#mads mikkelsen 2021
doradotcom · 1 year
did you ever have a url with the word werewolf in it?
YES!!!! i was girlwerewolf for a whileee and then changed my url and then deactivated but here i am now !!
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boseman-chadwick · 1 year
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MADS MIKKELSEN by Daniel Jackson for WSJ Magazine, March 2021
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sanguinaryrot · 4 months
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i made this for MY viewing pleasure but i thot id show you anyways. it is a flow chart discussing the hannibal lecter cinematic universe and i have some notes on it
first and foremost these movies are all based on books but for simplicity and because i havent read them, we're only going to reference them. this is for the movies and we're working chronologically.
we start with Hannibal Rising (2007), which despite being first chronologically was both released and in the case of the book published last. it is the root of all hannibal. Hannibal is played by both Gaspard Ulliel and Aaran Thomas (at different ages)
from Hannibal Rising (2007) you go to Red Dragon (2002) which follows Will Graham as he consults Hannibal on the case of a serial killer nicknamed the Tooth Fairy/Great Red Dragon. Will Graham is played by Edward Norton and Hannibal is played by Anthony Hopkins.
Red Dragon is followed by Silence of the Lambs (1991) in which FBI agent in training Clarice Starling consults with Hannibal Lecter to solve the case of a serial killer nicknamed Buffalo Bill. Will Graham is offhandedly mentioned in the past tense in the Silence of the Lambs novel, which places this movie here chronologically. Anthony Hopkins plays Hannibal and Jodie Foster plays Clarice Starling.
From Silence technically we go to Clarice (2021) but this is obviously a newer installation so i wouldnt be surprised if there were some continuity errors in the series. Clarice (2021) takes place 1 year after the events of Silence of the Lambs (1991) and it does not mention Hannibal Lecter whatsoever. Lol. Clarice is trying to get reacclimated to work after a break from the field. Clarice has been recast as Rebecca Breeds.
That means Hannibal (2001) is technically a sequel to Clarice (2021), despite having previously been a direct sequel to Silence (1991). It takes place 10 years after Silence of the Lambs (1991) or i suppose 9 years after Clarice (2021). Hannibal is trying to get back in contact with Clarice as he is hunted by a previous victim. Clarice has been recast as Julianne Moore, but Anthony Hopkins still plays Hannibal in this one.
There is also NBC Hannibal (2013-2015) which is really an island independent but adjacent to this flow chart but i thought i'd throw it in anyways. The show follows plot lines from all of the books, making it similar to all of the movies. Sometimes Will is substituted for Clarice, and it introduces new characters or adapts existing characters. Hannibal is played by Mads Mikkelsen and Will Graham is played by Hugh Dancy in the show.
There is also Manhunter (1981), is largely considered a FLOP movie. It follows the same plot as Red Dragon (2002), but Silence (1991) was not marketed as a sequel to Manhunter (1981), despite Silence the novel occurring chronologically after Red Dragon the novel. They're very different stylistically and according to many take place in different universes, hence it also being an island on the flowchart. Will Graham is played by William Petersen and Hannibal is played by Brian Cox.
