#mich vents
slutabed · 2 years
I am feeling v emotional about my adhd this weekend and idk what it is (could just be my monthly emotions tbh who knows)
but idk it seems like one of those ~issues~ that people don’t take as seriously so I should just be over it and able to adapt and soldier on with it but I still have so many emotions attached to it for myself, past and present. i have so much anger and sadness and fear and pride and joy tied up with it and what it means for who I was as a child and who I will be and who I am now.
it’s really not easy and I have some friends who have a diagnosis and have meds and just live their daily lives hardly ever thinking about it. and then I’m here feeling like it affects each and every part of me and I feel like I must be faking it, then, if I’m the only one who feels this way.
but in some ways I see myself reflected (even if it’s just a character I love in a fanfic! who is on a lowered dose of stimulants in this chapter of the fic and is Struggling and Overwhelmed and realizing how hard it would be to do life without his support system) and i think maybe I’m not lying or faking or being over the top and maybe this thing does affect me a lot.
i couldn’t take my right dose of meds the past couple of days bc of a mix up with a new doctor and my prescription and a pharmacy so I was on a lower dose for a couple days, which made me feel absolutely unbearable to be around, and then I wasn’t on anything yesterday and today which was alright except today I got my period too and was just absolutely overstimulated by everything at the beach, the discordant music from competing boom boxes and the too-cold wind that didn’t quite mask the sting of the too-hot sun and the way my sunscreen melted into my eyes and stung. it was a lot on top of the pain from my cramps and when I got home my parents wanted to talk and I just. i tried but I had to go lie down for an hour just to recover from the day. and it feels ridiculous to feel so lazy and tired when my brain is going a million miles an hour but that’s how it is and I’m just afraid I won’t be able to sleep tonight and. idk I lost the point of this post at some point
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bred-is-a-dumb-name · 2 months
I swear to God if one more person tells me "Well you look fine" during a flare up or otherwise disabling moment I might just snap. What part of invisible illness doesn't register. Do you want me to show you my fucked up organs??? Do you wanna see em??? Is that what itll take for you to admit im not healthy???? Augh.
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movedto-clifflix · 8 months
'astarion is so lana coded' hALT DEINE FRESSE .
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shower-phantom-ideas · 6 months
Just so yall know. Everytime yall respond to my tags im comin out onto tha porch with my shotgun cause yall vermits gotta stop goin thru my garbage.
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pencil-merchant · 8 months
Driving past the corn fields. Soon it will be corn time
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
Die Annahme, die mich an der Uni vielleicht am meisten aufregt, ist die, dass jede:r Student:in an allererster Stelle Student:in ist und keinerlei kollidierenden Verpflichtungen hat.
Denn selbstverständlich hat jede:r Student:in entweder wohlhabende Eltern, die alle laufenden Kosten übernehmen, oder bekommt großzügiges Bafög oder wenn man denn doch tatsächlich selbst arbeiten muss, dann doch sicherlich einen Minijob mit Arbeitszeiten, die man problemlos um acht+ völlig willkürlich in der Woche verteilte Veranstaltungen herum legen kann und der definitiv trotzdem Zeit für ein teilweise wahnwitziges Lesepensum lässt! Und warum sollte denn ein Auslandssemester ein Problem sein, es gibt doch Stipendien dafür! Es ist doch nicht so, dass ein:e Student:in vielleicht eine Wohnung hat, die eben keine WG ist, wo man nicht mal eben ein halbes Jahr ausziehen/untervermieten kann, oder einen Job hat, den er:sie nicht mal eben für ein halbes Jahr kündigen will, weil das alles ist, was die Rechnungen bezahlt!
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estomia · 8 months
Eugh i feel so terrible i want to bury myself in a homeand never come out eughh everything is terrible i uate feeling like that i dobt even know where this is coming from but its here and i lowkey want to idhmfggzzhgdrrtt55ttttttttttzzujjuuuhhhh
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es ist gut, dass mein Freund nur dann von der Polizei angehalten wird, wenn ich nicht dabei bin. Weil ich nämlich wieder so sauer auf diese Arschgeigen bin 🙄
Er war nervös und hat sich 'ne Kippe angezündet, nachdem die Bullen wieder ins Auto gestiegen sind und gerade wegfahren wollten. UND DANN STEIGT DER POLIZIST EXTRA AUS (OBWOHL ER FAHREN WOLLTE), UM MEINEM FREUND ZU SAGEN, ER SOLL DIE KIPPE AUS MACHEN??
Ist es so schwer, ihn einfach seine Kippe rauchen zu lassen, nachdem ihr ihn zu zweit in die Mangel genommen habt? Ist es sooo schwer, einfach zu fahren?? Die Sache war doch geklärt!
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esoteric-terror · 10 months
god i hate transmeds so much
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pvremichigan · 1 year
You ever been in a situation where you love ships but your muse does not and also you’ve been used for just ships and also you don’t want to be ship centric and also you don’t care much for ship centric blogs and also your muse isn’t shippable with people and certainly does not put out anywhere early in the relationship so it could drive people away and also her personality can be very toxic and just not good to be around and also because of how you’ve been treated and your muse was cheated on without planning or plot that you’ve become a jealous shipper and also you’re so protective of your muse that even if a good ship did come along with someone that isn’t your main ship partner you’re worried that it just won’t be perfect for your muse even if it might so you shield them from other ships and also most of your verses are single ship and not available and also the ones that are multi ship you have no muse for and also you fear that people’s goals for a ship is just gonna be smut which is something you just don’t do often if ever with people you don’t know and also you’re tired of seeing ships everywhere being developed so quickly or pushed that you just loath shipping but still love it because you miss when it was fun instead of an anxiety fest and stage setter?
Put-put a finger down if that
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sparkly-skies · 7 months
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können wir bitte über das design der single reden danke
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insomniac-pbparker · 25 days
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hell yeah
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wolfriver777 · 3 months
Them mental breakdown is back on
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
Okay, ich habe neulich die ersten drei, vier Kapitel von der Cotta/Goodween High School Reunion Fake Dating Fic grob geplottet. Aber das hier ist die Aufforderung an mich selbst, erst damit anzufangen, wenn folgendes fertig gestellt ist:
the snooker thing (Cotta/Victor, still without an actual title)
you walked into my life at 2am (Skinny/Ty)
the perfect part about it Kapitel 7 (Dad!Skinny AU)
optional, aber wünschenswert:
the sexting fic divergence (Cotta/Goodween)
the escort fic (Justus/Victor)
Immer vorausgesetzt, dass mich nicht in der Zwischenzeit irgendeine neue Idee total überfällt und vereinnahmt.
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gorefetishizer · 4 months
Everytime i try to make plans for my birthday this happens next year I'm just gonna lock myself in my room and not come out until it's 12pm
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unholy-pope · 7 months
Erwachsen sein heißt, Freundschaften beenden, wegen deren politischen Einstellungen...
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