#me: it was a logistical money-saving decision
drdemonprince · 6 months
Give it to me gay please. How bad is it if I can’t/won’t drive and have never held a license? Sometimes it feels like a Decision about the environment and saving money but even if I wanted a car, I don’t have money for that. I currently don’t /need/ to drive, but I worry about social stigma and I’m overly concerned with managing to still be hot. Even if I wanted my license, there are considerable barriers to access, namely executive dysfunction and not having a vehicle. Will anyone plant their face in my autistic and car-free ass? I’m getting through typing this out by imagining that you at least find it somewhat funny
Welll, I haven't had a driver's license since 2009 and I've had no issue getting plowed so I don't think it really matters if you live in a city and can rely upon public transit or lyft. If you're in a more suburban or rural area and find yourself relying upon friends for rides, I'd recommend getting a license if it's something you are capable of, because it is rewarding and attractive to be the person who can show up for people and help them in that way (tho yes, there is ableism baked into this preference structure). But if it's not feasible for you, it's not feasible for you, lots of disabled people date and are desirable -- it mostly it's just a logistical constraint than anything else, and the people inclined to be judgmental about it are probably going to be ableist to you about something else if not that.
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Hi! So I’m trans and I’ve been going by my preferred name for a long time, and everyone calls me that name (except for family who are transphobic). But basically, I want to legally change my name. I still get called my deadname a lot when it shows up on legal stuff and I hate it. So I need to convince my mom So my question is, how can I bring this up and convince her to let me change it? I already know the legal process.
Lee says:
You know the legal process already which is a great first step! But knowing what the process will entail both legally doesn't mean that you've fully considered the logistics.
Start by making a list of all the places where you will have to update your name (school, doctor's office, bank, social security, health insurance, etc) and then look into what each of them requires to update your name.
There's a lot of paperwork that needs to be done when someone changes their name, and you want to show that you're aware of that, you've read all of the applicable policies/guidelines already and you're prepared to handle it yourself.
Convincing your mom that you're ready for the decision will also be easier if you can show her how committed you are to it. In total, a legal name change can cost $500 or more (in some cases; some people pay less depending on the fees where they live and if they are eligible for fee waivers for court fees) and you'll need to calculate that exact cost for your situation.
You'll probably need to pay court fees (often $250 or more), a few certified copy of the original name change decree (often around $10 per copy), the cost of a new ID if you have a learner's permit, driver's license, or non-driver's state ID (often $13 or more), plus the cost of a new passport and passport card (around $160), an updated birth certificate (around $55), etc. And of course you'll also need to think about the fees for mailing things through the post office.
Depending on your state's laws, you may also need to pay to publish notice of the petition in the newspaper for some amount of time like three consecutive weeks if your local newspaper charges for notices to be published, and you may have to pay to have documents notarized.
Now that you've calculated what the cost of changing your name will be, you need to find a way to get that money. Once you've saved up all the money that you'll need to change your name, move on to the next step.
Finally, collect all the information that you'll need (save all the links to a document or print the website pages) and print out all of the forms that you'll need (court forms, social security forms, passport forms, school policies and forms, etc). Don't think of this as something you're doing to convince your mom-- you're doing this for yourself, because it's what you need to do!
In this situation, I'm assuming that your mom supports calling you by your chosen name and isn't included in the 'family who are transphobic' category. I'm also assuming that in your state you either need only one legal guardian to consent to a name change, or you only have one legal guardian (your mom), or you only need to convince your mom and then she will convince your other parent.
Getting your mom on board will be easier when you can show her that you've fully considered the process of legally changing your name, but you also have to convince her that 1) it's something that you NEED to do, and 2) it's something that you need to do NOW and not when you're 18 or older.
Having that type of conversation isn't easy, but it's a good opportunity to show off your maturity. That means listening to her concerns and actually addressing them, not yelling at her (I know you wouldn't but I have to say it!! Some people do!!), trying to stay calm and taking deep breaths, etc.
If she says that she's worried that you'll change your mind because you're young, tell her that you've been using this name for years and are unlikely to change your mind.
If she doesn't understand why you can't just wait until you're older to change your name legally, show some vulnerability, get emotional, and talk about how being deadnamed affects your levels of gender dysphoria, how often you come across your deadname, how your mental health will be improved when you can change it, etc.
Recognize that you'll likely need to have multiple conversations with her on the topic and it won't be a single one-and-done in a day-- it may take several months before you win her over. Try to keep the big picture in mind. If you have a therapist, they may be able to help you prepare for talking with her.
Finally, remember that you know your mom the best! The things that might have convinced my mom aren't necessarily the same things that will convince your mom. The things that my parents were worried about may not be the same things that your parents were worried about. You are the only one who can figure out what the right path is for you to achieve your goal.
The last thing I'll note is that sometimes you can't win every battle. I was able to convince my parents to let me change my name legally as a minor, but I wasn't able to medically transition until I turned 18.
If you aren't able to convince your mom to let you change your name, remember that it isn't the end of the line. Eventually, you will be 18. And all of this work that you've done will make it much easier for you to change your name at that point-- you'll have all the paperwork at the ready!
It can be difficult to be unable to transition in a way that you need to, but know that you'll survive and you'll get there eventually, and you need to take care of yourself (physically and mentally!) in the meantime to be at your best when it is time for you to achieve that goal.
Followers, any advice for anon on convincing a parent to let you legally change your name as a minor?
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go-to-two · 1 month
Do you think people gave up too quickly on trying to being heard about Jesse leaving and the writers taking a sledgehammer to Jay/Upstead? I always thought there is way more to that story than simply Jesse wanting to leave and a big part of that was he saw and liked a lot of rant tweets about him leaving. Angry rant tweets not sweet goodbye thank you tweets. He strikes me as someone who if it was completely his decision he would have tweeted out to the fans and been like guys I appreciate it but this was my decision in the first few weeks or even days afterward. And then in terms of the horrible writing, couldn’t we have gotten an upstead forever billboard and put it right in front of a bigwigs/NBC office or “Jay Halstead would never ghost his wife,” weren’t there big gestures we could have tried? Even if it didn’t work at least it was a big swing. I think a billboard is how fans got magnum PI resurrected for another season.
I'm sorry, I'm slightly entertained by the worry that people weren't loud or that it wasn't known that viewers were upset with the writing when Jesse left. Wolf Ent, NBCOC, and NBC couldn't post a thing without being whacked 😂. It was known.
The hard truth for fan campaigns to learn is that they rarely work, and they are rarely the reason for change. The decision is always going to be made in the interest of business. When a show is canceled and brought back by another network or an actor is invited back, they may say it's because of fan outcry, but that's almost never the whole story. It may help, but the reality is something happened or changed on the business side of things to make that adjustment worth it. If things aren't lining up in terms of money or negotiations, a billboard won't fix that.
Now, the situation with Jay feels a bit different because it would just be about getting him back for one episode rather than full time. It's something they've done numerous times with other actors under Wolf Ent, so it feels like the reluctance is coming more from a writing standpoint than a business one. I'm not sure why they've dug their heels in the sand so hard about leaving him out of the story. I have my guesses, but I don't know. But it's still known that lots of viewers want Jesse to come back. The cast knows, crew knows, and I would bet money that the execs know too. I always say social media is the best avenue if you really want to say something more. If they haven't been swayed yet, a billboard would not do it. Save that money!
Edit: just a logistical note. The writers rooms and production offices are not in a location that you could even place a billboard by. Unless you're breaking some laws. Don't do that either.
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sailor-cerise · 2 months
Since I don't see exhaustive examples of what types of support low support needs might entail, I've put mine below. The vast majority of my struggles are from my autism, but my physical disabilities and ADHD also contribute.
The reason I share this is to help people think more deeply about what "supports" means, and understand the different support levels.
Examples of tasks I need significant help with:
Handling any maintenance or repair tasks. I can and have done things like called a plumber, but I cry afterwards and am shaky and on edge the entire time they are on the phone or in my room/house. I have the capacity to do this a few times a year, spread far apart, which is typically much lower than the number of times I need this done. This includes car maintenance, which my partner helps me with.
Doing my taxes. I literally cry while downloading my W2 for my partner to do our taxes, and have had a panic attack because I needed to find an email receipt for tax purposes.
Paying a bill. Best case scenario it's something I can pay online, but I still cannot do more than one at a time and greatly benefit from emotional and logistical support.
Any other financial stuff: transferring money between accounts, managing investments, etc. I log into my accounts and my partner does things for me. I recently gave them access to most accounts now so they can do this without the first step and this one is scary to me but has been so so beneficial. We've been together about 15 years and they always ask permission and tell me specifics. Be careful who you trust with this if you have any choice.
House cleaning. I can do more than my severely physically disabled mother could when I was growing up, but not much. My partner also struggles here but we help each other.
Making decisions. I can decide what to eat and things related to my special interests (e.g. what book to read) for myself, but I really struggle deciding what color of sheets to get, alternatives to grocery brands when one is out of stock, how to cut my hair, which route to take while driving, which parking space to use, etc. and truly cannot do anything bigger (color to paint the kitchen, replacement water heater brand). I will completely shut down.
Examples of things I can do mostly independently (after having put in lasting supports with help from my partner and/or with significant effort). This is what makes me low support needs rather than medium: I can do these things.
Buy groceries (I order online and pickup curbside)
Make food for myself (I cannot reliably prepare food for anyone else)
Shower (I have a blue tooth speaker that I have a hard time showering without, and am able to shower 1-3 times a week)
Driving (sometimes I cannot drive due to physical issues)
Make and attend doctor's appointments (this one is mostly practice and saving up energy for it. I haven't been able to get support for this)
Take my medications (I have set up various systems that work well for me)
Renewing my prescriptions and picking them up (this is super hard and draining and I wish I had more supports for it, but it's something my partner struggles with too)
Working. I have so many accomodations here it's a separate long post. This includes work-related communication (often quite complex)
Ambulating. Sometimes I cannot walk more than a few steps. This is not from my autism.