Side note. you have no idea how pleasing it is to my brain that so many of these movies were released in a year that ends in 1. Red Dragon (2002) is forgiven cause it was a direct follow up to Hannibal (2001) so it couldnt possibly be released in a xxx1 year. but Hannibal Rising (2007) you have no excuse
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woodnrust · 5 months
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Going back through old chats in a friends server to find all the dreams I had so that I can document them in my new dream journal and I'm like . barely holding it together
[Image ID: Discord screenshot of an old message I sent in 2021 that says "Terrible news everyone, Mads Mikkelsen was in my dream just now and was like "do you know what the word is? Bird. Bird is the word. Who made it the word? Why this word in particular?""/End ID]
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nkp1981 · 2 years
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Mads Mikkelsen photographed by Charlie Gray for 'Rake Magazine', 2021
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unpopular · 1 year
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Mads Mikkelsen for WSJ Magazine, 2021
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beedlelover · 1 year
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Mads Mikkelsen in his interview for "Another Round" with BAFTA Guru, 2021
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Back Cover to AI Art S2E11 - Death Stranding
Older video games were notorious for back cover descriptions that have nothing to do with the game so let's see what a text-to-image generator makes of these descriptions. Season 2 sees an increase in art creations for each game up from 1 in the first season to 6 for the second season 
1. Intro - 00:00 
2. Back Cover and Text Description - 00:10 
3. Creation 1 - 00:30 
4. Creation 2 - 00:50 
5. Creation 3 - 01:10 
6. Creation 4 - 01:30 
7. Creation 5 - 01:50 
8. Creation 6 - 02:10 
9. Outro – 02:30 
Having Been freed from the disreputable Konami along with the Kojima Productions name, Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions' first independent release in 2019 was the Norman Reedus-fronted Death Stranding alongside a cast that included the likes of Mads Mikkelsen, Guillermo del Toro, Lindsay Wagner and Troy Baker.
Death Stranding is a Sci-Fi Action Horror Thriller that released on the PlayStation 4 in 2019, with a windows release of the game the following year and a PS5 version of the game in 2021. 
The game proved a commercial success selling over 5m copies by 2021 across PS4 and PC, a sequel was announced in 2022 at the game awards, a movie adaption is also in development. 
For more Back Cover to AI Art videos check out these playlists 
Season 1 of Back Cover to AI Art 
Season 2 of Back Cover to AI Art 
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ninaemsaopaulo · 3 months
Druk: mais uma rodada
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Há formas de manifestar arte que influenciam demais em nossas vidas e, a partir delas, criamos hábitos bons e ruins. Quando li Meu ano de descanso e relaxamento, da Ottessa Moshfegh, coloquei em prática a ideia de me dopar e dormir por longas horas, tendo duas de intervalo para “viver”. A leitura do livro coincidiu com o início do meu tratamento psiquiátrico, mas eu só poderia ficar dopada nas festividades de fim de ano. É difícil atravessar essa fase sozinha e colecionando perdas, é muito fácil pensar nas piores coisas para fazer contra si mesma. Ficar dopada é um meio-termo aceitável: você não está se matando, mas flerta com a possibilidade.
Quando comecei a usar aplicativos de relacionamento, tive a sorte de conhecer um cineasta. Digo sorte porque, com ele, tive os melhores diálogos sobre cinema: ele permitia que eu falasse o que quisesse, qualquer bobagem era permitida. Por isso, achei que estivesse apaixonada e nos afastamos. Quando um ano depois tentamos reaproximação, ele me contou que se emocionou muito assistindo Druk na passagem de ano-novo — lhe fez lembrar do pai e do fato de que ele mesmo parou de beber por conta do alcoolismo. Lembro que ele tinha várias garrafas de vinho em casa para as visitas, mas nunca bebia junto. Nem sozinho. Ele também tinha uma rede em casa, obviamente um projetor, e estava escrevendo um livro sobre cinema — mas nada disso entra na história.
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Druk é um vencedor do Oscar (melhor filme internacional de 2021) que coloquei na minha lista de “preciso assistir” assim que foi lançado, mas outros filmes passaram na sua frente, até que o esqueci. Recentemente foi anunciado como a grande estreia de fim de ano na Netflix, então lembrei do cineasta e do quanto sua voz estava emocionada quando me falou desse filme, ele fazia indicações muito confiáveis. Na Dinamarca, quatro professores, três deles do ensino médio e um de educação básica, estão insatisfeitos com suas vidas de um modo geral: um deles é pai de três crianças pequenas e diariamente acorda com urina delas na cama de casal; o outro é professor de educação física, outro de música; e tem o Mads Mikkelsen que, distante do grande circuito Europa e Estados Unidos de cinema, despe-se quase que completamente de seu sex appeal e vocação para vilão ao interpretar um homem absolutamente comum. Martin, seu personagem, é professor de história, casado e pai de dois filhos adolescentes. Seu trabalho é em horário comercial, ao contrário de sua esposa. Quando ele chega em casa, ela está praticamente se arrumando para trabalhar a noite inteira. Uma dinâmica meio Tomas e Tereza já em declínio em A insustentável leveza do ser, quando ele deixa de ser médico para tornar-se limpador de vidraças e ela fica como garçonete no horário noturno. Ou, se isso fosse uma comédia, a música Ela é dançarina, do Chico Buarque, que conta a história de um funcionário público que se apaixona por uma passista de carnaval. No início do filme, Martin é confrontado por seus alunos do último ano que pretendem aplicar para a universidade, mas a forma de ensino do professor não os ajuda. Há uma insatisfação geral entre o pessoal e o profissional nas vidas desses professores.
