#meanwhile everyone else is sat around doing fuck all lol
alexies101 · 1 month
This was so much fun to write lmao. Tagging @icarusbetide and @fortheloveofgodletmein for the idea lmao. I had to get into my miserable HS experience so far to make this extra special lol
Alexander Hamilton was an immigrant who moved to America three years ago. He lives with Lafayette and Mulligan because apparently it's okay for two teenage boyfriends to live together and have another teenager live with them. He goes to American Revolution High.
"Mon ami." Lafayette said as they walked into their JROTC class. "Are you excited?"
"Yes." Alexander flipped his brown hair with his baby hands. He was 3'2 and probably four pounds soaking wet. Meanwhile, everyone else was seven feet tall and weighed as much as fucking buildings.
They walked in the class that was buzzing with excitement because nobody sleeps in jrotc. They sat down before Thomas Jefferson and James Madison threw paper at him. Those two were the bullies of the class and nobody liked them, but they stayed in the class for some reason.
"Alright, cadets!" Their teachers, George Washington, shouted as he walked around the room. "We have two new cadets. I'm sure all of you will be kind and treat them with the utmost regard."
Two tall students walked in. Immediately, Alexander and Lafayette acted bisexual. The one with the long golden curls, green eyes, and freckles was called John Laurens. The other one was brown-eyed, curly-haired, and stupidly muscular.
"Look, cadet Hamilton is blushing."
Alex played with his hair as birds flew around his head. "S-shut up Jefferson..."
"Why don't you sit next to my son?" Washington ordered as he pointed to Alex. "Mulligan, you sit next to Lafayette."
"Not your son."
Immediately, they hit it off and yap throughout the class because why not.
Alexander and John were making out in the back of Mulligan's car, where he was kissing Lafayette. This was all after John told them how abusive his dad is and they all decided they needed a gay makeout session to relax. But they all made a grave mistake: they were making out in uniform. Hiding in the bushes, Jeffershit got a picture.
"Wait until the program hears about this!" He shoved the phone in Aaron Burr's face, who magically became best friends with him and Madison in like two days.
He grabbed the picture. "This is great! With this, all those little shits will be thrown out. I'll be promoted!" He grabbed Madison's small shoulders. "We all will!"
"Let's him know what we know."
When Hamilton walked into homeroom, someone pulled him aside into the unused staircase. There were they all there, his three bullies since Freshman year looking like they won the jackpot.
"We know your secret." They showed him your picture. His heart fell to his stomach. "Give us one reason why we shouldn't pass this to every single cadet in the program."
"Because..." sweat got on the floor. "It isn't true."
"What to do mean, Alexander?" Burr grinned. "We caught you lacking."
"I kissed another girl." Their eyes popped out their heads. "And I have proof!"
"Um-" Madison coughed up blood mid sentence like a little Victorian child, looking sadly into his handkerchief. "-no, there's no nee-"
Alexander showed them all a picture of him kissing Maria Reynolds, the hottest and sluttiest cadet in the program's history. "I kissed her with our covers on!"
"Um, bra listen," Jefferson said, smoothing out his magnesia uniform. "We won't tell anyone."
"You don't have to, I'll tell everyone before you tell them!" And just like that, he ran away like an anime girl, wind blowing his ponytail.
He ran into the bathroom and locked himself in the biggest stall. He pulled at his hair as the thunderstorm started. He began to hyperventilate.
"Mon ami?" Lafayette appeared because he always knows where Alexander is. "It's time for class, bonjour."
He got up and quickly walked to class. He saw the three mean cadets and broke down by the door.
"Son!" Washington cried as him and all of his friends rushed to him before he passed out.
He woke up a day later in the hospital. John cried as he kissed his face. Washington walked up to him, wiping his big ass tears.
"Don't worry, son. I kicked out the three of them because they started to have sex together in front of the class after you passed out."
He hugged him like a sick little child and whispered, "Thank you, dad..."
Everyone exploded the end.
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rosemariad · 7 months
Supernatural Season 11 Part 1
So the consequence of last season's tomfoolery is the unleashing of the darkness, as per Death's explanation before he got sliced by Death (I'm still not over how easy it was to take down such an ancient OP character)
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And the darkness is a chick?! Whaaaaaaaaaaa-
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Billie starts out in season 11 - okay - I know she's an enemy but I'm a fan of hers. She's sooo beautiful!!!! I love her look!!!! She ain’t takin’ no shit from the Winchesters either. That is a woman I can get behind - sowwwwwwwwwwwwy lol.
Why does Cas have to get fucked up yet again?!?!?!?! Why did Rowena turn him in an attack dog, damn!
The darkness unleashed some sort of virus ala The Crazies - 'member that movie (both original and remake)
The baby we find at the beginning of the season becomes the vessel for the darkness - she grew up so fast lol. Poor baby tho and her family 🥺
Rowena really tried starting a new coven -XD the name was soooo corny Mega Coven, really?! 🤣
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I'm glad the sick/crazed Cas stuff is over but its only a matter of time before something else goes wrong with him. It's like the only reason he's kept around cuz lord knows the showrunners don't care about Destiel 🙃
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Meanwhile the darkness is out and about as a little girl who's eating a healthy dose of humans, then demons, then humans again, totally unimpressed by Crowley and his shit 🤣
We have to see Metatron again ugh!!! Can someone kill him already?!?!?!?!
He really thought Cas was afraid. Child please. He's angry and he has so many reasons to be, between getting cockblocked by Sam and others, cockteased by Dean, having to compete with Crowley and women for Dean's attention (though where are the women, or is it all about AmaraxDean this season?), getting hated on by Heaven, getting cursed by Rowena and fucked over by Metatron personally and more than once, of course duh!
Sam! Poor baby thought God was speaking to him but it was the devil all along. He wants out of the cage and needs Sam to do it cuz another consequence of the darkness fiasco is the cage weakened some. Shame we didn't get to see Michael or Adam 🙃 (it was a great opportunity to bring back the apocalypse stuff from season 5, but oh well, that's what fanfiction's for!)
So instead of Sam who stands up to this bully, Castiel ends up busting him out (Cas baby no!)
Dean thinks Cas is fine, Dean when is Cas ever fine?! He hasn't been fine since he started helping you stupid!!!!!!! I guess Dean says that cuz he needs Cas to be fine, but my God the powers of Dean's denial are so strong!!!!!
Why Cas, why would you give yourself over to the devil 😭 and he was so passive. He only intervened when Lucifer was choking the shit outta Sam and decided oh wait Sam can’t die Dean would hate me forever I must intercede smh.
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I have to say the line “grim face of angelic constipation” made me chuckle XD
That episode was pointless though since the supposed hand of God was useless and those people met their fate anyway - shoutout to that crew and the Woman of Letter Delfine - they were heroes. A somber end having Dean sat on his lonesome at the dock.
Sam watchu mean Cas won’t come back willingly - and abandon his sweet Dean. Never! He’s only doing it for Dean in the first place!!! Cuz the only alternative was for the devil go into Sam and there was no way they were gonna let that happen - though it would have made for an interesting season!
Another guy Dean goes Gaga over tho I’m not sure if its him being a fan or something else 😉 lololol
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So we meet Eileen this season - she was awesome! She suffered no fools and took no prisoners lol. Almost killed Sam fucking Winchester. Talk about a meet-cute gone brutal 😂
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It was nice to see Bobby and Rufus again - especially at Rufus’ savage top form, busting Bobby and everyone else’s balls 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 when he demanded Bobby tell the truth instead of whatever story he was gonna say to seem cool 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
When he sees that family together at the end 😭 what a softie.
Dean got to see Bobby again…awwwww but it turns out this episode (at least the parts that Bobby and Rufus were in) was during season 4 - and Dean was a prissy bitch! So rude, entitled and ungrateful. Bobby shouldn’t have had to put up with that!
Sam got shot but I wasn’t worried! We got 4 more seasons, he ain't going anywhere. But Dean was losing his mind again…Jesus honey there’s more to life than your baby bro! I mean I understand - he raised this boy, invested so much but this shit ain't healthy. He committed suicide to talk to a reaper who’s told him in no uncertain terms that if the Winchesters die she’s gonna keep them that way. Did he really think she’d be willing to cut him a deal? Hell nah. He’s lucky that doctor was good at his job! And that Sam swooped in and saved the day, survivor that he is!
That poor woman at the end though, so devoid of hope, just like Dean will be in a few seasons (yeah I know about that shit. I’ll address it when I finally watch those episodes).
Speaking of Dean losing hope - he works with Crowley & Rowena to try to save Cas. Why does Sam keep saying Cas ain’t coming back - you don’t know - we’re not in season 15 - lemme stop
The way Dean kept calling out to Cas - poor bby. Of course the devil mocked him, what a dick!
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Crowley tried to help too, got beat up by the devil (again) for his trouble. Cas c’mon stand up to the son of a bitch!
Amara came busting in like the baddest of bitches - didn’t break a sweat when the devil attacked her.
Cesar & Jesse - ugh I loved them!!!!! We need more Latinos in this show!!! They won’t be back since they apparently retired but good for them! They got the fuck out!
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Lol when Dean assumed they were brothers - they look nothing alike Dean 🤣🤣🤣🤣
When Dean asked what it was like - to tough, swole men together like that - why you curious Dean 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
They were really trying to recruit them - I was like oh heeeeell noooooo don’t wrap them up in your shit they’re too innocent sexy bears you leave them alone!!!!! We don’t need to befriend more people to have them die for the Winchesters enough is enough. I’m still not over Kevin. That poor bby.
Part 2 incoming!
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haram-jaan · 3 years
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makeste · 2 years
BnHA Chapter 337: Le traître de U.A.
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all “and so in conclusion that’s how my awesome new technique works, and why I henceforth will be bringing back my iconic winter costume, voted #1 overall best hero costume three years in a row by JD Power and Associates.” Todoroki was all “I HAVE DONE IT, I HAVE MASTERED BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT, YIN AND YANG, HOT AND COLD.” Fandom was all, “well you’ve definitely mastered hot.” Hagakure was all, “so about that U.A. Traitor reveal last week.” Aoyama was all “OH MAMAN AND PAPAN, WE’RE REALLY IN IT NOW.” Aoyama’s parents were all, “WOE IS US, IF ONLY YOU HADN’T BEEN BORN QUIRKLESS FORCING US TO RUIN YOUR LIFE BY MAKING A PACT WITH THE PROVERBIAL DEVIL.” Hagakure was all “OMG AOYAMA IS THE TRAITOR, I HAVE TO TELL SOMEONE, THANK GOD DEKU IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE.” Deku was all, “(╹⌓╹).”Aoyama was all, “(⌣_⌣”) anyways yep it’s me, I’m the traitor.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Aoyama’sParents are all “[fuck around and find out].” Flashback!AFO is all, “you could not live with your failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.” Hagakure is all “NOW THAT I AM NO LONGER NEEDED TO PLAY THE RED HERRING ROLE, HERE’S MY FACE! TA-DAH~.” Deku is all, “[immediately defeats Aoyama with NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER].” Rat Principal is all, “dammit and I was so convinced there was no traitor and Horikoshi just forgot about the plotline [looks directly at the camera].” Class 1-A is all, “well this SURE DOES SUCK.” Aoyama is all “I’M JUST GONNA SIT HERE WALLOWING IN GUILT AND DESPAIR.” Deku is all “DAMMIT AOYAMA, YOU KNOW YOU CAN’T JUST WALLOW IN GUILT AND DESPAIR RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND NOT EXPECT ME TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.” Kacchan is all “so I’m just completely gay for Deku now and that’s just how it is, huh.” WSJ is all “DO YOU THINK DEKU’S WORDS WILL REACH AOYAMA?!” as if there was ever any fucking doubt lmao.
oh my GOD of all the times to cut away from a scene. hello again, villains
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I love how Dabi just immediately knows that AFO is talking about a traitor at UA. way to assume. like for all you know he was talking about his book club. I wonder what books AFO likes to read. or more precisely, which books he likes to read approximately six chapters of before deciding that he’s already got the gist. “yep, bad guy’s gonna win this one too. next!” “er, well actually, Shigaraki-san -- “ “I SAID, next”
anyway so what the hell were we talking about again. oh right, the traitor being exposed. so AFO says it’s not gonna be a problem for them at all
wow, geez
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blow it up?? let me ask you AFO, is there anything you don’t blow up when you’re done with it?? you have a problem man
also does this mean AFO is a smoker lol. might be time to give up the habit if so, given your current medical condition. just saying
btw I know a lot of people, myself included, are very, very happy to see Spinner comforting Tomura after everyone else basically just sat there doing diddly squat while he was writhing around in pain last week sob. you love to see it. he just might be the only actual true friend that Tomura has ever had, and that means a whole fucking lot actually. especially with that big redemption arc on the horizon
and meanwhile AFO, who unlike me doesn’t get distracted literally every two panels, is still talking about Aoyama, and is basically all, “if he dies he dies”
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oh god, oh shit
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“a disposable life” :’) hey Horikoshi what’s up. you good, bro? you’re not actually gonna kill off any of the kids, right? even if their backstories are just screaming “tragedy waiting to happen” right now? you still wouldn’t actually do that, right? right??
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and meanwhile Aoyama is all “yeah thinking back on it my parents were actually a whole lot more concerned about me being quirkless than I was, probably because they were raised as rich snobs with expectations of having an easy, perfect life, and weren’t about to let their quirkless son fuck all of that up”
“actually makeste, what I actually said is that they tried their best and wished for nothing but my happiness” okay listen Aoyama, you go ahead and interpret things your way, and meanwhile I’ll continue to interpret my own way over here, okay? which of us is doing this recap
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“then they got an idea. an awful idea. my parents got a WONDERFUL, AWFUL idea”
oh my fucking lord I just hate them so much lol
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“WE WOULD LITERALLY PREFER OUR VERY YOUNG SON TO BE IN CONSTANT PAIN FROM A QUIRK JUST SO LONG AS IT MEANS HE ACTUALLY HAS A QUIRK SO WE CAN SHOW OUR FACES IN PUBLIC AGAIN.” just wonderful, wonderful people. the best people. “with all my hardships in mind” seriously though this makes it sound like he thinks they were doing him a favor by not abandoning him for causing him so much trouble. maybe it’s just the translation, idk! but all I know is that if you ask me, these people suck
oh geez oh fuck
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does he always talk like this?? Mr. and Mrs. Aoyama, you really had a wholeass conversation with a man who used those speech bubbles, and you still thought to yourselves, “yep you know what, I trust him, let’s go ahead and let him fuck around with our four-year-old’s DNA”??
jesus fucking christ. he was just a fucking kid
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lolol these feelings. oh man. let me tell you. they are MIXED
because on the one hand, it really does bear repeating, THIS WAS A FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD KID?? but on the other hand, these were also HIS FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD CLASSMATES, who were nearly killed on multiple occasions, and somehow Aoyama managed to live with himself afterwards. literally the only reason Tsuyu isn’t a pile of dust right now is because Aizawa is the biggest badass of all time and nearly got his face permanently broken for his trouble. meanwhile the only reason Kacchan isn’t dead or worse (because “worse” is always on the table when you’re dealing a group that loves performing mad scientist experiments on children) is because Momo is the second biggest badass of all time, and because she and Deku and Todoroki and Kirishima didn’t fucking listen when Aoyama “this is secretly my fault but I would rather not say anything :)” Yuuga tried to talk them out of going to save him. my favorite part is when he added “we did all we could ☆” yeah thanks so much for your noble endeavors there Yuuga
anyway so yeah. definitely some conflicted feelings, and I won’t pretend otherwise. but at the end of the day I think I’m gonna focus on the fifteen-year-old kid part of it, and continue to direct the majority of my shade towards his truly appalling parental units
anyway so I apologize for that rant lol. just had to get it all out of my system. now what was this last part about luring Deku out somewhere and isolating him??
oh okay are we not gonna talk about that yet lol. more feels first
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“WHAT ELSE IS IT GONNA TAKE TO FINALLY CONVINCE YOU SHE’S NOT THE FUCKING TRAITOR” okay look man, I said I was 95% sure. the 5% was just me playing out a hypothetical basically just for shits and giggles and stuff. I believe you, okay?
“YOU STILL HAD THE NERVE TO SIT IN THE SAME CLASSROOM AS US” agreed. and he would have been perfectly content to sit on that information for the rest of his life if AFO hadn’t made a comeback. I mean look, clearly we have established that Aoyama is not quite shounen main character material. but on the other hand those are very high standards to meet. it doesn’t mean he’s a bad kid. just a kid whose fears outweighed his guilt. and because of that he wound up having to live with both, which must have been pretty fucking brutal
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oh my god I can’t with this scan quality. I am dying to get a better look at Deku’s “officially done with ALL of this shit” face
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Hagakure is actually right there and can in fact speak for herself, Deku. but yes
whoa dude what the hell is happening in this bottom panel here
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is he using Blackwhip to cover up his own face as well? is this some sort of manly shounen dignity-preserving technique lol
and where are we cutting away to???
