#mel go on a walk without crying challenge
narrans · 2 months
My Borrowed Son | 6 | Learning to Play
Chapter Six | Learning to Play
That night, Amanda and Mel went back to the park with the hand-sized boy and searched around the ground in hopes of finding some additional clues as to why he was all alone. Amanda showed Mel where she had found him and, sadly, there was no sign the area had been disturbed or returned to.
It was heart wrenching.
Was no one looking for him?
Amanda and Mel even set him back down by the base of the bench and walked several steps away, but that proved to be a disaster when the little boy chased after Amanda, whimpering and crying. He even charged into the thick blades of grass after her. It must have looked like a menacing jungle forest, but it didn’t seem to matter.
When Amanda approached, he timidly sniffled and held up his arms, as if to say “hold me” as his little fingers grasped at the air.
Amanda feared that the little boy might have seen something happen to one or both of his parents and that he knew Amanda was his only chance. She brought this up to Mel, who silently seemed to agree.
Needless to say, Mel and Amanda returned back to Amanda’s apartment and spent the evening discussing other facets of life. They had a picnic on the boxes and kept the boy between them as they ate and made plans for how to proceed. He had room to roam, but he mostly kept himself curled in Amanda’s hand and looked back and forth between Mel and her while they talked. He absorbed every word and seemed to know they were talking about him.
Specifically, how they were going to come up with an explanation for his existence without revealing him to the world.
“I’m just afraid of what’ll happen if I take him anywhere else to get him checked out or if they want too much proof. If he’s some kind of new species of human or some kind of government experiment that got out, I don’t want him shuffled off to some containment unit to be experimented on,” urged Amanda.
“I get what you’re saying, Mandy. But, that whole delayed birth certificate is going to be tricky,” reminded Mel. “Are you sure you’re up for it?”
Amanda felt the pressure of the little boy climbing back onto her fingers after retrieving another fragment of cracker and knew her answer immediately.
“Yes, I’m sure. If something happens or if I’m questioned, I’ll find the right things to say. Until then, I can’t just leave him,” replied Amanda. She brushed the boy’s shoulder with her thumb, which he leaned into. His thoughtful brown eyes gazed up at her as he gave her a crumb filled smile.
It was the look on the child’s face that said it all.
Mel and Amanda continued to talk well into the night as the infinitesimal boy fell asleep in Amanda’s hand, cracker on his chest and part of a blanket on his torso. Plans were made to meet up and have another check-up with the boy in a few days as well as plan out how they were going to get some documents for the little boy.
“I guess I’ll be seeing a lot more of you then,” grinned Mel. “No more monthly calls. I got promoted to weekly. Maybe even bi-weekly. All right!” They hugged and then Mel headed home for the night while Amanda shut herself in for the night.
The rule usually is never wake a sleeping baby, but the reasoning of making sure he was cleaned up and ready for bed was too much for Amanda to resist. She made sure the boy was tidy and had a little to drink before carrying him to her room where she placed him back into the box on his bed, fingers laying against him, as the two of them drifted off to sleep.
When Amanda woke up, she saw the little boy was curled fully into her hand using her thumb as a pillow. It was mesmerizing seeing the way his light sandy blonde hair fell over his eyes as he slept peacefully. Amanda had slept much better than the night before, which wasn’t much of a challenge, and was thankful the boy was getting some rest.
Not willing to wake him, Amanda carefully proceeded with the events of her day while keeping her hand level and steady. She kept the blanket from the box draped over him as she washed her face, retrieved her morning coffee, and brought her laptop to her room where she continued to type up her reports with just one hand.
Then, just like the day before, he stirred awake. He looked a little less confused than he did the day before, and his smile was the sunshine of the day as he looked up into Amanda’s eyes.
“Good morning,” she said. “Did you sleep so good? Ready to get some breakfast?” He nodded sleepily and pushed himself upright, looking up at Amanda thoughtfully before she stood and brought him to the bathroom.
While he ate on the kitchen counter, taking little bites and looking around while he chewed, Amanda thought about what kind of life he must have been living up until this point. Specifically, she was concerned when she brought up the concept of “play” and he had little to no reaction.
She wasn’t sure whether or not the boy knew how to play, which made her very sad. He was so sweet and deserved to know how to have fun.
In the meantime, she needed to get back to work. She would have time to devise a way to have fun with him during her lunch break and during dinner. She collected the little boy, making sure he wiped up with a wet washcloth, before bringing him back to her room.
The moment Amanda sat down, she knew working and keeping an eye on the child were going to be a challenge. For one, the little boy was gaining some energy back. Barely thirty-six hours after giving him some food and water and the boy was already climbing over the mountain of blankets on Amanda’s bed. Each one must have looked like a massive, fuzzy hill to the boy, but he didn’t seem to care. He climbed, hand over fist, to the top of each mound and rolled back down.
He never went far, but how quickly and how easily he tumbled down the soft, squashy surface of the comforter made Amanda’s heart pound and skip like a flat stone on water.
Then, the boy took to climbing on Amanda, clambering up her leg and then to her arm where he would try to get to her hands. He was gently plucked up and set to the side each time, which made him smile and, at one point, giggle even.
He seemed like he was having a good time, which was what mattered.
Maybe he did know how to play.
It was finally lunch time, and it was obvious the miniscule boy was hungry. When Amanda asked if he wanted to eat, he nodded and made no protest in climbing onto Amanda’s hand.
His ability to adapt is absolutely astounding. Seriously, he’s already showing so much trust. Is it meant to endear me to him? Like a survival technique? Or is it him actually trusting me?
Amanda thought about it from a perspectives point of view, and she shuddered to think of what it would be like to have something – someone – loom over her and be able to pick her up in a single hand.
He truly is remarkable.
Lunch was a very simple hot ham and cheese sandwich, which Amanda had to pinch because she was worried the boy wouldn’t be able to bite through the thick meat. She made a mental note to get the finely sliced meat next time she went to the store.
It was a surprise when he had no issue with it, small teeth obviously durable and able to tear apart meat.
Good to know thought Amanda.
The second half of the day involved Amanda giving the boy some cotton balls to toss around as well as watching him once again play daredevil and climb the new obstacle course Amanda had created out of pillows and blankets. His youth and size had nothing to do with how quick the little boy was as he darted around and climbed over the tall pillows.
The few times he took a tumble down the blankets, his body seemed to move on its own and instinct let him find the best way to slide down without getting hurt. It made Amanda more curious about what he could and could not do, but she would save those questions for another day.
She had something better in mind than pillows and blankets to test his abilities.
Amanda sent her final emails and messages to her co-workers before hoisting herself off of her bed. Dinner was going to be simple tonight and it was a good thing too. Tonight was going to be about play and fun.
Bringing him with her, Amanda set of into the living room and began laying out all of her boxes that needed unpacking in a kind of maze, creating passages and hallways while the boy took a nap in his much smaller box. She also included other elements like things for him to climb and jump off of.
It was having something occupy her mind that made her feel almost back to normal. She remembered fondly how her father would make elaborate constructions of cardboard and bedsheets just so she and her brother and sister could live in tents for months on end. They even made a joke that they wouldn’t need their rooms because they were going to live in tents for the rest of their lives.
Getting to make something like this now really and truly made Amanda feel like she was sharing part of her childhood with the boy. It made her heart ache slightly. She genuinely thought she would be doing this with her own children one of these days, but getting to do it now let her feel like she was glimpsing a reality that might have come to pass.
Perhaps one day, this dream could happen. Perhaps it wasn’t out of reach. Just the thought of it made her choke up, chest tightening uncomfortably as she stared longingly at the door, expecting the man she once loved to come through the door so they could begin again. Her mind raced and began filling in the blanks when she heard a soft coo from the box.
Amanda was brought back to the present as she glanced toward the sound, reminded of reality and saved from the life that could have been.
Clearing her throat and wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she knelt and peered into the box where she spotted the child standing, hands pressed against the cardboard as he looked for a way out or up onto the ledge.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” smiled Amanda. He looked around and instantly smiled, holding her hands up and making a little grasping motion with his fingers to he could be held. “Good nap? I know. I know. Come on. Let’s get you out of there. I have a surprise for you.”
She rested her hand in the box and the little boy clambered up onto her curled fingers as though he had done it all of his life.
“We’re going to play maze, okay? Like you were playing earlier with the blankets and pillows,” said Amanda. He looked a bit confused at first, but the mention of the pillows and blankets earlier seemed to connect in his youthful mind. So, when Amanda sat on top of the nearest box and laid her hand down into the columns of boxes, it took a few moments for him to see the mounds of pillows for what they were – a playbox.
He carefully walked off of Amanda’s hand and approached the pillows before climbing on top of them. His fists snagged handfuls of fabric as he climbed to the top and, seeing the sheet slide, tumbled all the way down before looking back at Amanda and smiling.
It was like watching him take his first steps, a happiness sparking in Amanda like nothing she had experienced. The boy scuddled up to the edge of the next box and instinctually peered around it before running to the next bundle of blankets and climbing up them. This next one was taller, and his slide down actually made him laugh as he slid down the taut sheets.
It made Amanda’s face light up as she watched him go from activity to activity.
Another element that fascinated her was how the little boy approached the maze. Despite his age, he took the same left turn until he seemed to recognize an area. Only when he recognized where he was that he would add in a new left or right turn. It was almost like he was memorizing the paths Amanda had laid out for him.
The other activities were a little harder for the young child to get. Rolling the marbles and hitting the others made Amanda realize he was strong, but not quite that strong. Chasing him with her running fingers made him squeal in fear until he realized Amanda wasn’t actually chasing him, and soon it was his second favorite next to tumbling down the sheets.
The two of them played in the box maze for nearly an hour before the boy showed any indication of tiring, and even then he was reluctant to return to Amanda because he wanted to rest in the maze and keep playing once he had recovered.
Amanda’s compromise was to let him stay and play as long as he stayed close to the pillows she left him by while she got dinner started. She hurried over to the kitchen and quickly poured in noodles for macaroni and cheese and set the water to boil before hurrying back to the boxes to see the boy. Like she asked, he hadn’t moved from the stack of pillows and was waiting patiently for her to come back just as she said she would.
It wasn’t until the two of them made eye-contact, however, that made Amanda question her action. The boy looked worried, his little chest rising and falling quickly as he looked up at Amanda, before melting into relief. His hands immediately lifted, and he made the familiar grabbing motion for her to pick him up.
Amanda’s mouth slackened as a horrid thought occurred.
Was that what his parents told him? Did they ask him to stay… and he obeyed? Only to be abandoned and left alone?
“Come here, sweetie,” smiled Amanda. “See? I’m back, just like I said I would be.” After a minute, Amanda realized he didn’t want to be left alone, no matter how fun the boxes were, and elected to stay with her. It made her feel guilty and was something Amanda wanted to work on to give him a secure attachment, but it was alright for now.
The rest of the evening went smoothly as they fixed dinner together and ate in relative silence. Amanda decided she needed to wear something with a front pocket so she could place the little boy there while she worked on baking and cooking. The two of them cleaned up in the bathroom, Amanda needing to coax the boy into the water once again, before tucking him into bed all snuggly and clean.
She drifted to sleep with her hand in the box and the feeling of the boy pressed against her fingers. Today was the first of many steps for the two of them. Tomorrow, she would investigate the playground again and keep doing so until she was satisfied no one was truly coming for him.
The thought, however, made her heart hurt. He was growing on her so quickly, but it would be the right thing to do. Even if she, only after a couple of days, was already so attached to the little guy.
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gardenerian · 3 years
there’s nothing!!! like a southern spring but brooklyn in april sure is swell 🍊🌸
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 3 years
Hello Mel, I'm so glad to write here again! Can I ask the admirals, with their little child, who are crying for insomnia, and the admirals are calming them down? Thanks a lot and good luck honey! ❤️
Hey honey , I’m glad to receive more of your asks. Thank you so much.
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Well, bold of you to assume this man sleeps enough to give out advices
Anyway, he works late and so he found you awake when he came back home, and it was nearly 3 am. He asked you why and you told him you had trouble sleeping. You asked him to help you and you thought about following him at work
He tried to help you, and when he found you crying , days later, cause you couldn’t sleep he decided to call in for help. He called a doctor to better understand how he could help you. The doctor told him that if natural remedy wouldn’t work, then he would prescribe some medication.
He took you over with him on meeting and just keep him company. And what you know, meeting after meeting, you start to get tired, your eyes slowly dropping until you fall asleep.
After he found out that by lulling you to sleep with boring paperwork and just his body heat, you would sleep without problems. But he couldn’t be always there so he bought you a weighted blanket, that’s a heater so that you could be lulled to sleep by it.
He may have someone he trust at home with you, telling you stories or simply reading you some work papers. Mostly when he needs to go away for a long period of time and he can take you with him.
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He noticed how you became more tired everyday, and he asked you what was the problem. You told him you couldn’t sleep and you were so damn tired.
He was concerned cause you were so young, and it wasn’t healthy. He tried giving you hot milk or some herbal tea that have sleep inducing properties. Though none of them were working quite enough for you to sleep .
So he takes up on the challenge . He tried different methods, riding to you, cuddling, walking before your bed time and so on. It didn’t work. Until one night he was working at home, soft music playing in the background. He just finished when he came down and …he found you asleep on the couch.
So, by playing music , classical one, you would fall asleep. And sleep all the night.
This trick has proven useful, especially when he was away, cause he will have a record playing non stop in the house. You won’t be alone of course and his close friends know this trick to help you sleep.
He’s an admiral and he sometimes need to be away for work. He doesn’t like to leave you alone suffering, when he could do something to help you
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Bold of you to assume his laziness didn’t already solved your insomnia
Anyway, he, like Sakazuki would take a while to notice your panda eyes. Cause he sleeps a lot and Sakazuki doesn't
So you need to tell him directly about it cause it will take a while to notice it
What he would do? Depends on how serious your problem is
Serious insomnia needs medical care and he will provide and be with you
If it can be helped with natural means, than be ready to get lulled to sleep by his deep voice
His deep, almost baritone voice is suave and smooth. He will read to you and you will gradually fall asleep. Just the vibration emitted will be enough to make your brain stop and get some well deserved sleep
If you want he will record some of his readings, so that whenever he is away, you can sleep well and be healthy
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Dornish Delights - Oberyn Martell
A/N: This is Shop Week 2 Day 11 of the January AU Writing Challenge. Thank you for reading, reblogging, commenting, and liking. 
Pairing: Oberyn Martell X Reader 
Warnings: 18 + (Language & Kisses) 
Word Count: 1K 
My Masterlist 
Moodboard made by @ghostwiththemostbitch​. I LOVE HER! IT’S SO PRETTY!
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I like buying books at this one bookstore, particularly because you work here and think you’re cute AU. 
You put the car into park and put your head down on the steering wheel, taking deep, calming breaths. The morning had been an absolute nightmare. Your mother was staying with you for a few weeks due to her apartment getting fumigated, and she was intolerable. Always making some comment or criticizing how you did something. There was nothing that you could do right, and she made it her life’s mission to remind you. 
This morning it hard started with the dining room table. Usually, you were pretty organized, but the last few days, you’d come home late and been exhausted, the mail piling up on the table. Instead of helping you organize the space, she chose to screech at you about impeding on her spot. It was then the breakfast; it didn’t have enough flavor, it was too salty, and it was cold. She nitpicked every single thing. Then, the most uncomfortable conversation came around again; about your relationship. Or lack of. 
That’s how you ended up here at your favorite bookstore, Dornish Delights. From the outside, it looked like a plain old brick building. The sign above was new, a large golden painted sun right in the middle, but all the rest had been worn from age. The inside is where the treasure is unveiled. 
You let out a sigh as you walk inside, the tinkle of the bell alerting your presence, and you take in your home away from home. The whole room is flooded with natural lighting from the enormous sky lights. A plethora of couches, overstuffed arm chairs, and a large mural of the ocean covers the back wall. Everything draped in blankets and pillows the color of a sunset in natural oranges, yellows, and rich golds. 
The scent of books, jasmine, and citrus calm your nerves as you move over to the counter. You hear his footsteps before you see him; Oberyn Martell. You’d met him six months before when he first opened the shop. You’d pulled over and gone in only intending to check out the newest book store, but you’d come away with so much more. 
Oberyn was in his forties, with black hair and a mustache; the scruff of facial hair follow the sharp line of his jaw. His eyes were bright with happiness that seemed to spread from him and flow into you. He always dressed for comfort; jeans, flip-flops, and a different color shirt for every single day. 
“Sunshine,” his voice already brings a smile to your face as his accent comes out thick and deep. “It’s early for you, are you alright?” He comes around the counter, and you look into his eyes, nodding yes before slowly changing it to a no. 
Oberyn had become your friend instantly; he was so easy to talk to and loved to tell you tales of his childhood in Dorne. A small island off the coast of Spain. You’d spent so many nights over glasses of wine or tea talking on the plush couches about everything; he’d quickly become a constant in your life. 
“What did she do now?” his voice turns hard as his lips turn down, and he reaches forward, pulling you into his chest. You feel so small as he tucks you under his chin and places his lips to your head, the tears pooling in your eyes, falling like raindrops. 
“I just- I can’t do anything right,” you cry into his chest, fisting his shirt between your hands. 
“Oh, my beautiful sunshine, she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Anyone would be mad to think you any less than perfect.” You let out a watery chuckle pulling away to look into his chocolate brown eyes. 
“I am not perfect; you’re biased,” he chuckles and nods before kissing your forehead, letting his lips linger on your skin as you close your eyes. 
“Do you want some tea?” he whispers away and cups your cheeks beneath his palms. “I bought more of your favorite.” You sigh and open your eyes, smiling through the tears. 
“Why are you so good to me?” His smile could rival the sun streaming into the shop, making him glow. 
“Because you are my Sunshine,” the air shifts around you, almost supercharged as his smile droops and his hands move down to your neck, and he steps closer. “I care about you.” 
You try to deflect, not wanting to reveal your feelings, even though your heart is furiously beating out of your chest. “I bet you say that to all your customers.” He turns your neck to look back at him, and your mouth goes dry at the look in his eyes. 
“You have not been just a customer for some time.” 
“What do you me-” he cuts you off with his lips. Bringing your face closer and kissing you with an unrestrained hunger. You take a moment to respond, but then you’re pulling him closer until the space between you is non-existent. He runs his hands down and wraps his arms around your waist as you take fistfuls of his shirt into your hands. His tongue coming out to lip your bottom lip begging for entrance. Gasping you feel him tangle himself with you both fighting for dominance. 
“Oh, my,” you both jump apart at the woman standing in the door, jaw open.
“I’m sorry we’re closed,” Oberyn steps away from you and turns his charms on the woman. Quickly offering her a percentage off her next purchase and shuffling her out the door. He flicks the sign off and locks the door standing there, catching his breath. When he turns to you, you tremble at the heat in his eyes. His hair is mused, shirt wrinkled and fucking gorgeous. “Tell me if you don’t want this. Because I’ve been in love with you for months.” 
Oh, my fucking… “I love you,” you don’t think, the words just spilling from your lips, and he smiles a real genuine smile, and it takes your breath away. Taking the last remaining steps and closing any distance between you, kissing you senseless. 
“Will you go out with me?” he asks between kisses, and you giggle, nodding. “Now, I’m going to kiss you until we are both satisfied because of I have dreamed of these sweet lips for too long but after, I will go with you and we will handle your mother, together.” 
“At least she will stop asking me about my relationships,” he chuckles holding you close, “Thank you for helping me. I don’t know what I would do without you.” 
“Don’t worry my love, I will be your champion.” 
Taglist: @josepedropascal​ @mrschiltoncat​ @mrsparknuts​ @ghostwiththemostbitch​ @zannemes​ @xjaywritesx​ @oldstuffnewstuff​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @heythere-mel​ @justanotherblonde23​ @artsymaddie​ @anetteaneta​ @lunarthoughts​ @aellynera​ @lucifer-​ @houseofthirst​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @chicken-ona-stick​ @its--fandom--darling​ 
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tlou-1 · 3 years
Joel Miller x Reader (Home) Chapter 20
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13| Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 TBA
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Chapter 20 - Joel still hasn't returned from patrol, you set off after him and what you find is beyond what you could have worried about. 
You look at the clock again, 11:15 and still Joel wasn’t back. You had been pacing the kitchen with Patrick playing at your feet, Joel was over an hour late. Another half an hour passed and you couldn’t sit in the house any longer. You picked up Patrick and made your way to Maria’s post for the day in town, “Maria it’s been two hours and none of them are back. Looks at the clouds out there, somethings wrong I can just feel it” You plead with her but she just says they have probably bunkered down with the snow, “and nothing on the radio either?” You ask, she shakes her head. Right that settled it, you turned and made your way to your sisters. Before Molly could greet you as she opened the door you began “Joel has been out since dark this morning and still isn’t back. I need you to take Patrick for me”, you try to hand him to her but she says “No”, there is a pause for a moment “No? What do you mean No, Molly I really need” but she interrupts you by grabbing a jacket and locking her door, “Because I am coming with you. We can drop him off at the day care”. 
You and Molly try to sneak into the stables to retrieve a horse each but of course Maria had you sussed and was waiting for you. “Maria I need to go out there, I know it sounds crazy but I have a bad feeling” you argue.
“You’re right, it does sound crazy“ she responds, she was always so set on rules. 
“Do you know what, maybe it does but it’s your husband out there as well. Tell me you aren’t worried about them being out there with no sleep, in a blizzard with reports of hoards of infected. I am more capable than most folk in this town and I am going out there” you say sternly close to her face and she knew you were not going to budge.
“Okay” she concedes and proceeds to pass you the reigns of the horse and your bag back filled with your gear. “I cant spare many folks to go out with you, Jesse, Dina and Ellie are already out there you can meet them at one of the posts” she explains. Jesus now your worry turned to them but your line of thought is interrupted by the radio, it was Jesse. “Maria, Tommy and Joel didn’t show to trade off” he explained. You take the radio from Maria, “Jesse its Y/N, where were they patrolling? Can you get, Ellie and Dina and meet me there?” You ask, he agrees to your plan. Your sister in laws body language had changed during the exchange.
“We need to go now” you shout to Molly as your get on your horse and take off. Behind you Molly is following and Maria had saddled up obviously now sharing in your worry. 
The wind and snow was harsh and whipped at your face as you rode ahead as fast as the horse would carry you, you must have been not far behind Ellie now. Neither Joel or Tommy’s had been at their post but their tracks had led you to a Chalet you had visited a couple of times on patrols. As you approached closer you could see more than two sets of tracks, they were disrupted slightly from the storm but there was defiantly a number of different footprints, other people were here. You had to be smart about this, the rest of the guys were still a bit behind you. You move into the building as quietly as possible and have to take out one guy standing watch at a patio door, he had a fresh cut right across his face. If anyone finds him they will know someone else is here, you had to move swiftly. As soon as enter the lodge you can hear cries of pain, guttural cries. It makes your stomach churn, you were right to have had a bad feeling. One more girl is pacing in the kitchen, you silence her by taking your small knife down on her. It had been a number of years since you had taken the life of a living person but you didn’t hesitate after hearing those cries.  
You follow the cries to a narrow staircase with a door at the bottom of it, you could feel your heart in you mouth as you took each step closer to the door. You peer through the slight crack and see a group of unfamiliar people and a figure standing above a bloody one. You take a breath remember where each person was standing, attach your silencer and pushing open the door quietly, you take out the three people closest to the door, one dead ahead the other two to your right side. You were still one of the best shots without a doubt, maybe just as good as Tommy. There were three left by the time they realised what had happened and your presence, a young man standing next to a women with cropped dark hair and a large women standing above the bloody figure, it was Joel along with Ellie and Tommy unconscious. 
The man goes to grab a pistol, lying next to the body of one of the men you just shot and without hesitation you reach round to your backpack pocket. Thank god it was still there. 
“Don’t any of you fucking move, or I will blow up everyone of us in this room” you spit out as you hold the grenade in their sight. They each stop in their tracks and the large girl standing above your husband loosens her grip on club. Joel tires to speak but barely a sound escapes his lips.
“You’re bluffing, why would y-“ she begins. 
“Try me”, you challenge her and there is a long pause “You let them go… you leave here and everyone gets to walk away from this or every single one of us just end it here”. This was madness but what other chance had you got, either way the people you loved could wind up dead, the only thing to stop these strangers was the threat of loosing their own lives and if it meant you went with them, so be it. 
“No, not him, not after what he did.” The girl lifted the club but you jump in “What ever he did, I am walking out of here with him, our daughter and that other man alive or none of us are” 
“He took everything from us! Killed my father, ruined any chance of a cure” the women says lowly shaking her head. 
“You’re fireflies?” You ask looking around at them but you already know the answer from what she had said. 
“Were. There are none, left he made sure of that. Killed most of us.” She answers. You speak without thinking, a stupid thing to do. 
“I don’t blame him… Protecting her, I would have done the same. They were going to butcher the brain of a child, our daughter for the smallest chance of cure. If that’s the price for a potential cure and humanity were so eager and willing to pay it, we didn’t deserve it. I know that much.”
She looks like she has seen red and goes to lift the club again but before she can send it crashing down one of the fireflies, the man stops her and you have pulled the pin on the grenade keeping your finger firmly pressed on the clip as he intervenes.
“Abby stop! She is going to kill all of us” he pleads with her looking between Abby and the women behind him with cropped dark hair that he called Mel. Your hand is shaking from your firm grip on the clip. 
“Are you insane?” The man asked, “When it comes to my family, yes” You reply looking down at Joel and Ellie. 
“Figures, crazy man, crazy wife” scoffs the other woman says looking between you and Joel.