Changing clothes. I hate doing this and would do it way less often than is appropriate if I did not have a partner that would be bothered by that
Brush my teeth. Oohhh boy this one took me most of my 33 years to sort out, and needed help from one of my best friends. Children's unsweetened toothpaste and ultra soft brushes are essential.
Flossing my teeth. Specific brand and type of floss, one in every room, and I'm actually good at it then. Really really proud of this one.
Brushing my hair. It's a whole Thing for me and I don't do it as often as I should but I can do it.
Making plans with friends or family. This is really hard and my mother helped me with it until she died and now I have some friends who are able to support me in this and I so appreciate them. My partner handles family plans mostly because most of my family is dead or lives very far away.
Speaking on the phone or in writing outside of work contexts. This is very very hard for me. I can do in person okay.
Socializing. This is very very hard for me but I do like it sometimes and have worked hard my whole life to be good at it. I tend to get along with people in a shallow manner.
Going into a crowded space. I need hearing protection (earplugs or headphones), and cannot do it for long periods. I handle it much better when I have a person with me, but hit my limit quickly.
Things I can do most days with no supports (most bADLs):
Basic in-person verbal communication, including limited quantities of small talk
Small purchases (cup of coffee, new book, etc.)
Toileting and continence
Going to bed and waking up
Remembering to eat and the act of eating
Drinking water
Get some gentle exercise of some sort, even just stretching in bed
Participate in one of my special interests. Any limitations here are usually from my physical disabilities, though I've lost this ability during autistic burnout before.
I am also fortunate to be capable of dealing well with emergencies (car accidents, injuries, de-escalation of a dangerous situation, pet emergencies, flooding), though like most people I break down if there are too many in a row. This isn't on any of the IADL lists I've seen, but I personally think it should be.
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newmusickarl · 4 months
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Best Live Shows of 2023
In the age of streaming and with ever-mounting logistical cost pressures, it is more important than ever to go support the bands you love by catching their live show and, if you can, pick up a record or some merchandise whilst you’re there.
Of course, the price of live music itself for the average fan is going up too, with £100+ tickets for stadium/arena shows and £40+ tickets for academy shows, quickly becoming the norm. That said, if you look beyond the household names selling through Ticketmaster’s exploitive dynamic pricing system, you can still find plenty of great acts playing live shows for £10-£20. So, if you find yourself constantly being priced out of the large stadium shows, why not spend that money on five grassroots shows instead – you may just find your next favourite artist in the process!
As for myself, I live for live music and by avoiding those top tier tickets and focussing on cost-effective festivals and shows with great line-ups, I’ve packed in more live music in 2023 than I ever have in my life. Including festival performances and warm-up acts, I’m grateful to have caught 127 performances in 2023, hopefully helping in some small way to support the artists and up-and-coming acts I adore.
With that mass of live music, it’s been hard to whittle this down to just my 10 favourites. So, in true New Music Weekly fashion of avoiding difficult decisions and leaving stuff out, firstly here’s the honourable mentions in chronological order:
Honourable mentions:
Foals at Engine Rooms, Southampton, May
Simply one of my all-time favourite bands at the peak of their powers, in the smallest venue I’ve ever seen them play (800 cap). Biblical!
Opus Kink at Dot-to-Dot Festival, Nottingham, May
The annual “get-me-in-that-pit” performance at Dot-to-Dot festival, proving I’m not too old yet for at least one moshing session per annum. Just like Bob Vylan the year before, my friendship group approached the ska-punk outfit with trepidation, but all ended up fans by the end of the set.
Mickey Callisto at Dot-to-Dot Festival, Nottingham, May
Imagine Freddie Mercury’s Live Aid performance, but in a tiny loft venue – that is essentially what synth-pop superstar Mickey Callisto delivered at Dot-to-Dot festival this year. Next level showmanship and an electric end to the day’s proceedings.
Swim Deep at Rescue Rooms, Nottingham, June
The Brummie indie darlings celebrated 10 years of Where The Heaven Are We this summer, performing one of my all-time favourite albums in full. They also played the ever-magnificent King City twice in the career-spanning set!
Young Fathers at Best Kept Secret Festival, Beekse Bergen, June
The band that have defined 2023 for me, it seemed like much of the audience in the tent with me at Best Kept Secret were catching the Scottish trio for the first time and weren’t sure what to expect. The result was a truly mind-blowing performance, with the energy from the stage radiating around the tent to the point of elation and thunderous applause by the end of the set.
Watch Young Fathers at Best Kept Secret 2023 here
The War On Drugs at The Piece Hall, Halifax, June
American rockers The War On Drugs performing anywhere would probably be enough to get a mention here, such is their stature as a live force. However, with support from Warpaint, a euphoric rendition of Under The Pressure and the gig itself taking place in the beautiful surroundings of the Grade I Listed Piece Hall, outdoor summer shows don’t get much better.
Confidence Man at Splendour Festival, Nottingham, July
When you need a lift during a washed-out festival, get Confidence Man to save the day. Having waited a long time to see them perform live, the Aussie dance outfit didn’t disappoint as the sun cleared just in time for their dazzling half hour of power. Immaculate choreography and joyous vibes aplenty!
Walt Disco at Rescue Rooms, Nottingham, September
A special shout-out to Walt Disco, who supported Nation of Language at their Rescue Rooms show in September. They are my pick for the best warm-up act of the year, with their David Bowie-inspired dramatics and glam rock chic leaving me eager to catch them again in the future.
Read the full review for both Walt Disco and Nation of Language here
Don Broco at O2 Academy Leicester, Leicester, December
Genre-bending heroes Don Broco are one of the most fun live acts around and even with a neck brace leaving frontman Rob Damiani more restricted than usual, they still blew the roof off. Usually not a fan of O2 Academy venues, this was also one of the better ones I’ve visited and it all just made for a great Saturday night.
Jadu Heart at JT Soar, Nottingham, December
My final show of 2023 and easily one of the most magical of the year. Performing in JT Soar which is an old garage turned Sleaford Mods’ recording studio, electro-folk outfit Jadu Heart brought string-tinged beauty and festive spirit to the intimate space. With only around 30 people in attendance and the bargain price of just £5 for the ticket, it was capped off with a pair of singalongs to Christmas classics Happy Xmas (War Is Over) and Fairytale of New York.
Read the full review for LeftLion here
That’s the honourable mentions then, now onto the main event – out of the 120+ performances I’ve seen in 2023, these are the ten that ended up leaving the biggest impression.
Top 10 Live Shows of 2023
10. The 1975 at Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham, January
One of the most discussed arena tours of the year, The 1975 kicked 2023 off with a spectacle. Split into two parts, the first half covered their latest album, Being Funny In A Foreign Language, and then the second half was just wall-to-wall greatest hits with 10,000 people losing their minds. Add in some unique staging and some surreal, theatrical interludes, it made for one of the most memorable arena gigs of the year. In fact it was so good, we’ve already booked to see The 1975 Still At Their Very Best in 2024, this time over in Brussels.
If you’re intrigued to see the show for yourself, their Madison Square Garden performance is streaming on YouTube and Amazon – check it out below.
Watch it here
Stream the live album here
9. The Lottery Winners at Rock City, Nottingham, November
Sometimes the best gigs are the ones that come along and surprise you. With support act Deco a favourite in our household and having seen indie-pop outfit Lottery Winners once previously at 110 Above festival, this one was booked purely on the basis that it looked like a fun Saturday night. Add in up-and-coming Notts rockers The Publics, you’ve got three quality bands at Rock City for £18. However, what I didn’t expect, was this show to be as life-affirming as it ended up being.
For context, once upon a time Lottery Winners were due to support Embrace at Rock City only to be dropped when Embrace feared The Lottery Winners would receive a bigger reception than them. So finally getting the opportunity to play the iconic stage where legends such as David Bowie and Nirvana have played before, you could see The Lottery Winners were putting everything into the performance. The fact I didn’t really know a single song of The Lottery Winners didn’t matter at all either. With plenty of laugh-out-loud, inter-song banter, some thunderous crowd singalongs and the band themselves in genuine tears at certain points in the set, it was just an incredible, emotionally uplifting night.
8. ROB GREEN at Rescue Rooms, Nottingham, February / ROB GREEN at Hockley Hustle Festival, Nottingham, October
Yes, I’m cheating again! But twice I saw Notts’ soul/pop artist ROB GREEN in 2023 and both were magical in their own unique way - so it was impossible to separate them.
Back at Hockley Hustle festival in October 2022, I saw Rob play an acoustic set that just completely blew me away. Having heard only positive things about him up until that point but not knowing too much about his music beyond that, it was one of those performances where I went in with not too much expectation of what I was going to hear, and then left just in complete awe of what I had just experienced. It was a borderline spiritual experience at times, with Rob’s mix of spoken word poetry and gospel-inspired singalongs just captivating and immensely uplifting.
So fast forward to February this year and I finally got to see Rob perform with a full live band setup. However, thanks to the utter jubilance from the crowd, his impressive backing vocalists and immensely talented band, it just amplified that feeling from Hockley Hustle 2022 tenfold. With my whole immediate family in attendance with me too to celebrate my mum’s birthday, it made it even more special.
Fast forward again to Hockley Hustle 2023 and Rob somehow managed to top his 2022 performance by pulling in a string quartet to perform alongside him. Here’s what I said in my review for LeftLion:
“Performing in the corner of Broadway Cinema’s café with the Rob Rosa String Quartet accompanying him, people are literally queueing at the door to catch even the smallest glimpse of his incredible thirty-minute set. And rightfully so, as the enigmatic performer has this unrivalled ability to bring immeasurable positive energy to a room and leave the audience sitting on Cloud Nine. Storming through performances of early singles Life Goes on and Sleeping on My Own, Rob gets noticeably emotional when the crowd singalong with recent single from his forthcoming EP, I’ll Be Around. “It’s so good to be back in NG1,” he exclaims, with the Nottingham faithful grateful to have him back. He then ends as he always does with a joyously euphoric medley of classic covers, leaving the crowd in Broadway Cinema fully uplifted and proving once again why he’s the best live performer in Nottingham.”