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heh. what the fuck
oh thank god, Horikoshi made that segue creepy as all hell for absolutely no reason lol
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anyone feel like pointing out how Rat Principal and co. have been searching for the U.A. Traitor for almost a goddamn year now and never found a damn thing and so were all “YOU KNOW WHAT THERE PROBABLY ISN’T EVEN A TRAITOR AT ALL”, and so Hagakure and Deku had to step in to do their fucking jobs for them? you’re welcome, UA. they should name a wing of the school after them. or at least a science lab or something
lmao what
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“I know what you’re all thinking,” Horikoshi says as he furiously scrambles to patch up all of his careless plot holes with fucking flex tape. “don’t worry, Aoyama won’t get blown up because [handwave] it’s probably fine.” you are so lucky Nao is here to distract me right now, even if this panel you drew of him is just as half-assed as your explanations
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omfg. because you know, out of everyone in this room right now he has by far the most reason to feel resentful towards Aoyama. this motherfucker sold him the fuck out. in a way it’s almost worse than what the villains did, because at least they didn’t give a fuck to begin with. but Aoyama did, supposedly, give a fuck. and yet he still fucking did it
and not only that, but this is also Katsuki we’re talking about. Katsuki, who is practically synonymous with spontaneous rage and wildly disproportionate overreactions. and in this case the rage for once actually would be proportionate and appropriate. Aoyama is very directly (if not solely) responsible for the single most traumatic event of Katsuki’s entire life. he would absolutely be within his rights to feel a little raw about it. to say the least
but instead!! instead of blowing up! instead of getting mad about it!! there’s this!! him standing there with that thoughtful expression of regret! instead of being all “me me me” and immediately thinking of how much Aoyama absolutely fucked him over, his VERY FIRST REACTION. LITERALLY HIS INSTINCT. is to focus on the “quirkless” part of Aoyama’s story, and make the connection to Deku. and how he treated Deku. and how everyone else treated Deku
so now Nao is all “ah fuck, I guess I have to interrogate this scared fucking kid who betrayed all these other kids to the final villain now, fml”
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I mean by all means please do go ahead and follow protocol though lmao. this isn’t exactly a “well I think they’ve learned their lesson, let’s let them off with a gentle warning this time” situation
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Naomasa he ain’t lying. this man literally has nothing swirling about in his head except a little monkey riding around in circles on a tricycle
fuck man this is so fucked up though
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once again, just a splendid job well done ever trusting this man to begin with though. outstanding
“we are the ones at fault here!” the truths keep coming lol. though the fact remains that Aoyama wasn’t exactly playing a passive role here even if he got dragged into it all against his will
see, okay, yeah. this is exactly what I’m talking about. glad to see him owning up to it
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see but he gets it. he gets it. I’m not gonna say anything to contradict any of this, Yuuga, because yeah. except maybe that last part, because fortunately for you this is a series where everyone is free to turn around and start over and seize their second chance at any time, no matter how late in the game it is. and don’t I love it for that
see Yuuga, now Deku is going to make a big comforting speech to you because he sees how conflicted you were and how much you’re hurting over it now
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true true! and with Dabi and the rest of them right there too
omg another Kacchan serious face. and this time with bonus wide-eyed Tokoyami
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again, Horikoshi, just a little heads up would be nice. so I can start making out my will and stuff beforehand
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“BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHEESE, AOYAMA?! WHAT. ABOUT. THE CHEESE” this is a real manga you guys. this panel and this sentence right here really exist. you’re fucking welcome
meanwhile I have to assume that everyone else is standing there frantically trying to figure out what this could possibly mean. did. did Aoyama send a secret message to Deku, in the dead of the night, written entirely in cheese
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“did... did Aoyama send Deku an S.O.S. using cheese?? you guys??”
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“wait, so did he like hide a secret note inside of some cheese or something?” “or, you don’t suppose... the cheese actually came to life and started talking to him?” “haah?? no way. talking cheese, what the hell kind of nonsense is that.” “okay but you guys do realize our principal is a giant talking rat, and the class next door has one kid who has a speech bubble for a head, and another kid who is literally made out of glue”
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“hold up. All for One crushed somebody’s mind??” “guys, I’m just saying, it’s possible. we can’t just rule out the talking cheese.” “okay, but I feel like everybody is just focusing on the cheese, and meanwhile nobody is talking about the ‘that night.’ like, what the hell does that mean. nobody thinks it’s odd that Aoyama-kun and Deku-kun are just sending each other secret messages in the middle of the night??” “mmm. a rendezvous of darkness”
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“wait, no, hold up, I just had a thought. what if it’s like. okay, so you know like how people sometimes find images of Jesus and stuff in like, toast? what if it’s something like that. maybe Aoyama found like, an image of All for One’s face, in, like... some cheese”
aaaaaand once again Deku manages to find a way to somehow blame himself sob
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way to ruin that nice little cheese joke streak I had going there Deku. “what do you mean, what streak?” Deku asks, peering over at my recap notes. “wait, what the fuck -- ” okay you know what don’t judge me okay
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Kacchan we already figured this out last week lol. you guys will use Aoyama as a double agent to turn the tables on AFO. doy. but oh my gosh you are just too fucking cute though dflsklkfsj eyes all wide like that. looking like you’re about to whip out your own nerd analysis notebook and start scribbling down paragraph after paragraph of effusive Deku praise
anyway the chapter is ending now and that’s just how it is!
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and fdslgk “will Deku’s words reach him...?!” of course they’ll fucking reach him lmao what kind of stupid question is that. have you ever read a single page of this series
and Kacchan getting all !! at the hand reaching lol. ties in perfectly with the essay I’ve been working on all fucking week. I will get it posted this week! I’m gonna do it for real! I’m taking this as a sign and it’s gonna happen dammit. “okay makeste but you do understand that this chapter was actually about Aoyama” BOY WAS IT. Aoyama Yuuga and his stupid rich parents and surprisingly dark origin story and iconic fucking cheese messages. god bless
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Getting Railed By Your Jealous Bf Ushijima After He Meets Your Childhood Ex (Who Wants You Back!)📱📞
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Birthday Event Req By @juminly :
So I was trying to request the following >.<: a NSFW Ushi drabble with f!reader. Ushi being triggered by jealousy or something that happened between f!reader and someone else? I initially wrote a few kinks and you could go ahead with whatever inspires you! [cockwarming, face-sitting, blowjob, mirror sex, bondage, dirty talk or anything else tbh... and soft!dom!ushi]
A/N: I’m glad we overcame the technical difficulties for you to eventually send this req. hope you like it babes. I still have 2 more reqs from the event that shouldn’t take too long, thanks for being patient!
(NSFW 18+)
Getting Railed By Your Jealous Bf Ushijima After He Meets Your Childhood Ex (Who Wants You Back!)📱📞
It’s canon that Ushi is a very calm and collected bf
Your friends love him 💕
Your pet loved him 💕
And your family loves him
Or that’s what Ushi always thought...... until tonight.
You and Toshi went to your parents house for an elegant middle aged people dinner party they were throwing with all their friends from the neighborhood
Ushijima wore a suit and everything 💜💜💜 you wore in a beautiful green dress and small heels to match him
The dinner party was great: 🎶 classy , bougie, ratchet extremely classy haha 💎
your parent’s best friends’ son—Jeremy—happened to be home too.
Actually , he surprised everyone, crashing the party unexpectedly
And he brought gifts🤨.
Making a huge entrance that had everyone screaming in delight and hugging him, Ushijima couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of the way your family fawned over your childhood friend
Your parents can’t help but gush over Jeremy, because they’ve always wanted you to marry him and move with him to America to study cosmetic surgery
In high school you two dated a little, but then you realized it was all for the benefit of your parents and you agreed to break up but remained distant friends
You were good with that , as you thought it was a mutual decision
But it wasn’t. Jeremy truly had feelings for you and they hadn’t stopped just because he moved away and finished med school
“These are for you, Y/N.” Jeremy smoothly handed you a bouquet of your favourite type of flowers
You hadn’t the heart to tell him your favourite type had changed since high school :S
“And Wakatoshi-san, I didn’t know you would be here. Apologies.” He shook his hand.
Ushijima’s face was hard. “I don’t know why I would not be.....?” He answered with a slight eyebrow raise, squeezing Jeremy’s hand right back.
Hose down that fire Y/N
Anyway, even though your parents like Ushi a lot, it was pretty obvious to you AND your boyfriend that both them + Jeremy’s parents never gave up hope that you two would one day get back together
Not to mention They were as subtle as elephants in a library
They got the fucking photo album, showing everyone including Ushijima pictures of you and Jeremy bathing together as babies and kissing before prom
“Oh, you live in Beverly Hills, now?” Your mom’s eyes sparkled at Jeremy as he showed her pictures of his mansion on his phone. “Y/N looooves that part of Los Angeles, don’t you, honey?”
You noticed Ushijima stiffen. He was thinking about the love of his life, you, living in LA in Jeremy’s ugly mansion and it pissed this Ace off.
You nodded slowly, giving your mom a warning glance. “Sure, when I was 15.”
“Hey Jeremy, your father told me last weekend that you know of bunch of players on the LA Rams?”
Jeremy nodded proudly. “Yes sir. A lot of their wives and mothers are patients of mine, so the starting line up usually sends me Christmas cards with season passes and signed memorabilia so that I up their women on the waiting lists. Whenever you’re in America and you’d like to go see a game, just let me know.”
You rolled your eyes at how loud your father exclaimed in joy. “I keep telling you to call me YF/N!” He clapped. “And that’s a real sport right there. Football, Baseball, Soccer. Everything else is a joke to real men.” Your father finished.
“DAD!” You chastised, stomping your foot under the table.
You glowered are him. “In case you FORGOT.....Ushijima happens to be a professional volleyball player.”
Your dad had clearly forgotten, trying to blubber out an apology. Ushijima interrupted him, putting a hand on yours to settle his furious girlfriend.
“That’s quite alright, sir. I took no offence to it.” Ushi was used to other men not recognizing volleyball as a manly sport—he is very confident so that didn’t bother him. Rather, what stung was the fact that your father had never asked Toshi to call him by his first name before, and you two had been dating for three years.
To your dismay, Yours and Jeremys parents continued to say annoying shit like that all night
Jeremy loved it 🙄
You hated it, and defended your man at any chance you got
Ushijima stayed silent through it all, trying to calm you down actually.
Like I said he’s confident and not easily shaken
He only had had enough when the conversation changed to Jeremy’s explanation of liking his life and his career but it all never seeming good enough because of “the one that got away” and how “she seems happy in a relationship now” but “he would do anything to get her back”
Meanwhile he’s sneaking heartfelt glances at you 🤬🤬🤬🤢
Your mother and father were doting, looking at you and eachother as if to say “come onnnnn Y/N give him another chance”
Ushijima picked up on it all.
At one point during Jeremy’s explanation of ‘the one that got away’ you stuck your finger down your throat to make a gagging noise childishly
anyway, at the end of the night you said bye to everyone..... and Jeremy asked to speak to you in private on the empty porch
Ushijima watched with a locked jaw by the car, leaning on it so he could stare openly
He was justly heated as he watched the conversation (but couldn’t hear anything) happening on the porch at night
He witnessed Jeremy write down what had to be his number and hold it in front of you for you to take
You hesitated, not sure if you should take it just to avoid causing more waves with both parents or to stomp on his foot
Luckily you didn’t need to do either because Ushijima had silently stormed over in a millisecond, whisking the paper from Jeremy’s hand, staring at his number written on the paper before crumbling it and throwing it over his shoulder.
“She doesn’t need it. Goodnight, Jeremy.”
Ushi grabbed your hand and walked you to the car angry af, you had to jog in your heels to keep up with him
This man was maaad and silent the whole way home, thinking about how everyone seems to be so sure that your ex could have given you a better life
He still held your hand the entire drive though, so clearly he wasn’t mad at you ❤️
He hated that everyone liked this Jeremy better all because he went down the conventional path to success:
Hadn’t Toshi paid for everything? Hadn’t Toshi massaged your feet? Hadn’t Toshi made you extremely happy? Hadn’t they seen how you were treated? Did you believe someone could do better?
Toshi knew that he was the BEST boy and that no one could dare love you more or treat you better....... and you tended to agree
But Toshi needed to hear you say it.
He needed to feel it, too.
Upon arriving at yours & Toshi’s gorgeous modern home:
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Toshi hurriedly closed the door
you hadn’t even fully taken off your heels yet when you felt your boyfriend pressed himself against you from behind, lifting your dress up and rubbing his long hard cock print on your pantied pussy lips as you bent over
You moaned and started to get wet immediately
“Take off the panties.” He ordered.
you did obviously 😭 almost tripped with how fast you did it
Horny bish lol
Your boyfriend then picked you up in his strong arms and walked a few steps into the foyer, placing you so your ass was sitting on the 7th marble stair. He knelt down in between your legs and spread them while you sat on the staircase
He squeezed your ass in his large hands and dove into your pussy with his lips then tongue, immediately skipping the gentle licks... and tongue fucking your entrance into oblivion
His tongue was wet, strong and needy and fuck you choked on your own cries
You threw your head back, already screaming Ushi’s name
“Mmm scream my name just like that. Let everyone hear who you belong to.” He paused tongue fucking you to order.
you shuddered as you felt his warm breath on your clit and Ushi expertly enclosed his mouth around your sopping cunt, French kissing your clit into his mouth and sucking on it like a tiny lollipop
You tugged on his hair and screamed his name louder, feeling your interior walls clench
Once your legs started shaking because you were about to fall over the edge, Ushi picked you up again, making you wrap your legs around his waist
Toshi bent down quickly to empty his pockets which consisted of his keys, wallet, and his phone, placing it where you were just sitting when he was eating you out
Ushiwaka pressed your back against the wall beside the staircase.....
He held your entire body weight with one arm as he leaned in to kiss your neck, using his other hand to unbuckle his belt and kick his pants off
When he was freed & nude, he asked you kindly if you were ready and once you nodded he put one of his feet on the sixth stair, the other on the fifth, then thrusted deep into your soaking heat
He wasted no time in pounding you into the wall, the slight pain of the hard wall and your boyfriend’s hard dick somehow heightening the pleasure factor
Ushijima took both of your wrists in his gigantic hand and locked them above your head as he gave you nice and deep thrusts the way you both like it
“So fucking wet. All because of me, correct? I’m the only one who makes your pussy drip like this.”
Your pussy answered:💧 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧
Your vaginal walls squeezed around his dick and you bit his shoulder because the pleasure disallowed you to speak and Ushi groaned out
“Say. This. Tight. Pussy. Is. Mine.” He grunted as he circled his hips a bit while pounding, his voice grave.
Toshi picked up the pace as your soaking wet walls clenched around him even more from his dirty talk.
“Say. Who. This. Pussy. Belongs. To. Beautiful.”
You were being fucked too well, you couldn’t speak, you could only moan ... like usual
But your boyfriend wasn’t having any of that tonight.
He let go of your captive wrists and held you with both hands again, stepping downstairs and stopping in front of the large mirror in your foyer, turning so that only you could see yourself poking over his large shoulder, along with your boyfriend’s fine juicy ass and back calf muscles 🤤
Ushi grabbed the back of your neck (not enough to hurt) but just enough so that your head was up and you were looking at yourself in the mirror. He began to fuck you again, getting nice and deep in your pussy as he made you bounce on his dick in his arms
“Are you seeing yourself?” He laughed sexily. “Getting dumb-fucked, Princess? Whose dick are you taking, Y/N?” Wakatoshi groaned as your pussy clenched around him even more. He could tell you were about to cum and that he wouldn’t be long after. But he needed to hear you say something first.
“Who is your first choice, Y/N? Who fucks you like this every night? Who’s dick can you never get enough of? Me? Or Him?”
In your stupor, you watched yourself in the mirror: Toshi’s delectable ass flexing as he pushed in and out of you, feeling his strong hand gripping your neck. You weren’t a big talker during sex and bae knew that, but the amazing feeling of this angry jealous sex was too much, his big dick felt too fucking good..... and one particularly hard thrust from him that grazed your g-spot in the besssst way gave you the energy to cry out;
Wakatoshi let go of your neck, landing soft kisses on your neck while he returned to gripping your ass with both hands now, sliding you up and down his long, hard, soaking wet dick from your juices.
It felt so fucking good 😩
“That’s right princess. I’ve heard enough, baby. I knew it: I just needed to hear you say it. Now cum for me.”
when you did, you made sure to scream out all the praises you always told toshi when you weren’t getting fucked, making him feel like a King, reassuring him that your mind, body, and soul belonged to him and NO ONE else.
Wakatoshi found his release soon after from your pussy but also from your words, shooting his thick cum up inside you for you to take as he caressed your back and whispered how much he loved you in your ear.
Then, as you laid limp in his arms, he left his cock to stay warm inside you and went back to the stairs, fully prepared to go head up and bathe you, then put you to bed.
But as he passed the sixth step, though, Toshi bent down to pick up his keys, wallet and phone that he’d set there.
As you fell asleep on his shoulder, Ushi grinned at his phone screen, pressing send to the voicemail message he’d just recorded.
Whoops 😏 must have accidentally butt-dialed someone before fucking you and left a long message by accident
With a photographic memory, it wasn’t difficult for the Ace to remember such a plastic surgeon’s phone number when Ushi saw it on the note.....
And Toshi could explain to you how sorry he was that he’d accidentally dialed it before railing you to sleep on the stairs and in the foyer
But truth be told, your boyfriend’s only real regret would be not being able to see the look on Jeremy’s face when he listened to it on his flight back home.
Bday Event Masterlist
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sleekervae · 3 years
The Neighbour [2.5]
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Warnings: mild sexting, tried to write rougher sex but it’s more sloppy lol, Remington doesn’t like being teased ;). This photo fuelled some inspiration
Remington’s knee shook subtly under the weight of his bag, anxiously looking out the window as the smaller California communities whizzed by. It was though Sebastian was driving slower on purpose, and he was growing irritated with Remington’s constant asking ‘can’t you go faster’ as an eerily reminiscent ‘are we there yet’?
“We’re still another hour out,” Sebastian huffed, slowly losing patience with his brother. 
“You could go a little faster,” Remington muttered.
“I’m not disobeying the speed limit because you’re horny,” Sebastian snapped back. Chris, Michael, and Emerson cracked up in the backseat, meanwhile. 
Remington crossed his arms like he was a child throwing a tantrum, “How can I be horny when I’m stuck in a car with all of you?” he chided. 
It wasn’t a total fib; he was a little excited after the picture Eva had sent him last night. 
Remington scrolled through the text conversation for maybe the sixth or seventh time that morning, his knee still shaking incessantly. 
Hey sweetheart, whatcha’ doing?
Oh nothin’ much, thought I’d try something new
Oh yeah? Like what??
And minutes later she had sent the photo
She was sat on the duvet in a stroppy black matching set, sitting on her knees with her bum turned to the camera, her face cropped just below her nose. But Remington would recognize that flower tattoo anywhere. He was surprised when he’d received it, knowing how shy Eva was, but he knew all too well sometimes her bashfulness was more just for show.
It didn’t help that he easily recognized she was sitting on his own bed to take that photo.
Oh baby, why? Why would you do that to me?? 🥵
Because I can 😘
And she sent another one quickly after, this time taken from an ant’s eye view. The angle of the shot transcended up the length of her body, giving him a full shot of her panties, and teasing the shape of her breasts in her little plunge bra. Remington would twitch in his shorts each time he saw that photo.
