#mental healt
healthyselflovetips · 5 months
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😊Here are ten soothing activities to melt away stress, without having to go outdoor. Which means, these are perfect for you who need an instant 'escape' at work when you're too overwhelmed.✨ Remember, self-care is a priority as your health is your biggest asset. 🤗💕
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kaerichan-yatta · 6 months
serious post
my class coordinator called my parents and told them she and the other teachers are worried about me and my health (both physical and mental)
they noticed i'm overdosing my sleeping pills, i'm not eating or drinking enough, i'm pushing myself too much in P.E class and my insecurities are getting bigger and more evident.
and they want me to stay home for a while to recover.
my dad is totally againist this.
he's letting me stay home but he's constantly yelling and scolding me while my mom is at work, and he keeps telling me he'd rather still work than being retired and having to watch over me.
he's telling me he's had enough of my problems and stuff, and that i'm never going to be independent or have my own family, because he's sure i'll kms instead of facing adulthood.
i honestly had enough of him as well. my mom doesn't know which side to take and she's having an hard time dealing with my dad.
i don't feel safe neither at school nor at home.
and being honest, i've already tried to kms after he yelled at me every kind of bad things and scared me by almost hitting me. but i stopped as soon as i heard my mom crying and praying god. i can't and i don't want to leave her alone with my dad.
as promised, i'm still trying to write fics, because there's one of my mutuals that is literally waiting over a month and i feel bad about it, but just letting you know that my posting rhythm will be slower than before.
my dad glares at me every time i pick up my phone and it's not the first time he snatches it from my hands to see who i'm talking to or what i'm doing.
that said, hope y'all are feeling good, have a great day/night<3
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krisisdeansiedad · 5 months
The texture of the time is a whisper that echoes across the flood
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deathlywounded · 1 year
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For our loved ones, but also for the versions of ourselves lost to pain and abuse. Cry it out, my friend.
Oc: June, my precious boy.
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I wonder, idly, from time to time, about who Blitzwing was as a man, singular and lonesome, before he became the man we see today. As noted I often head canon him with two twin brothers, a set of triplets facing this big world. But of the three, who is Blitzwing the most? How many of his siblings thoughts changed the rest of him? How did one mind change the next? Can he even recognize himself as his brothers, or did they long let that image go to embrace who they are now? Where they truly such defined facets of personalities, such caricatures of temperaments, or where they more complex beings with underlying expressiveness. A fool with a good heart and twisted mind, trying to make his fellow damnable bot laugh, at any cost. A temperamental mech with a larger then life personality, a born leader with an outspoken voice and untamed rage. A quite, thoughtful bastard, conniving against his enemies, a true mastermind behind his brothers plans. I wonder if they feel as a different person together, or if they still feel like three in one body. I wonder, if when one cries, they cry together. I wonder if they can shy away from the overpowering emotions of the other, or if the twisted remains of there minds share in the feelings. If there idea can be separated from one another, or if the bonding of there spark and twisting of there minds left them completly unable to comprehend themselves from one another. Knowing once they where apart, now held together in a shell. Three sparks become one. I think those first few days, after waking, weren’t so clear, I don’t think it was a rush of reality and motion. I think his first memories are a blurr of fear and pain and sorrow, and so much noise in his helm and his spark that he couldn’t distinguish one moment from the next, the world blurring together in a mess of feelings and memories and hurts. I think the first respite, the first fresh breath of relief, came days after the operation, when his sparks and his minds settled finally. I think Blitzwing struggles with his identity, not knowing which of his three brothers he most is, not knowing if he is his own brothers or if they are dead and he stands one single lone man, with a cacophony of voices mimicking the dead in him. How could they be the same people if they where so far apart from who they where? How can he be himself is he is not also all of them? I think it took years upon years to rebuild his identity. His personhood. He had to refind himself in the mess of his own mind, and, eventually, he accepted his relationship with himself as one and as three would always be complicated. But that, no matter what, they where not him, and he was not them. They where something new, together, as one.
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chaosmindthoughts · 1 year
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How can I be such a foreigner to my own mind? I've been in here my entire life...
