#mendeleiev sugar
howhow326 · 1 year
Funk Up The Night
Miraculous Ladybug salt fic (Felix salt, Lila salt, Gabriel salt, Nino salt, original character protagonist, Alya sugar, tw: racism, torture, sexism, ableism, teens assaulting other teens, suicide mention, p*dophilia). (This fic is a sequal to another fic I made before that got hidden because it's a reblog and my third fanfic)
Narrator PoV
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In the dark of night at a secret government base, Felix Fathom is using the powers of the stolen peacock miraculous to infiltrate the facility. The boy snaps all of the guards into his Red Moon, a fate that he has no intention of freeing them from. However, Felix can't shake the idea that someone is watching him...
After a few minutes, Felix finds his goal: a safe full of hoards of wealth and confidential information kept secret by his late father. As Felix opens the safe he feels a strong gust of wind move past him, but he pays it no mind. After all, isn't Felix invincible?
Felix takes a few steps into the safe before he senses someone watching him again. This time, Felix catches his stalker standing behind him. From far away, Felix thought the mysterious person was some type of dirty peasant: he was wearing a baggy black shirt, a tattered navy cravat that layed untucked, and a black newsboy cap that covered his coily black hair. But closer inspection made Felix doubt that assumption: the boy in front of him also had black, knee-length boots that covered his black pants and elbow blue gloves. Felix tried to focus on his face, but it looked like he painted himself with grey make-up. The mystery boy also had a trail of floor length blue feathers popping out of the sections of his arms that weren't covered by his gloves. Before Felix could insult his fashion choices, the stalker finnaly spoke:
"Fancy bumping into you here." the boy said while placing his hands on his hips. "Out to find some answers about your father, are we?"
His golden eyes reminded Felix of someone he met in France, but he couldn't place it.
"You have quite the familiar face and I assume you are using the same powers, but you will have to forgive me; do we know each other?" Felix demanded.
"Same powers? Don't make me laugh! Your espionage skills back there looked a bit rusty."
Felix snickered at the peasant's insult. "The only rust on me is from the lack of any real challenge. Perhaps you are up to the task?"
"You already disappointed me." The boy said as he held up Felix's ring between his fingers. Horror dawned on Felix's face as he realized that his ring was stolen. Then he pounced on the assailant.
"Stop." With one word, Felix fell to the ground one foot within the thief. "Quite the peculiar object, this ring. According to my sources, all I need to do is snap my fingers and you would vanish without a-" "What do you want?" Felix asked.
"I love it when people get straight to the point." The mystery boy joked. "What is Hawkmoth's secret identity?" "Gabriel Agreste." "Hmm, and here I was thinking it wouldn't be so obvious."
The mystery boy began pacing around in a circle thinking to himself. "Why haven't you told anyone else?" "I was going to deal with him myself." "Of course. So that's why you've been hiding in Britain for the past month?" "I couldn't let Ladybug take my miraculous!" "The miraculous you got making a deal with Hawkmoth in the first place?"
The mystery boy finished his thinking and turned to face Felix. "Well, let's make a deal since you love making those. I'll give you your ring back in exchange for the peacock miraculous." "NO!" "You are in no position to refuse me." The boy thief used Felix's ring to make him feel intense pain, causing the blond to whimper in agony. "Make no mistake, I won't hesitate to end your existence after you helped the terrorist that tried to cause WW 3. My deal is the only scenario where you walk away alive." "Fine!" Felix spat.
"Fantastic!" The mystery boy took off Felix miraculous and used it to transform himself. He then tossed Felix his ring, giving him back his freedom. "And before I forget... Red Moon, I release you from existence!" "NOOO!" Felix screamed. But before he could stop him, the boy snapped his fingers, killing Felix's 'sister'. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" "You used your powers to create a living weapon. You shouldn't had created her." Felix once again tried to jump the murderer, but he knocked the blonde out with a back hand slap.
Having gotten what he came for, the mysterious boy left Felix in the facility where he would no doubt be arrested by the guards... or worse.
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Timothy PoV
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Timothy Cesaire was having an amazing day. It wasn't often that he didn't have to fake being in a good mood, so he made sure to enjoy it as long as it lasted.
Last week, The Raptor annihilated Techno-Pirate during combat. The villain had an uncomfortable amount of civilian hostages during the long battle, so Timothy weighed his outcomes and decided his solution was for the best. The boy thought that making the 'ultimate choice' for the first time would be bad for his mental health, but it ended up doing the opposite; Timothy felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he realized New York was finnaly free of a blight like Mike Rochip.
Of course, not everyone agreed with his actions. While the hostages defended the Raptor and thanked him for saving their lives, the United Heroez used the incident as evidence that the Raptor had to be taken down. A part of Timothy agreed with them, after his fist time he wondered how many problems he could solve using his new 'solution'. But their criticisms didn't matter to him, Timothy was the one who saved innocent people's lives not the Heroez and their dumb sidekicks. Perish the idea that the aggressors life is equal to their victim, Timothy thought.
But all of that is in the past right now. The Raptor is on hiatus, and Timothy Cesaire is in France to visit his favorite cousin Alya. Of course, Timothy is really here to get rid of Hawkmoth before he makes the earth explode on accident, but that dosen't mean he can't have fun!
As Timothy opened the door to his temporary classroom, he was overwhelmed by a massive sense of déjà vu.
Alya, Marinette, and Adrien were all sitting in the back corner of the class. A boy, Kim I think, threw a paper ball at Marinette's head. The raven haired girl's expression suggested that was normal. When Timothy looked to his left, he expected to see the same orange haired witch that he got fired last time. He expected that he was in a nightmare or some horrible time loop.
Instead, Ms. Mendeleiev, the teacher that Timothy planted into this class, yelled "No throwing things in the classroom, dog boy!!!" What the heck just happened??? "My last names not that kind of Chien!" The jock yelled at the teacher. "And now you're talking back to your teacher? Go to the principles office, now!" "Excuse me-"
The familiar voice filled Timothy's heart full of dread. There's no way that b*tch came back here, Timothy thought to himself. Low and behold, that b*tch was sitting right there. The last time Timothy was in France, he broke Lila's reputation, relationships, and her ankle as revenge for bullying Alya. She was supposed to be in jail for working with Hawkmoth. And yet, there she was. Her hair style was different, and her eye color changed, but it was the same girl. Sitting in the front row. A boy in a trashy outfit, Nino?, was currently throwing himself all over Lila, but Timothy could care less.
"-Kim was only trying to give Marinette his notes for class." Lila lied. Timothy expected the teacher to call her out, but- "You can't keep covering for trouble makers, Iris, but I'll let it off the hook just this once." Ms Mendeleiev stated. WHAT THE WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE??? No matter how Timothy tried to rationalize the situation, nothing in front of him made any coherent sense.
After the disastrous class, Marinette filled Timothy in on the situation. At first, everything seemed to go back to normal after Lila was exposed and Ms. Bustier let go. Then Iris Verde showed up. The new girl charmed every member of the class, including the teacher, into thinking she was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then, just like Lila before her, Iris accussed Alya/Marinette/Adrien of bullying her. The akuma class just got done giving apologies to the three of them for helping Lila, but they all fell back into their old roles after Iris restarted the whole song and dance. Iris even manipulated Nino to break up with Alya and to become her boyfriend days after Alya and Nino got back togather.
"And that's not even the worst part," Marinette exclaimed over lunch, "I caught Iris kissing Kim, Ivan, and Nathaniel outside of school! She's a liar AND a cheater!" The raven haired girl was discussing ways to expose the new Lila, which caused Adrien to sigh. "Marinette, we showed them a recording of Iris threatening us last week and it didn't work. Nothing's working!" The blonde exclaimed.
Timothy shifted at the sound of Adrien's voice. While he hates to admit his opinion was biased, Timothy didn't like Adrien when he first met him. He didn't like that Adrien associated himself with Lila, even though he was forced to by the Italian's manipulations. Timothy always sought to defend the weak, a category that definitely included Adrien, but he was always close to being strong. The friend of an rich idiot, the former boyfriend of Liar Rossi, the cousin of the boy who helped Hawkmoth, and apparently the son of Hawkmoth... but Adrien was different from them. After realizing that taking the high road dosen't work, Adrien began to proactively defend Marinette and Alya. Sure, it had consequences. Adrien became a social outcast along with the two girls, but if being popular meant hurting two of his closest friends, then he would make the same choice every time. If only every rich kid could be that altruistic.
"Your being quiet, Alya." Timothy changed the conversation. "Oh, I'm sorry I-" before Alya could finish her thought, a voice so loud it sounded like screaming shouted into everyone's ears. "HEY ADRIAN DUDE!!! LET'S HANG OUT AND DITCH THESE LOSERS!!!" Nino shouted. "Agh, Nino I already told you that I can't be your friend if you keep being mean to Marinette and Alya. Also, please keep it down." Adrien politely asked Nino. The loud boy looked hurt by Adrien's words, but then his expression changed to one of rage. "Tch, well I don't want to be your friend as long as you keep hanging out with that ho." Nino direct his insult at Alya. Timothy summoned every ounce of his willpower to restrain himself, who the hell does he think he is???
"Nino, we already told you that Alya never cheated on you!" Marinette said in her friends defense. "LIARS!!!" Nino shouted. After a huff, he left the group to go hang out with Iris and her zealots.
When Timothy and Alya made it to her parent's house, Timothy pulled Alya aside for a talk. "Alya, what the heck! Why didn't you tell me that all of these people were bullying you again!!! I could have-", "Could have what? Break people's ankles!" Sh*t. "Uhh, Alya what are you talking about haha?" "Don't play dumb with me, I already know your secret-" Timothy was dreading when this day would come, when someone close to him would discover his secret identity. While The Raptor has the power to move faster than the eye can see, he dosen't have the power to erase memories... Unless, I give Alya a concussion? But doing that could hurt her really badly, Timothy thought. He felt a cold sweat trickle down his back... I have to do what I must.
"-you are in contact with The Raptor!" Alya wrongly concluded. Timothy breathed a sigh of relief and told Alya what she wanted to hear, "You got me... I'm sorry Alya, but I just couldn't stand to see you hurting like that. That's when The Raptor made an offer to help me in exchange for information from the science lab I have an internship at." Timothy wanted to eat his heart out for lying and manipulating Alya. It's for the greater good, Timothy thought to himself... but he knew that his actions barely made him different from horrible people like Lila.
The rest of their conversation became a blur before they both went to off to bed. Timothy still felt guilty that he could even dare think about hurting his favorite cousin in the whole world. Even back in Martinique, Alya was still the nicest, bravest, greatest person he knew. Meanwhile, I'm... Timothy stopped that train of thought. Right now, he isn't important. What's important is helping Alya and her friends.
The day after tomorrow, Timothy managed to convince Alya and her friend's parents to get the principal to switch their homeroom classes. Alya hated the idea, but her parents and Nora refused to let her go back to the class she was being bullied in.
After Alya was safe, Timothy began to work his magic on the class. Kim, Ivan, and Nathaniel all got exposed as cheaters to their significant others, which tanked Iris' reputation. Then, Timothy convinced Rose and Juleka, the two least evil girls in class, of how evil Iris was. Those two especially felt bad that they isolated Mari and Alya twice, and decided they would switch schools to make it up for betraying their friends trust. When those two went, Mylene and Max followed them. Timothy then convinced Chloe and Sabrina that Iris was a threat, which prompted them to begin bullying Iris and Nino. In one week, Iris power had faded just like Lila had. Now there was only a few things left to do...
Nino received a text from a secret admirer that wanted to meet up. Knowing that his girl was always having flings, he decided to try it out for himself. The location on the text led him to an allyway where a boy stood. "Huh? You're a dude, not a girl!!!" "I can't believe you're this stupid." "Wait, you're that filthy cheaters cousin! What do you want!!!" "This."
Before Nino could react, Timothy sprinted up to him and kicked him in the gut. As Nino layed on the ground in pain, Timothy stomped on every part of his body until he became black and blue. "Believe it or not, this is nothing personal." Timothy lied. "I just needed you out of the way so I could get to Lila." Nino tried to speak, but it came out as grunts because Timothy had stomped on his throat. "Oh, and by the way... this is for Alya!" Timothy said as he kicked Nino hard on his forehead on last time. The loud boy fell unconscious, but not dead.
And now, the real fun begins...
