#mostly 'this motherfucker'
severaltuesdays · 4 months
Mori and Abuse
I’m making this because the BSD fandom has 2 modes for interpreting Mori and it’s either evil evil child abuser or spineless bastard and I HATE both of them.
Mori is an abuser, yes, but the way he abuses characters is very atypical, and not at all what most people expect. His abuse is almost all psychological, the only character we can say for sure has been physically abused by him is Yosano, and we’re only shown one instance of that.
For simplicity, I’ll be referring to his abuse of Dazai, Chuuya, Koyo and Yosano, but I believe it could be said that Kyuusaku and potentially the Akutagawa’s have suffered because of him.
To understand why Mori has abused certain characters, we must understand a bit about him as a person. This is potentially why Mori’s actions are so wildly skewed by the fandom, because no one wants to observe him too closely (but that’s a whole other post). Simply put, Mori is a military man. He does anything and everything to achieve the “optimal solution”, he has a plan and if he has to get his hands dirty to reach his goal, he will. Emotions and attachments go out the window for him, most of the time at least, because he would sacrifice anything, and anyone, to achieve his goal. Most of the time at least. That’s why he used Yosano, because what’s the life of one girl to the safety of his nation? That’s why he manufactured Oda’s and his orphans deaths, because the prize outweighed the cost.
Mori is logical and reserved, so we must observe all his actions with the lens that he has a reason for what he does, because he (almost) always has a reason.
I’ll start by referring to Mori’s abuse of Dazai, because he’s a bit of a special case and also the one that the fandom overall gets the most wrong. Mori’s abuse of Dazai is usually twisted to be sexual or physical, when there is absolutely no evidence of that. People like to bring up Dazai’s abuse of Akutagawa, or that one throwaway line from The Day I Picked Up Dazai as evidence, but neither of those hold up in my opinion.
Firstly, just because Dazai’s abuse of Akutagawa was partly physical, doesn’t mean he himself underwent physical abuse. Just like Mori, Dazai always has reasons for what he does, and his reason for what he did to Akutagawa was tailored to Akutagawa and his ability, therefore not something that Mori would have done to Dazai. Not to excuse Dazai’s abuse of Akutagawa, of course, but the fact of the matter is that Dazai’s abuse was a test of Akutagawa, and a punishment because Akutagawa didn’t adhere to Dazai’s standards. This abuse is the result of Mori’s own abuse, yes, but it’s not as straightforward as “Mori hit Dazai, ergo Dazai hit Akutagawa”.
The line from TDIPUD is also poor evidence, as all it is is Oda telling Dazai that what he’s doing won’t hurt and Dazai responding that Mori says the same about the needles he gives him. The fact that this is taken as abuse is really weird to me, why is that the assumption here? Mori is a doctor, there are multiple reasons for him to be giving Dazai needles. And the fact that Mori says it’s not going to hurt just sounds like the typical “doctor giving a kid a shot” exchange.
Dazai hates pain, so obviously Mori would lie and say that it isn’t going to hurt. Mori cares for Dazai’s well-being, which is what makes Dazai a bit of an outlier, as Mori shows care for him before he’s found a reason to justify that care. This is evidenced by their exchange in the beginning of Dazai, Chuuya: Fifteen, which is very important as it gives us an insight into Mori’s perspective during that time, where he panics because he hasn’t achieved the “optimal solution” by keeping Dazai alive, but then justifies that action by deciding Dazai is too good an asset to throw away.
And here-in lies the actual abuse that Dazai went through, not being hit or shamed or any of that, but emotional coercion, a slow cultivation of the parts of Dazai that Mori saw as useful, and a creation of the mindset we see Dazai use. This is most prominent with how Mori plants ideas into Dazai’s head. This is referenced in Chapter one of Fifteen as well, establishing that Mori has taken somewhat of an instructor role to Dazai, but that’s something Dazai rebels against.
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This exchange is a perfect example of that conditioning, instead of giving Dazai information directly, Mori gets Dazai to deduce his answers using information he already has, something we see Dazai does very often in the current plot. But the main example of this conditioning comes in the form of Dazai’s plan to use the Sheep against Chuuya, a plan that comes DIRECTLY from Mori.
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Mori makes sure that Dazai is in the room as he baits Chuuya, uses the weakness of the Sheep against him, and then breaks down EXACTLY what has happened for Dazai. “Just some food for thought” my ass.
