magiefish · 1 year
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Throwing ‘Frankenstein but make it Nikola Orsinov’ onto the internet for my enrichment. Something something ✨ wooooow so you’re both like non-human beings made from the remains of others? craaazyyy ✨
This drawing is specifically based off of this poster:
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wtffanfiction-de · 4 years
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Fandom: Harry Potter
“Auswertung des Blutes von Harry James Potter
Blutgruppe: A
Rhesusfaktor: positiv
Magieart: weiße und schwarze
Wesen: Dämon- Vampir- Elb- Veela
Dämon: zur Zeit 70%
Vampir: zur Zeit 50%
Elb : zur Zeit 30%
Veela : zur Zeit 05%
Die Wesenstärke kann sich bis zum 17. Geburtstag noch Verändern.
Besonderheit: Erbe der vier Gründer”
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magierpg · 6 years
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                         ❝ A REVOLUÇÃO QUEER — A FESTA
Ninguém jamais soube como os convites foram mandados, mas eles apareceram impreterivelmente pela manhã de sexta-feira nos dormitórios de todos os convidados. Algumas pessoas faziam ideia do que se tratava quando viram o envelope preto com um selo de cera que marcava um “X”. Ninguém sabia exatamente quando o boato havia começado, mas depois que estouraram os protestos por toda Beauxbatons, corria a palavra no corredor que o conselho dos veteranos de todas as casas estavam se reunindo, algo inédito, e estavam armando alguma coisa.
“Atenção população LGBT dessa merda,
Se você está lendo isso, então automaticamente está sob a proteção do Feitiço Fidelius, o que quer dizer que você não pode contar para outras pessoas sobre isso. E se você tentar mostrar a mais alguém, ela vai aparentar estar em branco. Caso você esteve vivendo debaixo de uma pedra nos últimos dias, a La Voisin é uma cuzona lgbtqfóbica, Beauxbatons se revoltou e ela está ameaçando expulsar quem se manifestar contra ela. Essa escola foi fundada com valores completamente opostos: nós queremos liberdade para sermos quem somos, igualdade perante a instituição e todos os colegas, e fraternidade para não sermos tratados como criminosos. Dito isso, é imprescindível que nós, o Conselho dos Veteranos, tomemos uma providência para colaborar com a causa. É por isso que você acaba de ser convidado para uma festa colaborativa da Liberté, Egalité e Fraternité. O objetivo é ir de encontro com os valores conservadores dessa sociedade hipócrita, exaltando a sodomia e libertinagem, também conhecido por nós como se pegar e diversão.
Local: Antiga casa de Jean-Luc Picques, Bonnabri.
Horário: 21h dessa sexta-feira
Traje: preto, arco-íris, sua bandeira LGBT+ de preferência e mais preto (ou peladx)
Tragam mais bebidas.
Com raiva, gratidão e muito álcool a oferecer,
Conselho dos Veteranos.
OBS: Snitches get stiches (x9 morre cedo)”
--- OOC
A carta vai se transformar em um mapinha que ensina as pessoas a chegar lá. É permitido sair de Beauxbatons pra ir pra Bonnabri, mas a vigilância na escola tá grande, então tomem cuidado. Ela é uma festa bem ilegal, mas que os monitores (NPC) em maioria estão fazendo vista grossa e que alguns professores (NPC) também.
Duração no RP: 21h30 da sexta-feira (01) até 00h do domingo
O post da decoração + atrações será postado daqui a pouco no @magiearts, mas imagina tudo muito preto o arco-íris!!!!
Trilha sonora no Spotify
A tag da festa é #magie:festas
Qualquer dúvida, pode perguntar aqui na central!
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magiefish · 2 years
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Starring fuckhands mcmike and (soon to be gaslight, gatekeep) girlboss
Felt like making a cover for Mag 47 because it was a funky episode.
