#making all the poses and decorating all the sets...... maybe i regret it a little bit idk
devitalise · 3 years
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one day i will make this. manifest
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ bokuto, tendō, matsukawa & suna
tw ♡ gn! reader, timeskip! bokuto (all sfw tho), swearing, reader wears makeup (matsukawa), swearing, mentions of death & food 
cred ♡ thanks to anon for this request <3
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♡ he was literally counting down the days to your birthday, he even took the day off practise to celebrate it with you so imagine his surprise when the special day finally rolls around and he wakes up to an empty bed
♡ at first, he thought that perhaps you were just around the house somewhere but nope, the place was completely empty and even worse, all signs pointed to his theory that you had gone to work/school on your birthday 
♡ outraged. he was absolutely outraged. 
♡ firstly, he tried calling you but you wouldn’t pick up, even after his many attempts so his next resort to call your place of work/school reception 
♡ obviously he managed to get a hold of you then-
♡ he was originally gonna yell about how you lied to him about taking the day off on your birthday but there was no way he could be angry at you — almost ever — so instead, he made the quick decision of telling you to have a nice day before hanging up 
♡ you were kinda pissed that he wasted your time like that but how could you stay mad at him? he’s fkn adorable! he blew you audible kisses over the phone for good luck!
♡ you laboured your way through the day, putting in great effort yet through it all, the only thing on your mind was how much you wanted to just pass out on the couch with bokuto as soon as you got home. you weren’t even sure if you had the energy to change into your pjyamas.
♡ however, when you finally did arrive home, there was no need to put yourself through the onerous task of changing clothes as the first thing you were greeted by when you stepped foot in your own home was a chorus of cheers of ‘surprise!’ followed by people spilling out into the foyer from the kitchen and living room 
♡ then there was bokuto, the loudest of them all leading the crowd, blowing into the party horn while dashing up to, throwing his arms around your shoulders to pull you into a tight hug, ‘happy birthday, sweetie!’
♡ a light gasp escaped your lips at the sudden hoots, and the unfamiliar — and frankly uncomfortable — sight of many friends swarm towards you had you on edge but when you felt bokuto wrap you in his warm embrace, you knew you were home
♡ he held you close until you were forced apart by many guests tearing you away to personally wish you a happy birthday
♡ now that the initial shock had died down, you noticed that there wasn’t as many people present as you thought, it was a humble gathering of all your closest friends 
♡ there was a massive pile of bright-colored gifts lying on the stairs, and it was hard not to immediately acknowledge them as the sheer mass and number of the presents scattered across the steps prevented anyone from being able to go upstairs
♡ the following day, you were made aware of the fact 90% of those presents were addressed from ‘your best ace husband ;)’ which was pretty straight-forward considering you only have one husband; kiyoomi sakusa. 
♡ jokes, you married bokuto but sakusa was also at the party. he originally just wanted to drop off his gift then leave but bokuto persuaded him to stay, though he seemed to be regretting it now as almost everyone at the party now shared an unspoken goal to slam sakusa’s face into one of the cupcakes that decorated the circumference of your cake
♡ speaking of the cake, bokuto remembered what type of cake was your favorite from the wedding planning and he was so chuffed with himself. in fact, he was so confident in his cake picking ability that he ordered a massive 3-tier monster of a dessert 
♡ neither of you would be able to finish it before it goes bad so you ended up cutting it up into pieces  and sending each guest away with a little goody-bag with a slice of cake inside lmao 
♡ once you had finished your goodbyes and everyone had filed out of your home, you flopped onto the couch and let out a deep sigh of relief. well, it was only a sigh for a few moment as it became a wheeze when bokuto laid down on top of you 
♡ ‘happy birthday, (y/n). i’m sorry if i tired you out.’ he hummed, fiddling with your fingers as his lips curled into a shaky smile
♡ ‘i’m a bit sleepy but i had an amazing time. thank you so much, kō.’
♡ bokuto smiled, his heavy lid falling shut as he finally rested his neck, being able to fall asleep comfortably now that you’ve told him that you had fun
♡ unlike bokuto, he’ll actually mention your birthday a few weeks prior to the celebration so he can plan the perfect date :3
♡ ‘so do you wanna go to the aquarium or the theme park? because i know we’ve went to the park before but they remodelled it apparently. plus, maybe the aquarium is a bit underwhelming for such a special day, but it’s up to yo--’
♡ ‘we won’t really get to spend much time in either. if you consider the time school finishes, the train ride and the time the aquarium and park closes so maybe we could just chill at my house instead.’
♡ tendō deadpanned for a moment, the most unamused look taking over his features until he suddenly burst out laughing, cackling as if you just told the joke of the century, ‘seriously, (y/n)? you’re gonna go to school on your birthday.’
♡ ‘yes, of course.’ you replied in all seriousness, resulting in tendō awkwardly beginning to stifle his chuckles.
♡ he frowned, slumping back into the seat beside you, ‘c’mon, it’s your birthday, though! you deserve the day off.’
♡ you shook your head, kindly declining his suggestion, ‘i have a test on that day.’
♡ ‘all the more reason to ditch!’
♡ now it was your turn to deadpan
♡ tendō tossed his head back while letting out a sigh  of defeat, draping his arm around your shoulder to lovingly pull you to his chest, ‘alright, then. whatever you want, dear.’
♡ you smiled, glad that you didn’t need to disagree with him any longer — and you were even happier on the day. even though you insisted that he keeps things small on your birthday, he still managed to find a way to make things extra asf by getting you a massive plush that was about half the size of your stature and a hamper of homemade chocolates ><
♡ honestly, he’s never been the best at giving gifts but he tries extra hard for you 
♡ like if you off-handedly say that you are cold during class, he’ll buy you a bunch of new jackets, jumpers and gloves
♡ or if you say you need more mascara, he’ll buy you exact same one you usually wear 
♡ he’s observant enough to notice and remember the exact shade and brands of all your cosmetic products but he’s not observant enough to pick up on the subtle hints you drop as to what you want for your birthday 
♡ you can never guess what he’s gonna get you and that adds to your anticipation for the day 
♡ if your birthday is on a school day, he’ll bring in a batch of homemade cupcakes (which hanamaki helped him with) and stick a candle in one of them for you to blow out 
♡ he offers you one but they are all pretty stale- just smile and nod while your teeth feel like they are being shattered trying to bite down on the cupcake 
♡ it might set off the fire alarm but oh well, just count that as another present
♡ oikawa will probably get you something like a bouquet and try flirt with you so at that point, matsukawa and hanamaki begin using the cupcakes as weapons 
♡ they are a two for one deal so you’re going to be spending the day with both of them tailing you like lost puppies
♡ (requester specified) your birthday is on the same day as his so ofc he’s going to be a little salty abt it 
♡ you both created a game to see who receives the most birthday wishes and whoever won gets ¥1500 from the loser’s birthday money
♡ for the past few years, he’s usually been the winner by just a few but this year, you made it a point to befriend all him teammates in order to ensure victory 
♡ having to pretend to be friendly with atsumu — who wasn’t very good at hiding his massive crush —was definitely a challenge but you powered through 
♡ in fact, you may have played the role too well as both the miya twins gave you a gift 
♡ osamu gave both you and suna a plastic bag filled with some food he made and water bottles
♡ as for atsumu, his gift to you was a massive hamper filled with an assortment of many different luxury confectionary which didn’t look cheap at all but it didn’t feel appropriate to question the price so you simply took it from him with a bright smile
♡ of course, suna was excited (and very hungry) as he expected the same gift but he was more than disappointed when all he received was a bag of chips and a slap on the back
♡ he goes out of his way to tell every teacher it’s your birthday in hopes that they’ll make the class sing happy birthday to you 
♡ but it pisses him off to no end when you add that it’s his birthday too so he ends up getting roped into your misery 
♡ also your thumbs are going to be sore at night swiping through all the various candid pics that suna took of you throughout the day (in less than flattering poses) which he uplaoded to almost all of his social media stories with stupid ass captions 
♡ but dw bc he’ll eventually post a nice photo of you with a sweet message
♡ ‘happy birthday to @(y/n) . i would die for you, bitch (even though you annoy the hell out of me every single day 🤠).’ 
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kyuus4ku · 3 years
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chuuya nakahara
genre: minific ; fluff
warnings: mentions of blood, a little bit of profanity
word count: 2.1K
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Your head throbbed with a dull sting as you carried your aching back to sit upright on the bed. Rubbing your eyes in exhaustion, a sharp sigh escaped your lips. You had a long week, and the missions the boss sent you on weren't easy ones. As one of the Port Mafia Executives, the number of reports you had to write and dirty tasks you had to deal with were numerous, but it seemed as if the pressure that initially weighed on you was subsiding, or perhaps you were just slowly getting used to it.
Nevertheless, it was easier than before since you could work alongside Chuuya.
It seemed as if you both shared each other's burdens of the stress imposed on you everyday. Other than that, it was nice having a partner who knew exactly what you had to deal with at work. It sort of saved you the trouble of explaining and elaborating on details of how your day went, since the both of you stuck together most of the time. Even your colleagues were well-aware of how close you were. Disregarding the countless times Dazai, who was your esteemed colleague but also your close friend, had mockingly declared that you both acted like 'a pair of pathetic, lovesick teenagers,' the fact still remained that you and Chuuya were highly respected at the Port Mafia because of what your ideal duality was capable of accomplishing.
But today, you didn't bother thinking about work. It was the last thing you wanted on your mind. You turned your head to your side, and found that Chuuya was not sleeping next to you. You got out of bed and started humming a tune whilst making your way to the bathroom to freshen up. Your head was cluttered with thoughts about what your plans were for today, since it was one of those rare opportunities to spend some quality time with Chuuya, who wished to do the same with you, too. Just as you were about to get out of the bathroom to look for him, you heard a voice coming from behind the shower curtain.
"Oi," Chuuya's morning voice rang groggily, "what happened to wishing your boyfriend a simple 'good morning'?"
You tittered lightly and proceeded to open the curtain, only to find Chuuya comfortably relaxing in the bathtub with a glass of wine in his hand. A grin broke through his expression as your eyes rested on him.
"Good morning, idiot," you chimed sweetly, "how long have you been in here?"
Before he could respond, you held your index finger up in realisation as you recognised that strong scent hanging in the air. Chuuya looked at you innocently as he tried to think of a way to justify the fact that he used too much of your favourite vanilla soap in the bath. You also realised that there were more bubbles than usual, so you quickly deduced the situation and frowned at him in fake disappointment.
"I'll get you more soon," he added awkwardly before you could say anything.
"How much did you use?" you inquired seriously, attempting to scare him.
"Half the bottle... sorry... it took a while to bubble up... I was really confused," he scratched the back of his head guiltily.
"I'm kidding, Chuu~" you chuckled softly. You proceeded to remove your clothes and carefully slid into the tub to sit across him. He had prepared another glass just for you. Pouring a portion of one of his most expensive wines into it, he checked to see if you were seated comfortably.
"What's the occasion?" you asked as the sweetness of the alcohol washed over and soothed your tastebuds. The bitter aftertaste and the way it flooded over all your distressing thoughts about work summed up just how much you liked it.
"I'm a great boyfriend," he said airily, a smirk curling up the corners of his lips.
"Nah... admit it," you replied nonchalantly, "you just love spoiling me."
Chuuya laughed at this, not bothering to differ with your statement. The both of you sat in silence for a bit, casually sipping from your beverages and engulfing yourselves into your thoughts, while slowly getting a little light-headed from the gradual intoxication of the wine. The alcohol seemed to be doing a great job of relaxing your sore joints, and bringing Chuuya into a flurry of lukewarm emotions which stood in contrast to his usual agitated mood.
However, this changed as Chuuya broke his train of thought when he noticed the bruises lining your right shoulder. His eyebrows furrowed in concern, so he leaned forward and reached out his hand, gently brushing the tips of his finger against them and catching you off-guard at the same time.
"What happened here?" he asked, observing it carefully as your hand reached out to push away his. You didn't really like it when he showed too much concern over such trivial things, even though you deeply appreciated it. Since working in the Port Mafia often posed threats to the both of you physically, these sort of minor injuries were normal, but he never failed to dote after you. He took care of you as best he could, and you did just the same for him. This was one of the million reasons why Dazai often referred to you both as 'the cheesiest couple to walk on this godforsaken planet.'
"It's nothing," you held your hand over your shoulder, pressing the bruises lightly to see if they still hurt as much as they did a few days ago, "It's just from that dumb fight that broke out a few days ago. Remember?"
"Where was I?" a look of annoyance replaced his concerned expression, "why didn't you ask for help?"
"I managed it just fine," you replied rather abruptly, trying your best to brush it off. You two often argued about such things, but today, the last thing you wanted to do was fight over something so minor.
Chuuya stared at you seriously while you tried to avoid his gaze. Your heart raced a little at the thought of a potential argument breaking out, so you decided to diffuse the tension since it was supposed to be a day of rest, and... slight inebriation.
"Chuuya," you subtracted the ego your expression held, and assumed a calmer, more tender tone, "it's nothing to worry about, okay?"
He pursed his lips as his eyes travelled down to your bruises, then back up to meet your gaze, "please, be more careful, for fuck's sake."
He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. The pace at which your heart was beating slowed down to keep up with the alcohol's minor effect on your body, and Chuuya's sharp features, with its present undisturbed guise, had a strange way of setting you at ease, too.
Maybe it was just the wine talking, but you didn't let anything stop you from soaking up every fibre of this moment.
"Hey, don't act as if you didn't come home with blood all over your clothes a few weeks ago. It was a fucking bloodbath over here, and all I got were a few bruises," your playful teases overtook the silence which the both of you were too captivated by for a while.
"Shut up. Don't make me remind you about how you were freaking out," he mentally mustered up the theatrical skill hidden deep inside him to imitate your voice, "'Fuck, there's blood everywhere! Chuuya, how are you feeling? It's okay, I'm going to patch you up... where the fuck are the bandaids!? Oh my- okay, wait, I'll be back, don't move. Oh, wait, you can't- sorry, just give me a moment-"
"I had all the right to freak out, dumbass!" you cut him off and giggled as he shook his head dismissively, trying his best not to smile but failing all the same.
"On a serious note," Chuuya uttered after some contemplation, "if something like that happens again, call out my name."
"In the middle of a fight?" you tilted your head, perplexed.
"Yeah," he responded plainly.
"What are you going to do? Bitch-slap them?" you asked with a mischievous grin, unable to take him seriously.
"Make them regret it," Chuuya replied bluntly before a devious smile broke through his serious expression, "of all people, you know what I'm capable of."
"I do," you assured him, "but why?"
The question was genuine, and he decided to respond with brutal honesty.
"I don't take people's wellbeing lightly," he said, sipping on his wine while keeping his gaze locked onto you, "especially the people I give a damn about. So if anyone ever crosses that line— I'll kill them."
You felt something shift inside you.
His aggression and fierce loyalty seemed to overwhelm you. No one had ever spoken for you like that.
He took note of your silence, and wondered why you became quiet all of the sudden.
"What's wrong?" he asked you, gesturing for you to come over to his side. You did accordingly and made yourself comfortable in between his legs by stretching out your own, so that the both of you made good use of the space in the bathtub. The back of your head rested on his chest as the two of you blankly stared at the bubbles that surfaced the soapy water decoratively. He took away the wine glass from your hands and placed both the glasses on the cabinet nearby, where your essential oils and premium soaps were housed. He reached out to the lowest shelf for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
"Nothing," you replied calmly, "thank you."
"For what?" he asked, slowly getting a cigarette out of its box, careful not to get the tobacco rod wet.
"Don't know..." you replied dreamily, "no one's ever..."
Your voice trailed off. Chuuya sensed that you weren't in the mood to respond, so he reached his hands in front of your face with a cigarette in between his fingers, and placed it in between your lips carefully, with his face peeking over your shoulder to ensure that he had the permission to do so. As he gently handled your jaw in one hand and the lighter in the other, he lit it up for you.
"There's no reason to thank me," he leaned back once again as you painted the air with wisps of smoke. You remained silent as you handed him the cigarette. He held it in his hand and opened his mouth again, "this job really sticks a fuck ton of needles up the soles of your feet, so I can't help but feel worried about you."
"I'm worried about you, too," you replied as he passed you back the cigarette, puffing out clouds of smoke smoothly, "you know that, right?"
"Of course, I do," he scoffed, surprised at your question, "you're the one who doesn't seem to get that."
"Huh? What do you mean?''
Chuuya took a while to come up with an answer because he was trying to pick out words that he meant from the bottom of his heart.
"I signed up for this shit. I signed up for worrying about your dumbass and wanting to slice the throats of anyone who hurts you, let alone, touches you. So there's no reason to push my concern for you away; it won't go away. I'm just like that. I just care for you that way."
You giggled at his statement; that was the only way you seemed to know how to respond.
"What's so funny?" he growled grumpily.
His statement rewinded and played itself over and over again in your head.
"I feel like the luckiest person alive when I'm with you," were the words that came out of your lips breathlessly.
"Damn, it took you that long to realise?" he chuckled lightly and wrapped his arm around your abdomen to bring you closer toward him, "I'm going to keep you safe... whether you like it or not."
You turned back to peek at his casual smile and leaned towards him to place your lips on his; his fingers travelled up the back of your neck and into your wet hair as he pulled your head closer to his. Your body was physically enchanted by his embrace, to the point that your fingers started playfully drawing curly, deformed doodles on his bare chest. The essence of tobacco and wine were exchanged as your lips continued kissing his.
The rest of the day was similar to that morning you spent in the tub, except that it involved a slightly more chaotic type of drunkenness by which you two wreaked havoc wherever you could in the comfort of your home. It was an activity you two started looking forward to every weekend: just the two of you, drinking wine in the bathtub lined with vanilla-scented bubbles.
author's note: Heyo! This is pretty much my first post on this blog. I'm not very new to writing but this is my first attempt at drabble/short story writing revolving around an established character lol I hope you liked it! I'll make up a masterlist after I've written more fics/drabbles so I will do my best to come up with good content! Thank you for reading(◡‿◡✿)
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retroellie · 3 years
what about mom!ellie x mom!reader on their child's first day of school in jackson? i can picture ellie getting excited (protect her at all costs) and ofc the reader too :) a lot of fluff but also maybe u can add a little bit of smut bcs they finally have their alone time ;) but yeah something like that!!
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Summary: Mom!Ellie’s kid first day of school so y’all get some alone time ;)
A/N: Thank you for the request<3 Sorry it’s rushed but this took me a bit, i hope you enjoyed it. I tried to make it cute :)
Warnings: NSFW (towards the end), use of vibrator, fingering
Word count: 5.1K
This has been the day you have been dreading for years, The day your little baby goes to school. You knew eventually you would have to let her fly on her own but it’s too soon, it seems like yesterday she only needed you for cuddles and your boobs. Now she can tie her own shoes and she doesn’t need your help pouring her milk in her glass.
You were proud of the way she grew up, you and Ellie both were so proud of her. She knew her manners, she was confident, and she was positive about the world even through everything. You were glad she had that mindset, nothing could ever dull her shine.
She was a splitting image of you with Y/H/C and Y/E/C, she even had hints of Ellie in her even if Ellie wasn’t her blood related mom. You and Ellie never denied her when she asked for toy cars and toy swords to play with. You never wanted her to hide her true self from others so whatever she wanted to be you accepted her.
“Okay you can look now mommy!” You heard a small squeak come out from behind you.
You didn’t hesitate in turning around to reveal the small girl and Ellie proudly looking down at her. You chuckled at the sight in front of you, seeing your baby matching your lover.
She was wearing a dark red flannel and a cute pair of grey jeans. Her hair was thrown up in a small messy bun (Ellie can’t do hair) and her neck was decorated with a small necklace locket.
“Oh my gosh....” you chuckled, looking down at the smiling girl.
“I wanted to dress like mama today.” She said, doing small poses.
You looked up at Ellie and she was smiling with you, Ellie was so excited for her to start school. Ellie kept you up half the night telling you about what kind of person she knew the kid was gonna be.
“I love it.” You said, reaching down and scooping the child up.
The small girl giggled as you spun and danced around the room. You danced to imaginary music, peppering her face wow her kisses . You didn’t stop until you ran out of breath and her lungs hurt from laughing so much.
Ellie came up to you both, planting a kiss on top of both of your heads; watching you two with such admiration for the two of you. You reached up to peck her lips slightly, reaching a hand out to wrap around her waist to pull her closer.
You and Ellie were still so in love with each other even with a little human getting in the way of your many nights spent wrapped up with each other. You made time for each other, sneaking around at night to try not to wake the baby, quiet showers at 3am, and banging it out on the counter before the baby woke up.
It was a rare love you two had, the love you felt for each other never fell out. You both were still like teenagers in love for the first time. You pulled away from the kiss that only lasted a few seconds but felt like a lifetime. You stared at her for a minute, watching her eyes twinkle in amazement; giving her a small smile.
“Mama I forgot about my backpack!” The girl said, wriggling down from your arms. “I don’t wanna be late for school!”
She ran into her room, her feet pattering away in the distance. You looked at Ellie once more, she shrugged her arms and chuckled. You chuckled turning over to walk over to the couch to put your shoes on, but before you could turn around you felt a slap on your ass. You turned around to see Ellie with a shit eating grin on her lips. You gave her a face that Ellie told you was you “why the fuck did you do that” face.
“What?! It was just asking for a nice slap.” She bit her lip. You shook your head at her and gave her a smirk.
“You're gonna regret that.” You said calmly, making your way over to the couch.
She smiled over at you, walking down the hall into the kitchen to gather the girls lunch. You pulled your shoes on and got up to pull your jacket over yourself. You could hear your little girls footsteps make their way back into the living room.
“Can we see grandpa Joel??? I want him to wear my outfit.” She spoke, already to go to school.
She looked so grown up, were you gonna cry when you came home today? yes, most definitely. You just couldn’t believe how big she’s gotten, nxt thing you know she’s gonna be a teenager. You hoped she wasn’t going to be like Ellie when she was a teenager back in Boston, Ellie was always causing some trouble.
“Of course!” You said handing her jacket to her. “ I think he would kill me if i didn’t let him see his grandbaby before her first day of school.”
