#muggle technology
kurokoisbae · 1 year
Stop Introducing Science to the Wizarding World
Science is detrimental to magic.
I've read a lot of fanfictions criticizing Hogwarts for not offering muggle subjects, but in my opinion, offering muggle subjects wouldn't really help much. The main subjects taught to kids are science, math, and language.
Witches and wizards could probably benefit from having a class that teaches them new vocabulary and sentence structures, but the amount of essays assigned to the students probably does a well enough job ensuring that the students at least know how to present information by the time they graduate, through sheer trial and error when the teacher returns the essays marked full of red due to grammatical errors, at least. They could offer Latin classes or something similar to help students understand the language they use in spellwork, but that's not really a class regularly offered to children and teenagers in the normal world so it can't really be called a 'muggle' class.
Mathematics is already offered, for those who wants to learn, in arithmancy. It's most likely a required OWL or NEWT for jobs that require a lot of calculations and the little math that is required in normal day to day life are already already taught to muggleborns in their primary classes, and to kids growing up in the magical world by their parents as part of their home schooling.
Science, I believe, is not only unnecessary but detrimental to the magical education process. Magic is something that has a lot to do with belief. Science imposes a lot of rules, laws, and principles that outlines what is possible, impossible, what's supposed to happen in a specific situation, etc. It is rigid. Magic defies the laws of reality. Teaching the students those laws would make them subconsciously believe in them, making them think that even with Magic, it is impossible. More over, they may even try to apply the laws of reality to Magic. I've read a few fanfictions where they applied chemistry to transfiguration. Where they must understand the chemical composition of both the object they are turning and the object they are turning it to. Eleven year olds were able to transfiguration a wooden match to a needle. Wood is an organic substance with carbon and hydrogen atoms while a needle is usually made of steel, which is an alloy of multiple metal atoms. Do you really think children know enough chemistry to be able to manipulate the protons, electrons, and neutrons withing an atom to turn carbon and hydrogen atoms to different metal atoms like iron and nickel? Of course not. But they were all able to do it as a first year, why? Because their teacher said they could and it's the first day of class, so many probably assumed that it's the simplest and easiest thing to do with magic. It's belief that makes it happen. Knowing the actual process that's happening would just overcomplicate things in their mind and make it difficult for them to visualize the bigger picture of what they want to happen. Instead of focusing on the match turning into a needle, they would instead think about the atoms turning into another atom and arranging those atoms so they form the desired shape. That may be somewhat doable with the match to needle transformation, but what about the later classes where they would be asked to change something made with different materials to another object also filled with different materials? Don't even get started with animate to inanimate transfiguration. How would you even explain cells turning into atoms? They don't have the same constituents of protons, electrons, and neutrons like changing between atoms do.
I really don't like that these fanfictions try to make the Wizarding world more like the muggle world. It's a different world with their own abilities. You can't expect them to do things like the muggles would. You can show them what the muggles do, and they can find inspiration to make a Wizarding version of it. Someone has probably already invented a spell that does the same thing a calculator would, a graphing calculator even, with the graph showing in 3D as a hologram. Some of the magical spells we see in the books are more advanced than even the present stage of technological advancement where AIs and robots are becoming more advanced. Especially household spells. They have a spells that makes the dishes wash themselves! A spell that makes a broom clean by itself! Those are imbueing objects with artificial intelligence all with one spell! The objects don't even have to be specially made to do these things, magicals can just buy a regular old broom from a store and wave a wand over it and boom! No more cleaning chores. Magical sensors are also way more advanced than technological sensors. They can detect intent, spells, forgotten thoughts (the remembrall), and likely more.
In conclusion, adding muggle subjects is not only redundant, but would hamper the progress of magical advancement. Similarly, converting muggle technology and following its progression instead of finding a way to make something like it with Magic would make innovating within the Wizarding world hard. Not to mention, while phones and computers are something that doesn't exist in that Wizarding world, the later technological advancements like AI and robots can already be done using spells, which everyone can do, so following the muggle technology progression can't really be sustainable for long anyway.