Oh my God Eva...
You’re missing a comma after God, Remington 😘
Fuck the grammar lesson
How about a shot like that without the accoutrements?? Pleeeaaase?
Hmm... Nope
You can’t just send me photos like that and then cut me off 😫
What’re you gonna’ do about it, rockstar??
You better hope I’m in a good mood tomorrow darling. 
And I want you in that set when I come home.
You missed another comma after tomorrow, baby 
So, you’re gonna penalize me for missing commas but won’t appreciate my perfect use and spelling of ‘accoutrements’?
You just used the spellcheck.
Remington wasn’t all that aware that Emerson was trying to peak over his shoulder, snooping as little brothers typically do. 
“Whatcha’ looking at?” he asked.
“Nothing,” Remington quickly closed the message.
“Didn’t look like nothing,” Emerson smirked. 
“Well it’s none of your business,” Remington snapped back.
Sebastian simpered, “Leave him alone, Emerson. He doesn’t try to snoop on your nudes,” 
“Wow!” Chris gasped, “You send your girlfriend nudes?”
“No, I don’t have the ass for it,” Emerson replied, sitting back in his chair.
“Remington sends his girlfriend nudes?” Michael asked.
“I wouldn’t put it past him,” Sebastian said. Remington simply rolled his eyes, ignoring everyone else’s raucous laughter.
An incessant beeping noise suddenly silences them all, however, and Sebastian peered at the dash over the wheel.
“Oh fuck, I need gas,” he muttered.
"Is there even a gas station around here?” Chris asked, looking out the window. 
Remington quickly typed on his phone, smiling to himself when he Google result popped up, “There’s a gas station half a mile from here,” he said.
Sebastian didn’t question it, “Perfect,”
To make a long story short, the gas station was a little more than just a half mile away.
Eva tapped her fingers against the hot surface of her laptop, her eyes skimming word-for-word the letter she’d spent the last two hours scribing. She would check her phone now and again, anxiously awaiting Remington’s updates. Pluto was unbothered by her nerves, his slinky body pushed right up against the cool surface of the balcony sliding door as he slept soundly. 
A sharp buzzing noise had Eva suddenly jumping out of her seat, and poor Pluto shot up from the midst of his nap and stood at attention. But it was only Eva’s doorbell, and she quickly recovered from her shock to answer it. Her phone still didn’t show a text.
“Who is it?” she inquired into the speaker.
“Just your friendly neighbourhood psychopath,” her heart raced at the familiar voice, a smile gracing her lips.
“Come on up!” and she buzzed him into the complex, leaving her door unlocked. She rushed to organize her papers and mess on the desk, quickly checking her reflection in the dark of the laptop and fixing her hair. 
The door had hardly swung open before Eva raced into Remington’s arms and he held her tightly against him. His lips were on hers in an instant, hands grasping at her hips as he kicked the door shut. He was sun kissed and smelled of warm sand and the breeze, his quickly fading blue hair more of a turquoise that glinted with magnificence as it fell over his forehead.
“You didn’t text me,” Eva gasped as his hands flew to her dress buttons.
His smirked mirrored that of the devil himself, “I like surprises,” he replied in a hushed whisper, “And I’m a little impatient,”
“I hadn’t noticed,” Eva grinned, the wicked glint in her eye matching the haze of lust in his own. 
“Wonder who’s fault that is,” he mumbled, flicking his tongue over the skin of her neck. 
Before she could get out a word, Remington slipped his hands under Eva’s legs and hoisted her up, her legs coming to wrap around his abdomen. He carried her to the bedroom, his lips never leaving an inch of her skin untouched for more than a second. He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling back momentarily despite her chasing his lips. He kept one hand pressed against her back, the other traveled down to flick at the buttons of her orange sundress. 
“You didn’t do what I asked?” he accused playfully, rolling his hips as best he could so she could feel him straining beneath her. 
“I beg your pardon?” 
“I told you I wanted you in something a little less covered up,” he gasped momentarily as she raked her nails over his scalp. 
Eva's infectious giggle filled his ears as she slid off his lap, coming to stand before him and fiddling with her dress buttons, “Well, if you wanted me in just my underwear... you needed to be specific,” and she popped one button.
Remington leaned over, watching her intently, “What else did you do last night?” he asked, licking his lips as her deft fingers played with another button.
She shrugged nonchalantly, “A couple things,” she sighed.
“Care to be specific?” he asked.
“... Not really,” she teased, her smile getting wider.
“Why not?”
Another button popped, and Eva’s heart was hammering despite her collected facade, “Because I like this dress, and if I told you... you’d rip it off me,” her voice was so low, so sultry and sweet, Remington swore he was about to tear a hole in his shorts. 
And with one last button popped, the dress fell to the floor, fully revealing the slick back decorative set that adorned her so perfectly. She could hear Remington swallow deeply.
“Fuck...” he mumbled faintly, “Pictures just don’t do you justice, baby,”
As soon as their fingers touched he had her back in his lap, his palm hot on her ass before he slapped it. Eva laughed gently, biting and tugging at his bottom lip.
His hand slid up her back, unclasping the strappy band with great ease and tossing it down, and his mouth was on her breast, sucking and biting before flipping her onto her back. He pinned her wrists above her head was hot on hers, tongue rolling over hers. She moaned softly and thrusted her hips against his.
“You made me very upset last night, Eva,” Remington breathed heavily, pulling on her lower lip with his teeth, “You act all sweet and innocent but you’re just a little tease,”
“I’m sorry, Rem,” she pouted.
“Are you?” he quirked an eyebrow sharply, “I don’t think you are. But I’m gonna’ make you in a minute,” he placed hot, wet kisses over her breasts and then down to her stomach.
Eva sighed, head rolling back as he licked over the soft fabric. Without thinking, her legs spread wider to accommodate his broad frame. He buried his face into her core. The sudden attention made her squeal and grip at Remington’s hair, holding him close to her to keep the pleasure constant. Quick flicks turn into lazy glides as he ate her out. It was too much and not enough, and she knew Remington was doing this on purpose. Eva was soaking through the silk. There was no way he couldn’t taste her.
“Mm,” he flattened his tongue over her pussy before pulling away, “how you feeling, baby?”
Eva whined when Remington brought his thumb up to rub over her clit, silk caressing her and making her pant, “Fine,” she sighed, “doin’ fine,”
Remington chuckled against you. Instead of responding, he went back in and licked at her even faster. Eva was shaking when he reached up and cupped her breast. He tweaked her nipple, pulling it away from her body. She gasped at the pain, arching into his touch. At her reaction, Remington decided to move both hands up and give her nipples equal treatment. A throaty groan filled the room, and Eva’s eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. Remington used his leverage to pull her entire body down toward his mouth, effectively making her ride his face yet on her back. His noises were almost too much. He was getting off on getting her off judging by the way he pressed his mouth into her. His moans and little hums of pleasure were muffled between her legs; her own uninhibited groans drowned Remington’s out with ease.
Her body rocked, jolting and shivering when he flicked his tongue against her covered clit, nipples aching when he squeezed them. Opening her eyes, Eva found him glancing up at her, studying her face as he ate her out over her panties. She knew you could cum from this, but she wanted Remington inside. Her pussy throbbed when she imagine him filling her up.
“Felt that,” he pulled away for a moment and tossed her a cocky grin, “You’re desperate, aren’t you?”
Eva tugged on his hair in retaliation, smiling smugly when he moaned, “No more desperate than you, sweetheart,”
“Probably right,” he admitted with a shrug, “Surprised there’s not a puddle on the bed from how much I’m leaking,”
She shivered at his honesty.
“Rem…” her voice is content, but shaking, “You know I love that pretty mouth, but I need you inside me before I explode,”
He pulled away, crawling over her hot body to meet in a searing kiss. Eva could taste herself on his tongue when he slid it against hers, arms wrapping around her and tugging her against his chest. His skin is warm underneath her fingertips; pulling his shirt and shorts off with the agony of watching clock hands tick. Remington wound her thigh around his hip with tight fingers gripping behind her knee. The position slotted her against his thigh. Eva groaned and rolled against him, clit tingling from the pressure. His cock twitched in interest against her leg. Knowing that she was affecting him this much made her head spin, and she’d barely even touched him. Remington sucked on her bottom lip as she ground down, his own body encouraging her movements with his own hips circling. The fire inside of her flashed with every rotation of the waist. They were both flushed and eager, panting against each other’s mouths, rocking a staccato rhythm in an attempt to bring themselves closer to the edge but also prolong the pleasure. Neither of them made a move to change positions or go faster.
“Silk feels so good,” he mumbled against your lips, “rubbing just right on my cock. Driving me crazy.”
Humming, Eva nibbled his plump bottom lip and stretched her arms to wrap around his neck. It was hard to tell where she was touching because she could feel him everywhere. His body heat, his scent, the friction as her nipples rubbed against his chest. It was almost enough. So close to her peak, she whined when Remington squeezed her ass and started guiding her movements against his thigh.
“No more teasing,” he took his cock in his hand, stroking it slowly while watching her.
She nodded, eyes skimming his tall frame, noting the distinct way his jaw ticks when he glanced down at her pussy. Letting her legs fall open, Eva reached out to him. Remington laced one hand with hers, gentle fingers slid her panties to the side, and he exhaled a shaky breath when he felt how soaked they were. He stroked her fully, spreading her wetness across her center and circling her clit a few times. He chuckled at her gasping breaths.
“Thought you said no more teasing…” she murmured. Remington smirked and she sigh, “This feels an awful lot like teasing.”
“Is this teasing?” There’s a playful lilt to his voice when he brought his cock up and down through her, getting it wet.
“Ye-” he cut her off by pushing into her, and Eva’s mouth dropped open in a silent moan, “Fuck!”
Remington started slowly. His full length disappeared inside of her, stretching her, before he pulled back. It was torturous and definitely teasing, but Eva’s brain couldn’t form words to complain. Finally having him buried in her heat sent her body into overdrive. She was tingling from head to toe. The sheets are growing hot and damp beneath her, rubbing deliciously against her back.
“Remington” Eva whispered when his hands are wandered her torso, “Please fuck me,”
“I am fucking you,” Remington smiled, “Is this not enough, my love?”
Her head rolled to the side when she groaned. The need had been building all day, but the stimulation only brings her so close, “More. Please,”
He leaned down, tweaking her nipples while kissing up the column of her throat, “But I love seeing you desperate just like I’ve been desperate all day. Been thinkin’ about being inside your sweet pussy since the second I woke up. That only got worse seeing you in those pictures. Knew I had to rip this set off of you myself,”
“You’re talking to too much,”
His chest shook as he laughed, but he finally went faster. When he leaned back, his hands gripped the backs of her thighs, fingers splayed and dug into your skin, “I’ll give you faster, baby. Can’t guarantee how long I’ll last though. Pussy feels too good,”
Mentally, Eva was screaming when he slammed her hips up into his. His tight grip on your thighs gave her nowhere to go. Her body jolted with each snap of his hips against hers, tits bouncing with every thrust. Her panties, pulled to the side, were bound to be ruined at any moment. Eva couldn’t remember the last time she was this wet, this eager. The pleasure soared through her, pussy contracting and squeezing his cock. The little grunts and sighs Remington gave her only fuelled her further. She wanted to cum, but she also want to see how quickly she could have him falling over the edge.
“Come on, baby,” Eva coaxed breathlessly as her own fingers found her nipples, “Cum for me.”
“Ladies first,” he grunted between clenched teeth.
A squeal ripped from her when his thumb rubbed your clit with intent. It was just enough pressure in exactly the right spot that her legs start shaking. Sweat slicked her body and made the bed sheets cling to her skin, but the softness is unlike anything she’d experienced in the heat of an orgasm. Remington’s thrusts pressed against her g-spot with a relentless quickness that built the more she clenched down on him.
“So close,” she gasped.
Remington sighed, tossing his sweat-damp curls from his eyes, “Same. Cum with me, gorgeous,”
Eva nodded, chest heaving as pleasure rolled through her. She pinched desperately at her nipples in an attempt to finally push herself over the edge. The knot uncoiled when Remington closed his eyes and let out a string of curses. Fuzzy waves of warmth, ripples of intense satisfaction tingled from her scalp to her feet. She felt heavy, drifting in and out of bliss as Remington’s cock throbbed inside of her. Eyes closed, she savoured it, her hands falling to the side.
Remington chuckled, tired and clearly spent from his exertion, “That good? Can’t even hold your hands up?”
She managed to flip off in his general direction, a wry smile pulling up the corner of her lips, as she willed herself to come back into her body,  “‘m boneless…” She still felt miles away, floaty, “I missed you so much,”
He lazily draped himself across her, nose nuzzling into her neck. Remington’s spent cock softened inside of her, and the pounding of his heartbeat slowed as he trailed tickling fingers over her thighs and stomach.
““I missed you too,”
It was a little later on in the afternoon, a cool shower and some food under the belt as Remington sat sprawled out on Eva’s couch, reading through her latest work. Though, it wasn’t a poem he was reading, it was her -- quite petty -- response to her neighbour’s complaint letter. And needless to say, Eva wasn’t holding back. 
She emerged from her kitchenette, wearing nothing but his t-shirt and her hair tied in a little ponytail. As she approached, Remington took the initiative to read her letter aloud, clearing his throat as though addressing a crowd.
“Dear Candace,
Thank you for your letter. I sincerely apologize for my radical and inconsiderate behaviour that has upset you so,” he read dramatically, flourishing his hand in the air. Eva simpered and rolled her eyes.
“I agree with you, these walls are very THIN and I can understand that you have a problem with noise. I however have a problem with your vacuuming your floors at ten o’clock at night despite the fact that you are home all damn day. How do I know this? Because I can hear you gabbing on the phone with -- I assume -- your sister all day long while you both bitch about your other sister with the autistic son. The official term is autistic, by the way; not retarded, as you’ve so lovingly referred to him,” he huffed, mocking aggression.
Eva came to sit on the opposing side of the couch, her chin resting in her hand as she listened on. Remington meanwhile was getting way too into his performance. 
“I appreciate your concern during these tough times. As I am new to the neighbourhood I have come to make friends with the ‘super spreaders’ across the street -- who do well to sanitize, wear their masks, and social distance while you bitch to your sister about how wearing a mask for just a few seconds made you feel as though you were suffocating. I’m sure the doctor who spent one full hour operating on my appendix would laugh in your face. THIN WALLS! 
As for my cat, I do apologize for his behaviour. Although, if you want him to stop clawing at your laundry, perhaps hang them on the other side of your balcony as not to garner his attention, or use the dryer downstairs that we ALL have to pay for as per our strata agreement. I will make sure to keep my doors well locked while out to make sure he doesn’t leave you any more gifts. 
I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and I hope it finds you well. Now you must excuse me, it’s time to feed my cat and he’s having chicken tonight. Give my regards to your bird.
Have a good day!
PS: no police officer will arrest a cat, dog, or any pet as animal paw cuffs have not been invented yet. Besides, they have bigger issues to deal with than a rogue cat -- such as: systematically targeting minorities with police brutality.”
He threw the letter down in a haste and clapped with great enthusiasm, meanwhile Eva took a small bow. 
“My girlfriend is petty as fuck and I love it!” he declared.
Eva giggled bashfully, “Was the PS part a bit too much?” 
“No! Honey, rub it in her face! Nobody comes for my boy like that,” he replied, “Right Pluto?”
Pluto was still sleeping against the door, snoring away. Eva shook her head.
“He missed you lots, I swear,” she said. 
Remington waved him off, coming to crawl on top of his girl, “Ah, it’s alright. I missed his owner much more,” 
He kissed her softly, a 180 contrast in his demeanour previous. They melted into each other like sand dunes fall into the rippling ocean, touching each other with a neediness that was more intimate than arousal. Remington still had the lingering scent of the beach, intermingled with sex and his spicy body wash from his shower minutes before. Eva was content to stay there for the rest of the day, no plans to leave and no plans to be without her boyfriend for more than a few minutes. 
Remington sat back on the couch, pulling Eva to sit in his lap, his hands resting comfortably on her backside. She couldn’t help but rub up against him, smiling as she felt him grow beneath the smooth material of his shorts. His lips parted from hers momentarily, latching onto the smooth expanse of her neck. He inhaled deeply her sweet and familiar body lotion, soft lips ghosting over every pore as he held her tightly to him. 
It was in this moment that Remington knew that he was utterly and truly fucked. however.
“So,” Eva breathed out, her azure eyes having slipped shut at the soft sensation, “What did you write in Malibu?” 
Remington smirked to himself, pulling away regretfully from her skin and locking his gaze with hers -- almost in a challenge.
“Tsk, tsk, Eva. We’ve talked about this,” he spoke with a feign of diplomacy, though his little simper gave way to his bratty behaviour.
Eva pouted, “But I share all my work with you, though,” she teased, “You don’t want to show me even one little line?”
“Hmm... no,” Remington replied willfully, giggling to himself as Eva mocked disappointment, “Good things will come all in good time, beautiful,” 
Eva huffed dramatically, on the low getting off on that mischievous glint in his eye. She kissed his forehead before standing up and doing a quick stretch.
“Well, Mr. All-In-Good-Time,” she chuckled, “What would you like for dinner, tonight?”
“My girlfriend, obviously,” Remington smirked with pride. The young writer rolled her eyes.
“Well that’s a shame, I was kind of in the mood for sushi tonight,” she said, “And maybe after, we could piss off my neighbour a little bit more?”
Remington nodded slowly, his stomach suddenly grumbling at the notion of food and another round of sex, “I think you can talk me into that,”
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subidol · 4 years
Pairing: Sub!Skz Ot9 x Dom!Reader
⚠️: NSFW, orgy, slight Dom!Changbin
A/N: This one was really popular when I uploaded it the first time lol.