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Lila? PoV
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Angela Diavola was surely having the worst week of her life! First, the black kid from America came back to bother her right after she worked so hard to get back into Ms Bustier's classroom. Did he even know how much work she put in to fix the problems he caused??? "Lila Rossi" was in jail, so Angela had to discard that identity along with that girl's mother. Luckily, Angela tricked one of the crazies into thinking she was "Lila Rossi" and escaped from her prison. Now she was "Iris Verde". But when her "Iris" came back home, her dumb cr*p mom started asking too many questions. Angela had no choice but to get rid of her like all the moms that get too curious. So far a missing persons report hasn't been filed yet, but eventually "Iris Verde" will have to take the fall for the murder after disappearing. Ugh, I'm too stressed to plan! Nino was supposed to go out with me an hour ago but he missed our appointment! Right when Angela was getting ready to leave her ultra secret hideout, the lights went out. "I told you that if you tried to bully anyone in your class again I would come back!!!" an invisible voice spoke, but Angela knew it well. The Italian woman ran to the drawer where she kept her emergency handgun. This time, that dumb islander won't walk away from me! As soon as Angela pulled the gun out the drawer, the lights flicked on and The Raptor appeared behind her. Eat lead, Angela screamed at the him. She fired all of her shots at him, but he dodged each one. Angela then threw her handgun at him, but he caught it. "Where did you even get a gun from?" Before Angela could run away, The Raptor threw her handgun at her head, knocking her onto the floor. Im not going to let him ruin me again, Angela frantically thought. She reached into her back pocket to grab her emergency knife, already coming up with a devious plan. "Ohh, what ever will I do with you..." "Wait! I confess, I'm not 15. Im a 33 year old from foster care with a hormon disorder and I just pretended to be younger to feel safe!!! I promise I won't do it again!" Ha, bird brain dosen't even know that when he drops his guard, I'll stab him in the throat! Angela thought. The Raptor didn't drop his guard. "... It all makes sense now. This whole time, you were an adult manipulating teenagers... YOU WERE DATING TEENAGERS!!!" Angela only then realized that the superhero didn't figure out her secret until she told the truth just now. "Oh, uh, I was just lying!"
The Raptor lunged at the woman. She took out her knife to stab him, but he grabbed it from her and tossed it aside. He then knocked her out. The Raptor considered ending her miserable existence, freeing the world from her blight... but he decided there was a better way.
He tied her up and called the police. When Angela Diavola came to, she was in a max security cell for serial killers like herself. During the investigation, it was discovered that Angela had "disappeared" at least seven different woman who adopted her from the foster care system. Additionally, she left a long string of bullying and, in the worst cases, students taking their own lives from the schools she attended.
Ladybug wanted to feel happy that she was finnaly gone, but knowing the evil depths "Lila" sunk to shook her to her core. "M'Lady, there's a note here." Chat Noir's words brought Ladybug back to reality. As she read the note, she felt a chill go down her spine. Lila's exposure wasn't a happy coincidence.
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Ladybug PoV
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"I stole the Peacock miraculous from Felix. Come to the Agreste Mansion if you want it back." Was all that was written on the note. Normally, she would think it's a trap, but her instincts were telling her to follow it's order. Whatever is happening now, is The Raptor's doing.
Ladybug, followed by Chat Noir, made it to the Agreste Mansion. The front door being open made Chat Noir uneasy. Inside, there was a trail of black paint that lead into Gabriel's work room. "Ok, this is clearly a tra-" before Ladybug could finish her thought, Chat Noir made a bee line for the room. Normally, Ladybug would yell at him for being so boneheaded, but something was telling her that Chat was being dead serious right now. "What?" was the only word needed to make Ladybug's skin crawl. Inside the work room was a secret elevator in front of a painting. What Ladybug and Chat Noir discovered at the bottom of that elevator would change their lives forever.
"I see you lot are unfashionably late." The Raptor announced to the duo while facing Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth?! Hawkmoth's here?! Why is Hawkmoth down here?! This has to be some kind of trap or- "Mom?" Chat Noir called out while looking at a casket behind Hawkmoth. "... Adrien?!" Ladybug hid her gasping mouth with her hands. It's happening again. "no." "Adrien, I am your father! Give me Ladybug and your miraculous so I can wish your mother back to life!" "NO!" Hawkmoth then threw out an akuma at Chat Noir. Ladybug wanted to intercept it, but her body refused to move. He's going to turn into Chat Blanc! The world is doomed again and it's all my fault...
At the last second, a hand reached out and crushed the akuma. "Ladybug, now!" The Raptor cried. Without thinking, Ladybug threw out her yo-yo at Hawkmoth's chest, cracking his miraculous. "Nooo-" Hawkmoth collapsed onto the floor coughing. The superheroin ran to the villain and took off his miraculous, which reverted him back to Gabriel Agreste. "Father, how could you do this!" Chat Noir screamed at him. "You ungrateful brat, I could have saved your mother! Saved our family!" Chat Noir slowly walked towards his father, his eyes full of hatred. "Mother's death didn't break our family... you did! You were the one who shut me out! The one that choose not to eat dinner with me anymore! You're the ungrateful one! You don't deserve this house! You don't deserve mother, or me, or Nathile, or anything... cataclysm." "Chat Noir no! Doing that will just make you as bad as he is." Before Ladybug could stop her partner, The Raptor held her back. "It's his choice."
Adrien held his father for the last time.
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trashyangelic · 7 months
𝟶𝟿𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 : ᴍʟʙ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ ʀᴇᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛ
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢs - Felinette, Lukadrien, Chlogami sᴀʟᴛs - Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt, Akuma Class Salt, Lila Salt, Alya Salt ʀᴇᴅᴇᴍᴘᴛɪᴏɴs - Sabrina Sugar, Adrien Sugar, Nathaniel Sugar, and Chloe Redemption
This got me thinking. What if Lila decided to photoshop which is a crime to do on pictures without someone's permission in which she is doing it illegally. What if she gets caught by doing it with Alya recording it?
but what they don't know is that Lila is doing this for a Mass Akumatized for Hawkmoth. A few other students who were here since the day Lila joined the school one of them happen to video record her grabbing the akuma by working with the terrorists so they went to see Sabrina if she can call her dad that they found something interesting saying that they found someone accomplice with Hawkmoth.
the other times where the students spotted Lila talking to Gabriel they even had a recording mic to spy and listen from a distance to hear it clearly. It is clear that Lila is working with Hawkmoth and Mr. Agreste happen to be Hawkmoth they do not look very happy at all. With this they can send this to Officer Rodger Raincomprix and Chloe's dad if he is available but they had to see Chloe first in order to get to her father to show the video clip and the microphone recorder as well.
The one who has been using evidence is really Aurore, Mirelle, Marc, and Felix who is Adrien's cousin who just came back after getting scolded by his mother for something she saw in the news, and Kagami who transfer to Marinette's school but in Mrs. Mendeleiev class to keep a close watch with the Akuma Class.
But at the end things got a little out of hand. Mayor was not happy that Damocles and Bustier decided to listen to one student instead of checking the cameras to what his daughter told him when she brought her school mates to him. The Mayor gave Damocles many changes to redeem himself but he didn't. But after finding out that the student in Francois Dupont is working with Hawkmoth it put him out of the gutter and decided to redeem himself by informing this to the Government, Embassy, and the President to see what they should do with the student accomplice with terrorist, and two terrorist itself.
Chloe had Sabrina with Max to search for the school funds but found it was empty by Damocles using for his owl stuff then gave it to her father explaining that the school funds were emptied out by the principal for his owl heroes stuff. It would explain why Damocles didn't bother to upgrade the lockers or the clubs but mainly focusing on the sports teams he liked. It actually pissed Chloe off but if Marinette where to find this out after doing this for quite a while with Chloe this would make her send a complaint to the School Board about it.
While Luka gives advices and comfort towards Adrien but found something that he is now crushing on Adrien as Adrien is now crushing on a boy instead of girl.
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verfound · 6 months
MINIFIC: Oct. 23: Day 31: Trick or Treat (MLB, Lukanette, DLM AU)
For @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers October Minific Challenge 2023.
Read on Ao3
To Feel Alive Again: Ch31: Trick or Treat
“Mendeleiev had no right to send you there,” Luka bit.  She jumped when he slammed the fridge shut, the bottles in the door rattling from the force.
“She’s our boss,” she mumbled from where she was curled up on his couch.  “Head reaper.  I’m pretty sure that gives her every right.”
“Not there, Marinette.  Not tonight,” he said.  He came back out and handed her a bottle – sparkling water, the cherry flavored one she liked so much, she was relieved to see.  Drinking here – drinking with Luka, drinking after bad days, drinking anything stronger than sparkling water – tended to be…dangerous.  He sat down across from her when she took it, popping the lid on his own drink.  She almost smiled when she saw it was lemonade.  “Tomorrow’s Halloween.  Do you have any idea what happens on Halloween?”
“…kids go trick-or-treating, get hopped up on sugar, and terrorize their parents?” she guessed.  He choked on his drink, and she hid her smile with her knees.  “Sorry.”
“Yes, but no,” he laughed, shaking his head.  He put his drink down and turned to her, frowning.  “You show your face, Mari.  Your real face.”
She froze as his words sunk in.
“…my parents were at that party,” she whispered, and he nodded.
“They could have recognized you,” he said.  He sighed and reached for her, holding out his hand as he used the other to scrub at his eyes.  “Never mind the fucking haunted house.  I’m going to have words with her.”
“…I don’t understand why, though,” she said, shaking her head numbly.  “What’s…what’s so special about Halloween?  It’s just some stupid American craze.  Why does my face show?”
“It’s not just a ‘stupid American craze’, Marinette,” he said.  He wiggled his fingers at her again, and instead of taking his hand she put her drink on the table and threw herself at him, crawling into his lap.  He froze for a moment, but then he was wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.  Whatever this…whatever was between them, she was too tired to fight it tonight, and she found herself snuggling closer.  “It has deep roots.  Ancient roots.  In the Celtic festivals of Samhain.  Death gets a little closer to the living, and the veil thins just a bit more.”
“You sound like one of those crazy New Age people,” she mumbled into his chest.  His hand was absently combing through one of her pigtails, and he smiled as he gave it a gentle tug.
“Says the grim reaper,” he chuckled.  “I don’t know, Mari.  Some reapers say it’s just an old wives’ tale.  Most of us don’t seek out the people we knew to test it – or most of us can’t.  Fred…Fred did, though.  By accident.  Bumped into his daughter a few years back.  She…it didn’t end well.  Mylène fainted and hit her head on a bench.  Had to get checked out for trauma.”
“That’s horrible.  I think I prefer trick or treating,” Marinette said.  He hummed.  After a moment, she scrunched her hand in his shirt and turned to press her face against him.  He froze as she snuggled against him.  “Thank you.  For…for being there tonight.  For getting me out.”
“I hate that you were even put in that situation,” he grumbled, holding her closer.  “It was cruel.”
“But you were there, and it was…it was better,” she said.  Her fist tightened on his shirt, and she swallowed against the lump in her throat.  “…it’s always better.  With you.”
He sat up a bit, curling around her and holding her tighter.  Closer.  For a moment, she thought she felt his lips against her shoulder – against the bit of skin her collar revealed.  But…she had to be imagining that.
“I’ll always be there, Mari,” he whispered, and her heart stuttered in her chest.  She wondered at how quickly it could beat – how dizzy it could make her – when she was supposed to be dead.  When living things like beating hearts were supposed to be beyond her.  How Luka could make her feel like none of that mattered.
Like…like she could be alive again.
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cipherwrites · 5 months
Sugar & Spice, Chapter 4: Evillustrator
<- Previous Chapter / Next Chapter (WIP)
And then, Stormy Weather is blown away by her own parasol turned against her, and the great Mightyllustrator saves the damsel in distress!
“Oh, Mightyllustrator, you’re my hero!” the Damsel cries out.
“Heh, it was nothing.” the hero responds nonchalantly.
“I love you, Mightyllustrator!”
“I love you too, Marinette
Nathaniel Kurtzberg, a red-haired student of Francoise Dupont Lycee, sighs as he crosses out a number of things in his comic.
Wrong, wrong, it’s all wrong! No matter how much I try to envision it or dream it up, I can’t come up with a good story. Besides, it’s not like I’d ever get a real chance to rescue Marinette like this… The young artist thinks to himself, mentally comparing his damsel figure to the similarly shy but determined target of his affected, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Nathaniel only met Marinette last year, but in the short time he’s known her, he’s known her to be a kind and charitable girl who’s been relentlessly targeted by Chloe Bourgeois for, according to his classmates, three years now. He doesn’t know why it started, and frankly, he doesn’t care. All he knows is that Marinette is a sweet, caring soul who doesn’t deserve the bull-
“Nathaniel!” a ruler slams into his desk, and the meek redhead jumps at the sight of Mme. Mendeleiev, the purple-haired science teacher. “What are you drawing?” she asks with a cruel snarl on her face, clearly annoyed that this has had to interrupt her lesson, and he gulps nervously.
“Wa, well, it’s, erm…” the young man stammers.