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Then when discussing his plan with Rimbaud, Dazai brings up a theory taught to him by Mori. 15!Dazai is such a little parrot, it’s all “Mori says, Mori says, Mori says”, just word-vomiting all the thoughts Mori puts in his head, there is a CLEAR influence here.
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Just like Mori, Dazai uses the Sheep against Chuuya. Mori shows Dazai how to control people, how to make them listen and how to make them obey. The reason Dazai treats people like pawns, the reason he KNOWS how to manipulate people is because Mori taught him.
Just like so many of the characters, the fandom forgets that when Mori met Dazai, he was a child. He was a broken child who needed a guiding hand and the hand he got was Mori’s. Morí crafted the Dazai that we see, shaped the way that he thinks, THAT was his abuse.
Chuuya as well is a special case. Like Mori, he is a leader, and that is a quality Mori admires in him. In turn, Chuuya looks up to Mori, sees him as an inspiration for what it means to be a leader. This is another example of Mori’s manipulative abuse. To Chuuya, Mori makes himself out to be a saviour, someone who will teach him how to be better, how to protect the people he thinks he has failed. Mori takes Chuuya at his weakest point and gives him a new chance.
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And with that, Chuuya is loyal to the mafia and Mori has Soukoku. Never mind that Mori was the brains behind Dazai’s plan that got Chuuya into the mafia in the first place, by getting Dazai to do his dirty work, Mori gets to appear to Chuuya with a halo and wings (I could also talk about Mori’s involvement with Stormbringer and how that locked Chuuya into the mafia, but that’s another tangent).
Mori has done the same with Koyo. She’s loyal to him, but clearly does not LIKE him, so where does that loyalty come from? It is because he has freed her. Koyo suffered under the rule of the Old Boss, she had no freedom, the man who cared for her was executed, she was restrained within the mafia. And then Mori takes over and she ends up an executive. Suddenly she’s got POWER, she can change things, under Mori she’s given the ability to change things and take charge. He sees a girl in chains and loosens them, not enough for her to escape, but enough that she can move. And having been chained up for so long, that feels like freedom. Koyo is loyal to Mori because he’s better than the alternative, because if she can’t be free, at least she can move.
I left Yosano for last, because again, she’s a wild card. Unlike all the other people Mori has coerced, Yosano’s abuse took place during a time where every second was precious. There was no time to do it delicately, the way Mori handled everything else, it was war, win or lose. Mori’s tactics were a lot more brutal, Yosano wants the soldiers to live, so Mori shoots the one she cares about so either she WATCHES her friend die, or she can save him. Unlike with Dazai, with Chuuya, with Koyo, Mori isn’t Yosano’s saviour, he’s her captor, he gives her a choice, but its one where neither option is made to look kind. He makes it clear, she heals them, or they die, whether it’s at his hands, or the hands of the enemy, and he knows she would never let them die.
Mori works through coercion and manipulation, he shapes the way people think of him carefully, moulding his appearance in the eyes of others. To Dazai he’s just an old man that Dazai has under his thumb, who tries and fails to manipulate him. But that’s not the truth. To Chuuya he’s a benevolent leader, someone so gracious as to grant him a place in the mafia. But that’s not the truth. To Koyo he’s the safest option, not someone she wants to follow, but someone she will follow, because at least she’s free. But that’s not the truth. To Yosano he’s evil, cruel and harsh and he takes lives as easily as he breathes with no remorse, he’s the God to her Angel of Death. But thats not the truth. To the audience, he’s a monster, a filthy pervert who is nothing more than a pedophile. Is that the truth?
Mori is like a spider, ensnaring people in his web with carefully constructed lies and appearances, his abuse is not physical or sexual, it’s a psychological coercion, careful at times and brutal at others, his abuse is a targeted attack of an individual’s weaknesses, and a cultivation of the parts he sees as useful.
Every person is his tool, and he likes his blades sharp.
@1seaweedbrain1 for you <3
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why-do-we-do-this · 9 months
Roier: This child slept in a very cute bed and- What the fuck?
Roier: What the fuck? Hello? Richarlyson? Who was that?
Roier, reading Richas’ sign: I don’t know but they left.
Roier: Okay- Hey! Sucking sound!? *barking*
Roier: We have dogs! We have dogs in the house, be careful! We have a- a rottweiler! The rottweiler bites very hard and you are gonna die! *barking*
Richas: *fnaf noise*
Roier: It’s over here, it’s over here, Richarlyson! It’s over here- hit it!