Read the full LeftLion roundup of Hockley Hustle 2023 here
7. Spector at Rescue Rooms, Nottingham, December
A band that have defined the last 10 years of my life but most definitely the last two months of my 2023, Spector delivered one of the best albums of their career to date in November with Here Come The Early Nights. Eager to hear the new songs from that record live, I headed down to Rescue Rooms to catch them for the third time in that venue, for the sixth time in Nottingham and for the tenth time in total! With fierce competition from their past selves, Spector pulled out all the stops and delivered a rip-roaring set that packed in so many anthems, I lost my voice completely from all the singing along.
Of course, it may be recency bias but for me this was right up there as one of the best performances I’ve seen from them over the years. It just further cemented why they are one of my favourite bands and also one of the best bands to see perform live. If you want all the details from the night, you can read my review for LeftLion below.
Read the full review for LeftLion here
6. The Chemical Brothers at First Direct Arena, Leeds, October
The legendary Chemical Brothers were another band that I saw live twice in 2023, however as fantastic as they were at Best Kept Festival over the summer, their own arena show in October was just the next level up.
If you’ve not had the pleasure of seeing Ed Simons and Tom Rowlands before, let me assure you they put on one of the best live shows on the planet, especially in an arena setting. The hypnotic, mind-melting visuals they put together to accompany their set is just like no other, in addition to all the big production tricks like confetti, lasers, giant balloons and even massive robots too.
However, all of that will only get you so far, you still need the bangers to back it up. Thankfully with a career-spanning 30+ years they have them in abundance and their setlist in Leeds was near faultless. A lot of cuts from their 2023 album For That Beautiful Feeling were included with Goodbye in particular standing out, as well as all the classics you’d want to hear such as Galvanize, Go, Hey Boy Hey Girl and Block Rockin’ Beats. They even had space for one of my all-time favourite songs, Wide Open. Probably the best show from them of the five times I’ve seen them and easily one of my favourite arena gigs of the year.
5. Oscar and the Wolf at Best Kept Secret Festival, Beekse Bergen, June
When you travel to another country and spend hundreds of pounds on a festival for one particular artist, it’s important they deliver. Sure, Best Kept Secret had a phenomenal line-up this year that also boasted The Chemical Brothers, The 1975, Aphex Twin, Young Fathers, Caroline Polachek, Christine & The Queens, Nation of Language, Arlo Parks, Billy Nomates, Interpol and so many more, so I would have gotten the value anyway. But Best Kept Secret Festival was really all about seeing one man – Max Colombie AKA Oscar and the Wolf.
You see having discovered Oscar and the Wolf at Dot-to-Dot festival in 2015, his music instantly resonated with me and he quickly became a favourite of mine. The issue is the Belgian indie-pop superstar isn’t really known here in the UK. So, whenever I have been able to see him live over the years since, it’s been in quiet festival slots with short sets and a small crowd who aren’t familiar with his output. So, when choosing a festival to attend in 2023, we chose Best Kept Secret for one key reason – Oscar and the Wolf was headlining it.
You see whilst the UK hasn’t caught on to Max Colombie’s talents, over in Europe he is a headline act on the level Muse, Liam Gallagher, Arctic Monkeys, etc. So having decided on Best Kept Secret over Rock Werchter as it looked less commercial and a much more manageable capacity, we ventured to the Netherlands to catch Oscar and the Wolf live with a crowd of 20,000 and, importantly, one which knew the words to all of his songs.
And with that massive expectation on it, Max and his band still managed to exceed all expectations to deliver a dazzling Saturday evening performance. Full of brain-melting guitar solos, a flawless setlist, Max’s own incredible vocals and all the big production tricks, it was everything I hoped for when booking the festival. To finally see one of my favourite artists with a crowd deserving of his music, it was such a special moment.
If you’re intrigued to see more and want an introduction to Max’s output, you can watch a 30-minute snippet of his performance from Best Kept Secret below.
Watch Oscar and the Wolf at Best Kept Secret here
4. Stevie Nicks at T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, March
It is very rare I get to tick off two bucket list items, let alone two in a single week. But earlier this year, I was fortunate enough to travel over to Las Vegas for work, a place I had always wanted to visit. Whilst I didn’t get to see everything in the short time I was there, I did have enough free time to get a flavour of the one-of-a-kind city. Of course, seeing a show is a must out there and when looking at what was on, I noticed that none other than music legend Stevie Nicks was in town for one night only. Biting the bullet on a last-minute ticket, whilst I will never get to see Fleetwood Mac perform live, I was fortunate to catch Stevie that night – which feels like the next best thing.
The production of the stage was utterly entrancing, with montages and artistic visuals projected on the screens behind her throughout. Her voice sounded as good as ever even at 74 too, with the live band playing alongside her also fantastic. Playing through all the classics from both her solo career and time in Fleetwood Mac, it made for a really special show. It also ended on quite an emotional note, as Stevie paid tribute to both Tom Petty and Christine McVie in the encore. Performing Free Falling and Landslide to round it off, she was noticeably moved following her performance of the latter.
I feel incredibly lucky to have had the chance to experience that, seeing a genuine musical legend on the opposite side of the world. One of the defining highlights of my 2023 and a moment I truly will never forget.
3. Self Esteem at Eventim Apollo, London, March
These days, the performance happening on stage is only 50% of what makes a good show. If you get the wrong crowd of people more interested in getting pissed or talking through the set, then you can quickly end up distracted during key moments. But for the final stop on Self Esteem’s Prioritise Pleasure UKtour at the Hammersmith Apollo, the entire audience were there for one thing and one thing only – a performance from Rebecca Lucy Taylor.
Off the back of a huge breakout year following the success of Prioritise Pleasure, this one felt like a victory lap as the crowd erupted into thunderous ovation after every single song. The production of the show itself was incredible too, from the dazzling choreography and vocal performances to the impressive costume changes and staging. It felt like an arena-level pop show but with the intimacy of an academy venue, just the best of both worlds.
The biggest testament I can give it though is what I touched on at the start. A lot of shows I’ve been to post-COVID, when it comes time for the acoustic songs they are sadly often spoilt now by crowd chatter, with people’s loud conversations disrupting these intimate moments. That didn’t happen with Self Esteem, as at one point she took centre stage just her and a guitar to perform her track John Elton and honestly you couldn’t hear a pin drop. Instead, everyone just stood in awe and respectfully engaged with what they were witnessing on the stage.
I said back in March this was one of the best shows I’ve ever had the privilege of seeing and I think I stand by that. An unbelievably special night thanks to a respectful crowd and an artist right at the top of their game.
2. Creeper at Rock City, Nottingham, November
Speaking of one of the best shows I’ve ever seen, I think it’s well documented at this point just how blown away I was seeing Creeper at Rock City last month. The only other time I had seen the Southampton-hailing goth-rockers previously was years ago at Slam Dunk festival and I’ll be honest, their show didn’t leave much of an impression on me at that time. However, with this performance coming less than a month since the release of their operatic third album Sanguivore, which I had been playing constantly, it seemed like the perfect storm for a special night – and my assumptions were correct.
Here's what I said in my review for LeftLion:
“Bringing with them a uniquely theatrical live show unlike any I saw in 2023, it was full of dramatic production, crowd surfers, circle pits, plenty of monstrous riffs and a faultless setlist. The moment of the night however came in the form of a stunning rendition of debut album favourite, Misery. Driving home the special connection Creeper have with their fans, phone torches were switched on and several audience members climbed onto shoulders to emotionally sing along with frontman, Will Gould. As the song reached its peak, Will didn’t even have to say a word or move a muscle - the crowd just instinctively belted out the song’s gut-punching refrain. A beautifully powerful moment and one of the most spine-tingling I’ve ever experienced inside that venue. With red confetti then shooting out of cannons onstage during the triumphant closing performance of 2023 single Cry To Heaven, it was a suitably mind-blowing finish to a truly mind-blowing rock show.”
See LeftLion’s full list of Best Gigs of 2023 here
Read my LeftLion review for Creeper at Rock City here
1. James at Northern Echo Arena, Darlington, August / James at Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham, October
So here we are at my favourite live show of 2023 and guess what – I’ve cheated again. Here we have two shows that both had the recipe for an all-timer - one of my favourite bands of all-time, one of the best live acts in the country and a band with 40+ years of exceptional music in their catalogue. Funnily enough, all three of those ingredients are Mancunian indie legends, James.
I saw James twice in 2023 and what has landed them in the top spot is the fact that each time I saw them this year, they delivered a unique experience. Each of these gigs, one in Darlington and one in Nottingham, offered something completely different from the other but ended up equally as sensational for their own reasons.
The first in Darlington was just the perfect line up in the most perfect setting. An August summer’s day with three of my favourite bands on the bill together – Maximo Park, Editors and James. The venue was a decent-sized Rugby stadium, but rather than having the whole thing open, the stage was to one side of the pitch, with one side of seating open and then the pitch the standing area – so it was set up more like a bowl than an open stadium.
What worked perfectly was the fact that although we had booked seats, we didn’t have to stay in them all day. We could sit in the seats and chill for the support, make use of the toilets and quieter bars etc. but then when we wanted to go have a dance and get into the mix, we could walk down onto the pitch and join the standing crowd. This is the first gig I’ve been to with that set up and it just added to the whole experience.