That made her jump up and down with excitement, dancing around the room with such excitement. She kept chanting about what Joel was gonna say about her outfit, you were so glad she was going to school so she could run some of this energy out.
“Okay come on or your gonna be late.” You chuckled, opening the door and her immediately booking it over to Joel's house.
You guys still lived in the garage but it was bigger now. You guys added on more rooms when you found out you had a baby on the way. There were now 2 bedrooms, making room for a bigger kitchen and living room. You guys spent an entire summer adding onto the house and obviously the town helped out.
You loved Ellie's little garage and you didn’t want to move away from your dad, so it was decided. Ellie didn’t mind, she’s lived in some shitty places before coming to jackson. As long as you and your baby were happy, Ellie was happy.
“Well there’s my favorite girl!!” Joel greeted, setting down his guitar and standing up to scoop up the little girl running towards him.
You watched from the door, watching as your dad talked to the little one. You felt like you were looking at you and your dad instead of your daughter and joel. You remember a time when you killed your first clicker and your dad scooped you up, then checked around your body to see if you were bit but you werent. He hugged you so tightly, that was the first time you ever saw your dad cry; he was so scared.
That’s something you never want your kid to go through, you never want them to have to kill something or even someone. You had gotten numb to the feeling of it, it didn’t phase you anymore. You never wanted that to be the normal for your baby.
“I can’t believe she’s going to school.” A voice said from behind you.
Ellie came into your vision, leaning against the door next to you. She was holding the little girls backpack, evident she had forgotten it from all the excitement. You nodded, agreeing with Ellie's statement.
“yeah, next thing you know she’ll be taking care of us when we’re all old and wrinkly.” You joked, starting to walk over to the two.
“So in the next five years?” Ellie joked back.
You chuckled, walking up the stairs to gather your kid so you wouldn’t be late. Joel didn’t even notice you until the top stair creaked, he was too invested in the rambling of the little girl. When Joel and your kid came together, they were in their own little world. They were such a dynamic duo but you would always be Joel's favorite person no matter what; even if he doesn’t admit it.
“Hey kiddo.” He said, giving you a great big smile.
“Hey dad.” You smiled back. “She wanted to show you her outfit.”
“Well ain’t that right?” He looked down at the girl. The girl agreed, giving him a spin to show off her outfit.
“Yeah, she was excited.” You replied. “Hey, we should get going. we don’t want to be late.” You knew if you didn’t cut this short, these two could talk for hours.
“I reckon we don’t want that.” He stated.
You allowed them to say their goodbyes, the girl told Joel how much she was going to miss him when she went off to school. It made your heart melt, you wish your mom were here to see her too. The kid and your mom would’ve gotten along just fine.
The girl ran past you, hopping down the stairs to get her backpack from ellie. Ellie helped her put it on, knowing she had trouble with that. It was nice to see at least she needed y’all for something.
“It’s hard the first day.” Your dad spoke, causing you to turn around. “It was hard to see you and... well sarah go to the first day of school.”
His eyes started getting glossy, you and Ellie weren’t the only ones having a hard time with this change. You moved over to him and wrapped your arms around him. He wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly.
“I know dad.” You said, face buried in his chest. “It’s hard but she’s gonna do great.”
The hug wasn’t long he pulled away after a couple seconds, he could’ve gone longer if he didn’t know you had to go. He blinked away his tears, not wanting to cry in front of you.
“I gotta go dad but i love you.” You said, stepping down the steps.
“I love you too kiddo.” He replied, watching as you made your way over to the kid and ellie. “Come over for dinner tonight! i wanna hear all about your day.” Joel called over to the three of you.
“We will! bye grandpa joel.” The girl shouted back.
On the way there the girl had to say hello to everyone, smiling over to the working men and women, petting their dogs when she got a chance. When y’all finally got there, her little heart dropped. She knew this was coming but now that it’s here she got really scared, all the kids made her nervous. You noticed and gave her hand a nice squeeze, something you dad did when you got scared.
To say the young girl was attached to her mother was an understatement. The teacher came up to you guys, talking you through what would happen throughout the day, the lesson plan, recess and the teaching of the ways on how to protect themselves against the world. Ellie took all the information in, you held your child while she gripped onto you dear life.
You’ve never seen a school like this before. You’ve seen the military school Ellie went too and when you first came to Jackson you went to the small high school they have. The high school basically taught you how to read and write, do math equations, all that good stuff. Most of the schools you’ve seen were gloomy and broken down, this one was filled with rainbows and kittens.
You were glad she was able to go here, most children today weren’t. You were pulled out of your thoughts when the teacher bent down to talk to the small girl, you could feel her grabbing tighter onto you.
“Hey Y/C/N, my name is miss Rosie. I’m really looking forward to teaching you.” She spoke with sugar in her voice
The child didn’t budge but instead dug her face into your stomach. The teacher looked up to you and Ellie, giving you both a small chuckle. You patted her back to see if maybe you could pry her off but she kept her grip on you.
“Hey kiddo...” Ellie said, bending down to her size. “How about mama take you in there, would you like that?”
The girl shifted around to look at Ellie, tears in her eyes. She nodded and let go of you, leaving behind a wet spot on your shirt. Ellie grabbed her hand and looked up at you, you gave her a small smile.
“How about you take her in, I’m afraid if I go in there I might never wanna come out.” You joke.
“Okay.” Ellie said, reaching over to peck your lips. “Say bye to mommy, bub.”
The girl once again grabbed on to you, pulling you into a tight hug. You hugged back, wrapping your arms around her small little head.
“Be good okay? We’ll go over to grandpa's house when you get back.” You said as you let go of her.
She gave her a sad little smile before grabbing onto Ellie’s hand. Ellie led her into the classroom, disappearing within its walls. You let out a small sigh, that was harder than you expected.
You realized what your dad said was right. It’s really fucking hard. It’s only a matter of time before she has boyfriends or girlfriends and she starts wanting to explore the world. She knew what was happening behind those huge walls that separated Jackson from the real world, but seeing it and being in it was something you dread her witness.
“The first day is always hard.” You heard a voice say from behind you.
You looked to where the voice was and saw Dina making her way up to you. She looked half asleep, evident that she had woken up not too long ago. She stopped right next to you and gave a small smile.
“The amount of times I’ve heard that today and yet it’s still not getting easier.” You chuckled, you didn’t mean to make it sound bitchy but it somehow did.
Dina chuckled with you, looking down at her feet. A gush of kids ran into the classroom, laughing and yelling. You were ready for your kid to come running out of there, loud noises made her nervous. You hoped she would do okay without you.
“I remember JJ’s first day here, it was so scary.” Dina spoke. “But it all turned out okay, plus it’s the only time you’ll have some alone time with Ellie.”
She raised her eyebrows and gave you a quick wink, making you laugh. You never would’ve thought you and Dina would be making sex jokes in a school that your children attend. It felt like yesterday that you were an awkward teen and Dina was the only friend you had in school.
“You know, I’m surprised you and Jesse don’t have more kids.” You laughed
“That makes two of us.” She joked back. “Now I’m gonna go home and pass out.”
She pulled you into a hug, giving you a nice squeeze before pulling away. Dina doesn’t look like a mom, she still looks like a teenager. You wonder if you look like a mom to people you just met, does your eyebags give it away or is it your hips.
“Thanks Dina.” You said, watching as she nodded and began to walk off.
Maybe this wasn’t the worst thing, having some alone time with Ellie; when you weren’t being parents. That didn’t sound so bad.
When you got home the first thing you did was clean up the mess that Ellie and your kid had made. Getting real pretty did have it’s disadvantages. You folded so many clothes your finger had started to hurt, it seemed every piece of the little girl's clothing was on the floor.
You were in your own little world, thinking about what your kid was doing right now or if she was scared or if she missed you... You tried to reassure yourself that she was doing just fine. You were pulled out of your world when two hands gripped your waist.
You didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was, the kisses to the back of your neck have you more of a clue. The soft feather like kisses pepper on your neck made your eyes flutter closed. Were you that touch starved?
“I was thinking about what we could do today since the baby’s away.” She mumbled in between kisses “I thought we could take a nice bath together hmm?”
That’s something you guys never really got to do, ever since the baby came you had to say bye to long hot baths especially ones together. The times you got alone time, just the house with each other were spent catching up on sleep.
Ellie’s hand wrapped around your body, dropping down to your waist and moving up your thigh. Her kisses lingered on your neck, your eyes fluttered closed.
“Sounds nice...” you sighed out
She watched your reaction to her touch, you were putty in her arms already. Ellie still loved hearing your pretty little moans, even if she didn’t get to hear them as much. She missed the nights when she left you screaming and shaking before the baby but now the quickies you had and the trying to get each other off as fast as you could while also trying to bathe in each other's affection; they were just so much better.
Ellie’s hands roamed your body a bit more, slightly swaying to imaginary music. The silliness of the house was rare and you guys were going to take advantage of that, Ellie was gonna make it her life goal to fill the entire house up with your moans. Her hands ran patterns down your thighs, inching closer and closer to your heart.
“As much as i’d really like to fuck you....” You mumbled, pushing her slightly away with your hip. “I don’t want it to be in my daughters room.”
Ellie chuckled, pulling away from you while stepping back. You went back to folding things, finishing what you started. Ellie watched you bend down, picking up more clothes and folding them. She wanted you now, wanted to feel close to you without a child in between you two. She bit her lip before grabbing your hand.
“Well, let's take it to the bathroom. I’ll get the bath water ready while strip for me.” She joked, pulling you by the hand into a kiss.
You smirked into the kiss, dropping the shirt in your hand on the ground. You nodded slowly telling her to take you to the bathroom. She noticed and walked to the bathroom, pulling you by the hand along with her. She busted the door open before bending down to get the water going.
You didn’t hesitate in pulling your clothes off, wanting nothing more than to get railed surrounded by nice warm water. You had already unbuttoned your pants and pulled completely off before working on getting your shirt over your head. You felt like at any moment your kid could come bursting in or come calling for you, motherhood really took a toll on you, huh.
You felt too hands on your waist once more, cold, rough hands grabbing roughly at your hips. You felt lips on your chest, taking their time when they reached your beast. You successfully pulled your shirt off, seeing Ellie suck and bite at your chest.
As much as you wanted to  admire the view you wanted her so you grabbed at her face and smashed your face into hers. She laughed at your neediness, pulling you closer to her. You were messy and sloppy with the kiss, putting your tongue in her mouth. You craved the heat from her body and affection she gave you. Only she could make you like this and she loved it.
Your hands made their way down the hem of her shirt, yanking it; hinting that you wanted it off. She pulled away momentarily to pull it over her head, you watched in anticipation. Her sports bra came into view, high lighting her toned body. The look of it just made you more wet, the wetness seeped through your underwear.
When the shirt hit the ground she was on you again, lips moved messly together in sync. Your chests were touching, heaving against each other. Her hand snaked around to your ass, squeezing the flesh roughly. Ellie was more of a boobie kinda gal but she sure did love what having a kid did to your ass.
You moaned into the kiss, hands going from her shoulders to her hips to the top of her jean button. You shake hand unbuttoned her jeans, sliding a hand into them. Your warm hand rubbing her through her underwear, she let out a surprised yelp. That egged your on, wanting to go further but she pulled away from you.
“You can’t wait till we get in the bath huh?” She spoked, She reached down to your heart, feelling how wet you were. “Needy little thing aren’t you?”
“I want you...” You spoke, voice suddenly raspy.
She bit her lip, pulling away from you completely. She turned over to the bathtub, crouching down to feel the water. She let out a small smirk, seeing how it was perfect. She got up from the tub and made her way over to you once more.
“I’ll be right back, go ahead and get in....” she said, pecking your lips before leaving the bathroom
You let a scoff out, watching the tub fill up but you did what you were told. You pulled your bra off along with your underwear, letting them both fall to the ground. You slowly got it, feeling the warmness consume you. You laid back, it had been so long since you took a bath.
The water splashing, the warmth and the sound of quietness could make you fall asleep right now if you could but the dull throb you felt in your heart irritated you. You wondered what Ellie went to get, maybe it was a toy? You knew she wanted to use that new vibe she found a couple weeks ago, maybe it was her walkman. She has to fuck you with music, ellie always kept you on the edge.
“Is mommy finally relaxed.” Ellie spoke, causing you to perk up.
She stood in the doorway, only in her bra and half buttoned jeans. She had something behind her back but you knew better than to ask. You gave her a small smile before sitting up.
“I’d be much more relaxed if momma came over and fucked me.” You said wiggling your butt slightly.
“My pleasure.” She said, pulling off the rest of her clothes.
You watched her every move, the anitpaction eating at you. You watched her boobs bounce out when her bra came off and you watched as she slid her jeans plus underwear down to her ankles. She threw her clothes by the door before jumping in with you, turning the water off on her way in.  
She didn’t hesitate in smashing your faces back together, her tongue finding its way into your mouth. You pulled her closer to you, pulling her down with you. The only thing between your naked bodies was the water, soaking your skin.
Ellie slowly laid you back, your warm skin hitting the cold bathtub. She hovered over you, lips still connected to yours. Her tongue explored your mouth like it was the first time, she was going to take her time with you. Her hands roamed your body, touching every inch of it. She loved how beautiful you were, how ever part of your body was so fucking perfect. It didn’t matter how many rolls you had or if your thighs touched or not or if you had a double chin when you laid down.
It didn’t matter to her, you were the one that carried her child all the while you still did your assignments with no trouble. She found your innocence and but also your corruption so hot. Her kisses had trailed down to your chest, spending time on creating purple bruises on your skin.
“Ellie...” You let out a breathless moan, squirming already. “Please...”
She thought she had teased you enough and because you had worked hard with the baby but also in the garden she thought she would give you what you wanted. She sat up once more, watching as you whimpered at the sudden loss. She reached over to grab her jeans, almost falling out of the tub; obviously you laughed at her clumsiness.
She grabbed her jeans, pulling a small black vibe out of them. It was one that you guys used to use but stopped once you had the baby, it was small but powerful and had you cumming in seconds. You stopped using it because it literally put you on your ass for days, plus you love the intimacy of using your hands now.
“Haven’t used this for a bit huh?” She said, sitting back in front of you
Your legs were already shaking, you could already feel the vibrations coursing through your body; That sensation will never leave you. Ellie saw how your eyes filled with lust, knowing how ready you were. She bent down to kiss you once more, your moans already becoming louder.
Her hand ran up your thigh again, not hesitating on putting her hand right where you wanted it to be. She ran her finger up your heat, causing you to gasp in her mouth. She watched as you reacted to her touch, your breath hitching and your legs self-consciously wrapping around her waist.
She stuck two fingers in, allowing her thumb to rub circles on your clit. She started slow with her actions, waiting for the perfect moment to put the vibe on your aching cunt. Your mouth locked open, causing her to trail her kisses down your chest again.
Her mouth stopped at your boobs, sucking and licking at them while her fingers worked your cunt open. You squirmed violently, the water was most likely spilling over at this point. Everything was going so fast but so slow all at the same time, she could already feel your walls clench around her fingers.
You rutted your hips up to meet her fingers, her fingers hitting your g-spot head on every single thrust. The pleasure coming from both your boobs and cunt, the steam arising from water, the sudden touch with you being touch starved could easily send you off the edge. You couldn’t believe at one time you could do this for hours and not break.
Ellie now knew this was the perfect time to turn the vibe on, so she pulled you up closer to her; sitting her down on her lap so you were straddling her. Her fingers were still sitting inside you, feeling around the spongy inside. Ellie could cum by just looking at your dripping body, the way the water dripped off your body so perfectly made her weak.
Your lip was between your teeth and our eyes were fluttering closed, your orgasm on hold since her fingers stopped pumping. Ellie turned the vibe on, the light hum filling the bathroom. Your eyes opened, watching as her hand wrapped around the small vibe. Her tattoo dancing along with the vibe, to say you were dripping was an understatement.
“You might wanna hold on to me princess.” She spoke, ripping your eyes away from the vibe.
You nodded, grabbing on to her shoulders. She gave you a small grin before pumping her fingers in and out of you once again, preparing your body for the powerful vibrations. She took her and pushed it down on her thighs, honestly afraid if you weren't fully seated you might fall over. She reached down with the vibe and placed it directly on your clit.
You almost immediately hunched over, the familiar feeling making your head fuzzy. Ellies lips attached to your neck, sucking love bits onto it. Your nails dug into her shoulders, leaving moon shaped marks on her arms. Your moans filled the bathroom, echoing throughout the house. You wondered if people outside could hear you, suddenly you were brought back to being an 18 year old with no kids; only doing assingments and coming home to be railed by ellie.
You grind your hips against her hand and the vibe, it was too much but you craved it. The knot in your stomach was building up and you knew in the next couple minutes you would be having a world shattering orgasm. You pulled at Ellie's hair, pulling her back to your lips; wanting all of her while you came undone.
Your hips rutted faster and harder, moaning loudly as you did so. The knot got tighter and tighter until you couldn’t hold it back anymore. Your grip on her hair tightened, your senses blurred as the knot snapped. You threw your head back as your orgasm ripped through you, screaming as the waves ran through your body
Ellie fucked you through your orgasm, whispering sweet nothings as you shook violently. You could swear you felt the earth below you shake and the sky boom with thunder. As you came down from you high, you collapsed on Ellie's shoulder.
She took the vibe off of you causing you to wince, you were so overstimulated. You could feel Ellie set the vibe down and wrap her arms around your waist, holding you in a hug-like position. You were barely conscious, the amount of pleasure really took it out of you.
Ellie rubbed circles on your heated, flushed skin. You could fall asleep right here if you wanted too, the warmth and the skin to skin contact lulled you to sleep. Ellie gave you a minute before she lifted you up to get you dried off, the bath was a good idea cause now she doesn’t have to clean you off.
“I was gonna make you some lunch but my legs won’t stop shaking.” You joked as Ellie dried your body off.
“You are my lunch.” She chuckled, picking up your clothes and putting them in the basket. “We could go a few more rounds before the kid gets back.” She wiggled her eyebrows.
You could feel your heart throb again, even after a orgasm that almost made you go unconscious ellie could still make you beg for more. You stood up as best as you could, wrapping the towel around you. You wobbled over to her and brought her into another kiss, literally holding on to her for dear life.
“Give me a minute before you fuck me again, i’m getting old.” You said in between a kiss.
“You’re like 25..” She chuckled.
(My first ellie gif <3) 
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starlightsearches · 3 years
Can we get 3 with hux from the flower AU prompts?
Hello friend! Thanks for the prompt, I hope you like it!! 🌹🌸💐🌼🌺🌷🌻
Requests are open ✨
Florist! Armitage Hux x Model! Reader (f)
Warnings: Not really, a little yearning, some slutty narration, it's kind of silly and maybe ooc, but I think that's it.
I've been feeling pretty shitty about myself and my writing over the past few days, and I figured the best way to break myself out of that funk was to write something, even if it was stupid. Sometimes when your brain is telling you that you can't do something, you gotta do it anyway. Let me know what you think, besties!
3. Flowers are often used for photo shoots and Person A gets hired to arrange the flowers for one, but they can’t help getting nervous around the model, Person B from the Flower Shop AU Prompts
Armitage is out of his element.
He's plenty comfortable working with his assistant in the back of the shop, or helping customers as they dither over the size of the arrangements and the available flowers at the counter. But this is madness.
The backstage of the set is absolutely teeming with people, and every single one of them runs past without a glance in his direction, shouting into headsets or flipping through stacks of pages attached to clipboards.
He ventures further, past a few darkened hallways until he finds an occupied room. There's a vanity mirror against the far wall, and a woman sitting in front of it, resting her head on one hand, the other holding a book.
"Excuse me," Armitage knocks gently against the door frame before stepping inside.
You set the book down, greeting him with a smile.
"Hello, are you here for makeup?"
For a moment, Armitage is speechless.
He hadn't noticed your strange apparel when he first caught sight of you, but now he can't seem to look away from the dress you're wearing, a less-than-faithful recreation recreation of a Victorian gown that hangs low on your shoulders and tight around breasts, leaving very little to the imagination.
Is he hallucinating? He's never believed in ghosts before but you do seem like a rather lovely, and strangely familiar, apparition.
Your brows furrow in confusion before you glance down at yourself, eyes going wide like you've forgotten what you were wearing.
"Oh," you exclaim, throwing your head back with a laugh, "it's a period piece were doing today."
"I'm sorry?"
"You laugh again, finding his idiocy endearing instead of annoying, "you're not the makeup artist, are you?"
"The florist."
"I see. We're doing a shoot today, a romance novel cover. Do you read romance novels?"
So that's where he recognized you from. He's seen your face before, many times over. How to Wed a Rascal, Devil's Daughter, Three's a Crowd, and his favorite: Kingdom of Thirst.
He's spent too much of his time—bleary eyed, reading into the late hours of the night—imagining your face, your eyes, the sound of your moans as he devoured book after book, story after story.
But he's not about to tell you that.
"Uh, no, not really," he lies, and you shrug off the answer, turning the seat so that you can face him.
"I've only read a few, and they're alright. The jobs pay well, at least, and they're more fun than most shoots."
He nods, leaning against the door frame in an attempt to appear casual, hoping you'll say more. He likes hearing you talk.
You don't look like yourself in pictures. It's not just the makeup and the editing, although he's sure that has something to do with it. You're much more earnest in person, and surprisingly easy to be around. It's magnetic, your personality, to the point he can’t take his eyes off you. It must be what makes you so great at your job.
"You were looking for a place to put your flowers, right? I can help with that," you say, standing from the chair and moving into the hallway, calling into the empty space, "Hey Stacy!"
The sound of harried footsteps echoes down the corridor, and soon you're greeted by a serious looking woman, dressed in all black with her hair swept up into a ponytail.
"What do you need, babes?" she asks without looking up from her cell phone, "Jack said he'd be here half an hour ago but traffic's got him running late, of course. Shouldn't matter since we're ahead of schedule so far and going for a pretty minimal look this time but I told him to haul ass anyways, traffic laws be damned. Who is this?"
Every word pours out of her mouth without a breath in between, and it's not until she looks up, meeting his eyes that he realizes she's talking about him.
"This is . . ." you turn to look at him expectantly, raising your brows.
"Armitage," he provides, and you nod.
"Right, Armitage," you smile, turning back to Stacy, "and he's got the flower delivery for the shoot today waiting in his car."