“These artistic endeavors of yours are clearly why you are failing science,” she says. “You have been given the option to join the art program before, but your continued ignorance of this opportunity has not gone unnoticed. March down to the principal’s office and tell him just why you’ve been doing so poorly in my class!” she orders, and the redhead gulps.
“Yes, ma’am…” he says softly and gets up, tripping over a bag and gasps, landing on the floor, his sketchbook landing open on the ground. He reaches for it, but it’s snatched up by Chloe.
“Ooh! Look, Sabrina! It's him as a superhero! And look who he's saving! It's Dupain-Cheng!” She teases.
“It’s who?!” Marinette exclaims with a blush, and several other classmates join the confusion, most of which Adrien. Which, frankly, Nathaniel can understand- that short display of anger Marinette showed him on the first day of school only impressed Nathaniel further.
“He’s totally crushing on you, you know.” Chloe taunts Marinette.
“Doesn’t seem like much of your business,” Alya retorts, defending her best friend.
“Gimme that!” Nathaniel snatches his book away from Chloe, blushing deeply.
“Enough! Nathaniel, go!” Mme. Mendeleiev states, clearly sick and tired of the interruptions to her lesson. “No more gossiping, or you’ll all be joining him in the office!”
Nathaniel rushes out of the room, not even meeting Marinette’s gaze as he does so. Lost in thought and despair, Nathaniel’s eyes wander as he moves towards the office on autopilot.
Chloe. She ruins everything! She’s devoted to ruining Marinette’s life, and she humiliates and degrades everyone around her for no good reason other than the fact that she can. She’s evil- the kind of evil that Marinette needs to be saved from.
Nathaniel stumbles just a bit as he walks, and his pen falls to the ground. He picks it up, his body moving automatically as a purple butterfly enters the pen. Nathaniel could hardly comprehend what was happening before a voice entered his mind, commanding and omnipotent through his thoughts as the helpless boy’s anger turned to an uncontrollable hatred and rage against his will.
“Are you tired of having your spirit crushed? Evillustrator, I am Hawkmoth, your friend and patron of the arts. I’m here to offer you support…but I don’t give this kind of power for free. I have a couple of items that need retrieving.”
“Name the price, and it’s yours,” Nathaniel says with contempt, transforming into Evillustrator in the darkness of the halls, leaping to the rafters to hide and wait for his prey to emerge.
Nathaniel? Crushing on me? I don’t even know him that well! Marinette thinks to herself.
He’s so sweet, though! He didn’t deserve to be humiliated like that, even if I don’t feel the same way.
I should talk to him, though. I’ll catch him after class.
“The next particle physics presentation group is Nino, Adrien, and Alya!” Mendeleiev announces, insistent on not letting students pick their own groups. Luckily, her loud tendencies snapped Marinette out of her thoughts.
Wow, lucky. Marinette thinks to herself, remembering that it seems like Adrien is as intelligent as he is pretty…or at least, he’s pretty good at recalling information.
“And then Sabrina, Chloé and Marinette.” Mendeleiev states and Marinette feels her heart drop.
“Oof…unlucky.” Alya cringes.
Marinette looks over at Chloe, who has a malicious grin on her perfect little face.
No no no no no no no no-
“Mademoiselle!” Marinette suddenly stands up, fear evident and spiking. “C-can I work alone, please?”
“This is a group presentation, Marinette,” Mendeleiev states. “It’s a policy of mine not to give any of my students unfair advantages or disadvantages. You’ll have to deal with it.”
“Are you gonna be okay, Marinette?” Alya asks as the bluenette slumps back into her chair.
“I…I’ll be fine, Alya!” Marinette says with a smile. “Better than fine! Don’t worry about me!”
Marinette stands beside Sabrina as Chloe goes through her locker with a smug look on her face.
“Forget it! I don’t have time for some dumb project. I’m sure you two can handle it on your own. You’re still nice and efficient when you put your mind to something, aren’t you, Marinette?” Chloe grins, her voice like a toxin in Marinette’s ears.
“That’s fine, Chloe!” Sabrina says. “We can do all the work, don’t worry!”
It would be easy to let this happen. To have a few days of peace while I do everything she said.
“It’ll be just like old times,” Sabrina says.
I…I don’t want to go back to old times.
“No,” Marinette says, determined.
“What was that?” Chloe glares her way.
“I said no. Those bridges have long been burned by both of us. I’m not going back to how things were!” Marinette starts to yell, and Chloe takes a step back, as if surprised by the determination that now shines in Marinette’s eyes.
“Oh, it’ll be okay, Marinette!” Sabrina says, trying to defuse the tension. “It’s all equal! I do the research, you do the writing, and Chloe presents it! That way, it’s equal.” she explains. “Chloe and I have been doing this for years, you remember!”
“I remember plenty,” Marinette says coldly. “I remember,” she turns to Chloe, “that you’re too thick to do anything yourself, so you throw your money and influence at whatever useful people you see, taking advantage of the most talented people you can find and assume they’ll stick with you just because they’re afraid of you!” She grits her teeth. “Just because they care for you. That’s not how friends work.”
“Not only am I Sabrina’s best friend,” Chloe stomps her foot, “I’m her only friend. Because when I find someone and make them mine, they are nothing without me.”
“Well, maybe some people would rather be nothing than have you!” Marinette shouts, and Chloe looks taken aback and shocked by the statement. Guilt immediately pangs Marinette.
Maybe I went too far…
“Chloe, I-”
“Whatever!” Chloe flips her hair, walking past Marinette and Sabrina. “I’ve got more important things to worry about. My hair is a hot mess and Jean Claude promised to work his magic. Later!” she slams the door and storms off, leaving Marinette and Sabrina behind.
“...fuck.” Marinette leans against the locker and falls to her knees, hands at her face to try and keep the tears from coming. “What happened to us…?”
“Marinette…are you okay?” Sabrina asks, and Marinette turns her head away. “I…thank you. I’ve never seen you stand up to anyone like that before, and…you did it for me.” she holds out her hand to Marinette. “Chloe will cool down, I promise. She just has to think…maybe you’ve finally given her something to think about.” Sabrina gives a pained smile.
Marinette looks up and takes Sabrina’s hand, letting her help her get up.
I hope so.
Watching from the rafters of a library, three girls enter- first two, then another, and they begin to argue. He only cares for one of them. He only hates another. He grins wide as he prepares his tablet and begins to draw…
“Ugh! What do you mean, you’re not doing my assignment?!” Chloe exclaims, scowling at Marinette and Sabrina.
“I-I’m not your slave, Chloe! Marinette’s right, you haven’t been treating me like a friend!” Sabrina defends herself.
“Well, Marinette Dupain-Cheng didn’t buy you a super cute beret at Gabriel, and I did!” Chloe boasts, holding up a new beret she clearly had delivered to the school after she stormed out.
Marinette visibly seethes in her chair.
“It…it is a cute hat…” Sabrina says, seeing Chloe holding up the hat. “And it would look good on me…” she mumbles.
“I won’t pretend to have any excuses.” Chloe huffs. “But you, Dupain-Cheng, are trying to steal my friend from me, with homework!” Chloe declares pompously.
You wanna bribe, Chloe? Let’s give you plenty to work with.
Suddenly, from above, a pile of berets falls on the rich girl!
“AGH! My hair!” Chloe complains.
From the ether, a massive hairdryer materializes and starts tormenting Chloe, who begins to scream in fear and run away.
“Er…was that an akuma?” Sabrina asks.
“Or the byproduct of one.” Marinette surmises. 
Okay, I’ve planned for this: make distance from civilians and transform.
“Let’s split up!” Marinette tells Sabrina. “It’ll be easier to dodge it that way. You can meet me at my house, it’s not far from here- you remember where the bakery is, right?”
“Um…y-yeah!” Sabrina nods.
“Good, go!” Marinette orders, and she and Sabrina take off in different directions. If we’re lucky, Chat Noir and I will have this akuma handled by the time I make it home.
She hides between some of the scarcely used shelves and grins. “Tikki, Spots On!”
From the shelves, Ladybug emerges and pins the hairdryer to a bookshelf. “Hide, now!” she orders, and Chloe runs away.
“I’ve gotten wind that you were being blown away by a hairy situation!” she hears a familiar voice quip, and Ladybug rolls her eyes at her partner’s humor.
“Less punning and more action, Chat Noir!” she leaps up and lands beside him. “It’s not a real akuma, just some kinda byproduct. Made by it, or something.”
“Well, then I don’t have to feel bad about doing this! Cataclysm!” He declares, and lunging for the hairdryer, it disintegrates into dust, and they all hear an exclamation of pain- a backlash for destroying something an akuma controls.
Looking up, they see some kind of feedback coming from the arm tablet of a purple man in a beret and awfully odd clothes.
“Well, that guy looks pretty sketchy!” Chat quips.
The two chase the akuma, but he gets away by creating a wall.
“He got away…most akumas we’ve faced have run to get a better vantage point, but that’s only after trying to fight us.” Ladybug murmurs. “Where could he be going?”
“I don’t know, but he sure has a way of illustrating his point.” Chat grins, and Ladybug can’t help but wheeze out a frustrated chuckle.
“Is there some kind of punning superpower I don’t know about?” she teases her partner.
“I got more where that came from, I can do this all day!” Chat grins.
Ladybug shakes her head, her smile never leaving her face. “Alright, the akuma was targeting Chloe Bourgeois, so we should find her.”
“To the Grand Paris!” Chat Noir points dramatically in the wrong direction.
“Seems like the akuma’s targeting you specifically, Chloe. Any idea why?” Chat Noir asks, standing with Ladybug in Chloe’s room in the Grand Paris. Ladybug is tapping her foot impatiently- she probably has somewhere to be. She’s a busy little bee! Er, bug. That’s why they need to be so efficient; unlike Adrien, Ladybug’s civilian identity actually has a life outside the mask.
“No! Everyone adores me.” Chloe states.
“Right, 'cause you’re sooo adorable…” Ladybug mutters, and Chat holds back a laugh at his partner’s sarcasm. Unfortunately, Chloe doesn’t seem to pick up on it.
“Yes! Ladybug just said I'm adorable! I totally need a picture of the two of us together!” she says and forcibly takes a selfie of them both with her phone, and afterward Ladybug walks to the balcony with Chat.
“That was unpleasant…” she mumbles.
“Well, I look great, of course, but your smile is all wonky. I'll take another!” Chloe says from behind them, but Ladybug stops her.
“Not now, Chloe. I’m…camera shy,” she says as she continues onto the balcony with her partner.
“Well, someone’s got a fan.” Chat Noir teases.
“Yeah, great.” She rolls her eyes.
“Alright, what’s bugging you? No pun intended this time, either.” Chat says with a gentler smile.
“Let’s just say I can’t stand this girl, even with a mask on.” she sighs and looks at her bugphone.
Eh, that’s not really a clue. Chloe tends to leave a bad impression on most people- Ladybug could be a student at Dupont, but she could just as easily be the daughter of someone working for Chloe.
“I…I need to go.” Ladybug says hesitantly. “I have somewhere to be if I want to preserve my identity. I can probably be back in a few hours- can you protect her until then?” Ladybug asks.
“I can handle it Ladybug, no sweat! Go, go! Make an alibi.” Chat Noir insists, giving his leader a salute.
The smile Ladybug gives him as she swings away makes his heart flutter more than the little butterflies that plague Paris.
“Ahh! Ladybug! Text me!” Chloe calls after her desperately.
Marinette breathes deeply as she arrives home, seeing Sabrina pacing around in the main room of the bakery. She steps in, and Sabrina runs up to her.
“MarinetteIwassoworriedItriedcallingbutyouneverpickedupIwasworriedtheakumagotyou-” Sabrina begins rambling, and Marinette smiles kindly, taking Sabrina’s wrists before she can drape herself over Marinette.
“Whoa, Sabrina! Calm down. I just got a bit turned around, and my phone ran out of charge.” 
And to cover my bases, I turned my phone off before stepping inside.
“So…you’re okay?” Sabrina asks.
“I’m okay. Come on, let’s go upstairs and get our project started,” she says with a kind smile.
Marinette and Sabrina don’t talk much. They divided the project into three actual equal parts, created a shared slideshow, and sent it to Chloe with a list of what she’ll need to do. While they work, they don’t talk much, even when Sabrina tries to start it. Quite honestly, Marinette doesn’t want to talk with Sabrina for too long.
If I talk with Sabrina too much, she’ll start talking about Chloe, and…and I don’t want to talk about her right now.
About 30 minutes pass, the duo making a good start on their project, and as Sabrina’s about to come up with some snacks Mari’s parents made, the girls hear what sounds like some kind of wiping- Marinette’s on her bed, Sabrina on the ladder up to the room- and Marinette’s eyes widen as her window erases, and a familiar form enters the room: the akuma.
