#merman boyfriend
obsessivevoidkitten · 11 months
Slippery As An Eel
Yandere Eel Merman x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Non-con, violent sex, bloody sex, biting, inhuman genitalia, huge dick, stalking, kidnapping, sadistic yandere, merman, eel man, merpeople, magic, general yandere behavior, reader gets broken ankle, dacryphylia, long tongue down reader’s throat) Word Count: 5.6k (Where I live there is still over an hour of May left, and I posted something for Mermay already, but it did not have smut, so I hope this feeds you all well for Mermay!)
Veeris was a merman, part man and part eel. Though most merfolk stayed well away from humankind, Veeris never managed to shake his fascination with them. They were so limited in their biped forms and yet they managed to traverse the skies and the seas. Maybe not so gracefully as a harpy or a merperson, but they traversed these domains nonetheless. And they did such a wide array of behaviors, from what he observed by watching the beach. They were just so fun to watch, going about their days. So small and fragile, but with little to no fear of predators. Veeris supposed that his own kind did a variety of crafts and hobbies too, but the eelfolk were a bit more homogenous than humans, who seemed far less predictable. Maybe it was just that he had lived among his own species so they just seemed more boring, but whatever the reason humans held some kind of spell over him. But there was one human that held his attention in a way that none others did, in a way that made his heart flutter and his thoughts race. And that human was you. It was a slow development, but after a while he became totally enthralled by you. Not knowing your name he dubbed you his "little siren" for getting him so attracted to you. He first saw you when you were picking up garbage from the beach, an activity that wasn't too uncommon as far as humans are concerned, but not totally normal either, it was always a welcome sight to see a human caring about the ocean rather than just polluting it though.   But another quality you possessed that made it so easy for the eel to fixate on you was that unlike the tourists who came and went you were a constant figure at the beach, you were practically a feature of it. And you weren't just a frequent beach goer, you were also consistent in the times that you went. Veeris could almost always predict just exactly when you were going to be there. At that point Veeris was extremely interested and curious about you, but not yet obsessed. What really made him yearn for you was when there was an oil spill. Of course you were a volunteer on the coast, helping to clean up birds that had gotten oil on them. And when he saw that he realized he longed for your delicate hands attending to him, traipsing over and exploring every inch of his body, in the same way that they were diligently cleaning every inch of the wildlife. Veeris tried to temper his passions, he really did. After all, you were a human and on the land and there was no way for him to even get to you, no matter how much he wanted to. Unless... he took advantage of your natural care for sea life. He was sea life was he not? The eel man knew every single inch of every path you took around the beach when you did one of your trash clean-ups. You always started at the south end and ended at the much more secluded north end. He staked the beach out for days waiting for a moment where there were no other humans nearby when you approached the end of your route. As you were going about using your grabber tool to pick up today's wave of never ending pollution you suddenly saw something large wash up with the gentle waves lapping at the shore. Just about 15ft. in front of you now lay a mind bogglingly long merman. Each of his features were striking in their own right. His rippling muscles, the long dark purple hair, almost black, splayed about messily over his face. The blue freckles covering his face, and parts of his arms, and chest. The dark purple scales covering his webbed hands and going up to his arms. But by far his most striking feature was the over 10ft. long tail. It was large, purple, had fins running all the way down its length, and looked oily, it was currently under a net. You saw his sharp teeth as he looked up pleadingly with his dark blue eyes and spoke in a pained voice, "Please help me, I’m Veeris. I was just swimming along when my arm and tail got caught up in this drifting net and I got washed ashore!" You told him your name and said that of course you would assist him! You ran over to him without hesitation, some humans may be scared of the seafolk, but you weren't a bigot! And clearly he needed your help. As you finished removing the net he struck without warning, wrapping you in his long slimy tail before slithering into the water and quickly making his way to his cave. You were stunned for a moment before you started to struggle, but the tail was heavy and muscular, almost like having the largest snake wrapped around you. There was also the little issue of having to contend with not being able to breathe. Just when your head was pounding and it felt like your lungs were on fire you felt the rush of air on your face as he crawled onto the floor of the seafloor, dragging you behind him. You gagged and spit up some water you had accidentally inhaled. "Wh-why did you bring me here?" You managed to croak out. It was practically unheard of for a merman of any type to eat a human but... with human meddling in the ocean fish may be scarce and anyone could be driven to extremes if starving. And those sharp teeth were definitely made for meat. "To be my mate, little siren!" He coiled around you and looked down at you intensely, this was the first time he had ever gotten to see you close up and he wanted to savor each and every little detail of his precious human mate. You flinched as his webbed fingers gently caressed your face. Welp, better than him intending you to be dinner. But uh... not ideal. You feared that trying to reason with him might make him angry and possibly violent, he clearly was not too rational, but maybe some quick thinking could weasel you out of this situation. “Well, um, I have a lot of responsibilities and a job that I have to do. Bills to pay. I can’t just be stuck here!” Maybe a bit flimsy, but maybe he’d buy it? “Ah, but don’t worry my sweet siren, with you being here you won’t have any of those types of worries in the first place! You can just relax and let me take care of you~” Damn, it didn't work. “But this cave is so damp and cool, surely my health will suffer if I stay for too long! And how am I to eat fresh vegetables or cook?” “Don’t worry, my love, I am good friends with the sea witch, Emrul. She has spent time amongst the humans in their form and has used powerful magic to make the next chamber in the cave habitable for your kind!” For the first time you took notice of your surroundings. You were in a huge room, a large portion of which was submerged in water where the cave led out to the sea, but the other portion was smooth rocky terrain. The walls had faintly glowing shells embedded into them with stalactites and stalagmites running together to form large pillars along the farther edges of the room. A soft moss like substance covered the rocky floor in large patches, it was probably of magical origin given that you could see no other way for it to survive here. Glancing behind you you saw a wide corridor leading deeper into Veeris’ den. Veeris slithered closer and grabbed your hand, leading you into the next room. Despite your reluctance to be there even you had to gasp at the sight before you. The room was enormous. The ceiling was a false but convincing image of the sky, clear blue with moving clouds. It was so real there was even a breeze, if it were not for the cave walls remaining the same as the previous chamber you would have been convinced you were really in a scenic location above water. The room was filled with grass and soil and even trees, there was a freshwater pond to give you a water source and in the distance there was a huge cabin, that even Veeris could easily fit into, in the corner with a sprawling garden free of any pests or disease, it was truly amazing. There was even a miniature river for Veeris to cool off in when he needed moisture and when he needed to get from one side of the room to the other quickly, it had arching bridges over it in several places so you could cross and remain dry. “See? Everything a human needs is here! Fresh air, food, trees, plants, food, freshwater, shelter!” Fuck! No dice. There was one last thing you could try. “Well, humans don’t fall in love or move in so fast… not usually… most of us prefer to date for a bit first.” “Date?” “Yeah, where you get to know someone gradually through planned meet-ups! And if you like them then you agree to be mates!” “Oh, so an extended courtship ritual that you need? Okay, little siren, how do we do a human date? I have already watched you for so long every time you are on the beach so I know I love you, but I don’t mind waiting a bit and doing this for you if it makes you more comfortable~” He looked at you and gave a toothy grin that you supposed was meant to be sweet but his sharp teeth gave you chills. But it wasn’t just that grin that made you exceedingly uncomfortable, apparently this eel man had been stalking you for quite some time. Oh god, it was working! “Well, uh, you can take me back up and we can meet and hang out on the beach sometime. I don’t know how your calendar works… maybe during the full moon, two nights from now?” “Okay!” Veeris took you gently and brought you back to the surface, it wasn’t that long, you could have made it yourself in one breath if you had to… assuming you were wearing flippers. Veeris gave you a hug and you said your goodbyes, once he re-submerged into the blue depths you ran home. You hadn’t brought your car since you lived just up the road. You had all of zero intention of going on your date, instead you started looking into new places to live. The nature of your work meant you absolutely had to be near an ocean, it would take some time to pull off but you sure as shit would not remain anywhere near this beach! Veeris, on the other hand, could not wait for his date. In only two days he would court and win the heart of his beloved, he just knew it! He could hardly focus on hunting, eating, or sleeping. He was just so excited, even a bit nervous despite his confidence that he would win you over. When the full moon started to rise Veeris was already at the spot where he first met you. You weren’t there, but that was okay, he had gotten there pretty early in the night in his excitement to see you again. But as the hours passed and the moon reached its zenith, with moonlight dancing on the water you never showed up. Veeris was heartbroken. At first he was depressed, then he was enraged. How could his little siren do something like this to him? He began to go back to his lair when a thought occurred to him. What if something had happened to you? What if you had been injured or hurt? It was the middle of the night, but Emrul was always up performing rituals and spells during the night of a full moon. Veeris knew he would need her help and did not delay in changing course and swimming directly to her dwelling. Emrul lived nearby, in a small stone building carved into the rocky side of a trench, secluded enough to perform her magical research and incantations in relative peace, but also close enough to the people that sought after her unique services. Her perimeter spell had already alerted her to Veeris’ arrival and she was outside to greet him. She looked very similar to him, with the obvious difference that she was a woman. Her scales were also a very dark, almost black, shade of blue rather than purple. She warmly greeted her fellow eel as they both went into her abode. Vials of brightly colored fluids lined her shelves, a cauldron bubbled with a mystic fluid that was thicker than water, and the smell of pungent ingredients permeated the water. “So, what brings you to me at such an hour? It must be important…” “it is… I really need your help...” And, after explaining his situation to her, he got it. A few days later you were in your house getting ready for bed. You had already arranged everything for your move, it wasn’t too terribly far, just 35 miles up the coast. All your things were already packed. You would miss the area, but you had no familial ties and no friends that lived near so that made things easier. You couldn’t stay knowing what was waiting to drag you into the depths. As you turned off the light and got into bed you slept soundly for the first time in days. But you didn’t stay asleep, you heard something outside. You ignored it at first, thinking it was just some raccoon or other such animal roaming about in the dark. But then you heard pounding at your door. You looked through the peephole to see who could possibly be disturbing you at this hour. What you saw made your blood run cold. Veeris, somehow, this far inland. Except there were now two very human legs where his tail should have been, he had no scales, and he was also dressed in very old style clothing. Like an alien who had seen fashion from the Victorian era and wore it thinking it would blend them in with modern day humans. How was he on land? How had he found you!? You ran back upstairs and hid under your bed, hoping that he would think you weren’t home and simply leave. And if he did come in maybe he wouldn’t find you under there. The pounding at the door only grew more fervent, you prayed he would just take a hint and leave but it didn’t seem like a lack of response was going to be enough of a deterrent for the former eel man. Veeris was worried for your safety, worried something terrible may have happened to you, so there was no force on earth that was going to prevent him from seeing you. And he knew you were inside. Emrul didn’t just enchant him with a temporary human form but also let him have a homing crystal that was tuned to the object of his desire. He knew you were inside this human building. Knocking wasn’t working, what if someone had you bound or you were injured and unable to come to the door? With a mighty heave he snapped the door and entered your home, calling out your name as he searched every room. When he reached your bedroom the crystal grew warm and glowed more strongly. You were close. His heavy steps boomed and thudded around you as he checked under your covers and opened your closet. There was now only one place left to check. Veeris easily pushed aside your bed, revealing you huddled up in a fetal position below where the bed previously stood. He picked you up easily and pulled you into a painfully tight embrace. “My siren! What happened to you!? Are you okay? Why did you miss our date?” Veeris was sure there had to be a proper explanation, like maybe you had been ill or someone had hurt you. You only had to get him to leave you alone for another night and then you could find a human mage, warlock, witch, or sorcerer of some type to block out magical tracking. You decided to go with old reliable. In a sickly voice you answered him after a few convincing coughs, “I-i wanted to come, of course I did but… I was so s-sick. I still am. That’s why I was under the bed, I had fallen and couldn’t even get up!” You finished your lie with a few more fake coughs and a slight whimper of pain. Veeris was totally convinced of your deception. Perhaps, as you would soon realize, just a bit too convinced. “Oh, my poor sweet angel fish, I am so sorry that you have been suffering. Forget the date.” Haha, Success! “You clearly cannot be left alone in this condition, don’t worry I will take good care of you, I will make sure you get plenty of rest and all your needs are taken care of!” FUCK! “No, no! You don’t need to go through all of that trouble! I was already starting to feel a little bit better!” You did not like where this was going. “Nonsense, what kind of potential mate would I be if I just left you to suffer! You don’t need to be so strong, you can rely on me.” “B-but the cold water could make me worse!” “Don’t worry, the swim to my cave is so brief that you won’t be exposed long and we can warm up and dry you off in that human dwelling Emrul put in the cave for us! And here, this will let you breathe underwater! It is an enchanted necklace Emrul made for me.” Veeris pulled a sapphire pendant from his pocket and put it gently around your neck before easily scooping you up into his mighty arms. Then he started walking with you right past the broken door and out of the house. You briefly considered screaming for help but there was no one out and about at this hour and even on the off chance someone heard your pleas for help and called the authorities they would never get here in time, and even if that did somehow happen how would Veeris react to your screaming? He could snap your bones without any effort. It was only a quick jog to the sea and when he reached the water’s edge he shed his antique style human clothing before starting the transformation back into an eel man, scales erupting on his arms and legs before his legs joined together and once more became his tail. He held you tight as he slithered into the water and swam as quickly as he could back to his lair. You instinctively held your breath but remembered the charm around your neck that would supposedly allow you to breathe water. It took a lot of will power to force your body to take a breath underwater, but you finally managed to do it and it worked exactly as it was supposed to. You could certainly use this to escape later. Veeris continued carrying you as he slithered into the large enchanted part of the cave. He took you into the cabin and, much to your dismay, stripped you of all your clothing. You tried to talk him out of it but he wasn’t having it, he insisted on getting you out of the wet clothing and bundled up in bed, you were sick after all and apparently humans were supposed to stay dry when sick as per your earlier worry about being exposed to the water while ill. He also insisted on cleaning you up and drying you off. The eel man took a soft rag and gently washed your body of all the water before bundling you up in the softest blankets you had ever felt and having you lay in the humongous bed. Veeris had never slept in a human style bed before, but this one was enchanted to support his full weight and made to dimensions to fit his full size. He found it very comfortable as he slithered into it, fitting you perfectly into his oddly warm coils. You had thought yourself free of this whole mess but now here you were, naked except for some blankets, snuggled up in the tail of a merman who was determined to prove himself to be a perfect mate for you. One day. Just one day and you would have been significantly farther. Not that that necessarily would have stopped him, but it might have. At the very least it would have given you more time. It was hard to go asleep with the massive man surrounding you, but eventually you did manage to get a few shaky hours of rest before waking up to something poking you in your thigh. You opened your eyes to find he was no longer coiled around you and instead spooning you, and his cock had gone erect in his sleep and slid out of his genital slit and was now leaking pre all over you. You feared the size of it, at least he currently thought you ill and hopefully wouldn’t try to mate with you. There was no way that thing was going in without at least some pain. You managed to suppress the urge to push him away from you, but you didn’t want to wake him up and have to deal with him. That task became impossible though when he began slowly fucking your thighs from behind in his sleep. You began shouting and struggling, but it did nothing to wake him. Thankfully whatever erotic dreams were leading to him to such behavior dissipated before he splooged all over you. He finally woke up, with his cock still between your thighs. He blushed and looked away shyly. “O-oh, I am so sorry my little angelfish, I… didn’t mean to uh…, well anyway your clothes are dry now.” But of course, he still had to dress you. You were there for several days, with each day seemingly getting just a slight bit better. You couldn’t stay sick indefinitely, what if he got his magic friend to diagnose you and tell you he was faking? He said her medical magic and remedies were species specific and she didn’t know how to heal humans, but what if he chanced it if you stayed ill? You couldn’t take the risk so instead you gradually acted like you were healing. The entire time he waited on you hand and foot, it was suffocating, he did not even take time to go hunt for himself. Instead he relied on the human food that grew there, even though it wasn’t what he was adapted to. He was overjoyed when you finally “got better.” And you were happy he did not have to be so smothering. No more being fed or bathed or watched over as if you were the most fragile thing to ever exist. When he finally left to go and hunt for the first time since you had been there you had to fight the urge to immediately make a run for it. You had no idea how long he was typically gone, you needed to wait a few days so that you could memorize his outside activities. Veeris, meanwhile, was so happy that his perfect siren had gotten well and was now staying with him. He considered all the time he spent caring for you to be a good substitute for your traditional courtship and dating. Plus every time he returned from any hunting or other necessary outings he always brought you back some gifts, a shiny stone or shell that caught his eye or other such treasures of the sea, and you always accepted and thanked him for these things. If that wasn't successful courtship he didn't know what was. It had now been days since your recovery from your "illness" and you felt that you finally had the ability to accurately predict approximately how long his outings would take. After he left, and when you had figured that he was far enough away as to be out of sight, you grabbed the pendant that allowed you to breathe underwater and started to make your way to the pool that led out of the cave. But in a tragic stroke of bad luck Veeris had found prey almost immediately right outside his den and was already on his way back as you left. Veeris was stunned when he smacked right into you as he was entering the tunnel back to the lair. After a moment of shocked silence he growled furiously and wrapped his tail around you tightly and hauled you right back into the tunnel you had just come out of. Fuck. Everything clicked for Veeris. This whole time you had faked illness to get out of your date with him. But that’s okay, he wasn’t above keeping you against your will. That was, after all, what he had attempted to do originally. You just had to be shown your place while he proved he was the only mate for you. Your fear in that moment was beyond anything that you had ever felt before, you had no idea what he would do or whether or not he would hurt you. Kicking and punching him did nothing to remove you from his thick coils, when he hauled himself out of the water he carried you aloft with the end of his tail and took you back to the cabin. Once there he slammed you hard into the bed, knocking the air out of you. “You were really going to leave me my wonderful angelfish?” He sounded as though he was on the verge of tears. “After all the gifts and how well I have treated you??” “Please just… let me go…” “NO! You’ll be happy here! I’m the only mate for you and we spent so much time together! I just have to show you, just give it more time and I will get you to love me back eventually, okay my siren?” Veeris was unstable, equal parts heartbreak, despair, denial, anger, and love. “I-I hate you, you fucking freak!” For a moment your anger at being kidnapped by this insane merman overcame your fear of him. You regretted it almost instantly. Such blunt words cut Veeris’ heart, causing him great cognitive dissonance. And he was also angered at you being so ungrateful, he had this whole little world in this cave tailor made just for you, when he thought you were sick he took care of you, and he always gave you tokens of love. Seeing the fury in your eyes you backed up until you were against the headboard. “S-sorry. I didn’t mean i-” He pulled you by the legs back towards him as you tried to get away from him. In Veeris’ mind you had to love him, at least on some level, it didn’t make sense that you didn’t. His brain couldn’t entertain the notion. You saying you hated him clashed with his belief and caused him discomfort and pain until he could resolve it in a logical manner. But now with a frightening smirk on his face everything fell into place. He had to utterly dominate you. You didn’t want an overly gentle mate at all times. You clearly wanted him to prove he was strong and worthy. And you were probably in denial about it too. It all made sense. He needed to overpower and ravage you until you accepted it. You flailed as you remained on your back, still being yanked towards him, all the while he stared at you with a very uncharacteristic grin. “V-Veeris?” Suddenly your pants and underwear were torn off followed shortly by your shirt, leaving you exposed under his unhinged gaze. Veeris bent down and used his insanely long tongue to lick all over you, from your neck down to between your legs. His large slimy cock and balls were now out of his genital slit and he was fully erect. The size of it truly scared you. “No! Please! Don-” You were cut off by that long tong plunging into your mouth and probing every inch, gagging you as it explored a bit down your throat. As he did this he coiled his tail around you almost unbearably tight. He broke the kiss and then positioned you to be turning away from him. You could feel his hot cock from behind begin to grind against your very much unlubed entrance. You instinctively flinched in anticipation for the pain, but it only made it much worse for you than if you had tried to relax. Veeris finally finished with the grinding and jammed his fat cock into you unceremoniously. It felt like you had been impaled by a molten spear and you screamed as loud as you could from the pain. It felt as if your hole was being ripped open with how much your body had to stretch to accommodate his dick. With each thrust into you it drove the pain deeper and deeper. Your body would have been shaking with the force of your sobs had you not been so tightly bound by his strong serpentine tail. But his sensitive body was made to detect any and all disturbances in water, so he could feel every sob and gasp and shake, he reveled in it, it was your body submitting to him. As he continued slowly fucking you he licked up all your tasty tears with his long tongue. You were such a beautiful sight, somehow made only more beautiful by your crying and pain. The hurt and trauma of the rape never turned to pleasure, he was not gentle, he was not doing this just for sex. He was doing it to completely dominate you so that you would understand that you were his mate and that he made the rules. He thought it was what you, deep down, needed and even wanted. Veeris refused to go fast, he wanted to savor every delicious stroke of his cock into your blood-lubed hole. You could feel the blood leaking down your thighs, mixed with his precum. You wanted to punch out, or kick, or at the very least hide your head in shame in your pillow to shield your tears from the world and block out the violation that was happening to you. But his body was tight around you, if he was railing you so violently you probably would have noticed the pain the bondage was causing. Veeris kissed your cheek with mock tenderness before whispering into your ear, “You cry so prettily for me my little siren~” Sharp teeth pierced your skin as he bit into your shoulder and then your neck. You blacked out from the pain right as Veeris pumped load after load of hot burning cum deep into your raw abused depths. You woke up over a day later all bandaged up and with a salve that had been inserted inside you to help you heal. Veeris was nowhere to be found. You even called out to him as loudly as you could, though your throat was sore from all the screaming from the day before. No response. You made sure your breathing pendant was still on you, which he foolishly didn’t remove, before hobbling to your feet. You almost collapsed due to the pain, but you pushed past it. Only one short, albeit painful, swim separated you from freedom. You weren’t broken yet. You were crying, your heart was beating erratically in your chest with anxiety, but you still had hope. You could make it. You got to the submerged part of the first room of the cave, your feet at the edge of the water about to step in. Veeris popped up with a splash before you even put a toe in the water. It had all been a test, a trap, he was going to train you to never dare leave one way or another. “Sorry to have set you up like that, but it is the only way you are going to learn your place.” As he slammed you back on to the bed you were kicking, screaming, and blubbering far too incoherently to make out any words. You were sure he was going to rape you again, his cock impaling you and filling you with the worst kind of pain. But he had something a bit more brutal in mind. Your terrified mind couldn’t even comprehend what he was doing as he held your leg with one hand and your leg with the other. Veeris sneered down at you as he twisted your leg in one direction and your foot in the other. There was a sickening snap as he broke your ankle. You screamed louder than you did even when he was fucking you. Mercifully you passed out from the pain and Veeris saw to your injury. He may have taken some pleasure in dominating and hurting you, but he didn’t actually want to cause you harm, didn’t you understand you were making him do these things? No matter, One way or another you would learn you would learn to never try and leave him.
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angelltheninth · 1 year
Merman Trying to Court You
Pairing: Male!Merman x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, developing relationship, singing, magic voice, gift giving, late night swimming, kissing
A/N: Its MerMay after all, you deserve to be swept off your feet by a charming merman.
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Literally the sweetest man you've ever met
He has googly eyes for you from the moment he sees you and tries to flirt with you the moment he figures out you're single
You better have a lot of shelf space because there's gonna be so many sea shells on them
He brings you the really big ones so you can listen to the ocean, and to him if he enchants it with his voice so he can talk to you through it when you're on land
Swims perfectly in sync with you except when he's showing off, his speed his mobility, his diving skills
If you lose something in the ocean you don't have to worry about losing it for good, he will find it for you
He's in awe of how warm you are compared to him
The tail is really sensitive but he does like it when you touch it, just don't overdo it
Makes you lots of bracelets and necklaces and can't help but make a splash with his tail when he sees you wearing them on your dates
Sings to you every morning when he sees you walking into the ocean and embraces you, only silenced with your lips on his
Hangs out with you on the shore, kissing you slowly
Loves swimming with you at night, when the sea is calm and the moonlight and the stars is your only light so he can give you lots and lots of sneaky, wet kisses on the cheek
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ilustrariane · 1 year
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Follow me on my new/old reactivated instagram--- HERE -----, please? i decided to give up trying to un ban my newest one, so please, if you want to see more non Atnomen related art, other monsters and maybe some photos, follow me there!
if you want to follow just Anomen stuff, go to THIS account!
Ps: art featuring "Silence of Sound" - the art that got me banned from instagram LOL (maybe it was the female presenting NIp ples?)
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"Slippery As An Eel" by: @obsessivevoidkitten
First fanart of the account!