Stacy nods, mumbling into her headset. "That's great. I'll have Phil unload them."
Armitage nods, wondering if he should offer to stay and arrange them. It's not something he'd typically do . . . but he's not exactly in a hurry to leave.
Another set of footsteps meets the three of you from the end of the hallway, this time provided by another harried-looking woman, almost in a sprint.
"Bad news, Stacy," she pants when she arrives, out of breath, "Ronan's called in sick. He's got food poisoning."
Stacy groans, and you roll your eyes. "Typical. Did you call somebody else?"
"They're all busy: Theo and Jacob are out of town shooting swim, and Will's best man at a wedding."
"We'll have to call off the shoot, then, won't we?"
You shake your head, defeated. Armitage can't help but feel for you; it's obvious how much work goes into these productions, so much time wasted. Not to mention the six dozen flowers currently dying in the back of his van.
"Not so fast," Stacy holds her hand up, silencing the group. Her eyes land on him, and she chews on the inside of her cheek, thinking.
"It's Armitage, right?" she asks, tapping her finger against her lips, "have you ever . . . modeled before?"
He feels his face grow hot, heart racing, "What? No. Absolutely not."
The other woman catches on, sizing him up herself. "Wait a second, you're right Stacy. He's totally got the look. Those god damn cheekbones could slice through steel. He’s about the same size as Will, too, so costuming wouldn't be a problem. How tall are you? Six foot? Six foot two?"
"No," he steps back, "I won't do it."
You put your hand on his shoulder, begging him with your eyes.
"Please, Armitage. It would really help."
He twists his face into a frown, already feeling his resolve crumbling under your eager gaze.
"Well . . . alright."
The three of you erupt in to cheers. He's absolutely going to regret this.
An hour later—hair done, costumed, and feeling ridiculous—Armitage walks out onto the set.
God, no.
It's a surprisingly faithful recreation—he assumes—sumptuously decorated and absolutely bursting with flowers. That's not the problem.
It's a bedroom, most of the space taken up by a large, dark four-poster, rose petals strewn across its surface. He knows what that means.
Bile rises in his throat, a wave of nausea rolling his stomach. He couldn't do this. There was a reason he read so many romance novels: he liked to imagine he could be someone different, someone charming, passionate, wicked.
Being that person is not in his nature.
Vivian, the costumer, approaches him from behind, startling him.
"You ready?" she asks, gesturing him towards the stage, but he hesitates.
"There's no need to be nervous, hon. Your partner for today? She's a god damn angel, the best of the best. You'll be in good hands . . . or I guess she'll be in your hands."
She laughs at her own joke and pats him gently, wandering away.
He's going to throw up. Or pass out. Or drop dead. He can't handle this.
Then he sees you, gliding in through the doorway. You're sparkling with your makeup and hair done to perfection, your eyes warm and bright, and you're smiling at him. Just for him.
Somebody ushers him towards the set, and you join him, arranging yourself on the bed.
"Nervous?" you ask him, laying down on your elbows, a little too at ease. He doesn't have to answer, he knows you can see it on his face.
You hold out your hand to him, and he takes it, adjusting to the feel of your skin against his. "You don't need to be, it's easy."
You pull without warning, and he falls forward, knees hitting the mattress. His other hand land besides your head, close enough to your face that he could reach out and stroke it, if he wanted to.
"Ready up there?" the photographer yells from across the room, and you give him the thumbs up before slipping in to your proper pose. You place his hand at your waist, tilting up his chin.
"Now furrow your brow a little," you whisper, "and part your lips."
He does as he's told, and soon enough the camera flash sparks in his periphery.
It's not as horrible as he thought it would be, although you are doing most of the work. You shift periodically, sometimes staring deep into his eyes, or looking down demurely with your hand just barely grazing your forehead.
"Alright, that's great, that's perfect," the photographer monologues, never taking his eye from the viewfinder, "why don't we get a couple with your lips at her neck?'
He trembles, his breathing shallow, but you look up at him with the slightest nod, arching your back just a little farther, leaving your skin exposed and inviting.
He bends closer, examining the graceful lines of your body. If this were real, where would he kiss you? If he had you to himself—without all these people watching—in his own bed, no pretense, no costumes . . .
He brushes his lips tenderly against the junction between your neck and your shoulder, and he swears that he can hear you sigh in response, your spine curving against his fingers, your chest pressed tighter against his own.
"That's perfect," the photographer shouts, but Armitage isn't listening, entirely preoccupied with the feeling of your pulse against his mouth, his lips traveling up over your jaw, stopping just below your ear.
You turn to face him, slowly, until nose brushes his, staring into his eyes. If he tilted his chin just half an inch, he'd be kissing you.
"That's great, everybody! I think we're done for today."
The set erupts with applause at the photographer's words, but you still don't pull away from him, smiling gently, whispering against his lips.
"Like I said, you're a natural."
His face grows flush, and he shifts back onto his feet, clearing his throat with a cough.
You stand beside him, brushing your hands nervously over the bodice of your gown.
"Thanks again for doing this, we all really appreciate it."
"Of course, it was . . . fun."
"No really, it was a huge favor. I'd like to do something for you, in return—we could get dinner, maybe? My treat."
You place your hand on his arm again, stroking your thumb down over his elbow. Despite how much he's touched you over the last hour, this contact feels different. Because you're not playing a part this time. Because it's him you're reaching for.
"We can change first, of course," you say, the words rushed as you read his dewy-eyed imaginings for hesitation.
He smiles, placing his hand over yours in reassurance, "I'd like that."
Hux Tag List: @theredwolfisalesbian, @thembohux, @writingletterstothefire, @catboykenobii, @missmadwoman, @evarinaandlat, @sitherin-mxschief, @imafatassmess, @toasterking, @rosevon7975, @pradahux, @armitages-galaxy, @dark-lord-of-the-simps, @daughterofaries, @mad-girl-without-a-box, @aramanna, @theold-ultraviolence, @mrs-ghuleh, @lemongingerart, @isthisheaven5, @trash-queen-af, @generalthirst, @tobealostwanderer, @huxxoxo, @theoriginalannoyingbird, @liceforlunch, @g3n3ralhux
Join my tag list here!
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ceo-of-daichi · 4 years
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Characters ~ Iwaizumi Hajime x Fem!Reader
Summary ~ Marrying the love of your life was honestly nerve wracking, will his best friend be able to help. Will everything go as planned?
Genre ~ So much fluff your teeth might rott
Warnings ~ Too much fluff, Wedding day jitters
Word Count ~ 1.7k
A/N ~ So my last Iwa fic did a lot better than expected... its actually close to 100 notes which is CRAZY. So here is another!! Thank you @tedwardos for proof reading it!! My next fic will be Daichi and might even contain smut because i am h word 25/8. 
Your wedding day. A day for you and the one you pledge yourself to for life. However with that also comes a hell of a lot of stress, wedding day jitters and just general nervousness. You were currently feeling all of these emotions as you sat as still as you possibly could on a chair while a makeup artist worked on your face. Having not gotten much sleep the night before she was furiously concealing under your eyes.
‘I thought they tell brides to get their beauty sleep the night before their wedding,’ she angrily states as she pounds at your under eye with a beauty blender.
‘Yeah they do, but i had trouble sleeping…’ Chuckling nervously as you remember the events from last night, biting your lip lightly. 
‘Anyway I'm sure everyone has trouble sleeping the night before their wedding, it's nerve wracking you know’ You shake away the previous thoughts in your head as you speak.
‘I wouldn’t know i have never been married’ As she said this you suddenly began to feel awkward as you let her finish your makeup.
Sitting back in your seat the makeup artist holds up a mirror so you can see the finished result. Your skin looks flawless, like it had been photoshopped almost, not a slight line in sight. The bags under your eyes, completely gone. The eyeshadow she had gone for was a red/pink smokey eye, complimented by a pair of gorgeous lashes and winged liner. Your breath caught in the back of your throat as you looked yourself over, you were sure this was the best you had ever looked in your life.
‘Well don’t you look ready to be wed’ Oikawa pointed out as he walked in, a big smile adorning his features. He looked more handsome than usual, wearing a navy blue tux and waistcoat with a golden tie.
‘Says you… I love the tie…’ You smiled as he straightened it and did a pose, before making his way over to you, carding his hand through your hair.
‘Well i’m glad you chose gold and white for the theme, i think gold is my colour’ 
‘Yeah I agree, have you got any idea what you want to do with my hair’ You ask him curiously. Last year he had revealed he was quite good at styling hair, and you thought why not save yourself some money, letting him do yours for your wedding.
‘I actually have the perfect style in mind [y/n]-chan! Don’t worry about a thing!’ As he started to run a brush through it, he sighed deeply. Closing your eyes due to the relaxing feeling, he must have realised you were most likely nervous. Which you definitely were.
‘While I'm doing your hair, spill everything’ He almost demanded, but you were thankful, the next 40 minutes you told him everything. 
How you were worried you would regret it, even though you loved Iwaizumi with all your heart, marriage is a big thing. Maybe you should have waited? Most marriages end in divorce, what if you and him are in that percentage. What if you tripped down the aisle and embarrassed yourself? Let's put it this way… there were a lot of what ifs. Oikawa did his best to calm you down, and reassure you and surprisingly he was good at it.
By the time he had finished your hair you were feeling a lot more relaxed. The style he had chosen was pinned up at the front, with small gold flowers at either side transitioning from your hair to the veil perfectly. However he had left the back and bottom sides out so they flowed over your shoulders and down your back, in perfect corkscrew curls. 
‘It’s...It’s stunning Tooru…’ You smiled wide as you looked at the style, it worked perfectly with your dress.
‘Well I got to make sure my best friend's fiance looks amazing for their wedding, don’t you think?’ He returned your smile, admiring his work. 
‘I’m glad Hajime has you… even though he aggressively shows it, he really appreciates you. Now go before you make me cry and ruin my makeup…’ Trying to control the floodgates that almost opened, you gave him a soft smile as he left.
Taking a deep breath, you got up from the chair that had been your home for the last couple of hours. Slowly making your way over to the full length mirror you finally got to look at yourself, all elements finally coming together. It took everything in you not to cry, you had really picked the perfect dress. Lacey full length sleeves that stopped at your shoulder, before curving their way into the dress, leaving your chest and collar bone area exposed. As you looked down, the way the soft white material hugged your hips before poofing out slightly over your bum, made your heart warm. The length itself wasn’t overly long, just enough to scrape the floor, but not enough to be picked up. It was your dream wedding dress.
This is when it hit. You were marrying the love of your life in the next 10 minutes. Hajime. Your very reason for existence will be standing at the end of the aisle waiting. This one thought made your heart beat out your ribcage, he will be there waiting as always. He was always so patient, always understanding. People just saw him as cold, and incapable of complex emotions, but you saw the real him. He let you in.
It was then that you heard a gentle knock at the door, your dad. You had a short conversation before he linked arms with you. Handing you a beautiful bouquet, to hold as you walked down the aisle. Leaving the room it was a short walk down the corridor to a set of double doors. The bridesmaids had already walked down, everyone was where they should be. It was finally time, your veil softly placed over your head as the doors were opened.
Walking through the double doors everything went in slow motion. The aisle and room were decorated with navy hangings and golden ribbons. Each chair had a white lace covering, with golden flowers to accent. As you admired the room, your eyes finally met his. Your breath hitching, he looked handsome as ever. His navy tux matching Oikawas, however, his tie was white with golden flowers embroidered on, smiling so brightly he could light up a room. Suddenly all your worries and fears disappeared and all you could think about was him, and how this was the right decision.
As you reached the end of the aisle, you handed the bouquet over to your maid of honor. Before your father handed you over to Hajime, telling him to look after you. Smiling at him brightly you could see the tears slightly welling in his eyes, making you follow suit. You couldn’t cry though, not yet. 
‘You look beautiful [y/n]...’ He whispers in your ear as you walk up to the vicar, making you blush lightly.
‘And you look dashing Hajime’ Returning his compliment you notice a slight perk in his lips.
That's when the ceremony began, the vicar saying everything he had to say, then came vows. The bit you were almost dreading, you had memorised everything you wanted to say to him. But when he looked you in the eyes, would you be able to recite it? Slowly but surely the time came, Hajime went first.
‘[y/n]... Since I saw you across the hall that one school day, I knew I had to make you mine. Since the faithful first date, to the many days that followed, I fell deeply in love with you. After that I knew this was it, you were the one I wanted to have all my firsts with. I’m so glad you let me experience them with you, and now standing here with you. I want to let you know how much I care, I hope you will have me. So being here with you right now, I promise to love you for you, I promise to cherish and protect you.In sickness and health. Forever and always. I love you [y/n]. Till death do us part.’
His tears had slowly manifested themselves throughout his beautiful vow, and yours had started slowly falling down your face as well. He really was someone you wanted to be with forever, your heart felt so full as you took a deep breath and started your vows.
‘Hajime… I knew from the first date we went on, when you took me to the little coffee shop in town. I knew that I wanted to be with you for a long time, did i predict i would marry you? No, I don’t think anyone thinks about that at that age, however being up here with you now I know I made the right decision. I love you with all my heart, and I promise to be spontaneous, to cherish all the time we have together. I promise to dream with you and always be your biggest fan, till death do us part. I love you Hajime, forever and always.’
By the time you had finished reciting your vows, you were sobbing. This was it. It was you and him now against the world. Smiling through your tears you noticed he was crying just as much as you were. Meant to be. Made for each other. Soulmates. That's what your friends had said, and as you both stood with each other you realised they were right.
Slipping your wedding bands on you couldn’t help get lost in your thoughts. The future seemed so bright with him by your side. So much to experience and he would be with you every step of the way. Looking up at him he lifted your veil, seeing your slightly smudged makeup due to the tears he couldn’t help but smile. 
‘You may now kiss the bride’ The vicar stated as he finished off the ceremony. You looked up at Hajime but you couldn’t wait too long before pressing your lips onto his, in a passionate kiss. Letting all your emotions that you felt drain into it, you could feel him smiling against your lips as he did the same. You couldn’t wait for a future with him. Forever and always.
Tags: @bb-noya @iwaxme @vventure @ardorwrites-hq-mha @super-noya @stcrryskies @scorpiosanssexy @sugawarasimp @watermelonsugawara 
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The Little Things in Life - 5
Warnings: cheating, non-consent sex (series); not the sex you’re expecting but it’s the sex you get.
This is dark!Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Series Summary: Your suburban life begins to show cracks and your next door neighbour, Steve Rogers, seems intent on shattering what’s left.
Note: I finished part 7 yesterday but I’m legit just coasting at this point which means that I’m not rushing anything. I’m doing what I feel like in order to manage my anxiety so one day at a time. :D I do appreciate you all reading. Thanks to everyone for their feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
Based on this drabble
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You didn’t sleep well at all. You woke early and pulled on your torn jeans and the old tank with the bulldog on the front. You looked in on Kayla before you went downstairs and carefully crept to the back door. You went to the shed and got your tools. 
Your small garden in the back was marked off with chicken wire and stakes. You climbed over the low barrier and checked in on the early sprouts. Carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes to start. It would be a while as the tomato vines had only began to wind up the cages.
You heard the gate. You stood up and neared the fence. Your heart sank as you saw Steve round the corner of your house. He wore only a pair of track pants and his sneakers. You glanced up at your bedroom window; confused.
“Hot out, today,” He said.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was on my morning run.” He neared and you backed away from the wire. “I didn’t see you out front.”
“Oh gee, it seems like maybe I’m avoiding you.” You hissed.
“Logan tell you about Thursday?” He asked. You nodded. “Should I grab some wine? Or tequila?”
“I don’t think I’ll be drinking for a while.” You muttered. “Please, go.”
He put his hands on his hips. You didn’t miss the way he pushed his chest out or the way the muscles of his arms bulged. You tore your eyes away guiltily. He chuckled.
“I’m married,” You whispered and slowly glanced at him. “And I’m not interested.”
“You could’ve fooled me, honey,” He leaned on the top of the low fence. “You were shaking like a virgin.”
“Stop.” You sneered. “Go.”
He smirked and stood straight. He stretched his hands and traced a line of sweat along his torso with his finger.
“I’ll see you on Thursday.” He said. “Can’t wait.”
He left you with as little fanfare as he’d arrived. Your shovel slipped from your hand and speared the dirt. You spun and grabbed your head as if it would burst. You squatted down to collect your things. He wasn’t going to stop.
The days flew by. You hated how time could seem to drag one moment, only to speed up when you wanted it to stand still. You were trying desperately to distract yourself from the two men tearing you apart. 
You spent hours in your office working as your mother volunteered to watch Kayla. You could hear them in the front room, giggling. You were thankful for the help though you regretted that your mom was spending her vacation time with your kid.
Logan’s nights were as late as ever. Your conversations tense. Every time you looked at him you saw Karina; the reflection of him as he posed in the mirror. He fucked you again on Tuesday. It was as unenjoyable as Sunday though you were surprised by his sudden burst of libido. Until you found out that Karina was out of town.
You were distracted from your blinking cursor as your thoughts drifted to your brewing resent. You rubbed your eyes and leaned back in your chair. It was harder and harder to focus.
A knock had you spinning around in the chair. You listened as your mother answered it and her voice came muffled through the door. You stood and went to peek down the hall. You cursed silently as you spied your visitor on the doorstep. Your mother turned back and smiled as she saw you.
“You’ve got a guest,” She chimed.
You sighed and emerged from behind the door. You tramped down the carpet and your mother gave a smile to Steve before she flitted back into the front room. Her voice spiked as she greeted Kayla and your daughter giggled in response. You leaned on the door with a frown.
“I’m working,” You said. “And my mother is here.”
“She’s nice,” He replied. “Like you.”
“My daughter is in the next room,” You lowered your voice. “I told you to stay away.”
“You know that’s not gonna happen,” He licked his lips. “I know that you’re looking forward to tomorrow as much as me.”
“You need to go.” You sneered.
“I just wanted to return these,” He held up your gardening glove. The spare pair with the teddy bears on them that you kept buried at the bottom of your basket of tools. “You forgot them last week.”
“What?” You reached out to take them and he caught your hand. He stepped closer and pushed your palm against his crotch. “Steve!”
He cupped his hand around yours and you felt a twitch. You tried to recoil but he had a firm hold on you.
“You should wear something nice tomorrow.” He purred. “Maybe a dress.”
“Let me go,” You demanded as you struggled with him. “What are you--”
He relented and shoved your gloves into your hand. He clung to you and leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“I think of you… at night,” His lips brushed your temple. “It’s so exciting. I can’t stop thinking what it’d be like if you were really there. With me. Beneath me.”
Your lip trembled as he finally released you. You drew back and grabbed the door. He stopped it before you could slam it.
“Now, now,” He said with a smirk. “Your daughter’s in the next room.” He pulled his hand away slowly. “You don’t wanna scare her.”
You stared at him and shook your head. Stunned.
“Bye… Steve,” You uttered and closed the door gently. 
You could see him through the frosted glass. You turned the lock and but he didn’t retreat. His palm came clear through the window as he touched it and you backed away. You looked down at your gloves and heard his fingers slide down the glass.
You went to the living room and looked in on your mother and Kayla. They were nestled on the sofa as they watched cartoon superheroes. You smiled but it quickly died as you forced yourself away from the doorway. You continued onto your office and glanced back at the door. The glass was pale; Steve was gone.
You carried on to the back door and eased the screen door open. You crept quietly down the steps and neared the shed. You stopped dead as you saw the latch. The lock was broken and the metal loop was on the ground. 
You neared cautiously and pulled the door open. Your gardening basket was overturned. He wanted you to know he’d been there. It was a message; he would find a way to get to you.
Thursday came and your mother picked up Kayla at five. Logan was home early to your surprise and seemed eager to finish the beer he’d left at the Rogers’. You were in dread as you looked in the mirror and turned in your loose dress. 
You were certain that even with a belt cinched at the waist, it betrayed little of your figure. The neckline was high-cut and the skirt reached your knees. You wore flats and a thin cardigan over it. You were assured that you were matronly enough to deter your covetous neighbour.
You were so distracted, that your anger with Logan was only a nagging jab in the ribs compared to the tightness in your chest. The anxiety that had you clutching the thin handles of the tall gift bag. You’d gone out and bought the same brand of wine Steve had given you. A gift for Sharon. Out of courtesy, or maybe, it was guilt.
You crossed the street with your husband. You avoided looking at him. You found it harder every day. Sooner or later, you knew you’d snap. You’d have to say something. You couldn’t live like this forever.
Sharon answered the door. She wore a red jumpsuit that enhanced her figure. The last of her baby weight was barely noticeable. She was stunning. You handed her the wrapped bottle of wine and she thanked you as she peeked in the bag.
“Steve’s in the den,” She said to Logan. “But dinner’s on it’s way.”
Your husband thanked her and dipped into the next room. She beckoned you into the kitchen and gave you a stack of plates.
“We should set the table.” She said. “I might be too lazy to cook but I can pretend I did.”
She grabbed the silverware and followed you into the dining room. Like the rest of her house, it was immaculately decorated. You recalled the designer she had brought in last year to do the nursery. You wondered how her and Steve could live in such a boring cul-de-sac. They should be secluded away in some exuberant mansion.
“Then, you can help me make the margaritas,” She trilled and drew you from your envy. “Oh, take that thing off.”
She dumped the utensils on the table as you set down the plates. 
“How old is this dress?” She asked as she pushed your cardigan down your shoulders. “Have you lost weight?”
“I… don’t know.” 
You wriggled free of your sleeves and let her sling your cardigan on the bag of one of the chairs. You began to place the plates carefully around the table. She turned to a small table and opened the slender drawer. She pulled out some folded cloth napkins and began to roll up the silver in the black cotton.
“I was on this mission once. When I was younger.” She said as you neared to help her. “I was undercover as a waitress for two months. By the end of it, I wondered if it would be easier to just stay. It was a nice restaurant and the tips…”
“I did some bar tending in university,” You offered. “I got demoted to cleaning dishes after I broke a bottle of Grey Goose.”
She laughed and watched you place the cutlery alongside the plates. When you finished, she led you back into the kitchen and set up her big blender. She dumped in ice, Cointreau, and a healthy dose of tequila. You recognized the half-finished mickey from the party. She revealed another from under the counter and added to her brew.