“You-!” Marinette’s eyes widened, resisting the urge to call for Tikki immediately. “What are you doing here?” she questions, but rather than the rigid expression she saw before, the man’s expression softens to a fond look.
That’s…not the look of someone who knows I’m Ladybug.
“I-I just wanted to see you!” he insists.
 Or it’s a fanboy. Then I’ve got a whole new thing to deal with.
“If that’s all you wanted, why did you attack Chloe?” Marinette questions.
 “Because Chloe is vicious and cruel!” he growls, and Marinette winces a bit.
“I can’t…argue with that,” she says hesitantly. “So…what happens now? Are you going to abduct me? Attack me?”
“Never,” the young man says, which catches Marinette a little off guard. “You’re Marinette! You’re beautiful, sweet, and kind, and smart and…you’re perfect, I could never hurt you!” he expresses with a lovestruck expression.
Okay, let’s think about this. Akumas increase emotional states. A crush turned to obsession…a disdain for Chloe that likely happened today…art coming to life…
As Marinette connects the dots, it’s like a window shattering. Her eyes widen as she sees Nathaniel’s face beyond the veil of the akuma, the Quantum Mask that shrouds identity broken for her and her only, bringing with it an uncanny feeling of confusion that she ever saw anything but the boy behind the mask.
Oh, Nathaniel. What has he done to you?
“Nathaniel, what happened to you?” Marinette asks, concerned.
“My name is Evillustrator now, Marinette. It’s my birthday tonight, and I was hoping we could have a party. Just you and me, on the seine!” he offers excitedly.
“Tonight…” Marinette whispers, seeing the trapdoor opening slightly, seeing the terrified Sabrina staring at the scene like a deer in headlights.
If I let anything loose about the group project, there’s no telling who he’ll hurt to make sure he has me to himself!
“I’ll do it,” Marinette says, and Evillustrator looks ecstatic. “On one condition.”
“Of course, Marinette!” Evillustrator grins. “Anything for you!”
“You can’t hurt Chloe. Or anyone anymore. No more fighting.” She orders.
“You are a gentle soul, Marinette. For you, and you only. I’ll wait for you next to Notre Dame, at sunset!” he expresses before leaping out of the window.
Marinette waits for a beat before groaning loudly, falling facefirst onto her bed.
“What were you thinking?!” Sabrina suddenly bursts through.
“I’m thinking that this is the only way to keep people safe!” Marinette says sadly.
“Marinette, you’re brave, but isn’t this a bit much?” Sabrina asks. “I mean, er…the project! We have to finish the project, right?”
She’s reaching for anything she can to try and get me out of this. Even after everything, Sabrina is sweet and kind.
“You should go home, Sabrina,” Marinette smiles. “You know me. I can get this whole thing cranked out by tonight.”
“Marinette…” Sabrina sighs. “I’ll…I’ll get my Dad! Then we can-”
“No.” Marinette shakes her head. “The Police are useless against akumas. I don’t want anyone else to be hurt.”
“Marinette…” Sabrina whimpers, but lowers her head to acquiesce. 
“Ohhh... Sabrina is so selfish! Making me do this project by myself?! Ugh, my brain hurts... Huh? Hey! Cat Noir, Are you any good at particle physics?” Chloe looks at the black cat, and he sighs a bit.
“Well, I’m not bad at it…” he says, trying not to share that he’s pretty good at science as a whole. Which Plagg laughs up considering how much of my life will now revolve around magic…
“Ah! Great!” Chloe says and pulls him by his arm. “Sit, kitty!” she orders and shoves project materials into his arms. “Now, make it sound purr-fect for my presentation. See what I did? I made a cat joke! Ha! I can be funny.” she states, and Chat Noir just stares at her.
“Hilarious,” he says sarcastically.
C’mon, Chloe, I’m trying to empathize with you, don’t make it so hard for me.
At that moment, his staff rings, and he drops the materials to the ground and starts to walk back out to the balcony. “Sorry, Mme., I've got a call from the Lady in Red!” he says and leans on the balcony as he answers. “You know, Ladybug, some may call it unprofessional to be catcalling during work hours.” Chat Noir teases and is met by a smirk.
“Well, what if I told you that you didn’t have to worry about Chloe anymore?” She asks.
“I’d say I’m listening. I didn’t see any magic ladybugs, so I doubt the akuma’s beaten…” Chat Noir responds.
“The akuma calls himself Evillustrator. He went to a civilian’s house and talked to her, and she answered some of my questions. Not only that, but he asked her on a date.” Ladybug explains.
“The akuma’s a lovebug? What, did Chloe diss his crush or something?” Chat asks.
“You could say that.” Ladybug sends an image, and Chat’s eyes widen. “Her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Cute, huh?”
Ah. I see why Chloe was attacked now.
“M’Lady, are you trying to set me up with an akuma’s crush? Scandalous.” he teases, and he can practically hear her rolling her eyes.
“I’ve told her my basic plan, and I’ll need you to protect her tonight and fight the akuma without me. I’ll be indisposed.” She explains.
Guess that alibi’s going on longer than expected. But hold on…
“What about your Lucky Charm? Or the Miracle Cure?” He asks, worried.
“I’ve gone over it with Tikki. This is the ideal time to test out the capabilities of our powers without the Ladybug, in case something happens to me. Evillustrator is more docile than most akuma, after all, so it’ll be more of a trial by matchlight than trial by fire.” she explains.
“A fair point,” Chat nods. “What’s the plan?”
“All Miraculous weapons have a kind of…hammerspace, for lack of a better term. Only the Ladybug can use that space to purify an akuma, since I then use the energy from that akuma with my Miracle Cure to pinpoint what exactly got broken and fix it. However, you can still hide the akuma in there, and it’ll remain even if you detransform. Keep the akuma contained, and we’ll meet at the Eiffel at Midnight for me to purify the akuma.” Ladybug explains.
“What about the Lucky Charm?” Chat Noir asks.
“I left it with Marinette for you. You’ll need to figure it out from there, but I’m sure it’ll come in handy,” she explains.
Chat sighs dreamily. “You really thought of everything.” he fiddles with his bell. “And…you really think I can do this without you?” he asks.
“I believe in you, Chat Noir. Take the akuma down,” she says, and he smiles.
“I won’t let you down, M’lady!” he says, determined, hanging up as he launches off.
“Hey! Where are you going?!” Chloe yells after him, but Chat just smiles as he heads for the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
Marinette had already told her parents about everything, and while they were terrified, Marinette assured them she’d be protected by Chat Noir, and she’d be arming herself with some pepper spray (though they insisted she also take a knife).
She looks down at the Lucky Charm in her hands- a small red tablet pen. As she turns it over in her hand, she hears an impact on the balcony above her, and she sighs. Showtime.
“Nathaniel…? Is that you…?” she wonders aloud, doing her best to sound as normal as possible, and as she heads to the balcony, she sees Chat Noir, bowing dramatically towards her (yet not making eye contact…weird).
“Good evening, young lady! The name’s Chat Noir.” he smiles wide.
“I assumed as much,” she smiles a bit and shakes his hand. “So, you’re here to protect me?”
“Yep! That birthday boy date of yours is bad news. Don’t worry, though, you’ll be safe with me!” the leather-clad hero boasts.
“That puts my mind at ease,” Marinette says, resisting the urge to tease him.
“But I may need a little help…” he says, frowning as he sees the tablet pen. “I hear you’re pretty creative. Care to assist a superhero?” he asks hopefully.
We haven’t even begun yet, and he’s already asking for help. Silly kitty.
“And what would Ladybug think of you asking another girl for help with your hero work?” she asks teasingly.
“Well, maybe you could be my Ladybug tonight.” he challenges, and the two grin at each other, before they blush a bit, as if they both realize some kind of mistake made, and turn away from each other.
“I couldn’t imagine fighting crime with the heroes of Paris. No matter how amazing it might be…” Marinette quickly dissuades.
“Yeah, erm…just get the pen from Evillustrator, and I can do the rest!” Chat Noir says.
Evillustrator sits on the boat of his own creation, sketching additional things for his date with Marinette. It has to be perfect, it must be perfect. She deserves nothing less.
“That is a lovely scene you’re setting.” the voice of Hawkmoth enters his mind. “But you’d best not get distracted, boy.” He threatens.
“I just want Marinette to love me…” he responds, and he feels a pang of pain enter his mind.
“And I want the Miraculous, so get them…or else,” he threatens, and Evillustrator feels a pain course through his body. “I’ll show you what else my Miraculous can do when a ‘failsafe’ is required.”
“Okay, I will, I will!” Evillustrator promises desperately, and the pain leaves him as he hears footsteps.
“Happy Birthday.” he hears, and he sees Marinette wearing a beautiful dress with a floral pattern, a purse at her side with a pair of flat shoes, and her hair tied in a braid down her back.
“Marinette!” the akuma stands up, smiling. “Thank you for coming,” he says, making a bridge for her to step onto the boat from the seine’s edge.
“It’s all so beautiful,” Marinette says as she steps on board.
“You like it? Well, hold on, ‘cause I’m just getting started!” He says gladly, about to draw something more, but dark clouds begin to roll in, blocking the moon from view. “No…no! Come on, you’ve gotta be kidding!” he complains, and after seeing the way Marinette looks at him, he tries to compose himself. “Uhm, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. It's just... I can't draw properly in the dark.” he explains and draws a glowing sphere in the nearby sky resembling the moon, using a lantern to supply light. “Voila!” he smiles.
The two ride on the boar, playing music from his pad, and Marinette soon scotts closer to him.
“You're very talented, Nathaniel.” She says.
“It’s Evi-” he begins, but Marinette puts her finger to his lips.
“Try as you might, Nathaniel, nothing you can do can make me call you evil,” she says gently, and he blushes deeply, unable to argue with her. “What I’d like to know is why you’d use this power to hurt people.” 
“Not all people!” Evillustrator clarifies. “Just Chloe. And I'll never do it again. After all, you were true to your promise, so I'll be true to mine.” He says kindly.
“I draw a little too, you know, for my fashion designs. I actually made what I’m wearing tonight.” She says, and his eyes light up.
“Really? It’s very pretty…” he says.
“Is it okay if I try drawing something?” she whispers to him, and he swallows. “I could draw something special for your birthday.”
“Y-yes…that would be amazing,” he says, and she touches the pen, both of their hands now gripping it, and then Evillustrator notices something out of the corner of his vision…a dark shape with glowing green eyes.
“Marinette, wait, give me the pen back. I need to draw something now!” he expresses.
“Sorry, Nathaniel,” Marinette responds and starts to run. “Chat Noir, the moon!”
“Cataclysm!” Chat Noir declares, destroying the moon Evillustrator created and causing a feedback that causes Evillustrator to wince, plunging everything into darkness!
“Marinette! Are you working with him? I'm so stupid... I actually thought you liked me! But you're really just like Chloe. Teasing me, mocking me, leading me on!” Evillustrator begins, gripping his head, and he charges for Marinette! He tackles her down, grabbing the pen from her as he throws her against Chat Noir, who catches her as the two seem to be thrown back!
“Now I’ve got you!” Evillustrator grins as he starts to draw on his tablet, crouching down to the lantern, but…nothing?
“Sorry, Evillustrator, but that’s not your pen,” Chat Noir smiles, and the akuma’s eyes widen as he sees the red pen with black spots, which he can only make out now in the light of the lantern. “This is!” Chat Noir snaps the real pen, and the akuma flutters out, which Chat Noir immediately catches inside of his staff.
“No-” Evillustrator exclaims as he transforms back into Nathaniel and falls to the ground, nearly passing out from the exertion.
“All right! Pound it!” Chat Noir says, and Marinette’s eyes widen a bit. “Oh, er…” Chat stammers. “Sorry, it’s a thing Ladybug and I do when we win, and…I guess it’s kinda muscle memory-”
“Hey.” Marinette smiles and holds up her fist. “It’s cool,” she says, and Chat smiles wide as they bump fists. “Now go find your Lady, so she can fix all of this,” she says, referring to the things Evillustrator had summoned, and she walks over to Nathaniel.
“Come on, Nathaniel. Let’s get you home…and talk.” Marinette suggests.
“Okay.” Nathaniel nods a little bit.
“So you don’t even know why they left?” Alya asks Chloe, exasperated. 
“Not at all! Clearly, that akuma knew not to mess with me.” She says, flipping her hair over her shoulder dismissively, and Marinette sighs as she watches failing to get very substantial information about the akuma from Chloe.
“So, you’re really going back to Chloe?” Marinette asks Sabrina, not too far away.
“She’s doing more than usual!” Sabrina tries to defend, but the new beret Sabrina is sporting doesn’t go over Marinette’s head.