Uma noite, Nikolaj, o pai de três bebês, faz aniversário e convida os amigos para jantar. Ele mesmo fala dessa interessante teoria sobre o nível “ideal” de álcool no corpo, com a qual se deparou. É quando Martin tem um momento de epifania sobre o quanto sua vida está sem perspectiva, como se estivesse no fim, em comparação aos quarenta anos recém-feitos de Nikolaj. Outro dia estive no aniversário de uma amiga que escolheu comemorar em um rodízio de vinhos que me lembrou essa cena, pois o garçom passava pela mesa oferecendo e narrando as qualidades das bebidas, enquanto eu ficava cada vez mais bêbada (sou fraquíssima) e Martin era o único que não deveria beber, tendo em vista que pretendia dirigir. Mas acaba cedendo, ficando mais deprimido. No dia seguinte, por conta própria, coloca a ideia em prática: bebe antes e durante o serviço e sugere que os outros faça o mesmo. Para dar um sentido maior ao que estão fazendo, Nikolaj propõe que seja publicado um artigo com tal experiência. Todos aceitam, Nikolaj começa a escrever e esses capítulos dão o tom do filme, dividindo-o em partes, como o documentário de um experimento social.
Essa ideia é 100% uma ideia de homem hétero e, obviamente, só pode dar errado. Nenhum deles é discreto levando o projeto adiante, não tem como ser. Pessoas alcoolizadas não oferecem discrição. São cambaleantes, falam alto demais, transpiram mau-cheiro — em um determinado ponto do filme, isso fica claro, é jogado na cara deles. Inicialmente, sobretudo no campo profissional, tudo parece um mar de rosas: as aulas fluem, a vida sexual é reativada, então, que tal elevar o nível? Mais uma dose? É claro que eu tô a fim.
E então, o declínio: o casamento de Martin, que parecia ter reacendido a chama da paixão, entra em um conflito quase sem volta. Nikolaj sobrecarrega a esposa, que chega a tornar-se mãe do próprio marido. Peter, o professor de música, incentiva um aluno a beber antes da avaliação final que pode decidir se ele vai para a faculdade ou se repete o ano. E Tommy, o professor de educação física, esse é quem mais sofre com o alto nível alcoólico no corpo.
Dirigido por Thomas Vinterberg, Druk é um filme tão bonito, com essa cara de cinema independente e que oferece, no final, uma sequência maravilhosa de Mads Mikkelsen dançando e é por esse motivo que amo cinema. Quero reproduzir essa cena, um dia, quando estiver bêbada o bastante e estivermos nas ruas comemorando seja lá o que for. Como quando rodopiei ao som de David Bowie no meio da Faria Lima, com meus fones de ouvido, me sentindo Frances Ha e ninguém entendeu. Druk quase entra nessa lista que ainda vou fazer, de filmes sobre o nada. Nada em específico acontece, são apenas pessoas comuns tomando decisões ruins, vivendo suas vidas e acertando corajosos passos de dança que só uma boa cerveja pode permitir.
