#maybe a shifter case where john thought he was killing the shifter and its all 'just' an accident
mamusings · 4 years
Supernatural Season 1 Thoughts
So I'm rewatching mainly to distract myself from the dogs breakfast the show has descended into. But also because my feelings about the show as a whole are decidedly mixed. I come to it as a buffy fan. I've always been curious about spn as a successor show to buffy, but only watched thr first 13 seasons in 2020. Blame lockdown.
Anyway s1. Blinding start, blinding finish. But the middle is just too many MOTW episodes without enough season arc development. I keep wondering who the show is for. It feels aesthetically very male. Lots of blood, guns and violence. Well-realised horror feel - although I think it's hard to really feel fear when you dont particularly care about who might die. It's only when you threaten a major character death that things hit harder. Also the genuflecting to realism by drawing on urban myths feels like something for stereotypically 'male' rather than 'female'. Probably reflects my preferences that I was never to into the MOTW format some buffy fans loved and that I was always more interested in the story telling than realism or even consistency. Monsters as metaphors works better for me. But Spn is a much more cloistered universe. Two guys and their absent father is what s1 is about. But it dits weirdly between being comfort viewing and needing attention. There's much that starts to feel formulaic with MOTW episodes: Impala on the road scene, some rock music, an opener that gives you a new mystery and people to go with it blah blah. You can practically set your watch by the final denouement happening in the final 8 mins. It feels like the show is diligently checking off every myth and monster going which gets tedious. I found the need for setting up yet another family in danger was something that gets hard to care about. "Oh look a couple, someone's gonna die, shall I fast forward until sam and dean show up." And yet there are some interesting undercutting of the white working class vibe the show has. Two that stand out to me are: the 'female gazing' of the camera work off Sam and Dean. There's a lot of panning - are we getting in the boys with the guns and hardware and then offering up the handsome male bodies for women? I felt a little cheap, but they they are v cute. The other is having a black/bi racial woman play Dean's only serious love interest. The ghost truck thing is terrible but putting attitudes to race at the centre of this particular storyline was intriguing. Perhaps a counter balance to the overall wwc feel of things. (Full disclosure I am a black woman and I enjoyed seeing this - even tho I did have several moments of wondering was the predominant female look so uniform back then. All the girls have the same build (and did we all wear such low rise jeans?) plus long, wavy/curly hair...except Meg who basically has Sam's hairstyle ha ha)
What's impressive? The first few episodes give us a cluster of core lines: bitch/jerk, no chick flick moments, and the sibling dynamic This show hits its stride right in the pilot and wendigo is still one of the scarier episodes. Thats a really good opening shot imo.
It's no surprise that what's really riveting is Sam and Dean. But on rewatching I saw a lot more on why this is so interesting. Basically when the characters are introduced you first get Sam. He's your archetypal nice guy whis hot everything though for him. Stanford, girlfriend, friends, great test score but also and crucially hes likeable. Then you get Dean and hes introduced as a dick. Breaks in, wrestles Sam, comes on to/is sleazy with Sams gf. So cocky bad boy: check.
In the pilot dean is the annoying big brother to a t. So they set up two contrasting personalities. Dean is disrespectful to cops, Sam is embarrassed by it. Dean is into hunting, Sam is unwillingly persuaded. Dean is insensitive, Sam kinder and sweet. Dean plays dumb, Sam's the academic achiever. But what we witness over the course of the season essentially reverses this. Sam's the real rebel defying his father, Dean the obedient son. Dean gets a lot of scenes showing him make swift emotional connections esp with children or people in caretaker roles. Dean's very adult 'I'm 26 of course I go on hunts alone' is unmasked by the fact he gets Sam to help him because hes lonely. And Dean (often clumsily) tries to help Sam move on about Jess and open up about his nightmares. While the explicit dialogue casts Sam as the geeky loser brother what we see in this season is that the loser is actually Dean. Sam has friends, Sam has a relationship, Sam has a life he wants to get back to. Dean has no one and some of the hardest emotional hits this season are when his mask is lifted to show us just that. For instance shape shifter Dean voices his jealousy in Skin. Also Azazel taunts Dean about how he needs Sam and John in a way that they dont need him.
The closing episodes really bring some of these contrasts home. Dead Mans Blood gives us a great bonding scene between Sam and John, for me that's a moment where it falls into place that they so much in common that it leaves Dean on the outside. They both loved women they lost to a demon. For both of them (at this stage) the mission, as in killing this demon, matters more than family. Its Dean who constantly prioritises family, even while his family deprioritise him. Both Sam in Salvation and John in Devils Trap put sacrificing themselves to kill the demon as their first priority. Whereas Dean consistently argues for family, first persuading John that they are stronger together, then telling Sam that the three of us 'is all I have' in Salvation. The point gets hammered home in Devils Trap where Dean says (in case the stupid viewer missed it "you and Dad are a lot more alike..cant wait to sacrifice yourselves, but I'm going to be the one to bury you").
Much of the rest of the relationship development is about showing us the partnership Sam and Dean are developing. You see increasing ease in working together - maybe most cliched in how they toss weapons back and forth in Hell House. Plus that interesting sibling dynamic when you love someone and find them intensely annoying that feels enjoyable even if your own sibling relationship is nothing like it.
But what's interesting is that while Dean's character is revealed throughout the season. You see through the episodes the difference between his Dean presents himself and hiw he is, but dean doesn't change. Hes immature and emotionally driven I'd also savvy and brave. Its Sam who changes. Not in how he is, but in his priorities. Sam realises the good bit about Dean among the stuff that irritates him. But most importantly the final episode shows us Sam moving from thinking the mission is what matters just like John. To thinking his family matters more. He doesnt shoot Azazel inside John and when John berates him for it his look at the bloodied-up Dean in the rearview mirror speaks volumes.
It's all the more striking because thus argument has been the core dilemma for the last 3 episodes. It's also the crux of how Dean, for all his obedience, sees himself as falling short of who his father wants him to be. He cant turn his heart off. Its Dean who calls his dad sounding like a tearful little boy in Home. It's when John approves of him making the heart choice and using the colt to save Sam, that Dean realises it's not his father but Azazel speaking. I find that painful to watch it's been so well set up. You get lots of preview of Dean really wanting approval and when it finally comes and you're all ahh fsmily bonding, Dean puts it together and goes you're not my father. Ouch.
Absent fathers and eventually I guess an absent God is a big spn theme. So there is something to say for looking at it in this season. John's absence is the driver of the whole season. But it's also the foundation stone of both Sam and Dean's character. What we get most of in s1 is a sense of the impact of his fathers absence on Dean. The childhood neglect, but also the absence of approval. My European background always makes it jarring when children address their father as sir so I hope I'm not over reading this. When John gets back the way it emasculates Dean is jarring. The jumping to attention with the yessirs and the following orders is such a distance from the cocky law breaker. Its interesting that the first scenes in which I recall the boys speaking in unison are these yessirs. But the scene I remember most is a trivial one, Dean offers John a machete out of Babys messy looking trunk - hes already been pulled up by dad for inadequate car maintenance. But John pulls a bigger, better, cleaner machete out of his high spec truck - Dead Mans Blood. Sums it up for me. Dean is so eager for approval, his father withholds it so casually. Sam is less like this, because he had Dean to parent him however ineptly. Sam did not have a hoid parent in Dean, but Dean showed up. Sam starts to make that realisation in season 1 and there are a few thank you moments. Contrast Dean's only outburst against his father when hes admonished to call when in trouble. He takes a leaf out of Sam's book and notes that they did call in Lawrence and they called when Dean was dying in Faith, hes angry and rightly so. John didn't show. But its interesting that Dean's fight with John sounds like a child fighting with a parent. It even ends with 'I dont care for your tone' from John even as he accepts Dean's point. Constrast Sam and John who have a much deeper ongoing disagreement. But Sam fights his father from an adult position. He's not looking for approval or acceptance, Sam claims his ground, argues his point. Dean still just needs to be loved.
But as well as the impact of the absent parent there is also having grown beyond the parent. I feel like the final few episodes show us that 'the boys' have surpassed their father. John's fake colt idea is lame and Dean calls it. By contrast the devils trap at Bobby's to catch Meg feels like a moment of brilliance particularly as the trap is sprung on the viewer so we feel surprised too.. Sure they call in help from Bobby, but what they do is well planned and they pull it off. And calling in helo when you need it us grown up.
Theres an element of fate vs character exploration when it comes to Sam and Dean. What happens to Sam is fate. It's not related to how he is or how he behaves. We find that out more fully soon. Whereas what happend to Dean relates to his character. IMO Dean actually has the option of walking away from hunting that Sam tried to exercise. Unlike Sam, hunting wouldn't have pursued Dean by killing his girlfriend. But Dean's character means he doesnt chose to walk away because family is important to him, in a way that it isn't for Sam until the end of this season. Its interesting that Sam perceives of himself as having choices he doesn't have. Whereas Dean sees himself as having no choice, when in fact he does. But I guess we don't know that yet so maybe the argument doesn't work?
#supernatural #sam #dean #winchester
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foreverwayward · 5 years
“Wayward Hearts” Season 2 Chapter 7: Night Shifter
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Summary: After the sudden death of John, Sam and Dean, along with Riley, continue their quest for vengeance. As Sam and Riley’s powers continue to grow, the three young hunters find themselves closer to the Yellow-Eyed demon than ever before. The strength within themselves and their loyalty to each other will be tested as they are left to fight their families’ lifelong war alone, unaware that unimaginable evil will lead them to face darkness itself as they carry the weight of their fathers’ legacies. 
Word Count: 8,045
Content Warning: language and violence
DISCLAIMER: any words or phrases in bold in the story are not my own and are credited to the writers of Supernatural.
On the live evening news, a brunette news reporter held onto her Channel 8 microphone. She was in front of a group of onlookers as officers tried to clear the scene. Sirens wailed and the flashing colors of blue and red danced on the buildings around them. Other cops had barricaded themselves behind their squad cars with their weapons ready and aimed.  
“We're here downtown in front of the City Bank of Milwaukee, and though a short exchange of weapons fire occurred just minutes ago, police and SWAT teams maintain position as we enter the third hour of this intense standoff. Authorities estimate as many as ten hostages are being held inside the bank; no word as yet on the identity of the suspects, or, uh--” The reporter stopped mid-sentence to a commotion coming behind her. “Something's happening. I think they're opening the door. Roger, are you getting this?” she asked her cameraman. 
Police and others nearby shouted over each other as the camera refocused to the front door of the bank.  
A man emerged from the building, terrified as he was pushed out by someone holding an automatic weapon. “Don’t shoot! Please! Don’t shoot!”
“No, no, no, no, no, don't even think about it! I said get the fuck back!” the voice behind the hostage yelled at the incoming officers. 
As the camera zoomed in, there with the hostage and a military-grade gun, was Dean Winchester.
Two days prior, Dean, Riley, and Sam sat parked in Baby on a dark suburban street of Milwaukee. It was raining as the hunters went over their research. All three were dressed in suits, posing as federal agents.
A woman who was respectable and loved by family and friends killed a night guard at the jewelers’ where she worked. After stealing everything she could from the shop, the woman went home and committed suicide in her bathtub. There was no motive and nothing that pointed to the dead woman being anything other than an upstanding citizen.  
“Alright,” Riley started, looking over her file. “The Milwaukee National Trust was hit about a month ago--same M.O. as the jewelry store and an inside job. Longtime employee as a teller, that was the 'never-in-a-million-years’ type, robbed the bank and then went home to kill himself.”
“So, there’s a pattern,” Dean said with his body shifted in her direction.  
“Definitely. Bummer is, cops already took the surveillance video from the jewelry store, so we’re shit outta luck on that one.”  
Sam looked out the window at a small house nearby. “Yeah. That’s why we’re here. This guy, Resnick? He was a security guard at the National Trust the night of the heist. The teller beat him unconscious before taking off.”
“Yikes.” Riley closed up her folder and grabbed her blazer to throw it on. “Well, hopefully, this guy can give us more than the jewelers’ did. We got jack to go on right now.”
The three got out of the car and the Impala’s doors squeaked before being slammed shut. Going up the front steps, they all straightened up before knocking on the door.  
“Mr. Resnick,” Sam called out. “Ronald Resnick?”
At the large hunter’s request for the man inside, a large floodlight turned on next to the door. Riley and the Winchesters grunted out at the blinding light and covered their eyes.  
“Son of a bitch,” Dean groaned.
A younger man, around Dean’s age, came to the screen door. He was of a thicker build with curly hair that met his shoulders. His face was naïve and showed his clearly awkward demeanor.  
Riley kept her eye closest to the light slightly closed. “F.B.I., Mr. Resnick.”
Approaching hesitantly, the man nervously demanded, “let me see the badge.”