“Um, I don’t know if you need all tha--” 
She held down the button and the motor drowned out your voice. She nodded to the cupboard and you turned and opened it. You pulled out for stemmed glasses and placed them on the counter. She turned off the blender and lined the rims with salt before she poured the icy mixture.
The doorbell rang and she shoved the glasses towards you.
“That should be the food,” She announced. “Take those to the table and get the guys, will you?”
You watched her go, her strides long as she floated on her gold heels. You took the glasses out two at a time and then dipped your head into the den. Steve and Logan chattered as sports highlights flashed on the large television.
“Dinner,” You said quietly.
Steve looked up first and nodded. He stood and Logan mirrored him. Steve waved him along first and your husband surprised you as he neared and placed a peck on your lips. You turned as he wrapped his arm around you and guided you across the hall. His hand rested on your hip but you nearly jumped as you felt a pinch on your ass. That wasn’t Logan.
You ignored it and swept away from Logan as you entered the dining room and sat at the chair where your cardigan hung. Your husband sat beside you and Steve made sure to take the seat across from you. You avoided his eyes as you let Logan hold your hand on the arm of the chair.
Sharon entered with a bowl of roasted potatoes. Next she entered with a rotisserie chicken and finally a spiced veggie medley. You couldn’t believe she had paid for the delivery. You knew the restaurant well and it was expensive on its own and the delivery fee was little better. You’d only been there once and Logan had bawked at the bill.
Sharon served each of you and then took her own seat. She reached for her cup and raised it.
“There’s more in the kitchen,” She promised. “I’ve pumped enough for another hangover.”
You gave a sheepish smile and sipped. Steve took a large gulp as his eyes caught yours and you quickly averted your gaze. You focused on your plate and barely tasted the savoury food. You flinched as you felt something against your foot. 
Your flat was so thin you could clearly feel the leather toe of Steve’s shoe against yours. You nearly choked and hid it with the glass. You shot him a dark look and he smirked. He was brazen though the other two seemed entirely oblivious. You pulled your feet back and tangled them under your chair.
“So, Sharon,” You cleared your throat. “I heard you were thinking of going back to work early.”
“Oh, yes, actually, I was just discussing my return and, well,” She smiled and looked to her husband. “I hadn’t had the chance to tell Steve but… they’ve offered me part-time hours until I’m back in full form and then I can get back in the field.”
“Mmm,” Logan swallowed and turned to Steve. “What about you? I thought you were hanging it up.”
“I am,” Steve assured him. “It’s not for me. I’m just fine staying home with Sarah… admittedly, I didn’t think Sharon would be going back so soon.”
There was a silence and you glanced over at Logan. He shifted in his chair, realising he may have stoked a spark to a flame.
“Steve,” Sharon said softly.
“It’s fine,” He pushed a potato around with his fork. “Really. Only part-time.”
“I… haven’t said yes, yet,” She lowered her voice.
“No, no, if that’s what you want,” He shrugged. “We talked about it before. You know that whatever you want, I want. I just didn’t expect it to happen… now.”
“I didn’t either but--”
“Let’s talk about it later,” He interrupted. “We have company.”
Sharon laughed nervously and glanced across the table. Your lips wavered as you tried to hold your smile and you took a bite of chicken just to keep yourself busy. You looked down at your plate again then back up. Steve was watching you again. He raised a brow and tilted his head just a little; as if to say, see?
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cpd5021 · 3 years
Santa’s Helper
Happy Smutmas! Here’s day number one! Rated very much M!! Enjoy!
It started off as any other day in Intelligence, they were working a case and Jay and Hailey had been out tracking down a witness. As they walked up the steps back into the precinct, the typical easy banter flowing between them, Hailey caught Platt’s eyes and immediately knew she would regret it. Platt stared her down and summoned her over with a wave of her finger. Hailey sent Jay a panicked look but he simply shrugged and continued his way up the steps leading towards the bullpen. Hailey begrudgingly made her way over to Platt, feeling her stomach sink with every step as she took in the clearly fake smile plastered on the sargents face. 
“Goldilocks! Just the detective I wanted to see!”
Her uncharacteristically chipper voice did nothing to quell Hailey’s nerves. 
“What can I help you with, Sarge?”
Hailey asked, forcing her own fake smile onto her face. 
“Upton, I am so glad you asked.”
Platt accentuated each word, smiling even more as she spoke. 
“CPD is hosting a little Christmas event for kids and I need some volunteers.”
The way she said ‘volunteers’ told Hailey it would be anything but voluntary. Hailey simply nodded along, waiting for the other bomb to drop. 
“We’re having a Santa and he needs some elves.”
There it was. Hailey cringed internally at the thought of what Platt was suggesting but knew better than to protest. 
“Who else is helping out?”
Hailey asked, trying to draw the attention away from her initial reaction. 
“Well, Kevin was more than happy to be our Santa and you should have seen the look on Kim’s face when I told her, she’s the one who suggested elves. It’s perfect!”
Hailey smiled at the thought of Kevin as Santa and was not one bit surprised that Kim was all for this. She nodded again, letting Platt know she would help out before turning to dart upstairs and hoping that she could somehow get out of this. Walking into the bullpen, Hailey walked by Kevin’s desk, sharing a knowing look with him as she passed by. She was so distracted by her previous conversation she didn’t notice Kim jogging up to her until they almost collided. 
“Did she tell you? I already found the costumes!”
Kim beamed, practically jumping with excitement. 
Hailey stuttered, not having even considered that thought.
“Well yeah, we can’t just go as is. We’re elves!”
This time Kim did jump and Hailey fought to plaster a smile on her face. She excused herself and hurried over to her desk, sinking into her chair and wishing they had used the other door when they came in. Jay sent her a questioning look from his desk and she couldn’t bring herself to explain so she just shook her head at him and focused on her computer. 
    Hailey made it through the rest of the day without mention of her new gig, thankful that they had gotten too busy for Kim to have the time to show her the costumes. Now she stood in the locker room, ready to go home and dreading tomorrow. It was supposed to be her day off anyway, she should have told Platt she had plans. Not that that would have mattered, the Sargeant would have gotten her roped in one way or another. While word of Hailey’s role at this shindig thankfully stayed under wraps, the mention of the function itself spread quickly. Jay had asked her if she planned on attending it and she had brushed him off, hoping he wasn’t planning on going. He had let it drop but the way he looked at her made Hailey think he suspected something was up. Hailey finished up in the locker room and quickly headed home, praying tomorrow would be over with quickly. 
    Morning came far too quickly for Hailey’s liking. She found herself snoozing her alarm a few times before she finally rolled out of bed. She padded into the bathroom, taking a long and hot shower before she got dressed and headed downstairs for some breakfast. She glanced at her phone, checking the time and groaning when she realized she needed to get going if she was going to meet with Kim at 11 as they had planned. Hailey headed out the door, pulling her coat tight against her in the cold Chicago wind. The drive to the banquet hall was much shorter than Hailey would have appreciated and soon enough she was trudging her way inside. An older woman at a table by the door pointed her in the direction of a room being used for the characters and Hailey cringed at the title placed upon her. Pushing the door open slowly, the first thing that caught her eye was Kevin in the corner of the room, donned in a full on Santa suit and instantly glaring at her smile. She walked over, lifting her hand to rub it up and down the red fabric.
“Wow, it’s even real velvet.”
She smirked, chuckling when he glared down at her. 
“Only the best for the best.”
He said, puffing his chest out and adjusting his Santa hat. Hailey was just starting to think maybe this wouldn’t be so bad when Kim came running up behind her, clad in a bright green elf dress, complete with obnoxiously glittery tights. She even wore a hat with a little bell on top and Hailey wanted to sink into the floor at the thought of putting it on. Kim handed her the bag containing her garment and pointed her in the direction of the bathroom. Hailey held back a sigh as she took the bag and headed out of the room. 
Once dressed, and having swallowed every last bit of her pride, Hailey walked back out into the main room. She met eyes with Kevin and it was his turn to smirk at her. She sent him a glare in return and then was bombarded by Kim once again. 
“Okay, I have some glittery makeup we can add for you. I think it really pulls the look together.”
Kim turned her head back and forth slowly, displaying her glittery handiwork. Hailey pursed her lips in an attempt at a smile, knowing she wasn’t getting out of this. Once kim had “worked her magic” as she called it, the two followed after Kevin as another older woman came to tell them it was time to set up. Walking into the auditorium, the trio were met by Platt, wearing a huge smile plastered on her face. She walked over to them, coming to Kevin first and cupping his face between her hands. 
“Most handsome Santa I’ve ever seen.”
She said and the look on his face was priceless. She turned to Kim next, sending her another smile before she finally turned to Hailey. 
“Awe, aren’t you just adorable.”
Hailey tried her best to smile at the Sergeant but it fell flat. Platt leaned in close enough to speak so only Hailey could here. 
“And hating every moment, which I’m loving. For the kids Upton! For the kids!”
And with that she was gone and Hailey was moving to catch up to Kim. 
The event started then and Hailey and Kim fell into an easy rhythm, leading the kids up to sit on Santa’s lap and posing for photo ops when requested. Hailey’s nerves had settled slightly as they neared the end of the event and she had to admit, seeing the kids light up by seeing Santa almost made this whole disaster worth it. Almost. 
As the afternoon wore down, the line started to thin. Hailey was standing next to a family with two kids, ready for their photo, when she saw the auditorium doors open and her heart sank. In walked Adam and Jay, heading directly her way. She panicked briefly and considered boltling, but the photographer reminded her they were ready to take the photo. By the time the camera clicked and Hailey was free, it was too late. Jay was standing just a few feet back, staring at her with the biggest grin on his face, Adam’s eyes were locked on Kim. The girls ushered the last few kids through, finishing out the event before Adam jumped onto the end of the line. Kim played right along, moving him up to sit on Kevin’s lap and Kim laughed as she snapped the picture. Jay walked up to Hailey, a huge grin still plastered on his face. 
“Shut up.”
She told him, though she was unable to control the small smile tugging at her lips. 
“I didn’t say anything.”
Hailey glared up at him, his mischievous eyes glinting down at her. 
“Did you want a picture with Santa too?”
She asked, raising her eyebrow at him. He leaned in closer to her, whispering into her ear as he spoke. 
“No, but I wouldn’t mind a session with his elf.”
Hailey instantly felt heat rush to her cheeks but she hoped the glittery makeup Kim had plastered on her would hide it. 
“I’ll see if Kim’s available.”
She deadpanned, knowing damn well he meant her. The two had recently shifted their relationship past just work partners and friends and honestly it had been the best decision Hailey had ever made. Jay was amazing, as she knew he would be, in every aspect of their relationship. But the way he was looking at her with the dark look swirling around his eyes, made Hailey very aware of the one element he really excelled in. The thought sent heat rushing to more than just her cheeks, something she knew Jay was definitely aware of. Jay stood behind her, with enough distance that any onlookers wouldn’t think anything of their spacing, but close enough he could tug ever so slightly on the hem of her short skirt. Hailey jumped at the contact and spun around to send him a threatening look. He sent her a smirk in return and she was blushing once again. Hailey turned back around to survey the room, Kevin, Adam and Kim were huddled in the corner all laughing at something Kevin had said. The cleaning crew was making their way in to tear down the decorations, signalling to Hailey that she was done for the day. She reached back to tug Jay’s arm, leading him out of the auditorium. They headed into the empty hallway and Hailey started back towards the dressing room. 
“Give me just a sec to change and we can get out of here.”
She spoke, checking the plaque on each door as she walked, looking for the dressing room. She only made it two more doors before Jay’s hand yanked her backwards and quickly turned her back to be up against the wall. He was in front of her in a split second, his knee coming to rest between her thighs. Her eyes darted up and down the hallway, finding it thankfully empty.
“Are you insane?”
She hissed, finally looking up at him. He winked at her before dipping his head down, his mouth instantly finding the spot just below her ear that he knew drove her wild. She clutched the front of his shirt, eagerly pulling him closer before she thought better and pushed him back. 
“Jay, look where we are!”
She hissed again, scanning the hallway once more. 
“I don’t see anyone.”
He countered, biting his bottom lip as he took in her flushed face. 
“That’s not the point.”
She muttered, her heart racing at the look on his face. 
“One of these rooms has to be empty, it’s a Saturday, everyone’s probably headed home.”
He whispered, waggling his eyebrows playfully. 
“You really are insane.”
She replied, making the mistake of looking him in the eye once again. Jay pulled her off the wall, tugging her down the hall and checking for an unlocked door. To her horror, and albeit slight pleasure, he found one and quickly pushed it open, yanking her inside. They found themselves in an empty office that looked like it wasn’t in use even during business days. A desk covered in a thick layer of dust was in the middle of the room but Jay led her to the leather couch pushed up against the wall. He sat down and immediately pulled her onto his lap, her legs straddling his waist. 
“I wasn’t joking about that session with an elf.”
He said, leaning up to kiss along her neck once again. Her hands came to rest on his shoulders, pulling him closer as her body began to give in to his ministrations. His hands gripped her hips, gently moving her back and forth against the front of his jeans, causing an obvious reaction from the both of them. His fingers came to dance up her thighs, sliding under the fabric of her skirt easily and continuing their way up. His thumb brushed over her sensitive nerves and even through all the fabric she bucked at the contact. He pulled back from her neck, tilting his head to smirk up at her. She bit her lower lip, her fingers trailing down his neck before scraping down his shirt until she met the clasp of his belt. His eyes darkened even more as she quickly undid the belt and his button, pulling down his zipper slowly, with enough pressing to drive him wild. She freed him from his boxers and her hands instantly started to set a rhythm, his hips lifting up into her with every stroke. She sent him a smirk before sliding off his lap and onto her knees in front of him. 
He breathed out, registering what was about to happen. She bit her lip again, sending him a wink before she dipped down and took him into her mouth. Her eyes never left his and she watched as he fell apart under her touch. She set a slow pace, something she knew drove him insane as her mouth and hand worked together to bring him to the edge. She could tell he was getting close when his thighs started to twitch around her and then his hands were in her hair, gently pulling her off. He pulled her up and positioned her on the couch, sharing a quick kiss before he pushed her to lay back. He pulled down the skirt and tights, dragging his nails down her thighs as he went. The sensation caused her to shiver and he sent her a devilish grin in response. Jay shifted himself down, his tongue darting out between his lips for just a second before he lapped at her wetness, Hailey arching instantly underneath him. He drew his tongue through her wet folds again before he moved back down and slid inside her. Hailey’s hand clasped over her mouth in an attempt to silence her moans as Jay continued to work her. As her legs began to shake around him, Jay pulled away from her, causing Hailey to groan at the loss of contact. Her disappointment didn’t last long before his fingers slid into her core, another loud moan rising from her chest. His mouth latched onto her clit and as his tongue sucked and flicked over the sensitive bundle, Hailey felt herself fall apart. Jay continued to work her until the waves of her orgasm finally slowed. Then he crawled back up her until his body hovered over her, the tip of his erection dancing just over where she wanted him most. His mouth found hers and she tasted herself there, causing another moan. Jay positioned himself at her entrance, nipping at her bottom lip before he pushed his whole length in.He paused for a moment to let her adjust before his hips began to rock against her. Hailey met him thrust for thrust and in a matter of minutes, they were both on edge. Jay moved one hand between them, his fingers dancing over her throbbing bundle and it was enough to drive her over the edge. 
“Jay...oh fuck…”
She moaned loudly before Jay’s mouth clashed against hers, silencing her with a kiss. His own release followed right after and his thrusts became sloppy as he lost control. They stilled for a moment, both catching their breath, before Jay moved out of her and sat up on the couch. Hailey laid, completely spent, on the cool leather sofa as her stomach and thighs continued to quiver. Jay stood and put himself back together before bending down to grab her clothes. He helped her slide back into the tights and skirt, laughing as she swayed upon standing. Her arms came to clasp around his neck, pulling him into a quick hug before she moved back to look at him. 
“You’re awful. A kids Christmas program?”
She shook her head in mock disappointment, causing him to raise his eyebrows at her. 
“I didn’t hear you complaining. In fact, I’m pretty sure everyone heard quite the opposite.”
His words brought another flush to her cheeks and she buried her face in his chest. 
“Shut up, I’m not that loud.”
He chuckled against her, giving her hips a squeeze before they separated. 
“That is highly debatable.”
Hailey shook her head again and pulled him towards the door. They stepped back out into the hallway and Hailey resumed her search for the dressing room door. To her horror, she only made it to the door next to the one they had just come out of. Hailey slowly pushed it open, hoping no one would be inside. Of course that wasn’t her luck and as they stepped inside they were met with a mixture of looks and whistles from Kevin and Adam. Kim sat in the corner laughing. But as Platt moved to stand in front of her, Hailey’s stomach sank. The Sergeant didn’t say a word, just glared Hailey and then Jay down before leaving the room. Hailey turned to punch Jay in the shoulder before bolting to the bathroom to change, locking herself inside and debating never coming out.
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
What does happiness look like?
Includes: Kuroo
Genre: Angst, a tad of fluff
Warnings: cheating?
A/N: Mwuah Happy? What happy?
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Cold and trembling, he was submerged into the freezing water up to his collar bones. Head resting on the dull coloured wall tiles of his bathroom, kuroo stared aimlessly at the edge of his tub. Chapped lips and a bored gaze on his pale face that night. Why cant we just be happy? To be obliviously happy. What did happiness even look like anymore? Was he even worthy of happiness?
These questions constantly seep their way into his head and like the overthinker he was, he’d spend hours remaining in the cold water pondering on when he was every going to see the light again. Bathing for decency. As he stood up from his position, he sneaked a peek at the autumn sky in the small compact window on top of his bathroom. Though his body was telling him to quickly cover himself, he simply took his time wearing clothes, still dazed. The moaning and groaning of his stomach, though not new, did not fell into deaf ears as he had thought to walked over to the local ramen shop to get something to eat. It wasn’t foreign for him to feel that as he had been doing that for a while. Eating just to survive. He pockets his keys and looks over at the jersey he was supposedly proud of. Framed with a picture of his previous volleyball team beside it. The smile he has on his face with the sweat dripping down his brow. Staying alive just for the sake of being alive.
What face will he make when he sees what happiness looks like again? The clicking of the door echoed telling him that he could go already. Once again taking his time, he admired the view of the night all the while not noticing the fumbling bike about to crash at him. In a swift moment he had barely moved aside as the bike had coming crashing into the pile of garbage cans. The loud crash scaring the kittens that have been concealing themselves using the bins and bags. “Im fi-hay-ne” she slurs through her loud announcement of her state while trying to pick herself up from the rubble.
“I wasn’t asking-“ “Well that’s mean! Didn’t your mother teach you to help those who needed it?” She banters while patting herself to rid of the dirt, though that did nothing to the stench that she now had on her. “You dont seem like you need help though...” his voice was in between a low growl and mumble. “Ha?! Look at this boy! Not even helping a lady! Who raised you?” She starts grumbling, picking up her bike and trying to get back on, ultimately failing. The night was so dark that only the light post was illuminating the way, looking at the ill mannered girl, he had finally gotten a good look of her face.
Scrunched up nose with stars for eyes, clearly scratched and a bit of filth layed on her soft cheeks. Her brows furrowed to the center and sweat glistening on her forehead. Cutting through his admiring thoughts” Then let me help you. My apartment is near by” he utters, seemingly regretting this but accepting the situation when she turns to him with a toothy grin and runs close him.
She smelled of garbage and oil, amusing him though she starts rambling about her day.
Wow she actually thinks I care...Hmmm...when will she even stop talking? At least she’s not awkward, I guess? What is she even talking about? “-So there I was right? He was trying to talk me into letting him eat me while I was on my period. Calling me his little ketchup packet-“ “HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT?!” A hyena like laughter emits from his lips. When was the last time he even laughed like this? His grabbed onto his sides and cackled the night away. The night, the moment he looked at her...
His eyes relaxed and a small smile to his dry lips, that was the face he had when he had finally seen what happiness looked like again.
The face he had made everyday since then.
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“Tetsu! Look at the kitten mugs! We should get some! It looks great!” “Y/N, we dont need-“ “LOOK! They even have nekoma themed mugs! And fukurodani ones! These are great! Did you know I actually went to fukurodani?” Her blabber was a tune that was constantly stuck to his head now. Watching her bring the mugs to the counter, he quickly hands his card to the register without her protest...well up until “I could have handled that yknow?” Another one of her famous complaints. Who knew happiness was a small woman in an old jacket and was as aggressive as a chihuahua?
“Fine, then you can buy the tea, kitten?” The raven offered as she feels her cheeks grow warm at the nickname. “Of course Im paying for tea, idiot!” Hurriedly grabbing her shopping bag and walking to the entrance that kuroo had opened for her. Walking side by side while munching on the weird convenience store they had both decided on.
“I like these! We should buy more next time, no?” Gasping at the delicious snack.
“Make yourself at home...” “Will do, sir~” she enters his apartment so casually and places the mugs down. Plopping down on her, self-proclaimed, spot while the rooster haired male had set up his kitchen for some tea she sets up the show they were going to watch. Spotting some packets of convenience store food, the smaller girl stared at them and started arising from her seat.
Kuroo felt small arms wrap around his waist and a cheek to his back. “Tetsu...” “Yes, kitten?” Replying with a teasing voice however regretting it as soon the male realizes what was happening. “I told you not to eat convenience store food anymore!” She scolds. Sigh It was a sight to behold. A 6ft tall man saying sorry to a smaller female, who was not even his lover, scolding him of not taking better care of himself. Though after all has been said and done she brings him to a cuddle on the couch. “Im just scolding you because I lov- ehem I..aughh I mean be-cause... you aren’t taking care of yourself again...you idiot” The last part sounding almost like a whisper. He was safe, content and most of all happy.
Recalling the questions he once had in his head.
Who knew happiness looked like her? An aggressive small girl who was way too confident.
A certain warm light to her eyes. Brow always dripping with sweat. She was fierce and weirdly competitive in things that don’t really matter.
‘Who could eat the most mochi?’ ‘Who could finish their tea first?’ Most of which the former captain would entertain. Happiness looked like her whenever she would run after the birds at the park and giggle at their “Cowardice” to face her.
Happiness sounded like her odd stories and her voice shouting at the store owner to haggle with her. She was happiness. She was his happiness.