Cellbit, muted: *laughing*
Roier: I fucked your whore mother- Run you shithead! Run you idiot! *barking*
Roier: Who let the dogs out! *barking in tune* Yeah, I like it when you run away!
Richas: *siren noise*
Cellbit, muted: Oh my god it’s a zombie apocalypse! *laughing*
Cellbit: IT’S ME! IT’S- *laughing* IT’S ME!
Roier: OH- CELLBIT- WHAT?! YOU DUMBASS! You dumbass I thought- No!- Richarlyson! *laughing*
Cellbit: This wasn’t what I meant to happen! Noooo!
Roier: Help me, Richarlyson!
Cellbit: Ah, damn it! I just wanted to listen to the story, Richarlys, but then you revealed me, dickhead!
Roier: *laughing*
Cellbit: I wanted to listen to the story! Damn Richarylson turned me in!
Roier: If you wanted to listen you could have said “Hey can I come with you guys and listen to the story?”
Cellbit: I wanted to listen but I was shamed*- uh, very shy! I wanted to watch you and Richa-
Roier: You have a big dick but in your ass!
Cellbit: *laughing*
*Cellbit uses the Portuguese word “Vergonha” which means shame/embarrassment but sounds a lot like “Vergota” which is a Spanish word meaning big dick
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leupagus · 30 days
The degree to which Davos and Brienne are going to become reluctant BFFs, because their lieges keep coming to them complaining about each other, is UNREAL
or, more from this fic that's slowly eating my life
Their journey to the Northern army's camp had revealed a great deal about Lady Stark and her lords and petty chieftains: their patronizing generosity, their gruff suspicion of outsiders, and above all their mind-boggling obstinacy. Ned and Lyanna had been much the same, from what he remembered, and Stannis had seen shades of it in Jon Snow, though couched more gently than he'd expected from a bastard. He'd imagined — insofar as he'd imagined her at all — that Lady Stark would be gentler still, her mother's line warming that chilled Northern blood.
He had been disastrously mistaken. It was a wonder only one Stark had survived, but it was already clear that she had gathered the entire share of Stark mulishness.
"I have conditions, Your Grace," said Lady Stark. "If this alliance is to succeed in retaking Winterfell, I feel it right that you hear them." She placed the parchment in her hand carefully on his table and stepped back, hands folded primly.
She had requested, and been granted, this conference shortly after Stannis's army had made camp alongside the Northern soldiers. Stannis's tent had barely been erected when she came to him with this parchment, her wolf, and a determined expression. He had thought he'd listened to her enough on the journey as she'd prattled away with Shireen, but he was in the mood to be permissive.
Reading through her list of demands, he could feel the headache building along his jaw and up through his skull. "Have you lost your mind?" he said, for the second time in a week to an unreasonable woman.
Melisandre had brushed his question aside, but Lady Stark was not made of such supple stuff; she stiffened and glowered at him. "That is a peculiar way to agree to my terms, Your Grace."
"Your terms are rather more than peculiar, my lady," he said, tossing the parchment back on the table.
In truth, the first one was not so peculiar: it said that should they regain the Keep, he would recognize Sansa Stark as Lady of Winterfell and Warden of the North in her own right. He would not pass her over in favor of some lesser Northern male relative, nor would he obligate her to marry and rule only as companion to her husband. Considering Stannis's own intention to ensure Shireen sat on the Iron Throne after his death, he could hardly begrudge her this.
Considering the other two stipulations, however, he felt very much inclined to begrudge her everything.
"Supposing your younger brothers turn up?" he asked, thrusting his chin at the parchment. "Or Jon Snow is legitimized?"
This question didn't faze her, he suspected because it was a question of logistics and protocol rather than a personal remark. "If Jon is made legitimate, I don't believe he would want Winterfell—"
"Duty is not a question of wanting, Lady Stark," he reminded her. "And the Lord Commander is—"
"The Lord Commander, as you say, is the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch," she retorted. "His life has already been pledged to the Wall. If he didn't abandon that cause in aid of my brother Robb, he won't abandon it now."
Stannis observed her. There was bitterness there, certainly, though less than he would have thought. Lady Stark clearly understood the ties that bound men to their duty, even if she did not like them.
"However," she continued, "Should any of my brothers wish to make a claim to Winterfell in my place, I won't stand against them." She paused for a moment, and added, "I have no wish to die at their hands out of misplaced pride."