First time drawing a merman, it was a lot of fun to make the tail c:
Day one trying to make men that don't look like twinks
I gave in to temptation
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dashofmonsters · 4 months
Dreamers & Delusions- Pt. 2
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Merman x Female Reader
"I'll have to go into hibernation if it gets too cold or if I can't find something to do. The acclimation program already knows about my kind and our issues with the cold so they have accommodations for winter," he explains.
"Well I hope it doesn't get too cold then, would be a bummer if I couldn't come see you," you smile at him.
Tao's eyes go wide for a second before he clears his throat, "Yes well it would indeed be a bummer... Especially since we have just decided to be friends."
"Right?" you beam.
You and Tao talk and talk almost to the point where it's just about silly things or what he's struggling with during his acclimation. You find out he's a very literal person who has issues the most with slang, metaphors, and emotes. He lives in a rental that's about a couple miles away from the beach and he usually walks to work or the local grocery store since he can't fit into normal vehicles.
After a little bit of work though you find out an even more endearing side to him, he likes to try his hand at cooking ever so often. Though he prefers his meat raw, he likes the idea of charring the outside and adding bits of flavor. He was a little embarrassed to admit it but you found out it's because his father was supposed to show him how to create a feast to impress a mate per tradition.
You didn't press as to why his father didn't teach him seeing he was already uncomfortable enough to admit it. So you decided to share a bit of something uncomfortable about yourself.
"My mom never taught me how to do a lot of basics that most parents are supposed to teach their kids. I had to watch a lot of how to videos and make myself look like an idiot if I messed up or didn't know something. A lot of people assumed I was stupid or had no common sense. I just didn't have a point of reference and I hated being ignorant but I was judged for my short comings and no one ever helped," you admit.
Tao nods and gives you his first, though very small, smile.
"Is that why you are forgetting things constantly?" he asks with the slightest smirk.
"Yeah...sure," you feel a bit embarrassed by his question, but you'll never confess that you 'forgot' those things just as an excuse to talk to him.
"I see, I will take that into account that due to your upbringing that you just don't think about these things and I will stop being annoyed by it," he nods.
"You were annoyed," now you feel a little hurt.
"Of course I was, but no more than I usually am," he shrugs.
"That doesn't sound fun," you grimace. "You can't just be annoyed all the time."
"I'm not annoyed when I'm at home," he says.
"Lucky," you laugh.
"Why? Are you unable to be at peace at home too?" he gives you a look of genuine concern then.
His number one thing seems to be peace. He's a no nonsense guy who just wants to go about his day with no hiccups. His life honestly seems perfect compared to your at times.
"Only when I'm sleeping or about to leave for work. Peace... that doesn't come easy to someone like me," you frown.
Tao studies you then as he drops to your eye level. You should feel super uncomfortable but for some reason you don't mind. He stares hard at your face and scans it until he nods.
"You do look very tired," he says.
You can't help but to laugh at his observation, "Tao, I'm going to let you in on a secret: I'm always tired."
"That is unhealthy," he scowls.
"Yup and there's nothing I can do about it," you shrug.
"Yes there is, you could go home and sleep," he says, almost ordering you to do so.
That's when you can't help but to crack up. It's horrible that this is how you cope, but it is.
"If I went home to sleep right now, my grandmother would give me an earful about being lazy," you laugh.
Tao doesn't laugh, he doesn't smile, doesn't do anything except stand up slowly and prowl over to you.
You shut up real quick thinking something is wrong until he picks you up. You yelp, being carried in one arm at his hip like a sack of rice.
"What are you doing?!" you squawk as you sway when he shifts to carry you princess style.
He doesn't say anything until he sets you down onto your tie dye towel.
"Rest, I'll make sure no one bothers you while you're here," he says.
You can't help but feel a mix of emotions then. Your eyes water a little but you swipe away any moisture before a tear falls.
"Thank you, that's probably the sweetest thing anyone has said to me in a long while," you smile at him.
And Tao in all his Taoness, just nods.
Tao really meant it when he said no one would bother you while you were on the beach.
The day after he said that, you had what was possibly the best beach nap you've ever had thanks to Tao brining you a beach chair with your name on it. Literally.
At first it felt weird that he'd go that far just for you to get a beach nap but you guessed it might be some cultural thing and as far as Tao said, you're his only friend. You thanked him and didn't think much of it until the day after that.
A group of teenagers were playing volleyball a little too roughly and one of the guys fumbled and the ball got you right on the head even though you did your best to dodge it. The boys tried to apologize but Tao gave them an earful about respect and being more spatially aware.
That too was normal for Tao though he was a bit harsher than usual. Unfortunately it got worse.
Yesterday was a blessed off day. No work, your grandmother was out thrifting to her heart's content, and all your bills had been paid. You were excited to head to the beach but that excitement was short lived.
The first thing you noticed was that your chair was pulled a little closer to the guard tower. Next was that Tao wasn't in the tower but leaning against the ladder like he was expecting some shit to hit the fan any second. And finally, the group of muscle hunks posing as they flexed for the cameras.
Apparently some magazine decided this spot was the perfect location for some weird gym rat protein powder ad photo shoot and to make matters worse, they tried to rope Tao into it.
Before you sat down though, Tao made a bit of a scene by scooting your chair even closer to the tower while making eye contact with one of the big buff dudes.
You told him he was being a bit extra to which he said he was only being cautious as they had been eyeing you since you started walking down the beach. You rolled your eyes, ready to tell him that there's no way they'd be interested in you until he thrusted a binder in your direction.
It was a detailed list of ingredients, dishes, and recipes commonly enjoyed by all saltwater merfolk with a few dishes his kind liked the most. You had almost forgot that he said he'd make this list for you so when he gave it to you, you almost cried.
You thanked him and started fanning through the pages and noticed his hand writing was especially nice on dishes that his people particularly enjoyed. You gave him a quick side eye and smiled.
These are probably his personal favorites, you think.
As you started to skim through the recipes with the neatest hand writing a shadow fell over you.
It was one of the buff guys.
He gave you the most generic social media fake ass grins ever and you couldn't help the eye roll. He started to introduce himself but was hardcore interrupted when Tao drove him into the ground like a fucking bull.
Tao and the buff guy started hashing it out until his bros came and peeled him away from the fight. It was the first time you really really saw Tao's teeth. Sharp and pointy like a shark's and then there was the spike like fins on his lower arms and legs. He looked like a mad dog ready to rip someone in half.
You heard one of the photographers comment on how territorial some of the fair folk can be with places or people they claim as their own.
If that was the case, then you guessed it might have to do with your friendship with Tao. If it wasn't, then he's about the get a stern talking to.
"He was bothering you, I don't see why you're upset with me," Tao says after you lectured him about yesterday.
"I'm upset you dingbat because shit like that can get you sent back to your home realm! Do you think I want my friend to get deported over shit like that," you poke his arm, but it ends up being a jab.
Tao opens his mouth then closes it. He looks around a bit then let's out a long sigh "I'm sorry. I really don't know what's come over me. After I moved here, I didn't have my shoal. My sponsor checks on me maybe once every three months since he's been busy working with another merman who's been trying to get his pass here. I guess the loneliness drove me a bit crazy."
Now you feel bad for making him feel bad but you hope your gift will more than make up for it. You worked all morning long on it, double checking to make sure the meat was ready and perfect right before you left the house and that the sea greens were cooked and seasoned just right.
"Well moving past that, I brought you something," you take out the lunch box and show it to Tao.
He looks down right shocked as he goes to reach for it. He carefully removes the lid and his eyes stare hard at the contents.
"You made this... for me," his voice is soft and quiet and you can hear the pain behind it. He hesitates for a moment then takes a slice of the thin cut beef and pops it in his mouth. He closes his eyes and tilts his head back and swallows. He's quiet for a minute and you're afraid you messed up and he's too nice to tell you other wise.
"Tao if it's bad you can just tell me, I can take the criticism," you tell him, ready for the critical blow.
Instead he tilts his head back down and opens his eyes. The whites are now all black which makes his yellow irises pop even more so.
"My friend, if this was bad I would have spat it out," he grabs two more slices and then a few more practically stuffing his face like a kid who was caught with a bag of candy.
You watch as he eats everything, savoring every bite like he hasn't had a decent meal in ages. His harsh features soften as he takes the last bite and licks his fingers clean. For some reason you focus on him as he rolls the sauce off of his fingers and onto his tongue.
Bad lonely thoughts, Tao is our friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
"So was it good?" you ask, though you can probably guess the answer by the clean plate.
"If I was mermaid being offered a feast, I'd allow you the honor to continue courting me," he jokes.
"Oh what an honor," you laugh.
For the first time since you've met him he laughs back. You can't help but stare at him and feel a smile build up that hurts your cheeks.
"Thank you, really. I have tried and tried to create something that tastes like home but it was never quite right. It was either too salty or I over cooked the meat or the greens were under cooked somehow. This is pretty close to the flavors of my shoal. I didn't realize how much I missed this," he looks down at the empty lunch box with a mix of emotions.
Something in you feels for him. You haven't had a taste of home in forever but your problem is that you're pretty sure that it would make you physically sick instead of homesick. Home never felt like home, here didn't feel like home until you met Jessica and Tao.
Jessica made you her to die for pie for you birthday which you almost threw up from over drinking when she took you bar hopping for your birthday. Tao gave you an amazingly detailed binder of saltwater mer foods and recipes.
You can't think of anything better than food that brings all sorts of peoples together, human or the fair folk.
"Well, I can't do it all the time but I can at least make you a boxed lunch once a week, how does that sound," you smile at him.
"If it weren't for the fact that you're human and my friend I'd think you were trying to court me," he laughs. "But yes, that sounds good."
You play slap him and he laughs again.
"For the last time Jes, there's nothing romantic going on between Tao and I," you roll your eyes as Jessica gives you her biggest grin.
"Uh huh, sure girl. Maybe you don't see it that way, but guys don't risk getting deported for just friends and not just once. This is what, the second offence? He's lucky that he's, oh what did you say? A combination of a bookish mafia boss, the inspiration for the statues of deities and all around hotty mchot hot hot," she wriggles her brows at you before popping another slice of gum in her mouth.
You snort laugh, "I did not say that last one Jes."
"No, but you were thinking it," she raises a brow and twirls around till she's behind the counter.
"Listen, I can find him physically attractive and still not want more than a friendship. Plus he hasn't come onto me so I'm pretty sure he's not into me like that," you sigh and continue cleaning the table you just cleared.
Jessica hums something and clicks her tongue, "Girl you do know he's not human right? That he might have been coming onto you from the get go without you realizing it? Shoot for that matter he might not even realize it himself."
That has you curious now.
"What do you mean by that," you look over you shoulder to see Jes twirling a red curl.
"Oh you know, that the fair folk believe in fated mates and things like that," she gives you a cheesy grin and blushes a little.
You do know about the fated mates thing, it's one of the reasons a lot of fair folk, especially the guys, flocked to this realm in droves once the rift border opened up. With the fae it was pretty easy to tell once the bond clicked which wasn't always immediately. Their calm and calculated appearance would become wild and untamed. They would get quickly territorial and easily violent towards anyone who came close to their mate. A mark would usually show above the heart and a matching one would appear on their mate once their bond was consummated.
As for merman, no one had any idea what to look for since they just started coming this side as of a few years ago.
"Yes, I'm well aware about that. So what does that have to do with him not know if he's coming onto me," you ask.
"They know it deep down and act on it sometimes. They don't even realize they're courting you half the time or that they have this desire to want to be with you. It's hardcore ingrained into their DNA or something, I don't know. But it sounds to me that he is indeed into you. You're both just too oblivious to see it. Unlike Artek," Jes grins at the mention of her wild fae lover's name and sighs.
And suddenly her weird school girl crush behavior makes sense.
"Jes, did you and Artek.... Wait a sec, are you and-"
Jessica folds down her top just enough for you to see part of a swirling mark above her heart. She shakes in place with the goofiest smile you've ever seen on her.
"Just found out last night. Oh and he did not want to let me go," she places a hand on her forehead and feigns being scandalized. "But I have to go to work. He threatened to come in and tear Mikey a new one if he so much as thinks he can schedule me during my bond week," she give a vicious grin then.
The fae took about a week to celebrate their mate bond here, which was a much shorter version of their actual month long festivity of it. Mates were so rare on their side for some reason but here it was becoming as normal as two humans getting married. It just happened, but it was equally special if not more so.
Regardless, you were happy for Jes. Mikey tried to take everything from her in their divorce but got next to nothing after a detective brought in proof of his multiple affairs. That's why he's such an ass to her here.
"So, when's your bride feast huh? Gonna go all out," you turn to her and cross your arms.
Jessica goes into great detail about what she wants to do for the rest of the shift. That Artek has invited his large ass family this side to celebrate and that he's already started sourcing materials for their marriage bed. It was more than obvious that she's over the moon and can't get over the fact that she's found the one after years of dealing with a heartache.
Mikey tried to shut her down but several of the fair folk patrons snapped at him saying that it's a blessing that her and Artek found one another and he shouldn't discourage her happiness. His flustered face was priceless.
"Hey grandmama, I'm home," you shout as you slide your shoes off at the door.
Your grandmother's house is unusually quiet for this time of day when she's usually scrolling through her phone while listening to her soap operas. You look around and the livingroom is empty and so is the kitchen. You're about to call her when you see a note on the fridge saying Gayle has whisked her away for margaritas with the girls.
"Fuck me sideways and call me bob," you rake your fingers over your face in frustration. As much as you can't stand her normal antics you loath her when she's drunk. If you're lucky, Gayle will have her spend the night at her house until their hangovers wear off. If you weren't, there's a nice beach with your name on it.
Typically you'd go there after work but you're tired and you have the house to yourself right now. So you stretch and crack open the fridge and start preparing for a blissful night of snacking and binge watching some of your favorite shows.
Hours pass and you get a text from Gayle that she's taking your grandmother home with her since she's had one too many and sends you a pic of your grandmother trying to put a dollar bill in a male strippers strap.
"Thanks for the mental scarring Gayle, just what I needed," you text back to her knowing she'll get the joke.
Gayle was a close family friend and was more like a grandmother to you than your biological one was at times. She was sweet and caring with a crazy sense of humor and infectious laughter. You sometimes wish you lived with her but she travels too much and she likes her alone time just as much as she like partying.
You squirm in your grandmother's recliner and grab a bag of chips getting ready for the next show until you hear a frantic knock at your door.
The bag flies out of your hand due to your shock reflex and you place a hand over your heart.
The knocking continues as you rush to the door to check through the peephole. You can't see nothing.
"Who is it?" you ask.
"It's me, are you ok," you hear Tao's voice.
You pause, not remembering if you ever told him where you live aside from the general direction. You slowly open the door and look up at him. He looks worried out of his mind.
"Tao, are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost buddy," you ask him.
His hair is all messed up and he's breathing fast and hard, trying to catch his breath and his tan skin looks like he worried himself sick.
"You didn't come to the beach today. You've been coming everyday except when it rains. I thought something happened," he frowns.
"Oh uh well, no I'm fine. My grandmother is out tonight so I thought I'd enjoy a night in since this rarely happens," you explain.
"I see, ok... That's good then. As long as you're alright," he nods and sighs as he leans against the top of the door frame.
A crack of thunder peels off in the distance causing Tao to flinch. He looks even more worried then.
"Sounds like rain," you comment.
"Yes, I... I should get going then, I don't want to accidentally transform back to my other form while walking home. It'd be very inconv-"
Before he finishes that thought lightning bursts through the sky and the little misting sprinkle turns into a torrential downpour.
Tao groans and looks resigned as he's about to turn to leave but you quickly stop him.
"Hey you can stay here for tonight if you want to wait out the rain," you tell him.
He looks to you like that's possibly the dumbest thing you could say.
"That sounds inappropriate," he glares at you. "Inviting an unmated male into your house is never wise."
"Tao we're friends and adults. I'm pretty sure I can trust you to keep your hands to yourself unless you've had ulterior motives from the get go," you cross your arms and stare up at him.
"It is still unwise," he nods, being firm.
"Oh so then you do have ulterior motives," you raise a brow.
"I never said that," he grimaces.
"Then there's no problem if you don't. Come on, get your ass in here," you open the door all the way and beckon him inside.
You hear him groan as he accepts his defeat while walking in. He struggles with the low ceiling, well low for him as he shuts the door.
"Is this your first time in a human house," you ask, leading him to the livingroom.
"Yes, it's very uh small and compact," he notes.
You get the compact part as your grandmother is a bit of a tidy hoarder, the small thing, that's probably due to his height.
"Well mi casa su casa. Well more like mi abuela's casa su casa, but still, make yourself at home," you say then try to offer him something warm to eat and drink.
Tao tries to deny any offers but you snap back saying it's rude to deny your hostess the honor of taking care of her guest. Tao eventually resigns and you bring him a warm cup of tea. As you go to the kitchen to make him something to eat he asks if he can watch you. You agree and start pulling ingredients left and right.
You get fully into the zone as you start preparing the food. You glance over at Tao ever so often just to see that he's fixated on your process. As you start cooking you notice the whites of his eyes turn black again. He sniffs the air and his pupils dilate.
"Want to try a bite," you offer him a piece and he takes it with no hesitation and scarfs it down. His nails which are sharp and pointed seem a bit longer and more pointier now. His expression looks more predatory than normal and some of his spikey fins have started protruding.
Guess that means he's really hungry.
"Give me just a few more minutes and dinner will be ready ok," you tell him as you continue on with his meal.
Tao just nods and stares daggers at pan. You feel like if you let him he'd lunge at it with reckless abandon and eat everything in record timing.
After a little bit you scoop the meat into a bowl and hand it to him. He looks at it and takes in a deep whiff before carefully grabbing a bite. He looks like he's holding back going ham on the food and you're wondering if he's trying not to scare you by going into some weird merman feeding frenzy.
"Hey if you need to eat however you want to eat, go ahead. I can just uh go into another room if you want some privacy or someth-"
Tao grabs a handful of the meat and stuffs his face with it. His pupils nearly engulf his irises making his eyes look pitch black. He tears into the strips of meat like a crazed hungry animal. The juices and sauce start dripping down his arms and you roll your eyes at the mess.
"I'm going to get you a towel, that stuff'll get sticky after a while," you say as you walk towards to laundry room.
Tao grunts and consumes some more meat.
As you get to the laundry room you smack yourself over the head for having another bout of terrible lonely girl thoughts.
Tao, smack.
Is, smack.
Just, smack.
A, smack.
Friend, smack.
You should not be even more attracted to him after that feeding frenzy trance thing he just went in and yet you can't stop thinking about it.
"God, does that mean I'm depraved," you question yourself. "Or does this just mean I'm weird and anything goes right now in my lonely haven't had sex in ages mind?"
Probably a bad mix of both...
You sigh and grab a towel and turn only to be met with a brick wall.
"Oh hey, are you done," you ask, praying that he didn't hear you questioning your sexual sanity.
He nods and cocks his head and points to the towel.
"Yeah, um here," you hand it to him and he slowly but carefully cleans himself off.
"So there's a guest bedroom in the back. Bed is probably a bit small for you even though it's a king size. It gets cold at night since my grandmother has the a/c on a schedule so I'll bring you some extra blankets," you tell him as you turn to go show him the room.
He quietly follows you and steps slowly into the room, smelling and inspecting it. You leave him be while you go grab a large comforter and a few throw blanket for him. When you come back he's already curled under the covers with his feet barely sticking out. As you go to lay another layer over him he snatches you and pulls you into the covers with him.
You flail about for a bit until you hear what you're pretty sure in a purr. You kick up the covers to see Tao asleep now and honest to gods purring. He pulls you in closer and just cuddles you. He's mentioned a few times that when someone gets cold that his shoal will form basically cuddle piles to stay warm. Maybe that's it and maybe he's also really homesick. He said he can never go back though...
"Just this once, jeeze. Not letting you go into a feeding frenzy next time I give you food," you snort laugh and try to relax against Mr. Brick wall.
Tao shifts a bit till he's holding you close enough that you can hear his heartbeat. He moves the covers and extra blankets back up and slowly drifts back to sleep.
You're a little jealous of how fast he can nod off but eventually you start dozing in and out.
He's probably going to flip the fuck out about this in the morning. Well, we'll deal with it then...
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fangemporium · 3 months
Vasa the Cecaelia
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Male!Cecaelia x Gender-Neutral!Reader
Word Count:  4669
Content Warning: Some mentions of blood and wounds
The salty sea air brushed gently through your open window, and a few loose-leaf sheets blew off your desk. You huffed, placing your pen down and getting up from your wooden chair which let out a loud screech. The draft sheets for your upcoming novel were scattered all over your hand. You thanked your past self for labeling each of the pages earlier on.
Finally gathering the draft and patting the pages together against the desk, you glanced at your digital clock. 1:05 am. You have been stuck in a writer’s block for almost three hours now. You were unsure how to keep the plot moving and make it lead up to the suspenseful twist towards the end of the novel.  Rubbing your sore eyes, you decided that the best thing you needed right now was to relax, and what better way than to sit on the beach reading a book that you adored with the calming ocean sounds as a backdrop? Sure, being at the beach at 1 in the morning was a little self-destructive, but your sleep schedule was already a mess. Might as well make the most of the night and wind down.
You scurried around your beachside home, grabbed your book, locked your windows, and searched for a pair of jeans and a sweater to wear over your pajamas. Stepping out of your home, you breathed in the relaxing scent of the ocean air, grateful that you made the move closer to the Pacific Ocean. It was a different setting from the fast-paced lifestyle that the city had. Out here you felt more at peace, everything seemed to move slower and it was quieter, save for the whooshing sound of the waves now and then. As you descended the white wooden stairs that entered the beach, you glanced back at the small town that was farther uphill. From what you could see there were very few lights that were on, most of the stores out here closed at around 8 pm due to a majority being small family-owned storefronts. Another perk of the move that you enjoyed.
As your bare feet buried into the sand, you took a moment to take in the sight in front of you. The moon was full tonight, a milky white that illuminated the seaside in a calming glow. The waves rushed to the shore back and forth like a gentle dance. The dark ocean sparkled with the moonlight, and the cool air that came with the usual temperature drops caused a tranquil scene.
You made your way down to the shorefront, not too close to the water, yet far enough for you to watch as the tide pulled in and then pulled away again. You sat down on the sand, gazing out at sea for a moment before flipping through the pages of your book. You sat there for about thirty minutes or so, casually reading your book and taking in the nighttime scenery when a bright light glinted against your reading glasses. Your attention was pulled away from your book as you searched the area around you for the source of the sudden interruption from your fantasy world. The light was bright but not much larger than the size of a half-dollar coin. You tried your best to teach where the light was coming from, picking yourself up off of the ground as you followed where it was coming from. A silhouette of a person in the sand started to become clearer as you approached and you went into full panic mode. The person, from what you could tell, was lying on their side, a dark liquid soaking deep into the sand around them.
The sight of the unknown liquid caused you to move quicker, coming to a screeching halt when you tried to process what you were staring at. It looked like a person from afar, but now that you have a closer look you assumed that what you were staring at was a fish…human? A mermaid-like being from your old storybooks as a child. Except instead of a fishtail you were met with several tentacles. Eight to be exact.
Despite the octopus monster briefly causing you to be hesitant with your rescue, the sight of the suspicious liquid pulled you back into a helpful headspace. You bend down, touching the soiled sand as you coat your fingers with the sticky red liquid. Blood. The source of it you weren’t sure. But all you knew was that he was in desperate need of help. Your eyes roamed across the monster man's body, finding the source of the bleeding. An old barbed wire was buried deep in his torso. You couldn’t free him with your bare hands, risking cuts to your own if you did so, instead you checked to see if the fish monster was still alive. His chest seemed to rise and fall, meaning he could intake oxygen much like a human, though you didn’t want to risk seeing just how much longer he could do that for.
Rushing towards your house, you discarded your book and reading glasses onto your couch. You made a brief detour to your bathtub, hurriedly turning on the water and plugging the drain. You searched through your hall closet, shuffling through the toolbox you kept there before coming across a pair of wire cutters. With the adrenaline rush still in you, you made a beeline back to the beach.
“This is fine, this is fine, this is fine,” You kept chanting to yourself as you approached the octopus merman once more. “This is just like helping an injured animal? Human? This is fine.”
You bent down again, carefully cutting the wires away and freeing him from their sharp grip. The merman gave no response, as you attempted to hoist him up. You know it was probably better for him to wait and get professional help, but who would you call for something like this? Especially at this time of night. The hospital? An animal hotline? Folks might just think you were going crazy, and given the circumstances, you sure felt like it. You managed to drag the merman into your home, grimacing at the trail of blood you left. You made a mental note to clean it up as best as you could before someone saw it leading up your stairs and front porch. The last thing you needed on your record was a suspected murder charge.