Besides, magicals have different needs than muggles. While the muggles' current primary focus is electricity and food, magicals power everything with magic, and while food can't be made out of thin air, it can be doubled from existing food. There's probably even magic that causes plants to grow quicker, and if there isn't, magicals don't have the same problem muggles do with space for their food crops. They can expand a space, plant a lot of crops, cast some spells that would provide all the nutrients and water needed for healthy plants, and they can have food right at their backyard. I've always thought magicals are very independent creatures. With the magic and classes taught at Hogwarts, they can conjure or transfigure everything they need, use charms to make their life easier, defend themselves with magic, brew their own medical potions, and grow their own crops with herbology.
What do we learn in school? How to do math we'll likely never use and science laws most don't even care about.
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I cannot attend work today as I have to kick a baby. I will give you 26 lightbulbs (approx), a stereo and a thick rope.
Have a lovely day Mr Mort.
Is this slang for giving birth? Or terminating an unwanted pregnancy? I cannot imagine it would take an entire day to simply approach a child on the sidewalk and punt it. On the other hand, one day off of work is not enough time in the slightest for any of the previously mentioned scenarios.
I do not want any of these gifts, what would I do with some muggle technology, a radio that is not aesthetically pleasing in any way, and - ah, I will take the rope.
Mr...Mort? You know what. I am not even going to ask.
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fanficspringboard · 2 years
Almost a Squib
Status: Complete
Wordcount: 47k
Rating: K
Harry has just enough magic to get into Hogwarts and barely enough to pass wand-based subjects like charms and transfigurations. He needs to use his other skills like sharp wit, hand to hand combat, familiarity with potions and inventiveness to make up for his shortcomings in the power department.
The story is a rehash of the 7 years with a unique take on solving challenges through the combination of smarts and technology. Some worldbuilding elements like the Kwikspell correspondence course are brilliant and other rather crude like the liberal use of dungbombs to solve various problems. I wished the fic was less of a crack-story and explored more in depth the capabilities of squibs who can wield magical items and are fluent both in wizarding and muggle culture. In this story being a squib is just a vehicle for showing out of the box thinking and ingenuity without doing into any socio-cultural discourse.
With limited length, there is not much space left for characterization, we rush from one adventure to another. It is expected for the reader to fill in the blanks with their own canon knowledge.
It was a pleasant surprise to see Argus Filch in a more prominent role. I also enjoyed to trope subversion, because we've all read an overpowered Harry story more then once.
It's a light-hearted fic you may want to read for the laughs.
Link to FFN: click
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Image from Unsplash by Eric Han
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chasingthestarss · 3 months
Sirius: wait so you left Regulus with Lily?
James: yeah why?
Sirius: you don’t see the problem?
James: she said she would take care of him
[with Lily and Regulus in muggle london]
Lily: Please, Reg, the microwave isn’t trying to attack you
Regulus: Then why was it beeping at me?
Lily: Beacause the food is done!
Regulus: oh! So you’re in on the conspiracy are you? I’m not eating your poisoned food!
Lily: it’s not! Well - okay microwaves may add some radiation to your food but not enough to kill you
Regulus: I knew it!
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supremechancellorrex · 6 months
I was mulling over Harry Potter recently and I think one of the reasons it doesn't really appeal that much to me is the worldbuilding is not my cup of tea. In the context we are given wizards and witches are far too powerful to be hiding from Muggle nations. Wizards have the capability to mind control, memory wipe, easily create Muggle-repelling charms over entire locations that confuse and disorientate, as well as have teleportation, portkeys, Floo powder, spatial magic, invisibility, etc. Wizards sharing a planet with Muggles is positively Lovecraftian, like Cthulhu being just next door and closer.
With basic evolutionary patterns, Darwinism, the fact wizards can be disappointingly human and their leanings to fascist elements in their history (so many Anti-Muggle Dark Lords), they'd have wiped Muggles out by the BCE period, or at least not be hiding from them in a way that's the equivalent of the United States hiding from Monaco. It wouldn't take that many wizards, and in the book we are provided no evidence of our Muggle tech being able to withstand something as dynamic, tricky and reality warping as magic.
Power Dynamics
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"They can strike anywhere at any time before anyone knows it."
The power dynamic from what we are shown in the books are very wonky and infinitesimally so unequal one begins to wonder if owls hide from slugs. Perhaps if JK Rowling had depowered wizards more by incorporating clearer weakness and faults in the magic system, such as perhaps no apparition (I mean, they already have portkeys, Floo powder, brooms, greedy wizards), more limits to the mind control like showing Muggles can fight it off, made wards and Muggle-repelling charms more fragile (maybe have that they can only be set up in certain geographical places either choking with magic or idk related to runic stuff and ley lines), as well as perhaps indicate that the average shielding charms can't withstand heavy kinetic onslaught from a heavy duty weapon like an AK-47, etc., it might have felt more understandable why the Muggle World and Wizarding World have the relationship they do.