In terms of the bands themselves though, it was just a fantastic day of music. Even before the trio of Maximo Park, Editors and James, you had shoegazers Pale Blue Eyes, up-and-comers The Kairos and 00s indie outfit The Pigeon Detectives, who in particular were much better than I expected. Then as fantastic as Maximo Park and Editors were, it really was all about James who just reaffirmed to me why they’re one of my favourite bands. Ploughing through the hits as the sun was setting, Tim Booth wandering gracefully through the crowd and the band on stage sounding so effortlessly tight-knit, just like a band who have been playing together for 40 years should sound. It may have been the booze, it may have been the life-defining songs, it may well have been a bit of both – but I’m not ashamed to say I was near tears at a couple of points. Just magical.
If that wasn’t enough, I would see them again a few months later at Nottingham Royal Concert Hall, this time backed by a full choir and orchestra. Having had the devastation of the cancellation back in April, after waiting over a decade for them to repeat their 2011 orchestral tour, this was a rescheduled show I had been waiting a long, long time to see. And boy was it worth the wait.
Playing some of my favourite deep cuts that I would never get to hear in a normal set like Space, Alaskan Pipeline, Ten Below and Someone’s Got It In For Me, but then with the strings and extra voices accompanying them too, it just amplified their already world class live show to another level. With goosebump-inducing singalongs to Many Faces and Sometimes also throughout the night, this was another special gig that I’ll remember for a long time.
So there you have it, my favourite shows of 2023. Just one final part of my New Music Weekly awards still left to come and it’s a big one – my Top 100 Songs of 2023 playlist.
It’ll be dropping soon so keep your eyes peeled and thanks for following along so far!
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s11e15 beyond the mat (w. john bring, andrew dabb)
vaguely recall maybe reading something about.. was it j2?? watching the same local wrestling in texas growing up? am i imagining this or was it other people
DEAN He was Dad's favorite. Anytime that noose would come out, Dad would be on his feet. It was one of the few times I ever saw him actually happy. SAM Yeah. I remember that.
not sad at all
DEAN Yeah, Sam. You think I don’t know that? We’ve done nothing but mainline lore for a week, okay? We’ve got jack on another hand of God and Amara, and we’ve got even less jack on how to save Cas. SAM If he wants to be saved. DEAN He does... even if he doesn’t know it yet. SAM Dean...
~personally~ i think it would be more about getting lucifer out and back in the cage/dead, what with the massive and enraging fuckup saying yes to the springing the father of lies who turns out to have been a lying liar, something you were willing to die to prevent, but i admittedly rarely understand their writing decisions when it comes to cas so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
LUCIFER You're gonna look high, look low, far and wide. Search every warehouse, every farmhouse, every hen house, outhouse, and doghouse.
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get tommy lee jones's words out of your mouth :p someone's grumpy (it's me, hi) the fugitive is one of my old favorites
like i said yesterday i can't really tolerate what's going down with crowley.
i'm glad dean's having a good time fangirling over the wrestlers but time and place, my dude. oh and another thing i've found when i'm finding something too uncomfortable to watch, i mute and read the captions. for whatever reason, i can tolerate way more awkward without sound. less of a full body experience
SAM Sorry. Uh... wrong place. It’s just y-you were my... my first crush. RIO Ah. You weren’t one of those guys that had my poster above his bed, were you? SAM What? No.
cute but what bed though exactly. did he put the poster up in every motel room.
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forever and ever, amen
DEAN Did you tell her you used to have a poster of her over your bed when you were a kid?
again what bed, i'd buy maybe like folded up in his duffel or whatever :p
DEAN Now, that hardly seems worth it. Yeah, think about that. Town after town, putting your ass on the line for next to nothing? No money. No glory. Wow. SAM You realize you just literally described our jobs.
was thinking about the continued logistics of money just recently, if they're still doing the same rackets
SPECTATOR Beer’s cheap, kid’s entertained... parenting. Remember, don’t tell Mom how many I’ve had. SAM Yeah. Now, that brings me back. DEAN You want to not try and ruin one of the nicest things Dad ever did for us, please? Thank you.
could argue both sides of that honestly but you know me and my everlasting grudge against john
this wrestling match falls into the category of let dean enjoy things but it still makes me want to hide under a rock. while i watch this (muted, again) i'm trying to pick apart why i find it so secondhand embarrassment-inducing. that he's acting like a child? that i'm worried about him making a fool of himself in front of people because i'd be mortified to in that position? the perceived embarrassment he clearly never feels about that stuff? i dunno. it would be nice if i could logic my way out of feeling it :P
(that said, i am skipping the thing with him playing around in the ring)
CROWLEY I can’t leave. SIMMONS You can. You still have friends... people who want you back... who want Lucifer gone. I don’t know what he’s done to you. I can’t imagine... but you’re... you’re not a slave, a dog. You’re Crowley, and the Devil should be afraid of you.
was thinking yesterday of game of thrones and theon/reek, where a genuinely unlikable character became somewhat sympathetic after horrendous torture. and i already liked crowley. bleh. (also bumps into personal trauma stuff)
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guess we're doin the jaws (1975) comparing scars scene now though less handsy
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let's go
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sam's face at drunk dean made me laugh
why does this rando crossroads demon want someone to kill for him in addition to the deal, man i am struggling to stay focused on this episode.
LUCIFER She, um, she hates you, B-T-Dubs. SIMMONS Yeah. I really do. LUCIFER Yeah, they all do. Like, every demon in Hell. Can’t really blame them, can you? I mean, maybe once you were the evilest evil that ever eviled... present company excluded. But now... you’re nothing but Dean Winchester’s number-one fan.
misha playing pellegrino's lucifer is a little smoother this episode i think. still don't like it. but i mean, at least misha gets to use his face for more than one expression and his regular speaking voice?
DEAN Okay. Okay. Look, you screwed up, all right? Trust me. I’ve been there. But it is never too late to do the right thing. GUNNAR You really believe that? DEAN I have to.
*cut to lucifer!cas* very subtle :p
so one lightning bolt and that hand of god was out of juice? meanwhile the one in the previous episode took out the sub and surface ship. okay. whatever, glad crowley zapped on out of there
SAM Dean, you know what? He made a bad decision. We’ve been there. DEAN Yeah, you, me, now Cas.
12:22am 4 people including 3 children upstairs sleeping. me: NOW????? are we calling this castiel's first big bad decision?? breaking sam's wall for all the hell trauma to rush in for a distraction?! sucking up all those souls from purgatory and being god for a minute and slaughtering people and angels--which led to the leviathans getting out too?? trusting metatron against all logic otherwise which led to the angels falling? i mean, sounds like trusting lucifer AGAINST ALL LOGIC OTHERWISE is par for the fucking course. by this logic, i think cas and crowley should be on pretty similar footing with the brothers 🤪
whatever, man. i had to have a come to jesus meeting with myself about cas a while back so i'd stop complaining so much about the disconnect of what's shown vs said but apparently this got me really riled up again
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the1975attheirverybest · 10 months
The band is super independent and I think that’s why platinum tickets are so upsetting. Artists can choose to opt out of platinum, but not all have the control to make that decision due to their labels. The 1975 DO have the ability to opt out and it’s jarring that they didn’t it (also, it doesn’t keep tickets off of Stub Hub, I’m already seeing listings on there for double/triple face value), especially when Matty has spoke about accessibility and affordability.
I do wonder if their touring company has any say? It’s a huge arena tour and it’s expensive to put on a production like this. In reality it is a tiny amount of tickets like Jamie said, but it alienates a lot of fans who can’t afford that.
EXACTLY!!!! THANK YOU!!! Especially when the bands ethos is explicitly and implicitly anti-exploitative. And, im sorry, I did the research before forming an opinion on this and platinum IS exploitative. It literally is the same tickets. A lawyer who specializes in entertainment law has also confirmed that there is no real basis for these tickets costing extra. And the 1975 have not made this a practice. I expect it from Harry Styles (as much as I love him) and Taylor Swift etc. but the 1975??? After all the “maybe it’s all about the money cuz I tell you what? They don’t give a fuck about you and me. They don’t. Give a fuck. About you bitches.” And “just remember that any semblance of joy you’re experiencing right now is mediated under capitalism.” And all that shit Matty has said about the artists that have been “good to him” and “loyal to him.” And how if they suddenly did a “cash grab” he would say “but what about my relationship with you as a fan.” And he knows that he doesn’t own us forever because “I’ll find another favorite band in 5 minutes, mate.”
(Which is unfair to himself cuz like there’s not a favorite band that is going to replace the 1975, but point taken).
So why can’t we feel justified in our surprise at their choice. I think Matty (.never the whole band or DH) generally gets too much flak online and sometimes he doesn’t even deserve it. Especially in recent months. BUT with this one issue, fans are in the right here. Which is not to say I’m holding it against them. Just disappointed. And, as I said yesterday, it’s fine. People fuck up. But it’s about how the respond to their fuck ups. Like they had an opportunity to say “sorry guys. We tried our best. We hear you but it wasn’t logistically feasible.” OR “sorry guys. We know we messed up. Let us fix it” and opt out of platinum before the sale went on. But instead what did we get? “Chill out it’s no big deal.” Not to you cuz you get paid either way! But I have literally been saving for this since November 2022. So stfu.
Ok sorry clearly I won’t let this go for some reason.
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queennnnnnnn94 · 1 year
Travel Tales Pt. 1
This thing started because I wanted to impress a man, yall.
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Mid-December 2022, a few days after my birthday, I started flirting with a guy I knew for a few years and found fairly attractive, but never gave any energy to, and the first conversation we had was the spark that lit the match. The following is a snippet of said conversation:
Him - “I’m going to St. Lucia in a few days.” Me - “Make sure and visit Gros Islet and Rodney Bay, the marina is beautiful on a clear moonlit night. You see all the lights from the stars and the boats reflecting on the water and hear the waves slapping against the pier. It’s so calm and serene….” Him - “Hmmm… you’ve been everywhere, I can’t carry you anywhere new!” Me, intrigued - “I haven’t even scratched the surface on places I wanna go, especially in the Caribbean.” Him - “Where do you want to go next?” Me, thinking nothing of what I was saying, cuz I had no intention of actually going anywhere - “Jamaica maybe? Or Barbados, as it’s quite close to home (Tobago).”