Laying the man onto the bathroom floor, you rummaged underneath your sink cabinet for the first aid kit. It was novice work but you managed to stop the bleeding briefly and clean the wound with antiseptic before wrapping the gauze around him a few times for good measure. You then hoisted him up into the overflowing tub of water, quickly closing the faucet once some of the water spilled out over the edge. Something else to clean that you’ll worry about later. Your main priority was the blood now.
Seeing that the monster man seemed to be doing okay for now, you continued your work, cleaning up the blood around your property. Hoping the sea would wash away the rest of the evidence. By the time you came back, the octopus man was still passed out in the tub. It was getting late and with all the cleaning you did,  you lost any motivation to clean up anything else all you wanted was rest. You laid yourself on your couch, having a good view of the bathroom from where you sat and you eventually dozed off.
The next morning you were woken up by frantic splashing and an animalistic screech that reminded you of an old kraken movie. You shot up, rushing to the bathroom and almost running into the doorframe. Your injured patient had awoken, his dark long hair cascading over his face shielding him from your view. He let out a very snake-like hiss, his clawed fingers scratching against the bathtub’s ceramic, water spilling out of the tub. You raised your hands in defense, staying in place as you tried to calm him down.
“Hey, hey! You’re safe, it's okay!” You tried to reassure him. ”
He sneered, relaxing his shoulders slightly yet still keeping his guard up. “Release me.”
You tilted your head, trying to see around the man and check on his bandages. “I’m not sure I can do that right now, you’re still recovering. And you could get your wounds infected, especially if I don’t change your bandages.”
He lifted his head more and you caught a glimpse of his face. His skin looked like a corpse, with a very light purple hue to it. His eyes, a pale white with no irises that you could see just a blank empty stare, had dark circles underneath and his lips were the same darker color.
His nose looked like two slits and his teeth were black and sharp. His purple tentacles rested over the side of the tub, his many appendages slowly slinking around it. One of his hands hung over the edge too, sharp claws and webbed fingers were two features you instantly noticed.
The water sloshed as he moved slightly, tilting his head in curiosity yet the intense glare remained on his face. You slowly placed your hands down, moving to the sink to grab a fresh batch of medical gauze.
“I need to change your bandages.” You repeated, holding out the gauze and gesturing to your torso hoping he understood. The octopusman sneered when you made your way over to him again, but instantly winced from the pain. He curled in on himself, a guttural groan leaving his lips as you started to notice the pinkish tint in the tub. Angry or not, you couldn’t leave him with his soiled bandages.
You took in a deep breath, sucked in your fear, and approached closer ignoring the territorial growl he gave you. You reached out towards him, pushing his arms away from his torso while you unwrapped the soiled bandages. You didn’t know much about fish health, especially fish monster health, but you thought keeping him in the water helped a lot. Especially since you saw gills along the sides of his neck and just below his ribs on either side of his torso.
The monster man seemed to calm down after the initial defensive state he took. He opted for staring at you, his blank eyes unmoving from your form as you worked. After the bandage was removed, you began draining the tub, filtering out the dirty water with the running water you turned on from the tap. You checked on his wound, which started healing remarkably quicker than you thought. You started to wrap the clean gauze around his torso, noticing how his muscles tensed at the stinging pain.
You quickly apologized, trying to work a little faster so he could go back to relaxing as best as he could in your bathtub. You could still feel the cold stare his eyes had on you and when you finally lifted your head you jumped back a bit from how close he was. He had an unreadable expression on his face. His brows knit together in either curiosity or disdain for your presence, you weren’t sure. Your nose brushed just against the ridge of his nostril slits, his deep empty pools of white never wavering from your own eyes.
“Release me, human.” It sounded more like a request this time rather than a demand. His voice took on a softer tone you didn’t think you would hear from him.
“Shouldn’t you rest?” You asked, unmoving. “You were passed out on the beach when I found you. Are you sure you could swim under your conditions now?”
His tentacles sloshed in the water, some of the liquid spilling over the sides in the process. “Am I to sit here as your pet until then?”
“You’re more like a patient...or a guest at this point?” You shrugged, backing away slowly. “I wasn’t sure if you could last long without water.”
You gestured towards the bathtub, his eyes following your hands to glance down at the ceramic tub. He let out a weird clicking and hissing sound, shaking his head as he sank into the water. You watched as he closed his eyes, the gills under his ribs expanding and then relaxing. You paused for a moment, watching as he remained unmoving before you stood up.
“Your name, what is it?” His voice caught you off guard, especially with how calm it sounded. No hints of malice laced in his words, just a genuine question out of curiosity.
You told him your name, listening to him repeat it back to see if he said it right. “What about you? What’s yours?” You asked.
There was a pause. “I am called Vasa.”
The water sloshed at his movements again as he peered over the edge of the tub, his empty eyes staring up at you. You said his name back, earning a nod of approval from Vasa at your pronunciation.
“How long am I to stay here?” He questioned, stretching his arm against the side of the tub before letting it hang there for a second. “I need to return, you cannot keep me here for long.”
“I know that, but you’re obviously still in pain.” You sighed. “Maybe a few days or a week? That should be enough time to get you to heal.”
Vasa went silent again, leaning his head against his forearm. He gave you a curt nod, closing his eyes and lazily moving his tentacles in the water. You assumed the conversation was over and decided to stand up and leave your bathroom. You had some errands to run that day to keep yourself busy. There was the transcript you had to keep writing, then a bit of cleaning and restocking your fridge. You paused, as you sat down at your desk again, the thought suddenly dawning over you.
What did tentacle fish monsters even eat? You doubted there was an answer to your inquiry from Google, yet you couldn’t help but reach for your phone and quickly type in the words “Fish Octopus Diet.”  You skimmed the first few links, settling on adding various sorts of seafood and a few vegetables for good measure. It was a little expensive the more you thought about it, but you had to take into account that Vasa might be staying with you for a bit longer. Up until he recovered of course.
You managed to write a little more of your transcript before heading out for the town’s local market. You had stopped by the bathroom to check on Vasa, noticing he had sunk into the tub again and his eyes remained closed. Assuming he was asleep, you dimmed the lights in the bathroom and headed out. The trip didn’t take very long since the small town you were in only had one major market. Besides the awkward looks and sideways glances you got for buying out so much seafood, you managed to do the round trip in record time. You were also very grateful you lived near an ocean town since a lot of the seafood was freshly caught and in great abundance.
You brought your haul back into your home, taking out the batch of clams from one of the big brown bags. You walked towards your bathroom but not before making a quick detour to your kitchen to pick up a knife. Flicking on the lights, you hear the water sloshing again as Vasa’s head emerges from the water.
“I’m back!” You triumphantly announced, waving the bag of clams up for him to see. “And I brought you some food.”
You sat close to the tub, opened the bag, and got to work on shucking the clams open. Vasa watched you, tilting his head at the small knife you had in your hand.
“Can you not prepare it on your own?” He reached out a webbed hand, wordlessly asking you to hand him the clam. You struggled with the knife on the clam a little more before sighing and handing it to him.
“They make it look easier on TV.”
There was a raspy-sounding hiss from him and if you hadn’t noticed the curve of his lips and the crinkle of his eyes from the abnormally wide smile on his face you wouldn’t have known he was laughing. It was very animalistic, yet you couldn’t help but be entranced by him a little more. There was a loud crack as Vasa effortlessly split the clam open with his sharp claws, he tilted his head back, taking a deep gulp of the gooey insides. You watched his throat as he ate, noticing small gills at the sides of his neck too that fluttered with every swallow he took. He stopped after popping open his third clam, noticing the intense stare you had on him. You flinched once you were caught, opting to turn your gaze back down to the grocery back near your feet. You had made a couple of stops at some other stores for snacks for yourself. Removing the wrapper to the chocolate bar you took a small bite from the treat with a tiny snap.
“What is that?” Vasa’s voice echoed in the silent bathroom. You took another mouthful of the treat. You broke the candy bar into two small halves, holding out one towards Vasa.
“S’chocolate. Wan’ shome?” You knew it was bad manners to talk with your mouth full, but maybe fish people had slightly different customs than humans. You watched as Vasa leaned over the edge of the tub, a bit of the water dripping off of the side, as he sniffed the chocolate. His nostrils flared with each sniff he took before a long, dark tongue slithered out of his thin lips. He licked the bar slowly, recoiling after a moment once the taste finally registered.
“Humans are strange creatures.” His voice sounded raspy as he reeled away from the chocolate, handing the treat back to you.
You hummed, rewrapping the chocolate and leaning against the tub. You crossed your legs in front of you as you gave him a pointed look. “Could say the same about you.”
He let out an animalistic hissing sound, a weird mix between a sneer and a laugh. He composed himself, chuckling every now and then as he reached out to hold a strand of your hair in between his index and thumb fingers. “You do not even know what my kind is. Humans still refer to us as mermaids.”
“Are you not a merman…or something like it?”
“Something like it.” He repeated back to you, still studying your face. “We refer to each other with a different name in our tongue. But the myth you humans created is called cecaelia. A rather interesting name for us.”
As you stared into his eyes, you hadn’t realized how vibrant they looked up close. Despite the lack of a pupil, they were clear and reminded you of two bright pearls. They reflected the light interestingly. Vasa went quiet, studying your features, letting out a clicking sound now and then. He finally let go of your hair, the water in the tub making a sloshing sound as he shifted back into it. Vasa submerged himself into the water, a few bubbles escaping through his nostrils as he did. You found his behavior adorable and almost childish. You finished up the candy bar you were chewing, leaving the one he discarded wrapped up and next to the tub. If he wanted to try again he could, if not then you could toss out the $1.50 you spent at the convenience store.
You got up from your seated position, clapping off any of the chocolate residue on your hands. You glanced back at him, noticing his head had peaked out of the water and his blank eyes stared up at you expectantly.
“You are leaving? It is earlier than last time.” Vasa rasped out, more of his head poking through the water. You gave him an apologetic smile in response, head tilting back to where your desk with various papers strewn about sat.
“I have a draft I gotta send out soon. The sooner I get back to work the quicker I can get it done.” You explained.
He went silent for a moment before humming and receding into the water. But not before he let out a quiet, “Hurry back.” One you had almost missed as you exited your bathroom.
While you sat at your desk, typing away on your keyboard, you couldn’t help but occasionally glance back at where you had left Vasa. Your bathroom light was still on, the door opened halfway letting out a bit of light into the dark hallway. It was strange, you only just met him and it felt like the two of you had a connection. A weird pull to him that you couldn’t quite explain. You were beginning to enjoy spending time with him, the small conversations you’ve had and occasionally rewrapping his wounds brought a sense of familiarity to your life. A much-needed change from the constant schedule you had kept since you moved there.
You stretched your arms high above your head with a tired yawn, glancing at the digital clock next to your desk. It was about 6:50 pm. The sun’s rays came in through your window causing your living room to be lit up in a symphony of orange and yellows. You closed your laptop, feeling like you made an ample amount of progress. Leaning back in your chair you glanced back at the bathroom, realizing the occasional movement from Vasa had gone strangely silent.
“Vasa?” Your voice called into the empty hallway. You were met with the deafening silence, your heart dropped slightly after a moment. You quickly got up from your desk, dropping a few stray sheets of draft paper as you did. You made a beeline for the bathroom, throwing open the door and glancing into the tub.
Vasa’s body floated on the surface of the water. You couldn’t tell if he was still breathing, he seemed deadly still, unmoving. You kneeled next to the tub to get a better look, holding your breath as you watched his chest. It didn’t rise and fall and the way the water sloshed slightly with how he floated against it reminded you of the goldfish you found dead back in the 2nd grade.
At that revelation, you got put into panic mode, darting forward to lift his torso from the water ignoring how your clothes instantly got soaked. You shook him slightly, calling his name as his head lolled to the side. You gave him another harsh shake, noticing as he let out a series of clicking sounds before he attempted to push you off of him.
After a second more of struggling, you sat yourself up against the tub, letting out a sigh of relief.
“What on earth were you doing?” He hissed at you, his blank eyes squinting as he bared his sharp teeth at you. You tilted your head towards him, the concern on your face causing him to ease up on his hostility. Vasa’s expression went from rage-filled to confused as he leaned forward to bring your faces closer together. “What is wrong, human?”
Seeing that he was alright, you shook your head giving him a sheepish grin. “Nothing I’m…I’m just glad you’re okay is all.”
You felt a little silly, jumping to the conclusion that he was dead. You hadn’t even seen how he looked when he slept, a much less urgent approach would have been better. He let out a weird hissing sound with his teeth. You assumed he was mad at you again, instead, he reached out and lightly brushed your cheek with the knuckles of his webbed fingers. Your immediate reaction was to flinch because it caught you off guard, causing Vasa to instantly pull back his touch. You stared at each other in silence, finding a weird comfort in his gaze again. After another pause between the two of you, Vasa was the one to speak first.
“Did you worry?” It was a simple question, one that had a simple answer. Yet something in you caused you to open your mouth before closing it again. You’ve only known each other for a few days at this point. Were you that lonely to get attached to him this quickly?
Vasa took your silence as a yes, causing him to reach out to you again. He touched a strand of your hair, brushing it away from your forehead. His claws scraped across your skin, not drawing blood but enough to cause a shiver up your spine. His hand lowered to where your lips were, touching your lips and then then traveled lower. He was observing you, watching your every reaction as his hand went lower. It stopped at the side of your neck, hovering there for a moment. Vasa used his other hand to touch where his gills were located on his neck.
“My kind cannot drown.” Any hint of him having a snooty attitude was nonexistent. Instead, his voice was calm and gentle. He was trying to reassure you. “Our gills allow us to breathe in the water. Occasionally we can intake oxygen for a short time.”
His many tentacles that hung off the side of the tub reached out to you, wrapping themselves around your arms and torso. It felt like he was hugging you. A strange tentacled hug. He didn’t pull you closer to him though. The tentacles were also loose around you, allowing you to back away from him at any time.
He said your name in a lowered voice, capturing your attention again. “So, you should not worry about me.”
The look he gave you as he spoke made your heart racing. His voice was soft and full of something more intimate. If you could even call it that. But you knew the mood between the both of you had shifted. Your eyes flickered to his lips again and slowly, hesitantly, you leaned forward. Vasa remained frozen in place, watching you with an unreadable expression.
A sudden ring caused you to jolt back in his hold. His tentacles still held you firm as you turned your head towards the bathroom door. The ringing on your landline soon stopped, leaving silence for a moment before the machine beeped.
“Hey. Just wanted to call, check in, and see how that transcript was going. You must be out of the house right now so you can call me back at this number when you can.” The recorded message from the machine echoed throughout your living room. You let out a deep exhale through your nose, glancing at Vasa who still was staring at you expectedly.
“I, um…” You trailed off, watching as he leaned closer to you before you pulled away, a flash of hurt crossing his face briefly, eyebrows furrowing as you tried to untangle yourself from his tentacles. “I should go answer that. It must’ve been important if they’re calling now.”
Vasa let out a few clicking sounds, reluctantly letting you go. “As you wish.”
He sunk back into the bathtub, a few of his tentacles going back into the water as he closed his eyes. You stayed seated close to the tub for a second, watching Vasa float for a moment. You got up, headed into the living room, and left the door slightly ajar.
This was for the best, you tried telling yourself. You had only met for a few days, the two of you were from completely different worlds. You weren’t sure what you were about to do if the phone hadn’t rang, but you were glad you didn’t. So why were you feeling a heavy weight on your chest and a reluctance to leave him behind?
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r0-boat · 1 year
To everyone that thinks Noah is too baby to Dom.
Fuck you
Dangerous Predator
Oc: Noah x gn!reader
Cw: ovipositor
You lost track of Noah as soon as the two of you step out of the car. It has been quite a while since he has visited the ocean so you understood his enthusiasm.
You didn't worry much, there weren't a lot of people today besides a few people on the beach and maybe one or two people on the boardwalk, and Noah knew enough of your language to hold a simple conversation, even if he still had a little trouble pronouncing certain words.
Feeling the soft, warm, yet still wet sand, you wander along the shore straying farther from the boardwalk away from any people, to a secluded Bay. Hoping to enjoy some peace, away from the loud civilized world, away from any job or responsibilities. Relax, maybe fall asleep to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.
Once you got far enough you sat down your bag, slowly stripping off your normal clothes, ones for swimming underneath. Eyes peering from who knows where as you stash your dry clothes into your bag sprawling out the beach towel onto the dry shore.
The cool water engulfs your feet with each push, crashing against the golden sands, feeling each glittering grain. The glare beating down from the summer sun onto your half-naked body.  You step further into the water. Hoping to enjoy one cold refreshing dip before lying down on the beach towel.
The water was only up to your chest when you felt something brush against your leg. A large silvery shadow caught your eye from your moment.
You froze debating on whether your eyes were playing tricks on you or you should swim back to shore before whatever it was comes back.
You practically shrieked when you felt something grab at your waist snapping you immediately out of your thoughts. a familiar face emerging from the water. His gold-piercing eyes and dark hair coming into view. With a toothy grin plastered on his face.
"You scared me, you asshole!" you growled, splashing water in his direction. Noah only laughed in response, before saying something in his native tongue. His hand still on your waist swimming in a circle around you, his gaze soft, mischievous, and confident. A feeling he quite rarely has on dry land. Maybe it's because he feels more at home in the water.
“You're very pretty like this,' He purred in his native tongue, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
His lips tickled your skin, peppering your collarbone and shoulders with kisses. Being with you alone lighting an animalistic Fire within him.
Pulling you closer, before nudging you to shore. He could feel his abdomen bulge.
His broken human language makes itself known as he speaks, "I want you." His fingers dipping below the waistline of your bottoms
Your face flushes red, ripping away from his attention as you looked around. You were in a secluded area, but it was still outside where anyone could see. "N-now? Here?"
You stutter, another purr rippled from his throat.
Guiding your body to a nearby rock.
His gaze all but innocent, Noah was always so skittish when it came to new people. Always  attached to your hip doing everything with you. His mind is so preoccupied on wanting to fit in and enjoy his human life.
Those same eyes curiously examine anything that catches his full attention.
As adorable as Noah is, you always seem to forget that he is a being with more animalistic wants and desires. His curiosity for humans, and especially his curiosity for you only provided ever more fuel for those desires.
His kisses are hungry and demanding, his tail wrapping around your leg grinding his pelvis into yours. His hands immediately slide under your bottoms his breath going heavy as he fumbles with the fabric tries to take them off you. Eager? Or perhaps impatient.
Your suspicions were confirmed when you hear an irritated growl leave his throat, you couldn't help but smile, only to immediately wipe it away when you hear him rip your bottoms.
His lips silence yours, pushing his tongue into your mouth. Now with the cloth out of his way, he grabs your legs, squeezing them and exploring your soft skin with his smooth hands grabbing at your hips, bucking against you.
You practically melted in his touch, wrapping your legs around him as he continues playing with you. His smooth wet skin against yours, his body was colder, much colder, than a human's making you shiver when he presses against you.
He breaks the messy kiss growling something you couldn't understand. But you guess it has something to do with the two long tentacle-like appendages that are now throbbing against your stomach at full length.
"P-please-!" he whines, his fingers prodding at your hole begging you to let him take you.
"Please, mate?" he begs, more broken yet still understandable.
"Yes, Noah! Please! " You moan, finally permitting him to go further, feeling his fingers dip past your opening. You lay your head on his shoulder, feeling the smooth wet sensation prodding you open, preparing you for his cocks. Satisfied, his fingers leave your opening.
Your teeth sink into his flesh, his tendrill cock stretching your wall, filling you so full.
Only one of his cocks was inside of you, much to his displeasure, but this will do. Feeling you squeeze around him was more than enough.
The mer doesn't waste any time, slowly moving his hips bucking trying to reach as deep as he can, making all kinds of noises that you have never heard from him before. He holds on to you dearly, his claws digging into your backside.
The waves drown out the sounds of the two of you. Your screams, his growls, the lewd noises of his hips pounding into yours.
Lips back onto your collar, tracing up to your neck. Marking your skin with his fangs, biting down hard enough to break the skin, the taste of your blood tangy and metallic on his tongue.
You squeak, writhing underneath him at the sudden pain, yet he holds you still in place. Noah was much stronger and bigger than you, and trying to squirm away from him wouldn't do much, but make him want to hold you much, much more, tightly.
Holding you down until he has his fill and cums deep inside you.
He begs, no, pleads, for you to cum on his cock.
Fuck; he wanted nothing more than to feel your walls tightening up around him, milking him for all he's worth.
Fill you up with his eggs; He almost creamed on the spot just by thinking about it.
Oh Gods he's so close, his pace becoming wild and unrestrained. His tentacle cock throbbing inside of you while his other one grinding deliciously against your ass.
Noah remembers how sensitive humans are in some parts of their bodies. He slides out of you for a moment flipping you over on the rock. Putting your leg over his shoulder.
His hands explored your body once again, Nimble touching and teasing, the smooth wet skin of his fingers making you shudder.
His cold thumb glazes one of your nipples, causing you to gasp. Encouraging him to continue. Rolling over, pinching one of your sensitive nipples. Occasionally his mouth trailed even more kisses to your collar before putting the sensitive bud in his mouth, nipping and suckling,
With one tug of your hair pulling you back on his cock you scream his name, Noah making you see stars as he begins to fill your insides up with his eggs. Forming a bulge in his shaft before nestling deep inside of you. His other smaller cock shoots all over your back.
You collapse onto the rock, Noah holding you close, nuzzling into your hair. He couldn't help but smile letting out soft purrs as you cling to him. The sound of the waves lulls you to sleep.
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momolady · 2 years
Hau the Merman
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Found family and anger come together in this story. When a storm washes ups two orphaned merfolk, a young woman has a decision to make.
Female Main Character x Male Monster (both cis)
The strange cries came from the shore after a horrible storm. I had thought it might have been  the gulls celebrating a wonderful feast, but the more I listened, the stranger the sounds became. Despite the persistent rain, I traversed down the rocky path towards the strange sounds.
It was as cold as hell and my whole body seemed prepared to be dashed upon the rocks,  what with the sea being as choppy as it was . I climbed down the narrow path, managing somehow to keep the lantern in my hand. I was used to being wet, but something about this weather had me worried.
I finally lowered myself down onto the beach which was covered in large chunks of coral and debris from the reef forest. The cries were closer than ever and, as I raised my lantern, I noticed a mass caught against the dock.
The old dock had seen better days, and lately all it had seen were storms upon storms and the planks were beginning to show signs of rot. Halfway down was where the cries came from, louder than sirens, and much more unearthly than the sound of harpies. I knelt over the dock, grasping hold of what looked like netting tangled with coral and massive amounts of seaweed.  Once I had this bizarre package on the dock, I used my knife to open it up to the shrieking from within.
There were two, small wriggling shapes within. They thrashed and screamed in terror, unable to move much beyond that. My breath was taken away and, as rain pelted me and froze my body, I noticed neither. I reached out to one of the small things; it had hands and feet, and shimmered like the ocean waters on a sunny day. They screamed and hissed at my touch while the other began to calm, maybe even fall asleep.
They were babies.
I used the netting to create a sling so I could carry them upon my back. I somehow managed to climb the rocky slope back to the lighthouse with them in tow. Once inside I could inspect them properly and make sure they were taken care of.
I had heard tales of sea monsters that used the reef forest for protection against the many fishing vessels that permeated the waters these days. In all my time at the lighthouse I had never seen proof of those stories until now. The two tiny creatures that wriggled before me appeared amphibious, as they were able to breathe without water. They were also injured and bleeding, and possibly starving. I worked through the night to keep them alive. I managed to find something they would eat, which was mashed fish. And by dawn they had fallen into a peaceful slumber.
The best I could figure was that they were carried away by the storm. Judging from all the coral I saw washed up on shore, they never stood a chance. They were possibly ripped away from their family with no hope of survival. They were so small and looked like soft little jewels.
They looked very similar, but one was more blue while the other was tinged more purple. They had white-pink bellies, which went down the backs of their arms and legs to the soles of their feet and the palms of their hands which were also webbed. They had signs of fins emerging, but they must have been very young, possibly even newborns.
All I could do was watch them. I was in an overwhelmed state, and it was all I could do to keep from breaking down. I sat there, gazing, awe inspired by what the reef forest gave me. I had lost my children when they were young, and now these two souls washed upon the shore.
I had come to this lighthouse out of desperation in an attempt to escape my grief. I was far from home and placed in a world I didn’t belong. I tended to the lighthouse to keep ships away from the dangerous reef forest where no soul outside the waters could survive.