Stannis clenched his jaw but let that go for the moment — it would be addressed soon enough. "You call me 'Your Grace,'" he said, tapping at the parchment, "Yet your second stipulation says that you will not bend the knee to me, even if I regain Winterfell for you."
"No, it says that I will not bend the knee to any claimant to the throne until they hold the majority of the kingdoms," she shot back. "The Lannisters hold the Crownlands, the Westerlands and the Reach at present. The Riverlands are still in chaos, the Vale has withdrawn from all alliances to sulk in their mountains, and both Dorne and the Iron Islands have declared for themselves, more or less. You can, at best, claim that the Stormlands still support you, though I've seen no evidence for it — they didn't march under your banner at first, did they?"
That was the second time she had brought up Renly, however obliquely. If she were trying to drive him mad, she couldn't go about it any better. "When I hold the North, my lady, I will have more land—"
"Setting aside the notion that it will be you alone who holds the North, you'll have more land and fewer men than any other region. If you wish to win against the Lannisters, you'll need more than mountains and glaciers fighting your battles. And if I wish to be Warden of the North, I can't keep the respect of my lords by swearing fealty to a man who has yet to earn it."
"I could have you burned for such talk," he said, getting to his feet and pouring himself some water, hoping it would ease the throbbing in his head.
"You don't burn nobles, you behead them," she replied cooly. "I should know. I was there when the Lannisters took my own father's head for supporting your claim to the Iron Throne. I have no intention of sharing his fate." She took a deep breath, and only then did he note that her hands had been clenched together, her right covering the balled-up fist of her left. "I won't take arms against you now or in the future, on that I give my word."
"And if I do have you beheaded?" he asked, putting the tin cup down before he crumpled it in his hand.
It seemed to amuse her. "Then my words will mean even less than they do now."
"They mean nothing, because you will not give them!" He pinched his nose and attempted to regain his composure. Surprisingly difficult, with this — child.
She regarded him for a moment. "You call me Lady Stark, Your Grace," she said, "but tell me, have you heard anyone else call me that?"
Stannis, thrown by the question, was forced to consider it. In truth, he had heard only Lady Sansa, though said with more reverence by her men and lords than he could ever recall being addressed himself. "You are Lady Stark."
"Not without Winterfell," she said, shaking her head. "It's more than just the home of the Starks, it is our…place in the world. We belong nowhere else. Just as there must always be a Stark at Winterfell, so too do we need Winterfell to truly be Starks." She gave him a pointed look. "Just as Your Grace needs the Iron Throne, and the fealty of all the Seven Kingdoms, to truly be king."
She was wrong, of course, but Stannis felt the same lurch in his belly whenever his footing slipped during a bout. "Perhaps your reticence has something to do with this last stipulation," he said instead, going back to the table and jabbing his finger at the third line. "Falsely accusing a king is treason."
"Is Lady Brienne falsely accusing you, Your Grace?" she asked, smooth as ice. Her hands were still clenched, he noted.
"I was nowhere near Renly's camp when he died," Stannis said, with perfect truth, even as he felt himself balanced on a knife's edge.
He had been nowhere near. He had woken up just before dawn with the lead weight of certainty in his belly, knowing what had happened — what the Red Woman had said must happen — and lying there, staring up at the tent's canvas, he had wept. Wept for the brothers he had loved and who had never loved him back. He would never know if Renly had had a hand in Robert's death; just as he would never know if he himself had had a hand in Renly's. Had he ordered Melisandre to kill him? Had he believed her when she said she could make such a thing come to pass? Davos had begged to tell him of what had happened in the cave that night, what monstrous thing the Red Woman had done to bring Renly's death about. Stannis had refused to hear it. Perhaps there was a sort of rough justice in facing his accuser now, the only one living who knew the truth.
"Lady Brienne has served me faithfully," said Lady Stark, "and my mother before me, at great cost to herself. I believe her testimony, Your Grace."
"Her testimony that I murdered my own brother."
Lady Stark regarded him steadily. "I will not insult either of you by declaring one more honorable than the other. But when I regain Winterfell, my duty as Warden of the North will be to adjudicate all such matters, and this falls under my purview. Even if you were crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms in the Red Keep itself, the North holds all persons, regardless of title, under its laws while they reside here."
"Renly didn't die in the North," was all he could manage to say.
"He died, Your Grace." Lady Stark looked almost pitying. "And for that, I'm sorry. I know what it is to lose your brothers. But on this point I will not waver."
