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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girl of the afternoon is: Unnamed promotional art character from Meta☆Physica Love Frequency Miracle Manifestation 〜Pink Moon〜!✧・゚:*
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I went to one of those VR places this week for a co-workers fairwell. You know the ones cropping up around the place, where they do escape rooms and such like. As the rest of the group had limited experience in VR we did 60 minutes of 4 mini-games. It was pretty fun!
I have to admit my expectations were pretty low. As a general rule, games in VR have been a bit lacking for my (admittedly somewhat refined) tastes - they tend to be a bit clunky and superficial, particularly when playing alone. But playing with 3 people and letting myself get in to the games was great! Having the bigger space was also really nice, towards the end all 4 of us were moving around the area and giving each other enough space to move.
We played a zombie horde mode game, a fast food restaurant game, a shoot the flying robots game and a shoot the fantasy themed goons with bow and arrows style game. All of them were fairly simple and welcoming to new comers to the forum, but very arcadey. They felt like double dragon type games you might play for 3 minutes at an arcade, those games capable at offering a fun but meaningless experience.
I would recommend it for an adult group wanting to try VR or maybe an escape room but there isn't one nearby.
I do think it highlight a few holes in the market - there seems to be few kid focused games available and few adult games with meaningful depth to them.
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dandelionpath · 8 months
Keeping an eye on if any more weevils come into the house, because it seems like perhaps Loki has switched from spiders (I have developed genuine arachnophobia lmao) to weevils for getting my attention when I'm being really stubborn
I had THREE weevils in the span of two days, and they were in very odd places (halfway up the shower wall for example), and as soon as I acknowledged Loki and made sure to keep checking in with him throughout the day, there haven't been any more?
Not taking this as fact though yet because it might've just been a wild happenstance that three ended up in that room so close together in time. We'll see! If I keep up with Loki and don't see any more weevils then I'll be a little more leaning towards a metaphysical explanation for it :]
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rausule · 8 months
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Metaphysica Christiana
Iesus Christus et auctoritas
Duplex est via, quando obscuritas rerum, ratio vel auctoritas movet. Rationi praestat philosophia, sed perpauca liberat nec inducit solum ea non contemnenda fidei mysteria, sed sola, ut intelligantur, quomodo intelligenda sint. Vera autem et, ut ita dicam, vera philosophia nihil aliud habet quam docere quod omnium rerum subest principium, immensitas intellectus, qui in ipso est, et quod inde est per nostram salutem sine aliqua corruptione; quique est unus Deus omnipotens et simul tripotens, Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. Docent id veneranda fidei mysteria, quae populum per sinceram et indubitatam fidem liberant, eamque non confuse, ut quidam, nec immaniter praedicant, ut alii multi. Quantus ergo hoc, quod Deus pro nobis corpus humanum assumere et portare dignatus est, tanto humilius apparet, tanto bonitati aptius est, et longe a quorumdam ingenii fastu.
[2. auctor mali]
EVOD. Dic, quaeso, deusne auctor mali? AGOSTINO Dicam si quid mali vis prorsus narras. Dupliciter enim mala considerare solemus, quando id facimus, et cum patimur.
EVODIO Dic mihi de utroque modo.
AGOSTINO Sed si scias vel credis Deum esse bonum — et impossibile est aliter esse — non facit malum. Item si iustum Deum fatemur, et impium est negare illum, sicut bonis praemia tribuit, sic malis supplicia distribuit; quae certe mala patientibus sunt. Si igitur nemo iniuste sententiae suae servit, ei credendum est quia per fidem cognoscimus divinam providentiam
nonne Deus?
AGOSTINO Malum sane originem debet habere. Si autem quaeras quis sit eius auctor, responsum non est; Non una origo mali est, sed auctor sceleris sui quisque scelestus. Et si dubitas, considera quod modo diximus, quod est quia per iustitiam Dei puniuntur mala opera: non enim iuste punirentur nisi ex voluntate orirentur.
[3. pax et ordo]
Hic est ergo pax corporis ordinata reconciliatio partium; pax animae irrationalis ordinate quies appetituum; pax animae rationalis ordinatio cogitationis et actionis; pax corporis et animae ordinate vita et salus animati; pax inter hominem et Deum obedientia, in fide, legi aeternae iussit; pax inter homines ordinata concordia est; pax domus ordinate consensus eorum qui ibi habitant ex mandato et obedientia; civitas autem pax est inter cives ordinate et oboedientia; pax celestis ciuitatis maximi ordinis et summa concordia in deo fruendo et in deo fruendo; pax universalis tranquillitas ordinis. Ordo autem est positio aequalium et inaequalium in loco unicuique assignato.
