#mentioned hanneman
askhubertvonvestra · 2 years
Nope I won’t be removing it. Caspar runs up to him and yells group hug everyone. Hubert gets hugged by all of his friends and Byleth as well as Hanneman and Manuela. We all love you you grumpy young man.
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I don’t seem busy enough to you, apparently, and now I must deal with this on top of that. While we’re ensnared in this display of sentimentality, perhaps one of you could help me get slightly ahead of this delay by removing the sign. 
Consider it a gesture of your love.
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Honestly the only thing Hanneman had to say to me was "Lore" and suddenly I was all over that old man.
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raxistaicho · 5 months
Is Edelgard a fascist?
So as I mentioned in a recent post, I'd like to dig in detail into the notion that Edelgard is a fascist. And also debunk said notion.
Now then, I'm going to look into the actual indicators of fascism, and not the "that character is in power and I don't like them" version we see thrown carelessly around the internet today.
It's broadly accepted today that the fourteen key signs of a fascist society are as follows:
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While the exact wording can vary, these are the most common traits.
We'll start with the easiest ones first:
Corporations and labor movements don't exist in Fodlan, nor is there such a thing as private mass media, nor does Fodlan have elections (no, not even in post Azure Moon), so those can four can't be analyzed. However, given that corporations are modern-day fiefdoms and CEOs and the rich are modern-day aristocrats, it's not hard at all to imagine that Edelgard would align her interests more with the working class than the wealthy if she existed in a different kind of society.
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And rampant sexism is the most obvious, "no", given Edelgard cares more about talent than what a person has between their legs.
Moving on next to the things that can be addressed with a little more detail.
Supremacy of the military: So obviously Edelgard starts a war, which makes things a bit weird here, but there's no indication the Adrestian military is given disproportionate focus in terms of funding or cultural emphasis aside from what could be reasonably expected from a country at war. Additionally, Edelgard favors diplomacy as a solution to Fodlan's relations with Almyra and Brigid, and Edelgard demonstrates a wide range of areas of focus for her future reforms between research (Linhardt, Constance), education (Ferdinand), faith (Manuela), and the arts (Dorothea), making it clear the military is just one of many tools in her reformist arsenal. 4 is a strong strong no.
Obsession with national security: This trait is more or less an obsession with external forces attempting to ruin you. Edelgard's detractors would immediately leap to her designating the Church of Seiros as a target while forgetting that the CoS is her only target. With fascism, there is always An Enemy looking to tear down society, but that isn't the case with Edelgard. She targets the CoS for very specific and demonstrable reasons, and once they're defanged she sets out making peace with former enemies abroad and at home. Her detractors would point out Hubert continuing to observe Fodlan for internal threats, but given how fragile Fodlan's internal peace would be for years following the war (rebellions would be a common issue, whether or not the Agarthans are involved), this is more of a justified concern than an obsessive rooting out of imagined agitators. 7 is another no.
Disdain for intellectuals and the arts: Several characters Edelgard forms very close support attachments with (Bernadetta, Dorothea, Manuela, Linhardt, Hanneman) are artistic types or intellectuals, and, despite what her detractors would have you believe, so 11 is another no.
Obsession with crime and punishment: Edelgard treats Varley and Aegir, people who tormented her, her loved ones, and countless others with a very even hand. While Rhea's confinement appears to be under severe circumstances (underground and likely in isolation for five years), this isn't done because Edelgard felt like being extra mean: you simply can't confine a woman who can transform into a dragon in an ordinary cell. Compare this to the Knight of Seiros's obsession with summary executions and Edelgard comes off looking very merciful. 12 is another very likely no.
Rampant cronyism and corruption: Firstly, she actively fights against corruption.
Cronyism is where her detractors will point out her giving positions of power to close friends, but the issue there is a key aspect of cronyism is that the person committing it ignores it does so without regard for the beneficiaries' qualifications.
The two characters most likely to ruffle feathers are Caspar and Bernadetta, but none of their endings imply they were incompetent at their respective positions. It's simply the nature of Fire Emblem ending cards to assume the character was highly succesfull during the war - aside from a few joke characters or poor Ilios.
That's a few more knocked out, leaving only a few left.
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Powerful and continuing nationalism: Nationalism is the focus on the advancement of one's own country above all others. Three Houses doesn't treat Adrestia, Faerghus, and Leicester as countries, but as regions or powers, but I'll ignore that for sake of argument. Edelgard detractors claim Edelgard is focused on the advancement of specifically Adrestia, but that's certainly not true. The common anti-Edelgard claim is she's trying to regain the lands of Faerghus and Leicester for its own sake, but she isn't, she's trying to unite Fodlan so she can bring her reforms to all the continent at once.
Additionally, she's very concerned for Brigid's well-being, see her support conversations with Petra in both games, and she expresses an interest in forging better diplomatic ties with Almyra. Ultranationalism of the fascistic sort usually involves a major withdrawal of foreign relations. This is another no.
Disdain for human rights: You could argue with some justification that this is a fairly weak spot for Edelgard through her alliance with the Agarthans, and there's some merit to that. It is, however, a bit jarring to argue that the woman who wants to usher in new human rights has disdain for them.
As I mentioned previously, her treatment of Rhea during her imprisonment in Enbarr is often a sore spot with Edelgard's detractors, and it definitely seems to be the case that Rhea was imprisoned underground and largely in isolation... but again, how does one humanely secure a woman who can transform into a 30-foot flying dragon? It's just one of those things of the issues of trying to secure such an individual.
Also, as I mentioned previously, Edelgard avoids cruel and unusual punishment wherever possible, even for those who've seriously wronged her, such as Aegir. Another no, though perhaps a bit weaker than some past ones.
Identification of enemies/scapegoats:
The scapegoats part is important. As I mentioned previously, in fascist societies, there always has to be An Enemy to fight against, as fascism is obsessed with action for actions' sake and unity against some Other, all to keep the people at home from paying attention to their rights being stripped away.