One of the babies began to stir, fussing and grabbing at the bandage around their arm. I picked them up from the crib and they started squawking and thrashing their arms. I cooed to them, gently rocked them. As I sang to them, and the little one began to calm.
I tried to keep my breathing even, but I was near panic at every second. I sat down with the tiny sea creature in my arms, only able to subdue my trembling by rocking the little one to sleep. I leaned back and tears trailed down my face. What was I to do? Could I dare to believe this was a blessing? No, I was never blessed.
Once the rains had subsided I took the two little ones back down to the beach. I thought that their family would be looking for them, so I placed them near the shore and I went back further towards the craggy wall. They splashed around in the water and rolled about in the wet sand. They were too small to walk and they seemed afraid to go too deep into the water. The little blue one looked up at me from their belly and started crawling my way.
“No, no!” I shook my head at them. “Go back to the water. Go! Shoo.”
It kept crawling towards me, making that soft little squawking noise.
I was near breaking down. “I can’t take care of you! I’m not your mother!”
The blue one was before me and reached out for me.
I dropped my head. “I can’t...I can’t...” I had resigned myself to loneliness, to suffering the death of my family in silence. I marooned myself in this desolate place, I knew my lot in life.
The blue one croaked loudly at me and I opened my tear filled eyes. I picked them up from the sand and held them to my chest. They curled up soundly, kneading their little hands into my skin. The purple one was watching, gazing blankly at me from a hole dug in damp sand.
“It’s getting late,” I whimpered. “Come now.” I scooped up the purple one and took the babies back home with me.
Each day I took them to the beach, letting them play in the shallow while I waited in the shadows of the rocks. No one came for them, and they always returned to my side when they were tired or hungry.
Over time they learned to stand on their two long legs and were able to toddle around. More time passed and they were able to croak out words and noises to talk to me.
I named the blue one Hana and the purple one Mali. I knew I was a fool to name them, that would be the end of us. Deep down I knew I wouldn’t be allowed to keep them, that wasn’t my lot in life. I was one of those few who watched the world burn around them and somehow remained alive. I wasn’t a survivor, I was a spectator.
Hana and Mali grew into their fins and were able to swim further beyond the shore. Despite this, they always came back to me when they grew tired or hungry.
One afternoon, Mali came running up to me with something in her mouth. She spit it out before me and pointed. “Fish! Fish!” While her mouth was open, I could see sharp teeth recede back, and on the fish there was a very distinct line of bite marks.
“Mali-” I said breathlessly. “Very good! For many reasons!”
Hana soon came running up, also with something in her mouth she spit out. It was a giant sea snail the size of my fist.
“Fish! Fish!” Hana squealed excitedly.
I pulled them into my arms, holding them tight. “I’m so proud of you both. You’re talking and fishing!”
They hugged me back, soaking through my clothes, but it didn’t matter. That evening we served Mali’s fish, and the sea snail turned into a pet they named, well, Fish.
One evening as I was tucking them into bed, Mali tugged on my hand. “Fish. Fish.”
I hesitated as I tried to figure out what they were saying. Mali pulled on me and the look in their eyes made me understand.
“Mama,” I laid my hand on my chest. “You can call me Mama.”
Mali’s eyes widened and their mouth became a perfect O. “Maa-” they croaked. “Maa maa.”
I was teasing fate with this. “Yes, that’s right.” I kissed their forehead softly. “Do you need something, Mali?”
Mali just smiled and placed my hand upon their belly. I kept it there until they fell asleep while fear tried to tear through my body. I wasn’t allowed this joy, I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep these babies much longer. But while I had them, I wanted to feel happy again, I wanted to keep them happy.
The island my lighthouse was on was small, though I never traveled far from home. Much of the island was inhabited by harpies who often hunted on other shores, bringing their prey back to the island to be picked clean. There were a few I did trade with and knew by name, a rare occurrence. But I decided it would be best to ask them about the babies in hopes of better providing for them.
I traveled to the edge of the wood and laid out an offering for the harpies upon a stone. Mali and Hana watched it, pointing and cooing.
“That’s not for us, little ones,” I whispered.
“Featherless, what have you got there?” The voice croaked from the edge of the trees. A large red wing tipped in talons stretched out and stabbed into the fish offering.
Hana and Mali hid their faces against my chest.
“That was something I hoped you could tell me, Nyris.”
Nyris was one of the elders of the harpies, a giant red creature that blotted out the sun when she flew. She stretched out her long neck and bit into the fish I offered. As she chewed, her dark eyes focused upon the babies.
“How did you come upon these, Featherless?” Nyris hopped closer to me.
“I found them washed on shore a few months ago. It was after all those massive storms. I’ve been taking them to the beach in case they were being looked for, but no one has come.”
Nyris stretched her long neck out to have a closer look. “They are reef mers, children of the Nereid. Back when the tides could sink below the forest, they could climb the coral without harm. They once guarded the reef forest, but I have not seen their kind in ages.”
“What else can you tell me about them?” I asked. “I’ll give you anything in return.”
Nyris hummed. “I can tell you have two girls, a blessing there. They will also be extremely strong as they grow up. If there is anyone looking for them, you could be in great danger. The children of the Nereid are extremely protective and natural born warriors. They will do all in their power to protect their own.”
Mali and Hana raised their heads, looking up at me, frightened.
“That’s fine,” I murmured.
Nyris sighed. “Featherless, you have been bestowed a great treasure. If you do take these two and raise them as your own, there is nothing in the world that will harm you. I’ve fought many children of Nereid and, while I stand, they have taken many of my own. They are worthy of the reef forest.”
I looked up at Nyris, meeting her frightening gaze. “But how can I take care of them? What can I do to make sure they grow the way they should?”
“As long as they have the reef forest, then they will grow as they should.” She stretched out her wings. “Now, Featherless, take them home before I find them too appetizing.” She began flapping her wings to take off, so I hurried back with Mali and Hana to the lighthouse.
It didn’t matter to me that Mali and Hana were girls. Ever since coming to the lighthouse I hadn’t thought of myself as a woman or man at all. I was simply a being. It changed nothing with how I planned to raise them, however long that would be. But knowing a bit more of what they were and the lives they could lead helped more than anything.
A few more months went by before more storms came to the shores. For days it remained dark outside while the ocean rose high and beat upon the side of the lighthouse. Mali and Hana barely left my side, and when they couldn’t, they remained hidden under the stairs.
“It will be alright,” I told them. “Storms pass, they always do.”
Fish, the sea snail was crawling up the wall, so I set him back down upon the floor. “Storms always bring treasure onto the shore. They brought you two to me.”
They looked up at me with big, wide eyes.
“Once they pass, we’ll go back down to the beach and you’ll find all sorts of amazing-” A horrible roar drowned out the sounds of the storm. A cold chill ran down my spine and I stood alert.
Mali and Hana whimpered and screeched.
“It’s okay. It was probably just wind.” As soon as I said this, another guttural roar ripped through the storm.
The door and windows were bolted to protect from the storm, this was the safest possible place on the entire island.
“It’ll be okay.” I repeated for the children, but also for myself.
I heard a window shatter outside the bolted shutters. The roar grew louder and the shutters began to shake and buckle from something pounding against them.
The girls began shouting and they jumped into my arms.
I grabbed Mali and Hana from the floor and carried them back to the bedroom. I placed them inside the closet.
“It’s just the storm. Stay here for me. Okay?” I tried smiling, but I didn’t know how well it came off.
“Mama!” They started screaming.
“I need you to be quiet for me, okay?” I hugged them back into my arms. “Be quiet for Mama. Stay here, alright?”
Mali and Hana continued to cry for me.
I tried shushing them and making them be quiet and then that roar bellowed through the lighthouse. I shut the closet doors and grabbed an axe by the fireplace. I went back out into the main room and saw one of the storm shutters was busted.
My whole body tensed in alertness and my heart pounded up inside my throat. I readied myself, holding the axe before me as I listened for anything over the storm. The howling winds and pelting rains hid any footsteps that may have been outside. Whatever was out there wanted inside. And a dark thought told me it was here for Hana and Mali.
The door shook, something on the other side was clawing and ramming against it. Segments of the door began to splinter and I could see shadows of the creature moving from outside.
My breath was shuddering but I was able to keep my hands steady. I squeezed my hands harder and tighter around the shaft of the axe. I could swing as hard as anyone, all these years alone I had been chopping wood myself. I could crack a skull if I had to.
The door began to break and, on the other side, the creature roared.
I turned around to see Hana standing there.
I shook my head and pointed back towards the bedroom. “Hana! No! Go back-”
Hana looked around. “Fish?”
“Don’t worry about Fish!” I yelled at her. “Go back to the-”
The door buckled and was ripped from the wall. The guttural roar hit me like a ton of bricks. I raced for Hana, throwing my body over her. Chunks of wood from the door rained over me as it was slammed against the stairs.
Rain was forced inside by the howling winds and it felt like ice against my skin. I looked at Hana, gazing into her eyes as she watched me with fear.
“I won’t let it hurt you,” I breathed to her.
The creature screamed again and Hana echoed it. There was silence and a guttural clicking sound followed.
I was grabbed by the back of my neck and yanked off the floor. The creature held me aloft and, for a brief second, I saw it. It was massive, glittering like the ocean, and covered in thick, gauged scars. It tossed me against the stairs.
“Mama!” Hana screamed.
The creature growled at her and reached out towards her. Hana evaded, running towards the foot of the stairs. She tried to climb the stairs towards me, but she couldn’t make it. She turned to face the creature, hissing and spitting, her fins standing on end.
The creature snarled and, when it tried to step forward, Hana would scream. Moments later, Mali joined her, throwing things at the creature while they tried to guard the stairs.
I sat up slowly, trying to move my body so I could reach them. I looked the creature dead in the eye and I knew right away why they were here.
This was Mali and Hana’s father.
I managed to crawl down the stairs to them, and they placed themselves over me protectively. I looked up one last time at their father, who looked like the powerful warrior Nyris spoke of. I held out my hand to him, giving a slight nod before I could no longer hold on. I drifted away, fading deep into the darkness. I could only hope there was someone waiting for me on the other side.
I never expected to wake up, not alive anyways, and especially not in bed. I woke with Hana and Mali laying on either side of me and the storm howling just beyond me. It had been a dream, a horrible nightmare. I smiled as I felt the girls' little bodies against mine. I rested back into bed when I felt horrible pain radiate through my legs.
Not a dream.
I turned my head slightly and saw in the dim light the outline of the father. His eyes glowed in the radiant light and a luminescence glowed along the scars of his body.
“I knew you’d come,” I murmured. “It was too good to be true.”
Father sniffed.
Tears rose in my eyes. “I wanted you to come back before I loved them. Why did it take you so long?”
Father took a step forward, coming into the bedroom and bending himself over the bed. The girls remained asleep, but their hands tightened upon the blankets.
Sniffing, Father looked into my eyes. He raised his thick arm and placed his hand over my head.
I whimpered, but I was ready for it all to end. Hana and Mali would go back to where they belonged and I would finally be able to see my family again.
“They are mine,” Father growled. “But you are theirs.” He removed his hand from my face and rose over me.
I sniffled and choked on my own breath.
An awful growl filled the room. “They are only children, they do not understand how foolish they are. But once they do, I will rip out your throat so the harpies cannot hear you screaming.”
I closed my eyes and tried to breathe.
“But as long as you are theirs, you are also mine. I do not like it, but I will obey it.” Father’s voice was deep and loud, a storm on its own.
“I am grateful for as long as that stands,” I whimpered. “I only ever wanted to care for them, I promise you that.”
“Humans say lots of things. What makes your words any different?”
“I don’t know.” I swallowed and Hana crawled up closer to me. “Just look at them is all I can say.”
“All I have done is look for them. And now that I have them back, I cannot claim them. Do you know what agony that is? Do you understand how angry that makes me?”
“I do,” I said breathlessly. “I lost my children too. I lost them forever.”
Father was silent.
I sniffled and Mali nuzzled her face into my shoulder. “What’s your name?”
Father snarled. “Hau. Who are you?”
“Oshea. Hello, Hau.”
Hau growled low in his chest and the sound echoed off the walls of the bedroom. Hana and Mali began to still and rested heavily upon me.
“It’s been a long time since I had company, but you are welcome here.” I laughed out of weakness. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do...I don’t know what I should say to you.”
“Say nothing to me. I will remain here only for them. There is nothing that needs to be spoken between us.”
I rested against the bed again. “I think there is a lot that could be said between us,” I muttered. “These children...there’s so much…” I stopped myself and looked back towards Hau.
“I love them so much. Surely you understand that.”
Hau remained silent.
“I love them,” I insisted. “And I know they love me. I was willing to die for them tonight. You and I have that in common, Hau.”
He snarled. “Humans are demons, worse than demons. My daughters will not need you once they are grown.”
“Maybe,” I whispered. “But that’s fine with me.”
“You are frustrating me.”
Hana sat up sleepily. She rubbed her eyes and looked up towards Hau. She tensed up and placed her small body around my neck.
“Do you not recognize me, little one?” Hau growled. “Look at me! Surely you must remember.”
Hana remained protective over me and would not move.
“Show her you mean me no harm,” I tried to coax Hau. “Show her.”
Hau snarled under his breath.
I held out my hand towards him. “She won’t trust you until you do.”
Hau reluctantly took hold of my hand. I brought it close, placing a small kiss upon him while Hana watched. He flinched, gripping tighter onto my hand. Hana breathed and mimicked what I did, kissing Hau’s hand and smile appeared on her face.
“There, you see?” I looked up towards him as Hana held onto his hand.
Hau picked her up, cradling her in his arms. She looked so tiny compared to him. Hau was exceptionally big and powerful, he looked like a god.
“Mama,” Hana chirpped.
Hau snarled. “You do not need her, you know? You have the blood of ancient warriors in your veins. You are vicious and glorious.”
“Mama,” Hana burbled.
“Fine.” Hau handed her back to me. “You will learn better eventually.”
“Hana,” I said.
“I named her Hana, and the other I named Mali.”
Hau got a stricken look upon his face.
“Did they have names before?” I asked.
Hau looked away from me. “They were too young when the storm took them. I never got a chance.”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I tried to name them something...strong. I was a bit afraid in the beginning. I had no idea what I was doing. I just wanted to help them.”
Hau turned away from me, walking away from the bedroom and the sound of rain pelting through the broken door. “It doesn’t matter now,” he sounded solemn. His deep voice held a whisper of sadness to it. “They are not horrible names.”
I smiled softly and closed my eyes again until Mali began to stir. I held them close to me, and silently thanked them for saving my life. In more ways than one, they had protected me. I just had to reckon with Hau now, a new storm, a new day.
I repaired the front door as best I could, but while the storm raged I didn’t have the proper supplies to fix it completely. Rain still came through and puddled on the floor, and the house maintained a bone penetrating chill the entire time. Fixing the window Hau broke was another matter as well, I had no clue when I’d be able to order glass for it, or if my letters would even reach the mainland.
Once the storms did cease I was able to go out to get lumber and perhaps make a trade with the harpies. I was still beaten and bruised, and I had to use a crutch to make it further inland. I was used to doing things on my own, so aside from some pain, this wasn’t an issue.
Mali and Hana followed me, chased me really. They weren’t eager to be left alone with Hau, so he was close behind as well.
“If you’re going to be coming with us, do you mind carrying this for me?” I held out the axe to him, which he just glared at. “I’m trying to repair damages that you caused. It’s the least you could do.”
Hau sneered and took the axe from me. In the sunlight, his colors appeared much more vivid than Hana and Mali’s, so were his scars. He was covered from head to toe in battle wounds that ranged from tiny cuts to ragged gouges and bites. He shone bright blue in the daylight, but in the shadows of the lighthouse he appeared more purple.
“If you go further inland, you’ll risk the harpies,” Hau warned.
“I have a tentative alliance with Nyris. As long as I give offerings, I’m to be left alone.” I held up the satchel I brought filled with fish that I would leave on the offering stone. “I am fully aware of what I can and cannot do here.”
Hau’s eyes narrowed, slanting upwards as his grimace turned further down. He had sharp frills that went into his sharp cheekbones and under his jaw, giving him a very severe look. Not that his size didn’t leave that to question.
I placed my offering and heard the harpies whispering beyond the trees. I moved aside, going further down where I often chopped my wood. I set my things aside and propped my crutch up so I could reach is easily later.
I held out my hand to Hau and wobbled. “I’ll take it back now.”
Hau handed it back and moved away from the treeline while Hana and Mali started collecting small stones and seeds from the ground.
“Stand back,” I told them gently. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
They scurried further back, ducking behind a big rock to play. I started swinging at a tree, but I lost my wind sooner than usual. I stopped, clutching my arm around my side. After a few moments, I started chopping again, only to encounter the same problem.
“What are you doing?” Hau scoffed. “You’re supposed to breathe air and yet you can’t seem to do that right.”
I scowled back at him. “You threw me against the stairs. I’m not a fast healer as it is. If you have something more to say, I suggest you leave.”
Hau looked down at the children as they played, ignoring me as I turned back to my work. I chiseled away at that tree for hours, but eventually it came down, crashing onto the ground. I took a break, sitting down upon a stone as my body cooled and the stabbing pain in my leg became a dull throb.
I looked over and saw Hau was gone. I looked around for Mali and Hana, but I didn’t see them anywhere. I grabbed my crutch and attempted to rush back to the lighthouse, but my body had enough of it, and the slick ground helped assist it in keeping me from moving forward.
I fell to the ground and cried out in agony as I landed on my side. I curled up in a ball, choking on breaths as the pain racked through my body.
“Mama!” Through blurred vision I saw two small shapes run up to me, while a much bigger one followed behind. Their hands were soaking wet and, when Hau picked me up off the ground, my clothes soaked through.
“Useless,” Hau snarled.
“Where did you go?” I wheezed.
“I took them swimming, which is what they should be doing. They can barely dive! What have you been doing to them?” Hau walked harshly, jostling me and adding to my pain as he carried me back down the hill to the lighthouse.
The girls chirped and hissed at him, biting at his ankles every time I made a sound.
“Very good, children,” he told them. “But I am taking her home! You need to save your energy for a real attack.”
“Take me back, I have to finish this,” I scolded.
“You’re in foul shape. What do you think you could possibly do aside from advancing your own death?” Hau carried me inside and laid me back in bed. “If you die, I would greatly appreciate it.”
“Sweet talk gets you nowhere,” I huffed.
Mali and Hana climbed onto the  bed with me, snuggling up against me and nuzzling to my face.
Hau snarled. “It would make things so much easier. But I fear you’ve rubbed off too much on them.”
“Is that all you have to say?” I huffed. “Can’t you be cruel elsewhere? You’ve been here several days and all you’ve done is snarl nasty things under your breath. Doesn’t that get exhausting? Because it is for me!”
Hau recoiled in surprise. I’d held my tongue the entire time, but I was not in the mood then. I was in agony and I had so much to do. I also needed to go up to the top of the lighthouse to refuel, which sounded impossible the way my legs felt.
“Mean,” Mali hissed back at Hau.
“Mean!” Hana screeched.
I sighed and patted their heads. “You don’t need to join in.”
Hau turned and left the room, storming out and kicking something as he left the lighthouse. I sunk back into the bed, able to relax genuinely for the first time in days. Ever since Hau arrived, I had been on edge, which is probably why my body felt like tightly coiled wire.
Hana kissed my cheek and laid herself across my chest.
“You don’t need to protect me,” I mumbled. “He’s your father after all.” I closed my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose. “We’ll rest a little bit, then we have to make those repairs. Who knows when another storm will blow up?” I put my arm around them on my chest as I drifted to sleep.
I was woken by the sound of loud, repetitive banging. Hana and Mali were at the end of the bed and looking out the bedroom door with intense curiosity. I got up and looked out to see Hau cramming a solid block of stone through the broken window.
I wrapped my arm around my side and held it while I moved. “What are you doing?” I snapped at him.
He turned around on the stairs and glared at me. “Making repairs,” he said mockingly. He went back to force feeding the block of stone through the window until it wedged itself and sealed it off. He dusted off his big hands and leapt down the stairs in front of me.
He rose, glaring down at me then sniffed and turned towards the door which was leaned up against the wall and had a weaved material covering the holes.
“It’s good enough for nets, it should be good enough for your door,” he snarled. “You can put it back in place.”
“Thank you.” I was in a state of awe. “Why did you do this?”
“Is nothing good enough for you?” Hau hissed at me.
I tilted my head to the side. “Yes, of course it is, I’m just horribly confused. You didn’t seem like you wanted to help me at all.”
Hau rose from the door. “I have to accept that this is the nest my children will be living in. For the time being, it must be a guarded and safe nest for them. Once they understand how much better it can be for them, then I will have nothing more to do with this place.”
A smile broke on my face. “I’m so relieved, thank you so much!”
He huffed and his great shoulder slouched. “I will not help you, only my children.”
“That’s something we can agree upon. All I ask is that you do what’s best for Hana and Mali. I don’t care about myself whatsoever.”
His mouth opened slightly. “Such a strange thing to say about yourself.”
“It’s my norm.” I offered my hand to him to shake. “We can work together on this. We will take care of them equally, and try to get along for their sake. And whatever the choose in the future, we both have to accept it.”
“Why are you offering me your weird little hand?” Hau snarled.
Was my hand gross? I knew it was small in comparison but surely it wasn’t gross. “To shake on it. You know? Like a gentleman’s agreement.”
“Neither one of us is a gentleman, so I see no need to do it. It is customary to exchange blows when we come to an agreement.”
I flinched and tried to step away. “You already hit me enough I don’t think we need to-” Hau came closer and I felt pinned into a corner. “Wait a second, wait-” Hau lowered himself down, pressing his lips to mine. I remained still, feeling his cold breath in my lungs. I breathed back, feeling his chest flare as he took it in.
Hau pulled back, wiping his mouth with his finger. “That is how we come to an agreement.”
I clutched my hand over my chest, still feeling his cold breath inside me. My face felt flushed from embarrassment and I wanted to void looking any more foolish in front of him.
“Alright, okay,” I cleared my throat. “Glad we can come to that...which is the agreement that we have agreed upon.” I stopped and shook it off. “Thank you.”
Hau narrowed his eyes and puffed out his chest. “Just so you know, before we enter into this, every human I have ever come across I have killed them.”
I stood my ground, but only because I couldn’t move myself as fast as I needed to get away.
“So one wrong move, and you’ll be one of them.” His eyes averted, catching the girls watching us from the bedroom door. He exhaled, relaxing his puffed chest, and he patted the top of my head.
“How do I make them like me?” He growled.
“This is a start.”
A few days later, Hau carried me and the children down towards the ocean. In an attempt to get close to them, I agreed to let him take them swimming, only knowing they wouldn’t go far without me.
I sat on shore, urging Mali and Hana to go into the water with Hau. “It’s fine, I promise. This is what you are made to do, and he’s so excited to teach you. I’m excited too, see?” I pointed to my smile which they looked unimpressed by.
“What have you told them to make them so afraid of their home?” Hau huffed in his impatience.
“I am trying to help! Chill out! Their first memories are of a storm tossing them about in the water, give them some time!” I then realized they wouldn’t go far out without me.
With a heavy sigh, I knew what I had to do. “Do you want me to go swimming with you and your father?”
Mali and Hana nodded excitedly.
I stood and stripped off my clothes. Hau watched, a perplexed and irritated look upon his face. His eyes lingered, seeing scars upon my body that made his eyes widen and reveal the golden ring around the black.
I stepped into the water and caught his eye. “This is the only thing I can think of to get them further into the water with you. I’m not a great swimmer-”
“Then enjoy your awful death.” Hau dove into the water, swimming further out.
Mali and Hana followed me, going into the water and staying by my side. It was painfully cold, and my teeth started to chatter. I swam as best as I could towards Hau who dove under again. He yanked Mali and Hana down and their tiny hands grabbed at my toes. After a moment, they rose back up with a look of wonder on their faces.
Hau rose up from the water, the edges of his scars glowed brightly enough to make him look angelic. “Come on now, children, we need to try and go deeper. We hunt on the floor of the ocean, you need to learn how to find your own food.”
“It’s okay,” I told them. “You’re having fun, right?”
Mali tugged on me, wanting me to go down with them.
“You’re a nuisance.” Hau grabbed me, pulling me down underwater so that Hana and Mali would follow.
Hau’s strong arm locked around my waist, swimming with me down through the depths of the reef forest. It was strangely beautiful, even if my vision was somewhat blurred. The tall, tree-like coral towers had never been so high above me before. They were beautiful, but that didn’t take away how dangerous they were.