Fast forward 4 months, I have my plane ticket to Jamaica in hand and am about to book my Airbnb in Ocho Rios. I am in no way encouraging anyone to do it this way, it is quite inadvisable to travel with someone who you have no real ties with. If you take anything away from reading this, it is that IT LITERALLY TAKES ONE DECISION.
I said yes that day in December. He intoxicated me with the idea of it being just a series of steps to get to the goal. No limits, no hesitation. Logistics would come later. It always seems impossible before you do it, before you take the first leap.
The last time I traveled was 2016 to the aforementioned St. Lucia, with my mom and daughter, who was a toddler at that time. If I’m not mistaken, the decision to go was somewhat similar, with me doing the convincing. Our saving grace was that a close relative was working on the island at the time, so accommodations and transportation was covered (and so expenses were lessened, hallelujah!). Basically, I think I’m due for a couple-hours long plane trip to a new place.
I’m making it sound rather click-bait-y, aren’t I? I haven’t said one thing yet about where the money being spent was coming from, and DUN-DUN-DUNNNN, if Mr. Mysterious is still my plus-one.
Let’s touch on the first part first - the finances.
I currently have a savings account in a local credit union with about $25K in savings, which was one of my savings goals. I am currently permanently employed, bringing in $50K a year before taxes, BUT I was living paycheck to paycheck until last year October, where I made my first official business investment that is bringing in an extra $2K a month, for at least the next year or so. While I have used some of that money to pay off the loan used to make the investment, some of that money was used to fund this trip. I also made the decision to allocate some of my salary towards the trip as well, instead of eating too much into the investment returns. More on this later.
I had identified the PERFECT travel time. I pat myself on the back every time I think about how this played out. In T&T, there’s a public holiday on the 30th of May, and another one on the 8th of June in 2023. Recall that I am employed, and obviously that means I would want to exploit all public holidays (anytime a holiday fell on a Thursday, best believe I was coughing on the phone the Friday so I could be home for 4 whole days…cough cough). I also did some preliminary research on the island and I realized that the island was bigger than home (i.e. I couldn’t drive around the entire island in a day comfortably while sightseeing), so a short 3- or 4- day trip would leave me wanting, or extremely exhausted by trying to squeeze everything into such a short time. After conferring with Mr. Mysterious, I decided that a week-long stay was the sweet spot - enough time to explore some of the tourist-y things to do, while allowing for relaxation and regular life as well. Put those two together, and we get a full 7 days in Jamaica, a prep day before and a rest day after.
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Things are falling into place so seamlessly! That only gave me further confirmation that this trip was supposed to happen. Nothing can stop me now! ……..*crickets*
Mr. Mysterious, who has been talking to me almost every single day since that fateful December day, suddenly ghosted me March-month end. No explanation, just radio silence. Granted, we had had a bit of a tiff concerning something unrelated right before the ghosting, but I don’t think it was serious enough to warrant THIS?! I wouldn’t know though, cuz he’s a ghost 👻. I can’t ask. I waited a few days, and sent a follow-up “Hope you are well” text, expecting a response at least, but I've been left on read till this day. I was shook, cuz the safety net I was banking on with this trip was that I wasn’t alone, so the burden of solo travel would be at least lessened. And he also was a seasoned traveler, the exact opposite to me, so that was another thing that made me breathe a bit easier. He knew the ins and outs of international travel and could guide me along. For the first few nights after accepting the disappointment of the absolute curry duck (Trini stale joke) I had just experienced, the trip loomed in front of me, again gigantic and seemingly impossible once again. All the insecurities I had silenced with a proud middle finger at the start of the journey came back up, cackling in my face: Can you even afford to go on this trip alone? How will you get around? You will be stuck in Jamaica for 7 whole days…what were you even thinking? Are you even still considering going, after this shake-up? The nasty chatter got louder in my head. I admit, I looked up whether I could get a full refund of my ticket (no), and if I could ask somebody, anybody to take Mr. Mysterious’ place (also no, that’s unreasonable).
So, I pulled up my big girl panties and made the big girl decision to do my first solo trip to Jamaica in June 2023. I mean, it would have happened eventually - I had put traveling on my vision board, BUT I didn’t expect God to drop me into the deep end like this?!! Damn!
On a more serious note, what I won’t do is question how things are playing out. I have learned long ago that even if things don’t work out exactly how I planned it to, things always work out in the end. Maybe I would be so caught up in building my future career that I won’t have time to travel as much as I like. Maybe this is exactly what I need to build some more confidence in myself and my abilities. Maybe this is what I need to clear out the fuzz in my head - time away from everything, in a hammock, spending much-needed alone time. It will be revealed to me why this happened when it happened, how it happened, in due time. I’m not even stressed or pressed. Also, I am on the last leg of my degree, and having put blood, sweat and tears into the last couple years, I convinced myself that I needed to reward myself for sticking with it and completing it. While an international trip was not on my list of things I thought up of for the celebration (it was more along the lines of a celebratory dinner at a nice restaurant with a few glasses of wine), I sold myself on the idea, as I was intoxicated by Mr. Mysterious’ siren song. I deserve!
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Let me touch on some of the things I had the good fortune of having and utilizing in this prep time, leading up to the actual flight dates. Remember, planning had started a whole 6 months before, so I had allotted time for procrastination and plan changes. We’ll discuss Google Flights, using a calendar in a specific way, and what I plan to do.
I’m on a tight budget, and so my main issue was allocating my limited resources in the best way possible to be able to cover every essential. Before the ghosting situation, my main expenses were the plane tickets, and spending money (Mr. Mysterious gallantly offered to handle the accommodation costs). Google Flights had come in CLUTCH! The site has a calendar to see when the cheapest flights were, compared by dates, as well as the option to track flights’ price changes. AS I had already outlined the PERFECT travel dates, I just scrolled down to the dates, and lo and behold, the prices I saw were among the cheapest for the month. I had used the price tracking  option, as I started accumulating funds for the purchase of the ticket. Things were chugging along well! No reason why something would go off-kilter, right? Right??
I remember vividly waking up one morning and seeing that the price of the ticket had become a few hundred dollars more expensive.
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My heart dropped. I hadn’t gotten all the money at that time, and it was honestly discouraging to have to stretch my already-stretched budget to accommodate this extra expenditure. Nevertheless, she persisted. I had accumulated my $4k in cash, ready to buy tickets by early February. Sis was READY and DETERMINED. I had listened to a podcast that celebrated doing the Thing that involved one taking a giant step with no going backsies. That Thing for me was spending $4k on a trip. It seems silly and trivial now, but my heart was set on doing the Thing. My dreams were consumed by the fantasy excursions Mr. Mysterious and I were going to experience on this beautiful island. Then another confirmation that I was supposed to go on this trip - the airline I was planning to go with had a Valentine’s day sale:
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This was it, yall. I was going to Jamaica. This was the sign from God I needed. And I didn’t even see it, it was Mr. Mysterious who sent me a screenshot from his IG feed. My heart sang for that entire week. I was going to Jamaica! I did the Thing, and bought my tickets on Valentine’s Day!
Going on in the background of all this was my 12-week planning on Notion. I had counted 12 weeks into the future from the week I decided to go in mid-December, and created a calendar with a task to complete for each week. These tasks included making a list of locations to visit when we got there, making lists of things to pack, things that I need to have organized before and during the trip, etc. This gave me the time I required to do any future-based thinking, grouped neatly into manageable segments so I wouldn’t feel overwhelmed when I sat and thought about things. I chose Notion simply because I had previous experience using the calendar when I was planning out semester tasks and due dates, and I had always found it to be very easy to use. Plus, you could decorate it. I had embraced my full “speak it into existence” self, and put up pictures and affirmations - a virtual vision board, if you will. Also, this 12-week spread would give me a couple ‘free’ weeks before the actual trip, instead of being exact with the timing. Maybe God knew what He was guiding me to do, cuz with this change in the plan, I would need some extra time to sort stuff out.
To be honest, I still don’t believe that Mr. Mysterious ghosted me. I keep oscillating between the reasoning that he probably has something major going on in his life and needs some time to himself, and the Bad Bitch alter-ego, looking down at him with a upturned nose, lumping him with all the other fuckboys I had the unfortunate luck of meeting and interacting with. The insecure baby girl inside of me has so many questions, mainly if I had done something wrong, but if I am to take my mental health and self-confidence journey seriously, I have to be okay with whatever happens around me, regardless of whether it is positive or negative in my perception. When I start overthinking about it, I stop and visualize myself being a boat in the middle of a vast ocean, in a thunderous storm. Waves as tall as houses are rocking me side to side, up and down, but I still stay afloat, above the waves. I stay confident that this storm will end, and I will complete the journey I planned to, in one piece. I am confident in God’s plan; when thing don’t go my way I stress a lil bit, then release my hold on the outcome I wanted, knowing better will come.
We have reached the point where we discuss the now. Yes, I lied about not being stressed or pressed. I am very much stressing and pressing. I now face some nail-biting, belly-hurting decisions. Best believe that I am not making light of the situation. I know it is so much more dangerous to be a female solo traveler. The decisions I choose to make have unknown consequences and repercussions that I have no clue is in my future. The travel blogs I’ve read seem to gloss over this fact, varnishing it with pretty titles such as “Do’s and Don’ts To Keep You Safe”, maybe because it is an ugly truth that danger is lurking no matter where you go.
Maybe I really do need the time away from the usual routine to view my life through fresh, new eyes. Maybe this really is the Thing I need to start off the rest of my life with. God knows I’ve been feeling hamster-wheel-y for the past few months. Maybe this will be the worst thing I will have ever done, a complete waste of money and time. Regardless of what the outcome is, if I am to experience it, I will. Being adaptable to change, instead of resistant to it may very well be the lesson I have to learn from this experience.