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I posted 302 times in 2022
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#fantastic beasts - 201 posts
#newt scamander - 155 posts
#fbsod - 116 posts
#eddie redmayne - 66 posts
#theseus scamander - 52 posts
#tina goldstein - 43 posts
#newtina - 31 posts
#fbcog - 30 posts
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#but they need to give a lot of answers and being most plot lines to an preliminary ending so they can stop after this film if they need to
My Top Posts in 2022:
When his brother was born, it was Theseus who decided that “Newton” was too toplofty a name for such a shy, quiet child. He started calling him “Newt” and somehow this nickname stuck with him when they grew older and Newton didn’t shed this certain awkwardness he had already possessed as a child.
Some things changed, though. It has been a long time since Newt referred to his brother as “Thes”.
127 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
Newt and Tina travelling together
132 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Theseus: I'm so worried about Newt.
Tina: Why? Everything is fine!
Theseus: But he might be up to something stupid!
Jacob: ... oh, there you are! Hey, what's wrong? You two look devastated.
Tina: ... we are very worried about Newt.
134 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Newt, after his return from WW1, talking to his mother: ... and Sylvia has the most beautiful eyes, you should see them, they are sparkeling like diamonds! And she's such a nice girl, actually the friendliest of all of them, and I think she was always happy to see me ...
Theseus, who has overheard that, smirking: Sounds like you should ask her out for dinner, Newt.
Newt: I don't think that would be a great idea.
Theseus: C'mon, don't be shy, you obviously like her a lot and it's time you get yourself a girlfriend!
Newt: ... Sylvia is literally a Ukranian Ironbelly.
Theseus: Please forget everything I just said. Don't take her out for dinner.
Newt: You know, the longer I think about it, the more I like the idea ...
Theseus: The more I think about it, the more I hate it, actually.
Newt: Well, that has never stopped me.
Theseus: Newt, NO. Besides everything else, you are going to lose your job.
Newt: ... this idea is getting better and better. Do you think -
Theseus: NO!!
Newt: ... do you think there's enough room for a small dragon in the Ministry's cafeteria? - Hey, where are you going?
Theseus: Calling a lawyer. And a healer.
Newt: I don't think somebody will get hurt.
Theseus: A mind healer.
190 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Just watched SoD, it's almost 4 am and I am happy and overwhelmed. Here are just some first impressions in the order that come to my mind, so massive spoilers below the cut!!
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Newt is the sweetest and kindest human being this world has ever known.
Jacob too!
I seriously thought for a few seconds Jacob would become Supreme Mugwump. XD (It would have been really epic though.)
Basically everything Jacob said was hilarious, I just love him so much!!!
Mads Mikkelsen just was so so so so so good! Of course Grindelwald had much more screen time than in the previous films so it was easier, but still he managed to bring a depth and some kind of ... likeability to Grindelwald's character. I liked that very much.
I also appreciate how clear they made that Dumbledore was in love with Grindelwald (Although this can't be called a secret, really. :D)
Albus had no secrets left, it was really about Aberforth?!?! Whew, I mean, I thought it could be coming, but still ...
Also: What's wrong with the Dumbledores? Ariana is an Obscurus, Aberforth's son is an Obscurus ... And how did both brothers manage to make such grave mistakes in only one summer?
I don't feel like after everything that happened in SoD, Aberforth has the right to still be so angry and cold against Albus (as shown in HP).
Newt was really lucky he wasn't killed in his first scene. :0
In general I was surprised by the really lighthearted tone of the film - even in the more dramatic scenes I was never really afraid someone would die.
Newt was so happy and excited so many times, so I am very happy and excited now!!! How cute was it when he met Lally and they were basically both fangirling about each other???
Newt saying "She is" when talking about Tina, omg!!! And them finally meeting again!!! (Damn Lally, bad timing!!!!)
I'm not really content with the explanation they gave for Tina's absence, though. I mean, Theseus is head auror too, and he seems to be able to go and do where/what he wishes.
Can we talk about the wide grin on Theseus face when he witnessed just how much in love Newt was in the end?? Maybe that's even my favourite moment! Him just being so happy for Newt and looking out for him and EVERYONE BEING HAPPY FOR A CHANGE!!!