We did this several times, as Hau had to bring me back up for air. He complained, but the more we did it, the more eager that Hana and Mali were to join him. Eventually, all I needed to do was get into the water for them to dive with Hau. And as more time passed, I could sit peacefully on the shore while they went on their hunts.
“Mama! Mama! I found you things!” Mali happily clamored on shore, her smile shining brightly as she extended her hand out to me.
So much time had passed, but I was still amazed at how much they had grown. They were excellent swimmers now, and were on their way to being great hunters.
“What did you find this time?” I opened my hand and Mali dumped a fist full of pearls into my palm.
“For your collection,” Mali grinned.
I smirked. “That’s so sweet of you, Mali.” I pulled her in and kissed her cheek. “Where’s your sister?”
“Still with him.” She pointed to the ocean. “Hana didn’t catch enough.”
I rolled my eyes and let Mali climb into my lap. “Hana’s not the fighter like you are. He’s going to have to learn that.”
Mali snuggled up against me, closing her eyes with a smile on her face.
A few minutes later, Hana came out of the water with a huge pout on her face. She ran up to me, slamming herself into my body and tucking her head down.
“Hana! Get back here!” Hau came out of the water with a severe glare in his eyes. “You’re not done yet.”
Hana whimpered against me, hugging me tighter.
“She’s tired, Hau. Let her rest.”
Hau kneeled down before me. “You are far too soft on them. No wonder humans are so easy to kill if they have mothers as soft as you.”
I gave him a warning look. “Trust me, soft mothers are not the reason people are easy to kill. Now let her rest, she’s not going to work any harder just because you tell her to.”
Hau sat down on the sand, watching as the girls snuggled up to me. The look on his face I could understand. He was teaching them to be one of their own kind, but like any parent he also wanted to be close to them.
“Hana, would you like to hug your father?” I asked softly. “Then that’ll be all for your training today.”
Hana glanced back at Hau and slowly removed herself from me. She went to Hau and hugged onto his arm.
“I don’t need your pity,” Hau huffed.
“You need something,” I said with a smile.
Hau snarled under his breath and brought Hana into his lap.
Mali and Hana went off to play after a rest, leaving Hau and I alone together. We had gotten used to one another, after all this time we worked hard at it, but Hau kept his distance from me. I understood why he did, but I wanted to close that distance between us.
“May I ask you something, Hau?”
He tilted his head to the side. “What do you want?”
I gazed out over the ocean, watching the sun sink into the waves and paint them shades of orange and purple. “What happened the night you were separated from Hana and Mali? You’ve never told me that.”
Hau scoffed. “Because it was a painful loss for me. It was the first time I had ever failed at doing my duty.”
I glanced at him, seeing his expression was filled with pain. I inched closer to him and placed my hand upon his arm. “I understand. More than you’ll ever know.”
“You told me you lost your children,” he grumbled.
The pain welled up in my chest. “At least you found Mali and Hana again. I can’t describe my jealousy.”
“You found them,” he snarled weakly.
“Were you hurt?” I asked. “I mean...when you lost them.”
Hau was silent, and he didn’t try to toss my hand away at all. “I had been out hunting. I hadn’t left them in days and I was growing hungry. Since I was the only one in the nest, it was much harder. I decided to go after something big, something I could feed off of for a long time and not worry about leaving the nest. My arrogance cost me-” He pushed my hand aside then.
“Why do you want to know this?”
“I just do.”
“I let my mate die, and I almost let my children die,” he snarled. “There. Now you know.”
“You didn’t let them,” I murmured.
Hau remained silent.
“There’s something I need to tell you, something I’m not sure how you’ll respond to.” I looked back out over the ocean. “I suppose I need to say it for selfish reasons if you’ll let me.”
“Go ahead with it,” he grunted. “I’m used to your blathering.”
I smiled to myself, watching his hand flex in preparation of me touching it. I placed my palm on his arm again, moving it down and over the back of his hand. “I love you. I realized I did a while ago, but I wasn’t sure how to approach it.”
Hau sighed heavily. “You really are a fool. You would fall in love with the death that stood in your doorway. I told you long ago I had killed every human I had come across and not to think you would be any different. What makes you think you can escape me now?”
I chuckled. “I’m not.”
Hau put his big hand on the back of my head. “I would really be a failure if I did.”
“Well, as long as I am alive, can I?”
Hau looked down at me right as the tears began to fall from my eyes. “Can you what?”
I sniffled and hiccuped, covering my face with my hands. Hau gently hovered over me, lowering himself down so I was cast in his shadow. He pulled my hand away from my face and wrenched my chin to look back at him.
“Tell me,” he snarled.
“Can I love you?” I blubbered.
Hau frowned but it melted away slowly. He wiped the tears from my cheeks and looked me over with a soft gaze.
“I can’t stop you from anything, Oshea,” he murmured. “I can’t stop the children from loving you. Nor can I help but see you through their eyes. Love me if you must, I just don’t know what to do with it.”
“That’s okay,” I smiled through my tears. “Come here.” I pulled him down, pressing a kiss softly upon his cheek. He made a small noise in his throat and I kissed again.
Hana and Mali soon returned, wanting to go home and have dinner. They saw me crying and became defensive, but they realized soon that I was okay.
That evening, after Mali and Hana had been tucked into bed I stood in the open doorway of the lighthouse. I watched the light from the beacon shine far into the distance, warning oncoming sailors to the dangers of the reef forest.
I felt Hau’s presence behind me, but I remained still. Even as his arms wrapped around me from behind, I did not move. His strong embrace held me firmly to his body and his head came to rest upon my shoulder.
“Why must you love me?” He whispered.
“Because I must.”
His arms tightened around me. “Then I will show you how to love.”
Hau forced me outside the lighthouse, closing the door behind him. He led me away from the lighthouse, taking me down into an alcove of stone. He laid me upon the cold ground and pressed his body into mine.
“I’ll show you,” he snarled into my ear. “You humans have no depth. You cannot possibly understand.”
“Hau, please-” I held onto him as strongly as I could. I feared he would fade away like a mirage. Last time I held on so tightly, I lost them forever.
Hau’s strong hands dug into my body, he ripped away fabric that stood in his way. His touch awakened my nerves, and I was reminded of a long dead desire inside me.
Hau pressed his great power upon me, driving it hard into my body so I would not forget. He left marks on my skin, bites he said would show I had given myself to him. He pressed harder and deeper inside me, taking my breath away. His low voice became a soothing song in my ear, deep breaths and deep growls that filled my every thought. His effort rasped his voice, the harder he worked, the more his voice broke and trembled.
I began to cry in his arms, but I begged him not to stop for a single moment. I wanted him to hold me fast and imprint the shape of my body into the ground. I was so starved for this touch and this lesson, I feared I lost my mind for a moment.
The dark hush of the ocean as it lapped upon the shore echoed my deep breathing. As i laid there looking up at the sky, tears in my eyes, I felt the world around me sigh. Relief settled upon me as the sweat on my skin began to evaporate.
Hau’s body rose over me, taking me again into his arms.
Mali and Hana were still asleep when we returned. Dawn would soon come, but I did not feel like resting at all. My body was still pulsing with Hau’s affections, and each breath I took could feel him inside me.
I smiled at them as they slept, feeling a comfort inside me that I would not lose them as I feared. I left them to sleep, stepping back out into the main room where Hau stood before the fireplace.
He was quiet and still as I approached him, kissing his back and resting my body against his.
“I don’t hate you,” he murmured to me. “Not like I should. Not even a little. I don’t trust this feeling, but I don’t know what else I should do with it. You’re mine now. You always were. Since the moment you took them you sealed your fate.”
Hau turned and placed his hand upon the top of my head. “My fate is yours to decide,” he whispered.
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ash-rigby · 5 months
Moonlit Blooming (Merfolk) [M/M]
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Featured Characters: A gay, black human man and a bisexual merman.
Description: After spending some unfortunate time apart due to a run of bad weather, a lighthouse keeper spends a calm, clear night on the beach with his merman lover.
Contains: Nonhuman POV, Slit Play, Tentacle Dicks, Diphallia, Handjobs, Oral Sex, Fingering, Frotting.
Character Ages: Aster is 28 and Malik is 31.
Completion Date: November 28th, 2023
There is something different about the moon when you’re in love. Aster had enjoyed it well enough before; a pretty thing that was a constant no matter where he surfaced when the whim arose. With Malik had come a shift.
Maybe it was because all the poems and songs about the moon resonated now. Perhaps it was seeing its light reflected in the eyes of someone whose gaze he never wanted to leave him. Or playing off of skin he wanted to kiss. Either way, Aster lived for cloudless nights spent laying out on the beach, basking in the cool glow with the man he loved.
Aster had a particular liking for a secluded spot near the lighthouse that Malik kept with his older brother. He had washed up there not long ago; frightened, confused, and in pain after getting hopelessly tangled in a rogue fishing net. The sun had been harsh, beating down and suffocating.
He may have died there had it not been for Malik rushing down, gently but urgently cutting him free, and keeping up a string of reassurances despite not knowing if the merfolk shared his language. Aster remembered being carried back into the sea, his arm around his rescuer’s shoulders as he looked up into his handsome, focused face.
He had turned tailfin as soon as he was able and swam away without a word; whether it was because of the residual fear or embarrassment, he did not know. It took a few days for Aster to work up the nerve to return to the area and thank Malik properly. And not long after that to confess his adoration for the man; a human, no less. Aster had grown up on cautionary tales about the two legs but never really bought into the idea that they were all so terrible. Now he knew for certain.
Aster was pulled out of his reverie by the sensation of a gentle hand running from his upper to lower back. It paused just where the silvery scales of his tail began. The scents of his lover and the salty sea air mingled pleasantly in his nose. They hadn’t been able to be together in a while due to a run of horrid weather; the sad reality of a love between one of the sea and one of land. As much as Aster enjoyed quiet, close company, he couldn’t ignore his urges.
His own hand and memories—however vivid and wild—had far from satisfied him those two weeks.
He hummed, smiling wide and moving his fingertips over the dark brown skin of Malik’s chest. As they slowly trailed, he took in every detail; the mole between his pecs, the small scar over a rib he still didn’t know the story behind. The breath was calm; he would fix that.
Aster moved lower, hearing a sharp inhale as he reached the waistband of Malik’s bright pink shorts. He toyed with it, slipping slightly underneath.
“Are you just going to count the stars all night?” he asked.
The smile was obvious in Malik’s voice.
“Why would I when the only one that matters is right here?”
Aster chuckled. Big sap, he thought as warmth fluttered through him. He lifted his head from Malik’s shoulder to speak in his ear, lips close to brushing the shell.
“Can I touch you?”
Malik nodded nearly imperceptibly, throat working. “Yeah.”
Together, they worked Malik out of his shorts and underwear, leaving him naked on the sand. Aster teased his hand over Malik’s abdomen and down his thigh, watching the base of his cock twitch from the simple touch. He took it into his webbed hand and began to slowly stroke.
As Aster laid his head back down, his keen senses picked up on the quickening of Malik’s pulse. Always so excitable, he thought. Especially after some time apart. Aster was one to talk; he could already feel a needy throb beginning to overtake the deepest parts of his slit. From this angle he could look down his lover’s chest and stomach to watch his hand moving up and down the thickening shaft, teasing in its languid pace.
Malik took in a breath, releasing it shakily. A moan followed it as Aster brought his mouth to his neck. He kissed and licked under his jaw and down the length of it. Aster’s nostrils flared as he ravaged the heating flesh, his eyelids flickering; if there ever had to be a warning about the two legs, it should have been about the potency of their pheromones. The heady scent of his arousal was thrilling, leaving Aster gasping even before he began to grind his leaking slit against Malik’s hip.
“Aster,” Malik breathed. “Getting so worked up just from touching me? You’re already soaked.”
Aster whimpered as he felt himself dribble more. “Missed…you.”
“I know…I know…me t—fuck.”
Malik’s cock was full; heavy and hot under Aster’s palm. He began to lightly thrust into the slick, webbed grip. The movements of his hips screamed for a quicker pace and Aster obliged, pulling a louder moan from him. Beads of precum leaked down over Aster’s fingers with every upward stroke. A slick, rhythmic noise filled the air. The increased wetness aided the motion, the slight twist of Aster’s wrist made smooth and seamless.
Malik began to pant. He choked on a gasp and suddenly gripped Aster’s arm, not hard but imploring. “Babe…babe, stop.”
Aster obeyed, fixing him with a quizzical look.
Malik grinned, chest heaving.
“Don’t…don’t let me get too far ahead of you,” he said.
Aster smiled and brought him into a deep kiss, letting himself be guided into laying on his back as their tongues nudged and glided over one another. Malik pulled away and straddled him to hover for a moment. He was utterly captivating; haloed in a silver glow, lips parted around his breaths, adoration and lust in his deep brown eyes.
Aster reached up and cupped Malik’s face in his hands, running his fingers through the short scruff of his facial hair. The back of his left hand was gently captured. A warm, attentive gaze locked onto his as Malik kissed the inside of his wrist. The same affection found his collarbone, moving lower over his chest and continuing to his slit.
His bright, blue-white scales carried an extra sheen from his excessive leaking. Malik ran his tongue up the wet line of it, giving an appreciative and aroused hum when Aster moaned in response. He brought his thumbs to either side of Aster’s slit, pulling it open to expose the tips of his swelling inner folds.
Aster knew how much he was already twitching. He could feel the pulsations that were slowly working their way to his sheathed cocks. He was glad Malik could see it; what he did to him.
Malik hissed a curse and delved in, licking and sucking at the needy slit. Aster’s hands found his lover’s hair. His hips quickly gave in to a shallow buck under the fervent mouth. Hot breath panted against him, Malik’s deep groans vibrating into sensitive flesh.
“There…m-more,” Aster moaned. He cried out, feeling Malik begin to fuck his tongue into the tightly-squeezing space between the two sets of folds. “Fuck, Malik!”
He gasped as there was a shift inside him, the throbbing becoming more intense. Desperate sounds tumbled from his lips around quick breaths. His tail shook, fins quivering. All at once, his internal folds emerged from him in a motion not unlike a blooming flower. The wide, sturdier ones locked against his scales, doing their job of holding his slit wide open.
Aster’s deeper parts were exposed; the dual sheaths sitting side-by-side in the lower portion of his slit. A finger found them near-instantly. Malik’s fingertips teased the weeping holes, caressing the rims and smearing slick. Single digits slid into both of them effortlessly and began to pump. Aster’s mouth was open, his voice only managing short, choked-off moans as his head spun.
Malik scissored his fingers, heavy awe in his tone when he spoke. “Wow. You’re…you’re so much hotter in here than usual.”
Because it’s you. Because I’ve been so lonely without you. Because I can’t cum without you anymore and need this so badly. Aster wanted to say all those things, but the pleasure was addling those thoughts somewhere between his brain and tongue. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Aster whimpered, his sheaths fluttering around Malik and, in turn, around his cocks. He cried out as Malik thrust to the second knuckle and nudged their sensitive heads. The wet, sucking sounds his own body was making only aroused him more, feeling how eagerly it took him.
Malik’s other hand moved and went to his mouth. The motion captured Aster’s attention, eyes locked on his lover’s burning pupils as he sucked on his pointer finger. When it was glistening, he lowered it and found Aster’s third hole a few inches down from his slit. Aster bit his lip through the initial shallow probing, back briefly arching as Malik’s finger fully entered his ass.
Aster’s fingers dug and scrambled at the sand. Malik was hardly being rough with him, but Aster’s noises might convince a voyeur otherwise. Even the moderately paced thrusting had him loudly moaning like a beast in heat. His head tossed back, chin angled at the night sky. He felt pressure building in his slit, something hot and about to burst. It throbbed and surged like a storm until ecstasy claimed him.
Fluid gushed from his sheaths. There was no cum. Just a copious, clear slick spurting around Malik’s fingers and dribbling down Aster’s sides. He slumped, hands mindlessly pawing at his chest and hair and he panted. His body shivered, slit still ablaze with need. Malik exited him and there was another gasp-inducing shift; Aster’s cocks following him out. Only the leaky tips emerged. The stubborn things still needed more coaxing even after all of that.
Malik looked shell-shocked. “What was that?”
There was no disgust; more of a ‘How did I make you do that so I can make it happen again?’ sentiment. Aster only held his arms out to him.
“Malik,” he whined. “I need you.”
Snapping to action at the pleading voice, Malik scrambled up and aligned his dick with Aster’s slit.
“Right, right. Fuck that; who cares right now?” he said quickly.
He brought them together as Aster’s hands lighted on his shoulders. The whole of his length was throbbing; the show had clearly been lovely. Precum leaked from him at the first touch and joined the wet mess. Some of Aster’s folds curled towards him, lightly clinging to his cock. He began to thrust through the ample slick which aided his movement.
Those sweet moans returned as Malik chased his pleasure, winding in with Aster’s. Lust mixed with a deep concentration on his face; always so focused on what he was doing to start out. Aster loved to watch that slowly melt away. To see his lover’s body give in to instinct.
It didn’t take much of the sensation of Malik’s dick grinding against his slit for Aster’s to slip out. Long, tentacle-like appendages slid from his sheaths. He groaned as they did, perfectly aligned to rise up on either side of Malik. They were dripping more than they typically did, twitching in time with his heartbeat. His conscious control of their movements clicked into place and that was always electrifying. With only a sly grin as a warning, he wrapped them around Malik’s cock.
Aster kept the space tight; perfect to thrust into. Malik paused, seeming to just enjoy being buried in that throbbing sleeve. He leaned down for a hot, desperate kiss, leaving them moaning into each other’s mouths as he started to move again. His hips were graceful, a slow undulation to drag it all out. To etch every detail of this feeling into his memory. To save for the next rainy day.
But as Aster moved his warm, slick cocks around him, that gradually changed. He thrust faster, groans punching out of him. His balls slapped against the wet, quivering slit beneath him. Sweat poured from him and his scent was an ambrosial whirlwind. Aster panted, drowning his senses with it. He dragged his hands down Malik’s back, feeling the flex of his muscles and digging his nails into the meat of his ass.
“Mmm, yeah,” Malik moaned. He slowed down, trading the pace for longer thrusts and a steady voice. “You’re so damn gorgeous. Every—ah—every part of you turns me the fuck on. Love how you wrap around me like this…twitching on my cock…shit.”
Aster looked to where they connected. At the hypnotic way Malik’s dick pushed through the tight cling of pulsing tentacles, turgid flesh on both sides shiny with slick. His eyes roamed back; over the heavily-working, sweat-speckled chest and up to that beautiful, euphoric expression on his lover’s face. He squeezed Malik’s ass, a weak grunt sounding in his throat as he tried to rock his hips beneath the weight.
“You’re perfect…perfect,” he gasped. He pulled Malik down against his slit; he needed it faster. Brown eyes went wide. “Mess me up…make me drip with you.”
Malik fucked with renewed vigour. He almost felt harder in Aster’s clasp. His noises ceased any restraint. Like he didn’t care who heard him. As his thrusts became less coordinated, he dropped his head to rest in the juncture between Aster’s shoulder and neck.
It was almost too much; Aster’s currently-sealed gills lined his neck and were uniquely sensitive in that state. His eyes rolled as Malik’s nose brushed against one of the lower ones, a whimper overtaking his moans. Even the panting breath ghosting over them made him shake. His arms moved, one to bring a hand to grip at Malik’s hair and one to drape over his stuttering waist.
Aster lay there, pinned as he was ground against. His cocks were a mess, heat tingling through the lengths as they writhed and squeezed around Malik. They rapidly throbbed, down to their bases and beyond to those four, compact glands deep inside him; they were aching to release. Sudden jolts of pleasure would find him, accompanied by more of that spurting from his sheaths. Every movement grew audibly sopping wet, slick clinging to their bodies.
Malik suddenly seemed to be holding his breath through a few particularly quick thrusts, letting it go alongside a loud, shaking moan as his hips briefly stilled forward. His cock pulsed heavily and Aster felt thick cum splattering his chest. Malik continued, fucking through his release and lifting himself back up with his hands firmly on either side of Aster.
Though breathless and clearly spent, he kept moving. His oversensitive cock twitched in the tentacled confines. He looked down at Aster, face awash with what had to be bordering on too much pleasure.
“Aster,” he gasped. He sucked in a breath, pushing through and thrusting as fast as he could manage. His eyes rolled a little. “Cum..cum for me. Cum for me.”
Aster felt stars burst in his head at the sight his lover made. The scent of the seed scattered across his skin drove him wild. His cocks flew over Malik’s; gliding and twisting frantically, spurring two voices to rise together in ecstasy.
“Only for you…only—only for you!” Aster cried. “Ahhh—Malik!”
His entire body quivered as he came, his tail slapping against the ground. He squeezed Malik’s dick in a final, desperate, throbbing grasp. Cum pumped from him in excess; even for his dual endowment. Relentless spurts covered his heaving, moaning form. A single shot reached his lower jaw to end it all.
His mind felt like it was floating circles around him. It took a moment for him to perceive the sensation of Malik’s tongue running over his stomach and chest, readily lapping up their mess. He felt his cocks retracting back into his sheaths, the internal folds following and re-entwining inside him. They were still lust-swollen, so the outer sides of his slit domed slightly with them underneath.
The mound continued to pulse with pleasured aftershocks. Especially as Malik cupped a large, reverent hand over it and dragged a finger along its line in a final tease. Aster moaned, weak and whimpering. The noise was caught by a kiss that tasted of their combined release. He relaxed into it but still gasped as Malik pulled away, a line of spit connecting their tongues for a moment.
Soft lips brushed his cheek, then his forehead. Malik’s eyes were warm and adoring as they shared a silent, breath-catching moment together. Out of all they had just done, this was what made Aster’s heart skip. To have such beauty look at him this way as they shimmered in the afterglow.
“Dip in the water to clean off?” Malik finally suggested.
Aster hummed affirmatively. It didn’t take long for him to feel uncomfortable sitting in all the fluids involved in on-land love-making. He reached out to rest his hands on Malik’s shoulders.
“Carry me, my prince?”
Malik chuckled. “I’ll never get tired of it.”
He gathered Aster up into his arms effortlessly and steered them towards the nearby shoreline. The sea welcomed them in her calm, cool embrace. They walked out until Malik was chest-high in the water. Aster slipped from his grasp and under. He swam a tight circle around Malik’s legs, tenderly caressing a fin over his calf before returning to the surface in front of him.
They were in each other’s arms a second later, Malik spinning them gently in place. Aster gave in to dumb, love-struck laughter and kissed him, feeling the smile against his lips. The moonlight reflected in flickering ripples around them; Aster’s home turned paradise by the presence of his love.
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crow-jx · 11 months
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Some Mershark Wanshi
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Dishonorably Discharged and Detained
Alpha Shark Man x Gender Neutral Omega Reader (CW: Dubcon, a/b/o, omega reader, DILF, size difference, shark man, merman, biting, marking, claiming, heat cycles, breeding, kidnapping, force fed reader, reader is briefly shocked by an electric fence, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 4.7k (18 minutes into March and already a fic is posted! This was written as a birthday gift for a friend, happy birthday, you know who you are, my longest friendship and trusted confidant. I hope you all enjoy this. Also I tagged this as a merman because I think it qualifies, even without a fish tail a person who is part fish counts. I will die on this hill.)