Because, in the canon, we are given no concrete reasons why the wizarding world chooses to hide other than Muggles being a bother, probably asking for cures to cancer or something. In the canon, we are never presented with any Muggle technology that justifies the Wizarding World being under threat if the Statute of Secrecy breaks. We can speculated, but we can speculate either way depending on our mood. You'd think this would be more defined since the conflict centralises on Wizards and Muggles (including their offspring) existing.
Ethical Concerns For Mugs
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"With this rep, I guess we deserve to be mindwiped whatever our consent."
Regarding certain implications in the books, there are a number of ethical concerns that don't feel they're given the weight and attention they deserve considering the themes. One is the overuse of memory charms, a mental violation which are hinted to cause brain damage. Considering how much wizards obliviate and violate Muggles' minds as well as cover up their deaths, that's practically fridge horror. Wizards, both good and bad, also often subvert Muggle democracy and freedom of information, and are quite authoritarian and devil-may-care about this. The Harry Potter narrative never really fully tackles this or shows any real critiques or changes in regards to the Statute of Secrecy and Muggles.
Considering the over all message of the books is anti-authoritarianism, anti-fascism, freedom and even saying Muggles aren't 'lesser' beings, these actions contradicts the themes and kind of makes all the wizards look pretty morally bankrupt when they continue to do this even after the 17 Years Later epilogue. In all honesty, this actually impacts the characterisation of our protagonists in a way I don't particularly like, especially since Hermione is Minister For Magic for a period of time.
Muggles & It's Just Fantasy
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"Hi boring people we're fighting an entire conflict over, just passing through."
Suspension of disbelief is a tricky thing and so is the way a writer earns it. I think it would be more okay if Harry Potter was a purely separate fantasy world similar to Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, but the author has Muggle society (aka our 'logical' world) develop the exact same way despite sharing the planet with the logic-breaking magical world since the dawn of time and evolution. With all the factors shown in HP, these powerful, reality-warping wizards would fuck up our history and society so much we Muggles would either be dead or coughing out live elephants every time we ate a salad on a regular basis.
Over all, I feel the Muggles need to be more of a threat and have more going for them to explain why the wizards are hiding from them. Otherwise a wizard could teleport around the land of Muggles and just put Muggle-repelling charms on the British Parliament, all the nation's hospitals, police stations, banks, etc. and just watch the chaos. Okay, next stop, the Nuclear power stations and missile silos. By the Muggle world existing it intrinsically forces reality into a fantasy that doesn't want it.
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danceinthunder · 10 days
Regulus laughs at James, who is a mess and has a lot of reasons to be laughed at.
James’ shocked pride at being able to fit his fist in his mouth after Remus told him to shut up was defiantly a reason to laugh at him.
And James took out his fist and smiled at the sound. The content and ease that Regulus was sharing with him. He felt like he was boneless, calm, melting under the sunny heat of that happy little sound.
“I love you Regulus.”
Regulus blushed and smiled back fondly at the gold drenched James in front of him.
“I know.”
“The Empire Strikes Back has been out a week! A week! I miss the days when you sneered at muggle technology! Why did Remus even share the wonders of the cinema with you!”
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miss-grimwood · 7 months
Bite - Bellamione
‘Come on, just one bite?’ Hermione asked.
‘Absolutely not.’
‘Suit yourself.’
Bellatrix huffed, and Hermione continued.
‘Big scary Bellatrix Black, not even brave enough to try muggle cereal.’ She mused, teasing.
Bellatrix scowled.
‘Well why are they making all that noise?’ She insisted.
‘Seriously? You’ll eat acid pops but not rice crispies? It’s just the cereal and the milk interacting.’
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cazzythefrogking · 7 months
marauders incorrect quotes pt 122
James, looking at a dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
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takunwilliams · 1 year
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late RIP to the beast master 
portrait by #Technodrome1 
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sunstxr · 11 months
James, holding up crumpled potions homework
James: is it possible to iron paper?
Remus: the steam might ruin it
James: steam? What kind of straight iron are you using?
