#mademoiselle noir
broadwayaradia · 1 month
*blows dust off this audio file* another loooong awaited request
thank you so much to tenaciousTachygraph for writing these beautiful lyrics and to archaicAurelius for creating this gorgeous cover art
you are both incredible for being so patient with me
There was a young lady in a ruin one day Who broke off a frog temple’s head She was pale and restless with a haunted spirit And here’s the one thing she would say:
« Moi je m’appelle Aradia Et comme vous pouvez le voir Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis Et c’est tout ce qu’elle a dit Di-di-di-dit, di-di-di-dit, di-di-di-dit »
You see, once long before a boy went to her hive With an enemy’s thoughts in his head He fought the young lady with blasts red and blue Until she surely was dead
He cradled the lady he’d loved in his arms Thinking he’d never see her again But her soul left her body and became a ghost And she began her familiar refrain:
« Moi je m’appelle Aradia Et comme vous pouvez le voir Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis Et c’est tout ce qu’elle a dit Di-di-di-dit, di-di-di-dit, di-di-di-dit »
But all of that happened a long time ago Now her friends say she’s boring as hell She’s hollow and changed and she’s slightly deranged And so they all miss her old self
But the lady is in pain because each day is the same And she can’t quite see how this will end When the apocalypse came she knew nothing would change As she entered her soulbot she said,
« Moi je m’appelle Aradia Et comme vous pouvez le voir Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis Et c’est tout ce qu’elle a dit Di-di-di-dit, di-di-di-dit, di-di-di-dit »
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Bir gün bir şarkı dinledim.İsmi'Mademoiselle Noir'dı.l, Türkçe anlamı ise,Madam Siyah.Şarkı bir kadının hikayesini anlatıyordu.Bu kadın Rapunzel masalının yazılıp anlatıldığı dönemde yaşamış, saçları Rapunzel gibi upuzun bir kadınmış.Fakat bu kadın sarı saçlı, rengarenk elbiseler giyen Rapunzel gibi değilmiş; başkalarının deyişiyle 'onun gibi güzel ' değilmiş işte.Rapunzel'den farklı olarak upuzun saçları ve kaşları simsiyahmış, kıyafetlerini hep siyah seçermiş,teni solukmuş,hep mutsuzmuş.Yaşadığı kasabada yaşayanlarla aynı dili konuşmazmış;o yüzden ne derse desin anlaşılmamış.Bir gün kadını gören bir kasabalı simsiyah kıyafetleri ve simsiyah saçlarından dolayı kadından korkmuş.Bütün kasabaya kadından bahsetmiş, kadının yaşayan bir ölü olabileceğini ya da 'şeytan' olabileceğini söylemişler.Yüzyıllar önce şeytanın insanların arasında dolaştığına fazlasıyla inanılan bir dönemde herkesten farklı olduğu için Madam Siyah 'ı şeytan olarak kabul etmiş ve bir araya gelip onu alevlerin arasında yakarak yaşamına son vermişler.
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azizsinsirella · 2 years
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Mademoiselle Noir Benim Stilimde
"farklı olanlar her zaman dışlanacaktır."
mademosielle noir etrafındaki insanlar tarafından yanlış anlaşılan ve trajik bir kaderle karşılanan bir kadının çok üzücü bir hikayesidir.
mademosielle noir kalbi kırık bir kadındı. tek yaptığı kendini biraz da olsa ifade etmeye çalışmaktı. kendisi ruhu gibi siyaha bürünmüştü. saçları uzun ve siyahtı. teni soluktu ve hasta görünüyordu. içten içe yardım istiyordu. insanlar onun bu halini anlamak istemediler. aynı dili konuşmadıkları için gerçekte ne söylediğini anlayamadılar. görüntüsünden ötürü söylediği şeyleri şeytani olan şeylerle bağdaştırdılar. ona iblis dediler ve onu tıpkı cadıları yaktıkları gibi yaktılar. kadın ise ölüm onun için gelirken bile onu kurtaracak bir prensin gelmesini bekledi. son bir umut ile son sözlerini söyledi ama insanlar asla anlamadı. sonunda ise yandı ve öldü.
rapunzel'in hikayesi bu dönemdeydi. rapunzel'i sadece bir peri masalı olarak görüp güzel olduğunu düşündüler ama sonra gerçek rapunzel ile karşılaştıklarında onu bir canavar olarak gördüler. peri masalında bunun masum ve tatlı olduğunu düşünmüşlerdi.
insanlar farklı olan şeyleri sevmez ve yok etmek isterler. sarı saçları olan çekici bir rapunzel yerine kalbi kırılmış ve siyaha bürünmüş bir rapunzel gördüklerinde yaptıkları gibi.