As of now, the most immediate pivot I have to make is that I have to tack on a few extra hundred US to cover Airbnb accommodations for the entire week, as well as more spending money as I have no ‘safety net’ in Mr. Mysterious anymore, per se. As I type this, I remember a quote I saw recently:
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And with that, I bid you adieu. I will post an update when I get closer to The Date. Thanks for sticking with my dramatic ass till the end. I would LOVE to hear any tips for beginner solo traveling, and comment with more places that I can visit in Jamaica. I appreciate your love and support!
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shivittech · 1 month
Top Affordable Cloud ERP Solution for Manufacturing Industry
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Top >> Affordable Cloud ERP Solution for Manufacturing Industry
Shivit ERP offers top-notch software specially made for manufacturing businesses. This software helps manage everything from making products to selling them, all in one place. It includes tools for planning, purchasing, inventory, sales, finance, and more. Here's what it offers:
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES): Helps manage production processes efficiently.
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM): Tracking product from start to finish, ensuring innovation and quality.
Supply Chain Management (SCM): Manages the flow of materials and products from suppliers to customers.
Production Planning & Scheduling: Helps plan and schedule production to meet demand.
Benefits of Using Manufacturing Software:
Increased Efficiency: Saves resources and time by automating tasks.
Reduced Costs: Minimizes waste and optimizes processes, saving money.
Improved Quality: Ensures consistent product quality through standardized processes.
Increased Customer Satisfaction: Helps deliver products on time and meet quality standards, keeping customers happy.
Key Features of Manufacturing ERP Systems:
Inventory Management: Tracks materials and products to avoid shortages or excess.
Production Planning and Scheduling: Plans production to meet demand and maximize capacity.
Quality Control: Monitors production stages to maintain consistent quality.
Supply Chain Management: Manages procurement and logistics for timely delivery.
Shop Floor Control: Monitors activities on the shop floor to improve productivity.
Cost Estimation and Analysis: Calculates production costs for pricing and cost reduction.
Resource Planning: Allocates resources efficiently based on production needs.
Integrated Data Management: Centralizes data for easy access and analysis.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensures compliance with industry standards.
Scalability and Customization: Adapts to changing business needs and growth.
In summary, Manufacturing ERP Systems help manufacturing businesses operate more efficiently, improve quality, and make better decisions.
Top inventory ERP software solutions, Efficient inventory management systems, Advanced ERP for inventory control, Inventory optimization software, Inventory tracking ERP tools, Streamlined inventory management platforms, Customizable ERP for inventory management, Integrated inventory management solutions, Cloud-based ERP for inventory control, Scalable inventory management software
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removalxcompanies · 2 months
Removal Companies
Moving can be a daunting task, whether it's relocating to a new home or transitioning your office to a new space. However, with the right removal service in Barnsley, the process can be smooth and stress-free. From house removals to office relocations and everything in between, finding the perfect removal companies can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the essential aspects of removals in Barnsley, including removal services, storage options, and tips for a seamless transition.
House Removals in Barnsley:
When it comes to house removals in Barnsley, efficiency and reliability are paramount. Whether you're moving across town or to a different city, a reputable removal service can handle all aspects of your move with care and precision. Look for a removal company that offers personalized services tailored to your specific needs. From packing and loading to transportation and unpacking, a professional team can ensure that your belongings arrive safely at your new home.
Barnsley Removal Service:
Choosing the right removal service in Barnsley is crucial for a successful move. With a variety of options available, it's essential to research and compare different companies to find the one that best suits your requirements. Look for a removal service with a proven track record of reliability and customer satisfaction. Reading reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insight into the quality of service offered by a removal company.
House Removals Near Me:
Convenience is key when it comes to house removals. Choosing a removal service near your location can save time and hassle during the moving process. By opting for a company that operates in Barnsley or nearby areas, you can ensure prompt service and quick response times. Additionally, a local removal service is likely to have a better understanding of the area and any logistical challenges that may arise during the move.
Removals and Storage:
Sometimes, you may need to store your belongings temporarily during a move. Whether you're downsizing or experiencing a gap between moving out of your old home and into your new one, removals and storage go hand in hand. Many removal companies offer secure storage facilities where you can safely store your possessions until you're ready for them. From short-term to long-term storage options, choose a removal company that provides flexible solutions to meet your needs.
Removal Companies:
With numerous removal companies operating in Barnsley, finding the right one can seem overwhelming. However, by considering factors such as reputation, experience, and services offered, you can narrow down your options and make an informed decision. Choose a removal company that is fully licensed and insured, with a team of trained professionals dedicated to delivering exceptional service. Don't hesitate to ask for quotes and compare prices to ensure you're getting the best value for your money.
Office Removals Barnsley:
Relocating your office can be a complex undertaking, requiring careful planning and execution. From packing delicate equipment to transporting furniture and files, office removals in Barnsley demand precision and efficiency. Look for a removal service that specializes in commercial moves and has experience handling office relocations of all sizes. A dedicated project manager can oversee every aspect of your move, ensuring minimal disruption to your business operations.
Office Removals Near Me:
When relocating your office, proximity matters. Choosing a removal service near your office location can streamline the moving process and minimize downtime. With a local removal company, you can expect prompt service and on-time delivery, allowing you to resume business activities as quickly as possible. Additionally, a removal service familiar with the area can navigate logistical challenges more effectively, ensuring a smooth transition to your new office space.
Furniture Removal Companies:
Transporting furniture safely requires the expertise of a professional removal company. Whether you're moving antique pieces or bulky sofas, hiring a furniture removal specialist can ensure that your items arrive at their destination in pristine condition. Look for a removal company that uses the latest equipment and techniques to handle furniture with care. From disassembly and wrapping to loading and unloading, a skilled team can protect your furniture throughout the moving process.
Piano Removals:
Pianos are delicate instruments that require special attention during a move. Whether you're moving a grand piano or an upright model, it's essential to hire a removal company with experience in piano removals. A specialized team can safely transport your piano using appropriate equipment and techniques, ensuring that it remains in perfect condition throughout the move. Look for a removal service that offers piano-specific services and has a proven track record of success in handling these unique items.
In conclusion, when it comes to removals in Barnsley, choosing the right removal service is essential for a successful move. Whether you're relocating your home or office, finding a reputable company that offers personalized services and flexible solutions can make all the difference. By considering factors such as reputation, experience, and services offered, you can select a removal company that meets your needs and ensures a smooth transition to your new location. With the assistance of a professional removal service, you can embark on your next move with confidence and peace of mind.
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universalinfo · 5 months
Why Outsourcing Your Fulfillment Services Is a Game-Changer
Ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders as you managed your business? It’s no secret that running a venture comes with its fair share of challenges. But what if I told you that there’s a magical solution to make things a tad bit easier? Drum roll, please… outsourcing your fulfillment needs. 
In this post, we’ll journey through the remarkable world of fulfillment services and discover why it might just be the best business decision you’ll ever make. Let’s begin, shall we?
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Cost Efficiency at Its Best
Oh, the sweet relief of cutting costs without cutting corners. When it comes to business, we’re always on the lookout for ways to save that precious moolah, right? Outsourcing your fulfillment needs is like finding a gold mine in your backyard.
Now, imagine the hassle and costs of maintaining your warehouse. The constant hum of electricity bills, security costs, and not to mention, the daunting property expenses. By switching to fulfillment services, you’re essentially bidding adieu to all these pesky overheads. No more sleepless nights over rent or lease agreements.
But, wait. The cherry on top? These services handle such a huge volume of shipments that they can negotiate some killer deals on shipping rates. Imagine the money you’d save! It’s like the universe is giving you a wink and saying, “You made the right call.”
And if you’re like me, the thought of paying for space you aren’t using is just not ideal. Seasons change, and so do storage needs. With these services, you pay for what you use. No more, no less. Sounds pretty perfect, doesn’t it?
Scaling Made Simple
Picture this: Your business is booming. Orders are pouring in like it’s raining cats and dogs (or unicorns, if you fancy!). While this is the dream, it’s not without its set of challenges. You’re grappling with the logistics of meeting this demand. Just thinking about continuously adjusting warehousing needs is enough to make anyone’s head spin.
Now, imagine having a genie (fulfillment needs) granting your wish for seamless scalability. Whether you’re facing a sudden festive sales bonanza or you’ve just gone viral, these services are like your ever-reliable backup dancers, moving in rhythm with your needs.
And oh, venturing into new territories? Your fulfillment partner has got your back with their multiple locations. Serving a broader audience with a smile becomes a cakewalk. So, dream big and scale bigger without breaking a sweat.
Time: The Precious Commodity
We’ve all wished for more hours in a day. Especially when running a business, time becomes as treasured as that last piece of chocolate cake (you know the one everyone secretly wants). Outsourcing your fulfillment needs is akin to having a magical time-turner.
Delegating tasks like inventory management, packing, and shipping to the experts means that your plate gets a lot lighter. Think of all the things you could do! Dive deeper into product development, brainstorm the next big marketing idea, or simply take a well-deserved break.
And hey, let’s not forget the customers. With the turbocharged efficiency of professional fulfillment services, they get their orders in a jiffy. Faster deliveries? It’s like delivering happiness right to their doorstep. And in business, a happy customer is worth their weight in gold.
Tech and Expertise on Your Side
Step right into the future, where the seamless blend of technology and human expertise works wonders for your business. If you’ve ever felt like you’re juggling too many balls, unsure of how to keep them all in the air, outsourcing fulfillment might just be your magic trick.
Think of fulfillment services as your tech-savvy sidekick. These modern-day wizards wield cutting-edge software that makes inventory management, order processing, and shipment tracking seem like child’s play. Errors? With this level of tech precision, they’re as rare as a unicorn sighting.