“Don’t fucking touch him. I am giving you all a chance, take it. If I let go of this clip, dead or alive it only takes two seconds for this thing to go off”. You try sounding as calm as possible and it seems to pay off but inside your terrified more than you had ever been. In your head you pray, you had never prayed in your life, for them to leave, for the woman to put down the club, for them not to shoot you, for this bomb to be a dud like Joel had said but for them to not find out it was. 
You can hear commission from upstairs as the rest of the search party have caught up with you, you had bought all the time you needed. Owen grabs Mel by the arm and leaves through garage door. 
“You should go with your friends”
Abby looks torn for a moment her eyes fixed on Joel before she flings the golf club to her side and takes off, on horse back alongside her friends but you felt this part of the past would rear its ugly head again. 
As soon as it sounds clear you carefully place the pin back in the grenade and fall to the floor, guess you will never know if it was a dud or you almost killed everyone in this room. Ellie is still breathing but bruised, you look across at Tommy, the same. Your husband, you crawl across to Joel, the ground around him covered in blood you can feel it soaking your jeans. 
“Jesus, Joel can you hear me?” you say softly, tears in your eyes from the sight of him. His right eye swollen, strips of blood pouring down his face from a couple gashes he had taken on the head. You were worried to touch him in case it caused any more pain, it was hard to look at him like this.
“You got to stay with me, you cant leave me, you hear? You promised” you cry just as Maria, Jesse, Dina and Molly enter the room.
“Holy Fuck” Jesse whispers. You beg them to help Joel, Dina checks on Ellie who is starting to gain consciousness along with Tommy. 
“The storm has almost passed, Jesse and Dina find something we can make a stretcher out of. We can strap it to one of the horses and pull him back”. Maria says at her husbands side, it was the best anyone could do in the dead of winter. No one even thought about going after the remaining three strangers, what was important was the three people who each of you loved in this room.
You rode behind Jesse who’s horse is pulling Joel the entire trip, he sometimes groans or shifts and all you want to do is ask to stop and let him rest but there was no time for it, you had to get back as swiftly as possible. As soon as you arrive back in Jackson men are there to carry Joel’s stretcher into the surgery, you follow behind asking Dr Henry if he would be okay. She didn’t respond focusing solely on Joel, she tells you to stay in the hallway and when you start to protest and push forward Jesse is there pulling you back and when you stop fighting him into a hug. You finally let out a cry from everything, the horror of what you had seen, what you had almost done and at the thought of your husband’s life still hanging in the balance. Everything goes to black for a moment. 
*NOTES - I have to say I found this one pretty difficult to write so I apologise if it doesn't land as well as the other chapters. There is just so much that happens. I have decided to deviate slightly from the game, we have all seen the dark ending for Joel in the game so lets try something different 
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hobeymakar · 4 years
Something Better | N. MacKinnon
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Words: 2,608
A/N: Since I’m sad about the Avs losing Game 7, I figured the only way to not fall into a depressive state is to write something cute to turn the failed breaking of the 2nd round curse (it’s been almost 20 years) to something positive :) In this, COVID-19 is still going on and yes, the playoffs did go on as it did this year
Warnings: swearing and alcohol use
You wake up and feel a wave of nausea run through you. You run straight to the bathroom and manage to make it to the toilet before emptying the contents of your stomach out. After the nausea goes down, you brush your teeth and wash your face before heading to the kitchen to take your prenatals and make some breakfast. Yesterday, officially started your 10th week of pregnancy and you can’t believe how quickly your pregnancy is flying by. It seems like just yesterday you found out you were pregnant alone, while Nate was playing his exhibition game with the Avs in Edmonton.
You didn’t want Nate to find out about your unexpected pregnancy while in the bubble, so you tried to keep it as secretive as possible. The only people beside your family that knew were Mel and Gabe Landeskog and Erik Johnson, because EJ apparently finds out everything like he’s some FBI detective or whatever. Luckily, EJ and the Landeskogs can keep their mouths shut and vowed to not tell Nate. You wanted to tell him in person, not over FaceTime.
You finish your breakfast and clean up the kitchen, before heading back to the room to get dressed for the airport. You shower and wash your hair before changing into one of Nate’s old Halifax Mooseheads shirts, leggings, and Adidas sneakers. You need to buy some maternity clothing soon since you’re almost done with your first trimester and your bump is starting to actually show. You blowdry your hair and put on minimal makeup before grabbing your things and leaving the house. You get into the car and drive off towards the airport. 
After a while, you arrive at the airport and make your way towards the arrivals terminal and greet all the Avs WAGs. The ones who are moms can tell right away that you’re pregnant but vow not to say anything to anyone, until you’re ready. After what feels like forever, but it’s only half an hour, you see the players starting to come out. The second you see Nate you run straight into his arms, throwing caution to the wind. It’s the longest you’ve been without your husband since you two started dating in 2014.
“Y/N!” he smiles, holding you in his arms tightly.
“I missed you so much, baby!” you cry out, a couple tears of joy starting to slip from your eyes.
“I missed you even more, baby!” he replies, kissing your forehead.
You stay in each other’s arms for a few more moments before he gently places you back on the ground again. He takes your hand in his and you guys leave the terminal together and head back to the car. You both get into the car and finally take off your masks.
“How was the flight?” you ask, as you start the car.
“Long and depressing, but I’m glad I get to come home to you again,” he smiles, kissing your hand.
You put the car into drive and leave the airport, while he puts on WHATS POPPIN (Remix) by Jack Harlow, Tory Lanez, DaBaby, and Lil Wayne. You know Nate is back when only rap music is being played in the car again. After a while, you make it back to the house and Nate goes straight to the room to unpack, while you take the time to go to your office and call Mel.
Mel answers on the third ring and you can hear Linnea crying in the background.
“Hey Mel is this a bad time?” you ask, not wanting to take her away from her motherly duties.
“No, not at all. Linnea’s just cranky because Gabe accidentally dropped his gear and woke her up from her nap,” she explains.
“God, he better get her back to sleep then,” you reply, shaking your head.
“Oh he is! He’s in the nursery right now, trying to get her to go back to sleep,” she explains.
“Good! Serves him right for ruining her nap schedule,” you tease. “Anyway, are we still on for Nate’s belated birthday party surprise?”
“Yes, we are! I’ve been in contact with the other girls and the guys and we should all be there for 6. So, you should tell him you’re taking him out for dinner and then when you come back from dinner, everything will be set up! He won’t suspect anything,” she explains.
“Alright, awesome. Thanks Mel,” you smile, glad your surprise party for Nate is gonna go off as planned.
What you don't know is that Nate is outside your door and heard you mention the birthday party surprise. He leaves the hallway quickly so that you don't know that he was listening to you talk with Mel. You get off the phone with Mel and exit the room, glad to see that Nate is nowhere near your office. You find him in the living room, getting his laptop set up.
"Hey babe, are you hungry?" you ask.
"No, I ate on the flight. I'm gonna zoom with my parents and sister if you wanna come join," he offers.
"Of course!" you smile.
You love talking with the MacKinnon family. They all love you and are so glad that you turned Nate into a man. Nate starts the zoom call and you're instantly greeted with the faces of Graham, Kathy, and Sarah. 
"Hi, Y/N! How are you?" Kathy greets, a giant smile on her face.
"I'm great, Mrs. MacKinnon, now that your son is back home. How are you?" you ask.
"Y/N darling, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Kathy? We're family now, sweetheart. I'm doing well. I'm so happy to see you again," she replies.
"It must really suck to have my brother back home, eh?" Sarah teases.
"I won't get peace and quiet anymore, that's for sure," you tease back, causing Nate to groan beside you.
"I don't appreciate this spousal abuse!" he whines.
"This is why you're my favorite sister-in-law, Y/N!" Sarah giggles, having way too much.
"She's your only sister-in-law, Sarah!" Graham informs her.
"I know that, Dad! She's still my favorite!" Sarah shushes him.
Yeah, you definitely love the MacKinnons. You all catch up on what's going on with the MacKinnons informing you and Nate on what's going on back in Cole Harbour. You also inform them what's going on in Denver without of course telling them about your pregnancy. Although with the looks Kathy is giving you, she must already suspect it. Moms tend to have a pregnancy radar like that. After a while, the MacKinnons have to go and the Zoom call ends.
You and Nate take advantage of a lil nap time, since the pregnancy makes you take naps more frequently.
"Babe, get ready. I'm taking you out to dinner," you inform him.
"Why can't we just have dinner here?" he pleads.
"Because we haven't had a date night since the pandemic happened and I want to go out," you explain.
"Whatever m'lady wants, m'lady gets," he teases in a stupid accent.
"You're insufferable," you groan, shaking your head in disbelief.
You two get ready to go to dinner and you had already set up a reservation at a nice steakhouse for 6pm. You arrive at the steakhouse downtown at 5:40pm and valet park it. You make your way inside and wait for your table to be ready, before being escorted by the hostess to your table. You both sit down at the table and look at the menus.
"Hi my name is Alex and I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you both started with some drinks?" the waiter asks.
"Can we get a bottle of your best red sauvignon, please?" Nate asks.
"And I'll just have this water," you add.
"No problem," Alex smiles.
He pours you a glass of water from the water pitcher as Nate gives you a look of confusion. Alex then leaves to get the bottle of wine.
"You're not gonna have any wine?" he asks.
"No, not tonight, babe. Not really in the mood for it," you lie.
"Okay," he replies, not totally buying the lie.
Alex comes back with the bottle of wine and you both place your orders. You check your phone and see that Mel texted you saying that everyone is at the house setting up for the surprise party. You two pass the time talking and Nate brings up heading back to the offseason house in Cole Harbour and you tell him you're unsure if you wanna go back since it's basically the end of summer anyway and the offseason is so short this year.
"So you wanna stay in Denver then?" he asks.
"I just don't know if it'll be worth it to only be there a month or two," you reply, when in reality you wanna stay here for your entire pregnancy.
Your food eventually arrives and the both of you dig in. You quickly realize how much you miss date nights with Nate and how much you just missed being with Nate in general. Dealing with the majority of your first trimester alone was definitely challenging and something you thought you would never have to deal with. 
After a while, you finish eating and the waiters bring a piece of cake for Nate and start singing happy birthday, while you record it on your phone.
"Happy belated birthday, baby!" you cheer, after the waiters finish singing.
Nate blows out the candle and everyone claps. The waiters all walk away and Nate throws you a look.
"Really?" he asks in annoyance, shaking his head.
"Stop being a baby! You really thought I wasn't gonna make up for missing your birthday?" you ask.
He starts eating his cake, anyway and you eat half of it. You finish eating the cake and you pay the check, much to Nate's dismay.
"Babe, I can pay for things too. I run my own million dollar business," you glare at him.
"Sorry," he replies, raising his hands up in defense.
You leave the restaurant and check your phone, seeing that Mel texted you that the house is all set up and everyone is there.
You decide to drive, much to Nate's dismay, but you sternly remind him that he had a whole bottle of wine. You arrive at the house and park in the driveway. You walk up to the front door and go in first, seeing the house completely dark. Nate follows in and turns on the lights.
Everyone shouts surprise and Nate acts like he didn't know about it ahead of time. Gabe cues the music and everyone goes up to him and wishes him a happy birthday.
"Thank you baby," he smiles, kissing you.
"You're welcome," you smile back.
All the kids are running around and the girls and guys are chatting about offseason plans. After a while, Mel brings out a cake and everyone starts singing happy birthday. After singing, they take pictures of Nate with the cake, before pictures of different groups with Nate and the cake. After all the pictures are taken, Mel cuts the cake and serves a piece to everyone, even some of the kids. After the entire cake is cut and everyone has finished eating their pieces, you go to your office and take out a bag with Nate’s gifts in it, nervous to see what his reaction will be. You bring it out of the office and bring out to the open area where everybody is. Mel notices this and cues for everyone to be quiet and shuts the music down.
“What’s going on?” Nate asks in confusion, not understanding what’s going on.
“I got some special birthday gifts for you, but you need to close your eyes when you pull them out!” you smile, handing him the gift bag.
Nate shoots you a look of hesitation before opening the bag and taking out the paper. He pulls out the first item and hands it to you, before taking out a 2nd and 3rd item and handing them both to you. You arrange them nicely, so that he can see them clearly when he opens his eyes.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now,” you inform him, biting your lip nervously.
He opens his eyes and is immediately hit with a baby Avs jersey with his number on it that says Daddy in the back, as well as little Avs booties and your first ultrasound photo. His brows furrow in confusion at first before he puts two and two together and his mouth drops at the sudden realization that you’re pregnant.
“You’re pregnant? I’m gonna be a dad?” he asks hopefully.
“Yes, babe! I’m 10 weeks pregnant and I’m due in early April!” you smile, placing a hand down on your little bump.
“I love you so much!” he cries out, before kissing you and lifting you into his arms.
Everyone cheers and yells out their congratulations, with the WAGs already talking about planning the gender reveal party and the baby shower. Nate doesn’t keep his hands off your bump for the rest of the night and doesn’t shut up about how he can’t wait to meet the baby. The team, because they’re all competitive gambling bastards, place a wager on whether or not it’s a boy or girl, and secretly you want a mini Nate running around, even though you know he would be an amazing girl dad.
After a while, it gets late and everyone cleans up before heading home. Once everyone is gone, you guys shower and get ready for bed.
“When’s the next appointment, babe?” he asks you, as you crawl into bed to cuddle him.
“In two weeks for the first trimester screen. You’re gonna be able to hear our baby’s heartbeat for the first time,” you inform him.
“I can’t believe you were going through this all alone,” he sighs, feeling guilty that he was playing in the Edmonton bubble.
“I had Mel here with me and she was pretty awesome helping me out after every freakout and breakdown I had since finding out I’m pregnant,” you assure him.
“How long have you known?” he asks, the “without telling me” implied.
“I found out 5 days after you left. I had missed my period and was feeling like shit, so I bought a few tests and they all came out positive. So I freaked out and figured I’d wait til I saw you again in person to tell you,” you explain.
“I hate that I wasn’t here for you these last 6 weeks, but I’ll be by your side for the rest of this pregnancy, baby,” he assures you, kissing your forehead. “When do we get to find out the gender?”
“In 10 weeks during the mid-pregnancy ultrasound. It’s a 3D ultrasound that will show us every detail of the baby,” you explain to him, in between yawns.
He crawls down under the sheets and brings his face up to your little bump.
“Hey little one, I know you don’t know me yet, but I’m your daddy! I can’t wait to meet you little guy or girl! Your mommy and I make me so happy. I know I haven’t been here because I was busy trying to win the Stanley Cup, but I’m glad I didn’t. You’re already a million times better than winning the Cup,” he explains, leaving kisses on your bump.
You quickly wipe the tears from your eyes so he doesn’t see how emotional that made you. He’s right however. Finally starting a family is way better than winning the Stanley Cup. 
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spaceshipkat · 3 years
part 1 of my Rea///lm Brea///ker recap will cover the prologue - chapter 8
prologue: we learn that no living mortal had ever seen a Spindle bc “the passages closed, the gates locked” and Allward is “a realm alone”. Andry, the narrator, says it’s a good thing and it should stay that way. Andry, a “honey-brown” boy (who is later also called “brown”), is a squire for Sir Grandel Tyr. it’s spring and at dawn. Companions of the Realm wait in a clearing below a hill, some guarding the “pilgrim road” and others waiting for “the enemy”, and still more patrol a temple where a Spindle once stood, though Andry doesn’t know where that particular Spindle once led. Sir Grandel doesn’t like being awake at “this Spindlerotten hour”. Andry imagines himself in Sir Grandel’s armor bc Sir Grandel is “a fearsome and stirring sight to behold,” and Andry wants to be a knight one day. they’ve been on the road for two months. Andry identifies one of the Companions as “Dom, a prince of Iona” and has a full name that’s “difficult to pronounce”. there are six Elders as well, who Andry says are easy to distinguish amongst the Companions. Elders are immortal. Elders call themselves Vedera. the Companion Dom happens to look up and catch Andry staring at him. Sir Grandel asks if immortals bleed and Andry says he doesn’t know. here’s information on the Elders and Companions. “Corblood princes” are descendants of the “old empire”. Cortael of Old Cor is introduced. Sir Grandel wonders if Corblood princes bleed, too, and says he supposes they’ll find out before joining the other mortal Companions, but Andry says he hopes they don’t find out if Corblood princes bleed. Bress the Bull Rider, a mercenary, likes to needle the knights, to Andry’s delight. Okran of Kasa, a man with “jet-black skin,” says that Andry should pray to the gods before battle. Andry says that he doubts the gods would listen to a squire, Okran asks if that’s what Sir Grandel tells him, and Andry apologizes for Sir Grandel’s mood bc they’ve been on the road for a long time (two months). Andry asks if Okran is afraid of “the thief and his wizard” and Okran says “the Spindle is the danger, not the men seeking it”. Okran explains that they’re there to guard the Spindle bc the Elder monarch and Cortael told them that they needed to. Andry speaks Kasan and Okran is surprised and pleased, and Andry explains that his mother was born in Nkonabo. Okran says that Andry should visit him in Benai one day and Andry, knowing he probably will never be able to, says one day. Dom joins Cortael and says he hears “them” and that there are only two. Bress says they should take precautions against the wizard and the immortals of Sirandel say they’re the precautions. Cortael says “the Red” is a trickster and then orders everyone to encircle the temple. Andry tells us that Cortael is mortal. Cortael gives a speech. the bell tolls immediately after Cortael says it hasn’t rung for a thousand years and vows it won’t for a thousand more. Dom insists it’s an illusion. something tells Andry to move far away from the bell but he doesn’t. two people approach on the road: the wizard is called The Red and wears a red cloak, and is also young and has red eyes. the other man is Cortael’s brother. Cortael calls his brother Taristan a “fool”. Taristan asks how long it’s been since they’ve seen each other, and then he says “since birth” when Cortael doesn’t reply, and says that Cortael probably had a cushy upbringing being Spindleblessed. Dom tells Taristan to return what he stole (the Spindleblade sword he carries that’s twin to Cortael’s). Taristan tells Dom to come get it himself. Cortael tells Taristan to surrender and he’ll be spared. Taristan says the Elders raised Cortael to be heir to rebuild the empire, which is evidently to do what Taristan himself wants to do: bring the Spindles back into crossing and rejoin the realms. Dom says to “tear a Spindle open is to put all the realms in danger,” and Cortael tells Dom to stop wasting his breath bc Taristan’s “fate is chosen” and Taristan retorts “my fate” in rage. Taristan info-dumps at us about Cortael’s past and purpose, chosen by the Elders. Taristan removes his helm and reveals he and Cortael are actually identical twins and everyone, including Cortael, seems surprised by this for some reason. Taristan reiterates that Cortael’s fate was chosen, not his own, and Cortael asks what Taristan chooses to do now. the wizard Ronin raises his hands at Taristan’s command. the Sirandels shoot three arrows each but they’re burned up before reaching Ronin. Ronin claps his hands and strange creatures begin to emerge from the temple holding the Spindle. a light pulses inside the temple and shadows race out of it. Rowanna of Sirandel says “the Ashlands,” which i gather is where these creatures are from. Cortael and Taristan are still fighting and Taristan declares the Spindle has already been torn and the crossing made. “foul, living corpses of the Spindle” emerge from the temple with weapons, though many corpses are already broken. the corpses circle the Companions and are likely going to overwhelm them as Cortael and Taristan keep fighting. Arberin, a Sirandel Elder with supposed immortality, is killed by one of the corpses. the Companions keep being killed by the corpses. Andry waves for Sir Grandel to run toward him and Sir Grandel does, and Andry shouts “with me” which is the Lionguard battle cry, and then Sir Grandel yells at him to run as the corpses catch Grandel. Andry frees the horses while Cortael and Taristan continue to fight and the other Companions die. Cortael stabs Taristan through the chest. the corpses and Ronin the wizard all stop to stare. Cortael asks for Taristan’s forgiveness and Taristan pulls the sword out of his own chest before standing up. Taristan says the bells toll for his god, for “What Waits”. Taristan stabs Cortael’s sword into the ground and then uses his own to kill Cortael. Taristan raises his sword to cut Cortael apart but Dom blocks the blow and says “leave him” and stands between Cortael’s corpse and Taristan. Dom looks up the hill at Andry on Dom’s white stallion, and Andry nods, and then Dom whistles and the stallion charges down the hill to go around the battle. Dom does some trick and tears Cortael’s sword from the dirt and throws it like a javelin. it lands in the grass and then Andry grabs it. here’s the excerpt. 
chapter 1: we’re now in Corayne’s POV. Corayne is walking the “ancient Cor road” carved along the cliffs above the Long Sea, which crashes fifty feet below. it’s summertime. her guardian is named Kastio, and is old and weathered, and is also a Siscarian sailor (they’re both currently in Siscaria). Kastio asks if Corayne has had anymore dreams lately, and she lies and says she’s just excited, then tells us that she’s been having dreams and knows Kastio would only tell Corayne’s mother. she dreams of white hands, shadowed faces, and “something moving in the dark”. towers along the Empress Coast are still manned by old soldiers and sailors. they pass a tower and Corayne greets its keeper. the keeper says he saw two ships, but Corayne sees three and tells us that only those who knew where to look would see them. she pays keepers of other towers so she can keep them allied with her, as per her mother’s instructions. they enter the bustling port and we get more description of what it looks like. Corayne and Kastio head for the docks. we get more description of the docks and the ships moored there. the universal language for trade on either side of the Long Sea is called Paramount. Kastio says that Corayne has a head for business and that no one can deny that, and Corayne says she hopes so. she greets “Officer Galeri”, who we learn is fifty, ugly, and wealthy--which therefore causes sex workers to like him. she pays him off. Corayen notices someone at the stern and gives Galeri a paper stamped with a noble family seal, which is the cargo listing containing salt and honey. noble shipments can’t be taxed. Corayne is excited by the sounds of sailing. Galeri welcomes her aboard the ship and she tells us she’s now the ship’s agent. we meet the Captain Meliz al-Amarat, who is Corayne’s mother. Corayne and her mother start discussing what shipments will go where. her mother mentions a “misunderstanding” and Corayne tells us it led to three dead sailors and the Tempestborn, their ship, nearly sinking. we learn Corayne has “desert blood” in her. Meliz is bi, apparently. Corayne has golden skin like her mother, as well as dark hair and black eyes, but she’s not as lovely. Corayne starts to ask her mom something but Galeri interrupts. Galeri challenges her mom about markings on the shipments not matching up, and Meliz grins back in a sort of challenge she’s sure to win with her entire crew behind her while Galeri has only a few ill-trained soldiers. Galeri wisely drops the accusations. Meliz is referred to as “Hell Mel” on the open sea. 
chapter 2: back in Andry’s POV, we learn he traded his chainmail for food, and his tunic is “little more than a rag” after his journey. he’s now in the capital and trying not to fall asleep bc he doesn’t want nightmares. he’s kneeling before the throne and recognizes the two Lionguards on either side of it. the Queen enters, sitting on her throne, and Andry clenches his teeth. she’s 19, thin, pretty, and strong-willed. Queen Erida greets Andry and tells him to rise, then asks if he needs a doctor, and he says no, the blood isn’t his. Queen Erida then asks if he’s seen his mother yet and he says no bc it’s late and she needs her rest. Queen Erida asks if Andry can tell her what happened to the others he was with, and he remembers his nightmares of “White faces, red hands, black armor, knives dripping blood, ash and smoke and rot—” and finds it difficult to speak, so the queen tells her Lionguard to leave. they’re shocked bc she’s rarely without them, loyal unto death as they are. one Lionguard protests but the queen says that she’s known Andry all her life and he’s terrified and doesn’t need an audience while recounting what happened. she tells them again to leave and they finally do. when the Lionguard leaves, the queen seems to relax and become her age again, not a queen. Andry remembers the queen when she was young and they played on ships. she says that she “answered the Elder call” and pulls a piece of paper out of her robes; Andry wants to burn that paper for what it says. we get a flashback of the call from the Elder being announced. the queen wishes she had ignored the call and her “own curiosity”. Andry comments how no one could have known. the queen says that she is to take the blame for what happened, since she’s the one who sent them to guard the Spindle temple. Andry tells us important information about Taristan and Spindleblades. he tells the queen everything that happened. he says he should have fought instead of running, but the queen says he survived and brought a very important message. she says that Allward was once a realm of crossing. she says she trusts him bc he’s never been a liar and that she’s sorry for what he experienced. she tells Andry to speak to no one about this. Andry protests that people need to be warned, and the queen interrupts and explains how it would cause panic bc Spindles are myth and legend to most people. Andry tells us what Ascal, the capital, looks like and what happened after the queen ascended the throne (lots of protesting bc she’s a girl). Andry says he doesn’t understand, for some reason, and she says that it’s not for him to understand, only for him to obey. she calls her Lionguard back in. he says okay and bows, and she thanks him for coming home and says at least his mom won’t have another knight to bury. the queen leaves, as does Andry. after a page break, we see Andry’s mom and get a description of her; she’s still beautiful despite being sick. she has dark skin and dark, curly hair. it’s hot in her room, but he still feels cold. voices tell him “It must be hidden” and “It must not be spoken of” and he tells the voices that “It is hidden” and that he hasn’t told anyone about “it”. the voices began when Andry was riding home away from the attack in the prologue. the voices say “This you are bidden. Keep it hidden” and Andry tells us that he hid the Spindleblade beneath his mom’s bed, a secret only for himself. 