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Seungmin and Hyunjin looked up at you with heavy lidded doll eyes, their lips red and swollen from your kisses. Rapist lay on the bed next to you, panting, completely fucked out from your earlier antics; overstimulating sweet Rapist was so fun! Too bad he didn't last nearly as long as Minsung were- the two boys were for once, patiently watching as you played with the other members, awaiting their turn. Hyunjin shook when you squeezed the base of his dick particularly strong and closed his eyes, gripping onto Seungmin's hand, who was also on the edge of release, his time having been up before he could cum. Their labored breaths mixed together, along with the quickening breaths of Felix, Chan and Changbin, who were definitely enjoying the show. You admired Hyunjin's exposed body, his skin tinted with a pink flush of arousal. His breath hitched, anticipating what was to come next.
"Choke him."
The room turned silent and everyone turned to see Changbin, CHANGBIN, demanding you to choke Hyunjin. And you fucking loved it. Tutting, you got up and walked over to the boy, gripping his chin, although he wouldn't dare meet your gaze.
"I tell you what. If you're going to order someone around, why don't you try to take control of Hyunjin and Seungmin over there, because if you can't dominate them...i can hardly see you having the confidence to ever give me orders again."
In the corner of the room, Chan and Felix were standing awkwardly next to each other; this was wrong. In all seriousness, every single member of Stray Kids were dying to fuck (Y/N) (L/N) in turn, and heck...they'd still go for it, even if it meant losing their dignity to a sadistic, femme fatale girl like you. Their eyes darted around the room to lock onto Changbin gripping Hyunjin's and Seungmin's throats like no tomorrow, whispering dirty things into their ears, and unbuckling his belt. Suddenly, an intoxicating voice snapped them out of their trance.
"Hey~ Come on, my Aussies~ How badly do you want your cocks inside me?"
S i l e n c e
"Hmm? I'll give you ten seconds to decide. Who will take me first, huh?"
They both gave each other a knowing glare and both sprinted over to you, grabbing your shoulders and staring every inch of you down.
Without warning, you push them both to the ground, and they sank to their knees in shock and looked almost apologetic. Almost. But they would be soon. Chris whined out as your nails scraped up his bare chest, leaving faint red marks. Felix was more then jealous. But if they wanted you, they'd have to earn it, just like Changbin who was currently face fucking Seungmin while Hyunjin kissed at his body.
"So..i'd like to hear it. Which one of you is the best at fucking me? Hmm? How about we make it a little game. How about both of you fuck me and whoever i feel did the best job gets their pretty little body marked up. How does that sound?"
They both nodded and before you knew it, you were being fucked roughly by the both of them, their cocks both inside you, pleasure starting to build up within the depths of your stomach. As Chan plunged into you from the back, you gripped onto Felix's shoulders, leaving evident bruised as blood was drawn. Then your other hand made its way to his ass, the grip tightening, more and more breaths being drawn into the boy's mouth.
Meanwhile, Jisung and Minho were getting restless, and had resorted to feeling each other up. Jisung felt his hyung's cock twitch under his palm. Minho snapped, and forced Jisung to open his mouth wide to take his cock, which the younger eagerly obliged to. Chan and Felix were still thrusting into you at a brutal pace, groaning with their damn Australian accents, and it was making you even more aroused. Especially when behind you, there was also Changbin taking your orders well. But something felt off, and you twisted your head to meet Minsung's.
Felix and Chan unexpectedly came at almost the same time, just as you ordered them to pull out immediately, fuming with anger.They sat back, trying to collect their breaths when they also realized what you were so worked up about; the other two boys were shamelessly toying with each other, without permission.They knew what was going to go down when you roughly pulled Jisung away from Minho's grasp by his ear, and plopped him down on the bed, ass first. Stray Kids all stopped their activities and instead focused on the action between you and the one out of line.
"Jisung. Can you tell me what you did wrong?"
Minho started to laugh, muffling the sounds into his palm, but stopped as soon as you had practically thrown him back onto the mattress, too. He bit his lip so hard that it started to bleed as he shook head to toe. Jisung licked his lips, wiggling his hips, ready for what was awaiting him.
"Thats right. Both of you, hands behind you back. Woojin, tie them up. I'm going to give them a spanking before the night ends. And that goes for anyone else who tries to disobey me. Bad boys get punished."
Minho's ass was reddened to the max, his face pressed against the pillow. Jisung was next, and he let out a strained moan. That was when Changbin couldn't take it anymore; he had done everything you had asked. Why...why wouldn't you let him fuck you?
"P-please..(Y/N)...let me...let me..."
With one swift swish of your hand, you slapped him in the face, making him gasp and jolt, but still stood still with his head slightly turned to the side in embarrassment.
"You're going to have to do better than that. Although...you have been a good boy. Better than any of these whores, am i right?"
Your next move was to peg Changbin senseless. But only hell knew what else was going to happen in the Stray Kids' dorm that night... and maybe Jeongin...well..they had put him in the room next door to practice alone. Lets just hope that those walls were soundproof.
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Glitched [Change Your Passwords]
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Hacker AU
TW: Implied Stalking, Language
Pairing: (NCT) Unknown x Reader
Genre: Choose Your Story, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery
(3/?) [Previous] | [Next]
[Main Masterlist] | [Glitched Masterlist]
Word Count: 3.9K
Notes: Sorry for the wait on this one! I’ve been studying for my classes, but don’t worry I won’t leave you all hanging haha. Also I’ve updated the video links to go to a video archive blog of mine because the private posts were just not working out for me so I hope this will be easier! I ask that you don’t follow that blog only for spoilers as I’ll upload videos/other medias there first prior to posting the actual fics so you might either get spoiled or just really confused lol. But yeah, I hope you enjoy!!
Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idol(s) mentioned/written/implied would never partake in or condone these actions. I would never wish any of these actions to occur to anyone mentioned in the writings of this story, nor do I wish any harm on them. The idols mentions in this work are meant to be acknowledged as no more than face claims and are not meant to represent the idols in any way.
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You sat down first with Jaemin and Yangyang still in line for whatever it was they had decided to eat for lunch, you, meanwhile, decided on changing your passwords. Figure, you have since decided on calling him that since that’s what he told you to tell Instagram, seemed very adamant on it, and thus here you were, changing literally all of your passcodes and writing them down on the side of the paper bag you requested.
But as you did this the creeping feeling of being watched never left you. The security cameras were pointed the other way and no one, to your knowledge, was making an active effort to stare at you. It had to be related to that scare from earlier, you had nearly forgotten about it while in your lab. You finished changing the last passcode and looked down at your phone, the last passcode being the one to your Tumblr account, and you opened your messages, secretly hoping that maybe you’d receive another message from Figure, but none were presented to you. No doubt changing your passcodes might have disconnected you from the person as a whole. But, of course, right when you least expect it, things always turn around. Then in came a message from user011719.
You played the video again. Why did it just stop mid-sentence? You tried to play it again but the message, much like the one you received earlier, disappeared. Like it was never there in the first place. You wondered what could have happened, if you didn’t know what you did already you would’ve assumed that he cut the recording too soon or that he ran out of WiFi, but this couldn’t have been the case, it was too easy, too simple.
But you were more concerned about another thing Figure had mentioned. To your knowledge, no one had used your phone. The only person that it could’ve been was… Jaehyun. But why would he have done that? There was no purpose as to why he would do that.
“(Y/N)!” Seonghwa called out to you and you waved.
“Oh, hello!”
“Oh, thank god, you have your phone,” he sighs. “Did Jaehyun give it to you?”
“Yeah, he did,” you were surprised by how convenient Seonghwa’s timing was, but you had to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Why?”
“Bambam was looking through it.”
“He was what?!”
“Yeah, that’s why Somi isn’t around right now, she’s probably beating his ass. He’s been here the longest but Somi doesn’t really give a fuck,” Seonghwa shakes his head. “Don’t worry, he didn’t open anything, he was just being a bitch.”
“How did he know my password?”
“You really should change your password from 0000, (Y/N), it’s too simple,” Seonghwa laughs.
“Oh god, don’t worry I already changed it. What did he want anyway?”
“I’m pretty sure he was just being stupid, Bambam acts like that but he’s not a dick, he looked surprised himself when he got your password, I figured I’d tell you because that was just out of line.”
“It was, yeah, thanks for telling me,” you nodded your head.
“It was the right thing to do, I’m gonna go head out now, I have to make sure Somi didn’t go too far, I’ll see you back in lab.”
“See you,” he waved at you again and walked out of the food court. You pulled out your phone and stared at it, people seriously have no boundaries. Bambam had already rubbed you the wrong way but this was honestly such a dick move, you shook your head.
You hoped that he didn’t see your Instagram, Seonghwa said that he didn’t see or open anything but still. You’d have to thank Somi later, but you still couldn’t believe that he was so shameless with it. The nerve of some people, if this were a cartoon you’d be certain that steam would be blowing out of your ears, you would definitely give him a piece of your mind back in lab later. You looked at the DMs, if anyone else saw this they would be more than just suspicious, no doubt, or they would think that you were crazy and laugh at you.
But looking at these DMs, you thought back to the video. Figure mentioned that there was someone keeping him captive, and with this knowledge, you felt your heart rate rise slightly, and you could only think of the worse. But, despite this, you were at least able to screenshot that one part that he asked you to send to not.here127, something that you were glad that you did because you hardly remembered what else he sent.
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You left the app and opened your notes app, then you tried to type out the screenshot. You got pretty far until about the second sentence, at that point the keyboard started lagging until it stopped working altogether.
“What the fuck?” You whispered to yourself and restarted the app, trying to type out the message again, but still came the same result. You even tried restarting your phone altogether, but still, the same result. Until your keypad started moving itself, and you gasped loudly enough for some people to turn their heads. You dropped your phone on the table. “Uh, sorry, just family news,” you said aloud. Many of the people seemingly understood this and turned back around. But when you looked down at your phone, the lone sentence on your notes app read:
“Don’t. - Figure”
It was like you could feel your blood circulating through you. You had no idea how to feel right now, nor did you want to take the time to figure it out. Then it started typing again.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have hacked into your phone but… something came up, and it would just be safer for you if I did this. I’d tell you what it was but it would be better if I didn’t. Just… tell him in person, okay?”
You nodded your head slowly and picked your phone back up, reopening Instagram. Part of you felt more awkward now knowing that this Figure was in your phone, probably watching you as you typed, but you wanted to give what limited trust you could. Then another foreign feeling came over you, one you’ve felt since entering this facility, actually, and when you looked to the corner of the room, you saw the camera focused right on you, then you continued the conversation.
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You stared at the camera that was still trained on you, then at your phone’s camera. You wanted to cover the camera, to be honest, but two things stopped you. One being how you would make fun of your friends when they did so, and two being how Figure had mentioned that the whole reason why he hacked into your phone was because “something came up.” Now, you aren't stupid. You could put two and two together and no doubt this “something” was related to this new person that not.here127 mentioned, Connect.
“So how’s your first day so far?” Jaemin asks once he sits down. You locked your phone and placed it back into your pocket.
“It’s great, it’s everything I could’ve hoped for, I just can’t believe that I’m finally here, you know?” You answered. Jaemin had his usual lopsided smile on while Yangyang sat down, he looked between both of you and a sly smirk crawled on his face. You knew that look, you knew what he was planning and you stomped on his foot before he could think about it.
“You okay, Yangyang?” Jaemin asks.
“Just fine,” he winces. “But how’s the hell lab, (Y/N)?”
“Actually not that bad… so far. But I shouldn’t jinx it,” you shook your head. “How about you, Lab V, right?”
“I think my mentor has it out for me. He’s always pointing out the little mistakes I make, it’s so nerve-racking…”
“Who’s your mentor?” Jaemin asks.
“Sicheng…” Yangyang frowns.
“Oh, you’re fine. He’s like that with everyone.”
“What does your lab work on?”
“Uh, it’s kind of weird,” Yangyang hums. “Some biomatter stuff.”
“You don’t know what you’re studying?!”
“I mean I do! But like, it’s weird,” Yangyang shook his head. “Technically, it’s called Biomatter Space Compression. But like, it’s weird because like… I think there’s more to it,” Yangyang frowns.
“So like what space does to the body?”
“Yeah, but like… you know what, forget it, I have no idea how to explain it,” Yangyang shakes his head. “Give me like a week to make sense of it,” he laughs.
“I used to be in that lab, and that’s probably the best way to explain it,” Jaemin sighs. A loud beeping noise goes off and Yangyang groans.
“Shut up,” your jaw drops while you fought back a smile. Yangyang reluctantly pulls out a device probably twice his age. “Is that a pager?!” You started to laugh.
“Yeah,” he holds it in his hand and shows you. “As soon as my supervisor busted this out I almost laughed out loud,” Yangyang chuckles.
“Oh god, that’s old…”
“I know, looks like he’s calling us all back in early, so I’ll see you after then,” Yangyang waves goodbye and leaves the cafeteria, leaving you and Jaemin behind.
“Ah, I guess lunch is almost over,” Jaemin stretches his arms back and yawns. “I’ll walk you back to the labs,” Jaemin tosses the paper bag into the trash bin and stands up, waiting for you to catch up to him. You quickly followed suit and walked next to him. You both exited the bustling lunch hall and walked back into the outdoor walkway, the grand structure never failing to amaze you but to be fair it is still your first day. You were both making a beeline for the labs, and you, of course, noticed the cameras discreetly following you the entire time. You soon approached your lab building and you both stopped in front of it.
“Thanks…” you didn’t really have much to say, what do you say in this situation? You both had only known each other briefly and never on the level to easily make small talk. You were about to go back inside when he said something rather peculiar.
“No problem… You must be pretty smart if you got this internship, you know. If you feel like something’s off, then it probably is,” he says. Then he walks off without giving you a chance to answer. You walked into the locker room with a heavy mind, putting your equipment back on and begrudgingly placing your phone back into the UV chamber, feeling at least a little more secure with your now changed passwords, then you walked back into the lab.
“Bambam,” the name came out harshly from your mouth and he shoots an awkward smile.
“You guys told (Y/N)?”
“Of course we did!” Seonghwa glares at him.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N), he grabbed it because it’s the same model as his phone and he ended up opening it since you both coincidentally had the same password,” Somi sighs. “0000, really?! You have important lab information on your phone and your password is 0000?!”
“I know okay? I changed it,” Bambam rolls his eyes.
“To what? 1234?” Jaehyun laughs.
“Well, when we’re done here, I’m gonna change it again,” Bambam crosses his arms. “Sorry about that, (Y/N), it was a genuine mistake, I didn’t open anything, promise,” he says. Your shoulders relaxed, you couldn’t help mistakes, and though this was an eerie coincidence there wasn’t much you could say anyway.
“It’s fine,” you shook your head. Somi’s explanation made enough sense, you think. “Just be more careful next time, I’d rather not have a complete stranger going through my phone, mistakenly or not,” you said sternly. The other members of the lab group looked at you with a strange expression, maybe you said it a bit too harshly, and truthfully normally you’d shrug it off but with the whole thing going on with Figure, or Connect, or whoever the hell you were DMing on Instagram is just getting to you. Then there were those damn cameras, both around the facility and on your own phone.
“Sorry about that, I’m just a little stressed,” you shook your head and tried to play it off. Bambam starts laughing out loud and you flinched at the sudden outburst.
“Oh, don’t worry, we get it! Seonghwa was worse when he first started,” Bambam’s worried look is immediately replaced with a happier one while he clapped the other one’s shoulder. “You should’ve seen him, he snapped at all of us.”
“I didn’t.”
“Oh, you did,” Jaehyun chuckles and moves to the lab table. “But now, with all of that out of the way, we have to work,” Jaehyun says. Everyone moved to their stations quickly, picking up where you each left off prior to lunch. You were put on data recording, something not precisely fun but also the only thing you could currently be trusted with. You were amazed by how easily they all worked together, you couldn’t help but feel like you were just stepping on their toes really, but every time they’d call you over they’d be nice about it at the very least. You each moved around the clock nonstop, you walking around the rather large lab table with the rather large laptop to each station as the main researchers called you over to record something, and them occasionally overlapping in their stations as each of the trials were carried out and analyzed.
“Alright then,” Bambam stands up and stretches his back. “I’m going home.”
“Already?” You asked while you looked at the wall clock, it read 7:48 pm, about an hour away from clock out time. You then looked at the laptop in your hands and saw about 3/4s of the spreadsheet filled. “Don’t we need to finish the rest of this today?”
“Nah, the rest of the trials take about a day to develop, so we’re good on waiting, or at least I am,” Bambam says. “You did good, rookie, don’t worry about it,” he says.
“Oh, thanks,” you cleared your throat.
“Be safe on your way home then, Bambam,” Jaehyun says without looking up from his microscope. “Don’t worry, (Y/N), we don’t have strict clock-out times,” he says while turning the bulb off on the microscope.
“Heading out too?” Somi asks.
“Yup, you all stay safe,” Jaehyun waves at them and walks out of the lab, following close behind Bambam.
“I’m almost done here,” Somi twists open the pipette drip and watches the chemical drop into the solution. “Just have to finish developing these samples and recording color changes, if you want I can take it from here, (Y/N),” she offers.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, (Y/N), you’ve been walking around all day, I’m surprised you’re not lightheaded from all the times you walked around here,” she says. “I’m serious! Jaehyun left so he won’t know,” she says.
“I won’t tell anyone,” Seonghwa shrugs while he closes the mice cage.
“You’re cleared!” Somi smiles.
“Thanks, Somi,” you had on a tired smile, it was true, your feet were killing you with all the walking you’ve been doing and you haven’t had a chance to sit down.
“Get home safe,” she says.
“Do you need a ride home?” Seonghwa asks.
“No thank you, I’ll just take the bus,” you said, hoping that Yangyang was still here.
“Okay, see you tomorrow then,” Somi waved at you while you left. You entered the empty locker room and shrugged your lab coat off and hung it in your locker, placing your goggles on the top shelf and grabbing your bag. Then you turned around and, with your breath held, opened the UV chest. You saw your phone resting undisturbed in the same spot you left it and you felt a wave of relief while you picked it up. Everything was still in order and you spotted the text from Yangyang simply stating that his team messed up an experiment and they had to redo the whole thing and told you to just head home without him.
“Well, great,” you shook your head and walked out into the darkened facility. “West wing…” you mumbled to yourself, following the signs quickly. You pushed open the double doors and walked out into the nighttime, the moon already in the sky. You opened Instagram and quickly read through the conversation again while you descended the steps, and you soon noticed the car parked in front of you, and as you walked over to it, someone stopped you.