Ok, maybe my favourite scene was Jacob being happy and closing his eyes so he won't see Queenie before the wedding ceremony and he's GETTING MARRIED TO QUEENIE AAAAHHHHH!!! I must say I had lost hope for the two of them!
Will Newt and Tina kiss offscreen now?!?!?
Dumbledore, whyyyy didn't you go into the bakery? Isn't it actually a bit impolite to just wait around in the street and walk away??
Newt practising his speech as best man *-* I love it how clumsy he was during every situation he was in a kind of leading position.
How did Aberforth and Credence establish the mirror connection???
I'm a bit confused and so, so tired.
How did Aberforth even find out Credence was his son??
Maybe Credence doesn't have to die. We know that Newt can separate an Obscurus from its host, so maybe he can save him?
Wtf they did break the blood pact by ACCIDENT???? NOOOO, I'm not happy with that!!! That's to ... easy and random.
Just for the record, snow is not the usual weather in Berlin (but then there always seems to be snow everywhere in the FB films XD). I rather liked wizarding Germany btw. The architecture and the little details like the signs and the stamps (a cliché that always works because it's funny and also still true I'm afraid).
The scene with Theseus and Newt in prison was a bit random but super funny, so I'll allow it. XD But I'm still disturbed that they just stunned Theseus and dragged him away and everyone was like ... it's alright, we can look for him later. (It's also not very healthy to hang upside down, but Thesues can manage it ... because. Because he's epic and very handsome and I like him very much.)
The brothers finally, finally bonding!!! Not talking, though. But who needs to talk anyway.
Bunty was great! I'm happy that she was not helpless in her love. She's still in love with Newt and he has no clue and she knows it's in vain, but she's not jealous or bitter but makes a deliberate decision to help. She definitely deserves more credit.
See the full post
271 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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hawkmothmoon · 1 year
Alright tumblr, let’s start off with a guy who I’m pretty sure was popular the last time I was here, Mads Mikkelsen as HANNIBAL.
An older painting (early 2021 I think) but still a favorite. I painted Mads’ character Cliff Unger from Death Stranding as well.
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lightsonparkave · 2 years
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To be loved is to be seen, to be understood. To be known more intimately by someone than by anyone else without explanation. When you love someone, you learn more about them and about yourself.
The theme for Lights on Park Ave Round 33 is to be seen and known. Here are the prompts:
The scene where Ally shares the first lyrics of “Shallow” with Jackson the night they meet and Bradley Cooper’s explanation of the scene from A Star is Born (2018)
Steve refusing to let Tony talk badly about himself because he knows Tony and the Tony he knows isn’t like that from Captain America/Iron Man (2021) #2
Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy judging each other for their flaws from Pride and Prejudice (BBC)
Sally tearfully telling her friend Harry her flaws and Harry seeing those flaws in a different light from Rob Reiner’s When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Patroclus’s quote about recognizing Achilles by sense alone from The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Study of a Young Man, Seated - John Singer Sargent
“The Whistler” - Mary Oliver
A line from “Shapechangers in Winter” by Margaret Atwood about not knowing someone well anymore
Héloïse telling Marianne everything she’s learned about Marianne by observing her from Céline Sciamma’s Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
Stills from Hannibal of Hannibal and Will looking at each other accompanied by a quote from Mads Mikkelsen about Hannibal and Will’s desire for each other and a line from “Corruption” by Camille Norton
An excerpt about not knowing oneself from If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin
The protagonist realizing he knows less about his wife than he had thought as he starts to forget her after her death from The Sea by John Banville
A gifset of Mulan asking Shang why he can’t trust her when he knew and trusted her as Ping from Mulan (1998)
Viktor telling Jayce that he believes in his brilliance and the value of his research and offering to help after Jayce is expelled from the academy from Arcane
Select lines about being known by someone and knowing someone best from “I Cannot Be Known” by Paul Éluard
The priest as the only person to ever catch Fleabag retreating into her own mind and breaking the fourth wall because he truly sees her in Fleabag
Heedo asking Yurim, her online friend, if she thinks they’ve crossed paths before because they know each other so well despite not knowing each other’s identities from Twenty-Five Twenty-One
Round 33 will end on May 31, 11:59 PM ET (what time is that for me?).