chapter 3: back in Corayne’s POV, she’s had two glasses of wine and is already drunk, “dreaming of lands beyond Lemarta,” and there’s more info dumping. they’re in a tavern, and with Meliz back, Kastio doesn’t have to “nanny” Corayne so he gets drunk, too. Kastio has “lightning-blue eyes”. the Tempestborn has two new crewmembers after losing four. Corayne tries to talk to her mom, but her mom interrupts and says that they need new oarsmen and wants Corayne to put out the word, to which Corayne says they can sail shorthanded. Meliz insists, Corayne asks about where and when, and Meliz says “are you my mother now?” and specifies that she wants good recruits. Corayne again asks where Meliz is going and again Meliz deflects. we learn the Jaiah of Rhashir has died and left 16 sons to viw for his throne, and there are different stories of how he died (old age, illness, murder). Corayne says that Meliz will be gone for months, if she’ll return at all, and Meliz says it’s a good opportunity and that they’ll leave in three days. Corayne begins to say “I must ask” only for her mom to interrupt her and say don’t ask, and Corayne says Meliz made a promise over the winter, and Meliz denies doing so. Corayne argues about being let to come along, explaining her skills and that she’s a year older than Meliz was before Meliz started sailing, and Corayne elaborates on how she’s more use on the water and how she is instrumental in making the Tempestborn become what it is. Meliz says her decision is final, that not even the gods can challenge it, and that Corayne doesn’t know what she’s asking for. Corayne says she does and continues to talk about being good at her job. Meliz says she won’t risk Corayne’s life on her dangerous profession. Corayne points out the latest two new recruits survived. the argument is really long and i don’t feel like summarizing it, so here’s the full excerpt. Corayne looks over the crew, notes they’re like a family of sorts, but recognizes the brutality they exhibit to the world at large, not someone who’s used to seeing it. Corayne knows her mom wants her to recognize the killing status of all the sailors, but Corayne refuses to be afraid, even after her mom says everyone’s a killer, herself included. Meliz says that Corayne doesn’t have the spine for her kind of life, and Corayne says that at least her dad only abandoned her once. after a page break, Corayne is on the cliffs overlooking the Long Sea. Corayne names all the stars and constellations in another info dump. she belatedly realizes she’s not alone on the cliff’s path. two hooded people approach and Corayne moves aside to let them pass, but instead they stop. one of the people has a wound on his face that’s still healing. Corayne says the port is behind them, this path is the way to Tyriot, and one person says they’re not here for anything in Lemarta. one tries to grab her but she wields her dagger and says to stay away. the person lunges and she doesn’t think she can do anything, and then he kneels before her and says “I beg your forgiveness and your mercy, Corayne an-Amarat”. the other person is a woman who snarks at whether or not the man intends to scare her. the woman also calls Corayne “mortal” in a way meant to imply that the woman and man are immortal. Corayne asks who they are and then immediately knows they’re Elders. Corayne again asks who they are and the man says he’s Dom, aka Dom from the prologue with Andry. he says he is the last of Corayne’s father’s Companions and seeks her aid, and has a story to tell. 
chapter 4: now we’re in Dom’s POV. the horse he’s riding is dying, though he’s not sure how he escaped on one Companion’s horse. days pass and we get more world-building dumped on us as he travels. the city of Iona is home to thousands of immortals and hundreds of Glorianborn. the horse Dom’s riding dies at the steps of the palace after Dom leaps off her back. guards flank Dom, their prince. feeling like a failure, Dom enters the palace and walks toward the throne room to talk to his aunt, the Monarch. one of the councillors to the Monarch is Dom’s cousin. Dom kneels before the queen, who says she will not ask how they died bc she can see it weighs heavily on him. he says he’s failed and his cousin argues that he lived. Dom has known Cortael all Cortael’s mortal life. Dom is asked about what happened by one councillor. here’s info on what is coming now that the Spindle has been torn open. Dom says the warriors of this realm can still fight back against Ashlander and Asunder creatures. the Monarch says the Army of Asunder is inconsequential bc What Waits means to devour. info on Spindles and What Waits. Dom tells the Monarch to throw down the branch and take up the sword to destroy the Ashlander army, close the Spindle, put Taristan in the ground, throw What Waits back to His hell. the Monarch traces the cut down Dom’s face and says it’s not like them to bleed, and Dom says “you’re afraid”. the Monarch says they’re already defeated and no monarch would send their people to die. Dom says they die if they do nothing and says they’re of the Ward (Allward), to which the Monarch says no, Glorian awaits. Dom says Glorian is lost to them. the Monarch says the balance of Spindles is delicate and thus they’ve lost their way back, but the boundaries will weaken as Taristan tears open the Spindles. the Monarch says that if they can find the realm of the Crossroads or even Glorian herself they can find their way home. Dom says and abandoned Allward and the Monarch says it’s already lost. Dom says that the Monarch is a coward and her council is angry but she waves them down and says she’s sorry Dom thinks that. Dom leaves and the Monarch asks what he will do, if he has Corblood in him or a Spindleblade. he says that better men and women than him died in vain and it’s only fair he does too. after a page break, Dom’s cousin Princess Ridha (and the Monarch’s daughter) finds him in the stables as he mucks out stalls. Ridha is now decked out in armor. Dom asks where she’s going and she says that she wants to talk to every monarch and see if they agree in giving up like her mother. they discuss where they’ll travel first. Ridha says he needs Corblood and Spindleblade, and Dom says he knows where to get a Spindleblade (thinking of Andry). Ridha once slept with Cortael, as did many women, apparently. she says that he needs to find Cortael’s child, which Dom didn’t know existed, and he wonders if the child is a bastard or not, and how much Cortael kept from Dom. Dom says he can track down an assassin and torture him for info on how to find Cortael’s child. Dom says “Ride well” to Ridha and she says she always does. Ridha says she didn’t know Cortael had a twin, that her mother the Monarch separated them. Dom says he didn’t know either. Ridha says that she supposes her mother thought it was for the best to protect and raise one to be heir to Old Cor, which Dom doesn’t agree with. he thinks the Monarch did it for herself and for Glorian. Ridha and Dom bid each other farewell. Dom rides south. 
chapter 5: we’re now in a character whose POV is someone named Sorasa. Sorasa stands over the bed of a fat, evil merchant king with a child bride. Sorasa thinks she’s doing the child a favor and cuts the merchant king’s throat. she removes his left ear and index finger, then tosses them onto the floor, which is the mark that proves the kill was hers. Sorasa escapes through the window by swinging on a whip. apparently it’s midday. a bell sounds to mark the merchant king’s death and the crowd surges. a hand grabs her, she twists out of its grasp, and she says “Garion” as the crowds thin. Garion says he didn’t take Sorasa for a thief and she waves him off. she says she stole a man’s life from him and wonders that the stealing is what concerns Garion. Garion says there are rules to follow and Sorasa wants to roll her eyes but simply turns and says that jealousy doesn’t become Garion. she prepares herself should Garion draw a blade against her. he says he’s not jealous, that she’s been named and inked, and no amount of blood will rewrite what has already been written. a tattoo down her side itches. it’s one she wasn’t given by choice. she tells him to go back to his cage and wait for another easy kill that she’ll steal from him, and he tells her to have caution. he mentions someone named Lord Mercury, who Sorasa fears, and she tells Garion again to go home. he pushes off his hood and reveals his blades and says that this is a warning. she asks if he really wants to do this in the middle of the street, and they survey each other. Sorasa comes up with how to kill him and escape. Garion tells Sorasa she should disappear. she tips her head back so the sunlight shines on her face so he can see the “long year written in her flesh”. he steps away and says that “few of us” get the chance to leave, and she says few want to. then he vanishes. after a page break, Sorasa leaves the inn where she had stashed her belongings, thinking about how she’ll never get the stench of it out of her clothes. she misses the simple days but knows “discord is a better shield than steel.” she walks toward the harbor and pushes her hood off bc she wants to feel sunlight on her face, and then she’s grabbed by a man who isn’t thrown off her her evasive maneuver. she throws a handful of “stinging blue smoke” and unclasps her cloak, running away with eyes and mouth closed while her attacker coughs from behind her. Sorasa runs away through the city, but looks back and finds the man is following her. he has golden hair and she adds him to her list of people to fear. the man is gaining on her quickly. a plan comes together in her mind. she wonders if he’s been sent by Lord Mercury. she ducks down another alley, dodging shit so she doesn’t destroy it, but her persuer doesn’t bother and is only confused when he’s reprimanded by the owners of the stalls he destroys. she feels excited that this will be her first real fight in a year. she scrambles over a pile of crates and then leaps from pole to pole of stalls and tents, believing he can’t follow bc he’s bigger, but he manages it easily and she’s shocked that someone so big can do what she does. she curses Lord Mercury and flips her hood over her head, the man just a stall behind her. she sees he has a scarred face, and he says he wants to talk to her, and she tries and fails to place his accent, though he speaks in Paramount. she says he’s speaking to her now and unfurls her whip. the guy says he’d prefer to talk somewhere else, and she says that’s a shame. he says he isn’t here to harm her and she says she’s heard that before, and he says he will if he must. she sees his longsword and knows it’d be difficult to use when they’re balancing on top of poles of a fruit vender’s stall. she says “try me, then” and he says “very well” and they fight and she remarks to herself that even though she’s been trained perfectly he’s somehow faster and better. he crashes into the fruit vendor’s place as she slips away on her whip, then grabs a new cloak and flips the hood over her head. the man appears to be scenting the air for her but she slips away before he can find her. she walks through the crowds thinking about how badass she is, leans against a pen full of black bulls, and removes her hat to bare her face. she bites into a peach as she finds the man in the crowd, easy to spot for his height and blond hair. when the guy sees her, he starts forward and she opens the bull pen, breaking a man’s teeth when he tries to stop her. she cracks her whip and sends the herd of bulls running, expecting the man after her to be trampled, but he instead stops a bull in its tracks by grabbing its horns, then tosses it aside with a broken neck and the rest of the herd parts around him, and Sorasa realizes he’s an Elder/immortal. she runs away as fast as she can, in as many places as she can, with as many disguises as she can. she keeps trying to get to the docks, but he’s always there, waiting for her, to stop her from boarding any boat or ship. they sword fight, she spits in his face, he stops to wipe his face, she tackles him and climbs onto his back, then manages to stab him but he throws her off. he again says that he’s not here to hurt her and only wants to talk and says “Come, Mortal”. he repeats it, she says no, and runs away again after dropping her sword. after a page break, she sits down at a table in a tavern. she orders a drink. Dom shows up and sits down at the table across from her. she slides one of the drinks she ordered to him, and he hesitantly takes a drink. she feels triumph when he downs all of it and then tells her that immortals are immune to poison, and she says it’s a waste of arsenic. he says that she’s tried to kill him three times today, she says it all amounts to once, so he says she came close three times. she then asks how he’s gonna kill her, and he says again that he isn’t here to hurt her. he then gives her sword back to her. he says he wants information and is willing to pay and pulls out a massive pouch of coins, then asks if a coin of gold will do. she wonders how she can measure how much info is worth if she doesn’t know what he’s asking for, and he says he’s searching for Corblood mortals and was told the Amhara will know. she says the Amhara are few and far between after taking three gold coins from his pouch. she takes coins as he says he’s searching for the bastard child of a Cortael and she says he’s no prince of any kingdom in living memory but tells us the name is familiar. she continues to take coins as he says the father is dead, so she won’t face any trouble from him. she says it’s not her father he should be worried about and tells us it’s the pirate, and he gasps that it’s a daughter. he tells her that’s enough coin and takes his pouch back, and she says she can find the daughter and has settled on a price. he smiles, she names her price (we don’t learn of it), the smile drops, but he still agrees. 
chapter 6: back in Corayne’s POV, we learn that the last two chapters are basically the two characters recounting what led them to her. Dom is still kneeling while Sorasa paces, barring the way back to the port. Corayne wishes her mother or Kastio were here. Dom says that Sorasa led them both here to her bc she’s the only one who can save the world, and she says it was good to meet them and turns around to walk away, only for Dom to follow her. Dom says that the Ward will fall if Corayne doesn’t help, and Corayne says her answer is no, that they should return to Lemarta to find someone who believes in whatever tripe they’re sharing. Sorasa says she doesn’t believe Dom either, for what it’s worth. Dom says he swears on Iona that it’s true. Corayne says she’s no lady, Dom starts apologizing and says he’s not sure what her mom told her, and Corayne says she knows exactly who her dad is: Cortael. she says none of who he is makes her his daughter. Corayne tells Dom to give her the gold and go, Dom is confused, and Sorasa implies that Cortael must have left something to Corayne, but Dom says he has nothing of his to give to her, to which Corayne shrugs. Sorasa looks back at Lemarta, the port, and says that it’s no wonder what Corayne’s mom has the best ship: she had Cor gold to support it. Corayne feels afraid and asks if Sorasa knows her mom and Sorasa says she knows her reputation. Corayne says she can bring both Dom and Sorasa to her mom, since her mom knew Cortael better. Dom says it’s she they need and that it’s in her blood, and Corayne says she wants nothing to do with them or her dad. silence falls and Dom looks to his feet, then Corayne says she’s sorry for his loss bc she can tell that Dom is saddened by Cortael’s death. she apologizes to Sorasa, too, who says she’s not involved in any of “these dramatics”. Corayne opens the door to her cottage and Dom says that though she says she wants nothing to do with her dad or them but this (the cottage) can’t be what she wants either. Dom says that Corayne’s blood is of Spindles and distant realms and lost stars and that she wants the horizon, and that her dad was the same. she tells Dom to give her three days and shuts the door. after a page break, it’s the third day and Corayne is in the cottage making arrangements, looking over a map of the known Ward. she finds the place where the forgotten Spindle temple is, where her dad died. Corayne’s mom wakes up and makes a lot of noise, and Corayne knows she’s seeking attention, which Corayne refuses to give. Meliz (her mom) says that Kastio is late. Meliz says that Corayne needs to stay close to him while Meliz is gone bc the roads are dangerous, longboats are disappearing, and summer storms are sweeping in, and that the realm feels twisted. there have been things all over happening that are strange, and Corayne wonders if they’re coincidences or “chaos unfolding”. Corayne says everything is ready for Meliz’s departure. Corayne asks to go with her again, thinks that it might be the only thing to save her from whatever road she’s decided to go down, and Meliz says she will not. after another page break, Corayne, Kastio, and Meliz walk the path toward the port. Meliz says she’ll return in a few months with enough gold to keep them for a hundred years, and Corayne says they already have that, knowing everywhere that her mother’s gold is hidden and kept, and Corayne knows that it’s no longer money that sends her mother out to sea. Corayne says Meliz loves her life and wouldn’t give it up for anyone, even Corayne, and Meliz says that it’s still not a life she wants for Corayne. Corayne says Meliz doesn’t get to decide what Corayne does or wants. Corayne says that there’s something in her blood that won’t let her sit still and that Meliz knows this, and Meliz throws up her hands and wonders if now is the time Corayne wants to talk about her dad. Meliz says that she promises it’s only a few months and Corayne says “farewell” through gritted teeth. Meliz hugs her goodbye and says to keep her feet on shore and face to the sea. Corayne asks how fare the winds and Meliz says “fair” because they carry her home. after another page break, Corayne watches the Tempestborn disappear over the horizon, and Corayne tells Kastio she hears that Doma Martia has just received a few good barrels of wine, and Kastio says that it’s a bit too early for wine, even for him. she holds out a coin and says to try it for her, Kastio says “this is a bribe” even as he takes it, and Corayne says she needs to be alone for just a few hours. Kastio eyes her for a long time and then says Meliz was wrong not to take Corayne. Corayne goes looking for Sorasa and Dom, who find her first. Sorasa says “three days” and Corayne agrees “three days”. Sorasa isn’t wearing her hood today, so Corayne spends a long time taking Sorasa in, and Sorasa says there’ll be time for examination later bc they don’t want to keep the “immortal annoyance” waiting. Corayne wonders if Sorasa will call her “Spindlerot” the entire time or just today, and Sorasa says she’s still deciding. Corayne knows Kastio will know she ran away and that her mom won’t return even if she hears about it. Sorasa says it’s good Meliz left Corayne behind, that ti’s better this way, and Corayne asks why, and Sorasa says that Rhashiran civil wars are boring. Dom waits in the market and greets Corayne, but apologizes after calling her “my lady” and Corayne remarks that she’s heard him apologize a lot. she says that he needs her to save the realm, he agrees, and she asks how do they save the realm. Dom says that two things are needed to open and close a Spindle, and those are Spindleblood and a Spindleblade, and that the Spindleblade is in the Royal Court of Ascal. 
chapter 7: this chapter is in the POV of Erida, the queen of Galland, who wishes she could burn the list of suitors for her hand. she knows that her beauty and wit aren’t what draw people to her but the crown. she’s ruled for four years and is nineteen years old. she’s been in the council chamber for an hour but is already sore from sitting straight thanks to her tight gown and the uncomfortable chair. Erida always holds the council in one of the high towers, even in summer. her councillors listen as someone named Lord Ardath reads a letter while coughing bc he’s old. they mock the author of the letter for being a bad speller, since he’s asking for Erida’s hand in marriage. the councillors argue and bicker but Erida lets them bc the longer they argue, the longer she can go without getting married. we learn it’s been weeks since Andry returned, and Erida continues to wonder if he told the truth. sitting next to Erida is Lord Konegin, who is a cousin to Erida’s father, and she asked him to join the council to keep an eye out for usurpers to the throne. Konegin eventually puts a stop to the bickering by saying to add the name of the letter’s author to the list. it’s pointed out that while the suitor is a second son, he would protect the northern border. Erida stands and approaches the map on the wall. Erida says that their armor is five times larger than his, the army of Trec, and that she won’t wed herself to a kingdom that needs hers more than she needs theirs. she also points out Trec’s own geographical disadvantage. it’s pointed out one other country hasn’t conquered in two decades, and Erida thinks “for now” and returns to her chair, saying that that emperor is older than she is and thus isn’t willing to gamble on his sons. she will also not send her soldiers to fight in another’s war, and the councillors praise her intellect. we learn a lot about another army’s strength. Konegin says the Galland armies are prepared to fight and defeat any opposing army and that they have something more important at hand, and Erida says he’s right even though she doesn’t want to. she asks if there are any other names to add or remove to the list of suitors. a cousin gave his intentions, as does a female clan leader of the Jyd. people can marry any gender, but not ruling queens, who need heirs. the Jydi choose their heirs rather than birthing them. one suitor can be crossed off the list bc he’s marrying someone else, and Erida wonders if she can’t be dangled a little longer bc she wants to give her soldiers more time to gather at the border to Madrence bc she wants to push to the ocean and doesn’t want the Madrentine prince to be wed to the Siscarian princess before Galland begins so she doesn’t have to fight two armies. we get description of where armies of Galland are moving and whatnot, and Erida asks how long the armies need to be ready and is told two months, so Erida asks a councillor to get her three with another suitor. she’d rather be bait than a prize, and Konegin says there are more suitors to discuss, but “talk of war always emboldened her” and she tells Konegin that none of the suitors tempt her. she wants a husband who will strengthen her throne and uphold her family’s legacy, which she knows is a high bar to hurdle, if possible at all. if such a man exists, she knows she’ll marry him. Ardath says there are funerals to see to, though the bodies of Tyr and the Norths haven’t been found. Erida says the knights are to be buried properly, bodies or no, and Konegin asks about Andry. Erida says she’s sure another knight will take him on. Konegin again asks what Andry told her when he returned. she says that what Andry said is for her ears alone, and we learn that she says the people Andry was with were killed by a horde of Jydi raiders. Konegin is angry bc he has no idea why anyone was sent to the temple bc Erida didn’t tell anyone why she sent them. one councillor points out that they hadn’t seen the Elders in a generation, so surely Konegin would have done the same as Erida had, though Erida knows that Konegin would have gone himself. Konegin says he wants to hear what Andry says for himself, and Erida says that his words are for her alone, such is the cost of the crown, and Konegin surrenders to it. after a page break, Harrsing, one of the councillors, sits alone with Erida in the council chamber and points out that Konegin hasn’t put forth his own son as a suitor. Erida says it’s bc Konegin would rather sit on the throne himself than have Erida marry his son. Harrsing points out that there are still suitable men, and Erida says that she decides who is suitable, and so far no one is. Erida says that before her dad’s death, he had only two wishes: that Erida choose her own husband, and that none be forced on her. even though Erida is a queen, she’s also a woman, and people think her lesser for it. Harrsing says that the council is behind Erida, but Erida knows that that could change if someone they preferred came along, even for Harrsing, who has known Erida from birth and served her dad before her. Erida asks Harrsing to send word to Andry and his mom that she’d like to visit, and Harrsing says after the petitions. Erida wonders how many present themselves as suitors, and Harrsing says only one but she hears he’s a looker, and Erida asks to be told something useful and all thoughts of Andry vanish in favor of the “demands of the crown”. 
chapter 8: back in Andry’s POV, Andry makes tea for himself and his mom, Lady Valeri. he likes making tea bc it allows him to think about something other than blood and slaughter. his mother says “have faith in the gods” in their native tongue, and he helps her to sit down. we’re told that Lady Valeri is still beautiful despite her illness. Andry sits down next to her and thinks about his home. he’s happy to not be in the barracks anymore, where he was as a squire to a knight, but also wishes that the circumstances that allow him to live with his mother hadn’t ever happened. he continues to angst about what happened in the prologue (it’s fine, i just don’t feel like summarizing all of it). Andry’s mom asks how Andry’s petitions are going, since he’s been petitioning lords and knights bc he’s told her that he’s trying to find another knight to be squire for. he tells us that he’s sent letters, but not about being a squire. Valeri asks if there are any promising ones, and Andry says that Konegin’s son recently became a knight and will be in want of a squire. we’re told that the queen’s doctor is set to visit them today. Valeri says there’s no need, that the queen shouldn’t fuss over her, and Andry is annoyed and tells her that he’s university trained in Ibal, named Dr. Bahi. Valeri wonders why the queen is bothering with her, Andry says that Valeri served the queen’s mother and knew Erida from birth, and that Erida is compassionate. Valeri says that Andry knows the histories better than her and wonders if a ruling monarch of Galland has ever been known as compassionate. Valeri looks at the tapestries on the wall, one of which features the sword and shield of Andry’s dad slashed in two, and Valeri asks if that was the shadows of the old empire forged from compassion or blood. Andry says “Mother, please,” but Valeri stands up and tells us about her backstory: coming to the Royal Court of Ascal as a foreign bride, set apart thanks to her skin and voice. she says that she has not remained here in high esteem by being foolish and she won’t let her son be a fool either, and asks what Erida wants of him. Andry is “reluctant to put such a burden on an already burdened woman” and thus doesn’t tell his mom that the last time Erida visited, it was to try to get more information out of him as well as to warn him against saying anything about what he knows. so Andry tells his mom that she’s told Erida everything he’s told Valeri. Vlaeri wonders if Erida believed him, and Andry says he doesn’t know, but that everything she’s asked of him he’s already given, and Valeri wonders if that includes the sword he hid under Valeri’s bed. Andry is surprised and Valeri says she’s not foolish. he says he’s told no one of the Spindleblade, and his mom scoffs and says “not even me,” and he explains it was Cortael’s blade, to which Valeri says it’s “a fine blade” but wonders why he hasn’t given it to Erida or the Elders. Andry feels foolish but says that something in him tells him that he shouldn’t, and wonders if that makes any sense, and Valeri wonders if that voice belongs to the gods or simply his own instinct. he knows the voice isn’t his, and says that he dreams of what happened every night and wonders if his dad ever did the same after battles. we learn Andry was six when his dad died. Valeri says his dad never talked about it like this. Andry asks if Valeri believes what he’s said, what he’s saw, and she says “I do.” he says that they need to make arrangements, then, and be prepared for travel, and Valeri begins to protest but Andry says that they go together or not at all, and Valeri says “Then we go.” after a page break, Andry tells us he sees the shadow of the Hill of Heroes every day, and also hears “with me,” said by Sir Galland. Andry is walking with other squires for the funeral mentioned in Erida’s chapter, and one elbows him and says they’re talking to him. a squire who is called Lemon by the other boys says he deserves to know what happened, just as much as Andry. Andry says that Lemon has the right to be quiet and show some respect to the knights who died. Lemon mocks that Andry is too good for the rest of them and wonders if that’s why he survived the attack, which is being played off as an attack by Jydi raiders. Lemon says that they wouldn’t find him on the Hill, with his lord dead and himself still alive bc of the shame of it. Andry tells us that he feels shame every day, and continues to ignore Lemon’s jabbing elbow and jibes. the procession reaches the section of the Hill reserved for knights of the Lionguard, though the queen and her entourage hasn't yet arrived. three wagons bring the coffins to the Hill, draped in finery. the queen finally arrives with “a somber call of trumpets”. Andry wants to be overlooked even as he watches the queen and thinks about how he and his mother will escape. Andry decides he’ll tell the Elders what happened and give them the Spindleblade. this is what follows, about the voices. 
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Field of Poppies Part 5
Summary: After being apart for six years, childhood friends Tommy and Amelia reunite under odd circumstances. Tommy is an outspoken young man and Amelia is pregnant and out on the streets. The bond of family can be unbreakable but it is tested often. Especially when Europe descends into war.
Part 5: Amelia finally breaks her silence about the father of her child. 
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            Tommy wasn’t sure to be happy or a bit nervous. But it just so happened that he and Amelia would get the family vardo to themselves for the night. Ada had opted to go stay with her cousins at the camp next to theirs. Polly took Finn over to her sister’s camp across the way. And Arthur and John had decided to rough it for the night, sleeping under the stars.
            Tommy wasn’t sure he’d been that close to Amelia for that long. It wasn’t super cramped inside the wagon, but it wasn’t very roomy either. And with Amelia seven months along, they had to be close to one another.
            “Not too warm, are you?” Tommy asked when he noticed she was still awake, staring at the ceiling with her hands on her stomach.
            He waited a moment and cleared his throat. “Something you want to talk about?” There was that little tell in her eyes that meant she was deep in thought. It was a hint of sadness yet questioning.