Well…there’s some doubt there! Maybe.
“Hey, Marinette!” she hears Adrien call, and she smiles fondly as Adrien walks up to her. “I heard about your adventures with Chat Noir yesterday. Were you scared?” he asks.
“Oh, uh, plenty!” Marinette says.
Which isn’t really a lie. It was my first time going toe-to-toe with an akuma without the Miraculous.
“But Chat Noir was there! He saved me.” Marinette smiles.
“So, what did you think of Chat Noir?” Adrien asks. “Not many people talk about him. Was he awesome?”
“Yeah…he was.” Marinette smiles a bit. “Maybe cooler than you.” she teases, and he laughs a bit.
“Marinette, you wound me!” He smiles a bit playfully, and the two walk out of the classroom as the bell rings, chatting until they head to Adrien’s car, upon which he heads home.
I talked with Adrien! We joked around! We had fun!
Marinette’s eyes wander, and she smiles as she sees Nathaniel finally heading to the art club to give himself a proper outlet, so his emotions can no longer be taken advantage of, while everyone around her gossips about the recent KIDZ+ scandal regarding the Weather Girl competition, and the exact reason why there are two girls now, not just one.
Life is good.
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gameguy20100 · 2 years
Quick questions. This may be obvious to you, but do you think the miraculous ladybug fandom loves victim-blaming Marinette (I think so)? Are you a class sugar person? Last question, more light-hearted than the other two, but what are your headcanons for the classmates (both Miss Bustier’s and Miss Mendeleiev’s)?
Yes. It's obvious that they do. You know how many people blame her for Chloe betraying the team?
I'm a teenagers shouldn't have their lives ruined of stupid school drama. So I guess.
I headcannon that Juleka hates it when Luka calls her little sis. She's only two hours younger damn it!
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 1 year
The Universe Has it Out for Lila Rossi
The Universe has it out for Lila Rossi by MorallyDraconequus
Lila got everything she wanted. She ruled the school. She had beaten her enemies. But most importantly, she won.
With the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous in hand, Lila ushered in a new reality, one where she had won in the beginning...
But the universe disagrees. And decided to do something about it. ... Based on Chaotic Neutral's Lament Series, BroadwayCutie16's Lila's Lament and DemiGoddess28's Your Wish Is My Command.
Words: 1419, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois, Ivan Bruel, Mylène Haprèle, Lila Rossi, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Max Kanté, Lê Chiến Kim, Alix Kubdel, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev, Principal Damocles, Tikki, Plagg, Kwami(s), Original Kwami Character(s), Master Fu, Lila Rossi's Mother, Lila Rossi's Father
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Ivan Bruel/Mylène Haprèle, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Lila Rossi, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Lila Rossi, Alya Césaire & Lila Rossi
Additional Tags: Lila Rossi Bashing, Lila Rossi Lies, Evil Lila Rossi, Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, class sugar, eventually, first a dose of salt for everyone, Lila Rossi Faces Consequences
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45215125
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soap-lady · 3 years
Small thing I noticed in “Guilt Trip”
Yeah, Mendeleiev gets flack for being the “mean” teacher but she doesn’t tolerate bullying or Lila’s nonsense. 
When Rose came in and said Juleka was being akumatized, she said she was a teacher, not a superheroine and told everyone to stay.  That sounds callous but she has a point. Running towards instead of away from an akuma isn’t a good idea.
Yet knowing the danger she runs after her students and tries to get them back in the classroom before getting sucked in to the amok.
Then what does she feel guilty about? Letting her students leave the classroom and risk getting hurt.
She feels bad about her students being in danger. That’s being a good teacher.
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Hey, Little Songbird
Chapter 17 - Ao3
The wailing of one Lila Rossi was no way to start the day.
Felix groaned as he left the library, having arrived at school early and, not wanting to enjoy the menagerie that was his classmates just yet, decided to get some light reading in. It was still early, of course, early enough the Marinette probably wasn’t here, but like that, his peaceful morning was ruined. He regretted his punctuality now, though; somehow, he knew whatever plight Rossi pretended to be under would be his fault, if only in the minds of others.
One merely had to follow the screams of absolute agony—and really, who knew Rossi had lungs that strong?—to find her, so obviously, Felix stayed as far away as possible and hoped Marinette and Cesaire did the same. As if he’d actually show up to see what was happening. Even if she was dying for real, Felix wouldn’t come.
Still, he couldn’t just leave her to bother the other students. Speed walking past several students on his way (while taking note of just who exactly was there to witness him), Felix knocked on the door of the teachers’ lounge and, not waiting for an answer, opened the door. Only Mme. Mendeleiev and Mme. Bustier were there, and both teachers’ faces immediately twisted at the sound of Rossi crying, as distant as it was. “Rossi’s crying about something,” he told them immediately.
Mendeleiev stood, a stony frown on her face. “Do you know why?”
Felix shook his head. “No, I came straight here the moment I heard her.” It was best to establish an alibi, especially with one of the few teachers who seemed to care about discipline within the student body. Felix still remembered her part, no matter how minor, in the graffiti incident.
She nodded. “Very well. Let’s hurry, Caline.”
Bustier stumbled to her feet, face flushed. “Y-Yes! Coming!” She hurried after the other teacher only to pause and smile at Felix. “Thank you for coming to tell us, Felix. That was very kind of you.”
Felix graciously took the compliment, despite not doing it out of kindness. It was better for her to think him kind, rather than suspect he only told them so he’d appear more favorably in their minds—
Hmm. He considered it. Perhaps Marinette had the right idea about this whole ‘kindness’ thing. Even if he didn’t care about other people, he’d have a better public persona if he pretended.
Instead of following the teachers, Felix took greater steps to separate himself from the scene of the crime and went to class. Rossi would no doubt take advantage of that and say he was avoiding the scene of the crime, but it was to his own benefit. Several students had passed him on his way from the library to the teacher’s lounge, establishing him as being no where near Rossi when she started screaming… that is, if they don’t check the security cameras.
He didn’t know if they would or not. Marinette had told him about her almost-expulsion before, but Felix… well, he was rich. And she was a baker’s daughter. The principal was such an incompetent suck-up that there would certainly be differences in how he would handle Rossi’s accusations towards Felix and her accusations towards Marinette. It made Felix feel like scum, to use the principal’s own interests to escape trouble (instead of finding his own way to escape), but in this case… he would tolerate it.
He slowed dramatically before reaching the door to his homeroom, taking the moment to smooth his clothes and hair into unrushed perfection before entering. Most of their class wasn’t there yet, thankfully, but both Marinette and Cesaire had taken his advice to come early. Originally, they planned to meet in the library, but since they were here… He took his seat next to Marinette. Cesaire had changed her seat, now sitting in beside them at the bench that usually sat empty. “I suppose you heard the screaming?”
Marinette grimaced. “Right as we walked in.” He cocked an eyebrow. “We had a sleepover at my house,” she explained. “And neither one of us wanted to risk getting caught up in that.”
“And did anyone see you?”
“Yeah.” Cesaire turned halfway around in her seat to look at them. “I dragged us both into the front office to talk to the receptionist. I now have her convinced that I have a teeth cleaning coming up and that I’m so busy I forgot how to get signed out for half a day. Which… isn’t entirely a lie. I’ve been putting off going to the dentist anyway.”
Felix nodded. Easily memorable and the front office had a camera that points towards the front entrance, which would catch them entering. “Good job. Though, I doubt either of you will worry much; she’s gunning for me today.”
Cesaire frowned. “But… with the detentions…”
He waved off her concern. “It’s been a week; you’ve served your detentions, she hasn’t, and it reflected poorly on her to get out of them.” He’d heard people talking about it in the halls, how Alya had gracefully took the punishment she deserved, but Rossi was flouncing around, clinging to Adrien while avoiding all responsibility for her actions. Perhaps their class didn’t care, but the others in their grade and below them? There was a growing resentment towards Rossi. It got even worse when the rumor mill learned that no one was punished for defacing Marinette’s locker, that there wasn’t any evidence for the attack. And apparently, the last attack where a student was immediately punished only for the punishment to be rescinded due to a misunderstanding, was when Marinette was expelled.
Felix continued. “She’ll go after me or Marinette. Though, I truly suspect I’ll be her tormentor, especially if she saw me earlier. The two of you arrived mere minutes ago; she has no idea you’re here.”
Like they had been summoned by magic, Rossi and the teachers, Bustier and Mendeleiev, entered the mostly full classroom. Rossi was holding herself carefully, like she was in a lot of pain, but notably, she was completely uninjured. She pointed up at him, accusing, “See! I told you he’d be here, like he didn’t just push me down the stairs!”
He shot the girls a look. He told them he’d be her main target. Cesaire rolled her eyes at his smugness.
The class gasped at the revelation, but Mendeleiev frowned. “That’s what you said when you thought he was hiding in the library… and M. Graham de Vanily wasn’t there.”
Rossi flushed as the contradiction was announced to the class. “I-I said I was sorry! I really thought he had fled to the library. But it turns out he was here, with his co-conspirators.”
Felix was impressed; he didn’t think she knew the word ‘conspirator’.
“We just got here,” Marinette deadpanned.
“Yeah,” Cesaire added. “Plus, Mme Bustier, the front office wants you to know that you have a lot of mail in your box. The receptionist told me when we visited after walking in.”
Not the most subtle, but their alibi was out and about. The people would realize that there wouldn’t be enough time for Marinette and Cesaire to supposedly help him. But now, Felix had to establish his own innocence.
He straightened in his seat, looking down at the lying brat. “If you’re injured, you should go to the nurse. Maybe even the hospital.” He smiled. It wasn’t a nice smile. “You seem to be alright to walk, but you should get checked over anyway. Internal bleeding kills.”
Her face twisted, like she was restraining a scowl, and she broken into fake tears again. “W-Were you trying to kill me!?” she wailed.
Felix wasn’t impressed. “That’s not what I said, and you know it. Mme. Bustier, why haven’t you taken Rossi to the nurse’s office? Isn’t it your responsibility, as her teacher?”
Bustier flustered. “Well, she said she didn’t need to go…”
“And you believed her?” Disappointment dripped off his tone. After all, Marinette had told him that Bustier knew about Rossi’s so-called lying disease. “Well, I suppose if you’re more interested in punishing a bystander rather than ensuring an injured girl gets treatment, that’s your prerogative. Anyway, I’m not sure why you’re blaming me, Rossi.”
“Because you’re guilty!”
“Then why did I alert the teachers to your injury?”
“M. Graham de Vanily is correct,” Mme Mendeleiev said. “He was the one to alert us to your fall, yet when we found you, you claimed he had only just run off. Though, I suppose if he ran full speed to the teacher’s lounge after pushing you…”
Rossi lit up at the excuse, but Felix interrupted before she could use it. “Several people saw me leave the library and go straight to the teacher’s lounge. I think one of them was the weather girl? The blonde one? I don’t recall her name, but I’m sure she and her friends could confirm they saw me.”
“Or we could just check the security cameras,” Marinette added. “It would probably be quicker, since class has started already.”
“But only after you get Lila to the nurse,” Alya sweetly slid in. “She didn’t get checked by a doctor after falling down the stairs last time either. You know, when Marinette got falsely expelled. It seems like Lila has a habit of ignoring her injuries after accidents.”
“That can be really dangerous, Lila,” Felix finished in pretend concern. “If an injury isn’t taken care of properly, you can lengthen your recovery time, or even worse! Hurting yourself further. It’s irresponsible to do anything else.”
She was losing the sympathy of the class. Desperately, Rossi asked, “T-Then how did you know I was the one screaming? If you didn’t bother checking on me, it could have been anyone!”
“You were cursing in Italian,” Felix deadpanned. “You are the only Italian immigrant in school. It was a logical deduction.”
He heard Alya mutter to his right, barely within ear-shot, “We aren’t doing too bad, considering this was completely on the fly.” Felix almost nodded in agreement, but Rossi saw Alya speak and dug herself further into a hole.
“Alya!” She gasped, crocodile-tears brewing in her eyes. “I can’t believe you’d say something so horrible about me!”
“Wait, what did Alya say?” Marinette asked from his other side. “I couldn’t hear her.”
“Something about how class has already started,” Felix lied. “But I’m impressed, Lila. I can hardly believe you heard her over the ringing in your ears.”
Rossi drew blank. “What ringing? Have you been talking about me behind my back—”
“The ringing from your tinnitus, of course.” And the coffin was lowered into the pit she dug, Felix thought as Mme. Mendeleiev clapped a hand down on Rossi’s shoulder.
“I think that’s enough,” she declared. “Young lady, we’re going to the nurse’s office right now. And if you’re not hurt, then I will be contacting your mother to discuss your habit of… pointing fingers without evidence.”