So while Edelgard certainly identifies the Church of Seiros and Nabateans as a problem for Fodlan as a whole, she does this for the very clear reason of stripping their ability to interfere in the peoples' self-interests, and not just to give Fodlan an enemy to fight. Noticeably, once the church and the Nabateans are defeated in Crimson Flower, Edelgard focuses the rest of her life on social reforms. There's no indication she continues launching wars, whatever Fantasy Invader tries to say. Another no.
Religion and government intertwined:
This would seem to be Edelgard's weakest point, since she appoints one of her own ministers as head of the southern church in Scarlet Blaze. In Crimson Flower proper we have too little information on church life in Adrestia under her to know this one either way.
It's worth remembering that Edelgard's reformed system generally acknowledges the first generations of people in power will more or less be people who would have already had that power, since they're generally the most apt recipients due to their initial advantage. In that regard, the head of Adrestia's religion doubling as a government official is a problem she inherited, not one she created: Count Varley was already minister of Religious Affairs. It would be a lot more suspicious if she named Hubert the southern bishop.
Furthermore, given the nature of Edelgard's merit-based reforms, once Varley dies there's a much better chance of the next southern bishop not being tied to Adrestia's government.
Lastly, Religion and government being "merely" intertwined is an improvement from SS and VW, in which Fodlan becomes a full-on theocracy, and AM, in which religion has permanent influence over the government.
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And there we go! Of the fourteen warning signs of Fascism, only one of them could be honestly tied to Edelgard, and mostly only because of her loathed alliance with the Agarthans - which she ditches in Scarlet Blaze, leaving her entirely free of human rights abuses.
So yeah, Edelgard doesn't actually look very much like a fascist when your standards are actual fascism and not, "this lady accrues power and I don't like her for it".
That's why you never take an Edelgard detractor at their word, folks.
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randomnameless · 8 months
Hi, I was talking with some friends, and wanted some help double checking some 3H shenanigans and figured you'd be the best to ask. Do you know when in the game Ionius's whole wives situation got mentioned and what he did that got all the nobles to depose him? I remember something about concubines, but don't know where exactly in the game it was talked about to check and cite. Thank you very much if you're able to help!
I hope I can help then!
In Hubert and Hanneman's C support, it's more or less explained, by Hanneman that Ionius wanted to concentrate power on himself :
In your father's defense, the emperor was attempting to take power from the Seven Houses. The emperor's reform was an attempt to concentrate power in the hands of the throne.
While Hubert presents it the other way :
He conspired with the ministers to usurp power from the emperor. And Lady Edelgard...
But both he and Hanneman later agree, in their B support, that Hubert is aware he is not very objective.
The Jp version gives a bit more insight on Hanneman's explanations, that were removed from the localised version for... well, I suppose, some reasons I still can't understand?
当時の陛下は、“七貴族”と呼ばれる 大貴族や外戚の特権を徐々に廃止し…
There's a mention of the consort kin, that is absent in the localised version.
This translation translated it as :
At that time, His Majesty was gradually abolishing the privileges of the consort kin and the ones referred to as “The Seven Aristocrats” – the great noble [families]
Ionius was thus trying to centralise power on himself, remove privileges and powers of the 7 and the consort kin.
Now, unlike some other settings, Ionius having consorts isn't that developped in Fodlan, so we don't have any clues, in canon, about what those privileges are. We can only surmise things here'n'there based on rl, I guess, as long as it doesn't contradict canon.
So, what could have been those consort kin privileges?
Let's take the Arundel example.
Anselma is wooed by Ionius, bears him a daughter, but doesn't become his official/legal/legitimate wife. She becomes his consort wife.
What is she going to do? She cannot marry someone else, Papa Arundel "lost" his daughter and cannot secure a good wedding for her (as is apparently the fate of Adrestian noblewomen?) because she's already one of Ionius's consort. Hell, given how their daughter isn't the next in line for the Imperial succession, Anselma's role is very shaky -
In Fates, we have the background concubine wars, where the goal was to have their kid become the heir (iirc?) so they would have a place by the King's side, or at least not be demoted as "extras" when the kid from another mother will become, well, king.
In Fodlan, from this line, we know the "kin" of the Imperial consorts had some "privileges" - a sort of crass way to say the Emperor gives them "stuff" so they will shut up if he "wooes" a daughter, relegates her as a baby maker and doesn't marry her, thus her "market value" drops and the resulting child is only an extra?
From the Libary, it's confirmed that :
House Arundel Formerly a minor noble house of the Empire. As head of the house, when Volkhard's younger sister became betrothed to Emperor Ionius IX, Volkhard was granted the title of Lord Arundel. Having worked closely with House Aegir, House Arundel is seen as one of the chief instigators of the Insurrection of the Seven.
House Arundel became "important" when Anselma was wooed by Ionius and became his wife (consort wife though!).
So when Ionius wants to remove the consort kin privileges, aka giving some importance to the families of the women he "wooes", Arundel isn't super happy and spearheads the insurrection.
Now, why was that system created? Was it a way to prevent the Emperor from, say, having their cake and eating it, aka, seducing women, giving them kids and then throwing them (both?) away without strings attached? Or to make sure consort wife #7 will have a role somewhere, and her family will get a "compensation" for her loss?
Or worse, the "consort kin" privileges maybe also applied to the children of the consorts - they would have a lower rank compared to the children of the legitimate wife - but still be worth something?
The Adrestian Imperial family is sadly under utilised, so we don't a thing about what was the status of the consorts or their children (they just poof away in the game events, we never hear anything about Ionius's surviving consorts or his legitimate wife!) - but we know there used to be some sort of compensation (super dowry?) Ionius/the Emperor had to give to families of the women he screwed -
And from what the JP version of Hubert and Hanneman's support says, Ionius wanted to get rid of that.