He knew in himself that he liked her of course. Through his ups and downs they were together. The convincing him to go to classes. Y/N constantly riding up to his apartment just so she made sure he would actually go. Her constant “Good morning”...the...
“Tetsu, come on. It’s a great day to go to do something after classes!”
“OI! WHAT ARE YOU EATING?! You think rice is cheap? Ha?! Eat the food I made! No more instant noodles!”
“It’s okay. Let it all out. Im here. Your feelings are valid, okay?”
“Hey tetsu, I bought some Grilled Salted Mackerel pike!”
Until it became...
“Kitten! Let’s go to the beach!”
“Hey! Eat your food! It’ll get cold yknow?”
“Chibi-chan! You can’t even catch up!”
“Do you need help with that one? Here you do it like this...”
“Y/N, kenma said we’re meeting up at the cafe near the station. Wanna get ready at 10?”
“Hey shut the fuck up! She can wear whatever she wants. You’re just a pervert if you think you’re allowed to cat call her just for wearing clothes, ass hole”
Coming back to his younger, more passionate self. The happiest and the best version of himself, he thought that through this he was at least worthy and deserving of being loved by her.
However not everything is perfect. There were days where Y/N couldn’t even stop by. She was tired and she needed to rest for herself. Kuroo understand that but lately she was a bit too busy.
Was she busy? He wouldn’t have doubter her if...he hadnt..He saw her walking out of campus with a guy that day. More specifically the school’s counseling president.. She was so nice. Nice to everyone. Even to people like that. She was even nice to him. Him. He wasn’t even anybody. He was nothing and she was everything. He hated to think about it but...Maybe she just did that out of pity. She’s so nice that she would do that. Who was he?
Who was he to be important? He wasn’t a president of anything. He was just himself. Was he even worthy enough that she takes care of him to such an extent? What could he do for her though?
The sudden creak of the door alerts him, his sharp eyes meet Y/N’s frame holding a bouquet of flowers. “Oh hey can you help with these? The guys at the committee bought them for me as thanks but I honestly like gardens more hahaha Still sweet though” Taking off her shoes and handing him the big bouquet of red to pink roses. He could have done much better. She didn’t even like their stupid bouquet.
“There’s a green house tea house thing close to my university. Wanna go then? I mean Im going to be dropping some stuff off at my locker so-“ “Really?! Sure!” An excited squeal came from her lips while she stepped in and occupied the majority of the couch in a deflated or one might say tired pose.
“Please pick from our flower charms!” The host to the tea shop announcing enthusiastically at the duo. Normally the two would have picked different flowers however captivated by certain flowers with bright pink petals that point to the sky. Cyclamens with small papers which read “Fight for your love”.
Just like fortune cookies.
Well what do you know? Passionate love then? What a coincidence due to the situation. To fight for your love.
Being seated at their booth, both had looked around the place. Clumsily piled high with beautiful plants and the sun light almost seemed too perfectly placed. Y/N looked as if she belonged there. With the flora decorating her, one would have considered her a fairy. “You look...N-nice...kitten” stuttering to even find the right things to say.
Under the table...
She had gently inched her small fingertips to touch his calloused ones. Holding at least a portion of her hand. Soft ,comforting and happy. When the tea had arrived Kuroo had only taken a small sip until he rejected the floral drink completely. “You know Chrysanthemums actually means Loyalty and patience? It’s really cool!” With the tea’s edge to her slightly parted lips, the young female had taken a quiet sip.
She enjoys the date with her hand completely clasped in his under the table. Shoulders touching and giggling at whatever kuroo was showing her on his phone. It was literal paradise. Beautiful flora, wonderful food and amazing her. It was perfection in a moment. The sun’s afternoon light striped through her hair and a portion of her cheek. Magic.
It was all until she had started squirming and gripping his hand tighter. “T-tesu...I ughh...I like someone. It’s this guy and...he...I think he might be the one, tetsu! He buys tea with me and holds me like Im home...”
So he was right. He was correct this time. He was so used to being wrong that right now being right felt like a punishment. Tetsuro though that he was the only one who he did those things with. So right and so wrong at the same time.
The little glimmer of happiness in him slightly fading.
He was just there because she pitied him.
He hated it but he didn’t say that, he couldn’t. He had his signature grin on as he knuckles her hair he says something along the lines of “You! You’re going to scare him off! Hahaha! You’re so stubborn too, chibi-chan!”
The laughter was sweet as the tea he had refused to drink. A few moments later the male had left saying that he had to relieve himself though he barely drank anything.
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1: 02 PM
3: 27 PM
“Miss, would you like me to sit with-“ “Oh? Oh! No! Sorry! Im actually with someone. Im just waiting for him”
“Oh sorry! I thought you were alone”
6: 12 PM
8: 45 PM
“Umm...miss, we’re actually going to close now”
“Hello? Tetsu-“ “This number cannot be reached. Please try again-“
“UGH! I am so kicking his ass when I see him! Ditching me like that!...” Shuffling to gather her things and hurriedly asking for the bill. She leaves the moment she’s cleared and in search of the rooster head male.
Meanwhile the male was in the library ever since. Trying to simply clear his head. Trying to understand what had just happened. Recalling the exact moment that you weren’t his anymore. When a woman in a skimpy outfit had cat called him when he was about to leave. Something about how he looked well hung. Livid, he grabbed her to the side which she obliged in.
This was wrong.
Though why would he care? He was always wrong. The one moment where he was correct he was also wrong. He clenched his fist and forcibly bit his lips.
He was cringing at all of this. Y/N was supposed to be his and yet...She had to choose...and she chose someone who deserved her love.
The disgusting moans of the woman he was making out with at the alley way. Hungry, disgusted and furious. His touches were rough and almost hurting her.
Again, why would he care? Y/N didn’t even like him! He was only taken care of out of pity! He was nothing! All he was...was wrong.
Empty and wrong.
He took it all out on the innocent girl’s cunt. Kuroo called out for her. Her nickname.
Grasping and groaning ‘kitten’. Balls deep in this bitch he picked up from the street when his phone started ringing.
The light of his screen illuminating them.
On the other side of this though...Y/N was walking to his apartment to see if he was there. Also just as livid. Tear stained. Her mascara smudged. No longer looking like a fresh flower. A wilted yellow carnation to her hair while her hands fumbled with her phone. She felt betrayed. She felt useless. It took so much for her to even confess! She had to time everything! To the hand holding and intimate touches.
Even rejecting the council president because of him!
He was a jerk! Why would he even invite her to a date if he was just going to ditch her?
Was she the one in the wrong this time though? Did he even like her? Why would he just invite her?
Did she misunderstand? Were they just friends?...
Finally confessing to him and he just-...mid step. Her head just momentarily looking to the side, to the alleyway. When a familiar figure was illuminated by a screen’s light in his pocket. A familiar figure with a familiar ring tone in a foreign situation. The flower on her hair dropping to her worn out shoes.
It was like a blink. Like a flicker of the light. It was at least just 2 seconds when she saw it.
There he was. Frustrated, grinning, calling out for his ‘kitten’ and balls deep in a girl she has never even seen before.
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Taglist: @boosyboo9206 @kuroos-babie @yamaguchi-stan @janellion @cthuroo (thank you for helping me I love you) @my-mass-hysteria @zoppzoop
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furidojasutin · 3 years
Title: The matching costumes
Pairing: Fraxus (Freed x Laxus)
Universe: Canon
Rating: K+
a/n: Happy Halloween!! Not sure if I’ll also be able to do something for Fraxus Day on November 5th but I wanted to do at least one of the two dates, Halloween or Fraxus Day djkwsl Enjoy the scary day, guys!
He hated that he caught himself thinking how perfect they looked together. He hated that this thought even made it into his mind, but here he was. A mug of beer in his hand, lazy cat ears on his tousled blond hair (Bixlow had made him wear those) and pulling a face looking as miserable as sin.
How fucking great.
Laxus chugged his drink and put his mug back on the wooden counter. He had stopped counting how many drinks he's had this night and he didn't really care. It was a quite blessed thing that his tolerance for alcohol was very high, he thought every now and then. Other times he had experienced the need to numb all his senses, but alcohol rarely seemed to work.
Point is, he still couldn't outdrink Cana but his tolerance was high enough to try battling her. Not that he wanted to do that right now.
What did he wanna do? Perhaps just go home and escape this noisy mess of a Halloween party.
Yet, he didn't end up doing any of it. Instead he found himself being hypnotized by the scene presented on the guild's stage. He just couldn't seem to avert his eyes, even if he wanted to so badly.
Freed and Mirajane had done a matching costume. They had dressed up as demonic partners in crime and it was impressive, maybe even the most impressive costume duo Laxus had ever seen in one of the guild's contests. Both of them looked equally attractive and fearsome (was that a weird thought to have?), with their fangs and dark clothes with just the right colorful accents, glowing eyes, horns as their crowns, the mischievous expressions on their faces. There were so many details that turned the overall image into a feast for the eyes. Impressive, formidable, dark...
People would look at them standing there together and think that these two would have the most beautiful, smart and confident children one day. Alright, perhaps without them wearing their costumes, but the point was still made...
Fuck. Did he really just think that, too?
The feel of discomfort tightened in Laxus' chest and instinctively he reached for his mug, just then realizing that it was already empty again. And Mira wasn't serving right now. At least this finally prompted him to rip his eyes off the scene he had been watching intently for the past couple of minutes, attempting to find Kinana or Lisanna among the crowd of people flooding the guild hall. Without any success, though.
“Regretting your choice yet?”
Laxus grimaced at the almost mocking voice that suddenly appeared next to him. He realized that he should have seen this coming, but he had hoped that he'd be able to avoid it somehow. Not with Evergreen, though. He noticed that hint of a smirk on his friend's face and refused to look at her, deciding to stare down his emptied mug.
“I don't know what you're talking about.” This wouldn't be good enough to shoo her away, he knew. If he had learned anything about his closest friends then it was that they were just as stubborn as he was, if not even more stubborn sometimes. A curse and a blessing all the same, really. Who was he to talk though, if he suffered the same flaw?
“Oh, you don't?” Evergreen took a sip from her purple cocktail. The color was matching her outfit quite nicely but the sound of her slurp was almost a little too aggressive. Perhaps he was just imagining it but he rather guessed that it was all part of her attempt to mock him.
“No,” he grumbled and tapped his fingers on the counter. He really didn't feel like talking, especially not right now and where everyone could possibly hear him.
“Alright,” she shrugged and took another sip from her drink. It almost fooled him into thinking that she would leave him alone, until- “So you're completely fine with Freed and Mira doing matching costumes because you declined when Freed asked you? They're absolutely gorgeous, by the way.”
Laxus wasn't sure why Evergreen needed to rub salt into the wound so hard. It didn't matter anyway. The weird pang he felt in his chest followed by a dizzying nausea was more real than anything else in that very moment. When had he started to allow his emotions to overrule his mind?
He wasn't even sure what the worst part about this entire situation was. His feelings messing him up? Him realizing what it was but still trying to deny them for some reason? Freed and Mira truly looking breathtaking together? Evergreen making him feel even more miserable for pointing out all of it? Knowing that it was his fault that Freed had asked Mira instead?
Truth is, Laxus had just never really been into Halloween. Not like he would admit it to many people, but he'd always been more of a Christmas guy himself ever since he was a little boy. He had forgotten about the charms of this holiday in between times, but it was slowly coming back.
Freed, however? Back then he hadn't been sure if he should be surprised or not when he found out that Freed was very fond of Halloween, actually. The Raijinshuu's captain turned out to enjoy the atmosphere, scaring people, setting up Halloween parties with the help of his rune traps, the decorations and even... the costumes.
This year had been the first year of Freed actually wanting to participate and he had asked Laxus if he wanted to join him.
And what had he done? Remembering the moment clearly, Laxus frowned, not registering whether Evergreen was still talking to him or not. Freed had asked him and he had messed up. He hadn't even thought his answer through, it just slipped out before he could even realize what was happening.
Then he had said that he knew that Freed would find a better partner for this.
That's what he did, indeed.
“Laxus? Laxus, hey.”
With a growl rumbling in the back of his throat he turned his head when he heard Evergreen's voice, returned from his pit of thoughts. He was surprised when he found a tinge of guilt on her painted face, though decided to neglect it. She could have thought her words through before she said them. Now here there were and he definitely wasn't in a better place than before.
If anything, he was more frustrated and it showed when he pushed himself off his bar stool, ready to retreat somewhere else. “I was wrong and you were right, 's that what you wanted to hear? Give me a break, Evergreen,” he snapped between gritted teeth, becoming so tunnel visioned that he didn't hear what Ever said to him about Mirajane as he left the bar area.
It wasn't a problem for him to slide through the people, occasionally bumping into the one or other but not caring. She knew that she would just end up provoking him with her words, didn't she? Was that what she wanted to achieve? He had no fucking idea and the more he thought about it the less he seemed to care anyway. Perhaps he shouldn't have snapped at her just now, but honestly, she had it coming.
Not like Ever didn't know that he was a mess when it came down to handling emotions. He had made visible progress in the last two years, but hell, he was still learning. At least he liked to think that he was.
Without a destination in mind he ended up on the second floor, hoping for some peace. His nerves really needed to be less on fire and his thoughts to be less of a clusterfuck. He was ready to slump on one of the chairs. Even a cigarette sounded tempting right now.
But neither the quiet nor the peace happened when suddenly he heard a way too familiar voice behind him.
“Laxus? What are you doing here?”
He honestly felt like his soul left his body right then and there when he spun around in a movement that possibly looked way too hectic to not be suspicious. He usually wasn't all too easy to scare either. And what were his heightened senses doing right now, huh? Were they on vacation?
It got worse when his eyes fell on Freed who was in the middle of taking off some of the less comfortable pieces and details of his costume. The dark écriture mage was focusing him with a slightly tipped head, curious and wondering. And waiting for Laxus to respond, obviously.
But Laxus’ heart was pounding in his chest ridiculously hard. He had spent the last minutes with multiple rants in his mind and Evergreen had thrown him off completely at last. What was Freed doing here? Laxus could obviously see what he was doing but – when? When did Freed leave the stage and when did he get up here?
“Are you alright? You look a little tired.”
Tired. If it was only that, then Laxus could live with that. Crossing his arms in an unapproachable pose that he had perfected over the years, he gave a low huff. “Yea, I'm fine. Just needed to get away from all the noise.” Hopefully this would be enough to explain himself. It wasn't even far away from the truth either, was it?
To his relief, Freed nodded and continued to remove some small details from his garments. “I see. Well,” the demon added, “I'll be ready to go back down in a few moments. Will you rejoin us again later?”
“Uh, I-” That caught him off guard. Freed's eyes met his when he looked up for a second and then he worked on a few of his buttons. Laxus' throat felt awfully dry. At least he could depend on his poker face to stay in place. “You can keep me company, if you wanna. I don't mind.” And that was the whole truth. He hadn't meant for it to sound like he intended to throw Freed out in the first place and he hoped that Freed understood. They had known each other for so long now. Freed had seen his worst and his best sides – motion sickness and a case of his senses being overloaded included. So he counted on the other man to know that, sometimes, he just needed some time for himself while at the same time not minding Freed's company because...
Because why? He knew exactly why and he would be able to list all the reasons right here and right now.
The response Laxus got from Freed consisted of a brief smile and a nod. “I guess I wouldn't mind some quiet moments either,” he then agreed further and stopped fumbling with his clothes. There was a moment of silence between them in which Laxus tried to figure out what was coming next, but Freed was quite unpredictable. Something in his visible, cyan eye changed before he asked- “Did you like the costumes Mirajane and I came up with? She was quite excited when I asked her if she wanted to be my partner and she put lots of effort into the performance.”
He should have been prepared for this conversation, Laxus thought. Alas, he wasn't. Like an absolute coward he wasn't able to hold the eye-contact Freed was bringing upon him. What was he supposed to say now? There was so much he could say but so little he was ready to say. With his arms still crossed, he focused the wooden floor beneath their feet when he answered. “I bet. Mirajane's always liked this kinda stuff,” he shrugged and lightly cleared his throat. “I mean, you look awesome. Looked. You both did, I mean.” Here he was stumbling over his own words like a pro, something that was hard to believe. Laxus prayed that the warmth that rose to his cheeks didn't actually tint them in a different color.
It didn't help that a low, seemingly amused, chuckle was Freed's initial response.
Not only did it surprise Laxus but it also managed to coax him into looking up where he was met by Freed's unrelenting gaze immediately. The approach of a lopsided smirk on his friend's lips and the glint in his eyes did indescribable things to him in that moment. When Freed spoke again, however, it had an entirely different effect than expected.
“I'm glad you enjoyed it,” Freed stated still having his tiny smirk and a lively glint, “Perhaps you want to join me next year instead. I'd be happy to ask you again, Laxus.”
For the first time this night he didn't feel overwhelmed in a negative way. It took Laxus a moment to realize what was happening, but then he felt how a lot of tension seeped out of his shoulders and his posture relaxed. Did Freed just say that he would ask him again next year? He hadn't fucked up? That's what Laxus was getting out of this and it was more than enough for now.
Puffing out a breath, his own lips took on the shape of a visible grin. Ever since he started to shut out his feelings less and less, there had been this tickling feeling in his gut in certain situations and this was one of them. There was still a lot for him to get used to but he had begun a new journey and if there was one thing he knew for sure then it was that he wanted Freed to be with him along the way like he had been for a long time already.
“Yea, maybe you should ask me again.”
“Then I will,” Freed promised and before he averted his eyes again he made one last remark that threw Laxus completely off the track. “The cat ears are quite adorable on you.”
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airi-p4 · 4 years
Tanabata - Lukagami fic
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My first Lukagami fic for the Lukagami July 2020 Day 7: Tanabata
I don’t really ship them but I think they are cute together. 
Thanks to @livrever​ for check and corrections!
7th of July. Tanabata.
According to the legend, the only day of the year the lovers Orihime and Hikoboshi can see each other. A dramatic couple separated for a year until they can meet once again for one day only. And that’s, of course, reason enough for the Japanese people to throw a unique event as a celebration.
Writing wishes on long narrow colourful papers and hang them up on bamboo trees was one of the activities Kagami always looked forward to the most. Growing up with strict parents didn't give her much freedom or fun, but she was glad respecting traditions was one of her family's motto since she could enjoy every year the tanabata festival. And that was the most fun she would get each year: her favorite festival.  
The last few years she was in France she had missed it, which made her a little sad - even if she still wrote her wish and hung it up next to her window every year, there was no festival, no fireworks, not the traditional Japanese event fun she loved.
But this year was different. She was in Japan again for Tanabata, and she was going to enjoy the fun of the festival at its fullest. Her whole set had been ready since the previous day to be used at the afternoon: yukata, obi (sash), geta (sandals), inner yukata, hair pin and accessories, cloth bag matching the yukata, money and her smartphone (to take photos). She was anxious for the time to pass faster so she could get ready and go enjoy the fun.
Every 5 minutes she kept checking for the time, even while she was practicing either kendo or archery.
"Kagami. What do you think you are doing? Take it seriously, don't keep disappointing me any farther. Focus" Tomoe Tsurugi was seated behind her daughter, supervising her training.
"Yes, mother" Kagami answered, but inside her heart she could only giggle in expectation for the festival.
"You need to focus and lose sight of all your distractions. Remember how your efficiency has decreased lately. That's why we came back to Japan in the first place. Don't waste all your efforts until now for some useless thoughts. Many people have high expectations of you. Don't let your sponsors down"
"Yes, mother" Kagami replied.
She knew her mother was right. She couldn't focus at all in anything she did. Her head had been somewhere else for a while. To be precise, since the day she figured out her love for a certain blue-haired musician. Who was also the same boy that had once been in love with her best friend (and maybe he still was). Luka snuck somehow inside Kagami's heart in a totally unexpected way - he scolded her for going under the rain without the proper equipment and lend her an umbrella. 'What a silly reason to fall in love with someone' she thought, denying her feelings at first, remembering how Marinette had told her how she fell in love with Adrien in a similar way. But the more time the Japanese lady spent with the guitarist, the clearer and stronger her love for him became.
Kagami didn't know what was so good about Luka Couffaine to make her fall in love with him. Kind-hearted, handsome, mature, responsible, talented, quiet… yes, great, but nothing she didn't have on her own. Then why? His patience, maybe? His rebellious looks? The way he cares for his loved ones? Even after 3 months, it still remained a mystery for Kagami. And she loved mysteries. Could it be it? Maybe. She wasn't sure. She was supposedly mysterious herself too.
What was for sure is she was in love with him and, after two months without seeing each other, she missed deeply their time together. Good thing she was going to meet with him again today. On Tanabata. Just like the lovers of the story, the two stars shining on the firmament across the Milky Way. And that made Kagami excitement over the sun, even if her expression remained impassible as always in front of her relatives, her heart was ecstatic.
Their meeting was set at 4pm. He had a concert last night for Jagged Stone’s tour - which her mother didn't let her attend, of course. So today was the only day they could meet. How can it get more romantic than that?
After having lunch, Kagami excused herself to get ready for the festival, hiding the fact she was also going on a date. Or at least she wished it was.
After brushing her teeth, she proceeded to get dressed. It usually takes a lot of time for newbies to put a yukata on, but Kagami was almost a professional when it came to wearing traditional Japanese clothing, and it took her only 5 minutes. After applying some light make-up, brushing her hair and decorating it with her hair accessories, her look for the festival was ready.
She looked glamorous, elegant and beautiful, and she was well aware of it. In front of the mirror, the girl kept posing and practicing how to smile for more than 40 minutes, waiting for the time to go to arrive and thinking of the activities she wanted to try out there -as well as the boy she was meeting in a matter of minutes.
Finally the time arrived and she took her leave.
The festival took place in a shopping district on a city nearby the Tsurugi's residential state. It was decorated with Tanabata themed garlands, flowers, paper lanterns and statues and, of course, decorated bamboo trees. The view was even prettier than the last time she had been there many years ago.
While she was waiting for Luka, Kagami took a paper guide for the event, checking the performances and the shops available, as well as their distribution. She was checking and confirming her plan and route to follow to make it perfectly on time to each one of the performances she was interested to attend.