As always, you’re free to jump in whenever you’d like during the round, a wide variety of work types is accepted, and there are no minimum work requirements. Unfinished works and works for other fandom events are allowed. You can find more information about Lights on Park Ave and the participation guidelines here.
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mcbitchtits · 1 year
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I posted 6,373 times in 2022
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#the other thing about looking at the concept art is that there is one thing that i‚ with my extremely mediocre illustration skills‚ can do b
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Indiana Jones 5 in Empire Magazine:
Boyd Holbrook as Klaber
Mads Mikkelsen as Voller
28 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
well if we’re going to talk concept art I should probably post them, shouldn’t I.
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See the full post
37 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
oh boy we are literally like hours away from crab chaos here on tumblr aren't we
46 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
No, sir, I do not post at you, sir, but I do post, sir.
84 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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317 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wotchergiorgia · 1 year
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Ho postato 534 volte nel 2022
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#one of my favorite things - 27 post
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#love of my life - 23 post
#harry potter - 19 post
#writers on tumblr - 16 post
#potterhead - 12 post
Longest Tag: 63 characters
#make projects and keep them secret until they've become reality
I miei post migliori nel 2022:
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Notes from Underground
14 note - Postate 5 febbraio 2022
that passing and yet intense longing for love
18 note - Postate 2 aprile 2022
there is nothing left to do, so I'll lie in my bed reading dostoevsky.
18 note - Postate 22 aprile 2022
my non-spoiler review of fantastic beasts: the secrets of dumbledore - and why you all should watch it
fantastic beasts: the secrets of dumbledore is just amazing. I have been about to sob for all over the film (heartbreaking moments, too much for my heart that wasn't ready for all of this).
Finally I had the magic. This was magic. Everything. The characters are awesome, beautifully written, beautifully interpreted. Jude Law is simply perfect as Dumbledore, and in this film you can perfectly see it. Mads Mikkelsen is wow. His Grindelwald has something that Depp's did not have, though I loved the original Grindelwald too. But, now, after have seen the film, I can't imagine someone who isn't Mads at the place of Grindelwald. Something of his face, maybe, of his deportment, of his attitude, his expression. And Grindelwald has to be like this: noble, apparently gentle, mysterious, charming. The plot, the landscapes, the fantastic beasts themselves... All of it.
This film had to do only one thing: tell us who Creedence is. And, guys, I swear to you that we all come to know the truth. And, as Jo Rowling has always done, it is upsetting, something I would have never thought about. But this film is not simply this: it is about Dumbledore, and, God, Albus Dumbledore is the absolute protagonist. Finally his story - as we knew it through the seventh hp book - is told, perfectly told. We can see, all over the film, Dumbledore's pain on Jude Law's face, his regret, his love, his agony. It is the real Dumbledore, the one I've always wanted to see on the screen: a man that has been wrong many times in his life, a man that can't forgive himself for what he did, but also a man pure of heart that constantly tries to fix where he went wrong. And that is the important thing - as Newt says at a certain point: to try. This is not the same complicated and confusing plot of the second film. This is linear, clair. This has an objective and a road to follow. It is a very political film and I loved it. There are the election of the leader of the entire wizarding community all over the world, there is the German Ministry of Magic, the French one, the Spanish one, the MACUSA, and Our Ministry of Magic, the English one, as we know it. And because of this context I can say that Mads Mikkelsen's Grindelwald is the perfect one. But I don't want to make a spoiler, so here I finished.