Sam, Dean, and Riley all pulled out their identification badges from their jacket pockets before planting them on the screen door in almost total unison. 
The man inside squinted to read and study their authenticity. “I already gave my statement to the police.”
“Yeah, listen, Ronald, um--” Dean went to put his badge away. “--just some things about your statement we wanted to get some clarification on.”
“...you read it?”
“Sure did.”  
“And you’ve come to hear what I have to say?”
Riley could feel the nervousness coming from Mr. Resnick. She knew he felt strongly about what he had seen and was still afraid to share his story. “Of course, Mr. Resnick. That’s why we’re here,” she added gently.
Ronald gave her an awkward, partial smile before nodding and opening the door. “Well, come on in.”
Following him into his home, the three walked through a narrow hallway and then into a cluttered room. The wood-paneled walls were covered in alien photos and conspiracy theory paraphernalia. Strung out maps, newspaper clippings, and random photographs hung above his messy desk.
“None of the cops ever called me back--not after I told them what was really going on. Uh--they all thought I was crazy.” Ronald’s words grew a little faster with a sense of purpose and urgency. “First off, Juan Morales never robbed the Milwaukee National Trust, okay? That, I guarantee. See, me and Juan were friends. He used to come back to the bank on my night shifts, and we'd play cards. I--I was the one that let him in after-hours. But that thing that I let into the bank? Wasn’t Juan. I mean, it had his face, but it wasn't his face. Uh--every detail was perfect but too perfect, you know? Like if a doll maker made it--like I was talking to a big Juan-doll.”  
“A ‘Juan-doll’?” Sam asked skeptically.  
“Look, this wasn't the only time this happened. Okay?” Ronald handed him a file folder. “There was this jewelry store, too. And the cops, a--and you guys, you just won't see it!” 
Sam looked into the folder that was filled with Mr. Resnick’s own research. The complete profile was similar to a the work of a hunter. 
“Both crimes were pulled off by the same thing.”
“And what’s that, Mr. Resnick?”
Ronald picked up a copy of a magazine called ‘Fortean Times’ and held it to his chest. The headline at the bottom read: ‘birth of the cyberman’.
“Chinese have been working on 'em for years and the Russians before that. Part men, part machine. Like the Terminator, but the kind that can change itself, make itself look like other people.”
Dean smiled at the man, “like the one from T2.”
“Exactly!” Ronald agreed enthusiastically.  
At that same moment, Riley tried to shoot Dean a thought. “Nerd.”  
Her boyfriend’s head snapped in her direction at her tease. Dean gave her a playful look of warning and she smirked.
Donald went on. “See, so not just a robot, more of a--a--man-droid.”
Sam’s eyebrow hooked up. “A man-droid?”
Riley stepped closer as the awkward man fumbled over his words. She searched his emotions and could feel how much this meant to him. Ronald whole-heartedly believed what he was selling. Telling him how far off base he was, wouldn’t do anything except hurt him. “Ronald how are you so sure that this is what’s going on?” she humored him.  
With a wild and excited smile, he put up a finger asking her to wait. He scurried ‘to grab a V.H.S. tape that was labeled ‘M.N.T. Camera 4 - Juan’. 
Quickly, he moved to put it into his television system and pressed fast forward as the hunters sat on his worn, plaid sofa. “Now watch. Watch. Watch him, watch, watch! See, look! Th--th--there it is!” Ronald paused the tape. “You see? He's got the laser eyes.”  
On the screen, was Juan. As he faced the camera, there was a light-flare in his eyes. 
Riley’s fist clenched immediately realizing it was a shifter as the boys shared a knowing look.  
“Cops said it was some kind of reflected light. Some kind of ‘camera flare’. Okay? Ain't no damn camera flare. They say I'm a post-trauma case. So, what? Bank goes and fires me, it don't matter!” Ronald continued his rant even more fired up than before. “The man-droid is--is still out there. The law won't hunt this thing down...I'll do it myself. You see, this thing, it--it--it kills the real person, makes it look like a suicide, then it sorta, like,--morphs into that person. Cases the job for a while until it knows the take is fat, and then it finds its opening. Now, these robberies, they're--they're grouped together.” He gestured to the wall with all of his endless research. “So, I figure the man-droid is holed up somewhere in the middle, underground, maybe. I dunno, maybe that's where it recharges its, uh--man-droid batteries.”
Dean nodded, apparently impressed with how thorough Ronald’s intel was. The theory may have been completely off base, but the work was there. 
Trying to force a fake smile, Riley didn’t know what to say. The poor guy had tried so hard to get answers for his friend. All the while, Sam was staring at the man intently, almost in judgment.
“Okay. I want you to listen very carefully,” Sam said calmly as they all stood from the couch. “Because I'm about to tell you the God's honest truth about all of this.” Riley and Dean both waited with curiosity to see what Sam would say. “There's no such thing as man-droids. There's nothing evil or inhuman going on out there. Just people. Nothing else, you understand?”
His partners were almost startled at his response and stood dumbfounded on how to move forward.  
“But,” Ronald uttered desperately. “The laser eyes...”
“Just a camera flare, Mr. Resnick. See, I know you don't want to believe this. But your friend Juan robbed the bank and that's it.”
The anger and frustration that was building in Ronald, was enough for Riley to want to help calm him. He was so deeply hurt by how Sam had handled the situation. “Ronald--”
“Get out of my house! Now!” he interrupted in a demand.
Riley and the brothers had found their way back to their motel room. It was covered in tacky wall decorations that seemed to be obligatory to wherever they stayed.  
“Man, that has got to be the kicker--straight up. I mean, you tell that poor son of a bitch that--what did you say, ‘remand the tapes that he copied? Classified evidence of an ongoing investigation’?” Dean laughed as he sat at the table with a beer. “That's fucked up.” 
As Riley walked by, Dean’s hands snaked around her waist and pulled her close to sit her down on his lap.  
Taking a sip from Dean’s beer before adding her thoughts, Riley looked over at Sam. “I gotta say, it’s a little scary how good of a Fed you are. The guy did some legit legwork though. Maybe you could have thrown him a bone, or at least been a little gentler with the guy.”
Sam scoffed, turning away from the television he was replaying the video on. “Man-droid?”
“Okay, except for that part,” she chuckled. “But I mean, I liked him.”
“Me too. I mean, he’s not that different from us if you think about it. People think we’re crazy.” Dean’s arms wrapped around Riley’s waist and his chin settled onto her shoulder while she traced outlines of sewers from town blueprints.
“Yeah, except he’s not a hunter, guys,” Sam almost snapped back. “He's just a guy who stumbled onto something real. If he were to go up against this thing he'd get torn apart. Better to stay in the dark and stay alive.” Sam then paused the video where the shifter’s eyes reflect back at him.
Sighing, Riley replied, “I guess so.” Her eyes went up as she saw the flaring eyes on the tape again. “Shapeshifter.”
“God I hate those fucking things,” Dean added in annoyance.
“Oh, and I don’t?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, but one didn’t turn into you and frame you for murder.”
Riley almost slammed the pen down with a scoff. “If we’re having a pissing contest here, remember one of those bastards literally murdered me.”
The brothers looked at each other realizing their mistake. 
“Touché,” Dean surrendered.  
“Anyway, Ronald was right. It’s like the one we killed in Missouri and it lays low in the sewers.” Sam got up to look at the map as Riley went on. She traced her pen over her marks. “Now, all the heists have been connected. And if you line those up with the sewer main layout, there’s one more bank laid out on that path.”
Over their regular clothes, the trio wore blue jumpsuits as a bank security guard led them into the surveillance room. Undercover as technicians, their suits read: ‘Securiserve Guard Service’. 
Riley had her hair up with what looked like silver chopsticks.
“You guys usually send three people to deal with a small glitch in the system?” the guard asked curiously.
“Oh--” Sam said through a breathy laugh. “She’s in training. Gotta shadow us on the job.”
Satisfied with that answer, the security guard nodded. “Alright, you guys need anything else?”
Riley smiled. “We’re all set here, sir.”
“Okie-dokie,” he replied as he left the room.  
With a chuckle, Dean beamed. “I like him. He says ‘okie-dokie’.”
Sam, Riley, and Dean sat in front of the monitors reviewing the bank’s footage. It had been at least a couple of hours of searching for any more eye flares on the camera’s logs.  
“Anybody got any popcorn?” Dean jested. 
In one of the frames, the security guard that had let them in sat quietly by the front door. When his eyes didn’t reflect, he was officially off the hook. 
“Well, looks like mister okie-dokie is...okie-dokie.”
As Riley scanned a different screen, a middle-aged man walked in front of the camera as his eyes flared. She sat up straight as she paused the footage to get a closer look. “Bingo. Got him.”  
The brothers leaned over to see as Dean said, “Hello, freak.” The three got up to leave before Sam and Riley could hear Dean utter, “oh shit...” 
He was looking at another monitor and they joined him to look. There, locking up the bank with a chain and lock while holding an automatic weapon, was Resnick. 
“Hello, Ronald,” Dean commented with a look of discomfort.
With worry and a sigh, Riley muttered his earlier words in agreement. “...oh shit.”
The large and polished bank was several stories tall. It was ornately decorated with beautifully designed ceilings and large tile flooring. Slate-colored marble pillars and counter tops were effortlessly woven throughout.  
As automatic gunfire came from the main lobby of the bank, the hunters hurried down the halls in its direction.  
Dean shook his head and spoke to Sam with snark. “And you said we shouldn’t bring guns.”  
“Well, I didn’t know this was gonna happen, Dean.”
“Look,” Riley started as they reared another corner and people fled in their direction. “Whatever we do here, Dean and I do the talking. Because he does not like you Agent Johnson.”
Ronald held a key on a chain up high for everyone to see. His hostages had all gone to the ground by his orders. “There’s only one way in or out of here and I chained it up. So, nobody’s leaving, understand?”
The Winchesters and Riley made it to the lobby as they calmly walked in with their hands slightly raised in surrender. 
Resnick’s eyes were large and panicky as sweat fell from his face like bullets.
“Hey, buddy,” Dean called. “Just calm down, okay? Calm down.”  
Riley felt dizzy from all the confusion and fear that came from the nervous man. 
When he saw the hunters, his mind automatically connected them to the ‘man-droid’ conspiracy theory. 
Knowing things were about to escalate, Riley tried to get through to Ronald. “Mr. Resnick--”
“You!” Shaking, he yelled at the three as he pointed his weapon. “Get down! Get on the ground!”  
Nodding nervously with an awkward smile, Riley slowly went down to her knees, as did the brothers. “Yeah--no. That’s cool. We can do that. Let’s just not shoot anybody okay? Especially not us.”
“I knew it. As soon as you three left. You ain't FBI! I mean, you are way too pretty to be a federal agent,” Ronald admitted without noticing.
“Aww--” Riley immediately stopped being flattered before looking at Sam. “Wait, did he just compliment me or was that a jab at me being a woman?” Only a second passed before she tilted her head with an accepting look. “Eh--I’m gonna say it was a compliment.”
“Who are you? Who are you working for, huh? The men in black? You working for the man-droid?”
“We’re not working for the man-droid!” Sam replied in annoyance.
Ron continued to shout as he waved the gun around. “You shut up! I ain’t talking to you! I don’t like you!”
Both Riley and Dean turned to Sam with an “I told you so”-look.
“Fair enough.”  
Giving an order to one of the hostages, Resnick demanded that a middle-aged man frisk down the hunters for weapons. When the man got to Dean’s boot, the hunter closed his eyes in frustration as a silver knife was pulled from his boot. 
Dean gave Ronald a face of innocence as Riley was next. The hostage patted her down clean, but the anxious man with the gun pointed at her hair.  
“What about those?” Ronald asked. “Take those out of her hair. They look--‘stabby’.”  
The man removed the sticks from Riley’s hair as it fell down onto her shoulders. “Damn, a girl can’t even accessorize anymore?” she asked somewhat grouchily. 
They were pure silver sticks; not that sharp, but still something she could easily sneak in undetected.
Sam turned to his partners with a look of irritation.
���What?” Dean challenged. “It’s not like we’re just gonna walk in here naked.”
The hostage handed Resnick the items before the captor took them and dropped them into a deposit box.  
“No, no, no, no!” Riley and Dean begged in unison before the weapons clattered inside and they winced.  
“Look, Ronald...we know you don’t wanna hurt anyone,” Dean said hoping to appeal to his softer nature. “But that’s exactly what’s gonna happen if you keep waving that cannon around. So, why don’t you let these people go?”
“No! I already told you. If nobody's gonna stop this thing, then I've got to do it myself.”
“Hey, we believe you, okay? That’s why we’re here.” Dean paused before signaling Ronald over. “Come here.” When the captor hesitated, the older Winchester kept his hands up. “Hey, I’m not gonna try anything. You got the gun, boss. You’re calling the shots. I just gotta tell you something.” When Ronald allowed the hunter’s suggestion, he leaned in as Dean whispered, “it’s the bank manager.”