"Is there any point on which you have?" he asked, curious.
She continued serenely. "Lady Brienne will be permitted to make her accusation publicly; how you respond to it is your affair, but if you prevail, you must give me your word now that she will not be held guilty of treason, nor will she be killed by any member of your party by any means." She put enough emphasis on the last two words to make her meaning plain.
"And if she prevails?" Stannis asked. "Your stipulations do not mention the outcome of the trial, only that it will take place." He smiled grimly. "Your father always said that he who passes the sentence should swing the sword, my lady. Will you behead me yourself?"
"I doubt either of us would find that a pleasant exercise, Your Grace," she said, her lip curling slightly. She didn't blanch, however; young as she was, she had seen worse. Had possibly done worse, if the rumors about the Purple Wedding were true. He'd not asked. "If you are found guilty, then you will ride south. If you win the support of the other kingdoms, the North will bend the knee to you. But you'll never come north of the Neck again. Does that satisfy?"
Stannis glanced down at the parchment again. There it all was, in black and white: the price he must pay for the North. The blasted girl had even provided a space for him to sign at the bottom.
"Not remotely," he said, but reached for his pen.
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astrobei · 5 months
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for my maybe four (?) followers who read lokius: here you go
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tcfactory · 11 days
the obvious shenanigans that follow are well! if sj isnt going to socialise the poor beast then sy will! lqg staring like. "What is that." begging peak lord Liu's pardon, but this is a spiritual wolf that is meant to be under the care of peak lord shen. it requires socialising and i was informed you also possessed a spiritual wolf! the wolves, ofc, get on. sj wants to die when he finds out. he wont STOP them because that would make it worse but sToP WaGGinG YouR TaiL when liu-shidi comes over!!
Liu Qingge takes Shen Yuan at face value about the wolf - like, he knows Shen Qingqiu's daemon is a wolf, had seen its silhouette move in the shadows during night hunts, but this wolf is out in the open and is getting pets from Shen Yuan so he can't be Shen Qingqiu's Calamity (the wolf is actually called Harbor, like 'Safe harbor in a storm', but he would never admit to it so when people started making up names he just ran with the most menacing/powerful sounding one) - and during the next Peak Lord meeting he goes to confront Shen Qingqiu about neglecting a spirit beast in his care. How jealous does one have to be to hurt such a majestic wolf like that?! He can tell exactly what caused those scars and he will not stand for a fellow peak lord whipping innocent beasts!!
Shen Qingqiu can glare Yue Qingyuan into silence, but not quick enough to shut Shang Qinghua up before he can blurt out what's up. Liu Qingge demands that Shen Qingqiu prove himself by calling his daemon there. He's reluctant, but complies. Everyone is upset at the state of the wolf (did someone try to dock its tail to make it look a bit more like a dog?!?!!? yes, it was one of Qiu Jianluo's bright ideas to make them more obedient), most of them on Shen Qingqiu's behalf. Shen Qingqiu very much wants to strangle both Liu Qingge and Shang Qinghua, so Airplane reaches for the most convenient bombshell he has as distraction and blurts out what happened to Yue Qingyuan before he flees.
So now Shen Qingqiu has a regretful shidi (planning various nutritious and difficult to hunt monsters as apology gifts) a very regretful and kinda relieved shixiong (sporting one hell of a black eye) and a bunch of other mildly regretful and worried martial siblings and things are going to be fine. All thanks to one oblivious but very pretty hallmaster of his who he absolutely will not thank or fill in about what's up, no sir. (It's fine, it will take YQY and LQG maybe a day or two to get over their shock, realize what happened and start matchmaking, like the idiot sibling-types they are. Shen Qingqiu will have a supportive family whether he wants one or not, and we all know that he kinda really wants one actually.)
It's all going to be fine.
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katanasspirits · 1 year
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Mom said its my turn to do a screencap redraw of the babygirl
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zorlok-if · 6 months
Ok I am excited and need to know, who is your favorite BG3 character? 😆
I mean, Scratch. He is the best boy. But in all seriousness, besides him...
Fuck... it's gotta be Karlach. Followed swiftly by Astarion. That's my instinct. However, I want to say that I genuinely love all* of them.