One of the flaws of the second fb, were the characters: the second fb introduced too many characters without giving them a story. Well, it doesn't happen here. A few main characters that we come to know as well as the original protagonists - Newt, Queenie, Tina and Jacob - and that give a plus to the plot. Lally, Theseus, Yousuf and Bunty: they are the other main characters apart from Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Credence and our group of friends. Lally is a badass teacher of Ilvermorny; Theseus, Newt's brother, is completely different from the arrogant and distant one we knew in the second film; Yousuf is, maybe, the more mysterious of the group; Bunty is a brave sweetheart. Together, they make up a perfect group. Then, there is Aberforth. Wow. I love how Richard Coyle and Jude Law brought the Albus-Aberforth relationship on the screen. Perfect. The perfect picture of their complicated brotherhood, as Jo Rowling told in the seventh hp book. Credence is "less important" compared to the first and the second film. Now that everyone knows who he is, the only thing left to do is trying to save him from Grindelwald - who seems less affectionate to him. Well, I can't stay here talking about the characters (even if it is my favorite thing to do), but I can say a thing: they are perfectly written and I love them all.
Fantastic Beasts
If the second fb has almost forgotten to put the fantastic beasts into his plot, here the fantastic beasts steal the scene. They are awesome. We see, obviously, Teddy and Pickett, but there is also a creature from the hp books that we have never seen in the films: the Blast-Ended Skrewt, a giant one. And then, a creature you'll all adore is the Quilin, one of the rarest creature of all the Wizarding World, that has a main role in the whole plot. Trust me, you can't miss the fantastic beasts at all.
The Blood Pact
This is how the second film comes to end: with the blood pact of Grindelwald and Dumbledore which seems impossible to destroy. And yes, this pact is central in this third film, until the end. Inside it there is a young and yet powerful magic, as we have never seen before.
From New York to Berlin, from Great Britain to the mountain chain of Himalaya. Berlin in the early 1920s is beautiful and the magical Berlin is something sublime. And then there is Hogwarts. Our beautiful Hogwarts. I was about to sob when I saw it. Because, after all this time, after all these years, Hogwarts is still there for us. And it is true that Hogwarts will always be there, because even this time it is. And we're inside it, in the Great Hall, among the Hogwarts' students. And we need it. We deserved it. To come home. It brought us home. Again. One time and forever. Always. I did not want those Hogwarts scenes to end.
I don't know if I finished, but I'm not finished with this film. The music (guys, the music! Howard did a fabulous work with it. There are the classical fb tracks - New says goodbye to Tina, Jacob's bakery etc. - but also the classical hp tracks!)... And all the references to the hp books and film! WE CAME HOME WITH THIS FILM. WE REALLY DID. I loved every aspect of it. Every. From the start to the end. And then, the "always" reference. I adored it.
Feel free to send me asks, if you want to know anything. I'll answer as I can (if you want spoilers... Well, I'm an expert in spoilers, but also if you don't want them).
46 note - Postate 14 aprile 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
17 people, 17 questions
firstly, thank you thank you thank you to @ekraaamm for tagging me!
nickname | gio (sometimes jo, but I hate it) - to be sincere, many people, to make fun of me, call me girgia, because when I was in sixth grade, while writing down my name on the Art folder, I forgot the O... so, well, basically giorgia became girgia to anyone who was there in that crucial moment.
sign | aries, rising in libra
height | 5,5 ft
last thing I googled | masterchef starting date
song stuck in my head | "there is a light that never goes out" the smiths
no. of followers | 140
amount of sleep | on average, I think around 7hrs
lucky number | 7 and I really don't know why
dream job | psychiatrist - forensic psychiatrist would be amazing, but I have to think about it
wearing | brown jeans, dr martens, school green hoodie - yes, today I look like a tree
movies/books that summarize you | movies atonement, about time (plus all the wizarding world production and A LOT of comedies). books the brothers karamazov, one hundred years of solitude, to the lighthouse, anna karenina, the umbereable lightness of being, letters to milena, the book of laughter and forgetting
favorite song | "something about the way you look tonight" elton john, "into my arms" nick cave, "last night I dreamt that somebody loved me" the smiths and "my melancholy blues" queen. I can't really choose
aesthetic | chaotic. chaotic academia in the cold seasons and chaotic cottagecore in the hot ones
favorite authors | kundera, dostoevsky, màrquez, tolstoy, woolf
favorite animal noise | bird's tweeting
random | I'm fond of chocolate. chocolate is my first and last love
tagging: @nymph-ad-ora @dopesoulcookiegoth @sapphiceffy @optimistic-nihilist @fictionalturtlenecks @in-love-with-remus-lupin @cunningfate @chillpotato @thelatinlibrarian @mkvx @nymphpens @poems-she-wrote @deniselavestal @ohwhpotter @expectolibrary @justpoetrythings @bookworm-on-rainy-days and anyone else who wants to join!!!