"He’s telling the truth, Ronald,” Riley said softly. “Why do you think we’re dressed like this? We’ve been monitoring the cameras. We saw the bank manager...we saw his eyes. It’s him.”
“His laser eyes?” he asked eagerly.
“Yes. Wait--what? No. No, Ronald, we’re running out of time here. If we don’t find him soon, he’s gonna change into someone else and we won’t know who. We’ll be screwed.”
“Why should I trust any of you? You’re a bunch of damn liars!”
Dean slowly stood, still in a state of submission. “Take me.”
With fear in her eyes, Riley sent a thought to Dean. “What the hell are you doing?”
“It’s okay. He's not gonna hurt me.” There was a pause as the hunter waited for Ronald to look less tense. “Take me with you. Take me as a hostage. But we gotta move fast. The longer we stand here, the more time he has to change. You’re not crazy, okay? I believe you. There really is something in this bank.”
“Alright,” Ron relented with a small smile. “You--you come with me. But everyone else gets in the vault.” His voice raised to a shout once again as he waved the weapon. 
Gasps and cries came from the other hostages in fear.
Further into the bank, Resnick ordered the hostages into the large vault. “Come on! Move! Get in there.” When Dean was the last to follow, Ronald stopped him. “You, lock it up.”
“Everyone, just stay cool, alright?” Dean gave Riley and Sam an apologetic look before closing the vault. 
They both sighed as the door slammed and was locked.
“Who was that man?” a woman asked from behind them. She was a teller at the bank with long and curly strawberry-blonde hair with a name tag that read: Sherry.
With a tone of worry, Sam replied, “my brother.”
“Oh,” she swooned. “He is so brave.”
Riley rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, “oh, for fuck’s sake.”
With his uniform disguise finally removed, Dean went through the multiple hallways of offices with Ronald in tow.  
“So, uh--” Ron stuttered nervously. “That girl you guys are with...is she--is she seeing anybody?”
Dean stopped dead in his tracks and spun to give Ronald a firm look. “Yeah. Me.”
Realizing he had just stepped in it with the large hunter, Resnick cleared his throat. “Oh, yeah that’s--that's great. You two make a beautiful couple,” he chuckled awkwardly.
The two went into the bank manager’s private office and the hunter looked around as Resnick went behind the desk. 
With a cry out, he slipped and fell onto his back. He was lying on something wet and slimy that appeared to be flesh-like. Seeing what he had been touching, Ronald began to scream before standing up in a panic.  
“What--what the hell is that?”
“Oh great.” Dean walked over to the pile of flesh and knelt to look. “When it changes form, it sheds its skin. So, now it could be anybody.” He sighed. “Alright, let’s get one thing straight, it’s not a man-droid. This thing is a shapeshifter.”
“Yeah. I mean, it's human; more or less. Has human drives and in this case, it's money. But it generates its own skin, it can shape it to match someone else's features--you know, taller, shorter, male... And it doesn’t always kill the ones they shift into. I don’t think it really matters to them.” As Dean stood, he searched the desk before finding a letter opener and sighing in relief.  
“What’s that for?”
“Remember old werewolf stories? It’s kind of the same thing with these guys. Silver’s the only thing I’ve seen that hurts them.” Dean began to stride out of the room as he flipped the blade in his hand. “Come on, Ronald.”
The two headed down a wide corridor as Ron began to chuckle to himself in joy while smiling ear to ear. 
Dean looked at him skeptically. “What the hell’s wrong with you? You nuts?”
“That's just it. I'm not nuts. I mean, I was so scared that I was losing my marbles. But this is real! I mean, I---I—I was right! Except for the man-droid thing. Thank you.”
“Yeah, don’t mention it.”
Dean and Ron took only a few more steps forward before the power went out. It went completely dark before a few dim backup lights turned on.
“Dammit. No, no, no, no, no.” Dean looked around with worry. “Shit. They cut the power. Probably their way of saying hi.”
Ronald’s anxiety grew as he followed his newfound partner onward. “The cops?!”
“Well, you weren't exactly a smooth criminal about this, Ron. I mean, you didn't even secure the security guard. He probably called them.”
“Oh my god. I didn’t--I didn’t even think to--”
Interrupting him, Dean put out a hand asking him to calm down. “Alright, hang on, hang on. Let's just take a breath here for a second. They’ve probably got us surrounded. They've cut the power to the cameras, so there's no way of telling who the shapeshifter is.” The hunter took a deep breath and ran a hand over his face. “It’s not looking good, Ron.”
A clattering noise came from nearby and the two turned towards it. Ron jumped and pointed his rifle.
“Did you hear that?” Dean asked in a hushed voice.
Inside the vault, the hostages had tried to make themselves comfortable on the floor while they waited. Sam lightly paced as Riley leaned up against the safety deposit boxes with her arms folded. They had both slipped out of their fake uniforms and had tossed them off to the side.
Shelly, the teller already infatuated with Dean, spoke over Sam’s shoulder. “So, has your brother always been so--” she giggled. “Wonderful? I mean, staring down that gun. And you know the way he played right into that psycho's crazy head, telling him what he wanted to hear. I mean, he's like--” the girl smiled, “a real hero or something.”
“Alright,” Riley interrupted, obviously annoyed. “That’s enough outta you, Strawberry Shortcake. Why don’t you just go have a seat with the others?”
Sam laughed to himself as Riley went back over to him.  
The vault door slowly opened as Dean stood in the doorway with a handgun.
Grinning with excitement at the sight of the older brother, Shelly jumped a little. “Oh, my god! You saved us! You saved us!”
“Actually, I got a couple more. Alright, people let’s go, let’s go.”  
Staring in puzzlement, Shelly watched as several people were herded inside, including the security guard.  
“What are you doing?” she asked brittlely.
“Hey, uh--Sam? Rye? Ronald and I need to talk to you.”
The two followed him out of the vault before Dean closed it and sealed it behind them. They walked away from the sealed room as red and blue lights flashed through the blinds.  
“It shed its skin again.”
“Oh fuck...” Riley said pinching her nose. “It could be anyone. It could be up in the halls; hell, it could be in the vault.”
“Great,” Sam replied with a scoff. “You know, Dean, you are wanted by the police. So even if we do find this damn thing--how the hell are we gonna get out of here?”
Dean sighed and shook his head softly. “One problem at a time, little brother. I’m gonna go do a sweep of the whole place, see if we can find any stragglers. Rye, you come with.” Handing her another letter opener he had found, Dean then turned to Sam. “Once we get everyone together, we've got to play a little game of ‘find-the-freak'. Now stay here, make sure Ronald doesn't hurt anybody, okay? Help him manage the situation.”
Sam’s voice raised in outrage. “Help him manage? Are you insane?!”
Alerted by Sam's raised voice, Ronald looked over. 
Dean gazed past Sam and gave Ron a grinning thumbs-up. Quietly, he spoke under his breath to his brother. “Look, I know this isn’t going the way we wanted...”
“He’s right,” Riley interjected. “If we let the cops in right now, Ron gets arrested, we get arrested, and we’ll probably never catch the shifter. Sammy, I am not about to let that happen.”
The hunters turned to see Resnick in plain view to the cops with his weapon raised as Sam gestured at him in exasperation.
Riley rolled her eyes before whispering firmly. “Ron! What are you doing, man? Get out of the light!”
“Seriously?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, Ron's game plan was a bad plan,” Dean admitted. “I mean, it was a bit of a crazy plan, but right now crazy's the only game in town, okay?” He slapped Sam on the shoulder and took Riley’s hand as the two hurried off to finish their search.
There was an awkward silence as Sam stood there alone with Resnick. “...hi, Ronald,” he said obviously fake and forced. When he got no response but an uncomfortable look, Sam headed back to the vault. He opened the door and looked inside. “I'm going to leave this open--give you guys some fresh air, all right? But no one leaves this vault.”
A nearby phone began to ring and Ronald jumped at the noise. Without thinking, he went to pick it up. “H--hello?” There was a pause as he listened to the other end. “Demands? What do you mean demands? No, no, no--I--I'm not a bank robber.” 
Sam looked in his direction and scolded him to hang up. 
“--kind of a crime fighter I guess.” Ronald listened to the caller. “No, I’m acting alone.”
In a huff, Sam rushed over to him and slammed the phone back on the hook. “Ronald, the less the cops know, the better.”
In the vault, an older security guard began to yell for help saying he thought he was having a heart attack. The others were shouting that he needed help.
“Great, could be our guy,” Sam sighed. “Go guard the door.” After Sam gave Ronald the order, he picked up the phone to make a call. “Look,” he spoke to the other end of the line. “One of our people could be having heart trouble. You need to send in a paramedic.” There was a pause as Sam listened before shouting. “Just send in a paramedic and don’t try anything else. Please!��� Hanging up, Sam ran his hands over his head. He knew they were in trouble.  
The couple had been actively searching before they found their way into another office. With flashlights in hand, they scanned the area.  
“You know,” Riley started. “This would go a lot faster if we split up.”
Dean shook his head and spoke adamantly. “No way. I’m not letting you out of my sight.” 
When he looked up, there was a ceiling panel slightly askew. “Here,” he said handing her his flashlight. Dean picked up a coat rack nearby and used it to move the panel above them. 
As he dislodged it, a naked man’s body fell to the ground.  
“Lovely,” Riley added sarcastically. 
When Dean turned the body over, they could see it was one of the men in the vault. 
“Oh,” she added. “Well, that’s not good.”
Dean and Riley had hurried back to Sam and a still jumpy Ronald. Whispering to his little brother, Dean told him that they had found.  
When they all looked into the vault, the man that was holding up the aged guard, was the copy. It was the shifter. He was persistent in getting the older man out to get him some help.  
Sam went to the weak guard and helped him out of the small space. “It’s alright, sir. We’re gonna get you some help.”  
“Yeah, let me help you,” the shifter pressed.
Staying cool as to not let the creature know they were onto him, Sam just shook his head with a calm face. “Nah, it’s all good. I got him.” He began to walk the hostage away towards the lobby.
Dean and Riley kept their gaze locked on the shifter. “Hey,” Dean motioned for him to come their way. “Can we talk to you for a second?”
“Sure, man. You’re the one with the gun.” The shifter walked out of the vault as Riley pulled out her letter opener and stepped forward, ready for a fight. 
As soon as he noticed her challenging stare, the creature grabbed Riley by the wrist before hitting her hard and knocking her to the ground.  
Dean growled in fury as he charged at the shifter. Punches were exchanged and the Winchester took a good blow to the face that made him stumble. 
The disguised creature took his opportunity and fled.  
Without any thought, Ronald hurried after it. “Hey! Stop!”
Dean stabilized himself and helped Riley up. “You alright?”  
“Son of a bitch!” she gritted. As soon as she was on her feet, she took off in pursuit.
“Riley!” he yelled out as he chased her.  
Ronald had followed the shifter into the main lobby. As it went to duck behind a marble counter, Resnick raised his automatic weapon to fire. 
Riley and Dean ran in and skid against the tile as they halted to a stop. To their horror, Ron was out in the open again as a laser sight found his back.
“Get down, Ronald!” she shouted.
At the sound of the gunshot through the windows, Dean grabbed Riley with his whole body and threw them down to the ground to hide behind another counter. He balled them up together hoping to shield her from any other shots. 
Sam had been on the stairs taking the guard to safety as he watched the terrible scene unfold.
After a second or two, which felt more like unending minutes, they turned to see Ronald. Feathers that had popped out from his puffy vest fluttered to the ground around him as his eyes were wide with shock. He dropped to his knees and then flat onto his stomach, his arm falling into the shadowed area by the couple.  
Riley pulled away from Dean and crawled on the floor to where the counter ended. She laid flat on her belly and held Ronald’s hand in both of hers. Their eyes met as she forced her abilities to work. 
She focused as much as she could and sent the dying man a feeling of comfort before her voice went into him as his final thought. “I got you, Ron. You did good, buddy. Juan would be proud.” 
Ronald’s face softened and a slight curl went up on his lip as he felt peace consume him. The blood in his mouth dripped onto the floor as Riley felt a breeze through her hair. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to feel Ron’s spirit and to let him know he wasn’t parting this world alone. 
When she opened her eyes, that small hint of a smile stayed frozen on his face. He was gone.
After leaving the guard at the top of the stairs, Sam fled to his partner’s sides. Riley was still on her front, holding on to Ron.  
“Riley,” Dean whispered. “Rye, we gotta go.”
She sniffled before grabbing Ron’s rifle and pushing herself back towards the brothers. Wiping her eyes quickly, she looked at Sam and Dean before giving the older brother the weapon.
Sam handed Dean the chain with the key on it to the outside. “You guys get the guard out, I’m going after the shifter.”