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melody-in-oslo · 1 year
Mademoiselle Noir.
Matmazel Kara nam-ı diğer Mademoiselle Noir hikâyesi hırsından kalbi kararmış bir prens ve tanrıça güzelliğine sahip siyah saçlı güzel bit kızımız arasında geçer. Prens Matmazel Kara ile evlenmek ister ancak Matmazel Kara'nın zaten bir eşi vardır ve teklifini geri çevirir. Prensin egosu buna dayanamaz ve prens , "benim olmayacaksa kimsenin olmayacaktır." Düşüncesi ile büyü yaptırır güzel prensesimize. Büyü ise kasaba halkının ondan nefret etmesi içindir. Prens, Matmazel Kara'nın ailesini öldürmek için suikastçılar gönderir. Eşi,annesi ve babası prens tarafından öldürülmüş koskoca kasabada yalnız kalmıştır. Prens , onu Rapunzel'in kulesine benzer bir kuleye hapseder. Hatta Mademoiselle Noir şarkısında "A man came across this old tower one day it was straight from a book he once read" yani "Bir gün bir adam bu eski kuleye rastladı, tıpkı bir zamanlar okuduğu kitaptaki gibi." Diyerek Rapunzel'e gönderme yapmaktadır. Gelelim hikâyemize, kuleye kapatılan Matmazel Kara'nın kulesini bir gün bir adam görür. Matmazel Kara yardım isteyebileceği birini gördüğü için sevinmiş ve ona "Benim adım Matmazel Kara ve gördüğün gibi gülümsemiyorum , ne kahkaha atıyor ne de yaşıyorum." Der. Ancak adam Matmazel Kara ile aynı dili konuşmuyordur. Matmazel Kara bir panter kadar siyah ve Rapunzel kadar uzun saçlı porselen misali beyaz ciltli güzel bir kızdır ve büyünün de etkisini sayarsak adam onu yaşayan bir ölü zanneder. Kasabaya gidip " uzun saçlı bir bayan gördüm ve bence o bir yaşayan ölü!" Der. Korkan insanlar silahlarını ve kılıçlarını alarak kuleye koşarlar. Kasaba halkı -büyünün etkisi ile- Matmazel Kara'dan korkarlar ve onun cehennemden gelen bir şeytan olduğunu sanırlar. Rapunzel misali upuzun saçlarını yakmaya karar verirler. Ama o bayan şeytan değildi sadece yalnız bir ruhtu. Saçları yanarken bile prensini bekleyen Matmazel Kara oracıkta ölüme terk edilir. İnsanlar onu kötü olarak gördü çünkü soluk bir cildi ve konuştuğu dil bambaşkaydı. Bizden farklı olanı yanlış anlar ve doğrusunu öğrenmek istemeyiz. Rapunzel de buna benzer bir hikâyedir, insanlar gerçekten yardıma ihtiyacı olan bir kızı geri çevirip çocuklarına Rapunzel'in hikâyesini anlattılar...
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Screencap redraw of my favorite YouTube video ever with a slight Metalocalypse crossover
(This is my first crack at shading art please be nice)
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“A man came across this old tower one day, 
It was straight like from a book he once read, 
he lifted his head up and saw this young lady and here’s what the lady said.” 
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"Moi je m'appelle Mademoiselle Noir Et comme vous pouvez le voir Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis Et c'est tout ce qu'elle a dit."
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“The man was so scared he could only run away, 
he ran to the town and then said, 
I just saw a lady with the longest dark hair and I think she’s a living dead, 
the people so scared took their guns and their swords, 
they ran to the tower and then 
they saw the pale lady and felt the great fear as they heard how she said it again.”
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"Moi je m'appelle Mademoiselle Noir Et comme vous pouvez le voir Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis Et c'est tout ce qu'elle a dit."
“The people they knew what this all was about she was clearly a demon from hell, 
they decided to set her long hair on fire in the end it would burn her as well,” 
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“But the lady was no demon she was a lonely soul, 
just like in that book they once read,” 
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“Still waiting for her prince for her hair was on fire, 
and one last time she said.” 
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"Moi je m'appelle Mademoiselle Noir Et comme vous pouvez le voir Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis Et c'est tout ce qu'elle a dit."
Translation: Me, my name is Miss Black, 
and like you can see, 
I don’t smile, laugh or live, 
and that’s all she said.”
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p0mmia · 1 year
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☂️ Happy Easter! 🐰🥚
. . .