* or most, I guess, the emperor can get fucked
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automatonknight · 2 years
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skeletalheartattack · 7 months
Releases pikmin creatures into your home
What will you do?
probably have sex with them i guess
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oh fucm *slides my hair back and sprays perfume into my mouth* agh agh cough fuck wrong thing *sprays that other shit into my mouth then pops my shirts collar* what's up lil mamma. how about we find a quiet place to sit and make the whole place wet... EUGH!!! what's all this then!!
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anon. anon. what do i do if she's a milf
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Moment of signing the security agreement with Germany
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gnomeniche · 1 year
the fridge scene and the themes of dhmis
hi. i think the fridge scene is thematically relevant to dhmis and it's about time i explained why. this is a long one because i have a couple different angles i’m bringing to the table.
first, i need to recap how the blackout scenes as a whole function. these are some of the only times we see the students acting in a space mostly free from the show-world's whims. it gives us a lot of insight into the closest thing to "true selves" they have. the music and the lights and even the set itself drops away, and what we are left with is just them. most teachers are ineffectual, glitched, or dead here, so they can express what they think without risk of being hurt.
the fridge scene is set in this brief moment of freedom. this is very important to remember.
now, on with the post.
"i like looking at you": seeing versus knowing
"i like looking at you" is a rare moment of real affection between the main characters, but i want to focus on the word "looking." there are a lot of ways to express affection for someone. why did the writers choose that specific phrasing?
well, the students live in a tv show. the idea of "looking" has a strange sort of intimacy in a tv world, where the students are constantly being subjected to a gaze they cannot control. that gaze dictates what they are allowed to do, and it is often actively hostile to what they are beneath their performance.
but looking at each other is a mutual and willing observance. it's a way to take agency for themselves (to be the one who is looking rather than being looked at, and to have the possibility of being seen as they are) and a way to acknowledge that there may be something more to each other beyond the performance. "i am an equal to you, i like what i can see of you, and i want to see more of you."
however, there's an irony in how this sentiment can only be expressed in the darkness. though they wish to be real friends, they can't in a world like this. they can only look at each other in a place where they cannot be who they are, while they can only reveal themselves in a place where they cannot physically see each other.
despite the power that comes from looking, it is not the same as knowing. it's a desire to know, and that still matters, but their circumstances prevent them from really understanding each other. they like what they are allowed to know of each other, and they would like to know more, but they can never be sure what each other are really thinking because the world won't let them.
and they know that they don't really know each other. red, in initiating the attempt at connection, does so quickly and tentatively, unsure what will happen. duck's reaction is disbelief; he's aware that he doesn't really know what's going on in red's head. but upon realizing that the sentiment is mutual, the two of them try to speak more frankly about their lives and their relationships to yellow. ultimately, even limited as they may be, knowing that someone else wishes to really see them emboldens them both.
the other ones: the will to look closer
there's another way this scene works: it helps to communicate the difference between the warm curiosity that still remains in our guys and the rote coldness enforced by the world.
given the cuts between yellow encountering the ones upstairs and the blackout scenes, there is a noticeable juxtaposition between the showboating cruelty of the other reds and ducks and the understated affection of the fridge scene, isn't there? even the staging is different: while our two are in a massive, dark expanse, the higher floors are each a single room flooded with stage light that reaches into every corner.
so, what's different about our red and duck?
the ones upstairs have lost any inclination to try and see things as they are. they believe they've found the ultimate truth and thus accept what they are given at face value, and they speak in performative, self-consciously grandiose ways. they reject any attempt to reach beneath the surface, whether it's in questioning their lessons or trying to be kind outside the toxic narrative, and they don't show much interest in each other or yellow besides as something that needs to be there for the lesson to start. even when the bigger boys get that one experiment joke, the idea is immediately rejected.
meanwhile, despite their earlier abrasiveness and fear of the unknown, our red and duck want to look deeper. their willingness to break from the lesson brought yellow the batteries he needed to go upstairs and landed them in the blackout in the first place. and in the fridge scene, they come closer than they ever have to finding something true by themselves. they're still not able to fully express themselves; they're limited by how they have been taught, and they can't quite conceptualize something better beyond the house, but they are trying to talk about how they feel and what they want. they are attempting something vulnerable, kind, and unfamiliar as best they can.
the dangers of swallowing harmful "truths" that the world presents you without question and the alienation that results are recurring themes of dhmis. the fridge scene shows that our red and duck, even as incurious as they are in this episode, still have the desire to dig into what they see and reach out toward each other, and dhmis presents that as gentle and honest. the harsh performativity of the higher floors is the consequence of losing the will to look closer; the world wants our red and duck to lose that will as well, but this scene shows that they can and must keep it.
but here's the thing:
the rare affection here shows one way the students could possibly find something better. aiming for escape is possible but risky, but perhaps they can find another way out by uniting.
the only problem is that the world won't let them do either. do you remember what comes directly after the fridge scene?
when the stage light creeps back in, they immediately lose the ability to show themselves to their friends. they never get to talk to or about yellow honestly. they get pulled back into their roles, where they do the single cruelest thing they've ever done to yellow.