            She took a deep breath but didn’t look at him. Her fingers drummed over her stomach. “I uh…he was someone I knew.”
            “Who?” Tommy’s brow furrowed as he turned to his side and propped himself up with his elbow. “Who did you know?”
            “The uh…the father.”
            “Oh, right.”
            Amelia chewed on her lower lip. “My parents were talking to his parents about maybe arranging a marriage. He was my dad’s boss’s son. And they thought it was a perfect match. I guess my dad would get the most out of the deal but I dunno what they were exactly talking about.” Her shoulders moved slightly in a shrug. “Maybe thought it would elevate us in society, what he always wanted.”
            The tone of her voice sent a shiver down Tommy’s voice. It was almost like she was telling him about something she was grieving. Why she was mourning something. But there was shame in her voice as well. And he couldn’t be certain why that was until she told him everything. And he hoped she did. He hoped he was trustworthy enough to confide in.        
            “I didn’t know him very well. We’d only met a few times with my parents. Then I went out with him for the night. He…” She shut her eyes, to block out the memory only in vain.
            “I swear I wasn’t drinking or-or anything. I trusted him and I don’t know.” She started to cry.
            Tommy sat up and gently took her hands. “Mel, Amelia, you know I don’t give a fuck about that. If you were drunk or whatever. It was his fucking fault for doing that to you. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He could only surmise what she was talking about. It would kill him to hear the graphic details of the assault. And it wouldn’t do anything to help the anger boiling in his blood.
            “I didn’t say anything, I didn’t know how to say it. But then I got pregnant and my mother-she…” Amelia hiccupped.
            Tommy’s thumb stroked gently over the top of her hand. “S’alright, love.” He tried to soothe her. But what could he say? It was done and now Amelia had to pick up the pieces of everything, to live with the memory. What could Tommy say to help? No words seemed to do the trick.
            “She called me a whore; said I was being loose all over the fucking city.” Her tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She didn’t move to wipe them because she didn’t want Tommy to let go of her hands. “I told her the truth. She told my dad and he said I was a liar. They believed him over me.” She couldn’t say anymore, it was too much.
            “S’alright.” Tommy swallowed his anger and helped her sit up so she could hug him tightly. “I’ve gotcha. I’m sorry, Mel, I’m sorry.” The story was more than he expected and it made his heart pound. He had no clue who the man was, what his name was, what he looked like, but he swore he was going to kill him. No one hurt his Amelia without consequences.
            Yet, despite his anger, Tommy was relieved she was in his arms. He felt better that he was there for her. His arms wrapped around her, cradling her close. There was confidence in his chest that he could protect her.
            “I’m sorry.” She sniffled against his chest.
            “Don’t apologize.” He stroked her hair back. “He don’t deserve you or the baby. Your parents don’t deserve you either. Fuck ‘em all. If they ever bother you again…”
            “I know.” She lifted her head and wiped her cheeks. “Arthur told me what you said.”
            His face went red. “Rat bastard.” He muttered.
            She smiled tearfully. “Tom, I appreciate you so much. I’m just not sure I’m worth any of this. My mom said-”
            “Don’t matter what she said. What matters is that you’ve got people here who care ‘bout you. People who would never hurt you like that.” He wrapped an arm around her when she let out a hiccup. “Just try to get some sleep. It’s been a long day.”
            It was so quiet out in the countryside. There were no loud noises waking Amelia up in the morning. So, she slept until nine o’clock, a rarity those days.  
            Warm sunshine was streaming in through the small windows in the vardo. She sat up to see Tommy was gone and had been for a while by the looks of it.
            She got dressed, feeling a bit sluggish from waking up so late. Yawning, she stepped out of the wagon.
            “There she is. Thought you were gonna sleep the day away.” Arthur grinned. He sat with Polly, watching Finn toddle around in the grass.
            “It’s good you got some sleep,” Polly said. “You’re going to need it.”
            Amelia smiled. After the emotional conversation she had with Tommy the night before, she felt much better. The burden of keeping everything inside had been lifted, making her feel lighter and happier. “Is Tom around?”
            “He’s riding around the grounds, probably isn’t too far,” Arthur answered.
            “Well, I’ll go for a walk to see if I can find him.” She decided and began heading for the river.
                       It was a beautiful summer day and Amelia felt blessed to be in the sunshine with the clear sky overhead. Conversation floated through the air as people greeted those they hadn’t seen in a while. Families spent quality time together, for a brief span of time they were unbound by the stresses of life.
            “Mel.” The soft sound of hoofbeats on the damp ground came up behind her.
            Amelia turned to see Tommy riding over on his horse. He slowed the gelding down to a walk once they got beside her. “Oh, glad you found me. I was looking for you.” She smiled up at him.
            There didn’t seem to be anything more natural than Tommy Shelby riding a horse. Amelia couldn’t even recall when he started riding, it was almost as if he was on the back of a horse before he could even walk. She remembered long summer afternoons spending time at Charlie’s yard with the horses.       
            Amelia could ride but she was never quite the rider the other Shelbys were. Her parents didn’t see the benefit of having her around horses. Besides, she thought it was fun to watch the others show off their skill. She was content just to lope around on a well-tempered pony with the reins almost to the buckle.
            Tommy, as well as the other Shelbys, were more content with a challenge. He enjoyed green horses who would kick up a fuss with him. He didn’t mind being bucked off as long as he could get back in the saddle again.
            His uncle said his horsemanship came from his maternal grandfather who was said to be some sort of horse whisperer. But Amelia attributed it to Tommy’s personality. He was the kind of boy who wanted to see how fast he could go. He wanted to see the risks and toe the line. That was always how he was with everything.
            But he was happiest with horses, that much, Amelia knew.
            “Want to hop on?” He offered.
            She giggled. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Her hand rested on her stomach.
            He smiled. “Right, sorry.” He dismounted with ease so he could walk with her instead. “Probably couldn’t even get you up there with that stomach of yours.”
            “Hey!” She smacked his arm.
            Tommy laughed and pulled the reins up over his horse’s neck to lead him along. “I didn’t mean it as an insult. Were just saying you’re pregnant s’all.”
            “Hm…” She shook her head with a smile and a sigh.
            “I did think you were going to sleep the whole day though.” He said as they continued walking along the bank of the river. “You were out like a light. Didn’t even move when I left. Pol told us not to wake you up.”
            “Well, it was nice to sleep in.” She agreed. Her hand absent-mindedly rubbed over her stomach. “Thank you, by the way, for talking to me last night.”
            He shrugged. In his eyes, she didn’t need to thank him for talking or listening for that matter. It was what friends did after all. It seemed silly he wouldn’t. “Of course. I’m just sorry about what happened.” It was unlike Tommy to let things go unresolved. But what was he supposed to do about some stranger in London? It wasn’t completely unreasonable to learn who he was, hop a train, and kick the man’s teeth in, but he knew that’s not what Amelia would want. And it wasn’t what was important.
            “Y’know in a way, I’m not upset that I got pregnant.” She admitted. “I wish it hadn’t happened the way it did but if I hadn’t gotten pregnant, then I wouldn’t have ended back in Small Heath. And I wouldn’t be back with you.”
            He paused in his step to look over at her with a smile. “Always looking on the bright side of things, aye? That’s the Amelia I grew up with.”
            She smiled back but felt her cheeks go a bit red under his gaze. “Can we head back? I think my feet are getting a little swollen.”   
            “Sure.” Tommy clicked his tongue to the gelding so they could turn around and walk back to the vardo.
            Once they returned, they were greeted again by Polly and Arthur.
            Amelia sat down while Tommy hitched up his horse to graze.
            “Any more Lee boys giving you trouble, Tom?” Arthur asked.
            “I think they got the message.” Tommy sat down on the steps of the wagon and accepted a cigarette from Polly.
            Amelia looked over the grassy field where a group of children was playing. She spotted Ada and John with their cousins and other Traveler kids. “Who’s that with John?” She wondered. Even from afar, she could tell the dark-haired girl around John’s age was upset with him about something. She was spouting off at him as the rest of the kids ran back and forth around them.
            The two eldest Shelbys snickered and Polly sighed. “That’s Martha Shelby.”
            “Oh, is she a cousin?”
            “Nah, but she’s bound to end up being a Shelby one of these days. Those two already bicker like they’re married.” Arthur chuckled.
            “She’s one of the Boswell girls. They’ve been friends for a very long time even if they wouldn’t admit it.” Polly added.
            “Oh, and here the happy couple comes now.” Tommy pointed out.
            Indeed, John and Martha were both stomping over, each looking irate with one another. “Tom, tell Martha that I jumped a fence that was this high!” He urged, holding his hand up to his hip. “I jumped Whiskey over that fence near Uncle Charlie’s yard and it was this high!”
            “No way, you couldn’t jump a horse over a twig without falling flat on your face.” Martha crossed her arms over her chest.
            “How are you, Martha?” Polly asked.
            “I’m fine, Polly, thank you.” The young girl answered politely while still being frustrated with her friend.
            “Tommy, tell her!” John urged.
            He sighed. “I have no fucking clue, John. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
            “HA!” Martha jabbed a finger at him. “You are a liar.” She concluded before hurrying back toward the game of football.
            John glared daggers at his older brother before following after her.
            “You’re only stirring the pot.” Polly scolded, although she did look amused.
            “Please,” Tommy smirked. “The more they fight, the more they’ll realize they should just get on with it.”
            “They seem young to be deciding that sort of thing.” Amelia leaned over as best she could to help retrieve a toy for Finn.
            “Gypsies like to arrange marriages when they’re young,” Polly explained. “I’m sure the Boswells are already looking for a husband for her.”
            “And they wouldn’t naturally pick a Shelby for her. So, might be best if Martha decides for herself, even if they are young.” Arthur agreed with a shrug.
            “Hm.” Amelia didn’t agree with the sentiment but could see their point. “I think it’s important to make your own decisions when it comes to love.” She had a faraway look in her eyes as she watched the kids play.
            Polly subtly glanced over at Tommy. It was hard for any of them to ignore that statement. But Tommy just shook his head, urging his aunt not to say anything about arranged couples.
            Arthur cleared his throat and took the hint to change the conversation. “Y’know, Mel, I think you ought to name the baby after me. Afterall, I’m your favorite Shelby, ain’t I?” He grinned.
            It drew her back to the conversation, making her laugh. “And what if it’s a girl?”
            “Well…I dunno. Maybe there’s some sorta variation.”
            “Arthura or…erm…”
            Tommy chuckled as his brother racked his brain for options. He leaned back and finished off his cigarette. It was a very nice day.
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Falling in Temptation
Ch. 15: The Task of Death
Previous chapters • Sequel to Stars Dance •  Fairy Tale Memoirs (Companion story)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 11th Doctor x Female OC
Chapter summary: Melody Pond strikes back against the Doctor with a secret weapon from Kovarian. When the Doctor is dying, who can save him?
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog​ @maaaaarveeeeel​
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4 Months After Demon's Run.
The Doctor, Lena and the Sapling all awaited outside the TARDIS in the center of a crop field. It was no ordinary crop field though because somebody had decided to write 'Doctor' in it, making it the number one headline in Leadworth. The Ponds were very creative, the Doctor would give them that. With no other choice, he had to come back and visit them to update them on the search for Melody and Avalon. In no time they saw Amy and Rory coming to a halt in their car, both getting out with utter urgency.
"Seriously?" the Doctor raised the Leadworth newspaper to the pair. "You do realize you can't do this, right?"
"You weren't answering your phone," Rory snapped at the Doctor as he shut the car door. Neither of them looked guilty for what they'd done.
"Because we were searching," Lena explained. She was supposed to be in charge of keeping the connection between the Doctor and the Ponds, given the Doctor's reputation with phones and whatnot. But in the end, they'd gotten in too deep with the search after getting the clue Avalon left behind for them.
They took every Black Market by storm afterwards, and there were a lot of them. The Sapling had even used his unique abilities to instill new fear in those who were holding things back. With a raging, gigantic tree threatening them, everybody sang like canaries.
Kovarian had been picking up devices for mind altering. Brainwashing to the next level.
Others reported that she was gathering chipping devices. She would probably be branding Avalon and Melody soon enough.
Several of the people described watching Kovarian order Avalon to go to the end of an aisle and back. It was an odd test for them but the Doctor straightaway knew what the purpose of it was. Kovarian wanted to see how conditioned Avalon was. If she came to and back without so much of a kick in protest, it meant Avalon would be a loyal, dependent toy. And all that took the trio a month to gather, leaving everybody back on Earth in distraught over their lack of communication.
"OK, you've had all summer," Amy got straight to business and walked for the Doctor. It'd been the longest summer of her life, definitely the most unbearable one. Things had to be better now. "Have you found them? Have you found Melody and Avalon?"
The Doctor took a moment to look back on his recent efforts to find both mother and daughter. He handed the newspaper to Rory. "Permission?" he asked the human.
"Granted," Rory motioned for him to go on.
The Doctor hugged Amy tightly, "You know who Melody grows up to be, so you know I will find her."
"But you haven't yet?" Amy assumed the last the words, "Not even Avalon?"
"No," the Doctor quietly mumbled.
"But we won't give up," the Sapling said with a finger raised in the air. It brought a momentary smile from Amy, but it was short lived when they heard Rory's puzzled question.
"Hang on, what's this bit?" he was staring at the newspaper with Lena as the picture of the crop circle now showed a slash through the word 'Doctor'.
Amy walked over and took a look, "That wasn't us."
The Doctor took the newspaper and tried seeing where the line would be coming through in the real world. Everyone gathered behind him to try and pinpoint where the exactly that mysterious line came from. However, he stopped and lowered the newspaper when the noise of car came into hearing shot. They screamed as a bright red Corvette headed straight for them. They jumped out of the way just as the car did an abrupt stop only inches from the TARDIS. The driver's door opened up and out stepped a dark skinned young woman with blue eyes and black hair, dressed in a pink and black dress with black boots.
Lena rubbed the dust out of her eyes and immediately recognized the woman across them. "Mels? What are...what are you doing here!?"
"Lena can't you ever keep up?" Mels raised an eyebrow. Lena rolled her eyes but didn't say anything back. She wasn't quite for Mels' attitude. "I was following you. Oh, and I also acted as a delivery girl."
"Um, where did you get the car?" Rory dreaded to ask. It looked far too new for Mels to own.
"Like I said, I'm acting as a delivery girl right now," Mels whistled through her fingers and made everyone cover their ears.
The passenger door of the door opened up and out stepped a familiar, messy ginger haired woman.
"Avalon?" Lena's mouth fell open.
"Mother!" the Sapling squealed and jumped to his feet. He and Lena ran towards Avalon, each encasing her in a tight hug. However, Avalon didn't say anything. She cocked her head to the side, darting immediately to Mels as if she held all the answers.
The Doctor straight away noticed something different about Avalon. It was what stopped him from running towards her. She was looking around like she was new to the place, her eyes filled with confusion and...fear? That was not his Ava, not by a long shot. However, nobody else found such differences in that moment. Amy and Rory had followed in the others' foot steps and ambushed Avalon in more hugs. The Doctor turned his head towards Mels and watched the woman smirk proudly, like she knew what was happening.
"Get off me!" Avalon suddenly cried and pushed everyone away from her. Her nose crinkled while her eyebrows knitted together. She was angry. "Get the hell away from me!"
"A-Avalon..." Rory tried taking a step towards her but she drew back the same step.
"Stay away," she warned them with a pointed finger. "Mels!"
"Oh don't worry," Mels strolled over to the woman's side and swung an arm around her shoulders. "They're pretty harmless."
"I don't...I don't understand..." Amy directly looked at the Doctor for the answers they were demanding now.
The Doctor walked up to Avalon and struggled to ignore the fearful retraction of her steps. "Avalon, do you know who we are?"
She looked him over and stared at him for a few minutes. In those minutes, the Doctor studied her to the brim. Her eyes were red and puffy, a clear sign that she'd been crying not too long ago. Her voluminous hair was a bit lifeless at the moment, as if no care had been given to it in a good while. Her skin was a shade of sickly pale and she did look like she'd lost some weight. If he looked really hard, he could see her shake as if she'd been shocked. The bruises on her arms were heartbreaking. It was a heavy challenge not to touch the healing stitches on her arms.
"You're the Doctor," Avalon said after a moment but when she did, the Doctor swore there was a brief flash of anger in her eyes.
"Did she lose her memory? Is that what's going on?" Lena called from behind, attracting the eyes of her sister. "Avalon?"
"Lena," she recited before doing the same to the Sapling, Rory and Amy. "They...they did something...I c-can't...remember...my thoughts..." her shaky hand tried to gesture something beside her head. "All j-j-jumbled up."
Now the Doctor laid dark, suspicious eyes on Mels who couldn't seem more delighted with the scene. "Where did you find her?"
"What, did you lose her or something?"
The Doctor glared and waited for her to say what he needed to know.
"Mels, this is important," snapped Amy. "Where did you find Avalon?"
"Gah!" Mels dramatically threw her arms in the air. "What does it matter? I found her on the entry road to the town! Poor thing can't remember, well...a thing!" she gently tapped Avalon's head, a small action that still elicited a great flinch from Avalon. "Hello? Nobody's home!"
The Doctor yanked Avalon away from Mels with a look warning her not try that again. "Was anybody with her? Did she say anything?"
"So boring," Mels rolled her eyes. "I'm kind of in a rush, actually. Errands to run and whatnot!" A few seconds later, the group heard the blaring sirens of police cars.
There was a collective groan from Lena, Amy and Rory.
"Mels, did you steal the car?" Rory was too tired to deal with this nonsense.
"I'll have you know that it's mine," Mels wagged a finger but at the growing glares of her friends she groaned, "...ish! It's mine-ish!"
"Oh, Mels, not again?" Amy sighed as she rubbed her forehead, "We really don't have time for this today."
"You can't keep doing this. You'll end up in a real prison," Rory added.
"I can see why your father disapproves of her," the Doctor whispered to Lena as he brought Avalon towards the TARDIS.
"Mhm," Lena crossed her arms, "She's half the reasons why Avalon was put under arrest."
"Is that the phone box!" Mels was studying the TARDIS from her spot, somewhat impressed. She'd heard Avalon tell the stories of the box but it didn't compare to seeing it in person. "The bigger-on-the-inside phone box? Time travel - that's just brilliant," she then eyed the Doctor, "Yeah, I've heard a lot about you. I'm their best mate."
"Then why don't I know you?" the Doctor challenged, still unable to trust her despite her relation with the entire group, "I danced with everyone at the wedding. The women were all brilliant, the men were a bit shy."
"I don't do weddings," Mels made a face. She looked back as the sirens grew closer, "And that's me out of time," she took out a gun and aimed it at the Doctor.
The Doctor pushed Avalon away within the second. Rory lunged to catch Avalon before she would fall and once he touched her, he realized how incredibly cold she was.
"M-Mels...not yet..." Avalon said before she even realized she said it. There were so many thoughts inside her right now, she had to sort which ones were pertinent to the situation.
"Mels, for God's sake!" Lena groaned, "You're actions get stupider by the day. Avalon is...sick," she considered her choice of words carefully since her sister truly looked terrified as she basically clung Rory, "And we need your help so put that thing away."
"I'll get her to put it down," the Sapling glowered at the woman. He put his hands together and extended them forwards...when the Doctor pushed them down. "Father!"
"No," he said calmly. He needed Mels inside the TARDIS so he could question her until she passed out from exhaustion. She had more information than what she was letting on and he wasn't going to let her get away.
"I need out of here, now, can you deliver?" Mels looked at the Doctor questioningly.
"Anywhere in particular?"
"Well, let's see! You've got a time machine, I've got a gun. What the hell - let's kill Hitler."
~ 0 ~
Yes, the Doctor could see why Ryland Reynolds disapproved of the Mels' friendship with his daughters. First, she influenced Avalon negatively, she wasn't very well-mannered, and third...because...
"You've shot it!" the Doctor shouted angrily as he stared at the bullet hole that was in the time-rotor casing, the TARDIS already affected badly with the sparks and smoke it billowed while flying out of control. The Doctor turned to Mels, "You shot my TARDIS! You shot the console!"
The girl was holding onto the railing, "It's your fault!"
"Argh! How's it my fault?!"
"You said guns didn't work in this place. You said we're in a state of temporal grace!"
The Doctor tried working the controls to get them flying in a stable manner, "That was a clever lie, you idiot! Anyone could tell that was a clever lie!"
The travelers were thrown all around the room as the TARDIS crashed into a landing, God knew where. The Doctor had opened the doors and pulled out Avalon first since she looked the weakest out of everyone.
"Out, out, out! Everybody out. Don't breathe the smoke, just get out!" he called to the others whilst coughing from the smoke spewing out from the box.
"Where are we?" Amy stumbled out the box, with her pulling the Sapling.
"A room."
"What room?" Rory coughed.
"I don't know! I haven't memorized every room in the universe. I had yesterday off," the Doctor caught Mels trying to get back into the TARDIS, "Mels, don't go in there!"
"Oi!" Mels frowned as her gun was snatched away from her hand.
"Bad smoke! Don't breathe the bad, bad, smoke. Bad, deadly smoke, because somebody shot my TARDIS!"
Lena stood beside Avalon, helping her stand straight, "You okay?"
"I-I have to do something," Avalon coughed and struggled to breathe in. "My body hurts!"
Lena knew that had to be true. Avalon looked exhausted and the last thing she needed was to be bounced all around inside a shot time traveling machine. "I know, I know, we're going to get this all sorted and then you're going to take a big nap! We could make hot chocolate and oh! We could watch Sleeping Beauty!" she threw her arms around Avalon, momentarily relishing that her sister was back. She was alive!
"What?" Avalon only frowned. "What's Sleeping Beauty?"
Lena pulled away and incredulously looked at Avalon. She had no idea, she really had no idea! Lena turned to the Doctor for some help. "What did they do to her?"
The Doctor let go of Mels but not without warning her to stay put. He strode up to Avalon and took her by the head, specifically studying her eyes. "It's ECT side effects and the overuse of memory wipes. They've been working very hard on her."
Avalon scrunched her face and tried pushing his hands off her. "Stop it! Let go!" she exclaimed, a bit too frantic for such a small moment.
But the Doctor knew that had to be a consequence from whatever torture she'd gone through. He let go of her and kept his hands raised, wanting her to see that he wasn't one of those people who would hurt her. "Ava, it's me. Remember? I'm...well...I'm your Fairy tale man, remember?"
There was no significant reaction from Avalon - that alone hurt the Doctor - but she did abandon her brief suspicions over him. "You're...my friend..." She suddenly yelped when a sharp pain struck her head. She cried and clapped her hands to head. Images were running through her mind but they were going so fast like somebody had pressed the forwarding button 4 times.
"Yes, glad we got that cleared up," the Doctor rocked on his shoes. "Because as the 'fairy tale man' that's not the right thing to do."
Avalon briefly smiled but it was done with flushed cheeks. "You know you don't have to keep answering to that name, right? It was a stupid nickname I gave you when I was some stupid kid..."
"It's not stupid," the Doctor promised her, though his amused expression didn't quite convince her.
"Please, what do you call him, eh?" Idris encouraged Avalon to say the answer out loud. "That name you gave him when you were just seven years old."
"Fairy-tale man," Avalon answered slowly, still in confusion.
"And that is exactly what he doesn't want to lose," Idris smiled sadly, "That image you have of him since you were seven."
The Doctor and Lena struggled to calm Avalon down but suddenly, just like that, Avalon sucked in a deep sharp breath and snapped her head up. "You're my Fairy Tale Man!"
"What was that?" Lena frowned. "Avalon, you were in pain-"
Avalon practically shoved her sister away and grabbed the Doctor's arm. "You're my Doctor! You-you found me!"
The Doctor didn't exactly know how she was getting her memories back, nor if it was a trick, but he wanted to be a bit happy right now that she was remembering him. "Yes, I am. I am..."
Avalon took him into a tight hug. The Doctor wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly as if she were about to disappear again. He kissed her hair a few times, not that she would notice.
"Doctor, this guy, I think he's hurt!" Rory had found an unconscious man on the floor, his body poking around his desk. Rory rushed over to help him but when he did, he found that the man was alright. "No, hang on. No, he's... he's fine." Well, something good had to happen he supposed.
Against his wishes, the Doctor pulled away from Avalon and gave her a small smile. "You'll be just fine now, Ava." She nodded and watched him go then patted something in her back pocket.
"Mother!" the Sapling would take his turn and hug his mother. "You're okay! We've been looking for you!"
"That's you're kid?" Mels gave a horrid-eye stare at the Sapling. In return, the Sapling stuck his tongue out at the woman.
"Ooh, hello! Sorry, is this your office?" the Doctor asked the man who was now getting up. "Had a sort of collision with my vehicle. Faults on both sides, let's say no more about..." words left him when he saw Adolf Hitler turning around "…it."
"I remember him..." Avalon's eyes widened in horror at the sight of the man.
Slowly, the companions moved to the Doctor, "Is that...? No, it can't be, Doctor?" Amy struggled to speak coherently.
"Thank you. Whoever you are, I think you have just saved my life," Hitler honestly said, chuckling at the group.
"Believe me... it was an accident," the Doctor blinked rapidly.
"What is this thing?" Hitler blinked at the sight of the TARDIS and walked to it.
"What did he mean we saved his life?" Amy tapped the Doctor's arm, "We could not have saved Hitler."
"You see?" the alien groaned, "You see, time travel, it never goes to plan."
"I think we need to get out of here," Lena shook her head.
"This box, what is it?" Hitler looked at the group.
"It's a police telephone box from London, England," the Doctor walked over, "That's right, Adolf, the British are coming!"
Hitler didn't seem to take notice of the answer as he watched past the group to the man who tried killing him rise to his feet, "No, stop him!"