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petrenocka · 1 year
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mission succeed failfully
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pixie-skull · 1 year
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187th edit and inspired by me trying to explaining to a family member what my gender dysphoria feels like. I feel when seen as a “woman” I feel limited in how happy I can be and limit to be myself in many ways. Plus, with my own history of depression and more pain, I feel in general to not move forward with my transition plans, a hourglass of again happiness and even sense of time, is limited. That is why the Horn King warmed colors as I feel he between the two “me”, the me trying to escape the hourglass and the me who in their feeling my voice not heard. No worries I plan post more uplifting edits, like a bunch I bunch did one night, but I had to share as I feel so angry that there are select family members who seem to not understand this. I know they love me and that is why they are concerned, but I am a young adult, so my visits should not be just worrying.
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lupia · 2 years
Loudermilk: I mean split mind. This monster isn't David. It's a parasite of some kind. You see, another consciousness inside him.
Melanie: What does that mean?
Loudermilk: This thing burrowed into David's brain when he was a boy, maybe even a baby, and has been there, feeding off him ever since.
Ptonomy: The memories?
Loudermilk: Memories, exactly! Every time David sees this thing, or realizes it's there, this creature makes him forget-rewrites his memory.
Buy me a book
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starshine-jhas · 1 month
I will stay here and instagram for the rest of the week, I need have peace in my mind and thanks god things here are more peaceful than twitter
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suspicioushilal · 2 months
İyileşmek mi kolay, yaralanmak mı?
26 Şubat 2024
Dibe batınca çıkmak kolaylaşır, ama kafa karışıklığı öyle midir? Dibe batıp batmadığınızı bilmiyorsunuz bile, ne hissettiğinizden bile emin değilsiniz. İyileşiyor musunuz yoksa batıyor musunuz? Yine mi kaybediyorsunuz ya da bu sefer değişiyor mu? Tekrar aynı şeyleri ya da daha ağırlarını mı yaşayacaksınız yoksa bu sefer ayakta kalan kişi siz mi olacaksınız? Bunca şeye rağmen düştüğünüz yerden dizlerinizde kanlarla yeniden mi ayağa kalkacaksınız yoksa sürünerek yardım bulmaya mı çalışacaksınız? İyileşme süreci böyle işte, niye hemencecik bir sabah kalkar kalkmaz mutlu olamıyoruz, "bu pazartesi o pazartesi" diye başlayamıyoruz haftaya? Neden bir anda her şey güzelleşmiyor ya da gerçeği hızlıca kabullenemiyoruz? Bireysel olarak; bazen iyileşme süreci yaralanma sürecinden daha acılı ve daha bunaltıcı geçiyor diye düşünüyorum, çünkü düşünsenize, mutlaka yaşamışsınızdır, bir yeriniz fen acır, hatta deli gibi kanar ve asla durmayacak gibi, kabuk bağlamasını istersiniz ve kabuk bağlayınca çok olmadık yerlerde -toplu taşımada, okulda, sokağın ortasında vb.- içeriden kaşınmaya başlar, çıldırırsınız o an elinizi bacağınıza götürüp kaşıyamadığınız için, ama kaşısanız canınız yanar, çünkü yara iyileşirken kaşınır. Kısacası iyileşmekten korkmayın, uzun bir sürece adım atıyorsunuz büyük ihtimalle, ama işin sonucunda siz mutlu olacaksınız, işin sonucunda yepyeni bir kişi gibi hissedeceksiniz, "ben bu kadar olgun mu oldum şimdi" diyeceksiniz. İyileşmekten korkmayın, sonucu ne olursa olsun acıya kendinizi affetmeyin, acınızı kabullenmeyin ya? O acı sizin en büyük düşmanınız, onu sevemezsiniz. Sizi zayıf düşüren sadece tek harfini bile duyduğunuzda midenizi bulandıran, düşündüren, boğazınıza yük bindiren bir şey o, nasıl sevebilirsiniz? Kim bütün gün sırtının dehşet ağrımasını sever, hangi mazoşist? Kendinize zarar vermeniz bile daha makul inanın bana. Samimi yazıyorum