[4. quod tempus est]
Ecce coelum et terra sunt, proclamant suis mutationibus ac variationibus, suam creationem. Sed omne quod non est creatum et tamen est, nihil habet in se quod prius non fuit: hoc enim esset mutatio et mutatio. Adhuc praedicant se ipsos non creasse: « Nos, a creati sumus. Ergo non fuimus ante esse, ut nosmet ipsos creare possemus ». [...]
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cryptotheism · 1 year
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Anima Mundi, the soul of the world - Robert Fludd, Ultriusque Cosmi Maioris Silicet et Minoris Metaphysica
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mise-n-abyme · 1 year
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"One shall not allow circumstances define what they are as a Man, but ponder what it is in Man which gives them those circumstances."
Artwork: 'History of the Two Worlds' (Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris Metaphysica, physica atque technica Historia) – Robert Fludd, 1617–1621
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fashionbooksmilano · 10 months
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et sic in infinitum Beat Kuert
dust&scratchess, Arzo 2013, ca. 120 Seiten mit Abbildungen. Kartoniert,29,5 x 24 cm, ISBN 978-8890278785
Critic Texts Rolando Bellini, Interview Elisabetta Calcaterra
euro 55,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Published by dust&scratchess and the artist in occasion of Florence Biennale 2013
Beat Kuert realizes the opening event for ninth edition of the New Florence Biennale inspiring his work to the philosopher and alchemist, who lived between 1574 and 1637, Robert Fludd, author of books and treatises in which esotericism and occultism  are mixed with scientific observations. His book Utriusque Cosmi, maiores Scilicet et minores, metaphysica, physica atque technica Historia is preceded by an image: a black square that bears on each side the wording Et sic in Infinitum. The artist Beat Kuert stages the creation through a performance designed to completely immerse the viewer who will physically be inside the work of art.
orders to:     [email protected]
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instagram:         fashionbooksmilano
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cogitontos · 4 days
"Toute chose est déterminée nécessairement par une cause extérieure, à exister et à agir suivant une certaine loi. Exemple : Une pierre soumise à l'impulsion d’une cause extérieure en reçoit une certaine quantité de mouvement en vertu de laquelle elle continue de se mouvoir, même quand la cause motrice a cessé d’agir. Concevez maintenant que cette pierre, tandis qu’elle continue de se mouvoir, soit capable de penser, et de savoir qu’elle s’efforce, autant quelle peut, de continuer de se mouvoir. Il est clair qu’ayant ainsi conscience de son effort, et n’étant nullement indifférente entre le repos et le mouvement, elle se croira parfaitement libre et sera convaincue qu’il n’y a pas d’autre cause que sa volonté propre qui la fasse persévérer dans le mouvement. Voilà cette liberté humaine dont tous les hommes sont si fiers. Au fond, elle consiste en ce qu’ils connaissent leurs appétits par la conscience, mais ignorent les causes extérieures qui les déterminent… J’ai suffisamment expliqué par là mon sentiment touchant la nécessité libre et la nécessité de contrainte, ainsi que la prétendue liberté des hommes. (Lettre 62.)"
- Baruch Spinoza
"Une circonstance à noter est que Spinoza n’est arrivé à cette opinion que dans les dernières années de sa vie, c’est-à-dire après avoir passé la quarantaine (1672), tandis que plus tôt, en l’année 1665, comme il était cartésien, il avait soutenu avec décision et vivacité la doctrine opposée, dans ses Cogitata metaphysica, c. 12, et avait même dit, à propos du sophisme de Buridan, et en contradiction directe avec le dernier scholie de la seconde partie, que je viens de citer : « Si nous supputons un homme à la place de l’âne dans une telle position d’équilibre, cet homme devra être considéré non comme une chose pensante, mais comme le plus vil des ânes, s’il meurt de faim et de soif, » – J’aurai dans la suite à enregistrer le même revirement d’opinion de la part de deux grands hommes, preuve nouvelle que ce problème, pour être bien compris, exige des efforts sérieux et une grande pénétration."
- Arthur Shopenhauer dans Essai sur le Libre Arbitre
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didanawisgi · 1 year
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"The whole world is a living mirror of the Divine unity and is full of divine correspondences."
"The wise man will seek within himself for the mysterious cause of things, and will not rest content with superficial explanations."
"Nature is the living garment of God."
"The universe is one vast living organism, animated by the divine breath and permeated by the divine light."
— Robert Fludd (1574-1637)
Picture: Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, by Robert Fludd, c. 1617
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noise-vs-signal · 2 years
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Image from “Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia” by Robert Fludd (1617).