She was so caught up in thinking she didn't notice someone standing in front of her. After looking the upper part of the guide, she could take a glance at a men's yukata in front of her. Too close for her liking.
"If you plan to try anything funny with me I'll make you regret it" she said, without looking up.
"Not my plan, but I wouldn't dare to, knowing your strength"
Kagami's eyes met Luka's in surprise. He was standing in front of her, pretty close, wearing a dark blue yukata that looked unbelievably good on him. Luka's soft smile reflected on Kagami's face, mimicking it without noticing. Her face was glowing.
"You came early" she said.
"So did you. You look beautiful" responded Luka.
"Thank you. You look great too. I didn't expect you to wear a yukata"
"Yeah, I noticed" he giggled at his own comment, stealing another smile from the Japanese lady. "How have you been?"
"I've been ok. The training got harder since now I take archery classes daily too, but I've been improving. But I miss Paris. And my friends. And you" Kagami looked genuinely lonely, but changed the subject fast enough to not be questioned about it. "How about you? How is the tour going?" She asked.
"Oh, it's amazing. Jagged Stone is really an international star. Wherever he goes gets the tickets sold out in a flash and the audience is totally committed to his performance. Being able to perform with Jagged in front of so many people is such a privilege. I'm very lucky"
"Why do you cut yourself low? I've watched some fancams of your most recent lives and I know you've been performing some of your songs during intermissions. I've seen how the crowd lost it every time. Some of the comments said they liked your performance the most too. You're a star. Be proud"
"Wow, you've been following my tour and performances? Thank you. It makes me very happy" he thanked her sincerely, slightly blushing for her words.
"Shall we go? There's a shamisen live performance in 5 minutes I really want to attend to. This way"
Kagami didn't even wait for Luka's response to start walking, making the boy run some steps to catch her.
"So… you've thought of a plan?" Luka asked her, trying not to lose sight of her.
"Leave it to me" she only said, never stopping walking.
Kagami's plan was perfectly timed. The 30 minutes between performances were used to eat and play typically festival food and games: takoyaki, yakisoba, kakigori, crepes, water yo-yo catching, goldfish catching (which sadly had been returned to the owner), cork guns, etc. They took lots of photos in the process -especially Luka took them with Kagami's phone because she wanted a photo of everything. Some selfies together were taken too, mostly from Kagami when Luka wasn't looking. Sometimes he had noticed and posed to the camera to take a front shot together, a wide grin on his face, matching Kagami's.
The activities and performances were very fun and interesting. It was a first for Luka, but the whole atmosphere and Kagami's silent excitement made it extremely enjoyable for him. He was having a lot of fun (way more than he expected). Spending time with a Kagami with such a bright smile on her face was new for him too, and he couldn't help it but be taken over by her enthusiasm.
As the time for fireworks was approaching, Kagami decided it was time to move to the wish writing area, where the bamboo trees were already filled with colorful papers. But just before reaching there, a sign in front of a shop picked Kagami's attention. She stood in front of it checking the prices and the products. Luka stood by her side staring at her and looking at the shop from time to time, unable to read anything of what was written or figure out what kind of products they had to offer. He waited until she decided step in, entering shop after her.
Luka and Kagami were amazed by the shop’s interior. There were many different sets for many different themes - from schools to historical setting, cafeterias, rock stages… even a tennis court setting was available. Luka wondered why Kagami decided to check this shop. But Kagami spoke before he could ask.
"It's a cosplay studio. You can rent a cosplay and take photos in the different settings for the amount of hours you pay for. I'll try to bribe them to let me take the cosplays outside to wear for a while before the fireworks start. Look at which one you want to wear meanwhile. There's a catalog with photos at that counter".
After Kagami's explanation, she started talking to the shop attendant and Luka followed her instructions, checking the costumes available.
The truth is Luka knew nothing about costumes or cosplay. Most of ones on the list were anime or videogames related, like a Pikachu cosplay or high school uniforms. Samurai costumes piqued his attention, but seemed hard to move in. He couldn't decide at all.
"Have you decided yet?" Asked Kagami.
"No, I'm really lost. I have no idea what to choose. Have you decided yet?" He asked
"Of course. I've always wanted to try one on, but it's difficult with my family's strictness. I'm taking this chance. Oh, and I'll decide yours. We can't afford to waste more time than needed. I need to write my wish before the fireworks start" she said, leaving again to speak with the attendant.
Luka was always amazed by Kagami's determination. 'I never hesitate'. That was her motto. One of the reasons he admired her, along with her talent in sports, her delicate manners, her honesty, her beauty, and her rare sincere smile that made him melt in softness. She gave him the calm he could only accomplish with meditation otherwise. A calm sometimes broken by his heart’s beats, every time he was blessed by her affection and curiosity looks for him in her eyes.
He liked her. He liked her very much. Probably even loved her. He realized how important Kagami was for him a few days before she returned to Japan. And it was still surprising for Luka to see how a girl so different from Marinette could captivate his heart in such explosive way: unexpectedly, accurately and fiercely as a storm.
She was the Furinkazan in all its phrases.
Fast as the wind
Silent as the forest
Raiding and plundering as the fire
Immobile as a mountain
The old strategy used to win battles during Japan’s Sengoku Era. A phrase capable to be used in many different fields- even love. Luka was sure it worked on him.
The Japanese girl was strong, stronger than him in all aspects, but that was partially a facade. She was actually fragile on the inside and Luka could tell how hurt she sometimes was by her loneliness every time he stared at the windows to her soul. He usually patted her head or squeezed her hand or her shoulder when he noticed the look and, with doing so, her face immediately regained her shy honest smile, looking genuinely happy. Luka loved that smile, and was more than flattered to be the one it was directed to.
While reorganizing his feelings for her, Luka waited for Kagami's return. And there she was, two minutes later some clothes on her hands.
"Here. Wear this. I'm sure it will look great on you" Kagami said, stretching her hand to give him some clothing.
"Ok" Luka grabbed the costume and scanned it. The clothes given by Kagami consisted in Japanese traditional-looking clothing, white with gold, blue and purple details. Something similar to a Temple apprentice, maybe? He didn't know much about Japanese traditional clothing, but it looked pretty.
"The boys changing room is there. Ask the male attendant if you need help. I'll be in that changing room. Wait for me if you finish earlier than me" said Kagami, while Luka nodded and she moved to enter the changing room with the female attendant.
The clothes chosen by Kagami fitted Luka perfectly. Luka was surprised at how unexpectedly comfortable they were. According to the list, it seemed to be some figure skater cosplay. He knew he looked great on it when the female attendant let out a 'kya' and fangirled a little at him, making him giggle at her exaggerated reaction.
Three minutes later Kagami came out of the changing room. She was wearing a black and red female ninja costume that looked as if it had been made just for her. She looked amazing. Beautiful, yet stronger than ever. Damn, she even threatened to throw him a shuriken (ninja stars) if he didn't start moving out and stop wasting their time. He thought he wouldn't have minded being attacked by her. In truth, Kagami just wanted the boy to stop staring at her since it was becoming embarrassing.
As soon as they went out of the shop, they inevitably became the center of all the gazes. A young woman recognized Luka from yesterday's Jagged concert and started to fangirl over him along with her girl friends. Kagami tried to fight to protect Luka, but he dismissed her help and encouraged her to go write her wish instead.
Kagami's eyebrows frowned in anger but left to the bamboo wish writing stand alone. She could see Luka gazing at her from time to time while he gave signatures and selfies to his fans. Kagami couldn't hide her jealousy and anger and was tempted to write as her wish for all Luka's fans to disappear. But looking at him making his dreams come true, his bright smile and energy on his concerts… she knew he couldn't be a star without fans, so she discarded the idea.
When she looked at him in a lonely apologetic look, Luka winked at her, asking for her to wait a minute until the signatures and selfies were finished. She loved him even then, posing at the cameras with a grin on his face surrounded by fangirls. 'How silly' she thought.
Kagami decided to stop looking at him and started to write her wish on the paper -the one she had originally play to write. It was a good thing Luka was occupied, because she didn't want him to see what she had written. Moments after finishing, Luka came back to her.
"Sorry for that. Fans can get crazy sometimes" he apologized. "This outfit didn't help either. Blue hair and Japan's number one figure skater cosplay is a terrific combination to stay out of people's looks. It's obvious I would stand out..." Luka concluded.
"The price of fame. I understand. I'm getting some of those too, sometimes" she smiled reassuringly at him, making him relieved. "I'm happy your dreams are taking form, even if I have to go through that sometimes," she said, squeezing his hand a little while hiding her wish paper from him.
Luka squeezed back at her hand. "Thank you, Kagami. It makes me happy to hear that" said as he smiled.
A few long seconds passed with them still holding hands, eyes closed, Kagami's head on Luka's upper arm and Luka's head on Kagami's, her hair brushing his cheek.
Luka and Kagami never once hid their feelings for each other. They knew there was some kind of attraction and deep affection, but neither ever mentioned it. They just enjoyed each other's company, silently, and tried not to force anything. They liked what they had and didn't want it to change. They meant too much to each other and didn't want to lose it. Or at least they didn't before.
Kagami had changed her mind after these two months they were apart and had committed to the idea to confess her love to him after giving it some thought: she hated the idea of him getting snatched by Marinette or any other girl while she was away. And so, even if she didn't know if her feelings were reciprocated or otherwise, he still had feelings for her best friend, she decided she had to give it a try.
Kagami knew Luka's feelings for Marinette were strong, maybe impossible to ever erase completely, even. But she also knew he was the boy of the second chances, reason enough for her to take the gamble and see if he had one chance left for her, now that Paris superheroes were already retired.
And with this resolve, Kagami had written her wish down to a pink paper, in Japanese. It could be read as: 'Luka-kun no koibito ni naritai. Kagami', which translates as: 'I want to be Luka's lover (girlfriend). (Signed) Kagami'.
Kagami really wanted her wish to come true. And she would know if it could become reality or not in about an hour, around the time the fireworks ended and she had confessed her feelings. She hoped for the two lovers of the legend to make a miracle happen for her. That's why she wanted to tie here wish in the upper-most stem of the bamboo, the closest as possible to the stars and off of Luka's view.
Luka's voices interfered in Kagami's thoughts "Have you written your wish yet?" He smiled at her.
"Yes. It's written. But don't ask me to show you because I won't". She smirked a little.
"Is it that embarrassing? What did you wish for? World peace? To be rich and famous? I don't think you would wish for anything this cliche" he teased her.
"It's my wish and it stays a secret. Too bad your teasing won't work on me" she stuck her tongue at him, teasing back. "Why don't you write yours already?"
"You're right. I'll write one too." Luka grabbed one paper and pen from the table and got ready to write, but Kagami staring at the blank paper, expecting it to be filled, made him unable to move. "Stop looking. Aren't wishes supposed to be secret?"
"Oh, that's not it. They're not supposed to be secret. I just don't want mine to be seen" Kagami said.
"Oh, I see. Let me write it first then, without you peeking. I'll show it to you later. Go over there, meanwhile" he said.
"Ok. But do it fast! I want to read it!" Kagami moved some feet away and started looking up for the tallest bamboo branch.
"Yeah, yeah…"
Luka was giving his back to Kagami as the ink impregnated the paper with the words of his wish. "Done" he said after some minutes. When turning to look at Kagami she was looking up at the bamboo branches. "What are you looking at?"
"This one is the tallest branch. I want to tie my wish at the top of it" she explained.
"Why? And how? It's too tall even for me…" he wondered, looked at her short stature.
"I'll use your help. I'm using your body as a ladder to reach there. The tallest the wish, the most probable for it to come true. That’s only my assumption, anyway"
"That's what am I to you? A ladder? You can't set this on your own, you have to ask first" he scolded her.
"You're my friend. And you care about me. So I know you won't have any inconvenience to help and lift me up to tie the bamboo. Please?"
Luka sighed. "Fine… but remember the correct ordered next time. And be careful"
"Of course! You won't let me fall, I know" she smiles. "But first… let me see your wish!"
Kagami tried to snap Luka's wish paper, but he was fast enough to dodge her and lift up his hand at his maximum level. After some of Kagami's attempts to steal the paper from Luka, the musician stood on his toes to tie it the highest he could. Kagami was still short after the years, so she couldn't reach it.
"So unfair! You promised! Liar!"
"I'll show you if you can catch it. But let's tie up your wish first. Fireworks time is approaching and we still have to return our costumes" Luka's mature voice mentioned.
"Ok. It's that bamboo, the branch on the farthest left. Duck so I can climb over you" Like made a 'tch tch' sound while his index finger moved to right to left and to left to right in repeat, in negation, asking for a missing needed word. Kagami frowned her eyebrows in disgust and finally added said word. "Please..."
Pleased, Luka kneeled down to let Kagami sit on his shoulders and stood up. The girl was lighter than he thought. He secured her ankles with his hands and watched how she stretched her hands to tie the paper at the top of the tree. Luka wondered what her wish would be, but Kagami signaled him to get her down before any idea came to his mind.
As soon as Kagami's feet were back on the floor, she took the advantage of Luka being down to run and jump as high as she could to catch Luka's wish from the bamboo tree. She remembered perfectly the paper. It wasn't difficult for her to reach with the run impulse used to jump
She then turned her body to look at Luka, how was approaching walking towards her. "I've got it! Did you think you had won? Don't underestimate me" she grinned in victory, while Luka just smiled softly at her determination, unaffected from his wish being exposed soon. His reaction made the Japanese girl's curiosity increase, so she started reading the paper.
She was first surprised that the wish was written in Japanese with a messy handwriting, signed in capital letters of the roman alphabet. But the contains of the wish left her stunned, frozen at place, unable to move with her heartbeat intensifying every second. The contents were so unbelievable she re-read those letters one time after another, considering there could be a mistake due to Luka's unfamiliarity with her mother language. But nothing. The contents were perfectly written… .
"So, do you think my wish can become true?"
Luka was standing in front of Kagami, who had been with her head down reading until she had heard his voice. Her face then looked up. She wanted to see his expression. She wanted to see if he was serious or just joking. She needed to know if she should stop her uncontrollable smile to go wider and change it for tears instead. Kagami's face was lighting in love and hope while studying the boy in front of her.
And Luka's face told her everything she wanted to know: he meant every word written on that yellow paper.
"Yes. It can become true now or whenever you want" Kagami happily cried, jumping into Luka's welcoming arms.
"I'm glad…" said Luka, hugging Kagami tightly. "I love you, Kagami. Be my girlfriend?"
"Yes! I love you too. You've just made my wish come true too" she hugged even more tightly to him.
"Don't tell me…?" he asked, surprised.
"Yeah, I've written the same wish. Different words, but same meaning. I wanted to confess after the fireworks. Take a second chance from you. Now I think I can enjoy them at their fullest. I don't need the fright or nervousness to confess anymore"
"There's no way I would reject you, Kagami. You're gorgeous, strong, confident… and you like to lead, while I prefer to be lead. A perfect match, I believe. You mean the world to me"
"Shut up and kiss me"
Luka didn't say anything. He lowered his back and face meet his girlfriend's lips and seal a soft kiss on them. After they broke the kiss, Kagami hugged him again, covering her blushing face, Luka hugging her back.
"Let's return the costumes. The fireworks are starting soon and it seems I have a confession to listen to when they finish" giggled Luka.
"Don't get used to it. You know we Japanese people are very reserved. We expect love to be told with acts, not words" she warned him, seriously.
"I can do that" then he became thoughtful. "Wait. Music counts as an act, right? I'm screwed if it doesn't" he slightly panicked in joke.
"Rest assured, it does. But there's more to be done, so don't let your guard down" she giggled.
Luka took the chance to kiss her again. "I love your smile…" he said, while Kagami, red as ladybug's suit, locked his hand with hers and started walking towards the costume shop, pulling Luka. The musician couldn't stop his grin for forming on his face at her unusual embarrassed reaction.
After returning the costumes, the couple watched the fireworks together, hand in hand, colorful flowers and shapes forming up the sky. It was beautiful and they had the best possible company with them.
They didn't know where that new journey of love would take them, or when they would be able to me again after Tanabata. But they knew they had two lovers watching over them from the Milky Way - the same pair that allowed a miracle to happen during Kagami's favorite Tanabata festival.
The end
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lnc2 · 4 years
Ladrien 13 (discreetly)?
summary: Prompt: Ladrien, discreetlySet during Glaciator; No Balcony Scene AU
He saw her first.
She was sitting on the ledge of a house across the street and two rooftops over. Her shoulders were slumped forward and she was kicking her legs out, one then the other, back and forth, sky then brick.  It was her I’m not upset, Chat, I’m just… thinking pose and Adrien hoped with some vindictiveness that he was the one she was thinking about.
Apparently Ladybug was too busy to meet up with Chat Noir but not too busy to lounge around on some random rooftop.  And of course she could make time for her real friends and then some while her partner sat around with candles and flowers and a picnic he never got around to eating like the hopeless idiot he was.
God, she must think I’m so stupid.
Not that Ladybug even knew the effort he’d gone to for her tonight.
Adrien sighed, feeling his resentment escaping with his breath.
It was probably his fault anyways.  Ladybug never actually said she would be able to come.  Any hopes she’d dashed with her busy schedule were ones she never meant to raise anyways. That was all on him.
“I should have just asked her if she were free a different night.”
He’s not sure he would have had better luck but there was always a chance.  He snorted, knowing how slim that chance actually was. His lady was ever the professional– she’d probably be too worried about their identities to show up no matter when he offered to bring her dinner.
Although… Adrien frowned, watching Ladybug from the window.  She doesn’t seem too busy right now.
Before he could think better of it, he reached forward and pushed his window open, the squeaking of the window catching the superheroine’s attention.  Adrien gave a wave and an awkward smile. At least, he felt it was awkward.
But he’d be damned if Chat Noir missed an opportunity to talk to his lady even if she didn’t know it was him.
Ladybug smiled and waved back.  Even from here Adrien could see it was her savior smile, her all-is-well-in-Paris smile.
But Adrien knew better.
He hesitated, glancing back at his kwami who was currently rummaging through the trash can.
“Plagg I’m going to need you to hide.”
“What? Why?”
Adrien looked back towards his lady and gestured for her to come closer. “Because I’m about to invite Ladybug inside.”
“Kid are you a glutton for punishment?  She’s not going to eyah!” Plagg’s words ended on an indignant grunt as Ladybug landed on Adrien’s window sill.  
Even as he’d watched her swing over to him he still wasn’t sure she would actually stay.  Ladybug didn’t seem too sure herself as she hung down from her yoyo attached to one of the many decorative outcroppings on the mansion.
Her eyes were wary but she smiled her savior smile all the same.
“Is everything okay?”
Adrien nodded, feeling a little embarrassed that his impulse actually brought her to him.
“I – yeah.  I was actually going to ask you the same thing.”
“It’s just usually we don’t see you around much unless there’s an akuma or you’re with Chat Noir.”
He struggled to maintain a neutral expression even as he blatantly fished for information.  He hoped whenever (because it had to be when it just had to be) they finally revealed themselves to each other this night was a forgotten blip in her memory.
Ladybug shook her head.
“Paris is safe.” She paused.  “I was actually just looking for Chat.”
A thrill shot through him.
“You were looking for Chat Noir?”
Ladybug sighed. “Yeah. He mentioned possibly meeting up tonight.  I told him I already had plans but… well, things changed. I was hoping he might still be hanging around here somewhere.”
“Yeah, oh.” 
Stupid.  Stupid. He should have waited longer.
Adrien wondered if it were still too late to sneak out and set everything up again.  As tempting as the idea was, he wasn’t sure how he could shake Ladybug now and ensure she was still out long enough to meet up with Chat Noir.  Adrien nearly groaned. He seemed doomed to failure either way.
Ladybug bit her lip, unaware of his inner turmoil, and watched him from beneath her lashes. 
“What about you?” She said.
“Yeah.  What… what brought you out here tonight.” She made a vague gesture to the window and smiled.  He blinked.
“Ah.  I um, also thought I had plans. But they fell through.”
“I’m sorry.”
She said it like she understood.  And maybe she thought she did. Gabriel Agreste made no secret of how… protective… he was over him.  She probably assumed it was his father’s fault he missed out on what he had hoped to be a romantic evening with his lady.
His lady who was looking rather put out herself.
Which made him wonder…
“These plans that fell through…” He hesitated. “They were important?”
It was Ladybug’s turn to blink.
“I- um. N-no.  Well, yes, but you- they- it– ah.” She cringed, her shoulders falling forward in defeat. Adrien was so distracted by her unusual stammering that he almost missed her next words. “The boy… the boy I like was supposed to be there.”
But when they did register boy did they register.
Something pinched deep in Adrien’s gut.
“The boy you– oh.” He said, softly.
She gave a small, sad laugh.  “Yeah. Pathetic huh?”
He shook his head even if he couldn’t quite speak yet.  Adrien had never given thought to it before – if Ladybug had someone outside the suit.   Well, that’s not entirely true, but in all of his fantasies it was a moot point because she loved him too.  Now it seemed there was a boy, some nameless idiot who held her heart and still managed to put that sad look on his lady’s face.
But still he had to ask–
“I always thought you and Chat Noir…?”
Here she laughed for real and irritation prickled his skin.  He hadn’t meant it as a joke.
“I’m sorry,” She said, catching his expression, eyes still light even as her laughter faded into a smile.  “It’s just, well, it’s Chat.  He’s a flirt but he doesn’t mean anything by it.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” He murmured, angry at the sudden turn of their conversation.  Even if he’d managed to meet up with her tonight it wouldn’t have mattered. She loved someone else and she thought Chat Noir was a joke.
“Trust me,” She said.  “He’s one of my best friends. I think I would know.”
Adrien had to smile at the way she said best friend even if she was completely and totally wrong.
“But you don’t know for sure, right?” He pressed.  Ladybug pressed her lips together, unimpressed. “You don’t know without a doubt that Chat Noir doesn’t have feelings for you?”
“I suppose not.” She watched him for a moment from suspicious eyes framed by long black lashes and Adrien shifted uneasily beneath her gaze.  Finally, she shook her head and sighed. “It wouldn’t matter either way. I’m in love with someone else.”
But it did matter.  It mattered a lot when Ladybug sounded so sad.  It mattered the world when the answer was everything he’d ever wanted.
“But if you weren’t?” 
Ladybug swayed softly with her yoyo even as she gripped his window sill with her free hand. 