But hold your horses; it’s not all about the gadgets and gizmos. It’s the people behind the tech that make the magic happen. Imagine having a seasoned expert in your corner every step of the way. Someone who’s seen it all, done it all, and is ready to guide you through the maze of logistics. With this dynamic duo of technology and expertise, you’re practically unstoppable.
Flexibility and Adaptability
Ah, the unpredictable rollercoaster of the business world. One moment you’re on a steady path, and the next, you’re facing a twist or turn that leaves you clutching the safety bar. But what if I told you there’s a way to enjoy the ride, all while having the flexibility to stretch and sway as needed?
Enter the world of fulfillment services. It’s like having a magic carpet that adapts its flight based on the winds. Got a heap of returns post-holiday season? No worries, they’ve got it handled. Need some special touches, like festive packaging or promotional inserts? Consider it done.
With such flexibility, you’re no longer confined to a rigid pathway. Instead, you get to dance with the tides of change, ensuring that your business flows smoothly, regardless of the challenges thrown its way with CFS.
Enhanced Customer Experience
Remember the thrill of opening a perfectly packaged gift? That giddy feeling of anticipation and the joy that follows? Now, imagine offering that same delightful experience to every customer, every single time. Dreamy, right? That’s precisely what fulfillment services bring to the table.
Every parcel sent out is a promise – a promise of quality, punctuality, and sheer delight. When customers receive their orders faster than they anticipated, in pristine condition, their trust in your brand solidifies. They think, “These folks really care.” And voila: you’re not just providing a product; you’re curating an unforgettable experience.
It’s said that word of mouth is the best advertisement. And a delighted customer? They’re likely to sing your praises from the rooftops! By offering consistently stellar experiences, you’re not just retaining loyal customers but also attracting new ones.
From cost savings to impeccable customer service, the benefits of outsourcing your fulfillment needs are clear as day. By relying on fulfillment services, not only do you streamline your operations, but you also position your business for growth and success. In the grand tapestry of business decisions, this might just be the thread that shines the brightest. So, why wait? Dive in and experience the magic of outsourced fulfillment today.
Learn More:Expert Fulfillment Services
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melssblog · 5 months
Industrial IoT (IIoT) Solutions and Smart Factories in India
IIoT encompasses many technologies and is an essential part of Industry 4.0 initiatives. IIoT is redefining the manufacturing industry worldwide, turning factories into smart factories.
IIoT comprises hardware and software components such as Sensors, RFID, Industrial Robotics, Control Systems, Monitoring Systems, Networking Technology, Application Control Devices, Cameras, GPS/GNSS, Interface Boards, PLCs, MES, SCADA, and Management Systems.
Components of Smart Factories
IIoT, Artificial intelligence (AI), industrial robotics, big data, digital twins, and 5G are all speeding up the implementation of smart factories. These technologies help in improving productivity, quality, availability and reducing labour and energy costs, while allowing industries to respond rapidly to the changing needs of its customer base.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Intelligent automation is driven by AI technologies. AI connects humans, processes, and technology to boost business growth, drive revenue, and reduce cost and risk.
Machine Learning (ML), a component of AI, is crucial to Industry 4.0 and helps in applying big data to manufacturing process optimisation, leading to cost savings, safety improvements and supply-chain efficiencies. ML also allows machines to use large amounts of data to create algorithms to predict future outcomes, thereby enabling predictive maintenance. The algorithms help in more efficient inspection and monitoring of processes. Engineering design can be created more easily and quality control is improved with better root cause analysis.
Industrial Robotics
The use of robots and Cobots with appropriate End of Arm Tooling helps drive greater automation in manufacturing. The maximum adoption of robotics is being witnessed in the automobile sector and is also observed in other sectors such as Pharma, Cosmetics, and Agriculture.
Big Data
Big data is captured using IIoT devices, which also help in generating meaningful real-time information for decision-making using AI models, both in the short-term and long-term.
Digital Twins
Digital twins help in visualising expansion of or changes to any existing manufacturing setup as well as creation of any new manufacturing unit. This helps in appropriate space utilisation and optimisation of resources such as robots and machinery along with ergonomic manpower movement in the shopfloor. Time and money are saved over the traditional method of iterative physical changes.
The 5G network has enhanced the speed of communication between machines, and between humans and machines, thereby helping in quicker decisions and data transmission.
Industrial IoT Solutions in India
The implementation of IIoT in India, as in most other countries, has to deal with the critical challenges of standardisation, interoperability, and data security. The use of AI is witnessing a significant increase in India to make use of vast volumes of data for real-time decisions.
According to the India Industrial IoT Market Report (2020 – 2026) which comprehensively covers the Indian Industrial IoT market by hardware, connectivity, software, vertical, and region, the market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 15.5% During 2020-2026.
The Indian industrial IoT Market is anticipated to register growth as numerous states are expected to witness an industrial construction spree in the coming years, with construction projects including the setting up of large-scale commercial and industrial establishments including retail, healthcare, and transport & logistics.
The above-mentioned growth would also be fuelled by the advancement in wireless technology coupled with the increasing need for condition monitoring in industries all over the country. Remote monitoring in factories and plants has also gained traction amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which would also bode well for the industrial IoT market in the country in the years to come. Industry–based private players across the world are bringing in high technology along with fast communication access, and are expanding their present infrastructure to enhance the installation and integration of the necessary equipment related to industrial IoT in India. This too is expected to drive the growth of the Indian industrial IoT market in the near future.
MELSS has been providing diverse solutions for a wide range of industries. Our solutions include PLCs and Control Systems, SCADA and PIMS, Industrial Robotic Solutions, Telecom and Photonics Solutions including 5G, a range of Sixdime IoT products including Data Loggers, Edge Devices, NFC Readers, Hertzor which is integrated with machine learning, Swas environment monitoring, and Smart Utility Controllers. www.melss.com
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stairhoppersmovers · 6 months
Why You Should Hire Full-Service Commercial Movers
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In the grand scheme of business decisions, relocating can loom like a giant, casting shadows of doubt and anxiety. The myriad tasks associated with moving – from packaging fragile equipment to the logistics of transport – can be overwhelming. Amidst this chaos, imagine a scenario where skilled professionals step in, taking the burden off your shoulders. You can enjoy all these benefits when you engage commercial movers. These experts navigate the intricate dance of relocation, making it appear almost effortless. Let's delve deeper into the undeniable advantages of hiring them.
Stress Reduction
Moving is more than just shifting things—it's a big change emotionally and in planning. When you hire commercial movers, you're not just asking them to carry stuff. You're trusting them to manage many tasks related to the move. Thanks to their experience, they have a clear plan to make moves smoother. They know the steps to take to avoid problems and make sure there's little disturbance. Their goal is to make the process as easy as possible for you, using the expertise they've gained over many moves. 
Specialized Equipment Access
Modern business relocations aren't just about carting away desks and chairs. There's sophisticated equipment, IT infrastructure, specialized machinery, and sometimes even sensitive data involved. Recognizing and catering to the specific needs of these diverse assets are where full-service movers shine. Commercial Movers in Boston or elsewhere's repertoire includes a range of specialized tools, from unique packaging materials that ensure the safe transit of fragile items to machinery designed to transport heavier equipment. 
Efficient Space Utilization
Moving isn't just about strength but strategy. Professional movers see the inside of a truck as a puzzle. Every box and item has a specific place to maximize space. By organizing things carefully, they make the most out of each trip. This not only saves time and money but also ensures items are transported safely. Proper planning is the key to an efficient and cost-effective move.
Detailed Move Management
A successful move is often underpinned by impeccable organization. This involves creating exhaustive inventory lists, categorizing items based on their fragility or importance, and establishing clear protocols for unpacking and setting setup at the new location. Just search "Commercial Movers Near Me" and hire ones that excel in this orchestra of organization, ensuring that the cacophony of moving tasks translates into a harmonious transition.
The Advantage of Ground Intel
Whether moving within a metropolis or to a quaint town, understanding the local landscape is invaluable. Commercial moving company in Boston and places alike, with their deep-rooted local knowledge, can provide insights on everything from optimal transport routes to avoid traffic congestion to local regulations that might affect the move.
Final Note
A master movers team is needed to handle a company move's delicate web of logistics, emotion, and strategy. In the world of relocations, full-service commercial movers play this role to perfection. Movers not only bring expertise to the table but infuse each move with a dedication that ensures every transition is more than just a change in address—it's the beginning of a new chapter, executed flawlessly. The likes of StairhopperMovers exemplify this professionalism, infusing each step of the moving journey with care, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. Visit their website- stairhoppers.com for further information.