The dreadnought you were on sailed at a fair pace, ever forward, back to your base. It had been deployed to the front but the battle was over before you even had a chance to arrive, enemy presence in the area had been way overestimated and your unit had not been needed. The sea ahead of you lie calm and serene, the sun scintillating off the surface of the water and the salty breeze kissed your skin, feeling pleasant in your stuffy uniform. You were second in command of the ship directly behind Admiral Reeves, you were an omega but with hard work and perseverance you had managed to defy all expectations of what an omega could be, ranking higher than many alphas your age. This caused some issues when you had first achieved your current rank, but over time you had gained the respect and obedience of those under you as well as the respect of your superiors. You had become invaluable to Admiral Reeves both as a hard worker, a motivator of the troops, and even a strategist he could always call upon for a second opinion when planning on how to engage an enemy force or escape a harrowing situation. That wasn’t to say things were completely easy for you, whenever you were docked or dealing with other service members that were not in your unit you always had to stand strong against harassment and catcalls. And being constantly surrounded by so many alphas, and the pheromones that accompanied them, could sometimes make you more than a bit dizzy. Admiral Reeves’ pheromones were among the most potent, he was not a regular human like most of your peers. He was a shark man. A hybrid species that had been genetically engineered decades ago to help humans explore the seas and get an advantage in maritime combat. Reeves’ heritage was obvious. His sharp teeth, the fin on his back, webbed fingers, gills at the base of his neck, and pale blue skin giving him away to any who saw him. He was likely in his early fifties, it was slightly hard to tell though given he wasn’t completely human, but his short hair had an attractive peppering of grey. As mentioned previously his pheromones were much stronger than an average alpha’s. Probably because he was significantly larger than a normal human. It made being an omega near him all the time slightly difficult, but the main difficulty was that sometimes his cool headed handle on his instincts slipped a bit and he could be just a slight bit overprotective of you. He never disrespected you or questioned your ability to carry out your duties though. After enjoying a few minutes of sunlight and salty sea air you began to make your way back below deck to the dorsal side of the bow where the bridge was contained, you had to make contact with the mainland and give them your coordinates and estimated time of arrival. But before you could even leave the deck a sudden explosion sent you flying. You remained conscious just long enough to notice your right arm and leg were bleeding. You tried to get up but within seconds you collapsed. The next few weeks were a blur that you were almost entirely unconscious for, with only brief fragments of confused awareness. You remembered seeing medics above you, you remember a moment of being in the ship’s medical bay as the ship weaponry fired, and you remembered being awake several times briefly in a hospital bed. When you finally, REALLY, woke up you were in significant pain. Your arm and leg that you had seen bleeding were both in a cast with your leg suspended, your vision was a bit blurry, and your head was throbbing. You had great trouble concentrating, it took great effort to collect yourself and assess your situation. You were no longer in the ship’s medical bay and there were no windows in your room, it seemed very minimalist. Probably a military hospital on base. There was nothing really much you could do other than just try to relax and let yourself heal, eventually a nurse walked in and immediately rushed over to you to check your vitals and ask you a few questions to make sure you were fully aware and awake. After doing so she hurriedly rushed out, staff was under strict orders to notify Reeves the second that you were awake. Since the ship you had been stationed on, The Sentinel, was docked for repairs Reeves was currently at the naval base that you were receiving treatment from and it did not take long for him to be notified about your updated condition and come speeding to your side. You could tell immediately by his scent he had not been getting much sleep and he had been more than a bit anxious. Not surprising, probably lost some good soldiers in that battle and then having to wait as the ship was repaired or for him to get a new assignment was probably pretty stressful. You could have never imagined that the reason for his recent distress had actually been your hospitalization. But it had affected him in ways he would not have thought previously possible. He stood beside you with a huge grin on his face. On anyone and to anyone else it may have been frightful, given the sharp nature of his teeth, but you knew it was a good sign. “Nice to see you awake after you’ve been lazing about in bed for a few weeks, haha,” he joked with his typical sense of humor before his face got grim and he took on a more solemn tone, “But... in all seriousness… It’s good to see you’re okay. We lost some good ones in that attack. Sunk the bastards that did it though.” You took a moment of silence before breaking the tension. “Don’t worry, fish breath, after a short recovery I will be their worst nightmare. I will sink their entire navy myself.” Reeves hastily hid a worried expression at the thought of you returning to duty, you didn’t know what the expression was for but it was probably just a bit of stress piercing through that rough exterior of his. “Heh, yeah. I’m sure. The little pipsqueak is gonna have them all on the ropes. They’ll piss themselves,” he chuckled heartily, though it sounded just a wee bit forced. After some small talk and him telling you about the casualties and general condition of everything he reluctantly left, after the nurse shooed him away to let you rest. For the next 5 to 6 weeks it seemed like resting was all you could really do and by the time you were ready to be released and begin physical therapy to get back to tip top shape you were really ready to get out of bed. Over the course of your recovery Reeves continued to visit you, really just about everyday that he could, to see how you were progressing and he seemed to be increasingly anxious about you returning to duty. Now that you were out of bed that anxiety seemed too palpable for you to ignore and finally, after he had given you a nervous look when you mentioned your excitement to be seaworthy right as The Sentinel was nearly ready to depart, you decided to just ask him about it. “It may just be me but… it seems like you don’t really want me back on duty…” “What that’s crazy!” he said in a manner that had you wholly unconvinced. You crossed your arms, tilted your head slightly, and stared at him with an expression that said “really?” He sighed deeply before finally admitting outright what he had been thinking since the moment you had been taken to the ship’s med bay. “Look… I know you are a talented sailor but… are you sure you should keep doing this?” You were stunned, mouth agape in shock, but he took your silence as an opportunity to press forward with his line of logic. “I mean… you have a smaller frame than anyone else. The doctors did not know if you would survive at first and the doctors said that even a beta, let alone an alpha, with a larger body would not have been so damaged by the blast or so endangered by the blood loss,” once he started saying all this the words just seemed to spill out of his mouth, like he had been damming them up and it had finally burst allowing him to unleash a torrent of his thoughts on the matter. There was of course much more to it than that, he was in love with you, but even if he had been honest about not wanting you back in combat he could not be completely honest with you or with himself on why exactly he was so adamant. You were speechless a moment more before becoming absolutely indignant. “SEVERAL people passed away in that battle, and all of them were all alphas, war doesn’t spare anyone!” Normally someone speaking to their direct superior in such a manner would be reprimanded but you were beyond caring at this point. “That may be true, but being smaller and more fragile doesn’t help your chances. And you have always been a bit accident prone…” Not an entirely unwarranted criticism, you did tend to be a bit accident prone, though all of those were minor injuries, nothing serious until now, but having enemy ammunition go off near you was hardly your fault and anyone, regardless of body or constitution, would have been injured by such a situation. Incredulous at his comments you stormed off, he called out behind you but you kept going on. That night you didn’t get much rest and you were irritable the next morning. But that did not compare you to the anger you had when you reported in the next morning and had Reeves tell you that he did not want you working with him anymore, he wanted you off the ship working in a safer non-combat capacity. You just stormed off once again to get reassigned to another combat ship. It didn’t have to be glamorous, it could be a fucking submarine for all you cared. It hurt, and it hurt bad, that you would not be with your former crew, or with the leader you had grown to consider a friend, but in battle was where you were meant to be. You put in for reassignment and vacillated between anger, grief, and feelings of betrayal for the remainder of the day. As at the end of everyday you made your way to the omega barracks. You were the only one using them currently, unlike on the ships there were fresh recruits trained on site so separate sleeping arrangements were made. It was hard but eventually you managed to push your raging emotions aside and go to sleep. Reeves had heard about your reassignment, he figured you might be difficult. Instead of asking for a non-combative position you had of course just let them reassign you to another dreadnought. He couldn’t just tank your career to get you out of the front lines, you had too impeccable of a record for anyone to believe that and too many sailors that would vouch for you, no, he would have to instead use his ties to have you erased completely. The shark was a very high ranking admiral with ties to the intelligence agencies and it was within his power to do such a thing, considering you had no civilian friends or family to poke around, and anyone in the navy who might poke around could easily be brushed off or told that you had passed away in the line of duty. So in the dead of night you were disappeared. Operatives quickly snuck in and made their way to your sleeping form, quickly injecting you with a serum that would keep you completely unconscious for many hours and then shoving you into a black sack. You woke up from probably what could be described as the deepest and most fulfilling sleep you had ever known, and then you looked around and realized that you were most certainly not where you had gone to sleep. Gone were the rows of bunk beds that had filled the small omega barracks room, replaced by a small room without any windows, blank walls, and harsh lights. It all seemed very… antiseptic. Too clean. Too empty. You went to the door, which had a small barred hole window, and tried to open it, but it was completely sealed with no way to open it without the key. But you were stubborn and shouted a few curses while trying to force it open anyway. This proved to be a mistake, as it summoned your captor. Reeves. “Admiral!? What the fuck!?! Where are we? Why am I being detained?” He looked at you and with a regretful sigh said, “You just… wouldn’t listen to reason. And I couldn’t lose you.” “My god… You’re absolutely insane! You can’t just cage me up like I am some sort of animal just because I don’t want to live my life how you want me to!” “I AM NOT INSANE!! You refused to see reason! I love you and couldn’t have you in danger anymore and you just wanted to charge in and get hurt. Your injury was a sign that it needed to stop. YOU NEED TO BE SAFE!” You flinched back, unaccustomed to him being so loud and angry. At seeing you recoil his face softened and his tone became much more quiet. “Look, you’ll get used to it here okay? I know the room is a bit bare but we can put whatever you want in here, okay? The war will be over soon and I will be able to be home and then you can move in with me.” You looked down, angry and depressed and betrayed, unable to meet his gaze. Finally he sighed heavily and mumbled that he would have someone bring you some food but he had to go. That’s largely how life went for you there for roughly a year. Facility staff would take care of your day to day needs and every few months, or sometimes weeks, you would get a visit from Reeves. Each time he would offer you some gift or trinket, repeating his confessions of love and care for you. He gave you sweets, blankets, plushies, flowers, and various other things. The blankets and plushies were scented by him, in typical courting fashion, but no matter what the item was you shoved it in the farthest corner of the room. Except the sweets, they would have expired, so instead you would immediately throw them at him. Reeves was more than distraught, not only were his attempts to advance a relationship with you not succeeding, but the friendship you had before was totally eroded. Till, the most important thing above all else was that you remained safe, and once the war ended, which would be any day now, he would be able to move you to his house and take care of you daily himself. When the war was finally over and the time had come for you to be transported to your new happy home with your captor and the destroyer of your life you fought the personnel that were trying to put you in the transport van that had been loaded with all of your things tooth and claw. Literally. You clawed and bit everyone who got near you, you would rather live in a boring glorified cage for the rest of your life than be in a house with Reeves. Finally they had you held down by multiple men and once again injected with a sedative. And, just like a somewhat uncertain amount of months previously, you woke up in a strange room. This time on a couch though. A blanket had been lovingly put on top of you and a soft pillow placed behind your head. This was obviously Reeves’ house. Unlike last time you had been informed of your destination before being abducted. It appeared you were in a modified basement, you looked around, searching for anything that may be useful as a weapon. Sadly, it seemed the room had been left clear of anything you could use to fight Reeves with. There were tiny windows, but they were not only really high up but also really small. Even if you could somehow manage to eat them you would never manage to squeeze through them. There was really only one course of action left for you. You took the blanket that had been left down here for you and waited at the door for Reeves to come down and check on you. When he finally opened it you hid behind it until he took a few steps down. You then threw the blanket over his head and kicked his legs as hard as you could making him stumble, you took the opening to push him down the steps and flee out of the basement. You came up into a hallway that connected to the living room and rushed out the door. You were more than a bit shaky, you had no shoes, and your body was weak but pushed on by a potent mix of sheer force of will and a strong dose of adrenaline allowed you to propel yourself forward. You ran down the driveway and came to a fence that was entirely locked up. No problem. You could scale this with ease, flee into the woods that seemed to surround this area, and eventually find help on the other side. But the second you touched the fence and electric current ran through your body, causing you to twitch and fall down stunned. It was electrified. Because of course it was. For someone he was worried about dying in battle he sure as shit did not seem to underestimate you when it came to you trying to escape. It didn’t take long for him to come running, you had hoped you may have been lucky enough to at least have broken a leg or ankle as he fell, but it seems he was unperturbed by his recent push. You were too shaky at this point to do anything other than let him pick you up and hold you close. “It’s okay, I know you’re scared, I forgive you for pushing me. And sorry about the fence, can’t take any chances.” He carried you back down to the basement and sat you down gently on the couch, laying the blanket that you had formerly used as a weapon on top of you before kissing your forehead, which made you flinch away in disgust. “Now that we are living together I will be able to give you the non-stop attention you deserve. I am sure you will love it here eventually, okay?” “Not okay you absolute fucking idiot, there is no way in the world I will ever love you or even remotely tolerate your presence! Just let me go! The war is already over anyway.” “There is always another war eventually and I must keep you safe from yourself. I just can't risk losing you, can’t you understand that?” You just scoffed in response and pulled the cover over your face so you didn’t have to look at him. Reeves tried rubbing your arm comfortingly through the blanket, and you could do nothing to stop given how shaken up you still were, but he could smell in your scent that you were growing increasingly angry and even a bit anxious at his touch so he finally retreated upstairs to make you a nice dinner. He remembered from years of service with you that you got pretty cranky when you were hungry. When he came back he brought with him a bowl of delicious smelling crab bisque, something he thought was fairly light and easily digestible, but not too light and still full of nutrients. He sat the bowls down on the coffee table and sat on the opposite side of the couch from you. “Sorry about the furniture accommodations. I will move a table and bed down here for you eventually. At some point you will share my bed but I felt like an adjustment period might be good for you first.” “Yeah, so I don’t murder you in your sleep,” you said dryly and without any hint of it being a joke. “Y-you don’t mean that, you’re just a bit cranky because you need some foo-” **CRASH** He was interrupted by you using your hand to smack the bowl of bisque right the fuck off the table and into the hard concrete wall, not unlike a cat that had taken offense to a cup on a table. “It’s… okay… I made more than enough. I know this has been hard on you.” All you did was blankly stare at him as he went and procured another bowl. It smelled great and you were well and truly hungry, but you refused to give in. If you made sure not to eat too much your body would not trigger a heat because it would take too much energy. You also just wanted to piss him off, maybe get him so pissed off that he either lets you go or at least makes some mistakes that you can exploit. When he handed you the second bowl he had gotten for you it immediately met the same fate as its predecessor. He stared at you for a long moment that seemed to span an eternity before he angrily grabbed his bowl of food and pulled you close to him by his arm. He pinched your nose closed so you had to open your mouth and then he shoved a spoonful of food into your mouth, then he held his hand over your mouth so you had to swallow. Reeves continued this a couple times until you got the memo and ate the rest of the bowl willingly. Well… you had wanted him to be pissed. Over the course of weeks you had to accept that you just had to eat what you were given, but by no means did you just give up on making life inconvenient for him. Every gift tossed, any furniture he brought down here destroyed, blankets shredded, anytime he scented something it would be immediately quarantined to the closet after its destruction. The only thing you kept was clothing you deemed acceptable and without his smell on it, you needed clothes but would not accept any with his pheromones. That could be misconstrued as you accepting courtship. You were perfectly content with denying him any ounce of love, affection, or friendship and you were right in the middle of giving a nice silent treatment when finally the proper nutrition and your omega nature convened to ruin everything. You were in heat. Heats were very strong on a normal day, but this was not a normal heat, this was the first heat in a very long time. You had prevented them for a long time in the black site and when you were in the navy of course you took prescribed suppressants. You hadn’t had one in years. Tremors shook your body, you couldn’t stand and your body temperature was heightened. They didn’t call it a heat for nothing. Your brain was addled, you were dizzy and almost delirious, you could barely remember why you were here. You tossed off the covers and stripped down to your slick soaked underwear. Reeves was awoken by an amazing scent and knew immediately what it was, your pheromones beckoning him even from his bedroom, his darling needed him desperately. The smell demanded he come immediately to you and comfort you and take care of you in every way imaginable. Reeves saw you there before him, writhing in carnal need and so small and helpless in front of him. The couch wouldn’t do, he needed a bigger and more familiar space, he took you up to his room where he had actually made and maintained a nest made of things that smelled of the both of you. Despite a vague notion in the back of your mind telling you to avoid him, scratch him, and leave this situation, your instincts and the powerful consequences of having denied yourself your natural cycle DEMANDED that you bury your nose into the scent gland of his neck. So strong, such a strong mate. Reeves was elated, his brain was very much fogged too with lust and instinct but he didn’t have it as badly as you did. He was very much aware that his darling mate was finally accepting and even actively seeking out comfort from him. The shark man peeled off your slick saturated underwear, sniffing at your hole, breathing in the heavenly aroma you made, before your cries of desperation and something inside of him told him to slide his tongue right inside. Finally you began to feel the smallest amount of relief. It wasn’t enough, you needed a knot. A nice big knot from a nice big alpha, and this one smelled strong. You grinded yourself into his probing tongue, whimpering for much more. After several minutes of this he decided that was enough of getting your flavor and he was now ready to properly breed and mark his sweet little brat. He took off his clothes, revealing his large well muscled pecs, lightly scarred from years of combat, and his large cock. The musk coming from it made you drool. He wasted no time ramming into you, as caught up in the moment as he was he had little concern for going slow or for any possible discomfort. Fortunately there was none, you were perfectly primed for his large prick. It slid in you perfectly hitting all the right spots inside of you, causing you to squeal with delight when he bottomed out, deep within you. He moaned himself when he felt your heat and how every movement you made, every shudder, squirm, and all that writhing, he could feel on his cock. He started slow at first, but that was not what either of you wanted and soon it turned into a messy slamming of you, making hot wet sounds as he battered your innards with his cock pistoning in and out. It did not take long at all for his knot to start to swell within you and then reach its full size, sealing the two of you together whether or not you would want it when post heat clarity hit you. You clung to him tightly as he bred you, nails clawing at the skin of his back, as if trying to pull him deeper inside you. He nuzzled into your neck, his nose swimming in your scent as he breathed it in, this is what he had wanted for so long and now he knew he would never regret his actions, everything had been worth it. Reeves licked your neck and bit down on your scent gland, sharp teeth buried into your neck, you whimpered at the sensation and he licked your neck comfortingly, holding you close as you both shared a powerful orgasm. You both panted from the intensity, the heat that was burning up your will power and clarity fading a bit, but not enough to be yourself again. Reeves knew on some level that when things went back to normal you would still resist him, and your convictions would not be so altered in subsequent heats now that you had one after so long, but this was a good start to everything finally falling into place. Your heat would last days and there would be a lot of breeding and a lot of bonding. His instinct to protect you would only get stronger and you would be a bit more susceptible to his pheromones and would naturally seek him out for comfort when in distress. He may have been part fish, but it was you who were caught in his net.
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askthelovenest · 2 days
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thiswasinevitableid · 11 months
The Kepler Horror (Indruck)
The winner of the "weird mer" poll was: A mer who isn’t so much half-human, half-fish as all eldritch. This fill is NSFW and contains oviposition.
Content Notes: given the prompt, there is mild reference to body horror. There is also a brief reference to nonconsensual artificial insemination (for lack of a better word).
Men in fancy carriages are a rare sight in this part of the state, so all the neighbors are sticking their heads out the window to see what on earth could have brought one to the Newton’s front door. 
Duck’s father ushers the somber lawyer inside and his mother offers him something to drink, but he seems as uneasy with his visit as they do.
When they’re settled around the table, the man produces a paper, “This is the last will and testament of Alistair Cold.”
The four Newton’s trade a puzzled look. The Duck’s father snaps his fingers, “ah, yes, the fella my uncle Herbert worked for.”
“The very same. Mr. Cold passed away in the summer” he indicates where the paper is dated June 8th, 1872, “And was without any living family. This will stipulates his house, land, and all possessions and money go to his loyal servant, Charles. Except, Charles died the same night Mr. Cold did. Since Mr. Cold was insistent the state not come into possession, his will also lays out which servant to consider next. The two prior to your uncle flatly refused the offer and turned over their rights to it. And your uncle, as you no doubt know, passed in October. His own will named you his heir, which entailed only the bequeathment of a horse.”
“She’s a good horse.” His father replies. 
“The point is, Mr. Newton, the estate on the coast is all yours.”
His father turns his attention to Duck, “seems to me it’s high time my son had a place to call his own. The money won’t hurt none neither.”
“Mr. Newton, you don’t have a-”
“I know what I said.”
Duck smiles to himself, and lets himself daydream about his future home.
Indrid swims up, up, up the dark shaft, out of habit and foolish hope more than anything else. The hatch at the top is sealed like it always is. Like the futures say it always will be. 
He lets out a burbly sigh and sinks down, down, down once again. 
Duck doesn’t believe in ghosts. But if there was ever a house to be haunted, it’s the one staring down at him now. 
The view of the sea is nice. It’s the creaking frame, rattling windows, and yards of spiderwebs he could do without. All the rooms are full of dusty ghosts, chairs and tables and fancy shit he has no name for peeking out from their shrouds. 
He bought new clothes in Richmond (his sister, Jane, came with him that far so he could buy her some too), mostly practical outfits for working on the house or in the–badly overgrown–garden. A few are for dinner parties or going out into the nearby town of Kepler, and maybe even for impressing a sweetheart. But before he can tuck them safely away in the wardrobes, he has to pull heaps of grim, unused clothing from the darkness. 
As he explores the house, he takes mental note of just how many things he can get rid of. No one needs this much china or this many silver nick-knacks. Not even their previous owner, going from how new most of them look. 
While in the library, he leans against the mantle of the unlit fireplace. When the stone beneath his elbow depresses, he momentarily panics that the whole damn place is about to come down around his ears. Instead, a panel opens in the floor of the eastern corner, revealing a sharply angled, stone staircase. 
He debates whether it’s safest to ignore the weird, creepy staircase or follow it to make sure there’s not something weirder and creepier lurking under his house. He decides he’d rather not be murdered in his sleep by, grabs the pistol his dad insisted he bring, and takes his lantern into the depths beneath the mansion. 
When he reaches the bottom, he gets a hunch as to what probably killed Alistair Cold. 
He’s in a laboratory straight from the penny dreadfuls Jane is always reading. Jars of sickly, green liquid line the shelves and there’s a rack of surgical tools that makes him shudder when he sees how sharp they were kept. There are also several large books bound in brown leather containing nothing but an alien language and pictures so upsetting he instantly slams them closed. 
“That’s enough of the creepy basement for today.” He says it aloud just to hear a familiar voice. 
As he turns to leave, he steps on a pedal at the base of a cabinet. Grinding metal fills the air and he braces for something to blow up or fall over. When nothing happens, he decides that the pedal must be disconnected from whatever it once controlled, and heads back to the daylight. 
Can it be?
Indrid tentatively presses first his tentacles and then his whole body against the hatch of the tunnel. It groans, then gives way, revealing the lab in a similar state to the last time he saw it. There’s no sign of the master of the house, and so Indrid keeps quiet; the previous instance when he tried to free himself and explore without permission, the human sunk a stake of hawthorn into his center. The damned thing was enchanted and twisted to conform to his shape no matter how many times he rearranged his body. 
Tonight it’s safest to sit on the rim of the tunnel, drinking in the sounds of the surface. Tomorrow he’ll brave the laboratory. And the night after, the stairs. 
Duck prides himself on being friendly and easy going. Which is why he’s trying not to take it too personally that no one in this tavern has looked at him since he mentioned where he was living. The shoulder he’s getting is colder than the freezing rain outside. 
As he’s wondering if he’ll have to eat his dinner standing, a young woman with black hair and a massive, black rabbit in her lap waves him over to her table. She introduces herself as Aubrey, and they chat about how he’s liking Kepler. When yet another diner gives Duck a wide berth, she rolls her eyes. 
“Ignore them. They’re all jumpy because you’re living in the Cold place. The guy who lived there before was a major dick. But that didn’t have anything to do with the house.”
“I feel like I’m gonna regret asking but: what actually happened to him?”
Aubrey slowly spins her spoon on the table, “He was doing experiments with magic; if there’s something beyond black magic, I’m pretty sure it was that. Nasty stuff, stuff that made people sick or disappear or…” she shudders “apparently he had a thing for kidnapping women who’d then give birth to kids they couldn’t remember wanting or conceiving. I only moved here two years ago, but I guess it’d been going on for a long, long time.”
“Right? I guess he eventually pissed off the wrong person or they figured out they outnumbered him, but a mob stormed the house, tied him to a tree, and burned him. And I get it but, like, it freaks me out that they’d just do that. Now I think everyone is treating your house like it’s this beacon of evil because weird stuff happens in Kepler all the time that they’re scared of.”
Duck’s mind wanders to the basement, “Weird stuff?”
“The fact that it rains all the time even though it doesn’t do the same one county up or down the coast, the freaky stuff people see while fishing, the ghostly shapes above the church every night, a higher than average number of witches, oh, and that guy, Stern,” she points to a tall, well dressed man who just walked in, “apparently he trained under a witch hunter? And then he got sent out here because there’s supposedly a giant, hairy monster in the woods that some people think is the devil but is probably a totally nice guy if I had to guess.”
The rabbit hops on the table and he pets its head, “And if a fella wanted to steer as clear of all that as possible?”
“Spend lots of time in your house? Like I said, as far as anyone knows, he was the only evil thing there. Or” Aubrey leans closer, “if you ever want to pal around with people who can help the weird feel less, um, threatening, come by Amnesty Lodge. It’s about a half-mile from your place, on the edge of the woods.”
Duck thanks her for the invitation and decides to avoid Amnesty Lodge as much as humanly possible. 
Indrid is now certain Alistair Cold is no longer alive. As he trawls the laboratory, there’s no sign of him there or in any of the futures. This opens up so many possibilities his whole being shivers in excitement. 
The only reason he does not rush upstairs is he’s hungry, and if there is anyone else in the house he does not wish to embarrass himself by eating their entire pantry. And so he slithers back depths in search of dinner and leaves his exploration for tomorrow. 