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dazzlerazz · 10 months
Random crest post
(Note: Sacred weapons are sort of like relics, but do not require a crest to wield, but they are more powerful WITH them. Relics can be wielded by those without crests, but wielders take damage when usng them)
Thorn Dragon Sign - Crest of Ernest Anna No relics or sacred weapons
Wind Dragon Sign - Crest of Macuil Monica Wind Caller's Genesis (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Sky Dragon Sign - Crest of Seiros Rhea, Edelgard Seiros Sword (Sacred), Seiros Shield (Sacred), Labraunda (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Crusher Dragon Sign - Crest of Dominic Annette Crusher (Relic)
Shield Dragon Sign - Crest of Fraldarius Felix Aegis Shield (Relic), Sword of Moralta (Sacred)
Bloom Dragon Sign - Crest of Noa Constance Scroll of Talos (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Light Dragon Sign - Crest of Cethleann Flayn, Linhardt Caduceus Staff (Sacred), Amalthea (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Flame Dragon Sign - Crest of Daphnel Ingrid Luin (Relic)
Grim Dragon Sign - Crest of Blaiddyd Dimitri Areadbhar (Relic)
Craft Dragon Sign - Crest of Gloucester Lorenz, Lysithea Thyrsus (Relic), Axe of Ukonvasara (Sacred)
Kalpa Dragon Sign - Crest of Goneril Hilda Freikugel (Relic)
Earth Dragon Sign - Crest of Cichol Ferdinand, Seteth Ochain Shield (Sacred), Spear of Assal (Sacred)
Ice Dragon Sign - Crest of Aubin Yuri Fetters of Dromi (Relic)
Fissure Dragon Sign - Crest of Gautier Sylvain Lance of Ruin (Relic)
Water Dragon Sign - Crest of Indech Bernadetta, Hanneman The Inexhaustable (Sacred)
Storm Dragon Sign - Crest of the Beast Marianne Blutgang (Relic)
Lightning Dragon Sign - Crest of Charon Catherine, Lysithea Thunderbrand (Relic), Suttungr's Mystery (Hopes exclusive, Relic)
Dark Dragon Sign - Crest of Timotheos Hapi Hrotti (Hopes exclusive, Relic)
Star Dragon Sign - Crest of Riegan Claude Failnaught (Relic), Sword of Begalta (Sacred)
Snow Dragon Sign - Crest of Chevalier Balthus Vajra-Mushti (Relic)
Aegis Dragon Sign - Crest of Lamine Mercedes Rafail Gem (Relic), Ichor Scroll (Hopes exclusive, Relic), Tathlum Bow (Sacred)
Honorable Mentions
Crest of Flames
Amyr, Sword of the Creator
Athame, Ridill, Asclepius (Found in Houses files, but can only be wielded in Hopes, attuned to the cut Crest of Agartha)
Dark Creator Sword, forged with the crest stones of Noa and Timotheos
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moeblob · 2 years
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That exorcist AU I mentioned yesterday!
Hanneman is a wandering exorcist of sorts and leaves Empire territory to do more for the world and broaden his horizons and stumbles on this guy named Byleth who runs a church in a college town. Who also seems to be haunted (?) by a girl. Naturally, he’s intrigued since this girl doesn’t seem hostile at all nor unwelcome. So Hanneman kind of sticks around and keeps having staring contests outside of the church and realizes Byleth cannot actually see her. So now he’s getting concerned until he enters the church and sees the two talking.
It turns out? Byleth is always aware of Sothis’ presence but can only see her in the church (much like how in game Sothis is only ‘seen’ in Byleth’s room but heard everywhere you wander). After a while of watching, Hanneman enters the church and Sothis hurries over and sits next to him while they wait, idly chatting until Byleth appears. Sothis waves before elbowing Hanneman who sighs and waves and it clicks to Byleth that OH MY GOSH THIS GUY CAN SEE HER??? And Byleth absolutely lights up at this knowledge and wants to be friends with Hanneman even more now because wow you can see Sothis too? This is amazing! Finally!
Flayn is allowed to visit by Rhea and Seteth (who she refers to as Aunt and Father in the AU) and helps take care of the church.
The students in the AU are college kids and while Byleth isn’t a teacher in this AU, they still refer to him as Professor and go to him for advice and he has a lost and found collection for misc items that they leave behind during visits.
Thanks for your time.
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fantasyinvader · 11 months
Today's thought was on the supposed Crest system. Sylvain does say in Hopes there is supposed to be one, but in reality each House does it's own thing. This seems to be a really big thing in the Empire when you look at it.
Let's look at what Hanneman says in his support with Dorothea. While in English it's his own personal definition of nobility, in the Japanese it's said to be the original definition of Wilhelm's meritocracy. That being that the nobility were knowledge was supposed to be valued, alongside protecting and guiding the people in your care. Library books also say that Wilhelm put down any House that tried to increase it's own power. However, Hanneman notes that those who were empowered by this system exploited the power they were given, using it to hold themselves above those they deemed commoners.
Hanneman and Linhardt themselves both show a folly with this. They're both academics, seeking knowledge about Crests to the point they both don't really care about governing Fodlan. They both care more about their studies than they do leading the people, and considering that they both join Edelgard unless recruited being knowledgable doesn't mean that they're moral by nature. Lin can be upset at what Solon does during White Clouds, but he'll still join Edelgard unless Byleth shows him the way. Likewise, Hanneman can talk about the nobility's decline, but he'll still turn against Rhea and fight for someone who was helping turn people into monsters and values strength.
The story with the original Duke Aegir, where the Imperial throne was wagered in a duel, seems to suggest there was a shift in what "merit" was viewed as. Sometime after the War of Heroes, it shifted to strength. In Ferdinand's support with Edelgard, he mentions that the children of nobiltiy were pushed to succeed, if they failed to meet expectations they would be kicked out of their Houses. Ferdinand's comment would suggest that even before Edelgard took over the Empire was still practicing a meritocracy. Children without merit would lose their positions, so they were made to perform their best. It's this setup that Ferdinand holds up as why the nobility are superior individuals than the commoners, the commoners don't have the same drive to succeed that was drilled into the nobility.
But then we look at Caspar's family. Caspar's grandfather wanted to give his title to Randolph, a younger son from his second wife. But he couldn't just snap his fingers and disinherit Leopold, not when the guy has the army at his back. And from what we can see, while Leopold is dumb muscle, Randolph isn't exactly a good commander. The position went to the oldest son, just like what Caspar says is happening with his brother. We never see the brother or hear about any exploits for him despite him being afraid of losing his position, something that happens in some of Caspar's Flower endings (with the Japanese making Caspar's merit more questionable, seeing as his forces are "often out of control" over there rather than "occasionally reckless"). Caspar trains because he gets no inheritance under the current system, which would suggest that estates are not broken up among multiple children. One child takes all.