Remus: as opposed to what, a gay iron?
James: …
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m00ny-luv · 1 year
James: What happens if I press the brake and the accelerator at the same time?
Sirius: The car takes a screenshot
Lily: For the last time, get out
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jotiko · 2 years
ok no but I can't stop thinking about how social media could be a huge pain in the ass in a world where magic existed and magical community was hiding their existence but where people with magic could be born in otherwise non magic families?
like can you imagine some kid right now being pulled into a world of magic and NOT taking a thousand photos/videos of everything?
people would fucking see a dragon or some shit and immediately start streaming instead of running away
and like sure you could say oh magical community could just ban phones/other devices but like my guy. phones are banned in my country during high school exams to the point where some schools use metal detectors and people still smuggle phones
and also technology has advanced very rapidly I'd imagine magical community would not be prepared for this kind of problem
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what did you think of the multiverse of madness my lord?
I would never watch such cheap muggle entertainment.
An aside - you should always bow when addressing me. It is an ancient custom.
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blvnk-art · 2 months
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Harry, as the Head Auror, needs to be up to date about muggle technology influencing the wizarding world. Thankfully his son was there to help him.
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ellecdc · 29 days
id love to see a poly!marauders where the reader is muggle born or atlest muggle raised , reader and remus just bond over muggle stuff while the others sit there all confused asking wtf they’re talking about
like music, technology, maybe certain foods, certain slang and books the wizard world doesn’t have.
(ps i love ur blog and everything you write plz keep it up❤️)
hahaha awe so cute - here's a sweet little scene, and thanks for your request <33
poly!marauders x gn!reader who is muggle born
James was not too proud to admit he was rather upset.
And by upset, he meant jealous, terribly jealous. And desperate, so unbelievably desperate. And also sort of pissed off.
The cause of such upset, you might wonder?
Oh, only one of his own sodding boyfriends, of course.
You see, it had been his idea to start chatting with you in order to see where things could go - you know, romantically - between the four of you.
Sirius was eager - which would seem very out of character for the notoriously territorial and stand-offish Black who was wary of anyone interfering with their already established dynamic - but Sirius was equally as enamoured with you as James was from your shared classes and your few interactions around the castle.
Of course - as would be expected - it was Moony that the two of them had to persuade to consider you in earnest. 
“Come on, Moons. Don’t tell me you’re worried that you won’t be the smartest one in the relationship anymore.” Sirius had teased, earning him a glare from the werewolf. 
But of course, James (and Sirius) had been right, and Remus was practically immediately taken with you after James had officially introduced you to his boyfriends at a Gryffindor party. 
It was perhaps very helpful that you happened to be muggle born seeing as Remus had a muggle parent himself, so he was able to bond with you over various muggle things.
And James thought that was wonderful! Truly!
He honestly did.
But...well, did you guys have to talk about it all of the time!?
And it’s not that James didn’t like you talking about muggle things, or that he didn’t like muggle things in general.
What he didn’t like was that he couldn’t participate in the conversation at all.
And James is sorry, but what in the buggering fuck was a ‘vee sea are’?
James tuned back into the conversation when he began recognizing some of the words you and Remus were saying, though Sirius looked no less confused than he had previously.
“My favourite is probably The Sound of Music.” You admitted somewhat bashfully, features painted with a shy smile as you looked at Remus through your eyelashes.
James didn’t know what you were so shy about, especially considering Remus was beaming at you in response. “Me too!” He agreed readily.
“I love the sound of music!” James chimed in readily, earning him a surprise look from you, a curious look from Remus, and a bemused look from Sirius. 
“Do you really?” You asked sweetly, offering him a hopeful smile.
“I didn’t know you’d ever heard of it.” Remus added quietly.
James scoffed. “Oh, come off it Moons. Of course I love the sound of music! It’s arguably one of my favourite sounds ever!” 
“Awe.” You said sympathetically as Remus barked a laugh.
James looked at the two of you in confusion before he turned to Sirius in hopes for an answer. 
“I don’t know how Prongsie, seeing as they never really asked a question.” Sirius started, placing a reassuring hand on his thigh and squeezing gently, “But I think you got the answer wrong.”
James harrumphed and fell back into his chair, feeling thoroughly dejected. 