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tribblesoup · 17 days
Mademoiselle de Neuf
Though it's never said onscreen, Memory Alpha lists the name of Seven's character in "The Killing Game" as "Mademoiselle de Neuf." "Miss Of Nine."
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angelitam · 2 years
Les nouveautés de Chanel automne 2022
Les nouveautés de Chanel automne 2022
C’est nouveau, c’est chez Chanel. Les nouveautés de Chanel automne 2022 L’huile Corps Coco Mademoiselle de Chanel On prend soin de soi avec la texture soyeuse de L’Huile Corps Coco Mademoiselle de Chanel. Son format spray est pratique à utiliser. Elle est enrichie d’un complexe d’huiles d’origine naturelle. La formule est ultra-sensorielle et laisse la peau douce, visiblement nourrie et…
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shinysparklesapphires · 4 months
Name's Vivienne. Don't bother me.
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template by haryuwu
twisted from: Vibry (kirakira precure)
Vivienne is incredibly standoffish around people, she gets easily annoyed aswell. Refuses to talk about her hometown or family, looking almost paranoid when the topic is brought up.
voice claim! X
dorm card: X
Vivi-chan (Luna)
Viv (Yuuki)
Mademoiselle Marionnettiste (Rook)
Lemon Shark (Floyd)
Buzzkill (Idia)
Unnamed Father (Cut Contact)
Unnamed Mother (Deceased)
Unnamed Little Brother
Julian (adoptive older brother)
unamed adoptive mother
UM: Noir Mutation Can mutate anyone into any form the user wants, as long as they're in that form the user can control them like puppets, when released the victim will have no memory of the spell being used on them
A 13 year old girl named XXXXXX has been missing since 20XX,
Appearence: light teal hair, yellow eyes, and pale skin
Last Seen At: XXXXXX
If found please call the number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
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ladyofthenoodle · 3 months
part time soulmate, full time problem
a soulmates-adjacent au where a morally questionable technology does the matching but happens to be right anyway, written for the 2023 @mlbigbang, rated T
thanks to @miabrown007, @chocoluckchipz, and @wackus-bonkus-maximus for betaing and @thewanderersminuet for the beautiful art! check out chapter 1's art here.
On paper, Marinette Dupain-Cheng has been terminally single her entire life. If anyone asked her, she’d say she was happy that way. After all, she can’t tell them the real reason she’s never signed up for Alliance in hopes of finding her soulmate—she’s already found him. Her and Chat Noir didn’t need an algorithm to know they were meant for each other. Until one day, Chat Noir changed his mind, and decided he’d prefer the algorithm after all. After several weeks worth of moping and cursing Alliance’s name, Marinette remembers the age-old mantra: if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. So she finally gives in and signs up for the app in the hopes of moving on—a task made much easier when her match happens to be the most gorgeous man she’s ever seen.
chapter 1: she walked in the place
“Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng.” A stern-looking, dark-haired woman holding a Gabriel branded tablet interrupted her train of thought. She had dark circles under her eyes and what looked like braces on her legs—though, like everything else in the building, they were far more sleek and modern than any brace Marinette had seen before. She hadn’t noticed the doors opening; but the woman must have come from the building. “I hope you weren’t thinking of leaving.” “Oh, um… no?”  The woman raised a brow. “I mean, no!” A nervous giggle escaped Marinette’s lips. “I was just… quagmiring the gilding!” Her voice was too loud. The woman just stared. “Er, that is, admiring the building—it’s so, um… Clean?” Marinette offered, waving her hands at the (truly) spotless entrance from which she had been carefully backing away. “I’ll pass on your compliments to our janitorial staff.”
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dead-lights · 2 months
portraits of the vatore siblings [in-game wall art]
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I'm having a lot of fun putting the Vatores in period clothes, so I made some renders of them dressed up in 1890s-1940s clothing and threw them into that big frame from Vampires.
download [sfs]
This was a pretty big project: 3 cc wall art pieces covering 6 decades of fashion with 12 separate outfits, which resulted in 18 individual renders and 144 total swatches. Also, the frame itself is huge. I prefer them sized down (shift + [ in buy mode) but they are 100% the type to own larger-than-life portraits of themselves.
My hc is that the Vatores were born in the late 1930s/early 1940s, so imo they aren't actually old enough to have worn any of these clothes when they were first in style. I think they dressed up like it’s old times and took a buncha pictures just to confuse people trying to figure out how old they really are. Sibling bonding!
Included below are all 18 renders, with cc and full color below the cut.