Rory punched Hitler on the chin and picked up the gun while Hitler fell to the floor, "Sit still, shut up."
Lena and Amy went to check on the second man. "Are you OK?" she asked as she and Amy helped him up.
"Yes, yes. Yes. I'm fine. I think he missed."
"He was going to kill me," Hitler tried saying but there was nobody listening to him.
"Shut up, Hitler!" Rory ordered with the gun still aimed.
"Rory, take Hitler and put him in that cupboard over there now," the Doctor ordered as he went to the attacked man, "Do it!"
While Rory shoved Hitler into the cupboard while the Doctor helped the second man sit up. "Are you okay?" he wondered.
"Oh, I..." the man started but fell back, unconscious again.
"Um, he just fainted," Lena remarked, surprised.
"Yes, that was a faint," the Doctor agreed as he stood up and studied the man, "A perfect faint."
"What? You think that was intentional?" Lena looked at the man with new suspicion. There could not be more trouble right now, this was just really bad luck.
"Mels?" Avalon's voice pulled the group's attention. She was gazing worriedly at Mels across the room who had her hands pressed against her stomach. "Are you alright?"
"Hitler..." Mels looked at the cupboard.
"What about him?" Lena raised an eyebrow, half expecting the woman to make some cruddy joke about their situation.
"Lousy shot," Mels said before she collapsed to the floor. Everyone dashed to her side, including Avalon who took first place at Mels' left side.
"Mels!" she took Mels' hand.
"Rory," the Doctor motioned for the nurse to start helping. He made sure the Sapling stayed a decent distance from them. The last thing he wanted was for the Sapling to see more blood than he needed to.
"I've got to stop the bleeding," Rory exclaimed.
"Well, how bad is it?" Lena stared at Mels with concern, knowing a cure from Avalon wouldn't work now.
"Just keep her conscious! Stay with us, Mels."
"Hey, look at me. Just hold on," the Doctor tried to get the girl's attention.
"I don't know what is so cool about you," Mels honestly remarked to him while looking at Avalon. "You said he was cool but he's not."
The Doctor rolled his eyes, of course she was dying and insulting him, "Alright, fine, let's make a list of why I'm not cool, then! Any suggestions?"
But Mels wasn't paying attention to him. She was whispering something into Avalon's ear. When Avalon pulled away, she was blinking rapidly. It earned herself some questionable looks from the others, especially the Doctor.
"Almost time," Avalon repeated, nodding her head.
"Time? Time for what?" the Doctor stared at her suspiciously.
"I-I don't remember..." Avalon looked down at Mels questioningly, "...is it time?"
Mels smirked and looked at the others anxiously waiting for her to either die or live. "Wanna know a secret?" she asked. "I didn't really 'find' her at the entry road," she whispered, "...she was handed over by the big ole boss."
The Doctor's eyebrows shot up, "WHAT?"
Mels smirked as her hands started glowing with regeneration energy. The Doctor quickly stood up and shooed everyone back, pulling Avalon to him in the process.
"No! No! Stop it!" she yelled at him to let go. She wanted to run back to Mels, but the Doctor held her arm to keep her still.
"Father, is she like you?" the Sapling was making a face as the regeneration energy got stronger around Mels.
"Last time I did this, I ended up a toddler in the middle of New York," Mels gazed at her hands that were almost completely enveloped by the energy. She really hoped this time she would get it right because it'd been a pain in the ass having to grow up all over again. If she got this right, then she would finally be free.
"OK, Doctor, explain what is happening?" Amy shot a look at the alien, "Please!"
The Doctor was nearly kicking himself for being so stupid. All this time, searching through the galaxies when he himself had said that Kovarian could hide Melody and Avalon right under their noses. "Mels, short for...?"
"Melody," Mels answered with a wide smirk. She knew exactly what he was thinking. "Gotcha!"
The Doctor then shot the same look back to Amy, a bit irritated she hadn't mentioned this to him. Nobody had bothered to mention that the mysterious friend 'Mels' everyone always talked about was in reality named Melody. That would've been extremely helpful. Amy, however, didn't see the problem so clearly yet...along with the others. "Yeah, I named my daughter after her."
"You named your daughter... after your daughter."
"Took me years to find you two. I'm so glad I did," Mels honestly said to her parents, "And, you see, it all worked out in the end, didn't it? You got to raise me after all."
"You're Melody?" Amy's eyes widened.
"No, my head hurts," Lena was thinking how they could have missed this. Mels never gave an indication that she knew more about the Doctor than them. She was always curious, yes, even asking questions like Avalon would.
Rory, however, was thinking farther ahead. "But if she's Melody, that means she's also..." he glanced at Avalon who didn't even notice as she stared in horror at her friend.
"Oh, shut up, Dad! I'm focusing on a dress size," Mels struggled to say right before the regeneration took her over. The group shielded their eyes from the blinding energy. Once it was over, a new, yet familiar, person stood across them. "Right, let's see, then!" River Song gasped as she started taking a look at her new self, "Ooh, it's all going on down there, isn't it? The hair!" she touched her hair and ran to a long mirror on the wall. It was incredibly voluminous. "Avalon, I beat you this time!" she cheered and glanced back at the ginger who was blankly staring at her. "You're going to have to pass on the tips, though!"
Neither knew their similar hair went deeper than just a coincident.
"Everything changes!" Melody laughed, "Oh, but I love it, I love it! I'm all sort of... mature!" she set her foot on the endpiece of a furniture beside her, "Hello, Benjamin!"
"Who's Benjamin?" the Sapling tilted his head.
"Tree kid, you couldn't keep up even if you tried!" River sighed and gasped as she passed her tongue over her teeth, "The teeth, the teeth! Oh, look at them!" she pointed to her mouth, "Excuse me, you lot, I need to weigh myself!"
The group leaned on the edge of the desk except for Avalon who had walked a couple steps away from them. Something was coming and she needed to be ready, but she couldn't quite remember.
"That's Melody?" Amy breathed in, her eyes wide as could be.
"That's River Song," Lena shook her head. She felt like something was compressing her head because everything hurt up there.
"Who's River Song?" Melody stood at the doorway with curiosity.
"Spoilers," the Doctor decided no word than that one fit better.
"Spoilers? What's spoilers? Hang on, just something I have to check!" and she ran back to the restroom.
"She's...River Song," Rory whispered quietly. Oh, time travel was really hurting right now.
"And she's also my sister's mother!" Lena whisper-hissed. Speaking of...
At the mention of Avalon, the Doctor stood away from the desk and walked over to her, "Ava?" he cautiously turned her to face him, "You alright?"
"Honestly, no," she put a hand on her stomach, "I feel terrible. I c-can't remember anything except th-that there's something really important I have t-to do. But I feel sick. And everything hurts."
"I promise you we will get you sorted as soon as the TARDIS is safe to get back inside in." He didn't want to touch her since almost every part of her arms were covered in bruises, but he did want to hold her.
"But what about Mels? Or, River..." she moved her hand to her forehead, "...all this time she was really the daughter of Amy and Rory? No, wait..." Avalon's head snapped to the side when she realized something, "I knew th-that already. I...I l-learned that...I'm forgetting things."
"Your head's a bit, uh, it's bit jumbled up," the Doctor gently said as he turned her head back to him. "But you'll get better."
"I-I..." Avalon blinked as if there was something in her eyes. The images were coming fast again.
"Ah, that's magnificent!" they heard Melody shout from the restroom. Quickly, she returned to the room with a bright smile, "I'm going to wear lots of jumpers! Well, now, enough of all that!" she shrugged and pulled out a gun which was aimed at the Doctor, "Down to business."
"Mels, what are you doing?" Lena sighed, "This isn't you. Well..."
"She's doing exactly what she's programmed to do, baby sister," the Doctor slowly moved for Melody.
"Where'd she get the gun?" Rory had to ask. How on Earth could Melody - River - carry a gun when she'd just regenerated?
"Hello, Benjamin," the Doctor recalled, "It was in the chair..."
"You noticed!" Melody chuckled and fired but found the gun was empty.
"Of course I noticed," the Doctor smirked at his quick-wit, "As soon as I knew you were coming, I tidied up a bit."
"So you're one step ahead of me, then?"
Melody smirked and looked past him. "But are you though?" At the sound of a click, the Doctor turned back to find Avalon holding another gun at him from her spot. Alright, that one scared him a little bit.
"Ava, put that down..." he slowly raised a hand, barely moving an inch forwards when Avalon waved the gun at him again.
"I-I don't remember when somebody told me to do this..." she admitted, but it still didn't make her lower the gun.
"That would be me," Melody said for everybody's clarification. "Posthypnotic suggestion, anybody?" It was the same trick the Silence used on the humans while they were watching over her. "Kovarian made sure to leave her very well trained for this moment."
"You made Mother do this?" frowned the Sapling. "Why!? She's done nothing wrong!"
"Mmm, clearly you haven't learned everything about dear old Mummy," Melody rolled her eyes. "Mummy's not that innocent, you know? She and I...we've had our fair share of moments."
"If she's your friend, then why would you do this to her!?" Amy didn't know whether to cry over her daughter's twisted mind or scream out of frustration.
"Because it's what I'm supposed to do," Melody said quietly. "That's the order and I learned a long time ago that when Kovarian makes an order, you follow it...or else."
There was a sharp tinge in the last words that made everybody wonder what Melody had to go through to make that discovery.
"Hey, hey, Avalon, it's me," the Doctor was still holding his hands up. "We went over this remember? I'm the Fairy Tale Man and I came here to rescue you."
"No you didn't, you didn't save me," Avalon shook her head, eyes tearing up in a matter of seconds. It broke the Doctor's hearts because she was saying the truth. He failed her and her mother. "I-I can remember...bits and p-parts...they-they hurt me. And then...and then they hurt me again, and again..." her face scrunched with raw anger and despondence. "They kept hurting me..."
"I know, Ava, I know," the Doctor's own eyes teared up. "It's all my fault but listen, that will never happen again. I'll die if it means you'll live happily and safe. But right now, Ava, right now I really need you to put the gun down. It's okay if you hurt me, but you don't want to hurt Lena, right? Or Amy and Rory? Or the Sapling?"
Avalon's eyes flickered to the others in the room. They were all so scared - though she didn't know they were scared for her and not of her - and the Sapling seemed to want to hide from her. Something went off her in mind and it made her drop the gun on the floor. "Oh my God!" she blinked. The Doctor quickly seized the gun from the floor and gave it to Rory. "Oh my God! Oh my God! I didn't...Doctor, I didn't mean it! I-I didn't mean any of that! Oh my God!" she brought her hands to her mouth as her tears streamed down her eyes. "What did they do to me!?"
The Doctor hurried over to her and pulled her into another hug. She cried and shook between his arms while she begged him to forgive him.
Lena was infuriated to see her sister so...broken. Avalon was always so put together, a leader, and she knew exactly what she wanted at all times. Lena rounded on Melody with the ugliest scowl marking her face. "What did you do to my sister!? Fix her right now!"
"I told you," Melody shrugged carelessly. "Posthypnotic suggestion. Kovarian left instructions that I only reinforced."
"You whispered into her ear," Rory recalled the moment just before Melody had regenerated.
Melody smiled. "Use the gun when I use mine. Simple, but very effective."
"And where'd Avalon get the gun from?" demanded Amy.
"Kovarian gave her one!"
"You're a psychopath!" Lena erupted into a loud scream that could probably echo down the streets. She didn't care if this was her friends' daughter, nobody hurts her sister. "Avalon is your friend! Instead of helping her, you're dooming her!"
"I am helping her!" Melody argued defensively which just made incredulously glare.
"How are you helping her!?"
"I may be a psychopath, but I'm also honest."
"You were not a psychopath! Why would she be a psychopath?" Amy snapped at both women for using that horrible term. However, Melody didn't look at all offended by the term.
"Oh, Mummy, Mummy, pay attention," Melody groaned, "I was trained and conditioned for one purpose. I was born to kill the Doctor."
"Demons Run, remember? This is what they were building, my bespoke psychopath," the Doctor explained whilst still holding onto Avalon. He was rubbing a hand down her back, hoping to soothe her until she could understand that he had nothing to forgive her for. "What I can't understand is why you felt the need to get my Ava involved."
"Yeah, Mother didn't do anything wrong," the Sapling chimed in with his own glare.
"No, she only got involved," Melody shook her head. Things were supposed to have gone a different way but Kovarian just chucked Avalon to her at the last minute and expected Melody to work with what she had. "Nice going there. She always looked up to you. She went on and on about how the Doctor could save anyone. Well guess what? You didn't save her nor me!" Because if he had saved her, she could've grown up with her parents. She wouldn't have had to grovel on the streets of New York, swallowed up by an astronaut suit. She could've had what Amy had as a child, what Rory had, what the Reynolds had. She could've been like them and then maybe she could've traveled with the Doctor too.
"You're right," the Doctor agreed with a nod.
"No, big brother," Lena turned back to him but he had long ago made up his mind about the matter.
"I didn't save either of them. I put them into this situation," he looked down at Avalon who had buried her face in his chest. "I put people I care about in danger and I don't save them."
"No, no, that's not true," the Sapling frowned. "You've saved so many people, Father. It's impossible to save everybody. Otherwise, this would be a fairy tale."
"Avalon," called Melody, "Time to go."
Avalon jerked between the Doctor's arms, but instead of leaving him she only drew back enough to look up at the Doctor. "I'm sorry," she sniffed.
"Hey, you don't have to be sorry about anything," he whispered and cleared off a few of her tears from her cheeks. Her skin felt so dry he picked up a few flecks of dead skin. "You just have to worry about getting better. I'm going to get you to a real doctor, and they'll fix you right up."
"But you are my Doctor," she frowned slightly. "Why are you saying nonsense? Nobody can fix me, only you can."
"My Ava, you have no idea how badly I want to change all this," he cupped one side of her face. "I-I wish I could turn back time and keep you safe."
"You said 'my Ava'," she said, choosing to focus on the best part of his words. "My Ava, you are everything to me. You've owned these hearts for a long while now," Her bright smile could light up anyone's day. "That's what he said. The other Doctor. He told me that, just before he died. Is that true for you too?"
The Doctor thought this was hardly the place to discuss this matter but his hearts did leap a bit now that he finally knew what his ganger had told Avalon just before they escaped the ganger factory. And the ganger Doctor got it spot on too. "It is," he admitted, swallowing hard as if there was something lodged in his throat. "But look at where that's gotten you, where it's gotten everyone..." his eyes looked over her to the rest of the group that he'd solely ruined.
"It's given me a new feeling," Avalon pulled him down closer to her face. "And-and I wouldn't change it. It's my story. And do you know what my story deserves?"
The Doctor could think of a few things, starting with 'safe' and 'happiness'. "Peace," he settled for in the end.
"Nu-uh," Avalon's smile turned sly seconds before she pulled him one more time to close the gap between them. She kissed him like she'd been wanting to for a while - that she could remember perfectly - and held onto his arms because if she kept going, she didn't know if her legs would be able to stand it. But the Doctor was also holding her and with her surprise kiss, he wouldn't be letting go of her anytime soon. He finally got a taste of her lips that, despite being chapped, were so sweet. For a woman who had quite a loud mouth - which he was really fond of - she had such a way of kissing. He could do this for hours...
"Avalon?" called Melody, almost snarling, as she headed for the open window, "Quit your snogging and get over here, now! Time to go!"
Avalon's body jerked again, forcing her to pull away from the Doctor in the process. She blinked fast and once she found Melody by the window, she walked towards the woman like a robot following orders.
"A-Ava, don't," the Doctor tried to stop her but Avalon ignored him and stopped by Melody.
"Look at that, Berlin on the eve of war," Melody put an arm around Avalon's shoulders, "A whole world about to tear itself apart. Now that's my kind of town. Mum, Dad, Lena, don't follow us. Tree kid...don't you dare go all gigantic on me. And, yes, that is a warning for everybody!" She specifically made sure to look at everyone except the Doctor, something he easily picked up on.
"No warning for me, then?" he slowly walked back to the group, thinking of the perfect moment to snatch Avalon from her. He wasn't going to let her take his Ava off to some deranged city.
"Rather save my breath," Melody smirked, "The deed is done and so are you."
The Doctor only had seconds to wonder what she meant when he felt his legs weaken to the point he wobbled till he would fall. Rory and Amy ran to help him stand.
"Father, what's wrong!?" the Sapling, frightened, rushed to his side.
Lena once again glared at Melody, knowing that she was the culprit of whatever was happening to the Doctor. "What did you do to him, Melody!?"
"Oh, that wasn't me," Melody proudly presented Avalon to them.
Avalon seemed horrified to learn, to remember, that it was her fault. "Oh my God!" she brought her hands to her mouth. "It was me!"
"It was never going to be a gun for him," Melody smirked even wider seeing everyone's reactions. "Doctor, the man of peace who understands every kind of warfare, except, perhaps, the cruelest. You shouldn't have fallen into temptation."
The Doctor put a finger on his lips as he looked at Avalon, the ginger completely destroyed over what she'd done. He didn't need to ask to know that she hadn't even remembered what she was supposed to do. Somebody had left those instructions in her head and she would've done them no matter what.
"Doctor, I'm sorry," Avalon cried and tried running to them when Melody grabbed her arm and yanked them out the window.
"NO!" Everyone cried as the woman disappeared.
"Why would Mother do this?" the Sapling sniffed as he looked at his father who really struggled to stand on his own.
"It's not her fault, Sapling," the Doctor said.
"What did she do to you, exactly?" asked Rory so that they knew what to work with. Meanwhile, Lena bolted for the window to see if she could catch where Melody was taking her sister to.
"Avalon, she-she poisoned me," the Doctor answered with a struggle.
"Don't let Avalon kiss you in Berlin," Rory remembered Ryland's words that he'd gotten from a future version of the Doctor. "You literally left yourself a message about this!"
"I'm terrible at messages!" the Doctor snapped, but truth be told he'd kiss Avalon again if the chance was at hand. "And don't start! Avalon didn't know any better, her mother tricked her!"
"Her mother," Amy sighed, "This is completely awful!"
"Oh, her mother is brainwashed too!"
"That makes it better," Lena returned to them, "How do we help you, big brother? Do you have a plan?"
"The plan is not to die," the Doctor pointed at her, "I gotta save my Ava. Take this! The TARDIS can home in on it," he gave Amy his screwdriver, "Now, go, get after them!" he pushed Rory to the window.
"But what about you?" Lena helped Amy to get him into the TARDIS, "You said the smoke was deadly."
"The smoke's fine. The poison will kill me first," he tried to humor and actually expected for Avalon to remark on that, only she was nowhere around anymore, "Now, get after Avalon and River! Sapling, with me! Poison can't really affect trees!"
The Sapling grinned and nodded.
"But I don't understand," Amy shook her head, "Why would Avalon poison you?"
"She didn't mean to, she was brainwashed," the Doctor explained fast, "The head is a delicate thing and they've managed to get into it. Now, please, just go!" he entered the TARDIS and left them to do their task.
~ 0 ~
Down in front of the building stood Avalon and Melody and were being questioned by German officers. While Avalon seemed completely wrecked, Melody was quite confident in herself.
"What are you doing here?" the officer demanded to know.
"Well," Melody stepped forwards, "We were off to this gay Gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled, when I thought, "Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think I'll kill the Fuhrer." Who's with me?"
"Shoot them."
Melody quickly stepped back, in front of Avalon and took all the shots for the both of them. After the shots were finished, she looked up at the officers while hugging herself, "Tip for you all...never shoot a girl while she's regenerating," she opened her arms and sent out regeneration energy towards the soldiers and laughed as she knocked the entire group down, "Ah! Now, that hit the spot."
"Please...we have to go back," Avalon looked up at the window where she was sure the Doctor was still in, "I-I killed him, I have to go help...maybe there's cure..."
"Oh, it's Judas Poison, didn't they tell you?" Melody grabbed a couple machine guns and moved over to a motorcycle.
"I can't remember," Avalon glanced at her, "But you do, you knew I was going to do that, didn't you?"
Melody smirked and started the motorcycle, "C'mon, Avalon."
"But Melody-"
"Look, you killed the Doctor. You committed a crime, they're not gonna want you anymore. But I will," Melody gestured to the motorcycle, "I didn't want you to do any of this but if we didn't do what Kovarian said, she would've killed us. We had to do this. Plus, it's the Doctor's own fault. If he would've been there for us, we wouldn't have gotten here."
"But my friends..." Avalon looked up at the building.
"I am your friend, always have been. C'mon, don't you feel like shopping?"
Avalon was terrified but Melody did ring some facts. She'd done a terrible thing, how could anyone forgive her for that? "Sh-shopping?"
Melody grinned. "Yup! New body, means I've got to get new clothes. Shall we?"
Avalon looked up to see Amy, Lena, and Rory climbing down and grew even more frightened. She didn't want to face them, much less her sister. Melody was right, she'd committed a crime. A crime against the most wonderful man she'd ever met, no one would want her after that.
"Avalon, no!" Lena shouted after her sister as the ginger hurried and climbed on the back of the motorcycle Melody was in, "Avalon!" but it was too late, the women were gone. "We have to stop them, we have to stop them now!"
A soldier came through the gate behind the trio, riding a motorcycle. He stopped in front of them and Rory stepped forwards to explain, "Look, I know how this looks, but let me explain everything from the beginning," but the soldier started reaching for a weapon and so he panicked. "Heil!" he saluted.
"Heil!" the soldier saluted back to him.
Rory took advantage and punched him down. He climbed on the motorcycle and motioned for the other two women to do the same.
"You're all punchy today," Lena remarked as she took her place behind Amy.
"Well, my daughter and granddaughter are out in a city on the brink of war, hell of a reason to punch," Rory shrugged, meaning every last word he said. He'd always cared for Mels and Avalon, Avalon a bit more since he'd met her first. But now after knowing who they were in reality, his protection fired up and he knew he would do anything to keep them safe, even if that meant punching Hitler.
"Can you ride a motorbike?" Amy dreaded to ask as he started the motorcycle.
"I expect so. It's that sort of day," Rory shrugged once more and drove off.
~ 0 ~
Melody had found a nice restaurant filled with elegant people and decided to hijack them, both men and women. While she tried several pieces on and checked herself in the mirror, Avalon sat at a nearby table with her hands in her hair, desperately trying to remember and process what she'd done.
"I might take the age down a little, just gradually, to freak people out," Melody chuckled as she tried on a captain's hat and looked back to Avalon, "Whaddya think?"
"What have I done?" Avalon mumbled to herself, "I killed someone, and not just anyone, but the Doctor. I killed him," she looked up at Melody with teary eyes, "Why did you let me do that? What's he ever done to you?"
"I was taken from my parents, you forget that?" Melody raised an eyebrow, "I was thrown into a life of hell because they're all afraid of him and needed someone to do the job that none of them could do."
"And yet I'm the one who did it," Avalon stood up, "Your life may have been hell as a child, but when you came into Leadworth you became my friend and Amy's and Rory, even Lena's. Don't tell me your life was awful back then too."
"Of course it wasn't," Melody admitted quietly and looked around, "It was fun, the most fun I'd ever had."
"Then? Why did you do this to me?" Avalon gestured to herself, her voice breaking in the end. "They stole me and they did something to my head, brainwashed me, hurt me!" She frantically gestured to her injured arms. Melody did swallow hard at the sight of her nearly purple arms. "They did so m-many things to me...and you just let me kill the one person who could've saved us both!"
"I never had a choice, Avalon," Melody's voice softened, "You think I asked for all this? That I wanted my best friend to do what I was trained to do my entire life?"
"Then why did you let me do it!?" Avalon shouted, her tears strolling down her cheeks.
"Because it was either you did it or you died," Melody shrugged, seeing no other way to put it, "I didn't just find you on the entry road, you were handed over to me."
"By who?"
"Avalon, you seriously don't remember anything!?" Melody couldn't help but shout the question, quite exasperated that she really had to start from zero.
"I s-s-see bits and pieces..." Avalon screwed her eyes shut but once she did she saw the woman with the eye patch. "Mels...how could you do this to me?"
"Because I didn't want to see you die, alright? Anyone else, I wouldn't have cared," Melody snapped, honestly not even understanding herself why she had cared so much for her friend's safety, "But you, you are the only one that I can be myself without getting any scolds nor reproaches. It's either you did the task or they killed you on the spot."
"Well I would have rather died," Avalon exclaimed and leaned back on the table, sniffling, "You don't understand, Mels, you didn't make me kill just anyone...you made me kill my Fairy Tale Man. He was mine and he actually cared for me like no one else has. And now, he'll die and I'll lose my friends, my sister, my family. Cos you're right, they won't want me anymore. Who'd love a murderer?"
"It won't matter anymore, Avalon," Melody walked over to her and took her hands, "We'll have a fresh new start, I told you. We can travel the world and do things our way now. No following the rules and pretending to be who we're not."
"But with the Doctor I did do that," Avalon whispered, "He didn't care who I was."
"You killed the Doctor," came Amy's voice from behind them.
Avalon tensed and turned around, seeing Amy a couple steps away from them, "Amy, I know what I did, and there's nothing I can do anymore. She says my healing won't work."
"You killed the Doctor on the orders of the movement known as the Silence and Academy of the Question. You accept and know this to be true?"
Avalon raised an eyebrow, "I...don't understand what all that is. I can't remember, I swear. I killed him and I can't even remember who told me to do it."
'Amy' opened up her mouth and shot out a blue beam at Avalon, making the ginger cry out in pain, "No! No! Get off me!" she pleaded. It brought back the moments of her torture where they would carve her skin.
"That's not Amy!" Melody kicked the Teselecta robot of her mother back and managed to shut down the beam.
Avalon stumbled back onto the floor, "Oh, you don't say? I was just about to ask her when she got that new beam built into her mouth!"