“No,” Riley told him. “I’m coming with you.”
The young Winchester nodded at her request as Dean looked at her with worried eyes. He couldn’t help but think she would be reckless or that history would repeat itself. “Just stay with me.”
Riley put a hand to the side of his face and kissed him gently. “This is something I gotta do. I promise, I’ll be alright.”  
Dean squeezed the hand at his face and she and Sam got up to hurry back into the dark hallways. He looked around furtively and with anxiety before making a dash towards the guard.  
Holding onto their flashlights, Sam and Riley vigilantly made their way through the darkness. 
Sam put his hand out as if asking for the letter opener. She slapped it away and shot him a look of irritation. Anyone watching would have believed they were real siblings as they silently exchanged “give it to me” and “no” through annoyed facial expressions. 
Sam scoffed and rolled his eyes as he gave up asking.
As the two came around the next corner, there was the teller, Sherry with another employee. They both froze in terror and put their hands up as the hunter’s flashlights lit them up.
“Please,” Shelly begged. “Don’t hurt us.”
Having already been exasperated with the woman, Riley sighed with frustration. “What the hell are you doing out here? Get your asses back in the vault. It’s not safe!” 
The two women’s heels clicked on the tiles as they scurried away. 
Sam gazed down at his surrogate sister with a hooked eyebrow. 
“What?” she asked. “The girl gets on my nerves.” Riley began to walk on and Sam chuckled to himself as he followed.
Holding the guard in front of him and the rifle in his other hand, Dean approached the front door slowly. Outside, several paramedics pulled a stretcher out of an ambulance while the S.W.A.T. team set up on the steps ready to shoot.  
Dean stood behind the hostage and spoke gently to him as he guided him forward. “This’ll all be over soon. Everything’s gonna be alright.” He unlocked the door and guided the guard a step outside.  
The guard shook in fear as he yelled, “please! Please don’t shoot!”
As the officers began to advance, Dean shouted firmly. “No, no, no, no, no. Don't even think about it!” The hunter looked around at the media frenzy and number of first responders that surrounded them. It was in that moment that Dean truly began to worry if they would be able to get out of there that night. 
“Son of a bitch,” Dean whispered before yelling again. “I said get the fuck back! Now!” After a pause ensuring the situation was going according to plan, he told the guard to go. 
As the weak man stumbled out, Dean hurried behind the doors and latched them once again. “We are so fucked,” he muttered.
His phone rang and he fumbled to get it out as he answered slightly out of breath. “Sammy?”
“Yeah, it slipped its skin again. This bastard shifts fast--faster than the one from St. Louis.”
“Shit,” Dean hissed as he ran a hand over his head. “God, it's like playing the shell game. It could be anybody. Again.”
“Yeah, I think most of the employees are out of the vault by now.”  
“Alright, you search every inch of this place, I'm gonna go round everybody up. And Sam--watch out for Riley,” he added before hanging up.
Tired and completely on edge, Dean ushered the hostages back into the vault. He sighed heavily as Sherry was the last one to go in. 
She turned to face him. “I thought you were one of the good guys.”
“My name’s Dean,” he told her gently.
Hesitating before she spoke, the teller said, “I’m Sherry.”
“Hi, Sherry. Everything's gonna be all right. This will all be over soon, okay?” Trying to give her one last look of comfort, Dean closed the vault and spun the lock. 
Just then, the phone rang. Dean sat his handgun down to answer. “Yeah?” he asked firmly.
“This is Special Agent Victor Henriksen.”
“Yeah, listen, I'm not really in the negotiating mood right now, so--”
The agent interrupted him with obviously no time for his games. “Good. Me neither. It's my job to bring you in. Alive's a bonus, but not necessary.”
“Whoa. Kinda harsh for a Federal Agent, don't you think?”
“Well, you’re not the typical suspect, now are you Dean?” 
Horrified that the agent knew his name, Dean stood frozen before Henriksen spoke again. 
“I want you, Sam, and Riley out here, unarmed--or we come in. And yes, I know all about Sam and your girl, Riley. Your little brother and the Bonnie to your Clyde.”
Dean smirked at the reference knowing Riley would have loved it too. “Yeah, that part’s true. But how did you even know we were here?”
“Go fuck yourself, that’s how I knew. It’s apparently become my entire job to know you three. I’ve been looking for you for weeks now, Dean. I know about the murder in St. Louis and I know about the Houdini act you pulled in Baltimore. I also know about the desecrations and the thefts. I also know about both your dads.”
“You don’t know shit about our dads,” Dean replied trying to contain his anger at the comment. 
“Ex-marine raised his kids on the road, cheap motels, backwoods cabins--real paramilitary survivalist type. I just can't get a handle on what type of whacko he was. White supremacist, Timmy McVeigh, to-may-to, to-mah-to. And then there’s Riley’s old man. Now, that one stumped me a bit. She was raised the same way you and Sam were, but the guy was a mechanic in his earlier years. I’m assuming he was involved in whatever bullshit your own father was.”
“You got no right talking about our dads like that. They were heroes.”
“Yeah. Right. Sure sounds like it. You have one hour to make a decision or we come through those doors full-automatic.” The line went dead as Henrikson hung up on Dean.  
The hunter softly pounded the phone into his forehead in irritation before slamming the phone back onto its hook.
Sam and Riley were still searching the halls when they saw blood on the floor in front of a closet. 
As Sam quickly threw the door open, the half-dressed body of Sherry fell out. Her throat is slit, her face grey and empty.
Riley cringed and felt herself nearly sick at the sight. Blood and gore didn’t affect her in the slightest. Though seeing that woman with her throat cut open by a shifter was enough to bring her back to memories she was still trying to suppress. 
She gulped hard as she finally stared down at the body. “Fucking bastard.”
Turning fast on her heels, Riley spun around and began to jog back to the vault. Sam hurried to be at her side.  
When they finally reached the vault, Riley steadied her breathing. “We got a problem,” she told Dean.
“Yeah, we got a bit of a problem outside, too.”
“It’s Sherry. The teller.”  
Dean made a face of ‘dammit’, before opening up the vault. The scared hostages all flinched and stared back in fear. “Alright, Sherry, we’re gonna let you go.”
“What? Why me?”
“Sign of good faith, okay?” Riley tried not to snark.  
Nervously and almost stammering, Sherry stood with the hostages. “I, uh--I think I'd rather stay with the others.”
Riley bit her lip in anger as she struggled to control her rage and walked over to the woman. “I’m afraid we’re gonna have to insist.”
Back where Sam and Riley had found the woman’s body, the three guided Sherry to it and shoved her into the room. When she saw the replica of her body, dead on the ground, Sherry began to scream hysterically.
“Is that community theater or are you just naturally that good?” Dean teased.
Riley’s eyes grew slightly dark with hate as she got closer to Sherry. “I’m gonna make sure you never turn into anyone else ever again.” 
Sherry screamed and wailed in response. 
In that instant, Riley could hear the woman inside. She wasn’t a monster, she was truly just a terrified woman. 
But before she could tell Sam, Sherry fell to the ground and fainted. Riley ran a hand through her hair. “Shit.”
Sam looked at her, confounded. “What?”
“It’s not her.”
“Of course, it’s her.”
“No...” she groaned. “She may be annoying as hell, but she’s not a monster. I could hear her thoughts...finally.”  
“Oh, for fuck’s sake...” Dean uttered under his breath as he went to check the hallways again.
Riley crouched beside the body they had found, perplexed. As she turned to look at Sam, the eyes of the body opened and stared up at her. It was the shapeshifter. 
The creature grabbed her by the throat and Riley fought back. With the letter opener in hand, Riley struggled and stabbed at the shifter.
Sherry woke up, terrified once again and screaming. Sam went to her side but then looked back at Riley unsure of what to do.  
“Get her out, Sam! Now!” Riley demanded in the scuffle. 
With hesitation, Sam complied and took the woman out of the room.  
Finally escaping Riley’s grasp, the shifter kneed the hunter in the face sending her onto her back before fleeing. Riley practically growled in anger as she got up to go after it. 
Sprinting in its direction, she rounded a corner and the shifter hit her in the face, hard. Riley stumbled and then stood tall. Cracking her neck, she got into a fighting stance and eyed the creature. “Bring it on, bitch.” 
She swiped at it with the silver blade and it avoided the attack before retaliating. The two tussled as the monster got in two good head butts. 
Riley slashed at her again and the shifter grabbed her wrist and wrenched it up. The hunter grasped ‘Sherry's’ forearm as the monster’s skin slipped off stickily. “Ugh...” she groaned. “Fuckin’ gross.”
Riley kicked her hard and then hit her several times in the face. She grabbed her leg and wrenched it back, shoving her against the wall. They struggled like that for a moment before the hunter managed to ram the silver blade into her chest. The creature groaned and Riley let its body slide to the floor. 
Panting from the fight, Riley knelt down to look at the disguised monster to ensure it was dead. It felt so good to see another shapeshifter wasted. And it felt even better that she was the one to do it.
A noise came from nearby and she flinched in its direction. 
It was Dean. “Rye, what the fuck happened?”
She chuckled. “Bitch was a fighter.”
Dean crouched beside Riley and looked her over for serious injuries. “You alright?”
“Yeah. I’m good.” She looked at the creature one more time with satisfaction. “I’m good.”
Lights came from around the corner as the S.W.A.T. team stared them down. They panted nervously looking at the officers that had found and cornered them.
After the feds and S.W.A.T. team had made their way inside, they cleared each hallway. Along the way, they found the body of the man that had fallen from the ceiling and the body of the Sherry duplicate.
“Sir?” an officer said to Agent Henriksen. “My team said it's secure. They're gone”.
“You tell your team to tear it apart!” the agent shouted. “The ducts, the ceilings, the furnace, everything!”
“I don't think that's necessary.”
“Why the fuck not?”
The officer took Henriksen to a broom closet where other officers had gathered. Inside, there were three men stripped down to their underwear and handcuffed to each other on the floor. 
Henriksen’s head fell in defeat and humiliation as he realized the three had gotten away.
Three figures in S.W.A.T. armor with weapons had exited the bank and were running up the stairs on the outside of a building. They left the stairs and turned into the deck of a parking garage and walked towards a car--it was the Impala. 
As they get into the Chevy, the three in uniform pulled off their helmets and masks. It was Sam, Dean, and Riley. They all were still shaking after having only just barely escaped. 
Riley’s hair fell and she brushed a hand through it as they sat in silence.  
Their situation was bad and they knew it. The hunters, of course, had experienced their fair share of run-ins with the law, but now the feds were on their tail. How the Winchesters and Riley were going to con their way out of that nightmare, was beyond them.
“We’re so fucked,” Dean admitted. 
His partners both nodded their heads minutely.  
With nothing left to say, it was time they got out of there. Dean started Baby up and hurried them out of the parking structure. The only way to stay safe for the time being was to get as much distance between them and Milwaukee as they could.  
Sam leaned forward and turned on the stereo to beat the uncomfortable quiet. Styx’s song ‘Renegade’ came through the speakers and the brothers and Riley looked at each other, slightly shocked by the odds of it playing. But, as no one spoke up, the song played on as they disappeared down the road.
“Oh, mama, I’m in fear for my life from the long arm of the law. Lawman is pullin' into my runnin', and I'm so far from my home. Oh, mama, I can hear you a-cryin', you're so scared and all alone. Hangman is coming down from the gallows, and I don't have very long...”
S2 Chapter 8: Born Under a Bad Sign
SIDE BAR: I LIVE for the love and reblogs, but since big things are happening, maybe don’t put spoilers in the reblog comment section and leave them just in the regular comments lol Love you ALL!
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54 notes · View notes
Love, Death & Robots.
Can I just say, how happy it makes me, that the anthology series is back?
I mean, Love, Death & Robots isn‘t the first by a long shot … but still, I am glad that this art form is back. It lends itself so very beautifully to the telling of small stories.
I lnow I am late on the band wagon, but this is my hot take on Love, Death & Robots. Just fresh of bingeing it. No reflection just feeling … or in other words, the result of rubbing my last two sleep deprived braincells together.
It‘s just my opinion, nothing more.
On the technical side of things …
This show is fucking gorgeous. The style usually goes with the general tone of the story, all of them competently and craft fully realized. The same goes for the voice work, the sound design and the soundtrack.
On a side note, diversity is so so, could be better but could be worse … I‘d say average …
It‘s definitely NC-17. Blood, gore, violence, sex and lovingly rendered co**s. We have it all. If you are sensible … you might want to skip some of the stories …
Beware … here there be spoilers
"Sonnie's Edge"
A woman named Sonnie remotely controls a genetically-engineered monster in underground gladiatorial battles. A rich man offers her a lot of money to lose, but she refuses. After she wins the combat, he comes back to make her pay, only to discover he got things very wrong.