Her eyes were wary as he took a step closer. “If I wasn’t what?”
“If you weren’t in love with someone else would it matter then?”
Hands trembling he reached forward to take her hand so that the only thing keeping her steady was her feet on his ledge.  He wasn’t sure what was more surprising- the fact that he was touching her at all or the fact that she let him. He ran his thumb over the spotted material covering her palm and steeled himself.  
He glanced up at his lady only to find her staring at their hands, lips parted in quiet surprise.
“Would you give him a chance?”
Would you give me a chance?
Ladybug’s eyes snapped to his. Wide and blue and stunned, she watched as he leaned forward, heart pounding, and placed a soft kiss against the inside of her wrist.  The material was cool and foreign against his lips but he could feel her pulse racing against his fingers and it gave him the confidence he needed to pull away from her and smile.
“I–” Her eyes roved him over, from silk pajama pants to his bedtime mussy hair.  She blinked, once, twice, too many times to count even as he tried. A blush nearly as vibrant as her suit spread from beneath her mask and she let out something like a squeak as she pulled her hand back from his, floundering for a response.
Coughing, he avoided his partner’s piercing stare and ran his hand over the back of his neck.
“You should ask him.” He finally said.
Ladybug’s voice was quiet.  “Ask him.”
“Yeah,” He murmured, chest aching, cheeks blazing.  “I think you’ll be surprised.”
He waited for the inevitable then, knowing he’d been more than an idiot in the last half hour and trying hard to feel anything like regret.  But at least she would know. At least she could… make an informed decision.
God how pathetic am I?
Adrien stared down at his feet and began to resign himself to a life of loneliness as the silence stretched out between them like forever.  He could only hope this one moment of stupidity didn’t ruin Ladybug and Chat Noir or that Master Fu wouldn’t take Plagg away or that Chat Noir being Adrien Agreste didn’t make it easier for her to reject him.
The whirring of her yoyo and the sight of red and black feet dropping down beside his own shook him from his spiraling thoughts.  Adrien looked up to find her, smile soft, eyes softer, staring back at him.
“You know what,” She said, voice quivering with her hands as they reached for his.  Adrien’s breath stuttered to a stop as she slowly raised them to her lips. “I think I will.”
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elsewhereuniversity · 5 years
Blood Iron
Running the numbers, if you used your own blood, you could have a simple ring made from your own blood’s iron in about three donations over the course of one semester. Sooner if you only use one pint’s worth and dilute it with other iron.
Iron is well known to protect on its own, but iron that once flowed through your veins?
That must be a powerful thing to carry with you.
It must be a powerful thing to give your friend. Your sibling. Your beloved.
Mustn’t it…?
It started simply enough. She was a chemist, and (to some extent) so was he. She had a thing for biology, he had more interest in metalworks.
(Don’t ask their names. They are safe from Elsewhere as it stands, but they will not tell you.)
A colleague ran the numbers one day out of boredom, for how much iron was in a pint of donated blood. She asked what you would even do with it, but a moment later, reconsidered.
A gift made from your own blood. Chemically speaking, how romantic!
That set off the question… could you actually do it?
That was when they made their first collaboration. They used blood samples that were no longer needed for study to refine the process, until they could recover 96% or more iron from any given sample. Far more then they anticipated.
The ring idea came from that colleague, who wanted a gift for his wife. They chose gemstones with his help, she took the blood and extracted the iron, and he forged them together.
The wife, apparently, loved it.
Word got around. Several teenagers dressed in dark colors came in, thinking it was sick or some other slang term to wear your own blood. A few romantics, as well. She had to put herself down for more time at the centrifuge, and he spent more time in the forge, but it wasn’t a problem. They didn’t just use blood iron, of course- that would require multiple pints’ worth. They diluted it, and told their clients as much. They were still happy with it.
For two years, they continued their normal jobs, with these intermittent blood iron requests.
But then… one of those darkly-dressed teenagers came back.
He was in college now, he told them. Someplace called Elsewhere.
(This was the first time they had heard that name. It would not be their last.)
The client didn’t talk details. She honestly wondered if the young man had been taking hallucinogens, the way he shuddered and dodged questions. But one thing, the client was very clear about:
That ring had saved his life. If he hadn’t had it, he would not be here.
He owed them his life for making it.
The client was still wearing it now. The plain metal band, cast over in silver, had been worn smooth by fingers that traced its path a thousand times. The craftsman was glad his handiwork still looked so good after two years, but the client refused to take it off when he asked to see it.
The ring had been priced at cost, plus 50%. He gave them another hundred dollars, something about leaving no debt unpaid. He told them he wouldn’t forget them and departed.
That was when the work began in earnest. It had been mid-December, the time when students come home for winter.
And when they and their families began asking for rings.
He didn’t understand it. Neither did she, but they both ended up taking two weeks off at work to deal with all the orders.
They were just blood iron rings. A novelty, not a matter of life and death. But these people- they came with their families, siblings, lovers. They traded rings with each other, wondering if this was better than wearing one’s own blood iron.
“Powerful” is how they described it. “It must be powerful.”
None of these people went by normal names. Owl. Cherish. Lipstick. Hog. Eleven-And-A-Tenth. Apparently, this was normal where they were from. They joined in for the fun of it when they saw these students flinch at the sound of real names.
She called herself Hemoglobin, the compound that held the precious iron. They called her Hemo.
He called himself Ferrous, a word that signals iron content in a chemical.
The students stopped flinching when they led with these names, and their clients learned to ask for them.
And they all spoke of Elsewhere- those who would speak at all.
Slowly, but surely, bits of information slipped past. Elsewhere was not a normal place. All the hints and whispers, the reasons given for their actions, it all pointed to something very wrong with this Elsewhere University.
Finally, a student asked when she came to pick up her ring (blood iron from herself and her sister, mixed together and studded with agates).
“Well, you know how it is at Elsewhere U. You two both made it, didn’t you?”
And Ferrous answered with the truth.
They’d never heard of it before the blood iron rings.
Her face had gone pale. “You… didn’t know?”
She had insisted on getting her ring before saying another word. Once it was firmly on her finger, she began to speak.
So this was what Elsewhere University was.
Inhuman teachers.
A being who traded beads for teeth.
The crows.
Gifts of milk and bread.
Salt lines on the floor of the dorm.
The Forbidden Major.
The theater. Oh, the stories she had about the theater.
She asked Hemo to help her lift her shirt off her back. She showed them the ropelike scars there, from a close call with one of the gentry.
One of the Fae.
One of THEM.
She had misspoken and, fortunately, lived to regret it instead of dying. Or vanishing.
Or worse.
This really was a matter of life or death.
They had both needed time after that one. So this was why they were so desperate for blood iron.
Hemo and Ferrous agreed later that day: they were taking the rest of winter break to help protect these kids.
Hemo carefully drew out tales from Elsewhere as she drew blood- about iron and salt and their uses, and the risks posed by donating blood on campus. How far you had to go to be safe from it. How to tell when you weren’t.
Ferrous learned how to decorate the rings. What symbols to use and avoid. Which jewels would draw their eyes and which could turn them away. That coatings of another metal don’t affect potency.
Come January, they both returned to their former workplaces, and life went on as normal.
Orders trickled in slowly, perhaps a half-dozen in the long stretch until March. Most of these were novelty customers. No Elsewhere University, no life-and-death stakes, just cute little gestures and a fun little trend.
But they had heard too much to truly feel secure.
Hemo rerouted her path to work to cross the brook.
Ferrous watched the blackbirds at the park with suspicion.
Both laid salt at the door. Both used their nicknames with anyone seeking a ring.
In February, Ferrous asked Hemo to draw his own blood. There was someone he wanted to protect, he said, and he would be making a second donation as soon as medically advisable. More blood iron in the mix must yield a stronger ring, right?
She did it without asking questions. She had drawn her own a week before for the same reason.
The two pored over Ferrous’ sketches and sample work from the days before blood iron together, identifying the features each liked and disliked, what gems they would use in their perfect ring, what metals the ring would be coated in to avoid rust.
She marked the features he seemed to like as closely as he marked the ones she did.
They worked hard through that spring break, as busy as they’d been over the winter. Hemo nearly forgot their second rounds of donation, but waited until the week had passed to remind Ferrous. They had work to do, after all.
That April, Hemo presented Ferrous with 60 miligrams of his own blood iron, and the 60 she had drawn from herself. She told him they’d received a new order and listed the ring features she knew he favored as the requested design.
In a few day’s time, both rings were ready.
And of course, each gave the other a ring forged from their own blood.
After all, iron from the blood of a colleague and friend with whom you’ve actively defied a force you have never seen and cannot comprehend?
That must be a powerful thing.
(Or so they hope…)
  Based on https://elsewhereuniversity.tumblr.com/post/163841542201/sorry-if-this-is-a-weird-ask-but-im-a-little   and   https://elsewhereuniversity.tumblr.com/post/172050813485/given-the-natural-qualities-of-plain-iron
I know memories are supposed to fade for students who leave the campus for good, but as these two were never students and got told about it instead of experiencing it… Who knows? Or maybe reality is thinner where they live than they think…
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nic-214 · 4 years
70s Jimercury: Model
Art Credit: Darlingfreddie (Tumblr)
70s Freddie
70s Jim
70s Roger
70s Brian
Freddie thanks Peter for the ride as he arrives at the morning agency. His camera bag clangs against his jean leg, "I'll pay you for gas after work." Fred tells him.
Peter nods lighting a cigarette, "You better or it will be public transport for you.'' he jokes.
Freddie fakes offence and they laugh, "Catch you at 6 hopefully Diva isn't in today."
"He's the worse." Peter laughs shaking his head recounting the stories Fred told him of Diva Taylor.
Freddie wishes him well and heads to the building. It was a sister location of the old one he had a contract in, the original relocated further away and Fred got transferred here. He made quiet the name for himself throughout his five year career.
He enters the new building he reads the secretary nameplate, "Mary Austin". He sighs and fixes his bag, "Ms. Austin where's, Mr. Hutton's room?"
She gives him a pretty smile showing her perfect teeth, "Mr. Hutton is on the second floor room B-485." she twirls some of her blond hair with her finger she leans in some so her cleavage can be seen, "You're the photographer right?"
Freddie gives her a nod and lifts his camera bag up.
"Maybe you can take some pictures of me after hours." she says flirtatious.
Freddie shakes his head, "Sorry I'm not into blonds. Too messy." he flees up the stairs.
Mary sits there looking confused.
The young man reads over the door plates trying to find the right one. Some days he wished he read through his papers more thoroughly. Finally he finds the room and enters it. The room looked like it could belong on Pinterest by how it is decorated and set up. He assumes it's a female model he'll be working with for today, Freddie shakes his head and gets the camera and lights ready for the model. The Parsi Indian looks at his paper, "Mr. J. Hutton." was all he read before going back to fixing up the lights. He hoped Hutton will be nice to him and not be a a piece of shit. The door clicks open and Freddie turns around to greet him.
Freddie felt his face heat up he gripped the camera in his hands as the young model walks in, the model disrobes leaving him in the nude.
"Mr. H-Hutton?" Freddie stutters out face burning god this felt like the first time taking pictures of nude models.
Jim gives him a smirk, "Mr. Bulsara."
Freddie's mouth felt dry, "You look good." he let his eyes wander down.
Jim was plus side there was no denying that. His soft belly that stuck out a little how his whole body looked so soft and cushiony, "Mr. Bulsara?" Jim was sitting on the moon chair legs slightly spread.
"W-What is this for again?" Freddie asks regretting not reading the papers fully.
"For a adult magazine, love."
Freddie shudders and gets the pictures taken. He didn't want to seem perverted but Jim was like a god in body type, Freddie finishes up the photoshoot, he had to help Jim pose a few times, he was warm feeling but that could be caused by the millons of lights on in this room. Fred hated to say this but Jim looked good when he was glistening.
Freddie watches as Jim puts his robe back on, "Hey.. Bulsara.... You're that one guy." Jim finally realizes.
"One guy what?"
"You did photoshoots for that blond model."
"Which blond model?" Freddie asks.
"Taylor kid. Kinda looks like a girl acts like one too."
"Ah yeah." Freddie rubs the back of his neck how could he forget Diva Taylor?
He made Fred work for his paycheck, made him retake dozens of pictures because "I wasn't ready", "my eyes look too green", "I look too orange, "too much light", "not enough light, "too hot", "too cold", "I wasn't looking", "my lipstick is smudged, "my makeup looks wrong", "my feet look gross", "hide your face I can't look at it", "don't look at me donkey you're too ugly to see me". And the list goes on with him. What should of taken two hours and a quick send off to the editors took five hours and no lunch break. Freddie grimaced recalling the wedding photos he took of Diva Taylor and his astrophysicists husband Brian Taylor, poor guy seemed so nice and had to deal with a stuck up bitch for a husband.
"Bulsara?" Jim snapped Freddie from his thoughts again,
"Lunch? You and me, in my dressing room?"
Freddie gulps, "Uh sure. But I was just going to go home and make something. I can't afford any of the food that's in the cafeteria."
Jim shakes his head, "That shouldn't be. You're part of our staff too. You deserve to eat here, come, come. I'm buying."
Freddie looks away as he puts his camera up and follows after Jim like a lost puppy, "Don't you want to dress?"
Jim looks over his shoulder, "I'm in my robe. I'll be fine." he pulls Freddie forward so they're walking side by side which earned them weird looks.
"I'll try and pay you back." Freddie tells him fixing his hair up into a bun.
"Don't," Jim says, "Keep your money. Buy yourself something nice."
Freddie blushes and smiles a little trying to keep his teeth hidden, "Thank you, sir.''
"Call me, Jim."
Why was Jim being so nice to him? He's just some gay immigrant scrapping the bottom of the barrel trying to make good wages and not die in a gutter.
"Call me Freddie then, Jim." Freddie says adjusting his bag strap.
Jim smiles showing his perfect teeth, "There we go."
The two step into the eatery Jim keeps a hand on Freddie's slender wrist like the boy would just run out of there giving the chance.
Jim lets Freddie order first which was just a simple bacon burger with fries, "You want a drink?'' Jim asks.
"I was just going to use the vending machine."
Jim nods and he orders his food as well. He pays for both meals which costed him a total of £87.54, he was lucky the vending machine was close by, Freddie got them both drinks to make up the high lunch bill.
Fred felt something hit the back of his head and whirls around with their drinks. He sees a corn cob laying on the floor and sees Diva Taylor a few feet ahead of him, "Roger?!" Freddie yells, "Did you throw corn at me."
Diva Taylor flips him off, "You bastard! You ruined my career!!" he throws a magazine at him. Freddie catches it and looks at it, "Yeah, you were pregnant during the photoshoot. So you're going to look chubby."
Jim sees Roger's swollen belly cramped into a much too small top and he felt awful for the unborn child, "Look, Taylor. You won't have to worry about Freddie no more. I'm making him my personal photographer." Jim starts to walk away with a stunned looking Freddie and Roger looking pissed off. He's beating on his husband's back screeching at him stomping his foot demanding Brian to buy Freddie for his own use.
Freddie shudders as the doors close behind them, "I feel so bad for him and their unborn child."
Jim nods stealing one of Fred's fries as they walk, "You know you could be a model easily." Jim tells Fred.
Freddie shakes his head, " Jim-"
"You're skinny.... Petite even. Most agencies want that."
"I'm not white." Freddie says sounding upset, "I'm not good enough for those kind of jobs because of my skin."
Jim sets their food and drinks down. He hugs Freddie tight realizing that Freddie is practically smothered in his fat chest, "And with us fatties you get to be smothered."
Freddie laughs grabbing his food, "Thanks, Jim." he clamps a hand over his mouth knowing he just showed his teeth off.
"You're beautiful." Jim says.
Freddie felt his face heat up, ''Really?"
Jim nods sipping on his coke, "I love your teeth you should show them off more."
Freddie felt a grin creeping onto his face, "Jim-"
Jim kisses him gingerly watching as a big smile spreads on Freddie's face showing off them cute teeth, "Absolutely stunning."
Freddie blushes and pulls Jim down onto his lap, "We're dating now right?"
Jim chuckles and kisses his neck, "I would hope so. I don't just throw myself onto anybody."
"Good because I want to do this." Freddie smacks Jim's ass hard and grabs it.
Jim blushes darkly, "You cheeky bastard." he kisses him roughly.
"Let's take this back to my place." Jim says seductively.
Freddie smirks and nods, " Let's go."
Jim dresses in sweats and an old t-shirt
As they got up Freddie sent a quick text to Peter saying he won't be back until late and he'll get a different ride.
Freddie follows after Jim watching as his hips sway, "You're like a god."
Jim blushes at Freddie's blurting, "Well," they were stopped at Jim's car, "If I'm a god that makes you my smoking hot goddess."
Freddie blushes again and kissed him pinning him against the car, "I-I love you, Jimbo. You make me feel pretty."
Jim grins and wraps his arms around Freddie's tiny waist, "You don't even know how much I love you."
The two share another kiss not knowing they're being photographed.
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xacesxofxheartsx · 3 years
Wrapping Paper
Name: Wrapping Paper Fandom: Epic Seven Category: M/M Words: 3077 Pairing: Kayron/Vildred 
Kayron eyed the Yule tree, which was currently strapped down in the wagon, trying to process the sheer size of it. Would it even fit in Vildred’s home? He had thought the other man was a little more...moderate in his choice of trees, but apparently not. Then again it was the butler’s decision, which made Kayron wonder why Vildred would even let the aging man pick out the tree. Truth be told, as much as he may have wondered, he really did not care. Frankly, what they did was no concern of his. He was only there because well, Vildred was. He likes observing his enemy turned ally; it lets him learn more about him. See what he can use against him. (Plus he likes being able to enter the other’s home and a tree that size…well he held doubts they could fit it through the door).  
He’s learned that the man is steadfast, that he did what he thought was right and damn the consequences. That he was a talented swordsman, gaining the rank of general rather quickly and at young age too. That he had a teacher from the East, whom had gifted him the sword he wields. That even though he does not see him often, Vildred holds a soft spot for the tiny prince of Ezera. These things, and many more, Kayron’s learned through observation and through conversations. The acolyte was able to use the first two to his advantage in turning the man against the Heir of the Covenant through the truth Ras Elclare has concealed.  
He does not care for what reasons the stubborn thorn might have for doing so; only that he was able to use it to his advantage.  
“I do think this spruce will make for a lovely tree,” the Butler was saying, drawing the acolyte’s attention again. “Will you be using the heirloom ornaments or the ones gifted to you by Her Royal Majesty?”
“Hmm.” Vildred’s face took on a thoughtful expression. “Why not both this time?”
“Both. I think both will look good on the tree.”
“And does your friend think? He should have some input as well.” the Butler turned to Kayron, who was somewhat startled for a moment at being addressed, even indirectly, before remembering that he was there among the two, disguised, having shifted his form hours ago so as to not raise neither alarm nor suspicion. The Butler though he was a friend of his master’s from another country, visiting for the holidays. Only Vildred knew the truth and he’d like to keep it that way.
Otherwise blood might have to be spilled.
Pushing the sunglasses further upon his nose—an odd choice of wear considering that though it was midday, it wasn’t very sunny, but they were necessary to hide his eyes—Kayron said, “I think both would look gaudy. The simplistic design of the gifted ornaments would clash with the more…decorated heirloom ornaments.” By the Archdemon, he was going to be sick with this pretense, especially when referring to Diene with a respect she does not deserve, but he reminded himself that he had a role to play right now. The look Vildred gave him made it worth it.  
“I disagree,” the swordsman responded, turning towards him fully, hands on his hips. “The more complicated design would be balanced by the simplistic one.”
Kayron made a disagreeing noise and the Butler looked as though he regretted getting him involved. Good, the acolyte thought. Maybe next time he’ll think before asking for my opinion. He didn’t give a damn about the ornaments, knew nothing about design and balance himself, but oh was it great to have the general’s focus on him. It made him feel something like warmth in this body that felt very little. Plus, irritating the other man was fun. That and…other things. Finding which buttons to push to garner what reactions was something he found fascinating.
Now? The reaction was of narrowed eyes and lips pressed thin but before he could say anything the Butler interrupted with “Sirs, perhaps you can continue this back home? It is rather chilly and I’d like to get back before this afternoon’s tea.” Vildred snapped his head to look at his Butler and nodded. He turned on his heal and walked off, though he gave the acolyte one last look before he did so.
Covering his mouth with a gloved hand—unnecessary as acolytes do not get cold, but again he had a role to play—to cover a chuckle, Kayron followed after.
  It turns out that the tree was capable of fitting in Vildred’s home. It just took being further cut down to fit through the door, the one at the very back of the house leading to the parlor room, and all three of them pushing. Currently it laid in front of the fireplace, which was unlit. Kayron’s eyes drifted towards to ceiling. It honestly probably helped that the swordsman had a spacious home, complete with very high ceilings. Shrugging off his coat and other outerwear meant to protect from cold and snow, Vildred gestures towards the corner between the door and the fireplace, a good distance between both, muttering, “It’ll look nice here, on that white and red rug.”
It took a while, it wasn’t exactly light, but they managed to get it upright in the pot eventually. “Master Vildred,” the Butler inquired, leaning against the wall, wiping the sweat from his brow, “I love trips to town as much as you, but next year, perhaps, we get a smaller tree? I suggest small enough to place on a table.” The journey to and fro and setting up the tree has taken a lot out of him. The acolyte filed that information away. Perhaps it will be useful later.  
In Kayron’s honest opinion, they should really stop this tree tradition because, at the end of the day, he finds Yuletide is a pointless celebration. Hell, put an end to the entire holiday. He does not see the appeal; after all it means nothing when you die and what’s so great about a holiday that’s celebrated the end of the year? To remind themselves of what? Of surviving to see another year end? Of all the blessings received? What utter nonsense, he thought directing his gaze back towards the tree. Out loud he remarked, slipping back into his play-pretend, “I agree. A tree of this magnitude, it is back-breaking work and it is a surprise that we could even get it through the door. To get it to even stand up right.”
Vildred frowned. “That tree is only eight and a half feet tall. My ceilings are eleven feet in height. It’s not that surprising.”