There’s someone in the house. 
From his bed, Duck can hear them moving on the lower level, the odd bump of furniture and strange chirp interrupting the steady sound of whoever it is moving closer. When it reaches the stairs, instead of steps there’s a horrible, repetitive squelching until the monster–because there’s no fucking way this is a person–is on the landing. 
He knows for a fact he locked all the doors to the outside and, as a result, his bedroom door isn’t. If he moves, it might know he’s here and zero in on him. But if he gets to the door in time, he can keep whatever is stalking the halls at bay until he figures out what the fuck to do. 
The bedroom door creaks the instant his feet hit the floor. It groans open, the surrounding darkness offering no clues as to what’s on the other side. 
Tentacles come first, patting the walls and floor. Then there’s a horrible skitter as crab-like feet cross the threshold. The mass at the center of the body tips this way and that, and no matter how hard or long he stares he can’t make any sense of it. Milky eyes on what could be a neck give way to gaping gills lined with teeth but then they don’t and he’s looking at some new aspect of the horror. 
When the monster turns, floor wet beneath it and attention fully on Duck, he does the least helpful thing possible. 
He faints. 
When he comes too, it’s with a nose of dark, sea-salty air. Something alien is resting on his face, and he braces himself to discover he’s already being digested. 
The cool tissue on his face pats his cheek, which startles him into opening his eyes. He’s sitting on the floor, his back to the bed. There’s still a monster in front of him; its face is human, with silver-white hair falling around the angles of its cheeks and its glowing, red eyes. But the skin on its arms is mottled black and red, the texture too close to that of an eel for comfort, its hands are webbed and end in blood-red claws, and a frill of the same color sits behind its neck. Stranger still is the black fish-tail draped on the floor and the fact a patch of its chest is translucent, revealing an incomprehensible, teeming mass. 
It’s a mermaid from hell. Compared to what was in the room before, it may as well be a kitten. 
“Ah, you are awake!” The monster sits back and claps its hands, “I caught you before you could hit your head but I am never sure how long humans remain asleep when they faint and was beginning to worry.”
“You can talk.”
“Indeed. Oh, oh dear, where are my manners” he holds out a hand, “I am Indrid. You are Duck, yes?”
“How did you know that? And, and where did that other thing go?”
The monster cocks his head, “I am it. I can change shape to a degree, and I can see the future, which is how I know your name and that you are about to say you need a drink. I will fetch it.” Indrid tries to stand, frowns, and then his tail splits in two.
Duck looks away, stomach churning, until footsteps fade across the floor. He’d though Aubrey was exaggerating about what went on here but no, no it’s pouring rain outside and pinching his arm tells him he isn’t dreaming. 
The monster rejoins him on the floor and offers a cup from the dresser. Not knowing what else to do, he takes it. 
“You are afraid of me.”
“I, uh, I ain’t not-not, fuck, uh, I” he sighs, “yeah, okay, you got me, I’m afraid. Because a fucking sea monster turned up in my house!”
Indrid flinches at the noise, “I did not know you were residing here. I only know the hatch was open once more and I was so very excited to visit the surface once more” A thin membrane blinks across his eye, “goodness, I forgot how overwhelming it is to take in so much of the world through my eyes.” He looks sadly at Duck, but scoots a good six feet back across the floor, “I am sorry. I do not blame you. All humans fear the creatures of the depths. Except for Alistair.”
Duck sets the glass on the floor, “Can we go back to the part where you came through a hatch?”
“It is in the laboratory. If you wish I will show you. And yes, I am aware that showing you means you would then know how to bar me from the house. But that is your right; I do not wish to bother you.”
Against all his common sense, Duck stands and follows Indrid down the stairs, through the secret passage, and into the lab. They come to a circular, metal hatch on the floor, inscribed with the same, strange letters Duck saw in Cold’s notes. Indrid opens it, then slides in and rests his arms on the edge. 
“Alistair made this to allow a creature from the depths to arrive at the surface in a matter of seconds. I was the one he was able to summon, and for a time he would let me marvel at the surface world while he asked me questions and wrote out formulas in his notebooks. Then one day, the hatch was locked and I could no longer visit. I did not miss him, but the surface world…I love it so, and I saw so little of it and when I found this unlocked I simply…I wanted…” he looks away and Duck discovers that same translucence on his chest races up his spine, “I am sorry. It was foolish of me to emerge. I will depart, and you need not see me again.”
Duck should let him go, seal the hatch, and then move to Australia. But Indrid’s honest, strange sorrow tugs at his heart, and he wonders what could make such a terrifying creature long for a life so different from what he knows. Wonders if Indrid, floating in the abyss, feels as out of place as Duck sometimes did on the street back home. 
“I’ll make you a deal. You can come visit, but we gotta get a bell or something for you to ring so I know you’re here and don’t have a heart attack when I open a door and you’re behind it. We clear?”
Indrid grins with several rows of teeth, climbs from the pool, and grabs a length of rope dangling from the ceiling. When he tugs it, a bell sounds in the house above them. 
Duck stares at the smiling monster, wondering what the fuck he’s agreed to, and says, “Yep, that’ll work.”
The bell first rings two days later. Duck is at the dining table, rain battering the windows. It’s been so stormy the last few days that going into town carried a real risk of getting washed away or sucked into the mud, so he’s used his time to read up on wet-weather gardening and work on a model ship. 
When the bell sounds, he wonders if Indrid will even come to see him, since his interest was in the house and not with Duck. But after only a few moments, footsteps announce the merman (Duck can’t think of what else to call him) by the fireplace. Indrid waves, awkward but earnest, and comes to join him, swaying in his steps like a new sailor at sea. 
“Hello again.”
“Howdy. Uh, do you need anythin’ from me?”
“No. I do enjoy company, but there is no need to entertain me.” 
Duck nods and goes back to his work. Indrid looks at the books, then stands and begins wandering the room, returning to the window every few minutes to stare out at the rainy road and the town in the distance. When Duck asks if he’d like some coffee, he says yes and then dumps half the sugar bowl into it when Duck brings him some. 
“What do you do?” The merman sips his coffee. 
“Fuck all at the moment. I went from helpin my folks with farm work to bein a fella with a mansion and a bunch of money. I’ll get bored of it eventually, but right now it’s nice to just kinda drift around.”
“Drifting can be rather relaxing.” Indrid pads over to the finished ship, claws clicking on china as he studies it, “will this then go in a bottle? I have seen those in books.”
“Nah, that’s a whole level of fuss I ain’t willin’ to go to.”
Indrid offers a hum of understanding, then touches a hand to the table. A deep blue ocean of mist spreads from his fingers, catching the underside of the boat. Then Duck can see the outlines of whales and squid beneath the waves, all matching the scale of his boat. The mist unfurls across the table, his boat sailing it until it lands safely in his hands. The ocean lingers, curling around him so he can watch the schools of fish and stray mermaids swimming within it. When it dissipates, he turns, awestruck and grinning, to Indrid. 
“What was all that for?”
The merman shrugs, happily, “I wanted to see if I could make you smile.”
Since it’s a drizzle rather than a downpour, Duck is taking the afternoon to fetch supplies from town. As he’s un-tethering his horse, Winnie, from in front of the general store, his gaze falls on a heartbreaking sight; a child, no more than ten, sits on the corner, knees to her chest and her hand out. Her ears are shaped like coral and he spots a frill much like the one on Indrid. Most people who see her cross the street. 
“It’s tragic, isn’t it?”
Duck turns to find Joseph Stern behind him. 
“Where the hell are her folks?”
“Dead, I believe. The flu took them last year and the orphanage in Ashington won’t take her.” He steps beside Duck, “she’s not the only child in Kepler to suffer this way either. There are some with gills who cannot survive for more than a few hours away from water. Some with webbed hands, or teeth that mean their tongues struggle to speak in a way that others understand. A few are lucky and have family who protect them as they should. But many have been cast from place to place since they could walk. I believe Mrs. Cobb at the Lodge does what she can for them."
“The kids Aubrey talked about.” Duck murmurs. 
Stern’s blue eyes are now fixed on him, “Exactly. No one quite knows what Alistair Cold did up in that house. The women he kidnapped could never recall what happened. A few even got up the courage to ask him for help when horrified families or husbands turned them and the children out. He threatened to drown them.”
“My feelings exactly. Kepler harbors strange things. Some say evil things. They think that it rots anything it touches” Stern glances in the direction of Duck’s house, “Regardless of what forces he called on, I think Alistair Cold was rotten well before he came here. There’s no reason to make others suffer because of that.”
“So you don’t think those, uh, forces are automatically bad?”
“Not at all. Things can be strange to us without that making them evil. In fact, I find such gaps in our understanding fascinating. You’ll let me know if you ever encounter anything unusual up there, won’t you?”
Duck chokes out a “yep” and then tugs Winnie away before Stern can ask any more questions. 
It’s bliss to lay on the stone of the balcony while rain plinks on his skin. Indrid knows the constant storms are driving Duck up the wall, but he rather likes the damp, grey air. No birds are calling right now, but he can hear the shrieks of the McElroy children playing in the front garden. Duck had watched them as a favor to his nearest neighbors; their carriage had run off the road near Duck’s home and the wife had to accompany her husband to the doctor for a broken leg. When the children returned home hale and happy, the family was more willing to take Duck up on the offer to send them to play on his land whenever they wished. 
Indrid stays inside on those days, as it would doubtless alarm the boys to see him, even in his current, somewhat human form. 
That reminds him; he should show Duck that he’s almost able to make his hands look like they belong to a man. 
Hours pass and the children depart before he finally rises and slips inside the warmth of the house. Duck is in the kitchen, frying fish in a pan while toast cooks on the rack. There’s a chocolate tart from the baker in town sitting on the counter and Indrid is very much looking forward to eating it. 
It will soothe him after the conversation they’re about to have. It’s one he’s known was coming since Duck returned from town a few weeks ago looking rather grim. 
As the human sets dinner on the table, he says, “‘Drid? What exactly did you and Mr. Cold do?”
“At first it was simply conversation. He had found a book containing the secrets and the language of the depths, and by summoning me hoped to achieve a greater understanding. I assumed our interests were alike in that we each wished to know more of a world that was otherwise inaccessible to our kind. For two years, I would guide him through spells and help him devise formulas to combine human science with my abilities. He was so pleased with our work together that he would say I was like the son he never had and he was glad to know me.” 
Indrid picks up a fish and eats it because it’s something to do as the memories swarm him, “then one night he called me up and there was a woman in the laboratory with him. I was so excited, I wanted to meet more humans than him and his manservant. He knew this. But when I emerged it was in the form in which you first saw me and she screamed so loudly I panicked and dove back into the water. She was there the next night, too, but offering her this form did not calm her in the slightest. Nor did Alistair's insistence that I touch her.” He curls in on himself at the memory, “I refused and we argued and he shoved me back into the water and locked the hatch. A few nights later he tried again, this time with someone who was asleep when I emerged. He tried to tell me it was alright, that I could do as I wished. I wished to do nothing at all. I may live at the bottom of the ocean, but I was not born yesterday.”
Duck looks visibly relieved at this confession. 
“After that night, it all changed. I was forbidden from leaving the pool, and Alistair would only summon me to scrape secretions from my tentacles or pull my teeth and I would let him because I hoped, foolishly, that we would see eye to eye once more and he would no longer be angry.” His claws scrape on the table, “I am glad he is dead.”
The human reaches over and takes his hand, “I’m so fuckin sorry, ‘Drid. You deserve better than that.”
His frill ripples as he looks at Duck, “Yes. Yes, I believe I do.”
He knows humans get ill. Indeed, one of Alistair's lies to him was that their research would help cure human ailments. But knowing they get sick and seeing his human laid up in bed are two painfully different things. 
Duck insists it’s just a mild flu, but Indrid insists on him resting as much as possible so it does not get worse. This does leave him to tend the house and make food for them both himself,  but so far he’s managing. 
Today he is making chicken soup, and has followed all directions except for how to dismember the chicken; the knife seemed unnecessary given his claws. It’s been simmering on the stove while he goes and makes sure Winnie’s stable and hay are still covered after last night's wind (and to feed her the sugar cube he always sneaks her). 
He has to slip back inside through the kitchen door, as the neighbor’s children are at the front one they’ve gone, he retrieves the basket they left on the steps. He can still hear them laughing and shouting down the road when he takes Duck’s tray up to him. 
Duck smiles groggily at him, “Thanks, ‘Drid. Was someone at the door?”
“Clint’s boys. They left us this along with a note saying they hope you feel well soon.” He holds up a jar of honey.
“That was nice. Kids’re nice.”
“Indeed.” Indrid sits in the wooden chair by the bed, “do you want children?”
“Yeah. And no? Don’t wanna have ‘em. People’d see me wrong. But a family could be nice.” Feverish, green eyes turn on him, “you?”
“From what you have told me I may already have some that I was not privy to the creation of.” He sneakily summons a cool tentacle to wipe sweat from Ducks’ brow, “beyond that…I do not know. My kind are few, and the last time I ran into a deep one who looked like me he tried to eat me.”
“Cause you're so sweet.”
“I suspect I taste like fish.” Indrid pours him a new glass of water before realizing the true meaning of what Duck said. He decides to leave it be, not wanting to read too much into what the human says while feverish, and adds, “now, eat up so you can be well and take me for a walk on the beach as you promised.”
Duck’s definitely over his flu, but he took today easy due to still feeling a bit wobbly on his feet. Indrid left him a note saying he’d be spending most of the day in the sea. Duck’s glad; the merman spends as much, if not more, time at the surface with Duck than he does in the depths, and Duck has a nagging fear that one day he’ll spend too long on land and get sick. 
He turns in early, reading under the covers while the wind howls. When the tell-tale ding echoes from below him, he calls out to let Indrid know where he is. 
“You have a nice day?” Duck asks as the merman enters the room. 
Duck looks up at the whimpered answer. The first surprise is that the translucent patches on Indrid’s chest have turned into shining, pulsing scales. The second is that Indrid doesn’t sit once he reaches the bed. Instead he pulls the covers aside and wiggles under, pressing his front to Duck’s left side. 
“‘Drid? You ok-”
“No. No I am not. Being away from you all day has been agony. Every fiber of me ached until this moment.” He nuzzles closer, clicking and trilling, “and I do not know why my form changed without my permission. Perhaps it was caring for you these last few days but I, I” his claws fist into Duck’s shirt, “I cannot think of anything but claiming you.”
Duck’s not sure which is stranger; that Indrid seems so distressed at the idea, or that Duck can’t imagine not opening his legs for him right now.
He rolls onto his side, draws a finger along the new scales and gets a trill in reply, “Darlin’, is that your way of sayin you wanna fuck me?”
Indrid’s frill fans out, “It does not need to be that! Just holding you is enough for, for now.”
The red and black on his skin is swirling like storm clouds, and Duck smooths his palm along a patch, “And what happens when it ain’t?”
Indrid chirp-burbles something in his native tongue. 
“Didn’t quite catch that.” He hazards a grope to Indrid’s thigh. 
“Then I hold you down and do things to you humans do not want!” Indrid covers his face with his hands, “Worse still is that I want them, I want you but I know such acts with me are repulsive.”
Duck takes both hands, easing them away from Indrid’s face and kissing the webbing between the fingers, “Not to me they ain’t. Not when it’s with you, the fella who’s fuckin captivatin’ to look at and makes me laugh and still gets so damn excited when he sees the rabbits playin’ in the grass.”
“You would truly let me mate with you?”
“Long as it don’t produce anything, then yeah.”
Indrid shakes his head and nudges Duck onto his back, “I have looked at every conceivable future and in none of them do we create offspring. Indeed, I suspect what Alistair hit upon might be the only way I could have children with a human. All of which is to say: please take off your clothes.”
Duck laughs at the formality but obeys. The instant he’s naked in the lamplight, more parts of Indrid’s body than make sense begin rippling and twitching.
“Such a handsome human. Let us see what I have in store for you.” He leans down, bracketing Duck with his arms, and kisses him soundly. With his eyes closed, it’s as if Duck is feeling se spray on his lips, and when he wraps his arms around the merman and toys with his frill, the kiss deepens. It’s only when he feels something hard pressing into each thigh that he breaks it to look down. 
Indrid now has a second set of arms, more shelled than scaled, and is using them to force his thighs farther apart. 
“Do you like them? I feel they will be necessary to keep my mate from running off. And to make certain he takes all I have to offer.”
Duck moans at the menace in his voice, “And what do you have to offer, darlin?”
Indrid dips his head in reply and Duck looks lower to see the skin and scales of his groin rippling. Then reality jolts for a moment and something singularly unusual is extending towards him. Indrid’s cock is thick and flexible, with a ribbed line running down the lower third of it. 
“Holy fuck.”
“Is it still alright?”
Were it attached to anyone else, he’d say no. But right now his body is sending all his blood south at the thought of Indrid being so far inside him. 
“Hell yeah it is.”
The scales on Indrid’s chest pulse, “Wonderful. Because I am out of patience.”
Duck yelps as Indrid lunges forward, kissing him and sinking his cock into him at the same time. The shaft barely fits, and every time Indrid snaps his his there’s a thud as it bottoms out. 
“Ohhhhhh you are delightful.” Indrid trills as he forces Duck’s hips wider, the sound turning muffled as the merman kisses a hungry line down his neck to his chest. For a moment Duck fears the attention to his chest will prove too much, but Indrid contents himself with a possessive bite to each side before gliding his mouth back up to suck bruises into his collarbone. 
“Fuck, ‘Drid, this is fuckin amazing, you feel so goddamn good uh, what, what’s that.” He squirms as something presses between his asscheeks. 
“It seems my form adapts to fill as many holes as are present.”
“I ain’t ever had somethin-AH, oh, ohfuck” he bucks his hips as the second dick works it’s way in. There’s a strange pressure and heat to it, but it’s narrow and soft enough that he gets a shudder of pleasure instead of pain.
“That’s it, dearest, there is no need to fuss. I know how to take care of you. My heart, my soul, my very form will do whatever is needed to win and keep you.” Indrid grins down at him, licking his lips, “you were made to be laid in.”
Duck whimpers at the implication and tries to spread his legs wider. 
“Does that excite you sweet one? That my kind need somewhere warm and willing in order to lay a clutch?”
“Didn’t, didn’t even occur to me that’d happen. I, will, it won’t hurt right?”
A loving nibble to his throat, “Not at all. In fact I foresee you very much enjoying it. Which is excellent timing.”
Duck gasps as something soft yet solid emerges from the tip of Indrid’s cock. A moment later it’s inside him, rubbing against him as Indrid fucks him with increased vigor. 
“Yes, yesyes, that’s a good mate, there’s plenty more where that came from and you will take them all.” Both cocks pulse once, but only the one in the front produces another egg, “nnnf, this, this is selling me on the idea of a large family with you. Lots of space, plenty of money, we have all we need to care for several broods.”
“Ohgod, ohfuck, Indrid” the fantasy heats his blood as another egg pushes in.
“I’d take care of everything, look after them and the house if you decided to work. Mmm” he gropes Duck’s ass as the cock there fucks him deeper, “I do love the idea of you going into town bearing the proof of our evenings together. Everyone would see I’d claimed you. I would be the envy of the town once they knew you spread your legs whenever I wanted to breed you.”
“Fuuuck” He closes his eyes, losing himself in the image of Indrid on his arm in town, preening whenever someone notices the bites on his throat. The cock between his legs ripples, and now he’s full enough that it can’t fit all the way in when Indrid thrusts. The ridges and bumps of it catch his own cock, dragging him towards orgasm.
“Oh” Indrid’s sigh bubbles out of him, “look at you. So handsome, such a lovely husband to take me until you’re stuffed full.”
He cums at that, tightening around Indrid and digging his heels into the blankets. The merman is on him before he’s finished moaning, rolling them on their sides and releasing his thighs in favor of grabbing his ass and hips and forcing him closer. 
“I am not done with you, sweet one, so hold on tightly until I am through.”
Duck cries out as two more eggs pulse into him, Indrid only fucking him rougher as they do. The mer is everywhere, fucking him deep and splitting him open and sinking his teeth into his neck until there’s a trilling, watery cry and he cums so hard inside Duck that the force and the volume of the cum pushes his cock free. 
The other cock retreats as they pant in each others arms, Indrid’s frill rising and falling in time with his breath.
Duck raises his face form where he’s hidden it in Indrid’s neck, “You mean it when you called me your husband?”
“I did. If you would have me.”
He kisses his jaw, “You know I will. And not just because you fucked me so well I saw god.”
Spring in Kepler is still rainy, but the cluster of children waiting on the steps of what is now called Beacon House are all safely tucked beneath umbrellas. For those whose families did not abandon them, they will only be staying at the school until the afternoon before returning home (Aubrey will be teaching some classes and also driving the cart back to town). For those with nowhere else to go, they will be moving into the house for the foreseeable future. 
The group–eight in total–scurries across the threshold when Aubrey ushers them in. Mr. Newton waits for them at the foot of the stairs, smiling and genial in his brown suit. 
“We all here? Good. Mornin’ y’all. We're gonna get you settled into your rooms real soon. Uh, if you’re stayin here that is. If you ain’t, Aubrey will take you into the library so you can keep warm and read while the others put their things away. But before that, I want you to meet your other teacher” 
He gestures to the man coming down the stairs. A red scarf covers his neck, and all but his face and hands are covered by his black suit. 
“Mr. Cold here is gonna teach you some things Aubrey and I can’t. And make you feel right at home too.”
Still on the steps, Mr. Cold looks down at the children and smiles, ruby- tinted glasses slipping just enough to reveal glowing, red eyes.
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dashofmonsters · 4 months
Dreamers & Delusions- Pt. 3
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merman x female reader
You wake up feeling slightly smothered. You pry an eye open to be met with taut tan skin. You groan remembering what happened last night knowing damn well you'll have to really clean the kitchen since that sauce is probably stuck in that pot. That and you'll most likely have to calm Tao down.
You squirm just enough to dislodge yourself from Tao's arms only to see his face twist as his eyes flutter awake.
He stares at you blankly for a minute before he flies out of the bed like a scared cat, landing on his feet before falling on his ass with a hard thud. Tao stutters as he tries to apologize, his expression a mix of embarrassment, fear, and anger.
"Woah woah, hey! Everything's fine! You kind of blanked out last night while eating but nothing happened! You're good ok? Tao hey look at me, deep breaths man! Come on, it's fine," you try to calm him down while sitting next to him.
Tao scoots away and tries to catch his breath, "I, you asked me... You asked me to keep my hands to myself though. I-I-I still should be held accountable for-"
"Dude, that's just an expression for keeping your hands out of my pants. Like don't try to come onto me..." you wave your hand in a circle hoping he'd get it but nothing. "You know, sexually? Which you did not by the way. Cuddling can be platonic and that's all that happened right? So we're good!"
His brows furrow and he nods. He still doesn't seem convinced that he did nothing wrong as he balls up on himself.
"Really," you start, a bit more softer. "Nothing happened. I'm fine and to be honest, that was probably the best nights sleep I've had in forever. The purring was unexpected though."
You giggle but Tao buries his face in his hands looking like an embarrassed girl who just confessed to her crush.
"Oh come on man, I'm just trying to lighten the mood! I won't tell anyone that you can purr. I will take this bit of horrific terrible no good information to the grave ok? Just stop collapsing in on yourself like a black hole," you scootch to sit next to him and try to pry one of his arms away.
He loosens up and peers up over his arms at you, "Just for the love of the goddesses never mention the purring again. Ever, even between us. It's embarrassing even though it's normal, it's just not talked about."
Your heart flutters because he honest to god looks adorable being all embarrassed and you have to really really stop yourself from patting his head. Taking a deep breath you nod.
"Got it, cultural thing. Won't bring it up again, breakfast," you ask, quickly changing the subject.
Tao nods and awkwardly gets himself back into a standing position before helping you up. You look down the hall and across the way to the living room to make sure no one else is here. The likelihood that your grandmother would be back yet is slim but not entirely impossible.
When you see that the coast is clear you head to the kitchen with Tao in tow. He sticks close by, looking around concerned.
"You alright buddy?" you ask.
"I- I don't know, I don't really remember much from last night aside from running here and you inviting me inside and then things started to get blurry," he turns this way and that while sniffing the air trying to piece together what might have happened.
"Well you were practically drooling while I was on cooking, went into a feeding frenzy and then you were kind of like on auto pilot mode. What was that about," you walk him through what you remember and you hear a slap.
You look up at Tao who's large hand is covering his face.
"You saw me eat," he asks, sounding absolutely mortified.
"Yeah, no big deal though. You were hungry right? I was just happy that you were ok with my cooking. I would have tried it myself but medium rare chicken isn't quite safe for human consumption. Sauce was tasty though," you shrug.