I really liked the concept of the story, though not so much the execution. I am just not a huge fan of the „live begins at rape“-trope and I thought that backstory element was rather clumsily handled. I also feel like we could have reached the same twist wit a different backstory …
It‘s a really great twist.
I mean, I am not to clever, maybe you‘ll see it coming a mile away … but I still think it‘s a good twist …
Carefull, gore and boobs …
"Three Robots"
After the destruction of humanity, three robots take a vacation tour around seemingly abandoned city, trying to understand how humans lived based on their limited knowledge of them and the things they left behind. The surprise comes when they met a cat.
It‘s exactly what it says on the tin. It is sweet, adorable, funny … surprisingly meta in it‘s message, without getting too heavy handed, it has kittens … I love it.
If you have problems with skulls, skip it, there a loads of it here …
"The Witness"
A woman witnesses a murder in a building in front of the hotel where she is staying. She flees from him through a surreal city.
What it say on the tin. The twist isn‘t really a surprise if you pay attention, but it‘s a case of blink and you miss it.
I like the concept a lot and the execution was alright …
Nudity … lots of it … also blood … so, if that is a no, for you … skip it. Otherwise, I really like the twist … I say that a lot …
A small community of farmers pilot mech suits to defend their land from an invading swarm of insectoid aliens.
Again, what it says on the tin … a little heavy handed with the characterization, but they have only minutes to establish them, so that‘s O.K. for me. The characters are all very sweet and caring … not so much a twist ending as a WTF moment.
The violence is relatively tame … maybe PG 13, if you can stomach alien blood and a major character death …
"Sucker of Souls"
Awakened by an archaeological excavation, a bloodthirsty demon fights a crew of mercenaries.
What‘s on the tin.
I really liked this one. I like the  archaeologist, I like the mercenaries, … The ending is a bit … not disappointing … but you feel a bit cheated.
I also feel like this could work very well as Terror AU, with Goodsir being the archaeologist and the mercenaries being Crozier, fem-Blanky and … maybe Fitzjames …
The actual gore … rather graphic, though the style isn‘t hyper realistic … if you‘re sensible, definitely skip this one …
"When The Yogurt Took Over"
Yogurt developed by scientists becomes sentient and takes over the world.
What can I ay? It‘s what‘s on the tin.
Rather tame, except for a few moments of very dark humor … the style is very cartoony, so … not for the faint of heart maybe, but it should be fine for most people.
"Beyond the Aquila Rift"
Blue Goose's crew—Thom, Suzy, and Ray—are on a mission to reach beyond the Aquila Rift, but an error in the routing plot causes unexpected events to happen.
Sort of, what it says on the tin … but not …
I really liked it, … not particularly gory per see except for a quick scene … but if you hate spiders, definitely stay away … also boobs …
This one would also make for a great Terror AU, with Crozier as the Captain and Sophia as his long lost acquaintance …
"Good Hunting"
In early 20th century China, a boy becomes friends with a shape-shifting huli jing after his father kills the huli jing's mother. Years later, living in a steampunk Hong-Kong, they find each other again.
I really like the idea behind this … the thought  that magic can not exists in a world full of iron and steam. I loved that concept back in Lords and Lady's and I still love it.
I just could have done without the sex trafficking …
I‘d prefer d if she‘d just gotten a new body on her own terms, … Because I really like the concept that she has to change herself completely in order to control this new magic …
Definitely not for the faint of heart … what‘s on the screen is upsetting enough … the implications even more so …
Also, lots of nudity …
"The Dump"
A city inspector tries to convince Ugly Dave to move out of his house which is located in a dump. However, Dave and his pet are not intent on doing so.
This one was wearing tapp shoes … but I still like it … its cute … and dark … sensible people … maybe skip it …
Nudity … death and gore … also a puppy …
Two close friends in the Marines with supernatural powers have to fight one of their own in Afghanistan.
Whats on the tin. Short, sweet, heartbreaking … gore … major character death … Nudity
"Helping Hand"
An astronaut faces a life or death situation after an accident while spacewalking in orbit. Now she has to decide, arm or live …
This was a hard one for me to watch … not so much for the gore … there is none … but just seeing her being so brave and inventive and … so so fucked … it was a hell of a ride, for me it was worth it …
God damn she is awesome!
"Fish Night"
Two salesmen get stuck in the desert, and discover that the desert is not what it seems at night.
I love it!
I loved the concept wen Pratchett came up with it for wee free men … where he mentioned it in a throw away line … and I was angry at myself for days, that I never came up with it myself …
Spooky, pretty … bloody … there was a shark … Nudity
I was sad, but I‘ll definitely give it a rewatch …
This doesn't so much work as an entire Terror AU, but I feel like, the concept does lend itself easily to being used with Silna …
"Lucky 13"
A pilot recalls her missions aboard the dropship Lucky 13, which had already lost two crews before.
Boy did I cry at this one … bit gory … and onions, so many onions … who the fuck needs so many onions at this time of night?
But yeah, I have a thing for ships … sue me …
"Zima Blue"
A reclusive artist gives a final interview after 100 years.
I love this … the style is very stylized and lends itself beautiful to the story … ah … I think this is even something for the faint of heart … also, in my case onions …
A cyborg crew attempts to rob a convoy.
What‘s on the tin, pretty straight forward … nothing special … but I feel that is less the stories fault and more the fact that it is simply outclassed among all the others …
Violent, but cartoony … so … no idea … proceed with caution?
"Ice Age"
A couple who just moved into the apartment finds a civilization inside an antique refrigerator.
What‘s on the tin.
Really sweet, really cute … cute couple … I feel like, some of the lines could have used one more rewrite, but that is me nitpicking. I really liked it, it was awesome, definitely gonna rewatch it … I feel like this is even for the faint of heart …
It is also very refreshing to see a married couple just hanging out together … love it
"Alternate Histories"
Multiversity, an alternative history research simulation app, shows the viewer the death of Adolf Hitler in 6 different timelines on their welcome demo.
I feel like Douglas Adams came back from the dead to write this … I get defined Hitchhiker vibes.
Ah … dark, but super cartoony, so the violence is rather tame … still, not G rated, despite the style … Nudity
I liked it a lot …
"Secret War"
A platoon of Red Army soldiers hunt down the undead in the forests of Siberia.
What it say on the tin.
The style is super realistic, so nothing for the faint of heart. Blood, gore … more blood, more gore …
I liked it …
And, is it just me, or is the Lieutenant the spitting image of John Morfin?
This would make an amazing Terror AU, you pretty much only have to change the names … even the Lieutenants second gives me Collins vibes …
I hope I got all the Nudity, but there is a lot of it … not even always in a sexy way, just in a “humans sometimes are naked” way …
And that was  Love, Death & Robots.
Was it good?
Hell yes!
Do I want more?
Definitely …  though I don‘t have to high hopes for a potential second season … once burned twice shy … But I‘d be delighted if we get one as good or even better.
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platonic-plots · 6 years
I thought you were someone else.
Request/Summary: After living in alleyways for months on a case, you were tired of living off of next to nothing. When a stranger leaves his wallet unattended, it almost seems like fate.
Pairings: sam x platonic!reader, dean x platonic!reader
Words: 1,729
Warnings: swearing, brief mention of death
Specific time/Important info: this is my entry for @waywardnewcomer​ ‘s writing challenge, with the prompt “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
You wiped the dirt from your forehead as you took a step into the diner.
“Salt and burn?” the owner asked you as you met her at the counter. Flo was a retired hunter, probably in her late 60s, who’d opened this place a while back. After being in the business for so long, she could spot a hunter from miles off; that’s how she’d gotten to know you. Usually, she’d treat hunters like any other customers (although, she would throw in a free beer or pie every once in a while if she felt like they needed it). You were a little different, though. You guessed that your young age was the reason she always let you clean up in the bathroom, or cooked you a hot meal on the house every now and then, or made sure you knew she was there for you if you needed anything. You’d been in this town for a few months at this point. Initially, you’d arrived for only one case, but you quickly became side-tracked by lots of smaller ones. After all, you had a big heart - you wanted to do everything you could to make sure everyone was safe, even if you were only a teenager. You still hadn’t solved the main case, but you were close.
“Yeah, but this one did not want to leave,” you gave a small chuckle at the end.
“I can tell,” replied Flo as she threw you the key to the bathroom. Smiling in response, you hurried to clean yourself up and change into a spare set of clothes you carried in your backpack, not wanting to waste anyone’s time. 
You came back out the bathroom and gave Flo her key back. As you did, she slid a bottle of water across the counter. You quickly unzipped your bag, doing your best to round up the few coins in the bottom of it, hoping you could scrape together a dollar. 
“Don’t worry about it, hun.”
“No I-”
“Y/n.” She used her grandma voice on you. 
“A-are you sure?” You appreciated everything she did for you but, at the same time, you didn’t want her to know that you didn’t have much to call your own. 
“It’s a bottle of water, y/n, I don’t think it’s going to bankrupt me.”
You smiled gratefully: “Thank you, Flo.” The harsh reality was, the only times you didn’t have to scavenge or steal food and drinks were when Flo gave them to you.
After saying goodbye, you left the diner and turned the corner to find the outdoor seating area. You looked around. It wasn’t busy, but there were a few people scattered about. Two men caught your eye.
“Hey, Dean, come look at this,” the taller one called over to the other. You watched carefully as the second one, ‘Dean’, took his burger from the table and met with the other man. He’d left two drinks unattended, as well as… You craned your neck slightly. Ah, his wallet. On the one hand, you usually had a heart of gold. On the other hand, he shouldn’t have been stupid enough to leave such a valuable possession just out in the open.
A girl’s gotta eat. Hell, a girl’s gotta survive. That’s quite a difficult task without money. Checking the two men were both looking the other way, you made your way past their table, swiped the wallet as subtly as you could, and carried on walking.
You held your breath.
“Hey! Kid!”
Without thinking twice, you took off running. At least, you thought, you knew this place better than they did. With every twist and turn through almost forgotten roads, you regularly looked behind you – the two men weren’t letting you get away that easily. It had been merely minutes, but you felt like you’d been fleeing from them for an eternity.
You’d subconsciously betrayed yourself; the next thing you knew, you were nearing the back of the alleyway that you’d adapted to be your ‘home’ since you’d arrived at the town.
‘Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.’ These men were complete strangers. They could’ve been murderers for all you knew, and you’d led them straight to where you resided. ‘Great idea, y/n,’ you thought to yourself.
They’d been a fair few meters behind you as you ran, so there was a slim chance that they hadn’t seen the exact turn you’d taken. Not wanting to take any chances, you hid behind a few boxes and began to look through the wallet – the men seemed overly eager to get it back, after all.
As soon as you’d emptied its contents, one word returned to ring around your head: ‘shit.’ There were about five IDs stuffed in one of the pockets, all depicting different aliases, mainly just of John Doe names. Not to mention the abundance of credit cards, all under a variety of names. You’d pieced the puzzle together – this, plus the whole ‘rolling up to a new town for the first time in pristine suits’ thing. From your experience, it was enough to set alarm bells ringing.
They were hunters. They were the Winchesters.
You’d never met them before, and you’d only glimpsed at pictures, but your parents had worked a lot with John in the past, and even been on a few cases with the brothers themselves. They were the best in the business – they were not people to mess around with.
You barely had time to think about it as you heard footsteps approaching.
“Sam, I think that’s her.”
You messily shoved the items back into the wallet before standing up to face them, sliding the wallet across the floor, back to the man you knew was Dean.
“I-I-I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
“Hey! You don’t steal peoples sh- wait, excuse me? What’s that even supposed to mean?” He was far past angry, and you were approaching terrified.
“Dean, she’s just a kid.” Sam had been looking around at where you’d been living for the past few months – there was an unrolled sleeping bag, a couple of blankets, two rucksacks and a small tattered suitcase, all tucked behind a dumpster. He looked at you with sympathetic eyes and continued to speak, ignoring the protests from his partner. “My name’s Sam and this is my brother Dean.” He took a small step forward before speaking again, “you shouldn’t be out here alone – there’s something going on around here, it isn’t safe.”
You quickly reached over and took the notebook from inside one of the bags and flipped to the right pages, handing it to the friendlier of the two.
“I-I know, at first I thought it was changelings, but th-then I realised it couldn’t have been,” you paused as your shyness was getting the better of you.
The men looked at you in shock, and Dean broke the silence: “You’re a hunter.”
You gave a small nod in response.
He didn’t think before he blurt out “Aren’t you a little young? Where are your parents?” You watched his face physically drop as he realised that he could almost definitely guess the answer, and there was a touch of empathy in his gaze.
“I turned sixteen a couple of months ago. My dad was killed by hellhounds, I think it was just over three years ago. My mom committed suicide about a week later.”