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I'm a little obsessed with Lilith's 1940s look ngl
hair: granny bun by @saurusness
hat: fine feathered hat by @gilded-ghosts
earrings: rose in the garden earrings by @rustys-cc
dress: the ida dress by retro-pixels (direct link)
pose: from mademoiselle by @blackpanda-ts4
hat: striped bow hat by @lilis-palace
hair: bertha by @buzzardly28
earrings: arthur earrings by @yakfarm
outfit: dress: edwardian huntress dress by @elfdor
pose: also from mademoiselle
hair and flower accessory: gibson curl updo by @the-melancholy-maiden
earrings: arthur earrings by yakfarm
dress: rose lunch dress by @happylifesims
pose: also from mademoiselle
hair: maxie by @raindropsoncowplants
lipstick: clara by @chere-indolente
dress: 1920s evening dress 06 by happylifesims
pose: from the louise brooks posepack
hair: gigi by @simadelics
coat: 1930s female coat 02 by happylifesims
pose: from barstool poses ii by @katverse
hair & dress from forties film noir by gilded-ghosts
pose: from monday poses by @ratboysims
hat: 1920s top hat by happylifesims
outfit: men's casual edwardian suit by @historicalsimslife
hat: 1920s bowler hat by happylifesims
hat: 1920s fedora hat by happylifesims
hat/coat: dmitri hat & coat by happylifesims
fedora shape no. 2 by happylifesims
1930s male trench coat 01 by happylifesims
hat: fedora shape no. 1 by happylifesims
suit: paper, ink, & sorrow suit by @anachrosims
sibling poses
jane austen poses by @atashi77 (both 1890)
model poses 32 (lilith 1900, 1920, 1930, 1940) and male poses 11 (caleb 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940) by @helgatisha
edwardian socialite by @funkyllama (lilith 1910)
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sugarzandsweetz · 6 months
Lost Love (Nuada x OC)
Long before the battle of the golden army, Nuada loved a human. But they were taken away from him, causing his hatred for humanity to grow stronger
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Many Many Years Ago
A smile rests upon the woman's face as she hums to herself. Feeling the soft breeze of spring press against her face has never felt so calming. In her hands, she busies herself with making a crown out of the flowers that surround her.
Her nimble fingers work expertly in crafting the crown. Looping the stems and locking them together to hold the flowers close. Thorns prick at her fingers but she doesn't mind. Some of the most beautiful things can be made through pain.
Soon, her humming becomes singing.
"A man came across this old tower one day,
It was straight like from a book he once read,
He lifted his head up and saw this young lady and here is what the lady said,"
Lifting her head up, the woman picks up her voice and sings louder.
"Moi Je M'appelle Mademoiselle Noir, et comme vous pouvez le voir, je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis.
Et c'est tout ce qu'elle a dit, di di di,"
As she works and sings, she hears the crunch of approaching footsteps. They are soft, almost unable to be distinguished. But she can hear them.
The smile grows wider on the woman's face; she doesn't turn around. Because she knew who it was. She ceases her singing and waits quietly as she continues her threading.
The footsteps grow louder and louder until they stop right behind her.
"What are you doing, Isabella?" asked the soft voice of her lover.
"Waiting for you, your highness." Isabella said. "I busied myself with making a flower crown."
A soft chuckle escapes her lover's mouth as they sit themself down beside Isabella. He rests his hand on Isabella's shoulder, giving it a rub.
"It looks beautiful, just like you."
Isabella's face becomes flushed at his compliment. She turns away from her work to look at her lover.
A handsome elf sits beside her. Long platinum blond hair with black tips, porcelain white skin, black lips, and beautiful golden eyes. He is dressed in elegant robes with armor clasped over them. On his hips rested two swords strapped to his waist.
A true beauty for elven people but terrifying for humans. To Isabella, he is beautiful.
"You flatter me, good sir." she said with a giggle.
"Enough pleasantries, Belle. You don't need to be so formal with me, I've told you again and again." he said amused.
"I know, Nuada. I just feel like I must be formal as you are royalty and I am a mere human commoner." Isabella said with a sad frown.
Nuada doesn't allow her to be sad as he kisses Isabella's forehead. His lips are cool against her warm skin. The touch of his lips send butterflies to flutter in the woman's stomach. Any touch from Nuada makes her so giddy.
"I love you for who you are, Isabella. Whether royalty or commoner, I love you." Nuada assured her. Then he pulls Isabella into a deep, tender kiss.
The coupling of the elven prince and human is a well-kept secret. Only Nuada's twin sister, who holds a soul bond with her brother, knows about Isabella. In fact, Nuala is fond of Isabella and is happy for her brother.