"Oh your sense of humor is back," the Doctor's voice made her look to the side and see the alien standing beside the TARDIS, dressed in black tails and a top hat along with a cane.
"First of all, what the hell are you wearing?" Avalon raised an eyebrow, "You're dying and you stopped to change? You know what, I'm not even surprised."
The Sapling giggled beside his Father. "I think he looked nice! I need to find me a suit too!"
The Doctor spun around with a grin and made his way down the steps, "You should always waste time when you don't have any. Time is not the boss of you - Rule 408," he stopped in front of the robotic Amy, "Amelia Pond, judgment death machine. Why am I not surprised? Sonic cane!"
"Are you serious?" even Melody was stumped by the man.
"Never knowingly. Never knowingly be serious," the Doctor used his cane to scan the Teselecta, "Rule 27. You might want to write these down. Oh, it's a robot!" he concluded from the readings, "With 423 life signs inside. A robot worked by tiny people. Love it! But how do you all get in there, though? Bigger on the inside? No, basic miniaturization sustained by a compression field. Oh, watch what you eat, it'll get you every time. Amy, if you, Rory and Lena are OK, signal me," and then the Doctor got a signal from his cane, "Thanking you," he then gave out a cry of pain.
"Doctor!" Avalon ran to help him, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!"
"It's alright, leg just went to sleep," he tried to humor her to no avail, "Just had a quick left leg power nap, I forgot I had one scheduled. Actually, better sit down, I think I heard the right one yawning," he sat on the dais of the steps with her help.
"I am so sorry for all this," Avalon stepped away from him. He probably wouldn't want her anywhere near him. "I can't remember, and I know that's no excuse but it's the truth. I don't remember why I did it, I just knew it after I did it and now I've killed you. I'm the woman who kills you." Flashes of the astronaut at Lake Silencio crossed her mind. It was her, wasn't it? She killed him at that lake. But now she'd rewritten time and killed him earlier. She felt sick and it wasn't because of her own injuries. "You...should have just left me that night...that you came back for me. You should have just left me there."
"No, hey!" the Doctor snapped a finger at her, snapping her out of those horrid thoughts. "I don't regret anything we've done in the past! The only thing I regret is not saving you sooner!"
"But I'm a murderer," Avalon whispered and glanced at the robot, the Teselecta. "And they know it. Everybody inside that thing...they know who I am. A murderer." She turned towards the robot, swallowing hard. "You should kill me."
"No, Avalon-"
"I accept my fault," she stepped towards the Teselecta, "I accept my punishment..."
With the confession, the Teselecta shot out a beam of light and trapped her in it. Avalon screamed in terrible pain, one that even made Melody flinch.
"Mother!" the Sapling growled and grew one of his left arms to smack the Teselecta, but the Doctor stopped him.
"NO! Don't you touch her! Do not harm her in any way," the Doctor shouted at the Teselecta and managed to stop the painful beam, leaving only a containment field around Avalon.
"Remember that Amy, Rory and Lena are still inside!"
But after that, the Teselecta turned on Melody and before the brunette tried making a run for it, she was trapped in a containment field as well. "I haven't done anything," Melody writhed in her field, far more awake than Avalon at the moment.
"According to records you are the women who kills the Doctor," was the response of the robot.
"Listen, I love my friend, but she is the one that kills him today, sweetie," Melody snapped, "So far, I've committed no crime."
"He's dying."
"Well, at least I'm not a time-travelling shape-shifting robot operated by miniaturized cross people," the Doctor called, eyeing the situation, perplexed to see Melody 'arrested' as well, "Which, I have got to admit, I didn't see coming. What do you want with them?" he pointed his cane to both women.
"She's Melody Pond, the woman who kills the Doctor. And she-" the robot pointed to Avalon, "-kills you today."
"How can I kill him if he's already dying!? Let me go!" Melody ordered.
"What is any of this to you?" the Doctor demanded from the robot, "Cos my friend there-" he pointed to Melody, "-has a point."
"Throughout history, many criminals have gone unpunished in their lifetimes. Time travel has... responsibilities."
The Doctor laughed, "What? You got yourselves time travel, so you decided to punish dead people?"
"We don't kill them. We extract them near the end of their established timelines."
"And then what?"
"Give them hell."
The Doctor's humor faded away immediately to be replaced by the darkness the Black Markets had come to know in the last month. "I'd ask you who you think you are but I think the answer is pretty obvious. So, who do you think I am? From everything I've heard, it sounds like you've got a record of mine being altered," he glanced at Avalon who was slowly coming around, "Gotta say, I'd love a peek."
"Our records office is sealed to the public. Foreknowledge is dangerous."
"Yes, well, I'll be dead in three minutes. There isn't much foreknowledge left."
"Sorry, can't do that..." There was a moment of silence before the Teselecta changed its mind. "Records available."
The Doctor wouldn't question the change so stood up with great struggle on his cane. The Sapling helped him walk on his wobbly feet. "Question. I'm dying... who wants me dead?"
"The Silence."
"What is the Silence? Why is it called that? What does it mean?"
"The Silence is not a species. It is a religious order, or movement. Their core belief is that silence will fall when the question is asked."
"What question?"
"The first question. The oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight."
"Yes, but what is the question?"
"Well, fat lot of use that is, you big ginge! Call yourself a Records... Argh!" the Doctor fell to the floor with a cry of pain, "Kidneys are always the first to quit. I've had better, you know."
The containment field around Melody vanished and she dropped to the ground. She would've cheered if the field around Avalon hadn't turned into a flaming red that tortured her. Her shrill screams filled the room and perhaps the rest of the building. Everything was on fire. It felt like she was back with Kovarian and the Silence...oh. She remembered who gave her the order now.
The Doctor pulled himself across the floor with his hands and called out to the robot, "Amy! Rory! Lena! Can you hear me?"
"Yeah. What do we do? What do we do?" Amy's distraught voice came from the robot.
"Just stop them, please. She's your granddaughter, just stop them." Because the Doctor felt his life slowly slipping away. There was no more of his energy to use and the Sapling was still just a child. He was terrified. If he was to die, then he needed to know that Avalon would come out safe and sound.
"What did you say?" Melody stared at him with confusion from her spot.
The Doctor considered his next words while his gaze was stuck on Avalon. It was a huge no in the world of timelines telling Melody of her future, especially about something - someone - so important to her. But as the field stopped and Avalon dropped to the floor, completely unconscious, and the real Amy (or Rory or Lena) pleaded for his help through the Teselecta, he found there was no other choice. Besides, the universe owed him this.
"Please, now we have to save your parents. Don't run. Now, I know you're scared, but never run when you're scared. Rule 7. Please," he looked at Melody with urgency.
"Why did you say granddaughter?" Melody rose to her feet and frowned. "You said 'granddaughter', why?"
"Her mother, her real mother, is River Song, and she would kill you right now for what you've done..."
"Who is this River person?" Melody sighed with exasperation, "And why are you saying she's Avalon's mother? Emmalina is!"
"Imagine, imagine something for me please," the Doctor mustered his final coherent words. Not even the Sapling's strength could keep him up. He had to sit back down, preparing for his final moments. "Imagine that little Melody grows up and she goes to college and she has a baby of her own..." his eyes drifted to Avalon.
Melody slowly looked over to Avalon. Her face was covered by her hair. Melody inched closer to Avalon and touched her ginger locks. They felt like hers. "You're lying..."
"You're no fool, Melody, look into your past, look into the now. You've gotten along so good despite everyone else's opinions about you two, the Silence stole her and brought her back to you for some twisted mother-daughter job. You look me in the eye and tell me you're gonna let your parents, her grandparents and sister die," the Doctor ordered her and surprisingly Melody did as told. She looked straight at him and could feel his urgency radiating. "You know there's a special connection between you and Avalon. There always has been and this is why. Somewhere along your timeline you have a daughter, and you do love her. You've hurt her, now make it up by giving her, her grandparents and sister back. Rory can treat her after I...die. Do this for your daughter, Melody..."
Melody turned for Avalon, considering everything she'd heard. It made sense, all of it...but...to believe it...that was hard. She brushed a lock from Avalon's face, "Avalon..." she whispered, unable to bring herself to actually touch her now, "...Avalon, please? I didn't mean to hurt you. I was scared that they would hurt us both. Avalon, wake up."
"Go to her, Sapling," the Doctor urged the child with him. The Sapling was torn between staying with his father or going to his mother. They both needed him. "It's okay, Sapling," the Doctor offered him his best smile. "You go and help your Mother. That's what we wanted to do, remember? Help her."
The Sapling slowly nodded and walked over to Avalon and Melody. He knelt down beside his mother and gently shook her arm. "Mother, please wake up. Aunt Lena, aunt Amy and Uncle Rory need you. I need you too. And so does Father. I don't want my family to be ripped apart. I'm just a kid. I don't know what to do by myself."
Melody blinked at the tree child with a ripple of...sympathy? She knew exactly what he was talking about. She had no idea what to do with herself when she was a child. The Silence had given her full independence but she was a child. What was she supposed to do without her parents? She had to figure it out on her own sometimes. She wished somebody could have saved her way before any of this happened. She was just a kid...she shouldn't have had to live the way she had. And now she was the reason why another child would have to figure it out on their own. The Silence didn't do that, she did.
"I'm sorry," the words blurted from her mouth.
The Sapling met Melody's gaze with teary eyes. "Why would you hurt us? We worked so hard to find you, to save you, and you hurt us? That's not fair. You're taking my Mother, my Father, my family."
"No, no," Melody shook her head. "I didn't-I didn't mean to..."
The Sapling gently lowered himself to his Mother's side and brushed her hair with his hands. "Mother..." he sniffled.
~ 0 ~
Just as Lena, Amy and Rory were about to die, the TARDIS appeared around them, saving them in time. Lena quickly left her friends' side and ran for the console, "Big brother!" but she stopped when she saw Melody standing there and gasped at the sight of Avalon on the chair, trying to get out of it. "What did you do!?" she fiercely demanded from Melody as she ran to Avalon.
"i-it's fine, Lena," Avalon assured her. Her sight was coming back at least. "I...taught her to fly the TARDIS. Guess those lessons did pay off." She managed a weak smile while her sister hugged her.
"Where's the Doctor?" frowned Amy. "And the Sapling?"
"Then bring us back to the Doctor so he can help her," Lena ordered.
Melody looked around, refusing to tell her exactly what was going to happen to the Doctor in just a moment. Still, she used what Avalon had told her and successfully brought the TARDIS back to the restaurant.
Amy ran out the TARDIS first to find the Doctor lying on the stairs, nearly unconscious, with the Sapling at his side. Amy dropped on one of his sides, "You can't die now. I know you don't die now."
"Oh, Pond! You've got a schedule for everything," the Doctor managed to smile. From the corner of his eyes he could see Avalon coming out of the TARDIS with Lena's and Melody's help. She was safe now. Now it was okay to...to go.
"Doctor, what do we do? Come on. How do we help you?" Rory called to him as he and the others neared him.
"No, sorry, Rory. You can't. Nobody can," the Doctor sighed, "Ponds, listen to me, I need to talk to your daughter."
Everyone looked back at Melody who now looked completely uncomfortable. Slowly, she came towards the Doctor while the others backed away. She bent down beside him and whispered quietly to him, "You're not lying are you?" she glanced back to Avalon who was direcly staring at them with tears in her eyes, still filled with guilt.
"You see it now, don't you?" the Doctor questioned her, "Her eyes are yours, her hair is yours, her spirits are yours. But she doesn't know it yet, she thinks you're just a really close friend."
"I'm her mother...and I let her commit murder," Melody swallowed hard, if that didn't make her the worst mother of the year she didn't know what would.
"I need you to do something for me," the Doctor told her, "Find River Song and tell her something from me."
"Tell her what?" she raised an eyebrow and leaned down to listen to his quiet words. After she sat straight again, she had tears in her eyes, "Well, I don't know how..." but he gave her a pointed look that made her shift in place. She stood up and turned to the group, "Who's River Song?" she demanded.
Without a word, Amy moved to the Teselecta now host to no lives inside, "Are you still working because I'm still a relative? Access files on River Song."
"Records available."
"Show me her. Show me River Song."
Melody's tears strolled down her face as she now saw herself in the Teselecta. She glanced back at Avalon and shuddered a breath, "I lied."
Avalon shooed Rory off her, "What about?"
"There's no cure...but you have all the cures in your immune system...a well evolutionized system..."
Avalon's eyes half-widened. She raised her hands and turned them over. "And that would work? That would really work?"
"Might..." Melody shrugged with a small smile as she watched the ginger's hope increase by the seconds. "...but there could be consequences..."
"Don't care," Avalon snapped and hurried to the Doctor however she could on her wobbly feet. She came to sit beside him, ignoring the slight pain she felt on her knees. She motioned for the Sapling to move away. She would need a moment alone.
"What's she doing?" Lena looked at Melody suspiciously. One more trick from hers and this time Lena might just slap her.
Melody didn't answer and turned for Avalon, hoping her words would be true and...perhaps, do one good thing for her...daughter. She didn't want anyone to grow up the way that she did.
"I promise you after this you can chuck me into a black hole," Avalon whispered to the Doctor. "Or put me in jail. That's what I deserve. I'm so sorry for all this. Believe me, killing you is the last thing I wanted to do," she leaned down and stroked his hair, smiling slightly when he opened his eyes. He looked so weak and it was all her fault. He would never sit still, never lay down. He was always on the run, exploring different worlds, saving people here and there. He was the perfect man. A man that should not have to die.
"You remember those stories you wanted to see? The ones I wrote when I was younger? Well, they were all about you, stupid," Avalon's face blushed a warm pink as she explained what she thought she'd never say. "You're the Fairy Tale Man and you were always my hero, saving me...and do you remember when I couldn't sleep last year? You had to talk to me about my nightmare and you said I should dream up something that would ward the nightmares away? Well, you were the knight-in-shining-armor that fought off all my nightmares. You protected me. You've been quite the busy man," her smile spread as her blush deepened, "Now the princess - albeit an odd one - gets to save the prince."
"But Ava..." the Doctor could barely say those two words. Even with his bypass system, his lungs had expended his air.
"Be sure to rest for a bit before you go gallivanting through galaxies, alright?" Avalon leaned down, ignoring his weak attempts to stop her, and kissed him. Her fingers held onto the lapels of his jacket, as if she'd need it to keep him still. Her body glowed as the energy of her immunization began to transfer from her to the Doctor's. Avalon could feel her strength slipping away but she took comfort knowing it was going to the right place.
Towards the end, Avalon barely had the strength to raise her head. She weakly glanced at the others with a small smile. But her eyelids became heavy and before she knew it, she laid her head on the Doctor's chest and fell into darkness.
~ 0 ~
The next time Avalon opened her eyes, she was in a bright, white room. For a few seconds, she thought this was what the afterlife looked like...but then she heard a familiar voice.
"Avalon, sweetie, you're awake," Ryland was sitting right next to her bed - a hospital bed because she was in the hospital.
"Yeah, took you long enough," Gavin snorted but soon yelped when Lena elbowed him on the side. "I mean, yay, you're awake!"
Avalon scrunched her face and tried getting up, but everybody told her to stay put. "What's...what's going on?" she swallowed hard. Her body hurt. Everything was sore and moving the slightest caused a wave of pain to wash over her. "Owww."
"You're in the hospital, Avalon," Lena explained the bits most pertinent for the moment. "We brought you here after, um...Berlin."
It took only a few seconds for Avalon to remember what she did. "Oh my God! The Doctor!" she tried getting up again but Ryland pushed her down and kept a firm hold over her shoulders. "Daddy, stop! I have to go-"
"Avalon, it's okay! He's okay!" Ryland exclaimed over her voice. "The Doctor's just fine now." Avalon stopped struggling and studied Ryland's face for any indication that he was lying just so she wouldn't get up. Ryland knew her so well. "I'm telling you the truth. He's here, taking care of some things."
"So I...I didn't kill him?" Avalon's eyes flickered to Lena. "He-he survived?"
Lena smiled at her. "Yes. And as Daddy said, he's just taking care of some things. But you, Miss, you need to rest. A lot."
Avalon could care less about herself right now. She was just relieved that the Doctor had survived. "I...I didn't kill him."
"No, but you gave up something else," Gavin spoke up, sounding a bit irritated with her.
Ryland shot his son a look to keep quiet. What they had to tell her to needed to be done in a delicate manner. "Um, sweetie, there's something you need to know. You, uh...you saved the Doctor and nobody could be more proud of you for that, but...there were some consequences."
Ryland sighed. "Your immunity system has dropped, almost entirely. You lost the ability to heal people and your health has reverted to that of, well, an average human."
"Without those vaccinations all the babies usually get," Gavin chimed in, once again receiving the glares from his father and now his sister. "What? It's true."
Avalon was trying to understand what it meant, but it didn't take a lot of her thought process to figure it out. "So I-I don't have my abilities anymore? I don't have all the cures?"
"No," Ryland confirmed. "And the doctors here tried everything to activate it but there's nothing there anymore. We're going to have to be very careful for a long while now, until we can build up your immunity from scratch. But, even when that happens, it won't be like it used to be."
"I'll just be like Amy and Rory," Avalon nodded to herself. "Like every other human. I can get a cold now..."
"It's a bit more dangerous right now because you literally have no defense system."
"It's fine," Avalon swallowed hard and smiled. "It's my punishment for what I did."
"No, it's not," Lena frowned. "This was an accident but it is not because you did something wrong. Nothing is your fault. It's on Kovarian and the Silence." As soon as she spoke those two names, Avalon flinched. Lena regretted it deeply. "I'm sorry."
"No, no...it's okay..." Avalon bit her lower lip.
"How long were you with them, Avalon?" Lena decided to ask after a moment.
"...about...5 months..." Avalon scrunched her face when more memories started coming back to her. A lot of them included her screaming and begging for them to stop hurting her. "They-they kept..."
Lena reached for her sister's hand and held it tight. Avalon didn't have the strength, currently, to do the same. "It's okay, Avalon."
Avalon brought her free hand to her hair, pulling the strands as she continued to remember. Every pain she felt from the carvings, from the prodding, the needles. Her body was on fire. And she was so terrified.
"Avalon, it's okay," Ryland tried to take Avalon's hand off her hair but she kept pulling on it.
"I was so scared, Daddy! I was so scared!" The tears streamed down Avalon's face. "Everybody was prodding me like a-an experiment! They-they stabbed me with needles! They starved me! It was cold, it was hot! And I just wanted them to stop!" Her voice cracked in the end, but all in all she sounded like a terrified child when she burst into sobs. "But then I-I can't remember everything but...I know they did things to me, bad things. I don't want to go back there!"
"And you're not going to," Ryland promised her, almost crying himself because of her. He allowed Avalon to sit up so he could hug her tightly. "Nobody is ever going to touch you again. Not on our watch."
~ 0 ~
Melody stepped into a the admittedly nice building. Her eyes raked over the neat hallways and cheery decorations. It seemed to be very busy with employees - nuns - coming in and out of rooms. Patients, or inhabitants, were out making their daily lives. They looked happy. It seemed like a nice place to live...for now. She turned sideways, meeting her parents' gaze and the Doctor's. "This is it, then? This is where I have to stay?"
"It looks like fun," the Sapling made the comment to lift the spirits.
"It's your basic home for, well, anybody who needs it," the Doctor explained. "The Sisters here will help you make your way, whatever path you want to take."
Melody knew what he meant. Even though she knew about an important part of her future, the choice was still hers. "I am sorry," she said, even though it pained her to admit that she was wrong. "You have no idea what Kovarian is like...she doesn't take 'no' for an answer. She doesn't show mercy which is why I can't understand why she decided to wipe Avalon's memories. She had her for months and...she just erased it?"
"She did it for a reason," the Doctor muttered. Kovarian didn't do anything without a reason.
"But she didn't do a very good job because Avalon still remembers bits and pieces," Melody said, not understanding herself. Avalon didn't seem to have all her memories but she remembered what kind of torture strategies they used on her.
"That's her biology at work," the Doctor sighed. He had no doubt that within the coming months, Avalon would begin to remember more of her time with Kovarian.
"I wish I would've known," Melody looked at her parents. "I didn't know. But after spending years with Kovarian breathing over my shoulder, I learned the best way to survive is to just follow her orders."
"You're forgiven for everything," the Doctor assured her. He could see the guilt in her eyes from a mile away.
"Absolutely," Amy moved towards Melody and took her into a big hug. It soon brought Rory over as well. "None of it was your fault," Amy promised.
"But I just...I don't understand," Melody pulled away. "How could Avalon be my daughter? I don't...I don't even want kids. They're kind of annoying." The others chuckled, but she wanted to point out that she was being very serious.
"Well, that's up to you," the Doctor said, but Melody folded her arms over her chest and settled a sharp look on him.
"Mhm. You snogged my daughter and you expect me to believe that you don't care one tiny bit whether or not I have her?"
The Doctor's face flushed at the reminder. It made Melody smirk, much like Avalon would. "Well, I-I didn't mean to..." Truth be told, he would hardly call what happened between him and Avalon a kiss. There'd been two kisses and while the first one was a more of a kiss but it'd only happened because Avalon was brainwashed into doing it, not because she wanted to. And the second one? Well, he'd been dying. He could hardly remember it. It hurt his hearts realizing it.
"Oh forget it," Melody sighed deeply when she saw the Doctor getting lost in his thoughts. "I'll stay here for a bit, then, if that's what it takes to keep her safe. Whether she's my daughter or my friend, I do care about Avalon. I had to do what I had to do to keep us both alive."
"I believe you," the Doctor assured her.
"And...the Sapling...I didn't mean to take your family," Melody looked at the tree child. He no longer held contempt for her, but she wanted to make sure that he understood her. "I know exactly what that feels like and I never want to do that to a child."
The Sapling nodded and offered her a smile. "I believe you. You helped save my parents. Plus, your my grandmother."
"Oooh, that hurts," Melody put a hand over her chest. "That word hurts."
"Imagine great-grandmother," Amy muttered and shared a small laugh with her.
"So, Doctor, how long do I have to wait until I can see Avalon and apologize to her too?" Melody looked at the Time Lord anxiously. She didn't like the idea of being far away when Avalon was recovering from a situation she helped create.
"For a while," the Doctor answered, knowing that it wasn't the answer she wanted to hear. "The Silence and Kovarian are still out there and until we capture them, you shouldn't see Avalon. Plus, you might have your own Avalon to deal with further along your timeline."
Melody smirked. "Oh boy."
"But don't worry, she'll know that it wasn't your fault either."
"And what about the fact that I'm her Mother? Will she know that too?"
"Do you want her to know?" the Doctor challenged. The choice was entirely upon Melody because as far as he knew, it didn't matter from this point on if Avalon learned who her mother was.
Melody pursed her lips together. "I...don't know. I mean, if she wants to know then...I suppose I have no right hiding that from her. I owe her that much. So, if she asks, if she wants to know, you tell her. But you make sure-" she pointed a finger at him, "-that she knows that I do love her. She's been my friend for so many years, she shouldn't doubt that."
"Okay," the Doctor nodded. "Well, I guess it's time for us to go."
Melody faced her parents with a sad smile. "I'll see you around, then?"
"Definitely," Amy promised. "Stay out of trouble, Miss."
"Seriously," Rory warned her. "Out of it. Don't even think of getting into it!"
Melody laughed. "I'll try my best. But you know me...it calls me." She walked over to give them both a hug. While they said goodbye, the Doctor took the Sapling with him back to the TARDIS. The Ponds would need a moment to say goodbye to their daughter.
"Are we going to see Mother now!?" the Sapling hopped excitedly up to the console.
"Yeah," the Doctor went straight to the console. He shouldn't have done it but he downloaded his biography from the Teselecta archive. Now he knew exactly what he was in for, and it was not pretty. But so long as Avalon was kept out of it, he didn't care what was coming for him.
~ 0 ~
When Ryland emerged from from Avalon's hospital room, he spotted the Doctor, Amy, Rory and the Sapling coming down the hallway. He immediately searched for the woman responsible for all this mess, but she wasn't there. And she wouldn't be coming back soon, that much he could tell from Amy's and Rory's distraught faces. The Sapling didn't waste time and scurried down the hallway, straight into Avalon's room before anyone could tell him anything. He wanted to see his Mother so badly!
"Where is she?" Ryland still asked the group when they joined him. He didn't have to say her name for them to know he meant River.
"Somewhere, making her own way now," the Doctor said, glancing over his shoulder to the Ponds. It hurt them badly to let their daughter go, but it was the best thing they could for Melody and Avalon.
"Is she alright?"
"Yes, in what fits."
Ryland nodded then sighed. "Avalon's woken up, though she's been in and out of consciousness. The Silence, Kovarian - they did a number on my niece." His heart broke when he first saw Avalon's arms, when she sobbed about how terrified she'd been. "I want them to pay. All of them."
The sentiment was shared amongst the others, but they knew that they literally had to wait.
"It's a tricky thing, Ryland," the Doctor began, looking unsure himself...because he was. "Kovarian has created the perfect game here. We can't strike because of Time. We make one wrong move and both Melody and Avalon go 'poof!'." He did the hand gesture for effect, but he was sure the word was more than enough to make a point. "And that's not what we want, right?"
Ryland sighed with exasperation. "Of course not! But we can't just let this stand!"
"Oh, we won't," the Doctor said, his voice dropping low. "You better believe that I'm going after them."
Ryland wasn't one to doubt him, so he nodded but there was still heavy concern in his eyes when he glanced back at Avalon's room. "She's really hurt. I trust this hospital but I'm also scared. She lost her entire immune system. She has zero defenses."
"But we can fix that," Rory finally spoke up but then he realized that Avalon's biology was a bit out of his element so he looked at the Doctor just to be sure. "Right?"