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perkwunos · 5 months
Some readers may question the importance of exhibiting the logical format of a metaphysical or cosmological theory in such detail. Some readers may question whether such a format can be given at all. They are convinced in advance that something fundamental has been left out that can never be accommodated in a logical system. They say in effect: Mathematica sunt, non leguntur. On the other hand, there are philosophers and logicians whose attitude is rather: Metaphysica sunt, non leguntur. Frege, it will be recalled, berated both attitudes. What is needed is an exact account of how the two are interrelated. "The solution I am asking for," Whitehead commented of another context, "is not a phrase, however brilliant, but a solid branch of science, constructed with slow patience, showing in detail how the correspondence is effected." The foregoing account of Whitehead's categoreal scheme is thus of interest on several grounds. In the first place, Whitehead himself would have welcomed it. On one occasion, in fact, in conversation with the present author, he commented to this effect, adding that he would have attempted such an account himself had he had the time, but that it was essential to make the intuitive sketch first in the few remaining years allotted him for philosophical writing. … Another merit of the foregoing logical reconstruction is that it makes Whitehead easier to understand. Whitehead's opaque style is a stumbling block to many and is often difficult if not impossible to follow. Logical systems, on the other hand, are easy to "read," provided of course one is familiar with modern logic and the methods of system building and logical analysis.
Richard Milton Martin, Whitehead’s Categoreal Scheme and Other Papers
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transgenderer · 1 year
etymonline, describing definitions of "meta"
The third, modern, sense, "higher than, transcending, overarching, dealing with the most fundamental matters of," is due to misinterpretation of metaphysics (q.v.) as "science of that which transcends the physical." This has led to a prodigious erroneous extension in modern usage, with meta- affixed to the names of other sciences and disciplines, especially in the academic jargon of literary criticism
buuuut, if you go to the article for "metaphysics"
"the science of the inward and essential nature of things," 1560s, plural of Middle English metaphisik, methaphesik (late 14c.), "branch of speculation which deals with the first causes of things," from Medieval Latin metaphysica, neuter plural of Medieval Greek (ta) metaphysika, from Greek ta meta ta physika "the (works) after the Physics," title of the 13 treatises which traditionally were arranged after those on physics and natural sciences in Aristotle's writings
hmm, it seems like maybe the arranging of it after physics is suggesting this implication!
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Christian Knorr von Rosenroth, Kabbala denudata seu doctrina hebraeorum transendentalis et metaphysica atque theologica, c. 1677-1684 Via: https://www.facebook.com/portalibis/posts/pfbid02qfMMbSu3gT4LFDkLSRyqJtzF3yWLRbQFESdoSARmQPhLQK7WTzLdtphUUpR2QFFfl
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princess-ibri · 1 year
Could you explain a little more about how places from the 'real world' get pulled into the Everrealm?
Sure! The idea I had was kinda that there are places that sit sort of in the border of both worlds? Like rhe space in a Venn Diagram where the circles overlap? And these places can interact with both Our World and the Everrealm.
And when you're there it doesn't feel weird that you turned a corner in Arendelle and you're suddenly in a world where Denmark also exists and then you turn another corner you're in the same world where Rapunzel’s kingdom Corona exists. Your brain just accepts it dream logic wise and you go about your regular day probably never thinking of it. Same for the people who visit it from one world or the other if you're in or from one of the overlapping places. The background noise in your brain goes "oh yeah, that's a place that exists just as much as the place I'm in"
But sometimes whatever sort of mumbo jumbo magical metaphysics is happening there pulls a place one way more or the other. And when that happens the knowledge of the other world they used to touch gets sort of fuzzy and faded, and memories that remain get turned into legends, or pop up as ideas in someone's head and the technology is recreated anew. Its a slow process so it doesnt happen overnight and someone's just suddenly stuck in a new world with no memories. Its more a gradual dwindling away over the years. Like magical plate techtonics almost (but a bit faster then that).
The one exception to this gradual dwindling would be Belle's provence of Aveyon, which they use Magic to move it properly into the Everrealm when the storms of revolution come cuz like, why wouldn't you try to avoid that? I'm by no means a monarchist irl, quite the opposite, but I just have no interest in seeing beloved childhood characters having to deal with real life mob rule that ended up slaughtering hundreds of thousands innocent people you know?
Ok back to nonesense metaphysica and away from IRL dark topics. This is supposed to be a happy place as it says in the tagline x)
Basically, this all started as was a way for me to explain how Arendelle could host Rapunzel and Eugene who definitely exist within the Everrealm while also knowing what Denmark was and having trade with them to obtain books from there in the second movie x)
Also to explain how Agrabah which is also definitely in the Everrealm could touch on so many real life places in the Aladdin tv series x)
Pretty much any place that touches on just as many or more fictional places as real life places is one of these. I hope that helps a bit!
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portalibis · 2 years
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Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia by Fludd, Robert, 1574-1637
c. 1617
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