scene in 5x03 and hannah coming on to him in season 10(?). idk who made the post but someone said something along the lines of ‘cas is literally a genderless multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent, his only impression/experience of sexuality is that he saw dean winchester and thought ‘i’m gay for this dude’’ lmao and i know that’s a joke but it is genuinely the impression i get of cas. also he just has gay energy for me,, his aliases, how dramatic he is, the way the first thing he did as godstiel was kill a homophobic pastor lololol just the  d r a m a . i also think in a way that it’s a representation thing for a lot of people, because as much as a genderless angel being indifferent to sexual orientation etc is amazing, something about him being gay just makes him a figure i can really relate to in terms of his storyline – raised in an overly religious family and being forced to conform to their expectations, not letting him love who he wants, feeling like there’s something wrong with him because of who he falls for – like cas is literally tortured when he starts showing interest in dean,, idk it all just makes sense in my head. ofc feel free to disagree with me! I really do think that its up to interpretation (as the cw would never explicitly state anything lol) but my opinion of cas is that he’s gay even if logically it might not make complete sense😊
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Thoughts on destiel?
Oh boy.
I have thoughts on this, a multi-part fuck-off sized meta level thoughts on this, but as it happens my past self has done me a huge favor on this one.
Devoted followers of this blog will remember the Muffin and I made our own TV tropes. This is not a tropes dictionary we'll ever publish in full, so don't ask, but every so often an ask hits just right (like when we have to justify "Aro is Charlie Kelly") and there's nothing to it but to publish an entry.
And it so happens that I made a Destiel entry some time ago. Note before you read this, the structure of these tropes is that we include definitions of what the trope is (sometimes there are several meanings, hence the enumeration), as well as an explanation of what the trope even is.
Keep in mind that this was never meant to be published, it was meant for our eyes only. But hey, you asked and this saves me time.
Also, yes I know all of this is fucking weird.
Edit: another important note, I stopped watching in early season 9 and really only consider the first five seasons canon. This is in large parts because the show just failed to do anything at all that I enjoyed after that, and several things the show did, like “oh season 4 wasn’t anything special for Cas, he actually rebels all the time lol. CRACK IN HIS CHASSIS”, made it impossible for me to enjoy the show. It’s just easier to make the cutoff at the Kripke era while things still pretend to mean anything.
A nonexistent ship. A Destiel ship is when the fandom ships Character A with Sexy Lamp B. The Destiel ship is past incompatible, because you could still get relationship angst and in turn a ship out of incompatibility. The Destiel ship is nonexistent because one half of the ship is of a nature that means he cannot meaningfully be in a romantic relationship with anybody, regardless of how much character development he goes through or even how much love there may be between him and character A. Originating from Supernatural, a TV series whose fans came to passionately ship one of the show’s main characters, Dean Winchester, with the angel Castiel. Dean Winchester is a womanizing redneck dudebro with daddy issues. Castiel is a multi-dimensional celestial entity created to fulfill God’s Will. Castiel is not boyfriend material. Not to be confused with Anna/Elsa or Christine/Erik.
Lily/Rabbit is a Destiel ship.
Steven Universe is full of Destiel ships.
Destiel, the abbreviation of Dean Winchester/Castiel, is the insanely popular slash ship that rose up in the Supernatural fandom in the show’s fourth season, when the character Castiel was introduced. Originally a Honey Maren ship, the ship has since grown to quite possibly have the most notable fandom on the internet. Notable is really the only word for it, these people invented ABO, ruled supreme on social media for years, and in many ways made Supernatural’s reputation what it is today. Their impact on fanfiction and slash culture is immense. Unfortunately, the ship is the worst. On a very fundamental level, Dean does not understand what Castiel is, and he never truly forgives him for being a supernatural creature. When he tries to bond with him, it’s over human things Castiel has no understanding of, which in turn only serves to highlight how lonely Dean is, that the closest thing he has to a friend is a celestial entity he doesn’t begin to understand. Castiel, on his end, loves Dean, but in the way of angels. He loves all of God’s creations, some more than others but still not in a carnal way. He’s a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent, he feels no hunger, thirst, pain, or pleasure (or if he does then it’s usually a sign something is extremely wrong and he’ll spend the episode whining about it). The one time he does experience temptation, he’s not actually experiencing his own temptation, it’s Jimmy Novak’s consciousness giving him trouble. Angels don’t feel emotions the way humans do, what they have seems to be a different concept altogether. There’s also the fact that Castiel can’t walk the Earth in his true form, so he must possess the form of Jimmy Novak if he wants screentime. Jimmy Novak is not happy about this, he at first didn’t understand what he was saying yes to then was later coerced with the threat of certain death and his daughter’s endless torment if he didn’t let Castiel possess him. If Dean and Castiel are somehow having sex, they’re raping Jimmy Novak. Lastly, the relationship is quite toxic, as Dean is a toxic person, and his relationship with Castiel is no exception. In short, Destiel is a horrifying, impossible ship that hinges on Castiel looking upon his Father’s creation and saying “I want to stick Jimmy Novak’s dick in that.”, Dean raping a vessel after spending his life freeing people like Jimmy, and sexual love between a human and a divine entity being feasible.
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hexlorde · 4 years
It’s late when I’m writing this but I just thought of something and it’s breaking my heart.
I’ve noticed that Castiel takes things extremely literally, even for an angel. Even Uriel and Zachariah, two mud-monkey hating assbutts, seem to have a grasp of sarcasm and such. Then I remembered how Naomi commented on just how often Cas was put through “re-education,” and how it never fully took. What if it did other damage though? Even multi-dimensional wavelengths of celestial intent will break when put through constant torture, and his understanding of human culture (for lack of a better term) may have been seen as undesirable.
Anyways, I’m saying that there’s a chance that Castiel pre-Naomi was much more empthatic and understanding, only to have it drilled (sorry, sorry) out of him.
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addictofanimation · 5 years
I had an idea as I laid down to sleep...
Okay, so guys, I just need to level something with y'all.
The Heartless are drawn to light, right? So if angels are multi-dimensional wavelengths of celestial intent, aren't they made of pure light? And if that's so, how would Castiel react to a bunch of Heartless coming after him all the time? I can't see Cas (or Cass, however you guys spell it) wielding a Keyblade or anything like that, so would his grace even be enough?
I have read a couple of crossovers, but none of them really address this. Would the Organization come for him? Would he catch Xemnas/Xehanort's attention?
Could Cas even get a Heartless or a Nobody? And what would they act like? Would he be harmless like Sora or would his Heartless or Nobody be violent like most others?
I am now picturing Cas as a Heartless and following Sam and Dean around and still trying to protect them, whether he was as small as a Shadow or the size of that large Heartless Ansem uses in the final battle in the first Kingdom Hearts.
I personally think he'll look like the Heartless Ansem, Riku and Terranort uses (edit: I now realize that its name was The Guardian which only makes it more fitting), but it would also be adorable if he were a Shadow or Neo Shadow.
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