246 note - Postate 19 novembre 2022
Guarda ora l'Analisi del tuo anno 2022 di Tumblr →
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I posted 2,239 times in 2022
That's 2,239 more posts than 2021!
4 posts created (0%)
2,235 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,174 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#doctor who - 376 posts
#star wars - 287 posts
#mcu - 153 posts
#hannibal - 128 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 118 posts
#lotr - 105 posts
#spn - 87 posts
#florence pugh - 82 posts
#good omens - 59 posts
#the sandman - 57 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#this is so funny you like 1d then when i start obsessing over star wars i see you like it too and now you're reblogged stuff about her and
My Top Posts in 2022:
Heyyy how are you doing? ☺️
0 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers ♡ (u don't have to ofc ❤️)
Thank you <3
Trees, candles, stories, tea, my bed
2 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
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Guess who just met Mads Mikkelsen 👀
Thanks @rollingthunderpouringrain for the birthday present!
8 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you want me to tag something specifically, tell me! &lt;3
Doctor Who
Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
Star Wars
Good Omens
The Sandman
Shadow and Bone
The Witcher
Stranger Things
The Handmaid's Tale
Vampire Diaries
Game of Thrones
Young Royals
Avatar the last Airbender/Legends of Korra
Pirates of the Caribbean
Random films & celebrities
31 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kaileeandag · 1 year
Where Are They Now? Blaire Oliveira
-thanks to Facebook, she found her birth mother in the spring of 2012. The two reunited and Blaire’s birth mom finally got the letters she wrote over the years. The two still keep in touch, but they agree with Blaire’s decision to call the couple who raised her mom and dad. -after graduating from high school in 2012, she begins attending the New England School of Communications (NESCOM for short) in Bangor. She graduates in 2016 with a degree in Video/Film Production. During her Senior year at NESCOM, she films and releases her first film onto Youtube. The film was filmed at Spring Harbor Hospital, a psychiatric hospital in Westbrook Maine, and was titled Insane Yet Sane and falls into the horror genre. Blaire and the actors were given permission to film at the hospital, much to her surprise. This helped Blaire earn her first award nomination, winning a Screamfest Skull Award for Best Feature in 2017.  -Blaire’s second film and first major venture was released in 2021 and titled The Sins of Ashcraft. The movie was filmed in Portland Maine and the studio that released the film, New Line Cinema, managed to get Mads Mikkelsen, Shun Oguri, and Javier Botet to be actors in the film. Blaire went out of her way to have Javier Botet cast as a good guy, feeling that he was typecast due to his Marfan Syndrome. She won in the end and the villain role went to Oguri. -The Sins of Ashcraft landed Blaire her first Oscar nomination, for Best Original Screenplay. She won the award and went viral on Twitter for her heartfelt speech. -to basically nobody’s surprise, Blaire and her friend Andy began dating in the fall of 2009. The two were engaged in 2015 and married in the fall of 2017, on Halloween specifically. Blaire still uses her maiden name for film projects. -is directing a segment for the second season of American Horror Stories. Blaire has opted for something fairly realistic, with her segment about a Chinese girl in America dealing with a stalker.  -calls horror films an ‘underappreciated genre nowadays’, which is why most of the films she makes being in the horror genre. She cites Japanese horror as her favorite due to its ‘ability to mess with your head.’
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