Miklan may have lost his position as heir due to not having a Crest, but he wasn't disinherited until after multiple attempts on Sylvain's life.
But from what we can see, the empire doesn't seem to hold women in high regard. Bernadetta is listen as an heir in the English text for her titles, but putting the Japanese through translate says she's the son of House Varley. I put Linhardt's through translate, I get "legitimate son," Caspar is second son, Ferdinand is labelled as both "eldest son" and "former heir." Constance is listed as "former heir". Hubert also gets "eldest son." Petra gets "grandson of King Brigid and heir to the throne," so it really appears that Bernie is just supposed to be Varley's child. Not heir. Bernadetta being listed as heir seems to be a change made by the translation.
Edit: According to @renisfan the English trasnlation is correct, and the same word for heir is used for Bernie.
We see something similar with Dorothea's translation, her mother being listed as a maid in the Japanese text but a lady-in-waiting in the English, which would suggest that her mother did come from somewhere in the Imperial nobility before possibly being tossed out for being pregnant out of wedlock (her supports also say her mom was a maid iirc, while her father may have been a noble based on a story she heard).
But if Bernie is supposed to be the heir to her family… her father didn't train her as such. He trained her to be a submissive trophy wife for whomever would pay her dowry. Thanks to Hopes, we also have an incident where a daughter of Varley was supposed to take over the position of Minister of Religious Affairs, with an agreement with an Emperor to bolster that claim before a new Emperor took over and didn't go with it, supporting a son trying to take it despite his father's wishes and the promise. Made a show of it too, abolishing the Southern Church for the ensuing Insurrection. Likewise, we have Hanneman's sister being married off as a broodmare which lead to her death.
Then we have Constance, her family dying to protect the Empire in an invasion by Brigid and Dagda and her House being rewarded for their service via abolishment. We also have Mercedes, her baron father dying leaving behind a pregnant wife, a wife whose line bears a Crest on top of that, only for the House to be abolished without a male lead. Mercedes's mother was left to marry Baron Bartels in order to survive, before eventually fleeing to the Kingdom. Having a Crest did nothing to help either Constance or Mercedes in terms of position, Monica is in this same boat considering her father was a mere baron as well. It's just a status symbol, something that can make someone more attractive in the eyes of a potential spouse (see also Bernie and Hanneman's sister).
In the Kingdom, we see positions of power being handed out due to utility. Being able to use a relic to protect the lands from invasion regardless of gender or bringing a bigass fort with you when you defect from the Empire puts people into positions of power. Likewise, we have Lonato being awarded a title for his service. The Kingdom is a meritocracy as well, and Lambert's attempts to empower the commoners was cut short due to being betrayed at Duscur. In the Alliance, Holst is heir due to his accomplishments protecting the country despite his sister having a Crest and he does not. Edmund got his position at the roundtable through his ability's as a business man, while Marianne is supposed to keep her Crest a secret despite her birth father being listed as a lord. The Alliance's meritocracy is based around finance.
But the Empire's? Look at it. It's a system that keeps women down, with the eldest male son getting everything. It was supposed to be a meritocracy, but that system changed as those who embodied the original ideals weren't concerned about governing. Instead, those concerned with gaining power managed to change it over time, cementing their Houses's authority while keeping those they deemed below them down. While Ferdinand's comments suggest there still is supposed to be a meritocracy in place, it seems to be more a House-by-House thing as the oldest male criteria seems to be the main thing. No real mentions of other families threatening to kick out a son, not even lazy-ass Linhardt.
And of course, this all torpedoes Edelgard's claims that Crests are everything.
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randomkposts · 2 years
FE3H and Mothers
One of the biggest glaring narrative flaws in FE3H, is the lack of Mother characters. Its lack removes a lot of potential nuance from a game that is intended to explore divided loyalties amongst many characters as one of the features of the game is the sheer number of recruitable characters for your personal faction. 
Yes we get Father and brother and uncles, but of named mother female characters I can recall three off the top of my head, and two are dead, one is DLC dropped and the last is Rhea. Yes, Patricia, Sitri, and Rhea. And this makes the game rather empty in ways. Where is the family Drama? Shouldn't recruiting Lorenz, a noble of the Alliance, to black eagle strike force, put him in conflict with both noble parents' lineages? Caspar can potentially come into conflict with his Step-Uncle, but not anyone from his mothers side of the family? And Crucially, does no one from Dimitri's mothers family care that he is crown prince? Does it never occur to them to be in his life? Does that fact really not matter to them even when the country is at war!? The fact that the named mothers can be counted on one hand is particularly rude, when it wouldn't even cost much to give a name. Caspars grandfather's second but favored Wife, can now become Daria. The late Queen Bláthnat, can be Dimitris' mother. Just giving them a name is less awkward than talking around one. 
*this was mostly written pre Hopes, and therefore I need to add that Claude's mother is named Tiana, and Felix has a mother and Siblings. Absolute What!
**I have been informed, that as of Hopes, Sylvains mother is confirmed alive. Still far more baffled by Felix, as that really seems like it should have been relevent for Rodrigue to bring up. Then again, the second part of houses is set in the future, things could have changed in between verses.
***Linhardt's mother is alive, as found in a note to confessional where he worries about his parents reactions.
So I'm going to sort the Character's by Mother aliveness going from known alive, presumably alive, presumably dead, confirmed dead, and adopted Orphan. Also going to make a sibling mention. 
*Presumably* means I could not find the information on initial search, and /or its a spoiler I haven't heard from Hopes. Huberts living fam, was a support mention to Lysithea. Some have more supporting base then others, such as Mercedes mother who is described as too old to have more kids, but Mercy has an adopted father. 