Over the years, you’d learnt that you weren’t very good at talking about yourself or talking to strangers – you wanted to change the topic back ASAP.
“Um, at first, it was only the kids and mothers who went missing. There were a few moms who I interviewed a couple of days before anything happened to them, but they didn’t have any bruises on the backs of their necks. And now whole families have gone – I-I think it only went for kids at first because they were easy targets. I’m certain it’s a shape-shifter, because I’ve saw its shedded skin around the alleyways a couple of times, a-and it’s hiding out in the forest on the east of the town. I haven’t killed it yet because I’ve never been up against a shifter before, and it’s kinda hard to get enough information when almost nobody knows what they are,” you smiled slightly.
Sam had been looking through the notes you gave him with an impressed look on his face, and he was looking at his brother in a way only siblings could – you were watching a silent conversation unravel.
“Y-You can take the notebook with you.” A voice in your head told you how stupid you sounded – these hunters were fully grown adults, they didn’t need your help. Hell, these were the Winchesters. By your logic, if they needed your help, they were well and truly fucked. “I-I mean, if you want to, bu-but it pro-“
“That’s kind of you to say, uhh…”
“Oh – um – Y/n, I’m Y/n.”
“Thank you, Y/n. But we won’t be needing it.” ‘Oh,’ you thought, ‘I was just trying to help.’ Sam turned to Dean, who continued from where his brother stopped.
“We think it’d be more helpful if you came with us. We teach you all you need to know about fighting these guys, and you could tell us everything you’ve found since you got here.” He paused momentarily: “And maybe if you don’t end up hating our guts, we could go get some pie after it, and maybe you could stay with us for a little while. You seem like a smart kid – a good kid, Y/n.” Dean looked around at your belongings. “We could help you get back on your feet, y’know, give you some support.”
“Wow, oh, uh, thank you. That really means a lot, but I couldn’t do that to you. You barely know me; I don’t think you’d want this much baggage trailing after you.”
Sam got down to your level. “And you barely know us, yet you’ve just told us everything you’d spent months trying to research and figure out, so I think there’s already some trust between us, don’t you? Hunters are there for hunters, we’ve been in your position before. You don’t have to come with us, but you also don’t have to keep living behind a dumpster.” You shared a smile. Although you’d taken a few seconds to think about it anyway, your mind was already set.
“So what type of pie do you guys like?”
when i was writing this i got into one of those moods where every word that i type is awful and stupid but i don’t 100% hate the final outcome???? i hope you guys enjoyed it :)
forever tags: @phonegalhelp @pointlesscasey @unicorn-sparkles123 @pinapplequeen16 
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Skin- Part 3
Eventual Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,056 (6,098 words in total)
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, angst, language, minor character death, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Please, if you want to be tagged for this series, let me know and I’ll add you! If you want to be tagged for my other fics, I’ll add you! I want to hear what you guys think about this.
This isn’t part of the episode but read this backstory!
Smoking pot with Dean
Feedback is always appreciated
Tags at the bottom
Part One, Part Two
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You groaned and opened your eyes to see you tied up by the wrists that were behind your back. You cracked your neck and looked around, trying to get your eyes to adjust to the darkness. You tried getting out of the ropes and after a few minutes of struggling, you did. Thinking you were alone, you peeked around the corner but saw Dean tied to a chair and you talking to him.
Shit, the shapeshifter must have gotten something from you in order to look like you. You kept hidden and watched as they talked.
“Where’s Sam and Y/N?” You heard Dean ask.
“I wouldn’t worry about them. I’d worry about you.” You heard yourself speak. Were you always speaking that squeaky? You made a mental note to change that.
“Where are they?” He asked again.
“You don’t really wanna know. I swear, the more I learn about you and your family… I thought I came from a bad background. Even her family, did you know she was perfectly fine up until she met you and your brother?” The shapeshifter smirked.
“What do you mean, learn?” Dean asked. You wanted to know too. You watched as the shapeshifter grabbed its head and grimaced. It stayed like that before chuckling.
“You think she cares about you? All she wants is to find the demon that killed her mom and once that happens, she’s gone. She's just hitching a ride from you because she can’t hunt on her own.” Your mouth opened not from shock of the lie the shapeshifter just told but the truth behind it. You were like that once but that was way back when. You were different now.
“Where are they?’ Dean refused to believe fake you.
“The only reason she’s helping you find your dad because John can get the job done. She looks up to you, tries to be just like you so she can leave once she’s ready. I bet you didn’t even know that she likes you. She likes a lot of people. But I mean, this life? Come on, you meet a lot of nice people. Like Becky. I bet if Y/N went down there, she can get Becky to do the unthinkable. Let’s see what happens.” Fake you put a sheet over Dean’s head and left the sewers. You ran out when it was safe and ran to him, taking the blanket off.
“Dean, I’m so sorry.” You looked at him.
“Shit, sweetheart, you need to ice that bruise.” He chuckled, relieved to see the real you. Your cheek was becoming black and blue from how hard the shapeshifter hit you. You got him untied and you looked at him with worry.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you?” He asked back.
“Sam is still out but he’s fine. He’s back there.” You sighed and rubbed your wrists where the shifter tied you up.
“Shit, you must be freezing.” He shed his jacket and put it over your shoulders. That thing was long on John so it was long on Dean which meant it was a blanket on you. The shifter took your clothes so you were only wearing an undershirt and panties.
“Thanks.” You put the jacket on. You and Dean went to get Sam but he stopped you.
“What about those things that the shifter said. Are they true?”
“Dean, I’d rather not talk about that right now. We have more pressing matters to deal with. Ask me again after this is all over.” You sighed and left for Sam who was waking up.
“Sam, the shifter went to Becky’s house. We need to help her.” At the mention on Becky’s name, Sam shot up and he nodded.
“Okay, let’s go.” You and Dean helped Sam up and made your way out of the building you were in. The shifter decided to put you in a building rather than the sewers but you didn’t care.
“Come on. We gotta find a phone, call the police.” Sam said.
“Aw man, you’re going to put an APB out on me?” You sighed but knew it had to be done. Better you than Dean or Sam.
“Sorry.” Sam shrugged.
“This way.” You and the boys started running down the street. You didn’t care of the stares you got, just being in a big jacket with no shoes on and with two men but you kept running. You were passing by a TV store when you saw the TV’s in the windows started playing.
“Guys, guys, look.” You watched as the news reporter was talking about you and Becky.
“An anonymous tip led police to a home in the Central West End, where a S.W.A.T team discovered a local woman bound and gagged. Her attacker, a white female, approximately twenty-four to thirty years of age, was discovered hiding in her home.” You sighed when you saw a picture of you on the screen.
“I’m toast!” you began to get frustrated.
“No you’re not. You’re with us and you won’t get hurt or taken away by police officers.” Dean said, wrapping an arm around you.
“Come on.” Sam took you and Dean down a deserted alleyway and you sighed.
“They said attempted murder.” Sam tried to make the situation less uncomfortable.
“I know. But poor Becky, I can’t even imagine how she’s feeling or what she’s thinking. I mean, I’m not that much larger than she is. How could someone like me take down and do that much damage to someone like her? She seemed pretty strong and looked like she knew how to take care of herself.” You sighed, walking with the boys.
“Maybe because it’s a supernatural creature, it already adds more strength to it.” Sam shrugged.
“Yeah, maybe.” You sighed.
“We need to catch him but we have no weapons.” Dean sighed.
“Your car is still probably at Rebecca’s house. The police did say it left on foot.” You looked at the boys.
“Come on, let’s go.” Sam nodded, walking in the direction of Becky’s house. You walked over to her house and smiled when you saw the Impala still there.
“Oh, there she is! Finally, something went right tonight.” Dean smiled, relieved. You gasped when police cars parked next to Dean’s car.
“Shit!” You sighed. You turned back around to see more on the other end.
“Go, Y/N, get out of here. I’ll hold them off.” Sam spoke up.
“No, I will.” Dean argued.
“Guys, not now. They can’t hold either one of you because you weren’t involved. I need someone to come with me. I can’t be out here, all alone.” You looked at Dean for help.
“Sam, go, I’ll take Y/N.” You and Dean rushed to the gate and he helped you climb over it. Dean followed and he saw Sam raise his hands and walk to the police officers. You ran with Dean and you tried not to think how shitty this was. You couldn’t do this at night so you and Dean waited until the morning to go back to the car. Most likely, they had Sam in questioning but you didn’t know. You managed to get clothes of your own on and handed Dean his jacket back.
“Dean, I’m sorry.” You sighed, looking at him. He stopped inches from his car and he looked at you.
“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have treated you like that. It wasn’t fair to you.” Dean shook his head.
“No, I’m sorry for what you heard. There was a time that I thought about leaving, about being on my own. But that was when I was a kid. I hated what happened to my mom and learning from you or John was the best way to go.” You sighed sadly. Dean opened his trunk and opened the weapons case. You were surprised the police didn’t search and find the weapons.
“Do you want to leave now?” Dean loaded some guns up.
“No, I could never leave you now. You and Sam, even John, are family to me. I don’t turn away from family. At least not anymore.” You sighed.
“Then we’re okay.” He handed you a gun and you grabbed it, putting it behind your jeans. He closed his trunk and walked with you to one of the sewers’ entrances and let you go down first. You raised your gun up and walked down the tunnels, ready to end this but frowned when you came across a room with candles and chains. You saw a figure covered with a sheet and took it off, gasping when you saw it Rebecca. When she opened her eyes, she started freaking out at the sight of you.
“Hey, Rebecca, it’s okay.” Dean untied her and she tried to get away from you.
“Get her away from me!” She yelled.
“No! Rebecca, that wasn’t Y/N! It was the shapeshifter! It was a shapeshifter that killed your brother’s girlfriend too!” Dean calmed her down and you bit your lip.
“Rebecca, I wouldn’t do that. Especially when you’re Sam’s friend.” You sighed, looking at the ground.
“What happened?” Dean asked her.
“I was walking home, and everything just went white. Someone hit me over the head, and I wound up here just in time to see that thing turn into me. I don’t know, how is that even possible?” She cried, looking at you and then at Dean.
“It does that but we got to go, Sam is at your house, talking to you right now.” Dean helped her up and got out of the sewers. You walked to the Impala that Dean drove here and you sighed. You grabbed your gun that you had with you and aimed it as you carefully walked up to the house. You didn't know what to expect. When you heard Sam’s grunt, you rushed inside but not before Dean did. You gasped when you saw Sam being strangled to death by Dean. You knew it wasn’t Dean.
The shifter got off Sam and stared at his body double but he wasn’t too fast because Dean shot him twice in the heart. Rebecca ran to Sam and crouched down, holding his head in her lap while you were with Dean. You looked at the dead shifter and saw he was wearing Dean’s necklace. You took it off him and handed it to Dean with a soft smile.
You got up with Dean and nodded to Sam, deciding it would be best if they got alone time. The shifter was dead, and it was time to go somewhere else. You walked outside with Dean and walked to the Impala. Dean took out a map but you needed to talk first.
“Dean, I never told you what I wanted to tell you before.” You sighed softly.
“It’s okay, sweetheart, you don’t have to tell me.”
“I know but I need to. Days before my mom died, I got visions, nightmares, even, about my mom’s death. I saw it happening as if it was real. But I didn’t think much of it until it actually happened. When it did, I couldn’t stop staring at my mom. I knew about it and I didn’t tell her or stopped her.” You looked down. Dean reached over and touched your good cheek and lifted your eyes to his.
“You didn’t kill her. Even if you did tell her, she wouldn’t have believed an 8-year-old. That was not your fault.”
“Mary sure thought it was.” You nodded.
“Yeah, well, Mary is a dick and she’s dead so I wouldn’t listen to her.” You smiled softly but out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Sam walk over to you.
“So, what about your friend, Zack?” Dean asked.
“Cops are blaming this Y/N Y/L/N girl for Emily’s murder. They found the murder weapon in the girl’s lair, Zack’s clothes stained with her blood. Now they’re thinking maybe the surveillance tape was tampered with. Yeah, Becca says Zack will be released soon.” Sam explained. You rolled your eyes and Dean got in the car.
“I better not get arrested, Samuel Winchester. Otherwise you’ve got hell to pay.” You got in the backseat and Sam got shotgun, Dean taking off out of this town. This may have got to be the craziest hunt you’ve been on but you were glad that Rebecca and Zack were safe.
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headcanonisland · 7 years
What if
Title: What if
Pairing: Reader x Cas
Theme song: Touch by Troye Sivan
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
“You two can head back inside. Sam and I will check out the rogue vamp Jodi mentioned.”
You finished taking out your hair tie before turning back to Dean, hair falling and framing your face. “Just the two of you? Isn’t that case just a couple of towns over? Why don’t we all just go now; get it done quicker?”