"Yes, of course we can," the Doctor nodded. "But I'm going to need to take Avalon away for a while," he told Ryland, knowing that the man wouldn't be so happy about that detail.
And true to that, Ryland's mouth opened to argue. "But we just got her back!"
"And like you said, she doesn't have any defenses. Earth is filled with bacteria and germs that she cannot fight right now. The TARDIS is a sterile place where I can monitor her at all times, where we-" the Doctor gestured behind him to Amy and Rory, "-will look after her and raise her health. Physically and mentally."
Because of course there was no way in hell the Ponds would let go of the only piece they had of their daughter. Both Amy and Rory nodded affirmatively. Where Avalon went, they went. Period.
"I am a nurse," Rory reminded Ryland. "I know exactly what humans need. I'll help take good care of Avalon."
"I don't suppose I have a choice," Ryland mumbled, but he did realize that the TARDIS was the safest spot for Avalon at the moment. "But will you bring her when she gets better?"
"You have my word," the Doctor promised, raising his hand in the air. It would be some time before Avalon could leave sterile rooms, but he would bring her back to Earth the moment she could withstand it.
Ryland nodded. "Thank you. And...thank you for bringing her back. All of you." The Doctor gave a slight nod of his head but it was easy to see that he didn't feel like he actually did anything. He hadn't found Avalon, she had found him. "I trust you, Doctor. And you," Ryland gave Amy and Rory a half smile. "I trust that you'll keep her safe." He gave Avalon's door another glance before motioning them to go inside. "See if she's awake. I assume there's plenty to talk about."
That was an understatement. Still, the three of them took in some deep, brave breaths and headed for Avalon's room.
Avalon was asleep but with the Sapling's movements and whispers, she would end up waking up. Seeing the tree child did bring out a smile, which was all anyone wanted right now.
"Hey, don't try to move so much," Rory took the nearest seat beside her bed. "You gotta save your strength."
"Ugh, now you're sounding like my Dad," Avalon licked her chapped lips then made a face after it stung her. "I really need chapstick. Actually...I really need and want a bath."
"Lavender scented bath bombs await in the TARDIS," Amy promised her. She'd taken the opposite side and grabbed Avalon's hand first chance she got. There was a different feeling Amy got now that she knew who Avalon was. Maybe it was the part of her motherhood that she didn't get to live out with Melody, or maybe it was just the grandmother part of her too. She wanted to protect Avalon and be there for whatever Avalon might need.
"Mm, sounds nice," Avalon drew in a breath but it stung as well. "My entire body hurts. Even breathing hurts - how pathetic is that?"
"Don't say that," the Doctor spoke up for the first time, and it was only because that had come out automatically. He didn't want Avalon feeling bad for anything that happened. "You don't say anything like that, got it? Because you have no reason to put yourself down."
Avalon's gaze lowered the moment his eyes landed on her. She couldn't fathom looking at anyone right now. She was guilty. And embarrassed. "I'm sorry guys," her apology came in the form of a frail whisper. "I couldn't save Melody and I let them brainwash me."
"Avalon, this wasn't your fault," Rory reached for Avalon's other hand.
The Sapling squirmed his way around Amy's chair, going under Amy's arm that was holding Avalon's hand, until he was right next to his Mother. "Mother, you shouldn't cry. It was the bad people's fault."
"But neither of you have Melody because I couldn't hold onto her," Avalon raised her head, showing new tears in her eyes. "I had her in my arms and Kovarian ripped her away from me. I took care of her for a week and then I never saw her again. I'm so sorry."
Amy couldn't help the tears in her own eyes. "Avalon, the same thing happened to me and I'm her mother. But Kovarian was too smart. But hey, she's okay now and she's going to make her own way. This is where River Song starts and we'll be seeing her around."
"I didn't get to apologize to her," Avalon glanced at the Doctor. "Could I see her, please? I-I really want to talk to her. River's saved me so many times and the one chance I had to save her...I didn't do it."
"She doesn't blame you - actually, she's mad as hell with Kovarian," he gave her a soft smile. "You're so alike, actually."
Avalon would've smiled but instead of seeing him, she saw his dying body in Berlin. The tears doubled and whether she wanted to or not, she sniffled all over again. "Doctor, I'm so sorry! I nearly killed you! I-I didn't know I was going to do it but I'm so sorry!"
The Doctor forgot all about his own guilt for the moment as he moved up to her bed to hug her. Amy and Rory let go of Avalon's hands and the moment they did, Avalon clung to the Doctor's arms. Even the Sapling had leaned away, more on his great-grandmother's side, to give his parents some space.
"You're good, Avalon. You are so good, don't ever think that I will reproach you for anything," the Doctor kissed Avalon's messy hair.
"But I-I poisoned you-"
"-and you saved my life," the Doctor pulled away to give her a small smile. He poked her forehead, something that brought out a teary-eyed smile from her. "And now you lost your ability to heal people."
"I don't care," she said, sounding pretty damn certain about it too. "I saved you. I would do it again if I had to."
"I recommend you don't," the Doctor's gaze turned sharp just at the idea of her having to do it again. Next time, she might just use up all of her regenerations, however many she had. "I'm the Fairy Tale Man. I will do the saving around here. And I'm sorry I didn't do that before Kovarian hurt you so much."
Avalon completely let go of him to see her bruised and stitched arms. She screwed her eyes shut for a moment to push away any of those memories. "I can't remember everything...but I know that they hurt me. I can see some of it. I hate her so much."
"We're going to find her," Amy promised, her teeth gritting together as the raw fury crept over her. It only faltered when she saw the brief terror in Avalon's eyes. "But she's not going to hurt you again. She's going to have go through all of us first." Everyone nodded, including the Sapling.
"You stay far away, Mister," Avalon wagged a finger at the Sapling, relishing in his childlike giggle. She missed him. "I may be a terrible mother but I will still do my best to keep you away from danger." At the mention of 'mother', the others exchanged nervous glances. Avalon noticed it fairly quick and arched an eyebrow at them. "What is it?"
"Uum..." the Doctor would be brave and take the lead in the conversation. "You mentioned that your memory's a bit foggy?" Avalon nodded. "Do you remember if Kovarian mentioned anything about, I don't know, your parents?"
Avalon crinkled her nose. "No. Why would she?"
"Just curious," the Doctor checked for Amy's and Rory's reactions. He'd continue if they wanted him to...and they seemed to want him to. Oh boy.
"What's going on?" Avalon saw their discreet glances with each other. "What more is going on?"
"Avalon...we, uh...blimey, there's not an easy way to say it but...we know about your real Mother and..." the Doctor watched her face go pale - paler than what it already was - then was quick to go for anger.
"I told you I didn't want to know!" she practically snarled.
"But things are different now," Amy chimed in for the sake of her daughter.
"Yeah, I'm a murderer!" Avalon shot the Doctor a look. "I nearly murdered you and you want talk about my...my Mother?"
"Actually, her and-"
"No!" she yelled. "You know what? I do remember Kovarian mentioning something about that. My mother abandoned me because she didn't care about me."
"That's not true," Amy scowled, but in doing so it made Avalon even more angry.
"How would you know? Nobody abandoned you!"
"Because I know who she is and she didn't leave you behind!"
"Amy," Rory's voice was warning her to watch what she would say. Amy was distraught over their situation, more so by the fact Avalon would still believe in the lie that River abandoned her. But there was a reality that none of them were facing yet, one that nobody had asked out loud. River didn't abandon Avalon, okay, but then why did she give Avalon away?
Avalon squeezed her eyes shut. She tried to remember moments with Kovarian but her mind was all jumbled up and everything was fuzzy. She couldn't remember even if she truly wanted to. "My life is in pieces right now and I don't want it to be broken into smaller fragments. Please leave it alone. Please." Her begging reminded her a lot of when she had to beg for people not to slice her skin, or when she had Melody taken away from her, or pretty much every time she was in pain. New tears rolled down her cheeks and even if she couldn't move a lot, she put her best efforts to scoot towards the Doctor, trying to reach for his closest hand. "Please just forget about it. I don't want to know. I-I don't want to know!"
The Doctor wouldn't further victimize her like Kovarian had. He gave her a reassuring nod that he would not say anything. It brought her such relief that she thanked him over and over again, like he'd just saved her life. He checked Amy's and Rory's expressions and he wasn't surprised to find them grim. Their granddaughter hated their daughter because of a lie.
The Silence had ruined them from top to bottom and he let it happen.
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We’re Okay
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Ella (their daughter)
Word Count: 1,088
Warnings: more angst than fluff
Summary: When the unthinkable happens, you have to get your family to safety above all else.
Square Filled: Free Space
Author’s Note: This is for Kari’s @thing-you-do-with-that-thing SPN Beautiful Words Challenge! The word I got was Defenestration which means the act of throwing someone out of a window. This is also for @spngenrebingo so I hope you enjoy! This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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Today was a good day. Apart from having no babysitter, you had a date night with your husband, Jensen. Your 2-year-old was allowed to watch anything she wanted while you and Jensen had a nice dinner in the dining room where you could see her. Apart from having Ella, Jensen was the best thing that has ever happened to you.
It sucked when he was away filming, but even then, he always proved that he was thinking of you and Ella. He’d randomly send flowers to your doorstep, heartwarming letters in the mail, and even sent your daughter a few things every now and then. When he was away, you two talked non-stop over the phone. It was hard enough with him not being with you all the time, so when he was, you two made the most of it.
This time, he planned a delicious dinner with some candlelight, and romantic music to go with the mood. Ella was watching SpongeBob in the other room so she was having the time of her life while you were having yours. Jensen may not be able to give you the world, but he sure as hell tries. After the lovely evening, he put Ella to bed, and you waited for him in bed.
“I have got to say, Ella went down without a problem,” Jensen said once he walked into your shared room. “I think it may be the easiest time.”
“Maybe it had something to do with going to the park earlier? That always tires her out,” you chuckled as you set your book aside as he got into the bed.
“I hope you enjoyed today.”
“Jen, you did more than enough today. It was perfect, I wouldn't want anything more,” you smiled as you leaned over and kissed his lips softly. The kiss was gentle and slow but held the same amount of passion as some of your heavier kisses.
“I love you,” he muttered against your lips.
“I love you. We have an early day tomorrow, we should get some sleep,” you said as you pulled away. Turning off your lamp, you snuggled in the covers, Jensen following suit. Making a mental checklist in your head, you started checking off the items that needed to be done before you could succumb to the sweet slumber that is sleep.
Doors locked, check. Windows locked, check. Lights out, check. Candles all blown out… check. You fell asleep that night knowing everything was going to be okay.
Moaning in your sleep, you turned over to your side when you smelled it. Groggily opening your eyes, you smelled something burning. Getting out of bed, you walked to the door and opened it, your eyes going wide at what you saw. Your whole house was up in flames, and by the looks of it, it was spreading upstairs quickly. Rushing over to Jensen, you shook him awake in a panic.
“Jensen! Get up! Our house is on fire!” you exclaimed. At the sound of your voice, and the burnt smell in the air, he shot out of bed.
“Ella!” he yelled before the two of you rushed out of your room and to your little girl’s room. The flames haven’t gotten a chance to hit her room since she was on the far side of the house. Ripping open her door, you found her sound asleep with her thumb in her mouth. Jensen was quick to rush to her, scooping her up in his arms. She immediately woke but had no idea what was going on.
“Come on, we have to go,” you said as you left her room, stopping short at the wall of flames blocking your exit. The stairs were the only way to get out of the house, but they were engulfed. Behind you was only wall with no windows, so there was no way out except for one place. Coughing, you pulled your shirt over your nose before turning to face Jensen.
“We can’t leave through there. We have to go through the window.”
“It’s a two-story house,” he coughed. Ella must have realized the harshness of the situation and she started to cry, clinging to her father’s neck.
“I realize that,” you snapped as you walked over to her window. Opening it up, you shoved the curtains out of the way before sticking your head out and looking down. It was a straight drop from her window to the ground, but a sprained ankle was better than losing your life.
“We have to jump. One of us will have to catch her,” you coughed some more as the flames peeked around the corner. Jensen looked at it before nodding in agreement.
“Go first, I’m right behind you,” he declared. Staring into his eyes, you gave him a quick kiss before taking a deep breath. Slowly exiting the window, you stepped on the barely there ledge before jumping down. Landing on the ground, your ankle twisted from impact, but you pushed that pain to the side. Right now, you had to catch your daughter.
“Okay! I’m ready!” you called up to him. Neighbors started coming out of their houses to see what was going on. Right now, you didn't have any time to call the fire department, but you were sure someone else already did.
“Ella, Mommy’s going to catch you, alright? Just close your eyes, sweetheart,” he coughed, shielding his daughter away from the smoke as best as he could.
“Daddy!” she cried, trying to cling to him.
“Ella, Mommy’s going to catch you. You’re going to be okay,” he said mostly for himself as he got ready to throw her. As soon as he saw an opening, he sent a quick prayer before throwing his daughter out the window. Ella screamed and cried, but you wouldn’t let her fall down. Jensen watched with anxious eyes as you ran to her, catching her in your arms. Stumbling a bit, you caught your footing and tried to soothe your daughter.
“It’s okay, baby girl, Mommy’s here,” you said as you rubbed her back. She screamed and cried, not from pain, but from fear. Jensen was quick to leave the window, jumping to the ground. Having able to do some of his own stunts, he landed gracefully before heading over to you.
“We’re okay,” he whispered. Now that the adrenaline was over, you started to cry, and Jensen brought you into his arms. “We’re okay.” The faint sound of sirens could be heard as you three huddled together.
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melodyalanaroster · 5 years
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Setting Them Free
Ages ago, three children became friends. It was not Chevalier’s or Mekina’s choices to have their heirs attend public school... But the insistence of their wives. They had wanted their babies to have a glimpse at normalcy, before their husbands ripped them away and forced them into the roles of rich heirs whose only purpose in life is to succeed their fathers. It was during this time that they met Melody Roster, and ultimately, the Roster Family.
The Roster Family has never been truly “Blue Blooded”. Samantha and Melody would never be groomed to succeed their mother, they’d never have societal pressure to be debutantes, and they’d certainly never have the pressures from their family to attend private school or find suitable husbands. The family is powerful, but primarily due to the brilliance of Margaret’s and Harold’s leadership, and Lynne’s success as a writer. Since Lynne’s success skyrocketed, society has placed pressure on Samantha and Melody to be the “Perfect daughters” of a “high ranking woman”.... But Lynne has never adhered to those pressures. Therefore, allowing her daughters to live freely, much to Mrs. Chevalier’s and Mrs. Mekina’s envy.
During the times where their husbands would go away on business, Mrs. Chevalier and Mrs. Mekina would take their children to the Roster Family Home and let the children play while they enjoy time with Lynne. It was the only time that the wives and children ever had any true freedom. “It’s a damn shame.” Mrs. Chevalier would comment. “What?” Mrs. Mekina would ask. “When our husbands grow tired of our whims and insistence on allowing our children to have a sense of freedom, they will rip Viktor and Severina away from this life and force them into aristocratic servitude... Forever playing the song that has been written out for them, or painting the picture that their fathers place in front of them.” Mrs. Chevalier would reply. Lynne would often look at the two women, then out the window at the playing children and sigh when they’d talk like this. “I will never envy the two of you. I’m thankful that my daughters will get to decide their own destinies and choose who they marry on the basis of love.” She’d state. Mrs. Chevalier and Mrs. Mekina would then look at the children, then at Lynne and speak in unison. “We envy you.”
Of course, what Mrs. Chevalier spoke of would come to pass... But, not without a dash of sorrow... Soon after the children turned ten years old, Mrs. Chevalier fell deathly ill. Still, she persisted and insisted that Viktor be allowed to see his friends. And as Mrs. Chevalier lead, Mrs. Mekina followed in her insistence. “Mom! I need to be here with you!” Viktor would cry. “My darling, I want you to go be with Severina and Melody. Your freedom won’t last forever, I want you to enjoy it as much as possible.” Mrs. Chevalier would tell her son. This would lead to Viktor and Severina being taken to the Roster Family Home and Lynne, Samantha and Melody welcoming them with snacks and a good time. Occasionally, Samantha would play video games with Severina, leaving Melody alone with Viktor. “I’m scared Mels. My mom is dying and she’s constantly talking about my dad taking my freedom away. I don’t know what that means.” He’d begin to sob. “I don’t know Viktor... I’ve heard our mothers talking for years about you and Severina not having the freedom that Sam and I have...” “I know we’re not like you and Sam. Our dads our powerful businessmen. Your mom’s a writer. You and Sam can go off and do whatever you two want with your lives. Our dads want us to take over the company when they step down. I’m already guessing that they want Rini and me to get married as soon as we’re old enough.” “I wish I knew how to help the two of you.” Viktor looked at Melody and kissed her. “Mels, you do enough by simply being yourself.” 
Three years later, Mrs. Chevalier passed away and Edgard did exactly what his wife expected him to do. He immediately ripped Viktor away from public school, sent him to an expensive private school abroad, and began preparing him for the life he had planned out for him. Following Edgard’s example, Mekina did the same with Severina. And discussions began as to who Viktor’s wife would be. Leaving Samantha and Melody was one of the hardest things Viktor and Severina had ever done. “I don’t wanna go! Mels!” Severina cried. “I love you Melody. I won’t leave you!” Viktor sobbed as he hugged Alana. She looked at her friends as they sobbed. “You must. We’re only thirteen, we’re not old enough to go against the whims of our parents yet. I love you guys and I promise we’ll keep in touch and we’ll always be friends! One day, when we’re all adults, maybe we can all hang out!” She cried as she held them in her arms.
Two years later, Lynne Roster moved her daughters to Amouria, and enrolled them into Sweet Amoris High School. During this time, Alana would email her friends about what was going on around her... Including falling head over heals in love with Nathaniel. Viktor was devastated that the woman he loved had fallen for someone else, but he knew it couldn’t be avoided. They hadn’t seen each other in a couple of years and wouldn’t see each other again for a long time. “It’s best if she moves on.” he told himself. “You’d never be able to marry her anyway. By society’s standards, she’s beneath us. Your father would never allow it.” Severina would message him. “Lovely of you to rub it in.” He’d reply.
Three years later, Viktor and Severina got notification that Lynne Roster had fallen ill and had to stay in a hospital in Toronto, forcing Alana to go with her, as Samantha had already joined the military and no one else could look after her. “I don’t wanna go! Viktor, Rini, I just wanna stay in Amouria with Nathaniel and my friends!” she sobbed as she video chatted her friends. “It will be okay, you and Nathaniel can pull of a long distance relationship! I know you will!” Severina replied. “It will be okay Melody. Your mother is one of the strongest women I know, she’ll pull through this!” Viktor attempted to cheer her up.
Then, for a while, Alana went dark. It was during this time that she became the Grim Reaper for the Red Death Regimen and rose to power. To the outside world, she was going to school for engineering, and was becoming rather prominent in the tech industry. It was also during this time that Viktor Chevalier got kidnapped. There was a massive manhunt, and one hell of a ransom set in place that Edgard refused to pay. 
One night, while on a mission, Alana was running through a building and noticed a familiar face. “Viktor?” She asked as she walked up to him. “Melody?! Mels is that you?!” Viktor called, panicked. She immediately ran up to him, covered his mouth, and whispered in his ear. “Yes, it’s me. I’m gonna get you out of here, but you HAVE to do exactly as I say when I say it!” She explained. Viktor nodded as she took his hands. “Who is that?” Derek asked as he ran up to them. “A very old friend of mine. We’ve gotta get him to safety.” Alana answered. “Alright then, the kids have been released and secured. We can get him to one of the rendezvous points and have him picked up.” Alana shook her head. “No. I’ve known him since we were children. He’s an important friend. We’re gonna take him home ourselves.” “Do you think Azrael will allow that?” “Azrael be damned. We’re doing this and I’ll take the punishment if she get’s pissed.” “Okay then.” And that was how Viktor Chevalier learned that Melody Roster had become the famous Grim Reaper.
Of course, as Viktor had learned of what became of Melody Roster, soon, so did Edgard... And with that, he decided that Melody would become Viktor’s wife. Arranging the marriage was an impossible task, but Edgard felt that he could get it done. When Lynne Roster denied him his wish, he began attacking the Roster Family... Which, pissed Alana off. Alana then used her R.D.R resources to take the company away from Edgard and Mekina. “Come now, Melody, be a good girl and do as you’re told.” Edgard commanded as Alana stood in his office and continued to deny him. “No. I love Viktor, but not romantically. And I will NEVER give in to you!” “Now, you listen here, little girl, you should be grateful that I’m allowing this union! You will become a member of high society! And what’s better than marrying your childhood friend?” Edgard continued. “I have already become a queen in my own right and, therefore, have surpassed you by society’s standards! As for what’s better than marrying my childhood friend? Marrying the one I love, as well as denying assholes like you what you want!” She boomed as her hands were behind her back, fiddling with her phone. What Edgard didn’t know was that, Alana’s glasses were high tech, and she was passing the company from her control, to Viktor’s and Severina’s. Immediately, Severina walked into the room with two guards behind her. Alana smiled at Viktor who then turned to his father. “As of right now, you and Mekina have no power in this company.” Severina smiled. “Security! Take Mr. Chevalier out of this office and send him home!” she called. Edgard looked at Alana, rage filled his eyes. “YOU BITCH! YOU FUCKING LITTLE WHORE!” He yelled as he pulled a gun out of his desk and pointed it at Alana’s head. “Go ahead, shoot. Kill me. But trust me when I say this, this act will start a war that will wipe out not just your entire family, but everyone who associates with you.” She challenged. Fear surged through Edgard’s eyes and he dropped the gun. “That’s what I thought.” Alana smirked.
“I can’t join normal society just yet. I have a lot to do before I’ll be free... But I’m glad that I got to set the two of you free from your fathers.” Alana smiled as she walked out of the building. “Please just take care of yourself. And return to us safely.” Severina beamed as she hugged Alana tightly. “Get back to Nathaniel, retrieve what Azrael took from you, and please, don’t get yourself killed.” Viktor smiled as he hugged her. “I promise, the next time you two see me, I’ll either be free, or on the road to freedom!” Alana grinned as she got in the car.
A week later, Alana received a package from her friends. “Looks like it’s time. The Black Tower is nearly ready to be fitted with what we need on the inside.” Azrael told her as she smiled and looked over her shoulder. Alana opened the package to reveal that Viktor and Severina had sent her old photos and a couple of CD’s from the old days. Alana’s eyes began to fill with tears. “Good. I can’t wait to go home.”
Holy crap! I was NOT expecting this blurb to turn out like this! I was expecting a little “Reunion” blurb... But when I started typing, it turned into a glimpse into Alana’s past. As for crediting people, LizyAD deserves credit for the Viktor sprite and FNAFfanart67 deserves credit for the majority of the renders for the Severina sprite.
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Day 30: Her Couch - Llewyn Davis
Day 30: Her Couch - Llewyn Davis 
Pairing: Llewyn Davis x Wife OC 
A/N: This is it...the last one of the November Writing Challenge. Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this insane journey. Thirty stories, thirty days. Thank you so much for reblogging, commenting, and liking. I have read all of them and really appreciate it. 
Rating: 18 + for language
Taglist: @oldstuffnewstuff​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @heythere-mel​
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The leather was worn and cracked in several places from years of use. The cushions were lumpy and uncomfortable. Even with the two added blankets the chill from the leather sunk deep into his bones and made him shiver. Llewyn opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling of the apartment. Sighing deeply he rubs a hand over his face, his head feeling like it was going to split in two. 
The slamming of the cabinets in the small kitchen have him groaning. Feeling like a troll is stopping on his brain with every slam. She’s still pissed he thinks to himself before pulling him up to a sitting position. He looks over into the kitchen and sees her rummaging through the cabinets and fridge. Making as much noise as possible...he deserves it...thinking back on what little he remembers from the night before. 
He remembered coming home and picking her up to go out to the Gaslight. He remembered the first drink and then he lost track of how many more times he filled his cup. He recalls a woman singing and him shouting...his arm aches as he remembers her nails digging into his arm begging him to be quiet. The rest is a blur except the part where she kicked him out of their bed and banished him to her couch. Not even their couch, her couch. 
“Good Morning,” he groans as she comes over and slams a cup of coffee on the table in front of him, he reaches for her wrist to stop her but she pushes him off ignoring him, “Fuck,” he sighs getting up to follow her. 
He hears the shower turn on and lays his head against the door knocking. “Baby, please. Can we talk about this?” he knows he sounds desperate...and that’s because he is. 
“Fuck off,” she shouts and gets into the shower. 
He bangs his already throbbing head against the door before he walks back to the couch and falls down upon it. Running his hands through his unruly black curls. He listens as she turns off the water and slams the door to their bedroom getting dressed. He looks up upon hearing the door open and watches her come to sit across from him pulling her brown knee high boots on. 
“I’m sorry,” he begs crawling across the floor and kneeling before her. She doesn’t even look at him working on lacing up the boots. 
“I’m pissed Llewyn,” she huffs, causing her bangs to shoot up, “you acted like you used to last night. Getting drunk and shouting at that poor woman, what the fuck was that?!” 
Her green eyes meet his brown and he can’t look away. The sea of anger and disappointment raging in her eyes. “Baby...I...I don’t have an excuse...you know I haven’t drank like that in years not since the last time I got the shit beat out of me.” 
She lets out a humorless laugh, “Yeah and if I recall you also were heckling some poor woman then too but her husband kicked your ass the next night. Is that what I need to do Llewyn? Kick your ass so maybe you won’t end up one?” 
She pushes herself off the chair, ignoring him as he reaches for her. “Baby…” he gets up and follows, “Please...I...I won’t do that shit again…” 
She scoffs, “But you know what Llewyn I don’t know if I can even believe you. I begged you to stop drinking last night and you didn't. In fact I think you drank more just to spite me!” 