[Image ID: Framed slightly off centre is a doorway tilted to the right from behind which emits a yellow light. The door itself is a dark yellow with a black handle and opens out to the right, the yellow light cast on the left side of it. The background of the piece consists of rectangular hues of purple going into darker and darker shades as they move towards the edge of the piece. Coming off of the door is a path covered in green carpet that curves to the left before curving back to the centre with the implication that it continues past the edge of the piece. A stark yellow light is cast out from the doorway across the path.
Standing in the doorway is a white woman with short brown hair in a purple suit jacket, short skirt, sheer socks, and high heels. She stands defensively with her legs far apart, one arm at her side and her other hand touching the doorframe. None of her facial features are visible. Behind her is a man much taller than her who also has minimal facial features visible other than his wide smile with sharp pointy teeth. He is also white, but is paler than the woman. He has long curly blond hair that reaches past his shoulders and wears a long dark green coat that reaches down to his ankles, a purple scarf, wide dark grey trousers, and a red jumper. His hands are at his sides and are very bony, his fingers incredibly sharp and longer than normal ones. Both of them are cast partly in heavy shadow due to the light coming out from the door. They both cast shadows across the path, however whereas the woman’s shadow is normal the man’s shadow is distorted, with a longer thinner neck, a thinner torso and even thinner waist resembling the silhouette of a skeleton. His hands are even larger in comparison to stick thin arms, and his fingers are longer and sharper and jut off from the hands in odd places.
Running along the left side of the piece above the pathway and to the left of the doorframe are the words ‘Mag 47: A New Door’ coloured in purplish blues and warped to look as if they are curving along a wall, tilted at the same right angle as the door. End Image ID]
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magiefish · 1 year
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They don’t want to let her in :(
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magiefish · 2 years
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The Ink Demonth Day 1 - Prize
Ahahahah I’m not late what do you mean lol
But yeah, the prompt made me think of the two prizes Alice wants: her ultimate prize, being Alice Angel again, and the prize she needs to get there, the hearts.
This year I sat down and sort of decided to try and connect a personal head cannon or theory of mine to each prompt just because I find it hard to talk about those sorts of things unprompted. Unfortunately I only did that after I drew this, so there’s no much to say here other than some stuff about the piece itself - I initially wanted to make it look like a playing card but I gave up and just threw in an ink splatter instead. I gave the background a paper texture to make it look like it was drawn on a piece of paper. I don’t know if that worked but oh well!
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magiefish · 2 years
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The Ink Demonth Day 2 - Price
People forced to pay the price for someone else’s dream. Always wondered who the last coffin belonged to though…
(Click on the image)
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magiefish · 2 years
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The Ink Demonth Day 3 - Responsibility
I like to think that Sammy became a sort of guardian or well Prophet of the Lost Ones. Just sort of finding them one by one and leading them to the rest until they formed a small community - a bit like herding sheep I suppose
Tried the traditional ‘make it look like paper’ thing again and it didn’t really work but I swear I shall continue trying until I get it right!
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magiefish · 2 years
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Currently working on the 4th part of Reveries Twisted Chapter 1 so I thought I’d share some of the progress :D
I’m quite happy with it so far
It’ll probably be two more weeks before it’s finished but I’m excited to get it done!
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magiefish · 2 years
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A cliffhanger for the spooky ooky day ;)
And also an update! This part is definitely shorter than the last and that’s because I’ve decided to split these uploads into smaller parts so I can get them out more regularly. I’m entering the years where I do my Big Tests (TM) and I just have. So little free time. And ADHD doesn’t make drawing massive uploads easy because of my short attention span, so overall I figured this was the best decision. Anyway, see you sometime in the future!
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magiefish · 3 years
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Well this gives a whole new meaning to ‘flaming hot’ huh? *comedic drum riff*
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magiefish · 3 years
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The Ink Demonth Day 21-Redemption
‘Sometimes redemption comes at a price’
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magiefish · 3 years
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magiefish · 3 years
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The Ink Demonth Day 15-Watchamacallit
‘Seriously though, who stuck a lightning rod on a Gent pipe?’
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magiefish · 3 years
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Joey Henry is this close to strangling you stop
Taken from this post by @adobe-outdesign
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magiefish · 2 years
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Why Mr Wolf, what nice teeth you have
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