Known Living
*Yuri (who I'm told has both a living mother and is adopted)
Presumed Living
Presumed dead
Confirmed dead
Orphan (who is/was adopted)
Who has/had siblings 
Annette *(I was mistaken, she has cousin/'s)
Claude (Half siblings)
Dedue (*dead)
Edelgard*(dead stepsibs/ half sibs)
*Felix (1 dead, 1 alive)
Lysithea (*dead)
Mercedes (*half)
Sylvain (*dead)
Thank you everyone who has helped out, by nicely pointing out things I missed writing this post. You guys are fantastic
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi there! I wanted to request that you do headcanons on Ferdinand, Lorenz, Ashe and Ignatz with an S/O who tries to confess time and time again but gets so flustered and tongue-tied that they can’t even get the words out? Thank you!!
Flustered S/O Unable to Confess
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Characters: Ashe, Ferdinand, Ignatz, Lorenz
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: This is such a cute request, I’m happy to write it!!
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He is so patient with you. Every time you've called his name, he'd patiently wait and just smile as you tried to get the words out.
Ashe would suggest charades or maybe writing down what you want to say if you're having difficulties getting it out, not realizing that you were trying to confess.
It would take some observations for things to click for him and then he feels flustered but also so very happy. You haven't been able to say anything yet, but just knowing makes him pleased.
So he'll keep being patient and wait for you. He can't deny being a tad sad when you just change the subject because you can't confess again, but he's still going to do his best to be patient, a smile and blush on his face as he waits.
Does his best to be patient with you. It'd be rude of him to cut you off or interrupt, especially if you're just having difficulties asking for help or something. He knows his noble status can be intimidating, after all.
Ferdinand does get concerned with how often you end up stumbling over your words and how flustered you are. Do you have a fever? Are you getting sick and need him to take care of you? That question just makes you more flustered honestly.
It's probably not until Edelgard says something about your obvious feelings that causes Ferdinand to feel like an idiot for not realizing sooner.
Would invite you to tea and suddenly he's realizing how difficult it is to confess his feelings back to you due to being tongue tied too.
Honestly he's the same exact way. You're being flustered and stumbling over confessing and he doesn't realize you're trying to confess but seeing you flustered causes him to feel flustered as his heart starts beating faster.
Has also tries confessing to you, only to end up the exact same way before changing the subject or giving up for the day.
Pretty much all of the other Golden Deer know what's going on because you two are so obvious it's painful. Claude finally tells Ignatz that he'll tell you about the artist's feelings if Iggy doesn't. Little do you know, Hilda makes the same threat to you.
You two eventually just blurt out your feelings to the other and word vomit before your brains process the other's words. It ends up with you both just being so happy and realizing how silly you both were.
The first time it happened, Lorenz ended up interrupting before you could maybe figure out what to say. He acted cocky with, "I know I'm very handsome and it's easy to get tongue tied." and then he went off on some nobility thing and you just gave up for the day.
The next few times he thought maybe someone put a curse on you with magic, making it so you can't talk about a certain subject. He was very worried as he tried to take you to Hanneman or Manuela but you wouldn't.
He ended up mentioning his frustrations and worries to Claude, who sighed at the idiot and wrote some letter and told Lorenz to give it to you.
Lorenz did, even though he was suspicious, and then he noticed you getting extra flustered but looked so relieved as you let out, "I've been trying to confess, but I'm glad you did it first!" and that caused Lorenz to finally feel tongue tied and flustered when he realized what to just said.
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gascon-en-exil · 5 months
Putting a Ring on It Before Engage Made It Cool
I've long been in the habit of ignoring Three Houses's S ranks. They're awkwardly-written monologues just like all of Byleth's supports, and I've always been happy to grab them just to fill out the support log or even exploit the system and buy them with Renown along the way to 100%. The actual substance of them might as well not exist as far as I'm concerned.
But @fantasyinvader recently noted something about the S ranks that got me curious about the ring exchanges in these conversations. Unlike Engage's Pact Ring and its totally-not-an-engagement-ring ploy, the procedure and sometimes even the ring itself vary in these scenes. Generally speaking, male characters give rings to Byleth, while female characters receive Byleth's ring. But there are exception to this rule.
First off, there are four different rings used in the S ranks. This one, which is Byleth's Ring,
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what I'll refer to as the Standard Ring for other characters, which is the design used if I don't mention otherwise,
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a more Ornate Ring for the extra-fancy among the cast,
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and a more Simple Ring mostly associated with commoner characters, although the noble Wolves also use this one as they're both strapped for cash.
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Most S ranks see only one ring given out. However, a handful of them feature a ring exchange. In these scenes, the other character always gives Byleth their ring first, except with Shamir where the exchange happens at the same time.
Female characters have fewer variations, as most of them merely receive Byleth's Ring which is of course always the same. This is the case for all except the four below.
Shamir, Constance, and Rhea exchange rings, with Rhea using the Standard Ring while the other two use the Simple Ring.
Marianne, a bit surprisingly, is the only female character to give Byleth a ring without receiving one. This is presumably meant to reflect the extent of her growing assertiveness.
Male characters most often give their rings to Byleth, which causes more variation based on the ring types. To break it down:
Simple Ring: Dedue, Raphael, Ignatz, Yuri, Balthus
Standard Ring: Claude, Linhardt, Felix, Sylvain, Seteth, Hanneman
Ornate Ring: Ferdinand, Lorenz
You just knew it was going to be those two going for the most expensive option.
Dimitri and Ashe exchange rings with Byleth, with Dimitri using the Standard Ring and Ashe using the Simple Ring.
Meanwhile, Hubert, Caspar, and Cyril receive Byleth's Ring without giving one in return. Caspar's habitually clueless about romance and Cyril's likely too young to have considered a ring, but I'm guessing Hubert's here because he would have only ever given one to Edelgard but at least now he'll get to enjoy voyeuristic jerking to the inevitable lesbian cuckoldry.
Finally, Gilbert, Alois, and Jeritza's S ranks are the only ones with no ring exchanged at all. Gilbert and Alois are already married and their S ranks are platonic, while Jeritza is...special. His vows undoubtedly entail that weirdly orgasmic fight to the death he fantasizes about in the A rank.
One more thing to note is that the only bi-for-Byleth option who breaks from the usual give/receive pattern in any way is Rhea with her ring exchange. Japanese connection between lilies and lesbianism being what it is, was this the only one of the ten the writers were ever seriously thinking about as a same-sex romance?