When Nuada and Isabella first met, it was by accident.
It was the start of the war between the elves and humans. The border between the two realms were watched closely so that no one crossed. The lands were becoming thick with blood and bodies.
Isabella lives in a small cottage close to the border. She made a living of selling food and jewelry in the village markets. Unlike most humans, Isabella wasn't afraid of the fae people. In fact, she often helps pixies, trolls, and many other of the fae people.
About a year ago, Isabella took a stroll through the thick forest that was east of her home. She collected berries from bushes and material to use for her jewelry. Isabella kept to herself and made sure not to bother any creatures.
That is when she met Nuada.
Nuada is the general of the Bethmooran army and often does patrols along the border. If he ever comes across a human, he either kills them or makes sure they never come back. When he found Isabella collecting berries by a nearby pond, Nuada was transfixed by her beauty.
Isabella has long blonde hair that must be braided to keep it from touching the ground. Her eyes are bluer than the finest sapphires, skin as white as alabaster, and a smile that can dazzle the coldest of hearts.
Soon after Nuada spotted her, Isabella looks up from her pickings and spots Nuada. At first, she is surprised but soon smiles in greeting. It catches Nuada off guard as he is used to being feared by humans. And her smile almost made Nuada's heart stop beating.
Quickly, Nuada ignores his unfamiliar feelings and demands to know why Isabella is in elven territory. He expects her to grovel, to beg to spare her life. Instead, Isabella apologizes and explains that she is scavenging for food. She offers some berries as a peace offering but Nuada declines.
Nuada tells her to leave or she would face serious consequences.
Isabella doesn't complain and does as Nuada orders. Not before handing him a lily as a parting gift and an apology for intruding. Then she leaves.
After that day, it began a series of encounters between the two. Isabella would greet him, offer him food, and head off. She became an enigma to Nuada, intriguing him to pursue Isabella. Over time, the two became an odd pair of friends.
After a month, Nuada began to show affection for Isabella. He would shower Isabella in gifts such as jewels, the finest clothes, and trinkets he made. Isabella would only accept his trinkets as they were made by himself.
Isabella was surprised when Nuada asked permission to court her. She believed that he deserved better than her. The prince was next in line for the Bethmooran throne. A member of a royal family is better suited for Nuada.
Nuada refused to allow Isabella to believe this. He showers her in love and affection until Isabella didn't have to worry. It leads to the moment that they are in now. True love between star crossed lovers.
"How many times must I continue to assure you that I love you?" Nuada asked once they break away from their kiss.
"I'm sorry for being so insecure, Nuada. It's still hard to believe you possess such feelings for me." Isabella apologized.
Nuada pulls Isabella into a hug, pressing her head against his chest. Resting his chin on the top of her head, Nuada closes his eyes as he focuses on the woman in his arms. "I will love you to the end of time." he whispered softly.
His words warmed Isabella's heart as she listens to Nuada's heartbeat. It feels as if both their hearts were beating as one.
"I'll keep you to that." Isabella said with a soft laugh.
The two stay there in each other's arms, savoring this pleasant moment.
With the war between humans and elves growing hotter, it's been difficult for Nuada to have moments with Isabella. Commanding armies and working through strategy meetings took up most of his time. Only when it's night time or when Nuala fills in for him is when Nuada can escape. This morning is the first time in awhile since they've seen each other.
"Nuada," Isabella began suddenly.
"Yes, my love?" Nuada asked.
"I know this is a tough subject, but I want to know. Is there ever a possibility you'll end this war and make a truce?" Isabella asked hopefully. "I know your feelings for humans are conflicted but if you can love me, maybe you can put aside your hatred to bring a better world?"
Nuada tenses up. Isabella didn't have to look at his face to know what he is feeling.
"Unlike you, the rest of humanity has a hole in their heart that is full of greed. It can't be filled. The choices they make are killing my people." Nuada responded. "If we don't stop the humans from taking more of the elven land, killing my people; they will keep doing so."
"What if you find a peaceful solution to this? Make a truce with the humans? No one wants this bloodshed. If you can make a truce that both sides agree to, all of this can end." Isabella said.
Isabella understood that Nuada's hatred for humans runs deep in his bones. Her kind has killed and taken so much from him. It's shocking that he fell for Isabella.
"The humans will never uphold any truce."
"There are those who will. You just have to look."
Nuada glances down at his love and gives Isabella a warm smile. "I didn't have to look for you." he said.
The two smile and share another loving kiss. The kiss spreads warmth through their bodies.