“Oh, (Y/N)!” Jaehyun called out to you, he looked like he was just about to re-enter the building. “Perfect timing,” he says while holding up his phone.
“Oh, hello,” you said. He was the first person who came up to you out here.
“I forgot that you weren’t in our work group chat, we were planning on getting dinner together,” he shows you the conversation. You spotted Somi’s text saying that she forgot to tell you about it and asked if anyone had your number. “Want to come?” He asks. You quickly glanced at the car behind him, it hadn’t moved since you walked out and the windows were tinted.
[[Follow Jaehyun or Go to the Car]]
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General Tag List: @vickylamore @hangsxng @mizzdivagirl7-blog @sehunnies-hunnie96 @roses09020617 @bat-shark-repellant @cloudreads @awesomei @raeincitizen @here-aeth
Glitched: @red-moon-dream​ @vinmylife @tyuningkai @fortrest @leesalts @tvehyungs-gf @gaiyofanfiction @lvvcky 
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ii-kanjiiiii · 3 years
A Crazy Day at Miku Expo
A Vocaloid shitpost story
Warnings: swearing, contains Kaito x Meiko
Chapter 1
It was a normal day in the Cryptonloid household, like always. It was 12pm and Meiko was already up because she’s a normal person.
“GET UP YOU IDIOTS WE HAVE TO LEAVE FOR MIKU EXPOOO!!!!” she woke the rest of the Cryptonloids up as she was a thoughtful person.
“OH SHIT I FORGOT!!” Miku screamed. Her hair looked like Chuckie Finster from Rugrats but had a much larger mass.
Miraculously, all of them had somehow forgotten that they had a Miku Expo concert in the mystical country of Hajarputa that night. Except for Meiko, because she was a responsible person.
Once they were done packing and getting ready, they went into their private Miku jet which was covered with Miku faces and had big words that said “HATSUNE MIKU” because Miku is the best and owns the world.
Inside, ‘World is Mine’ was playing on loop and the wall was covered in Miku wallpaper and posters. Meiko sat on a Miku couch at the front, because Meiko is queen and is obviously the sexiest one. Kaito, being the simp that he is, sat next to her.
Luka went all the way to the back of the Miku jet and sat in a Miku chair in the corner, away from everyone else as she was tired of everyone’s bullshit.
Miku and the demonic twins were in the middle, just jumping around and throwing shit everywhere as they were still high as fUCK from the FRUIT loops they ate for breakfast.
Suddenly, ‘World is Mine’ stopped playing, and the pilot made an announcement through the plane intercom. Or whatever it’s called lmao I don’t know.
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome onboard Flight Miku. We will be taking off from Sapporo to Hajarputa. I am Sonic the Hedgehog and I am your pilot for today. Just kidding bitch, my name is actually うんち(‘Jonathan Harris’ in Japanese). We are expected to reach Hajarputa in about 22 hours. I swear to God, PLEASE put on your seatbelts or you’re gonna fucking die. We also ask that you ensure your seats are in the upright position for take-off, if not you’ll fucking die. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, if not you’ll fucking die as well. Don’t smoke too, cause you’ll get lung cancer and fucking die. Thank you for choosing Miku Airlines. Enjoy your flight. I definitely will not crash this plane. I swear.”
'World is Mine’ was back playing on loop again.
“Well that was comforting,” Meiko said, being a sarcastic piece of shit.
“Lol what? I don’t remember hiring this man,” Miku said. “Lol, whatever,” she shrugged.
Some time after the Miku Jet took off, Kaito and Meiko started fighting over what they would name their non-existent kid that they would never have.
“If she’s a girl, Sakura is the best name!! It represents beauty and optimism,” Kaito said.
“It also represents death,” Meiko argued. “And who the fuck names their kid after a plant? Enaado is the best name!!”
“The fuck kinda name is Enaado?” Len, who was seated far away from them, muttered to himself. Meiko, who was somehow able to hear him, pulled a super soaker gun out of nowhere and squirted him all the way from the other end of the plane.
Some hours later, the vocaloids were bored as heck and ‘World is Mine’ playing on loop was driving them to insanity(except for Miku of course).
“Can you turn that shit off, Miku? I swear to God, if I hear “sekai de ichiban ohime-sama” one more damn time, my internal organs are going to explode,” Luka said, smashing her head against the wall.
“Geez, fine, Luka! You don’t have to be so mean about it, it’s not my fault you don’t know how to appreciate good art,” Miku rolled her eyes, then she changed the song to ‘Popipo’ on loop, which was probably 100x worse.
“YOU’RE my sekai de ichiban ohime-sama, Me-chan~<3” Kaito UwU-ed. She smacked him with a magazine.
Another time skip, Miku wanted to play truth or dare lmao. Luka, Miku and the twins sat in a circle and started playing.
“Oh yeah, by the way, Mei-nee and Kai-nii are in the game too,” Miku said.
“Wtf no thanks,” Meiko immediately said, not looking up from her magazine about self control & anger management.
“No, you can’t escape, Mei-nee,” Miku replied, staring intensely into her soul. She then got a piece of rope out of nowhere and tied Meiko and Kaito to their chairs.
“TRUTH OR DARE, MEI-NEE?” Miku asked, her eye twitching.
“Ugh, fine. Truth,” Meiko replied, as she had no other choice.
Meanwhile, Kaito was having Vietnam war flashbacks as Miku tying him to the chair reminded him of that one time he got kidnapped by Sonic the Hedgehog. (An event that happened in my other fanfic that I’m not going to post.)
“Do you want to make out with Kai-nii?” Miku asked with a stupid shitty grin on her face.
“What the fuck? Oh, HELL NO. I think I already know how this is gonna go,” Meiko muttered.
“AnSwEr tHe qUeStiOn!!!” Miku yelled impatiently, flipping the fucking table.
“Dare!” Meiko quickly said, sweating.
“I dare you to make out with Kai-nii,” Miku said, raising her eyebrows up and down like fucking Mr. Bean.
Upon hearing this, Kaito’s attention was caught and he snapped out of his Vietnam war flashbacks.
“GODDAMN IT!!” Meiko cursed.
“Oh my GOD, Kaito. Don’t give me THAT look,” Meiko said, terrified for her life as she noticed Kaito looking at her with considerable interest.
“Why the hell did you give that dare, Miku? Literally NO ONE wants to see that shit,” Len said, staring judgingly at Miku. He definitely did not have to see his parents smashing their faces together.
“Yeah, Len’s right,” Luka said. “Aight, Imma head out. Bye bitches,” she flipped her fabulous long hair and strolled out elegantly. Once she reached her seat at the far corner of the plane, she opened her laptop and looked at images of the Gingerbread Man from Shrek.
“Shut up Len and just watch the show!” Rin, who was just as delusional as Miku, scolded.
“MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT” the crazy girls started chanting.
I’m so sorry
I really have no idea where this shitty fanfic is going
It was nighttime and the Cryptonloids were sleeping in their beds with Miku blankets and ‘Popipo’ was still playing on loop. Suddenly, the Miku Jet started shaking really hard, then everyone flew out of their beds and hit their heads on the ceiling. After a few seconds, the Miku Jet stopped shaking and everyone fell back to the ground.
“Heh heh, sorry folks. Just a little air turbulence is all,” Pilot うんち announced.
“What the actual FUCK?? “A ‘liTtLE’ aIR tUrBuLeNcE” he said!! I don’t think we should be entrusting that guy with our LIVES!!” Meiko seethed. “I’m going to have a word with him.” she stormed off to the Pilot’s cabin.
“Wait Me-chan, I’ll come too,” Kaito said, and tagged along with her for extra support because he was a good boyfriend.
Once they reached the Pilot’s cabin, she slid open the door and shouted “LISTEN UP, MISTER, DO YOUR DAMN JOB PROPERLY!!”
“Oh, Meiko-san, hello!” the pilot spun his chair around and smiled. “Oh, Kaito, you’re here too! How’s it going, buddy? Has Sonic been bothering you any more?”
Meiko and Kaito’s eyes widened as they realised who the pilot was.
“FUKASE??!!!!” they screamed in shock. His Ronald Mcdonald hair was unmistakable.
“No, I’m うんち. Who the hell is Fukase?” うんち/Fukase said.
“Uh, no, I’m fifteen. Also, the age of consent in Japan is thirteen, sooo I don’t see any problem with it,” he replied.
“WHAT THE HELL DOES AGE OF CONSENT HAVE TO DO WITH FLYING A PLANE???!!” Meiko screamed, ripping her hair out. I really need to stop using scream.
"Umm… with all due respect, Fukase, are you even qualified for this?” Kaito spoke up.
“Yeah, DUH. I’ve had years worth of flight experience from Microsoft Flight Simulator on the Xbox!” he replied. “What kinda dumb shit would hire someone who ISN’T qualified??”
“oH mAN OH GOD OUR LIVES ARE IN THE HANDS OF THAT DUMB KID OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD-“ Meiko was hyperventilating in the corner and hugging her legs, sweat pouring down her face. It was unlike her to freak out like this, she was usually calm and kept her cool. However, this is Fukase we’re talking about, and any rational person would be freaking out and fearing for their lives.
“Breathe, Me-chan, breathe,” Kaito attempted to calm her down. “Don’t worry, okay? Everything’s gonna be just fine. Nothing bad will happen. Everything is okay,” he assured her, hugging her tightly.
“How would YOU know that???” she asked.
“I don’t,” he replied. “When things get rough, denial is all we have,” he said, giving his Stupid Bakaito Grin™.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 318: On Your Left
Previously on BnHA: The Hawksquad+Lurkers were all “well this sucks” and sat around a bit talking about how maybe they should actually come up with a new plan that is actually good, but then in the end they were like “nah.” Deku was all, “THERE’S SOMETHING INSIDE ME THAT PULLS BENEATH THE SURFACE!! CONSUMING, CONFUSING!! THIS LACK OF SELF CONTROL I FEAR IS NEVERENDING. IT’S HAUNTING HOW I CANT SEEM TO FIND MYSELF AGAIN. MY WALLS ARE CLOSING IN.” Just, literally that whole entire song. All Might was all “Deku you should take care of yourself, try eating a thing,” and Deku was all “BYE, ALL MIGHT,” and just LEFT. He left!!! What the fuck!!!
Today on BnHA: Endeavor is all, “maybe if Deku didn’t listen to All Might he’ll listen to me instead.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t listen to Endeavor]” because, well, yeah. The Vestiges are all, “surprisingly, even we are a little concerned -- maybe you should get some rest, kid.” Deku is all, “((Ò ‸ Ó)).” The Vestiges are all, “holy shit.” Deku is all, “[wanders the ruined city streets terrifying the populace on account of him looking like Shelob had a baby with one of the Nazgul].” Some shriveled-up puppeteer villain asshole is all, “HORIKOSHI SAID IT’S MY TURN TO ATTACK DEKU TODAY SO I AM GOING TO SUMMON MY FRIGHTENED HELPLESS ATTACK MOB!!” Kacchan is all “WHADDYA MEAN THEY FOUND THE NERD!!! -- oh wait, that’s me, I found him. I found the nerd, you guys.” And just in time, too. I was about to owe a whole lot of people a whole lot of dollars.
so I have been super good about spoilers this week as always, but let me tell you guys, for the past 36 hours my dash filters have basically been nonstop “manga spoilers” this and “bnha 318” that, and so I’m coming in with a fair amount of hype here. your move, Horikoshi
oh, good! they got Endeavor to call Deku to try to talk him out of it. what a great and wonderful plan
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“listen up kid, you haven’t slept since March and you are basically a walking biohazard right now, I’m just telling it like it is. didn’t you get shot like three times?? and there was a whole thing about how you urgently needed medical attention?? and supposedly we gave it to you, but I mean you haven’t even changed your clothes and don’t seem to have any fresh bandages or anything, so did we?? did we, really?? and also we all got blown up yesterday, so yeah.” hmm he’s making some reasonable points here you guys, but you sure do go on and on, Endeavor
oh he says foreign aid is finally on its way! I’m sure they’ll be very helpful. I mean in fairness they can hardly be worse than the home-grown heroes at this point
hey Enji, could you maybe try appealing to Deku the sixteen-year-old human boy, as opposed to Deku The World’s Last Hope? he does have value beyond his quirk. I know that’s always been an incredibly difficult concept for you to grasp, but could you maybe TRY, jesus
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and also we’re worried about you as a person?? you’re just a kid and you’re pushing yourself way too hard?? you were going to say that part next, right. why the hell didn’t Hawks make this call instead
“don’t worry about me... I’m completely fine” Deku you do understand that saying it over and over again doesn’t actually make it true
and again with the rush!! all the rush rush rush!! we’re running out of time, we can’t let AFO and Tomura keep getting stronger, I have to end this now, there’s no time to rest, etc. etc. etc. just the constant pressure of this whole big countdown on top of everything else
holy shit, you KNOW it’s bad when even the Vestiges are telling him to chill
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these guys are basically the walking talking embodiments of self-sacrifice; if even they’re telling him he needs to take five, then he must seriously be like half a step away from death’s door
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(ETA: so I’m pretty sure this was just Danger Sense activating and so he cut them off to go do more hero stuff, but I’m gonna go ahead and stick to my original interpretation anyway lol.)
anyway so how’s everybody doing. we all good? En, you good? Banjou? Shino? I’m imagining you guys all curled up in a little ball on the floor right now lol. can’t say I blame you though, no shame
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“SHEESH.” sheesh indeed, lmao. “what in the FUCK was that”
see, this is why y’all need Kacchan. you need someone who’s not going to back down from him no matter what. if it’s a matter of out-stubborning Midoriya fucking Izuku, then there’s only one other person on the planet capable of that, and we all know it. don’t pretend like you don’t. I am not going to shut up about this! we’ve had our hurt so now what about SOME COMFORT, DAMMIT
“I’m afraid that he’s becoming influenced by my conscience” nah are you kidding Nana this is all 100% made-in-Japan pure original Deku right here
see, Banjou gets it. “that kid, he’s totally going on his own.” exactly. this was so inevitable it was basically scientific law
“well I for one don’t see the problem with Deku being so obsessed with saving everyone else that he pushes himself until his body and soul literally fall apart” okay, whose speech bubbles are these?? we’re about to have words
lol of course
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well you always did prefer the direct route didn’t you. but even you can’t possibly think this is okay lol
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dark AU!Kacchan please tell us more about your badass doomed timeline in which everything went to shit and you apparently had the same character arc that Deku is having right now except it somehow made you sexier instead of turning you into a rabid t-rex. I have so many questions
oh so now you want to help??? well -- good, actually. sorry if that sounded offended just now lol
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(ETA: so at first when I got to the end of this chapter I was wondering if Katsuki B. had somehow summoned his alternate-universe counterpart through trippy OFA space telepathy lol. but in the original Japanese there’s no reference to “we”, so this appears to be a mistranslation. this line should probably read more like “if there’s something/someone out there that would be able to complement/complete the current Midoriya Izuku [it would be]…” which, oh hello, is that Horikoshi once again reaffirming that Deku and Bakugou complete each other lol. “guess what guys, the Vestiges ship it too" heck yeah. they know what’s up!)
“meanwhile somewhere in the depths of the ruined city, Deku was having a dance-off with the villains”
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I like how the villains all have this “AHH WHAT THE FUCK” kind of body language to them lol. I mean if it were me, and an eldritch horror suddenly clawed its way from the shadows with its writhing glowy tentacles and pants-shitting nuclear death stare, I would probably just die on the spot. no need to stick around. only pain awaits
lol for a minute I thought this was Can’t Ya See-kun and I was like “WHAT A FASCINATING CROSSING OF PATHS” but it’s just some random girl
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he seems genuinely confused lol
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Deku it’s because you look like something that crawled out of a sewer drain, sweetheart
lol they just took his word for it?
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so trusting. even though they’re immediately hauling ass anyway just to be safe lmao
“my appearance is frightening to others” no shit Deku it’s because you look like a fucking alien exorcism. you look like a Lich that got caught up in an oil spill my dude
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“ENJOY THIS MONTAGE OF DEKU BATTLING A RANDOM KAIJU AND WANDERING THE WOODS LIKE A DERANGED GREEN BABA YAGA” okay yes but sir, exactly how much longer is this going to go on. if it’s a matter of you wanting to make sure we get it, let me assure you that aside from a few stray chuunis who think that Deku embracing the Darkness is the coolest thing he’s ever done, all of us here in fandom fully comprehend that this is Not Good
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really. with the flashbacks to his loved ones’ smiling faces and everything. not even gonna try to aim above the belt, huh
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(ETA: my man did Sero and Kaminari fucking dirty lmao. I miss their smiling faces too omg.)
the sheer, unparalleled irony of him saying this while he stands there looking like the gargoyle demon from Fantasia got crossed with an umbrella that got struck by lightning. Deku :(
oi who the fuck is this clown
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is he controlling this mob with his evil hair. “what if I made an exhausted, running-on-fumes Deku battle a brainwashed mob at Ground Zero.” Horikoshi do you just have like a checklist of horrible things you want to do to your protagonist
easy there Sasori
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well joke’s on you buddy because he’s apparently “completely fine”, so
“here’s to hoping that you know more about AFO’s location than the others” jesus christ Deku you really have hung your mercy out to dry huh
now he’s forcing his mob of terrified prisoners to attack Deku ahhhh. sucks to be them. at least they’re not being controlled by bees
so Deku is saying that Sasori’s control can be broken with “physical trauma.” similar to Shinsou’s quirk I guess. but so does that mean he’s gonna have to hurt them? ( •﹏•)
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fuck. he looks like he’s on the verge of passing out
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this is what happens when you nerf a character’s self-preservation stats in favor of spamming their bone-breaking stats instead. NOW ACCEPTING BRAIN CELL DONATIONS FOR A BOY IN NEED!! with your loving generosity we can hopefully help him live to the ripe old age of seventeen
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[grabs your hands] ლ(*꒪ヮ꒪*)ლ [swings you in a circle] へ(゚◇゚へ)
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(ETA: imagine what this must look like to Deku though. he’s been caught up in this dark cloud of despair and exhaustion that’s been building up over... I’m gonna go ahead and say “weeks”, because yeah. and now he finds himself here, in the place where All Might’s legacy ended and the torch was passed to him. and the world is in ruins, and he’s surrounded by frightened people who are all trying to hurt him -- because who isn’t trying to hurt him, these days -- and he’s scrambling to figure this all out, but meanwhile the weariness is finally starting to catch up to him, and so he’s basically just standing there in a fog of complete and utter misery.
and then all of a sudden through that haze, he hears the one voice that’s more familiar than any other that he knows. like, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he was just imagining it at first. Kacchan showing up to save him right when he’s at his most desperate and feeling the most alone. Kacchan, showing up to save him.
this is the person he always looked up to as a child (to be fair he was quite a strange child lmao). the person who was even closer to him than All Might. the person he always thought was amazing. and bam, here he is now. appearing in the sky out of nowhere to one-shot the bad guy with a single blast (which, btw, that was his armor-piercing attack too lmao dslkjlk take it easy there kiddo). like, that must have felt absolutely surreal to him, especially coming at a time when he’s already half-delirious and barely hanging on to reality. he must have really thought that he was losing it there for a second.
but he’s really there. it really is him. and for this brief moment -- before the rest of the situation catches up to him, and he remembers about all of the fucked-up AFO stuff, and remembers why he was so afraid and why he was pushing everyone away -- for just this one brief moment, he’s too exhausted and stunned to do anything except to just react. just stands there, looking up at him in awe.
and you know, it almost reminds me of...