“Y/N ’s right,” I finally spoke up. “With the four of us, we can-“
“Dammit Cas,” Dean interrupted, his glare annoyed. “I don’t have time to argue about this. Sammy, let’s go!”
Sam gave you an apologetic look as Dean walked away. “Sorry, it’s just- he’d kill me if he knew I told you this but uh, it’s not just a vamp that’s a few towns over. There’s this girl, and uh, knowing Dean- I should probably be there if it goes south.”
“All the more reason we should all go. We can protect this girl Dean seems to care about,” I continued, missing the pointed look he gave me. Your soft laughter was the only thing that broke my concentration.
“Cas,” you laughed, swatting my arm playfully. The contact sent a pleasant warm wave through my vessel. “It’s not the vampire’s thirst that girl has to worry about.”
I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Your only response was another soft laugh as you moved a strand of your seemingly soft hair behind your ear. But as enthralled by you as I was, I could still hear Sam let out an exasperated sigh.
“Don’t worry about it Sam. We’ll just hang here. Call us if you need anything. You should probably get in the car before Dean leaves without you.”
“Alright,” he smiled before jogging his way to the Impala, but not before sending another look my way.
“Oh, but Sam” you called to him. “Try to find yourself a nice girl and have some fun. Or, you know, a bad one if that’s what you’re into.”
“Shut up!” he cried over his shoulder.
“Make the trip worth the ride,” you cried back, laughing as you turned towards the bunker’s doors. I turned to follow you, but not before hearing a very sarcastic prayer.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hollowed be Thy angel’s brain; his chance has come; we will be done if he doesn’t up his game.
A soft blush covered your cheeks. “I can’t believe I didn’t know you don’t eat. Great friend I am, huh?” You shyly looked back at the plate that now held a serving much too big for you.
“You’re a wonderful friend,” I replied, holding back the frustration that came with that word. Its meaning not strong enough to describe you, yet its power kept me at a distance too far for my liking.
“Well, the boys won’t be back for a while. You mind if I ask you some questions; get to know you better?”
I smiled, gesturing you to continue as you swept another strand of hair behind your ear.
“You must sleep.”
“Angels don’t sleep. We’re not limited to the basic needs of our vessels.”
“So your mind never rests? That sounds exhausting.”
“I suppose it can be. We have what you could call a mental plane where we can go to have a reprieve from prayers and from each other. Time is fluid there. We can escape to events that have occurred or visit possible futures.”
“Whoa. That sounds…intense. So in ‘hairless-apes’ words, it’s like daydreaming?”
“Something like that,” I smiled, very much enjoying your bright attentive eyes on me. Selfishly, I thought of how much I would enjoy having that expression reserved only for me. “But it’s as you said, intense.” Your expression changed again as laughter reached your eyes.
“Alright smart ass. I’m guessing not showering is also an angelic benefit. I on the other hand feel like I still have the stench of shifter flesh all over me. Will you still be here so we can watch a movie or something later? Or will you be-“
“I’m not going anywhere,” I interrupted, excited at the opportunity to be alone with you outside of a case. You smiled back at me.
“It’s about time you decided to take Y/N out on a proper date. I’m surprised she hasn’t ditched your ass yet,” Dean said as he got himself another beer from the fridge.
“Shut up Dean,” Sam chided. “Don’t listen to him Cas. I think you guys will have a great time.”
“No Sam, Dean’s right. Y/N and I do spend a lot of time together, hunting and here at the bunker. But I’ve never taken her anywhere. She’s going to realize that and question why she ever agreed to be with me.”
“Relax man,” Dean clapped me on the back, shaking me out of my anxious mind. “Y/N isn’t like that. She’s cool. And she likes dorky guys, and you my friend, are as dorky as they come. Speaking of which, where are you guys going?”
“I’m taking her to California. We’re going to go blueberry picking. I thought it would be a good idea since it’s her favorite fruit. But now that I think about it, who takes a date to do something as physical as picking fruit?”
“I can think of other activities that are a lot more physical than fruit picking, Cas.”
“Jesus, Dean,” Sam sighed, shaking his head. “Stop listening to him Cas, and please trust me when I say that she is going to love it.”
“Just be careful when you zap her. Last time you zapped me somewhere, I couldn’t poop for a week.”
“Yeah, yeah, Dean. We know,” you laughed as you entered the kitchen. “For someone who says they were inconvenienced by it, you sure bring it up a lot.” You shifted uncomfortably as we all turned our attention to you. Dean was the first to react as he let out a low whistle.
“Wow Y/N. You clean up nicely. Who would have thought the best werewolf tracker this side of Colorado would look like that in a skirt.”
Blushing, you rolled your eyes at him. “It’s called a sundress, Winchester.”
“Whatever it’s called, you look nice,” Sam said as he got up to give you a sideways hug. “Come on Dean. Let’s leave them to it. Besides, I need your help putting a bag around my cast.” He motioned to his arm.
“I still don’t get it Sammy. For a giant you sure are fragile.” Their voices faded down the hall as I turned my attention back to you. Why did I even look away in the first place?
“Am I dressed okay?” you looked down self-consciously, tugging at the hem of your dress. “You said to dress for warm and sunny weather, and to wear comfortable shoes. These flats are okay, but maybe I should bring a pair of nice shoes if you’re planning on taking me somewhere fancy. Now that I think about it, this dress isn’t nice enough for a fancy place. And I didn’t do anything special with my hair-“
I reached over to tuck a strand behind your ear. I always marveled at how soft it was. “You look wonderful. And I’m pleased to see I’m not the only one nervous about this.”
You smiled and looked away. “I don’t know why we’re nervous. We’ve been together for a couple of weeks now.”
“Five weeks.”
“Right, five weeks. And we’ve known each other longer than that.”
“I for one hope this feeling never goes away. I like it.”
You bit the inside of your cheek. You did that sometimes when you tried to stop yourself from smiling. “Alright Mr. Charm. Where are we going?”
“Is the fire really necessary?” I muttered slightly disoriented, blinking as I tried to adjust to my surroundings.
“You tell me Cas,” Dean replied as he placed the bowl he had used for the summoning to the side. “You disappear on Y/N, you leave her alone after she gives you the big news, and you weren’t answering any of our prayers. What’s up with that, man?”
“Where is she?”
“She’s upstairs. Sam’s with her. She’s a wreck. She- You know, you two take the title of Honorary Winchesters very seriously. Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on before Sam gets here. If he sees you here he might just break the holy fire and yank out your grace himself.”
I looked down avoiding his gaze, the shame and guilt of what I had done was just too much to bare. “Has she been crying?”
“Y/N? Are you kidding me? I wish she was! Then Sam and I could do an ice cream run or something. Nope, she’s upstairs doing research for the next hunt.”
I looked up at him then. If Dean noticed the lights in the dungeon flicker uncontrollably, he didn’t voice it. “She can’t go. You can’t let her.”
“You’re preaching to the choir. Why do you think Sam’s up there now? I was blue in the face by the time I was done trying to reason with her,” he looked away as he started to pace the room. “Listen Cas. I summoned you so that I could get a straight answer. Are you in this with her or not? Because if you’re not then whatever. You’re a douche, but that’s your choice. Just tell us all we need to know about raising and protecting a Nephilim child. Sam and I will take care of the rest. The only thing we ask is that if you’re out, you’re out for good. Y/N doesn’t need that. She doesn’t deserve that.”
How could I even begin to explain to him the thoughts that were rampant in my mind? “I…I just don’t want to fail them.”
“That’s what this is about? Dammit Cas. When you have doubts like this you don’t just up and literally vanish on the mother of your future child right after she tells you! You talk about it. But for what it’s worth,” he said empathetically as he moved to break the holy fire. “as long as you don’t go the John Winchester route of parenting, you should be fine. Not like Y/N would let you anyway. And you can bet your ass Sam and I aren’t going to let anything happen to her or that baby. Besides, you already send dorky dad texts. If anything, you’re ahead of the game.”
“You really think so Dean?”
“Don’t worry about what I think. You’ve got a pissed off pregnant hunter upstairs you have to make amends with. Good luck buddy.”
I found you in the library a couple of minutes later. Your back was to me as you read through a lore book, diligently writing notes of whatever it was you were reading. Sam wasn’t there, probably by Dean’s doing.
“Y/N?” your shoulders tensed for the briefest moment before you continued to finish what you were writing.
“Castiel,” you retorted. Your tone and formality made me wince. I took a seat next to you, knowing I had to press on. I had to make this right again.
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left like that.” You didn’t reply. You simply closed the book and turned to me, giving me your full attention. My heart ached at your stare. It wasn’t the doting, attentive kind I had relished in back when I had explained to you that angels didn’t sleep. Nor was it the kind you had bestowed upon me multiple times since then. This was colder, harder, it made me falter. “I- I can’t begin to express my regret.”
“How about you tell me why you left. That would be a good place to start, don’t you think?”
“I was afraid.” scoffing, you looked away, biting the inside of your cheek. “Please,” I implored. “Just let me finish. I was afraid. I was afraid that I would fail you. I have already blatantly placed you in danger just by loving you. What if I’m not able to protect you from the new dangers that come with this? It’s no secret that my past actions have caused chaos and disappointment for many. What if I’m just a disappointment? What if I fail protecting you? What if I choose to be here but become as absent as my own father? What if-what if my good intentions just aren’t enough? It wouldn’t be the first time.”
You reached out and put your hand gently over mine, bringing your other hand to cup my face. I instinctively leaned into your touch. “What if you don’t? What if you are good enough? Did you ever think of that?”
I looked up at your face. Your eyes had lost some of the icy anger that they had held just moments ago. However, now I could truly see the hurt that I had caused you. Another failure on my part.
“Hey, look at me Cas. I get it. Believe me, I do. This is all really new and scary, for both of us. I would be lying if I said a little part of me didn’t want to run away when I found out. But that wouldn’t have changed anything. Do you want to know what kept me grounded?”
“The thought of a child that resembled you.”
“Y/N, my vessel-“
“That’s not what I mean Cas. Forget about looking like your vessel. I know deep in my heart that when I look into that child’s eyes for the first time, I’ll catch a glimpse of you. Of your grace, your essence. The looks of wonder it will give to the world will be the same ones that you probably gave when you saw the stars created, they’ll hold the same amazement yours did as when-“ But I didn’t let you finish. Instead, I leaned in and softly pressed my lips against yours.
“When you first came into my life?” I finished as I slowly pulled away from our kiss.
“You’re a jerk, you know that? You fly off without warning, then you come back, all smooth with your stupidly perfect kisses,” you looked away, trying to hide the smile that was threatening to appear. “Don’t you think, not even for a minute, that I’m not still mad at you.”
I leaned in once more, brushing my lips against your jaw. “What can I do to make it up to you?”
“You can start by never doing this to me again. Do you understand?” a tear streamed down your face now, your voice hitching. “All those times we’ve hunted together, not once did I doubt that you would have my back. But this- This is big Cas. I need you to have my back in this. You’re scared? I’m terrified! And if we’re going to do this, I need to know you’re never going to make me feel that type of panic ever again.”
“Just that type of panic?”
“Smart ass,” you replied, gently pushing me back and letting out a dry laugh. “I’m being realistic here. You and the boys are probably going to get into something dangerous again at some point in this child’s life. Probably saving the world from demonic aliens or something. I can handle that kind of fear. I’m going to have to. I just can’t handle the kind you made me go through today.”
“You have my word.”
“What did you just say? Who taught you this?” I asked in shock, looking down at my son.
“Auntie Hannah was here. She taught Mary and I how to say it. Isn’t that how you say ‘Daddy’ in Enochian?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. You always said he resembled me when he did that. You came into view then, rounding the corner as you entered the library with Mary in your arms.
“Cas! I didn’t hear you come in. Look Mary! Look who it is!”
“Y/N. Can I speak to you for a minute? Alone,” I smiled, trying to hide my concern. You blinked a few times before setting Mary down.
“Robbie. Why don’t you take your sister to the kitchen. I think your Uncle Dean is almost done with the burgers. Maybe, if you two eat all your dinner and ask nicely, he’ll let you help him make the pie. And maybe, if you ask really nicely, he’ll even let you pick out the flavor. Remember, go carefully. Your sister is still learning how to walk.”
We watched them as they slowly left the room. Robbie gently led Mary out the door. He took the role of ‘big brother’ very seriously, no doubt something engraved in him as an important responsibility by his Uncle Dean.
“What’s wrong Cas?” you asked, crossing the room and taking my hands. “Sam just called. He said the hunt went well. Is everything alright? You know you didn’t have to rush back here. Poor Sam-”
“Why did Robbie say that Hannah was here?”
“Did he say it? He couldn’t wait for you to get back so he could say it to you. It was so cute,” you grinned. Unfortunately, I couldn’t meet your enthusiasm.
“Y/N. Please, just answer the question. Was Hannah here?”