"Will you consider it, at least? I don't want to live in a world where I might die the next day." Isabella said, fearfully. She takes Nuada's calloused hands and hold them tightly. "I wish to live in a world with you by my side." she said.
"Then be by my side." Nuada said suddenly.
"What?" Isabella asked, caught off guard.
"I want you to be by my side, forever and always." Nuada said, taking something out of his pocket and presenting it to Isabella.
A gasp escapes Isabella's lips when she discovers the item to be a ring. The band is made of pure silver. A sapphire diamond rests upon silver flower petals that curl around the diamond like a sleeping flower.
A truly beautiful sight that Isabella has never seen before.
"Isabella Rosemary, will you marry me?" Nuada asked with a hopeful smile on his face.
Isabella stares at him in shock but soon breaks out into a big smile. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Isabella repeated happily. Nuada smiles as he slips the ring upon Isabella's ring finger.
"With this ring, I promise to make you the happiest woman. I will love you to the end of time." Nuada promised. He kisses the ring as a sign of promise. "And I promise to bring peace to humans and the fae people." he added.
Happy tears are streaming down Isabella's face, making her eyes shine bright. "I love you." Isabella whispered.
"I love you too." Nuada whispered back.
Their sweet and tender moment ends abruptly when Isabella lets out a gasp. A look of shock is on her face as blood slips through her lips.
"Isabella . . .?" Nuada asked in worry.
Isabella's chest blooms red. The thick stench of blood fills the air.
Isabella falls forward; Nuada catches her. He looks over her shoulder and finds an arrow embedded in her back. It wasn't an elven arrow, that he recognized. It was an arrow designed by humans.
"No. No. No. No." Nuada repeated.
Nuada cradles Isabella in his arms. Fear is filling his entire body as he tries to keep Isabella awake. "Stay awake, Isabella. Please stay awake." Nuada begged, tears streaming down his face.
Blood trickles down Isabella's mouth as she chokes on her blood. Tears stream down her face as she mirrors the same fear that is on Nuada's face. Death is imminent.
"M-My love . . . " Isabella gurgled.
Slowly, she reaches up and places a bloody hand upon Nuada's cheek. Her skin is already growing cold.
"I will . . . love you forever . . . and always." Isabella whispered as she chokes on her blood.
"Isabella, just hang on a little longer. I'll get you help." Nuada promised.
"It's too late." Isabella said.
Isabella gives Nuada a bloody smile. "I'll wait for you, Nuada. Whether it is a day or the end of time, I will see you again." Isabella said, closing her eyes. Then she dies in the elf's arms.
Humans didn't turn to stone like Nuada's people. Isabella became limp in his arms and lays there as if she is sleeping. It's harder for Nuada as he hopes to see her wake up.
Tears stream down Nuada's face as it feels as if his heart shatters into millions of pieces. A bellowing cry tears out of his lips as Nuada holds Isabella to his chest. He buries his face into her hair, begging Isabella to wake up.
"This isn't supposed to happen." Nuada cried. "I was going to make you my wife. I was going to make you immortal so we can be together forever." he cried. He clutches the body of his fiancé and refuses to let go.
"Damn it. I missed him."
"Just shoot him again!"
Nuada ceases his crying when he hears new voices. His pain grows cold as it hardens into anger. He wipes the tears from his face as rage consumes him.
Carefully, Nuada lays Isabella down.
She is rested on top of the flowers. Her eyes are closed and looks as if she is sleeping. Isabella looks so beautiful resting on the flowers. If only she was napping.
Slowly, Nuada stands up. In his hand, he is holding the flower crown that Isabella made. It's stained in blood and is crushed but still intact. He refuses to let go of it.
The elf prince turns around and finds a group of human men. They aren't ordinary hunters. These men are soldiers. They were probably patrolling the border when they saw Nuada.
One of them was armed with a bow and arrow. That is the man who killed Nuada's love.
"You killed her." Nuada snarled.
"I was aiming for you, not her. A mere casualty in war." replied the human with a shrug.
His words enraged Nuada greatly. This man killed one of his own and doesn't even care.
"This proves that humans are horrible beings. You killed the only human that I truly cared for." Nuada snarled. "You don't deserve to live. You don't even deserve a merciless death."
The soldiers prepare their weapons. Swords are drawn and bows are notched back. The men believe they have the advantage as they are in a group.
Nuada draws out his swords and stands ready.
Wordlessly, Nuada lunges forward and attacks them. His blades slice through them all. Their throats were sliced open, giving them a slow, painful death. Blood gushes out in a spray as the humans collapse to the ground. The fear of dying is in their eyes. Surely, they regret killing Isabella now.
