#mera and zora's are both anger; indus's is blind obedience; ramsey's is depression; and percy's is suffocating protection
epitheterasedgen · 3 years
This one is a bit out there, but Molly within a silent hill type situation? Like strange creatures as representations of her flaws? If you need more detail just ask!
Looked this one up and it's an interesting concept, but Silent Hill is a bit too strongly in the horror genre for me! I'll write toned-down monsters for each character's flaws, but I'm not gonna actually throw Molly (or anyone else) into that kind of situation.
Still, mild horror TW!
Molly: She actually has the most character growth and overcomes her primary flaw (not standing up for herself) during the museum arc, but if it were to manifest as a creature, I could see it as something that looks small and innocent (like a teddy bear) that turns huge and rages when attacked too many times (bottling up emotion).
Sylvie: I'd say his biggest flaw is pride/ego, especially the lengths he'll go to protect it, so his monster would be something very large (we'll say a bull to be thematic) that grows larger and develops more limbs/heads/fur as people try to attack it.
Giovanni: He might be the least flawed character, which is very funny. Stupidity is hard to manifest into something scary, but if you really wanted to go for it, you could have a humanoid figure stumbling around with a nail through its head (like the arrow headband, but there's no headband...)
Mera: GLASS SHARD MONSTER GLASS SHARD MONSTER GLASS SHARD MONSTER. A huge quadruped with glowing blood-red eyes, and the glow bounces off all the glass that makes up its body. There's a sort of dark mass inside that pulses, looking like a sort of core, but it's hard to see because there's just so much broken glass that now makes up the limbs and outer shell.
Indus: I know, being the master of BARRIERS, you'd expect something hard, but since this is more symbolic of personality and psyche, his monster would be a gelatinous, moldable blob which is passive on its own but will attack on the command of the glass monster. It absorbs things without a second thought and seems impervious to most attacks.
Ramsey: A shapeshifting shadow-monster that usually assumes the form of a defenseless rat to hide in the vents. When someone wanders too close, it wraps shadowy claws around them and tries to drag them in, slowly sapping away at the person's will to live and turning them into a mindless husk.
Percy: A vaguely humanoid creature made of stone that grabs people and engulfs them in a death hug, strangling them in the process by crushing them and making it hard to breathe.
Zora: Just... just a huge freakin phoenix monster that burns anything and everything it touches into ash. It never goes out. It never dies down. It is too immense to be contained and too powerful to be defeated, all you can do is run.
Howie: A machine made of metal that runs like a smooth deathtrap. It doesn't move and isn't harmful on its own unless someone pushes someone else into its path. Eventually the grinding of sharp gears will destroy it from the inside out, without anyone else having to get rid of it.
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