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just. you guys. the character development. the freaking character development. someone who brings reassurance. someone who shows up and makes you think, “oh, it’s all going to be okay now, because [person] is here.” the role reversals. the growth. the payoff!! because who is the one person who always had faith that Kacchan would one day grow up to become an amazing hero like that. WHO IS IT. YOU ALREADY KNOW.
omg. anyways, bless you Horikoshi, my feels which have been on backorder since fucking September have finally arrived lmao. yes, good, thank you. worth the wait. it is always, always worth the wait. fuck yeah.)
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triptuckers · 4 years
Thunderstorms - Peter Maximoff
Request: no Pairing:  Peter Maximoff x reader Summary:  Peter isn’t a fan of thunder storms. Luckily, you are always there to help him out.  Warnings: language Word count:  1.9K A/N: My first X-Men fic!! please let me know what you think of it! I need someone to cuddle with :’) also I kind of adapted the curtains/window thing from myself lol I do that. anyways, enjoy reading!! :) 
Another loud crash erupts the silence. It makes Peter jump up from the mattress of his bed. He sighs deeply and slowly eases back into the pillows. Peter hates thunder storms. Doesn’t matter if they’re during the day or the night, he despises them. 
Seconds later, another loud crash scares him. Peter closes his eyes and sighs deeply. He would never admit he’s scared of storms. After all, he’s part of the X-Men. Out of all the things he could have feared, he’s frightened of thunder storms. It just seems so silly and childish, which is why he’s ashamed of telling anyone about it. 
Though he never told you about it, he had a feeling you knew. You could tap into people’s mind. Your mutation was similar to Jean’s and Charles’, just not entirely the same. From the moment you met, you and Peter felt some sort of deep connection, a trust, and a strong friendship blossomed. You had promised never to read his mind. And even if he told you he’d be okay with it, you’d still hesitate.
One day, the two of you were sitting underneath a tree outside, enjoying some relaxing time, when thunder rumbled in the distance. Though he didn’t say anything, you could feel Peter move uneasily next to you. And without meaning to, you heard some of his thoughts. Calm down, Peter, it’s just a little thunder. Relax, you’re just sitting under a tree, which is likely to be struck with lightning. Oh, fuck. You really hadn’t meant to hear it. It’s just when people feel strong emotions, their thoughts are louder and easier for you to hear. While trying not to give the impression you heard his thoughts, you suggested to go inside “because it might rain soon” and Peter gladly accepted the offer.
Peter couldn’t think of anything else. He wasn’t going to get any sleep soon with the thunder still crashing high up in the clouds. Barely a second later, he’s standing in front of his door, pressing his ear against the wood. About a month ago, Peter wanted to go to the kitchen to get a late night snack. He hadn’t even reached the end of the hallway before he ran into Hank. Apparently Hank was checking to see if all of the younger kids were in their rooms. He wasn’t very amused to found one of the responsible ones out of his room.
After listening for a while and confirming Hank isn’t out roaming the halls, Peter slowly and quietly opens the door and gets out of his room. Your room isn’t far from his, but nevertheless the walk there takes him longer than usual. Partly because he tries to be quiet and also because he’s not sure why he's going to your room. You couldn’t control the weather like Ororo could. It would make more sense to wake her up, but Peter tried that once. And let’s say that didn’t really work out. 
Peter stands in front of your door. He’s still hesitating. Shouldn’t he just go back to his room and try to sleep? As if he asked for it, thunder crashes above him in the sky, followed by a blinding flash. Peter swallows thickly. You always eased his mind, why wouldn’t you do it this time? He inhales deeply to calm himself down and knocks on your door. 
You don’t answer right away. Peter didn’t expect you to, given that you’re quite a heavy sleeper. He knocks again, slightly louder than the first time. Still, no answer. He’s afraid if he’ll knock a third time, some of the kids that sleep down the hall will wake up. Or worse, Hank could hear him. Just as he’s about to give up and go back to his room, the door opens.
You’re rubbing your eyes with one hand. Your hair is messy and the hem of your oversized shirt rests on your thigh. Peter can’t help but to look at you. This is the version of you he liked the most. You, in your most natural way. It’s something he’ll never get tired of. 
‘What’s up, Pete?’ you say in a raspy, sleepy voice. Pete. Another thing he likes a lot about you. You’re the only one who uses that nickname. And everyone else sort of knows that nickname is reserved for you. 
‘I-’ As lightning strikes in the distance, Peter squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. You look at him and remember the time underneath the tree. And then you hear it. Calm the fuck down Peter it’s literally just thunder. You shoot him an encouraging smile. 
‘Want to stay here tonight?’ you ask him and Peter finally looks you in your eyes. He frowns a little and you can see he’s a bit upset. ‘Did you just read my mind?’ he asks you. ‘No.’ you say truthfully. ‘Strong emotions means strong thoughts means loud thoughts.’ you explain to him.  Peter looks nervous after hearing that. ‘Right.’ he says. ‘I do want to stay here tonight. But only if you’re okay with that.’ You smile and step aside so he can enter your room. ‘Of course.’
‘You can take the right side of the bed.’ you say. And Peter, who had already started moving towards the couch in your room, looks up. You pretend you don’t notice it. ‘There’s enough space for the two of us.’ you state. Peter says nothing, but smiles briefly at you. You walk over to the curtains. It was a habit of yours to not fully close them. Meanwhile, Peter had moved over to your bed and sat down on the edge.
‘Why do you always keep those open?’ he asks you. You look over your shoulder at him as you close the window and the curtains.  ‘I like listening to the silence outside. Or, in this case, the rain and thunder. I just like it, it calms me down. And I love natural lighting. Waking up with a few rays of morning light is the best way to start my day.’ you say and you walk over to the bed. 
You lay down and feel Peter moving uneasily next to you. It’ll probably take a while for him to get comfortable. There have been countless of times in which you fell asleep on Peter’s shoulder. But this is entirely different. You try not to think much of it. Peter just needs someone he trusts to calm him down, that’s all.
Lighting strikes again and Peter’s body shocks a little. You reach out in the dark and rest your hand on his bicep. ‘You’re fine, Pete.’ you murmur softly. ‘Besides, you’re so fast you could probably just run away should something happen.’ Peter nods without you seeing it. ‘Yeah.’ he says, to let you know he heard you. Your hand feels warm and soft and almost loving on his arm. Peter inhales and exhales for a while, trying to drown out the storm. He focuses on the feeling of your hand on his skin. And eventually, he falls asleep with you next to him. 
Miraculously, Peter sleeps well and doesn’t wake up until it’s morning. You’re not next to him when he does and he’s a bit upset because of it. He reaches out but the pillow on your side is cold, a sign you’ve been up for a while. Peter knows exactly where to find you. Most of the older kids eat breakfast early in the morning, before the younger kids wake up. 
Peter gets dressed and heads downstairs towards the kitchen. Charles is there, reading the newspaper, Hank and Raven are talking and smile at him when Peter enters the kitchen. On the other end of the table, Jean and Scott are eating cereal. Jean notices how Peter is scanning the room and smirks.
‘She’s out back.’ says Jean. Peter nods, not asking her how she knows he’s looking for you. Everyone with a decent set of eyes could figure out Peter wants you to be more than a friend. 
He speeds through the doors and finds you sitting on the stairs by yourself. Your head is tilted backwards and you’re soaking up the sun and peace while you can. The coffee in your hand is still warm. 
‘Hey Pete.’ you say. He hadn’t realised you noticed his presence. ‘Morning.’ he says as he sits down beside you. Without opening your eyes, you offer him some of your coffee. Peter takes a few sips of the hot drink before handing the cup back to you.
‘Thanks for letting me stay at yours last night.’ says Peter and you smile and turn your head to look at him.  ‘Of course.’ you say and you reach out and squeeze his hand. The touch of your hand takes him back to the night before, and how he felt safe when you put your hand on his bicep. 
‘Do you want to go for a walk?’ asks Peter. ‘Sure!’ you say and you finish the last of your coffee and get up. You talk about small things as the two of you walk on the grounds. After some time, Peter starts walking slower and eventually, he stops. You stop walking as well and turn around to look at him.
‘You okay speedy?’ you say. Peter nods but he looks like there’s definately something on his mind. He doesn’t look you in the eye as he’s thinking. ‘Come on, Pete, spit it out.’ you chuckle. ‘What’s on your mind?’ Peter sighs and gives in. ‘You.’ he says softly. 
‘What about me?’ you say, trying to focus on Peter’s words and not his thoughts.  ‘You let me stay in your room because I don’t like thunderstorms.’ he says. ‘I know it doesn’t sound like a lot, but it means a lot to me. The way you care about me, check in on me.’  ‘Well that’s what friends do, right?’ you say.
Shit. You said something wrong. Peter smiles briefly but you know it isn’t a genuine smile. He actually looks kind of hurt by your words, and you don’t know why. Peter plays with the sleeves of his silver jacket and looks away from your eyes.
‘Do you really see me as your friend? Just your friend?’ he says quietly. Oh. So that’s why he looks upset. You step a little closer to him.  ‘Well, maybe a bit more than just a friend.’ you say. You take Peter’s hand in yours and he looks at you. ‘More than just a friend? And that means?’ he says. You smile and wink at him. ‘Shoot your best shot, Pete.’ you say. 
Peter steps closer and reaches out to put both of his hands on your cheeks. You can smell the coffee in his breath, but you couldn’t care less. You drank coffee too, so it’s fine. Peter leans in and slowly presses his lips against yours. You close your eyes and melt into his touch. You step closer and your toes touch his. Peter deepens the kiss and you don’t even have to try to drown out his thoughts. They’re so loud you just let them wash over you. 
When he finally pulls away he rests his forehead against yours, still holding your face in his hands. ‘How’s that for shooting my shot?’ he chuckles and you laugh softly. ‘You know, I never would have taken you for a slow kisser.’ you say. ‘Maybe thunderstorms should occur more often, if this is what comes after.’  ‘Oh, fuck no.’ says Peter and you laugh. ‘This? Absolutely amazing. Should occur more often. I’ll make sure it does. But thunderstorms? Fuck no. Never.’ he says. You laugh and press a short but loving kiss to his lips. You’re glad Peter can’t hear your thoughts. You’re sure they’re louder than ever.
If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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Gracie’s Birth Day
A/N: Lol, the boys are absolutely useless and thank god Cora showed up when she did. And they refer to each other as girlfriends in this cause they get married later so yeah! Hope I got Cora’s character right!
“Dad, so help me god,” Lucy snapped as she glared up at her dad. “If you cook that chicken I’m going cook you.”
Remy glanced down at his very hostile and hormone filled daughter, who was sitting on the couch as he put away the groceries. He knew the smell of chicken specifically made her throw up, but damn.
“I won’t honey…Uh…is Cora coming over today?” He asked, deciding that wouldn’t be a question that would get her mad.
“Later. Right now she’s enjoying being able to walk without help.” Lucy grumbled. She wasn’t even mad at her girlfriend, just annoyed that walking was exhausting now with how big her belly was now. She was due to pop any day now, so she was very uncomfortable and irritated all the time rather than her usual sweet self.
Just then Eugene and Beau walked through the door, loudly arguing about something Lucy didn’t give two shits about to pay attention to. She rolled her eyes at their noise, but didn’t say anything as she went back to trying to read a new mother book that her dads had gotten her. She was right at the part about postpartum symptoms when she suddenly felt weird. Her stomach started to feel tight and started cramping, causing her to drop her book and gasp in pain at the sudden sharpness.
“Luc?” Eugene turned around to look at his sister, who was now doubled over (well, as best as she could with such a big stomach) in pain. “Oh my god. Are you leaking???”
“Honey? Are you okay?” Remy rushed over to her.
“I think…OW FUCK…I think it’s a contraction…”
“Oh shit. Oh damn. What do we do?” Beau started rambling. “Do we call an ambulance? No, we just drive you right? Do I need to call someone for you?”
“Hey!” Remy clapped for everyone’s attention. “Alright, I’m gonna get her into the car. Beau, go grab her duffel bag in her room. Eugene, call Kurt and tell him Willa needs to stay there with Anja for a bit. Then call Cora to let her know, and whoever else your sister wants.”
“I DON’T CARE JUST TAKE ME TO THE DAMN HOSPITAL.” Lucy shouted as the contraction started to calm down and she could relax.
After a chaotic trip to getting into the car, and of course a stupid traffic jam and having to wait for a room at the hospital, Lucy finally got into a delivery room and was now waiting for 1. Her girlfriend to show up and 2. For this baby to get out of her.
Beau was the only one panicking, he was constantly asking Lucy if she needed ice chips or anything, and he gasped at every time she got a contraction, which only stressed her out more so Remy took him out to the waiting room to find Raphael and wait for Cora. So meanwhile, Lucy got to spend some time with her brother.
“I wonder if you’ll still be fat afterwards.” Eugene snickered before dodging her hand to smack him.
“You’re so lucky I can’t get up on my own.” Lucy lightly laughed, still kinda in too much pain to laugh.
“Seriously though, how are you feeling?” He asked, sitting in the chair next to the bed.
“Uh, terrified? Exhausted already? Nervous?” Lucy scoffed. “I can’t do this. Are you kidding? How is this gonna come out of that?” She gestured to her stomach then…lower.
“Uhh…apparently y’all women stretch a lot down there, I don’t know.” Eugene shrugged, uncomfortable talking about a woman’s vagina during childbirth, let alone his sisters. “So uh, did you come up with any name ideas yet?”
“Yeah, I have a couple in mind.” She smiled.
“Lay them on me, I wanna vote.”
“Okay, Annie.”
“Are you raising a gun slinger? No.”
“Too basic.”
“She was the worst character on Friends.”
“That’s cute.”
“Imagine being an adult named Paulina. Don’t do that to your daughter.”
“I’m sorry, who are you to tell me what I can name my child?”
“Well there’s only one problem, my dear sister. I didn’t hear a Eugenie or Eugenia in that list of options.”
“Cause it’s not one.”
“Uh! I will name one of my kids after you!”
“And that’s very sweet, but as much as I love the name Eugene, I don’t like Eugenia as much. It’ll be her middle name.”
“…it IS hard to live up to my fabtastic name.”
“Did you just say fab-OUCH.” Lucy winced at a contraction, and Eugene quickly grabbed the cold towel on the table and put it on her sweaty neck, and pet her hair to soothe her as best he could.
“Whatever you choose to name her, I am so excited to meet her.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and let her squeeze his hand in pain.
“I am too. Just wish it was under better…circumstances.” Lucy sighed as the contraction started to end and she leaned back into the bed. “God I’m so tired already.”
“LUCY?? LUCY?! LUCY!” A girl dressed in white and looking like she had just been put through a shredder ran into the room.
“Cora??? What happened to you?” Lucy stared at her frantic girlfriend.
“Was battling an Edward Scissorhands wannabe, doesn’t matter, my dear. How are you feeling? How far along are you?” She asked as she shoved Eugene aside and sat in his place, taking Lucy’s hand in hers and rubbing her thumb on the back of her hand.
“Uh, excuse you?” Eugene scoffed pettily, which both girls ignored.
“Okay, I guess. Nurse said I was dilated at 4 centimeters, so, almost halfway through that.” Lucy sighed. “But I’m so scared, I don’t know what to do with a baby!”
“Yes you do!” Cora laughed sweetly. “You read all those books, talked to Juliette, went to Lamaze classes, it’ll be okay. And I’m right here to help, darling.”
“Do you want ice chips, Luc?” Beau poked his head into the room.
“NO BEAU, IM FINE. I DON’T NEED YOUR DAMN ICE CHIPS.” Lucy yelled, annoyed that he was asking for the forty millionth time.
“You really should have some, dear, you need to stay hydrated.” Cora said softly.
“Okay.” Lucy tiredly smiled at her.
“What?!” Beau’s jaw dropped as Cora got up and took the cup of ice chips from him.
“Uh, Luc, I invited Ronan to come just so you know.” Eugene piped up, everyone ignoring Beau’s offended face as Cora helped Lucy eat some ice chips.
“Oh perfect, he’s probably gonna make a rap about this.” Lucy rolled her eyes and groaned. She did like Ronan, she really did, but the dude was a bit too much sometimes.
She whined in pain when another contraction washed over her, Cora rubbing her back and kissing her on the head to comfort her. Lucy shut her eyes and leaned into her girlfriend, nearly falling asleep once the contraction stopped.
A couple hours of waiting had passed, Lucy had just listened to her girlfriend talk about anything as she tried not to focus on all the pain. Her dads had dropped in a few times, Ronan had arrived and asked about a million questions that Lucy didn’t have the energy to answer, and Beau kept asking Cora if Lucy needed more damn ice chips. Then a nurse came in to check up on her, and said she was dilated at 9 centimeters and it was time to get the doctors and start the process of childbirth.