“Yes Cas, she was here,” your eyebrows furrowed as you finally began to understand my meaning. “You don’t seriously believe we have to worry about Hannah, do you?”
“Heaven is in turmoil. We can’t be too careful anymore.”
“Heaven’s always in turmoil,” you groaned, rolling your eyes. “I swear. I’m so glad angels don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Heaven, otherwise-“
“This is serious, Y/N. I don’t like the idea of you three alone with any other angel, even Hannah.”
“Okay Cas, first of all, we weren’t alone, Dean was here. Second of all, she doesn’t even take a vessel anymore. If it weren’t for the kids I wouldn’t even be able to hear her. Third, you should know better than anyone that Hannah cares for all of us just as much as Sam and Dean do.”
I looked down at our connected hands. Your thumbs soothingly tracing patterns on the backs of mine. I knew you were right. Hannah had been nothing short of wonderful and supportive when news of Robbie’s arrival reached Heaven. She had been instrumental in guaranteeing our protection, even going so far as to leading a crusade to change the perception of Nephilims.
“I know. You’re absolutely right.”
“Of course I am,” you ginned.
“What would I do without you?” I asked as I moved to brush my thumb along your face. You shook your head, trying to suppress another smile. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” you replied, looking down. “It’s just- What if…”
“What if?”
“What if you had never made your move all those years ago? Remember? When Sam and Dean went to hunt that vampire Jodi had told us about?” I smiled fondly at the memory. Sam and Dean didn’t admit to me until years after you and I were together that the lead had been a sham thought up by both them and Jodi. Apparently, they hadn’t come clean to you, and I sure wasn’t planning on divulging that information.
“I made a move then?” I teased as I moved your hair behind your ear. It was one of my favorite things to do, touch your hair. “What was it?”
“Don’t make me say it,” you blushed as I continued to trace your cheek with my thumb. I could feel your face get warmer as I leaned in.
“Tell me.”
“That day, I came out of the shower looking for you. I wanted to see if you were still up for that movie, or if you wanted to check in on the boys instead. I honestly didn’t think you would want to spend a boring afternoon with me. You probably had better things to do with your time. Anyway, I found you leaning against the kitchen counter. You were zoned out, I think I heard you laugh a little,” you giggled at the memory. “Do you remember?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Then you’ll remember what you did after I snapped you out of your thoughts.”
“Tell me.”
“I touched your hair. I moved a wet strand behind your ear. That was my move?” I smiled.
“I was already head over heels about you at that point but after that, I never stood a chance,” you grinned back. “Why do you think I started to wear my hair down more often after that, you dummy?”
I chuckled then. Was that really all it had taken?
“Cas….  Cas?  Cas? Are you okay?” Your question snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked around disoriented. We were no longer in the library. We were in the kitchen, but it wasn’t as it was before. All the baby proofing Sam and Dean had spent countless hours installing was gone. But what I noticed most was that you were no longer near me. You were across the room barely entering the kitchen, your hair wet.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I was starting to think you had gone to help the boys out with that vamp. Then I heard you chuckle. What was so funny?”
“Sorry. I just-“ I looked around again, trying to get my bearings.
“Oh no,” you laughed as you finally reached me, keeping a polite distance between us. “Did I snap you out of a heavenly daydream?”
My eyes met yours as I finally took a good look at you, looking just as you always had. Lovely.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, biting your lip in concern. “Do you want me to leave you for a moment? You don’t seem like yourself.”
“No,” I blurted out. I couldn’t let you walk out now. I wouldn’t. “I- I just need to try something. What if…” I trailed off as I reached for your hair.
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Hook Man- Part 1
Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,965
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, angst, language, minor character death, blood, you know the usual
Summary: You never thought Bloody Mary would be a real legend. So when you were presented with the idea that the Hook Man could be real, you took no chances. 
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Please, if you want to be tagged for this series, let me know and I’ll add you! If you want to be tagged for my other fics, I’ll add you! I want to hear what you guys think about this.
Read the backstory for this episode!
You go Camping with Dean
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The search for John was getting colder with each day that passed. You tried to give the boys hope but it wasn’t working too well. Sam was losing faith in this whole thing and Dean was shutting himself from everyone else to hide how he really felt.
But you knew.
You could hunt all you want but there is and always has been one goal: Be a family again. You couldn’t do that if John was missing. Just like the start of every case, either Sam or Dean was looking for one while you tried to aid and assist.
Sam was trying to call people that might know where John is and Dean was searching for a case on Sam’s laptop. You were in a rundown café, not really paying attention to what was going on around you.
“We’ll find John. He’s out there, somewhere and he may not want our help but he’s going to get it.” You said to Dean. The boys have been hoping and wondering where John was but no information was found. It was like John didn’t want to be found. It was all very weird to you.
“I know we’ll find him.” Dean said without looking up. You sipped your coffee and looked around you, hoping no one would recognize you from the police pictures from the last hunt. “Hey, your cheek is looking better.”
“Yeah, that shifter can hit. Wow, I’m more worried about being sent to jail than my cheek.” You joked. The bruise the shifter left was barely there but it took a while for it to go away.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.” Dean sighed.
“You did.” You smiled at him. He protected you from anything and everything. It was one of the reasons you were in love with him. You watched Sam hang up the payphone and make his way over to you.
“So, anything?” Dean sounded hopeful but it was more likely false hope than anything.
“No, there is nothing in the FBI’s Missing Persons Data Bank or any John Doe fitting his description. I even had them run his plates for traffic violations but nothing turned up.” Sam said with a sigh. The search for this man was wearing you out more than it should. Where could one man be?
“Sam, maybe your father doesn’t want to be found.” You looked at him to see his shoulders sag and you nodded to Dean to let him show Sam what he found.
“Check this out,” Dean said, showing Sam the laptop. “It’s a news item out of Planes Courier. Ankeny, Iowa. It’s only about a hundred miles from here.”
“The mutilated body was found near the victim’s car, parked on 9 Mile Road. Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible.” You explained, watching Sam’s reaction.
“This could be something.” Dean pointed it out.
“Or it could be nothing at all. One freaked out witness who didn’t see anything? Doesn’t mean it’s the Invisible Man.” Sam shrugged.
“Sam, what if it is? You know John would have checked it out.” You said to him.
“Fine.” Sam said, grabbing his coffee and walking towards the car. Dean huffed and shut the laptop, frustrated with his brother.
“He’ll come around, Dean.” You said, grabbing your coffee and heading to the car with him. You were on the road in no time, speeding towards the state you’ve never been to.
“So how am I going to explain why I’m at a fraternity house?” You asked, looking at the house in front of you.
“Sweetheart, I’m sure you’ll come up with something.” Dean said as he parked in front of the house. You saw about three men working on cars and you knew just how you would be let in. You have to use what you can use best: your sexuality.
You were thankful you wore shorts and a tight shirt as you got out of the car. You looked at the men who stared you down. You hated feeling like a piece of meat but you needed to get inside and that required a bunch of college boys to think with their dicks and not their heads.
“We’re your fraternity brothers from Ohio. We’re new in town and looking for a place to stay.” Dean smiled at the guys who looked at him strangely.
“Who’s she?” One of them said, eyeballing you.
“What? I came to drop my brothers off.” You pulled down your shirt a little and they smirked. You saw Dean take a glance at you and he rolled his eyes.
“My God…” He muttered, walking past the men as Sam went in front of him. You walked behind Sam and you could tell all eyes were not on you but your ass.
“Hey, eyes to yourself.” Dean snapped at them. You giggled and walked inside, looking around. You followed Dean up to a room with its door open and a man who was painting his body purple.
“Who are you?” The guy said, looking at you in the mirror he was in front of.
“We’re your new roommates.” Dean smiled and walked in with Sam.
“Who is she?” He smirked at you through the mirror.
“My sister so back off.” Dean rolled his eyes.
“Do me a favor? Get my back. Big game today.” The frat boy smiled and held out a paint brush to Dean. He looked at you and smirked again. “Unless you would like to do it.”
“I’ll do it.” Sam said, grabbing the paintbrush and the paint bucket, getting to work.
“So, Murph, is it true?” Dean asked, looking at some magazines. You didn’t know how he knew his name but he did. You walked in further and looked around but went to Dean and stood next to him. Oh, the magazine had a name on it.
“Is what true?” Murph asked.
“We heard one of the guys around here got killed last week.”
“Yeah, he did.” Murph said sadly.
“What happened?” Sam asked him, continuing his work.
“They’re saying some psycho with a knife is around here. Maybe a drifter passing through. Rich was a good guy.” Murph said.
“Was he with someone?” Sam wondered
“Not just somebody, Lori Sorensen.” He said that like you were supposed to know who she was.
“Who’s that?” you asked.
“Lori is a freshman and a hot one at that. Plus, she’s the reverend’s daughter.” Murph smiled.
“You wouldn’t happen to know which church, would you?” You asked, sliding your hand sneakily into Dean’s jacket. Thankfully, he was busy pointing his eyes somewhere else to notice and you slipped his keys out, holding them in your hands.
“Yeah, the one that’s across from the college. They’re having service now and I bet Lori is there.” You smiled and nodded, clasping your hands together.
“Great, why don’t I check that out and you three can get acquainted better.” Dean and Sam both looked at you with wide eyes.
“You don’t have the keys.” Dean reached into his pocket but frowned when he didn’t find them.
“No, I think it would be great if you stayed. I mean, she’s not really supposed to be in here and we could use some extra help getting ready for the game.”
“I’ll pick you up later.” You grinned and held up the keys in front of Dean and if he was a cartoon, you would see smoke coming out of his ears at how pissed he was. Before you could get in trouble, you ran out of the place and to Dean’s car, getting in and starting it.
Dean chased after you but you drove off before he could get to you. You grinned and rolled the windows down. To hell with Dean if he says you couldn’t drive the car. You were a great driver and he would need to get over it.
You loved the feel of the Impala’s purr as you drove. She was really a work of art and you were damned if something bad happened to her. You reached the church in no time. You parked and got out, pocketing the keys. You hoped not to interrupt so you quietly opened the door and slipped inside, making sure not to slam the door.
“The loss of a young person is particularly tragic. A life unlived is the saddest of passings. So, please, let us pray. For peace, for guidance, and for the power to protect our children.” Some people must have heard you come in because a girl looked back as you slipped into one of the pews. You saw as everyone bowed their heads and you did the same, out of respect.
The service ended soon after that and you were still seated, waiting for everyone to pass by you. You gathered bits from here and there but when someone said Lori’s name, you perked up and saw a woman walk up to Lori. They both smiled and started talking, walking outside of the church. You got up, heading outside to see if you could talk to them.
You watched from the doors as the two women talked. The other woman seemed to be convincing Lori of something but when the other woman walked away, you took your chance.
“Are you Lori?” You smiled politely.
“Yeah.” She nodded.
“My name is Y/N and I just transferred to the University.”
“I saw you inside.” She nodded.
“I don’t want to bother you. I just heard about what happened and I wanted to say how sorry I am. I know what you’re going through. I saw someone die as well. It’s not something you just forget.” You said gently. You saw an older gentleman walk up to you and you knew he was the reverend by the way he was dressed.
“Dad, this is Y/N. She’s a new student.” You smiled and shook her dad’s hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir. I must say, that was an inspiring sermon.” You said with a smile.
“Thank you very much. It’s so nice to find young people who are open to the Lord’s message.” Her dad nodded.
“Listen, I’m new in town and I was wondering if there was a church group?” You needed him away so you could talk to the daughter.
“Yes, there is indeed, let me go get the information and I’ll find you when I do. “He smiled and walked off, leaving you and Lori alone.
“Tell me, what are the police saying?” You looked at her, walking with her. She seemed glad of the subject change for a bit.
“Well, they don’t have a lot to go on. I think they blame me for that.” She sighed.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s because of the story I told them. I was so scared and I guess I was just “seeing things”. But I know what I saw.”
“Just because you think it’s unbelievable, doesn’t mean it wasn’t real. What did you see, by the way?” You smiled nicely.
“Have you ever heard of the Hook Man?” She asked you. She told you all about what it was and what she saw. You just couldn’t wait to tell Dean and Sam.
“Thank you for your time, I appreciate it.” You smiled.
“Maybe you can find me at the university. I know what it’s like to be new and not know anyone.” You nodded and smiled, walking away from her and to Dean’s car. You got in and started her up, driving back to the frat house. You knew Dean would be pissed and he would never let you touch his car again but it was well worth it.
Part Two
Masterlist // Series Rewrite Masterlist // Buy me a Coffee?
Series Rewrite tags:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @roxalya19 @quixoticcat
Forever tags:
@deans-shorter-squirrel @maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja
Dean tags:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie
Other tags:
@jensen-jarpad @notnaturalanahi @deathtonormalcy56 @27bmm
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