Panic was clear in Rossi’s voice. “But—!”
“No buts, Mlle. Rossi.”
“Now, Demeter,” Mme. Bustier simpered. “Don’t you think this is going too far? You know about Lila’s… illness.”
Illness? Unless she meant the pathological lying…
Mme. Mendeleiev shook her head. “No, Caline. It’s time to get to the bottom of this. Mlle. Rossi, let’s go.”
Mendeleiev frog-marched Rossi out of the room, leaving Bustier attempt to control her gossiping class. Marinette leaned back in her seat, sighing. “I can’t believe that worked.”
“I can’t believe it took so long,” Cesaire griped in return. “Was she always so bad at lying?”
Felix shrugged. “It depends on your perspective, really.”
About twenty minutes after class finally started, Felix raised his hand and asked, “May I use the restroom?” He wasn’t going to miss Rossi’s inevitable breakdown from her lies being discovered. Even if she was able to fool the nurse into believing she was injured, the nurse would still have to contact Rossi’s mother. And if someone just so happened to go up to the mother and ask about Rossi’s constant charity trips and illnesses…
Felix headed to the nurse’s office. He found Rossi stalking away from it, her face burning red as she glared at the empty halls
Felix followed at a distance and with practiced ease, started recording on his phone before slipping it into the breast pocket of his jacket. The camera just peeked out enough to see their inevitable confrontation… Insurance, in case Rossi tried anything. But Felix didn’t get a chance to confront Rossi.
A Cheshire grin stretched over his face in dark delight as Rossi grabbed the akuma out of the air.
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice @dur55 @kris-pines04 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @moonlightstar64 @bee-a-garbage-shipper @sol-o-shade @kittyotakunoir666 @tinyterror333 @allieoftheenemy @marichat00 @xgxmxtx @two-faced-biatch @feliciakainzofspades @evil-cricket @emilytopaz @spicybelladonna @chocolateherringtacofan @user00000003 @wannajointhecrabcult @happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmess
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mochinek0 · 4 years
The Test
Caline Bustier was at her wits end with the war brewing in her class between Marinette and Lila. She had no idea what was going on, but Marinette was never one to bully others until Lila arrived. She had talked to her about being a better person for the sake of others, but nothing seemed to be getting through to the girl.
As she walked into her next class, she saw Lila Rossi leave from the back of Mendeleiev's class.
'That can't be right. Lila should be in the front.'
"Serina, why was Lila Rossi in the back of the class and by herself?" Caline asked, "She needs help. She has disabilities-"
"There's no proof." Serina stated, as she cleaned up the class.
"What? But she said-" Bustier began.
"So what? There's no doctor's note. No one can reach her mother. I don't do special treatment unless it's deserved. I'm not you Caline." the science teacher growled out.
"What's that suppose to mean?" the language teacher questioned.
"It means I don't let Daddy's Girl walk all over me. She know I don't care who her father is and Rossi can have a pity party in the back, for all I care." Mendeleiev stated, "I don't let my students dictate how I do my job."
"They don't-" Caline interrupted.
"Oh, so then you're aware that Adrien Agreste is extremely uncomfortable with Miss Rossi? That he'd rather be anywhere else then with her touching him?" Serina said, slamming papers on her desk.
"I'm sure you remember being young and in love at this age." Caline smiled.
"It's sexual harassment!" the science teacher yelled, "It's why he's in the front and she's in the back. Once I noticed, I separated them. That child threw a dam fit in my class, like a toddler, claiming that he was her partner and how he was suppose to help her."
"Well, she needs the help." Bustier countered.
"And if her mother was responsible enough, she'd hire a tutor since she's off globetrotting all the time or homeschool her." Serina replied, "I allowed Adrien to choose his partner. I wanted him to be with someone he was comfortable with and he chose Miss Dupain-Cheng. She does not touch him and she keeps her distance. He is usually the first to lean into her space and that's only when they are doing a lab together. My students learn something from me."
"They learn form me!" Caline replied, childishly.
"Really?" the science teacher questioned, "Then explain to my why the first few minutes of my class is dedicated to your students asking 'Who wrote the homework down?' so they know what to do when they go home?"
Caline was speechless.
"My point is, Caline, you don't control the class. They control you." Mendeleiev stated.
"You're wrong." the language teacher spoke, trying to mask her hurt.
"Why not test it then?" Serina smirked.
"A test?" Bustier questioned.
"It's harmless. Write a fake homework assignment that's due in two days, on the board, and say the real assignment. You'll find out who is paying attention then." Serina suggested, before heading to her next class.
Caline slept on the idea and decides to prove Serina wrong; that she'll do the test. She just didn't get the results she had hoped for.
She sat with her morning coffee, looking over her student's work and was almost reduced to tears by the truth. She had lost this test. Only Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng had listened to her give the assignments, so it was obvious that Marinette was clearly not the problem in her class.
Caline downed her coffee and set to do what she should have done a long time ago.
As the school day came close to and end, Caline called for her student's attention.
"I have a new seating chart that will start tomorrow" she announced, causing her students to groan.
Immediately, Lila raised her hand.
"In the front row, I have Adrien and Marinette. Behind them, Alix and Nathaniel, Sabrina and Mylene, Ivan and Alya . On the right, Kim and Nino, Rose and Juleka, Chloe and Max, and finally Lila in the back." she announced, "Now, if you'll all change seats."
"Miss Bustier!" Lila called out.
"Adrien and Marinette." Caline spoke up, ignoring Lila for the time being.
"Yes, Madam?" they asked.
Caline opened her top drawer of her desk, and handed them both a ticket.
"This is a ticket for a free scoop of ice cream. I also have permission to allow you both to leave 30 minutes early today." she smiled.
Adrien and Marinette looked at the tickets in awe.
"Wanna grab some ice cream?" Adrien asked, Marinette with a shrug.
"Sure!" Marinette smiled back, as they gathered their stuff and left the class.
"That's not fair!" shouted Alya, from the back.
"Miss Bustier, I need to leave to help-" Lila interrupted once more.
"No. No one else will be leaving the class." Miss Bustier spoke.
"Well why do they get special treatment?" shouted Kim.
"I needed to see which of you listened to me and I was severely disappointed." their teacher stated. Caline pointed to the homework assignment on the board she had written down at the beginning of the week. "All of you did this assignment. All of you got an F!"
"What?" the shouted.
"Before you shout about the assignment, I vocally stated that the assignment on the board was a dupe and that homework assignment was to read the first two chapters of Romeo and Juliet. Then you were to write a small essay about how that could be applied to modern times." Miss Bustier stated, "Only Adrien and Marinette did the assignment. There will be a test on Monday on Romeo and Juliet. Oh and Lila."
"Yes, Miss Bustier?" Lila smiled.
"I'll need those doctor's notes from you mother by Monday." Miss Bustier announced.
"But-" she tried to argue.
"There are no more excuses, Lila. If your mother cannot give us the paperwork so we can verify it with the doctor, we can no longer accommodate you and you will be pulled out of school until we can get in contact with her." Caline stated.
"What?" Lila shrieked.
"Enjoy you weekend!" Miss Bustier smiled, as the bell rang and left the class.
Permanent Tag List: 
@animeweebgirl @i-is-mysterious
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flufflepuffle296 · 4 years
Kinda far fetched mlb fic idea but ya know
Lila does the whole “we should tear up Marinette’s sketchbook” thing with the class and they agree. They tear it up and destroy it, only to realise that Marinette used hers up yesterday and now has a different one which she hasn’t shown them. But then what did they just do?
They just ripped up Nathanaël’s sketchbook.
He finds out and tells Marc, who tells Mendeleiev’s class as they couldn’t care less about Lila’s stories, who proceed to go batshit crazy on Lila and Bustier’s class, whilst Marinette and Nathanaël sit at the back with popcorn, watching shit go down and fist bumping
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Evillustrator for the ask game please
Gale Poorly Explains: Evillustrator
Marinette: Im a damsel in distress. Some sexy Ginger with a buttery voice (english or Japanese dub) come save me
Evillustrator: Dont worry Marinette. I will always be sexy just for you
Marinette: So dreamy
(But of course this wasnt adrien so this is a dream)
Nathaniel: Unfortunately this is my headcanon
Ms. Mendeleiev: Stop drawing your OC in class.
Chloé: OMG he is shipping himself with Marinette. What a loser!
(Nathaniel runs off)
Hawkmoth: I detect depressed simp. Time to evilize
Ms.Mendeleiev: I am assigning a project. You have to work in groups of 3 because this episode needs a B plot.
Marinette: Can I be in Adrien's group?
Ms.Mendeliev: No, you are in Chloé's group.
Marinette: F***!
Alya: Dont worry, I will wingwoman for you
Marinette: Over the top hug!
_________________________________________________ Sabrina: Hi Im Chloé's assistant, I mean best friend.
Marinette: Wow, you are clearly not being treated right.
Sabrina: Omg you right. (Mind Blown)
Chloé: So you doing my project.
Sabrina: Marinette said you a meanie face and you have to do your fair share
Marinette: Hell yea
Sabrina: And Now marinette is my new sugar mommy, i mean best friend.
Marinette: Wait WHAT?!
Evillustrator: HAIR DRYER OF EVIL!
Marinette: Oh no a reason out of this situation
(Ladybug and Chat noir fought the hair dryer)
Chat noir: Well clearly this akuma is mad at Chloé
Ladybug: Great detective work chat noir, so we know it could be anyone in paris.
Chat noir: Guess we got to guard chloé.
(And so they guard chloé)
Chloé: Omg I love you so much TAKE ME!
Ladybug: F*** this s*** Im out.
Chat noir: But akuma
Ladybug: You deal with it.
(Ladybug has left the chat room)
Marinette: Finally Im home. (Check phone) Crap I neglected the B plot.
Evillustrator: Epic Entrance!
Marinette: MY WINDOW!
Evillustrator: Come to my party
Marinette: What?
Evillustrator: I draw you thing. Come to my party even though its just the two of us.
Marinette: ummm Promise not to attack Chloé
Evillustrator: If you show up then I promise.
Marinette: Welp time to call the furry
Ladybug: Chat noir, Chloe isnt the target. Marinette is going on a date with evillustrator. Handle this
Chat noir: Oh I am totally gonna flirt and make her swoon because thats what friends do.
___________________________________________________ Sabrina: Marinette you ignored my booty calls! You are just like Chloé. We are no longer BFFs (Leaves)
Marinette: Well that insult hurt.
Chat noir: Seems you are breaking the hearts of all the gingers of paris. Chat noir, Comedic relief at your service
Marinette: (Pretends) Oh golly gee, Chat noir. What can I help you with
Chat noir: Well you get to be my Ladybug for today. Not many people get to do that. How does that sound?
Marinette: (pretends) Gee Wilikers I will do my best
Hawkmoth: Why no Miraculous
Evillustrator: I am trying too have character depth
Hawkmoth: Not on this show slut
(Cue Hawkmoth being intimidating)
Evillustrator: OKAY OKAY!
Marinette: I am here without ulterior motives
Evillustrator: Well you kept your promise, so i wont attack Chloé
Marinette: You know, Artists are so hot. Can I hold your pen?
Evillustrator: I dont know...
Marinette: Please?
Evillustrator: Okay.
(But Evillustrator sees the Cat)
Evillustrator: You were tricking me! You are just like chloé
Evillustrator: And just like this ship, you will sink. Now I am off to harrass Chloé
Chat noir: My quick thinking saved us. Good job me. Now to go save Chloe
Marinette: BUT YOU DIDNT THOUGH! I just cant win today
Ladybug: Im back kitty, his weakness is darkness.
Chat noir: Wow Ladybug its almost like you were the one observing evillustrator
Ladybug: That would be nuts. I am just mega smart.
Chat noir: That makes sense
Evillustrator: Behold the power of art
Chat noir: I preferred the manga version of this episode
Ladybug: And we won
Sabrina: Well I will do Chloé's work like always. I am back to being a simp
Chloé: Good
Marinette: I feel like i got screwed over.
Adrien: Hey Marinette
Marinette: HOT GUY! I mean Adrien. Hi
Adrien: So I heard you met the sexy chat noir. Is he sexy up close
Marinette: (Imagining Chat noir and Adrien together) Thats Hot... I mean! He is alright but you are totally sexy! I mean cooler. Yea that
Adrien: (Confused) I will take that as a compliment.
Marinette: Adrien is so cool
Tikki: Stop being a simp.
Marinette: NEVER!!!!
Nathaniel: Now i draw Ladybug comics. Thats my entire personality until season 2
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jinx-jade · 3 years
To choose her fate: Chapter 1
Any comments left on this fic will affect how the story progresses. Marinette will essentially be able to 'read' all of the comments and use that knowledge to her advantage.