The doctors had tried to get everyone to leave the room, but Eugene threatened them until they let him, Ronan, Remy and Raphael stay with Lucy and Cora during this. As the doctors told Lucy to start pushing, each of her dads and brothers held one of her hands and she broke every single one of them in the first hour of pushing. She hasn’t broken Cora’s hand though, cause while she was in pain she didn’t want to hurt her so she was able to hold back as best she could.
“Honey, you have to breathe.” Cora whispered to her as she massaged Lucy’s shoulder with one hand.
“I am.” Lucy said, whilst not breathing.
“You have to keep pushing, Lucy.” The doctor delivering her baby told her.
“I can’t!” Lucy sobbed as she fell back into the bed, already so exhausted and in too much pain.
“You got this Lucy!” Ronan cheerleaded from the hallway.
“SHUT UP.” Lucy yelled at him, not in the mood for his shit.
“Darling, we need you to push, okay?” Cora encouraged, cupping her face gently. She looked into her girlfriends tired, scared and pain filled eyes, but hers remained calm and loving for her. “You’re doing amazingly, sweetie, you can do it.”
After a lot more pushing and a lot more cussing out Ronan and Eugene and a lot of support from her girlfriend, Lucy finally gave birth to her daughter. They quickly cleaned her off before handing her to Lucy, who immediately started crying with joy as she looked down at her baby. Cora also began to cry from joy beside her, reaching down and gently tucking the blanket around the tiny newborn as she rested her head against Lucy’s. Lucy didn’t even pay attention to doctors sewing her up, she didn’t even hardly notice since she was so overwhelmed with joy to care. After a few moments, the baby started to open her eyes and Lucy smiled as she looked into the black and red eyes of her baby.
“Hi, baby!” Lucy smiled even wider as tears poured down her face. “We’re your mama’s.”
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mlm-writer · 3 years
Malgon (Crossover)
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Pairing: Peter Parker (T.H. ver) x Dick Grayson (Titans ver.) and John Constantine (LoT ver.) x Gender Neutral Reader Rating: Mature Words: 1352 POV: Second Summary: The multiverse is in danger as two demons got destroyed at the same time and joining forces. Only you, the protector of the multiverse, could hope to make an end to them, but you won’t be able to do it alone.  Notes: For those that didn’t know, today is Sci-Fi Day! This is the first work in the crossover event and hooo did I get carried away. For now, I decided to just make an outline with bulletpoints, but if many people are interested, I’ll turn this into a full novel lol. Tags: action, swearing, mentioned smut, fluff, drama, angst, little bit of comedy and I now ship Dick Grayson and Peter Parker???? 
After the battle with Trigon, the Titans settled in San Francisco. Suddenly there were sightings of a Spiderman with actual spider powers and the Titans were like: wtf Spiderman isn’t real. They tried to ignore it, until they saw Spiderman getting his ass kicked on the local news. Dick coordinated a rescue for Spiderman, because he assumed it was just a kid trying to be like his favourite comic book hero. 
When the Titans brought back Spiderman, Peter finally took his mask off. He’d been teleported a while back to this alternate universe. When New York was not like the New York he knew, he tried to find anyone he knew in different cities, eventually ending up in San Francisco. Peter was definitely smart enough to figure out on his own that he was in an alternate universe or a parallel universe or whatever. Either way this was not the world he knew. 
Dick obviously believed jackshit about it, even when Peter showed him his ID card, which clearly said Peter Parker. Nonetheless, Peter was a young man with powers and he had no place to stay. Staying with them it was. 
Flashback to when Rachel banished Trigon. At that same time, in a different universe, the Legends got rid of Mallus, combining them into one being that lurked between universes. When this happened, Constantine received a vision from Y/N, also known as Elegate, the janitor of the multiverse. 
Your job was to just keep the interdimensional space clean and also ensure people stayed in their own universe, otherwise it messed up the balance. Yes, the Flash and friends were not your favourite people. 
When your space got invaded by Siamese twin Malgon (Mallus + Trigon, for those who don’t get it), you knew it would take more than you to clean up the mess. They caused quite the havoc, flinging people from one universe to the other, hence Peter’s predicament, but also making it too unsafe for you to take people back across the interdimensional space to their respective universes. You knew you needed both John Constantine and Rachel Roth to destroy both demons for good. 
You took John to see Rachel Roth, finding Peter Parker there too. Dick tried to kill both of you, but you managed to convince him that you were speaking the truth. Rachel finally then told Dick the truth about her feeling different. You explained that was the pull of Malgon trying to get her to pull them back into a universe. She was the only thing keeping them alive. Were she to lose the connection between them, Malgon would just disappear, unable to exist without being tied to at least one universe. 
While John made an assessment of the situation with Rachel, you explained to Peter how he got here. Peter asked you to bring him back, but you explained he was stuck here until Malgon was mal-gone (ba dum tss). Dick promised you to look after him. “Just make sure Rachel is gonna be all right.” Dumb Dick, that was what you were there for in the first place. 
John returned with good and bad news. Good news was that he could probably break the bond with a spell. Bad news was that this was a unique case, so he did not know which spell. Luckily, you knew the exact occasion of the biggest occult library in the universe. While you and John went off together to find the spell John needed for the exorcism, Peter needed to get out, because he felt jittery and nervous in this new universe with apparently an interdimensional demon lurking around. Dick decided to go with him to make sure he did not get into too much trouble. 
Dick watched Peter from a distance as Peter went around San Francisco, stopping petty crimes. They had a talk on a rooftop, where Peter told Dick about home and Dick wondered why Peter bothered himself with petty crimes.
“Everyone matters, Dick, and I just want to help people. That’s why I’m doing this.” 
Que Dick staring at Peter with dem heart eyes. 
Meanwhile you and John had to come to the realisation that more books was not always better. You did not know which book you were looking for, but at least you could summon all the books that had to do with Mallus, Trigon or the multiverse. That narrowed it down to a couple hundred books. You stayed day after day in the library, even getting in after closing time, because you could just portal the both of you inside. You could sense John’s frustration reaching new heights. 
Guys this is John Constantine, of course you two had sex in the library, multiple times. What else was “lunch break” for? 
A couple of days into you and John taking forever, Dick started doing more than just watching Peter patrol San Francisco. Peter’s kindness was rubbing off on him and they patrolled together at night. They were having cute banter too of course.
 One night, as they were out together, Rachel got a strong call from Malgon, demanding she opened the veil between interdimensional space and her universe. Gar and Jason both tried to stop her from leaving, but with no luck.
Meanwhile Peter was taking Dick swinging for the first time. They had fun and as the adrenaline filled his body, Dick kissed Peter when they were on solid ground again. Things got heated, but they got cock-blocked by an explosion. They saw Rachel leave through the windows, lights flickering in her wake, leaving a cold shiver along the spines of anyone she passed as she flew across the sky. 
Dick and Peter got back to find Jason and Gar near death. Just then, you and John returned. You saved Jason and Gar, but it drained most of your power. There was only so much that could fit into the mortal body you had to assume when entering a universe. You used what you had left to locate Rachel and form a portal. As you, Dick, Peter and John passed through, you were basically leaning on John. 
It left Peter and Dick to pin Rachel down, so John could perform the spell. After an epic battle, John performed the spell, but he was not powerful enough. Not knowing what would happen to you, you gave the last of your power to John to help and destroy both demons for good, freeing the multiverse of both Mallus and Trigon. 
You woke up later, John half-lying on top of you, asleep. Feeling good, you woke John up. He smiled as he saw you were alive and well. You had a sweet morning, before leaving the room together. You found Peter and Dick in the kitchen, happily making breakfast together as Jason and Gar sat pretty beaten up at the table already. You asked what happened to Rachel and Dick informed you with a smile that she was ok and sleeping in her room. 
After breakfast you offered to bring John home first, so Peter and Dick could say goodbye. Of course you knew what was going on with them, you were an interdimensional being and protector of the multiverse after all. 
You dropped John off at his home. John basically asked for one more fuck, but you refused, afraid you’d stay too long. There was a lot of cleaning up to do and you had duties to attend to. You kissed him goodbye, lips lingering and fading away, leaving John to his life. 
Meanwhile, Peter suggested staying there, Dick reasoned he shouldn’t. Peter then suggested they’d make the most of the time they had left. 
*insert very cute sex where they try to memorise each other’s body or whatever*
You arrived while Dick and Peter were still at it and so you decided to check up on Rachel. You assured her Trigon was gone for real now. When Peter and Dick were done, you went to get Peter, made a comment on how they took long and then ushered  Peter to get up and get going. 
*insert very angsty last goodbye* 
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baka-writings · 3 years
Daddy- Qin Fen smut
Warnings: smut, use of alcohol, swearing, dom!Qin Fen
Summary: After the end of Idol Producer you go out with oaca boys to celebrate and a certain someone gets a bit jealous ;).
A/N: You've known each other other before as you're Mubo's younger sister, but you never knew he had other feelings than friendship for you 😅 enjoy!
A/N 2: Can he be my dad pls?😭
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Your phone buzzed as you were eating your breakfast.
Message from big bro: Hey kiddo, today at 9 pm don't forget.
You: lol see you tonight old man
After you replied you continued eating your breakfast, mentally preparing yourself for tonight. A few minutes later your phone buzzed again.
From big bro: You're uninvited
You: Too bad it's not your party so you can't uninvite me gē ❤️
You laughed at the message. Mubo was always cancelling you just because you were younger. You were actually surprised that he let you hang out with other members anytime you wanted. Unless it was Qin Fen. You didn't know why. Well yes he is old but still. Mubo was always highkey judging you when you hang out only with Fen. You giggled at the thought and continued eating your breakfast.
*timeskip throughout the day since it was only you chilling and waiting for the evening*
After what felt like 3 years it was 7 pm and you decided to take shower and make yourself presentable.
"Hmmm what to wear" you thought to yourself. You were supposed to go to a club so it should be something hottish, but not too much. Mubo would kick your ass If you wore something "too much" anyway.
You decided to wear some leather pants, black tank top, leather jacket and platform boots. You let your hair down and put on a bit of make up, eyeliner and a red lipstick.
"Damn I look better than Mubo now"
All of this preparing took you a lot of time. It was 8:20 pm already so you headed outside and took a walk to the club. It wasn't that far and you were still not mentally prepared for all of them. They were all so energetic and your body was sometimes too tired.
It was almost 9 when you arrived to your destination and waited for them to arrive. They all arrived in what seemed like ages.
"What took you so long?" you scolded them, but directed it mostly to your brother.
"Someone took 2 hours to get ready" you raised an eyebrow at his response. They all gave you a hug except Qin Fen. He was just eyeing you. You'd have sworn he smirked. You brushed it off, processing to go inside.
You all sat down somewhere in the corner of the club since that table was the biggest.
"What are you all drinking? It's on me" Qin Fen told you all with a smirk.
"Gin tonic please?" you told him. He nodded as everyone else told him what they wanted. Mubo was eyeing you the whole time while the rest of the boys were talking with you as well.
"What are you looking at old man?" you teased.
He frowned at the nickname, "watch your tongue kiddo" You laughed at his response, winking at him to which he rolled his eyes.
It didn't take much time and everyone was slightly tipsy, except for Zuo Ye of course. That poor boy had to deal with your shit.
"You know Y/N you look kinda hot tonight" Zimo tried to flirt with you. This didn't go unnoticed by basically everyone. Mubo growled and sent a death glare towards Zimo who was now so close he could almost kiss you.
The alcohol in you was stronger and you kissed him. He of course kissed back. You could feel as If someone was throwing daggers at you two. "Mubo's gonna kill me" you thought to yourself. He told you thousand times not to flirt with his friend's, but it was always the other way around!
The kiss was kinda long and you enjoyed it not gonna lie. You felt like you've sobered up a bit, because just then you realized you really kissed Zimo and everyone saw it. By the looks on their faces you could tell which 2 of them liked it the least.
You smirked at both of them, finishing another drink while still looking them in the eyes.
"Enough, we are leaving" Fen suddenly got up motioned you all to follow him.
"You fucked up kiddo" Mubo whispered to you.
"W-What did I do?" you gave him a questioning look.
"You go home I'll go with Y/N" Fen told the boys and they all waved you goodbye. You hugged your brother when he whispered again
"Be good" and smirked at you. What is he trying to tell you? Honestly you were confused.
The little walk to your apartment was well.. awkward. Neither of you said anything, the only interaction was indirect from Fen glaring down at you.
"Uhhh" you decided to speak up
"What's this all about?"
He didn't say a thing for a few minutes.
"I don't like when you do things you shouldn't"
"Excuse me?" you asked confused.
"Why did you kiss him?" he asked looking deep into your soul as you reached you apartment. Then it hit you. He was jealous. You smirked at him
"Because I wanted to. What you gonna do about it, old man?" you said the last part were more seductively than you've planed, but oh well.
Fen's eyes darkened as he pinned you onto your still locked apartment door.
"Open it" he said in a low voice being way too close to you. You obeyed and opened the door, letting both of you in. Fen took no time and pinned you against the door again.
"Don't you dare to kiss him again" he looked down at you
"Okay, but can I still kiss Peiyao tho" you smirked at him. He didn't seem amused though. He kissed you with so much force you hit your head a bit, but it didn't stop him from giving hungry kisses.
"Only person you can... kiss is... me" he said in between kisses. A moan escaped your lips, making Fen smirk against your skin.
His hands traveled to the hem of your shirt and then pulled it over your head. You did the same thing to him, your hands traveling over his toned body.
Quickly he stripped you off your clothes, leaving you completely naked. Qin Fen was kissing your exposed body everywhere, leaving marks all over your neck, then collarbone, then boobs. You moaned into the feeling of him sucking your boobs, which made him smirk. He pressed himself harder onto you, feeling his bulge on your thighs. Your hands quickly traveled to unbuckle his belt.
"On your knees" he said in a low voice. You obeyed and pulled his pants and underwear down while sliding on your knees. You smirked at his size going unnoticed by Fen.
"Like what you see?" you looked up at him and took his member inside your mouth, licking and sucking everywhere. Fen moaned as he bucked his hips further into your moth making you gag.
Qin Fen knew he was close, he pulled himself out of your mouth and made you stand up by pulling your hair.
Still standing by the door, he slammed you against it again and attacked your lips, meanwhile positioned himself at your entrance. Fen grabbed your legs, put them around his waist and slammed himself inside you. He didn't give you any time to adjust, just kept a rough pace.
"F-Fuck" he moaned against your neck, giving it a bite.
"Let me cum please" you managed to moan out as he went faster and rougher as before.
"Ask nicely" you felt his smirk against your skin
"D-Daddy please let me c-cum" you screamed out.
He didn't say anything and slammed himself into you harder. His thrusts became sloppier which meant he was close. Hid moans became louder, mixing with your own. Both of you came together, panting and looking at each other.
"Well" he smirked.
"Your brother is gonna kill me"
"Oh? Are we gonna see a senior fight?" you smirked back at him, but he didn't seem to like it.
"Say it one more fucking time" his hand appeared on your neck, as he whispered in your ear
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xazz · 3 years
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Moth Wings 7
Pairing: AltMal, Altair+Desmond Rating: Explicit Tags: vampires, romance, servant AU, music AU, fluff, angst, flangst Status: WIP
Oof it’s been a while. I should really keep on top of this here on Tumblr.  As before Tumblr gets updated before AO3, meanwhile Patreon is like 40k words ahead of everyone. Like Malik and Altair have fucked already lol
Altair was alone in his room carefully restringing his violin. One of the strings had snapped and he took it as an excuse to put all new ones on. He saved the good old ones but putting new ones on gave him something to do before he passed out.
He’d been playing so much and that was why the string had broken. He’d tightened it too much and just all the playing he’d been doing the past few weeks had put a strain on the string and made it snap. It’d also left a cut across the top of his hand when it’d snapped, nothing serious but he’d had to leave Desmond in the care of someone else until the bleeding stopped. You couldn’t have an open wound around a vampire child like that. They didn’t have the control adults did.
He perked up when there was a knock on his door. Who? He got up and opened the door and couldn’t help himself. He looked down at Malik’s chest instead of at his face. “Did you need something, sir?” Altair asked.
“I came to see how your hand was doing,” Malik said.
Altair self consciously reached over and touched his bandage wrapped hand. It stung a little still but the bleeding had stopped. It had only broken the top few layers of skin, barely bleeding at all. “It’s doing fine. Probably won’t even scar.”
“Won’t affect your playing?”
“No, sir,” he said, still not looking at Malik directly.
“Are you able to play now?” Altair just shrugged. He flinched when Malik gently tipped his head up. “I don’t like talking to the top of your head, Altair.”
“Habit,” was all he said. Malik’s hand stayed under his chin, barely touching him.
“Is your hand well enough to play?”
“Tomorrow, probably. I should give it time to heal.”
“Good,” Malik nodded. “I’ve heard you playing for Desmond, you sound better every time, I swear.”
“Yeah, it’s called practice,” Altair said. Malik laughed. He’d never made a vampire laugh before. Well, except Desmond. But that hardly counted. Desmond was a baby.
“How are you sleeping?”
“That’s not your concern,” Altair said and finally pulled his head out of Malik’s reach, taking a step back into his room, hand on the door. “I don’t give you permission to come in here,” he said when he saw Malik try to step over his threshold. While Malik was invited into the castle and that meant every room he was welcome in you could revoke that permission. Altair had learned that when Desmond had first learned to walk and ended up almost going into rooms he shouldn’t have been in because he was curious. Altair was technically a member of the house and he could deny others access to rooms. He didn’t do it often.
Malik was frozen at the doorway. “I’m just trying to help you, Altair.”
“I asked you to leave me alone, sir,” Altair said. “That would help me.”
“How? Huh?”
“What does my condition have to do with you? You’re not of this coven, you’re not of this house. You’re just a guest. You shouldn’t meddle in the affairs of your hosts-
“Because I am not a monster is why,” Malik snapped. “And when I see suffering I want to end it if I can. My country is tearing itself apart and my coven decided to ‘make the best of it’ by coming to the conclusion that because humans were killing each other they could just casually hunt humans again like we were monsters. I couldn’t do anything to end the suffering there but damnit I can try and do something here,” he’d gotten very worked up and Altair was glad they were on opposite sides of the threshold.