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...for entirely wholesome and not at all horny reasons, surely.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 7 months
today in "krad continues to be very normal about gunter fire emblem" i hyper-analyze 3H's teatime preferences to divine up gunter's favorite teas and a few other fun facts ~ :D
so, context:
in Three Houses (FE16), there's a teatime minigame where your avatar drinks tea with selected characters, and try to guess their favorites / favorite conversational topics / etc for bonding points. FE's pretty big on character archetypes across the games (nabarls, jeigans, etc); while it's never a 1:1 as the series does like to subvert the stories and character arcs in some fun ways, you can generally trace a pretty direct line across them a la 'wow innes and shinon sure share more than a few surface-level similarities' and 'man OG!Jeigan, Gunter, and Marcus are cut out of the same cloth at least appearance wise huh'.
tl;dr -- it's easier than you'd think to pick a few 3H characters that echo gunter's archetype/arcs.
since i've played through 3H a few times, the three characters i figured gunter would share at least a higher-than-background-average similarity in archetypes + taste were:
Hubert - loyal advisor that does the dirty work behind the scenes in black to a charismatic royal. definitely holds a not-entirely platonic flame for said princess who had a Fucked Up past. has a tendency to be the disciplinarian for the others. (also both characters are hellaciously kinky bastards but that's just me)
Jeritza - strict instructor turned surprise(!) villain yandere paladin with a more complex backstory than you'd think. even has the black armor in his alter ego, and dislikes talking to others / prefers being alone. (seriously does that sound familiar or what.)
Hanneman - older (ie, definitely over his sixties versus all of the other babies in age) classic jeigan archetype and another instructor, kind but keeps to himself as well.
I could see people debating Hanneman vs Gilbert on technicalities but whatever, this is my post, I'm sticking to this list. :P
so, next step! looking at serenesforest.net's teatime preferences chart, we find out the favorite teas of the previous characters are (common teas in bold) ...
Hubert - Dagda Fruit Blend, Cinnamon Blend
Jeritza - Albinean Berry Blend, Southern Fruit Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Sweet-Apple Blend
Hanneman - Bergamot, Sweet-Apple Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Cinnamon Blend
... and surprisingly, there was a very high level of crossover! :o holy shit i was kind of not expecting that lmao. I checked a few of the other characters just to make sure it wasn't the same 5 teas over and over again, and no, these were pretty rare. that to me, reinforces that hunch that says looking into these patterns was worth it.
therefore, it is in my very humble opinion that (in 3H's style), Gunter's favorite teas would be generally the fruitier-sweet flavored ones, plus cinnamon.
fucking hell i love this so much. omg.
it makes so much sense in hindsight; i mentioned before how FE has a lot of fun playing with the archetypes/subversions, and there's something kind of hilariously adorable about the old strict "traditional" masculine dude fucking loving his fruity teas :D;;
gunter's already (ime) an interesting case of wildly subverting his archetype expectations so this is just yet another fun super-stealth easter egg nod.
to that note---you know what that reminds me of? this meme (below) of the bodyguard and the chick swapping drinks so he can have the fruity one and she can have the beer. :D
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absolutely hilarious fun bonus fact in hindsight:
i almost had this as a scene in the gunter x fcorrin slowburn fic a while back, (yes, seriously, even before this post) but it ultimately got cut out for being ever so slightly gimmicky/meme-y in tone versus the rest of the fic which is played more seriously.
... this would make for an A+ drawing shitpost or a standalone fic tho. :D
no i'm not secretly smug af my instincts were on fireeeee why r u asking lolololol
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dragongutsixofficial · 11 months
As we know, Lysithea rarely fails to mention that her two crests have shortened her lifespan, and it is an understanding of mine (and many others) that Edelgard will likely suffer the same fate. Two data points does not a survey make, of course, but going off what Lysithea describes, I don't expect Edelgard to live far past 25. Almost certainly not to 30.
(I always figured this was one of her reasons for believing war was the best option actually, despite the casualties it would cause. To paraphrase a well known galactic senator, the wheels of democracy turn much too slowly.)
Is this something you've considered in your work, and how have you and/or the characters dealt with it if so?
My solution was to have her second crest surgically removed before it could take her life.
Absolutely, I do agree that Edelgard's lifespan is shortened- I'd headcanoned less so than Lysithea's, but like 30-35 max. I also do agree that that's probably one of the reasons which edged her towards a full-on war that would change things a lot more quickly than reforms she wouldn't even be able to verify would truly be applied.
This is a problem Adel and Aline also face, given they've gone through the same experiments their sister did. However, Adel's surgery (which split his crest between the two older siblings) was unstable and the effects started reversing on their own, albeit oh so slowly; for instance, his hair which was stark white in White Clouds slowly regains its light brown color during the five years of Byleth's absence. At the same time, Aline's physical forces replenish by a lot, and although it's a lot slower, her hair will eventually grow dark brown back again after the war is over (although she will always keep a few white hair due to stress).
For Edelgard and Lysithea, I had adopted the same solution as you did- surgically removing the Crest before it can take both of their lives away. Them being able to do so that fast stems from Linhardt and Hanneman's collaboration with Loki and Agarthan health professionals.
After all, it's important to remember is that Loki was raised to perform this kind of blood surgeries and experiments- which was incredibly traumatizing, but also left him with a lot of knowledge on the matter. He doesn't know what he wants to do with himself after the war; but what he does know is that he wants get justice for as much people who fell victim to TWSTID as possible, whether that means healing them (if they're still alive) or identifying the anonymous victims so their families can get closure. The tons of research he makes during and after the war to pursue that endeavor is quintessential in saving Edelgard's life.
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Except Edelgard does care about Crest, to say otherwise shows you don't know shit about her backstory. The experiments that lead to her having two Crests, remember? You also seem ignorant to Edelgard's goal, since she also wants to take down the whole concept of nobility. For people's positions to be decided by merit, not blood.
Her Crest shit is there, yes, but it's hilariously overshadowed by her want to forcefully unite Fodlan back under Imperial rule, and to kill the Nabateans. That is what she repeatedly says she wants to do on CF, with most of her "get rid of Crests" motivation falling to the hard wayside once the timeskip hits - it's only really talked about in optional supports, not in the main story.