Marinette gasped for air as she woke up to her school alarm.
“Breath Marinette. It’s ok. You can breathe. You’re alive. It’s ok.” Tikki said calmingly, far too used to her chosen waking up like this.
Marinette took another gasp of air, “T-Tik… Tikki…. It’s…. It’s getting worse…. I…. I can’t,”
“Shhh, it’s okay, Kitten. Listen to Sugar Cube. Breath.” Plagg instructed, flying up to her from where he had been previously, settling onto Marinette’s head, ribbing little circles with his paws.
Tikki flew forward, wiping the tears from her chosen’s eyes.
Marinette did as Plagg and Tikki instructed, taking a few more, be it a little shaky, breathes.
“There we go, kittens. Why don’t you go shower, that always makes you feel a little better.” Plagg suggests.
“We’ll bring your clothes to you before you’re done with your shower so don’t worry about picking out an outfit.
Marinette nodded her head numbly as she got out of bed and entered her bathroom.
“Mistress Marinette is correct. She seems to be getting worse.” Kaalki states.
Tikki let out a tired sigh, “I know, but what can we do about it? Everything has a price and the price for bringing back all those people after Akuma attacks is that our Guardian has to relive their deaths while she is in any kind of unconscious state.” The ladybug kwami reminds them as she begins looking through her chosen's closet for a ‘last day of school’ outfit.
“Yes, we know Tikki, and trust me when I say we are just as upset about it, but the point of this balance is to drive people mad, essentially the same effect of those Lazerus pits, but our guardian is too strong to break. Our guardian had walked through every hell imaginable and yet she remains, so why can’t we bend the rules a little?” Trixx purposes.
Tikki let out a hum in thought before showing the outfit she has picked out to her fellow kwami, each of them giving their agreements, and critiques for the outfit.
“What do you want to do then, Trixx?” Tikki questioned as she picked out accessories.
“Nothing big, just, let the kit know a few things… outside of our realm,” Trixx said with a shrug, as if it was no big deal.
“Are you suggesting we let our guardian break this world’s walls?” Wayzz questioned.
“Yup!” Trixx cheered both to answer Wayzz’s question and to the finished outfit, Tikki had created.
“I think it’s a great idea.” Fluff said, speaking in agreement with the fox kwami.
That made all of the kwamis pause to think.
If Fluff, the kwami of last chance, was saying they thought it was a good idea, who were they to argue.
“We do it tonight,” Tikki informed them with a sharp nod of her head, before bringing her chosen’s clothing to her.
Marinette walked out of the bathroom dressed in black leggings, a red off-the-shoulder peasant blouse, a gold underbust corset, and black combat boots. Her hair was pulled into two French braids with red ribbons woven in, instead of her normal twin tails.
She looked better after calming down and letting the hot steamy air into her lungs, the color has returned to her skin.
“Lady Marinette, I wish to travel with you today.” Longg states flying forward with his miraculi.
“I too, Miss!” Roarr claims, following Longg’s lead as he flies forward presenting his miraculi as well.
“Are you sure?” Marinette questioned as she extended her hands out for the two kwamis.
“It would be my honor,” Longg claimed with a bow of his head.
“Of course, Miss. I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t wish to.” Roarr informs her.
Marinette nodded her head before taking the two jewelry pieces, the kwamis leaving her hands as she placed the panjas bracelet around her wrist, slipping her fingers into each of the five attached rings. Once the tiger miraculi was succored Marinette clasped the black choker, dragon miraculi, around her neck.
The kwamis each have their cheers and compliments to give, causing Marinette to smile.
“Go now guardian, you will be late otherwise.” Sass reminded her.
“Right, thanks! Bye Guys!” Marinette cheered as she grabbed her backpack, today's kwamis flying into her bag to hide.
Marinette left the bakery, easily slipping out without her Aunt and Uncle realizing it, beginning her usual weekday walk to school.
Marinette cleared her head, letting a neutral expression grace her facial features.
The young guardian walked to the top of the stairs, finding her friend already waiting for her.
Felix gave a nod of his head, handing her one of his coffee-to-go cups. Marinette nodded her head at him in both thanks for the coffee and greeting for the day.
Kagami gave a similar silent greeting in the form of a small bow of her head, which Marinette returned before they began their walk to class.
If someone had told Marinette four years ago that she would be dubbed the Ice Queen of Paris, she would have been horrified.
Marinette never would have thought that she would become a part of the unofficial Ice Court as the Ice Queen of Paris, with Felix Graham de Vaneliy the Ice King of London, and Kagami Tsurugi the Ice Queen of Tokyo.
The bluenette walks with perfect posture as she heads to class with her friends, ignoring the whispers of the other students.
The Ice Court walked past Miss Bustier’s classroom, which was far too loud to be appropriate for a class let alone at school, and into Miss Mendeleiev’s classroom.
Marinette could already tell that today was going to be a long day.
Making eye contact with Felix and Kagami she can see them silently agree with her, not a single word needing to be spoken between them.
Kagami turned on her tablet, starting today's classwork even though they still had five or six minutes till the first bell rang.
Felix took out a classic novel that he has probably already read and memorized and began to read it.
Inwardly letting out a sigh, Marinette took out one of her sketchbooks and began to draw out a silhouette.
The kwamis couldn’t help but think to themselves that today was going to be a long, boring day, but after tonight, things were going to become a lot more interesting.
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artzychic27 · 2 years
I’d like us all to take a moment and appreciate these fanfic ideas @andromeda612 sent me
1) Since I'm a sucker for Protective!Nathaniel, and also I got this idea from a character from A wolf with red fur, the boy who is always after Marc despite him being already with Nath sooo, pre relationship, this same boy is always bothering Marc, harassing him, and he is Lila level of bad not just in the way he doesn't gets what no mean but also because he always manages to look innocent in front of the teachers, Marc wouldn't be his first victim, so one day he goes too far and cue Nathaniel gets akumatized and exposes him
2) Also, because I love your Miss Mendeleiev's class and how they are a big chaotic family in which Marc is the darling sunshine baby who must be protected (despite him being capable we know Marc is just so protectable) so using that what about another Lila salt fic? She is after Marc for whatever reason but this time is not Nathaniel or Marc himself the akumas, no, this time is Marc's whole classroom, because let's be honest they love him enough to became villains after Lila's head Bonus points if Marc wears a dress or a skirt while all shot happens
3)Some Chloe Sugar! This came to me after re-reading your fic with no gender conforming Kim, at some point you mention Kim thinking about the class reaction's at his likes, and he thinks about Chloe taking him shopping, now the idea of Marc, Kim and Chloe being shopping buddies won't leave and well... why not getting things a little more interesting adding the asshole of the week targeting Kim and Marc, making the akumatized or probably their boyfriends, either way Chloe goes all Mama Bee with them and the asshole and maybe Ladybug lets her be Queen Bee one more time to save her honeybees, you could even make this another Lila salt fic, idk in which timeline you have the no gender conforming Kim but Lila is not mentioned in the fic, so it could be she was in another "trip" and didn't see the whole thing, so when she "comes back" and sees Kim she is not as supportive, if is her LGBTQ-fobic ass what gets her doon or you also add her lies is up to you, or you could use another asshole, you're the boss
4) This is something that just came to me, because I'm just a sucker of everybody loving Marc and wanting to protect him sooo, this is in the same Universe as Mariquita and Kats, someone hurts Marc and this time is Marinette the one who gets akumatized, I actually come up with something more specific but you have the generic idea if you prefer, anyway, my specific idea is an au of your Love Thief fic, in this Au (whic of course happens after Mari's akumatization as Princess Justice) Marc tells Marinette EVERYTHING of what Lucien did to him, she is the only one who knows, so when Lucien appears she is hella furious and gets akumatized, by now Tikki knows to just take the earrings and find Marc and when Mariquita shows up instead of LB Adrien and Plagg know is Kats' time (since it would be less suspicious if both replacements appear) (I also would think that to not arise suspicion Marc and Nath get to be the heroes a couple of weeks) I think this one also has the nice in the element of Marc having to face Lucien and protecting him since he is the victim, and is awful but being there, with his boyfriend, fighting his akumatized cousin and seeing how Lucien is actually as vulnerable as any other human being might help him to gather courage and face him as Marc Or another approach (the first one is just because I wanted to see Mari akumatized to protect Marc) but this time without Mariakuma, let's say the events of Heart Thief happens while Marinette and Adrien are out of commission, so Marc has to face Lucien while he is a villains, I find it equally poetic since he was a figuratively villain in his life, to fight him as an actual villain might give him what he needs to fight him as civilian too
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saltymiraculer · 4 years
Ceremonial Kisses (Part 1 of 3)
Part 2
So I decided to try my hand at the “Marinette, the princess of China” trope and see how I did! Tell me what you think?
Also, the first chapter is going to be fluffy, the second chapter’ll have a sprinkling of salt, and the third chapter will be a mix of piles and piles of salt and some fluff. Be warned!
“I’ve got a big, big, big announcement for you today, class!“ Bustier chirped, clapping her hands to get their attention. “China’s princess will be coronated in a week and a half, the day she turns 18, as many of you know, and one class from the school will be selected to travel to China and watch the ceremony. Guess which class it was?“
“Uhhh…Mme. Mendeleiev’s!“
“Ooh, M. D’Argencourt’s? They’ve wanted that trip for weeks!“
“No, class, it’s ours! In three days, we’ll board the plane to Asia and have a few days to sightsee and explore, then attend the coronation on the second-to-last day!“
“Wow! Why our class?“ Kim asked.
Marinette knew exactly why. Marc had told her that the entire school was sick of Lila’s lies and wanted to enjoy the coronation without her butting in in the middle of the assembly to tell a ‘story’ about herself.
But she couldn’t just say that.
“You know, I actually know the princess,“ Lila said, immediately drawing the attention of everyone in the room. “But her identity is being kept a secret for now. That’s how we landed the trip!“
“Wow, Lila!“
“That’s amazing!“
“So cool of you.“
“They know that’s stupid, right?“ Alya stage-whispered, earning a glare from Lila’s new puppy–more commonly known as Kim. She shrugged. “I’m just tellin’ the truth!“
Alya, who was now her only other supporter next to Nino (and technically Adrien, but she’d discuss that later–it was very complicated), had decided to Google Lila’s name during a sleepover and found…some rather incriminating Facebook posts.
After that, she was 100% team Marinette and an amazing friend, along with Nino, who had decided that he needed a theme song. No one knew why.
But they loved him anyways!
So while Bustier was rattling off facts about Chinese emperors and kings and queens, Nino was showing them his latest idea to expose Lila.
“Okay,“ he started. “First, we go to China. Then we do our sightseeing and shit, and then. I did some research, and we can ask the princess questions if we’re with a national news channel. Alya’s blog counts. For real, we can talk to the princess of China. And we ask her if she knows Lila.“
“Brilliant plan, Nino. I wonder how the princess will react to a few teenagers in the middle of a crowd of famous people.“
Nino frowned. “The princess is only, like, 17. She’ll probably notice us, Als.”
“Oh, that reminds me, your birthday’s on the same day as the coronation, Marinette! Weird, isn’t it? That you and the princess have the same birthday?“ Alya asked, pulling out her phone and swiping through something.
“Huh, yeah. You’re right. Maybe we can invite her to my birthday party?“
“Ooh, the wiki page says she likes custard buns, and I’m not sure how they know that,“ Nino chuckled. “but make sure to stock up on those.“
“Noted,“ Marinette said drily as Bustier turned to them with a condemning look on her face. “Alya! I hope what you’re doing on that phone relates to the lesson!“
“China’s princess’s identity is being kept a secret because the last two were sent death threats, dangerous items, highly innapropriate items, and several other things that prompted them to not reveal the princess until it was necessary.“
“C-correct, Alya. Good job.“
“Nice!“ Marinette mouthed, high-fiving Alya, who flipped her phone around to reveal a website about the princess.
The final bell rang as several of the students cheered. One school day until the trip over, three more to go. Alya swung her bag over her shoulder and bumped Marinette’s elbow. “We goin’ to your place to hang out?”
“Yeah, my dad’s out anyways and mom closed the bakery for the afternoon. let’s go!“ Alya took Nino’s hand and walked the short distance to Marinette’s house. They entered and immediately felt something off.
Ah, there it was.
Sabine was leaning over the counter with a cup of very strong-smelling peppermint tea beside her. She was rubbing her temples and muttering to herself in rapid Mandarin.
“Maman? Are you alright?“ Marinette asked worriedly. Alya and Nino stood by the door–they had only seen her like this once before, when her cousin had been run over and killed.