Usually, Nuada grants humans one mercy: a swift death. But he left these men to die by drowning in their blood. It's what they deserve.
Once they die from their injuries, Nuada turns back toward Isabella's prone form. His anger turns to despair.
"You were too pure for this world, Isabella. They didn't deserve you." Nuada whispered as he falls to his knees and hovers over Isabella. He places the bloody flower crown on her head. Resting his hands on her cheeks, Nuada leans in and gives Isabella a kiss on the lips.
"I will love you forever and always."
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fortuna-et-cataclysmos · 11 months
Ms. Sans-Culotte and the obvious French Revolution symbolism
This episode is a field day for me, so I'll need to analyse it bit by bit. Let's first start with the obvious and less obvious French Revolution references in this episode. This will be especially obvious for French viewers, but I thought that it may be interesting for others.
I know that the term sounds funny to most, but sans-culottes are a key figure in the French history. Those were the commoners who revolted to the King and aristocracy, and undertook the French Revolution of 1789. As Mademoiselle Bustier explains in the beginning of the episode, the sans-culottes were called so because:
Contrary to rich aristocrats, they would wear simple pants.
So when Mlle. Bustier is akumatised, we see the following character design:
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THE PANTS. Very obviously the pants. But there are more obvious symbols in this character design.
Marianne is the national personification of the French Republic. She is very much synonymous with the free and republican spirit of France. Yes, that's also the name of Master Fu's girlfriend, and for good reason (she was a Résistance fighter during the German occupation of France!).
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By the way this exact painting is in the background in the few seconds after Mlle. Bustier is akumatised:
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Marianne is usually depicted with the following symbols:
the Phrygian cap
Greco-Roman clothes
Partial nudity
We see these signs in Mlle. Sans Culotte's character design.
Mlle. Sans Culotte's helmet has the unique shape of the Phrygian cap.
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2. Mlle. Sans Culotte is dressed in a Greco-Roman armour. The usual depiction of Marianne is in flowy Greco-Roman clothes, but the helmet and armour really add to that fighter spirit of Mlle. Sans Culotte. Also, even though rarer, there are some depictions of Marianne with a Greco-Roman armour.
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3. Partial nudity. Obviously they couldn't actually show that on a kids show. However, I think that the character design does hint to a type of nudity. The fact that the white of the French flag covers all of Mlle. Bustier's face and body make it seem like it is not actually her clothes but her skin. And other than the golden armour she wears, she has no other clothes on her.
The Guillotine
Mlle. Sans Culotte's weapon of choice is a freaking guillotine knife. This was a device used by the French revolutionaries to behead their opponents. To this day, it is associated with the violence of the French revolution.
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Now to more implicit references:
Ça ira
When Mlle. Sans Culotte hits people, they turn into balloons that chant:
Ça ira, ça ira, ça ira!
Which is a song sang by the sans-culottes during the French Revolution (thanks to @2manyfandoms2count for helping out with this one!)
Other quotes and remarks
There are various quotes throughout the episode with a revolutionary lexicon.
Monarch: The power of Jubilation will help you show the people their dream of freedom, and as such gain partisans/supporters to your cause.
Monarch: To arms, citizens! Form batallions!
This one is especially striking for me, because it is very explicit call to violence (frequently used in French revolutionary history too).
Mlle. Sans Culotte: No one stops the revolution. Long live the revolution!
She quite literally says Vive la révolution. Seriously, it doesn't get any more obvious than that.
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She literally runs head-first into a group of policemen, paralleling the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789. And literally afterwards Chat Noir mentions this same event:
Chat Noir: It is not the 14th of July, my Lady. Do you think that this akuma victim wants to celebrate the Bastille Day early?
And later on:
Mlle. Sans Culotte: Ladybug, Chat Noir! Help the sans-culottes (plural!) to liberate Paris from its aristocratic Mayor!
Ladybug: Terror is not the solution!
Chat Noir: To get your voice heard there are the elections!
Ok, the word "terror" here is important. I had previously mentioned in my post on Felix's anarchist revolution that the French Revolution was followed by a period of violence where all those against the revolution were murdered. The name of the period is literally the Reign of Terror. We see that Ladybug's words is a reference to that.
Ladybug: (after receiving her lucky charm) Revolution, sans-culotte, and the Mayor of Paris who acts like the King?
The parallel is there. They're not even trying to be subtle. This is the retelling of the French Revolution.