“Baby please listen to me,” he shouts but she continues to ignore him walking over to the door and grabbing her keys. 
“You want to know what the worst part is? I thought you had actually changed! This was our one night out without the kids and you had to go and fuck it up! Damn it I am sick and tired of you Llewyn! I’m going to go pick up the kids from the Gorfeins and take them to my parents house,” she shouts, opening the door and slamming it behind him. 
He stands in shock for a moment before he is ripping the door open and screaming down the stairs after her taking them two at a time. “BABY! NO! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME! DON’T TAKE AWAY OUR BABIES!” he frantically searches for her but she’s...gone.
The sidewalk is empty of all signs of life. Not a single person or car as far as he can see. He pants the cold air puffing in front of him. He collapses to his knees and screams into the nothing. His heart collapsing at losing everything in his life, tears streaming down his face. 
He swears he can hear her and he looks around for her desperately searching. “Baby…” he whispers broken his voice hoarse, “Baby come back...please” 
“Llewyn! WAKE UP!” 
His body shoots straight up in the bed, his heart slamming against his chest, his breath coming out in gasps. He can feel the clench of panic seize around his heart suffocating him and he struggles to breath. 
“Llewyn! Honey you need to calm down, you were having a nightmare! It was just a dream!” she rubs his back frantically cradling him against her chest. He takes deep gulping breaths inhaling her light floral perfume and the sweet scent of oranges that always clings to her skin. She hums the opening to Queen Jane and he can feel his heart return to a normal beat keeping in time with her own. He slumps against her exhausted, holding tight to her. The dream felt so real...he almost lost them...his wife...the kids...his family. 
“Daddy!” a little girl with black curls wearing a purple nightgown crashes through the door and launches herself at him. He lifts her into his arms and pulls her close, “Janie,” he sighs. 
“Daddy why cry?” she looks at him and rubs his tear streaked face. 
He shakes his head smiling, “It was just a bad dream sweetie, daddy’s ok now” he hugs her again and the sound of crying reaches his ears. He hands the small girl to her mom and kisses his wife on the lips. “I’ll get him,” he mumbles. 
He walks down the small hallway and into the nursery. The walls are painted a pale blue with a mountain scene on one wall. The little baby whines and cries and he’s quick to pick him up and rest him against his bare chest. The baby instantly quiets into small sniffles nestling against his daddy's warm chest. “Shhh Mikie it’s ok daddy is here,” he hums quietly and moves to the kitchen. 
He smiles seeing his wife and daughter singing together to the radio and making pancakes. He hands the baby over to his mother and she pulls down her shirt and begins nursing. He takes the spatula from her hand and ushers her into the kitchen chair. Jane tries her best to help mixing the pancakes from her perch on a chair. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” his wife asks, watching him carefully. 
Llewyn sighs before turning from the stove looking into those beautiful green eyes. “I did something...like I used to… you made me sleep on the couch...and when I tried to apologize in the morning you...you took the kids and left me. I was alone, just like I used to be.” He turns from her to flip the pancakes and hears the sound of the chair scraping across the floor. 
Her hand rests gently on his shoulder before she turns him around and pulls him close. Mikie resting happily between the two of them, “Family hug,” she whispers to Jane who holds out her arms and he picks her up. She wraps her tiny arms around his neck, and he tightens his hold on the three of them. His whole world in his hands. 
“Daddy, you ok?” Janie’s little voice asks from the crook of his neck. 
He nods pulling away to look at his little family, “I’m perfect. As long as I have mama, baby brother, and you. My family is all I need.”
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cube-e-scape · 6 years
Marry you
It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
They'd always hated each other, they'd always despised each other ever since...well, since the very start. Everyone knew that. Near could never forget the hateful look Mello sent him when he was ranked first in their first test together. And Mello, he, too, couldn't stop thinking about the challenging look he received from Near at that moment.
He didn't like losing, so did the albino.
And just like that, their little game began.
It was always them dominating over their classes: raising their hand and answering every question, arguing from across the classroom, learning every language and speaking them fluently to the point that they started arguing (still from across the classroom) in those languages,... on and on and on. Near would always get a perfect 100, and Mello would always get a nearly-perfect 99, sometimes 99.5.
Until one day, children at Wammy had to do a long-term project, and each of them was requested to partner with someone. To everyone's surprise, Mello and Near had volunteered to be each other's partner (you know, the whole 'know your enemy' things).
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you
At first, things were rough. They were so different: different opinions, different personalities, different...everything, yin and yang, fire and water. The only thing they had in common was their intellect and stubbornness.
But time can do anything, and the future is unpredictable. They could understand each other's thoughts, communicating in a way that only two best geniuses could do. Slowly but steadily, intense debates and ugly sneers turned into friendly chats and enthusiastic discussions, pouts and frowns turned into cheerful grins and little smiles, angry glares and indifferent looks turned into dreamy stares and secret glances. Some nights, when they had to stay up late for their project, Mello woke up in the next morning, only to find the white haired boy snuggling against him, sleeping oh so soundly and peacefully, small hands clutching his black shirt loosely, and Near then woke up to find the blonde playing with his snowy hair, his azure eyes were calm and relaxed. Sometimes, they would just lie there together, say nothing, do nothing, just enjoying each other's presence and the comfortable silence.
Matt was entertained, really. Whenever he was in the same room with his best friend and his best friend's rival, he would caught Mello glancing at Near when the white boy didn't notice, and Near glancing at Mello when the chocoholic didn't notice, and both of them didn't notice that Matt was watching them. And people say that they are geniuses, oh God! The redhead wanted to laugh, desperately, but he refrained from it. Instead, he just smirked and shook his head. "Idiots." he chuckled quietly. Nope, he wouldn't help them. Matt knew for sure that they would come to their senses eventually.
One Sunday morning, everyone was outside, playing under the Autumn sky, except for a seventeen year old blonde and a fifteen year old albino. They were sitting by a large window in Common Room, Mello munching on his chocolate and Near solving his blank puzzle. In the warm and gentle sunlight, Near's alabaster skin and pristine hair glowed softly, pale eyelids blinked slowly now and then, white lashes fluttered, his usual dark eyes now became so clear and yet so mysterious: a picture of calmness and innocence. And Mello, being a man of action and emotion, threw caution to the wind. In that moment, nothing else mattered. He leaned over, grabbed Near's chin, and pressed his warm pair of lips to the boy's soft one.
Their first kiss was clumsy, innocent,...perfect.
Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard
We can go
No one will know
Oh c'mon girl
When Mello took him to a small chapel, Near couldn't understand why. Sure, the blonde was Catholic, but Near wasn't. What's the point bringing him along? Still, he didn't protest, knowing how hot-headed Mello could be when it was about his religion.
They pushed the big wooden doors and walked in. There was nobody else inside. Mello grabbed Near's hand, led him to the first aisle, and they sat down, side by side. Still grabbing the pale palm in his tan left hand, Mello took out the cross attached to the necklace that he always wore, clutching it tightly in his other hand, closed his eyes, and prayed: for Near, for himself, for themselves, for their future...
Near stared at Mello, lost for words, stunned. But after a moment, he intertwined their fingers. The white haired boy then, too, closed his eyes and prayed. He smiled, lightly and contentedly, knowing that from now on, a pair of arms would always be there to hold him, that he would never be alone anymore.
Who cares if we're trashed
Got a pocket full of cash we can blow
Shots of Patron
And it's on girl
Don't say no no no no no
Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And we'll go go go go go
If you're ready, like I'm ready
Near couldn't believe that Mello and Matt had been able to drag him to the pub. How they managed to pass the security and get in there (Mello: almost 18, Matt: 17, Near: 16) without their fake IDs, well...Near didn't want to know. Now, Near was sitting at the bar, with Mello and Matt who were currently on their fifth shot.
"Come on, Near." Mello slurred, bringing the glass to Near's lips. The albino promptly turned his head away.
"C'mon Nearyyy, listen to your boyfriend..." said Matt, ordering another vodka on ice only for Near to snatch that out of his hand.
"No, Matt. You guys have already drunk too much, and we're not even old enough. And where did you get money from?" The albino demanded an answer, hand still grabbed Matt's glass, but the blonde took it away from him in a blink.
"Ours, of course, and a little bit from Rodger's account. I mean, his password is not so difficult to guess." Mello shrugged.
"...That's illegal, Mello..."
"You are no fun, and rules are born to be broken, mate." Matt stated, currently on his tenth.
An hour later, the troublesome duo was completely wasted. Somehow, Near was able to drag them back to Wammy, and then scolding at them for good 15 minutes before went to bed.
Poor Mello didn't receive any kiss in the next morning, or the next day because Near had said he couldn't stand that sickening smell came from the blonde. Mello had to brush his teeth seven times and promised not to be that drunk again.
'Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you
"Near, can you just-"
"Pretty please?"
"Look into my eyes, Near. See how sad they are." Mello gave Near his fake puppy eyes.
"No, Mello."
"I will wear only white clothes for a month and buy you toys."
"Are you bribing me?"
"Am I succeeding?"
Ten minutes later, Near came out of the bathroom, all dressed in Mello's clothes: tight black leather pants, black leather gloves and a black leather vest, exposing his flawless arms. Near was blushing, looking more stood out than ever. The blonde stared at him in amazement, a fond look on his face.
"Happy?" Near inquired, still blushing. Mello moved closer to him, smirking, and whispered into his lips.
Hell, Mello didn't like wearing white, but seeing the albino like this was all worth it
I'll go get a ring
Let the choir bell sing like ooh
So what you wanna do
Lets just run girl
"Found anything, Matt?" Mello asked, eyes skimming through the jewels before him. Too bright, too dull, too normal, too complicated... Heart shaped? Nah.
"Nope. Maybe things can be much easier if you are not so fucking meticulous..." the redhead murmured. Mello rolled his eyes.
"But really, Mels, why would you need my help? You are the one to choose, anyway."
"...What if he is doesn't love it? What if I pick the wrong one?"
"Mels, he wil- Wait! Mello, how about this?" Matt caught Mello's attention, pointing at a ring. The blonde looked closer, his eyes lit up. He smiled.
"That one."
If we wake up and you want to break up
That's cool
No I won't blame you
It was fun girl
Matt asked for Near's help in Psychology (since he always paid all off his attention to his red console in almost every class), and Near had no reason to refuse because Matt was like his big brother. The only problem was that a certain blonde was jealous and being possessive.
"How long have you two been doing this!?" Mello growled.
"Relax, dude. Near just helped me in my study. It's completely norma-"
"I'm not talking to you!"
"...Don't worry, Matt. I can handle this." Said the youngest boy.
"No, Near! He's being ridiculous!"
"Please don't trouble yourself."
"Are you sure?" The albino nodded calmly. Matt sighed.
"Fine. See you later, kiddo." He ruffled Near's snowy white hair, earning a death glare from Mello. The gamer then left, leaving the two former rivals alone.
The blonde kept ranting and complaining, and Near just stood there, listening, said nothing, eyes locked with Mello's. Although Near was good at controlling himself, he still had his limit. He couldn't and wouldn't take all of this.
"I have always thought that you understand me enough, that you have enough trust in your own best friend and me. It looks like I've been wrong." With that, Near went to his room, locked the door and curled himself on bed. He could hear his door being knocked, and the sound of Mello's voice.
"Nate, I'm sorry. Please open the door. Nate..."
Near tried to ignore it - the urge to cry, inhaled and exhaled deeply. In and out, in and out, in and out,... Eventually, he fell asleep.
When he awoke to the chirping birds, he could feel someone's chest against his back, a warm hand circled his waist, and another hand buried deep in his silky hair.
How could Near forget Mello's ability to pick the lock?
He turned his head, looked into the blonde's azure eyes, who was staring lovingly at him. Mello leaned down, kissed him softly on the lips for ten long seconds.
Near smiled into the kiss, and so did Mello.
Don't say no no no no no
Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And we'll go go go go go
If you're ready, like I'm ready
Sunday morning found our boys in a corner of the quiet library. Despite having a book in his hands, Mello's entire focus was on the white pyjamas-clad boy sitting across from him - the same boy that he'd fallen in love with for all these years: his alabaster skin and pristine hair still glowed softly in the warm and gentle sunlight, pale eyelids blinked slowly now and then, white lashes fluttered, his eyes were still so clear yet dark and mysterious.
Mello took a deep breath. Here we go.
He stood before Near, then kneeled on his knee. Taking out a black velvet case, Mello opened the lid, revealed a simple gold ring with a small sapphire attached to it. And on the inside of the ring, carved 'My last puzzle piece' in beautiful calligraphy.
Near's eyes welled up with tears: tears of happiness. He couldn't breathe. He didn't know what to say. Instead, he threw himself at Mello, wrapping his arms around the blonde's neck, face buried in the strong shoulder. Mello laughed, stroking the albino's white hair and hugged him close, promised to himself that he would never let the boy go.
'Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you
Now, Mello was standing on the altar in the chapel where he'd taken Near to. Behind him, Matt kept whistling, clapping enthusiastically and giving him thumpsup. L and Watary were also there, sending him approving looks and kind smiles.
And standing beside him was Near, looking as cute as ever, dressed in a pure white wedding dress, a childish pout on his face (probably because of Mello's success in bribing him for the second time in his life, this time with more blank puzzles).
Just say I do
Tell me right now baby
Tell me right now baby, baby
Just say I do
Tell me right now baby
Tell me right now baby, baby
"Do you promise that you'll always by each other's side, for matter or worse, till death do you part?" The cleric asked.
It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you.
"I do."
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Mimi’s RomCom Fluff Challenge Masterlist
Thank you to all the amazing authors who participated in my 16K RomCom Fluff Challenge. The challenge was to take a quote from a romantic comedy and write a fluffy piece using the quote as inspiration and in the fic. I’m excited to share these, they were awesome and a lot of fun to read!
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10 Things I Hate About You:
Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. - @torn-and-frayed (Dean) Faithfully
13 Going on 30:
We need to remember what used to be good. If we don't, we won't recognize it even if it hits us between the eyes. @emoryhemsworth w/Dean Simple Man
America’s Sweethearts:
Your pillow's better than mine. @klaineaholic w/Dean Takeoff
A Walk to Remember:
You have to promise not to fall in love with me. @mrs-squirrel-chester (Sam) Sam’s Magic Fingers
What's there to talk about? She's the best person I've ever known. @sis-tafics w/Dean Lucky Me
Breakfast at Tiffany’s:
A girl can't read that sort of thing without her lipstick. @supernaturalismalife Queen: Part 1-Mirakuru
I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead. @winchesterswoonathon w/John I’ll Never Get Used to Anything...
Anything happens to my daughter, I got a .45 and a shovel, I doubt anybody would miss you. @roxyspearing w/ Dean Date Night
Anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good. @rizlowwritessortof w/Dean Friendly Advice
If I'm too good for him, then how come I'm not with him? @supernatural-jackles w/Dean Help Hotline
Crazy, Stupid Love:
Will you take off your shirt... fuck! Seriously? It's like you're Photoshopped! @pinknerdpanda w/Sam Blast From the Past
I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one... you never give up. @fireismysafety w/Dean
I'm wildly unhappy, and I'm trying to buy it, and it's not working. @deanssweetheart23 w/Dean Crazy, Stupid Love
Ever After:
She came to tell you the truth, and you fed her to the wolves! @plaidstiel-wormstache w/Dean To The Wolves
You have found my weakness but I have yet to learn yours. @bringmesomepie56 w/Dean Now Or Never
Besides, you claimed it was a matter of life and death. @waywardimpalawriter w/Dean Memory Lane
Are you putting me under house arrest? @katymacsupernatural w/Dean House Arrest
Failure to Launch: 
And believe me, I did not want that because I had a good life before you. Well, not good... but... it was okay. Well, it... it was empty, actually, but at least I was blissfully unaware of how miserable I was. Whereas now... because of you... I am acutely aware of how completely and totally unhappy I am. Thank you for that. @salvachester (Dean) Living Conditions
Friends with Benefits:
Why do women think the only way to get a man to do what they want, is to manipulate them? @acreativelydifferentlove  Not So Secret
If you tell anyone about this, I will rip your ears off and staple them to your neck. @wi-deangirl77 (Dean) A Different Side of You
It’s not you. Nothing is wrong with you. He’s a guy. You gave him a five date challenge, he got you and cut out. Forget the douche! He’s a dick. He’s a dick douche. @fuck-im-a-hipster (Dean) Shake It Off
Hope Floats: 
Oh, I like all of God's creatures; I just like some of them better stuffed. And he's one of them. @idjitmonkey (Sam) 
Why does everybody keep asking me if I've been drinking? What? Is there like a coaster stuck to my... butt or something? @september-daydream (Dean) Not So Drunken Babble
I would have stayed with you forever. I would have turned myself inside out for you. @kittenofdoomage (John) Make You Feel My Love
How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days:
You can't lose something you never had. @whatareyousearchingfordean (Dean) Bullshit
You see, the key to this game is being able to read people. @giftofdreams (Dean) The Perks of Reading People 
Look, just give me back the necklace, then you guys can go on and kill each other. @rebelslicious w/Dean A Night in with Dean (bonus: Ode to Bobby Ewing) 
Leap Year:
Why don't you stop trying to control everything in the known universe. It's dinner. Have a little faith that it will all work out. @mandilion76 (John) Flour Power
Well, when my 60 seconds came around, I realized I had everything I ever wanted, but nothing I really needed. And I think that what I need is here. And I came all this way to see if maybe you might think so too. @amanda-teaches (Dean) Better Than a Dream
Moulin Rouge:
You're going to be bad for business. I can tell. @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Dean) Everything 
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. @roxy-davenport (Crowley) For the Love of Horror
Never Been Kissed:
That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time. @evansrogerskitten (Dean) Something Sweet
The right guy, he's out there. I'm just not gonna go kiss a whole bunch of losers to get to him. @abaddons.right.hand.queen (Sam) Right In Front (Sam Winchester)
Notting Hill:
I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. @castieldualangel (Dean) Tripping Over My Feelings
Oh God, this is one of those key moments in life, when it’s possible you can be really, genuinely cool - and I’m failing 100%. @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog (Dean) The Kiss
Say Anything:
She gave me a pen.  I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen. @thranduilsperkybutt (Dean) Office Supplies and Love
One question: are you here because you need someone, or you need me? Forget it, I don’t care. @sammit-janet (Sam) Always
So I’m single now, and everything’s changed. I hate it. @sea040561 (Sam) Everything’s Changed
Sixteen Candles:
I can't believe this. They fucking forgot my birthday. @wvnchxstxr A Tradition to Share (sister!reader)
Would you guys please hurry up, I'm breaking like 30 major laws here. @nichelle-my-belle (Dean) The Memory Remains  
Someone Like You:
Wow, there's the cynical bitch we know and love. @because-imma-lady-assface (Dean) Mel Brooks: Nightmare Cure
This is key to understanding the myth of male shyness. For while you think he is flattering you, he is actually flattering himself. Showing how open and honest and sensitive he is. @jessica-bones-winchester (Dean) The Myth of Male Shyness
Sweet Home Alabama:
I can't control her any more than I can control the weather. @ravengirl94 (Dean) Family of Strays
So I can kiss you anytime I want. @captainradicalpassion (Dean) Anytime He Wants
The girl I knew used to be fearless. @hannahindie (Dean) Fearless
The Notebook:
I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me...everyday. @captainemwinchester w/Dean The Notebook
Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we're already fightin'. @jana-corleone w/John Team John
The Princess Bride:
There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours. @jayankles w/Dean These Bad Boys
No more rhymes now, I mean it! @kathaswings w/Dean Aftermath
You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means. @emilywritesaboutdean w/Dean Everything You Need
That does put a damper on our relationship. @babblesoftheinsane w/Dean Untitled
This Means War:
Don't worry. If you're going to hell, I'll just come pick you up. @georgialouisea w/Dean Taxi Back From Hell
Don't choose the better man, choose the man who makes you a better woman. @wayward-marvel-sommer1196 w/Dean Crazy Stupid Love
When Harry Met Sally:
I'll have what she's having. @alleiradayne w/Dean Reprisal
When in Rome:
The whole point of love is to put someone else's needs above your own. @lovemesomepie85 w/Dean Always Love You
Now, you could get your heart broken or you could have the greatest love affair the world has ever known, but you're not going to know unless you try. @docharleythegeekqueen w/Dean Just Like the Movies
While You Were Sleeping:
$45 for a Christmas tree and they don't deliver? You order $10 worth of chow mein from Mr. Wong´s, they bring it to your door. @getmadandsmashstuff w/John Christmas in Connecticut: Or How John Learned to Love the Holidays
You’ve Got Mail:
You were spying on me, weren't you? @sofreddie w/Dean Avon Calling
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ofauris-archived · 3 years
Event 003: Another’s Home
The world she ended up in this time seemed to be a mirror image of her own, except with actual people in it. Thankfully, she’d ended up in an alleyway and could de-activate her armour without gaining any weird glances.
The hustle and bustle of the day-to-day lives of everyone reminded her of her own home. Back before it became desolate like it was now. Taking a few deep breaths, Melanie left the alleyway and found her way to one of the shops she frequented, in hopes of gathering some information.
“Ah! Melanie, I see you’ve grown your hair out!” It was Old Man Henkins, standing near the magazine rack like always. “Finally got that gum problem taken care of?”
“...I guess...” She trailed off, looking at the candy section. She felt a hand on her shoulder and tensed up slightly, only to relax when she saw it was Henkins and not some random guy.
“You seem a bit down. Wanna tell Grandpa about it?” He’d always called himself Grandpa to her and Noah, and her mother was a longtime friend of their family so... With a slight nod, she and Henkins went to one of the tables and Melanie laid it out to him. The loss of a friend, the loss of her home, and the loss of her brother and mother. It had taken the old man a few moments to realize that this wasn’t the Melanie he knew once she started to talk prior.
“And so you’re sayin’ you’re from another world like this one, eh? The Melanie here...” He took a long drink of his water before he continued. “...She was a sweet thing when she disappeared, but came back all hardened and like a warrior who’d seen a lot. You’re different, though. Shier’s the word I’d put.”
“...Yeah..” Melanie gave a nod, noting that there was another Melanie here. Was her presence interrupting anything? She hoped not, as she didn’t want to cause any trouble. “I... was bullied a lot, so...”
Henkins chuckled. “But you’re a strong one. Still here, even after all that. I’m proud of ya.”
And that was when she cried.
“Hm? Grandpa Henkins, what’s the call for?”
“Thought to let you know your sister’s here at my store.” The old man said, and Noah could imagine the grin on his face as he said that. He knew that Noah worried about his little sister, so informing him about this was-- normal, to saay the least. “Gave her somethin’ to eat, but I think it’s best if you take her home so she can have a nap.”
The line went dead after a moment, and Noah stared at it before hanging it up and going to grab his keys. It wasn’t too far of a walk, but if his sister was tired then it’d be easier to drive her home.
But what he saw when he came into the store, about fifteen minutes later, was a girl with her head buried in her arms and Henkins sitting at the table sipping some coffee. He was always drinking something, whether it be coffee or water.
But that wasn’t his sister, or so he thought. When she lifted her head once Henkins told her that Noah was here, she looked over at him and Noah felt that pang he’d felt long ago when he and Melanie had been reunited at his foster home. Her grey eyes filled with tears, and she got up slowly before walking over.
“Noah..?” Her voice quavered as she spoke, and Noah brought her into a hug. She started to cry, and he could only stand there and hold her while trying to calm her down. When she finished sobbing, he just held her until she pushed away from him, wiping her eyes.
“..I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” But he put a finger to her lips and shook his head.
“Nothing to apologize for, Mel.” He said, ruffling her hair. This was Melanie, but not the one he knew. A different one, he surmised, from another universe entirely. Taking her home wasn’t much of a challenge. They had the guest room that was never used, so he would let her stay there.
“So, it’s Melanie... but from another universe?” Alice asked. Noah gave a small nod before looking in the direction of their guest room. “Did something happen to her home that she ended up here?”
“From what she told me on the way back here, her own world is just... dead. She’d gone back to see her version of us and everything was gone. I guess she came here without meaning to.” Noah set about making some lemonade, while Alice took her car keys from the hook.
“I’m going to go get her some things so she feels at home here.” She said. “She is my daughter, despite being from another universe.”
He chuckled. “You’ve met yourself before, after all.”
“I guess it’s the Sinclair genes.” Alice laughed lightly before leaving. Noah finished the lemonade before pouring a glass and heading into the guest room, leaving it by the bedside table. Melanie was fast asleep, hugging the pillow. Noting the tears, he gently wiped them away and shook his head before heading back to the main room, shutting the door quietly.
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“Huh?” The sound of music, gentle and calming, had woken her from her sleep. Sitting up, she wondered how long she’d been asleep. Grabbing her bag and checking her phone once she located it, she noted the date. When she’d left her world, it’d been the 14th. It was now the 29th. She’d been out for two whole weeks and some change. Shaking the sleep from her system, she carefully got out of bed and made it before heading out into the hallway.
The music was coming from the main room and, when she arrived, she noticed that the TV was on but there wasn’t anyone in here. Frowning, wondering if it was a dream, she found the remote and turned off the TV before going to go raid the fridge. If that had been a dream, and she was still in her own world, then she would have somethng to eat in there... shouldn’t she?
...And there were boneless chicken wings in a plastic container with a sticky note on them that read:
You’re probably reading this after you woke up but Mom and I left to go shopping. We’ll be home in an hour or so. Here’s some food, and there’s some lemonade if you’re thirsty.
- Noah”
Melanie frowned a bit more before taking the chicken wings and the pitcher of lemonade. Setting them on the nearby table, she went back and closed the fridge.
Maybe she could stay for a little while... Just maybe.
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