And that's what she says she wants, but she shows basically no results in actually making that happen, unlike the other two lords who do accomplish what they wanted to do (make the people more important/restoring Duscur, and eradicating prejudice between two continents)... which is probably because of all the shit that happens with her/her route. 
She handcrafts a position of power that only one person could ever apply for or even want, because she wanted to make sure she can get a use out of Linhardt's smarts despite him repeatedly telling her to go away (and despite Hanneman literally being right there with the drive and want to do something exactly like she wants Linhardt to do - she can support him, even! But she never offers him a similar position). After Linhardt dies, it would become pretty much completely useless since it was made to only ever fit specifically Linhardt. Bernadetta and Caspar both become the leaders of their respective households, even on CF despite neither of them being anywhere near qualified or otherwise suited to be in those positions (as shown by both of them needing their potential spouses to do the paperwork for them in multiple endings). Lorenz and Sylvain's endings where their children inherent their positions are completely unchanged on CF, despite Edelgard's wanting "people's positions to be decided by merit, not blood." Edelgard takes the credit for Byleth’s leadership because she doesn’t want to look bad as emperor. Even in the added support chain where Edelgard goes over what she specifically wants to do to make change to nobility happen, the ending for it makes literally no mention at all that she 1) did anything, or 2) did anything that worked.
None of that encapsulates a want for people’s positions to be chosen by merit; much of that is in fact the opposite of that, regarding the nepotism and the straight up “no you are not getting credit for your work, I am because I am the emperor.” At best, she failed at getting what she wanted to do, and at worst she didn't really care that much about changing anything regarding the nobility. She got what she wanted when she unified Fodlan back under Adrestia's banner and when she got rid of the Nabateans, so the rest is whatever.
Now I know your bias. Edelgard didn't lie about the origins about the Crests, she doesn't know the full origin of the Crests. The whole point of Three Houses is how none of the leaders see the full picture. You are full of shit.
See now, the issue with "none of the lords come to see the full picture" comes in when one of the lords... literally claims to know the full picture, reveals their picture to be completely wrong, is neither corrected nor interested in confirming their picture, and has that picture be a core motivator for throwing an entire continent into a five-year-long war.
Edelgard says that she is passed down the truth of Fodlan's history through the Super Secret Imperial Telephone, but when you look into what she says you realize that she twists literally everything to make Rhea/the Nabateans look as horrible as possible. Nemesis - the one who committed genocide and ruled Fodlan tyrannically - is consistently portrayed as a hero of humanity, and Rhea - the one who fought to protect her family and the people of Fodlan - is consistently portrayed as the villain, who murdered Nemesis, stole the Relics from humans, and ruled over all of Fodlan with malicious intent, all over “a simple dispute” in Edelgard’s words. So sure, yeah, Edelgard isn't lying when she talks about this stuff; she does genuinely believe it. Which is the entire problem, considering that she's wrong and considering that it's this subject that is partially motivating her to instigate a continent-wide war.
You never actually played Crimson Flower, huh?
I have. And watched others play it. And read through the datemine of CF. Nice guess tho lmao
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raxistaicho · 1 year
Edelgard fans don’t have to apologize for Adrestia
So something I saw but didn’t really comment on in yesterday’s post was Fewix’s (if anyone’s curious why I keep calling Emblemxeno that, it’s because his Reddit handle is just Felix’s name but spelled all cutesy and I think that’s kinda funny. The only reason I even know Emblemxeno and Fewix are the same person is because his reddit has links to his tumblr right on the front page) efforts to portray the Empire as the real sexists in Fodlan.
This is part of a trend of repurposing arguments from our side that I’ve seen out of Edelgard Critical. A really cute example of this is the Analyzer using the Byleth is a Bodhisattva in Crimson Flower argument (a Bodhisattva is a being that has achieved enlightenment but chooses to remain in the earthly realm to help others achieve enlightenment as well. It’s a refutation of the idiotic “Byleth loses nirvana in CF” claim) to say that ackshually, Byleth’s only REALLY a Bodhisattva in Azure Moon! You know, the route where Byleth embraces their divinity and becomes the archbishop.
Yeah, are you starting to see why my nickname for him is more an insult than anything else?
But I digress. Edelgard Critical is trying to steal our arguments because they haven’t had a cogent new one in about two years.
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Technically Mercie wasn’t thrown out but instead ran away, but that’s quibbling. Fewix actually neglected to mention Hanneman’s sister. Also the first point is amusing because Fire Emblem’s long had a trouble spot with not allowing women to inherit positions of authority on their own (even in recent times, with Hinoka being implied to be third in line for the Hoshidan throne behind her younger brother Takumi, and Camilla passing the throne of Nohr to her younger brother Leo) and yet it’s not our side that has to flee to series tradition when stating our case. And it’s not even true given whether or not Edelgard will inherit the Adrestian throne is never in question. Fewix seems to be blowing up the solitary case of Bernadetta to encompass all of the Empire (and Bernadetta does keep her house anyways, so...).
So yeah, you can certainly find some cases of Adrestia’s conduct being shitty in the past. And yet this isn’t the winning argument Fewix thinks it is because, unlike with Faerghus, excuses are never made for Adrestia’s past, the player is never asked to ignore their misdeeds, and Edelgard fixes their problems.
Dorothea’s mysterious father? Never treated as anything but a scumbag who kicked out her mother and condemned Dorothea to her miserable early life (and it’s real cute seeing Edelcrit suddenly becoming Dorothea stans when it suits them).
Bernadetta’s father? Treated as nothing more than a figure of scorn and contempt. He’s put under house arrest by Edelgard in Houses and given a gilded cage in Hopes that he spends almost three years occupying in a state of perpetual mortal terror. Hopes even doubles-down on this, by stating clearly that keeping Yuri from assassinating Bernie when they were younger was not an act of love and Bernie doesn’t forgive him because of it.
Baron Bartels? An unambiguous monster who abused Mercedes and her mother and created the Death Knight, leading to his unmourned death.
Petra’s treatment and the treatment of Brigid? An injustice Edelgard is working to correct, with Three Hopes going much further into detail on it.