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just6f · 6 months
KOREAN MINI FLORET HAND-PAINTED SUCCULENT FLOWER POT -- 35% OFF! HURRY TO GET YOURS! It's going fast, so get it now while you can. At this store, we've cut prices on our popular Korean Mini Floret Hand-painted Succulent Flower Pot for a 35% discount. Browse our fast-selling selection today and save $12.00. Limited-time offer, while inventory lasts! SEE KOREAN MINI FLORET HAND-PAINTED SUCCULENT FLOWER POT FEATURES Material: Ceramic Moreover, consider worldwide delivery, convenient payment options and customer friendly return policy as well! So, wait no more and click on ADD TO CART to get your Cute Creative Succulent Flower Pot as soon as possible! PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Are the colors real? The photos of the Korean Mini Floret Hand-painted Succulent Flower Pot match the actual product colors. However, your device might display a slightly different shade depending on its screen calibration. I got a question about the quality of your Cute Creative Succulent Flower Pot? Can I be sure it won’t fall apart in my hands, hurt me or something? We use the best available resources and manufacturing methods, thus, keeping our standards for the Korean Mini Floret Hand-painted Succulent Flower Pot as high as possible. What’s the reason for this low price if the product is as good as you describe? We’ve done serious work on our logistics and are able to cut down our expenses, hence we set the lower prices. How much for this? The price is $21.98. Enjoy your purchase! Am I making the right decision if I buy it? Considering its value for money, it’s safe to say it’s one of the best offers on the market. So, why not seize this opportunity? I’m unsure that the Cute Creative Succulent Flower Pot will suit me. Can I ask for a refund if it’s the case? If the items you purchase leave you unhappy, just let us know, so that we could take note for our future actions and provide you with a refund. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Is it OK if the delivery address doesn’t match my personal address? As you wish it! Just specify the necessary delivery address in full detail, and then we’ll arrange the shipment as you requested. Can I get a refund if my package is damaged during transportation? Contact us if something bad happened with your package during transfer. There is no reason to worry because if your package is lost or damaged, you will get a full refund. Something went wrong and I’ve chosen the wrong Color. So what should I do to change the details or cancel the order? You just need to let our support team know about the problem, so that they could change or cancel your order. How can I get in touch with you to learn more? There are multiple ways to contact the support team in our store, so use any of the channels listed at the bottom of this page. Why make a purchase in your store? Our main priority is to build friendly relationships with our clients. We do our best to make our business mutually beneficial both for us and our clients. That’s why we always offer quality products and set fair prices. Can I find the same Cute Creative Succulent Flower Pot in a regular store? Most typically, offline stores provide a more limited range of products. Besides, they commonly set much higher prices due to numerous extra business expenses. https://just6f.com/korean-mini-floret-hand-painted-succulent-flower-pot-breathable-ceramic-pot-round-cute-creative-succulent-flower-pot/?feed_id=5932&_unique_id=65290e1b90d31
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careeralley · 8 months
5 Key Questions Before Partnering With a Transportation Firm
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Every business, no matter the size, needs a logistics supplier. Businesses need transportation and delivery, whether it's for raw materials or sending out a product to clients. We live in a time when the world is experiencing supply chain issues, an increase in fuel prices, and other logistics issues, so businesses need to be smart when choosing a transportation company to work with. We need to do our due diligence to ensure that we partner with the right people who know what they're doing and have a level of grace during stressful situations. If your business is looking for a transportation company or logistics supplier, here are some questions to ask to ensure that you get your money's worth. How long have you been operating? It's important to know how long a logistics supplier has been around because it will give you an idea about their experience. If they have been around long before apps and tech tools were common, ask them how they could transition from a more traditional approach to one that relies on these tools. You can ask them about this during your interviews, but you can also research through the internet to see how long the company has been around and registered. You also need to check if the company has ever been embroiled in a lawsuit so that you can give yourself an out as early as possible. Why are you the safer option? Because logistics and transportation are inherently hazardous processes, you want to ensure what safety precautions they have in place to protect not just your materials and inventory but also your own employees. Ask them if they have a reputable equipment supplier from whom they get their model Diesel engine rebuild kits. Knowing how they keep everything and everyone safe, no matter how technical, is key to understanding how protected your cargo will be. It will save you a lot of worry and anxiety in the future, too. How is business going? You also want to know how well their company is doing so that you have an idea about how they manage the business. Don't be embarrassed to ask about their financial health. After all, if you sign a contract with them, your business will be at just as much risk as theirs. You are putting your stock in their hands, literally. The third-party logistics industry grew exponentially thanks to the pandemic and shippers outsourcing more of their deliveries and transportation. So if the company's outlook is not optimistic, that can be a red flag. This goes to show their management is incompetent if the conditions for their growth are conducive, but they still weren't able to maximize them. How important is customer service? If your business chooses a particular logistics company, it will be like an extension of your brand. It doesn't matter if they are a  third-party supplier; customers will still see your brand in them whenever they receive their products. Your brand's reputation is at stake, so you want to ensure that whichever transportation company you partner with has customer service that is above reproach. Ask them about their ease and accessibility-can they be reached 24/7? What about the weekends and national holidays? You also want to ask them how they structure their customer support. If you only have a single point-of-contact when you have to track your freight and other deliveries, it will save you a lot of headaches in the future and allow you to make quick decisions. If you are looking for a transportation company or logistics supplier to help you run your business successfully, here are some questions to ask to ensure that you get your money’s worth.Click To Tweet What technology do you use, and can you explain it to me? A logistics supplier's software is key to managing and gaining visibility of their freights. When talking to a potential partner, allow them the time to walk you through the technology they use. Ask them to explain it to you in a way that you will understand, especially if you have no background in transportation management software (TMS). Tell me about your staff. This is perhaps the most crucial question of all. Having the most state-of-the-art technology or equipment means nothing if the management does not support or empower its employees and if said employees' technical and people skills are not up to scratch. Observe the person you're talking to as well and see if the rapport is there because you would be communicating with them for a long time. Before you commit to a logistics supplier, make sure to do your due diligence to ensure that you're partnering with the right one. Your brand's own reputation is on the line, after all. Our Pick Becoming A Truck Driver: The Raw Truth About Truck Driving $3.49 Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 08/22/2023 12:56 am GMT Read the full article
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kitchenspacenz · 9 months
Should I Replace or Reface Kitchen Cabinet Renovations?
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Do your kitchen cupboards have a worn, old look? Do you want to renovate but can't decide between replacing and refacing? Don’t worry, though! This post will compare and contrast the two alternatives so that you can make a well-informed choice. We can help you achieve either a complete makeover or a more subtle refresh. Put on your thinking cap, brew yourself a cup of coffee, and prepare to enter the exciting world of Kitchen cabinet renovations or makeovers with me!
Replacing Kitchen Cabinets – When Do You Know It’s Time?
Do your kitchen cupboards look old and worn? Do the doors not close properly or the drawers not close on their own? If your kitchen cabinets have any of these issues, it's time to get new ones.
If you are having trouble finding a place to put things, that's another red flag. It could be a sign that your cabinets are no longer suiting your demands if you are continually trying to fit more things inside of them. In addition, if your kitchen is decorated in dated styles and materials, the whole room will look dated.
If you are doing a complete remodel, you should also think about getting new cabinets. Changing to new cabinets gives you the freedom to redesign your kitchen in any way you like, giving it a look that's perfect for you.
Furthermore, if your current cabinets are becoming unusable owing to bad design or a lack of organization alternatives, then you should consider changing them.
Issues like warping and water damage can compromise the integrity of older cabinets. It's not just about looks at that point; safety is a major concern that need replacement.
If your kitchen cabinets seem old, you don't have enough room to store your belongings, you're planning a remodel, you can't do everything you want to with them, or they're structurally damaged, it's time to get rid of them.
How to Prepare for Your Kitchen Design Project
Is it time for you to start working on your Kitchen Renovations and layout? The journey to a kitchen that both expresses your personal taste and fulfills your practical demands is an exciting one. It's best to get your ducks in a row before plunging headlong into something.
Think about how you currently use your kitchen and see if there is anything that could be improved. Things like cabinetry, counter top, and foot traffic should all be taken into account. As a result, you'll be able to make more informed decisions about the kitchen cabinets you purchase.
Create a financial plan for the project next. If you don't budget correctly, home improvements can rapidly become a financial burden. You can save money without sacrificing quality by comparing the prices of various cabinet options in your price range.
You should start looking at design magazines and websites like Pinterest after you have an idea of what you want your new cabinets to look like. Keep pictures of kitchens that you like and make notes about which elements or designs you like best.
The next step is to hire a reliable builder or designer who can make your ideas a reality. Search online directories or get personal referrals from people you know for reputable specialists in your region.
Don't overlook the logistics of getting ready for a remodel, such as getting rid of clutter, finding a temporary kitchen solution, and communicating with contractors about expected completion dates.
If you do these things before beginning your kitchen remodel, you'll be ready to select and install new cabinets with confidence and knowledge.
Selecting the Perfect Kitchen Cabinet: Kitchen Space
Choosing the right Kitchen companies near me is essential when doing a kitchen remodel. The size of the kitchen is an important consideration. What kind of cabinets will work best for your kitchen depends on its size and design.
Take a good look at the overall measurements of your kitchen. Is it cramped and claustrophobic, or roomy and comfortable? You can use this information to decide if you want an entire wall of cabinets or prefer a more open layout with floating shelves.
Next, consider how you currently make use of your kitchen. Do you have a lot of kitchen equipment and utensils and take pleasure in cooking? Or would you rather have things look simple and uncluttered?
Deep you want your cabinets to be. Taller cabinets take use of vertical space and offer storage if you have high ceilings. However, using shorter cabinets might help a space with a low ceiling feel more expansive.
Think about the kitchen's layout and any restrictions it may impose. Do you have any windows that can prevent you from putting cabinets in a certain spot? Is there anything particularly challenging about the area's corners or angles?
Choose a kitchen cabinet style with practicality in mind. Is it more practical to use pull-out drawers or static shelves for storing commonly used items?
With these considerations in mind, you'll be able to choose a kitchen cabinet layout that not only looks amazing but also maximizes efficiency in your cooking space.
Choose the Right Cabinets for Your Kitchen
Choosing the proper cabinets for your kitchen may have a significant effect on the aesthetics and practicality of the entire room. It's difficult to pick one thing out of all the possibilities when there are so many to consider.
Prioritize the look of your kitchen above anything else. Do you want to appear contemporary and chic, or do you like a more classic style? This will direct you toward cabinet designs that fit in with your taste.
Consider your space constraints next. Do you have a lot of cookware that you use frequently and want to keep close at hand? Is there furniture or electronics that needs to be kept in a particular way? Find out what you have and how much room you'll need for storage.
Durability is another important aspect to think about. Because of how frequently they are opened and closed, kitchen cabinets need to be made from durable materials. Most people agree that solid wood cabinets will last the longest.
Don't lose sight of your financial limitations. Before you start looking for cabinets, you should think about your budget. You can limit your alternatives and save money in this way.
You'll be able to get the best cabinets for your New Kitchens remodel if you give serious thought to design, storage requirements, longevity, and cost. More Details, call us Kitchen Space experts today.
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