Tao looks at you like you smacked him instead, "You weren't disgusted?"
"Should I have been? I mean the extra row of teeth was a surprise and all but I've seen worse. I work at a diner mind you and I've seen grown ass men eat mashed potatoes with their grubby unclean hands. Now that is gross," you cross your arms.
You've told Tao time and time again that you're pretty open minded when it comes to the cultural differences between you and he. It's taken quite a bit to convince him that he doesn't have to hide his arm and leg fins while working, no one cares. In fact, it gives him more edge and the kids take him more seriously.
Tao still looks distraught but he stands just a bit taller.
Right... the fair folk are about give and take. I guess that applies for some merfolk to.
"Fine, if you feel like you gotta do something to make up for last night, you can help me with the dishes. Is that fair," you point to the skillet and the variable dishes in different states of disgusting.
He straightens up real quick and gets to work. While he does that you work on breakfast. It's simple and nothing crazy like you made last night but it has Tao glancing over your shoulder ever so often. He asks what your making and what seasonings you're using.
Eventually the dishes are done and the both of you are comfortably eating breakfast while talking about food and cooking. He enjoys Mediterranean style cooking and isn't much into sweets except anything coffee flavored. He also loves sashimi but hates sushi. You did notice his favorite recipes don't include anything with nori.
"So are you planning on being a life guard full time or is it just while you're acclimating," you ask between bites of pancake.
Tao rolls his head back and groans, "I've tried to think of what I'd want to do but nothing translates well with the jobs I could have had in my shoal. Being a life guard was the closest option to what I could of been."
"I see, so limited job options for you people," you nod.
"More like limited to half breeds like myself," he sighs and looks down at his plate.
You don't press or ask what he means because you'd never pry, that was something he said he appreciated about you. You gave him the space and time to talk about things like he did with you now.
"My mother is from my birth shoal but my father well he was from a different and more smaller shoal. These," he points to the bands on his arms and to the black streaks in his hair. "These are proof that I'm not just of my mother's kind. I'm considered an outcast. I had one chance to stay in my shoal but I refused to take it and for that I was banished."
The pain in his voice is unbearable and heartbreaking. He must miss his family and to be banished from the only life you've ever know must hit hard.
"I couldn't do what they were asking," he continues, his voice choking. "My mother had lost both my father and my brother's father. Two mates!" He stops and looks up at you with wide eyes looking like he's in terrible horrible pain. "She lost them and I couldn't kill my own brother just to stay in that goddess forsaken shoal!"
Your heart stops for a moment and then you're on your feet walking towards him.
"I couldn't do it! And I-I don't even know why I'm telling you this just fo-"
You wrap your arms around him and give him the best hug that you can. You feel him stiffen for a second only for his body to go limp once you start patting his back.
"You're just feeling a lot, I get it. Let it all out man, I won't judge," you coo, still patting him.
Tao is still for a moment longer before pulling you in closer and quietly crying against you chest. You feel him shake as he lets what could be years and years of silent suffering go. His nails dig into your back and although it's a little uncomfortable you know that holding in that much hurt is more painful.
"I couldn't do it..." he mutters again and again, the feelings of loss overcoming him.
"I know, and you spared your mother such a horrible thing. She must know you're alright. Even though you're far apart she still loves you. You're brother will be her constant reminder of your bravery. You chose right. And I know sometimes the right things are the hard things believe me I know, but you did right and your mother knows it. She might not be here to say it so I will, I'm proud of you and lucky to have such a good friend," you say, comforting him as you now rub circles on his back.
Tao holds you tighter and you can hear the muffled cry he tries to hold back.
"Let it all out. I'm here for you," you continue to comfort him as he cries his heart out to you.
After a while Tao eventually calms down but passes out on the couch. You toss a blanket over him and check your phone.
"You grandmother is spending another night here. She raided my mini bar and got drunk off her ass. Enjoy your alone time, I know you need it," Gayle texted you thirty minutes ago.
You sigh in relief and tidy up the half eaten breakfast you and Tao had.
Deciding now is the perfect time to do nothing, you do just that and get back to being lazy. You stretch back out onto the recliner and scroll through your phone while Tao takes it power nap. It's a comfortable kind of quiet you've gotten used to.
A text pings and you check it real quick and frown.
"Jsut gettin out of teh rehanb an I thoubt I see how yor doin. Callme," your mother texts you.
You don't know how or why she has your new number but you never wanted to talk to her again. Or at the very least for a long long time. She was one of the few people who made living in your hometown a living hell. She was the town druggy and you were her daughter. You and your siblings were targeted for causing trouble even though you never caused any all for being her kids.
It got so bad that your brother went into inpatient therapy and your sister ran away. You haven't heard from her in six years. Your older brother tried his best but it was hard to take care of a group of kids when he was still in high school. He tried to take you and your younger brother away but got incarcerated for kidnapping.
After a few months in the county jail he was released but never came back until a couple years ago. He took your mom to court where you and your younger brother testified against your mom. She played the pitiful me and my hard life card and got away with a year in jail and one in rehab.
You consider calling her to cuss her out but decide it's not worth your time or effort. You roll your eyes and decide to let your silence speak for itself.
"You're upset, what's wrong," you hear Tao as he sits up with glorious bed hair and his eyes puffy and red.
"How can you tell," you set your phone down and glare.
Tao points to his nose, "I can smell emotions. Anger usually smells sharp and rotten like spoiled milk."
"Oh, well yeah. I am pissed but not at you. Just something... someone texted me and I don't want to talk to them. Ever," you cross your arms and look down.
Tao sits himself up right and folds the throw blanket. He doesn't press but waits to see if you'll continue or dismiss the subject.
"It was my mom," you start. "Her and I aren't on speaking terms. She ruined my life. My brothers, sister, and I suffered because she was always looking for that next high and we were know for being the druggy lady's kids. It sucked ass!"
He nods and walks over to you and sits back down and his eyes meet yours. Gently he takes your hand and starts rubbing circles on top of it with his thumb.
"And now she-she thinks she can just act like nothing happened! She's all like, 'I'm out of rehab, call me!'. Fuck. No," you tighten up but then feel yourself being tugged into Tao's arms as he gives you a great big bear hug.
He pats your back like you did for him and you feel yourself melting into a puddle of tears.
Tao doesn't speak but he doesn't need to. You know him doing this much is well, a lot. You eventually calm down though but he still holds you, tighter and tighter like he doesn't want to let go.
"My dad left when I was a like nine after he found out mom was getting some stuff from the other realm. She wasn't too into at first since it was hard to get ahold of but she got worse. The easier it was to get the more she got and she worse she was. For fucks sake I came home from school one day and she was hanging upside down midair with a nosebleed from hell! No one should have to grow up like that," you groan as you slump in Tao's arms.
He shakes and his hold on you tightens, "No, you shouldn't have had to have gone through that."
"All I wanted was a normal life! Is that too much to ask for," you pull back a little and look at Tao while tears continue to fall.
The whites of his eyes are black again and his expression is blank as he thumbs away a tear, "You are here now and far from the people who hurt you. Don't let them win by grieving over what they had done to you."
At that you nod, trying your hardest to stop crying because you know he's right. Things always got worse when you cried at what your bullies said or did.
"You're right," you sniffle and wipe your face with your sleeve.
Tao gives you a minute to collect yourself before helping you stand. You feel a little dizzy but relieved to have gotten that off your chest. You hadn't realized how much it had bothered you, how much it really had effected you until the past dug itself up out of the grave. It had been years since you last saw your mother. Her stay at rehab kept getting extended thanks to your brother, but now she's out and she has your number.
A shiver of fear runs up your spine but you try to keep yourself together. Tao pats your head and it's so odd and weird you can't help but to laugh.
"Thanks for hearing me out," you start. "I haven't gotten to vent about all that in years."
Tao looks down at you and nods, "You are my friend and you had done the same for me. I have not felt such relief myself in years. Thank you for that."
"So what do you want to do now? We had our feels fest and all," you laugh a little awkwardly, still not sure how to feel about what just happened.
Tao moves to the nearest window and peers outside and sighs, "It's still raining but not as bad. I should go home soon, I feel as if I might over stay my welcome."
"Nonsense, and besides my grandmother got stark drunk again so I get another free night! How about I teach you some more humany things," you grin at him.
He glares at you, "The last humany thing you taught me was human alcohol and it tasted like liquified rotten crab. I will politely pass."
You double over laughing as you remember his reaction to giving him his first sip of beer. You're not much of a beer drinker yourself but Jessica came with you that evening to check out Tao and well, you both got a little carried away. Tao took a sip and his face was priceless! It looked like he was eating sour candy while sipping rotten milk.
"I promise no human booze will be involved ok," you place your hand over your heart and give him your best puppy eyes.
His glaring continues, "None at all?"
"Not even a drop," you nod.
Tao looks outside again and groans, "Very well, I guess I could stand to learn more human concepts."
You decided to introduce Tao to some of your favorite cooking shows and the guy was practically glued to the TV. You hadn't expected it to go over as well as it did but he got enthralled.
Somewhere along the line you offered to cook again but this time he wanted to help. At first you thought it would be strange to work with him in the kitchen considered the height difference but it was the best time you've had cooking with anyone. Everything went fantastically smooth, from the prep work to the mixing and cooking. Neither of you said anything but knew what to do the second you said what you wanted to make. It was like a dance that ended in the most delicious rice dish you've ever made.
For the first time ever you saw Tao genuinely smile and it made you feel all sorts of things. His eyes, so strange compared to yours practically glowed. You admitted that he was attractive before but him smiling added a whole new level.
Tao notices you staring as he shovels a bite in his mouth, "Is something wrong?"
You blink and shake your head, "No, nothing. You just look happy."
His shoulders slump and he sighs, but he's still got a bit of that smile on his face. "I guess I feel a somewhat happy. I know I feel lighter, less weighed down by my past."
"Good food, good rest, and a good cry session tends to help. Followed by more rest and food," you smile.
"I do feel oddly better. I am lucky to have such a good friend then," Tao smiles at you and goes back to shoveling food into his mouth.
You feel like crying all over again from all these feelings.
After your late lunch, you end up passing out while Tao continues to watch cooking shows. You have no idea how long you're out for but you wake up in the guest room lovingly tucked into bed.
You smell something amazing and sit up and rub your eyes. You follow the sent of heaven to the kitchen and see Tao plating something that makes your mouth water.
"You were out for nearly seven hours," he comments.
You grumble an apology but notice he's not upset.
"You probably needed it like I did after I told you about my banishment. Here," he hands you a plate and fork.
Without hesitation you take a bite and do a happy food dance, "Oh my gods Tao! This is fucking amazing!"
You stab at the food and stuff your face, "Sho fricken good!"
And then for the first time ever you hear him laugh.
If his smile made you feel things his laugh sealed the deal. Yup, you have a certified grade A level one school girl crush on him. But that's it, he's still just your friend. Nothing more.
"Dude, whenever or whoever you decide to court is going to be one lucky lady! Fuck this is good!" you point at him with your fork before digging in again.
Tao's eye whites turn black again and you're starting to wonder if it's some weird thing to do with food. It's not an allergy because you learned the other day merfolk don't have those, they just get dry skin problems. You shrug it off since if it's not something he's mentioned or talked about then you probably shouldn't bring it up, like the purring.
"You think my cooking is good enough to win a mate," he asks you very seriously.
"Hell yeah, and if you get turned down it's not your fault. She obviously would lack any taste and thinks ramen noodles with mayo is better. Dude I would sell my soul to eat your cooking everyday," you tell him while laying waste to the last bits of food on your plate.
Tao blushes and nods as he gives you a strange look. You're probably imagining it you tell yourself because there's just no way a guy friend would look at you so intensely. You convince yourself it's just your silly little crush and get over it.
After eating and watching more TV the both of you turn in for the night. Tao looked like he wanted to ask you to cuddle with him again but kept his mouth shut. It was for the best you tell yourself that he didn't ask since it would have only fed into your silly crush even more so.
When you both get up which was oddly at the same time you both eat a light breakfast. Tao notices the lack of rain and says a very fast but kind farewell. He said he's worried that the house he's renting might be in a bit of disrepair after that storm and zipped off.
You have to get ready for work anyway and would rather be gone before your grandmother comes back. You pack up your backpack you take to work and shimmy into your favorite light jacket and head out.
The diner your work at is a pleasant thirty minute walk away. It gives you time to get some fresh air and just not think about things. Unfortunately you can't stop fucking thinking about Tao.
The entire walk there you think about Tao and his stupid handsome smile. The entire morning shift you think about Tao and his stupid amazing laugh. The entire lunch break you think about Tao and his stupid awesome delicious food.
"It's not fucking fair," you grumble as you angrily clean off a booth in your section for the third time.
"I told you," Jessica gloats.
"It's just a stupid fucking crush dammit, it'll pass," you roll your eyes and slap the rag down.
"Yeah sure, you keep telling yourself that," Jes grins.
"Come on you're supposed to help me here," you beg as you slump your shoulders and pout.
Jes grabs you and gives you a hug, "Oh I know it's so hard baby girl, it's just a silly crush on a devastatingly handsome merman and you just can't control your feelings but it'll pass. He's just so nice and no guy has treated you so well and you're just so lonely."
Jessica pats your head and you slouch in her arms, "It's just a silly stupid crush right?"
"Of course it is," she shooshes you and pulls back. "Now chin up and kick ass today. We're getting off early and going drinking down at that horrible merman's beach so we can be his problems."
Jessica drove the both of you to Tao's beach where he was already hot on some sleezebags tail who was bothering some ladies.
"He seems busy, lets get fucked up and make matters worse," Jes grins.
"I just want a buzz and to forget that I have a crush on him," you swing your bag off your shoulder and glare at the beach chair you usually sit in.
"You're hanging with me today. I got an extra beach towel girl," she shows you her pack and starts laying everything out.
Tao is unusually busy today chasing after crazy kids and fishermen who keep getting a bit too drunk. You almost feel bad after you tip back your second wine cooler, almost.
The weird mushy crush feelings have been tampered down by the light buzz and all you want to do is go swimming now. You stand and stretch and head towards the water. You think you hear Tao call out to you but you're not really sure as you swim further out.
You suddenly see a large shark fin in front of you and kick towards it thinking it's Tao until your foot is met with rubbery skin. You quickly sober up and push away from the creature but you see the shark starting to surface as you try to swim away. You feel a hard tug on your arm thinking it's Tao only to be disappointed when you feel a hand grope your chest as they pull you closer.
You struggle out of their arms and turn to see the large shark before you. Your heart stops thinking that this is it until a large fist punches the shark in the face. The creep who had been holding you lets go and splashes as they swim away. You're too stunned to move and just float there as you watch Tao beat up a shark.
You hear him yell at you as he picks you up and swims back to the beach. You hear him tell people to get out of his way. You hear him threaten the man who copped a feel when you were trying to swim away from the shark. You hear him lecture Jes who apologizes to the both of you. You hear him lecture you as he sets you down on the beach chair and tells you not to move.
Jessica brings you some water that you drink and wraps you up her extra beach towel. You start to sob and she does the best to console you but it hurts. You did something stupid and now Tao is mad at you and you think he probably hates you.
She offers to bring you home but Tao tells her to leave you be and he'll escort you home once you're fully sober and his shift is over.
Jes doesn't argue and packs up her bag and leaves.
I don't understand why she ignored me when I told her there were sharks in the water. Is her hearing worsened when she drinks that human alcohol?
I should really push to getting those drinks banned from my beach. Humans act too strange when they drink it.
My strange human friend is asleep on the beach chair I bought her. Her eyes are puffy now and she's wrapped up in a towel her older friend Jessica brought her.
I might have been too hard on the both of them but I was angry. My friend put herself in grave danger and almost died because a human male tried to... I feel that rage again when I saw what he was doing. I wanted to rip him apart or let that shark eat him while I swam away with my friend.
Such violence does not pass in this world and would probably upset her.
I watch as the last family packs up their belongings and heads to their vehicle. I wait a few minutes and grab my shoulder bag and her backpack and sling the on.
My friend is in a deep sleep, probably still in shock about the shark... and the way I yelled at her.
She does not deal with being yelled at well and she even told me this but I couldn't help it. I almost lost her, my only friend. Without her, I have no shoal here.
I pause and realize that some part of me has accepted this human as one of my own. That must be why I am overly protective of her, she is all I have as family or friend.
With that resolve I carefully pick her up. She shifts in my arms and settles as I hold her close. She smells like the ocean and the flowers that decorate the small grocery store I frequent. It is a pleasant scent.
I walk her home and knock on the door. I am greeted by a small elderly woman with bouncy curls and large glasses. This must be her grandmother.
She sizes me up which makes me feel oddly small under her scrutinizing glare. I stand a bit taller and fix my posture as she nods and welcomes me inside. I feel like I should act like I haven't been here before as she escorts me to the room with the television. She asks me to lay down my friend on the couch that I napped on while here.
"So, how is it that you two know each other," her grandmother asks me, her eyes sizing me up once more.
"Are you her... boyfriend?" she raises her brows as she sits down on the reclining chair.
I am not quite sure what she is asking. I am a man not a boy but maybe that has to do with my gender. I am a male so that must qualify as the same thing right?
I nod, "Yes, I am."
The elderly woman smiles and places her hand on her heart, "Oh you have to tell me how you two met then."
And at her request I do.
You're in your bed when you wake up and still in your swim suit. You don't remember how you got home or anything but you do remember Tao and the beach and oh god!
You shoot up out of bed and run to shower off the beach and throw something on. You run past your grandmother who tried to ask you about something but you can't hear her.
Today is Tao's off day, you know that since he's always bringing you a print out of his schedule. You never go to the beach on his off days, you can't trust the other life guard like you can Tao.
So if not the beach...
Right, he said he's usually shopping for the week on his off day.
You make a beeline to the shopping center a mile away from your grandmother's house and book it.
You have to apologize to him today no matter what. As you come up to the stores you try the little grocery shop with flowers decorating the outside. The lady at the register welcomes you in and you give her a quick smile before someone tall catches you eyes.
You weave your way towards the back and catch him by the arm.
"Tao! Oh god, I am so so sorry about yesterday," you tell him as he turns to look at you.
He looks stunned for a moment and then of course he nods, "You were under the influence of that human beverage. Please be more cautious next time."
You feel a crazy amount of relief then and nearly cry, "So you're not mad at me? You don't hate me?"
Tao stiffens up and looks embarrassed for a moment, "No, of course not. I was mad but not at you. That poor excuse of a male who nearly got you killed is the one I was mad at. I could not hate you, I was just concerned for your well being and let my emotions get the better of me. And for that, I am sorry. You told me you shut down when you're yelled at and I... I will try to not do that again."
"Thank you for rescuing me too, I was being stupid because I was going through something and well yeah. I'm sorry for that too," you shrug.
"We both made mistakes," he says.
"Yeah, like that," you point down to what should be the most illegal thing in the whole wide world, socks and leather sandals. In fact as you look him over in his regular none life guard outfit he looks like someone's dad from the 90s. The fanny pack doesn't help.
And yet I'm still attracted to this hot mess express!
"What is wrong with my attire," he looks himself up and down.
"Nothing, just try not to ever wear socks and sandals again. It looks really silly ok," you crinkle your nose but smile.
"I see, thank you for the advice. So you are not upset with me for yelling at you," he asks with his own brand of puppy dog eyes.
"Nah, I'm over it. How about you, we good," you ask.
"The past is in the past, we both made errors and will learn from them," he nods.
"Yeah. Friends still?" you smile nervously.
"Of course," he agrees then raises a brow. "By the way, what is a boyfriend?"
"I guess you could say they're a male romantic partner that isn't quite serious but could be eventually. I guess you could say they're the only suitor allowed to court the female. Something like that I guess," you give him your best interpretation. "Why? Keep hearing it on the beach?"
"No... your grandmother asked me if that is what I was to you when I took you home last night," Tao looks away from your nervously.
There's some long awkward silence that hangs in there air between the both of you that just swing along with the garlic and peppers.
"Tao... What did you tell her," you ask, crossing your arms.
He inhales sharply.
"Tao," you ask again. "What did you tell my grandmother?"
"I uh... I said yes," he finally admits.
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dbhtychou · 2 years
Tumblr media
It’s merman boyfriend season again, my dudes. And the anniversary of “Deep Blue.” Easily my most popular DBH fic.
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r0-boat · 9 months
Out of Water
Merman Oc! Noah x reader
Ch: 2
Cut for length.
You spent your evening on your laptop scrolling through the list of missing persons on a government website. You kept glancing over at the brown-haired male who was staring wide-eyed at your pet snake, Luna. A white ball python you adopted from a neighbor before they moved out. For a moment, you thought about just letting the police handle him…
But you had already offered him to stay here, and if you're being honest, the police in this area wasn't too hopeful, to put it lightly…
Even though he seemed to have a very negative reaction when you mentioned his family or parents, it was no harm in checking…
The young man gave you a rather confused look when you mentioned identification—speaking that strange language once again.
As you continue to look over your thoughts, a sinking feeling in your stomach continues to Bubble within you as you keep scrolling through the list of missing people, unable to find a photographic match to the man you had in your house.
'Maybe something more Sinister happened to him?' You glanced over back at him. You saw as you began to push down your anxiety when you saw his big stupid smile when Luna flicked her tongue at him.
No, no, no… human trafficking? How ridiculous; he didn't really show signs of being in distress, no bruises or anything that would show signs of a struggle.
Besides, when you first met him, even though you can really understand him, he seemed polite and friendly, a little nice and, in fact. Letting out a sigh you will lower your head 
into your hands, those suppose you can't really judge me th. You just let a total stranger crash at your house.
 A land creature he has never seen before! Its long pearly white body entranced him, and his eyes filled with Wonder and curiosity; the sea serpent looked different. Sea serpents back home were longer, flatter, and meaner looking. This one was smaller and fatter.
He remembered being warned to stay away from serpents as they zipped in the water quikly , and most were venom. Still, this is one, with its glimmering snow-white scales, was slow and almost graceful as it slithered its way out of its den to greet him, he was marveled when the serpent looked like it was smiling at him. Even with the wall of glass separated between the two Noah was still compelled to give the creature a little distance, almost afraid that it would strike and he would be poisoned! But the creature, curious about him to move closer, booping its nose against the glass on accident before flicking its tongue at him.
"Do you wanna hold her?"
Noah's eyes shifted to you; he understood some human, but not much. He watched as you got up from the chair closing your…. Uh thing? as you walk over to him his breath hitches in panic when you open the lid of the tank putting your hands the creatures containment box outwardly touching the land sea serpent.
He completely expected the white serpent to bite you but to his shock the serpent immediately wrapped itself around you, remaining docile yet inquisitive in your hands as you slowly bring it out of its box.
Noah's eyes widened in amazement, in a little bit of nervousness. 
A look of confusion crosses your face at his reaction to Luna. Trying to almost back away when Luna would try to reach her head to flick her tongue at him. Sensing that something isn't right, you try giving some distance between Luna and Noah so he can watch from afar. Still, for some reason, your ball python wanted to get closer. Luna was usually shy, immediately balling up in your hand when she didn't want to interact. Seeing her this excited to meet someone new was strange. You knew snakes had a bad rap for being scary, and you didn't want to contribute to that, so you quickly opened back up her lid, putting Luna back inside.
"Ah, Sorry, I thought you wanted to hold her."
Noah always had terrible encounters with serpents back home… He didn't think he was ready for the dry versions.
You pretty much guide Noah to your bathroom. As it was getting late, he smelled like seawater, and his dress, now dried, had sand falling from the fabric.
"Is that the only thing you have?" You ask, pulling at his dress.
Noah tilts his head, grabbing at the fabric and looking at the white dress before looking back at you. He seems to understand what you are saying, only for you to panic when he tries to take it off. Your face turns red as you push him into the bathroom.
"NOPE, NOPE, NOPE! Bathroom, run the water now!" 
You paused, going over your thoughts,
… you have a random man in your house… 
hearing the shower quietly run…
Taking him in was a mistake immediately. What he needed wasn't just a place to stay he needed something that was far beyond your control… whatever fight or disagreement he had with his parents did not concern you and you didn't want to get involved. You rest your head into your hands, groaning. Tomorrow for sure, you're going straight to the poli-
Hearing the sound of crashing you immediately with your head around, it had only been about 2 minutes since you heard the water running?!
You turn the handle to your bathroom door. You couldn't believe your eyes to the sight in front of you. The white dress discarded on the floor, the slippery floor of your bathtub taking its first life. The mysterious hid tan skin was now replaced with silver scales draped over the rim of the bathtub, a fishtail lying Motionless inside the tub.
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