“You don’t deserve to be treated like this, Altair. I want to help you.”
“I don’t want your help. So far you’ve done nothing but bring me pain,” Altair told him. “I was in ignorant bliss before. And you thinking you know what is best for me, a man you don’t even know, just made my reality all the more crushing. I told you before, you may help me now but you won’t be here forever, and when you leave this is where I’ll be. I’d rather not know the silken pillow for the stone that comes later.” Malik had nothing to say to that but he looked very annoyed. 
“I need to go to bed now. Goodnight, Malik,” and he closed the door. He heard Malik make an wordless noise of anger and frustration on the other side but he didn’t care. He sat back down on his cot to finish stringing the violin. Only then did he put it away carefully and crawl into bed.
Now that Altair had taken Desmond outside the boy wanted to go more often. Altair didn’t mind. It was nice this time of year. Brisk at night, a creeping autumn chill settling in the valley. The leaves were starting to change color and soon they’d be falling. The master would bring some humans up in the day and have the grounds raked. It’d start snowing early and last well into spring. Altair had liked autumn and winter before he’d come to the castle but up here in isolation he hated it. There was no hot cider or warm fruit pies or the harvest festival.
So he was surprised when the master came and found Altair and Desmond in one of the gardens. Desmond was splashing his hands in the fountain, chasing the fish around the circular pond and slapping the water to make them dart away. Every time they swam away he’d laugh. Altair had a lamp beside him and was drawing idly. When the master came up he stopped drawing and kept his eyes down.
“So this is where you’ve been off to,” the master said.
“Yes, sir. The young master likes being outside in this weather,” Altair said, looking at the vampire’s well made shoes.
“Good. The town is throwing a festival in a few days. Bring him down to it.”
Altair looked up in surprise but when he met the master’s black eyes his brows went down and Altair immediately looked down again. “The harvest festival? We’re to go this year?”
“Yes. It’s good for him to see what sorts of things humans do so he isnt stupid.”
“Am I simply to accompany you and the mistress or am I free to wander?”
The master was thoughtful. “We will be the king and queen of the harvest and stationary. But a festival is a big place for exploring. We want our son to experience it.”
“Of course, master,” Altair bowed slightly where he was sitting.
“Ensure you look presentable when you go down there. You reflect on us as well,” he said.
“Yes, master,” Altair nodded. You mean not wear the same shirt he’d worn three days in a row because he hadn’t had a chance to wash them because he couldn’t add his laundry to the coven’s. William left after that, stopping briefly to see what Desmond was doing but he didn’t have much interest in the child.
Altair bit his lower lip and went back to his drawing. He needed to plan for this and make sure he had time to clean his nicer clothes. Or at least his nicest clothes. They were fairly nice too. He didn’t wear them often so he could keep them in good shape.
He heard a rustling of the trees and looked up, shielding the lamp slightly to help with his night vision. At first he saw nothing and then he hunched. A few members of the coven were flying off into the dark, their dragonfly and beetle wings flashing in the silver moonlight. He could hear their voices from here but not what they were saying, chattering to each other. Desmond looked up too. He held onto the fountain and started jumping up and down his little transparent wings buzzing without generating any lift. But he was trying.
They swooped across the nearly full moon, laughing and playing and Altair didn’t like watching them. Seeing human figures with wings like bugs flying in the night sky didn’t fill him with a sense of wonder. Were they just playing? Or were they out to play hunt? He’d heard of that happening, especially this coven. Not in Castlesong but in other towns in the valley they’d play stalk and hunt the people there only to laugh and dart away into the sky, finding the human’s fear of being eaten hilarious.
The vampires darted around the air but eventually flew too far away for Altair to hear or see them anymore. That made him feel better. He turned away from the sky. Desmond whined in annoyance he couldn’t fly with them and kept jumping to try and fly after them. Then he sat angrily on the ground, arms folded, pouting hard. Altair grinned watching him. “You’ll fly one day, Desmond,” Altair called to him. Desmond just whined and reached up towards the moon. “I know. You’ll get there when you’re older, just like the others,” Altair promised him.
“Now,” Desmond whined. Altair laughed. Desmond got up and came over to Altair and collapsed on his thigh. “Now,” he said looking up at Altair.
“Sorry. I can’t fly, neither can you,” he stroked Desmond’s hair gently. “But once your wings are bigger you’ll be able to.” Desmond just whined. “I know. Being a sweet little boy is so hard,” Altair teased him. Desmond whined louder and Altair just laughed some more.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Altair nearly jumped out of his skin at the voice behind him. He twisted around and frowned. It was Malik. He’d left Altair alone for a few days but he couldn’t seem to figure it out that Altair wanted to just be left alone for real. He was dressed in an elegant black and blue outfit that wasn’t a cut Altair had ever seen. At least not on a man. It looked almost like a dress but closer to a long tunic.
“Did you need something, sir?” Altair asked, looking at Desmond instead of Malik.
“I couldn’t help but overhear. Desmond wanted to join the others in a flight?”
“Yes. But he’s still too little.” Desmond pouted at Altair.
“Well that’s true, but he can still fly.” 
Altair looked at him in confusion. “Unless there’s something I’m missing about how wings work, no he can’t,” he said.
He almost swallowed his tongue when Malik came around and without asking picked Desmond up. The child protested for half a second but in that time Malik unfurled his huge wings and picked himself up off the ground. Then Desmond started making happy little squeaks like he did when she was a newborn.
Altair got to his feet nervously, drawings forgotten. “Don’t drop him,” Altair called up to Malik who was only ten or so feet above his head.
“I would never,” Malik said. He flew back and forth around the fountain. 
Altair’s heart was in his throat when Malik flew up over the garden trees and he lost sight of them in the darkness. His heart pounded with anxiety and then a huge pair of eyes appeared in the darkness above. Altair took a moment to realize it was the false eyes on the inside of Malik’s moth-like wings. He let out a shaky breath of relief when Malik landed in front of him.
“He’s fine,” Malik said even as Altair snatched the baby from Malik.
“If he was anything less than fine it’d be my life,” Altair said, holding Desmond tightly.
“Plaw!” Desmond cried happily, squirming in Altair’s arms but Altair kept a firm grip on him.
Altair took a deep breath to calm himself but his heart was still hammering. “Did you enjoy that?” he asked Desmond. Desmond nodded hugely, a huge smile on his face. “What do we say to people who do nice things for us?” he asked and faced Desmond towards Malik.
“Thank you,” Desmond cried cutely.
Malik looked taken aback a moment and then softened. “You’re welcome. What are you doing out here?”
“We’re enjoying the night,” Altair said, trying not to sound incredulous. He was a servant, not a captive. He could leave the castle as he wanted and certainly walk the grounds.
“Plaw plaw,” Desmond demanded.
“Desmond, hush,” Altair said.
“Altear, plaw!”
Altair sighed. “Alright.” He’d left his violin in the castle. He tried to juggle Desmond around to pick up his things but to his surprise Malik just did so instead. “I can take those,” he said, holding a hand out for them.
“I don’t mind,” Malik said.
“I’m sure this doesn’t qualify as leaving me alone,” Altair said.
“I live here. You’ll have to get used to me being around,” Malik said with a smirk. The real annoying part about it was that it just made Malik look more handsome, especially with his slightly wind ruffled hair from flying.
Altair just didn’t bother arguing. “Fine,” he said and took Desmond back into the castle. He let the boy down in his room and Desmond ran around and pulled out some of his toys and set them up like a little audience to listen to Altair play the violin. “I’ll take that now,” he held his hand for his things again to Malik.
“Can I join the audience?” Malik asked sheepishly. That annoyed Altair. Why was he so persistent in trying to bother Altair? Couldn’t he just leave Altair alone? But Altair figured at this point it’d be easier just to go along with it than fight Malik on it. He was good at making himself a nuisance and Altair didn’t have the energy to fight him.
“If you want,” and Altair took the sketchbook and his pencils. Malik glided into the room and sat cross legged behind Desmond’s toys he was still setting up to witness Altair’s playing.
Altair got his violin and got ready. He’d built up the proper calluses now over the weeks and his hand dexterity was way up. That made him happy. “Is everyone ready?” he asked Desmond who was carefully aligning his toys just so.
“Almost,” Desmond said, rearranging the wooden horses he had into some order that made the most sense to him, which Altair had no idea what that was but it made him happy. Then Desmond flopped down next to a large soft stuffed animal. “Plaw,” he said and he gave a little cheer when Altair drew out the first chord across the strings. 
The two vampires watched and listened in silent delight. Altair hardly noticed them. He was playing a song he’d found the last time he’d visited his father. He’d brought some sheet music back up to the castle to have some actual music to play. The song he played was the only one he’d memorized so far. It was normally played with a singing accompaniment but Altair didn’t sing well enough to try. It was about a mountain climber trying to reach the tallest peak surrounding the valley. But he was foolish and went during a blizzard and never came home. People found him frozen to death on the side of the mountain a week later once the weather turned. It was a sad song but the tempo was upbeat and was usually sung as a cheerful but cautionary tale about not being an idiot and staying home during blizzards.
He finished the song and Malik clapped. Desmond looked at Malik and after a second mimicked him, slapping his palms together and not really succeeding in a proper clap. “That was amazing,” Malik said. “Right, Desmond? Altair plays beautiful music.”
“Bu-ful,” Desmond declared, still clapping.
“Did you make that?” Malik asked him.
“No. It’s a well known bard tune here in the valley. It’s about not going out during a blizzard or you’ll freeze to death,” Altair said.
“Excuse my ignorance: what’s a blizzard?” Malik asked. “We don’t have that where I’m from.”
“Well it's a storm but instead of rain it’s snow so thick you can’t see through it and can drop feet and feet of snow. It’s dangerous to go out in because of the cold.”
Malik grimaced. “That sounds terrible. Do you have blizzards often here?”
“A few times during winter, yes.” He laughed when Malik shivered just thinking about it. “You came here.”
“I didn’t think the weather would be that extreme,” Malik admitted.
“Altear, plaw plaw,” Desmond said, quite over the adults having a conversation when he could have more music.
“Okay okay,” Altair said to quiet him. He tried playing a song he was in the process of memorizing. He had the first part down but the second part was coming along slow. But he played it and the vampires didn’t care that he played the first few dozen bars over and over again to try and remember the next part.
Eventually he grew frustrated. He needed the sheet music. “Alright, that’s enough for now,” he declared.
“Awwww,” Desmond complained.
“I’ll play later,” Altair said.
“Now put your toys away. They all want to go home after the performance,” Altair said. Desmond got up and started picking up his toys.
Malik unfolded from the floor. “That was magnificent,” he said, coming over to Altair as he was putting his instrument away. “It sounds so different from how you started off.”
“Desmond insists I play every day. It’s hard not to improve,” Altair said.
“I’m quite jealous of him. He gets to hear you play all the time. I just do if I happen to walk by at the right moment.” Altair just shrugged. Malik looked at Desmond cleaning up. “I’ve seen other vampire children, they’re never this well behaved, or clean up their own mess,” he said.
“Were they raised by vampires, or humans?”
“Vampires,” Malik said.
“Vampire parents don’t care about their children,” Altair said, punctuating it with clasps on the case snapping closed.
“That’s not true,” Malik protested.
Altair looked at him mildly, looking up but over his shoulder just so Malik wouldn’t touch him. “From what I’ve seen so far they don’t,” was all he said.
Malik grimaced. “Well... William and Kaley aren’t really star parent material I’ll agree,” he said. “But most other vampire parents care about the raising of their children. They’re still rarely this well behaved.”
“You can care about your children but if they’re old and aloof you’ll neglect them anyway,” Altair said. “And they’ll act unruly. I assume that’s why the masters have had humans raise their children for them. They know they don’t care, so force a human to care about them instead.”
Malik was taken aback. “The rest of them?”
“As far as I know,” Altair shrugged. He moved away from Malik and went to help Desmond with the last bit of putting his toys away. “What do you want to do now, Desmond?”
Desmond looked thoughtful. “Dwa,” he said.
“Okay,” Altair said gently and got some paper and pastels and pencils and put them on the floor for Desmond to draw with. Altair didn’t mind if Malik was still there. He could hang around if he wanted but Altair didn’t care about him. His only worry was Desmond. Desmond had an active imagination and loved drawing and it was full of color and intricate lines as he mimicked Altair. Altair also sometimes drew him lined drawings to color in. He’d gotten very good at drawing flowers as of late for Desmond to color in as those were some of Desmond's favorites. It meant there was a stuffed folder full of messily colored well drawn flowers. 
He was shocked when Malik sat down on the floor with them. “May I join you, young master?” he asked Desmond.
“Yes. I like to draw too.”
“Okie,” Desmond said happily and went back to merrily scribbling on some paper.
Altair looked at Malik as he started drawing on a half used piece of paper Desmond had already drawn a few wide scribbles on. He was using Desmond seemingly random lines to make something out of them. Altair couldn’t help but keep glancing at what Malik was drawing even as he was casually using the pastels to make block shapes on his own paper. He was surprised that Malik was actually quite good. He had a delicate but purposeful hand, the pencil he was using barely leaving a mark on the paper but he went over it again and again to build up depth and volume in a way Altair had never seen before.
After a little while he’d turned some spiraled scribbles Desmond had put on the paper into strange centaurs of those striped horses that pulled his carriage. Zebras? Altair thought that was what they were called.
“Ooo,” Desmond leaned over to see what Malik was doing. “Horsey,” he pointed.
“Yes. They’re called zebras,” Malik said patiently. 
“Zeeebas,” Desmond said.
“Close,” Malik allowed. “I have some.��
“Have horsies?”
Altair sighed. “Now you’ve done it?”
“What?” Malik asked.
“Horsies. Horsies. Horsies!” Desmond cried. “Altear horsies.”
“I take it he likes horses?” Malik asked with a grin.
“He loves horses. Ever since he saw Jacob and Evie leave that one time on them a few weeks ago to go visit a town in the north part of the valley but they were too lazy to fly,” Altair sighed.
“Altear, horsies! Zeeeebas!”
“I think he just wants to taste one at this point,” Altair leaned on his thigh.
Malik chuckled. “I have zebras,” he told Desmond. Desmond’s black eyes got huge. “Would you like to see them, young master?” Desmond’s mouth popped open and he just made a high pitched screeing sound he did when he was excited.
Altair reached over and closed his mouth. “That’s loud,” he said. Desmond flapped his hands at Altair excitedly, whining loudly. “Use your words and answer master Malik properly,” he said calmly.
Desmond tried to compose himself but he still flapped his arms excitedly. “Go zeebas?”
“Ah— if it’s alright with Altair,” Malik looked at Altair.
“What do we say?” Altair asked Desmond.
“Yes. We see the zebras. But first we have to clean up.” Desmond made an annoyed noise. “The quicker we clean up the sooner we can see the zebras.” Desmond immediately got up and started putting the pastels and pencils into their wooden bin. Altair gathered up the papers. Malik handed over his zebra centaurs over to Altair to add to the pile. Altair took a more than cursory glance over the picture and quickly put it away and got up to hide his blush. The two centaurs had his and Malik’s faces on them. 
How inappropriate.
Altair picked up the bin and put them away, out of reach of Desmond normally and the paper went into one of the nearly overflowing folders full of paper. “All clean?” Altair asked Desmond.
“All cwean!” Desmond said proudly. Altair held out his hand and Desmond bounced over to grab it. “Zeebas now?” he asked, pulling on Altair’s hand.
“Yes. If that’s alright with you, sir.”
“Of course. I offered,” Malik said. He guided them out of the room and through the castle. They passed a few members of the coven who’d just come back from their flight, laughing and shoving each other playfully. They greeted Malik and Desmond but ignored Altair entirely, not even acknowledging that he was holding Desmond’s hand while he excitedly told them they were going to see the horses in the stables. Then they passed the trio by and disappeared into the castle.
“Rude bunch,” Malik said.
“They’re vampires,” was all Altair said and he saw Malik wince.
They left the castle and Altair saw the dull color of a false dawn on the horizon. They couldn’t be out here too long. Malik led them around the drive to the stables. In the large stables were normal horses and in a paddock outside were Malik’s four zebras.
Desmond cried out when he saw the zebras and pulled on Altair’s hand but Altair only walked a little faster.
They got to the fence and Altair picked Desmond to put him on top of the fence to sit, holding onto the boy lightly so he didn’t fall. “Just be ready to grab him,” Malik said.
“Zebras can be... aggressive,” Malik said even as he climbed over the fence. Yes. Just say that and walk off like it didn’t shoot worry all through Altair instantly.
He didn’t know what Malik was doing but he did start leading a zebra over by a halter. The creature seemed lethargic. Not a shock. It was late and it had probably been just woken up. “Here we go, young master, a zebra,” Malik said, presenting the zebra before Desmond. “I believe this one’s name is Qaseem.”
“Horsie,” Desmond said and reached out to pet the front of its nose. The zebra allowed it, its eyes lidded and sleepy. “Pretty,” he said.
“Yes. They are, aren’t they,” Malik said. “They’re from my country, far to the south of here. Only vampires keep them.”
“Because they’re a pain to train, and breed, and maintain,” Malik said and Desmond just stared at him, not understanding. “Because humans don’t like them,” he said instead.
“Ooooh.” That Desmond understood.
Malik let Desmond pet Qaseem for a little bit before Altair said, “The sun will be up soon. We should go back inside.”
“No. Horsie,” Desmond whined.
“We can see the horsie tomorrow night too. But the sun is coming. We don’t like the sun, right?”
Desmond looked torn. “Sun bad,” he finally agreed.
Altair helped Desmond down from the fence once he gave Qaseem one last pet on the head. Malik released the zebra to go back and join the others of the little herd. He climbed over the fence and joined them on the right side. “See zeebas again?”
“Yes, of course,” Malik said.
“Yay! Altear, hungry,” he proclaimed.
“Yes. I’m sure,” Altair said.
Hey you, yeah, if you liked it, consider reblogging. It helps me a lot. Maybe leave something nice in the tags idk.
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