“I’m sorry Jamie.” You apologized, looking particularly distraught at having caused James any grief. “We can talk about something else, if you’d like.”
James waved you off quickly. “No, no. I’m sorry, sweets. It doesn’t matter to me what you talk about, as long as I get to continue hearing the sound of your lovely voice, arguably my second favourite sound ever.” 
James may not know what sounds of music you had been talking about, but he was proud that he did know how to make you blush something fierce with nothing but a few simple words. 
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wicchyy · 4 months
—0.4 snow & bubbles ; james potter
sum: snow, foam, steam, bubbles - you and James share a moment in the hot tub / bestfriend!James
warnings: none rly
notes: best friends James again bc I’m obsessed w them. they’re practically dating but it’s okay
You knew exactly how many rooms Sirius had in his family cabin. 2. His parent’s room and the one that belonged to him and his brother. The cabin hadn’t been used by his family for years since they had a falling out. Sirius had the key, and it turned into a winter tradition that the four of you took part in.
James, Remus, Sirius, and you. Sirius offered a few nights to wind down at his cabin before you’d all continue to celebrate Christmas with the Potter family. Every year, Sirius and Remus took his parents room that had the plush king sized bed and amazing view, which also had a fireplace of their own.
While you and James shared Sirius’ room. You didn’t mind it really. Not when you and James had been best friends for so long, sharing a room, a bed, and a shower felt all too natural.
Your other two friends had a hard time believing you and James were only best friends. They’d seen you cuddling together, sleeping together, hell they’d even been in encountered you both at this moment.
It started with Sirius wanting to have a relaxing evening. He’s set the toggles on the hot tub at the back of the cabin. Put some light foam in and made two cups of hot cocoa for himself and Remus to enjoy. Then, Sirius had distracted himself with snogging around with Remus around the cabin that he’d ultimately forgotten about the romantic gesture he’d set up for his boyfriend.
The window from his parents room had provided a clear view of you and James. James in nothing but his swim shorts and you in your white bikini enjoy on the very tub that he’d adjusted for his own comfort.
James was already inside, stretching his legs out and holding a hand out for you to grab as you slowly walked down the short 3 steps to join him in the hot water.
Steam was coming out of the tub and the jets were making you even warmer. The instant breeze of the snowy winter air no longer affected you.
You were tucked warmly in a foamy tub with your best friend, James. He looked over at you in admiration, not helping himself with the thin material of your choice of a bathing suit. He wanted to reach out and tug at the strap on your shoulder, but you had interrupted him by putting a hand on his bare chest.
“I love winter. Do y’know that this is my favourite season, Jamie?”
James smiles and pulls your hand closer to his lips, pressing a light kiss on it. Just things that best friends do with each other.
“I know, sweetheart. You’ve said it a bunch of times on our way here and when you took photographs of me in the snow with your muggle camera.”
“Right. I did that.”
“I still don’t understand why the pictures won’t move, though. Is it the unadvanced technology or muggles simply like the way things are, boring.”
You leaned your head on his shoulder, “Well, James. I’m not quite sure but I think I’ll go with both.”
“Hm.” He hummed, a hand wrapping you even closer. James let his head fall gently atop you, a sign that let you know he wanted your fingers to mess around with his curls.
You wrapped your hand around his shoulder too, your palm connecting with his head and instead of playing with his hair, you dumped water atop him. “Honestly, Jamie you couldn’t have not expected me to do that.”
James’ laughter filled your ears, clearly having the upper hand as both of his hands kept you in place while he shook his head towards your face. Foam and water splashed at you and you couldn’t help but join in on his delirious laughter.
“Oh, James!” You shouted, trying to get out of his grasps but realizing that he only tugged you harder into the water.
When you surfaced up, your cheeks were hot and foam covered the top of your head. “Sorry, sweetheart. Should’ve known the consequences.”
“Christ I really can’t enjoy a peaceful evening with you.” You poked his chest, a small smile playing at your lips.
James pulled your face closer with one of his hands, his lips making haste of a cheek kiss on you. At the same time, your hands gripped his shoulder to attempt another splash in the foamy water but your body was pulled closer by James’ other hand to put you atop his lap.
“Hello, there.” He smiled up at you. His hand was still on your hips, fingers grazing dangerously close to the region below your belly button.