"transport" shows how the world subverts physical escape, and "electricity" shows how the world subverts any attempts at unity between the three of them. no matter how much they wish to understand each other and be real friends, the show will always bring them back under its sway. the very sweetness we saw them show makes the ending all the more bitter.
so where do we go from here?
i don't want to end this on this dark note. i just wanted to discuss how the scene functions in the context of the show; what it tells us, what it adds to the themes, and what it does to us. but what it does to us is give us hope for the characters and leave us devastated at the ending.
so… i will turn in a slightly more speculative direction. the world’s aggressive attempts to keep them apart means that the world is just as afraid of the three banding together for real as it is of them escaping. that means, if it turns out that escape to the outside world isn’t possible or desirable after all, the three of them retaining themselves and genuinely bonding will be involved in how they find something better. the way this scene is shown as a moment of freedom from the show's artifice leaves me with no doubt.
so have this one sartre quote about no exit that i keep using for dhmis. i have to believe that they will eventually get to care about their fellow beings.
“Hell is other people” is only one side of the coin. The other side, which no one seems to mention, is also “Heaven is each other”. Hell is separateness, incommunicability, self-centeredness, lust for power, for riches, for fame. Heaven on the other hand is very simple, and very hard: caring about your fellow beings.
thematically, the fridge scene contributes to the idea that a restrictive, performative world like this tries to keep people from understanding and loving each other. however, that means that a way to obtain some kind of control in this world is through love for other people. performance is one thing, but they've got to try to look past that, at each other. REALLY look at each other and understand each other. then, they might be able to break the cycle of their uncaring world and stop hurting each other.
(also, gay puppet rights)
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auroramoon-draws16 · 3 months
Assassin’s Creed x Star Wars (again)
I can’t stop imagining Desmond running a bar somewhere, that doubles as an Assassin Bureau, and having some Star Wars character(s) walk in.
Mando (Din), Obi-Wan, Anakin, the clones, the rebels, anybody
Just- they walk in, they ask him for some info or a drink, some bitches square up (a target or a gang or something) a fight breaks out and Des is like “can you guys take this outside? That’s gonna be hell to repair” and they keep fighting, so he sighs, walks around the counter and drags them out himself.
Alternatively, he ends the fight in a couple of seconds, no issue.
Another scenario:
Desmond is hunting down a target, and it’s someone the Jedi are either arresting or escorting or guarding, so Des is just “damn, okay” and takes out the target before disappearing without anyone seeing his face (helmet/mask thing with the hood ofc)
(Also for the horny folks: Desmond sleeps with a character, because yes, in an alley, over the counter, clenching the sheets, wherever and however you want. My first thought is an Obi-Wan one-night-stand, because it’s mf Kenobi, but you can pick whoever you want)
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leupagus · 8 months
Please tell me someone has already done the work of figuring out what this says
Tumblr media
I see a mention of claret and France but someone with greater enhance skills please help me out here
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
one of many the fall of the house of usher v succession hot takes (of dubious validity):
people are for sure going to to say that Camille (wears high-waisted pants a lot, has a somewhat angular haircut, fails at her job, obnoxious but wounded, does PR, is white) is the Shiv parallel of the show, but I would argue that Victorine (desperate to prove her worth in a world that Does Not Care, thinks she's a lot better at being sneaky than she is, destroys her relationship with her partner while trying to validate her place in the family/company, APPEARS to have a special relationship with her father as a Daddy's Girl but is actually being manipulated and emotionally abused by him) is the much stronger Shiv parallel
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katabay · 3 months
new desktop theme! mostly because tumblr only does super tiny icons right now RIP, so I made the sidebar image a close up of my new icon: it's the roman emperor valens from subleyra's the mass of saint basil :)
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grandpashagger69 · 2 months
My favorite type of Character is just some dude that knows a guy™ (the guy is question is literally one of, or multiple of, the most powerful and/or important guys to the story)
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