“Yes, dear, everything’s okay, it’s just–there’s something I need to tell you.“
“Oh, no, did something happen to someone?“
“No, no, everyone’s just fine. I can’t not tell you without there being serious problems.“
“So what is it? What’s so important you had to close the bakery?“
“You’re the princess. China’s princess. The one nobody knows about.“
“I’m what?!“ Marinette screeched, grabbing at her hair. “I’m the heir to the throne of the most populated country in the world, and you waited until a week before the coronation to tell me?!“
“Holy shit.“ Alya and Nino said simultaneously. Sabine stared at them, likely just realizing they were there.
“Oh. They know now, too. Perfect, that’s just what we need, a reporter knowing who–“
“Maman! Alya wouldn’t tell a soul, I know she wouldn’t.“
Sabine turned to Alya. “I’m sorry, dear, I’m just stressed. With that trip to China in a few days and all that, we’ll have to close down the bakery for about a week.”
“And we never close down the bakery.“ Marinette finished, putting a steady hand on her mom’s shoulder. “But I know just the person to run it while we’re gone.“
As she was about to say who exactly would run the bakery, Nino backed into the door, wide-eyed.
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. My best friend…holy shit.“
“Nino, I know this is a lot, but we’ll have to stay calm,“ Alya said, grabbing his hand. “So we don’t spill her secret. That’s top priority, all right? Don’t–tell–anyone.“
Nino sighed. “Sorry, babe. This…“ he turned to Marinette. “Do you have any cookies?“
Marinette grinned and led them into the kitchen. “Of course! Chocolate chunk or raspberry frosted?“
“Raspberry, all the way!“
“There’s the Nino I know!“
After a quick cookie interval, Marinette pushed her plate away and sighed. “Anyone up for an impromptu sleepover? You all left a bunch of your clothes here the last few times.”
“Marinette. If you know us, you will know our answers.“ Alya said solemnly.
“Hell yeah. Wanna go choose which terrible rom-com to watch this time?“
They ended up settling on The Kissing Booth, one of Marinette’s personal favorites (”To lighten the tension, you know?” Alya had said. “Although the tension in here probably weighs the same as an obese hippopotamus at this point.”) and made a bowl of caramel popcorn, with a tiny bag of sea-salt Skinny Pop for Nino.
“Sugar on popcorn is a crime, man. I ain’t touching that.“
“You’ve tried it once, Nino.“
“Yes, and I hated it. Is there anything else to be said?“
So they spent the next two hours in a blanket fort that was made almost entirely of throw pillows laughing over Elle and Noah and Lee being idiots, with a few highlights such as the iconic “Ninth grade skirt, eleventh grade body” scene, where Alya snorted and said “You know, Lila’s skipped so much school, might as well be ninth grade brain, eleventh grade work.”
“Too true,“ Nino agreed. “The other day, she called Chloe’s mom Aurora Bourgeois. That was a pretty major mess-up.”
“Shhh! Let’s just watch the movie!“ Marinette said, effectively quieting them down.
They watched the rest in silence with the usual laughs., ending up falling asleep halfway through the second movie, snuggled up on their respective couches. Marinette mother shook them awake the next morning, telling them to take showers and eat breakfast and get dressed and for god’s sake, Marinette, finish your homework.
“Crap, crap, crapcrapcrap! Nino, we’re going to be late if we don’t get ready fast!“ Alya shouted as Marinette ran up the stairs to change. “Can I use your shower, M?“
“Sure!“ was the muffled reply.
After about 10 minutes of running around and shoving waffles in their mouths, they grabbed their bags and ran off to school.
They burst through the door in the nick of time, the bell ringing just as they plunked down their things.
Bustier wasn’t there five minutes into the class, so they started talking.
“Marinette, you have to listen to Nino’s latest track, it’s–“ Just as she was about to describe Nino’s latest track, a bouncy-ball the size of a walrus snashed through the wall, nearly taking off Kim’s head.
There was a cackle from outside. “I am Gradack! You will all feel the same sorrow that I did!“
The fight was over relatively fast, and everything was calmed down and restored before their next class. Turns out Chat Noir didn’t show, so Marinette had to ask Alya for assistance.
In hindsight, she probably should have picked a better place to transform.
“Tikki, spots on!“ After she transformed, she was about to go to Fu to get one of the Miraculous, when she heard a strangled gasp.
“My best friend is the princess of goddamn China and Ladybug? What the fuck?! Who are you? How did I not know? When did–“
“Alya, I know the feeling, but you can’t tell anyone. Got it?“
“Well,“ Marinette paused to think. “Yeah, I guess. I trust him enough. Now, take this and transform!“ she tossed Alya the hexagonal box, and after a quick transformation, they ran off to defeat the saddened graduate of an akuma.
As she said, it was an easy fight.
They comforted the victim with four minutes (each) to spare, then ran back to the locker rooms to transform back.
                                                   Time Skip!
It was the morning of the flight to China, and she was ecstatic. Of course, she had to get up at 3:45 in the morning, but it was worth it–the flight took off at six in the morning, of course.
She could see the logic of wanting to arrive at 12:00, but she would’ve much preferred a red-eye.
Then she wouldn’t have had to stay up all night reading, because no way in hell would she just wake up at 3:45 in the morning.
The alarm would’ve had to go off for hours.
But back to the morning, she poured herself a sasquatch-sized mug of coffee, with about a gallon of cream and enough sugar to put an entire city of diabetics into shock, she started getting dressed.
Trudging around and haphazardly pulling out shirts, she finally decided on a simple red-and-orange flannel, a white t-shirt, and a pair of cropped jeans.
The she downed the rest of her coffee with an apathetic “Bottoms up!” and slapped her cheeks.
She grapped her suitcase and walked outside to where her mother was typing away on a laptop in the pitch-black night.
“Mom, why are you up?“
“Because I have to drive you to the airport, that’s why. And no alarm would be able to wake me up at 3 in the morning.“
“Preach. I’m ready to go, so can we get in the car now?“
After driving to the airport and saying goodbye to her mom, she walked into the airport and immediately saw the group of sleepy teens (and a certain disheveled teacher) leaning on their suitcases, trying not to fall asleep.
Nino and Marinette were already there, their eyelids drooping. The only person who looked properly awake was Sabrina, who was–inevitably–holding a saucer out to Chloé, who was sipping from a teacup.
Alya rolled her eyes and walked over to Marinette and Nino. “Who’re we missing?”
“Kim and Rose. They’re carpooling, so they should be here any minute.“
Just as Marinette had said, a few seconds later, Rose and Kim walked into the airport. Kim was still wearing pajama pants.
                                           Another Time Skip!
“Marinette.“ Alya groaned, shaking Marinette’s shoulders. “Marinette, wake up, we’re here.“
Marinette’s eyes fluttered open. “No. Five more minutes.”
“Everyone else is already off the plane!“
“Shit. Let’s go!“ Marinette said, jumping up, grabbing her purse (which she had recently learned concealed a kwami) and scrambling out the door.
Alya picked up the mini-backpack she now carried (which held Trixx, cookies, and some grape jelly) and followed her out the door.
Almost as soon as they stepped off the plane, they heard a loud wail.
“Great. She’s back on her bullshit.“
“I just can’t believe she would steal that, Lila! It’s so unlike her!“
“M-maybe, but there’s p-proof! Look!“
“Oh, great, what did we do this time?“ Alya asked exasperatedly. They watched as Lila held out the remains of–from what they could see from a meter away–a sketch of an orange mermaid gown with a black lace collar, ripped into quarters and laid out on the ground.
Marinette gasped beside her.
“That’s your dress, isn’t it?“
A small tear made its way down Marinette’s face. “It was going to be for you,” she said softly.
Alya threw her arms around Marinette and rubbed her shoulders. “It’s okay, sweetie. Once you’re princess, we’ll sue her for all she’s worth.”
Marinette detached herself from Alya and wiped her eyes. “Yeah. Yeah, thanks, Alya.”
Nino stormed up to where Alya and Marinette were standing with a furious expression on his face.
“That fox,“ he seethed. “that bitchy little fox of a liar stole your drawing.“
Marinette chuckled wetly. “Yeah, we know.“
“Are you okay? I know how important they are to you.“
“I’m fine, Nino, and o–who the hell are you?“ A man in an oddly formal suit was standing next to her, holding out a small red envelope.
Marinette plucked the envelope from his fingers, opened it, and read the contents. She looked up and nodded at the suit-wearing guy.
“Good. In that case, Miss Dupain-Cheng, I’m going to need you to come with me.“ Alya and Nino immediately stepped in front of her in a protective shield.
“She’s not in trouble, is she?“
The strange man looked surprisingly amused. “Not at all–but you might want to come with us, too. You as well, headphone-boy.”
Nino put a hand on his chest and gasped in offense.
“Nino. He’s going to drive us to the palace. You’re coming, too, ya doof!“ Nino made a noise of realization and followed them out to where a black limousine was waiting.
They climbed in and drove off.
About five minutes into the drive, he moved his foot to the side, accidentally kicking a black box.
Just as he was preparing his final goodbyes, it sprung open, and inside was a junk food lover’s heaven.
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meme991001 · 3 years
Chapters: 23/? Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marc Anciel/Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Nathalie Sancoeur, Luka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Anarka Couffaine, Classmates (Miraculous Ladybug), Caline Bustier, Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Chloé Bourgeois, Alix Kubdel, Ms. Mendeleiev (Miraculous Ladybug), Principal Damocles (Miraculous Ladybug), Original Characters, Marc Anciel, Aurore Beauréal, Mireille Caquet, Penny Rolling, Jagged Stone (Miraculous Ladybug), Fang (Miraculous Ladybug), kwamis, Félix Graham de Vanily, Amélie Graham de Vanily, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Lila Rossi, Lila Rossi's Mother, Original Miraculous Ladybug Character(s), Prince Ali (Miraculous Ladybug), Kagami Tsurugi, Emilie Agreste Additional Tags: Oneshot collection, Humor, Fluff, Teenage Rebellion, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Hair Dyeing, Style Change, Supportive Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg is a Little Shit (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg Being Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg Cares (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg Loves Cheese (Miraculous Ladybug), Identity Reveal, Damaged Miraculous Jewels, Protective Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Needs a Hug, Chat Blanc - Freeform, Akumatized Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Miraculous Side Effects, Rabbit Alix Kubdel | Bunnyx, Original Akuma (Miraculous Ladybug), Fluff and Angst, Alya Salt, class salt, Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Loss of Trust, Developing Friendships, Hopeful Ending, Unhealthy Relationships, Bullying, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Identity Reveal, Adrien salt, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Strong Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Penny Rolling is Amazing, Penny becomes the new cat hero, Adrien Agreste Has Issues, adrien gets his miraculous taken away, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Disney Songs, Talent Shows, Adrien is adopted by Tom and Sabine, Adrien Sugar, Mouse Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Multimouse, Shrinking, Rescue Missions, False Identity, Felix is lonely, not quite Felix salt, Lila Rossi Lies, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Accidental Identity Reveal, Fluff and Humor, Kitty Section, The Ladyblog, Some Cursing, Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain Bashing, Episode: s01 Princesse Fragrance | Princess Fragrance Spoilers, do not copy to another site, Serious Injuries, Hospitalization, Temporary Stand-In Ladybug, Stalker Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Light Marinette salt, Solitude Movie (MLB) Summary:
Requests CLOSED for the time being. When open, see first chapter for guidelines.
A few of the oneshots within (full list available on the first chapter): ⭐️Adrien has a rebellious style change ⭐️The ladybug miraculous is damaged ⭐️Chat Blanc is brought to another universe by an akuma ⭐️An akuma reveals who Ladybug trusts ⭐️Marinette tells her parents about the bullying and gets help from trustworthy adults ⭐️Marinette finally stands up for herself and makes the changes necessary for her life ⭐️ Marinette and Adrien perform at the talent show and reveal their identities after Hawkmoth's defeat ⭐️Ladybug's attempt to get Chat to stop bothering her about Multimouse accidentally backfires
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Chloé Bourgeois, Nathalie Sancoeur, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev (Miraculous Ladybug), Principal Damocles (Miraculous Ladybug), Aurore Beauréal, Mireille Caquet, Jean Duparc, Marc Anciel, Lê Chiến Kim, Original Miraculous Ladybug Character(s), Lila Rossi, Kagami Tsurugi, Classmates (Miraculous Ladybug), Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug) Additional Tags: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Deserves Better, Mendeleiev Sugar, New class, Lila salt, Bustier salt, Damocles salt, Post-Ladybug AU, New Class AU Summary:
After the events of Ladybug, Lila goes to Bustier and Damocles with a sob story about how she's afraid Marinette will retaliate against her. Bustier and Damocles decide to move Francois Dupont's "Everyday Ladybug" to a new class where she won't be a discipline problem any more.
The lucky teacher? Mendeleiev.
New class, new friends, old schemes and a group project worth twenty percent of their yearly grade.
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