Kayron shot a look at him, one that was equal parts mild disbelief and mild irritation. Only eight and a half feet? That came after they had cut it down again; if they hadn’t then, yes, it likely would not have been able to stand as it did now inside the house.  Lifting it hadn’t been entirely easy, since he had to watch his footing. Weight-wise, though, it posed no issue for him, but he had had to use a fraction of his actual strength so as to not rouse suspicion. Otherwise lifting that tree would have been effortless.  He was honestly looking forward to the end of this holiday so he can go back to being his self again. Pretending to be human made his skin crawl. It always has. How Tenebria could do it, changing her form to that of another’s, so freely, so casually, so willing was something he could never fathom. Maybe it related to her goal of ‘fun’.  
He is drawn from his thoughts by Vildred grabbing one of his arms. He raised an eyebrow. The swordsman didn’t even look his way as he said, “I know it’s early, but I’m going to show ___ where in my room I keep the presents. Then he’ll help me wrap them.”
The Butler looked up sharply, pausing in his fluffing of the branches. “I could—“
Vildred held up a hand to forestall him. “I know you could.” He smiled gently. “But if you did, then you’d know what your present was.”
The aging man looked away, embarrassment and fondness covering his features in equal measure. Evidently, this was another tradition in the general’s home. Where the man would offer to help his employer wrap the presents for Yuletide, but Vildred would always refuse, never wanting to ruin the surprise. It made Kayron want to roll his eyes witnessing it. It made him a little sick too, all this positivity. As an acolyte, a being born of negativity, one could sway that he was perhaps allergic to such things. Perhaps or perhaps his soul was just so dark that positive emotion naturally just repulsed him.  
“Come along.” Vildred turned and started shoving the shadow king in the direction of his bedroom. “The good news for you is that you don't have a gift because I forgot to buy you one. So look all you want.” That whole sentence was a gods-damn lie. Then again this whole situation was a lie. Kayron made no mention of it though; he did smirk a little, however.
Once he and Vildred were in the privacy of the latter’s bedroom, door shut and locked, he pulled off the sunglasses and gloves, tossing them, on the bed before dropping the disguise. “That was the worst spent two hours of my life,” he said after several minutes of silence passed. Vildred shrugged as though to say it wasn’t his issue and to be fair, it really wasn’t, but still the man felt a wave of irritation rush over him.  
“I don’t like,” he continued, slowly and enunciating each word clearly, “feeling as though I’ve wasted my time.”
Vildred tilted his head slightly, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards just a little bit. “Was it though? Was it really?” He folded his arms against his chest with an almost exaggerated movement. “The way I see it those two hours got you out of the house and to socialize with someone other than me.”
“Ah. Yes. Socialization,” drawled Kayron, rolling his eyes. Something he didn’t care for but only did when necessary. Only actually wanted to do when it was Vildred. He would have preferred to follow at a distance, engaging with the swordsman on an occasional basis when the aging butler was out of earshot. “I’m not really a—what do you humans call it?”
“A social butterfly,” replied Vildred, dryly, as he crossed his arms. “Do I really need to remind you that this was an idea of yours? I was content to leave you here.” Though that in itself was risky because the younger man literally admitted to him a few days ago that the thought of leaving him alone in his house as terrifying because the acolyte could, if he truly wanted to, destroy his home completely. Kayron wouldn’t do that, however, not unless he had what he felt was a valid reason to do so. He wasn’t Tenebria, destroying things and killing people out of boredom. He didn’t tell this to the younger man, though. Preferring to keep all his cards up his sleeve until it was time to show them. Also, he didn’t want Vildred getting too comfortable with having him as a housemate. Still though, between taking him along somewhere and leaving him here, he knows Vildred would sooner pick the latter.  
And that reminder had him scowling. “When I suggested it, I hadn’t meant pretending to be a human for two hours.” He really hadn’t, but it wasn’t as though he had protested against it. It had been more of a compromise, really. As mentioned previously, he would have personally preferred to follow at distance, hiding in the literal shadows most of the time, but Vildred hadn’t been comfortable with the thought; in his words it was rather “creepy” and that was fair. As much as he might not care, Vildred was still his partner, his tool, and so the man’s comfort had to be somewhat of a priority. So, they had come up with a compromise: Kayron would disguise himself for a short amount of time and help them with what they need.  
Ah. What he’s willing to do not to be bored.  
“Anyway,” he said, bringing his focus back to the other man and whatever the real reason it was that Vildred wanted him in here for because he was certain it wasn’t for gifts, "would you care to tell me why I’m here?” He blinked then, seeing Vildred dig around in his closet. It seems that while his thoughts were drifting, he had not noticed the younger man moving over to his closet. He crossed his arms, watching with a curious gaze.
“I’m looking for it,” was the reply he received. “It’s taking a bit because I need to do some donating and spring cleaning.” That comment would have had Kayron rolling his eyes for the second time that day were himself not guilty of doing spring cleaning. It isn’t easy thoroughly cleaning one’s resting domain, what with all the blood, rotting corpses, and crumbling skeletons but it has to be done. Otherwise, the place would be unlivable and the stench unbearable. Vildred mentioned something about wanting to see what it looks like, but Kayron...Kayron hadn’t been having any of that and just told him no. While he may not care about many things, that...that is the one thing he does care about. That was place where no human can go to or even leave with their mind intact should they even, somehow, succeed in entering in the first place and Vildred does not need nor should he even consider wanting to be in such a place.
Telling the swordsman no wasn’t easy. Sometimes though, he had to steel his already iron will and just refuse.
maybe he cares more than he thought.
With a little ah-ha! Vildred pulled whatever it was that he had been looking for in his closet. Kayron’s eyebrows shot up at the sight of it. It was wrapping paper and he half wanted to ask “Are you planning to wrap me up?" purely as some kind of joke but he didn't have a funny bone in him and it sounded more than a bit ridiculous. Plus, there was an implication there, that he was some kind of gift, would have had him red-cheeked had he a single ounce of true blood in his body. He cleared his throat and asked, in a deadpan tone, “You brought me up here to show me gift wrapping paper?”
Vildred shook his head. “I brought you up here to show you how to gift wrap.”  
Say what now? Learn how to gift wrap? As he doesn’t like Yuletide, and made his feelings about it quite clear many of times, it’s not a skill he actually needs. Perhaps Vildred just got tired of him doing nothing but bothering him? That’s not true, though. He stays out of the younger’s way, for the most part. Keeping to the library to read the many books there—though he’s read many of them multiple times already—or to tend to business in other places. Planning for the archdemon’s advent is not easy task after all and they have to hurry so that it all falls into place at the right moment because Ras would be waking up soon, a year or so. But he sees Vildred’s hesitation still and he knows that what will make him put everything into this plan is dependent on Ras’s answer.
he knows Ras, though. knows already that the Heir of the Covenant will not give Vildred the answer he wants to hear.  
As important as that was, the more concerning matter was Vildred wanting to teach him how to wrap presents. It’s just another instance that leaves him wondering if Vildred forgets sometimes that he’s not human. Then again maybe Vildred doesn’t forget; maybe he just thinks he needs to have fun or learn some new things. “And why is it imperative that I learn how to do such a thing?”  
“Because I need some help,” the younger replied bluntly, pulling out another roll from his closet, along with a small box, likely containing ribbons, “and I can’t ask my butler for help because I don’t want him know what I got him before Yuletide.” He turned back to the acolyte and set the items on his bed. He undid his hair and shook it out, running his fingers through it to get some of the tangles out before tying it up into a bun. Kayron had looked away, swallowing past the sudden lump in his throat. Damn this man for making him feel things like desire.  
“So, you’re turning to me,” the acolyte finished for him. He turned back towards the general. “Which is odd. Don’t you have others to help you?”
“I’m expected to be at the castle for the Winter festival in two days, Yuletide is the second day of the festival. If I ask for help from them, I’m not entirely sure I can expect them to keep their mouths shut.” Especially around Aither, went unsaid. He doesn’t know the boy and he frankly isn’t interested in meeting Diene’s brat, but Vildred talks about the tiny prince enough to know that when the child is curious the boy won’t stop until he gets an answer and the people around him tend to cave quickly to his demands. With few exceptions, Diene and Vildred among them.  
Kayron opens his mouth, ready to argue, to insist that there’s no need, and Vildred cuts him off with, “Think of it this way: it’s just another way to deal with Tenebria and Nilgal.” The acolyte snorted at that, though there is some appeal and humor to be found in the thought of wrapping those two up and throwing them into a chaos gate.  
“Fine,” he acquiesced, preparing to remove his gauntlets, “but only for that reason.”  
Vildred grinned a that, a genuine one reaching his eyes for the first time in years, and Kayron felt like his undead heart skipped a beat at the site. A feeling he quickly wrote off some weird distortion in how he was summoned.  
After all he was an acolyte godsdammit.
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damonsbitchx · 4 years
Imprinting Pt. 1
I have no idea what to title this but my prompt for this fic is Jacob and Leah ending up together because wtf resume’s a baby???? Prompt is courtesy of @loveless-and-nameless. I hope you like it! I’m going to make a second part.
Summary: This is set after Breaking Dawn p.2 where Jacob lets Leah stay in his pack so she doesn’t have to go to Sam. In this, Leah and Jacob are only two or three years apart in age and they both imprint on each other in this. (That’s my personal touch.)
Characters: Jacob x Leah, and some waitresses 
Warnings: I think there’s one swear word, it’s fluffy and sweet
All mistakes are mine, no one proofread except me many times.
Word count: 3,069
If you want to be added to a tag list send me an ask with your @ 
Likewise, if you have any requests please send them in an ask. I might reject but ask anyway!
       After my dad died it’s no secret that I phased along with my little brother Seth. The pack was not welcoming about it, to say the least, but I didn’t really care. It was bad enough my dad had just died and I was the only girl in the history of EVER to phase, but to make matters worse, I was stuck under the rule of my ex-boyfriend who broke my heart after imprinting on my cousin. I was still bitter, to say the least, so if I had to suffer so did they.
       Jacob made his best effort to be a bit kinder to me than the rest of the pack, especially after he lost Bella to that dirty bloodsucker. He and I disappeared after making sure that they all survived the attack of the goth government. He told me he was going to the mountains of Alaska and I had planned on running as far East as I possibly could. We were definitely more than 300 miles apart but we could still hear each other clear as day when we were phased. As far as I could tell, he never phased back to his human form. Once I made it as far as Wisconsin I tried to stay human as much as possible so he and I could both be alone like the other didn’t exist. It was a very intimate thing to be tied to someone like that, even with all the miles between us physically and mentally. After being able to hear his thoughts all day every day for as long as it took me to get to Wisconsin I sort of started to miss the company when I was human, but I didn’t want to make him regret letting me stay under him instead of Sam so I didn’t out myself. I wandered around cities in Wisconsin looking for purpose, only phasing during the night so I could sleep in the woods somewhere. I’d make sure to only phase when I could barely keep my eyes open anymore and I’d always greet him to let him know I was there. Then, I’d fall fast asleep and phase back the moment I woke up. 
       I’d never tried this hard to be careful about what I thought when I was phased because I always felt like if I had to suffer in my own mind they did too, but it wasn’t just me. They thought horrible things about me from the moment I joined the pack. Sam was always tougher with me than any of the guys. Even Seth, who was smaller, younger, and weaker than all of us got treated better than I did. I didn’t want to just be the second choice anymore, mocked by the people who were supposed to be there for me. I didn’t want to be spoiled leftovers anymore. Jake would sometimes stick up for me and try to get closer to me, but I was closed off to all relationships with people after my father died. Being out here in the middle of nowhere might be making me soft or maybe I’m just realizing I don’t actually want to be alone. Without the voices of the rest of the pack in my head constantly and the faces of the people, my own people, who betrayed me I found peace. I found myself wanting to be closer to Jacob. It was a foreign feeling to me, I hadn’t experienced any need to be in anyone’s company for months. It didn’t matter either, Jacob was on a search for his gravity and I wouldn’t be a leech in his life because he was doing me a solid by just letting me leave Sam’s pack. I wouldn’t mess this one up, not this time.
       One night I slumped against a tree deep in the woods and phased, about to voice my greeting to Jake to let him know I was there but I stopped to listen because he spoke first.
“Leah, I was worried about you. You didn’t phase last night,” he growled.
“Oh, yeah um sorry Jake, I was doing other things. I found a bed to sleep in last night.” 
“With who?”
“Just some rando I met in the park, we hit it off and I figured I’d give you a break.”
I grimaced to myself, I’d forgotten last night happened. I thought it was just a bad dream.
“Oh… well, it takes like two seconds to phase and tell me, don’t let it happen again,” he snapped.
      I let out a small whine, but he didn’t say anything after that. I fell right to sleep. That next morning I woke up with the strange feeling I was being watched. There was no way there were people this far out in the forest. My ears perked up to listen intently.
“Leah?” Jake’s low voice rumbled in my head.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?”
“How would he even know if I wasn’t okay?” I wondered to myself, forgetting he could hear me.
“I just got a bad feeling out of nowhere late last night. I started running to Wisconsin to keep myself awake in case you woke up and were in trouble, plus I’d already be at least halfway there if it happened. Where are you? This forest is huge.”
“You’re here?” I growled. I didn’t expect him to be here.
“Well, yeah, I wasn’t gonna run all that way just to turn around after I knew you were okay,” he chuckled.
I heard a twig crack behind me and I leaped up with a yelp, tucking my tail and preparing to charge whatever it was.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya,” he chortled at my surprised reaction, trotting out from behind a thick tree.
“S’okay, I was already on edge. Jake, what are you doing all the way out here?” I grimaced, rising out of my defensive stance, my tail wagging a couple times. He didn’t fail to notice, twitching his ears in response.
“What, the alpha can’t come to visit his only pack member now?”
“Well, no, I just meant why would you want to be out here with me? I thought you wanted me to leave you alone.”
“Look, Leah, I’m here, okay? Don’t make me regret coming, you seemed like you could use it,” he snapped.
“Okay, I’m not, I’m sorry,” I almost whispered, looking down at my foot pawing the ground.
“Do you want me to get you some breakfast?”
“Jake, I-”
“Some human breakfast.”
       I moved my gaze back up to his copper-red face, not quite meeting his eyes. I let out a small whine in sync with the rumble in my stomach. Suddenly, he took off in the opposite direction dashing behind a tree and phasing into his human form. He appeared around the other side in his regular human clothes and gestured for me to do the same. I let out a low growl to which he chuckled in response and raised both his hands level with his face in surrender, turning on his heels and crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes and darted behind a tree out of sight to phase and yank on my human clothes. When I emerged around the other side he was already a few feet away from me, grinning and looking me up and down. Then, he frowned.
“Leah, are you eating enough?” he demanded.
       For a moment his question shocked me. Maybe too much time alone was getting to him, he never paid me this much attention. He barely even talked to me this much before. My words caught in my throat and I stared at him in disbelief. Why did he care? I was glad he couldn’t hear my every thought now.
“That’s not your business,” I snapped, folding my arms across my chest. “Last I checked, I don’t answer to you.”
       He glared at me as if he were trying to crack me, but after a few moments, he shook his head and grabbed my hand. He began pulling me towards the edge of the forest and I didn’t fight him on it because I really was hungry. Besides, he was much bigger than me, I could only do so much.
“If I had known you were this bad at taking basic care of yourself I never would’ve let you go off by yourself,” he growled, glancing down at me. 
I glared at him as we strolled out of the forest and began through the city to find somewhere to eat.
“I can take care of myself just fine, thank you.”
“Clearly not,” he held my hand up and gestured to my entire arm as evidence to back up his opinion. I rolled my eyes again, there was nothing wrong with my arm. Maybe I was just delusional thinking I actually wanted his company, he was more annoying than I remembered. 
       We found a little small-town cafe type place that we went into. Jake was still holding my hand when we went in and a couple waitresses eyed me sourly. I followed their lines of sight down to our hands which were intertwined and immediately I let go, folding my arms across my chest and avoiding their gazes. He didn’t seem to notice, flashing a dazzling grin at the hostess who was now taking us to a window booth. She all but melted right there on the spot. At this point, I was unsure if Jake had any awareness of his effect on any woman besides Bella or if he just didn’t care. We took our seats across from each other while the short brunette hostess proceeded to ask our drink preference.
“We’ll have two waters, please,” he sounded like he was trying too hard to be polite, smiling at her and nodding.
         He redirected his eyes to the menu once she left and I quickly scanned the one in my hands before deciding I’d want some pancakes and eggs. I slapped the menu shut and set it on the edge of the table, taking a moment to look around the place and take in every old-fashioned, dusty element of this little cafe. The paneled walls were off white and decorated with various framed photos of old white people usually standing with a big red barn in the background or posed with their family outside in a field. It reminded me of my family’s house back in La Push. All the chairs had metal frames and black leather-looking covers. The floor had a wood grain pattern, but I couldn’t tell if it was real or not. There were a few old couples scattered around the rest of the cafe, but other than them, us, and the staff the place was a ghost town inside and out. A few moments after I decided to let my eyes wander they made their way back to Jacob only to realize he was watching me. I frowned. 
“What are you looking at, punk?” I teased but held a serious expression on my face.
“Nothing,” he chuckled. “You just look sort of like a kid in a candy store.”
“Hey, don’t make fun of me Jacob Black. I’m older than you,” I growled.
       He rolled his eyes at me. It was true, I was older than Jacob even though it didn’t look like it. I vaguely remember when he was born because I was around three years old. I watched him grow up, he and Seth played together often and Bella would join too, up until she stopped coming up to her Dad’s all together. We would all three or four run around down on the beach even though it was much too cold to be near the water. Bella liked to find cool rocks and Jacob liked to throw rocks at her. He threw them at me too, but I’d threaten to beat him up if he didn’t stop so he did. Seth and Jacob liked to collect bugs and bring ‘em back to Billy, mom, and dad. Mom would always scream at them to keep the bugs outside where they belonged and the boys got a kick out of her hysteria. They would also chase Bella around with them because it made her scream and run. Eventually, though, she started smacking them instead of running so they stopped that too. I huffed and smiled mostly to myself at the memories that came like a flood in my mind. I had forgotten a lot of my history with Jacob. 
       Suddenly, pulling me out of my daydream, Jacob cleared his throat. My drifted gaze snapped to him with a glare and he jerked his head to alert me that the waitress was almost here. My expression softened and I shifted my eyes away from him embarrassedly. The waitress approached our table, barely glancing at me, settling her eyes on Jacob. She wore a shining smile and she asked him what she could get for him. He proceeded to rattle off this long order of foods I paid no attention to while she scribbled furiously and shoved in her clarifying questions whenever she could. It was kind of funny. I snorted to myself watching her struggle to keep up with him. Finally, when he had finished she turned to me with another sour look.
“And for you?” she asked, breathlessly and with a lot less politeness than before. 
“Pancakes and scrambled eggs please,” I said, slapping the menus into her hand when she reached and watched her walk away. 
       She definitely ran to tell the other waitress what had just happened. Their fawning made me chuckle to myself. Jacob would never notice them the way they noticed him. It was a lost cause. I met Jacob’s gaze and he looked annoyed with me again. I rolled my eyes.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I huffed, pouting out the window.
“Leah, you literally ordered two pancakes and two eggs, you can’t live off of that,” he hissed. 
“Jacob, I know how to take care of myself,” I hissed back at him. This was starting to get very annoying.
“Leah, I’m just worried about you,” he sighed, reaching for my hand across the table. I yanked it from his reach and stared at him with wild anger now burning in my face. Why was he suddenly being so nice to me? 
       I locked eyes with him and suddenly my breath was knocked from my chest. My eyes grew wide and I froze. Suddenly, every memory I’d ever made with Jacob raced through my mind like adrenaline in my veins. I felt my lungs fill and deflate with air, somehow knowing each breath now had a purpose bigger than just myself. His expression changed too, I wondered if he was feeling what I felt. I was suddenly more grounded. My hand gravitated towards his still stretched out across the table, grabbing it firmly in mine. I felt the weight of all my troubles seemingly lift off my shoulders, my mind became clear, my heart was beating with more enthusiasm. My hand buried in his began to feel hotter than the rest of my body if that was even possible with my already abnormal body temperature. His Amber eyes seemed to see into my soul, he squeezed my hand endearingly, matching my gaze. Our breathing was in sync now and both our jaws fell open ever-so-slightly as we stared into each other’s eyes. Why had I never noticed him like this before in all my years of knowing him? It was like the electricity was pulsing between him and me, connecting through our intertwined hands. He was like a cool summer breeze basking under the warm sun on the beach. He was suddenly laughter and cookouts, breakfast on the back porch overlooking the ocean, and picnics on top of a mountain. I could see in him everything I’d ever dreamed of having. Sitting here with him, our hands melting into each other becoming a uniform stream of energy and life, I knew I’d found exactly what I wanted. I could only hope he’d feel the same.
        We both snapped suddenly back into reality when we realized the waitress had returned with our food. “That was fast,” I thought to myself, wondering how long we’d been sitting like that. I yanked my hand out of the way, staring down at my hands now curled in my lap under the table and I began biting my lip nervously. What the fuck just happened? 
       I listened to Jacob talk to the waitress but paid no attention to what he was saying, I couldn’t focus on anything but the sound of his voice that seemed to command the swarm of butterflies in my stomach. He cleared his throat a minute or two after she left when I still hadn’t moved.
“Leah?” his voice was soft now, almost resembling the kid in him.
       My stomach flipped at the sound. I took a deep breath and forced my eyes up to meet his. He looked petrified with anxiety, so my hand instinctively shot out to silently ask for his again before I could even process his expression. My eyes grew wide at my actions but softened when he took it with a smile. My face dropped into a relieved smile in response and I squeezed his hand reassuringly. Whatever this was, I could get used to it. He held onto my hand all through breakfast, not letting go one time and I wasn’t about to make the first move either. I was content at that moment. By the time I’d finished my measly little two pancakes and two eggs, he had also devoured his entire three meals worth of food and the waitress had given us our ticket. I didn’t even question where he got money from, it seemed like something I didn’t want to know. Besides, I was too busy soaking up this new side of Jacob I’d been given. I didn’t even notice the waitresses anymore though I was sure they were whispering about us and exchanging dirty looks. So, we got up, paid, and left even though we didn’t know where we were going. He still had my hand firmly locked in his grip as he led me back towards the forest.
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