See where I’m going with this? Every Adrestian crime is treated as a crime, every Adrestian abuser is treated as an abuser. Edelgard is working to correct the system that enabled these injustices. The Adrestia that did these things is not her Adrestia.
Now how about Faerghus?
The Faerghan Lords and soldiers that committed the genocide of the people of Duscur? Largely ignored in Three Houses, because Azure Moon is only interested in Duscur insofar as it can serve as window dressing for Dimitri’s personal tragedy, around which all of Faerghus and all of Azure Moon revolves. For fuck’s sake, in Three Houses you even help racist Faerghan jackboots suppress a justified Duscurian rebellion, and if you don’t join in on this crackdown you’re punished by losing Dedue.
The conquest of half of Sreng by Faeghus? What conquest? Three Houses doesn’t give a fuck (because it’s got jack all to do with Dimitri), and Three Hopes just makes Faerghus look even worse!
Matthias Gautier, who joined with King Lambert to beat around the people of Sreng until Macuil knocked the invaders back in their place, and then kept a Srengese prince prisoner for years and in modern times only disparagingly refers to him as an ungrateful “prisoner”? Treated as a troubled man and a bit of an dishonorable schemer, but still a good man at his core.
Dimitri never takes measures to correct the cultural norms that enable Faerghus’s worst behavior because they’re never treated as a problem to be corrected. That’s why Faerghus stans have to defend, ignore, or sidestep Faerghus’s misdeeds. The crimes the Adrestia of the past committed are indeed crimes that Edelgard is working to fix.
Therefor, criticizing Adrestia as a means to criticize Edelgard or defend Faerghus isn’t the strong argument the other side believes it is.
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randomnameless · 1 month
i thought you said you liked monica's character?
Have I said that?
Monica is an interesting character, because she is part of the lesser imperial nobility that has, somehow, more values in common with Faerghus out of anyone than with the "higher" nobility of Adrestia - Monica believes she has a duty to her people, that's why she's unhappy because she cannot stay H24 in Enbarr to simp to her heart's content after Supreme Leader, she has to look after her people :(
(note that not even once Linhardt, Heir of House Hevring, ever mention iirc, having to care for the people living in his domain, ditto for Bernie.)
It's another aspect we sort of (thanks to FEH) had with Mercedes too - Adrestian noblemen don't, uh, treat their wives that well (Hanneman's bro in law, Emile's dad, Ionius..) but Mercie's dad, Papa Martritz, apparently appreciated his wife so much that he taught her how to bake, and gave her his recipe for cookies - the one Mercie actually uses!
back to what @maelor321 and I were talking about a potential civil war in Adrestia - if the "great" nobles and the "minor" nobles' priorities are that different, how and why the hell didn't they rebel earlier? Is it because the Great Nobles Families tax them too much or are able to raise their own army or what not to crush them? Or we're supposed to believe Hubert and his 20 Good Men of House Vestra are able to quell any rebellion?
Sadly for us, instead of giving us a more detailed outlook on minor nobility in the Empire and what Adrestia is outside of Enbarr and the top dogs of the Empire... Monica became another Supreme Simp, and a joke.
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dazzlerazz · 9 months
Three Hopes DLC Wishlist
A masterpost of things I wished for in the past for a Three Hopes DLC
Subject to be edited and is admittedly half finished cuz I realize I left this in the drafts and then forgot and I did not proofread lol
A bit for myself, but a paralogue betweeen Byleth and Shez where they test their strength against each other, like training, where you switch to playing Byleth halfway through. It eventually comes out to a tie regardless of how well the character played
Alternate training grounds maps. I mentioned it in another post, but Constance as a unit is SPECIFICALLY hindered by the current training yard map, as its always sunny. There's also so many times you can train in the same small rectangular boringly-brown place before you just stop trying to use the training feature. Here is the aforementioned post
Easier S Rank Cycles of Nostalgia Paralogue. Possible other units to play as, potentially other nameless soldiers, like a gremory, a wyvern flier, and an armored unit. It is grueling to run around the entire battlefield as a single unit, I spent lots of time trying to get S rank, something I've complained about in multiple posts
Azure Gleam - Fix Edelgard's role in the story
I went into this in multiple posts, but I don't like how Edelgard was dealt with in Azure Gleam. It felt like the developers intentionally took her out of a villain role and put her into the role of "trapped heroine", a clearly right vs wrong storyline with Thales instead of moral gray between routes like it was in Houses. I know this is something a dlc would not be able to fix, but I'm putting it in here anyway cuz I can
A return to Abyss. Sitri is absent in Hopes, because of course she is. Maybe there would be a paralogue if Byleth and Jeralt survive that bring them back to the monastery to find Sitri. I don't have any ideas for this at the moment
The return of the cut Blackened Embers
Post timeskip outfits for most church members. Hopes had the option to do this, as it was a complaint in Houses, but it was never done
Playable Hanneman, Gilbert, Anna, Alois, and Cyril, who were all playable in Houses
Hanneman and Manuela both can be recruited outside of Scarlet Blaze, whereas in the game they're both route locked to SB
Caspar and Ashe support chain
Little Things
Change a unit's outfit to their post timeskip Houses outfit
The return of dlc costumes. Make costumes able to be worn by any gender, unchanged to how they look in Houses (ex. suits for the girls and maid outfits for the boys)
More interactions with characters of your choice that feel more personal. We have expeditions, and to four locations at that, it would be nice to have something else just like it. Also the ability to go to a fifth location, tho I'm not sure what. I mentioned this in another post, but possibility the ability to leave off of wyverns instead of horses (inspired by Yuri's being allergic to horses)
Outfit accessories, such as glasses, bows, or other hair accessories, similar to how it is in (base) FE Engage
Alternate Lighter Asura outfit. The original looks bulky, more like a tanky unit, where Shez's original armor looks lightweight and easy to move around it. This is just a me thing, but maybe an alternate Asura outfit. it is possible to use Shez's lighter armor while in the Asura class, but cmon, that's no fun!
Alternate hairstyles for Shez. More specifically, a longer hair alt for M!Shez and a shorter alt for F!Shez
A return of fishing. Please. I really liked the fishing minigame in Houses.
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