Except that it doesn't turn out like the French Revolution. In the end, Mr. Bourgeois willingly steps down, Mlle. Sans Culotte rejects Monarch's powers (as in, she drops her weapons), so there is no revolution and no bloody reign of terror.
But still, the power dynamics end up shifting tremendously in the Miraculous Paris. How and why? I'll make a post specifically analysing this. Stay tuned for part two!
(Also, I have likely forgotten or omitted some other symbols, feel free to add them to the comments - if there are enough, I can make an addition to the post :))
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chic-a-gigot · 5 days
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Les Modes : revue mensuelle illustrée des arts décoratifs appliqués à la femme, no. 4, avril 1901, Paris. Mlle Gilda Darthy. Cliché Boyer. Robe de Ville. Modèle Laferrière. Cliché Reutlinger. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Page 16. — ROBE DE PROMENADE (Mademoiselle Gilda Darthy). — Robe en drap clair. — Corsage drapé de côté et retenu par un motif de passementerie. La manche forme pagode, avec dépassant à petits plis en mousseline de soie ou linon blanc. La jupe à petits plis cousus.
Page 20. — ROBE DE VILLE (Modèle Laferrière). — Jupe de mousseline de soie avec application de Cluny noir et blanc, le bas incrusté de voile bleu; longue double jupe en voile bleu, voilant toute la robe, relevée très légèrement par trois plis à la taille. — Corsage de voile bleu, voilant également un corsage en mousseline de soie, avec incrustations comme pour la jupe. Manches de voile bleu avec incrustations au coude et formant un sabot de voile bleu plissé avec une application. Ceinture de velours noir avec un gros nœud derrière.
Page 16. — PROMENADE DRESS (Miss Gilda Darthy). — Dress in light cloth. — Bodice draped sideways and held in place by a trimmings pattern. The pagoda-shaped sleeve, with small pleats in white silk muslin or lawn. The skirt with small sewn pleats.
Page 20. — CITY DRESS (Laferrière Model). — Silk chiffon skirt with black and white Cluny application, the bottom inlaid with blue veil; long double skirt in blue veil, veiling the entire dress, raised very slightly by three pleats at the waist. — Blue veil bodice, also veiling a silk muslin bodice, with inlays as for the skirt. Blue veil sleeves with inlays at the elbow and forming a pleated blue veil shoe with an application. Black velvet belt with a large bow behind.
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cinnamonspicevanilla · 3 months
"in what way do you express coquette?"
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(a tag to talk about our inspirations, icons, basics and blueprints)
what are your main inspirations and in what way do you express your personal concept of coquette?
꩜ im a huge vintage girly, i grew up loving old movies and style, so i took a lot of inspiration from movie actresses and their characters, specially from exploitation or avant-garde movies from the 60s and 70s and cool girls that i saw on 90s tv shows, i would say that 50% of my personal style (that covers not only the way i dress, but also decor and lifestyle) stems from that, the other half ot it is influenced by my passion for gothic motifs, music and literature, which includes religious imagery, statues, a darker color palette, flowers (specially those saw on funerals) and the whole haunted aspect, that i like to mix with more delicate and feminine details to resemble a creepy, almost uncanny doll.
꩜ all those things help me to craft my perfect coquette look, that i would put on the coquette noir category. is also very inspired by aspects of my personality, which i consider to be sullen, sardonic and kind of mysterious but also very sweet, i think this goes too well with the mix of edgy with femininity.
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what media and people directly influence your look and lifestyle?
꩜ some of my favorite media that inspires me in the way i dress (also some personal philosophy) are movies like la ceremonie, as meninas, marie poupee, daisies, la belle personne, heavenly creatures, ms. 45, trashy europeans erotic films from the 70s and basically every godard movie from the 60s.
꩜ figures like tina aumont, anna karina, isabelle huppert, faye wong, early 90s mariah carey, strawberry switchblade, rachel weisz, sherilyn fenn, sade adu, hope sandoval, lana del rey, ayo edebiri and françoise dorleac also are big icons to me.
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finally, list some of your coquette basic staples.
꩜ i consider my basics to be denim, black or tartan miniskirts, thights (specially dark colored or printed with flowers), lace dark tops, chokers, necklaces with pendants, dark shoes such as boots, loafers and mary janes, mini dresses (either floral, tartan or plain black), lots of mascara with 90s lip combo, berry lipstick, nude or slightly dark eyeshadow,and obviously my fringe.
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do it too!: @lovesickbrat @lonelystarlet @iridescentdarliing @dark-nymph3t @miss-mademoiselle and basically everyone that want it
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