“Jamie. C’mon let me off.” You didn’t really want to be let off his lap. But you had the intrusive thoughts knocking at your brain that reminded how you were straddling him basically. You didn’t want to go out of the boundaries of your friendship. You didn’t want James to be uncomfortable.
“Just a moment, please.” He pointed those beautiful hazel eyes at you he knew you loved. “Y’so warm, sweet girl.”
Well. You didn’t dare deny him. He was practically begging for you to be there. And there wasn’t an ounce of awkwardness between you two. Even if you were in a questionable position with your best friend.
“Alright then. Just a few minutes. Siri and Remus can’t see us with all this foam can they?”
“Course not. They won’t be able to see anything.”
Of course it wasn’t the matter of them just seeing, you just didn’t want them to bug you with yet another reason why you and James aren’t purely best friends.
“Y’look so pretty in this thing, y’know.” James grinned, poking a finger into your side to tease you.
“And you .. look fine in your usual swim shorts.” You laughed, lightly pouring on water at his top half so his shoulders weren’t freezing.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” James did the same. His hand scooping water to pour over the skin of your body which wasn’t in the water.
“I’m really looking forward to this week, Jamie. With our friends, with your family.” You sighed comfortably, relaxing your weight atop James.
“Mhm. Me too.” James replied simply. He didn’t know what else to say when he had his beautiful friend sitting on top of him. Talking so softly that his heart was pounding nervously. He was worried he’d say the wrong thing or do the wrong move. He was even more afraid of his lower half possibly waking up and freaking you out. Though he shouldn’t have pulled you in his lap if he didn’t want that to happen.
James’ thoughts were just scattered right now, with the steam and the foam clouding his judgement. All he really knew was he wanted to kiss your lips and pull you closer and closer to him because all he’s ever wanted is to savor every moment with you.
“Jamie!” You pinched his cheek, “You were staring blankly at me. What’s wrong? Am I making you uncom—“
“No!” James rushed to say, “No, no. You’re perfect, sweetheart. Not making me uncomfortable. Not at all.”
“Alright. Is there something wrong?”
He settled his hands on your back, bringing you just a few inches closer to him. “Nothing. I’m also very excited for you to be visiting. Though I don’t think mum will let me share my room with you.” He chuckles.
You roll your eyes, finally deciding to rest your hands behind James’ neck, circling them like you’re in a position to kiss. “Then I guess we’ll have to savor the days you can share a room with me.”
“Believe me, sweetheart. I want to savor every day I can share with you.” James flirts, his heart beating faster. “Here.” He takes one of your hands from the nape of his neck and directs in to his chest where his heart is. “This is the effect you have on me.”
“You have the same on me.” You smiled shyly. James smiled and pulled your face even closer again, this time to press a little kiss on the tip of your nose.
The little moment has you fluttering. This kind of thing, it makes you want to risk the means of your friendship by pulling him and letting your lips land on his.
“And you’re so warm. Y’make me so warm. Can you be my human furnace?” He teases.
“If anything, you’re my human furnace.”
The hot water, the steam, the foam made the moment between you two even special than you’d ever had with anyone else. Your thoughts consisted of James, James, James.
Suddenly, the mood changed as a shout came from behind you. “Hey! Prongs, Y/n! You’re joking!”
“Pads, it’s fine. Christ let them have their moment.” Remus interrupted from behind.
“No! I set this all up for Moony. And now you two shitheads are eating it all up.”
You were quick to roll your eyes and just lean further onto James, hugging him with your hands landing on his shoulders again. “Leave us alone, Pads.” James groaned, his hands traveling to your back.
“If you both don’t get up, I’m jumping in.” Sirius demanded. Which, he unsurprisingly did. Making quick work of his clothes until he was left with his boxers on.
You snicker as you heard Sirius make his way into the hot tub. Leaning onto James’ left side so you could see Sirius’ angry face side eyeing the both of you, the position you were in.
“You’ve got to be actually fucking with me. I’m so angry right now, but the water is so relaxing.”
James chimed in, “I know. Now shut up. Moony! Get in, already. We’re having a friendship moment.” James grinned at his two friends.
Remus didn’t object and did as James said. “Right. A friendship moment, indeed.” He said with a knowing look, making eye contact with you.
“Hm. I’m loving this trip.” You smiled. James looked up at you and pressed another kiss on your cheek, agreeing with what you’ve said.
💌 thanks for reading lovie! support me by reblogging <3
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