bakın, acınızdan kaçmayın, "dur" deyin, "dur, iyileşmek istiyorum, orta yolu bulalım yoksa ben o yolu bir bulurum ki, kendin bile varlığını unutursun". Bağırın ona kavga edin, ama kafanızdaki seslerin çıktığı beyinin kimin olduğunu ve kimin orada ne zamandır bulunduğunu hatırlatın, güçlenin! Acınızın olması mı güçsüzlük, zayıflık yoksa ondan kaçmak ve hüzüne sarılmak mı? Lütfen kendinize bunu yapmayın, kendinize güvenin, değer gösterin, beğenin, mutlu olun dediğim yok, sadece o acıyla -düşmanınızla- savaşın. Evleneceğinizi sandığınız kişi sizi mi aldattı, sizi aldattığı kişiyi öldüresiye dövmek, onun canını paramparça etmek istiyorsunuzdur. O kişiyle konuşur gibi konuşun acınızla, "kimsin ya sen, ben ne kadardır buradayım haberin var mı senin, burası benim kapım, benim evim, benim yuvam burası, burası ne senin ne de başkasının evi, kokusu, mutluluğu olabilir." deyin ona, lütfen savaşın onunla. İyileşmekten korkmayın çünkü her akşam ağlamak gerçekten yıpratır insanı. Mutlaka farkında olmadığınız bir ilgi alanınız vardır, onu bulmak için her şeyinizi verin, ne olursunuz gerçeğinizi, değiştiremeyeceğiniz şeyi bir yastık gibi kucaklayın, ve onunla konuşun; "ben seni değiştiremiyorum, sen de beni değiştiremiyorsun, sen benim gerçeğimsin ve senden kaçamıyorum. Ama birbirimizin canını yakmadan bu sorunla bu acıyla savaşabiliriz, sen bende anı olarak kal, anılarımıza saygı duyalım. Sen bende 'böyle bir şey de yaşamıştım' olayı olarak kal, ben sende. Orta yolu bulmak zorunda değiliz, daha fazla muhattap olup birbirimizi yıpratmaya gerek var mı, samimi konuş bana?" deyin ona. Bu dünyada neye ihtiyacınız olduğunu en iyi bilen, neyle mutlu olacağınızı bilen tek kişi kendinizsiniz, herkes gider beyninizle baş başa kalırsınız hatta bazen "sus" dersiniz, "sus, şu an sınavdayım be adam?" dersiniz. O yüzden beyniniz ve kalbiniz, siz üç kişisiniz. Ruhunuz, kalbiniz, beyniniz. Kalbinizi lütfen dinlemeyin, sadece öylesine bir akraba öğüdüymüş gibi "he he" deyip geçin, kalbiniz yalan söyler, kalbiniz pembe yalanlar söyler size, o tatlı hayaller dünyasında, rüyalarda uyku sarhoşu gezer, o ne anlar akıldan mantıktan mental sağlıktan? Lütfen kendinize mutlu olmak için sebepler arayın.
"We Are The People - Empire Of The Sun"
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kaerichan-yatta · 1 year
Ohhh, a comeback?
hehe yeah, hiya!! how are you all doing?
i'm finally back from my nearly two months break, i felt like i needed that to get a bit more stable, and indeed now i'm feeling a bit better and happier than before.
some of my problems are still too big to handle, and unfortunately whenever i can't help but feel terrible about those problems, the worst happens. (///)
but no worries! every week, i go talking to my wonderful psychologist, who understood from the first meeting that the situation was very serious, and she's doing everything possible to help me.
so yeah, things have gotten a bit better, and some of them even easier to handle.
now the big thing coming is that my bday is exactly in two weeks and i honestly don't know if i'm ready to be sixteen sjdbdushdhsh (i can't help but feel a bit anxious whenever my bday is approaching i think everyone does btw, but i don't really know why lmao)
anyways, i hope you all have a great day/night!!<33
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krisisdeansiedad · 5 months
El sol calienta por igual las ojas, pero si tienes una lupa haces fuego.
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ndegegeoffrey · 5 months
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northnodal · 5 months
i know myself better than anyone. my own validation is truly the most fulfilling.
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chaosmindthoughts · 1 year
When do I know I'm at my limit?
Do I wait until I can't bear my own skin? Or it ain't real nor valid enough until I lose all I have...
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